How to germinate an olive bone. How to grow an olive bone

In the Mediterranean region, on the southern coast of the Crimea, in the south of Russia and in other areas with a mild climate, this evergreen plant is grown in the open soil.

In more severe climatic conditions, it can be grown in winter garden or other spacious bright room, including at home. If you choose a tree of table varieties, with proper care, the plant will be regularly fruit.

It is better and easier to purchase a seedling of olive tree. If there is no such possibility, there are other options for obtaining this plant - the shilling and sowing of seeds. If olive. At least for decorative purposes, it is possible to propagate it in a seed way.

Before sowing seeds, it is necessary to withstand in a decade-percent alkali solution for about 18 hours. This procedure is carried out in order to soften the hard shell, through which the sprouts may not break through. After that, the seeds should be rinsed, dried and cut off the secitator the sharp tip of each of them.

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Now you can proceed to sowing. Soil for sowing should be air and was produced. A mixture of equal parts of the leaf land and coarse sand with the addition of 0.5. The peat is added. You can add crushed charcoal and a bitu brick crumb. The depth of the seal is about 2 - 3 cm.

To grow an olive tree from seeds you need to have patience. Only after 2nd - 3 months will shoot sections, and all this time it is necessary to care for sowing, supporting the moderate humidity of the substrate. It is impossible to allow neither a drying, nor the overalling of the soil. Olive seeds have less than 50%. Often they do not attend or give non-visual plants that are soon dying.

Another disadvantage of seed reproduction is the later entry into the phase of fruction. For the first time to bloom and give the fruit of the plant, obtained from the bone, maybe after decades after sowing. Oliva is a long-lived, and for her this is a short time, but a person for obtaining olives such a way is definitely not suitable. Therefore, the trees grown from seeds are vaccinated using a varietal plant as a lead.

The hauling allows you to get an olive tree that will completely retain all signs of the maternal instance and will give the fruits in about 2 to 4 years after landing. For this purpose, it is necessary to take fragments of two or three-year branches with a diameter of about 3 cm. The sections need to be smeared with a garden boiler and process the growth stimulant, after which the planting material is plunged into the sand to a depth of 10 cm. Slap cuttings is better under the tilt. The drawer is preferably covered with glass or film. During the month, sleeping kidneys wake up, and the robust and future formation begins. During this period, the departing will be in spraying (not watering!) And ventilation of plants.

The optimal temperature for the bore - 20 - 25 ° C. Lighting should be good, but the direct sun at this stage should be avoided. After 2 - 4 months, when the root system of young olive is formed, they can be replaced.

With autumn planting plants go to growth just by spring. Gradually, they need to be accepted to the bright sun, which in the natural environment is an integral condition for the development of olive. With the onset of summer, the tree can be taken on the terrace or in the garden. Fresh air and sunlight will benefit them. Like most representatives of the Mediterranean Flora, the olive tree is characterized by high drought resistance. Therefore, watering should be moderate, and the convergence should be avoided. In the pot. It's a good drainage layer so that in no case the moisture has moisture in the roots. Otherwise, the precious church may die.

Another important point is the acidity of the soil. Unlike tropical species, olive prefers alkaline substrates. It does not accept acidic soils, so in the soil for adult copies should not be included peat. At home, the crown of olive tree must be formed, removing weak branches and shortening too long. The plant has a good haircut and gives a good increase over the growing season, so you can safely give it any desired form. But when growing for the sake of fruits, it should be borne in mind that the main crop is formed on last year's growth. In this case, the radical trimming should not be carried out.

Despite the time-consuming and not always the effective process of breeding, Oliva is a rather unpretentious plant. It is indifferent to the humidity of the air, it suffers well, and its rigid foliage does not represent interest for pests. Therefore, the cultivation of olive tree does not deliver special troubles. And if you provide full-fledged lighting and extra food, after a couple of years you can get fragrant flowers and useful fruits. At home, an adult olive gives up to 2 kilograms of berries.

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Silver Oliva

One day, a fierce dispute broke out between the patroness of the world of the world by Athena and God Poseidon. Antensed by the militant Poseidon, Athena with force looked his spear to the ground. From the ground immediately rose the first on the ground of Oleg (OLEA). Since the legend narrates, the olive tree has become a symbol of peace and creative labor.

Since the ancient times, the branches of the olives served as a kind of sign of the world. To this day, the symbolic image of the Maslina, along with the "Pigeon of the World" Pablo Picasso, serves as the emblem of representative forums.

Olive oil was used in hygienic purposes. They were lubricated (diminished) the skin, softening and cleaning it.

Olive tree in room conditions

What kind of tree is the noble and expensive olive and whether it is accustomed to the free air, in our rooms? In natural conditions, Oleg (Olea Europaea) and in semi-deserts, and on the rocky slopes of the mountains, and on poor sandy and saline soils - sometimes where no other tree is survived. In areas with a dry subtropical climate, it becomes a truly pioneer for mastering lands.

Mulley appeared to be sorted by silver, because its narrow dark green leaves are covered with a sly ripple. It can even be taken for some kind of willow - the large branches of olive tree are also characteristic of the curved and "wasting" tendensed above the ground. However, the leaves of the southern exota do not have anything in common with IV - they are dense and tough, because the Mediterranean sun is mercilessly, the plant has to save moisture - gentle inner tissues from the heat.

The drought resistance of the olive is striking. Here the palm palm can be compared with it. Both "love" when they are in warmth, and "legs" in the coolness: in search of a lively moisture, they deeply rush roots, which reach the level of groundwater, lying at a depth of 5-7 meters from the ground surface.

Olive Tree Care

So, the amateur of exotic plants, who wished to "domestic" by Maslin, should choose a well-lit place for her, and during the period of active growth (March - August) to abundantly water. In the fall, watering is reduced, in the winter, when the development of olives seems to be freezing, the soil in pots must be moistened twice a week and no case more often.

Although the unpretentious olives, but on the lands of nutritious and fertile, and develops much better.


Sowing seeds are carried out in nutritious, but loose and, as they say, light soil (the mixture is made of leaf and turf, sand, peat equal volumes). Large oblong oil seeds are sitting in a rig or small (5-7 cm diameters) pots to a depth of 1 cm; They germinate them at the air temperature + 20 + 24 degrees C, not allowing the oveurgement and cutting of the soil.


You can reproduce the olive tree and semi-resistive cuttings from March to April or from August to September). For this, shoots are cut on 10-12-centimeter segments that planted in a well-washed river sand in shallow boxes or plates and contain a microteplicice with a plastic film with a plastic film, where high air humidity is achieved. The first roots appear in 3-4 weeks.

Maswin cuttings are usually poorly rooted. Therefore, they are 16-20 hours are immersed by lower ends into the heteroacexin solution. It is prepared as follows: 200 mg of heteroacexin is dissolved in 10 ml of alcohol, then the container is agitated to a volume of 1 l with distilled or saturated tap water. The reproduction of cultural varieties is also vaccinated.

By the end of the first year of life, young seedlings should be translated into larger - 9 centimeters - pots, in an soil mixture consisting of three parts of the turf, one part of the sand and one part of the groundy ground. Until three to four years of age, transplants are carried out annually, more adult copies are transplanted through a couple of years.

It grows by Omlin quite slowly and for the first time blooms only for 5-8 years of life. In the sinuses of her narrow leafy leaves, brushes of small fragrant greenish-yellow flowers appear. Their fragrance resembles the fragrance of the blossomed lilac. After all, these plants are close relatives. And in the fall, our treet ripen yellowish or sisovato-black fruits - olives. In the fresh form, they are bitter, small, so they are marinated, salted, they receive very valuable olive oil (olive) oil.


In the period of active growth and development of the Maslina (February - October) systematically (once every two weeks), feeding should be carried out by solutions of mineral and informal organic fertilizers. In the summer, for better tying and fruit development, the joint introduction of a double superphosphate (in the form of an aqueous solution at a concentration of 5 g per liter) and a cowboy (its two-week infusion diluted before use of 15-20 times).

From November to February, exchange processes contained in the rooms are sharply slowed down, and they go into the relative rest state. In winter, oline should be kept in bright and cool (t \u003d +10+ 14 degrees C) rooms, stop feeding fertilizers.


Insufficient illumination, excessive watering and too high air temperature in winter - this is what can prevent olive tree in your home. If these obstacles are overcome, then you need to gain patience. After all, from most plants that we have already told, Omlin is the most "leisure": slowly grows and does not bloom soon. But it is possible to grow it all my life: the century of this small tree is surprisingly a crimson - continues, according to some nerds, 3- 4 thousand years.

How to grow an olive tree at home photo and video

Video clip on this topic. For all lovers of flowers))

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Olive tree refers to the Maslin family. In the Mediterranean, in the south of Crimea, in the southern regions of Russia and in other areas with a mild climate, this plant is grown in the open soil. In more severe conditions, it is possible to grow it in the winter garden or in a spacious bright room, including in the apartment. Dutch sorts trees with proper care will be regularly fruit.

Olive tree refers to long-livers. It grows over 500 years. In the Gethsemane Garden (Jerusalem), olive trees grow, whose age, according to scientists, reaches 2000 years. Motherland Oliva is considered Greece. According to ancient legend, the goddess of Athena sent an olive branch from which the first tree has grown on this fertile land.

Olives are a real treasure for the human body. They contain more than 100 beneficial substances. It seems that nature itself took care of the health, freshness and beauty of a person, giving him these invaluable fruits.

Olives are the easiest and most effective prevention of heart disease, vessels, gastrointestinal tract and malignant breast tumor. To achieve the necessary effect, eat enough eight olives per day or olive oil to fill salads.

Olive is the personification of deep internal cultural ties. At least, Thomas Friedman thinks so. He expressed his thoughts about globalization and cultural identity in his sensational book "Lexus and Olive Tree", published in 1999.

Oliver decorative tree

Usually, the olive home is grown not for the sake of fruits, but because of her decortive, very attractive species. Today there are many varieties of this wonderful culture that have characteristic features. For growing at home, varieties reaching no more than 2 meters in height are suitable for growing in a container.

Olive tree at home is a miniature, evergreen plant with a spherical and compact crown. Young plants have a bark of light gray color, more adults - dark. Leaves are dense, narrow, lanceal, dark green. They hold on the branches for a long time, do not fall even in winter. Every 2 years they are updated.

White flowers, small, rims, possessing a glass-like cup. Fruits are elongated-oval single-stage bustards, about three centimeters long, which have a pointed or stupid end and fleshy. The painting of the fetus can be green or dark purple, depending on the variety. The middle mass of it is 15 g.

Oliver Tree at home

Many concerns the question of whether this plant takes on the plant in our apartments? In natural conditions, the olive tree grows in semi-deserts, and on the rocky slopes of the mountains, and on saline and poor soils. Sometimes there, where no other plant can survive.

Olive tree from afar seems silver, because his dark green narrow leaves on the underside are covered with a sly rode. It is even sometimes taken for some kind of willow.

Amazing olive drought resistance. This can be compared with her, probably, the palm tree palm. Both of these wood love when they have a crown warm, and roots in coolness. In search of moisture, they strive their roots very deeply, reaching groundwater, sometimes at a depth of 5-7 meters.

Olive Tree: Care

At home, this unpretentious plant does not require complex care. He needs a well-lit "place of residence, abundant watering during the period of active growth (March-August). In the fall, watering olives are reduced, and in winter, when the plant seems to be freezing, the soil in pots moisturize no more than two times a week.


Olive tree homemade, which is easy to care for a beginner flower, is multiplied with seeds, vaccinations and cuttings. To grow a tree exclusively for decorative purposes, the plant breeds seeds.

Prepare seeds

This method is rather long, but it allows you to see the whole cycle's development cycle and guarantees its high survival rate. Before planting, they are soaked for 12 hours in the solution of caustic soda. Then they rinse them with water and plant a diameter with a diameter of no more than nine centimeters to a depth of two centimeters. The soil should be wet and nutritious. In addition, you should pay attention to the fact that the earth is loose, easy. Such a mixture consists of leaf and turf, sand, peat in equal volume. Large, oblong shapes of olive seeds plant in small (5 cm in diameter) Pots are not deeper than 1 centimeter.

First sprouts you will see after 2 months. At this time, it should be closely monitored by the soil moisture. Watering sowing is recommended as the land of the land drying and try not to allow him to disjoin it or dryness. The germination of seeds, as a rule, is 40-50%. Often, seeds do not attend or give non-visual, weak sprouts that are dying through a short time. If we grow olive seeds, then the first fruits should be expected no earlier than ten years. If you want to speed up the duration of fruiting or flowering, the grown seedlings must be instilled in varietal plants.

Surprisingly, but the olive tree at home can be grown even from the bone. True, to obtain a good result it is necessary to conduct a long preparation process.

Reproduction of cuttings

In this case, the olive tree retains all the maternal characteristics. The first fruits appear on the third, in rare cases for the second year. You need to take two or three summer branches. Their sections are carefully treated with a growth stimulator, after which the cuttings are planting in the sand for ten centimeters deep, the seedlings are covered with glass (for this purpose you can use polyethylene).

To roighten the optimal temperature - 25-27 ° C. It usually occurs within a month, after which shoots begin to appear. After 3-4 months, the root system will fully formed, and the seedling can be replaced at its permanent place in a large pot.


Olive tree, care for which is easy at home, loves good lighting, so for young plants windowsides of southern windows are suitable. Adult trees can be put in the room on any well-lit place.

In the warm season, the plant is useful to endure into the air - to the garden or on the balcony. The abundance of light during the growth of the plant and the formation of the kidneys is especially necessary. If it is not enough, Oliva will slow down growth. In winter, the tree needs additional backlight to prevent leaves falling.

The air should be heated to 18-22 ° C - it is most comfortable for this culture. During the rest (winter), the temperature should not exceed 13 ° C. Such conditions will contribute to the laying of flowering kidneys. Watering during this period is reduced, feeding in the soil is not recommended.

Olive blooming: care

During the flowering period, the plant needs more thorough care. At this time it is very important to follow the state of the soil. Watering is carried out as needed (when the upper layer of the Earth is drying). If the moisture is not enough, the leaves of the plant are faded, collapsed, and then fall. It may even lead to the death of the village.

Slightly yellowish or completely white flowers with a thin and sophisticated flavor bloom in mid-June. At home, the tree is decorated with gentle flowers for several months. The plant is pollinated by the plant and insects, but for home olive need daily shaking of branches. In self-pollination, fruits can be tized a different size, and pollination crossing significantly improves their quality and yield

Despite the fact that Oliva moves well with dry air, we recommend spraying it in a strong heat to the crown. Until four years of age, the plant needs an annual transplant. It is usually done at the beginning of spring, and it is not necessary to change the entire contents of the pot, it is enough to replace only the upper layer of the soil on more fertile and fresh.


Regular trimming will help you give the Krone Olives a ball careful shape. Conducting this procedure, remove dry and weak branches, shortening long shoots, create the desired shape. If you decide to grow an olive tree to obtain fruits, remember that the bulk of the crop appears on last year's growth. Consequently, the trimming must be carried out very carefully, in order for the next year you could rejoice in crop.

Despite the somewhat laborious process of cultivation, the olive tree is unpretentious, not prone to diseases. With regular and correct care two years after landing, you can admire the blooming olive and get a good harvest (up to 2 kg of fruits per year).


During the active growth and development of Oliva (February-October) regularly (once a fifteen days), feeding should be carried out with solutions and influenctions of organic and mineral fertilizers. For better tying and development of fruits in the summer, a double superphosphate is useful. For this purpose, an aqueous solution of a substance is used at the rate of five grams per liter of water. In addition, it may be a korovyan - a two-week infusion diluted before using 15-20 times.

From November to February, all metabolic processes are slowly slow down, and it goes into rest state. In winter, the feeding is not held.

If you set out the goal of growing a homemade olive tree, you must remember that the insufficient amount of light, excess watering and very high air temperature in the winter will not allow you to "tame" such a tree in your home. If you cope with these obstacles, then you need to gain patience, because in comparison with most plants that experienced flowers know, Oliva develops very slowly, and it blooms not too quickly. But lovers of indoor plants attracts that it is possible to grow it all life - this small tree lives, according to scientists, at least three thousand years.

Olive tree, or olive tree belongs to the olive family. In the natural environment, it is found in the form of shrubs and trees. Especially popular is European Olive. There are about sixty species of culture. The plant is from Africa, Southern Europe, Australia and South Asia. Trees have an uneven structure. Different with long branches. The life cycle of the olive tree is about 300 years. Culture belongs to long-livers. Olive tree at home can be held up to 10 years. Then you will need to fall into the open ground. Oliva produces valuable fruits. The mass of one is not more than five grams. Olive tree leaves have a gray-green shade. In the vegetative organs of the plant contains a high concentration of starch. Thanks to which the culture copes perfectly with a long drought. Olive wood painted in gray.

Home Care Nuances

For the cultivation of olive tree, it is necessary to create warm microclimatic conditions.


Olive tree prefers warm conditions. In nature, the plant can be found on brightly illuminated shores. Does not endure shaded areas.

Temperature mode

Oliva tree can withstand a decrease in temperature to - 15 degrees. With severe long frosts, the plant will perish.

During the period of active growing development, it is recommended to maintain the temperature at the level of + 18 to + 20 degrees. At the flowering stage, return freezers may affect the yield. Strong heat in combination with dry air also harms wood.


Culture speaks well to uniform moisturizing of the soil. In the spring season it is advisable to regularly water the substrate. The prolonged effect of dry soil leads to falling leaves.

In winter, the amount of irrigation should be reduced. Moisturize enough as the substrate drying. For olive trees, it is desirable to use warm soft water.

Humidity of the environment

Plant does not require special conditions. In the hot season, it is recommended to increase the level of water content in the air. To do this, it will take several times a day to spray the plant with water room temperature.

In the dry time of the year, it is advisable to spray warm water into the tree.

Features Transplant

Olive tree can survive the shift and substrate. It is not advisable to transfer to adult representatives of olive. The root tree of the tree is often damaged.

For transplanting you need to prepare a suitable place. Growing on rotten, arid soil often ends with fading. In the natural medium, the plant can be found in the rock. Therefore, it is possible to add charcoal and pieces of brick in the soil.


An olive tree must be carried out in a timely manner. The plant is often damaged by pests. Outdoors in early spring should remove affected areas.

Indoor culture can be made compact form. To do this, remove weakened shoots and long branches. The plant moves perfectly perfectly. In one growing season, the culture will give an excellent increase.

If the plant is cultivated for harvest, it is necessary to take into account the feature of the olive tree. Fruits are formed solely on the shoots of last year. Therefore, the cardinal trimming can destroy a large number of olives.

Plant on the site

Outdoors, the tree perfectly carries out and fruits in the southern part of Crimea and the Mediterranean region. In more severe conditions, the culture can be grown in a spacious room, winter garden, greenhouse or room.

Frost with - 5 degrees will damage the weakened branches of the olive tree. When - 15 degrees will die all the plant. Even with a slight decrease in temperature, there was a sharp deterioration in the taste of fruits and olive oil.

For abundant fruiting, choose the right wood varieties.

To harvest, you need to purchase garden varieties. Removed subspecies guarantee regular fruiting.

Cultivation nuances at home can be found from the video:

Growing technology


Wetlated substrate and poor soil bandwidth are the main reasons for the wilting of olive tree. It is necessary to avoid water clusters. When landing, be sure to make a thick layer of drainage.

Recove the plant from excessive precipitation can be planted on a canopy slope. It is advisable not to use a fertile substrate. An excessive amount of nutrient components causes an intensive growth of wood. As a result, the percentage of yield is reduced.

Ideal soil for growing wood should meet several requirements:

  1. good drainage;
  2. looseness;
  3. fineness.

If possible, you should fill the planting hole with a mixture of sand and sublinous soil.

How to make feeding

The shortage of nutritional components can be filled with nitrogen. The procedure should be carried out once a year. One hundred will take no more than 1.2 kg. You can land next to the olives of natural nitrogen manufacturers (legumes). In the ground is also recommended to periodically make compost.

Olive tree should be picked up nitrogen and compost.

Container growing

To breed olives in the room, first of all, it is necessary to prepare the right variety. It is advisable to purchase a dwarf culture. Capacity should initially choose quite large. Dimensions The pot must be at least 60 cm deep and width.

Be sure to do some additional high holes in the bottom of the capacity. The main enemy of olives is the constant humidity of the soil. Therefore, for the cultivation of the room tree should prepare a subline or sandy soil. Until the next irrigation, the soil should succumb to at least three centimeters depth.

Container Olive is more demanding. For the full development of indoor wood, it is necessary to regularly carry out gentle cropping. It is not recommended to allow the thickening of the main branches. It is enough to leave no more than four main branches on the tree.

Major problems and pests

Evergreen tree is particularly vulnerable to damage to pests and diseases. Black worms are the greatest danger to the plant. Excessive use of chemical protective drugs is not the best reflected on the yield of olives. Therefore, it is desirable to support the immunity of the tree by organic and mineral means.

The tree is characterized by a low threshold of resistance to pests and diseases.

The culture often damages the whiteflink and the olive mole. Outdoors embroidered buds and leaves indicate the settlement of the caterpillars.

A sudden fading of branches and leaves testifies to the infection with the verticile fading. The fungal disease is not amenable to treatment. If you do not save the evergreen tree in a timely manner of the affected areas, the plant will perish. When infected with an open area, you need to avoid a place for further landing of olives.

The influence of culture

With proper care, the cultivation of olives at home does not cause problems. It is enough to provide a full-fledged lighting and timely nutrition. After a few years, fragrant inflorescences and useful olives will appear on the tree. The container plant can produce about two kilograms of fruits.

Olive oil contains lecithin. The intolerance of the element causes an allergic reaction.
Allergies can also be crossed. People are subject to reaction to lilac, olives and jasmine genus of passenger focuses on olive oil.

Often the reaction is associated with hereditary predisposition. It is advisable to use refined oil to reduce possible manifestations.

The reproduction of Olivoz

Evergreen tree can be multiplied by seeds and stalling. The junction before sowing needs to be treated with alkali solution. The softened shell guarantees the best germination. For landing should be prepared by the Plumbaney Substrate. The mixture should contain leafy ground and coarse sand. In the soil you can also add crushed wood ash and broken bricks.

Sowing depth should not exceed three centimeters. It is important to constantly maintain the moisture of the substrate. Even freshly plane seeds have less than fifty percent of the germination. Seed olive tree is distinguished by late fruction. The first inflorescences may appear only after 10 years. The tree can be used for vaccination.

Oilseed wood can be multiplied by seeds.

Shining will ensure the preservation of all maternal varieties. Fruiting will come in 2 years. Saplings need to be placed in the soil under the slope. To create a greenhouse effect, it is desirable to prepare polyethylene. It should be regularly ventilated and spraying the cuttings. After rooting, you can transplant the olives into individual pots.

Why plant does not bloom

Evergreen tree will begin to be froning a few years after landing. The term of the first formation of fruits depends on the method of cultivation. Favorable conditions contribute to accelerated flowering.

There are varieties that, regardless of the method of breeding and care conditions, will produce fruit only ten years after planning. It is recommended to clarify all the characteristics of the planting material before purchase.

How to choose olive

The plant is sold in the form of seeds and pedigree seedlings. The average price for packaging of 5 olive olive seeds is 132 rubles. Container olive with a height of 30 cm can be bought for 1250 rubles.

Subtropical guest, long-lived, tree of life, health tree, symbol of the world, and most importantly - a source of loved ones and healthy fruits ... We are talking about olive tree. Let's try to grow this miracle from ordinary bone!

Attention! Bones of canned fruits will not sprout! For these purposes, we only take fresh!

Grow the olive tree from the bone is not easy, so you need to be patient. The main thing is to believe in success and do everything with love and inspiration, because all the plants feel the energy of the house and man, even those who are still in the infancy (in our case - in a small and very solid bone).

Create good Mediterranean conditions

To make a sword from the bone, special conditions are needed, namely:

  • the room temperature should be 18-10 ° C, as Oliva loves a mild climate;
  • the room should be bright and spacious (room or winter garden), but direct sunlight falls at the initial stage should be avoided;
  • the soil must "breathe well", that is, to be water and breathable;
  • it is necessary to prepare a soil mixture consisting of leaf land and coarse sand (in the same proportions). Add 0.5 parts of the peat;
  • it is advisable to add a small amount of charcoal to this mixture, as well as brick crumbs;
  • landing the bone is made at a depth of 2-3 cm.

We process seeds

  1. We take a not one bone, but a few. Be prepared for the fact that not all of them will germinate. We are dealing with a capricious culture (the germination of olive seeds is less than 50%).
  2. Before planting, we withstand our bones in a 10 percent alkaline solution, in order to soften the solid shell and adapt it to the earthen environment. We carry out this procedure for 16-18 hours. If not to make processing, then the sprouts do not see!
  3. Rinse the bones, the secateur cut their sharp tips.
  4. Boldly proceed to the crop of the processed material.

We expect the appearance of Rostkov

When will the long-awaited green sprouts appear? With good conditions - 2-3 months after the bone landing. Even before their appearance, it is necessary to take care of the soil, supporting its humidity, but not overflow. Both drying and excessive moisturizing can destroy seeds.

If something goes wrong, the sprouts will not appear at all or will be weak, unnaviable. In this case, do not give up and try again!


If the olive in the infancy is very sensitive, the adult tree is unpretentious, hardy. The reproduction of seeds implies the appearance of a decorative tree. If you want to reap the fruits with time, initially focus on the trees of table varieties and carefully take care of them.

Olive from the bone of blossoming and fruit begins late (unlike the tree grown by shifting), that is, only after 10-12 years you can please the flowers and berries. Oliva is a long-lived, and for her it is a normal process, but we - people do not wait to see the fruits as soon as possible. Therefore, the trees that appeared from the bones are vaccinated by attaching a varietal plant to them.

At home, olive tree can give 2 kg of fruits, and in the winter garden - 10-20 kg, depending on the number of copies and the state of the trees themselves.


Olives - source of fiber, useful vegetable oils (there is oleic acid), antioxidants (polyphenols) and mineral substances. To maintain good health, experts recommend to eat 7 olives per day.

Currently, the olives are grown around the world for both trading and personal consumption. Despite the fact that the olive tree can live more than 1000 years, he, like most other plants, requires certain conditions for growth. If you want to grow a mature olive tree from a small sprout and skillfully use various techniques that use farmers to get delicious fruits and oil, read this article.


How to create suitable conditions

    Determine whether your climate is suitable for growing olives. Olive trees are best suited to a climate with soft in winter and long dry summer. For example, olives grow well in the Mediterranean region of Europe and in the coastal valleys of California. At the same time, it is very difficult (if at all possible) to grow olives in the tropical climate.

    • If you do not take care of properly, frost can destroy many olive trees. Temperature -5 ºС is harmful to small branches, and at -10 ºС dying large branches and even whole trees. Even if the branches and trees will survive the cold, the taste of olives and the oil obtained from them can worsen. Do not attempt to grow olives if your region is subject to similar freezing.
    • Nevertheless, olive trees need a little cold. For the correct development of flowers, it is necessary to cool the cooling to about 7 ºС, although this temperature is slightly different for different varieties of olives. That is why olives are so difficult to grow in the tropics and other regions with a hot climate.
    • The flowering season should be rather dry and moderate. Olives bloom from April to June, and this period should be sufficiently dry and not too hot. Olives belong to the pollinated wind plants, so wet conditions can interfere with the tying of fruits.
  1. Check the pH level of the soil and adjust it if necessary. The soil should be moderately acidic or moderately alkaline, so that the pH level lay between 5 and 8.5. Many believe that the ideal pH level is 6.5. Check the soil acidity using a test set, which can be purchased in the store of goods for the garden and the garden. If the pH level is below 5 or above 8.5, change it.

    Look for areas with good soil drainage. Check how water affects the ground in the place where you are going to grow olive trees. Olive trees need land with a good water tap. Inspect the soil after the rain. Do not land olives in the place where puddles are formed after the rain. You can also die out in the ground a hole in a depth of 50 centimeters and pour water into it. If the water is long standing in the hole and do not soak into the soil, look for another place.

    Prefer the places where olive trees grew before. This is the best evidence that one or another area is suitable for the cultivation of olive trees. If you know that olives grew in some place before, put trees there. You can also put them near the already growing olive trees.

    • If you are familiar with other gardeners or farmers in your area, ask them - maybe they know where the olive trees have grown.
  2. Find a place that is illuminated by straight sunshine. The plot is best sustained by other trees. It should be covered with direct sunlight at least 6 hours a day. Olive trees are not suitable shady spaces.

    Drop the pit of about the same dimensions as the pot. Measure the diameter and height of the pot in which the tree is located. Drop the pit is about the same depth and diameter. There is no need to observe the dimensions with great accuracy - the pit should be about the same value as the pot so that the roots of the plant fit well.

    Get a tree from the pot and inspect the roots. Remove the olive tree together with the roots of the pot. Cut or unwrap the woven roots, but do not touch them near the tangle roots, otherwise you can damage the plant.

    Pull the pit. Use that land you got from the pit to fill it out. Cover the ball with the roots of the earth with a thickness of 2-3 centimeters. At this stage, you do not need to add fertilizer or compost to the soil. First, the tree should be made in natural soil.

    Install the drip irrigation device near the tree trunk. Drip watering will allow an olive tree with enough water. For the first year, it is necessary to establish a device of drip irrigation in the immediate vicinity of the barrel of each olive tree. Next year, these devices should be moved away from the trunks to the distance of 60 centimeters. In addition, you will need to add the second device (also at a distance of 60 centimeters from the tree trunk).

    Water trees and mulch soil straw. Water olive trees with drip watering devices.

    • Instead of coarse straw, you can use another material for mulching. For example, nitrogen and other nutrients are rich in alfalfa, soybeans or pea hay.

How to care for trees to their maturity

  1. Water and irrigate olive trees moderately and as needed. With a drip irrigation system, trees should be watered every day in the summer. Water olive trees within an hour. You can also use small sprinklers (pulverizers), which should be installed at least 60 centimeters from the tree trunk. Find sprinklers with water consumption of 2.5-5 millimeters per hour and install them between the trunks of olive trees.

    • The irrigation frequency depends on whether you are going to eat fruits or make oil from them. If you are growing fruit, water the trees more often - about once a week or in 2-3 weeks. If you are going to make oil, water the trees less often so that it is more concentrated and fragrant.
  2. Crop the trees regularly. Do not trim young trees too often. During the first four years, simply remove the side branches that grow below 1 meter. When the trees are growing, they will acquire a proper form, and it will be possible to cut the weak and unwanted branches. However, try to cut trees as little as possible in the early stages, as it can slow them down.

    Fight pests and other diseases. Like most other plants, olive trees are sometimes subjected to pest attack, especially oil-sized lodgers ( Saissetia Oleae.). If you are growing olives, you need to find a balance between natural methods and the effective protection of plants from pests and diseases. Sometimes you have to handle the trees insecticides. It is best to consult about this with professionals.

  3. With normal irrigation, olive trees give the first harvest of 2-3 times faster than in case of arid conditions. With proper care, some manages to collect the first harvest in 2-3 years after landing, although many olive trees are not fruiting up to 10 years. Remember that the cultivation of olives requires a long time. Two years after the planting of the trees, start checking if they have fruits, but remember that they can start fruiting much later.
    • Olive tree can be raised indoors in a fairly large pot.
    • Olive trees can grow up to 15 meters high, and their crown can extend to the width of about 9 meters.
    • Olive tree can be planted on the slope or terrace, but in this case it will be more difficult to care for it and collect harvest.
    • So that the fruits do not appear in unwanted places, cut the corresponding flowering branches at the beginning of summer.


    • Use a clean tool when you cut olive trees in the rainy season, otherwise, due to infection with bacteria, they may appear on them.
    • Olive trees grown in California can hit the fungal disease "Verticilliosal Wilt". Remove the sick trees and branches and do not plant trees in infected places.
    • In the Mediterranean region, olive trees may be attacked by pests such as Fruit Fruit Mediterranean and Olive Fly.
    • If you are going to make olive oil, try not to spray the trees with chemicals, as they can give oil an unpleasant smell.
    • Ripe olives become soft, so collect them with caution.

In my opinion, oliva is quite unpretentiously a plant. I raised my bonepurchased in the store. Of the five sets, only two were satisfied.

A year later, the seedlings transplanted into the pots, the plant quickly went to growth. Now I have a small bush with silver-green leaves. They live two or three years, then shook.

Change of leaves occurs, as a rule, in spring or early summer. Since olive leaves are dense and leathery, in summer the plant practically does not spray. In winter, spraying does not hurt.

My plant bloomed small yellowish-white, very fragrant flowers. In the open ground, the flowers are converted with wind, the house has to work for a tassel. The duration of the formation and ripening of fruits from the moment of pollination to full maturity is 90-100 days.

I want more grow and form olive in the form of a tree.

Here are some general rules that are used for growing olives:


The best place for Maslina is a bright illuminated windowsill on the southern or southwest side. In winter, it easily transfers the lack of light, especially under reduced temperature. In the nature of olives withstands up to -10 degrees. However, it will pump and at room temperature, but in this case will not bloom.

For laying floral kidney, +5 - +12 degrees are required. From April to September (two or three times a month), fertilizers should be made. It is desirable to alternate mineral and organic.

Watering in the summer should be regularly and quite abundant. It is important to avoid drying an earthen koma, otherwise the leaves will sweep the leaves, curl and begin to be down. After watering, the turgor is rapidly restored.

Olive trees They grow well on the basis with sufficient lime content, on the rocky-sand, strong roots allow them to grow even on the rock.

The substrate can be prepared by the river sand, the delicate and garden land (2: 1: 1) with the addition of a small amount of peat and dry smoky lime, transferred to powder (per 1 kg of land - 20-25 g).


Spank cuttingstaken from the annual growth or increase of this year, as well as root offspring, which is cut in June-July. Rooted them in wet sand, pre-processing the location of the cuts of row.

Bones germinate around two and a half months. But they have a rather low germination.

Conditions for rooting and germination: high air humidity, sufficient lighting and temperature at least +20 degrees. The plants grown from seeds bloom after 10-12 years, and from Chenkov to the fourth-fifth year.

Olive tree belongs to the family of olive. In the south of Crimea, in the Mediterranean, in the southern regions of Russia and in other regions with a mild climate, such a plant is usually grown in the open ground. But in more severe conditions, it is possible to grow it in a spacious bright room, for example, in the apartment. With proper care, the coltstear of table varieties will be regularly fruit. Consider in more detail how to plant and grow an olive tree at home.


An olive tree, which will be presented in the article, is considered to be the most ancient evergreen tree. What does it look like? Its curve trunk is strongly thickened at the bottom, and Crown is spread quite wide. Bark tree of greenish-gray or ash-gray. The leaves are small, leathery, solid, from the bottom side of silver-gray, and from the top - matte. Flowers olive tree small yellowish white flowershaving a very fragrant smell, and the flowering period lasts from April to June.

Fruits Plants - Olives or Olives containing a large amount of useful substances. Olivans include oil, which is rich in unsaturated fatty acids that bring the body is greatly beneficial. Mass of one fetus can reach 10 g. Oliva is a long-lived tree, as some varieties live more than 500 years.

In the wild, the Oliva is growing on the stony slopes of the mountains, in semi-deserts, on saline soils. Can it be grown at home? In this case, it is recommended to use dwarf varieties designed specifically for this, with no matter what kind of breeding method you will choose.

Olive trees


It is possible to grow a fruitless olive tree in three ways:

  • bone;
  • vaccination;
  • stalling.

How much time do you need to germinate bones and how to do it right? The cultivation of olives from the bone at home begins with the fact that seeds are extracted from fresh fruits And soaked at night in a 10% alkali solution. After that, they are washed with warm water and dried with a paper towel. To ease germination, you need to write a firm shell of the bone. It should be planted in the ground to a depth of 2-3 cm. Germination should be expected about 3 months at an optimal temperature mode +18 degrees.

How to propagate olive with vaccination? The olive tree sold in the store looks compact, but it has a thick trunk. Get such copies using vaccination Cherenkov to sponsors that are grown out of the bones. The cutting of cuttings is carried out from fruiting trees, so plants obtained in this way can quickly give fruit.

The reproduction of stalling begins with the fact that from the maternal tree with a slash cutting split several summer branches. The growth stimulant spray the ends of the twigs and the cuttings are lowered into the hole to a depth of 10-12 cm, so the pot requires a depth of more than 20 cm. It is best to create a greenhouse effect and for this purpose, a seedling is covered with a transparent can. Olive rooting occurs on the 4-5 week, when young leaves begin to appear. The final formation of the root system occurs after 3-4 months, after which the plant is transplanted inside the large container at a permanent place.

So that the olive tree grew well and developed, it is necessary to care for it. Here you should follow certain nuances.

Lighting and temperature

Oliva loves sunlight, so young plants are recommended to grow on southern windows. Adult trees feel good anywhere, which is well lit. In the warm time of the year, olive should be taken over to the air - to the balcony or garden. Especially the plant needs good lighting during the growth and formation of kidneys. With his lack of a tree slows down his height.

In winter, it is necessary to arrange additional lighting for him so that he does not leave the leaves.

At home, the olive tree grows well at a temperature of from 18 to 22 degrees. During wintering, a decrease in temperature to 10-12 degrees is acceptable.


When leaving olive, it is necessary to control the soil moisture, because an adult tree well tolerate drynessBut from excessive moisture, he starts to heat the roots. It is also necessary to watch young seedlings very closely so as not to overcover the proceding shoots. A sign that Olive requires moisture, are dull wreaking leaves that begin to roll and fall. In the heat, the crown should irrigate with water from the spray.


So that the olive tree grew well and develops, from March and until the middle of the summer you need to make fertilizers. It is best to use for feeding:

  • liquid concentrated fertilizer;
  • granulated fertilizer for flowers.

They should be made 2-3 times a month. It is possible to carry out extra-corner feeding - with spraying of leaves. Thanks to special tonic, the elasticity of the leaves is maintained and their growth is stimulated.


Olive tree almost never sick and standing to pests. If he starts the leaves begged, then you need to pay attention to watering and, if necessary, you should moisten the crown. Also to restore the forces you can make a complex mineral fertilizer.

Thus, olive tree is a decorative plant that can be decorated with an apartment or a garden plot. It's not too difficult to care for it, it is enough to water him in a timely manner. So that it grow well and abundantly bloom, it is important to comply with certain rules in its cultivation. Olive fruits are very valued, as they contain a large number of different vitamins and trace elements.

Olive Tree Care