Stretch ceiling with backlit: beautiful solutions in the interior. Stretch ceilings and lighting LED backlight around the ceiling perimeter

The design of the ceiling with highlighting in modern interior design is one of the trendy areas. Bulky chandeliers in the center of the ceiling gradually go out of fashion, giving way to modern technologies. An innovative LED backlight comes to change, which is most effective and safe as the main source of room lighting.


A stretch ceiling with highlighting around the perimeter has a number of advantages that can be advantageous to emphasize the design features in the modern interior of the apartment. The LEDs used to illuminate can be both tape and point.

Among the main positive parameters of the LED ribbon, the following items can be noted:

  • Safety in operation - a slight heating of the LED ribbon practically eliminates the possibility of burning ceilings;
  • LED ribbon is easily mounted in the location you need, for this you will not need additional materials, since the reverse side ribbon has a self-adhesive layer, which is securely fixed to the stretch ceiling;

  • The elasticity of the tape allows you to create original design solutions in the illumination of the room, as well as the possibility of combining with other light sources, such as point lights and traditional chandeliers;
  • High efficiency in the consumption of electrical energy, which significantly reduces electricity bills;
  • Increased wear resistance of LEDs and a long service life of the product - replacement of the tape will be required only after 120 thousand hours of continuous operation;

  • One of the original properties of the ceiling LED ribbon is the ability to adjust the power of lighting and changing colors;
  • A relatively low product price makes it available to a wide circle of consumers.

To install the point LED backlight, it is necessary at the design stage of the project to consider all the details of the tension ceiling lighting. The location of the lighting sources must be measured with particular accuracy and are flashed in the panels of the carrier box from drywall, until the stretch ceiling is established. Remember that after installing the product, something to change in the design will be simply impossible.

Types of designs

Before installing a stretch ceiling, you need to decide on its type depending on the tasks you want to solve through the design of the room. The ceiling may be not only single-level, in recent times, interesting multi-level structures are becoming increasingly popular.

Consider more of their main types:

  • Standard single-level structures consist of one layer of vinyl film or natural tissue, which are slightly low below the main ceiling. These simple modifications of the ceiling coating are perfect for mounting in small rooms with standard layout.

  • Multi-level ceiling structures are trendy direction in the design of residential premises. The method and installation of such samples is quite complicated and requires special professionalism, but at the same time it opens unlimited possibilities in design. With the help of multi-level structures, you can create various forms, break the room into separate areas, combine different colors of cavities, play with texture and lighting, achieving the most effective visual solution.

Among multi-level ceilings, floating or soaring structures are gaining more popular. A distinctive feature of this type of ceiling is that noble is a few tiers and a high-spirited specially installed between them, it creates a peculiar effect of weightlessness. Most often it is installed in two levels, but there may be a three-level option. Remember that the double and so the more triple ceiling is best installed in spacious and sufficiently high rooms.


The location of light sources during installation of stretch ceilings has a number of features dictated by the special properties of the ceiling canvase.

In these structures, these options for placement of lamps can be distinguished:

  • Point lighting. Often, this location of the lamps is compared with the Effect of the "Starry sky". This method assumes the light from the diode or neon lamp down the ceiling down. This location of light sources is ideal for distinguishing space on the zone.

  • Lighting around the perimeter. Such directional lighting is created by mounting the LED tape on the slopes from the inside of ceiling borders. This type of inner suspension forms a soft scattered glow along the entire ceiling, creating the effect of the light diverging over the surface.
  • Contour illumination.The most simple way to illuminate the stretch ceiling, in which the LED lamps are mounted on a specially installed shelf so that the light flux emanating from the sofita, is directed exclusively to the surface of the ceiling.

  • Figure backlight. With this type of lighting, small ceiling plaffones are used, inside of which the LEDs are placed. This version of lighting gives limitless possibilities when creating light effects indoors.
  • To illuminate the ceiling in spacious rooms, such as living room or hall, it is advisable to establish a plasterboard box with a protruding niche located in the center.


There are several types of faces of stretch ceilings and, of course, it is very important to choose a ceiling coating, perfectly fit into the overall design of the room.

The main types of surfaces include the following types:

  • Glossy canvas. The most popular snow-white ceiling of this type, but on sale you can find all the color gamut, for every taste.
  • Matte canvas. The white version of this ceiling of polyester is the cheapest and suitable in almost any interior. In addition, the dimensions of such ceilings allow you to perform a seamless stretch even in a large area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

  • Transparent or translucent.
  • Tissue or satin - more expensive, but, accordingly, a more noble type of ceiling coating. Satin ceilings can be both traditionally white and colored.

The selection of the texture of the ceiling canvas also depends largely and on what room of your home or apartment you plan to place it.

In the living rooms and halls it is customary to use a glossy surface.This solution will help to make the room more spacious, fill it with light and freshness. For ceilings in rooms decorated in classic and aristocratic styles, a noble satin surface will look the most advantageously.

In the kitchen, it is also best to make a glossy ceiling, because it is easier for him to care, it will not accumulate soot and it is easy to wipe it from fat, inevitably accumulating as a result of cooking. Well, in the bathroom, the glossy coating will be successfully combined with tiled styling walls.

The bedroom is perfect for a matte stretch ceiling of gentle pastel shades. In the corridor, it is also best to use a matte ceiling canvas, choosing a shade, echoing with the main color of the room, but on one and a half or two tones lighter.

If you doubt the choice of the texture of the ceiling canvase, then feel free to choose matte samples, because they are classics and are suitable for almost any design room. The matte surface does not attract unnecessary attention, but on the contrary, warm and cozy is enveloped by a soft reflected light surface of bright areas in the room, dissipating the dazzling sunlight, falling out of the window through the curtains and filling the room with comfort and tranquility.

There are stretch ceilings on the modern market as domestic and imported producers. Of course, the products produced in our country are an order of magnitude cheaper, but if you are not accustomed to save on quality, you should pay attention to the proven brands. The leader in the production of this product is undoubtedly France. Products of French producers are an impeccable high quality sample and a wonderful sense of style. The French ceilings are luxurious, reliable and safe, and perhaps the only drawback that can upset the Russian consumer is a very high price of goods, which, however, is more than compensated by the unsurpassed advantages of beautiful French samples.

You can also recommend that our compatriots stretched ceilings from Germany, which are also distinguished by high quality reliability and durability in operation. German samples are distinguished by a huge selection of all kinds of textures and a wide color palette, which will make it easy to choose the ceiling coating with almost any designer style. Italian manufacturers were able to create stretch ceilings, which are minimized to minimize, which is very important for those who do not like to spend too much time cleaning. Italian ceilings are also produced from high-quality materials and have a sufficiently long service life.

Those who have not yet can afford expensive imported samples can stop their choice on domestic goods. In appearance, our domestic ceilings are not very different from expensive brands, but their service life, unfortunately, is somewhat lower than that of Western brands. You will have to replace them much earlier than the European counterparts. Especially carefully you need to approach the selection of the Chinese production. Of course, and among them there are conscientious producers offering customers with high-quality and relatively inexpensive products. But there are sad cases when installing a cheap Chinese ceiling cloth in the apartment, then the tenants are tormented from a strong specific smell that exudes the ceiling. Such ceilings are truly dangerous to health and must be dismantled immediately.

Beautiful examples in the interior

By creating the original lighting of stretch ceilings in its apartment, you can transform the atmosphere at home, introducing a piece of magic and mysteriousness into it. And modern technologies will allow you to realize any of your imagination into reality.

One of the popular innovations in the design of stretch ceilings is a translucent canvas with built-in LEDs capable of changing their color - change of the modes of emitted light, including not only chromaticity, but also the lighting intensity is performed using the remote control from any part of the room. Such an original chameleon ceiling can be adjusted under its mood or use it to create a festive situation during important events in your life, whether it is a birthday or a romantic evening.

What speed is progressing technology in the modern world. Recently, the words of the stretch ceiling became pleasant to the soul, but empty in the wallet. Now, at the moment when stretch ceilings in the Russian market are represented by all sorts of companies and competition is very high - stretch ceilings have become more affordable. Therefore, designers offer different solutions, including the illumination of the stretch ceiling by the LED ribbon from the inside.

Depending on the height of the room and the ability to bite 10 cm. From the height of the room, you can make several types of stretch ceilings and backlights for them.

Some types of highlighting that will provide good, but not sufficient lighting:

  • LED tape around the perimeter of stretch single-level ceiling;
  • Two-level ceiling with a box of HCL around the perimeter with backlight;
  • LED tape under the stretch ceiling - simple forms;
  • Designer stretch ceilings with lighting in accordance with the overall design.

When installing any of the designs, the question arises about the change of lighting, or rather the LED ribbons inside the ceiling.

But manufacturers of the ribbons themselves promise uninterrupted work of their lighting equipment for ten years.

During this period, even with the ceiling can happen something, so the installation of the LED tapes under the entire design of the stretch ceiling is a safe and long-playing installation.

But if there are concerns about the durability of the LED ribbons inside the ceiling, then there is a possibility to place them around the perimeter, hiding in the drywall box or slightly below the stretch ceiling, closed with a special plinth.

LED tape in stretch ceiling - Beauty inside

Stretch ceiling with LED ribbons Inside, young people choose in children's rooms.

Advantages of such lighting are much more than minuses:

  1. LED ribbons spend much less electricity than ordinary daylight lamps;
  2. This lighting is ready to serve without replacing lamps;
  3. Allow you to create unthinkable and unforgettable interiors;
  4. Lighting can serve instead of night light;
  5. It has the ability to set the backlight intensity;
  6. LED ribbons can be white or multi-colored.

Only the fact that the same picture of the ceiling can be attributed to the minuses.

Youth prefers to make inconceivable light shapes on the ceiling in their room or create a light luminous disco and parties.

In the children's room, such lighting is indispensable. Many kids are afraid to go to bed without light, but turn on the point night light or leave the upper daylight - very expensive. LED tapes under the ceiling in the nursery can be made in the form of a starry sky map or arrange ribbons in the form of a beloved hero. The child will sleep peacefully, and energy savings will be visible in the first month.

Stretch ceilings with a high-end perimeter - installation options

Creating a calm mood gives soft backlight around the perimeter of the stretch ceiling. In the evening I want to relax not only myself, but also my eyes, for this reason the installation of LED tapes around the perimeter is the best lighting option. Such a light is not bored, never comes out of fashion, ribbons can be easily changed.

The principle of installation is to install LED ribbons on the wall, just below the ceiling itself. That would not be seen design it is covered with a special ceiling plinth. You can make a multi-level ceiling, the perimeter of which will be made of GLC and the tape will be hidden in it. In this case, you should not make a glossy stretch ceiling, as the entire design of drywall and tapes will be reflected in the gloss, as in the mirror. Such a picture will strongly spoil the interior and will become the worst project in the house.

It is important to know that the LEDs do not give full light and the chandelier is also needed in the room.

An option with backlit around the perimeter of the stretch ceiling is good for living room or dining room. In the evening, when I want to relax, and watch a video or TV you can turn off the main light, leaving only the LEDs around the perimeter of the room. Such lighting is necessary, as the oculists are not recommended to watch the TV completely without light, and with full day lighting with the help of the chandelier, the eyes are not resting.

In addition, the intensity of LED lighting can be reduced and creating a comfortable setting.

Installation of LED tape under the stretch ceiling

Of course, not everyone can install the stretch ceiling with their own hands, but to make an unforgettable light pattern is available to many. Since the ceiling is mounted, consolidating only for the guides along the perimeter of the room, the space between them, and more precisely the entire draft ceiling is a field for activity and a clean sheet of paper.

To make an exclusive light pattern, first of all you need to draw the location of the tapes on the ceiling. Depending on the selected pattern and the color of the material of the ceiling itself, select LED tapes. It can be white or colored LEDs.

According to its own drawing, you need to measure the rode myself, add a bit for unexpected changes or additions and purchase the material, namely the LED tape itself, connectors for connecting individual parts of the tape, wires for connecting to the power grid and relay to change the color intensity.

How to mount the ribbon:

  • Since the tape has an adhesive base, it can be attached to the ceiling with ease, the only problem is that the ceiling must be fully prepared for this action. Namely, the surface should be degreased, primed, Okären and Suppacklan.
  • The adhesive layer sticks very well, and for this reason, it is necessary to act slowly with high accuracy and caution.
  • You can cut the tape in specially marked places, but to connect with special connector. Strong gears also affect the duration of the LED service, creating a drawing, it is worth considering this fact.
  • After complete gluing and connecting all components on the ceiling, you must connect the lighting to the shared network. But it is not necessary to think that the wires from the tape can simply be included in the common network or outlet. This is done through a special converter, which is called the power supply.
  • For ribbons of different lengths there are its power supplies and their power must be calculated depending on the length of the tapes and their quantity. Depending on the energy consumed of the LED tape, which is written in the certificate, as well as in the instructions that are issued even when buying one meter.

Power consumption is indicated by 1 meter length, so when installing, you must multiply the length of the Lena to the power of one meter.

Installation of LED tape in stretch ceiling (video)

Seeing the result obtained, it is worth choosing the closer power supply to it. After examining the connection instructions and, finally, connecting the entire picture to the shared network - check the lighting operation. After complete assembly, mount the stretch ceiling and enjoy the resulting results.

Backlight of the stretch ceiling by LED ribbon from the inside (photo)

Stretch ceilings are key element of interior design. Thanks to them, any dwelling room looks stylish, modern and aesthetically attractive.

One of the factors, in many respects defining the demand of these structures, is the backlight. Properly selected, it can make a unique even the most concise ceiling design.


The stretch ceiling is a frame with a web attached to it from synthetic material. It is fixed to the base by means of special fasteners, due to which the design is distinguished by reliability. This ceiling is quite easy to install and depending on the degree of complexity can be carried out without the involvement of a specialist for one to two days.

The convenience of installation is the fact that it does not require prior preparation of the foundation, which significantly saves the budget and time to the installation itself.

Stretch designs are good in that with their help you can beat any constructive drawback of the ceiling, associated flat planning or private house. At the same time, the backlight performs not only the main function: it deliberately emphasizes the design features (for example, a broken perspective, columns, protrusions), issuing them for the dignity of planning.

To date, it is represented by several basic varieties, is distinguished by modern light sources corresponding to the norms of technological and safety. Its capabilities are unrestricted: if necessary, it can repeat any contour of the box, it can be placed around the perimeter, to embed or set off.

The suspension canvas itself is a synthetic film based on PVC. The technical and operational characteristics of it is high enough, due to uniform tension and tight fixation it looks neat, is characterized by evenness and pleasant appearance. With proper installation and tension, it does not sane, does not have folds.

The key factor of choice is that this design allows you to hide the wall height difference due to its own selection.


Stretch canvas for the designs under consideration have three types of textures. It can be matte, glossy and satin.

Consider the nuances of each material.


This material is excellent for modern design destinations. He emphasizes the processability of raw materials and its synthetic basis. The material is characterized by a large reflective ability, due to which it can visually increase the room in which it is installed.

However, this effect creates emotional stress, so it is necessary to use such material in the bedroom.

The same applies to the varieties of a mirror type with glossy texture: they reflect on the surface all that is located below. Therefore, it is difficult to look at such a ceiling, and a visual imbalance is created indoors. The abundance of details of the interior and their reflection contributes to the appearance of the feeling of disorderThat forces the use of glossy texture as separate tension ceiling accents, combining them with plasterboard structures.


This type of film coating looks stylish and perfectly combined with glossy inserts. It softens the effect of mirrors and reflection, makes the design special, fills the home coat atmosphere. You can look at such a ceiling without harm to the eye and optic nerve.

In this case, the matte canvas can pass the most expressively any image, if it requires the stylistic design of the ceiling.

Unlike a glossy analogue, with a wet cleaning, it does not leave visible divorces. This material is intended for classic and vintage directions of interior design, if you wish, it is possible to decorate creative stylistics, adding structures, for example, rash balses, lamps in the form of communication pipes.

The backlight light does not form a glare on such a surface, so any image will look expressively, emphasizing the selected design style.


This type of material is put into a separate category of film coatings for stretch ceilings. It is not matte and far from glossy, rather, it is a pearl defill with a small reflectivity, at the expense of which the material is able to make a special attitude to any room.

Easy silky texture with a pleasant pulling allows you to make high-quality making images with clear contours.

Such a canvas is more complicated in care and provides for the usual dry cleaning of the surface by a vacuum cleaner. It is more expensive than analogous, demonstrates the status of the hosts of the house (apartments) and compares each piece of furniture with them, which makes it difficult to create an interior composition.

According to its qualities, the material is superior to the first twoIt is distinguished by frost resistance, which allows it to be used in unheated premises (for example, in the country). This matter is perfectly combined with backlit of any type, does not form sharp highlights.

Types of lighting

Consider short types of lighting used for the design of the stretch ceiling. All of them combines the type of light sources: these are LEDs of different power and shape.

Illumination can be central and auxiliary. In addition, it is divided into two types: external and built-in. The design of stretch ceilings is convenient to the installation of lighting devices, depending on the chosen project, can be made at the installation stage or after it.

The demand of the LED backlight is obvious: it is harmless to the eye and the body, since during the operation of the lamp do not emit toxins into the air. In addition, diode lighting consumes the minimum of electricity, transforming a large part of it into light.

LED-illumination ergonomic, resistant to voltage jumps, shines with smooth and directional light.

Located inside the design, it often does not need a substrate, as it does not heat up and does not smear the material of the canvase.

In appearance, it is divided into:

  • flat panels;
  • point lamps (Sofita);
  • adjustable spots tilt;

  • fiber fiber threads;
  • neon cord (duralite);
  • flexible LED ribbon.

Of the options under consideration, flexible tape and fiberboard are mounted. At the same time, transparent and translucent varieties of the film are used as a stretch canvas. The light from the inside allows you to create unique effects on the surface of the panel, sometimes reaching realistic.

Their installation is more difficult, especially for fiber-optic threads, for which one of the layers have to make holes for the output of diode illumination.

The use of such light sources implies a wide range of shades. In addition to classical neutral solutions, in the palette you can choose options for neon backlight. Buying LEDs will not deliver difficulties: they are in each specialized store in a large range. You can buy ordinary varieties or design (for example, in the form of stars, colors).

The design of the lamps allows them to enter them into any stylistic direction of the interior.

Pros and cons

Stretched ceilings with backlit plenty of advantages:

  • They are not limited in the choice of design, which makes it possible to implement the most bold creative solutions, taking into account the selected interior style.
  • The device's data frame is ease, it does not create an additional ceiling load when installing and allows you to make combination with drywall systems and diverse backlight.
  • These systems allow you to use a wide range of point type lamps, models on suspension, panels, sofits, tapes and spots. For some designs, the installation of searchlights is additionally provided.
  • The backlight is capable of making any image on the canvas realistic and volumetric. To date, it can clearly repeat the contours and curves of the structures, lighting the design itself and the room, often replacing the central lighting.

  • The choice of color shades of the backlight is not limited: you can choose options for design with varieties of RGB type. They provide a change in the color of the light flux at the request of households.
  • In the composition of the stretch ceiling, you can use the backlight of several types at the same time (for example, a chandelier, sophyte, tape, fiber optic threads). This technique allows you to change the perception of the ceiling space, washing the boundaries of the overlap, filling the room with air and ease.
  • Data designs are durable. With careful handling and regular care, they will serve for many years, while the material will not change its qualitative characteristics (no will not crack, it does not work out).

  • All types of material used have special impregnations, thanks to which they do not pass water and eliminate the appearance of condensate from the back side, which makes it possible to use this design in rooms and apartment buildings with high humidity.
  • Stretch ceilings are resistant to temperature difference and sun rays. They do not burn in the sun, so they can be installed in bright rooms.
  • The type of backlight used is often able to replace the usual central lighting. Due to the small and often light shape, it can be used in the premises of a small-sized type ("Khrushchevka", "Stalinki", "Brezhnevka").

With the most advantages of stretch ceilings with highlighted there are cons. Lack of lamps or uneven distribution on the design surface forms dark spots in the lighting of the room. The abundance of lamps is expensive when buying. At the same time, they are not selected by NAVAUM: For compiling you need a strict calculation, taking into account the general metraris. If the total power is redundant, it will affect the sharpness of the glow, which can be harmful to the eye.

It is necessary to take into account the temperature, as well as the shade of the light flux. For the built-in internal and external lights, the use of yellow and too cold blue tones is unacceptable. With daily glow, they create an oppressive atmosphere, provoking and developing depression.

Age is important: for older households, purple and blue tones are unacceptable, and red shades are contraindicated without exception.

Regardless of the type of material used, these systems reduce the height of the walls. With the most laconic design, the ceiling becomes below 8-10 cm.

In spacious premises with high ceilings, this is not as significant as in tiny apartments with a lack of a pattern and the height of the walls (2.3 m). This nuance can create an internal imbalance that can not be corrected by lighting.

In addition, none of the types of material used cannot withstand essential mechanical damage and punctures.

Types of structures

Existing types of stretch ceilings can be divided into several categories.

At the request of the customer you can make a ceiling:

  • single-level;
  • double;

  • three-level;
  • multi-level.

Laconic structures in one level do not provide for the creation of a plasterboard box. In this case, the relief is formed using elements carrying decorative load. These include molding, baguette, ceiling plinth, imitation of plaster stucco. It is usually attached to the backlight, so in this case a flexible tape is used more often.

If there is more light, it is used mainly to the chandelier, which is characterized by ease of forms and the presence of a mass of small closed plafones.

The versions of the stretch ceiling in two levels and more (multi-level structures) look more interesting, give a multifaceted room, make the overall picture of the original style. Such systems are installed indoors with high ceilings, often performing bizarre forms, emphasizing each level with separate backlight.

The most interesting solution is to receive zoning, allowing you to perform focusing of individual sections of the ceiling, created by different designs of plasterboard.

For greater harmony and successful combination of the ceiling with the interior composition, the backlight is repeated in the furniture decor, wall decoration.


The design solution of the stretch design depends on several factors:

  • interior stylistics;
  • constructive features of the ceiling;
  • color solving general concept;
  • paragraphs of the room;
  • appointment of a particular room;
  • budget opportunities.

The complexity of the design depends on its own preferences, as well as direction of design. For example, stringent lines and some symmetry are preferred for classic interiors. The design of the box in the form of geometric shapes is allowed, addition of the canvas with moldings and imitation of stucco with gilding.

Polyteral itself for classic design (classics, neoclassics, classicism, Italian style) implies white color and minimum drawing. No need to overload the decor with the presence of pompous paintings with the image of angels, ancient gods: Palace solemnity is transmitted through details of furniture and accessories.

Modern areas are important to show the manufacturability of the material. Often the bet is made on the gloss and light shade. This allows you to make an interior of an elegant, especially if the backlit is complemented with a popular metallic tide today.

For modern interior compositions, it is important for the presence of a metal in the arrangement of rooms, so similar backlight will be quite harmonious conclusion of the design of the ceiling.

Interesting solutions today are accents created by photo printing, supplemented for realistic hidden illumination. The design may be a translucent, transparent, floating type.

The most popular prints are heaven and cosmic subjects. The subject of space and the starry sky is perfectly embodied due to the built-in backlight in the form of tapes and beams of fiber optic threads.

Sometimes around the perimeter of the drywall box, the design includes point lights that can be included separately from the overall composition.

If you want something new, Sometimes special pins and swarovski crystals are used, complementing their built-in backlightSo that the decorations looked more winning.

Other design solutions include receiving color contrast. This is usually a combination of two or three color shades, one of which is matte white. The compositions with a monophonic background and colored niche look original., options with the transition of the tensioning canvas on the wall.


Color solutions of stretch ceilings with illumination are diverse. In most cases, it is trying to choose a white color. It softens any color design of the interior design, visually makes the ceiling above and easier. Among the most harmonious tones, beige, dairy, cream and light peach shades are worth noting.

Warm paints contribute to creating a home coat atmosphere, they look beautiful and have no negative perception per person.

Masives the purpose of the room. For bedrooms are preferred shades of pastel gamuttaking into account the age and floor of households. The most popular beige, ivory, light pink, lilac, bleached turquoise and combination of gray with pink.

For the design of the kitchen ceiling, you can use dynamic and fresh shades.. For example, beautifully here will look like a canvas of yellow, orange and green in combination with white contrast.

For decoration of the living room use soft paintsMixing light and rich tones if they are in the interior of the room. For example, these are small tension cloth accents made in wine, gray, sand, chocolate, lilac, orange colors.

How to choose?

If, when considering the material for registration of the ceiling and the complexity of the design, there were doubts, you can take into account several nuances that will allow you to decide on the choice:

  • Contact a proven organization with a good customer reputation. It will minimize the risk of ordering low-quality material.
  • Carefully consider the texture of different raw materials to make a choice in favor of one of them. Pay attention to the reflective ability, pick up the color.
  • Recall the width of the cloth with the parameters of the Ceiling of a particular room. Try to avoid suture technology, take materials with a greater width (more often satin).

  • Do not take a glossy cloth if you need to make a wide insert: the seams will look outnetic.
  • If it is important for you that the canvas does not create emotional voltage, choose a matte or satin type of texture.
  • Rate the quality of the canvas, paying attention to the proposed sample. Consider uniformity of texture, density, elasticity.
  • If you need an option to create an image with internal illumination, choose a translucent type of material.
  • The tint of the stretch cannon should like, otherwise it will be uncomfortable in the room with this design. Carefully consider the palette of the shades proposed by the seller.

Pay special attention to the power of the light bulbs and their form relative to the style. For modern interiors good simple geometric models (more often in the form of a circle). Sometimes the ceiling space is decorated with satellum (if the design has levels or imitation of beams).

For classics, point variants with glass beams or air chandeliers are preferred.. If creative directions are chosen as the basis of the design, you can choose the backlight of an unusual form. It can even be a visible wire with satellum scissions attached to the main structure.

Whatever design you chose, the stretch design should be combined with the overall interior concept. Since any room involves the presence of furniture, choose a variety, making a bet not on the drawing, but the originality of the invoice. Sometimes there are interesting samples of the material in the company catalogs. For example, there is unusually suede feet, resembling the texture of the same name.

Such a coating will look quite presentable, even if it is decorated with exclusively point backlight.

  • Relieve yourself from the appointment of the room and its prace. The smaller the room and below its ceiling, the easier it should be a design.
  • Try to give preference to light shades of the color palette: they erase the rigorous borders of the room and do not create the sensations of the severity of the ceiling.
  • It is undesirable to apply a glossy glossy texture in the bedroom: you will not be able to relax to the full, drawing to the reflective ceiling.

  • Consider a small nuance: the complexity of the design should not interrupt the overall concept of design, carefully choose each furnishing element.
  • For the bedroom and children's choose the matte designs with backlit, mixed with plasterboard.
  • For the corridor, you can choose a product with glossy texture without a picture. Minimum details of furniture allows you to enter a gloss here.
  • If the design is selected for the hallway or corridor, pay attention to the matte photo printing with the image of the sky, add it to the inner backlight and flexible contour around the perimeter.

  • For a children's preferred matte version of the stretch. So that the room did not look boring, perform a color accent on the material itself or paint the plasterboard.
  • Pay attention to the size of the images, if you plan to decorate the ceiling with a beautiful pattern. It cannot be large, as it creates a negative perception of space.
  • The design of the stretch design with internal illumination is usually made so that if necessary, it was possible to replace the film.


Our company's specialists will help you calculate the illumination, the number and power of the lamps. And also advise about the location of light instruments, taking into account the design and zoning of the room

There is a very important plus from stretch ceilings - they can hide under the wiring, so you can add and diversify the lighting in your room. First, I would like to stay at various versions.

Lighting challenge

To date, the range of chandeliers presented on the shelves of shops and markets is simply huge. There are, perhaps, for every taste. If you do not like standard options, that is, companies manufacturing chandeliers under the order. But for us, as for an installation organization, light instruments are separated by the fastening method:

  • Chandelier with a hook mount. Everything is very simple - the hook is screwed into the concrete overlap, which is then hanging on your lamp. This type of fastening is considered simplified for us.

  • Chandeliers with mounting ceiling type. For them, behind the canvas it is necessary to place a mortgage platform. Which can be consolidated by such a light device.

Lighting the premises of the chandelier at the moment in the frequency of use is not inferior to the embedded luminaires. After all, she can give sophistication. And in large rooms, sometimes without a chandelier can not do in principle.

Lighting lamps

This option is very popular in small rooms or where it is necessary to divide zones or add light to the main one. To date, the built-in light instruments can be divided into three main groups:

  • Lamps with a lamp, located outside of the canvas. In this case, the stretch ceiling is lowered by the minimum, due to the fact that there is no need to retreat the distance required to accommodate the lamp and the base. This plus, respectively, becomes a minus for those who do not like that the lamp is clearly visible entirely. The bases in them are usually G4 or G9.

  • The most common variants of lamps with lamps, GU 5.3 or MR-16 bases. Most of these lighting devices surrounding you with such lamps. The variety of them is almost infinite. But there is one substantial minus - the height of the lamp. It is about 6-6.5 centimeters. Because of this, the canvas minima drops at 7 centimeters. Previously, such light instruments had another minus in the fact that only halogen lamps were for them, which with PVC film could be put no more than 35 watts. 50-watt light bulbs, almost guaranteed, they lived with time the cloth. Now there is already a large range of lamps with LEDs - the light statement of which is very high, with a small power consumption.

  • Ultrathin lamps or, as they are also called, special for stretch ceilings. Previously, they were presented mainly with the GX-53 lamp. The standard thickness of the device was only 38 millimeters. And the diameter of the lamp is about 10 centimeters. Lights they give a lot and the level of the canvas is not very lowered. At the moment, with the development of LEDs, ultra-thin lamps appeared with a thickness of 15-20 millimeters. But while they are expensive enough.

With LED ribbon

This type of rare cases can be called the main, as a rule, LED ribbons are used as additional lighting. We, perhaps, tell about each of them:

  • Full lighting LED ribbon. As a rule, this method is chosen in small rooms - bath, toilet, corridor. LED tape, in this case, used a lot and it consumes a lot of electricity. But it looks like this option is really very unusual.

  • Level backlight in design. This is perhaps the most popular solution using LED tape. It creates additional lighting and due to this level transition looks even brighter.

  • Also very often, the LED backlight is installed around the perimeter of the room, hiding the tape for the polyurethane plinth. This option is popular due to the fact that it can be performed with his own hands. The process is time consuming, but technically not complicated.

  • Soaring design. In this case, the space in which the LED tape is mounted between the stretch ceiling and the wall. When it is turned on, it creates the impression that the canvas steer in the air, as it is smooth light on its perimeter.

  • Stretch ceilings with hidden decorative illumination. The LED ribbon is mounted under the web, which simulates any pattern or line. When the tape is turned off, then you have a simple smooth surface, and when it turns on it becomes very unusual and exquisite.

As you can see, the LED tape can be used for both familiar backlight, which is seen by many, and to create interesting visual effects.

The minus, when using LED tapes, is the desired installation of power supplies and the controller in an affordable place. Electronic equipment, unfortunately, not forever. This moment should be planned in advance.

And now our light tips in separate rooms.

In children

How to choose lighting for the children's room, because we want to make this room pleasant and unusual? It is difficult to say for sure that it will be the best option for this room. Perhaps you decide to install a beautiful chandelier there or make a minimalistic style for a teenager. Or make a beautiful backlight LED ribbon. Everything is limited to the height of the room, the budget and your fantasy. The basic rule in the choice - the light should be high, especially in the zones of playing games or studies, and the ceiling must be combined with the general design of the children's room.

In the kitchen

In the kitchen, there is usually two main zones on which there should be a lot of light. The first is the working surface of the kitchen headset. And the second is the dining area with a table, followed by. With a second zone, a little simpler - with a good chandelier at the table of light for breakfast or dinner, it will be enough, but it may be little on the working surface. That is why it is often installed built-in lamps above the headcase in the stretch ceiling in the kitchen. And as a rule, leave the chandelier.

Bathroom, though a small room, but the light there should be bright and pleasant. Most often in the bathrooms use point illumination. The main reason is not to burn chandeliers and so in a small room. Although sometimes in large baths you can see designs, and large lighting devices. But if your bathroom is not big, but there is a desire to make it an unusual one - an option with a completely luminous surface. Perhaps this is your choice?

In the bedroom

In the bedroom it is desirable to create bright basic lighting and additional books for reading books or a romantic setting. For basic lighting, as a rule, the chandelier is used, for reading or bedside lamps, or built over the headboard. But for the light that creates a romantic environment, most often use LED tape. It can be hidden in the transition of the level of the two-level construction, behind the cornese of the curtain or in the niches on the wall above the bed.


In general, it is not important in what room you are going to equip the light space. The basic rules are simple: stretch ceilings, as well as lighting, must be harmonized with a common interior, light should be a lot. And if you are one who loves muffled light, it is better to share it on a bright and calm, pleasant for you. After all, it may be necessary to light the bright light, and if you do not do it, then it is possible to turn it on and will not. And the most important rule when choosing lighting - choose what you like. We can advise, but live with your chosen option - only you.

The use of stretch ceilings with a high-end perimeter is a fairly common solution when creating home interior. Due to the backlight, it is possible to achieve a visual expansion of space space.

Varieties of lamps for stretch ceiling

Make a stretch ceiling with backlight, as a rule, help convenient LED tapes. These products are printed circuit boards in the form of cords of different lengths equipped with LEDs. Most often, they use special niches in a plasterboard surface or in another system of several levels.

Classification of backlight at the place of installation:

  • Ribbon illumination by LEDs around the perimeter.
  • Figured. May have different shape and color. It is placed on the base base in the form of various curly compositions.
  • Uniform. A classic version used on ordinary flat ceilings.

Fluorescent lamps

These light sources are considered to be classically solutions used for a long time. In the old days, they were used exclusively on single-level ceilings, designed by pawling or paint. Currently, luminescent lamps highlight individual sections. They are also an indispensable attribute when creating a hidden or open backlight.

Although the instruments of this type are very common, however, they have a number of weak points:

  • The possibility of applying exclusively by the main contour as additional lighting elements.
  • The need for a frequent replacement due to a small service life. And this is despite the fact that the lamps themselves are not very hot. To replace, you have to dismantle the entire ceiling design. Next, the canvas need re-stretching, which entails decent time and finance loss.
  • The inability to adjust the brightness level.
  • The dependence of the operation of the lamps from the ambient temperature. At low temperatures, their functioning is significantly deteriorated.
  • Hazard for health. One of the components of fluorescent lamps is mercury: As is known, the pair of this substance pose a serious threat to people and the environment.

Neon lamps

Due to the small level of brightness, almost does not apply as the main light source. The undoubted advantage of neon devices is a large palette of bright colors, which are widely used by designers to embody their ideas.

With the help of light sources of this type, it is possible to successfully highlight individual ceiling elements, strengthening or sharing the main lighting devices. The mainly stopping factor on the path of mass use of neon lamps is their high energy consumption, with a small duration of the service. This is explained by the fact why neon practically does not apply in combination with stretch ceilings with backlight from the inside.

LED ribbons

Products of this type are currently the most popular options for creating stretch ceilings with internal illumination.

This contributes to the presence of a number of advantages in LED strips:

  • Durability. Replacing the instruments of this type is required very rarely, which is a fundamental factor for stretch systems. The fact is that the dismantling of these designs is quite complicated, and requires a certain level of skill
  • Flexibility. This quality opens up great opportunities for creating smooth light compositions and lines on the ceiling surface.
  • Universality. The tape is allowed to apply in the design of a wide variety of ceiling structures - direct, curvilinear and multi-level.
  • The presence of uniform glowwhich can be adjusted.

  • Tint variety. LED devices may have not only classic white color: products are presented in various colors. This makes it possible to select the most successful combination, from the point of view of the overall design of the room.
  • Weak heating. In fact, the operation of diodes is not accompanied by heating the surrounding space. This feature is invaluable for elastic PVC films that can be deformed with increasing temperature.
  • Economy. Very little electricity required for LEDs.
  • Ability to adjust the brightness of the lighting. The device includes a remote control, power supply and control.

Very reminiscent of LED tapes Cord Duralait: its flexible design makes it possible to perform about the same functional tasks. However, Duralight is inferior to LEDs in several positions: its light is not distinguished by uniformity, with fairly significant energy costs. In addition, products of this type quickly fail.

Backlight in combination with plasterboard structures

Plasterboard elements are often used in combination with tension tissue or film canvases. In particular, this concerns the cases when it comes to a stretch ceiling with LED backlight around the perimeter. Most often, such designs consist of two, three or more levels.

The role of the foundation here performs the upper part to which the light falls. For the manufacture of the lower tier, the HCL plate is used, with illumination hidden under it. Plasterboard element may have a different configuration. The simplest solution is - a modern slope around the perimeter of the room. More complex variants are multi-level structures with steps or a variety of figures inside the main profile.

The three versions of the tension ceilings are used around the perimeter of the box:

  1. Perimeter ceiling.
  2. Separate points around the perimeter.
  3. Using tapes closed with tensionable web.

In the course of the design of the highlighting of the perimeter using LED ribbons, an option with niches in the side of the contour is often used. It is here that light sources will be placed.

Plasterboard niche with highlighting the stretch ceiling has the following advantages:

  • Obtaining an unusual visual effect. It seems that the light stream is poured on the ceiling surface from nowhere.
  • Easy device and universal system system. Illumination of this type can be issued any kind of plasterboard box.

The main disadvantage of the designs of this modification is to accumulate a large amount of dust inside the plasterboard box, which is the place of installation of the lamps. Surface cleaning will require considerable effort due to the inconvenience of location. Point illumination involves mounting around the perimeter instead of the LEDs of the built-in lamps. As a result, the lighting is obtained not so uniform, but the likelihood of the accumulation of large volumes of dust inside the box is completely eliminated. This is achieved by the presence of closed side sides.

In cases where the LED tape is mounted under a tensioning surface, the need for the use of a plasterboard contour disappears. This method of highlighting around the perimeter requires the least financial spending, however, there are many shortcomings. If you arrange the LEDs in the undercarriage space, then they will find all the other elements there.

We are talking about various communications - wiring, ventilation lines, cables, etc. In addition, it will be clearly visible from the back of the trash and welds on the back of the film. To avoid the appearance of such an effect, special fake ceilings and high-quality PVC canvas without seams are used. All this markedly increases financial costs.

Mounting work

In the course of the construction of a plasterboard box, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. With the arrangement of the framework, the guides must be placed at a distance of 60-70 cm from each other. Its outer part should be decorated with plasterboard sheets.
  2. The plot of adjustment of the stretch canvas and the housing is amplified by additional fixing devices - mortgages. If this is not done, the real danger of the design of the structure appears due to the great power of tension.
  3. To cover the skeleton docking sites, a narrow sickle grid is used, with further putty and grinding.

Technology, how to make stretch ceilings with backlight using a plasterboard box, looks like this:

  • Set the design by the method of fixing on the walls and ceiling around the perimeter of the room.
  • On the lower cut of the case make a vertical protrusion of small sizes (up to 10 cm). From it up to a height of 5-7 cm should be left one more. This will give the opportunity to build a niche under the lighting appliances. The distance from the base surface to the edge of the protrusion should be at least 10 cm: this will allow without interference to tighten the decorative canvas.
  • The vertical area of \u200b\u200bthe profile is equipped with a fastener baguette. This will make it possible to realize the filter fixation according to all the rules.
  • The finished niche is drawn up with an LED ribbon or other lighting device. Switching with power grid is carried out according to the standards of a secure connection.

Plasterboard housings for LED backlight hidden design are used in combination with glossy stretch ceilings. The surface of this type has the effect of the mirror, perfectly reflecting various objects on itself. If you apply an open niche, the lamps will be viewed below. Inside the hidden niche zone visibility of lighting devices is completely absent. In this case, the uniformity and beauty of the emitted light does not suffer. However, it must be remembered that the installation of the stretch ceiling with a niche for the illumination of the closed type will require great effort and time.

Installation procedure:

  1. Arrangement of plasterboard box. This procedure is carried out in the same way as in the previous case.
  2. Installation of PVC films on the side of the profile of GKL.
  3. The resulting recesses are made up with LED ribbons. Switching with an electrical network is carried out according to all security standards.
  4. To ensure the full close of the upper side of the niches, the carved dry-carbon strips of a small width are used. They do special holes for light.

As a result, it should be a closed GLC box with holes on the upper surface: this will ensure the uniform lighting of the stretch canvas. These holes will be completely hidden, and therefore will not be reflected in the glossy film.

Thanks to the hidden niche, you can beautifully emphasize the strengths of the glossy canvase. In this case, the outer dust does not lose the ability to penetrate inside the plasterboard case. Most often, this technique is used in children's rooms and kitchens.

Illumination without a profile GLC

To implement this embodiment, space is used above the decorative web or inner cavities of the plinth. Using this backlight, it is necessary to achieve light from the LEDs on the basic base: the glow reflected from it will be gently reflected on the film surface. The effect is very beautiful and uniform. This type of backlight has been perfectly proven at the design of recreation rooms, bars and bedrooms, where there is no need for bright lighting. The light is scattered and mild. As for the premises of a large area, then this option is not suitable due to the appearance of the unpeded area in the center.

The procedure for arranging the backlight without GLC profile:

  1. Equipment of the perimeter of the room with LED ribbons.
  2. Installing baguettes. The indent is down by 5-6 cm, baguettes are attached. This will create a safe buffer between light sources and a tensionable web, protecting it from excessive heating.
  3. Installation of tension vinyl film on baguette. To cover the edges, the ceiling plinth installed around the perimeter is used.

If the height of the ceilings in the room is small, it disappears the possibility to apply the backlight in combination with several ceiling levels. In this case, the first thing is to install a tension film. After that, by making an indent to 50 mm, the LED ribbon is fixed on the walls.

For additional design elements of illumination, one of the numerous decor variants is used below. For example, the ceiling plinths of a large width are often used. In this case, two methods are combined at once - installation of plasterboard box and arrangement of niche for LED lamps. In this case, plasterboard sheets do not apply.

How to mount LED tapes around the ceiling perimeter

Products of this type are available on sale wound in comfortable coils. The total length of the luminous cord is there - up to 5 m. Ribbons are allowed to cut into several separate parts in the places specified for this. Professionals do not recommend laying too long stripes on the ceiling. As a rule, one power source is able to serve up to 15 m. If the total length of the bands used exceeds the specified limit, then a separate cable is supplied for the remainder. There is too much energy on the power of LEDs, which affects their service life.

  • Most often, tapes are attached in the grooves between the ceiling plinth and tensioning film. This makes the backlight completely hidden from visual viewing.
  • You can control light effects by changing the distance between the ribbon and the surface of the ceiling. Thus, the emphasis of the individual circuits of the perimeter (or plasterboard box) or lighting with the soft light of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe upper tier are achieved.
  • When using a translucent tension material that is well transmitting light, due to the correct positioning of the backlight, you can achieve the creation of the effect of the original glass roof.
  • To set backlit curvilinear areas of the design, it is not recommended too flexing the tape. If the bend radius is smaller than 2 cm, there is a real risk of damage or breakage of the strip.
  • In the course of the installation of the LED tape, it is necessary to observe maximum attentiveness, avoiding any mechanical damage: Conducting elements may suffer because of this.
  • By performing switching with a source of electrical energy, it is important not to confuse polarity. Direct connection of tape with an electrical network is prohibited: an additional controller must be present in the chain.
  • Before sticking the LED ribbon, the base must be aligned and degreased. When using non-self-adhesive tape, high-quality bilateral scotch comes to the rescue.
  • Also allowed by fastening through dowels or screws. This method makes it possible to remove the strip if necessary, without risk damage the finish.
  • In the course of the installation, it is necessary to follow the rules of electrical safety: there should always be a supply of power supply of at least 25%.
  • When installing the LED tape on a metal base, a special insulating lining from dielectric material is used.

Along with LED strips, LED tubes were widely popular. They make it possible to achieve the creation of an unusual island backlight. Combined lighting is also very common: in this case, the central base zone is equipped with chandeliers, and its edges - LED devices. Multi-tier structures are most often drawn up in this way, which makes it possible to obtain bizarre light combinations.

Options for creating highlighting of stretch ceiling structures

The highlighting of stretch ceilings is currently performed using the following light modifications:

  1. Fiber optic cable. The element includes a large number of glass or plastic lives conductive light. Features of the design protect it from the dissipation of light beyond the fibers. Most often fiber optic products are used to arrange spot lighting. The first thing on the base base is the projector and diodes: under them is stretched by a canvas with star compositions. Next, tension materials are equipped with a series of holes of a small diameter (2 mm). In the future, light fibers do in them.
  2. Diode mini lamps. These elements are also included in the Star Sky Ceilings. In their designs there are good light scattering details. Installation of mini-lamps is carried out in conjunction with fiber optic cable. Place of installation - planting places in the canvas. The light initially passes inside the cable, after which it dissipates in the mini-lamp. In the general decorative perception of fibers play the role of small stars, and diode mini-lamps are large shining.
  3. Neon cord. The equipment of this type operates from high voltage, which leads to the appearance of an electric field. As a result, the uniform glow is beginning to come from the phosphor between copper terminals. Nutrition neon cord can occur not only from the network, but also from batteries. To get the required voltage indicator, use a special current inverter. With the help of the cord, it is convenient to accommodate the ceiling or plasterboard perimeter. It is also used as the inner backlight of PVC film.
  4. LED ribbons. We are talking about printed circuit boards up to 5 m long, which are implemented in comfortable bobbins. Diodes are located on a strip with different frequency. The color of the emitted light can be monochrome or multi-colored, which opens a large space for various combinations. In some LEDs, it is possible to change the intensity of the glow in different parts of the strip. When choosing an option for the design of the tensionable band, the choice is most often falling precisely on the LED tape. For the convenience of installation, one of its sides is drawn up with an adhesive strip with a protective film.
Make the backlight of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe stretch canvas as interesting as possible by using the Star Sky effect. To obtain such an effect, a fiber optic cable and mini-diodes are paved under the tensioning film.