How to glue the liquid cotton wallpaper on the wall with your own hands: how to prepare the surface and apply the composition on the wall. We will teach glue liquid wallpapers: Tips from professionals how to punish liquid wallpapers on a wooden wall

Most developers do not know how to glue liquid wallpaper, and consider this process very complex. In fact, the process is quite simple, and with knowledge of technology, any person can cope with the work. In this article, we will deal with how to prepare the surface and apply the coating, you just need to repeat all actions to be guaranteed to get an excellent result.

It is also liquid wallpaper - how to glue them to get a real picture, we will deal below

Stages of the workflow

Technology can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Surface preparation;
  2. Preparation of composition;
  3. Applying liquid wallpapers.

Remember that the coating is recommended only in dry rooms. The disadvantages of liquid wallpapers are few, and the most important of them - weak resistance to moisture. But there is one way to protect the finish, which allows it to use it even in the bathrooms and on, I will tell about it below.

Stage 1 - Preparation of the surface

To work, you will need a certain set of materials, the list of which is specified in the table.

Material Description
Liquid wallpaper One package is enough for 2.5-5 square meters depending on the thickness of the layer and surface textures. All information is indicated on the label, so it is not difficult to calculate the required amount.

As practice shows, the actual flow is always slightly higher, so get the composition with a reserve of 20%. Packaging price ranges from 500 to 2000 rubles

Shpaklevka It is best to take "night", as it retains the plastic for a long time, it is easy to apply and quickly rubs away. The cost of the bag is about 550 rubles
Primer With its help, the surface is strengthened. Also, the ground serves as a moisture barrier and improves decorative coating adhesion. Use the compositions of deep penetration on an acrylic basis, their cost is approximately 50-100 rubles per liter depending on the manufacturer. For wet premises, it is best to use compounds with antiseptic additives.

If you have no white walls, it is better to additionally purchase an inexpensive water-free paint to make the base light. You can also paint the walls in the tone used by liquid wallpaper.

From the tool you need the following:

  • Two spatula - wide and narrow, for applying putty;
  • Brush or roller for primer surfaces;
  • Capacity for the preparation of composition;
  • Special smooth iron for applying liquid wallpaper. It is made of plastic, it is better to choose a transparent option, so you will see how the composition is aligned.

Preparation of walls and ceilings does not differ in difficulty.

Simply select those items that are suitable in your case, and follow the actions described in them:

  • If there are old coatings on the surface, they need to be removed. Wallpapers are removed using special compositions, the whols are removed by the spatula. If the plaster or putty layer passed the places, then all unreliable areas are necessarily removed. The work is made by conventional chisel and hammer;

  • The plane of the purified surface is checked by the level or rule. If there are many irregularities and significant differences, it is easiest to sharpen the wall completely. If the level drops do not exceed a few millimeters, then individual sections are put off, plus close all the places where the old finish was removed. The composition is distributed by a layer of not more than 3 mm if the irregularities are large, then applying is made in several stages;

  • The putty dries about a day, after which it is necessary to finally align the surface with a grinding bar with sandpaper or grid (grain 150 and less). It does not need an ideal result, small scratches are chosen by liquid wallpaper, the main thing is to derive the main plane. To control the work, a light bulb or flashlight is used, light shows all flaws;

  • After grinding you need to clean the walls from dust. To do this, use a vacuum cleaner or brush, it is important to remove the bulk of the contaminants, which are formed a lot when grinding;
  • Prepared base is processed by primer. Everything is simple here: the composition is applied to the surface with a uniform layer without inclectures, special attention is paid to the corners and other complex sites. The second layer can be applied after drying the first, usually takes several hours. If the finish is porous, it is better to treat it and a third layer for maximum effect;

  • The white surface of the putty can not be painted, as it is a good base under liquid wallpaper. If the walls are gray, then it is better to paint or white, or in the color of the decorative coating that will be applied. Such preparation makes it possible to achieve the best effect, because from under the coating will not peck the dark basis.

Stage 2 - Preparation of decorative coating

The use of this finishing material involves its independent preparation. From how correctly the process is carried out, the convenience of applying, and the strength of the coating.

The instructions for carrying out work looks like this:

  • First of all, you need to get acquainted with the information on the label. There are always recommendations from the manufacturer who must be considered;
  • To work it is best to use a plastic container of a large size. Initially, the desired amount of water is poured there (the volume is indicated on the package) with a temperature of 30-40 degrees. It is impossible to take too hot fluid, the glue in the composition can simply curl;
  • If sequins or other additives are used when working, they need to be added to the water immediately and thoroughly stir. So you can achieve a uniform distribution of these elements throughout the mass;

  • The contents of one or several packages are poured into the water. Mixing is performed manually, it is impossible to use the power tools, as it damages the fibers and grinds the mass. It is necessary to interfere with the composition until the mass becomes homogeneous, the lumps are simply crushed by hand;

  • The mixed mass should be left for a certain period, most often it is 12 hours. But some compositions are gaining the necessary properties faster. Again, all information is specified on the package;

If you need to use a lot of composition, then after cooking, it can be folded in the package and leave for upset. This will make it to do and a small capacity.

  • After the required time, the composition is still mixed again. If he defended in several tanks, then you need to mix everything together, it will eliminate the shade on the surface. Naturally, if the colors are different, then it is necessary to prepare them separately. It is important to mix well and check again, whether there are no lumps in it.

Stage 3 - coating on the surface

Now I will explain, is it easy to glue liquid wallpaper. If you compare with other options for coatings, then this type of compositions to apply the easiest way. That is why I recommend it for those who have no experience in construction.

You do not need special skills, just follow accuracy and fulfill all the recommendations set out below:

  • If a drawing is applied on the wall, then in the first place should be applied to the surface. You can make a pattern or draw manually, it all depends on what you need to portray. The main thing is that the markup is a clear and noticeable, as it will be on it in the future;

  • In order not to work out, the composition falls off from the surface, you need to test it in advance with adhesion. For this, the mass is distributed in a small area, if it does not hold, it is worth adding water. Water is added at the rate of 500-700 grams per pack. After careful mixing, you can proceed to work;

If the composition turned out to be very liquid, then it needs to be left at about half in a dry warm place, the excess moisture evaporates.

  • Work begins with any segment of the wall. If the coating is one-photon, then the easiest way to go from the corner, if you have a drawing, then first you need to apply the background. Everything is simple: With the help of grater, the mass is distributed by a layer of about 2 mm, the tool holds at an angle of 15 degrees to the surface. It is not necessary to press a lot of ironing, so you can damage the fibers, and the texture will not be very attractive;

  • If the drawing is applied, then the liquid wallpaper on the wall is applied in contours. So that the lines are clear, they must be fired and seal using a rubber spatula. You simply pull up a lot of line and press. Naturally, the second color is applied after complete drying of the first, that is, the harder composition, the more time it will take its implementation;

Remember the important rule - the composition on the surface must be applied in one right. That is, if you have a one-picture coating, each wall is separated from the beginning to the end. You do not need to leave a piece of surface and finish it later, the junction place can be noticeable.

  • When smoothed, drive a tool in different directions so that the fibers are located not in one direction;
  • After applying, no longer than an hour and a half you need to finally align the surface. This uses a wide spatula or ironing. The tool is wetted in water, and the surface is not allowed. This allows you to achieve maximum uniformity of the coating;

  • If the composition was applied in a room with high humidity, then you need to treat the surface with acrylic varnish. He strengthens the finish and makes it sustainable moisture. Apply a lacquer with your own hands is easy, a brush is used for work, since it is necessary to carefully treat all irregularities. The only minus of such processing is to repair the coating during its damage will not work.

If you damaged a separate section of the decorative coating, then it is not difficult to fix the problem. Liquid wallpapers can be removed from the wall on the damaged area, weigh water and apply again, everything is very simple.


After reading this review, you can easily figure out how to glue liquid wallpaper and how to prepare the base and the composition itself. Everything is very simple if you know all the technology nuances and follow clear recommendations. The video in this article will help to deal with the topic even better, and if you still have any questions - write them in the comments below.

December 11, 2016
Specialization: Professional in the field of construction and repair (full cycle of finishing works, both internal and external, from sewage to electrician and finishing), installation of window structures. Hobbies: Watch Column "Specialization and Skills"

It is quite simple to figure out how to apply liquid wallpaper. But the final result depends not only on the technique of application, but also from high-quality preparation of material and the treated surface. In the article, I will tell you how to prepare for decoration and the walls themselves, and a decorative composition, I will describe the work technique, as well as bring tips for the care and repair of decorative coating.

What is the material?

Liquid wallpaper is a decorative composition that is applied to the wall, forming a homogeneous coating with good operational and aesthetic characteristics. One of the key benefits of the material is the possibility of applying it on the surface at home without the involvement of specialists and without the use of complex equipment.

Liquid wallpapers consist of such components:

  1. The glue base is responsible for fixing the material on the wall. As the basis, dry CMC adhesive is used (or its analogs), which swells when in contact with water.
  2. Binder - acrylic or latex acrylic complex. The material ensures the rejected coating and gives it elasticity. If the wallpaper after drying is beginning to crumble and crumble - it means that the manufacturer did not resist the proportion and added to the composition less acrylic than.

  1. The fibrous filler is the main material that forms the coating. Cotton, cellulose, flax, wool, synthetic fiber, etc. are used as a filler. The most durable and most beautiful will be the wallpaper with silk thread - but they are the most expensive.

Naturally, under silk, materials with high silk silk content in linen or cotton basis are usually due to.

  1. Dye - responsible for the color of the material.

In addition to the main components, additional components can be included in the material:

  • reinforcing threads from synthetic fiber;
  • sparkles (glitters) from mica or foil polymer film;
  • antiseptics - bactericidal (antimicrobial) and fungicidal (antifungal) supplements;
  • hardeners, plasticizers, antistatic additives, etc.

Preparation for work


The technology of applying liquid wallpaper is good because it does not require the use of complex and expensive equipment. For finishing surfaces can be used:

  • pulverizer (with professional processing of large areas);
  • spatulas width from 20 to 60 cm;
  • kelma;
  • paint knives.

And yet more often when finishing the walls with their own hands using this material, graters are used - metal or plastic. And the best tool is a transparent plastic grater or plexiglass: its surface allows you to control the quality of the coating formable and promptly make adjustments.

In addition to the hand tool, we will need:

  • capacities for soaking liquid wallpaper;
  • spray gun for moisturizing surfaces;
  • rack, ability or table for work at height.

As for overalls, it can be limited to a headdress (so that you don't have to wash the hair from gloves) and gloves. The composition of liquid wallpapers does not include volatile toxins, so that work with them will be completely safe.


Before starting to work, you need to prepare a reason for applying liquid wallpaper. This material will be firmly held only on a dry and clean surface, not prone to peeling. That is why even the initial inspection of the wall will show you whether it is possible to apply a coating - or you need to clean / putty / primer.

The technology of preparatory work will be as follows:

  1. To begin with, we dismantle all the objects installed on it - the shelves, brackets, eaves, etc.
  2. Those elements of the design that are not subject to dismantling (window sills, moldings, etc.), we rush with painting tape or closed by polyethylene. This will avoid hitting the adhesive composition.

  1. We remove wallpapers from the wall and other decorative coatings. Neither the paint, nor on the whitewall can be applied with liquid wallpaper - they will be squeezed together with a decorative layer.
  2. Stucco Cooks for detecting defects. The identified sections with a weakly detected coating purify to the base, after which they perform their re-alignment.
  3. Plots affected by fungus, process antiseptics.

To understand what can be applied to this decorative material and how to prepare different bases, read the following table:

Where do you apply? How do you cook?
On plaster or concrete
  • process transparent or white penetrating primer;
  • align the starting putty;
  • we perform re-primer.
On plasterboard
  • we will extend the seams between the sheets of GLC and sick by the sickle;
  • primer plasterboard;
  • putty fill the seams and eliminate other irregularities, including fastening sites;
  • we process the surface with penetrating soil (white / colorless).
On the wooden wall or partition from chipboard / MDF / OSB
  • the surface of the wall is open to the removal of large fibers, bypass and burbs;
  • we process alkyd enamel (PF-115 or analog);
  • instead of enamel, you can apply several layers of water-dispersed paint.
On metal surfaces
  • metal surfaces purify from rust and oxides;
  • if necessary, we proceed with a metal inhibitor / rust converter;
  • we open the surface with alkyd enamel of PF - 115.

The question of whether the walls should be placed under liquid wallpaper, is a discussion. The need for this operation depends on the state of the surface. For this decorative material, the ideal reason is not necessary, so if irregularities do not exceed 1 - 1.5 mm, then from putty can be refused. The fibrous coating layer perfectly disguises all defects.

We need to splash high quality, but "without fanaticism" - small defects will be hidden finishing

Primer - another thing. The fact is that the most effective way to apply liquid wallpaper implies the introduction of a large amount of water into their composition (up to 2 l per 1m2).

If you do not protect the base of penetrating soil, then as a result of moisturizing, there is a risk of spacing or plaster. And the walls of wood, wood plates or drywall can simply be sweeping as a result of lighting.

It is very important that the soil is white or transparent. The use of tinted primers can lead to undesirable staining of the basics of liquid wallpaper.

Composition for application

If you plan to perform a finish yourself, then it is worth studying how the material volume is determined and how to prepare the composition for the processing of walls. Let's start with the first item:

  1. We determine the area of \u200b\u200ball surfaces that will need to decorate. For this, the perimeter of the room is multiplied by its height, and from the resulting value we take the area of \u200b\u200bwindow and doorways.

  1. The calculated area is divided to the consumption of the material (this value may differ depending on the specific coating mark). On average, one square meter finishes are from 200 to 400 grams of dry matter, because a standard kilogram package is enough for 3-4 squares.
  2. Identifying the mass, buy the amount of dry material we need. I strongly recommend to take one package more than you need to calculate - and the stock in case of marriage will remain, and if necessary, it will be than to repair a damaged area.

Now - preparation of material for applying:

  1. On the floor we spread a blank sheet of polyethylene. Pour to polyethylene dry base, including adhesive component, polymers and fibrous filler. Mix to fully uniformity.

This work is best done in gloves. As an additional protection, use the respirator (at least primitive "petal" and glasses).

  1. In the container with a wide throat (bucket, trough) we pour clean water. The optimal temperature of the water is 40 - 500c. We fall asleep dry component and mix manually until the lumps with a dry core disappear.

Some brands of liquid wallpapers are desirable to mix with a drill with a nozzle-mixer. For others, such an intensive impact is undesirable - the color structure can be broken. To figure out how to do it right, carefully study the instructions from the manufacturer.

  1. The container with a mixed composition is covered with polyethylene and leave glue for swelling. The soaking time of different brands varies and can be from 2 to 8 hours.

  1. The swollen composition under the film retains its working quality at least a day, a maximum of 4-5 days. Repeated soaking is undesirable, because due to the partial rejection of glue and polymers, the strength of fixation to the surface will be strongly reduced.

Wall decoration technology

Application on the plane

In this section, I will tell you how to glue liquid wallpapers for a pre-prepared foundation:

  1. A spatula or just hand (preferably in the glove) is gaining a small amount of material and apply it to the wall in the right place.
  2. We distribute the composition of a layer with a thickness of about 4-5 mm.
  3. We take a tool for smoothing - a spatula or grater - and align the surface. In this case, the plane of the tool should be at an angle to the wall: so its edge will move the excess adhesive mass to the edge of the spot.

  1. The optimal layer is about 2 mm. After drying, it will decrease to 1 - 1.5 mm due to shrinkage.
  2. We continue to apply the material until we proceed approximately 1 - 1.5 m2. After that we wat the grater, we apply the plane to the surface and smooth the wallpaper with circular motions.

  1. When smaller, it is necessary to keep in mind that by sticking liquid wallpaper allows you to lay fibers of the filler in one direction or another direction. For this, the final movements are performed at the desired angle: where "will" go "the grater, there and the fibers will be skipped.
  2. The edges of the processed areas need to be done uneven and not to dig. This will allow you to poison the neighboring areas without butt lines and noticeable seams.

  1. After the plane treatment, the angular spatula is additionally smoothed internal and external angles. This will allow you to compact the material and reduce the risk of its detachment.

  1. In the kitchen, in the corridor and in other rooms, the walls of which are experiencing increased load, after drying processing wallpaper varnish. Polymer water-based coating after polymerization will protect the decorative layer of moisture, dust and abrasion.

Formation of patterns

Technology of wall decoration with liquid wallpaper allows not only to apply one-photon coatings, but also alternate areas with different colors, and even form patterns. How to do it right - I will tell you in this section:

  1. First we carry the drawing on the prepared wall, noting its pencil borders. To obtain a large number of uniform drawings, you can make a stencil from cardboard or thick paper.

  1. Then we apply a mixture of one color with such a calculation so that the material goes to the contour by about 1.5 - 3 mm. We smoothen the wallpaper, finishing the optimal thickness.
  2. We take a narrow spatula and from the inside the contour we move or carefully cut off part of the material until you see the line on the base.

  1. The grater is cleaned by the edge.
  2. After the primary drying of one color, we apply another, the action on the same scheme.
  3. Additionally, stroke the flower lines, moving the grater exactly along the contour. So we avoid mixing fibers, and the boundaries will turn out clearly, and not blurred.

Care and repair

Care for liquid wallpaper is quite simple:

  1. The surface without a varnish coating is simply a vacuum cleaner - this is enough to remove dust and minor contaminants.
  2. Patent coating can be covered with wet cleaning. At the very least, regular wiping with a sponge, moistened with soapy water, wallpaper is kept without consequences.

  1. Strong pollution and other defects can be corrected, removing the damaged area and disguising the rush with a new material. Before applying the liquid wallpaper on liquid wallpaper, a painting or spatula, we consider the coating in the place of defect, capturing a bit with a "whole" surface.

  1. Then the wall and the remnants of the wallpapers are then mixed, we mix the composition thick than with the usual application, and repair. After careful smoothing, the grater and drying should not be visible!

  1. Another common problem is a change in the shade in some coverage areas. If yellow spots appeared after applying liquid wallpapers - the case is most likely in metal mortgages or in moisture appearing through the plaster / putty.

  1. In this case, on a problem area, we remove the decorative coating, dried by the foundation and process the wall with a white primer several times. The soil will not only become a barrier on the path of moisture, but also create a homogeneous background for the decor. After the polymerization of the primer, we restore the liquid wallpaper.

If the yellowing is minor, the light coatings can be restored by processing spots on white. In order to do not discharge the wallpapers themselves, we will drag the water in the ratio of 1: 3.

  1. In the same way, you will have to do if the coating swelled and detached from the ground. Cleaning the damaged area, overload or stabs and then apply a decorative composition again.


The article describes the preparation of walls to decoration and a technique of working with decorative composition. Following these tips, you can independently apply liquid wallpapers, to properly care for them, and if necessary, it is effectively eliminating almost any damage. You can get a consultation on this topic by asking a question in the comments.

Your walls can be silk! Those who are now in the search for ideas of new repair in their home and certainly wants to do with their own hands repair, it is worth paying attention to a relatively not beaten version of decorating walls and ceilings with liquid wallpaper. They also have another name - silk decorative plaster, not to be confused with conventional plaster, which always includes sand.

This unusual wall coating has a number of advantages and when used in new buildings and during decorating the species of walls. Liquid wallpapers are not afraid of shrinkage and do not give cracks, they don't need perfectly smooth walls for them, as it is quite simple to glue the liquid wallpaper. There is always a big scope for creativity. Depending on the components of the fibers, liquid wallpaper can be: cellulose, silk-cellulose, silk.

Advantages of liquid wallpaper

What to hide, we love we start repair do it yourself. Here you and save, and free time there is something to do. The lifestyle wallpapers for such a "hobby" are fit perfectly. They have the price of them relatively democratic: for the Russian coating will have to pay from 80 to 500 rubles per square meter, in the case of imported material, one square will cost in the range of 400-2000 rubles.

At the same time, Russian manufacturers prefer the packaging by a kilogram and grabs it for 4-5 square meters, while the imported liquid wallpaper facilities are smaller than weight and consumption is slightly higher. Different wallpaper and layer thickness. One is enough 2 millimeters to look perfect, others suggest the thickness of applying up to 4.5 millimeters.

In addition to the already mentioned advantages of the material itself, you can mention the soundproof function of liquid wallpaper. They fireproof, have many color and textured solutions, and due to the antistatic characteristics of the components, dust repel.

From the point of view of design, the material may look and "rich" by adding gold threads, sequins and other decor elements. And you can make the wallpaper with a neutral background, but at the expense of invoice and color combinations it will be possible to achieve extreme personnel.

Cotton or silk?

It is also an environmentally friendly material, since it is based on cotton, cellulose or silk fibers. Most often, the coating is sold in a dry form and consists of already mentioned fibers, adhesive basics and dyes.

Divorce all with water, there is no smell, safe for humans and animals.

By and large, which fibers are used in wallpaper, it does not matter much. But if you are a meticulous lover of natural, then it is better to prefer cotton and cellulose, because silk in this wall coverage, of course, is artificial. But all three species are equally warm and pleasant to the touch, in consumer characteristics are also not inferior to each other.

Liquid wallpapers containing Silk are more durable and have the best decorative properties than pulp. What awaits us if we choose the liquid wallpaper?


By choosing a finish with liquid wallpaper, we will deal with a dry environmentally friendly mixture placed by the manufacturer in a plastic bag. As part of a mixture of cellulose, fiber silk, special dyes, adhesive binder and decorative elements, such as glitter. There is no smell.

Ease of drawing wallpaper

Wall or ceilings before coating with liquid wallpaper are not required to be perfectly smooth, it is enough to apply a soil in 2 layers - along and across.

As a soil, you can use a matte white oil paint - just one layer. The mixture in bags is already ready for use. It should be shaken to mix the components, pour out into the appropriate capacity, mixed thoroughly with hands (absolutely safe for the skin) and shock again into the package for 12 hours for "aging". The amount of water is always indicated on the package with the mixture.

Repair without problems

The process of drawing the lung even for non-professional, you can work alone, you just need to adapt to work with a trowel (it will suit the plastic grout) so that the wet mixture does not slip and not falls off. In the event of a mixture on the furniture or floor - it is easily removed. No dirt and strangers. At any time you can stop, the shelf life of the prepared mixture of 14 days. No need to worry about joints like with rolled wallpaper. Roughness of the walls? Decorating with liquid wallpaper perfectly masks irregularities. At any stage, it is permissible to air the room - the liquid wallpaper does not harm it.


It is easy to correct any flaws during primary application or in the future, even with the already dried wall, just sprinkle with water to the place that you want to fix, carefully remove the splashing material and re-apply it. This is one of the main amenities and properties of liquid wallpaper: repeatedly remove and apply coating. The remaining wet mix should not be thrown away, it must be dried at room temperature, it will not lose its properties and can be useful in the future.

Creative potential

For people who are prone to their own design, work with liquid wallpaper - opening for creativity. Using mixtures that differ in color or texture, a combined application of the material can be carried out, impose contrast strips, geometry or patterns. The ornament can be invented and apply to the surface even after finishing. From small residues of the mixture, you can easily make some crafts, which will very much children. The products are dried, covered with an additional decor with glue are covered with varnish. The décor can be pebbles, pieces of amber, buttons.

Economic repairs

Dress on the walls in Silk is quite accessible to the pleasure, given and the cost of the material itself, and the ability to not resort to the services of professionals. At the same time you will get environmentally friendly, pleasant to the touch, surprisingly warm, beautiful and not "like all" walls.

Minus one: Liquid wallpapers should not be applied in wet rooms. But you will not cover the walls of the bathroom?

Where we will glue

This coating is perfect for uneven walls with a complex relief: and the flaws will hide, and to apply easily. In principle, glue the liquid wallpaper can be in residential, and in unheated, and in wet rooms. But in the bathroom or in the kitchen, they will have to cover protective varnish, which increases the cost of repairs and deprives the material of one of the main properties - a microporous structure that allows you to breathe. It is more logical in such premises to use other wall covers.

As for the surfaces, such wallpaper is well falling along almost any of them: from brick to metal. But manufacturers are recommended to use special primers to avoid marriage in work. Please note for bright wallpapers it is worth using bright primers, and for dark dark. Otherwise, the final type of coating may be distorted.

The big advantage is the lack of seams, liquid wallpaper is convenient to mask small wall defects, they easily eliminate the gaps around the sockets, switches, allow you to eliminate the loose fit of the plinths and platbands.

How to care

In order for the color and texture of liquid wallpaper to be the same, on one wall you need to use a portion prepared at a time. Since the components are mixed manually, thin distinctive nuances are possible. At the same time, they will not be markedly on different walls.

Liquid wallpaper is easily "repaired." It is enough to remove a spoiled or contaminated fragment and put a new one in its place. But if the initial coating has been applied for a long time, or a cigarette smoke or kitchen cooler hit it, then the color of the new patch can be significantly different. Think about it in advance.

By the way, the divorced wallpaper can be stored in the freezer. Just in case. It is removed from the wall. This type of wallpaper is exactly the same as the most ordinary.

Master class application do it yourself

The services of third-party construction firms are now expensive, and I want to save, and so that the result pleased the eye then you have no choice, learn the rules for applying liquid wallpaper. How to glue liquid wallpaper without having skills read a detailed phased action plan.

So, proceed to applying. First you need to prepare the wall - remove dirt, old coating, if any. Next, the walls need to be treated with special primers. Liquid wallpapers have a feature of pulling out extra moisture from the walls, old paints and varnishes, which is why the appearance of spots is possible. The primer will prevent it.

We usually glue wallpaper in the warm season, or in a heated room.
To begin with, a sufficient amount of water should be pouring into the container, the necessary information must be specified on the package. Then dry sparkles are poured into the water, which in the future allows you to distribute them evenly. The dry mixture of fibers is poured there. Give her a little to absorb water and stirred. You can directly with your hands, as we remember, the mixture is harmless.

This can be done by a conventional spatula or professional pistol, from where the mixture is sprayed under greater pressure. Sometimes material sellers give such pistols for rent. In any case, it is important that the mixture is applied evenly, without cleansing.
As for the relief of the surface, it may be smooth in thought, then the mixture is simply spattered. After 1-2 hours, small defects are easy to easily eliminate the spatula moistened in the water.

For more complex relief, special rollers are sold. They mimic the structure of the cargo, wood, stone. It is possible to achieve an interesting texture and manually, causing chaotic or meaningful pressing movements. Ate some actions are incomprehensible to see the video how to glue liquid wallpaper with your own hands using a classic way.

As a result, you will get beautiful walls, and feel yourself a real master for all hands.

Video: glue yourself

The simplest finishing material for walls is liquid wallpaper. How to glue them, because they have little common with ordinary rolls? Read more about the benefits of finishing and proper work with the material.


What is liquid wallpaper? This is a modern finishing material for the walls. The appearance of such wallpaper resemble sawdust or plaster. They consist of cellulose, silk or cotton fibers with the addition of acrylic, coloring, fungicidal and adhesive components. Sometimes complemented by decorative elements: sparkles, stone crumbs. Sold in two versions: in the form of a dry mixture (in polyethylene packs of 1 kg), which should be breeded with water, or the finished solution.

What are the liquid wallpaper so attractive? The method of applying them is different from the labor-intensive sticking of rolls. This reduces the repair time, which cannot but rejoice. A layer of liquid plaster, just applied to the wall, reminds paint, but when drying it turns out to be relief, it does not collect dust, it serves a long time and easily removed when you get tired.

Coated can be experimenting. From a white mixture without additives, original compositions are prepared with the inclusion of different dyes and decorative elements. But this method is more accessible to professionals.

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. They are plastic, easily prepared and applied to the walls. For mounting, special skills are not required, expensive tools. They are convenient to accumulate corners and embossed surfaces (arches).
  2. This is an eco-friendly material, safe for health. Such wallpapers can be glued in the nursery.
  3. Liquid wallpapers allow formation patterns.
  4. They look attractive and neat. Does not have seams.
  5. Wallpapers regulate moisture in the room, absorbing or highlighting moisture, depending on its excess or disadvantage.
  6. Soft and warm coating.
  7. Wallpapers have antistatic properties.
  8. Do not absorb foreign smells.
  9. Pushes the fungus and prevent the development of mold.
  10. They have sound and thermal insulation properties due to the porous structure.
  11. Do not cause allergic reactions.
  12. Do not fear shrinkage.
  13. Suitable for any premises.
  14. Easy are restored in the case of mechanical damage.
  15. Many types of surfaces are attached: concrete, wood, metal, drywall and even painted surfaces.

Of the minuses, it is worth noting a fairly high cost and non-standard rules of care (you can not wet). Such a coating is poorly withstanding mechanical loads. Otherwise, liquid plaster deserves trust.

Tip! Since the liquid wallpaper is afraid of moisture, when finishing it is worth covering them with a colorless varnish. Thus-protected coating is suitable for all types of rooms, including bathroom and kitchen.

Preparatory Stage: Walls

Another advantage of liquid wallpapers: they can be applied to a completely flat wall, as small surface defects smooth out. Nevertheless, a small preparation will be needed:

  1. First, the old finishing coating is removed. Plaster and paint are removed by a spatula, the old wallpaper swollen water and dying.
  2. The coating is applied only on the pure wall. The surface is getting rid of dust and other contaminants, as well as from small particles of the old finish. Cleaning is made by sandpaper.
  3. If there are nails in the wall, it is recommended to smell a white enamel hats.
  4. Next close all cracks and chips. We need to put the wall depending on its condition. If it is more or less smooth, then put partially. Small defects will hide under relief liquid wallpaper.
  5. After drying the putty, the base must be projected. There are special primers for walls under the stocks of liquid wallpaper.

Tip! If the walls are made of drywall, they must be sharpened and covered with water emulsion. This will help to avoid reversing the surface when applying a liquid layer. To increase the moisture resistance to the mixture for shtclothesia, PVA glue (3: 1).

Preparation of the mix

More often, the wallpaper is bought in dry bags. To stick the liquid wallpaper on the wall, you need to prepare the mixture:

  1. Pour in deep container with warm water.
  2. Add a dry mixture with minor portions, while stirring by a constructional currency. And it is best to stir the composition with your hands to avoid damage.
  3. Add and stir until it turns out a thick sour cream-like mass.
  4. If desired, decorative components are added.
  5. The mixture must be left for 15-20 minutes so that the wallpaper swell.
  6. Mix again, remove large lumps.
  7. The mixture is ready.

The solution of liquid wallpapers is recommended to harvest immediately to the entire room so that the finish is homogeneous in color. Follow the instructions on the packaging with a dry mix to achieve the most accurate result when mixing wallpaper.

How to stick

Wallpaper application is made in two ways: spraying from a special pistol or spat with a wide spatula. Since it is not always possible to get special equipment, consider the second way.

To shove, or rather, apply liquid wallpaper, you will need:

  • putty knife;
  • roller rolling;
  • colorless varnish.

How to apply a mixture:

  1. The spatula is crying a little solution and put on the wall so that there is no convexity and emptiness under the coating. It is better to apply the layers in a certain way: horizontal or vertical stripes, a Christmas tree, zigzags or a spiral. So it turns out a beautiful finish, and the application by chaotic way does not form aesthetically valuable coating.
  2. Run the first portion.
  3. Now in the same way distribute the following part of the finish.
  4. Each layer of wallpaper should go to another smoothly. Follow the homogeneity of the coating.
  5. Each square meter is rolling with roller.
  6. If defects are detected, then correct them to hot wakes: we make a slightly wet the place with water, removing the unsuccessful coating with a spatula, we apply a fresh portion and recall. Be careful: Wallpapers are poorly tolerated with water, so spend the adjustment for no more than three times.
  7. The recommended layer thickness is from 1 to 3 mm.
  8. Wait for complete drying. It will be needed from 1 to 3 days, depending on the temperature and humidity of the air. The warmer and land in the room, the faster the liquid wallpaper will dry.
  9. If necessary, the dried finish is covered with colorless varnish. Such wallpapers can be washed, and they also become more attractive in appearance.

Tip! It should not be pressed too much wallpaper, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve a textured surface. But it is also not recommended to gnaw: so a wall layer can move under its own weight.

On liquid wallpaper you can create a relief pattern. To do this, you will need a roller or brush. You need to wet the object and draw something on the wet coverage. Frames of different colors are created from liquid wallpapers.

It will be necessary stencil. Place it on the wall and fill in one type of wallpaper, crumple the edges. The next layer is applied after drying the previous one. At the same time, it is not necessary to observe the same thickness of the parts of the pattern - the individual elements may be thicker or thinner the main layer, creating the effect of the bas-relief or burner, creating a bulk composition.

To repair to be preserved for a long time, follow these recommendations:

  1. The work is made indoors with air temperature not lower than +10 degrees.
  2. Tools should also be clean and low-fat, like the surface.
  3. Casting walls in one color wallpaper is made in one stage. Do not leave unfinished finish.
  4. If the solution does not know, add some water to it.
  5. When applying a mixture, a spatula can be helped with your hands, as the composition is safe.
  6. After the end of the work, the room is well carried out, since the final type of coating becomes after complete drying. However, do not allow drafts.
  7. It is forbidden to use hard brushes and detergents to care for liquid wallpaper. They damage the coating that is not distinguished by resistance to mechanical effects.
  8. Do not throw away the remaining solution. It is useful for adjusting the finished coating. Keep it in a sealed container in a cold place. You can wait for drying the mixture and shield it into the package.

Liquid wallpapers - an alternative finish option for which there is no time and effort. No need to produce tedious measurements and fear that the wallpaper sheet is covered with bubbles. Although the liquid version of the wallpaper has its drawbacks, the advantages still exceed them. The end result of the installation will delight the owners of beauty, reliability and practicality, if everything is done correctly.

Not so long ago, the construction markets appeared finishing material for the inner walls, which is able to give the room an aesthetic modern look and once to equalize small defects. At the same time, the process of cladding will not be much difficulty and even a newcomer will be considered.

Liquid represent a type of decorative plaster. This is a new milestone in design and repair. They are distinguished by practicality and versatility, include a lot of advantages. The powder mixture is represented by a wide assortment with a rich palette.

Assortment for every taste, with a variety of decorative additives, such as:

  • stone crumb;
  • sequins;
  • beads;
  • wood chips;
  • color.

Wall decoration with liquid wallpaper: advantages and features

If you compare this type of facing material with rolled competitors, then the first have a number of positive moments. For instance:

  • easy preparation of material. No need to roll off paper sheets across the room, measured and trim in height;
  • the main component is a cellulosic fiber, which is natural, which means environmentally friendly;
  • ease of workflow. No need to hire a master, with the task really to cope with your own;
  • seamless flat result that does not require the selection of the picture;
  • "Breathable" material due to its vapor-permeable qualities;
  • good thermal conductivity and sound insulation;
  • preparation of the foundation does not require the elimination of small defects;
  • easy replacement of a damaged area, it is enough to remove the spoiled fragment by the stationery knife and apply a new solution on the purified area;
  • simple and rapid removal of facing water coating;
  • the possibility of using the woven plaster is secondary.

The main minus can be called a high price for this also due to reduced moisture resistance. The coating is not suitable for finishing a kitchen or bathroom without additional processing.

Preparation of walls: Requirements

Before applying the finishing coating, you need to prepare the base.

If this is not done, the result will be low-quality and short-lived.
The preparatory stage includes several operations:

  • in the presence of old cladding it is required to remove;
  • clear the wall, get rid of the remnants of glue, peeling plaster;
  • cove the base with 3 layers of primer.

Before coating a new primer layer, it is necessary to completely dry the previous one.

  1. apply a gypsum putty on the base surface;
  2. make sure that there are no tangible irregularities;
  3. hammer or special topopor to give the base roughness for better clutch of the material;
  4. cove the base with white water-mounted paint with several layers.

For better adhesion, PVA glue is added to the paint.

What is the technology of applying do it yourself

Decorative plaster is applied with a manual method: a spatula, a cylma or roller, depending on certain conditions and personal convenience of the wizard. Large squares are advisable to fill out with wallpaper using a mechanical method, namely using a special purpose gun, so-called hopper.

How to glue: Step-by-step instructions

To finishing, armed with special tools, properly mix powder and adhere to the proven application technique - the path to the successful and qualitative results of the repair.

Tools for work

Currently, the process of covering the wall with decorative plaster simplifies the variety of special affiliation. Some instruments are simply indispensable, and without others, it is possible to quite easily. Below is the main inventory:

  • large container for mixing composition;
  • plexiglass or stainless steel spatula for applying a finishing coating to the surface;
  • special angular spatulas use when filling the angular sites. Some masters still believe that such places are more convenient to handle fingers.
  • metal spatula of a small width (8-10 cm) for applying a solution to the main tool;
  • kelma is an alternative to the spatula, it is a flat fixture with a handle in the middle;
  • special roller - alternative to the soldier and Kelme;
  • transparent grater for grouting resulting, eliminating bulges, giving a smooth effect;
  • hopper pistol will save time and suitable for lining of large rooms.

Application: All methods

At the beginning of work it is necessary to prepare the material in accordance with the instructions. Dry powder is mixed with clean water in the desired consistency (on average, 5 liters of water is added to one package).

The mixture is poured into the container and gradually poured water, while thoroughly mix the mass manually to obtain a homogeneous composition. As a result, the solution is obtained as thick sour cream.

Before pouring the powder into the container, the package with the contents is recommended to shake.

For better mixing, dilute the mixture with water follows one pack. Next, the finished solution must be left for 20-40 minutes. "Watch".

After the decorative mortar is prepared by a smooth spatula at a small angle, 10-15 degrees, smooth movements of hands need to be applied to the surface. Also, this procedure can be performed by Clavma or roller. The layer thickness should not exceed 2-3 mm.

The work cannot be left for tomorrow or another day, since different times drying can provoke the appearance of seams.

After applying the material, it is important to pay attention to the fatality of the result. If there are buggers - remove them with a moistened grater, when the composition grabbed, but did not have time to dry.

The use of powders of different colors gamut is practiced. They are mixed and combined. Creative owners will be able to portray an interesting drawing on the wall. To do this, before applying, the sketch is translated by a pencil to the base surface, then the composition is painted.
When using a hopper, it is worth considering that not all varieties of dry mixture for this are suitable. Spray the composition is required carefully, without long delays in one section.

It is necessary to apply the solution first on one area, and then smoothly go to another. Decorative finish dries after 1-3 days.

Is it possible to paint

If you wish, you can update the appearance and change, lined with solid mixtures, painting them with a roller with a fur nozzle. Repeat this procedure is allowed an unlimited number of times. Special paint types for this type of coating are not found, so paints use:

  • water-emulsion;
  • acrylic;
  • latex;
  • silicone.

If you adhere to certain rules, decorative plaster as a result of painting will not deteriorate. The interior update will not require large financial investments and will not take much time. The work will seem easy enough.

It can be attributed to possible minuses that after applying paint the surface will be solid, the patterns will be invisible. In addition, it will not be possible to remove the decorative facing coating with simple water.

For a long service, the wall surface is covered with acrylic varnish. After that, contaminated sections of the wall clean with a wet sponge.

If the wall after decoration was not covered with lacquer, it is absolutely impossible to wash it with water. In this case, you need to use the vacuum cleaner. You can restore the damaged area by removing the spoiled fragment. It is necessary to twist it in water and again apply to its former place.

How long serve

Decorative material is characterized by good wear resistance and durability. Under the conditions of application, exploitation and care, facing will serve the years.

High-quality room decoration with dry mixtures with solid mixtures is a beautiful designer solution. Even in the absence of skills, the repair will not seem laborious, but will definitely please the owners. The ability to mix colors, supplement the composition with various intersions and create unique images gives freedom to fantasies and interesting ideas.

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