Kitchen with island - all features of planning and design. Island in the kitchen: Design do it yourself, Dining area Dining area Kitchen Island Dimensions Drawing

In this article we will talk about not quite usual for our expanses element of furniture, like a kitchen island. After all, before, we could only see the wonder in foreign films.

But the time is going, the approach to the planning of modern premises is changing, and therefore the island kitchen model now can be observed not only in houses outside the city, but also in urban dwellings.

What is "island" furniture

main destination

The cuisine is the island is a type of kitchen room planning, in which the operating area of \u200b\u200bthe additional plan is located in the center. But practice shows that a similar model is not just an extra room for cooking, but also:

  • functional place for storage of kitchen utensils and dishes;
  • full-blooded dining table;
  • bar rack.

If desired, the kitchen island is the dimensions of which allow such liberty - you can equip communications and to build it additionally:

  • sink;
  • slab;
  • hood;
  • sockets for household appliances;
  • functional hinges;
  • reheling.

Special culinary approach with island layout

It is worth not to forget to mention that island cuisine is designed to change the approach to traditional cooking. After all, in the usual layout, the furniture is located along the walls, because during the preparation of food the hostess is standing back to its households.

Know! The kitchen with an island is a kind of "scene" on which you will "solorate" by preparing the face to guests or your loved ones. In addition, with this layout, it is much more convenient to prepare multiple people at the same time different dishes.

Ostrovka Requirement

Unfortunately, this type of layout is not particularly suitable for a slight area of \u200b\u200bthe room. In order to comfortably move and wrapping in the kitchen, you must have a minimal comfortable distance from other furniture elements to the island facilities. It must be from the meter and more (the perfect version is 2 meters).

Although it is possible to accommodate the island on less overall kitchens, but:

  • with loss of a significant proportion of functionality;
  • with a significant restriction of free space.

There are several demands for the height and width of the island for kitchens, and more precisely will be to say - there is an unobtrusive instruction from professionals:

  • The width of the island structure must correspond to such parameters so that you can calmly reach your hand to the opposite side. In the event that the countertop is too broad, it will some make it difficult to cook.
  • The height is usually oriented at the average level of the other kitchen elements. In rare cases, the island can be made slightly higher, for example, when equipped with bar racks.

Varieties of the islands for kitchens

Let's consider several models of furniture for island layout. On our portal there are many photos and videos that will be useful to you. When choosing, you must clearly decide: what kind of functional load you want to expose your future island, what will be its parameters and so on.


Such a type of kitchen equipment, as an island-dresser - is intended mainly under storage of dishes and other utensils, as well as a tabletop (extra) for cooking.


The kitchen is the island perfectly combines several functions in itself:

  1. actually - tables;
  2. functions of the working surface, etc.

Chairs intended for similar tables often have high legs and are set in a row. The surface for working in the kitchen can be equipped:

  1. sink;
  2. slab;

Under the working surface, a roomy dresser is located above it - an extract (if necessary). The countertop should be solid, but from the side of the table - it is desirable that it rests on high legs. This type of kitchen island is considered the most popular.

Small islets

Kitchen islands and tables on wheels are very relevant and correct as a solution to the problem of space deficiency in small rooms. They are quite compact, although it is designed to combine the basic functions of their larger counterparts.

In addition, which is especially valuable - the islands on the wheels are mobile, that is, such structures can be moved as needed, freeing the space. And a minor price can also play in favor of choosing such a type of kitchen furniture.

In custody

Thus, briefly, we told you about the advantages and basic requirements for a very interesting and unusual element of modern kitchen, like an island. Good luck in your decisions!

Tip! Before you decide to establish a kitchen island in your own hands, be sure to seek help from professional designers for general planning in the kitchen. After all, installing the island, you will need to leave a lot of free space, avoiding "overload" in the kitchen. And it is not easy!

"Island" - part of the working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen, which is placed separately from the main working surfaces. Most often, the island is located in the center of the kitchen, which allows you to participate in cooking at once a few family members.

The design of the "Island" makes it possible to use it as an additional work area, a cutting surface, a bar rack or a dining area.

From how exactly you plan to use it, the form and equipment of this module will depend on.

Standard "Island" is located in the center of the kitchen. At the same time, the distance from the island area to the main furniture headset, which is placed along the walls, should be at least 1m. Such a width of the passage will give the opportunity to disperse two people without interfering with each other. Avoid sharp corners in the design of the island module - when moving in the kitchen, you can be injured, especially if you hurry or carry something in your hands.

The size of an island module

The sizes of the kitchen "Island" depend on: the size of the kitchen room, the purpose of the module, the integrated equipment, the growth and capabilities of those who will use the kitchen.

The kitchen "Island" makes sense to organize at the area of \u200b\u200bthe room at least 18kv.m. This will allow you to withstand the pressed distance between the working surfaces of the module and the main headset.

Naturally, the larger the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen, the more the "island" himself may be. But do not get drunk, because too ovety-dimensional "island" from a convenient and practical element of the interior can turn into a cumbersome object that takes a lot of time and effort.

The height of the "Island" depends on whether it is simply a cutting table, a dining table with a bar with a bar, or a washing or kitchen stove will be installed in it. Often the height of the island is greater than the height of the dining table.

Optimal island module size

  • Length - from 120 cm
  • Width - from 60 to 150 cm
  • Height - from 85cm

If you stopped the kitchen design with the "island", be sure to place the placement of kitchen equipment according to the rules of ergonomics. It is important to correctly arrange three centers of activity: a refrigerator, a sink with a sink and a kitchen stove (the so-called working triangle).

Equipment and purpose "Islands"

"Island" - buffet. If you are planning a "island" as a convenient place for cooking and cutting, then the design of the island module is organized by the example of the buffet with closed boxes and open shelves.

The color scheme corresponds to the overall tone of the interior.

The island is worth equipping:

  • shelves for household appliances (meat grinder, blender, food processor, juicer) and dishes
  • dishwasher
  • organize boxes for spices and shelves for containers with bulk products
  • cargo systems for hard-to-reach corners
  • washing

If you combine the working surface with a dining area, then think about the "Island" form well for the most comfortable use. Perhaps you will enjoy the semicircular or P-shaped form, which allow you to make it easier to accommodate your guests.

Please note that the height of the "island" is greater than the height of the usual dining table, so we advise you to select chairs or on high legs or bar.

For the convenience of guests, you can organize a multi-level "island", where, from the side of the dining area, the surface will be slightly lower and carried out from more cozy, pleasant materials. Another option is the podium from the dining area where ordinary chairs can be placed.

Smart "Island".The "Island" design is ideal for accommodating equipment and all sorts of devices that facilitate the work in the kitchen. Here you can integrate the oven, kitchen stove, sink, microwave, dishwasher.

Important! For such a "smart island", you will need to make a project: take into account the water supply and the drain system, supply the gas and, without fail, to set the huffs over the cookbook. If the gas pipe will be laid under the floor, you should consider easy access to it.

Since it is planned to use all sorts of gadgets, consider the quantity and location of the electrical outlet (possibly hidden).

Lighting "Islands"

In the kitchen with the "Island" use local lighting for each zone - this allows you to select that part of the working surface that is currently used.

For example, for the dining area, hanging lamps of different shapes and sizes are perfect. But for the backlight of the cooking panel use point, narrow-plated lamps, often placed on the exhaust design.

If your "island" is equipped with storage places with drawers and shelves, then there will also be required internal illumination, which will work when opening the doors. If the facades are transparent or translucent, such a backlight will turn the "island" to an interesting art object.

  • if electricity is supplied to the island part, we advise you to install a few sockets with spray protection there.
  • over the island yourself Place the console - this design allows you to store kitchen utensils in an easily accessible place for you and does not climb the kitchen space
  • if an extract is planned over the working area, then choose a powerful model that will look beautiful on all sides. Pay attention to high-quality extractor
  • place household equipment allowed only on a stationary island module
  • even if you have already installed kitchen furniture - add "Island" will not be a problem: pick up the facades in the tone of the kitchen headset or contrasting it, repeat the material of the tabletops used

Published Decorateme. Updated 01 Mar 2019.

Kitchen Island is a P-shaped or M-shaped arrangement of your headset with a working area that has a small size and stands by a mansion, that is, separately. This worksheet is located in the center of the kitchen room. About how to make an island not only a stylish element, but our article will tell the designer find.

The design of the island part, as a rule, has a rectangular shape, but you can meet non-standard form options:

  1. Oval;
  2. Semicircular;
  3. Zigzag.

The kitchen island, made by their own hands, will be most comfortable only in a fairly large room (the area is not less than 16 square meters). The smallest part of the kitchen island should be 3 square meters.

Standard sizes of the kitchen island:

  • Length is at least 120 centimeters;
  • The minimum width is 60 centimeters, the maximum width is 150 centimeters;
  • Height - from 85 centimeters to 95.

The space that passes between the main headcard and the island should be at least meter. The design of the kitchen of the island, as a rule, includes the only color scheme of all the objects of the headset. This does not mean that a variety of contrasts in this case are unacceptable, simply with them you need to be careful. The kitchen design should be harmonious.

Island functionality

You should not forget that the island in the kitchen is designed not only to prepare products, but also for their preparation. Successfully selected chairs can also form a dining area.

What can be located on the table top of the island:

  • The cooking panel and washing that are separated by the work area. Width - 30 centimeters;
  • Cooking surface and cutting zone;
  • Zone that is designed to prepare products and a large sink with two sections;
  • Hobs, plus a small sink. This kitchen design includes the following location: two sinks are located in the kitchen, one of them is the main and it is located at the wall;
  • Dining area, which is thought out in the technological plan. In this place you can install all necessary small household appliances.

Most often, the kitchen island can be seen as a dining surface or as a bar counter.

By the way, under the tabletop "Island" you can build:

  1. Oven;
  2. Refrigeration chamber;
  3. Dishwasher;
  4. Shelves for dishes;
  5. Boxes for different cutlery.

Above the island's surface, you can install a powerful extractor, which in turn can be equipped with backlight. You can also install a special shelf with your own hand, Mensol, to which you can hang all the necessary kitchen utensils.

Kitchen design with island: basic styles

The design of the kitchen island may include any style solutions:

  • Classic. In this style, carved facades prevail, stone or marble countertops, stained glass windows. The island part in this case can be decorated with arched shelves, carved overlays, bassines. If a cooking surface is already built into the kitchen is the island, then it is installed on the fireplace hood.
  • Country. This design of the kitchen island includes a variety of decorative weaving, stem curtains, retractable braided boxes.
  • Modern. The kitchen design in this case requires most often metal and glass. The main distinguishing feature is the streamlined countertops, a flat surface of the walls, no dishes and equipment outside.
  • Minimalism. The main quality of the kitchen island made by its own hands is the maximum functionality, ergonomics and simplicity. A distinctive feature of minimalism is the most functional cavities for storing products, dishes, household appliances built-in type, sliding cabinet doors, are likely options for headcards that do not have pens or they are disguised in them.
  • High tech. The kitchen design includes metal surfaces that have a special defill or patting. The kitchen of such a style has a lot in common with the classic. Rounded forms create a small hint of futurism.

Little kitchen layout with island

Many are asked: how are things with an island in a small-sized apartment? There is a yield and it will be redeveloped, that is, the combination of living room and kitchen. It is worth remembering that the displacement of the kitchen with the island should include certain points:

  • The island must be distinguished by maximum functionality. In other words: it can be at the same time dining and cutting. In the event that the layout of the apartment or your home implies the kitchen of the studio, the surface of the island will be on the one hand the cooking, washer or working area, and on the other - dining area. It is worth noting that such a table must be installed so that the working, cooking or washing zone is located in the kitchen part of the room. At the same time, the dining area is an element of the room, which will be the border with the kitchen.
  • In the kitchen, in which there is an island, it is worth planning the location of cabinets, household appliances and all this with a sequence of use. And, in addition, you should not forget about the ergonomics of lockers, work surfaces and various shelves.

For a small kitchen with an island, which is made with your own hands, the built-in wardrobes and household appliances will be most suitable.

  • To save space, you can use folding furniture. Suppose the surface of the table of your island can be made folding, and the washing zone is adapted under the cutting. Fortunately, modern technologies create an excellent opportunity to create a multifunctional cooking panel.
  • All household appliances can be placed on each other. Much in this case depends on how often you use a specific device. The refrigerator for a small kitchen with an island is best to buy a narrow and slightly stretched up.
  • Special attention should be paid to the windowsill. For a small kitchen, this element that has sufficient sizes can serve as an additional work area. The windowsill may include the dining table functions, as well as the function of the cutting surface.

Kitchen Island (video)

In this video you will find photos of 30 options for kitchen island:

You can conclude: the design of the project "Kitchen-Island" can be appropriate not only in large, but also in small premises. And, by the way, you can plan the planning so that the kitchen will look much more and, at the same time, it will be the most functional as possible.

Which kitchen island choose (photo gallery)

Kitchen with island. How to design?

Design kitchen with island. Light the topic ...

Kitchen island is a P or G-shaped kitchen with a small island of kitchen furniture in the center. Such a layout of the kitchen interior is recommended for quite large rooms, because It is necessary to foresee for the kitchen freely moved two people.

It is convenient to consider a distance of 2 meters from the island to the items of the main furniture group of your kitchen (pass). At least 1200. Firstly, the facades on both sides are usually located at the bottom (if 60 cm are-modified), secondly - 1200 is the minimum distance between the cabinets to which you need to bend.

You can arrange a cutting surface, a small fridge or freezer, sink, gas stove or a cooking panel on the island. But remember that to install all these "charms" it will be necessary to bring to your island and all the necessary communications (electricity, water, sewage and gas). At the same time, you will probably have to pave everything under the floor.

If you do not really want to mess around with communications to your island, you can use it as a cutting surface or an additional place for storage of dishes.

You can install small hinged open-ended cabinets over the island, but in this case you will have to consider the fastening system to the kitchen ceiling, and the cabinets themselves will need to be made to order. And do not forget about the coverage of the kitchen. With this design of your kitchen, the lamps will need to be placed all over the perimeter, because The center of the ceiling by you is already busy.

If you are going to take meals on your "island", note that its height is usually equal to the height of the working surface, and this is significantly higher than the usual dining table (70-76cm). Bar chairs that are higher than usual will avoid inconvenience. As a rule, they can be bought with a kitchen head.

You can share the cuisine island into two or more functional groups of the interior. For example, on one side - a cutting surface and a built-in refrigerator or sink, and to another to arrange a small table for breakfast.

It is worth considering that during the design of your kitchen in the form of the island, it is necessary to strictly observe the rule of the triangle. Those. Focus all the components of the triangle (refrigerator, sink, desktop and stove) in one kitchen area.

At the same time, you will get a surprisingly compact working triangle, and the rest of the work space of the kitchen interior can be used at your discretion. For example, under the embedded household appliances or as an additional storage location.

It is not necessary for the island to be a strictly rectangular or square form. Fard the details of your kitchen interior using the complex shape of the island.

The island is a great chance to have two different in the kitchen in the height of the working surfaces. The main line of modern cuisine is customary to build without transitions of outdoor furniture cabinets in height, but no one will prevent you from making the island itself above or below the main furniture. Such a reception will suit families in which not all family members arranges the standard height of outdoor cabinets in 90 cm.

About the kitchen with an island from site


The main aspect of ergonomics is the optimal organization of the zones of the greatest activity. Washing is the main one of these places: here you spend 40-60% of the "kitchen" time.The ideal option is its location in the center of the "work triangle", at a distance of 1200-1800 mm from the plate and 1200-2100 mm from the refrigerator.

Freezing chambers and refrigerators Placed at the corners of the kitchen so as not to "break" the work surface. On average, the area of \u200b\u200bthe named triangle is about 7 m 2. If the kitchen width is more than 4.5 m, then the distance between the devices (with a linear layout) becomes significant, and the hosts are forced to constantly move between the stove, washing and refrigerator. "Island" and "Peninsula" layout is the most suitable way to reduce the distance between functional zones.

Unlike the "Island" open from four sides, " peninsula"It is a kind of protruding or bending in the line of one-row or M-shaped kitchen (including closed). It is appropriate when it fits into a multifunctional space (kitchen-dining room, kitchen-living room, etc.). As a rule," Peninsula "separates the kitchen zone from the adjacent territory and acts as a bar counter or serving table. In principle, its size can be any.

What is located on the "island"?

A free standing element can be used for any kind of food preparation activities. We give the most common options for configuring the working surface.

Put the cooking panel and washing, separated by a tabletop with a width of at least 300 mm.
. The "island" is equipped with a cooking panel and a cutting surface. Washing remains at the wall.
. On the "island" placed a large sink and a cutting zone. At the same time, you will not have a dryer for dishes (in the cabinet over the sink). True, the utensils are recommended in specially arranged lower drawers.
. The "island" equip the hob, a cutting surface and a sink with a diameter of 380 mm (you can wash glasses, tea dishes, fruits); The main washing is located at the wall.
. The work surface of the "Island" may consist of a cutting area and a compact washing.
. The whole "island" serves as an additional work area. If it is combined with a bar with a bar, a table for eating an ambulance or dining table and take out the outlet on the "island", then household appliances can be transferred here: the juicer, kettle, coffee machine, toaster. It turns out a well-equipped breakfast place.

Our fellow citizens most often use the "islands" as a bar rack, an additional cutting surface or for zoning space. In this form, they are more popular than as a technological part of the kitchen.

Since the "Islands" and "Peninsula" are often part of a residential interior, on the part of the kitchen they are equipped functionally, and from the side of the living room are organically inscribed in the recreation area. For example, the lower part is made fully closed or open, combined (on the one hand - ordinary cabinets, on the other - falseworks), with drawers of various purposes; It is decorated with glass stained glass windows, arrange cells for bottles.

Under the worktop "Island" sometimes embed a dishwasher, oven, wine cabinet, compact refrigerator without freezer (it is appropriate in the cooking zone, when there is a large refrigerator in a remote part of the spacious kitchen). The decorative shelf is effectively attached to the remote block, the decorative shelf - mencol (it can be supplied with an exhaust and backlit), visually balancing the massive design of the island. It is suspended with everything that is usually located above the working surface in front of the hostess, including the objects of utensils - frying pan, pans, saucers ...

Opinion of a specialist

The "island" kitchen is ideal in a large room (15-18 m 2 or more). Designers recommend highlighting products and food preparation areas here. In the first of them there is a main working surface (between washing and stove); It should be quite extended and well lit. For this, the best table is the best table. In the case when the sink is located on it, the distribution of zones is ergonomically optimally. But then the size of the "island" is significantly increasing, respectively, the kitchen must be spacious.

Studies based on the "Method of a denunger" (movement during work in the kitchen), clearly prove the advantage of choosing a kitchen with the "island". Here, the hostess will be held on a day 100-150 m less, which will greatly facilitate her work and will undoubtedly improve the mood. The "Island" table is convenient for meals.

Kirill Ilyichev, Head of Factory Marketing Department "

All working areas in the kitchen "Caprice" (" ") Divided and open - it is convenient

. Options for complex solutions of working and dining areas

How to avoid problems

When integrating the kitchen in a residential space there are many obstacles: it is a tough layout of urban apartments, a lack (and sometimes excess) of the area, financial restrictions, technical problems. Moving kitchen equipment on the "island" or "Peninsula" is associated with the transfer of communications - water supply and sewage, gas and electricity. The design project not only work out all the nuances of the composition, but also negotiate each type of communication work, taking into account the requirements of SNiPs.

The greatest difficulty is the transfer of washing. Difficulties appear primarily when coordinating the project: after all, water and drain will most likely be most likely above the residential premises of the apartment below. To get permission, you need to make a high-quality floor insulation of the floor and to be able to convince the hillpox in the fact that the movement will not cause the inconvenience to the neighbors.

" ". Mobile stands on the rollers are easy to move

To washing, water is fed under pressure on pipes with a diameter of 15 mm. The diameter of the sewer pipe, which ensures the drain, is 50 mm. When the washing is removed from the riser, it is necessary to consider that the drain device requires laying the pipe with a slope of at least 0.03 (by 100 cm of length - 3 cm of the difference). Hide eyeliner in the screed is not difficult. To hide the drain pipe, and besides under a slope, the floor will have to raise. How much? Now we will find out.

In the sewage riser embedded crossbow for taps from plumbing and kitchen sink. It can be located above or below the upper plane of the inter sequencing. If below - problems with the discharge almost does not occur: the slope of the sewer pipe is easy to ensure. And if the crossed is worth high, you need to raise the drain pipe, coming from the "Island", and therefore, increase the thickness of the floor. Depending on the type of the last Sandwich, it may be rather thick (up to 10-15 cm). However, on European standards, the floor in the apartment must be single-level, so they usually align the floors in all rooms, and this is expensive.

When the ceilings are pretty low or carrying the ability of overlapping and financial capabilities do not allow to raise the level of the floor in the entire apartment, and engineering communications must be hidden, organized the technical podium. It has not only the "island", but also all the kitchen. The farther the remote element from the riser, the higher the podium.

Moving the electrical cooking panel, oven, refrigerator and other electrical appliances to the center of the kitchen does not represent. It is only necessary to think through the wiring diagram of the electrical wires, pick up the cable of a suitable cross section and plan the placement of sockets. With this, any qualified electrician will cope with it.

Opinion of a specialist

The minimum distance between the two working surfaces or from the "Island" to the wall should be at least 1 m. It provides freedom of movement and ease of use of the kitchen.

Many buyers are asked to make a "island" shallow. In all likelihood, they do not understand what properties of the selected design. Such elements have a small support area and can overturn, especially when there is a table with a protruding countertop.

"Island" hood should be mounted as high as possible not to touch her head. In addition, it must be borne in mind that, the deeper the "island", the wider there should be an umbrella of an exhaust to catch smells, couples, fat. The electrical cooking panel is better to place on the "island" - it is beautiful and functionally.

Larisa Arsamakova, Designer Studio "Decoration"

Light wing wave

Culinary classes in the center of the kitchen combined with the living room are unthinkable without the "island" (fastening to the ceiling) with a capacity of 500-800 m 3 / h. Otherwise, food fragrances will be puzzle in the public zone ... For an open kitchen, where it is prepared, only a hood with a tap mode and output to the ventshach (it removes the kitchen air from the room along with fats and smells). The effectiveness of the circulation exhaust, which takes the air, clears using the filters and returns back, 2 times lower than the extractor of the first type.

Most often, the hood with a tap mode is connected by means of a metal pipe-duct (corrugations) to the ventilation channel of the house. Since for the rest of the air, the output in the ventshacht is overlapping corrugations, the channel is made in the channel to save the natural ventilation of the rooms - the check valve or the fan of the forced exhaust is inserted into it. In the new multi-storey buildings of the modern layout, along with ordinary ventilation mines there are additional ventkanals for kitchen hoods.

Light on the "island"

Open layout requires a certain approach to the coverage of the "Island". If a cooking panel is put on it, the problem solves the extractor with powerful built-in light sources. It happens that no hood over a free element is not, then lamps are used (for example, on elongated cords). It is desirable that their axes do not come out for the outline of the working surface (and best of all - crossed with the axis of the countertop). Comfortable lamps are considered, the light of which does not hit the eye, therefore, the optimal solution for the "Island" is the dissimilar "dairy" lampshades.

There are many techniques that allow you to beat the air duct: multi-level ceilings of different configurations, rash balks (they hide the corrugation, and they can hide the lamps that provide soft backlight). For very high rooms, models of exhausts with a long pipe (1.5 m) are provided.

When choosing a "island" drawing, not only technical aspects (performance, low noise), but also the method of fastening to the ceiling is taken into account. This design is a very noticeable component of both the kitchen "island" and the entire interior, so it must be flawless in terms of design.

Vega kitchen ()

Be not lost in space

For the furniture composition with the "island" or "peninsula" requires sufficient area. Designers, designing open kitchens, believe that an important condition for their integration into the interior is not only a common member of the kitchen zone, but also the width of the room.

The room with a width of at least 4.5 m and an area of \u200b\u200b15-20 m 2 from the point of view of ergonomics and security is best suited for the "island" or "peninsula" layout. So that family members were not constrained in the movements, freely advanced boxes, opened the doors, used the technique, finally, could dispense with the meeting, the desired width of the passages around the "Island" - at least 1-1.2 m.

Obviously, the little "island" in a large open space is only like a point on the map. Therefore, its optimal dimensions (height, width, depth) should be 850/950/1000 × 1800 × 900 mm. Dimensions 850/950/1000 × 1200 × 900 mm - already at the limit.

. One of the advantages of the open "island" layout is the possibility of communication in the process of work

Opinion of a specialist

The Kitchen "Island" provides a unique possibility of informal, relaxed communication, possible only when people working in this room do not interfere with each other. It is not by chance that this remote element, who first had a hard, technological, purely professional character, gradually complemented by mounted shelves, "thrilled" large dining areas (if the space allowed) or at least small tables for breakfast and bar racks, which significantly improved its communicative function. The "island" became not only the center of the kitchen, uniting family members, but also the place of reception of friends, with whom you can make friends to cook a delicious dinner and eat it immediately, drinking light wine.

Dmitry Zotov, leading designer of the company ""

Constructive unity

"Islands" and "Peninsula" are manufactured from the same structural components as the whole kitchen. A single base of elements and decorative parts allows designers to dispose of them, based on consumer requests. And the higher the level of the manufacturer, the wider the range of proposals and combinations of components even within the same model, functionality is better thought out, the original catalogs are better thought out, and therefore more opportunities to make the kitchen for a specific customer.

The variety of elements (including convex-concave), accessories, countertops literally to plan cabinets, drawers and shelves for storing kitchen equipment and supplies. Skill to dispose of all this wealth - the task of a designer designing the kitchen. And it's not only in the potential of a factory. Applying simple, but elegant design solutions, you can also make a kitchen space, which for many years will please our owners. For example, one of the economical ways to create the "island" is to make it of two layers of moisture-resistant drywall, choosing power profiles or bars of stronger (100 × 50 mm), and then bold a tiles and facades. In such a remote element, the cooking panel, oven; It can be operated and simply as a practical working surface.

The designs of the "Islands" and "Peninsula" are performed with facades from the same material as kitchen furniture, with similar decor, handles, edging, basement, etc. Choosing for the "Island" chipboard, MDF, plastic, wood massif, veneer , metal or glass, which are successfully used in the manufacture of modern kitchens, are usually focused on the main composition, but it is not necessary. The main thing is that in the general context of the premises they are combined with each other. Special attention should be paid to the materials in the case when the worktop is used as a large cutting board. Manufacturers are now offered natural stone, composites (including Corimian), stainless steel, laminated chipboard, tile. In working surfaces, thick cutting elements from the wood array are integrated, which can be an integral part of the table top made of any material.

" "You can order a" island "as a version of any model available in the catalog and make the kitchen

comfortable, beautiful and fashionable. For example, put in the center of the cooking panel and the oven

Opinion of a specialist

Recently, many furniture manufacturers demonstrate a new approach to the design of the kitchen, and architects and designers seek to increase the size of the kitchen "territory", combining it from the living-dining room. And not surprising: what kind of mistress does not dream, so that everything needs is within reach! An idea arose: besides the main kitchen area, arrange a peculiar core of the house, the "island", which unites the family in the center of the room. Successfully organizes the space plate with an exhaust, around which you can move. A multi-level bar counter, which comes out of the depths of the "Island", serves as a "gathering place" of adults and children. One of the most popular options is a technological "island": the sink, a cooking panel, and under the tabletop - built-in equipment are mounted in its working surface. Holding such a kitchen, take care of several things.

Combining the kitchen "Island" with the living room requires an additional (in addition to "island" hood) forced ventilation.
. Treat the work surface lighting in advance (it is advisable to build a controlled system of light sources in the mounted shelves).
. Sliding gas, water and sewage must be available.
. The sink is better to leave one of the walls occupied by the main composition. After making it in the center of the kitchen, take care of the slope of the sewer pipe in the floor design.

Tatyana Kalugina, Deputy General Director of the Euro-Build Service Architectural and Construction Company

. Working unit with exhaust, cutting boards, shelves for various utensils at the bottom and Mensen at the top,

to which accessories are attached, typical of the kitchen, stylized under the antique

Style? Any!

Separate items are relevant for any style directions. In classic kitchens, they are abundantly decorated with sealers, carved overlays, pilasters, open arched shelves. Modern stylistics requires a strict and reserved approach. So, the minimalist interior is impressed due to the horizontal arrangement of items in space.

Since the "island" is a rather massive architectural dominant, be careful with a dark range visually reducing space, especially with small kitchen sizes. Light designs look easier and seem more elegant. The combination of materials and color depends on the imagination of the designer. It is not necessary that the remote elements repeat the tonality of the main composition, especially considering the existing trend of cuisine polychromicity. The "Vistak" himself was at first rectangular, but today it can be any: p- or M-shaped, pose an open ring. ",", Arclinea, Lube, Salvarani, Santarossa, SCIC, Tomassi, Varenna, Verona (Italy).

We buy "Island"

Kitchen "Islands" and "Peninsula" - expensive pleasure, testifying to a certain social status of a person. After all, we are talking about the organization of studio space, where a certain author's idea is implemented, embodied in his very design. Unlike the elements of the built-in kitchen, these blocks do not have the rear; All four sides are designed and completed equally carefully. Facade materials, non-standard modules (including convex-concave), ensuring the stability of the design make the project to be expensive, not to mention the transfer of communications.

According to the most modest calculations of the "island" kitchen without equipment, devoid of delights, with plastic facades costs at least 200 thousand rubles. And the price of a set of wood array - 350 thousand rubles.

It is difficult to definitely say how much the "island" and "peninsular" kitchen layout is more expensive. Dimensions, materials, internal equipment and, of course, the design determines the price of the central element. It can be a rectangular desktop or multifunctional design with original bar counter. For example, the entire "island" composition based on the model "Elina" from Massiva Bereza ("") costs 142 thousand rubles. (without equipment and accessories), and the "Island" incoming to it without claims, with a minimum of drawers with dimensions of 855 × 1300 × 860 mm will cost 27 thousand rubles.

Option for comparison is a kitchen planned based on the Metropolis CAFFE () program. The cost of the "island" element of 1800 mm wide with a bar counter stand and chairs, but without technology will be more than 30% (about 300 thousand rubles) from the price of the entire kitchen kit with an exhaust.

In the kitchen layout with the island laid the idea of \u200b\u200bfunctional comfort and compactness - what will be needed in this zone should be placed at a distance of an elongated hand. Standard sizes of island furniture complex: height 900 mm, width - over 1 meter, length - 0.6-1.5 or more meters.

The traditional island in the kitchen should be placed in the event that the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room is more than 20 square meters. For a relatively small room 15-20 kV. M Selects compact, folding or mobile options, such as in the photo below.

Details about the dimensions

The kitchen with an island is convenient due to the device of another work area in the room. Installation of the island element is added to 25% of the utility work area. In addition, it is possible to display electrical outlets and install equipment, arrange an oven or sink.

The overall space occupied by the island should not be more than 10% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen, and the passages around it must be at least 1 m wide - otherwise the room will be overloaded and moving on it will be difficult. Therefore, in small kitchens, the island can be performed by mobile, and not stationary - on the wheels.

So, the main dimensions of the island must comply with such rules:

  • Standard table height - 92 cm;
  • If the kitchen is often working, requiring efforts (for example, the test of the test), then the countertop is performed below - 76 cm;

For hoses that often prepare baking, a good option will be a two-level island.

  • If the island will replace the dining table, then the minimum distance between the seat chairs and the top of the table top is 300-320 mm. The table top of the table islands can be calculated on the principle of 600 mm per sitting.

And to use the island conveniently, you need to observe the rule of the working triangle - the stove, the refrigerator and the sink should be located at a distance of 1.5 meters, and these points must form a triangle when connected.

Forms of the kitchen island

The layout of the kitchen with the island may include the central elements of the following forms:

  1. The rectangle is the most traditional and widespread form for the island, perfectly fits into small elongated spaces.

  1. Square island placed on, or in case the headsets are located on the P-shaped scheme .

  1. The semicircular shape is great for the island with a bar counter, while the rounded part must be on the side of the bar counter, as shown in the photo.

  1. The most convenient island in the kitchen is a U-shaped table or an open circle, since it allows you to all need to be placed within walking distance.

  1. There are completely round and oval island tables.

In general, the form can be any - from Zig Zab to the hexagon. But the height of them is approximately the same - 90-92 cm.

Large kitchen islands can be visually made easier, equipping them with open shelves and boxes with glass facades or to choose a table without decorations, and of course, white color will make it much less bulky.