Combined roofs of private houses. Types of roofs

In modern private construction there are a great many varieties of roofs of houses, and in our material it will be about their most popular options. It is possible to divide such important roofing structures depending on the shape, design features and on what materials were used during it.

Tilt angle

First, we suggest familiarize yourself with what the forms of the roof are. Depending on the angle of inclination, you can define two main categories of facilities:

  1. Flat, with an angle of inclination, not exceeding 3 degrees relative to the horizon. Since their service is very difficult, as well as precipitation, these options are rarely found. From the positive points here you can mark inexpensive installation and a small amount of consumables. On this design, you can equip the open-air terrace, which can also be attributed to the benefits.
  2. Scope, with an angle of inclination from 10 degrees and above. Such samples are characterized by ease of operation, therefore their popularity is very high. There is no accumulation of precipitation, and the water is perfectly displayed on the plasnets.

The roofs with scanty surfaces, in turn, are divided into subcategories:

  • single one;
  • double cool;
  • duplex gerier;
  • bantal attic with a broken configuration;
  • four-tight semi-walled;
  • four-tight tents;
  • four-tie hip.

To the most convenient implementation include single-bed roofing structures, the slope of the surface of which ranges from 4 to 6 degrees. They make sense to install on garages, sheds and other economic buildings.

What are the types of roof

If you need to build a attic, give preference to the attic roof, which can consist of two slopes and have a contour broken configuration. Walm samples are distinguished by practicality, they adequately withstand the wind load, but their installation cannot be called simple.

This will require materials in large quantities, and not to do without a professional assembly brigade. Choosing a type of roof, be sure to take into account all factors, and do not limit the information about the service life and the cost of the project.

So that the design pleased the eye and was a real decoration of the house, it is necessary to pay special attention to its design.

Popular types of roofs of private houses and their characteristics

Of course, the popularity of one or another type of roof is explained by the simplicity of installation, the savings of finance and time, the climatic features of the region and the personal preferences of the hosts. Let us turn to the detailed review of the options presented in modern construction.


This kind is the most popular and is being built in our country for a long time. Another name of the structure with two slots, which rest on the walls of one height - the "forcep roof". Installation is more difficult here than at a single-table option, but facing materials here can be completely different, which allows you to satisfy any requirements of the developer regarding the design.


In this case, we are dealing with four slots, the form of two of which repeats the trapezium, and the remaining two are made in the form of triangles. The design name occurred from the word "Valm" (front triangular rocks).

In the process of installation, beams are installed here using double tightening and necessarily at an angle of 45 degrees are mounted by the drains for each slope. The construction of such structures requires additional efforts and skills, because the device of the rafter system in this case is quite complicated.


This is one of the options for holmic roofs, with the only difference that the truncated triangular shape has been formed here, and it has been installed above, rather than its trapezoid analogues. From the disadvantages, it is fashionable to celebrate only additional costs for the materials, because you will have to finish those areas of the planes that are adjacent to the roof edges. Such structures are well used in the regions with a windy climate.

Mansard (broken)

Another type of bartal samples, characterized by broken skates, which allows to significantly increase the attic room, called the attic. Pentagonal frontones do not leave anyone indifferent, and their construction will not cause special difficulties from experienced masters. The only thing you have to face, it is to buy materials for the insulation of residential premises and establish them, thereby increasing the indicators of energy saving at home, which is not required in the case of an ordinary attic that is not intended for living.

On average, the cost of building the roof is about 20% of the total amount of construction costs, but we can maximize the useful area of \u200b\u200bconstruction and get a two-storey house with actually in one level.


At the time of subtle, such types of roofs of houses are gradually returned to the construction due to the unusual design solutions of modern architects. Flat roofs allow you to build a flower garden, a tennis court or a mini outdoor pool, especially if your home is located in the region with a warm climate. They can be improved by removable bends of glass or other materials that reliably protect the recreation area from precipitation and pollution. The transparent dome will provide space with natural lighting, and in the evening lighting devices will be helped. Here you can install solar panels and water heating elements, if you, of course, are needed.

Of the advantages I would especially like to note the available expenses for materials and installation work. Do not forget about a high-quality storm system, with the help of which all the sediments will leave from the roof without a residue, besides, a flat surface still has a slope, although it is impaired at first glance. As for the deficiencies, there may be problems with thermal insulation, and this is primarily about the infection of the plane in the summer heat, but you can also fight with a cold, as in the case of the attic roof.

If the structure of the roof with skates has its own heat exchanger in the form of a attic, then flat options cannot boast such a feature, so in the event of an acute necessity it is necessary to separately resort to its construction.

The main rule here is the creation of ventilation between the ceiling of the residential premises and the roof, while it does not matter which form it will be.

You can equip both a ventilated attic and ventilation channels that will hide the rafting and facing roofing materials.

Less popular types of roofs

In addition to the most common roofing structures, there are other options that can also be found in private construction, though less often. Their form is somewhat different from those specimens that we have considered above, but they may not be less beautiful from this. It is necessary to approach the creation of such samples seriously, because their implementation may be satisfied only for professionals.

Single car

A distinctive feature of this type of construction is a rafting system based on the walls of different levels, due to which the skate is formed. Such structures are simple in construction, and for their cladding will be suitable any, even the most inexpensive materials.

As for practicality, it is obvious, because there are no precipitation here, so you can not worry about maintaining such a building. The disadvantage is also essential - you will not be able to equip the attic or attic, and possibly, so today you can rarely meet single-table specimens on new homes.


The shape of such a roof is made in the form of four symmetrically arranged triangles on each wall of the building that form a kind of tent. It has an unusual chic look, but it is very difficult to build it because of the unnecessary wisdom of the rafter system.


It has one more name - end, and is characterized by one of the most complex rafting systems. Many outdoor and inner angles at the joints of two slopes are not easy mounted, besides, the Enda provoke the accumulation of snow and rainwater, which can lead to leaks.

Multi-line samples can afford weissive people who build houses of polygonal shape with a large number of attacks and attic rooms.


Such types of roofs only in rare cases overlap the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe structure and are mainly installed above its part. Flexible elements will be needed for mounting the frame, and flexible or soft lining will be suitable as a decorative coating. As a rule, dome solutions prefer lovers of antiquity, oriental style, ancient castles and all unusual, carrying it into their home.


Recently, spherical roofs are slowly gaining popularity among our compatriots, though it rarely concerns residential buildings. They are covered with gazebos, sports grounds, churches, so that we can observe the design varieties of the design almost every day.


The point here is not in the color of the decorative coating, as it may seem at first glance. As a cladding, if you can call it, we are dealing with natural soil, in which plants are planted that serve as a real decoration of such an exotic design. Here you can note all the positive qualities of flat samples, improved by a special ventilation system. Thanks to such a laying of the roots of bushes and trees, they are limited in growth, there are always enough moisture for watering, besides, the conditions for the healthy aeration of the roots of green plantings have been created.

The undoubted advantage is the uniqueness of the open greenhouse, because to meet such green living structures if it succeeds, it is very rare. Looking at the rapid development of new technologies and the popularity of environmental projects, it is not difficult to predict that soon such aspirations on the tops of the houses will receive much more distribution. Want to distinguish between your neighbors and are not afraid to face the need to carefully care outside the open-air plants? Then the green roof will suit you, and you can enjoy her beauty.

Decorative cladding: What to choose?

In addition to personal preferences and financial opportunities, this issue needs to be considered the features of the design, which can be as limited to you in the selection, so allow it to expand. To date, the following materials are most common:

  • metal tile;
  • bitumen tile;
  • ceramic tile;
  • slate;
  • sandwich panels.

All these roofing materials differ among themselves according to the technical characteristics, composition and design, and are also installed on the surface of the design by different technology, so before the selection should be carefully familiar with their description, manufacturer's recommendations and cavity. If you are weigly come up to this issue and study all the subtleties and nuances of the roof device, you can create reliable protection and simultaneously decorating for your home.

Roofs of private houses are one of the fundamental elements of the whole structure. Spectacular, appropriately designed roof - business card at home, measured taste of owners. An important carrying construction, it is designed to protect the housing from weather popsure and maintain comfortable temperature and humidity. Modern construction offers all sorts of roofs for a private house. All of them are able to become a reliable, sustainable and durable solution, provided that the design and selection of the relevant building materials are properly calculated.

Roof as a business card Source

Main types of roofs

The main division of the roofs on species is made depending on the appearance, and even the naked eye of the unprofessional can distinguish one type of roof from another.


Modern trendy trends made a flat roof by a popular privacy trend. The roofs of this type are soft, have a slope of up to 3 °. They can be a decent option for many reasons:

  • Due to the minimum area, substantial savings on materials, construction and installation work and construction periods are achieved. The same can be said about subsequent maintenance and repair.
  • Such a roof is an additional multifunctional area. Here you can install an antenna, air conditioning system or solar panels. The roof makes it possible to equip the playground, a place for a comfortable stay and sunburn, break a flower garden.

The main drawback is the small corner of the skate. In areas with snowy winters on such a roof, a large snow mass can accumulate, sufficient to damage the design. When warming, the probability of leaks, but this is predominantly the feature of the buildings, with the construction of which the construction technology was broken.

On the flat roof you can place the recreation area Source


Scope roof - with inclined surfaces, allowing the roof to be self-cleaning naturally. The slope slope is characterized by an angle to the horizon line; It can vary from 5 ° to 70 °.

Scope roofing roofs of private houses allow the use of an attic space for shopping needs and as a attic. The device of the pitched roof depends on both the architecture of the structure and material for the finish coating and the climate.

There are various pitched roofs of houses, species are combined into groups in accordance with the form and number of skates:

  • Single-car. Such designs rest on different wall heights. Simple, cheap and durable option.
  • Double. Allow you to equip the attic or attic, the precipitation is well discharged. Practical and widespread option.
  • Four-page. The most durable and reliable. But the heavy weight of the roof requires strengthening the carrier structure.
  • Tent, designer. The most unusual and cost options.

Tent roof; Ideal for the house in the form of a square or right polygon Source


Interest in spherical designs is invariably high. In addition to the original appearance, they attract additional advantages:

  • The streamlined form. Allows you to avoid direct wind pressure, which is a guarantee of strength and integrity.
  • Tightness. Provided by roofing material (usually galvanized steel).
  • Easy to maintain. Snow and water do not accumulate on the surface.

Online Calculator Roofing

To learn the approximate cost of the roof of various types, use the following calculator:

Optimal corners of inclination for roofs

Professional builders know that inclination angles for roofs are selected, based on the upcoming operating conditions. When determining the optimal angle of inclination of the roof take into account several factors:

Natural (climatic) factors

Properly designed roof must resist the wind and atmospheric precipitation, characteristic of this area.

  • In areas with snowy winter, a large angle of inclination of the roof is set (45-60 °); So the snow goes smoothly, the likelihood of glaciation decreases.
  • In order for the design to survive in areas with strong winds, the angle of the skate is made minimal. To reduce the sail, the range of 9-20 ° is chosen.
  • In the southern regions, where sunny weather prevails, a flat roof will be the best option, with a bias of 3-5 ° (for water supply). Compared with the roofs of other species, it will be heated.
  • The optimal angle of the skate is values \u200b\u200bfrom 20 to 45 °.

On the right roof, the snow does not accumulate source

Type of roofing material

The minimum inclination of the angle of the slope depends on the choice of roofing.

  • Slate coating, tile. Moisture will not accumulate and leak up with a minimum roof bias 22 ° (for tile) and 30 ° - for slate.
  • Ruberoid, EuroRuberoid. The number of layers determines the value of the parameter. For the roof of 2 layers, a slope of 15 ° is required, for 3 - enough 5 °.
  • Proflist. The minimum allowable bias of the roof is 12 °.
  • Metal tile. The minimum bias of the roof is limited 14 °.
  • Ondulin. The minimum indicator is 6 °.
  • Soft tile. Mounted with a bias from 11 °.
  • Roofing of membrane type. Set the minimum bias within 3-5 °.

Video Description

What a roof should be - in video:

Construction Differences Frames - Popular Configurations

Despite the highest interest in the flat roof, the leader in popularity is the shelter roofs, which can be attributed with some stretching tents. Therefore, when determining the optimal design, they are mainly chosen from the following options:


This design is an inclined plane that relies on the external bottling bearing walls. She provides household buildings (garage, veranda, barn). Its advantages are the simplicity of installation, efficiency and simplicity of repair. Disadvantages: the choice of such a roof eliminates the device attic; Strong wind can disrupt even a well-fastened roof. But modern materials are significantly increased both the beauty and strength of single beds of private houses - the photo below shows one of the solutions, allowing you to make a two-storey house with an attic.

Single Roof in Modern Style Source


Classic options for the roof of a private house, reliably protect against bad weather in various climatic conditions. Such structures are easy to install and reliable; For the roof you can pick up any material. The basis is 2 skate (slope), based on two equilibrium walls.

Another name of the duplex roof is a screwdriver (tongs - plane between skates).


  • Snow-cleaning from snow, a small probability of leakage.
  • Large selection of available materials in the manufacture.
  • The possibility of arranging an attic room.


  • Difficult installation due to inclination of the roof.
  • The weak element of the design - Endov (the inner corner at the junction site), which accounts for the maximum climatic impact.


Combined (multi-volume)

Multi-line (endandered) frames are among the most complex. The need for such a configuration occurs if the feature of the building planning does not allow to use a simpler design. The peculiarities of multi-track forms are considered:

  • Complex installation of additional intersections, requiring professional knowledge and good weather.
  • Additional costs of materials and time, a large amount of waste material.
  • To exclude problems with the advent of condensate, high-quality steam and waterproofing is carried out, high-quality ventilation is equipped.

Walm and semi-walled

The hollow roof consists of four surfaces (skates). Two large skate areas have the form of an equilibrium trapezium, two side - triangular (hips). In semi-haul roofs (they are also called Dutch) Valma takes a truncated look, which is why the ends of the building are formed with a small departure and a smaller angle of inclination.

Such types of roofs for the roof of the private house are complex in design and installation (require the strengthening of the rafter system), but is economical on the consumption of material; They justify themselves in the northern regions with strong winds.

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the roof repair and design service. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".


The roof consists of slopes in the form of an equally chained triangles converging at one point. Such a construction implied by the construction of the attic floor is difficult to design; Mitigating circumstance is a minimum of consumables. The aerodynamic form of the roof helps to resist the winds.

A special class of roofs make up round (dome) roofs repeating the shape of the rotation figure. Such roofs can be seen on the cult facilities; They are installed at stadiums, pools, industrial buildings, verandas and winter gardens, and more and more often - in private construction.

Vaulted (arched)

A vaulted (arched) roof can be designed over the attic room, a hall, a winter garden or inlet. At the heart, the carrier design made of metal, concrete or wood is placed. The coated is galvanized steel, shingle (duncar), glass, polycarbonate, transparent slate. Such a solution is practical and original; The coating is steadily for the wind, and the use of transparent material allows you to save electricity.



The usual domed roof is created based on the frame of the curved form.

The geodesic dome roof allows you to get a spherical form design without using rafters and vertical stops. The frame is mounted from triangular elements collected from bars. Broad between the bars are connected by metal connectors; Body bar is mounted between the rows.

For design design, a computer program of three-dimensional modeling is required. Compared to the scope roof, the consumption of materials on average is one third less.

Features of mansard roofs

For several centuries for several centuries, since the invention in France, the attic roofs use unchanged popularity. An attic is called an attic space, fit (or planned) for living.

Types of roofs of private houses with an attic please the variety. For the arrangement of mansard, all sorts of species are duplex, hip, tents, dome. In the attic attic enough space to create a living room, training hall, library or winter garden. Since the attic room is placed in the upper part of the structure, it requires a special approach:

  • The loss of heat from the lower residential premises leads to the formation of condensate on the inside of the roof. In the design it is necessary to provide thorough vapor and waterproofing, as well as ventilation.
  • At the mansard premises there are no inner walls, it completely comes into contact with the external environment. Actual for room is thermal insulation with mineral wool or polystyrene foam. For interior decoration, natural wood is suitable.


Materials for cladding

The use of a particular type of material for facing the roof is due primarily to the climatic characteristics of the region. Even the traditional "issue price" often leaves for common sense - it was not possible to save on the quality of the roof anyone else. The most sought-after materials are traditionally:

Tile (made of metal, bitumen or ceramics)

  • The tile of metal is a popular option, valuable for durability, not a very high price and the ability to withstand strikes, which is especially valuable when loading and transporting. Metal tile has a small weight (does not create pressure on the foundation), it is easily attached. The disadvantage is considered uneconomicality when installing (a significant percentage is in waste) and poor sound insulation, which becomes tangible at any rain.
  • Bituminous (flexible) tile. Such a coating has high sound and thermal insulation, but requires professional installation.
  • Natural (ceramic) tile. Material, tested by time, with the advantages of metal tile, except one. Significant weight requires a fortified roof.

Roofing can be laid on the roof of any form Source


Schifer is the most affordable material containing up to 15% asbestos. This limits its area of \u200b\u200bapplying the construction of economic purposes. Slate has great strength when flexing and blowing; It is non-combustible and easily processed (cutting with a grinder). In the minuses there is fragility, high hygroscopicity (with time it can be covered with moss) and health risk.

Glass roof

Glass roof (especially its spectacular option is panoramic) attracts many advantages. In addition to the original appearance, such a design protects perfectly from bad weather and allows you to reduce electricity bills. The main disadvantage is its cost, including the complexity of design and installation. In addition, in the summer, the room turns into a greenhouse, and so as not to look slightly, the glass roof needs regular cleaning.

"Green" roof

The increase in attention to the problems of ecology spawned interest in the green roof. Modern technical solutions developed in Scandinavian countries make it possible to realize a desire to communicate more often with nature.

Brusade log house with eco-roof Source

When installing, layers of hydraulic and thermal insulation with a waterproof membrane protecting the roof from the roots are laid on the roof. Then form a layer of drainage and, finally, a layer of vegetation (ground), to which plants can be planted.

Eco-roof serves as not only with a decorative element. It supports a stable microclimate in the house, protects against noise and reduces the load on the sewer (absorbing rainwater). At the same time, significant waste of funds for the organization and time for subsequent care are inevitable.

Another option "green" roof source PFPI-CO.COM

Beautiful and original roof projects: Photo and video

Video Description

Interesting types of roofs of private houses, see the next video:

And also original varieties of roofs of houses in the photo:

Symbiosis flat and scope roof house in the style of high-tech Source

An interesting designer solution for the pitched roof Source

The window in the attic at one time was a complex technical task source

Lack of ceiling visually increases the room Source

Conical and pitched roofs on one house Source

Production of such structures should be trusted exclusively by professionals Source


So that such beauty remains functional, careful calculations are required. Source

Classic solution for two-storey house Source

In such a design, it is very important to competently make the point of adjustment of the roof of the first floor to the walls source

Classic duplex roof, but assembled on several levels source

Four sheet roof with an additional visor above the terrace and the attic window source


In such designs, it is necessary to carefully calculate the possibility of a building shrinkage Source

A large window in the attic gives good illumination indoors Source

Original design that requires careful sailing calculations Source

"Modified" classic two-tie roof Source Dom

It is interesting here not so much design, how much facing material source

An example of a flat roof arrangement as an open-air holiday site Source

The perfect solution for the roof over the pool - if necessary, the playground is completely closed Source


Starting the construction of a private house, the owner wants to choose a roof not only aesthetically perfect, but also a reliable, able to serve for a long time. Such a choice is not always unequivocal, each option has pros and cons. To make the right decision, it is not enough just to know the types of roofs and their names - should consider a complex of issues, including the design features and the overall architecture of the structure, climatic conditions and, of course, personal preferences.

Roofs of private houses - an important supporting structure of the house, which should not only reliably protect the house from atmospheric precipitation, be stable durable and durable, but also have an attractive appearance. After all, the beautiful roof of a private house will probably become his business card.

Types of private houses: Features of choice and design

Considering which there are roofs of private houses, and, choosing your option, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the decorative and operational properties of the future roof. Since in private house-building, the roof is a significant part of the whole house, then facades Roofs of private houses often act as determining in the general visual architectural solution. As a rule, preference is given to options with a high roof design - so the house looks presentable and there is an opportunity to get an additional area. In addition, a number of other factors affect the choice of the roof type:

  • correspondence of the type of roof with a shared architectural solution
  • the roof of the private house is selected depending on the angle of inclination of the roof, for example, when a slope of less than 20 degrees is not recommended (slate) - due to insignificance of tama (rain), water will leak through joints
  • from the type of roof, it depends on how and how to insulate the roof of the private house - this question is especially relevant for flat and airlessly roofs

According to its constructive features of the roof in private homes, you can divide into two main types:

  • bescaneous roofs (another name are combined) - overlapping the top floor as a carrier element. The roof itself is a waterproof flooring, created on the attic ceiling, often does not have an inclination. Such a roof is simply mounted enough, it is relatively inexpensive, but requires accurate compliance with the shelf laying technology.
  • the attic roofs - its design make up the building farms and the outer roof, which, above all, provides additional thermal insulation of the premises due to the formation of air volume inside the attic. In addition, such roofs provide the best snow and drainage, plus it is possible to get an additional (residential or technical) room and architectural appeal.

It is very important to choose the right color of the roof. Natural shades are suitable for the design that is suitable for classic forms. Another option is a dark roof as a contrast for a light facade.

The roof is an important part of the house, to do without which it is impossible. Most people prefer practicality, completely forgetting about the external data of the house, his visual perception. Not everyone gives special importance to the roof and its type, and in vain. Thanks to the roof, even a small one-storey house can be significantly transformed, becoming more expressive and original.

Of course, it is clear that first of all the roof is a reliable defense, because it must protect the house from external factors and their impacts. Handing for beauty, many forget about reliability, subsequently they suffer from problems that have arisen during the first snow or strong rain. That is why you need to choose the optimal option combining and external attractiveness, and reliability.

Construction of the roof of a single-storey house

The roof of the one-storey house consists of carrier and enclosing parts related to each other, because they not only interact, but also support the balance of the whole design. A feature is that the mistakes made in one component will lead to violations and the second, which means that the design will generally suffer and will not be qualitative.

In most cases, for a one-story house it is customary to use pitched roofs, the angle of the skates depends on many factors. On the skates can affect both the type of scope roof and the roof material. The carrier part of the design is the roof frame, which includes wooden rafters.

In addition to them, you can find Mauerlat, who collects all the rafters at one point, the other side of the leg is joined with a beam intended for this. The rafting system should be based on a run, and special racks will evenly distribute weight, make the load of the same on all carrier walls. In order for the rafters did not move, the separations and soils are used, as well as wire that ensures reliable fixation.

If the house is fully made of a log, then the wire will have to be replaced with metal brackets that need to be attached to the second log (counting from top to bottom). The rafters must be laid by making an indentation from the overlap of 0.3-0.4 meters, it will give easy access to the rafter system if urgent repair work is required.
The enclosing part begins from the moment when it starts to lay the waterproofing, protecting the house, connects it from moisture and rotting the roof design. Between the rapid legs and Mauerlat, you need to put two layers of rubberoid, after which you can perform a wooden crate and carry out the roof roof.

If the house is large and the width of it is more than 6 meters, then it will take the construction of supporting walls, because the roof will need additional support. With such dimensions, the houses use a spherical rafter system, in the case when the construction is small, then the hanging laying system has been applied.

Current types of roofs

If you take into account all the roofs, they can be divided into two main categories: scanty and flat. In the case of a flat type of roof, everything is clear, because there are no features here. It should be noted that single-storey houses with a flat roof look very boring and unsightly, so its use is not recommended. The only option when the flat roof is better - the creation of an additional space for the basin equipment on the roof of the house.

Types of pitched roofs, which can be used for single-storey houses:

  • Single and twin.
  • Tent, hip and semi-haul.
  • Loaven (mansard).
  • Complex (multi-type) and combined.

A single roof is cheap, simple and reliable, but not particularly attractive. In general, a single-board roof is a skat, fixed on the walls with a different height. Moreover, this option was rather illuminated, since during the construction of modern houses, a single-table roof is practically not used. It is better to apply on household buildings or garages.

Double roof - non-rotating classic. It is this option that is optimal for a one-story house. This type of roof combines practicality and reliability, it is simply so much expensive to erect it. With this roof, you can already emphasize the exterior of the house, express its personality using various styles and roofing coatings.

The four-tight roof of the tent type consists of rods in the form of a triangle whose vertices converge into one point. It looks like this option. It is interesting, to build quickly and easily.

An alternative is a hip roof, it is also a variety of four-page roof. The main difference is that when construction of the roof is used two triangular skate (end), and two mains are made in a trapezoid form. Build a hollow roof a little more complicated, but also externally it will be very tempting.

The roof is a design with broken slopes, constantly gaining popularity. Thanks to such a roof, it is not necessary to create a second floor, because the attic can be actively used as a residential attic.

Combined or multi-line roof - expensive and complex option. Such roofs are mainly used for large cottages or houses in several floors, so the use of such types of roofs will be not quite logical when building a small one-storey house. These roofs are the most beautiful externally, however, only professionals will be able to build them, and the cost of it will be very high.

Roof project and its installation

Before building a house and roofs, it is necessary to develop a project, think over all the details in it and pay special attention to each little thing. At the stage of formation of the project, you need to choose the type of roof, solve the design questions, as well as choose the material that will be used to build the roof, its roof.

The final result must be successfully combined, to harmonize, creating a single picture that suits both externally and functionally. When choosing materials, it is necessary to navigate not only on their external data, but also on functionality, especially installation. The roofing material should be not only attractive, but also reliable, because in this house you need to live.

It is possible to carry out work independently, however, you can attract professionals that guarantee the quality of work and reliability of the structure. It will stand more expensive, but the result will certainly be good, which is very important when building a house.

For any house, the roof performs a responsible role - this is the main protection against the effects of high and low temperatures, ultraviolet and precipitation. The qualitative performance of the main task will provide competent design, including the choice of design and materials, depending on the climatic conditions and the overall stylistry of the structure. Naturally, each household wants to get from the roof not only significant practical benefits, but also aesthetically enjoyable completion of the design of the facade, complementing it and bringing individuality into his appearance.

Flat roof

This type of roof is difficult to call traditional, but recently it uses stunning success. First of all, such popularity is due to the emergence of such stylistic directions as modern, minimalism and high-tech. The flows are famous for its commitment to clear straight lines. Also, such roofs are also required to provide new quality materials that are able to guarantee high indicators of water protection and heat conservation.

The flat coating will complete a concise design and will look strictly and effectively, but in addition to this obvious advantage, you can select some more others:

- It appears a useful area for organizing a sports field, a winter garden, or a recreation area equipped with a mangal, easy furniture, pergola or another canopy;

- space is also used for technological devices: air conditioning, water collection systems, antennas and even solar batteries;

- for a smooth roof it is easier to care for, the maintenance of all devices and items on it are simplified;

- Laying of this project is taking less time and forces than other analogues.

Athenium roof

Damage top will not only complement and decorate the architectural idea of \u200b\u200bthe house, but also add square meters to the living area. This is a very convenient solution, because such a building is cheaper and easier to build another floor. At the same time, the designated space can be safely used to create a wonderful cozy bedroom or living room.

If you are standing on the threshold of the overhaul of the roof, which includes a complete substitution of materials, be sure to take advantage of the costs compensate for yourself in full:

- You get additional thermal insulation - the living space is much better saved heat than the empty attic or the ordinary roof. At the same time, you should take care of the right ventilation to avoid excessive moisture accumulation;

- Modern furniture is enough mobile and laconic to use the resulting meters as rationally. In general, for the design of an attic interior, refer to such styles as Scandinavian, minimalism or rustics - within these flows you will find many variations for the arrangement of a comfortable and functional room;

- Extensive window openings will provide premises with abundant daylight.

With all indisputable advantages, the attic roof obliges to pay separate attention to the condition of the bearing walls, since they are not always able to withstand a similar load.

Single Roof

The design of a single-table roof is a plane based on the walls of different height. The difference in the length of the bearing walls actually determines the level of inclination of the skate.

Starly planes are a special modern aesthetics, which adds the nature and severity of its clear forms around the building. On the other hand, if the roof in the project is quite extensive, it is necessary to immediately consider that it is necessary to effectively decorate precipitates. Also during the installation process may occur with the provision of thermal insulation.

Among the main advantages of a single-table roof should be denoted such positions:

- The roof will create an original space for designer sizes on the ceiling inside the building;

- A small mass allows you to choose this type of roof for a home without a foundation or with its lightweight variations - screw or bought;

- carry out repair work does not imply special difficulties, as it is used at the top of the facilities;

- Installation does not require high financial costs, complex calculations and high professional skills from the builder.

Gable roof

Familiar to each option, it is often a little children in their drawings. Structurally, the duct roof is the slips of the same size, which rest on the walls and meet each other in the middle.

Symmetry is generated by the classical geometry of the lines and the harmony of the combination of practicality with visual appeal. A place under the coated forms the attic on which it is convenient to store things and install the ventilation system. The double roof device provides a natural snow and water removal system. Build such protection from weather conditions inexpensively and easy enough.

As for the negative sides of the project, the degree of inclination of the roof will depend on the choice of building material. The angle may be at least 22 degrees if you stop on a slate or tile, the metal version of the roof requires about 14 degrees, and the professionalist obliges to 12 degrees.

The spectacular modification of the duplex roof is a multi-level, creating broken straight. It is able to add architecture of the house of originality, but also obliges to accurate calculations and a professional approach.

Walm roof

Walm roof is, in fact, the four-sheet roof, on which the fronts replace triangular rocks (hips). Such a device makes the design very resistant to strong winds and abundant precipitation, and, that is important, adds the architectural idea of \u200b\u200boriginality.

The rigidity of the structure allows it to be practically not changed over time, as well as create a squeeze on each side that additionally protect against adverse weather conditions. There are also varieties of a hip roof - half-haul and tent. The latter rocks are connected at one point, it is perfect for square and rectangular buildings.

Some difficulties you may encounter:

- the complexity of the roof implies painstaking calculations and measurements, long and difficult installation;

- High price;

- the attic space is small, and therefore it is not always suitable for creating attic;

- In the event of the existence of an attic room, its windows will directly interact with precipitation, which can lead to the flow of moisture inside. This trouble can be leveled, the cover of the opening before the rain, but it is not always convenient.

Multi-line roof

Constructed in the form of a set of polygons combining several bounce parts. So it turns out a nontrivial and attractive roof. In its idea and the execution of the roof is quite complicated.

The building for the installation of this top should have a multi-level or square form. Multi-type roof completes the house with an intricate planner, including the presence of attic.

To the main advantages we will draw the following properties:

- Strength and durability. The rafal system is perfectly balanced, which allows you to carry serious loads;

- the ability to organize free space or attic;

- Pleasant and interesting appearance along with practicality. Sharp slopes minimize the effect of the external environment, water and snow are not stored on the roof surface.

In general, the disadvantages are that it will require serious professional experience, special attention to detail, as well as serious financial costs for materials.

Material for roofing

After selecting the appropriate design of your future roof, you need to decide on the materials that will fall on its basis. Among the widespread choice, which is provided with the modern construction market, we collected the most popular of them:

Ceramic tile. The material has proven itself as it is impossible in any climatic conditions. The roof for a private house of the tile has a beautiful form and invoice, reliable in the process of use, does not require frequent care and incredibly durable. If the bed laying has passed qualitatively, the service life is capable of making more than one hundred years.

Porous clay reduces thermal conductivity indicators, however, this property can lead to water absorption, which during freezing it will destroy it. In order to avoid such troubles, cover the ceramic roof using glazes, thus qualitative indicators will not decrease even in the most severe climatic conditions.

Metal tile - This is one of the most modern options for facing the roof with a slope from 12-15 degrees. Beautiful imitation of the clay analogue is reliable and wear-resistant, is not afraid of snow sediments or sun rays, and therefore is incredibly popular.

Professional flooring from metal Also a fairly common material for roofing works. The saturated color palette will give an external appearance of the house elegant and attractive appearance. Qualitative characteristics, functionality, as well as low prices allow us to use the material for a variety of finishing works: wall cladding, fences production and gate. Thus, a good opportunity appears to implement a single architectural design.

Bituminous slateAlso known as Ondulin, manufactured from cellulose fibers and soaked with bitumen, resins, pigments and mineral additives. Ontulin is environmentally friendly, inexpensive, practically does not absorb moisture, resistant to alkalis and acids. In addition, the material has high sound insulation, has a wide range of color variations and is easy to install, and can also be used on curved surfaces.

At the same time, the bituminous coating burns into the sun and is characterized by increased fire hazard. Summer heat and winter frost cause difficulties when driving around the roof. But it will rightly notice that many of the highest quality modifications smooth or even completely level these disadvantages.

And finally, lay out calen glass or double-glazed sheets For the manufacture of a separate part of the roof. For example, a visor over the veranda, a greenhouse, or even a kitchen or living room. The idea is certainly interesting, as the coating becomes a real highlight and decorate both the appearance of the house, and, of course, the space under the roof. Glass withstands high load from moisture, snow and wind.