How to fertilize the tomatoes with a cowboy. Universal Pretty Tomato Plan

In order for tomato to the greenhouse or a greenhouse, pleased with the gardener with a good crop of delicious fruits, it is necessary not only to create in a greenhouse or greenhouse necessary plants moisture, illumination and temperature. For good growth and fruiting tomatoes, a wide variety of nutrients should be full and balanced. If tomatoes do not surrelatable any substances you need, then the price of such a deficit is quite large: slows down or generally suspended their growth, the zealing and ripening of fruits is difficult. In the event that an excessive amount of organic or mineral fertilizers was made to feed tomatoes in the greenhouse, then the plants are depressing and may die, as there is strong dehydration. In each stage of its development, tomato needs various feeders that we will tell in more detail. .

Than when and how to fertilize greenhouse tomatoes

Quite often, seedlings of tomatoes grown in the home is very dramatized, and by the time of transplanting to the greenhouse looks, to put it mildly, "not very". (See what to fertilize tomatoes) If, despite all your efforts and after a couple of weeks after the transplant of tomatoes seedlings for a permanent place, it looks pale, thin and weak, then the first and second feeding of tomatoes in a greenhouse or greenhouse is carried out with a cowhide aqueous solution, soluble B. 10 liters of water 1 liter of cowboat And adding:

  • 50 g of ash;30g Superphosphate; and in 0.3 g (on the tip of the knife) of manganese and boric acid.

Each plant should get about half a liter of the working solution. The interval between the first and second making fertilizers should be at least a week, optimal - 10 daysBad: You should not throw the tomatoes before tie to the fruit of ammonium nitrate, cow made a bird litter, as an excess of nitrogen in the soil will lead to the fact that the plant "litters" - will form a strong stem with abundant foliage, however, there will be no bloom and fruit. case, if you have made too many nitrogen fertilizers and your tomato "lied", then here is the instruction on how to fix it:

  1. During the week, it is necessary not to water tomatoes. At the same time, we increase the daytime temperature in the greenhouse to + 24 + 260cand night - up to + 220c. For the cessation of the development of the green mass of tomatoes, the root feeding with an aqueous solution of superphosphate, spreading 3 tbsp. Spoons of the drug in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is used at the rate of 1l per plant.

When you make feeding

Specialists, answering the question when and than to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse, recommend adhere to a certain scheme of making various fertilizers during the vegetation period of tomatoes.

  • The first introduction of mineral fertilizers is carried out through 14-20 days After disembarking seedlings to the greenhouse. For this, 1st is bred. Spoon of nitroposk B. 10 liters of water.There tomatoes feed through 7-10 days After the first fertilizer application. For this feeding system 1h. l Potassium sulfate in 10 liters of water. After two weeks after the second feeding, a solution consisting of:
  1. 2 tbsp. Woodwood ash; 1st. Spoons of superphosphate; 10 liters of water.
  • During fruiting, greenhouse tomatoes, to accelerate the aging of fruits, can be filled with the following composition: 1st. l nitroposki, 1h. L Sodium humate powder, divorced in 10 liters of water. For each 1m2, 5 liters of working solution consume.

Nutrients necessary to greenhouse tomato

Tomatoes grown in greenhouses or greenhouses require mineral fertilizers containing:

  • potassium;phosphorus;nitrogen.

Let us dwell in more detail on the question of what time and what to feed tomatoes in the greenhouse.


Nitrogen fertilizers are necessary at two main stages of the development of tomatoes:

  1. After a transplant to a greenhouse or a greenhouse. After the formation of the barrows at the first two brushes in most tomato bushes.

As mentioned above, if the seedlings have greatly turned around, and besides, it was grown in low light conditions, and after the transplant remains weak and elongated, then through 10 days It can be filled with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Such a root feeder will give a powerful impetus to the enhanced growth and development of the root system and the bush itself. After most of the tomato bushes have been formed in the first two brushes, you can make a nitrogen fertilizer. At this time, nitrogen entered into the soil will do not form the formation of green mass, but will be aimed at the formation and development of fruits.


Tomato, the plant is very fast developing, which requires potassium for development, promoting the formation of stems, tying and the development of fruits, manifestation of varietal taste, as well as beautiful appearance. Among other things, potassium contributes to the sustainability of tomatoes to various diseases. (See Tomato Diseases in Teplice) the greatest need for potash fertilizers at tomatoes in the following periods of development:

  1. During the disclosure of the third and fourth real sheet, when the laying of the generative organs of the plant occurs. With the moment of formation of the barriers, up to the ripening of fruits.

Signs of potassium deficiency on the leaves of Toyataesli bush tomatoes lack potassium, how you can see in the photo, the plant "signals" about this:

  • twisting the edges of the leaf plate; color by color with saturated green, on yellowish-bronze; uneven ripening of fruits.


In the soil phosphoric fertilizers contribute to the stability of plants to various adverse conditions, the development of a strong root system and good tavering of fruits. Of this, phosphorus is involved in the process of assimilating the plants of other nutrients, in particular, nitrogen. If tomatoams experience phosphorus deficiency, then you can see This is the following features:

  • sheet plate begins to turn around the main alkalin; on the bottom side of the sheet, red and purple spots appear; slowing down the process of ripening fruit.

Tip: The first dressing of tomato in the greenhouse can be held during the planning of seedlings at a permanent place. For this, each prepared hole is made by 10-15 g superphosphate.


Table of needs to tomatoam macro and microelementscase macroelements, tomatoes need a large number of trace elements. According to experienced gardeners for good fruiting and obtaining high-quality yields, you need about 20 trace elements.

  1. Video: Tomato Growing Seminar

Tomatoes - a plant that adorns almost any household plot. It is one of the most delicious and healthy vegetables, which are planted both for seasonal consumption and for conservation for the winter. In the middle lane and in the southern regions of Russia, tomatoes in the open ground can be grown. For example, in Rostov, Voronezh, Tambov regions there will be no problems, there is enough heat for a full period of vegetation of these plants. And in the Pskov and Leningrad regions (and, moreover, the north of the north), the cultivation of tomatoes without shelter is a rather risky event. But here you can get good crops in the open soil, if you follow some conditions:

  • Early dates of planting seedlings. The performance of fertilizers for tomatoes at all stages of growth and development. Using agrotechnical methods to accelerate the wound and ripening

Seedling tomato

Getting, selection and seed disinfection

Seeds for seedlings can be bought in the store. You need to choose well-proven, zoned varieties that have consistently moving from generation to generation with genetic signs. For example, for the cultivation of tomatoes in the open ground in the middle lane, the following varieties will be suitable:

  • "Verloka", "Katya", "Arctic", "Native", "Nevsky", "Yamal", "Extreme North", "Apples in the snow". They are recommended for greenhouse cultivation in the northern regions of the country.

For the southern regions, the choice is more. Here you can land the grained with a long period of vegetation and a greater fruit mass of the final product. It:

  • "FIFTI", "Taman", "Salad Pink", "High-Saw", "Shiva", etc. .

Another way to gain seeds is to get them from your garden. For this, strong ripe tomatoes are selected (it is better to ripen on a bush, without dosing) and are withstanding on the windowsill, until they become soft (it is impossible to allow rotting).

The prepared tomato is cut in half, the seeds are squeezed into the bank and ferment. To do this, they should be left in a bank for 2-4 days. High-quality seeds are separated from the pulp and fall on the bottom.

Selection of planting material

Before boarding, it is necessary to sort the seed, placing them in a glass with water for 10 minutes and preserving a wooden wand. The seed material suitable for landing will fall on the bottom, and the lightweight specimens will remain on the surface. Source sources advise to warm tomato seeds before landing, for the appearance of friendly shoots. The benefits of this procedure is dubious, because heating seeds with large T °, \u200b\u200byou can exhaust the moisture supply, which contains.

How to "Estate" seeds of tomatoes?

Previously, a solution of manganese (1 g by 0.5 glasses of water) was most often used for this purpose, in which the seeds were kept for 20 minutes, and then washed thoroughly with water. But now the drug is KMNO? Practically disappeared from the sale, and gardeners use other ways to disinfect seeds:

  • For example, the juice juice, in which the seeds of tomatoes are placed on one day, and then leave to dry without washing.

"Drawing" is needed, because even the best fertilizers for tomatoes will not help get a good harvest with patients with patients, and after such treatment, adult bushes are practically affected.


The most popular at gardeners - lovers became the following preparations for stimulating seed germination: "Epin", "Zircon" and "Guamat". They are good not only by the fact that they are catalysts for growth in the cultivation of tomatoes, feeding their seeds with useful trace elements, but are environmentally friendly fertilizers with the organic nature of origin. The soaking effect of soaking in these drugs should not be below 15 °, otherwise the effects of elements on seeds will be incomplete .

It is best to use a solution with T \u003d 20-22 ° C. But in a solution of ash, soak tomato seeds categorically impossible. This useful fertilizer is useful at the following stages of the growth and development of the plant.

Now it will have an oppressive impact due to the presence of mineral salts. Potash fertilizers for tomatoes at this stage do not use For the same reason. For swelling, tomato seeds need, on average, 18 hours. After that, they get them out of the water so that they do not suffocate, because when germinated, they need oxygen.


This procedure is simple, and rather fast. It is best to place the seed material into a well-shred gauze, which can be wetted by water or a divorced growth stimulator ("epic", for example). They germinate for 1-2 days, the most important thing, not to miss this moment, otherwise the roots will grow, which will be criticized into the fabric, and it is stuck there.

Growing seedlings

It is necessary to take care of this issue in the middle lane in Russia in early March. In the northern regions, at this time, seedlings are planted for subsequent transplant to the greenhouse. In the southern it is planted in April, sometimes even in May.

But here it does not have a fundamental need, you can plant the seeds of the grained right into the ground.

Preparation of soil

First you need to prepare the soil for the seedlings of tomatoes. There are many recipes for this mixture. Here is one of the most popular: on the 1st part of the garden or turf soil (the land is ideal, on which the nettle grew up in the summer), 1,5 pieces of humus are taken, 1 peat, and 0.5 river sand.

To ensure the calcium balance add 1 cup of extinguished egg shell. Note that mineral fertilizers at this stage are not needed. They will be needed later when adult plants need to feed for zerovy and fruits.

Processing of soil

The resulting soil mixture is necessary to disappear. This makes in different ways, starting with the heating of the bucket at the fire and ending with the oven.

Disinfection and destruction of fungi and rotary bacteria, as well as larvae and the cessation of weeds are achieved using this procedure. Another way to clean the soil mixture to grow tomatoes from pests - solve it with a pink solution of manganese. Watering will have to be poured in any case, after the soil is placed in the seedlings containers, as water helps him to settle and compact.


After germination, the seeds are placed in the prepared primer to a depth of 0.5-0.7 cm, the root down (if there are doubts, put the seed on the flat side, the sprout and the root will find where to move it). Before the first germs of the pots, the seedlings are placed in a warm place, with a temperature of at least 25 ° C.

Some gardeners to enhance the thermal effect are covering pots by polyethylene packages. So you can also do, but we should not forget to periodically air landings.

Care for seedy

To ensure full nutrition you can pour young plants with an ash hood. This is done no more than two times over the entire period of "home" growth. Women's one the method of feeding young plants is a yeast solution.

It is possible to prepare it as follows: in 5 liters of water, 5 grams of bread yeast are divorced, and leave on one day. Then this suspension feed the seedlings, but not more often than 1 time in the entire period of growth.

Store the resulting mixture of more than 2 days is impossible. You can use and high-speed yeast as a fertilizer for tomatoes. The mixture of them is done like this: one packer of yeast and two tablespoons of sugar are poured with a glass of warm water, stirred, waiting for complete dissolution. It insists 2 hours, and the resulting working solution is added at iris at the rate of 0.5 liters per 10 liters of water.

"Moving" seedlings in the garden

Cooks ready for disembodied bushes, should have the first brush with urins and a second, blooming brush.Do not land them immediately on the bed. Previously, we need to harden plants, this is one of the main conditions for growing tomatoes in the open soil.

It is desirable to start on a cloudy day, putting pots with plants to the street, for 15-20 minutes, every day increasing the stay outdoors. There is another way (if you arrived at the cottage for one day in order to land seedlings in open soil) - Plant plastic bottles or plastic buckets. For this, a bottle of 5 liters is taken and more, it is cut down the bottom. It is installed above the tomato bush so that with one edge between its lower cut and the soil, the gap remains for circulation.

Scheme: An example of tomato bushes on a garden

Tomato Care in Open Ground

In primer before planting seedlings, it is necessary to make organic fertilizers. One square meter recommended the following rate of consumption per 1 sq. Mm: Woodwood ash - 0.5 l, compost or humus - 1 bucket, urea -1 h. L.Posle how the plants will fit well, should be done.

This uses phosphoric and potash fertilizers for tomatoes. Nitrogen at the first stage of the grained is better not to feed.

Its excess leads to the rapid growth of the vegetative mass, to the detriment of the formation of uncess. Very useful for development at this stage can be liquid fertilizer from ash. It will nourish the plant by the elements that are necessary for the growth of the bush, and the formation of colors and barriers.

At the stage of formation of colors, it is also worth filing the grained finished fertilizers, such as Sudarushka-Tomat - a universal complex without chlorine. It is applied to the prevention of fungal diseases and increase yields. The method of making the following - 1 spoon (tea) is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Under each bush poured 0.5 L.V. Open soil at tomatoes sometimes a typical "greenhouse problem" is manifested - tomatoes bloom, but do not get tied. But the root causes of this phenomenon are other than that of plants in the open ground:

  1. Early seedling landing.

Tomato fertilizer

Every gardener dreams that his crop of tomatoes would be the best. To do this, you need to regularly produce tomatoes with various fertilizers. Let's consider in detail this process, discuss everything that can and what can not be done.

The most important is the choice of suitable fertilizer for tomatoes. For those who do not like to bother to bother with this issue, you can just enter the store and buy ready. As a rule, if the store is a normal seller, he will tell you what is better and how to apply it.

But if you still do not want to spend money, the fertilizer for a tomato can be made independently.

  • The main factors that need to be taken into account during the cultivation of tomatoes: fertilize Tomatoes for more than 3 times in the season is extremely not recommended; it is impossible to grow tomatoes in an overly fertilized, fat organic soil; not recommended to put in the wells to tomatoes by manure or avian litter, otherwise you will get big green bushes, but tomatoes will be not enough for them; at the beginning of the vegetation it is possible to clean the urea, but it is not necessary to put it under the plant; fertilizers cannot be changed, you need to move to a specific mineral and organic fertilizer complex and produce tomatoes in a strictly defined quantity; It costs to grow different varieties on one bed; it is not necessary to overly fill the tomatoes with water it will prevent normal access to the roots to the roots.

What minerals are needed for normal growth of tomatoes

Despite the fact that tomatoes are absorbed from the soil many times more potassium and nitrogen than phosphorus. Tomatoes are still the most demanding vegetable culture to phosphoric power.

Already since the germination of seeds, phosphorus helps to strengthen the roots, blooming occurs earlier than usual, the fruits ripen faster, and the total amount of crop increases significantly. Thanks to the phosphorus, the fruit increases the level of sugarness and dry matter. Indeed was established that 94% of the phosphorus of phosphorus tomatoes is based on the formation of fruits.

Each kilogram of the superphosphate powder contains 180 g. Phosphoric acid, the plant at the same time digested only 30-50 g. The rest passes to another, unacceptable for plants the form. It is better to fertilize the tomatoes with granulated superphosphate, in such a form phosphorus is better absorbed that it reduces fertilizer costs.

This is especially swinging seedlings, young tomatoes have a weak root system for the assimilation of hard-soluble phosphorus compounds, therefore the use of granulated superphosphate as it is impossible. When planting seedlings add 10-12 grams to each well, it will accelerate growth and increase the crop at least 10%.

Not a small item, between roots and fertilizer should be 2-3 cm of soil.For normal fruiting, the tomato also needs potassium.

But to obtain a proper effect of phosphorous-potash feeding, it is possible only with sufficient amount of nitrogen, preferably in ammonia form. Especially, nitrogen-potassium nutrition is needed by the plant since the bootonization and to the end of the fruiting. But everything should be in moderation.

The lack of potassium and nitrogen negatively affects Rosomati, tomatoes are becoming smaller. However, the oversupply of nitrogen leads to a delay in fruits and plants becomes more vulnerable to diseases. Excess nitrogen or phosphorus leads to a lack of potassium.

Excess potassium - to a lack of calcium or magnesium. On the light soils, when making potassium chloride in plants, the need for mania is growing. On the tomatoes also well affect the extraordinary feeding of microelements.

For example, spraying by boric acid positively affects the spread of pollen, fertilization, stimulates the wound and the growth of fruits. It is better to spend such feedstocks in the evening, at this time of the day the nutritious solution dries slower, and the morning dew on the leaves contributes to even greater absorption by the plant of the nutrient solution. Thanks to the manganese accelerates the assimilation of carbon dioxide, the nitrate nitrogen is better absorbed and the growth of fruits is better absorbed.

With a lack of boron and manganese, buds die away. Mined improves metabolic processes. When growing early tomato varieties in sandy soils, there may be a lack of copper and magnesium.

Tomato seedlings

The key to a good crop is strong and healthy seedlings. First of all, if the plant lags behind, white painting appears, it is necessary to hold the bird's litter (1:10) or a cow (1: 8).

By 10 liters of such a solution, add 10 grams of potassium sulfate and 15 grams of ammonium nitrate. Pour a half pack on the plant. After 8-10, the feeder repeat only with the calculation of 1 cup on 1 tomato bush.

The third feeder is carried out in two weeks with a nutrient solution: 10 liters. Water, 15 g. Potassium chloride, 15 ammonium Selitra and 20 g. Superphosphate. 2-3 days before disembarking seedlings, dry granulated superphosphate is added to the ground, 2 g. Under each bush. Sweep new land and watered.

Fertilizer tomatoes

First feeding. For 10 liters of water, add Paul Litra Korovaka, 2 microfertulus tablets, 1 tablespoon of nitroposki and the floor of a teaspoon of boric acid. Conduct this mixture in the first days of June, we pour the mixture for each bush of tomato in one liter.

Held in early July. On 10 liters of water, the floor of a cowboat, 2 microfertillers and a tablespoon of potassium sulfate.

As before the previous case, also in liter for each bush. For preventing diseases, it is recommended to water the potassium mangartan solution (5 years by 10 l. Water) on a glass for each bush. At the same time, before the start of fruiting in the ground with the calculation of 1 square meters. m. Add: 5g. Ammonium Selitra, 15-20g. Superphosphate and 4g. Potassium chloride.

During fruiting - Selitras 10 g., Superphosphate 10-15 g. It is best to apply in the form of a solution during irrigation. Required organic fertilizers such a navigation or compost, it is better to make it in the fall during a 14 kg per square. m. And the next year already planted tomatoes on this site. Because it is less responsive to directly enter the organic fertilizer of tomatoes.

A cow in the horticultural circle is called cow manure. This is one of the most accessible types of organic fertilizers that can be easily purchased in any region. Moreover, in recent years, agricultural enterprises mastered the production technologies from a cowboat of finished fertilizers, convenient for use in small areas. How to make useful feeding for plants from cow's manure and how to apply them correctly, this material tells.

Korovyak as fertilizer: general characteristics

For the benefits of a cowboat for plants, our distant ancestors knew during the time when the land was plowed on the will. Noticing that in the places where the "cakes" fell, the shoots of the thick and green, people began to scatter the manure through the fields to get a good harvest.

From a modern point of view, cow manure is traditionally considered to be organic nitrogen fertilizer, but it contains other basic elements of plant nutrition:

Looking at these numbers, you can adjust a bit of a receiving idea of \u200b\u200ba cowboy and call it a complete complex organic fertilizer.

Types of cowboat: what to choose?

Deciding to purchase a cow manure to fertilize its site, first of all you need to think about what it will be used. Korovyan is different, and much depends on the purpose of its use.

There are two main types of cow manure:

  • Underlining. This is the whole mass that is cleaned from the floor of the cows. The manure in it is mixed with straw or sawdust - the main materials that are used for the litter.
  • Unmatched.It is obtained on large complexes, where the content of cows without a litter is predominantly practiced. If the cleaning of the barn is manually, shovels, the korovyan has a thick consistency. If the excrement is washed off with water into the self-removal systems, the exit is the exit of the exit.

These types of cowboat differ from each other not only by appearance, but also composition. In particular, there is more ammonia nitrogen and less carbon in a non-political cowboy. Therefore, as a fertilizer, different types of cowboy can perform different tasks:

Cowboat comparison with similar fertilizers

Of all the types of manure, the Korovyan is most accessible. But this is not the most valuable product in terms of nutrient content:

The origin of the manure Nitrogen content,% Phosphorus content,% Potassium content,%
Pork 0,72 0,47 0,2
Ovechy 0,95 0,2 0,75
0,5-1 0,28-0,7 0,63-0,8

From this table, it can be seen that horse manure is superior to a nitrogen coward. In addition, it has a lower humidity that does not allow the rotten flora to develop in this material, and the decomposition rate is significantly higher.

From this it follows that Korovyak is not a panacea, he can find a worthy replacement among organic fertilizers of animal origin. However, being affordable and common material, it often helps dacnis.

Advantages and disadvantages of a cow

The advantages of a cowboy as fertilizers are obvious:

  • rich composition of mineral elements;
  • finding mineral elements in the form of oxides affordable plants;
  • high efficiency;
  • availability;
  • variability of application.

However, this material is not deprived of substantial flaws. The first and basic - to replenish the reserves of mineral elements in the actively used soil, the cowboy requires a lot. For clarity, you can use the following example.

In one growing season season, 1 weaving potato makes out of the soil at least 1.2 kg of nitrogen, 400 g of phosphorus and 1.8 kg of potassium. To replenish this loss, about 300 kg of cowboy will need to make it.

In many sources it is said that the Korovyan - fertilizer prolonged, and to refuel them the soil is not more often than 1 time in 3 years. But the plants are grown on the site annually, continuing to consume mineral elements from the soil. In this case, simple logic suggests that in order to avoid the exhaustion of the soil, it will take 3 times more manure - already about a ton per 1 weave or 1 bucket per 1 m 2. And this almost doubles the recommended issues of the application - 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bper 1 m 2. If they follow, the soil will still be exhausted.

All shortcomings of a cowboy as fertilizers can be summarized as follows:

  • high consumption when used;
  • large consideration of use;
  • long preparation for use;
  • risk of infection of the seeds of weed herbs;
  • the risk of making pathogenic microorganisms into the soil.

But, despite these shortcomings, the cow manure continues to be a priority fertilizer in many summer cottages.

Cultures, responsive to making a cowboat

Dachnik's commitment to cowboy explained by the high efficiency he demonstrates. Pumpkin cultures especially love this fertilizer. There is even a practice of planting zucchini, patissons and pumpkins directly to the dung heaps. And under the cucumbers often make warm beds with this material.

Almost all other plants are gratefully responded on the introduction of a manner in the soil ( see →). In a completely overwhelmed form, the korovyt becomes completely safe and useful for soil and plant fertilizer.

Tip # 1.. In no case cannot be fertilized by the non-inflexible fresh manure of bulbous cultures and root. Such feeding will provoke the dipping bulbs, the appearance of a set of sparkling, coarse and retained root crops.

Application of the soil feeder for fertilizer

The above calculation proves that the Korovyan cannot be the only source of replenishing the loss of soil elements with constant growing plants. Nevertheless, this material is superbly suitable for improving the structure of the soil and its overall state.

For the soil fertilizer most often used partially overwhelmed underlining cow manure. The fact is that the fertility of lands depends not only on the content of the standard set of nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium. Modern studies show that carbon plays a big role.

"Increasing carbon content is actually a key component of soil fertility, since carbon gives meals to microbes and helps to hold moisture, providing the best growth of cultures."

Dr. Joseph Merkol, doctor,
Propagandist "carbon agriculture"

Most of the dacities engaged in independent compost manufacturing are observed by the following effect: if there is too little rough organics in a compost pile, it will begin to wander, to rot and smell badly ( find out →). This phenomenon is associated with the ratio of carbon and nitrogen in the organic mass.

For rapid and efficiently overloading carbon, it should be greater than nitrogen. Perfect ratio - 25: 1. In the underligtaic cowboy, it is 19: 1, and in a dislicant - 10: 1. Therefore, if you make a manure to the soil without a litter, it will be a long rush in it, increasing the pH of the soil. The underlying will quickly turn on to work.

The underlining korovyan is better to put in the soil in the autumn, leaning on the rate of 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bper 1 m 2. Standard method - sealing under the poppill.

Preparation of liquid feeding from a cow

For the preparation of feeding from the cowboy, it is more convenient to use non-deficient manure. You can do this in two ways:

  1. Fast feeding.The cowboy bucket is poured by three water veins, it is well stirred and left for 4-5 hours.
  2. Concentrated feeding. The bucket of the cowboy is poured by five water veins, it is well stirred. The solution of wood ash and a tablespoon of the preparation "Baikal Em-1" is added to the solution. Capacity is covered and left for about a week. Find out →.

Fast feeding helps when it is necessary to appreciate the plants. The concentrate is preparing longer, but the content of nutrient elements is much higher.

Application of liquid feeding: deadlines and methods

Before the direct use of both types of liquid feeding are once again bred by water: fast - 5 times, concentrated - 10 times. After that, watering crops:

  • tomatoes, peppers, eggplants - 0.5 liters. under the root;
  • cucumbers, zucchini, patissons - 1 liters. under the root;
  • cabbage - 0.5 l. under the root;
  • fruit shrubs - 3 liters. under the root;
  • fruit trees - 5 liters. under the root.

The use of such feedstocks is limited to a mid-summer. Since the end of July, no plants are equipped with manure.

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) Chlorosis and other diseases. The existing opinion that watering plants in tea or coffee stimulates the growth of plants, deeply mistakenly. Also, there is little effect and vegetable oil, which, being applied to the leaves, only clogs the pores, thereby disrupting the process of respiration.
Bird litter

Accelerate abundant and long flowering of plants and have a positive effect on the embedding of floral kidney.

If the roots of the plant are only with an earthen car, but did not form felt, then the transshipment of the plant or mineral or organic feeding should be applied.

But excess copper is also extremely harmful to the plant.

With a lack of magnesium, the leaves are pale, mezzhilki chlorosis is possible, the bloom is delayed, the growth of the plant slows down.

With an excess - the plant grows hard.

Korovyak (fertilizer): Application, composition, how to cook



Nitrogen is an essential element promoting active nutrition of plants;

  • Korovyak - the most popular fertilizer in summer houses and gardeners. It can be used for feeding almost any plants. With it, it is possible to significantly increase the yield of various vegetable and fruit and berry crops. Apply it for decorative plants.
  • - Very capricious plants, but very responsive to the correct care, that is, for food and fertilizers.
  • However, referring to the experiments of authoritative Michurinsev (M.P. Arkadyev, K.V. Solovieva, etc.), I can offer the following home methods of fertilizer:

It gives an even greater effect than feeding a cow. By nutritional, bird litter exceeds the Korovyan and also does not smell. Before applying, avian litter is bred by water to a weakly mutated shade. High concentration solution can be destroyed.


Bedroom korovyak

Potash fertilizers

  • Featuring polishers are better spent in the evening. You can fertilize only healthy plants during the growth and flowering period. During the period of rest and at stopping the growth of some plants at the end of summer and autumn, the plant does not fertilize. It is also impossible to fertilize not boring, as well as sick plants.
  • Molybdenum

Cowboy unsophisticated


Dung Zhig.




Feeding bedroom plants fertilizers

Potassium is an essential element during flowering period and fruits; Phosphorus - contributing to the active appearance of young shoots and barriers;

Of course, the korovyan is a fertilizer that needs to be used correctly. In no case cannot be made in the beds, which are already growing or in the near future any plants will be planted, fresh manure. The fact is that, deciding, such a korovyan highlights a lot of heat. As a result, you can simply burn the roots of the plants. Fresh manure can be made in the soil only under the winter. For several months (until spring), he will have time to prohibit a little.

All dackets and gardeners are familiar to the fertilizer of a korovyan manure, it is using a cowboy that any vegetable and garden plants can be fertilized, but before fear the roses with a cowboy - it is better to make an infusion better. Fresh manure dilute 1 to 5 parts of water, after tightly closed and leave to wander in flow 1 to 2 weeks, periodically opening - stirring. Undercabe sugar.Although most plants cost conventional full fertilizers, still there are species that are needed by special fertilizers.

The main elements of the soil nutrition of plants.

Promote plant growth. Together with the phosphoroin-acid fertilizer, potassium has a good effect on the abundant flowering of plants and coloring flowers. For flowering plants, potash fertilizer is most often used during the attachment and development of flower kidney and when buds. Do not tolerate this fertilizer during the appearance of camellia buds and some other plants that leafy and flower kidneys appear from one sinus.

Fast growing plants fertilize more often, slowly growing - less often, female plants fertilize also rarely. It is impossible to make fertilizer when an earthen car dry. It is necessary to moisten it pre-well and then make a helpful watering.

With a lack of molybdenum on the leaves, spots appear, the edges of the leaves are twisted, the flowers are falling. With a lack of iron, chlorophyll is suspended, the leaves become light yellow (chlorosis). Potassium helps the plant to absorb carbon dioxide from the air. Potash mineral fertilizers include potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, 40% potash salt, etc. Plant fertilizers.
Magnesium - helps to increase the yield of plants, In the garden, only fertilizer prepared appropriately prepared appropriately. Corobyan is pre-kept in a pile of at least 2-3 months. Previously need to pour a peat layer on the ground. Then the cowboy layer is laying on it, then again peat, etc. It turns out a certain "puff pastry". The approximate thickness of each layer is 20 cm. Instead of peat, it is allowed to use the usual land. That is exactly this solution you can feed roses, such an infusion more contains all the necessary trace elements for nutrition, the development of roses. On a pot of diameter 10 cm 1 teaspoon of sugar sand. Sand pour on the surface of the earth before irrigated once a week. It is possible in a solution - 2 teaspoons on a glass of water, once a week. Particularly responded to the feeding with sugar cacti.
Azalea, Camellia Transmediated plants will be fed, later bloom, the underdeveloped buds die away. Cut flowers of changered plants badly hold onto the water. Now fertilizers are released in the form of insoluble powders and granules, tablets and chopsticks, as well as liquid fertilizers. Mandatory on the label should be an indication of the percentage of this fertilizer and instructions for use. Powders and granules are widely used in gardening, for open soil. In bedroom flower growing, it is better to use tablets or sticks that are immersed in the soil. But there are significant drawbacks. First, nutrients are focused in one place, secondly, if necessary, for example, with the onset of the rest period, this feeder is difficult to extract from the soil. Therefore, the most effective liquid fertilizers. The concentration of helpful watering should be weak, especially at the beginning of the growth of plants. The best action is more frequent watering with a weak solution. For most indoor flowering plants, it is recommended to make full mineral fertilizer, at least twice - during the period of bootonization or formation of floral kidney.
Treatment of seeds in solutions of microelegen Boron Potassium is especially necessary for flowers, with a lack of potassium, flowers are not formed either they are very small. With a lack of phosphorus and potassium, the leaves are yellowing from the edges and begin to gradually fall, the growth of plants is dramatically delayed. The characteristic feature of potash starvation is a light gamble over the entire surface of the sheet. In addition, with a lack of potassium, plants are easier to mushroom diseases.
Nutrients are in the soil in the form of mineral and organic compounds. Nutrients of the plant are obtained from the soil dissolved through the root system. However, it is possible to provide a certain degree of plant with nutrients and through the leaves (extractive feeding). As well as calcium, zinc, etc. From above, a bunch is covered with a layer of soil. So you can avoid the appearance of unpleasant flavors, as well as the loss of a part of nutrients.
I myself, personally grow roses - but I prefer to do without organic fertilizers, i.e. Castor Oil. And some other plants prefer acidic soil. For them, special fertilizers are produced, containing in the optimal ratio primarily nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as all the necessary trace elements.
Even now, when you can buy almost any fertilizer in the store, many household owners fertilize plants with organic fertilizers brought from giving or from the garden. Organic fertilizers improve the physical properties of the soil, increase the ability to absorb moisture, reduce the acidity of the soil, improve its aeration. Plants in the period of rest or at the end of the growth period before the rest period,
Feeding plants through the soil and through the leaves during the growth and development of plants; Boron< необходим растениям для нормальной жизнедеятельности точек роста, т.е. самых молодых частей растения.​ Sulfur
Substances excess Nailing cattle, mixed with straw, hay or peat from litter of these animals. Korovyak - fertilizer is strong enough. Therefore, even in the overwhelming form you need to use carefully. Dry fertilizer is introduced into the soil mostly in the spring, when preparing the beds. On the surface of the soil, the reworked manure is scattered with a layer of 3 cm for tomatoes, peppers and cabbage and 2 cm layer for cucumbers and zucchini, and then dripped half the bayonet shovel. Dry korovyan is sometimes used in summer as a mulch (after irrigation and loosening beds).
Before boarding the rose roots seedlings, you need to omit in the prepared special mixture of fertilizers. On a liter of water, a teaspoon of castor oil is poured and sculpt well. Fertilize during flowering and fruiting. Epiphytic Bromels and Tillandsia Underwash
Just a transplanted plant and just purchased plant (feeding no earlier than 2 weeks), Making trace elements in a mixture of organo-mineral fertilizers.

Methods for using trace elements:

  • With a lack of boron, the elimination of the top kidneys and their posture, and the young plants die.
  • The sulfur is necessary for normal growth and development of the plant. Special sulfur fertilizers do not contribute to the soil, as sulfur is contained both in dung and in the superphosphate that make in the soil.
  • Nitrogen

Peat as a litter - such a manure is characterized by an increased concentration of ammonium nitrogen, which plants are absorbed better than ordinary nitrogen.

Signs of excess minerals are as follows:

  • It does not apply it in this way only for carrots. If you feather a bed of beds under it, it will grow "lochmata." For this culture, a slightly other fertilizer is prepared - Liquid Corobyan. In the summer, when plants are already planted, other cultures are fed. To get this kind of fertilizer, you will need some large capacity. It is filled with manure to half, and then tightening warm water to the very top of the tank, covered with a lid.
  • But first, the saplings of roses are circumcised to remain 3-4 escapes with two or three kidneys on each shoot. Risen roots need to be cut to 15-20 cm.
  • Some craftsmen fertre up flowers
  • Digent water and nutrients with their leaves. Therefore, the fertilizer solution for these species should be accessible to absorb nutrients with flakes and lists of leaves. For these plants, it is better to use liquid fertilizer that does not contain any salts, as they climb pores on the leaves. It is best to purchase a helpful mixture for hydroponic cultures in the store. The nutrient solution is either poured into the rosette of the leaves, or spray the plant or immerses the entire plant in it.

When to carry out fertilizers.

- (reworked manure) - exclusively valuable fertilizer. As a handy watering, infusion is used

Sick plants, when the cause of the painful state, plants with a random root system (root rot, if the plant was strongly flooded, etc.),

It should be noted that the excess of mineral substances adversely affects plants.


With a lack of sulfur, the leaves become bright, the growth and development of the plant is suspended.

  • Nitrogen is part of complex compounds of which protein is built - the basis of living matter. Nitrogen is also part of chlorophyll playing an important role in the photosynthesis of plants. For nutrition of plants, nitrogen is used nitrogen mineral fertilizers (ammonia nitrate, ammonium sulfate) and organic fertilizers (manure or dung alive).
  • The litter of straw and hay - manure is enriched with sufficient potassium and phosphorus. These elements are necessary for development, full growth, gives stability to change air temperature.
  • This mixture is left for 1-2 weeks for fermentation. During this time, it is thoroughly mixed several times. The result is a liquid korovyan - fertilizer is unusually efficient. For watering the resulting composition needs to be divorced. There are 3-4 buckets of water on the bucket of such a concentrated clad and the beds are watered at the rate of 10 liters per square meter. If the soil is wet, the solution can be made slightly stronger.
  • And now the roots of roses are lowered into a fertilizer solution, which is preparing so

What fertilizers are:

Milk, meat

CactiKorovyaka Cacti is not recommended to feed organic fertilizers.Drooped leaves; Manganese increases hydrogenation assimilation in plants, i.e. Plays a big role in photosynthesis.Calcium

Nitrogen is especially necessary to leaves, with a lack of nitrogen, the leaves become pale-green, the growth of plants is delayed, the leaves are minor.

A solution of average consistency density, there are no extraneous peat impurities or hay. This fertilizer contains an average of 50-70% ammonia nitrogen. This solution is used to prepare a liquid cowboy, which is used as feeding fruit, garden trees and garden crops. In the fall, dry korovyan is crushed and scattered over the entire area at the rate of 4 kg per square meter. Potatoes most often fertilize a cow, using a slightly different method. When landing, they simply throw into each well on the handful of fertilizer. This will be quite enough. In the bucket put the shovel of clay and the shovel of a cowboy, we fill with water to 3/4 volumes, all thoroughly stir. OrOf the steppe zones and deserts grow slowly. Therefore, they need a small amount of nitrogen. If you adopt cactus with dung water or fertilizer for azaleas, then the accelerated growth will lead to the peel in the plant tools, the plant may die. (1 part of manure on 10 parts of water). The dung feeding contains insufficient phosphorus, so you can add supephosphate at the rate of 12-15 g per bucket of feeding. There are plants, such as plants require different fertilizer growth and development periods.

White crust on the surface of the soil and the outer wall of the ceramic pot (in areas with soft water); With a lack of manganese, low-incredible plants.Calcium is also very necessary for plants. If there is a lot of magnesium and little calcium in the solution, then the magnesium harms the plant.

Special fertilizers.

Excess nitrogen - the leaves become dark green, flowering (and ripening fruits in lemon, orange, etc.) delayed.

Liquid feeding, which is often used for periodic filtering of plants, pre-diluted with water. For the preparation of concentrated infusion from the dung, it should be placed in the container for fermentation, this process lasts about two weeks. At the end of fermentation, a working solution is prepared. For this, the concentrated liquid is bred by water (1: 2). Such feeder is poured under the roots of plants, in order to increase the effect, it is possible to add to the solution of superphosphate (10 liters of 50 g of substance). Cowber - universal fertilizer. If it is possible to use it on my garden, it is necessary to do this. Dung in any case is preferable to mineral chemical feeding. Roses properly feed the azophoska 5 grams, nitroposka 8 gamps or a complex fertilizer of 10 grams per bus aged from 3 to 6 years. Roses will flourish more magnificently if you add a half-glass of dry chicken litter and ash. All this is introduced into the soil. Fish water is the so-called homemade remedies for planting plants, if you are not a professional flowerflower or botanist, it is better not to experiment, otherwise you will bring harm to the plant much more than the benefits. Asparagus

Homemade feeding.

Nitrogen fertilizers

Dry brown spots on the leaves, dry edges of the leaves; CopperThe lack of calcium weakens the growth of the roots, the tops of the stems and young leaves die away. Especially calcium is necessary for cacti having large or multiple spines.


Korovyak - fertilizer is used according to certain rules. Fresh manure use to fertilize soil immediately before planting plants is not recommended, as it is possible to harm plants. The expansion of manure in the soil is accompanied by an increased temperature. For this reason, the Korovyan is introduced into the soil in autumn before cultivation - 4 kg per 1 m.kv; Korovoik - fertilizer, which is used by many experienced gardens and gardeners. Korovik is a natural universal means that suits practical all types of plants: vegetables, colors and garden trees, due to the fact that it enriches the soil with unique nutrients. You can, as actually, almost all plants, but you need to do this in the correct time and comply Proportions. Korolen is a fertilizer rich in nitrogen and microelenament. Nitrogen contributes to the growth of the plant to the formation of additional shoots. But the cowboy can be burned. In addition, if you feed the nitrogen fertilizers at the end of summer and in the fall, then roses are poorly prepared for wintering and can freeze. And they have good results, but this is what they say - "Gol on fiction of the cherry." Than pervert, it is easier to buy fertilizer, and what to do with it, it is written there.

So, for example, watering plants with water filled on the eggshell, it causes calcium and magnesium plants that are susceptible to the salts (who are very loved by a cowboy. It is best to smear the pot of cow cowhide with their transplant, and then fall asleep the earth. They contribute to the enhanced growth of stems and magnificent binding. With an excess of nitrogen, the plant is cursed, the growing period is lengthened, and the beginning of flowering is delayed, and the plant is easier to fall in fungal diseases. In the summer, the growth of the plant is suspended, and in the winter you can see weak, elongated stems.Copper participates in redox processes in plants, increases the stability of plants to mushroom diseases.

Is it possible to fertilize roses with a cow?



A k s i n y a

Phosphorus is part of the so-called nucleoprotein - the main component of the cell kernel. Phosphoric mineral fertilizers include superphosphate, phosphoritic flour, etc. Regular feeding of indoor plants Fertilizers should become an ordinary procedure for you, since many so-called plant diseases are caused by incorrect leaving. The most important thing that needs to be done is to abandon the fertilizers for garden plants, since calcium carbonates contained in them can cause significant harm to indoor plants.


Hello, dear readers! It can be said that the feeding of plants with organic waste of the livelihoods of cows, chickens and horses is the most ancient and well-known method of fertilizing garden and garden.

Everyone knows about him, and they use them very much.

This is a versatile agent, and it suits almost any culture as feeding. This tool increases the content of soil humus and naturally enriches the ground with nutritional elements. The versatility is that it contains a wide variety of substances that can often be collected together by using several fertilizers.

Tomatoes and Korovyak

  • Nitrogen - the content of this element is most in the so-called underlining manure. In this case, it is mixed with the straw and residues of the feed hay. Nitrogen is the most important element in the nutrition of plants.
  • Phosphorus has a positive effect on the formation of uncess.
  • Potassium is super-relaxed for tomatoes. It is vital for abundant flowering and berry tying.
  • Calcium is capable of, a kind, reincarnation. A significant part of it, obtained by plants from the substrate, is not lost, and again it is capable of entering the manure and return to the soil.
  • Magnesium is far from all types of cowboy, but it also needs a plant, because it stimulates the photosynthetic process, as it is part of the chlorophyll molecules.

This is not the entire list of useful substances in the composition, - in smaller quantities than the elements already listed, the korovyak contains also boron, molybdenum, magnesium, copper, zinc and cobalt. In this article we will deal with you, how to water the tomatoes with a cowboy, but first about what it happens at all.

What a korovyak happens

He meets three species:

  • Subtenitious
  • Unmatched
  • Dung Zhig.

The first, as I already mentioned, is a cocktail from the excrement of various cattle, in any condition, solid or liquid, mixed with a straw or peat bedding and food residues in the form of a hay. Peat has an advantage over straw in the form of ammonium nitrogen, which is easier to be absorbed by plants. But straw rich rich in potassium and phosphorus, it is used for compost and autumn sealing into the soil.

Unmatched manure is a certain liquid-shaped mixture, average yield. It is very richer by nitrogen 2-3 times than peat underlining manure. It is used for infusion or liquid fertilizer for watering and extractive feeding.

The third appearance of this feeding is absolutely liquid fertilizer with a high content of nitrogen and potassium. It applies only to well-win and significantly divorced.

Industry produces factory korovyan. This is a ready and packaged fertilizer, usually sold in half-liter bottles and replaced by half a thin manure, according to the manufacturer. It is an organic connection, with similar properties of cow's manure. It is inexpensive and very convenient, plus saves time and strength, because you don't have to carry the vest on yourself, soak and ferment the raw materials, then polish, and then keep it more carefully.

Trading and dried cow, which is faced even in tiny sachets, any convenient dosage, for example 50 grams for seedlings. But only not before landing - you can strongly burn young roots.

Cowber for tomatoes

Tomatoes are very well referring to such feeding. But it is better to apply it to tomatoes in the initial phase of their development, at the time of intense growth of the green mass of tomatoes. Then - during flowering and formation of uncess.

It is very important to know how and when you need to fertilize the tomatoes by manure, because such a rich source of vitamins and trace elements in excess can seriously harm plants.

Perfect feeding fresh raw material from autumn. It is evenly distributed in the garden immediately after removing the crop and cleaning the tops. Approximately 40 kg per 10 squares. Then the soil is drunk, stirring the substrate with the ground, thereby speeding up the process of rotting.

But the reworked korovak can be blinking in the spring, it will not burn the gentle roots of young landings and it is necessary to be much smaller, only 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bon the same ten squares, and it is 10 times less. It turns out an economical feeding.

Watering tomatoes with a solution or, rather, it is best to do in the middle of the vegetation of the tomato. The manure is stirred in water in the ratio of 1: 4 and insist in a warm place 3-4 days. Liquid korovyan needs to make a good wander to the urinary acid, which is so burning for gentle tissues of the plant. The resulting solution is divided by another 4 times and pour tomatoes under the root at the rate of 1 bucket of diluted fertilizer for 10 squares of landing.

For extra-root feeding, the tomato fertilizer is bred by water one to ten and withstand the day. After adding 1 part of the wood ash and before sunset, for three hours, spray foliage. After carrying out mandatory watering under the root.

Use manure, both in finished and fresh, it is better not to keep open at the open air. During it, useful substances will evaporate from it (nitrogen, for example). Moreover, nitrogen can exit the substrate all. It is possible to get out of the reworked manure. Nutrients are gradually, so it can be used as a long-playing fertilizer, placing directly on the beds.

The value of the cowboy is difficult to overestimate, is an absolutely natural and high-fat feed to the soil feeding and various plants.

Try only not to overestimate your own strength, energetically taucca buckets with a null bedding around the plot. Not only in the occurrence of pain in the lower back, but also for the prevention of lumbar osetochondrosis, which is suffering at least a third of the dacities, the video course of Alexandra Bonina "Secrets of a Healthy Ranger".

No medicine will help that as properly and timely executed gymnastics recommended by such a professional as Alexander.

Thank you for reading me, because it is so nice to be necessary! I will try to be always useful for you and your beds!

Good crop and see once!