How to calculate the mounting opening of the interior door. Doorway and its standard sizes

Regardless of the designation of the structure, to enter it and for communication between rooms, doors are needed and doorways necessary for them. Russian baths are no exception. And it is unlikely that in the near future humanity will come up with a different way to enter, take hygienic procedures and not lose the beneficial heat in repeated movements. The configuration and size of the doorway owners can be selected arbitrarily. However, the high costs made to order doors with non-standard dimensions convinces buying ready-made designs. So, the size of the opening in the bath under construction should correspond to the product chosen for the arrangement so that they do not subsequently come into each other.

Video on the installation of the door block in the log

Doors and opening standards

In favor of the acquisition of the door blocks made at the factory, not only an outstanding price, the voice of which will go with a soft whisper to a stirring cry when acquiring goodholders, seals and fittings.

  • Factory door blocks are fully equipped and prepared for installation. Bathholders remains only to establish them in accordance with the attached instructions.
  • Door boxes and canvases made at the factory, selected with orientation for operating conditions, will not be deformed under intensive vaporization.
  • Guarantees are provided, low-quality products can be changed without any problems.

In case of replacement during the next repair process, the standard doorway size will provide an opportunity to quickly find and buy a similar product. Yes, and the installation itself will not require superhuman efforts, nor special skill, no experience.

Differences in foreign and domestic doors

Ban owners are now given the opportunity to equip the facilities of Russian, Belarusian or Ukrainian producers or buy a door design released in the Spanish, Italian or French Factory.

The dimensions of the doors and the corresponding dimensions of the doorways GOST for the number 6629-88, slopes and dines with numbers from 18100 to 18102. The difference in the values \u200b\u200bof the width, height of doors and openings is insignificant, since all regulations are focused on the average physiological parameters of users, but about Accounting the specifics of the manufacturer's country should not be forgotten when calculating the opening:

  • The height of the door leaf usually varies around two-meter growth. It is 2000 mm ± 100 or 150 mm.
  • Width of the canvas of the factory single-handed door of domestic production from 600 to 900 mm. Foreign manufacturers for this parameter with our solidarity. Only the French produce a cloth with a width of 1 cm (89 cm, 79 cm, etc.).

The thickness of the door structures issued in the CIS is designed for the traditional power of the walls of 75 cm. To increase and decrease, special schemes have been developed. If they are not provided by the manufacturer, you will need to purchase and install a challenge.

Note that the maximum thickness of the factory door block is 128 mm. If there is no money and the desire to install additional good on the excessive "thick" walls, you can delete the opening only from the front side, and with the reverse to make a slope or install the self-adhesive asset.

It is fundamentally on the choice of door and the calculation of the opening of the thickness does not affect it. The basic height and width indicators are important, the so-called door clearance, pushing out of which the necessary values \u200b\u200bare calculated.

How to choose a width of the door lumen

If in the family of the owner or among his acquaintances there are no too reappeared people, do not get involved in wide bath doors. After all, they will not save heat as well as walls:

  • Preferred by owners of a country bathhouse The width of the door lumen of the entrance door on average 80 cm. You can and more, taking into account the need to make and change bath furniture, equipment.
  • For the arrangement of the internal partitions, there is enough doors with a width of 70 and even 60 cm.
  • In the pair, bathroom and shower, if they are, it is better to install doors with a width of 60 cm.

If it is possible, it is advisable to buy a special door from the linden for the steam room, and already in its dimensions with a scrupulous accuracy to calculate the size of the opening.

Formula for calculating openings under bath doors

In order to calculate the dimensions of the doorways, we use the simplest arithmetic. The height of the door lumen is tritely denoted by the literary in, and the width of Sh. We still need a thickness, that is, the size of a quarter of a boxer bar. Usually the side of it is 25 or 30 mm.

  • To the width of the canvas add the thickness of the right and left timber, suppose 25 mm + 25 mm. In order for the door normally function, you need to leave the gaps on the raids. For free operation, the loops must be added 2 mm, and for the lock 4 mm. More technological gaps for mounting seams will be required. On the left and left of 10 mm. Total: sh + 2 × 25 + 2 × 10 + 2 + 4 \u003d width of the opening. So, the width of the canvas need to add 76 mm.
  • To the height of the door leaf without a thoring add 10 mm. At the top except the thickness of the box of 25 mm add 3 mm and another 10 mm on the gap for the upper mounting seam. Total: in + 3 + 25 + 10 + 10. It turns out, 48 mm should be added to height. Height is calculated from the plane of the first floor.
  • To the height of the door with the threshold to add the thickness of the upper and lower box bar, 3 mm on the free operation of the door at the top and 5 mm below. Total: B + 2 × 25 + 5 + 3. It turns out that the difference between the height of the canvas and the height of the opening is 58 mm.

It is desirable that the doors in one room are on the same level, for which it is necessary to impeccably align the floors. If you plan to close the doorway, do not forget that the installation of platbands will be required for their arrangement.

Features of the formation of openings in wooden baths

They can be formed in the process of erection of crowns from a log or bar. We need a preliminary markup of the chub elements and performing additional grooves for fastening boxes. After that, it will be necessary to wait the time required for the traditional shrinkage of the wooden structure.

An hour and a half of the post-built break should be kept with any scenario. Installation of door blocks into a bath from wood is permissible only at the end of the intense shrinkage.

It is much easier to withstand the required technological break, cutting out the openings by chainsaw for precisely verified markup. When using this method, so that the crowns "do not dispersed" along the vertical axis of the wall make the groove under the installation of the reinforcing timber. The door frame is nailed to it.

Between the upper line of the doorway and the box must be left 3-5 cm, since the wooden structure will slightly settle and subsequently.

It is absolutely easy to calculate the dimensions of doors and doorways. A thoroughly knowledgeable algorithm for the installation of door blocks specials will calculate all the necessary values \u200b\u200bat the moment. Inexperienced performers are somewhat more complicated, as it is necessary to understand why you need one or another gap.

In case of error in the calculations, the opening in a wooden box is easy to fix. We need more - take advantage of the chainsaw. But to reduce too much enlightenment, carpenters recommend installing an additional box countercad.

If necessary, install the interroom door, initially needed and then purchase a canvas with a box. In stores you can meet both non-standard and classic models. You need to know what additional dimensions has a doorway for the door of 80 cm, so as not to be mistaken, purchasing the input group.

Calculate the size of the opening under the interroom door 2000 to 800 should be able to every master. The canvases made from MDF, chipboard, fiberboard, array, have a running width - 60, 70 and 80 cm (single-stove structures).

In multi-storey panel houses built in the Soviet Union, there are passes with a width of 80 to 100 cm. This is a classic option. Standard features are dimensions approved at the state level and supported by GOST. Advantages of standard dimensions:

  1. A wide variety of models. You can find the desserved product in a specialized store.
  2. Low cost and good quality.
  3. Easy installation.

If necessary, to purchase a passage system, the consumer is asked about which opening is needed for an interior door 80 cm in order not to carry out additional work when installing. To prevent errors, it is necessary, taking into account the technological gaps and the dimensions of the purchased product with the box.

How to calculate everything?

Before you begin to calculate the gabaris of the passage for interior design, you need to consider the following parameters:

  1. The width of the box.
  2. Threshold if it is.
  3. Additional decorative elements.
  4. Box thickness.
  5. Height and width of the canvas.

For the door 80 cm it is better to calculate without a threshold. Example: a cloth with a size of 2000x800 mm, the thickness of the box is 25 mm. The calculation begins with the summation of the thickness of the box and the width of the canvas. 25 mm need to take twice, as the box is installed on both sides of the passage. The resulting amount is required to add 20-40 mm. This is a technological gap required for installation work. It should turn out to be 870-890 mm - this is the width of the passage for a model of 80 cm.

Important! It is necessary to pay attention to the material used for the manufacture of interior door. When choosing an array, the thickness of the box will be greater (+20 mm).

The threshold plays a role when calculating the height of the canvas. The calculation of the height is made similarly. One times the thickness of the box is taken and if the threshold is present, its height is added.

Before installing the product, it is required to inspect the condition of the walls and correct the shortcomings. Input structures can not be fixed on the shaky elements (designs of drywall, woods are smeared by cement). When installing the coupe, the width must be more passage.

Table of standard sizes of openings

To facilitate the calculations, it is worth using the finished table of standard sizes:

Opening Pass
Height, see Width, see Height, see Width, see
205,5-206 70-71 200 60
205,5-206 80-81 200 70
205,5-206 90-91 200 80
205,5-206 100-110 200 90
205,5-206 133-134 200 120 (two sash)
205,5-206 153-154 200 140 (two sash)

Here are the parameters of the passages and input groups that can be purchased in construction stores. In this case, the range of similar products is great. Installation can be carried out independently, if you follow the instructions. If you do not have sufficient knowledge and experience, then carry out measurements and the installation process to trust the specialists.


It is recommended to carry out measurements with accurate instruments, such as a laser tape measure. It should take into account the tool errors. The number of additional costs and the scope of work will depend on the correct calculation. If the dimensions were defined correctly, the installation of the design will not cause difficulties.

Not limited to a beautiful sweaty view. In order not to overpay about half the cost for a non-standard product, we are equipped with the door opening of standard sizes.

If initially in the wall to equip the standard size of the doorway, in the future there will be no problems with the choice of a new block. It is important to consider that domestic and foreign standards are different. The difference is small, but it is better to decide in advance with the model in order not to reduce or expand the entrance to the room.

The size of the openness is always more sash dimensions. When calculating, the thickness of the box is taken into account, which varies according to the standard ranging from 15 to 40 mm. For each room, a typical door block size is used:

  • For combined bathroom as well as separate bath and toilet Capture an entrance height of 1.9-2 m, width - 550 or 600 mm. The depth is from 50 to 70 mm.
  • For kitchen Optimal envelope canvas - 2 * 0.7 m. Passage make a depth of 70 mm.
  • IN bedroom The block is suitable - 2 * 0.8 m. The depth is equipped within 70-200 mm.
  • IN hall Frequently installed bivalve structures with an increased width up to 1.2 m. They put two shutters with a width of 600 mm. A variant of one locking half is possible - 400 mm and the working main web - 800 mm.

Having a passage in the interior partition, it is necessary to consider that its size and even the depth will change after alignment of the walls with plaster or plasterboard.


The most chassis width of the single door is 60, 70, 80 cm. Less popular web width 40, 55, 90 cm. However, such dimensions also correspond to the standard and are sometimes in demand.

For sliding Systems according to the domestic standard there are minimal, as well as maximum limitations. The width of the canvas varies in the range from 60 to 120 cm.

For each standard door, the width of the Owl is calculated taking into account the thickness of the box. Additionally, the gaps needed for free opening of the sash, as well as the proper installation of the door frame. For example, if 80 cm canvas are selected, then the width of the passage will be 88.6 cm.


Comable domestic sash height standard - 2 m. Less frequent doors with a height of 1.9 m and 1.8 m, they are less in demand.

The calculation of the height of the door loan is similarly occupied by gaps. However, there is still a threshold. For example, for a two-meter sash with a frame thickness of 3 cm, the height of the proof should be 278 cm. In the absence of a threshold, it is removed one thickness - 3 cm. The indicator decreases to 248 cm.

The standard altitude is 2 m. Sometimes the manufacturer increases the parameter to 2.5 m. Holding the height of the proof for, it is similar to the technological gap between the ends of the canvas, as well as the top and bottom edge of the doorway. Additionally, take into account the thickness of the elements of the sliding system that acting the role of the frame.

Dimensions of the outlet for sliding doors


Most of all standard boxes are produced with a thickness of 7.5 cm. The value is due to the parameters of interroom partitions. If the door frame is installed in a thick wall, are additionally used. It is more difficult to solve with a thin partition. To make the box did not protrude from the wall, the frame will have to cut or remove part of the plane.

Measurement of the thickness of the passage is carried out at least three points. If the wall goes the box and thicker the box, additionally use. The bar is cut by the wedge. Cashbarns from all sides should trust the wall regardless of flaws.

Non-standard dimensions

For the doors of foreign production, the domestic standard of height, as well as the width of the doorway does not coincide. More often there are blocks with a height of 2 m plus-minus from 10 to 15 cm. Width - from 60 to 90 cm.

French standards differ from domestic door size decreased by 1 cm. If you compare two sash 90 cm wide, then the parameter in the import canvas is 89 cm.

Non-standard size of the work is often characteristic of private houses built on an independently developed project. Modern designers love to apply door loops to the ceiling. They increase the space and make it possible to create a unique design of the room. Less often encounter such options inside new buildings, where modern layout has been performed.

Under the non-standard dimensions of the interroom of the interior door, it is necessary to individually order the door block. There are firms providing such a service but the cost of the product will be overestimated by 30 percent.

Interior doors have a non-standard width and height. Dimensions depend on the installation site of the block. Usually high and wide door pastes are equipped for a hall or kitchen. For a bedroom or bathroom, the entrance makes a smaller width - from 55 to 60 cm.

Arched doorways

The dimensions of arched interior discovers depend on the architectural features of the building. Arch width can be chosen individually, and the height is limited to the ceiling. If the distance from the floor to the ceiling slabs is 2.5 m, then the arch is made by a maximum of 2.2 m. For high ceilings, 3.2 m is suitable arched construction with a height of 2.6 m.

Many manufacturers do not indicate the size of the finished arches. The technical documentation is more often registered by the permissible interval. An example serves as an arch with a maximum height of up to 2.4 m, thickness - up to 18.5 cm, and the width range varies from 79 to 150 cm.

How to measure the opening in the wall for the interior door?

To calculate the doorway, they take the size of the entire block taking into account the gaps. Free space 1 cm is left between the walls of the walls and three elements of the jet. The clearance is needed for free entry, as well as leveling it in terms of level. The threshold is installed tightly on the floor.

Holding the doorways, additionally provide free space all over the perimeter between the ends of the canvas and the inner plane of the box elements. The clearance is needed for free opening of the sash.

Example Calculation of the width of the door for the door 80 cm with a thickness of the box 40 mm looks like that:

  • We summarize two gaps of 10 mm between the wall and the box.
  • We summarize two gaps 4 and 2 mm between the ends of the sash and the inner surface of the box elements. A smaller distance of 2 mm leave from the loop side.
  • The finished results add a width of 800 mm, as well as two thickness of the frame elements. In the example given - it is 2 * 40 mm.

The result of summation showed that the width of the passage is: 10 + 10 + 4 + 2 + 800 + 40 + 40 \u003d 906 mm.

Dimensions of the patch for swing doors

The calculation of the size of the door loop for interior doors in height is performed similarly, only the presence or absence of a threshold is taken into account. From above, the free space between the wall and the box element is 10 mm. The gap between the ends of the canvas and the inside of the box is: from above - 3 mm, from below - 5 mm. Now it remains to summarize all values \u200b\u200bfor calculating the passage. If not, then one thickness of the jet is not added.

Conduct measurements of the previously used passage in the wall

If the purpose of repair is to replace the old block, the following steps are performed for measuring the doorway:

  • remove the old canvas together with the frame;
  • clean the ends of the walls from the solution and the other garbage;
  • evaluate the strength of the masonry;
  • if necessary, the passage is strengthened;
  • measurement is carried out in maximum and minimum lumen;
  • near the corners, you measure the minimum of two points to avoid skews.

The measurement result is transferred to the drawing. If it is not possible to accurately calculate the size to ensure the smooth box, they take minimum values \u200b\u200bincreased by 1 cm of the technological seam.

With independent execution of calculations and measurements of the door for the door, it will not be superfluous to the paper layout. Sketch with dimensions will help more accurately decide on the design.

When repair, it is necessary to pay due attention to installing interroom doors. Of course, there are certain standard dimensions, but in order not to destroy the wall or change the cloth already selected, it is necessary to study all the nuances. In this case, it is important to correctly calculate the size of the day, know the standard and features of different types of structures. In the modern market, you can find the products of domestic and foreign, it is important to remember that the GOSTS differ.


The parameters of the door canvase must be considered when calculating the day. Doors and box have standard dimensions approved by the state.
Table of GOST interroom cavities:

View premises SMVSOTOVA SMRUBUBIN OPERAMA SPEKUHNA702007Sanuzel, bath55-60190-2005-7komnata802007-20 Guest (double door120 (two canvases) 2007-20

If repair work was previously carried out, the walls were aligned or dismantled, the depth may not correspond to the above data.

The market offers a large selection of doors and components from domestic and foreign manufacturers. Most often, the products have a height of 200 cm, width 60, 70, 80 cm (less often 190 to 60, 70.80 cm). The thickness of the door frame begins from 15 mm and up to 45mm. Knowing the standards and dimensions of the doorway can be chosen by the optimal option. There are situations where the ignoring of the parameters ends with the expansion of the workman or the return of just the acquired canvas.

When buying a cloth of a foreign company, it is necessary to carefully carefully examine the dimensions after all their standard is somewhat different.

Doorway measurement formula

If necessary, it is not solved with the door with the door, it is necessary to take such moments in advance:

  • Wheel dimensions: height and width, thickness.
  • Dimensions of the door box: width and thickness.
  • Width of platbands.

Example of calculations:

  • Tight

Height (in DV) - 200 cm

Width (W DV) -70 cm

  • Box

Thickness (T K) - 3 cm

  • Mounting gap (MZ) -1 cm

Door unit (database) - 2 cm

  • The height of the threshold (in P) - 2 cm

The formula for calculating the width of the doorway:

Sh two + 2 * t k + MZ + 2 * database \u003d 70 + 2 * 3 + 1 + 2 * 2 \u003d 81 cm

The formula for calculating the height of the patch:

In two + in p + 2 * t k \u003d 200 + 2 + 2 * 3 \u003d 208

Conclusion: For the 200 to 70 door cloth, the doorway is required 208 per 81.

The depth of the day: standard 7.5 cm, so manufacturers make door boxes for this value. If the web has already been bought: you have to make the box individually, wider - use a good. Therefore, it is better to calculate in advance.

Algorithm for measuring the magnitude of the doorway

To correctly measure the size of the day, it is necessary to observe the sequence of actions:

  • Measure the height from the floor to the top (if the opening is not even, you need to measure in the area of \u200b\u200bnarrowing), until the middle of the platband.
  • Width - from the middle of the left to the middle of the right platband (given the narrowing).
  • The depth is measured in the upper, middle and lower part (to find the widest value itself).

A positive result depends on the measurement accuracy.

Calculation table of door openings Standard:

Width see Height see View of the room Standard
62 — 65 195 — 197 Toilet, bath 55*190
67 – 70 195 — 197 Toilet, bath 60*190
67 — 70 205 — 207 Toilet, bath 60*200
77 – 80 205 — 207 Kitchen 70*200
87 – 90 205 — 207 Room 80*200
97 – 100 205 — 207 Room 90*200
127 — 130 205 — 207 Living room (double door) 2*60*200

Box and door leaf parameters

Dimensions of the box of interroom doors must correspond to the size of the canvas, given the gaps.

The frame must be proportional to the thickness of the wall. If there is no free space using good things that overlap the lumens.

Dobor is racks around the perimeter of the box to expand the door box.

The main element still remain the doors themselves. The standard is determined by relying on such parameters:

  • Interior door height: 190-200 cm. Sometimes an individual approach is needed. When calculating it is necessary to take into account the gap between the base and the floor, so that the web is freely opened and closed.
  • Width depends on the room.
  • Thickness - different (depends on the requirements of the manufacturer), standard - 4.5.

Features of bivalve doors

For the living room, a successful solution in the interior design will be the installation of bivalve interior doors. ATTENTION, when calculating the size of the magnitude, increased twice.

As for the GOST: the standard is the width of 020 to 150 cm. This range allows you to get a comfortable full and functional design. Thickness - 4.5 cm.

Details about froze and installation:

If the discovery does not correspond to the specified value and does not give in to the extension, the following is necessary:

  • One sash is in a fixed position and is used as needed.
  • The width of this clock: 1/2 or 1/3 from the width of the standard interior door.
  • The second is a full-fledged door.

Both options have a big plus in functionality: improve the permeability: easy to enter, endure furniture.

As for the height: if it turns more than the specified standards (size: 200-210 cm) at the top, a special fixed plank is attached.

Maximum size of the canvas

The widest doors of the standard are 90 cm. Only a limited number of manufacturers produce products of such dimensions. In new buildings, such parameters of the interroom door box are not used, because the design looks ridiculous or bulky. Still, such dimensions are found:

  • In "Stalinki".
  • In offices.

The most running material for interior dimensions (and not only) is cloths: MDF.

Perhaps, little that can be changed in the repair of an apartment or a private house, without arranging global rules and without spending significant efforts or financial resources so that it has such a practical and aesthetic effect, as if you change the interior doors.

After all, whatever beautiful wallpaper or flooring, leaving the room, the last one that fixes our consciousness, is the decor and the quality of the stem (web) with its framed. Therefore, such a final barcode affects our perception of design and the coziness of the premises in general.

Marking of door products

With marking, which is a passport of the product, not everything is so unequivocal. On the one hand, there are certain guest recommendations for designations, and on the other hand, the abundance of manufacturers sometimes contributes to the common standards. It is not uncommon that the doors manufactured according to the same technologies and having visual identity can be called and marked in various ways.

To begin with, consider the state standard that no one has canceled. So on the manufacture of wooden interior doors for residential and public buildings is still valid GOST 6629-88According to which it is indicated (in order of position in marking):

Type of product: D. - door assembly, P - door leaf.

Bald type: G. - deaf ABOUT - glazed TO - glazed swinging, W. - reinforced with solid filling.

Door height with box, in dm.

Door width with box, in dm. Additional letter indexes: L. - left door, N. - with from the outlook, P - With the threshold.

Pointer of the State Standard.

for example: DG20-10l GOST 6629-88 or P19-7LN GOST 6629-88.

Despite the fact that any self-respecting manufacturer of door products still adheres to state standards, along with the official designations of models, the entrance and individual factory codes. For example, one of the Russian brands uses such identification, releasing doors with a thickness of 40 mm and a height of 2000 mm:

Model name.

Type of web. DG - deaf Dof - with milled glass, Doof - With two milled glasses.

Width of the opening, in see

Veneer color.

Direction of discovery.

For a variant of such products on the package, you can read: "Stella" dg 60 oak lion.

Ultimately, no matter how different any factory labeling from Gosban, we are more important to see the appearance, the device and operational properties of the door, about which you will need to ask in detail from the seller and carefully examine, which is attached to each product, a corporate passport with His characteristics and installation guidance.

What do you have to deal with or what do the doors come?

Doors in the apartment or country house are classified according to the following parameters:

Location in the building:

Entrance (external)

Interroom (internal)

Number of cloths:




Opening method:

Filling the door leaf:


Functional purpose:

For residential buildings

For public


By material:





The market does not allow to relax in search of a suitable model, offering a huge variety of door products. At the same time, under the clue, several main types of products can be distinguished:

Under painting

Allow to achieve a complete color combination with the surrounding design. Completed primed, fully prepared for coating with decorative interior compositions.

In this product group, it is necessary to highlight two subspecies - elite and budget orientation. The expensive segment of the doors under painting is produced for the so-called hidden editing. After installation and tinting of a similar product, only the protruding handle may testify about the presence of a passage in the wall.

Budget models can be found in many public institutions, they are also used everywhere in the "economy" repairs of apartments and as temporary options. Present textured MDF coating on a barcase brusade. Their main advantage is the lowest price among all door structures.


Enroll in the trading network ready to install. In many respects, the device resembles the previous budget class. However, the polymer film-resistant pollution is a coating that can imitate any decorative material.

Can be filled with heat and soundproofing materials: corrugated cardboard, minorvata, polyurethane foam or foam. There are models with smooth or textured surfaces, as well as with profiled linings from pressed MDF.


Are the next, higher level of quality and appearance. The basis for them, all the same frame MDF with fillers of different types. Through the bases are pasted the finest sections (0.7 mm) wood of valuable breeds - veneer, which are then vacked. As a result, it turns out a complete imitation of the product from a massive material, but with a smaller weighing and an acceptable price.

From wood arrays

Probably you should not praise the products from a fully natural material once again. In addition to all its advantages, such a door will add sophistication and comfort to any interior if you are ready to pay for its high cost. However, it is not necessary and forget that wood is very sensitive to moisture drops, therefore, for the long service of such elite products, mandatory control of the microclimate in the room is required.


Also belong to the high price segment in the market proposals of the door products. Helps in the implementation of special design sizes, and are also ideal for installation on the entrances to the bathrooms, showers, saunas and other places with high humidity. There are transparent, translucent, matte, of stained glass and with milling surface.

Metal plastic

Serve a good solution for loggia, terraces, as well as for raw rooms, like a cheap alternative to glass doors. Have excellent qualities for noise insulation and heat retention. The surfaces of the products can be laminized by films for any natural material.

About dimensions and not only. Standard dimensions of interroom doors

If you do not take into account the non-standard approaches of some private customers who have a binding of door dimensions based on subjective queries and desires, then most of the manufacturers are focused on the standard openings of typical buildings of the Soviet period. And why to reinvent the bike - from the point of view of the ergonomics of the door products, designed for the physiology of the human body, has long been invented and thought out.

At the same time, the share of individual queries (concerned about the size of products) on the market is small, therefore, it is successfully replenished by the efforts of small private manufacturers, although they are much more expensive than typical models.

The ratios of the size of door openings and doors (door frame + canvas) according to domestic SNiP. From the tables below, you can find out the doorway size for a width door, for example 80 cm.

Door sizes, mm Dimensions of the opening, mm
Width height Width Height
600*2000 680-710 2050-2070
700*2000 780-810 2050-2070
800*2000 880-910 2050-2070
900x2000. 980-1010 2050-2070
600*1900 680-710 1950-1970
550*1900 630-660 1950-1970
600+600*2000 1280-1310 2050-2070

The DIN-defined Treatment Treatment:

Door sizes, mm Dimensions of the opening, mm
Width height Width Height
600x2000. 700-740 2060-2080
700*2000 800-840 2060-2080
800x2000. 900-940 2060-2080
900x2000. 1000-1040 2060-2080
600+600*2000 1340-1400 2060-2080


The very first, speaking of the size of the doors, both swing and sliding, any of us implies the width of the canvas, which we will use daily. Somewhere you need and want to sew, but somewhere quite a narrow stem. Gosban Proven Recommendations offer the following parameters:

For bathrooms - 600 mm,

For kitchens - 700 mm,

For residential rooms - 800 mm.

If we consider real market products, then its range (with adjustment to requests for modern consumers) is somewhat wider:

For bathrooms - 550 mm and 600 mm,

For kitchens - 700 mm,

For residential rooms - 800 mm and 900 mm.

We will not unkindly forget bivalve doors, because they often emphasize the special status of living rooms or passes on the terraces. Usually they are made up of the same standard cloths in equal and unequal combinations, for example: 600+600=1200 mM. or 600+800=1400 mM.. Also for "dvs" apply and narrowed segments 400 mm - 400 + 400 \u003d 800 mm or 400 + 800 \u003d 1200 mm.

Standards height

If you repel from the domestic "classics", then it has been preserved in sentences 1900 mm and 2000 mmAlthough the European standard is often found now - 2100 mm. Higher products can be installed - 2300 mm And even under the ceiling. It is clear that such "giants" is more convenient to use in the sliding performance.

What is the cloth thicker, the better?

Is it always so? What does this parameter affect? Of course, massive thick lines perfectly emphasize the interiors of the living rooms, especially those performed in ampir styles, Baroque, Renaissance, but thin screen and sliding partitions will become an excellent accession of the passages in the storage room or dressing rooms.

The thicker, the door, it is harder (in its group of constructive solutions and the type of materials), therefore, the requirements for its attachments will be higher, it may be necessary to install additional loops, which in the aggregate will lead to the appreciation of the entire product. Therefore, the choice of canvas by the criterion of massiveness, as in other parameters, should be based on rationality and optimality.

Typical products prevailing in the market have thickness in the size range 30-40 mm. Already in this fork of parameters, most often you can meet the doors 35 mm and 40 mmas well as with intermediate values 36 mm and 38 mm.

In addition to the specified running sizes, the sliding MDF doors partitions can be completely thin - from 20 mmBut the products of the enterprises from the wood array is unlikely to be produced with a cross section of the base less 40 mm (can reach up to 50 or more for special marks). It is impossible not to note that came to private interiors relatively recently, but gaining popularity, the doors from the kalenic glass, the thickness of which starts from 8 mm.

What is not bad to know when choosing interior door?

Making frooms, for the purchase of a new door, keep in mind that he must be at least 30 mm More dimensions boxes on the upper edge and width. The installation clearance will be required to adjust the product by wedges, followed by fixing by mounting foam. Of course, this value is relevant for the correct vertical and horizontal opening.

Most boxes make thick 35 mm. Those. Product width envelope with web 800 mm will be 870 mm (+35 mm * 2). Similarly increases size in height, the truth also needs to be taken into account, there is or there is no threshold.

Thick makers better hold warm and counteract noise from adjacent rooms.

By installing the box, before installing floor coatings, carefully calculate the level of the pure surface. If the door becomes restarted to the floor, then it is very difficult to cut it on its own on its own, and it will not make a similar one with each model.

In conclusion, it can be said that the interroom door design, with the visible simplicity of the device, is quite sensitive to the installation errors. Therefore, or its installation and configuration takes away from you a lot of time, or you will have to attract narrow-profile specialists.