Material for plating the veranda inside. Outdoor and interior trim

One of the most significant advantages of accommodation in a private house is the opportunity at any time of the day and night to reach fresh air and enjoy the fragrance of flowers in the summer or the charming smell of the lady of foliage in the fall. And how nice to sit with a cup of tea on an open veranda during the first May thunderstorm, when the air is filled with ozone and gentle young greens are silly under elastic jets. A closed veranda in a country house can be easily turned into a dining room, where the whole family will be collected for Sunday dinner: share your impressions, build plans and just communicate. An important role in creating the necessary mood is plays not only the view open from the windows, but also trim the veranda. It is she who helps you create an atmosphere of home comfort and peace.

Choosing materials

The choice of materials for finishing the veranda has not only aesthetic, but also practical importance. As a rule, under the word "veranda" imply an unheardous room. In some cases, the open veranda is more like a serving attached to the house, so that there is no speech about heating here.

So, the decor should be not only beautiful, but also resistant to high humidity and temperature drops.

Protection of wooden structures and thermal insulation

The most popular building material for the construction of the veranda is wood. Before proceeding with finishing, all wooden structures need to be developed by a special antiseptic composition.

In addition, for glazed veranda, the correct thermal insulation of the lower walls (under the windows) and the ceiling is of great importance. The interior trim of the veranda begins with it. If warming up correctly, the room may be inhabitable until late autumn.

It is possible to insulate the ceiling veranda in virtually any thermal insulation materials: mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam (EPPS), foam or liquid sprayed polyurethane foam. Choosing a foam should be prepared for the fact that for high-quality thermal insulation, it is necessary to put a sufficiently thick layer of this material, which will inevitably lead to a decrease in the ceiling level by 10 -15cm. Sprayed polyurethane foam is effective, but expensive insulation. But the EPPS and mineral wool at a fairly democratic price will be able to perfectly protect your veranda from autumn cold.

The insulation is laid on the walls and ceiling on the same scheme. First of all, it is necessary to ensure waterproofing. For this, the waterproof film is spread along the entire wall, and the joints between her sheets are sealed with metallized scotch. Then we install vertical wooden bars at an equal distance from each other, and between them lay the insulation.

Important! It should be remembered that mineral wool is very afraid of dampness. Under the influence of moisture in just a few years, such a insulation turns into a duch.

The last layer will be a heat transferser, which is placed by a metallized film inside the room and fastens with scotch.

In the same way, we warm the ceiling.

Wall decoration and ceiling veranda

When all preparatory work is completed, it's time to think about the interior of your veranda. You can entrust it to the development of a professional designer, and you can cope with this task of independently. The finishes of the open and closed terraces are quite a lot. Consider the most popular of them.

PVC panel finish

The most budget variant of the walls of the veranda walls in recent years is plastic panels. This material is resistant to high humidity and temperature drops. In addition, it is easily mounted and washed. It will help you to imagine how interesting the interior trim of the veranda photo made in one of the construction stores can be made of PVC.

It is possible to attribute to disadvantages of plastic and fragility - it is very easy to break it, carelessly moving the chair or accidentally hitting the knee wall.

Wooden rails, a cross section of 30 * 20 or 30 * 10 mm or a metal profile for mounting drywall can be used as a frame for PVC panels. When using wood, it must be previously treated with an antiseptic.

Helpful advice! On the walls of the veranda overlooking the street, it is better to use wooden slats for the crate. Metal profiles mounting can create "cold bridges", which will largely reduce the quality of thermal insulation. But for not too smooth inland walls it is better to use a profile on special suspensions.

  • Reiki must be fixed perpendicular to the direction of laying panels. So, if the wall plastic will be located vertically, the rails are stuffed horizontally with a step no more than 50 cm.

Important! The decoration of the walls of the veranda panels with a pattern is performed from the left to the right. You can start the installation of monochromatic panels from either side of the wall.

  • When the doom is ready, the starting profile or mounting corner is mounted in the corner of the room with nails or self-tapping screws. The first is used if the neighboring wall will be finished with another material, and the second will allow you to stick the PVC panels with each other.
  • The first panel is then inserted into the guide profile so that the wide mounting shelf is directed towards the installation.
  • For fixing the panel to the crate, metal holders can be used, and you can simply fasten it to the rake with a self-tapping screw.

Important! If you do not use holders for mounting panels, do not tighten the screws too much. Otherwise, the panel will "lead."

  • Insert the next panel so that no gap is left, and secure it.

Remember that PVC panels are subject to temperature expansion. For its compensation, it is necessary to leave a gap in 2-3 cm at the bottom of the wall and close it with a plinth.

MDF - Cheap wood imitation

Another popular finishing material are MDF panels. They are somewhat stronger than plastic, but less resistant to moisture. It is not worth using this material on open verandas, but for closed it is quite suitable.

The MDF panels are installed just like plastic.

Wooden Lining - Classic Genre

Listing the materials for finishing the veranda, it is impossible not to mention the most traditional of them - wood. Most often it is the so-called lining.

The lining is a trim board, up to 22mm thick with special grooves facilitating installation and docking.

This material is chosen not only the walls, but also the ceiling of the veranda. After processing with antiseptics, the lining will last you until 20 years. For a long time to talk about the advantages of wood before artificial materials there is no need. What is only a delightful woody smell, which will be felt on your veranda for many years.

Choosing wooden lining

First of all, it should be said that according to the method of production, the lining is divided into despicable and solid. In the first case, the most high-quality pieces of wood are connected by a special way. Despite the fact that such a material looks superior - there are no bitch, cracks and other copper defects - it is not suitable for finishing the open veranda. With high humidity, cracks may form in the place of splicing, which will strongly spoil the appearance of the finish.

In addition, the lining is divided into 4th grade. The most expensive and high-quality class "Extra" class is almost always scrambled. But the material of class A, B or C, as a rule, from solid wood. On such a lining there are bits and potholes. Most often, they are processed by putty even in production.

Important! When buying a material, be sure to unpack it. Very often in the middle of the pack are defective or low-grade strips.

Preparation and installation of lining

Preparation of lining to installation is reduced to the processing of its antiseptic and the adaptation of the material. It is necessary to leave the lining in the separated room for several days, and then cover it with the protective composition.

When using the wallboard, the trim of the veranda tree is performed almost the same as the PVC or MDF panels. The cuttack is done on the same scheme, but the attachment methods are somewhat:

  • Fasteners galvanized nails. This is the easiest way. The nail is simply driven into the center of the board, and then with the help of Deloik, a hat is taken.
  1. Fasteners with self-drawing. In this case, a hole of about 10mm deep is drilled in a spike board. The diameter of the drill must correspond to the diameter of the screw of the self-press. Then we screw the lining to the crate, drowned the screw in the hole, we close it with the impudent and stall. As you can see a method of more laborious, but the attachments are not visible.

Important! Using kleimers, only the trim of the veranda inside can be produced.

When the installation of the lining is complete, you need to close the corners and joints in the area of \u200b\u200bthe door and the windows of the corner and proceed to the finish finish. To give wood, the shade is used colored varnishes or verses.

Important! Before proceeding with the work, cover the selected lacquer cutting and let me dry. Sometimes after drying, the color becomes completely not like when applied. Remove the same lacquer from the walls will be very difficult. For the same reason, do not buy a large volume of varnish at once: buy a little, try, and if you like it - bought.

Apply the lacquer need from top to bottom: first cover the ceiling, and then the walls.

Exterior finish

So, we considered the basic options for finishing the veranda from the inside. How to bind it outside? In principle, you can use the lining and here, but is it worth it? Despite all sorts of impregnation and antiseptics, a tree that is constantly exposed to the negative effects of the environment, quickly loses decorativeness. So, it will have to reinstall annually.

If you still decided to choose Welzing, remember that it is possible to mount the lining outside horizontally only spike up. At the same time, it is necessary to fix it in two rows - from the side of spikes and from the side of the groove.


In recent years, the trim of the veranda siding has gained special popularity. Even if the house is lined with brick or covered with decorative plaster, you can easily choose such a shade of siding, which perfectly fit into the ensemble.

The most frequently used variety of this material is vinyl siding. Its popular with its popular price is quite a democratic price, good operational qualities and ease of installation.

To finish facades, horizontal siding with a lock connection is most often used. We will consider its installation in more detail:

We proceed to the opening and installation of the panels. Cut the vinyl siding is easy enough. This can be made with scissors for metal, hacksaw or electric bike.

Important! Vinyl is strongly susceptible to the temperature expansion. Therefore, each panel should be shorter than 5-7mm.

  • A little bend the panel in the center and start its edges in the groove of angular profiles.
  • Align the panel and start its lower edge into the starting bar.
  • Fix the top edge of the panel with self-draws through the prepared holes.

Important! It is impossible to press the self-taking tight to the crate. The oval hole for the attachment is intended to move the material to move freely along the self-pressing during temperature fluctuations. The distance between the cap and the crate should be 1-1.5 mm.

  • The following bar will also start in the corner profiles, snap in the grooves of the previous and fasteners to the crate.
  • Before installing the last plank, by installing the finishing profile, we cut off the necessary width of the siding strip, snap it into the previous bar, and simply insert the free edge into the finishing profile.
  • Here is a detailed video instruction, on the installation of this material:

That's all. Outside, your veranda looks perfect.

Finishing veranda - photo selection

In order to make it easier for you to make a final choice in favor of this or that finishing material, we have prepared a small photo selection:

It should be as comfortable and aesthetic, like the whole building. It can be a front entrance that gives the first impression of the interior, or an extension intended for recreation or economic needs. One way or another, one of its main goals is to serve a decoration, without which the house would not look so smart. It can be sustained in the same style as the main structure, or differ from him, creating an interesting composition with him and successfully complementing the facade. For the walls and the ceiling, a durable and fireproof finish will be required, so we will tell you how to persuade the unheated outside and inside.

Than to see the unheated veranda inside and outside

Requirements for materials

One of the main tasks is to create a coating that does not pass heat and protecting against drafts. The walls should breathe, otherwise in the cold season, inside it will be stuffy and uncomfortable, especially when turned on. The problem can solve the vent valve. Such devices are commonly used in urban apartments where impenetrable plastic double-glazed windows are installed.

If the house is intended for living all year round, the coating will need it to have good thermal insulation properties. It is advisable to put a layer of thermal insulation for the finishing, closing it with a film that does not pass moisture. Without such protective measures, water penetrates in emptiness and starts to destroy the material, expanding when freezing. In the room will be felt the smell of dampness, and in the corners can.

If the structure in the garden plot is used only in summer, the external finishing layer must still have good waterproofing properties and securely protect the brick, concrete or wood from wetting.

One of the most important requirements is fireproof. For a log cabin or facility made from a bar, you can assume lightness, but still it is worth making a choice in favor of a non-combustible coating. In case of fire, it will delay the flame and can save the lives of people in the building.

Important qualities are non-toxicity. The coating should not cause allergies. If it has a pronounced chemical smell, it cannot be used in any case. Even in an outdoor room from such a "aroma" it will be impossible to get rid of. With combustion, the material will most likely be toxic gas. Unfair manufacturers try to sell their goods as quickly as possible. It is usually sold in the markets where no one watches for quality, and it is very cheap, so it is better to do the purchase in building stores, where the quality of the goods is no doubt. The price is one of the quality indicators.

From the facing it is necessary to maintain its properties despite the frost, rain and exposure to ultraviolet. If it is planned to paint, it is better to choose the most persistent compositions.

Than to sherand the veranda outside


In the case of open verandas, protective measures will not need.

For the sheat, most often used. This is an environmentally friendly material. It is not expensive and has all the necessary properties. To protect the boards from the effects of microorganisms, they are processed by an antiseptic. For protection against moisture use varnish and. It may contain antiseptic substances. Each board has a small ledge from one edge, which comes for the neighboring. It is necessary to close the voids at the joints. The coating, if necessary, is trimmed and attached to the crate of nails, kleimers, brackets or self-drawing.

The tree looks great with any material. If, for example, the question arose - how to hesitate the pillars on the open veranda - it is better to choose the lining.


In second place in popularity is located. It happens four types:

  • polymeric;
  • metal;
  • cement;
  • wood.

It is more racks to rain and frost, does not fade in the sun and does not need additional processing. Its service life is several times longer.

There are disadvantages. Polymeric products are well burning, highlighting the caustic toxic smoke. Metal fireproof, but they are easy to spoil. If you bend one part or make a dent on it, it will be impossible to straighten it.

Installation is made on the crate using special accessories and baguette.


The highest strength characteristics has. He is not afraid of blows and scratches. Rain and snow to him. The service life of the brick is not limited.


If the structure is constructed reliably and the supporting structures do not "walk", its external part can be covered with plaster. There are decorative compositions, mixtures with improved technical characteristics. In the composition you can enter the dye of any shade.


Walls and roofs can be made transparent using polycarbonate plates. They are monolithic and hollow. Products can have any color, smooth or embossed surface. The material skips the light perfectly, has high strength. This allows it to withstand loads from more than a meter layer of snow. It weighs a little. It will not have to collect massive structures for its installation. Plates are attached to the frame or the crate.


For draft trim, you can use oriented chipboard (OSB). For technical specifications, they exceed the finish from a natural tree. On open terraces of them, not only enclosing structures are made, but also the floors.

Than to sew a cold veranda from the inside

From the inside, the heat and waterproofing may also be needed. It is done in the same way as with an external one. The exception is open and semi-open structures.

How to cover the walls

Regardless of which the trim, the carrying structures will be better protected by heat and waterproofers. For insulation, mineral wool is used, foamed polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam. To protect this layer, the waterproofing based on polyethylene is placed on top. Polyurethane foam is applied by spraying using special equipment. In other cases, work can be made with your own hands. Porous plates are stacked on a wooden crate. The seams between them are filled with mounting foam, excess are cut off with a knife. From above to the crate is nails polyethylene. The joints are closed with metallic scotch.

For a comfortable stay on the terrace during the cold season, additional insulation will not be required if the walls are made of thick logs, or aerated concrete blocks. The thickness of the masonry in this case should be at least 25 cm.

Most often for decorations using lining. This is a rare case when building material has a pleasant natural smell, healthy health. If the terrace serves as an entrance to the dwelling, the panels from polyvinyl chloride are suitable as a facing. They are easily laundered and not afraid of moisture. They look as not as smart and colorful, as a natural tree, but in contrast to it they hold well when the temperature drop in the unheated room.

Plates of MDF have proven well. They look like a woody array, while most disadvantages inherent in birch or pine. The vulnerable place is the edges that when installing must be closed, previously treated with an antiseptic. Otherwise, they will crumble.

What to see the ceiling on the veranda

In the first place in popularity again lining. It does not need to withstand serious loads from it, and nothing threatens her at the top.

PVC panels, MDF and OSB plates are also used for ceilings. Weaving and bamboo surface kneel well.

When choosing plaster, it is better to stay on the compositions for facades. They are not afraid of moisture and temperature drops.

You can collect a transparent roof of polycarbonate. In this case, the ceiling will not be required, but even cellular coatings will not be able to create the necessary level of thermal insulation.

Than to separate the floor

The highest strength is the floors. You can enter a dye into solution, but the main advantage of such a solution is its reliability.

If the coating requires strength and high decorative characteristics, the tile will be the best solution. There is a huge amount of tiles that differ in price, properties and composition. Material is environmentally friendly and not afraid of water. There are special coatings that are characterized by increased strength and abrasion resistance.

With low humidity, you can lay linoleum, rubber, even, but better not to risk. In the unheated room, too much condensate accumulates. It is better to use floorboards covered with varnish, paint and processed by antiseptics.

  • Material prepared: Artem Filimonov

The veranda for a country house - an extension is not mandatory, but desirable. It is here that in the summer you can put a couple of rocking chairs, a small table and enjoy the morning coffee in the fresh air. Given that the veranda is most often not heated and has no full-fledged glazing, the interior of the walls must be carried out with high-quality materials that are resistant to different climatic influences.


Among all the finishing materials, the most comfortable stay is capable of creating a tree. For this reason, for the interior decoration of the walls, the veranda, both open and closed, most often preferred by the lining. Material is made entirely of wood, has an attractive appearance. The coating is pleasant to the touch and exudes no less pleasant wood fragrance.

The market presents 4 grade material. The most expensive option is the Extra Class Lining. Her difference from the rest of the classes is that it is manufactured by splicing several pieces of high-quality wood. Such lining is perfect for the walls of a closed veranda, and for the open veranda it is not worth using it: under the influence of moisture in the field of wood splicing, cracks may form. Cheaper classes of lining - A, B and C. All three classes are made of solid wood, so the material there are bits and small defects. Thought on such wood are usually shaded in the production process. The difference of classes of lining from each other is in the permissible amount of bitch, chipping, resin pockets and cracks for a certain length. Class A lining is almost not inferior in terms of the quality of the Class "Extra", but can be used for finishing on an open veranda. Class C classes is the fastest, however, it will be the most defects, and therefore we should not expect durability from it.

The color of the lining directly depends on the tree of the tree, from which it is made. Pine boards - amber shade, lime - pale beige, fir-yellowish. The material is not subject to rotting, resistant to temperature differences and exposure to UV rays, and if necessary, damaged areas can be easily replaced.

The lining must be treated with an antiseptic, and then it can serve you up to 20 years.

PVC panels

No less popular material for finishing wall veranda - PVC panels. The cost of the material is low, in the installation of the panel is quite simple. The coating care is also simple: it is enough to periodically wipe the walls slightly damp sponge.

In addition to the budget value, ease of installation and care, the benefits of plastic panels include durability, resistance to high humidity and temperature differences. Thus, plastic will become an excellent solution for finishing both an open and closed veranda.

The assortment of PVC panels pleases diversity. There are panels, imitating wood, natural stone, cloth or metal surface. In a word, with the choice of the most suitable problem there will be no problems.

Painted panels for frames with screws or nails. In order for the surface "breathing", it is necessary to leave the gap of 2-3 cm between the ceiling and the wall.

Minus material is perhaps one - increased fragility. To accidentally damage the PVC panels, the chairs and the table on the veranda are not close to the walls.

MDF panels

MDF panels are widely used at home and cottage. You can use this material and to finish the walls of the veranda, but only for its closed version. The reason for this is that when the MDF-panel of moisture appears on the surface of the MDF panel, it deforms and loses its qualities.

The positive properties of the material include its strength, simplicity of installation and quite budget value.


The selection of this finish type opens up wide design horizons: decorative plasterhouses are the most different textures and colors, moreover, with their help, you can create interesting reliefs at the expense of application technique. At the same time, it should be considered, for what type of veranda it is necessary to choose the material: for the closed heated veranda, plaster for internal works is suitable, and for an open or unheated, it is worth choosing a material from the range of facade plasters.

Decorative plaster is easy to maintain, well tolerate moisture, temperature drops and mechanical impact. With it, you can create many effects: plaster can perfectly imitate marble and any other stone, cork, wood and other materials.

So, we looked at the most convenient in work and practical materials for finishing the veranda walls. The choice of trimming methods is not very large, but this limitativeness is more than compensated by a wide range and methods of using materials, so you can easily embody any idea without prejudice to quality.

The trim of the veranda is a creative process, because it is necessary to produce its cover by the rules. Identical materials can be used in the device veranda of various types. Some tips will help learn the secrets of the correct skin.

What type of veranda do you prefer?

Most of the owners of private homes for recreation prefer the veranda - an extension that adjoins one of the walls of the structure. When creating and calm atmosphere, and a comfortable mood of the veranda playing her finish.

The design of the veranda can be an open or closed type. Naturally, the trim of the veranda inside is carried out depending on its type. For the design of an open veranda (there is also a terrace), building materials that are not subject to atmospheric influence in the form of high humidity will be required (we advise you to pay attention to modern plastic panels for outdoor decoration, perforated sheet, which can be used not only for finishing, but also separation on Zones, perforated sheet, you can burst the terrace ceiling, etc.) and other interior items. For the summer veranda there is no need to produce glazing. This type of veranda is considered to be a seasonal room, therefore cabinet furniture or solid buildings are not appropriate on the veranda.

It is enough to decorate the veranda of summer indoor plants and comfortable portable sofas and armchairs. This means that the decor of the open veranda should be not only impressive, but also resistant to temperature drops or moisture.

Therefore, the inner decoration of the veranda is beginning with the heat and waterproofing of the lower part of the walls and the ceiling. What materials can be used for this?

Options for indoor and outer decoration of the open veranda

lining, panels, plus fantasy

Traditionally, the veranda and stone are used as an inner lining of the veranda. Before covering the veranda, all designs made of wood are required to be treated with an antiseptic. The most common materials for the poster of the veranda inside and outside are:

Lining and plastic

Polystyrene tile

PVC and MDF panels.

Of course, these materials are trimmed by almost all verandas of country villages and cottages of our immense homeland. Cheap and fast! But I always want to diversify your home, especially if the private house and his veranda is located in the picturesque surroundings. Help diversify the trim inside and the vendors of the veranda can be used outside the laminate and veneer of wood.

Especially interesting elements decorated from these materials for the veranda located on the upper floors of the house.

frame verandas

An easy version of creating and placing veranda to the house can be called an extension of a planed pine timber. The structure will not require the construction of a complex and powerful foundation, so there is no problems of pillars with wooden structures and the subsequent finish does not occur.

Little frame extension or veranda can be built with your own hands. As a roofing material, it is not bad to use a soft tile, which on the installation technology and operational qualities is successfully combined with the existing roofing coating of the private house.

What materials are used for construction and plating open veranda

Approximate list of materials required for the conveying of the frame veranda:

Foundation and frame veranda

Concrete pillars for foundation

Bar for carcass

Domegal for the bottom of the veranda

Wooden Wallpaper or OSB Plates

Brackets and corners for connecting timber

Self-tapping screws or plates

Connecting anchor for frame


Beams and roofing material

Reiki and Creek Boards

Self-tapping screws



Board or floorboards

Lags and fastening elements.

In addition, it is necessary to consider the option of lighting and finishing the bottom of the veranda stone.

Useful advice

Experts believe that frame verandas are the cheapest and practical option of the erection of an additional structure. The design has a smaller weight that requires a lightweight foundation. The connecting connections of the main construction and the verandas are easily calculated and erected, necessarily taking into account the place of connecting the veranda and the main construction of the house.

Open veranda connection

When connecting an open veranda, it is necessary to focus on places of connection. It is recommended to take into account the difference in the materials of the trim and the foundation, as well as the construction time of structures.

Ideally, the connection site must perform the function of the deformation seam, compensating for the difference in linear and volume extensions. Such a process is inevitable over time and at temperature and humidity differences. As a connecting element of walls, the veranda is preferable to use anchors.

Closed veranda

For warm veranda, finishing options differ from the open type finish. In addition to the main inner and exterior decoration, the owners think over the glazing and device of fireplaces.

The most common glazing option is the design of the French veranda, which uses metal-plastic windows of large sizes.

glazing of closed veranda

For the French veranda characteristic design with glass walls. Installation of powerful glass accommodations implies a solid foundation and reliable support pillars.

For this, experts recommend using metal frames or corners. With glazing, you can use one and two-layer bags. It is preferable to use swivel-folding structures that ensure the possibility of opening them.

french windows

"French" windows are a sliding design with two sash, one of which is mobile. Such structures are able to withstand significant wind loads. Windows frames are high-strength profiles with sealing and reliable accessories.

The windows can be closed from the inside and outside, providing entrance to the veranda. Therefore, windows can be successfully used as doors.

Installing dear multi-layered PVC windows makes no sense. It is better to consider the option of floor insulation and veranda walls. For insulation of walls, floor and ceiling, closed-type veranda is better to use such traditional insulation.

In the case of budget and inexpensive finishes, you can install ordinary windows, which are recommended to mount at a height of at least 80 cm from the floor.

To cover the walls of a closed veranda, you can use drywall and plasterboard. Before the walls of the walls of the warm veranda, it is necessary to produce hydrophobization of walls from the inside and outside.

As a heater fit:

Mineral wool

Extruded polystyrene foam.

From the side of the premises of the veranda, the insulation "closes" with a vapor barrier film and is sewed plywood, plasterboard, clapboard or wall panels.

How to make a closed veranda clamp, presented in the video.

Home / Ceiling design / Design solutions / What material to choose for a ceiling on the terrace?

Own house with terrace or veranda is the dream of many inhabitants of standard urban apartments. Holders of such houses face other problems - the selection of materials for the design of the house and the choice of what can be used the ceiling on the terrace. Special operating conditions in the case of open premises make their own adjustments to the process of selecting the appropriate design.

Features of operation

Repair and design of overlaps of this part of the house should be carried out with regard to certain requirements. First of all, they should easily endure exploitation outside of residential space, as most of these premises are not closed and not heated. The following requirement is moisture resistance. If it is raining or snow, the humidity of the surrounding air will increase, which can be negatively affected by the appearance of the coating.

One of the main requirements for the decorated surfaces will be their excellent appearance. Not all materials can provide it. Therefore, based on the conditions in which coverage will be used and requirements for appearance, several options for finishers suitable are considered below. Also, it will be indicated which materials are not worth using.

What types of finishes do not fit

Some types of compositions are not recommended. This is due to the fact that the conditions in which the overlap in this part of the house will be operated are usually far from ideal. Frequent temperature change, cold air exposure in winter and wet atmosphere after rain in summer do not contribute to the preservation of planes in its original form. Therefore, choosing than to sew the ceiling on the open terrace should not be guided by the following options:

  • Plasterboard - he simply splashes and even moisture-resistant varieties are better not to use.
  • Unprocessed tree - without special impregnation and surface protection, such a design will not last long.
  • PVC stretch canvas - negative temperatures in winter will lead it unusable.

The remaining finishes can be used without any restrictions. If the veranda is insulated and is closed, then you can even install the designs of PVC films that will allow you to quickly transform this room as quickly as possible.

What can be used

Another good option in order to arrange the ceiling on the terrace - panel or rush structures. Panel coatings can be made of plastic or MDF. The first option will be more preferable, since plastic is not afraid of any water, no cold, but the MDF transfers them badly. Raking coatings are also perfectly suitable, as basically, the rails are made from metal, which perfectly withstands the most rigid conditions of operation.

Options for registration

A more accurate idea of \u200b\u200bhow the ceiling on the terrace may look like a few photos presented below. You can choose the appropriate type of design for the veranda, and the installation in most cases is easily implemented independently. An exception will be only tensioning coatings, to mounte which will help the team of specialists.

Finishing the ceiling

Ceiling trimming decoration

It is recommended to begin with a thorough impregnation with a special antiseptic composition of all elements made of natural wood. So you can save the design from premature rotting and protect against the encroachment of voracious insects.

After the antiseptic processing, you can proceed to the installation of the frame base. The wooden lamp is performed from a bar with a cross section of 30x50, and 50x50 mm is suitable. The framework of the frame also requires pretreatment with antiseptic means.

The bars are fixed on the roofing rafting system with self-draws. It is allowed to fix the crate using long nails. When mounting the frame base on the rafters, it is recommended to observe a step between 30-40 bars. Save the horizontal orientation of the wooden elements allows the use of a construction level.

The simplest version of the facing is the use of wooden lining. Fragments of finishing material are fixed on the crate perpendicular to the bars of the frame base. Galvanized nails are used as fasteners.

It should be noted that the wooden clapped ceiling acquires a completed look after grinding and lacquer coating.

What is the veranda and what is its functions

What is a veranda? This is a small room, most often attached to one of the walls of the house. The structure is more intended for use in the warm season, so the heating on the veranda is not provided. The veranda can be closed or open (under one roof, glazed or not). Naturally, the inner finish will still have to think through, because it is impossible to leave this part of the structure with bare walls

Well, if the veranda will complement the overall interior of the house, so it is important to take into account all the nuances and choose suitable building materials.

Before finding out how you can enjoy the veranda from the inside, you will get acquainted with the types of veranda:

  • combined veranda - you need to enter the house through the veranda (general main input). Or another version of the combined veranda, then you can get into this room from another room. To go outside through the veranda will not work.

When there were no veranda during the construction of the house (this building is absent in the project), the owners make a decision to independently attach the veranda to the house or abandon this venture. You can build a veranda on your own, you do not need to invite the construction team and punch a hole in the wall of the house, you can make an extension close to the main facade, immediately before the entrance door, then you do not need to disturb the bearing wall and carry out heating.

What else to take into account during the construction of the veranda:

  1. The structure should be harmonized with the overall design of the house. For the reliability and stability of the extension will have to do the foundation. It is desirable that all work you have done to complete before the onset of cold weather, so that the soil does not sit down, and the structure itself did not move away from the wall.
  2. In order not to spoil the general view, it is worth considering in advance what materials can be used to build a veranda.
  3. Under the structure, it is desirable to build a columnar base (that is, the foundation) so that it will certainly be confident that the veranda will be tightly "standing." The choice of the foundation type is very important not only therefore, because the extension will have to sneak from the inside. Often at the construction stage, the owners of a private house or giving are interested in what can be seen a cold veranda. The choice of materials is huge, it is important to choose a gold middle and take into account the burden on the foundation.
  4. If you want to build a large veranda, length from 2 or more meters, then you have to strengthen the design of the foundation and make even additional brick supports.

How can I notice the veranda outside? Popular materials are a decorative stone, hollow decorative brick, lining, ceramic tiles. It all depends on the budget and personal preferences. It is desirable that the veranda does not differ from home itself.

In order for the work to argue, we can enjoy the veranda from the inside in a few days, if you have the necessary finishing materials and tools.

To work, you will need:

  • power tools: screwdriver, electric jigsaw, drill, perforator;
  • construction level and plumb;
  • pencil or marker, construction meter;
  • fasteners: screws, nests for rivers, brackets, nails.

What can be used

The most suitable material in order to make the ceiling on the terrace - blackboard or lining. A tree that serves as the basis of the composition in this case is a natural natural material and looks great. In addition, the cost of finishing the board or clap will not be too high, and all the work can be done independently.

The disadvantage of this solution will not be too long a tree service life without special processing. However, there are quite a lot of different impregnations and varnishes in stores to protect the surface of the wooden structure. It is enough to simply process all the surfaces after installation and then they will serve much longer.

Tensioning can be used if it is manufactured from the tissue special processing

However, the strength of the canvas is quite low and you need to comply with some rules when installing - the height of this ceiling on the terrace should be large, since there is a risk of damaging a thin fabric by negligence. The advantages of such registration include an excellent appearance, the possibility of selecting texture and rich color gamut.

Another good option in order to arrange the ceiling on the terrace - panel or rush structures. Panel coatings can be made of plastic or. The first option will be more preferable, since plastic is not afraid of any water, no cold, but the MDF transfers them badly. Raking coatings are also perfectly suitable, as basically, the rails are made from metal, which perfectly withstands the most rigid conditions of operation.

MDF for veranda

For you can use MDF. These are blocks in the form of wide boards that have a length of 2.6-3 m and a width of 15-30 cm. Today it is proposed a rather large color range of panels, which makes it possible to design the room in almost any style. In addition, the surface of the panels can mimic the surface of the natural tree.

Of the advantages that are distinguished by the MDF covering, it should be noted:

  • external appeal, variety of color shades;
  • practicality, such panels can be easily soaked, dirt almost do not accumulate on their surface, and the dust can be easily removed using a conventional damp cloth;
  • extremely easy installation of the rush crate;
  • acceptable cost.

Installation of such panels is easy to easily strengthen the rails for the frame. The thickness of such wooden rails is only 2 cm, width - 4 cm.

Rakes are attached nails, they perfectly eliminate small irregularities of the walls, allowing you to do without time-consuming and expensive alignment.

Scheme of plating a veranda clapboard.

In the work it is necessary to use a special plumbing or the construction level so that the walls of the walls are smooth and neat.

The panels themselves have grooves, with which the fastener is solid and reliable. Before you nail one panel next to the other, it should be inserted into the groove until you stop. If the panel is needed very easily cut. For cutting, you can use the usual electrolovka or saw. The stakes at the ceiling and floor can be blocked using a special plinth of the selected color.

A large variety of material colors allows the use of the most unexpected combinations to finish. The wall of the veranda, sheaving the MDF panels of two or even three colors, is much more winning and interesting than the finish of expensive plaster. In this method, you can zone a large veranda, setting up a separate area for recreation, a dining area, a place to work in the fresh air.

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Requirements for finishing materials

Before looking for the material and the way, how to see the veranda inside, you need to look at the conditions of the room, and only then look for a suitable material inexpensively.

Let's stop on the main:

  • Temperature and humidity indoors. On which side of the house there is a veranda, solar or shadow, depends, whether it is possible to sheathe the walls inside materials based on cellulose fibers, or a plastic will have to buy, inexpensively and securely;
  • The frequency of residence of people in the house and the use of the room. For a home, in which the constant temperature is not supported, and people live with large breaks in time, the problem than to sheathe the walls inside, turns into a need to combat water condensate;
  • The age of the veranda and the whole building. It makes no sense to try to strip the walls inside the room until the processes of shrinkage of the foundation and the building box are completed.

In the simplest case, you can see the walls from within the cement-chipboard, very inexpensive, almost not afraid of dampness, does not allow warping even with a strong condensate. But from aesthetic and practical point of view, most owners would like the covering inside the veranda, first of all, was comfortable and safe for health, and even then it was inexpensive and practical. Therefore, of more than two dozen shelving options, we will only leave the most weselves for the listed requirements.

For your information! For the newly constructed veranda of wood, you can advise to carry out the trim in the temporary scheme from the tipped board.

How to see a veranda with shrinkage walls, inexpensive and efficiently

Instead of the traditional vertical board, you can strip the walls with a horizontal package on the crusade. It turns out inexpensively and practical. In order for the shrinkage, the decoration does not break off the walls, the board is stuffed with a maximal clearance in the joint of the spike-groove and mandatory laying of the insulation, for example, from foamed polyethylene.

After three or four years, the finish on the veranda can be cheaply updated:

  • Remove the board, insulation and crate;
  • Process wood with antiseptic impregnation, versa and varnish;
  • To lay the crate, insulation and to stripped the walls re-, but already with the correct gaps in the junctions between the boards.

In this way, you can see inexpensively any room in a tree house, a bath from a bar. For brick and block buildings with a significantly smaller shrinkage, the veranda can be immediately seen on the finishing scheme.

Outdoor finish

The house will be wooden. Perhaps with the finishing of the facades is still unknown than. Therefore, I consider all possible options.

1 - Tree

The perfect material combined with any other and allows you to implement the most different design from Russian rustic with twisted pillars and threads to modern with supports from a square of a square section.

Here for example, several combinations:

  • Tree + tree;

Wooden house with an open veranda

Closed design decorated with wooden clapboard

  • Tree, glass, wrought elements;

Modern beamless glazing perfectly combined with a tree

  • Tree and brick.

Brick house with wooden veranda

The only but weighty lack of wood - its instability to atmospheric precipitation and other weather and natural phenomena, including sunlight and bugs who love to bother and live in it. Well, fire hazard.

The instruction prescribes necessarily to process the construction wood with all sorts of flame retardant and antifungal impregnations, cover with paint-made compositions.

In my humble opinion, such a treatment deprives the tree of its main positive properties - ecology. In addition, it is necessary to periodically repeat so that the structure does not lose an attractive look. And it plunges me into the despondency due to the natural laziness and the knowledge of the fact that in the house and without annual paintwork works.

Tree - aesthetic and natural material, but rather capricious

2 - brick and stone

The foundation and supports, holding the roofs attached to the house veranda, can be made of bricks, stone or concrete. This design is well combined with the main structure of a similar material or plastered, lined with artificial stone, base siding.

Base and supports from non-height blocks. Design looks very impressive, solid

Brick laying veranda - continuation of the house

A similar extension to a wooden building would look somewhat ridiculous and alien.

3 - plastic

Plastic double-glazed windows, vinyl siding - all these and similar artificial materials perfectly carry any weather cataclysms:

  • no moisture is afraid
  • frosts
  • heat
  • practically do not burn out of the sun.

And if you decide whether to separate the veranda outside, so as not to think more about maintaining it in an original form, then the preference is worth paying it to them.

  • Plastic double-glazed windows themselves are both supporting design, and glazing. The following option is very convenient in operation: for such surfaces it is easy to care for such surfaces, the veranda with closed windows and the doors becomes almost hermetic, and she will just like many years.

Design of plastic glass windows with sandwich panels

  • But I don't like it outdoor, I would choose not white plastic, but under the tree. Or completely transparent design, this is:

The photo shows a wooden finish, repeating the fencing of the balcony. But even without her, a general view is much more attractive than in the previous picture.

  • Another popular material is a cellular polycarbonate. It can be both transparent and color, which allows you to visually tie a veranda with a house in a single ensemble. In combination with a metal frame, it is used both to create a transparent or translucent canopy for the open veranda and as the main material for the construction of closed.

Polycarbonate canopy

This closed design with sliding doors resembles a greenhouse

  • Soft windows. Another kind of PVC materials. They are a dense transparent film, edged around the perimeter with a durable material with mounting holes. Mounted on the frame, mainly wooden.
    Soft windows are convenient because not afraid of moisture and do not rot, they can be easily dismantled for the summer and return to the place with the arrival of bad weatherAt the other request, turning the closed veranda in the open and vice versa.

Removable windows of PVC film

  • Vinyl siding. In my opinion, such an outdoor finish looks good - only if it is a continuation of the facades of the house. But I have personal inexplicable prejudice to this material related exclusively with the appearance.
    Perhaps because it has become too much around. But with a limited budget, I admit this option.

Finishing siding

Much more solid looks like a base siding under a stone or brick, besides, it is thicker and stronger wall.

PVC panels for interior trim veranda

What else can you persuade the veranda? Save funds and sew walls inside an extension can be plastic panels. This finishing material perfectly adapts to improved humidity and temperature drop. PVC panels are inexpensive and practical material. The cost of panels is low, with the installation, everyone will cope, care for the panels is very simple. It is enough to wipe the walls slightly damp sponge. By the way, due to the ease of installation and the inexpensive cost of this finishing material, the PVC panels can be updated every 3-5 years, changing the appearance of the room. Suppose you attracted a panel imitating tree - you can try to make this room in eco-style. If the walls "under the tree" are tired, the panels are easy to change to new, imitating fabric, metal surfaces and even natural stone. A rich selection of texture and shades, plus low cost and ease of installation - these are the main advantages of PVC panels. By the way, you can see the panels not only the walls on the veranda, but also the ceiling.

To cope with the works yourself, you will need a wooden slack for the frame (size 30x20 mm or 30x10 mm). If there is no tree, then you can purchase a special profile (for fasteners of plasterboard). Note that it is necessary to choose the material for the frame with the type of veranda. If the walls protrude out, then it is better to buy wooden slats, as the metal will be a "cold bridge".

The panels are attached to the frame using fastening material (screws or nails), only it is necessary to leave a small gap between the ceiling and the wall so that the board "breathes". The gap 2-3 cm will be enough.

This finishing material has not only advantages, but also disadvantages: fragile panels, so if you accidentally hook the wall, enters the furniture on the veranda, then you can break the panels.

Tip: If you plan to equip the veranda, like a summer dining room, then in order for the backs of the chairs not to deform the walls of PVC panels, at the level of the backrest on the wall it is desirable to nourish additional protection. A decorative wooden plank with a pattern or board, covered with a beautiful cloth looks beautifully. It turns out beautiful and unusual, and the veranda will become your beloved holiday destination.

Independent device ceiling veranda from PVC panels

PVC panels on the ceiling veranda

It will require an application a little more effort than coating with natural wooden clapboard. Diligently following the proposed recommendations, it is possible without much difficulties to finish the ceiling of the country's veranda with their own hands, saving on an expensive challenge of the professional facing brigade.

  1. The initial profile is securely fixed on a wooden crate. Subsequently, individual plastic fragments with it are connected to a solid ceiling construction.
  2. Panel sheets are fixed in the grooves of the source profile. The stability and reliability of the system contributes to the use of special locks. It is allowed to use as fasteners accessible to each home self-sowers.
  3. Installation of the following panel is carried out by a similar fixation method in the initial profile.
  4. The further process is a periodic sequence of the manipulation described above.

When performing self-installation, it is necessary to consider the ability of plastic material to expand when heated. The presence of a small gap to 20 mm will protect the ceiling construction from trouble caused by the negative effect of heat.

What materials need to be prepared before making a ceiling of siding on the veranda

In order to sew the ceiling with siding, guide profiles, wooden beams and vinyl siding are needed.

To begin with, of course, it is necessary to correctly calculate the number of materials and determine what should still be plucking before the repair begins. In this case, it will be necessary:

  • vinyl siding;
  • guide profiles for fastening;
  • wooden beams.

The price of consumables will be about $ 5 per 1 sq.m. If you want to install also the built-in ceiling lighting, then you, in addition to the wiring, you will need to pre-purchase lamps.

To install, you will need, in addition to the materials, also tools. These include:

  • saw for wood;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • perforator;
  • roulette;
  • scissors;
  • pencil.

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Trimming ceiling veranda

Before separating the ceiling of the veranda inside, it is necessary to treat all the wooden elements with the help of antiseptic composition.

After processing, the frame base is mounted, for which wooden bars are applied (5x50 or 50x50 are suitable). They must also be processed by antiseptic compositions. The attachment of bars is carried out to the rafters of the roof using self-tapping screws or long nails. Pig for bars - 30-40 cm

It is important to observe the horizontal installation of wooden elements, for which you need to use the construction level.

Also, waterproofing material should be fixed to the rafters, which will protect the thermal insulator and finishing materials from moisture effects. The insulation materials in the case of the veranda can perform plates of mineral wool, foam and other traditional insulation. Only after that you can start exciting the external trim on the ceiling.

The easiest thing will be sunk on the ceiling the veranda wooden lining. Installation of wooden lining is carried out strictly perpendicular to frame bars. It is necessary to whip it in the end of galvanized nails. After the cladding of the ceiling by the clapboard is complete, it is recommended to polish and coat with any suitable paintwork.

If the ceiling of the veranda is planned to be separated by PVC panels, then work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • First, the installation of the initial profile is performed on a wooden crate, with which it will be possible to collect separate PVC panels with each other.
  • After that, in the grooves of the initial profile you need to insert a sheet of panel. The mounting of the panel is performed using separate retainers or screws.
  • Then the next panel is installed in the groove, which needs to be secured in the same way.
  • Next, work is carried out in the same sequence.
  • In the process of installation, it is necessary to leave a small gap of 10-20 mm in size, which will ensure the trouble-free expansion of the plastic material in the process of exposure to high temperatures.

Similarly, the veranda ceiling can be used the siding panels or MDF. Taking into account the fact that MDF and Siding in stores are represented by many models with a wide variety of design, this option has recently been a priority for many country households.

If there was plasterboard sheets on the ceiling, then the use of a wooden crate is better to refuse to use a specialized metal profile.

Directly on the profile is the installation of elements to which the plasterboard sheets are fixed. Fix the sheets is better with the help of self-sufficiency. Upon completion of the mounting of the drywall, the ceiling surface is required to sharpen, clean it, which will allow it to prepare it for the final finish.

Insulation for the ceiling on the veranda

When choosing a finishing material for the ceiling, you should not forget about the insulation. There is a huge number of manufacturers who are pleased to offer a wide selection of insulating material. Among the most common, mineral wool and foam can be distinguished. But recently the Pleeslex becomes popular. There is a material of different thickness on the market: from 1 cm to 5.

Thanks to high-quality materials, you can warm the veranda well, while there will be a lot of money.

Penofol is a modern material, a high-tech heat insulator produced from foamed polyethylene, which is covered with a sheet of aluminum foil. It can be used in conjunction with other thermal insulation materials, but among them the foam is the most efficient.
If you have remembered about the insulation in the cold season, you can carry out all work in the room. Modern insulation can be edged both indoors and outside.

Perform the repair work of the ceiling on the veranda or terrace on its own easily. A large amount of diverse material for finishing the ceiling is offered on the market. There are both expensive options and budget. Many choose cheap materials, but they are as effective and aesthetic as expensive. They are able to perfectly carry high and low temperatures, and not afraid of mold and fungus. The main advantage of their advantage is the possibility of self-installation, and it takes no time for all work.

What professional flooring is better for the roof of the house?

Ceilings Robes - Aluminum

Carport for a car to the house

How to paint the floor on the veranda in the country do it yourself

Painting the veranda is an excellent option for protecting outdoor finish. Paint protects the floor from damage and corrosion. Paintings are amenable to various materials:

  • wood - boards, MDF, terraced board;
  • concrete.

How to paint the floor on the veranda in the country except not acrylic paint

For painting the wooden floor of the open veranda, acrylic, alkyd, nitroemale and oil paints are the most optimal. For good wood, you can also use a veil or varnish. Before the painting board of the veranda floor, it is necessary to clean up from the residues of the previous paint, if any, and stabbing.

When painting, it is necessary to dust with a brush or roller from excess - otherwise in the recesses, collapsing of paint, which will spoil appearance. Lacon after painting is better to fill, otherwise it will be too slippery for walking.

Concrete floors are better painted with epoxy, acrylic paint or polyurethane enamel. Epoxy paint is not entirely painted - it is rather "rolled" along the floor with a special spatula to a uniform layer. It is not erased over time and gives a very bright color.

How to paint the floor on the veranda in the country? Choose acrylic paint and polyurethane enamel. They are applied by a conventional tassel or roller. Before painting the surface, it is better to clean up from dust and process to it, which will provide better paint fit.

Finishing with plastic panels

A good option will be the trim with plastic panels. It should be noted that the use of panels is a common solution for all kinds and structures, since the plastic wall panels relative to inexpensive, easy, simply are installed and no moisture or temperature drops are fear. If necessary, they are quickly replaced with new ones.

Metal wood ceiling can also be used. It is done, most often, from aluminum, so the impact of moisture or temperature differences for it is not terrible. Aluminum does not rust, does not lose its appearance and is quite suitable for registration in any conditions, both on the open and closed verandah.

Ceiling for closed veranda

Closed rooms are much more favorable for trimming materials under the operating conditions. At the same time, there are two types:

  • Unheard.
  • Heated.

Oddly enough, for the unheated veranda mode of operation to some extent softer, since the temperature drops almost never happen. Compared with external conditions, closed rooms have softer and smooth modes of temperature change. The main problem becomes condensation, which settles on cold surfaces when warm air from the inside of the house or outside, when the sun rays have already heated to some extent. Therefore, it is not recommended to install ceilings from materials that do not carry moisture on unheated verandas. For example, the "Armstrong" suspended ceiling will fail pretty quickly.

If you need to rinse the ceiling, it will only be necessary to heat the material by antiseptic and anti-view compositions that protect the wood and reduce the degree of flammability of wood. Surfaces from plywood show well, but they will also need processing. It is very often found on the veranda, because it is easier for sheet materials to be lighted and you can do it with your own hands.

Heated verandas are essentially similar to the full inland houses at home, so the choice of material is the widest. You can separate the ceiling in any style and using any materials. Most often make up the design in a single style with all other rooms at home, but there are other solutions. In particular, a tensionable tissue ceiling can be installed, or suspended structures of any type.

Rare Repair Methods

If you want to choose the original, then picking up than to sew the ceiling on your veranda, you can pay attention to one of the materials mentioned below. They have not yet deserved such popularity as previous, but, look very original and are suitable for the design of this part of the house in their characteristics.

  • Moisture-proof plywood is quite suitable as a very original way of design. It will be necessary to additionally cover the surface with varnish or verse, but it looks like this ceiling is very beautiful.
  • . It will also be necessary to choose the one variety that can resist the effects of water. The appearance of the coating depends on the assortment of the store - the choice is very rich.
  • Wicker mats from cane or bamboo. Such designs are very original, though, to find similar materials and not too simple. Used as an external coating on the already mounted basic surface of the overlaps.

In principle, the finish options are a lot

It is important to consider open or closed will be the room. For open veranda or particle glazed sites, it is better to pick up a finish with increased resistance to atmospheric phenomena and durability

Fully closed areas can be issued less atmospheric materials.

Wall decoration on the veranda inside

One of the popular ways to make a closed type terrace is not only beautiful, but also warm - trim the veranda plastic panels (in the photo you can see such an option).

By itself, it is a lightweight structure, so the interior trim of the veranda in the country (the photo illustrates one of the options), the ability to make windows without using a two-layer glass. Much more efficient will take care of the insulation of gender, walls. As a finish inside the veranda, moisture-resistant plasterboard plates are suitable in the country, it is pre-conducted by hydrophobization of the walls of the structure on both sides: from the inside and outside. To insulate the walls, you can use minvatu or extruded expanded polystyrene foam. The internal trim of the veranda (photo) is a gasket of the insulation, which is gently glorified by a vapor barrier film, and the sheets of MDF, drywall are superimposed on top, strengthen PVC panels or clapboard.

Tip! Choosing a minvatoo as insulation, remember its moisture consumption, in order for the insulation soon, the insulation does not crumble into the pipe, ensure waterproofing the walls!

Wall panels for interior trim for veranda can be made of any material, even painted with decorative plaster. Wooden panels will be very impressive and respectable, but you need to remember that you need to ensure care. Cheaper and more practical to finish the veranda imitation of a bar (photo), even on an open design, this type is preferable in view of its durability.

Trim wall and floor veranda

The walls of the verandas are sufficient to separate enough: first of all, it is necessary to mount a wooden frame from bars

It is important to make the installation as soon as possible by checking the accuracy of the installation of the construction level.

Pleasant wooden casing.

If it is supposed to make a warm veranda, then after installing a wooden wall, the walls need to be insulated with a suitable heat insulating material. Before laying the insulation, the installation of a waterproofing film is carried out, which will protect the insulator and finishing materials from moisture and condensate. All used wooden materials must be processed by antiseptic composition. After that, fastening the selected facing material to the wall.

Floor covering veranda needs to pay special attention. The selection of this or that type of coating will largely depend on the operating conditions

For flooring the veranda, you can use a terrace or massive board, laminated panels, ceramic tiles and other popular outdoor materials. Waterproof laminate and terrace board - the optimal option for finishing. These coatings are fairly simple in the installation, durable, do not require special care conditions.

Waterproof laminate and terrace board can be used even in cases where the veranda is fully open outside and has no glazing.

In addition, in such cases, as an alternative solution, the preference can be given to traditional ceramic tiles or modern PVC panels. It is also possible to use linoleum. It is worth noting that the new models of linoleum have a fairly attractive appearance and excellent performance, so their cost can be quite high.

Features of the summer veranda and porch

The specificity of these elements of the house is such that they are on the border of the inner premises and the outer parts of the design. Use materials that are unstable to temperature drops or humidity cannot be. At the same time, the porch is almost completely outside, it is considered as part of external finishing works. For example, if siding is used for walls, then the ceiling of the porch is logical to decide this material. For the veranda there are the same rules - search for the maximum matching of stylistics with the rest of the house.

The most suitable materials for these sites are:

  • Lining or block house. These are wooden grooves, suitable for both outdoor and interior decoration. They create a certain style and flavor, durable and easy to install.
  • Siding. Installed indoors or outside. The covering is simple, but requires compliance with certain rules, the main of which is a loose fastening to the supporting structures for the possibility of temperature movements.
  • Chipboard chipboard, plywood or MDF. If you correctly approach the question and arrange the surface in the style of the caisson ceiling, then the result will be quite high-quality and attractive in the decorative sense. The main condition is an impregnation or application of at least two layers of paint on both sides of the panels to protect them from the effects of atmospheric humidity.
  • Metal rails. This option is quite expensive, but according to the degree of durability and practicality ahead of all other ways. Suitable for richly trimmed interiors, well-groomed and solid, performed in the style of Hi-Tech.
  • Cellular polycarbonate. The most popular material used for the trimming of visors and canopies over the porch. Easy to install and care.

Selecting the method of finishing - the prerogative of the owner of the house. The appearance directly depends on the skill and quality of the materials used

Therefore, it is important to accurately follow all instructions and guidelines available on the package to avoid erroneous actions and create a stylish, aesthetic version of the veranda.

For closed analogs

Given that in the arbors of this type there is no heating, you will need frost-resistant materials from polyvinyl chloride. This refers to products with a smooth surface, resistant to moisture and temperature differences. The designs of this type are withstanding up to 80 liters of liquid per 1 m². Simple and high-quality installation is possible without the participation of professional builders.

In the choice of materials it is better to prefer suspension and pattern structures from natural wood. If a large number of facing plates remains in stock, try making a cassette ceiling.


Despite the small cost, this material is well absorbed noise, does not ignite and maintains heat. It is acceptable to use in private houses with high ceilings. If the height of the surfaces does not exceed 180 cm, it is better to refuse from Minvati. In the choice of insulation, the first thing you need to estimate its density, thermal conductivity and thickness. From these characteristics depends on the possibility of the owners to spend winter on the terrace with maximum comfort for each household.

In wooden structures, it is more logical to use glass gambler. This is a rather light and refractory material. For the best sound insulation of the premises, you will need a stone wool with a large shelf life. If you need the maximum durable insulation, which can be used even instead of plaster plaster, buy an eco-button.


At prices, such covers are available only to well-secured customers. Of the benefits, it is worth highlighting:

  1. Light weight of products.
  2. Simple installation.
  3. The ability to dye panels.
  4. Good heat and sound insulation properties.
  5. Independent processing of parts without professional equipment.
  6. The variability of the color scheme that satisfies the needs of people with different views on the sophistication of small architectural forms.

Seamless panels form a holistic web without visible boundaries between individual fragments of products. If you correctly pick up the drawing, it turns out to hide irregularities on the ceiling.

Polyurene Foolder

This coating well repeats the relief of the solid surface, so there is no need in the final fit. Material with an optimal thickness of 18-20 mm is really fixed even with the help of sweater. To do this, you do not need to create heavy structures, which you can not say about rolled insulation. If the polyurethane foam is not only inside, but also outside the room, it will turn out:

  • save in a gazebo to 50% of the heat in the student winter;
  • protect the slabs of overlapping from 40-degree frosts;
  • save the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe structure, which is especially important for owners of compact buildings from sawn timber;
  • fill in the ceiling of emptiness, cracks and cracks;
  • eliminate metal structures from corrosion, and wooden - from fungus and mold.


Of the many modern materials intended for insulation of the arbors, it is practically no equal. The composition of foams predominate synthetic components, thanks to which noises are better absorbed and heat is not getting out. From the outside, it is processed by aluminum foil reflecting heat. As a result, even in a nudice winter on a well-equipped veranda, you can walk in pajamas and to later watch movies.

Penophol can not be recorded on the self-tapping screw. Otherwise, he will stop maintaining heat. Self-tapping products are better replaced by glue. The optimal gap between the insulation and the ceiling is 2.5 cm. Almost 45%, the foam consists of foil and food polyethylene. Therefore, the possibility of poisoning toxic substances is excluded.

Heat ceiling surface

Initially, it is worth understanding the scope of work and the necessary financial costs.

This is especially important if the ceiling of the veranda is properly. Polystyrene foam, mineral wool, foam, polyurethane foam are suitable for insulation

The most common and economical is the foam and minvat. Their use will help make the veranda warm and cozy.

It is important to take into account in advance that the foam plastic has a rather large thickness - about 12 cm. A similar feature leads to a decrease in the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Minvata is characterized by higher heat conservation indicators. Its installation, compared with the previous material, is simply carried out and faster. The thermal insulation using the external coating of foil and double metallization will help to warm up the terrace without complete financial spending.

If the veranda is spacious, and the owner is going to use it in winter, it is worth using the combined insulation technology. For this purpose, a rolled coating of mineral wool and sheet foam is applied.

Before insulationing the ceiling, it is necessary to produce the same procedure for the floor and walls. The surface is exposed to moisture, so it is important to create reliable protection in the form of a waterproofing layer. Often for this, a special perforated film is applied, which is fixed with a metal spraying glue.

When installing a wooden structure and insulation, you need to use protective glasses, because the small chips can fall into the eyes.

Inexpensive trim braided ceiling for veranda

If you want an unusual veranda - make a braided ceiling.

In order not to be boring, you can use the option of a wicker ceiling, which is perfect for easy garden furniture. Its surface slightly resembles the walls of the basket, but the coating is obtained reliable and stylish.

Today, such a coating can be easily assembled with your own hands from ordinary plywood. For example, for the terrace with dimensions 6 * 2.3 m, it is necessary 6 sheets of plywood 1220 * 2440 mm thick in 3 mm. Phaneur is better to take moisture-proof. With the help of an ordinary sheet, the sheets need to be cut into separate strips of 10 cm wide. All tapes should turn out to be smooth and neat so that the weaving was beautiful and durable.

Weaving are first performed on a flat and free surface of the floor. If the weather is excellent, you can lay the film on the lawn, decompose the materials and start weave on the street. Weaving is performed in a checker order, it is not required at the end of the fixtures. So that individual bands fit tightly, it is necessary to sweep them with the help of a rubber hammer. Tailing tapes need to be hiding on the wrong side. Such a braided ceiling is very durable, even if the canvas raise, it does not diverge in different directions, but perfectly holds its shape.

But the installation can cause some questions, as the weight of the coating is impressive, one person is not to raise it up. Usually, ropes are used for this, block systems that help stages to lift the cloth. It is attached to slate nails.

It is necessary to start the lift from the door, i.e. From the narrow edge of the resulting carpet. Next, it is necessary to gradually move to the rest of the parts, strengthening the coating on the ceiling. A rope is carried out under the edge, the material rises slowly to the top. So the whole braided carpet rises in stages. On the edges at the joints of the walls and the ceiling, a decorative wooden plinth can be used. On the installation of the ceiling of the terrace can leave only 1 day, including weaving the main canvase. Such a ceiling will become more practical and attractive if it is handled by varnish.

The veranda ceiling trim is very simple, inexpensive materials that are practical and attractive are usually applied for this. They are well withstanding temperature differences, high humidity. In addition, all of them are very easily mounted with their own hands, work occupy little time.


Lining from natural wood is the best option, for those who prefer to combine style and environmental friendliness. In addition, it is still very easy to mount - you can lay the ceiling without assistance: enough to view detailed instructions with step-by-step photos or video instructions.

Thanks to the mounting on the spike-groove system, the boards are attached, providing tightness - moisture and dust does not penetrate the cracks to communications. In this case, the material of the racks to the effects of the external environment and durable.

Wooden lining for stylish interior

If you ask the veranda from the inside, it immediately comes to mind the lining of natural wood. This is a special trim board, which has a thickness of up to 22 mm, it is attached on the surface with special grooves. In such a material, you can make not only walls, but also the ceiling, and the variety of color options allows you to create a unique, attractive interior. Among the benefits of the lining should be noted:

The scheme of an isolated terrace.

  • strength, resistance to mechanical loads and shocks;
  • practicality;
  • attractive appearance;
  • delightful smell of natural tree;
  • environmental friendliness and safety;
  • acceptable cost;
  • simple and very fast installation;
  • manifold shades of the board;
  • long service life - up to 20 years.

Today you can buy the most different lining, which is great for interior decorations. This is a scrambled and solid board. In the first case, the lining is made from individual pieces of wood, which are connected to each other in a special way. The material is attractive and durable, but it is only suitable for finishing the inner residential premises at home, and there is no veranda. With high humidity (and on the veranda, it is not uncommon especially in the morning, when dew drops in the garden) cracks appear on the surface of the material, and this is not only spoils the appearance of the walls of the walls, but also adversely affects the strength.

Device circuit veranda.

One piece consists of a single, treated piece of wood, it is precisely necessary to choose to finish the inner walls of the veranda. It should be remembered that the lining is additionally divided into 4th grade. But the class of "Extra", which is characterized by the highest cost, "is the lining scale, that is, it should not take it for the veranda. Classes A, B, C are one-piece materials that can have minor knots on the surface. The material of such classes has already been processed by putty, which makes it much easier for finishing work. When buying a material, it is necessary not only to clarify the type of lining, but also to open the pack, as defective planks often come across.

The installation of the material is extremely simple, it is carried out on a pre-recorded crate, but the planks themselves can be attached in several ways:

  • with the help of galvanized nails, which are driven into the surface of the board;
  • with the help of suggests on a tree, the hats of which are closed with impudent. As a result, it turns out a hidden fastening;
  • when using a conventional construction stapler;
  • with the help of metal klimmers.

After installation, the internal covering of the verandas is covered with a colorless varnish or a special azure with ultraviolet protection. This allows you to extend the timing of the material service.

For the inner lining of such a room as a veranda, you can use the most different building materials, but with the condition that they can be applied with changing moisture and temperature. This quality is perfectly suited for special solid lining, PVC panels and MDFs intended for such work. They all differ attractive and interesting appearance, simple installation and low cost.

Ceiling cover on the veranda siding

Singing scheme for ceiling.

The ceiling can be laid siding. This is a very inexpensive and practical option, suitable for repairing premises and for newly built buildings. In addition, this process can be carried out by you independently, without the involvement of the builders team. Sometimes independent repairs are better and serves the owners of the house all life. The most appropriate material for repair and ceiling covering without shift and additional events is precisely siding. Having spent once time and means to sunmate the ceiling on the veranda siding, you will not resort to the repair of this coverage never more. Yes, and in addition to the ceiling on the veranda siding, you can also sew walls, and facade of the structure.

Determining with what exactly the material is at the best suitable for the objective of a ceiling, the owners of the houses are primarily assessed, what advantages and disadvantages have this material. Siding, in turn, has many advantages. First, it is perfect for those rooms in which heightened humidity is marked or too high. Thus, both in winter, and in the summer ceiling covered with siding, nothing will threaten.

And on the veranda you can organize a summer kitchen at any time or even put a brazier there.

Another important distinguishing quality of siding is paint resistance. Even 20 years later, the material does not fade, retains the original shade. In addition, siding is not corrosion.