Installation of floors from OSB do it yourself. OSB plates for floor mounting Fastening OSB to the floor

OSB (OSB) or OSP (oriented-chipped stove) is a modern design material that has become a serious alternative to plywood, chipboard and the widespread use in the construction of frame houses and decoration of buildings and buildings. OSB plates are trimmed with internal and outer walls of rooms, floors and roof. The walls of the walls of OSB plates take place in frame construction, when the stove performs with structural material and serves to enhance the walls of the building, or when it acts as a facade material of concrete, brick or wooden houses, which is caused by a small price and high strength and durability of the material. In this article we will look at the question: how to fix the OSB plate to the wall with its external side.

When installing the OSB plates to the outer walls, the crate is used for the following purposes:

  • alignment of the wall plane;
  • creating a ventilation gap for insulation under osb slab;
  • preventing the deformation of the plate caused by the bases of the base, especially relevant for OSB plates with a thickness of 9 mm and less.

Fastening OSB plates to the wall over the insulation using the root

The mounting of the slab to the wall is carried out using the root, which is made from a wooden bar, or a metal profile. Installation technologies OSB plates on a wall with a wooden crate and a doomed made of metal profile are not fundamentally different. When choosing a bar, it is advisable to choose a dry, planed bar 40-50 mm, then it will not turn it and will not lead after drying, which will have a positive effect on the flatness of the whole wall.

For mounting the bar and profile, special metal plates (suspensions) are used to the wall. Before fixing the suspensions, it is necessary to draw vertical stripes on the wall, the distance between which should be twice the width of the sheet, which is subsequent, will provide the joints of the plates right in the middle of the bar or profile and give the opportunity to secure OSB slab in the center along its entire length. After the lines are drawn, the suspensions are fixed along 30-40 cm increments.

Metal suspension is used to fasten the root.
The placed lines are attached suspensions. The suspensions allow you to fix the shap above the insulation.

After that, they laid the insulation and cover it with a membrane that protects the insulation from moisture ingress, after which the lamb is mounted.

It should be noted that outside the building is not needed outside the building, as it prevents the ingress of wet air into the insulation from the inside of the room, and from the outside of the structure excess moisture should freely go out.

Wall with a doom. The insulation is laid between the shap and the wall.

After fixing the root, you can proceed to the installation of OSB plates. For the walls of the walls, the stove is most often used from 9 to 12 mm thick. If the facade is not mounted on top of the plate, the plate should be moisture resistant. The OSB slab made from a wooden bar of the OSB plate is mounted with nails in a length of at least 2.5 times the thickness of the OSP sheet. To the crate of a metal profile - on a screw for metal with a length of 10-15 mm longer than the thickness of the sheet of sheet.

With this installation, the lamb weighs over the insulation, and does not create cold bridges in the insulation between the wall and OSP plates. Thanks to this solution, the maximum efficiency of the insulation is achieved. In addition, there is an air gap between the bars of the roasters, through which moisture from the insulation is derived, which also increases its characteristics. More information about the technology of the ventilated facade is in the article :.

Fastening OSB plates to a wooden frame

When building frame houses, the recommendations on the choice of sheets are the same as when the walls are previously elevated. The difference only when the sheets act as a hardness element. In this case, their thickness must be at least 12 mm. The recommended thickness is usually 15-18 mm.

When mounting walls with a wooden frame, two main approaches are used: fastening of OSB sheets to a frame through a doom and fastening of OSB sheets directly to a frame without a crate. Consider both.

How to mount the walls to the frame using the root

When durable plates are mounted on the inside of the wall to the frame, providing good stiffness of the wall design, then the slab can be made outside of the frame and OSP. The breadtife forms air cavities for insulation ventilation and reduces the deformation loads from the frame on the OSP plate.

The insulation is stacked between the frame racks. On top of the racks and insulation, the wind and hydroelectric membrane is fixed, easily skipping moisture. Next is fastened with a doom and her OSB plate.

Installation of OSB plates on a wooden frame with a doom.

With this, the execution of the plate can be left without finishing, you can paint them, attach them to attach or secure almost any facade material on them.

When fastening the OSB plates without the use of the root, the maximum stiffness of the wall structure is achieved. In this case, the windproof and waterproof membrane is recommended for the OSB plate, then mount the crate to create the ventzazor and the facade material, such as siding, boards, or decorative panels. The OSB wooden frame frame is attached to the nails with a length of at least 2.5 times the thickness of the OSP sheet.

The advantage of using nails in front of self-drawing when mounting an OSP from the outside of the house is substantiated by the fact that nails are better tolerated by the deformations of OSB sheets under atmospheric influences.

Installation of OSB on the walls of a frame house without a doom

Among the methods of providing stiffery frame, three methods are considered optimal, which can be combined with each other:

Fastening sheet materials to frame racks inside the house;

Drives between frame racks;

Fastening sheet materials to frame racks outside at home.

When OSB sheets are mounted to the frame racks outside the house, then the lap between sheets and frame racks leads to a decrease in stiffness almost twice. Therefore, to ensure the maximum strength of the design of it, this crate is excluded. Ventzor disappears without a crate, so it is recommended to mount such a crate on top of the OSB sheets. On the OCB fasten the hydraulic vapor permeable film, then the crate, and on top of any suitable facade material: siding, professional flooring, wood, front panels and so on.

Technology fastening OSB sheets to a wooden frame without using the root.

The described variant is preferable. But there are other ways. When it is necessary that the OSB sheets are fixed to the racks, the role of the facade, and it is not mounted on top, then the ventilation gap can be organized between the frame racks. For this space between the frame racks is filled with insulation not completely. Leave 2-3 cm for the ventilation gap between the insulation and sheets of the OSB. The hydraulic protective vapor-permeable film is fixed to the frame using the rails. So that these rails remain between racks - on two sides to each rack.

The use of oblique crate is the compromise option. It is placed at an angle of 45 degrees. This contributes to increasing the rigidity compared to the straight cage. To increase the rigidity, boards with a thickness of 25 mm are better suited for such a crate. The board is attached to each frame rack with two nails. Due to the increased consumption of materials and the complexity of work, this method is urgent is extremely rare, therefore there are no statistical information on the operational characteristics of the built houses.

Oblique doom.

Fastening OSB Plates to Metallic Frame

Fastening is carried out similarly to an option with a wooden frame. When mounting the plates directly to the metal frame, screws are used for metal with a length of 10-15 mm more than the thickness of the OSB sheet.

General Rules for Montage OSB Plates to the Wall

Regardless of the selected method of fastening sheets of OSB, there are general rules, which will ensure maximum strength, reliability and durability of the design of the trim.

  • Self-tapping screws should be screwed at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other and at least 1 cm from the edge of the plate.
  • Between the bottom plate and the foundation require a gap of 10 mm to prevent water clusters.
  • The plates can not be shy close to each other, 2-3 mm is needed between them, so that the stove can be easily expanding from the drops of moisture.
  • All door and window openings are cut out with a jigsaw or circular saw, but if perfectly smooth joints are needed and feeding, you can come to the furniture workshop with ready-made OSB, where your sheets on the format-cutting machine are smoothly and exactly sized for a small fee. .

Which side to secure OSB sheets

All sides of the OSB sheets do not differ in composition. But there are differences in the surfaces. Often one side is smooth, and the other rough. In this case, when installing plates on the walls on the outside of the building sheets, it is better to mount the smooth side to the outside. With this orientation, rainwater will not accumulate in such quantities in the irregularities of the plate. Water helps to accelerate the destruction of the slab. Protection of sheets from the penetration of water contributes to an increase in their durability.

When mounting the plates on the roof under the roof, in turn, the OSB sheets are recommended to have a rough side up so that they do not slip on them to walk during the work on the arrangement of the roof.

When installing the OSB plates in, protected from moisture exposure, the selection of their orientation does not have a significant effect on subsequent operation.

In most cases of mounting OSB sheets outside the house there is a ventilation. It moves the air that comes from the bottom of the wall from the surrounding space and comes from above back into the atmosphere. The deaf sealing of ventilations from any of the parties is not allowed. Otherwise, instead of the ven beam, a closed air cavity is obtained.

In the ventilation gap can be penetrated, wasps, mice, small birds and build a socket there, thereby disrupting the characteristics of the wall. Therefore, it is recommended to provide protection, at the stage of its construction or repair.

There are several options for protecting the wall from rodents, birds and insects, consider them.

  1. Protection with metal meshes and sheet metal with fine holes. It is better to use a stainless metal that will not be subject to corrosion. The grid or metal strips are fixed from below and on top of the walls per osp sheets so that they do not affect the appearance of the house.
  1. Paint mesh. It differs from the previous version of low cost and less durability.
  1. Perforated facade material in the lower and top of the wall. For example, in the case of siding, this perforated sofa.

Lattices or grids are mounted at the entrance and outlet of the ventilation gaps.

Most of the types of outdoor materials produced today are required to create a smooth lasting base. In most cases, the device of a concrete or sandy cement screed in the house is made as such. However, there is a worthy alternative, which is the installation of OSB plates (OSB) on wooden lags. As a result, it turns out a durable, smooth draft base suitable for styling any floor covering. What is the special cooker of OSB, what can replace the concrete tie? This, as well as about the methods of installation of OSB on the lags, will be discussed in the article using information in video format.

Oriented chipboard, material characteristics

For the first time, such material began to produce and apply in North America. Soon the pressed chip slabs found use and began to be made in Europe. OSB is a few layers of compressed large chips of predominantly coniferous wood glued together. Characteristic, in this feature of the material that the chips in the neighboring layers is located interdependacular. Due to this, the material is much stronger than wood with the same thickness, especially for bending. In addition to high strength, the material has a number of other positive characteristics, such as:

  • low weight;
  • ease of cutting fragments of any form;
  • has thermal insulation qualities;
  • material is impassable;
  • not damaged by insects, rodents, microorganisms;
  • there is the possibility of further surface treatment (grinding, opening with varnish or painting), which makes it possible in some embodiments to use the surface as the finishing floor covering.

By the degree of moisture resistance of the AS-slab there are four types. OSB 2 is used for the flooring device, which is intended for mounting the supporting structures under normal humidity conditions, and OSB 3, which is applicable at high humidity. The second type is suitable for the establishment of the base of the floor by lags for further flooring flooring and laminate. Under the linoleum is better to use the third, moisture-proof type of OSB plate, as condensate can be formed under it. The base of the floor from the moisture-resistant plate can be used even for styling the tile.

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Selection of the required OSB-Plate thickness

In order for the base of the gender, performed by the OSB slab on the lags with their own hands, was not inferior to the strength of the screed, it should be properly picking up the thickness of the sheets and correlate with the increments of the lag. The material from pressed chips is a stronger solid wood, so the ratio in this case is somewhat different.

For the floor you can apply sheets with a thickness of 9 mm. With this size of the plate, the step between carriers should not exceed 25 cm. The thickness of 16 mm corresponds to the step of the lag 35-40 cm. The sheet with a thickness of 22 mm will not arrive at a distance between the bars up to 60 cm. In case of 80-90 cm, the OSB thick 25 mm.

Important! It should be noted that with an increase in the thickness of the sheet its cost increases significantly. To calculate the most favorable variant of the ratio of the Bar / Sheet of the OSB, you should compare several options. You can take into account the width of the insulation, respectively, the convenient distance (step) between the carriers of the bars, and to choose the required thickness of the slab.

Lag timber selection

The feature of the plates flooring is that in the places of their docking lags should be wide enough to securely secure both connecting elements. Therefore, it is desirable that the width of the upper side of the lag is at least 4 cm (better than 5-6 cm). It should also be considered that it will be necessary to consolidate additional fragments of the bar (perpendicular to lagas) in places of longitudinal docking plates. The lag is quite suitable for a timber from any coniferous wood of the second or third varieties. Humidity should not exceed 20%. If lags are in high humidity, it is desirable to choose a larch or aspen bar. Before mounting carriers of wooden bars, they should be treated with antibacterial and moisture-repellent impregnations, which will significantly extend their service life.

How to make the base of the floor from the OSB-slab do it yourself

OSB sheets can be kept on the lags installed on the first floor and as inter-storey partitions of private houses. It also uses this material in the apartments when carrying wooden bars are installed on a rough screed or overlap plate. Differences will be only in the method of installation of lag. From the point of view of the floor of the floor, you can consider the easiest option when the bars are installed with a specific step in a concrete or cement-sand tie.

To work, you will need the tools listed below:

  • electrolovik;
  • perforator with a 6 mm brown;
  • screwdriver;
  • water level or laser level (at a significant area), or waterpaste with a length of at least 1.5 m with small areas of the room;
  • roulette;
  • marker or pencil;
  • a hammer.

In addition to the main (OSB, the lag, the insulation), the consumables will be needed, such as:

  • fast mounting dowels 6 cm x 6 mm;
  • black self-tapping screws on the tree (the length of the self-tapping screws - the thickness of the plates plus 25 mm);
  • mounting foam;
  • sealant (silicone).

Work begins with the installation of lag. They are installed in parallel. Their step should be calculated so that the distance corresponds to the thickness of the plates and width (so that the adjacent sheets are felt well in one lag). The nearest bars must be from it at a distance of about 20 cm. In places of longitudinal docking plates, the transverse segments of BRUSEV are additionally installed. When fixing the lag to the screed or slabs, their horizontal is regulated by wooden chips linings.

The insulation is stacked between carrier bars. In its quality, polystyrexes (foam, penplex), or mineral wool can be applied. The latter should be protected from moisture from the side of the draft screed, for which a vapor barrier membrane is applied.

OSB sheets are stacked on the prepared frame from BRUSIV and attract to the lags by self-drawing. First you need to install whole plates, and then carve out the missing fragments with the help of an electrolzka, placing pre-material. OSB should not be laid close to the wall, but leaving small gaps of about 1 cm that are needed to be able to temperature the material expansion. The resulting gaps for sealing are filled with polyurethane foam.

The seams between the plates in the places of their docking can be filled with silicone sealant, especially if a tile is assumed as the finishing floor layer. So that the received information is to rinse visually, you can watch this video

Important! Properly arranged base of gender from OSB plates on lags (as in video) is a durable design, which is not inferior to the characteristics of the screed. After mounting the plates, you can immediately start styling the finishing coating by the same technology as on the final screed. No additional processing (priming, for example, or alignment) surface performed by OSB

OSB name is decrypted as an Oriented Strand Board. In Russian it sounds like a stove made of oriented chips. They are becoming increasingly used in the construction industry, which is explained by the excellent technical and environmental indicators of the material. 90% of the composition is waste woodworking industry. Various orientation of the lion of chips in the layers increases strength, it expands the range of use of OSB plates. Is it possible to put this material on the floor?

Technical indicators of plates

For the manufacture of OSB, pinchs are used with a length of 60 to 90 mm. Their location in the layers is different: if in one component is located in parallel to the long side, then in the second one is perpendicular. This caused increased strength relative to the chipboard and plywood. At the same time, the bending strength is relatively high.

The release begins with three-layer, and ends with eight-layer elements. Formaldehyde, phenol or polyurethane resins are used as bindings. Compressed under pressure and elevated temperature components are impregnated with waterproof resins and wax. It provides low hygroscopicity, which has expanded a list of works, where OSB is used. Because the question is whether it is possible to retain on the OSB floor, the manufacturers respond positively.

The creation process ensures the surface of the surface without flaws. Thanks to the pressure inside, shells and voids are not formed, which determines the high quality of manufacture. Grinding panels are used for finishing.

Long chips are a kind of reinforcement. They allow the finished product to withstand high loads.

OSB Security

A greater percentage of the composition is a tree. Often, a spruce is used for the manufacture, less often pine. This composition itself is harmless. For binders, formaldehydes are used in an amount of from 8 to 30 mg per 100 grams. masses. In such a dosage, they do not pose a danger to the human body. Therefore, the OSB plate is placed under the roof, it is separated by the premises. Immediately disappears the question of whether this material can be at the floor. From it, the floors are arranged on a concrete screed and on lags. Moreover, in the case of a laminated coating, no additional waterproofing is needed.

According to the combustibility class, OSB refer to flammable (B3) and strong-brace (G4). When combustion, toxin substances and a lot of smoke are distinguished. But when performing works, builders take into account this feature. The surface is facing a non-combustible coating or a layer that prevents burning.

Selection Plates for floor mounting

Before buying, it is worth contacting such items:

  • It is better to acquire the products of Canadian or European companies. They use more eco-friendly components and the quality of their products above;
  • Products must be certified and responded by the E1 environmental safety standard;
  • For the floor, the floor is better to purchase the 3rd category panels. They are suitable at the ratio of price / strength. For sex by lags, it is better to be restrained and purchased the 4th type panels. They will be more expensive, but the floor will be more reliable;
  • For sex, models are not suitable for facing and roofing;
  • The choice of coating depends on the designation of the room and the composition provided by the project.

If the installation is carried out on a concrete base, the thickness of 1 cm is enough. If the floor is provided for bars, it is better to choose a 2-centimeter thickness.

To calculate the amount of material you need to choose the type of product on dimensions. After the room is calculated and the area of \u200b\u200bone laid unit is calculated. For clarity, you can decompose the items in the drawing or in a special program. So you can get the amount of integers and chopped.

Cutter is made by electric saw. When operating the jigsaw edges, it becomes rough and uneven, which affects the quality of laying.

OSB will smooth out the irregularities and a concrete base drop. In the case of explicit defects, two tiers are laid. For this type of flooring, sheets of 8 or 6 mm thick are used. Laying is conducted with seam overlap.

Stop items are needed with gaps on the possibility of expanding from absorption of moisture. This is especially true of not completely dried concrete. Clearance thickness from 3 to 5 mm. It is created between the elements and between the wall and the flooring. Fixation to concrete occurs with rubber glue. Before gluing the surface of the concrete is processed by a primer to increase the grip. Additionally, sheets are fixed by clogged dowels.

On top of OSB you can lay a concrete screed. To do this, it is necessary to use products with waterproof coating. The surface should be unlocked for better adhesion.

Installing OSB will ensure installation of any finish:

  • laminate;
  • linoleum;
  • carpet;
  • tiles, etc.

Chalk characteristics will increase the noise insulating indicators of the base and reduce the thermal conductivity.

From the panels are created purple or black floor. The process of the device is the following:

  • Lags are located in a step equal to the parameters of the OSB sheet;
  • Plate is stacked on the bars. The junction falls on a wooden beam with a gap between the plates;
  • The flooring is attached by self-drawing. Fastening step 30 cm;
  • The second layer with the dressing of the seams is stacked. The mount occurs with spiral nails. For better fixing, glue is applied.

Sequence of work with a rough field:

  • Lagges are laid below the OSB;
  • The side of the floor facing the ground, when installing the ground floor base, is treated with bitumen waterproofing;
  • In the space between the carrier elements, the insulation is stacked;
  • Over the insulation is waterproofing.

Requirements for plates when laying a different floor finish

The material is used as an independent finishing finish and as a basis for various types of floor. Every case of laying has its own characteristics:

  • installation of laminate. The main thing here is the flatness of the surface. For softer styling, it is desirable to lay a substrate on OSB;
  • installation of carpet, linoleum. In this case, the minimum definition of the joints is important. Used thin sheets. Knocks close to sealant;
  • oSB under the tile. It is selected thickness capable of withstanding such a load. The product is carefully fixed on lags, the step of which is done less than with another finish;
  • oSB plate without coating. Is it possible to hold the material on the floor in this form? Yes, but it is necessary to protect the surface with several layers of varnish. The surface of the product in this case should be polished.

OSB can be used in the floor mounting of almost any design. Their high strength, small moisture absorption and durability will allow creating a reliable and warm base.

If you think about the question of: how to raise the floor from OSB plates, it is necessary to study the sequence of work and familiarize yourself with their nuances. The floor is a rather complicated multi-level construction, the quality of which largely determines the degree of comfort of the room.

Why OSB is the best choice

Oriented inlet stove is known to the consumer on OSB abbreviations, OSB and OSP. All this is the same material consisting of several layers of pressed wood. The chips are impregnated with a polymer resin composition that protects them from rotting. In each layer, crushed wood has a different orientation, which provides the canvas as much as possible for it.

OSB has a lot of advantages over the materials of a similar profile:

  • durability;
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to deformation;
  • environmental Safety;
  • low inflammation threshold;
  • hypoallergenicity.

Classification of OSB plates

Manufacturers offer OSB of different thicknesses: 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 22 mm. Standard sizes of cloths - 2500x1250 mm and 2440x1220 mm. There are three types of OSB plates:

  1. OSB-1 - Used for the manufacture of furniture and as a packaging material.
  2. OSB-2 - designed to use indoors at low air humidity. Can be used to cover any carrying structures.
  3. OSB-3 - can withstand the most rigid modes of operation and be a part of the supporting structures.
  4. Lacked OSB - a canvas covered on one side with high-quality waterproof varnish.
  5. Laminated OSB - on one side of the canvas there is a laminated coating.
  6. The toned OSB - the canvas from the 2nd or 4 sides has a type of type "spike-groove", which allows you to perform high-quality horizontal and vertical laying of plates.

There are three ways of laying oriented chipboard:

  • directly to concrete;
  • on lags;
  • on top of the old floor.

Laying OSB on wooden floor

Not always the owner of the room is required to be able to inhibit the new floor. Sometimes the owner is much easier to strengthen and strengthen the existing one. Basically, this approach requires wooden floors. Before laying the OSB plate, it is necessary to make the surface alignment. There are two options for doing this work.

  1. As much as possible to strengthen the boards, eliminating the gaps and deflection. Processing protrusions.
  2. If the surface is quite smooth, you can wish the substrate under the laminate and lay the OSB plate on it.

These are the least laborious work, which is under the power of any owner. Laying OSB on a wooden floor can be made not only on a soft shock-absorbing substrate, but also on a pre-lined layer of well-sashed river sand. In this case, all the slots will be filled out, which will give the floor additional strength.

Laying OSB on concrete

If it is necessary to tempt the chipboard directly onto the concrete, it will take its preliminary alignment. At home, this can be done in two ways:

  1. Use self-leveling solutions (tie).
  2. On your own surface is an ideally horizontal plane with a sandy-cement solution and a spatula with a wide blade.

Laying of OSB on concrete floor - the case is simple. It is important to choose the thickness and type of cloth. For high-quality performance, tipped plates with the ends of the Schip-groove from all 4 sides will be required. For the device of the shock absorbing layer, the methods listed in the method of laying oxo plates on the surface of the wooden floor are used.

Installation of OSB on lags

The use of lag is the optimal method of the black floor of the reinforced concrete overlap. As the reference elements, the timing of 6-15 is used by 10-25 cm or the board with a cross section of 4-5 by 15-20 cm. Wooden parts are attached to concrete with metal corners and special dowels.

To properly perform work, you need to make a drawing in which you need to specify the size of the room and calculate the required amount of lag. It should be noted that each board should defend from another no more than 50-60 cm. If there is a lag, the floor alignment is not required, but it is important to set support so that their ends formed a strictly horizontal surface.

For the flooring device, OSB by lags use plates whose thickness is 15-20 mm. If the distance between the boards is 50 cm, 15 mm thick plates are suitable if 60 cm is 20 mm. Wood must be predetermined by flame breeding composition. To create a cut-off waterproofing, a dense polyethylene or rubberoid is suitable.

Each board should be exhibited along the long walls of the room. The space between lags is filled with heat and sound insulation material. For this purpose use:

  • polyfoam (suitable inexpensive density of 15 kg / m3);
  • mineral wool and its modifications;
  • treated solid lime;
  • dry sand;
  • ceramzit.

The first board from the wall should defend it from it by 5-7 cm. OSB plates are laid so that the long side of the canvas lay perpendicular to lags. For fixing the plates use nails or self-tapping screws. If non-tanted OSB cloths are taken for the flooring device, leaving the gap of at least 3 mm during laying. It will execute the role of the compensation seam and will not allow the surface of the floor to deform.

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