How to make a bar at home. How to make a home bar: options for location and interesting ideas (60 photos)

Make a beautiful mini bar with your own hands. Everyone who is still mastered something in the house: or collected furniture. Non-joiner should not take complex structures - you can create a unique zone for storing alcoholic beverages, only connecting several boards. In today's publication, the Homius edition will tell about the simple ways to create a home bar.


Minibar "Globus" - a non-trivial and interesting solution for storing and serving alcohol at home. The diameter of the ball can reach 50 cm. You can choose the suitable size for you. The easiest way to make such a storage system in the form of a globe is to use a ready-made ball and treat it with varnish.

Wooden mini-bar consists of a ball, legs and a small chest. Beautiful globe in brown shades can be searched on flea markets on the Internet. Make a globe bar with your own hands from scratch is extremely difficult, for this you need to have not only special equipment, but also the corresponding skills.

Tools that will be required when creating a product:

  • old globe;
  • three balusters;
  • plywood;
  • paint - brown, gold or silver;
  • fasteners;

To get balusters, you can disassemble old or chairs.




Minibar for home: Why is it needed

Put the bar in the apartment dreams almost every man. This item decorates, gives the living room an unusual look. It does not matter which material is used. The old globe is painted with varnish, and the new one can be artificially creating or even just leave in the same way. Bar cabinet for home is used as a storage of elite alcoholic beverages.

Bar functions:

  • the raisin in the interior is a hidden subject of furniture, in which you can safely store alcoholic drinks;
  • storage of wine bottles;
  • cooling beverages with the correct location of the cabinet;
  • storage of glasses and glasses.

So that the house looks solid, you can put a wardrobe storage cabinet in the living room. At the same time, it is not necessary to buy an expensive thing in the designer shop, you can make it with your own hands. The cabinet can have different forms: globe, cans, shelves with grooves for glasses.




How to make a mini bar do it yourself: tools and materials

To make a closet for alcohol, it is necessary to choose the material to choose. For the assembly, the treated tree may be needed, for example, ash, oak, cherry, nut and Karelian Birch. A friend or the boss will be delighted with such a gift, as a wardrobe from a natural material is distinguished by durability and stylish design. You can make a bar in the living room even from old boards, if you walk on them sandpaper and varnish.

To make a home bar with your own hands, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • varnish for coating boards;
  • metal corners;
  • solid wood boards with a thickness of at least 20 mm;
  • plywood sheets;
  • wooden bar 30 × 30 mm²;
  • details for fasteners.

Choosing wood, you need to give preference to those brushes on which there are no chips and jar.

How to make a home mini bar in a suitcase

The easiest way to choose a home bar for drinks, see furniture options presented in the photo. To keep alcohol in a beautiful closet, not necessarily buy it, you can make it yourself, acting according to the instructions.

Illustration Description of action

We take a log and cut it into equal parts, or use ready-made boards.

We divide the workpiece in half, grind the central part

Remove the boring with a construction blade

Measure the size of the bottle so that it is free to enter the future suitcase

In the center of the workpiece, we carry out a flat line and cut the tree into two parts

Attach the holder to two trained bars. To do this, scrape holes with sidewalls and fix with screws

We check whether the workpiece is tightly closed. We postpone her aside and process the remaining pieces of wood that will be used to create a lid and sidewall suitcase

We collect two blanks - the upper and lower part of the design

Purchase the bottom of both billets by velvet. Cover covers lacquer

Take leather straps and fix them in a box so that the bottle could fit

Also fix straps for three glasses

We translate the image on a skip or tight cardboard, we glue it to the base - one side of the suitcase. Collect the whole design

Edges gluculate leather stripes

Additionally, we make a loop on both sidewalls suitcase in order to close it

So that the assembly went smoothly, you need to try. Some errors can be corrected during the manufacturing process.

Article on the topic:

: Purpose and species, how to make loft style, wood construction, stone, drywall, folding bar rack, step-by-step instructions manufacturers of various types of bar racks, frequency of bar racks.

Home Mini Bar from Canisters

Before making a bar from the canister, you need to find a suitable workpiece. The most difficult task in the manufacture - cut canisters. To do this, use a circular saw. Then the product is processed so that the sections are not sharp.

Make a mini-bar from the canister with their own hands with the following tools and materials:

  • large canister at least 20 liters;
  • wood screws;
  • rubber compressor;
  • ripples, loops and cheeks;
  • one fine plywood;
  • glue for processing windscrews;
  • paint in the cylinder;
  • the primer is colorless for design processing;
  • cutters;
  • a circular saw;
  • bits and rolled.

The mini-bar from the canister is not the easiest option, so it is worth the production of the product only after a small workout, or with the experience of cutting for metal.

Desktop mini bar

To make a bar wardrobe for the living room, you need to follow a simple instruction, after selecting high-quality material. To keep the bottles to be convenient, it is recommended to do a small, mobile design.

Illustration Description of action

We cut the board on 8 equal parts

Processing the surface. The board must be smooth, without burrs

We make markup for cutout holes. Each 10 cm intersect with a section of 1.5 cm. The incision width must match the width of the board itself

Cut the holes and proceed to build construction

We collect a desktop storage box gradually. After the design is collected, the boards are covered with varnish

This version of the storage shelf fits perfectly into any interior from the classic to the loft.

Purchase mini bar in a furniture cabin or a specialized shopping center is not a problem. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of interior items. But after all, it is quite realistic to make themselves from the girlfriend, and then it will be really an exclusive thing, which you can proudly demonstrate to relatives, friends, familiar. Bookshelves, cabinets, tables, wine boxes and a lot of things, for one way or another reasons that have come out of use are fully suitable as wellness materials for the trendy interior item. At one time, throw them out a sorry, and now they will serve the service with mastic masters.

For the convenience of storing various drinks, a fridge can be built into the bedside table.

In the countryside, you can find a wheel from a cart today. For most selenics, it does not represent value, and for the master for all hands it is an exclusive find. With the help of the wheel, it is quite easy to make a homemade mini-bar in a rustic style. This subject of the interior is made in two versions: from a whole wheel or half a half. To solve any of the types of bar, it will be necessary:

  • wheel either half a half;
  • boards or furniture shield;
  • screws or screws;
  • thick wire;
  • plugs or jams on screws;
  • furniture varnish;
  • screwdriver;
  • saw or hacksaw;
  • grinding of medium grain.

From the board or furniture shield, the most ordinary table of arbitrary sizes is manufactured, the wheel is installed inside it - that's all the basic operations on the assembly of mini bar. For fastening wooden elements, screws or screws are used. Some masters prefer to apply liquid nails. Pillet or hacksaw is selected depending on the thickness of the wood. Inside the wheel fasten made from rings. Screws, whose help the thing connected, it is better to disguise - then the subject of the interior will become much more attractive to look. Saves for glasses are made of wire, but if necessary, they can be purchased at the store fittings.

Mini bar made with the use of the wheel can be made on one side and deaf. Only then should be overlapped on the plane of the wheel one of his sides with a furniture shield. Master-craftsmen, in this case, advise the use of two parallel wheels in parallel to each other. If you do things like this option, bottle holders may not be required. Two wheels located next to each other will fully cope with the role of holders. Similarly, the home bar is equipped with the use of wheel halves. It will be less in size, but it can be installed on the bedside table, a kitchen countertop or imitation of the fireplace - and the new stylish thing is ready. To emphasize a beautiful natural pattern of wooden products, they are opened with varnish, without forgetting pre-sawdowed elements of Okrush. For finishing, they use a veil, paint on a tree, whose application becomes the final stroke.

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How to stick wallpaper?

The mini bar of PVC pipes will fit very well in the High-Tech, Loft, minimalism.

Which products of the Masters craftsmen are not worried to make it from PVC pipes! Bar is easily made of polymers. Such a thing is still good because it will fit into the interior in the style of High-tech, loft, minimalism, it is useful exactly where the classic wooden interior items will look like alien elements. The mini bar from PVC can be performed very quickly, and not so many tools will be required for it. Its design usually does not provide striking holders. And for the coming work, the following tools and materials will be required:

  • hollow PVC pipes;
  • spray paint;
  • acetone;
  • universal spray primer;
  • self-adhesive bilateral tape;
  • hacksaw;
  • brush;
  • grinding of medium and fine grain.

If a mini bar is done with wheels, it can be transferred to it anywhere.

First of all, it is necessary to find a place where such an unusual bar will be installed. If there is an empty niche in the house or apartment, excellent! When niches are not, for the manufacture of mini bar take an empty shelf or bedside table.

The first measurement is the depth of mini bar. If the thing is planned to be installed in a niche, focusing in the calculations on it. Be sure to take into account the average height of bottles, which are supposed to be stored in it. Cut pipes on the necessary segments. But it is easier to do otherwise, more practical, saving my own time. When buying PVC pipes in shopping centers and shops, you can ask the seller to cut pipes on equal segments. Such a service is usually carried out for free, just do not forget to first decide on the overall size of pipes, quantity and length of segments. The edges of the pipes must be treated with a grinder of medium and shallow grain, until they become smooth. If you neglect this operation, the likelihood is great that the mini bar will turn into a constant source of injury.

Why do you need acetone? With the help of brushes, they process the surface of the pipes to remove oils from them, because they will prevent the paint evenly. Beginner masters have one common mistake - to apply the paint at once over PVC pipes. It is not right. To the painting of the pipe you need to cover the primer. Moreover, there are options of pipes when laying in layers paint - primer - paint - primer. This option is the most optimal, because then there is a durable and aesthetic coating for PVC pipes. Once paint and primer dried, you can begin to install pipes, for which the self-adhesive tape will need.

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Mini bar bedside table

The wooden bedside table mini bar also will not be difficult if you take it for it:

Mini bar from the cart from the cart is perfect for the interior in the rustic style. It is made from a whole wheel and fasten with a furniture shield.

  • bedside table;
  • wooden planks:
  • paint;
  • tool for cutting powder;
  • line;
  • simple pencil.

The door at the bedside table is not necessarily removed. If necessary, mini bar is possible from the inside at the end of the manufacture of the shelves decorated with a mirror, it is glued with any glue suitable for wooden surfaces.

Algorithm of actions Next. Place the first plank. In the middle of them they do the cut and open the paint, which must be fixed with varnish. Skump insert into each other crosswise crosswise. If necessary, the external and internal part of the bedside table is opened with varnish.

The first bars in the world appeared in the 18th century in the West of the United States. Already then the owners of the institutions put a partition that separated them from the rioty visitors. The regulators were cowboys, prospectors, travelers and just random people. In Russia, such institutions appeared closer to the 19th century and wore the name "zucchini", the owner of whose owner was called "Zemly" (the one who is behind the resistant).

In some countries there are whole streets of bars

Over the years, the bars have become widespread worldwide. Their diversity is amazing imagination: beer, non-alcoholic, sports, vegetarian, bars varieties and many others. Despite the huge selection of institutions, some owners of apartments and country cottages are equipping their own bars at home. Modern abundance of ideas and materials allow it to do even to those people who are not strong in repair. Next, we consider the accommodation options for the home bar for drinks, equipment for it and the original design ideas.

Home mini bar: location features

The idea that a bar corner must be located in a spacious apartment are common misconceptions inspired by American films. In fact, the home bar can be located in a room or room of any size, even in a conventional Khrushchev. It is necessary to embed it with the mind, but draw up with a creative approach.

In the home minibar, you can store different alcohol, and you can only make it for certain drinks: wine, beer, liqueur, etc.

Bar in the kitchen

The original corner for storing alcohol will only decorate the interior of the kitchen. For example, for the room decorated in the Loft style, you can make a homemade rack from plywood sheets. Such a product will complement the overall design of the kitchen.
It is necessary to make the bar with your own hands in accordance with the size of the room. In the spacious kitchen, you can allocate a large space for this purpose, in which the bar stand will be located, showcase, rack for bottles and shelves for glasses.

If the kitchen is small, it is better to stop your choice on small functional products, which are lockers for storing alcoholic beverages. They are an open type or with doors, beyond which, if necessary, you can hide the range of alcohol.

Another actual option for a small room is a compact mobile mini-bar, which, if necessary, to free the space, you can remove into the storage room, on the balcony or simply to move into the angle.

Bar Corner Apartment Options in the House

Compact Mobile Furniture for Wine Storage

In the living room

Increasingly there are interiors of living rooms with bar racks that divide the room into two parts. Such zoning is still used for apartments studios, where an extra wall will take a lot of space, and a small partition in the form of a rack, on the contrary, will organically fit into the design of the room.

The accommodation of the mini-bar in the hall is especially true for people who are often named to the guest house and arrange friendly meetings. If the interior of the room is made in a classic style, the bar may look like an ordinary wardrobe for things without disturbing the overall design concept.

If the living room is small, and for alcohol there is no place in the kitchen, you can make a mini-bar with your own hands in the form of a small couch. So that it does not violate the general view of the room, it must be made according to style. For the French Provence, wood furniture is suitable, painted in gentle lavender or cornflower color. And the room interior in the Art Nouveau style will complement the product, covered with skin.

In the office

A minibar in the form of an ancient globe perfectly fit into the room for work and business negotiations. If there is a fireplace in the office, you can carefully arrange bottles of alcohol. It is important to observe the condition: it is better to place high-quality expensive alcohol in the prominent place, in this case it will emphasize the taste of the owner of the house. If there is something to choose, you need to give preference to exquisite wines, luxury varieties of whiskey or rare liquors.

On the balcony

Contrary to stereotypes Bar for bottles in the apartment can be located not only in residential rooms. On the glazed balconies and loggias, the windowsills converted to the countertops are increasingly found. If you add them to a small floor fridge for drinks, it turns out a real bar with a rack. Sitting on such a balcony, you can admire the sunset, look at the night city or watch birds.

Balcony with bar rack will be a great place to stay

In other rooms

Minibar with your own hands can be made absolutely for any room. If desired, it can be placed in the bathroom, but in this case it must be made of moisture-resistant materials. It can be a small wall cabinet with a mirror, which will seem to resemble standard bathroom furniture.

In a spacious hallway, you can put a high wall stylized under the antique, on which photos, several books and wine bottles will be located. Loft corridor can be supplemented with a brutal multi-tiered metal counter. It will organically look and beer cans, and glass bottles.

Equipment for different types of minibar

For a small home bar located in the living room or in the kitchen, quite a few horizontal shelves or stands under the bottles mounted in the furniture (budget options can be found in IKEA store). With the arrangement of the wing storage space, it is important to take into account the main rule: so that the drink does not deteriorate, it needs to be kept away from sunlight. It is also necessary to ensure that there are no heat sources (stove, battery) nearby.

Great solution for small cuisine - Bar built-in furniture

Furniture and equipment for stationary minibar

If the owner of the apartment is a frequent guest of establishments with good wine, which decided to equip her bar at home, he needs to take into account the peculiar features of the drink. To preserve it, you need to acquire special lockers or other products that will allow you to keep bottles at a small angle (5 degrees), and will not pass the sunlight.

Collectors who have long been engaged in collecting elite alcohol, acquire special refrigerators for alcohol. They can even be multi-temperature intended for storing various drinks.
In general, you need to always focus on the size of the room. Corner lockers for alcohol will allow the maximum to use the area of \u200b\u200bthe small room. And in large massive racks, refrigerators and racks for glasses can be placed in a specially designated zone. This is especially true for country houses and cottages.

Mobile minibar

It may look like a two-storey rack on wheels or as a cabinet with a folding lid. The portable product is especially relevant for small rooms, where you need to save the place as much as possible. Mobile bars can be large: such furniture is very convenient and allows you to periodically make a permutation in the room.

In the photo - a mobile bar from an array of wood with bottles, glasses and a bucket for ice.

Hidden mini bar in niche

This is also an excellent way out for those who want to save space. The shelves or racks for bottles are installed in the niche, which are closed with a curtain or special partition.

The bar can be hidden not only in niche, but also on the bottom shelves of the walls, and in the hinged lockers.

Wall minibar

Such cabinets must be chosen, sticking to the style of the room. For example, a burgundy wall bar is suitable for a room decorated in gentle beige and pinkished colors. It can be made in the form of a drawer with doors or just look like a bunk shelf.

In the picture - a compact hinged shelf for wine storage

Original mini-bar design ideas do it yourself.

To make a place for storing alcohol yourself - a good idea not only because the product will be unique and the only one in its kind, but also because it will be possible to give a new life of some old thing.

From TV / H2\u003e
Old bulky electric appliance can be turned into an original minibar. To do this, disassemble it with a screwdriver and carefully pull out all the insides. The shelves or metal coasters for bottles are mounted in the TV case. Such a minibar will fit well into the interior in retro-style or loft style.

The process of manufacturing such a minibar is simple - you can cope in one day. But the result will please the owners of the house and its guests for a long time.

Minibar for home with your own hands from PVC pipes

Very non-standard option that extraordinary individuals choose. Such a minibar will fit into the interior decorated in the style of Hi-Tech. For the manufacture you will need:

  • different PVC pipes;
  • paint can
  • primer;
  • acetone;
  • sandpaper;
  • double sided tape;
  • the basis for the product (you can take the shelf to be any form: Circle, Triangle, Square);
  • hacksaw.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Tubes with hacksaw cut into the sections needed in order to sew the surface of the base.
  2. The edges are thoroughly sandwiched to a smooth state.
  3. Pipes are treated with the acet, apply primer and paint.
  4. After the products are dried, they are connected between themselves bilateral scotch and "trim" the basis.

A similar minibar can be placed in a loft or minimalist interior.

From barrel

The easiest way to make a bar with your own hands is to take a wooden barrel and just make a bottle into it. If you make a little effort, you can cut a hole in the wall and make shelves for glasses and bottles. The barrel can be put in the office or living room.

From an old suitcase

For the manufacture of such a bar, you need to take a large old suitcase extracted on a flea market or from acquaintances. It can be cut off the lid and set the horizontal shelves perpendicular to the length. And you can leave the lid and keep it off all the time, placing a suitcase on the stand. In this case, the bottles are simply compiled on the bottom of the suitcase.

Another option of a minibar, only in a modern suitcase. He can be a good gift for a holiday.

More ideas

Make a minibar can be made from virtually anything. For example, from an old piano, a player, a dressing table, a large drum and even wooden boxes. The main thing in this business is to show fantasy.

To equip a minibar at home, it is not necessary to be a designer. It is enough just to purchase furniture that will fit into the room atmosphere, or make it yourself. The only thing to consider is the features of the storage of various types of alcohol. If you do everything right, the home bar will perfectly complement the interior.

To make a mini bar with your own hands, you do not need to be recorded in the "skillful handles" circle. It is enough to use backwards and materials, and add a little imagination. Everything that is created with your own hands is always an exclusive thing that will take a worthy place in the home collection or will become an excellent gift.

Materials and tools

Home mini bar is preferable to do exclusively from natural and environmentally friendly materials. It is desirable that the original design is made from the tree. It can be a round pine, oak or horn. From the main materials you will also need:

  • genuine Leather;
  • velvet fabric;
  • piano loops;
  • decorative rivets;
  • joinery glue PVA;
  • ordinary plywood;
  • wooden plank 10 mm.

Detailed video on how to make the original and compact mini bar, you can see on our website. You will not need to study any engineering drawings or make a complex markup - everything is extremely simple and understandable.

Have you decided to create anything for your own hands or want to do a truly original gift to a friend? Then the unusual idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a home mini bar is useful as it is impossible.

To begin with, the split wooden is full on two identical parts with an ax. Then, with the reference, make the inner side of the workpiece absolutely flat. If you do not know how to do it yourself, you can attach to the creative process of a friend. One head is good, and two, as they say, better.

The width of the workpiece is desirable to plan on the bottle and add several centimeters on each side "about the supply". The edges need to be treated with a planer and adjust clearly at 90 degrees. After that, pick up the workpiece along half. This can be done with hacksaw or electric jigsaw. All irregularities need to carefully walk with the Rubank. At the next stage, marking under the piano loops. Make a mini bar do it yourself - it is not difficult at all if you follow the instructions presented in the video.