Facing the base of the house with their own hands: stone, polymreece and pitted tiles. Cladding base houses do it yourself how to make a beautiful base

The base is the lower part of the wall of the building, encumbling it all over the perimeter. Its main function is the protection of the structure from cold or harsh environmental conditions. It is the finishing of a private house base that is not only the above functions, but also prevents its destruction and acts as an excellent designer solution in the decoration of the building.

The main purpose of finishing the foundation:

  • the foundation needs constant care and protection from the effects of moisture, sunlight and other external environmental factors, due to which its life increases;
  • the surface of the base without finishing is subject to constant contamination, as a result of which its destruction is carried out. This happens because in the mud, especially liquid, there are many aggressive substances causing erosion in concrete, contributing to its destruction;
  • the finishing material protects the foundation from the damage to its fungus, mold or insects;
  • the decoration of the base is performed in order to insulate it, as forming a large battery, it sucks the heat of the building. And even the warm floor does not save from this process. The insulation of the foundation is also necessary to preserve its strength, since the erosion process begins with severe frosts;
  • home decoration, with a variety of finishing materials that perform the role of a decorative element in designer design. An example will be presented in the photo.

Types of materials for finishing

The trim of the base is done with a variety of materials, reliably protecting and decorating its surface. Starting the process of cladding the base is recommended before finishing the walls so that when using the sumps, they can be hidden under the lining material of the walls.

Before determined with the choice of material, you must pay attention to such nuances:

  • when finishing the base with a thick building material, it will be necessary to additionally install it on the surface of the serving part;
  • to significantly expand the foundation it is possible to use brickwork;
  • when using professional flooring or siding, a frame is installed for fastening, in which the heat insulator can be attached in the space, additionally warming the foundation;
  • the use of frame-facing technology allows you to carry out repair activities at any time.

For cladding the base, materials are used to be written below.


  • slit;
  • ceramic;
  • hollow stone;
  • hypersed modifications.


Stacking technology is as follows:

  • it is necessary to create an additional base. To do this, making a depression of 30-40 cm both in length and in the depth of the walls of the foundation, it will fall asleep with rubble, well its ramming;
  • stacked a layer of waterproofing;
  • the laying of the brick is performed in the Pollipich, spoonful rows;
  • upon passage of 3 rows of brickwork, holes are driven into the base and the reinforcement is 6-10 mm, which is required for a bunch of surface with facing material.
  • it is possible to lay a thermal insulating layer between the brick masonry and the wall, which can be carried out with the wall insulation, if there is one. In its absence, the insulation is starting over the base under the facade facing material.


Clinker has available cost and such advantages:

  • has a good operational resource;
  • there is no need to create your own foundation;
  • Presence of finished corner parts;
  • due to the small weight of the material, the power load on the frame is minimal;
  • decorative coating has artistic value;
  • a variety of types of tiles:
  • style of torn stone;
  • imitation of brick masonry;
  • outwardly similar to the rock polished stone.

The mounting of the clinker tile can be carried out in two ways:

  • this is with a special glue;
  • a frame, which allows not only decorative to arrange the foundation, but also produce its insulation, investing the heat insulator in the sachets of the crate.

Fake diamond

Artificial stone is concrete slabs having a decorative outer layer. To improve its characteristics, it is modified by special moisture-resistant additives, and for increased wear-resistance, its front side is painted.

This facing material is suitable for any facade coatings.

Technology of its fastening, all nuances:

  • cleaning the foundation from dust and all sorts of contaminants. When finishing the old foundation, the elimination of its errors;
  • primer surface;
  • application of adhesive solution and mounting plates.

A natural stone

Natural stone is a heavy material that consistently weights the power frame at home. Types of natural stone are used:

  • granite;
  • dolomite;
  • gravel.

Benefits of natural stone:

  • high strength;
  • waterproof;
  • long service life.

The disadvantages of the material are as follows:

  • the impossibility of performing the insulation of the base;
  • limited maintainability;
  • the presence of many dissolved seams, on the finishing of which additional costs are required.

Fastening technology is as follows:

  • before laying the stone, the surface of the base must be cleared and processed by primer;
  • the stone is fastened for cement mortar;
  • upon completion of laying a stone, all mortar seams need to be treated with a special grout to ensure their waterproofing, since the solution does not possess the properties.


Plastic panels are very popular in the finishing of not only the base, but also the whole house. They have many advantages:

  • wide color gamut;
  • diverse texture imitating natural stone, marble, granite and so on;
  • affordable price;
  • simple installation;
  • the possibility of insulation base;
  • resistance to moisture, solar rays and temperature drops.

Fastening technology is as follows:

  • a frame of metal profiles or wooden rails is installed;
  • the prepared panels of the corresponding sizes are suitable and attached to the doom with the help of screws;
  • corner cladding is performed using angular, finished elements;
  • it is set to the top of the foundation finish.


One of the available options for finishing the foundation is shuttering its surface. However, this finishes does not end, to protect the plastered layer on moisture and other external environmental factors, it must be treated with special moisture protection products, such as acrylic paint, water-emulsion or oil compositions. Thanks to them, the base is also being decorated.

Watching technology happens:

  • the first option is the plaster base with its further painting;
  • the second option is the insulation of the base, plastering and applying a layer of paint or decorative plaster.

It is possible to apply the technology of decorative plastering, resulting from the surface externally similar to a fur coat. Dyes are added to the solution for color coats.

Mosaic plaster is also popular. It in its composition has a small crumb, which after drying creates the impression of a multi-colored mosaic. It has waterproof properties, due to the resin in its composition as a binder.


The manufacture of tiles made of polymer-sandy composite is an inexpensive option from the above. The advantages of this material:

  • has a different format;
  • plastic structure, due to which the tile cracking does not occur;
  • small weight of the material;
  • has an attractive texture by imitating natural stone or brickwork;
  • it has good resistance to moisture, sunlight, damage.

The disadvantages include the absence of fair elements, which is why fitting in the corners finish.

The tile mount can be performed in two ways:

  • the first method provides for the fastening of the tile on a special glue by conducting pre-cleaning and primer surface;
  • the second way provides for creating a crate to which it is attached. This method has an advantage, this is the possibility of conducting the insulation of the facade.


The manufacture of porcelain tiles is carried out from various types of clay with the addition of granite crumbs. Due to this, the material has a solid structure and is suitable for finishing not only walls, but also the base. The advantages of the material:

  • a wide selection of color gamut and invoice;
  • when used, there is a slight load on the framework of the foundation;
  • for a long time saves its appearance;
  • it has good moisture resistance;
  • durability;
  • does not absorb dirt and dust;
  • simple care.

Laying tile is performed on a special adhesive composition. After that, the seams need to be treated with moisture-resistant compositions.

Decorating the finishing layer of the base of the base is carried out in such ways:

  • coloring with paints suitable for the facade. The advantages of such decoration, it is an opportunity to choose a color, shade or draw a pattern corresponding to the facade finish and the overall design of the house. Also, this method is the most affordable of many;
  • applying finish decorative plaster. Due to the wide selection of color palette, it can satisfy any requests for home owners;
  • the decoration of the base surface can be made with a conventional plastered surface, giving it embossed irregularities. After drying such a surface, the decoration of the base resembles a finishing stone. The form of irregularities can be made any, at the discretion of the owner of the house.

Photos of different ways to decorate the base are shown below.

Features of finishing

The base is the basis of any building, so the importance of her finish speaks for itself. Since the base is constantly exposed to external environmental factors, finishing materials must have strength, resistance to moisture, cold and sunshine.

Finishing material should not only protect the base from adverse factors, but also to give an aesthetic type of building. Finishing the base is made before decoration of the walls. There are two types of decorations of the base, it is exalted and recessed, each of which has its advantages. To improve the adhesion of finishing materials and the foundation, primer is used.

Summing up, it can be said that the termination of the base is of great importance, it acts as not only with the decorating element when placing a private house, but also acts as his defender, so the base is one of the main parts of the building is its basis. Different building materials with different characteristics and properties are used for its finishing, the choice of which is made from the personal preferences of the owner and its financial capabilities.

As soon as the box is ready, you need to think about finishing the foundation. It is important to choose the appropriate finishing option, considering the type of base and the overall design of the facade. Otherwise, the finishing of the foundation of the house itself personally or with the help of hired workers will look careless and will not be combined with a common design. So, what materials are the most popular for cladding the base?

Why do you need a base? This is the lower part of the external walls located at the foot of the house and intended to protect the underground space from the external environment. In a number of buildings, this is a separate element, varies directly above the foundation, in others - a single whole with it.

Be that as it may, the grounds must be additionally protected by finishing from moisture, dust, wind and other influences of the external environment. The bases also differ in the type of location relative to the facade plane. Here are the main types:

  • Wood - The easiest of use. Due to the design of the base, there is no need to additionally install plums, since it is protected from water and snow by a wall that helps over. Such grounds are easier to protect against aggressive environmental impact, as well as mechanical damage. If we consider this type from the point of view of design, then the weltering grounds look most attractive.
  • Protruding from under the wall base - Option for buildings with rather thin walls or if the basement provides a warm room. It requires the mandatory presence of a plum, otherwise water and snow, accumulating on the ledge, will gradually destroy the foundation of the house.
  • Casting chair. This design is used very rarely, since it is difficult to ensure the necessary degree of waterproofing the foundation of the structure.

From the point of view of practicality, the grounds are best to perform from such materials as a monolithic concrete, natural stone or burned brick due to their high strength. However, it is impossible to say that the concrete base looks quite beautiful, so facial trim is needed - it will give the extra attraction to the house.

Whatever finishing material for the base would be selected, the foundation in any case must be protected by a layer of waterproofing and only after that begin facing work. What materials are better to use for this?

Finishing base plaster

For clagging cladding, any decorative plaster is used, it can be textured or smooth, under marble, color, etc. In any case, pre-processing of walls is necessary - cleaning and primer. Some types of plasters require additional application of a special reinforcing paint on a mineral base.

If, inspected the base before work, you noticed quite impressive irregularities, potholes, protrusions or geometric errors, before applying plasters, be sure to mount the reinforcing grid. This is necessary for better adhesion of the plaster mortar with the base.

The grid will be needed in the event that the wall is perfectly smooth, but the layer of plaster thicker is 1.2 cm. The reinforcing material can be any - tissue, welded or wicker, the choice depends only on the layer thickness. If you plan to apply a thin layer plaster, you can use fiberglass. Reinforcement is necessary not only for clutch, but also to protect the coating from cracking during operation.

Applying the plaster, you can show your fantasy - the surface can be with patterns, extends, writing, or simply rough or smooth. The appearance affects the grain of plaster. As a finish layer, facade paints of suitable color are often used.

More complex finishing options

Finishing the base of the house can be carried out using a variety of materials. The most popular of them:

  • natural stone (marble, granite, sandstone, limestone);
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • ceramic tile;
  • sidding panels and other materials.

Choosing the type of finishes, it is worth navigating not only on the technical characteristics of the material and the complexity of the installation, but also on the aesthetic aspect - the finish should be harmonized both with the main facade and with the roof, facing of doors and windows and even with the railings of the stairs if there is such available.

Facing siding

Siding is one of the most universal finishing materials, because it can be used with ease when finishing any surfaces. Depending on the design tasks assigned to it, the panels may be imitation of natural bricks, ship timber, natural stone or slate. The installation of siding panels is so simple that there will be no difficulties with him even with newcomers - it's enough to stock the necessary tools and to clearly follow the instructions.

Congue siding as a finish has a number of advantages:

  1. High strength, the ability to withstand high loads.
  2. Color stability to ultraviolet - it does not pale over time.
  3. Easy in mounting.
  4. High waterproofing qualities - the material does not absorb and does not let water.
  5. Lifetime for up to 50 years.
  6. Good resistance to any mechanical damage.

Important:these qualities are characteristic of the base siding, it is not necessary to confuse it with the usual, used for the facial finishing of the walls of the house.

Despite the external similarity, the siding panels for the base are much stronger and more reliable, and the basic material includes special substances. It is at the expense of them that the panels acquire higher operational characteristics than ordinary facade siding.

The trim of the base under stone or brick looks most organically. Siding panels that imitate the real stone masonry, by strength and resistance to external factors no worse than its natural analogue.

Such siding does not require additional processing after installation. Vinyl, on the basis of which the panels are made, does not require painting, nor the smelting of the seams between the panels, nor the planned work on the submission of the facade. For decades, vinyl will not cover cracks and looks like new, and its waterproofing qualities do not become worse with time.

Siding - lightweight material, it is because of this that he is so easy to install. The panels are practically not pressed on the foundation, so there is no need for its additional strengthening. Such material is suitable for both new buildings and very old houses. Not an exception and decoration of the base with a tree, but in this case you need to take care of breathability.

If we talk about the price, the purchase of material and work will cost a little more expensive than when using polymer panels. Some, choosing between two of these similar materials, acquire a more economical option. However, in pursuit of savings, it is worth considering that siding, even more expensive, but stronger and reliable PVC.

Finishing of the base facade PVC

Even the most strong foundation requires reliable protection against aggressive exposure to the environment - precipitation, sun, temperature drops, mold, etc. In addition, it is the base that takes on almost all mechanical damage, it is easy to touch the tool with, for example, a lawn haircut Location on. The protection of the foundation needs to be approached more seriously than to the other parts of the house.

It is important to choose not only high-quality and durable facing material, its appearance should be combined both with the finish of the house and with the surrounding landscape. Incorrectly picking material, you can get too beautiful design.

The second most popular material after siding is the PVC panels for the exterior finish. According to the experience of many designers and builders, these panels have several undeniable advantages:

  1. Due to the thicker layer, the basement PVC-slabs withstand impressive loads on the facade.
  2. The appearance remains unchanged for decades.
  3. Panels are resistant to any chemical and biological substances.
  4. PVC is not afraid of strong frost and fire.

PVC panels are easily mounted - the element assembly is maintained according to the principle of puzzle. For reliable mounting of the plates to the wall, it is necessary to use a self-tapping screw and a prudently installed wooden or metal frame.

With the help of PVC panels, you can kill two hares at once - ensure reliable protection of the foundation of the structure and give the appearance of the house the completed and beautiful appearance. Due to the wide range of colors and abundance of a wide variety of textures (imitation under natural materials such as stone, marble plates, marine pebbles or red bricks), you can decorate the facade in any style: from a calm classic - before the modest man.

In addition, the panels are able to hide most of the lack of foundations that have arisen during its construction - irregularities, rods and others.

If you want to finish repairs as quickly as possible - the basement PVC panels is exactly the option that you have to do with the ratio of price, quality and simplicity in the installation.

Stone finish

Natural stone plates for facing at home will never come out of fashion. This is the most reliable and durable material of all for the trim of the base. Previously, due to the high cost of raw materials, stone houses were the privilege of only very rich and noble people, in our time the stone is just one of the options of the facade finish.

Due to the variety of prices, you can choose the option that it will satisfy you. It is not necessary to facade the facade of expensive marble or granite, it is quite possible to stop your choice on more easy and inexpensive sandstone.

Regardless of the value of the material, the stone facade looks luxurious and presentable, and the protective characteristics of the stone exceed any other materials - it is not afraid of damage, chemical compositions, fire, water, precipitation, ultraviolet and mold. Such a base will be launched more than one generation. However, despite the obvious advantages regarding other materials, natural stone has no less impressive flaws. The main part comes down to:

  • most weight and, as a result, a very difficult installation - to separate the base of the stone with their own hands is quite difficult;
  • strengthening the foundation, otherwise it will simply not stand the weight of the stone;
  • very high price.

Nevertheless, despite the biting prices and the upcoming difficulties with installation, many choose this particular finish - the advantages of natural stone outweigh its flaws on all fronts. You can not worry about the reliability and preservation of the foundation with a stone basement.

Porcelain stoneware

If a natural stone is too expensive finishing option, and you want to give the facade an impressive and rich species, you can use porcelain stoneware - an artificial view of the stone. In terms of its qualities, he is not at all inferior to his natural and more expensive analogue.

Porcelain stoneware is distinguished by a low degree of water absorption, which, on the one hand, makes it resistant to even the most severe frosts, and on the other - limits in the laying methods. Such a stone is mounted either using special adhesive mixtures, or using a frame.

Important: Cement is not used as a binder item - in the first winter, the stone can be detached from the wall.

In its appearance, the porcelain is quite diverse, its surface can be matte or glossy, satin, glazed or intentionally made up. It is very beautiful and unusually finished with imitation of texture fabric, genuine leather or so-called wild stone.

Installation of porcelain stoneware differs little from cladding technology using baseline siding panels, so that all the necessary work can be performed independently. Main steps:

  1. Preliminary preparation of the foundation. Clean the surface of the foundation from dirt, dust and small garbage, drive the base. Calculate the necessary material in advance, but the dimensions of the porcelain bands can be adjusted directly before installation, which is especially convenient when finishing the corners.
  2. The attachment method largely depends on climatic conditions. If you live in a fairly cold climate, it is better to use a frame that will play the role of additional thermal insulation. Such work is longer and challenging, but will not require professionals - with due diligence, you can do everything with your own hands.
  3. Instead of a tree, it is better to use more durable and reliable metal rails. Mounting the frame grille, be sure to leave the gaps between it and the air circulation wall.
  4. The frame is installed within 15-20 cm from the ground - it is in such a height that the ground rises, freezing in winter.
  5. In the left, the gap must necessarily put the insulation to choose from - mineral wool, foam or penplex.
  6. After mounting the frame, the porrite plate plates are installed, they are attached to the grid with the help of curls.

If you decide to mount porcelain tiles on glue, it will take much less time, forces and materials. A layer of glue is simply applied to the base, and the stove is stacked on it. In this case, neither frameworks or heat-insulating materials are not needed.

Ceramic (clinker) tile as decoration

This is a very popular material for facing the foundation, in its characteristics similar to a porcelain stoneware, but cheapest at cost. The clinker can reproduce the structure of the brick, be polished to the brilliance or deliberately shrouded under the stone. In terms of installation, the tile occupies intermediate positions between porcelain stoneware and siding.

What the main stages of finishing works look like:

  1. First of all, of course, the preparation of the foundation is necessary - the basis is thoroughly cleaned, aligned and ground.
  2. For mounting, the tile requires a special frost-resistant glue. Instruct it to the consistency specified in the instructions, and with the spatula, apply a layer on the wall not thinner than 4 mm. Make sure that the empties are not formed in the process - if water falls in them, then when it is frozen, it will go off, and the tile will move away from the wall.
  3. Installation begins with an external angle with displacement - vertical seams in the rows do not have to match each other. For convenience, use special crosses so that the laying was smooth.
  4. As soon as the glue dries, you can start the last step - grout. Unlike the interior decoration, when cladding the base, it is necessary to use compositions resistant to minus temperatures.

Since the soil level around the perimeter is constantly changing, it is necessary to calculate the number of tile series of tiles in advance - the final result depends on two factors:

  • the size of the tile itself;
  • widths of seams.

To make it more convenient - measure the line of the second from the soil of the row and forth the smooth horizontal line. Instead of marking, you can use auxiliary bar.

This finish looks very beautiful - the clinker perfectly imitates natural facing brick. Given the high cost of the brick itself, the use of ceramic tiles in the decoration is a reasonable option. Such a base will look elegantly and expensive. An interesting decorative effect can be achieved using a contrasting grout.

The tile is mounted not only on the base, but also partially on the walls, you can additionally separate only the corners of the house and window and doors. Natural tones of clinker are well combined with shades of ceramic tiles and most other materials.

If desired, the tile can be mounted not only on the glue, but also on the frame by analogy with a porcelainist, if you plan to arrange the ventilated facade. In latitudes with cold winters, it is recommended that the second option is recommended. It requires large financial and physical costs, but much more reliable compared to the adhesive method of laying. Between the frame and the foundation, you can pave a layer of insulation.

So, all the above presented types of cladding of the base are good - none of them are not better and no worse than the other. Choosing a material that the foundation of the house will be made, guided only by our own taste, convenience and financial capabilities.

The finishing technology of the house differs with their own hands depending on the material selected. In this article, we will tell about the types of foundations and their features. As well as consider in detail the most popular types of materials for finishing the base of the private house, in particular: decorative plaster, under natural and artificial stone, PVC panels and mosaic plaster and different types of tiles.

Therefore, when choosing materials for finishing the facade of the house, it is important to consider these nuances:

  • materials for finishing at home with their own hands:
  • watching solution;
  • tile;
  • panels;
  • artificial and natural stone;
  • brick.

The materials presented have their own advantages, and also differ in the way they are applied and laying.

The foundation cannot be left without decoration, since the concrete is predisposed to the absorption of moisture, which has a destructive force when jumps in air temperature.

Before proceeding to finishing the private house, it should be carefully cleansed from dirt, to align the wall, chips and cracks. Next, the surface is covered with primer for better adhesion of finishing materials with a base.

Types of foundations:

Putting. To finish the foundation of the house with their own hands, you must first take care of the plum. If installing it incorrectly, the water will start assembling at the base of the base of the base and the wall. In order to prevent such a situation, it is necessary to plan water to be planted taking into account the cladding of the base.

The appearance of the foundation, separated by such a tile similar to the walls of clinker bricks. The advantage of tiles is that it has a smaller weight and thickness (8 - 20 cm).

Length and width are similar to brick. You can purchase additionally corners, to simplify the work and a beautiful appearance of the base.

Step-by-step instruction Finishes base:

Very attractive in appearance, but it is expensive. The most sought-after materials for such a finish are sandstone or limestone. Marble or granite belongs to the most expensive natural materials. Sandstone and limestone are preliminarily rude by waterproofing. The laying scheme is the same as in cladding tiles. To secure elements, use glue for stone. Between small stones leave the seams, large - 2 mm. With the foundation outstanding forward, you need to install the eaves for the popular water.

Artificial stone is very similar to natural. Thanks to special additives and aggregates, manufacturers receive a stone with excellent operational properties.

Foundation finishing technician with artificial stone resembles tile laying:

The polymer tile is an innovative material that imitates the "torn" stone and brick. Very easy by weight, which makes it possible to lay it on weakly infant structures. Manufacturers minimized the risk of cracking and chipping on the material, increased frost and moisture resistance. Therefore, in the processing of waterproofing means there is no need.

Ground-based concrete trim

The appearance of such a material resembles a clinker brick or sandstone. Its thickness is small, only 3 mm. The tile on the resins is elastic, which allows it to be used on rounded bases, it is also possible to be bending on the corners of the base. The material cuts with scissors, without much difficulty is attached to plaster, concrete and insulation. It has a smooth and rough surface and a wide color gamut.

Stage order:

At the grainy structure. Grain size is about 3 mm. After the solution is applied to the wall, the pattern resembling a color mosaic is evaporated. The role of the fixing substance is resin.

Thanks to its qualities, the finish acquires moisture resistance. Mosaic plaster is resistant to low temperatures and external damage.

It can not be applied to limestone plaster and artificial materials. It is best to stay on concrete and mineral bases (cement, gypsum).

Application Procedure:

Finishing the foundation house with plastic panels

Often used for finishing small country houses and cottages. The combination of panels with siding looks very attractive.

Plastic panels are light and easy to work:

Finishing the foundation of the house with your own hands the assignment for anyone. The choice of materials in our time is so wide that any idea can be embodied in reality. The main thing is to adhere to the instructions for working with a specific type of material.

The better it is beautiful and cheap to separate the base of the house - 3 material options

The base is the part of the foundation towers above the ground level. Consequently, the same requirements are presented to its decoration as the basis. It consists of a whole complex of events - the arrangement of the scene, preliminary plastering (not always), waterproofing and a number of others. The nuances are determined by the peculiarities of each structure and local conditions.

But when all the work is completed, the question arises - how to properly separate the base? It is desirable that both beautiful and not too expensive and difficult. Materials for finishing the base is more than enough. But the price for some products is such that not everyone is able to "lay out" such money. In addition, the installation of certain products requires experience, special equipment, which is also associated with additional costs. And from this point of view of options inexpensive finishing, not so much.


This design is suitable for the buildings erected from almost any material (cellular concrete, brick and so on), with the exception of the wood, as it is unlikely that the plastered foundation will be harmonized with it.

  • Insufficient strength and, as a result, a small operating period.
  • The need for frequent renewal of the paint coating (in the case of surface application).
  • Completeness of care. Mix the slices of the dirt fell pretty problematic - mostly, only "dry" cleaning. In terms of service, it is preferable to decorative plaster mixes, but they cost quite expensive.
Features of finishing

There is another opinion - to paint "on top", since such a processing is brused all the pores and prevent moisture penetration. But the question arises - what about steam permeability? If there is a basement, and even intensively used, the question is important.

Sidding panels

Naturally, it is not in mind not all commercially available, but only those that are intended for the base. By the way, they can be frozen and walls.

  • The strength and reliability of the facing. She protects the foundation well.
  • Care of difficulties does not represent - panels are easily clean.
  • The ability to quickly replace the damaged product.
Features of finishing
  1. Pre-installed the lamp. Since the decoration of the base is made outside the structure, it is desirable to use metal-plastic as a ridge, and not wood - it is susceptible to rotting.
  2. It is necessary to ensure the sealing of all places of compounds, as well as correctly calculate and withstand the necessary gaps (in case of temperature deformation of products).

Stone (artificial)

In principle, the method is also relatively inexpensive and effective, if you correctly choose the type of product (use, strength and so on).

  • Artificial stone is easy to make at home - we wrote about it here. This will slightly increase the work time, but will significantly reduce their total cost.
  • The variety of facing options (appearance).
  • Strength, long service life.
  • Good maintainability.
  • Small weight and simplicity of attachment. Artificial stone can be simply laid on the basis.
Features of finishing

Much depends on what material is based on the imitation of natural stone. Practice shows that they independently fulfill such work - finishing - not everyone will be able. Most likely, you will have to pay someone's services.

It makes no sense to compare the materials at prices, they depend on so many factors that everything is simply impossible to take into account. You need not to forget the simple truth - you can not always put a sign of equality between the concepts of "cheap" and "quality".


Walking the base is the most economical option. which does not require the involvement of professionals. But if you allow financial opportunities, it is better to stay on the 2nd or 3rd versions.

  • If the house is erected on the pile foundation, then the carrier frame is pre-mounted, which is trimmed with any material. The main requirement for it is moisture resistance.
  • When counting the cost of work, it is necessary to watch not only the price of the material, but also take into account, in which the cost of installation costs will cost. In addition, an important factor is the service life. It is more reasonable to buy a product for finishing more expensive and durable than regularly to repair the cladding of the base and at the same time spending money again.



What cheap to separate the base of the house: siding, plaster, artificial stone

Unfortunately, when considering the options for external design of buildings, quite often, individual developers are focused only on the price of appropriate products, absolutely melting from a number of moments. First, the costs of finishing work are not taken into account (including the possibility of performing technological operations on their own). Secondly, it is not specified which amount will cost maintaining cladding in proper condition. Thirdly, its operational period, at the end of which the trim panels (or other) will have to be changed.

  1. Siding features
  2. Application of plaster
  3. Facing a stone

It is clear that each owner wants his house to look beautiful, and at the same time his decoration costs as low as possible. In principle, now there are no problems with this - the market provides a large range of products with a relatively low cost. But, solving than to bind the base, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that higher requirements for mechanical strength and resistance to external atmospheric influences are presented to the materials, first of all - moisture. It is this that limits the choice, especially if we talk about the budget finish. We will understand what it is advisable to buy for the base of the house so that its design is simultaneously beautiful, reliable and cheap.

Sidding panels

It is necessary to immediately clarify that anyone will not fit. It follows only the type of product that is intended for the base.

  • High maintainability. In the case of partial damage, the sample replacement is performed quickly and with their own hands (specialist services will not be needed).
  • The strength of the casing material. It fully provides reliable damage protection.
  • Simple care. No cost is required, since the panel is enough to wash with water.
  • The casing requires a smooth base. Consequently, you will have to install the crate. Practice shows that not every individual developer is able to make it with their own hands.
  • Facing panels themselves are not used. To install them, you need to buy a number of challenges in the form of corners, planks and so on. This must be taken into account when determining the final price.
  • For the construction of the crates should buy metal films. It is much lighter than wood and does not create a significant burden on the foundation. In addition, since we are talking about outdoor cladding, you can not forget about the conditions of operation of the frame. Metal, in contrast to wood, is not subject to rotting.
  • Before starting the trim of the base, it is necessary to deal with the specifics of the plating with panels - how tightly tighten the fasteners, which gaps are left between the samples (taking into account the temperature deformation) and so on.


It should also be clarified that not each solution is suitable for the outer decoration. In addition, the base of the wooden house for such a technique is not issued. It is unlikely that it will turn out beautifully, given the appearance of the structure. In this regard, plasterings have a limit on application. But for the base of the brick house or buildings from cellular concrete - the cheapest way.

  • The possibility of producing "point" repairs at any time and in a short time.
  • High vintage vintage, resistance to temperature drops (humidity).
  • No professional skills when working with plaster is not required.
  • Low cost.
  • You can regularly change the color of the base of the house, imitate various materials, a variety of surface texture.
  • If this option is selected, this option is selected, it will simultaneously come out and finishing the foundation of the house (plaster waterproofing). At least that part of its part that rises above the soil.
  • Insufficient strength. Even finishing reinitiona will increase it slightly.
  • Care for the plastered base is a certain complexity.
  • If the color is made by surface application, it will have to be quite often updated.
  • With independent preparation of the solution, it is advisable to enter into its composition. Such stucco will have a uniform shade throughout the structure, so minor damage will not be so noticeable.
  • Buying a ready-made mixture for finishing the base, you should specify which components are present in it. It is from the introduced additives (plasticizers), the characteristics of the material are largely dependent, the moisture permeability of the skin, its resistance to low temperatures and so on.
  • When erecting houses on screw piles, as a rule, in order to close the lumen between the carrier frame and the soil, the scarlet is mounted. If this is not imitation of the plating board or plywood, but the brickwork, then the plaster is the optimal version of the finishes of the lower part of the structure. Get and cheap, and beautiful.

Fake diamond

Another option is the inexpensive trim of the base of the house. The variety of samples allows you to choose exactly the products that according to its characteristics corresponds to the conditions for further operation.

  • Small cladding weight.
  • Simple fastening - gluing way.
  • Large assortment of products.
  • Beautiful finish, for every taste.
  • The possibility of self-making tile, which makes such a trim even cheaper.
  • The base in care practically does not need.
  • If necessary, it is easy to repair cladding in a separate area.
  • The finish can only be performed at a specific temperature (determined by the characteristics of glue).
  • Such design of the base requires accuracy and time.
  • The complexity lies in the fact that it is necessary to accurately determine the gaps between the samples in the case of temperature expansion. And it depends on both components from which the mixture was prepared and on the characteristics of the climate. Perhaps this item will need professional advice.

  • It is advisable to align the surface that will be separated. In principle, the tile base is easy to adjust to each other with the help of glue, adjusting the thickness of its layer. But at the same time it will increase the consumption of composition, and given its price, such a cladding cheap is no longer called.
  • When choosing an adhesive agent for the base, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the specifics of its use, but also to the temperature range in which it does not lose its properties.

All other finishes to category "Cheap" are difficult. And it's not just the price of materials, but also in additional expenses. Many of them have a considerable weight, so before designing the base, it will be necessary to strengthen the foundation. And this will turn very significant spending.


Than to separate the base house inexpensively

The modern market offers a wide selection of materials that are used in the cladding of the base. Each client will be able to choose good products at an affordable price, which will correspond to the family budget. Not all facing objects can be mounted independently, so it is important to take into account additional costs of the work of workers. However, there are not so many cheap and more acceptable materials. Next, the article will consider some options for the inexpensive cladding of the base.

Facing plaster

A similar type of finish can approach any type of building, for example, to the house built from concrete, bricks and so on. The exception can be wooden houses, as the schukoucatic base will not suit the general type of building. Among the advantages of this type of cladding can be allocated:

  • Plaster capable of withstanding different temperature differences.
  • The finish process is not laborious.
  • Separating the base of the base, imitating other types of finishing materials. When finishing, it is realistic to change the color of the plaster, both at the initial stage and on the next.
  • This type of finishing is not expensive.
Facing the base of plaster with your own hands

Facing the plaster has its drawbacks that are determined by such parameters:

  • This type of material is not solid and reliable, which reduces the service life of the base.
  • After cladding the base, the plaster will need to periodically update the coating with different means, for example, varnish or paint.
  • It is quite difficult for such a type of finish, because it is not easy to clean the base from dirt.
  • Experts recommend purchasing decorative mixtures of plaster, but their cost is twice as many ordinary.
Decorative plastering mix for cladding

To cover the base, it is first necessary to mount the plates of polystyrene foam. This will allow you to insulate the base, as well as level the surface for further lining. Next, a plaster solution is applied to the prepared surface. When finishing, special attention should be paid to the preparation of the mixture, which should have certain properties. For example, when buying, consider frost resistance and moisture resistance of the product.

Features of the cladding of the base of plaster can be viewed in the video:

There are different options for applying plaster on the base. In the first case, coloring substances are added directly into the solution, this option does not damage the properties of plaster. In the second case, the coloring compositions are applied to the surface of the patch-circuited base, which will protect the base from the penetration of moisture. However, in both options it is necessary to take care of vapor permeability relative to the basement.

Siding in facing

Of course, siding is designed not only for finishing the walls of the house, but also for cladding the base. In this case, special panels are manufactured that are suitable for such work.

There are a number of advantages on the use of this type of material:

  • Siding is a durable and reliable finishing material.
  • The structure of the panels allows you to protect the base of the house from external influence.
  • Siding panels are easy to wash or clean from dirt, therefore no difficulties should appear.
  • Damaged parts of the decoration of the base is easy to replace similar inserts.
  • Singing panels that are used in the termination of the base have their drawbacks:
  • Installation process is time consuming.
  • The costs of purchasing other elements for mounting siding are increasing.
Siding panels in cladding

To install siding panels you need to mount a special crate. For greater strength and reliability of the fastening of parts, it is recommended to use rains made of metal. We do not advise in the finishing work to apply wooden elements. In the process of work, it is important to monitor the correct connection of all parts and elements of siding.

Artificial stone in cladding

The stone is artificial is not expensive material, but quite effective during operation. The cladding of the base in this way has its advantages:

  • Artificial stone can be made with your own hands, but it will increase the time to perform work.
  • There are different forms of material, which allows you to choose a stone under a certain architecture of the building.
  • Such a decoration of the base has a long service life.
  • The stone has a small weight, which simplifies repair and finishing works.
Facing the base with artificial stone with their own hands

Significant disadvantages are determined by such parameters:

  • It is recommended to make cladding only at a plus temperature. Of course, there are certain types of stone that can be finished and for minus temperature indicators.
  • The work process takes a long time and requires careful preparation and attention.
Decorating the base with artificial decorative stone

Characteristics of the finish depend on the components of the artificial stone components. As a rule, make such work on their own quite difficult, so you have to resort to the help of specialists. The cost of artificial stone may differ in different parameters.

The most accessible and acceptable options for cladding the base can be called shocking, decoration by siding or artificial stone. Most professionals believe that the use of plaster as a cladding of the base is the most economical option.


How and how to separate the foundation of the house do it yourself cheap under the stone? + Photo and video

The finishing technology of the foundation of the house is different depending on the material selected. In this article, we will tell about the types of foundations and their features. As well as consider in detail the most popular types of materials for finishing the base of the private house, in particular: decorative plaster, under natural and artificial stone, PVC panels and siding, mosaic plaster and different types of tile.

After the house is erected, the time comes to start finishing work. Many are determined in advance with the choice of materials, they think over all the details to the smallest detail. In addition to decoration of the walls, it is necessary to pay due attention and the foundation of the house. Experts advise not to save on its facing, because the appearance of the base is one of the main points when erecting the house. What is the main thing - aesthetics or practicality, and is it possible to combine these things in one whole?

The base is the base of the house, and it needs to be protected from temperature differences, moisture and strong winds. In addition, the appearance of the facade is an important detail in creating a harmonious house design.

Therefore, when choosing materials for finishing the facade of the house, it is important to consider these nuances:

  • materials for finishing the foundation of the house do it yourself:
  • watching solution;
  • tile;
  • panel siding;
  • artificial and natural stone;
  • brick.

The materials presented have their own advantages, and also differ in the way they are applied and laying.

The foundation cannot be left without decoration, since the concrete is predisposed to the absorption of moisture, which has a destructive force when jumps in air temperature.

Before proceeding to finishing the private house, it should be carefully cleansed from dirt, to align the wall, chips and cracks. Next, the surface is covered with primer for better adhesion of finishing materials with a base.

Types of foundations:

Facing. This type of foundation is located in a depth with some displacement in relation to the main facade. The depth is often at the level of 5 cm. With this location, the drain can be made small and reduce the cost of facing.

On one surface. This type of base must be carefully sealing, because the drain is attached at the construction stage of the house.

Putting. To finish the foundation of the house with their own hands, you must first take care of the plum. If installing it incorrectly, the water will start assembling at the base of the base of the base and the wall. In order to prevent such a situation, it is necessary to plan water to be planted taking into account the cladding of the base.

Specific types of materials for finishing the foundation must be added to additional processing before the start of their laying. These include an unnatural stone, which means that repulsive water is applied before fixing.

They help reduce moisture absorption force and increase the resistance of the finishes to the smearing. Now in the market for finishing materials there is a huge selection of water-repellent impregnations. These are compounds that are not having colors that protect against water penetration into the structure of the material. They are applied using rollers, cyst and other devices. The final result of such treatment seems to be like that - water flows down, not absorbing and leaving traces on the finish.

How to finish the foundation of the house do it yourself

The appearance of the foundation, separated by such a tile similar to the walls of clinker bricks. The advantage of tiles is that it has a smaller weight and thickness (8 - 20 cm).

Length and width are similar to brick. You can purchase additionally corners, to simplify the work and a beautiful appearance of the base.

Stone decoration is very attractive in appearance, but it is expensive. The most sought-after materials for such a finish are sandstone or limestone. Marble or granite belongs to the most expensive natural materials. Sandstone and limestone are preliminarily rude by waterproofing. The laying scheme is the same as in cladding tiles. To secure elements, use glue for stone. Between small stones leave the seams, large - 2 mm. With the foundation outstanding forward, you need to install the eaves for the popular water.

Artificial stone is very similar to natural. Thanks to special additives and aggregates, manufacturers receive a stone with excellent operational properties.

Foundation finishing technician with artificial stone resembles tile laying:

The polymer tile is an innovative material that imitates the "torn" stone and brick. Very easy by weight, which makes it possible to lay it on weakly infant structures. Manufacturers minimized the risk of cracking and chipping on the material, increased frost and moisture resistance. Therefore, in the processing of waterproofing means there is no need.

Ground-based concrete trim

The appearance of such a material resembles a clinker brick or sandstone. Its thickness is small, only 3 mm. The tile on the resins is elastic, which allows it to be used on rounded bases, it is also possible to be bending on the corners of the base. The material cuts with scissors, without much difficulty is attached to plaster, concrete and insulation. It has a smooth and rough surface and a wide color gamut.

Stage order:

Mosaic plaster is a grainy structure. Grain size is about 3 mm. After the solution is applied to the wall, the pattern resembling a color mosaic is evaporated. The role of the fixing substance is resin.

Thanks to its qualities, the finish acquires moisture resistance. Mosaic plaster is resistant to low temperatures and external damage.

It can not be applied to limestone plaster and artificial materials. It is best to stay on concrete and mineral bases (cement, gypsum).

Application Procedure:

Finishing the foundation house with plastic panels

PVC panels are often used to finish small country houses and cottages. The combination of panels with siding looks very attractive.

Plastic panels are light and easy to work:

Finishing the foundation of the house with your own hands the assignment for anyone. The choice of materials in our time is so wide that any idea can be embodied in reality. The main thing is to adhere to the instructions for working with a specific type of material.
