How to make homemade, handberries for well with your own hands. How to make a bob for pillars and wells make a car with your own hands

For the hosts of the household sections, garden drill is a necessary tool. Kozlotov make wells of different depths. Drilling the soil can not be everywhere - where the rocky soil is found with large inclusions of solid rocks, the boring is impossible. In soft soils made by hand bug for the Earth, with their own hands, it effectively copes with the recess of the soil of quite large depths.

The construction of fences, supports for greenhouses, the foundations of small buildings are carried out with the help of land. In places where there is no central water supply, the manual rose reach the aquifer. Immediate tools are developing cavities in the ground for the construction of reinforced concrete piles. The dumped wells are filled with reinforcement and liquid concrete, getting columnar for structures on the household plot.


In the media published many options for self-made hand-made structures. They are united by one idea - to remove the soil of a certain diameter and depth with the help of human physical force.

The handberry consists of several main parts:

  • holder (pen);
  • shaft (rod);
  • extension cords;
  • cutting head (screw);
  • scrap (peak).


The instrument's handle is a power lever, which by the help of the worker's hands, informs the rotational movement through the shaft of the cutting branch of the bora. The steel holder make the same diameter as the shaft tube. It usually looks like the letter "T". The handle is welded perpendicular to the rod. There are models where the handle is attached coaxially with several bends. On the vertical parts of the holder dress up the tubes so that the worker's hands are not frictioning the handle.


The rod is made of a plumbing pipe. The diameter of the rod happens from ½ to 1 inches. Making the shaft thicker does not make sense - it will require great effort to rotate the bora. At one end of the axis, the holder welds, and on the other hand, the cutting head is fixed with a pointed drill (peak).

Extension glands

Additional sections of the shaft allow you to increase the depth of passing the cutting head to 10-15 m. The sections are equipped with screw connections. The shaft length increase the installation of additional sections of the rod.

Cutting head

The main worker of the Bura is designed to burst the soil and pushing it up. The planes of the blades, cutting the layers of the soil, accumulate on their surface of the earth. The soil is extracted with a well-stretched device from a well to the surface.


The guide shaft can be made in the form of a large drill or sharp blade. The peak enters strictly vertically into the ground, thereby fixing the direction of the drill. Scrap produces a preliminary breaking of the soil in the center of the well, which "facilitates" cutter cutting layer.

The design of the yamobura may be somewhat different, equipped with additional devices - from this structure of the tool does not change.

Popular structures of homemade drills

From the whole mass of homemakes, the most popular models of the boots can be highlighted:

  1. Vane.
  2. Screw
  3. Spoonful.
  4. Shock.
  5. Shovel-bob.
  6. Dr. tees.


The design of the cutting unit of the vane yamobura consists of two blades welded to the shaft, the edges of the planes of which are divorced with each other by an angle of 300.

In order to make a yamobur with their own hands, the following tools and materials will be needed:


  • electric welding machine;
  • angular machine;
  • electric drill;
  • ticks;
  • roulette;
  • a hammer;
  • compass;
  • vice;
  • sharpened.


  • inch steel pipe;
  • steel sheet;
  • inch clutches;
  • inch nuts;
  • old drill Ø 30 mm or steel strip;
  • welding electrodes.

Step-by-step instruction of assembling blade bora

Prepare tools and materials perform the following actions:

    1. The abrasive circle is cutting the pipe on segments, 400 mm long and 1200 mm.
    2. On a metallic sheet with a circular circle Ø 300 mm.
    3. The circle is cut out the corner machine.
    4. In the center of the circle, a hole is drilled, which is then cleaned to Ø 33.5 mm.
    5. The circle is dressed on the shaft (pipe with a length of 1200 mm) at a distance of 50 mm from the lower end of the rod.
    6. Disk weld to the shaft.
    7. The corner type disk is cut into two halves.
    8. The shaft is clamped in vice and ticks are breeding the edges of the circle at an angle 300.
    9. The edges of the disk drain on the sharpe.
    10. The middle of the pipe, 400 mm long., Weld to the upper end of the rod.
    11. If there is no old drill of a suitable diameter, take a steel strip of 50 x 30 x 3 mm.
    12. One end of the strip is sharpened in the form of peaks, and the second side is welded to the bottom of the shaft.
    13. If it is required to drill wells in a depth of 2 meters and more, prepare extension cords of pipe segments, 1200 mm long.
    14. To one side of the segment welded a watering clutch so that half of the internal thread be free.
    15. On the other end of the cut cut the thread. It is better not to do this yourself, but to order work at Tokar.
    16. Dress up and weld the nut so that the thread remains outside.
    17. Val Bura cuts in the middle, and also arrange threaded connections.

In the manufacture of another version of the blade, they go easier by way. Take a saw blade from a circular saw and cut it in half. Two parts of the disk with a divorce of the blades by 300 are welded.

The boring will perform its work much more efficient thanks to the sharp gear edges.


Sample auger is in each kitchen. This is an inner screw in any meat grinder. Also arranged a screw burrow. The cutting head is a stretched solid spiral. The auger may consist of 2 or more turns. The design of the cutting unit has a greater productivity than the blade model.

Steel circles cut to the center. The edges are fused at an angle of 300. Then the cut discs are welded into a single spiral, the coils are welded to the shaft.


Bur-spoon is used to develop soft soils. The principle of operation of the spoonful device is based on the accumulation of the developed soil in the cylindrical body of the device. A spoonful born is made of a thick-walled pipe.

What will be its diameter, this will be the diameter of the well. A spoon when the shaft rotates accumulates the production of the production that is knocked out of the cylinder at the next removal of the device from the well.

For the manufacture of the device, you will need a set of plumbing tools and an electric welding machine.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling a spoonful bora

  1. In the pipe make a longitudinal neckline with oval riding and bottom.
  2. The edges of the cutout are sharpened.
  3. The top and bottom hole of the pipe is brewed with steels.
  4. Top pipes weld to the rod.
  5. The axis of the shaft and spoon should be shifted by 1 - 1.5 cm relative to each other. It is necessary in order to rotate the spoon when rotating the spoon.
  6. A thick drill or peak is welded to the bottom cap, as in the previous version of the bora.
  7. The split shaft is made with threaded compounds (see paddle drill).
  8. Also manufactures additional sections of the rod.
  9. All cutting surfaces need to be ordered - this will provide a long service life of the bora.


The type of construction is used only to generate wells in soft ground. The principle of operation of the Bura is that the sleeve from the pipe with the sharpened edges is driven into the soil of the force of impact or under its own weight.

Captured soil compacted in the body of the sleeve. The soil is then knocked out of the pipe and continue work - until the desired well reaches the desired depth. The drilling method is used to generate a small depth.

Step-by-step manual manufacture of shock bera

  1. Cut pipe on one side sharpened.
  2. Another hole is brewed with a circle of steel.
  3. To the top of the sleeve weld the loop.
  4. Over the place of the future well, we set a tripod from metal products or a wooden bar.
  5. To the top of the tripod fasten the cable block.
  6. Next to the construction is installed on the supports a horizontal drum with a cable.
  7. The end of the cable is set through the block and connect the shock sleeve from the loop.

Rotating the drum handle, the sleeve is raised to the maximum height. The released handle creates a condition for falling the sleeve in the well. The operation is repeated until the desired depth of production is reached.


In the garden, shovel-bee brings significant benefits. Such a device is conveniently used for the device of seating for various seedlings of trees and plants.

The shovel is cut by metal scissors in several places - to form blades. Cropped planes bend in the desired direction to get a design in the form of a vane.

Drone tees

A special type of drill device is the drows of tees. Abbreviation tees decipher as "technology of individual construction and ecology." The design was invented by the Soviet engineer Yakovlev R.N.

The bee is designed to generate cavities in the ground - for the subsequent formation of monolithic columnar foundations with an extended base.

Dr. tees is equipped with a wide ground receiver, it accumulates produced soil with small stone inclusions. When the reinforcement of the bottom of the well, a folding blade is included in the work, which, as it is lowering, expands the lateral surface of the production.

Making a bura tees do it yourself

  1. The entire length of the rod and additional sections welded metal tubes of a small diameter to pass the cable.
  2. A hinge is welded to the rod above the cutting blade to which the folding blade is mounted.
  3. Closer to the edge of the blade weld the loop, into which the cable is created. It is removed from the guide tube.
  4. The cable at the top ends the loop, the size for the capture of the employee's hand, or make a special lever.
  5. As the base is expanded, the cable is gradually released.
  6. Around the blades set the rim of the primer receiver from the steel strip.
  7. Upon completion of the expansion of the base foundation base, the bur extraction and remove the ground from the drive.


In the manufacture of a manual, the wizard proceed from its experience, the availability of this or that equipment, materials, features of the soil base and the need for sizes and depths of wells. In any case, the homemade device will cost much cheaper than the acquisition of the factory product.

When it is necessary to dug a lot of holes on the country or the household plot, many people, along the old habit, take into the hands of the shovel, but as practice shows, it is much easier to use for this meager (mechanical, electric or fuel) - a simple device allows you to cover the large volume of earthworks For relatively smaller time.

This tool is an indispensable assistant when installing fence and street lamps, and is also used in the country area and in the garden - for example, when planting cuttings of shrubs and young trees. It is easier to organize a drainage system with him and dig a well. Even the "shift" ice on winter fishing is more convenient than a screw rumble, and not a shovel.

What types of drills exist

For sale are uncompleting bears, mechanized manual (electrical and fuel models) and attachments. The most accessible and uncomplicated during operation is uncompleting. They have a small weight and compact dimensions, differ reliability and durability - due to the simplicity of the design (if desired, it is easy to make themselves).

Distinguish 3 types of earthmoving tools:

  • garden Bur - is used mainly for drilling holes for planting plants and trees, but also turns out to be useful when installing column supports;
  • auger - has an elongated cutting part, thanks to which earthmoving work occupies less time;
  • for piles tees - the design is classic, but besides the knife there is also a folding blade, with which the characteristic expansion at the bottom of the pit is formed.

Fuel and electric manual models are bribed more productivity, but require careful care and permanent "smokers" in the process of work. Fuel drills are completely mobile, while the electrical requires the presence of a source of current or a gasoline generator. Compared to mechanical boosters, electric and the benzobura are more likely fail.

Knives and fastening methods

Work parts make different shapes: Rounded, rectangular and for spiral screws (augers). Also, homemade manual boos are with removable and non-removable blades. In the first case, the steel shelves at an angle of 25-30 degrees are attached to the lower end of the rod at an angle of 25-30 degrees, and then several holes are done under fasteners (a similar operation is performed with blades).

Elements are connected using bolts or spills and nuts with washers. "Stationary" discs are simply welded to a metal rod. For a more dense fit of the already finished blades to the pipe before installing along the edges, it will pre-cut semicircular holes.

Tool performance and work quality

The performance of the manual yamobura depends on the design of the product, such as the cutting element, as well as the diameter and depth of the hole in the soil. To drill a hole with a diameter of 25-30 cm and a depth of 3 meters, it will take 2-3 hours. A manual brown is problematic to carry out labor-intensive work, but for everyday tasks it is quite good. With it, you can do up to 30 holes per day - to facilitate work, use special tripods.

If you decide to make a tool with your own hands, for cutting blades, choose only high-quality steel - in this case, the homemade will serve faithfully and the truth is not one year.

Independent manufacture of Bura

Using the usual manual or mechanized yamobur, you can quickly and gently drown holes in the soil under the planting of trees, installing pillars, etc. That's just buying expensive power tools or benzobur to perform one-time work on the site it is impractical (and sometimes a product of non-standard sizes is required). Therefore, in such situations, the handberry car for earthworks can be made by their own.

Garden drill do it yourself

First, weld the handle perpendicular to the vertical rod, which can be used by a hollow tube, steel rod or fittings. When choosing a material, consider for what tasks you make the born with your own hands. The blades are easiest to make a carbide saw disk - cut it with a grinder, and then breed two halves to the rod.

Advanced Bread for Earthworks

Take a square metal square with dimensions of 210x210 mm and a thickness of 3-4 mm, mark the center by spending two diagonals, and with the help of the calipers, you will read the circumference of the desired diameter, then cut the grinder. There will also be a trumpet by three quarters and bendix from the starter.

With a special crown or on the lathe, drill a hole under the diameter of the pipe in the circle. To the bottom of the rod, breed a steel triangle (you can use the cutting of the metal remaining from the square), and then at a distance of 10 cm from its edge, put a circle by fixing it with electrical welding. In the longitudinal section of the disk, take two cuts and break them into different directions so that the bending angle is in the range of 25-30 °. To the top of the pipe breed a bendix and a horizontal handle. Earth drill with their own hands ready.

If there is no water supply in your country house, and the water supply networks do not pass nearby, then the sound of the well or construction of the well becomes the only option. If the depth of the bombing of the aquifers is very large, and the soil is too hard, then without the brigade of the drillers with the equipment can not do. But with a shallow location of aquatic formation and relatively soft soil, you can cope with your own. To make a shallow well in soft ground, you can use homemade borrow. At the same time, the maximum depth of the well may not exceed 20 m. There are several types of drills. We will look at how to make them them. A detailed video instruction on independent drilling will help you better figure out the process.

Not always for water supply of a small country house or cottage justified the construction of an expensive artesian well. For seasonal water supply a small private house or cottage, it will be quite enough to make a shallow well on sand or well.

Among the main conditions of manual drilling can be listed:

  • groundwater occurrence at a small depth (up to 20 m);
  • as part of the soil should not be rocky rocks, that is, the manual drill can cope only with sandy and clay soils.

To make a bore for well with your own hands, you need to have at least some kind of fitting work. Using drawings and photos from the network, you can independently manufacture three types of homemade drills.

For self-fulfillment of the well or search for water for the well, two types of drilling are suitable:

  • shock-cableway;
  • rotational.

The first type of work is convenient because it does not need to use complex special devices. It is enough to make a simple drilling rig made of infirred materials. Moreover, drilling a well alone without attracting assistants.

The essence of the method of shock-rope drilling in the following:

  1. To make a well, a weighty tube with a pointed end is reset from a considerable height. It is tied by a rope to the frame.
  2. Under the severity of the pipe, the portion of the soil is separated and falls inside the device.
  3. Then the drill is again understood on the surface and from the height again dropped into the well.
  4. During drilling, the wellbore is gradually deepening, and the soil accumulates in the impact device.
  5. Having done a few shots, the pipe must be removed to the surface with a winch and clean from the accumulated soil. To do this, the product is delayed away from the well and cleaned with a heavy hammer blows.
  6. Drilling well in this way continue until they get to the aquifer at the achievement of the desired depth.

Rotationally drilling implies the use of a bera, which is crashed into the ground and raises the stream to the top during its rotation. To boot in this way, you will need two people. They must stand on the sides of the drilling rod and twist it with a metal pipe or scrap.

Such a drilling method allows you to quickly quickly make a well without using special equipment. To work, you will need only the boring required diameter, the rods to increase the length as it is gluing into the ground, pipes or scrap strlants.

For rotational drilling, one of two types of borax is usually used: spiral, spoonful. How to do them, we will look at our article further. And about how to bury well with a manual bora, you can learn from the video at the end of the article.

Making a shock bora

We will describe how to make a shock bore for a well and build a simple drilling rig. To do this, you should follow our instructions:

  1. For the beginning above the drilling site you need to make a tripog. Usually enough construction with a height of 2-3 meters.
  2. At its vertex, fix the cable block.
  3. For the lifting of the bora, we will use a film on an electric drive or with manual control. It is fed to one of the supports of the tripod.
  4. To make a manual shock drip, you need a pipe with thick walls. In this case, its diameter should be equal to the width of the wellbore.
  5. The upper end of the pipe is brewed by a thick metal strip. At the same time, in the center of this plug, it is necessary to do a hole equal to the thickness of the rope pipe used for the suspension pipe.
  6. The bottom edge of the pipe is sharpened. At the same time, you can simply sharpen the wall of the pipe, and you can make a gear cutting. To increase the strength of the shock part of the design, the sharpening is better hardening in the muffle furnace.
  7. To make it easier to remove the soil, accumulated in the drilling process, its upper part is supplied with radial holes or slots.

Tip: If you have the opportunity to install a powerful swan, then to increase the efficiency of drilling, the pipe can be additionally dried. To do this, removable steel loads are installed on its top.

Production of a spiral (screw) bora

The second name of the spiral bora is auger. Such a bore for a well is made from a pipe with thick walls, which performs the functions of a vertical rod, a carbide cutting tool in its lower part and spiral turns from Niza along the bar. For the manufacture of turns used hardened steel.

To bury well, you need to rotate the device. In this case, the cutting edge will cut through the breed, and the turns of the tempered steel will begin to push the soil to the top. Thus, the pushed soil will create additional pressure in the direction of drilling. Thus, during the work of the breed will accumulate between the turns. To increase the efficiency of drilling steer, it is necessary to periodically remove their wells and purify the turns from the accumulated soil.

The easiest option of such a bora is disk. Before making a bore for a well, you need to prepare the necessary materials:

  • pipe with thick walls;
  • a steel disk with a thickness of 0.4-0.6 cm (the diameter of the disk should be equal to the desired well width).

Work on the manufacture of disk bora, we keep in that order:

  1. The bottom of the prepared pipe must be sharpened. Sometimes the sharpened tip is welding instead. It is better to make it from tempered steel.
  2. The steel disk is cut into two halves. The outer side of the halves is sharply sharpened or the gear sharp cutting is made.
  3. Both halves of the metal disk are welded to the vertical bar. At the same time, it is necessary to retreat from the sharpened tip of 12.5 cm. Two parts of the disk are welded from different sides. At the same time, in relation to the longitudinal axis, they must be arranged at an angle of 70 degrees. As a result, the angle between the halves of the disk will be 40 degrees. Better if you consider the design of the spiral boraner in the photo on the network. So you will be clearer.
  4. At the upper end of the bar, a threaded coupling is performed. It will allow you to increase the length of the rod as the well drill.

Tip: For the manufacture of auger, you can take an ordinary steel disk, but cut into two parts disc from the circular saw. The main thing is to choose its diameter correctly so that it corresponds to the required well width.

A more difficult option for its own fulfillment is a screw boring. It is made of steel strips, which are heated and subjected to twist. And the step of neighboring turns should be equal to the width of the blade.

Production of a spoonful borax

Bur-spoon is ideal for work in soft rocks. At the same time, the dusting of the soil occurs not only in the lower, but also in the side parts of the device. The chosen soil accumulates inside the cylindrical body. When you drill a well with such a device, you will need to periodically remove it and clean from the accumulated rock.

Bur-spoon is made of a pipe with thick walls. Moreover, its diameter is selected in the width of the well. In addition, for the manufacture you will need a welding machine and a set of plumbing tools. Work on the manufacture of the Bura is in that order:

  1. In the pipe, make a longitudinal cutout. The drawing is very clearly visible how the hole should be located.
  2. Next, with the help of scrap and heavy hammer pipe, the desired profile is given (spoon).
  3. The lower and side edges of the pipe are sharpened.
  4. The drill is welded to the bottom of the structure along the center axis. It should be sufficiently thick with a diameter of at least 1.8-3.6 cm.
  5. A rod is welded to the top tip of the pipe. At the same time, its axis must be shifted towards the pipe axis by 1-1.5 cm.
  6. All cutting edges of the bora are recommended to harden.

Tip: The dimensions of the longitudinal cutout in the pipe are selected depending on the composition of the soil. The land and the roar of the soil, the smaller the cutting size.

If you need a very long boring rod, you can enter in several ways:

  • A good option is the use of threaded couplings for connecting. So, inside each segment of pipes, a thread is made corresponding to the diameter of pipes. Then the threaded clutch of the required length is made. To protect against spontaneous disconnection of elements, a pinned lock is made.
  • With small diameters of pipes, you can use a bolt and nut welded to the ends of the sections. However, this method is not very reliable due to the fragility of the welded joint.
  • The easiest and most effective method is cutting the coupling from a piece of pipe with a large diameter than the size of the rod. The coupling is then welded by the end of one section, and the other section is freely inserted into the coupling and fixed using the across the inserted bolt and the nut.

Production of too long indefinite drilling pipe complicates work. It is better to make a connector connection. To do this, it is enough to use sections with a length of 100-120 cm. So you will easily choose the required length of the drilling pipe and increase it as work.

  • To facilitate a well drilling with manual tools, you can use the venture. It allows you to facilitate the process of lifting the soil to the surface, since the breed is assembled into a special container.
  • If the manual drill does not turn out to be lifted on the surface, you can build on the elevation of the barrels or a bricken lever. Thus, the drilling process will not only be easier, but also accelerate, because the volume of the soil raised to the top can be increased.
  • To reduce the time consideration of work and accelerate the drilling process for the drilling of the drill, special devices can be used.
  • Homemade storms can be useful to you after the construction of the well. For example, with their help, you can dig a foundation under the fence columns, make the pile bases, plant plants.

About how to drill a well manually, you can learn from the proposed video:

During the construction and arrangement of the land plot, it is very often necessary to make round holes in the earth ground. Such pits are needed for light economic structures, it includes: arched structures, fences, pillars and other buildings. Even the shurta, which are made when performing a pile foundation, only smaller diameter are also performed by a manual brown.

Types of equipment

In which cases this type of equipment can be used:

  • When engineering networks are laid.
  • For a well device.
  • To install the bearing base on piles under light household buildings or other structures.
  • When installing the fence.

Types of structures and their specifications

In the past, vertical shovels were used for such purposes. Replacement came new improved uncomplicated models, which will greatly facilitate all types of work.

Several simple sets:

Simple mechanical device

It is the usual bilateral equipment with a tubular barbell, handle and cutter with 2 blades on the other side.

It is used to dig a shallow pit and a non-deep well.

Model with removable mills

It can be used for all types of work.

Auger drill

The main differences of an improved manual model is that the screw auger goes for the cutting blades. Due to several mills and detachable designs, work is performed quickly, and due to buildups, shut down to the necessary depth.

Foundation manual equipment "TISE": characteristics and manufacture

Today, in private suburban construction, it is increasingly possible to meet drilling rigs with carrying grounds. In frequent cases, individual construction stops its choice on tees, the optimal solution from the point of view of the cost to carry out work and quality of execution.

Contemporary apparatus for widespread use

The principle of work of the Bura will allow for a comfortable job:

  • The presence of sliding sections of the rod, allow you to adjust the desired depth, since the length of each part is 1.10 m.
  • The equipment is equipped with a primer, a diameter of 20.5 cm, just corresponds to the size of the holes.
  • In order for the well to be perfect vertical, a cylindrical drive is used.
  • If obstacles in the ground are formed during drilling work, the guide pin will come to the rescue, which will be responsible for the given direction during interference.
  • The screw plates and special cutters for bursting, which are located at the bottom of the receiver, are responsible for the fence of the soil.
  • The device is equipped with a campaulded blade, which is raised due to the cord, and falls under the influence of its own weight.

There are only two embodiments of the TISE Bura, which differ from each other with a cumulative device.

Dr. Tiese: Manual assembly in several versions

Drive, made independently, can be represented as 2 different equipment: one model with extension, the other is designed for drilling, a simpler design.

Manual assembly for drilling work, without expansion:

  • It will take 2 pieces of a conventional water pipe (diameter 210mm and 150 mm long).
  • At one end of the pipe is brewed, on another, a removable chamfer.
  • A thick drill and auger is mounted in the center.

For a telescopic rod, 2 pipes will be needed (250x250 mm and 200x200). This design can cope with the drilling of complex soil to 100 mm, and the wall of the glass will be perfect smooth.

After watching the video review, you can deal more in the assembly of equipment and in principle of its work:

To prevent the soil sticking to the walls of the well, you can apply machine oil.

Build device for expansion:

  • This device has a more complex structure. For a glass, a pipe, a diameter of 210 mm and a length of 800 mm is used.
  • The second glass is made in diameter by 50 mm less.
  • Further, the chamfer and the bottom, which performs the function of the storage for the soil, the holes are made there.
  • The center is attached to the rod from the pipe 200x200 mm with a diameter and 100 cm long, where the device is mounted from the bearings.
  • Then it will take a steel corner, 250 mm long, connect it with a sleeve. With a bolt to 2 cm weld to the dead bar (the design resembles a door loop).
  • №21 Device with expansion
  • A tube 250x250 mm is mounted on the bar, and the sleeve with a bolt is welded to the lower part, which is mounted on 2nd corners and is connected to the first.
  • Thus, we obtain a moving device.
  • In completion, we screw the blade of the shovel, visually resembling a simple plow for clearance.

Conceptual drawing of manual assembly

Mechanical manual equipment for pillars, application, quality of work

Among the multitude of models, you want to allocate one of the universal drilling devices, land. The equipment is intended for a wide range of tasks. It is used both in the professional field and for individual construction.

With the help of equipment, you can perform the following types of work:

  1. Erections of fences.
  2. Preparatory work for foundation supports.
  3. For the construction of drainage wells.
  4. Planting trees and plants.

The device can also be used for laying communications, i.e. for horizontal drilling.

This is the collapsible equipment, easy, durable and convenient for transportation. To work with earthbone, it will not be necessary to special physical training, with all kinds of work you can cope on your own, without assistance.

Types of structures for pillars

Equipment provides several varieties that differ in functional features and parameters.

We highlight three groups:

  1. "Yamobura" household without a motor, work is done using the operator.
  2. Equipment that work on gasoline or motor.
  3. Hinged structures operate only with the help of special equipment.

Manual yamobura without a motor

The compactness of the model is convenient to operate and transport. Thanks to the equipment, you can simply install a lightweight wooden fence or just dig a hole under the well.

The design looks like this:

  • A simple handle of the letter "T".
  • Rod with built-in knife.

Manual models are made of different sizes, there are also collapsible, which is very important when transporting. The holes are made with a diameter of up to 300 mm and a depth of 2 m.

Mechanized models

This is a simple equipment with an electric drive on the motor. There are also models on gasoline. The tool allows you to make enough deep holes up to 3 m.

Drilling or hinged installations

This model is designed for drilling a well-diameter well. Just go to install electric pillars and serious fences, for example, airports or industrial enterprises.

How to make a manual boring alone

Among a few know that the manufacture of a manual drill can be performed at home. It will take detailed instructions and the presence of the necessary tools and materials.

The provided model is not suitable for complex works with rocky clay.

Preparing the necessary materials for the manufacture

For the manufacture of equipment, it will be necessary:

  1. Vice.
  2. Gas keys.
  3. Bulgarian with a nozzle for metal.
  4. Welding.
  5. Electric drill.
  6. Plashholder.

Step-by-step assembly instructions

Processing pipe

We take a pipe cut, with a diameter of 5 cm and make an oval edge.

Pen Bura

Prepare a place for the handle of the bora. We weld to the oval side of the metal cut for the handle of the bora.

Mount the nut

A nut is welded with a diameter of 5 cm.

We screw both ends of the pipe. On the one hand, we weld the tip on the pipe, on the other bolt and fasten each other. Drive discs in half.

Mounting disk

2 halves of the disk are welded at an angle of 40 degrees to each other to the edge of the pipe. The second half of the larger diameter is welded similarly above the first at a distance of 10 mm.

Twisting both parts together. We get a hand bug.

After all works, you need to perform trial drilling and only after that it can be prepared for paint. It will take no more than 2.5 hours for the manufacture of this model.

By choosing the desired tool for yourself, it is better to use some recommendations that will help make the right choice, saving time:

  1. When choosing, pay attention to the spiral, the speed of work depends on this part.
  2. If drilling of small sizes is envisaged, then a cantell spiral can be used.
  3. When buying, pay attention to the speed of the equipment. During drilling work, the instruction should be strictly followed so that the tool does not fail quickly.
  4. If you are standing before choosing a manual drill for more serious works, it is better to stop your view on the model with a screw.
  5. Working with a manual device, for you will be too tiring. It is necessary for the bur away the land from the drilling site, which will greatly facilitate your efforts.

For more detailed information, as an example of the work of one of the types of devices, we recommend to familiarize yourself with the video material, how to independently drill the well by the shock-cable method.

Video Review will explain to everyone as competently you can drill a hole manually. Practical advice will help you choose the best option and seriously approach the choice of equipment you need.

Absolutely, the master of the land plot at least once came across the need to dig holes for pillars and various supports for registration of the appearance of the site. It happens that you need to do a narrow well in a not very convenient place. A simple shovel will be difficult to cope, and you will have to take from familiar to use the manual drill under the pillars or even cause a specialist who is cleverly controlled with the tool.

Design of manual bora

Garden Bouring is a very useful device for any summer house.. It is very compact, comfortable and easy to use. As a rule, it is made of solid metal. He is without effort split into pieces of small stones and rhizomes of plants.

With the help of such a device with ease, you can dig a hole by rotating it around its axis as a corkscrew.

The main purpose of the Bura is digging holes for pillars. Small wells make the cutting part of the device, which can be a variety of shape:

  • Two-blade;
  • In the form of semi-tricks;
  • Screw-like;
  • Multi-tier;
  • Whole or removable.

There are models that begin with small blades, and their upper part gradually increased to large sizes. The factory drill is functional and effective in all situations, because the tool simply will not be able to embed into the soil on the desired depth, or its nozzles will not be the diameter that is required.

Although the cost of the factory boraner for pillars is relatively democratic, it is quite possible to make a useful tool independently, and at the same time it will meet all the necessary requirements. The technology of making a borah is very simple, and it will be much cheaper than the factory. You just need to decide on the parameters of the product.

We will examine several different designs that are responsible for the efficiency and functionality of the bora:

Materials and tools

In order to make a manual car for pillars, as a rule, no particular effort. But the master needs materials and components to create a product.

List of necessary parts:

  • Nut and bolt M20;
  • Disks with a diameter of 100-150 mm - 2 pieces;
  • Tip drill (20 mm in diameter);
  • Segments of the metal pipe: two 500 mm and one 400 mm. The wall thickness must be 3.5 mm, the outer diameter is 40 mm.

The thickness of the wall of the metal pipe must be just such that the finished product is durable and could work with any, even a rather solid soil. Circular discs can be taken from a circular saw or make them with your own hands. For homemade disks, metal sheets are needed with a thickness of at least 3 mm.

Of tools When creating the product, you will need:

  • bulgarian;
  • a hammer;
  • welding machine;
  • drill;
  • metal drills;
  • sharpener for blades.

If there is no tip with a drill, then you can replace it with a drill with a shank in the form of a cone. Its diameter must be the corresponding thumbnager. In order to avoid injury, it is recommended to use soft knobs from a bike.

Step-by-step making Bura

On a metal sheet, draw a circle, noting the center. It will be a blade. Further, this circle needs to be cut with a grinder, and then apply the cut line, which passes along the diameter line. Then we apply the line of the cutout, which must match the circle turning. The resulting disk should be divided into two parts and cut holes for the gates.

At the end of the pipe, which will act as a turn, the grinder cut the four longitudinal lines, 3-4 cm long. After that, they need to form the tire with the help of a hammer, while you need to collect laid out of the center of the pipe. The resulting edge should be treated with welding and make sure that the gates in the process of work is not clogged by the soil.

The next step will be the compound with a disc with a welding. This is done at a distance between them in 5 cm and at an angle to the plane of rotation of 20 degrees.

Next, proceed to the extension tube, which should be equipped with a handle. This item needs to be accepted by the letter "T" and be sure to weld the amplifiers to it in the form of "Kosinki". The workpiece is done in the gorog, and the hole is done through them so that the parts can be made on the part. Such holes need to do a few pieces in order to be able to adjust the length of the product.

The work ends with sharpening blades. The edge of the cutter needs to be treated in such a way that when the blade is rotated, the blade is directed down.

Protective covering

To avoid the occurrence of rust on the details of the homemade drill for pillars, you need to carefully clean them emery paper and treat primer and phosphating solution. After such processing, the finished product can be painted.

When operating the device, after each application, disassemble it and clean all the compounds from dust and dirt, as well as coated with a special lubricant that repels water. You should not miss this moment, since the correct tool care becomes good prevention of bolting and will allow it smoothly to work uninterrupted very long time.

Methods of improving tool

When drilling holes, the master can face with a large number of rhizomes of plants that are tightly locked in the soil. The sharp edges of the blades will greatly facilitate work with the brown. For the convenience of use, you can cut several teeth on a sloping area of \u200b\u200bthe blade or rounded its cutting zone.

Can be improved design and make removable cutters for a bora. Thanks to them, it will be possible drilling of the wells of any diameter. In addition to the manufacture of spare parts, it is necessary to provide their mount to the gate. The easiest way to connect them with two iron plates that are fastened with welding.

In the mounting plates, as well as in the blades, you need to drill two holes for sides. Cutters are mounted with M6 bolts. In order for the bolts do not interfere with when working, they must be screwed up the thread up.

There is another way to improve homemade Drill for pillars. You can enhance the efficiency of the lower end turning. To do this, it is necessary to cut a narrow metal plate (10 × 2 cm) and sharpen in the form of a cone with the help of a grinder, making a kind of edge.

No need to do shorts in the gate, the metal shut-off plates are inserted into its end, fixed with welding and flatten. As a result, there should be a peak.

There is another method of producing peaks. The metal plate is cut off with a length of about 17 cm and make a screw that looks like a corkscrew. Next, the algorithm of actions is the same as in the first version described.

A suitable drill can act as a screw that can easily cope with the tree, as well as metal. Such a tool will be much easier to enter the ground and will freeze the hole without any problems until the desired depth.

Builders who work on dense deep layers of soil, one advice will be useful. Between the peak and the cutter you need to fight the flattened sized. Thanks to such a design, the earth will be loosening and the centering during drilling. For such a detail, you will need 2 metal plates 3 × 8 cm. Such a cunning will significantly speed up the work with the tool.

Cutters can also be made from discs for the grinder, which are designed to work with a stone. Circles need to be chopped along the radius and expand the hole in the center, respectively, the diameter of the twist. The bending of the disk with dilution of the parties gives the semblance of a corkscrew or auger. It will remain only to weld the part in the method described above.

The mill is very easy to make a disc from the circular saw. The teeth of such a model will be very easy to cope with rhizomes of plants and solid soil.

Method of upgrading your Bura Master can choose yourself. It is worth saying that the manufacture of a borah for pillars with their own hands is an absolutely not complex process and requires the master of minimum physical and financial costs from the master. The whole process of manufacture occupies two hours.

Finally, there is one important advice: Before the drilling process, it is best to explode the soil with a shovel, then the device will be easier to enter it, and work will go much faster. The presented recommendations will help to help the master to make a functional and effective tool that will serve him for decades and will become a very good assistant.