Male and female sign in biology. What does the "Venus" and "Mars" symbol mean? Snake: Cosmogonic Symbolism

All signs of the zodiac in the horoscope are divided into men's and women's signs of the zodiac. This separation is not associated with gender. It denotes the energy feature of representatives of two different zodiac groups and describes their life strategy. Find out which group owns your zodiac sign, and how it characterizes you.

Men's signs of the zodiac

The male signs of the zodiac include: Aries, Gemini, Lev Scales, Sagittarius and Aquarius. This zodiacal group is also called active or positive. Men's signs of the zodiac are more aimed at creating, on the outside world and action in society. Representatives of these signs of the zodiac have the energy inherent in men: independence, individualism, openness, ambition, leadership, the scale of thinking and actions, freedom, enterprise.

Very often, the male signs of the zodiac suffer from the oversupply of energy, which is why they need to follow their health, as they often have different diseases with pronounced symptoms in the soil. The male signs of the zodiac is inherent in the desire to change the world, fake it under itself, to influence the surrounding people. These are extroverts with a practical type of thinking.

Women's signs of the zodiac

Women's signs of the zodiac in the horoscope is Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Fish. Representatives of these constellations belong to the passive group of zodiac signs. They are prone to preserving their energy, to consumption, not creation. Women's signs of the zodiac are very often not authorized over the circumstances of their own life. More precisely, they do not tend to fight the flow of problems and obstacles in their path. They are looking for a person stronger than they themselves. Very often their manitis to the male signs of the zodiac, as they will be able to give what they need.

Representatives of this group of signs of the zodiac - a defensive strategy of life. These are introverts, for the most part. Susceptibility, statement and misinterfidence makes them weak. Despite this, representatives of these constellations are constantly ready to work on themselves, improve and achieve new knowledge, skills and experience. They though slowly, but go to their goal.

The manifestation of male and female in the signs of the zodiac can be seen in life. Carefully look at your acquaintances: Surely, there are women with a male zodiac sign in your environment, in which the male character is pronounced. Find among our friends and men with the women's sign of the zodiac. As a rule, there are a lot of female in them. We wish good luck and do not forget to click on the buttons and

17.10.2014 09:21

Want to solve your man's character, want to know his weaknesses? Then our female will help you ...

The predisposition to the treason has different people. Astrologers argue that in many ways it depends on ...

The usual explanation for the symbolic signs of men and women, that they were allegedly obtained from Greek mythology: namely, the shield of Mars and the mirror of Venus, the items are traditionally connected with the male and female floors, respectively.

Nevertheless, there is little evidence of the binding of these specific objects to current symbols, and the real story is much more complex.

In ancient astrology and alchemy, various celestial objects were associated with various metals of the Earth. Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn - they corresponded to gold, silver, iron, mercury, copper, tin and lead.

It was a system of recognition offered by the 18th century botany. Her author, Karl Linny, was born to the development of a modern chemical system. Then the letters of the Greek or Latin alphabets were not thought of the use of the elements name. Such a system was developed only in 1814.

Before this chemist is often used the same symbols that use medieval alchemists. Linny decided to do the chemical system and botanical records - in the coarse shape of the stenograph.

He first used symbols, formally in 1756, when writing a dissertation about hybrid plants, and later used the same system of designations in its work "Plantarum types".

He used the old astrological and alchemical symbols of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and the Sun for the presentation of wood perennial herbaceous and annual plants.

Symbols of Mars, Venus and Mercury to represent a guy, a girl and hermaphrodite were conditional. Soon, other botany and zoologists took the use of these symbols, as they were comfortable and easily remembered.

Various attempts to tie symbols with pictograms, runes and Babylonian astrological symbols did not have success. To a large extent, it is believed that the characters originate from the Greek letter. The female symbol comes from the goddess associated with the planet Venus, but not from the Roman goddess, and the male symbol from the planet Thouros (Planet Mars, but not from the Roman God).

As a result, we have gender signs (biological gender) that are borrowed from astronomical symbols.

Which has a rich history and even currently used as the designation of male and female began.

From ancient times and to this day

People have long been trying to reflect female and male essence with the help of special symbols. It is worth noting that such images transferred the distinctive features of the floors, as well as their unity. The most common signs of the male and female began include "Yin and Yan", as well as the symbolism of Mars and Venus. Each of them has its own history and designation.

The sign "Woman and Man" - the emblem of the two completely opposite began: this is the moon, water and earth for a female entity, and the sun, heat, fire for men. Male start symbolizes a creative, social and active principle, and the female symbol is an impersonation of soft, passive power connected to nature.

Men's and women's signs

The first characters of Mars and Venus appeared in the times of the ancient Greek and ancient Roman mythology. All well-known and recognizable signs were taken from astrology, and they acquired popular science fame thanks to Botany Karl Linneu. Of course, he used them to designate the floor of the plants. With almost this moment, the symbol of men and women began to be used as a sign of floors.

The symbols of the male and female began are absolutely opposite, however, they have similar features. In essence, they some way resemble opposite types, such as life and death, top and bottom, moon and sun, earth and water, right and left, etc. They can be collected into a single whole and characterize the male beginning like the south or east, the sun and the landowner. Also for this definition, the concepts are suitable: day, house, senior, strong, male. But the feminine essence will be the complete opposite - the West and the North, the female, the youngest, weak, moon, etc.

Mars and Venus

The symbol of Venus is displayed as a closed circle with a cross, which is directed down. Sometimes there is another name - "Venus Mirror". Such a name was given due to external similarity. This sign personifies beauty, femininity, warmth, care and love.

Male sign - a symbol of Mars - is the same closed circle, but with an arrow as directed. If you imagine the dial, the arrow should indicate for two hours is the characteristic God of war. "The shield and spear of Marsa" is another name of the male sign.

The connection of these two characters has several interpretations. First of all, it is worth noting one of the most common interpretations is the embodiment of heterosexuality, that is, love between representatives of different floors. It is worth noting that this symbolism is used to designate bisexuality, only in this case signs can be located differently (today there is no single designation).

An interesting fact: the transsexuals also have their own characters - the male and female sign is imposed on each other, forming a circle with a cross and an arrow. The connection between the male and female sign does not have a clearly defined interpretation. So, this symbol may designate love, friendship, strong attachment and passion.

Male and women's start in the Yin-Yan symbol

Person: Almost everything in the world is happening under the influence of female and male beginnings. "Yin" is a female symbol that is the personification of passivity and humility. Male sign - "Yan", in turn, performs from the standpoint of intensive development and activity. Laws can describe any phenomenon or event in nature, subject or action, from the point of view of the male and female start. The laws "Yin-Yan" are subject to all living creatures on the planet Earth, as well as heavenly shining. For example, the signs of the zodiac begin with a male symbol, and then their alternation occurs.

Gender start in the modern world

Most representatives of the strong and weak half of humanity fully share the ideas of Chinese philosophy. For example, almost every man loves to demonstrate its superiority, random power and even the smallest victory in the form of a fixed stool. Women, in turn, are distinguished by soft and well developed intuition. However, in the modern world, women who have a strong and volitional character are becoming increasingly, that is, they are inherent in the traits of a male start. Or, on the contrary, the character of a man is distinguished by unnecessary softness and even cowardice. This, of course, individual features that have developed under the influence of psychological traits of character and life circumstances. Nevertheless, the very successful and durable is the Union in which the "Woman and Man" sign is harmoniously combined.

Symbols of gender

Symbols for men and have a variety of interpretation in different religions and cultures. Moreover, there are some not very common theories that offer a completely different interpretation of all recognizable signs. Nevertheless, the circles with the arrow and the cross are still characteristic of the most famous. The "Woman and Man" sign is the simultaneous embodiment of the difference and unity, between representatives of the opposite sex and the sign of their immediate essence. Gender symbols are uncomplicated signs that hide the very deep meaning of male and female entity.

Since ancient times, a person has tried to convey the essence of a man with various drawings to convey the essence of a man and a woman. Images expressed both existing differences and unity. The most famous signs of the male and female start - "Yin" and "Yang", and the symbol of Mars and Venus. Each of them has its own history of occurrence and a certain meaning.

Marks of female and male

The first characters of Mars and Venus appeared during the times of Greek and Roman mythology. Famous signs were taken from astrology, and they became so common thanks to the nerd Karl Lynneu. He used them in order to distinguish the floor of the plants. From now on, these symbols began to call the genondrum, that is, the gender defining.

Women's sign Venus Depicted as a circle with a cross downward. It is also called the "mirror of Venus", by assumptions the name appeared, due to the external similarity. This sign symbolizes femininity, beauty and.

Mars Mars sign Depicted as a circle with an arrow pointing upwards. It is important that the arrow, if watching the hourly dial, looks at two o'clock and means the power of the war of war. They call this symbol still "shield and spear of Mars", given its appearance. The connection of the sign of the male and female began has several values. The association of Venus and Mars embodies heterosexuality, that is, love between representatives of different floors. To designate bisexuality, different combinations can be used, there is no certain value, and to this day. There is a symbol of transsexuals - a sign of female and male starts superimposed on each other, that is, the ring has a spear, and a cross. Connections separately two male and two female signs have no clear definition and can mean both love and friendship.

Women and Men signs - "Yin-Yan

In the philosophy of ancient China, it is indicated that in the surrounding world all the time the interaction of female and male starts. "Yin" is a female symbol and its concepts as humility and passivity are embedded. The opposite is the men's symbol "Yang", which personifies positive and development. In Chinese philosophy it is indicated that any item located in the Universe can be described using the female and male start energy. The laws of Yin-Yang are subordinate to all living things on Earth, and planets, stars and zodiac signs. Each of the existing zodiacs has its polarity. Starts with a male sign, and then there is an alternation.

Most men and women are entirely justifying the theory of Yin-Yang. For example, representatives of strong sex love to demonstrate their superiority, but the beautiful floor is endowed with an excellent intuition and Softness. As in every theory there are exceptions here. In the modern world, it is often possible to meet women who have a male character, all this is associated with the individual characteristics of the psyche of a person. Change this, no matter how much I want, it is impossible, since these features are congenital. An ideal pair is the union in which a man with a pronounced "Yang" and a woman with "Yin". In such a pair, a man will be a leader and a getter, and his companion is the custodian of the hearth. What is interesting, there are unions in which everything happens, on the contrary, and such pairs are also strong, and there are often enough. If there are people in relations who prevail the same beginning, the Union will be quite heavy and most likely short-lived. The output in such a situation is only one - the distribution of roles, where each partner must be responsible for a certain sphere of influence.