Perennial dacha flowers for garden and garden. Catalog with description

Blue color is a rare guest in the garden farms of our country. It is also connected primarily with the fact that cold shades, which include blue and blue, worse attracting insects, respectively, less insects fall on flowers, and they are worse than pollinated. In this article you can find information about the garden colors of blue, their photos and titles.


With this blue colors, sometimes the names and the prosemion give the name, below in the photo you can estimate their external parameters. This low highly undemanding to grow conditions is well multiplied and immune to diseases and pests.

Did you know? The prolessa finds use in folk medicine. Its dried flowers include in the composition of infusions against cold and flu.

This plant is often confused with a snowdrop, as they make their way almost simultaneously. It has long sheets with parallel housing, the root is a bulb, and the flowers have radial symmetry, contain six petals and stamens and one pestle. The fruit is a box with a lot of small seeds.


There are a huge variety of different types of this flower. There are bushes, grassy perennials, but the absolute majority make up curly lianas. Their color scheme is not limited to blue shades, including yellow, red, pink and orange colors.

The leaves from Clematis are complex (including 3, 5 or 7 small leaflets in their composition) or simple, as a rule, green and pair. Flowers can be collected in inflorescences of various forms (shield, half-blood, sweatshirt), contain a rather variable number of petals: from 4 to 8, and some forms are up to 70.

In the center of the flower there are many stamens and pestles. The aroma derived by Clematis has a similarity with Primulatu, and.


In total there are about 80 species of this flower: from Lian and shrubs to small trees. There may be a wide variety of colors: blue, white, gentle pink, dark purple, red and cream.

This flower can be both leafy and evergreen, but the first option is more common in our latitudes.

Did you know? The color of hydrangea, if desired, can be changed by regulating the acidity of the soil and the amount of aluminum contained in it.

Hydrangea has rather large, oval shapes, with acute ends of the leaves with slightly noticeable housing. It blooms for a pretty long period: starting from spring to late autumn.

Flowers are collected in inflorescences of various shapes: an umbrella, a ball or sweaters, have 4 petals, in the center there are pestles and stamens. Fruit - box with lots of small seeds.


Important! Athonite is a plant that are poisonous for a person, therefore it is worth abiding precautions in its cultivation.

It has surname leaves of round shape, less or deeper-electro-oscillate. Stem - straight, 30-40 cm long long. The inflorescences are an upper brush that consists of flowers of fairly large sizes. Flowers of the wrong venovide shape, have a five-axis a cup that can have blue, white, lilac or yellow color, in the center there are many stamens and one pestle. Fruit - from 3 to 7 prefabricated leaflets with lots of seeds.

No discard

This blue garden flower is well known to all residents of the post-Soviet space on the song of Vyacheslav Dobrynin. It is either perennial rather small sizes, often strongly pubescent.

The stalks reach sizes from 10 to 40 cm, have a highly developed branch structure. Leaves of lanceal or blade shape, seating, sieves.

Flowers - blue color with a yellow spot in the center are usually formed in the inflorescence (curl or brush), consist of a five-wing cup and a platter, in the center there is one pestle and five stamens. The fruit is a century, disintegrating after ripening on four unmarried parts.


This plant can mostly be found in latitudes with temperate climate. His Latin name is Campanula, as well as Russian, appeals to his form and translates as a bell. Extremely undemandingly to the conditions of content.

The stem is a narrow, straight, up to 1.5 meters long. The leaves are arranged, small, stretched in length, lanceal form. Inflorescences are often creeping or blurred, sometimes single-flowered.

Flowers, as applied from the name, the bell-shaped shape, rather large (up to 7 cm), in the center there are three stamens and one pestle. The color varies from blue, purple and blue to white and purple.


Also known as Pelargonium, there are about 400 different types of plants, usually represented by semi-departments and herbs. These little blue flowers still wear the name of the cheesellover due to the shape of their fruits that resemble the beak of the crane.

Steel - curved shape, up to 1 meter long. The leaves are located on the stiffenes from the stem, are dissected with the most different ways, palpopstand or palphepted, sometimes a cinema with three-five sheets.

Some species have soft-faced leaves. The bloomon contains from one to three flowers of the right shape, quite large size, each of which consists of a five-hundred-cup and five venued petals of a venued form, in the center there are up to 10 stamens, each with a boot.


Plant from the family of the Parenic, the main habitat of which is South America. Hybrid forms grown as annual cultures in pots were loved by gardeners for their diverse color and rather large, attractive flowers.

Stem - straight, length from 20 to 70 cm. Leaves are regular, seated, different sizes and shapes, pubescent, one-piece. Flowers are very large, often solitary, as a rule, have a rather unpleasant smell; A cup of five leaves that have grown at the base for 1/6 of the length, the whin is a five-point, correct or star-shaped.

In the center of the flower - four or five stamens. The fruit is a double box that is revealed after the flowering period.


This flower is considered weed and is often found in the fields, forest edges, vegetables and fields. - Annual or a two-year-old plant, which is quite infrequently able to meet as cultivated in, so you can pretty to surprise your guests, including it in one of its flower ensembles.

This flower has a direct rough stem length of 20-100 cm. Lancing sheets, tightly sitting on the stem, lowered. Flower baskets crowned the top of the stem, large, single, have a fringe edge, edge flowers in baskets - the brightest color, fruitless, internal - less bright, contain several stamens and one pestle.

The fruit is a seed with a red-cholester, which is almost equal to her length.

Not focusing in the basic rules of color, it is impossible to competently make floral compositions. Decorative plants have many shades, a variety of texture, which is very important for the perception of a holistic picture.

In the wildlife, the color almost always contains a large number of nuances. It may change under the action of lighting or surrounding. It is almost impossible to find clean color. Purple, blue, lilac, blue, purple tones were obtained the greatest spread of plants.

The value of blue

From time immemorial, different things or concepts were associated with people with a certain color. White color - light, cleanliness. Black shade - evil, hatred, night, death.

Symbol of the sky and the sea were blue flowers. What the flowers of different shades mean, you can learn from florists. Blue color is able to calm down, create a feeling of comfort and calm, help fall asleep. Also, this color symbolizes content life and stability, spirituality and intelligence.

The dark blue color inspires confidence, which was the reason for its use in business costumes. Blue - the color of the coolness, it soothes and contributes to the best falling asleep. In nature, blue can be found less often than other colors.

The value of blue colors

Blue flowers are one of the main signs of romance and infinity. The blue flower is designed to transfer the message of the desire and love to those who are handed over. Therefore, the knowledge of what flowers is blue in which combinations are used, it will help in the professional creation of flower compositions.

Blue shades in the garden

No modern garden is able to do without bells, irises, aconites, lupins of the various shades. However, since the blue gamma is heterogeneous, it makes sense to stop at each shade separately.

Bright blue flowers in the world of plants are rarely found, and if they appear in the garden, they indicate nobility and great value. Gulch, Pushkin, Muskari, Szillla, Hionodox were in our gardens, swinging from forests and mountain meadows, where they are difficult to get, and therefore they are associated with something refined and expensive. Vasilka their blue sprinkle sky.

Blue color is stricter blue. Dark blue flowers carry mystery and royal nobility. True, that excessive use of cold blue flowers in gardens and flower beds has not led to depression, experienced designers strive to balance its pastel colors. Traditionally, blue is well complemented by yellow and orange colors.

Each flower has its own season

Blue flowers are present in Petunia, violets, labels in the warm season. Blue flowers, whose names are known to everyone, these are irises, cornflowers, and bells.

In March, the blue hyacinths will be perfectly shared by cloves, tulips, red pelarges. Against the background of the snowy white of Narcissus, blue flowers look great. What do different combinations of colors mean, the floristic explains - one of the directions of aesthetics.

The greatest number of plants having dark blue flowers can be met in the overlooking summer. It is revered by all Iris, anemone, Dolphinium, Gulch. By August, the ladeer of blue leader was picking the bell.


Gardeners love to plant flowers on their own sections having blue and blue shades. As a result, flower beds are shocked by juicy paints. When they admire them, the forces are added. A blue tint refreshes and caresses, perfectly combined with the colors of the rainbow. In flower arrangements, the warm shades of red and orange shall. Traditional is a combination with blue pink or yellow. Such a combination in the garden is achieved if hyacinths of blue and pink color are planted on the flowerbed, as well as a snake hustlee with forget-me-not. The inflorescences of Brunner, which come out over gold variegated hybrids, look deliciously.

When solar illumination intensively, the blue of the tones partially loses saturation, but it is easy to find a shady corner in the garden, in which you can send proleski, medunicon, brunette, brunner and forget-me-not,. Some plants have blue foliage. They are also able to diversify garden compositions. Such plants include blue oatmeal, nurse, grate. There are also some varieties of host who have blue foliage.

Saint seasons

When early spring comes, plants having blue flowers will joyfully be tired of the ground with a cheerful blue blossom of crocuses and proleskov.

On the beginning of May, the blue blossom of the spring undergraduate, the Siberian Brunner, forget-me-notes is announced. All year round serves the garden with a decoration of small balquinka with his lean foliage, and in the springtime blue and blue flowers bloom on it. In summer, the lattice takes the violet blue blossoms in the garden.

In June, the flowering of low-speed steppe irises and activiage begins. July decorate the dolphiniums of blue tones. In the midst of summer, Lavender blooms. All summer serve as decoration of flower and flower beds. Bells and lobelia. All this has many varieties of Petunia Blue. Even more varieties have shades of ink or purple. Completes summer blue cycrate flowering.

Monochrome blue gardens

A new trend in the design of the latter's garden was monochrome gardens. If you skillfully use numerous shades of the tones of blue-blue color, the garden will acquire a particularly romantic color, successfully removing the tension of everyday life and soothing nerves.

After all, when flowers, having a wide variety of shades of blue, the atmosphere of the garden becomes fascinating and mysterious in the garden at the same time. If you correctly pick up and competently sear the representatives of the flora of a blue-blue gamma, the garden will become visually significantly spacious.

Flowers are a powerful composite agent. Therefore, they are often used to align the accents on important planning components. If a flower garden arises in the garden, where the flowers of blue shades are dominated in various combinations, it highlights a garden from a variety of others, giving it an unusual flavor.

The means of revitalizing blue compositions

The main task that florists solve, creating a monochrome flower garden, is not to give him a monotonous. Blue flowers are perfectly harmonized with a koreopsis and anemonium yellow, cream anomist, leaves and stems of gray-blue cloves, light blue powder and stakhis. The composition of blue or blue with white, blue with silver-blue is associated with refreshing coolness and brings calm. A wonderful combination is obtained when combination with the colors of the blue gamma of light roses and loyers. Reverse soothing effect give combinations with a blue tint of yellow and orange colors.

Place placement

The success of the composition where the blue flower is present, it is largely determined by the selected flower bed and for all plants involved in it. Creating floral compositions, it is necessary to take into account the form of plants, the speed of their growth, the texture of the leaves, the requirements of the agrotechnology. For example, anemones and dolphiniums are remarkably coming up in conditions where there is little moisture and fertilizer. You can find a large number of perennials, perfectly growing in ordinary soil with good drainage and moderate humidity.

Planting 3 seedlings representing every grade. So they will grow faster, and you will quickly achieve the desired result. If you need, it is possible to reduce or increase the size of the flower garden by reducing or increasing the number of seedlings.

No need to wait for immediately stunning results. At first, the future wonderful corner will not produce a lot of impression. To disguise empty spaces in the intervals between the seedlings, plant them with soil plants - green or yellow lisimahia or blue sealing phlox. A good impression produce small stones, which will be removed in the future.

Planning a flower bed composition, it is necessary to take into account that it will constantly undermine the changes: each plant has its own duration of flowering, so there may be copies on one bed, which only spares that are in the flowering phase and for which it is time for wading. In order for the flower garden to look neatly, fading plants must be deleted in a timely manner.

Everyone who loves the romance of the spring garden should like blue muskari, crocuses, primroses, proleski, which bloom in the shade of trees. In a summer day, Veronica, Wrestle, Akvilia look great and in Rabatki. Their beauty is capable of emphasizing perennials and annuals: asters, lobelia, cucumber grass, Viola.

Container landings

In the atmosphere formed by plants, a variety of garden accessories will fit well: tables, chairs, blue porridge. The wooden wall, painted in blue, easily play the role of the bottomless sky and will be the background for blue colors planted in containers.

Such container landings can refresh the existing garden design. The optimal is the landing in the early spring of bulbous plants, which will bring a spring mood to the garden much earlier than other colors. Bases, bans and baskets can be containers.

When creating a flower garden in the blue gamma, it is necessary to take into account that in twilight blue color loses expressiveness. Bright lighting, on the contrary, gives him saturation. To accommodate blue plants, you should choose well-lit sections. If the kindergarten is small, then the landing of blue colors is better to produce as a background for the white, red or yellow tones located in front. This will lead to a visual increase in the size of the garden.

In accordance with what surrounds it, the blue color can create a feeling of refinement or be everyday. With a successful selection of disembarkation, it is able to deepen the space, create a volume. In this case, it seems that he "trucks" in the air. If the blue color is located next to the pink, it seems sophisticated and striking the grace, and close to the dark blue, sealing the floral composition, the blue color is almost an intention.

These properties are used everywhere when creating color compositions. For example, placement at the bottom of the composition of the tones of greater saturation inspires a sense of stability. If there is a lighter tone there, then there is a feeling of uncertainty and instability.

To date, garden sites, flower beds and window sills in apartments decorate a variety of decorative plants. An abundance of flowers, shapes and sizes of plants please the eye of the flower and their guests. The popularity is gaining plants with the colors of all shades of blue, starting with the blue, ending with dark blue. Blue colors are very similar to the sky, and that is why they gradually conquer the love of flower water.

In contact with


Blue Flowers: Sky Symbol

Thanks to the efforts of breeding scientists, today a lot of new varieties have been displayed. Plants with blue and blue flowers. According to third-party observers, plants with blue and blue flowers are striking paints. In addition, blue and blue perfectly combines with other colors.

So, the most popular colors of all shades of blue are considered:

  • african lily or agapaentus;
  • ageratum;
  • wrestler or aconite;
  • small Barwinka;
  • veronica Dubravnaya;
  • hyacinth;
  • spring;
  • hydrangea garden;
  • blue tulips.

It should be remembered that in nature the flowers pure blue are extremely rare, in the main plants have shades of blue.

Blue flowers

Agapantus or lily African-room plant with blue flowers of extraordinary beauty (in the photo). Refers to the bowl, Rod Agapantus. Pretty low plant (no more than 70 cm in height). Large leaves, fleshy, collected in fluffy outlets. Flowers of a variety of color, including a blue and blue shade, are collected in umbrella inflorescences.

Plant blooms from summer to late autumn. Recently, the plant is actively cultivated at home. Most popular among bedroom plants Three types are considered:

  • agapanthus East;
  • agapanthus bell tower;
  • agapanthus umbrella.

The plant is light-loving, feels well under sunlight. The optimal cultivation temperature is considered 15-25 degrees Celsius. Painstaking care does not require, watering must be regular, needs a transplant.

Ageratum grade blue mink refers to the Astrov family. It is a small size of a bush (no more than 60 cm in height), with triangular or rhomatic leaves, straight stems, pubescent, the number of stems is quite large. Ageratum fruits, fruits in the form of a five-marched seed.

Blue fluffy flowers, small, resemble dandelions. Flowers often planted whole flowery carpets, also a bustard in the people called the "dry stream".

Aconite or wrestler

A loan legend has always been legends and legends around this plant. According to one of the versions, the aconite appeared after the Cerberian dog, the keeper of the entrance to Tartar, appeared in Greece along with Hercules. From his poisonous saliva, which fell to the ground and a plant appeared.

A wrestler (in the picture) refers to a small size (60-130 cm in height) perennial herbs, with straight, less frequent steady stem (up to 400 cm long). The leaves have a voplase form, dark green, are alternately located. Blue flowers remotely resemble a bell. It tolerates the winter well, does not require painstaking care, well tolerate transplant. Actively cultivated with flowers in gardens and paliters.

Fully poisonous plant. When working with a flower, it is necessary to observe all precautions. Planting is recommended outside the zone of reach of animals and young children.

Small - small growth plant with blue colors, surrounded by mystical stories. Barwin height is about 40 cm, the stem is a branched, straight, less often creeping. Blossom starts in MayThe stems appear on the stems of gentle blue or dark blue flowers. Flowers are single, long flower makers, a diameter of about 3-4 cm.

The leaves at Barwinka are attached to the stalk with the help of short cuttings, have the shape of an ellipse, fleshy, on the touch are dense, shiny. The top of the sheet of juicy green, the bottom is paler, grayish green color.

The plant is fruit, the fruits begin ripening in June. It is famous for its healing properties.

Veronica Dubravnaya

The plant belongs to the kind of Veronika, the family of plantain. The herbaceous perennial has a creeping pubescent stalks, the length of which varies from 10 to 40 cm. The leaves in Veronica dubber-like egg-shaped, the edges are slightly separated, about 2-3 times length. Cen.

The inflorescence is case-shaped, the stubby flowers have a bluish shade (in the photo). Four flowers are five-line, sometimes have a white edging or dark bodies across the petals. It has long been grown by flowerfish as a decorative ornament of a garden or garden, prefers dry and shady places of growth. Widespread in Russia and in Ukraine.

Hyacinth is accompanied by a beautiful legend: once the son of King Sparta, the young man named Hyacinth, challenged the gods of Apollo and Marshi. The young man competed with God in the throw of the disk, not yielding to the Divine. Marshmallow could not allow to win mortal, so the wind gust changed the trajectory of the disk drop. He pleased Hyacinth right in the face. The young man died from the deadly wound, and in place, where the drop of the blood of the hyacinth fell, the gentle bud rose.

refer to the family of LilyThis is a perennial plant with a tuber root system. Leaves are dense, juicy-green color, as if superimposed on each other. Flowers of a variety of color, present blue tones. Coster inflorescences, with many flowers, similar to bells.

On the same stem can be located about 45 flowers.

Privacy or gentiana

Gentian refer to many years of shrub plants of the Giursek family. Includes about 400 subspecies, a small growth, about 50-70 cm. In a natural environment, you can find instances up to half a meter.

The stem of Gentian is a reprehensive, has root leaves collected in the outlet. The leaves are mainly solid, can be an egg-shaped or oblong form. Single flowers, less often collected in inflorescences, with straight vertical blonds. Have the shape of a bell tler, blue, less often blue.

Gentian has recently been cultivated in Russia, in areas where the climate is similar to the natural flower growing medium.

Garden hydrangea

Large is considered the most popular decorative shrub (see picture). The bush is quite high, there are copies of about 4 m. In the people, this shrub is called hydrania. It is widely used in Russia to decorate gardens and parks.

The leaves of hydrangea are rather large, juicy green shade, egg-shaped. Sheet tips are slightly pointed. Inflorescences have the shape of a cluster, lush, diverse colors, there are shades of blue. Restantly resembles lilac, inflorescences diameter can reach 15 cm.

Blossom starts in June, finishes in September - October. With the onset of cold weather, the leaves change the color, become red-brown.

Blue and blue tulips were replaced not so long ago by breeders. Refer to perennial bulbous plants, tulips have a wide variety of shades of blue. Efemeroid herbaceous tulip, for spring all stages of development passes: from the first leaves to death.

Tulips are quite popular among flower water, it does not require much care. Watering prefers regular, the soil for the tulip should be with a loose surface.

Today, monochrome garden is a fashionable design solution. Monophonic compositions look spectacularly and at the same time restrained. We offer Create a flower garden from blue and blue colors.

Blue - the color of the sky and the sea. He soothes, creates harmony and a cozy atmosphere. "Having plunged" into the blue flower garden, you can relax perfectly after a hard work day and dream about vacation on the sea beach.

So, let's see what beautiful-flowing plants will help create a blue-blue garden of your dreams.

1. Agapanthus, or African Lily

Agapantus is a grassy plant with bright blue lily flowers, which are collected in umbrella inflorescences. Moreover, their number on one long blur can reach 150 pieces. It blooms for a short time, from June to July, he loves solar places, in places with frosty winter it is necessary to dig up, plants in containers to transfer to the wintering room. African lily looks good along the tracks, in the walls of the buildings, and the chief emphasis will create on the flower bed.

These small fragrant flowers look perfectly on the background of juicy green leaves, gear around the edges. The inflorescences of Ageratum can be blue, purple, white or pink. All these colors are perfectly harmonized, so the monoclumba from the ageratum of various color looks quite effectively.

3. aconite, or wrestler

Flowers of this elegant herbaceous plant resemble helmets. And this is not good. Bright blue "rellars" is better to admire at a distance. All parts of the aconite are very poisonous. Suitable for small group or single landing. Well looks in mix bears. Flowers from July to the end of September, quite winter articles.

It is an evergreen threshing plant blooms in April. It is ideal for growing on rocky slopes, in shady gardens and in the foreground of mixboraders.

Unusually persistent, despite the external fragility, a flower, for his endurance, the "status" of the mountain, will become an excellent addition to the Rabatka or Rokaria. Mountain varnish flowers blooms for a short time, but early, already in May. Flowers are a bit larger than the blue cornflower.

Charms and grace your garden will add simple blue-blue veronica flowers. No wonder the flower is given a female name. Veronica is unpretentious, undemanding to the composition and humidity of the soil, and the shadow is not afraid. Although under his rays looks more bright and smartest. The modest flower will decorate the border, the mountainaries, will become an excellent frame by the reservoir, it will look good at the foot of the trees and in the neighborhood, even with such luxurious colors like roses.

Saliotrope pattern with small blue-purple flowers collected into shield inflorescences, always facing the sun. Therefore, the name of this plant comes from the Greek words "Helios" - the sun and "Tropos" - turn. Heliotrope looks great in borders and mixlers in the neighborhood with Salvia, the tube begonia and petunia.

8. Hyacinth

In early spring, green pointed tubes, of which dense inflorescences appear with numerous flowers (up to 30 pieces) tubular, bell and funnel-shaped appear. Hyacinths exude saturated pleasant aroma. These plants are planted with picturesque mono- or multi-colored groups next to trees and shrubs or along the garden track.

It is among the advocates that there are specimens with such an intense tinge of the color of blue-blue petals, which can be imagined. Most of the species are listed in the Red Book, therefore, while sitting down the advocacy on their plot, make sure that it is not protected by law. The flower is unpretentious, to the composition of the soil is disposed of, except that the sun loves and wet soil, but the gardener is not delivered. Depending on the species blooms from mid-May to late autumn. Used in curb, mountaineers, rockers.

Of all the varieties of hydrangea, only hydrangea hydrangea can change the color of their inflorescences: from deep pink to heavenly blue. Change color can be controlled, however, it is worth taking care in advance (in spring), because when the flowers dissolve, it will be too late - the completeness of the flowering of hydrangea reaches in August. The petals acquire the blue color in the acidic medium at irrigation of alkaline soil with a solution of iron salts.

11. Dolphinium

This plant is often called bias, or springs. Dolphinium prefers solar and windless sections with light soil, where water does not cause.

12. Calming, or Ayuga

The name of this plant literally "says" itself for itself. Fabric of frost and drought-resistant, undemanding to the type of soil, besides, it grows very actively. So quickly tighten with a pleasant decorative "carpet" any propellans on the site. Also, the plant is well used in curb landing, on the Alpine slide in combination with delphinium or iris. Flowers in the late spring - early summer. Flowering lasts only 2-3 weeks, but the charming blue "blizzard" of the luggage will create bright color accents on the flower beds.

This curly liana with beautiful heart-shaped leaves and large funnel -ide flowers decorate the garden from the beginning of summer and to the most frosts. IPOMEYA is an ideal plant for arches and pergol.

14. Iris (Quecer)

An unusual form of flower Iris is reminded orchid. In the middle lane, flowering falls on May-June. At the same time, the clock is no less spectacular leaves: sword-shaped, fleshy, dark green.

15. Cariopteris, or Warm

A low-spirited bush with extensive branches and blue colors that are attracting bees with its aroma. Blooms the landing year. Externally, the flowering plant resembles a bright peacock tail. Special frost resistance of the cariopteris does not possess - in the cold winters can be moderated, so it needs shelter. It looks good in the foreground of flower arrangements, in the curb and mountaineering. The peculiarity of the plant (for someone is pleasant, and for someone is not very) - abundant self-access.

Charming Clematis is pretty picky. It needs regular irrigation (no less than 1-2 times a week), soil looser, timely removal of weeds, organic feeding 2 times a month during the entire growing season, pruning and shelter for the winter. In addition, this plant loves light, nutritious and loose soil, does not endure a strong wind and water stagnation. But when performing these requirements, the plant will delight abundant blossom.

17. Bellol

Gentle bells bloom from 15 to 90 days. They prefer well-lit plots, but can grow in half. Only some varietal plants need in shelter, and most species develop great without much care.

18. Crocus (Saffron)

This lowered (about 10 cm high) Meltsolukovichnaya primrose with attractive flowers in the form of a glade most effectively looks in mountaineering, among the grass under the crown of trees and in group landings in combination with other spring plants.

Elegant lavender fills the garden with a pleasant aroma. Small blue-purple flowers are perfectly combined with plants with pink and yellow painting. However, residents of districts with an unstable climate will have to make a lot of effort to grow lavender on its site: this plant is quite thermalidious.

Flax can not only make a natural fabric, it will decorate the flower beds, ramks, rocaria or mixboarder. Flowers of a decorative plant can be different coloring (yellow, purple, red), but the traditional blue flax is especially popular. It is easily multiplied by seeds, prefers well-lit plots, needs regular quotations and trends from pests (linen fleece).

This unassuming plant in gardens is most often grown as annual. Lobelia has thin, branching stems covered with green leaves. Twig-bottom flowers located on short flowers appear in all its glory from June to September. Depending on the grade, they are white, purple, dark blue, purple or blue.

22. Mekonopsis Bookwiste

The second name of this plant is the Himalayan Blue Mac. The cultivation of this flower with delicate petals in the conditions of the middle strip is a real exam even for experienced gardeners - this "undeporting" does not tolerate dry air and the small amount of rain in the summer. Flowers from mid-June until the end of August (if you have time to remove faded flowers in a timely manner). It looks good on monoclumbach. Fits with Akvilia, host, low cereals, fern.

23. Mordovnik Chairolar

This plant got its Latin name (Echinops - like hedgehogs) for an unusual appearance. Single pale blue flowers on a long (up to 170 cm) stretch the stem, and the truth is reminded by junk healers. Mordownik is very unpretentious, loves solar and arid places, blooms from July to August. In the garden will decorate the bunk discount, it will be nice to look along the walls. Dried form is suitable for creating floristic compositions.

24. Muscari (mouse hyacinth)

Thin and elegant mouse hyacinths with a light musk smell perfectly look in the mixtore, Rabatka and on a small clearing in front of the house. Muskari is unpretentious, however, they do not wear out water in the soil, so they are not recommended to plant them in lowlands.

25. No discarded

This low-length perennial with small blue flower decorates the garden in spring and summer. Forget-me-not looks best in group landings near reservoirs.

In Russia, forgetcoming is also called the gorusta, feverish grass, a fever.

Extraophila will not grow much work. The plant is unpretentious, only very sensitive to watering, looks good on the monoclumbe, where the luxurious solid carpet of the sky color in the clouds will create. Coniferous plants perfectly, it will become a picturesque framing of the reservoir, and in Rokaria herself will resemble a blue river, curly among the stones.

27. Cucumber grass, or Borago

This is one of the few herbaceous plants, all parts of which are suitable for food. Bright blue "stars" with a taste of cucumber - real exotic! They can be sued - and then they become delicacy or put and serve as an unusual snacks. The soil of the cucumber loves not too wet, grows well in a half, blooms from June to September. And on the flowerbed he is just beautiful in itself.

28. Family color, or Anagalis

Such a deep blue color, which these flowers possess, there is no one of the known plants. Even the eye of such a saturated color does not happen. Full time will create a feeling of freshness and coolness in the garden. Plant in borders and rockers plant, flowering begins in May and does not stop until the first frosts.

29. Periclis (Cineraria)

Annestly herbaceous plant with flowers of various bright colors resembling daisies. The flowers assembled in the basket will look good in the frame of the tracks, in curbradors and mix bears. He loves wet air, prefers warm and illuminated places, but not only under the right sunlight. You can grow pericallis in pots, which in summer well decorate the veranda.

In flower beds and on the balcony, petunia is usually grown as annual. This plant affects the variety of flowers shades. Most often you can see blue, purple, pink, white and two-color petunias. They perfectly decorate flower beds, Rabatki and borders.

31. Prolesta (Scylla)

The tiny prolescas bloom in early spring (in the middle lane - in April) for 15-20 days, so they are often mistakenly called snowdrops. Schill prefers loose and well-humidized soil, undemanding to lighting and unpretentious in care.

32. Springfield of spring

Externally, the nurse resembles forget-me-not, only gently blue its flowers is a bit larger. It blooms for May, covering a bedside carpet. At the beginning of summer on the plant, rabid shoots are formed, because of which the navel is also called "crawling forget-me-not-". It is well tolerating adverse weather phenomena, such as frost, drought, etc., oppose diseases and pests.

Pushkin - a relative of Hyacinth. And it is often called a dwarf hyacinth. Blue or white bell flowers, collected in private inflorescences, dissolve in the spring simultaneously with other primroses.

34. Pinttle (Plumbago)

This shrub is an evergreen liana, whose falling shoots need a support. Gentle blue flowers on them dissolve all summer. In the conditions of the middle strip, growing in the garden risky - it looks beautiful in the barrooms, but may not survive a frosty winter, but in indoor culture a plant will feel good - it is unpretentious and calmly transfers dry air.

35. Syncone flatbed

This is a perennial plant with a height of up to 1 m in the people called the "blue barley". The syngue is unusual in that it is blue completely - from the stem with slid of thin spiny leaves to umbrella silver-blue inflorescences. Medonos, blooms in June-July, used in folk medicine. It looks good at the natural style garden, creates a color accent in the Rabatkov, is suitable for the preparation of dry bouquets.

The bruise likes to grow there, from where even the most unpretentious wild plants "run away in a panic" - in the Rips, on the wastehouses, slopes, on the sun-filled forest edges. The distinguishing feature of the plant is long stems (100-180 cm), thickly covered with bright blue flowers, similar to bells. Bruise ordinary - beautiful honey, blooms from June and almost until September. It has medicinal properties.

37. Flox spread

This is an ideal plant for stony slides and flower beds located in a well-lit place. In May-June, loose chockeys of Flox (up to 30 cm height) with branching stems "flash" by the lights of their small bluish-lilac flowers collected in shovel inflorescences.

"Sister-twin" proleski. However, the difference between two plants is well noticeable. In the form of the chioneeoks flower resemble blue sprockets, and the proleski is a drooping bells. Flowers in March-April. He loves sunny lawns, but it feels good and in light shadows, except that he blooms later. Blossom lasts about a month. Gentle flowers look well in flower beds and alpine slides, combined with other ephemeroids (early plants), especially contrasting color.

39. Ceratostigma Wilmotta

A small (not higher than 1 m) a long-term shrub blooms in August. The height of flowering ceratostigms falls on autumn. Then on the background of gradually red leaves of her color flowers, electricians look especially effectively. The plant prefers well-lit, sunny sections and lightweight soil with drainage.

Chicory - wild medicinal plant with beautiful gentle blue flowers. Grows everywhere - along the roads, on the forest glades, meadows. In the culture it is grown in the same way as a table beet. Of the Sweet Cycic, a natural substitute for coffee is prepared from the baffle of the rooftops of the varietal chicory.

41. Chernushka Damaskaya, or Nigella

Chernushka looks very good in dry bouquets - her baskets with seeds resemble poppy seeds. By the way, the seeds of the plant are widely used in the eastern kitchen black cumin. Chernushta loves the bright sun and the nutrient soil, does not endure the convergence. Sleeper blue terry flowers can be converted even the most unwashed wall of the building or a single fence along which they will be planted. Plus, the plant has medicinal properties.

42. Sage (Salvia)

This healing semi-staple (up to 75 cm high) with twinkle blue-violet, pink or white flowers, exacerbating a tart fragrance, blooms from the end of May to July. Sage is a thermal-loving plant, so in the middle lane it needs to be well covered for the winter.

This list of attractive colors will help you easily pick up plants for monochrome garden. These spectacular blue and blue flowers are perfectly combined with each other. Place them on your summer cottage - and the flower garden in the "marine" gamma will not leave anyone indifferent.


In landscape design, the creation of flower arrangements in one color scheme has become fashionable lately. Why not try to create on the sector of plants from plants with blooms of blue or blue, because it is the colors of the sky and the sea that soothe and create a feeling of coolness.

Colors of blue-blue coloring a lot, whether annual or perennials and, creating one-photon flower beds, to stop your choice is on what.

Agapanthus umbrella perennial heat-loving The plant in the open ground grows only in the south. In the conditions of the middle strip of Russia, they are grown in a pot culture, from the spring they carry balconies or a garden.

Sunconiovoy - makes a little shading, moisthed and needs feeding once every two weeks. In the winter, being on the windowsill, watering is reduced to a minimum, feeding to exclude. Replanted as the pot of the roots and the growing bush fill.

dividecing one-year Flower from the Astrov family. He loves well-lit places, warmly, does not withstand even light frosts, so the seeded seeds are planted in an open ground in the second half of May.

Ageratums are grown on the lungs of fertile soils with neutral acidity, not allowing the mooring of the soil and fertilizer with fresh manure. In the care of the flower unpretentious, loves feeding with full mineral fertilizer 2-3 times per season. We conclude seeds.

If the agricultural cuts of the agrataratum are cut and feed, then shoots rapidly grow up, and a new wave of flowering begins.

evergreen stretched perennial The plant is broken by forming a solid carpet. The height of the Barwinka flower does not exceed 30 cm. The flower is unpretentious, it grows both in the sun and in the shade. After flowering, there is a trimming, otherwise it will displace all nearby neighbors.

Barwinkcom is well to delay the rolling colors of the trees.

Cheerful flower - Mountain Vasilek. Unpretentious perennial Height up to 0.6 m, light-minded, does not like the slightest shading and soil cutting.

Winter art, does not require shelter for the winter. In one place can grow up to 10 years. Spanking cornflower seeds. Dividing bush.

Veronica - low speed fast-growing The plant, no longer than 20 cm high. It can be used as a lawn, it is small and resistant to pulling out, and as a soil industry. Prefers to grow on neutral or weakness soils.

Lukovyanian wounds fragrant The plant is up to 40 cm high. grows in the open ground and is suitable for pastures in winter. Light-chapter. Planting bulbs in the lungs, fertile soils do in September-October.

With blue hats of flowers is a noble luxury in the garden plot.

Leafy shrub With lush colors hats, loving abundant watering and regular feeding. Transfers shading preferably at midday.

For the winter, the soil under hydrangeas need to be very mulched, and the plant itself is to stream, bending to the ground.

To maintain the blue color of the colors, it is necessary to maintain the acidity of the pH soil at no more than 5.5 and constantly introduce aluminum sulfate.

As a mulch, use sawdust, coniferous boring for acidification of the Earth.

Elegant perennial plant. Loves solar places, dough and frosting. Soils for growing are needed light, rich in organic.

It is beautiful when landing with groups of 5-7 pieces. For the formation of lush inflorescences, the dolphinium must be filing at least three times per season. The plant is tall, so in order to avoid the ruling of stems, they must be tied to the stakes.

Split dolphinium seeds, dividing the bush.

If you remove the blurred inflorescences are repeated bloom.


  • Platoodon or wide-solid

Bells are perennial frost resistant Plants, with flowers corresponding to the name. In heightDepending on the species, the bells are divided into:

  • tall - 1-1,5m;
  • average - 0.5-0.8 m;
  • low no more than 0.15m.

Grown on solar sections with fertile, well permeable soils, because Stagnation of water in the roots The bell does not take place, watering is moderate. To increase decorative, flowing flowers need to be deleted. Spank flower seeds with subsequent division of the bush.

Lavender refers to aromatic shrubs. Growing out in the open ground, in the conditions of the middle strip of Russia, only the lavender is English narrow.

Loves open sunny plots. At air temperature below -25 ºC requires shelter for the winter.

After flowering, for decorativeness and maintain the shape of the bush, it is necessary to cut the lavender. Propasses seeds, dividing bush and stalling.

Herbaceous thermal lumpy perennial Loving sunny plots. After planting seeds, like all perennials, blooms the next year.

The moisture and winter-hardy flax loves the organic soil rich and regular feeding. Plant height 0.3-0.5 m.

Lobelia is flowering fluffy bush Ampel or bush form. The height of the bush grades up to 0.2 m, ampels form floral cascades to 1-1.5 m.

For good blossoms of Lobelia, the sun is needed, rich watering, regular feeding.

At the end of the first wave of blossom, Lobelia needs to be trimmed at an altitude of 5 cm from the soil, feed. Repeated bloom lasts before frost. Lobelia seeds multiplies.

"There is in Russia forget-me-not flowers - blue, like the sky ..."

Perennial unpretentious The plant is up to 0.2 m high. When growing in the sun, bloom abundant. Forget-me-not demanding to watering.

Annual light-chapter 0.3-1.0 m height multiplying self-sowing. Drought-resistant, but loving abundant watering.

Unbrew the leaves (before flowering) have a pronounced smell of fresh cucumber, used in food when cooking salads, okroshka.

Perennial bulbous Height up to 0.5 m, growing both in the sun and in a half. Winter hardy, moisture-loving.

Perennial winter hardy Plant growing on light lime, sandy soils. Sunconium, up to 0.8 m high.

Cut flowers are used to create dried bouquets.

Many years of flower With rigid stems up to 1.5 m. Prefers solar places, with alkaline soils, moisthed.

Medicinal plant, crushed roots are used as a substitute for coffee.

Chernushka Damaska \u200b\u200bor Nigella

Annestly cold-resistant herbaceous The plant with a height of up to 0.5 m. grows on solar plots, unpretentious. It is multiplied only by sowing seeds and immediately at a permanent place.

With insufficient watering, bloom stops.

Sage refers to K. perennial herbaceous winter horse Plants high to 0.7m. Loves solar places and fertile soils. Does not like to oveurgery soil. Seed seeds with preliminary germination.

Medicinal plant and applied as spice in cooking.

Perennial low bulbous plant 10-15 cm highWinter hardy. When landing in the sun blooms one of the first, in half the day the flowering is delayed. Soil prefers fertile and loose.

Heavenly blue and blue colors will bring a feeling of freshness and romance to the garden.