Show the smallest world armies. The most crumbling armies in the world

If the world was perfect, then no armies and weapons needed and there would never be wars. But the reality is such that threats both abroad and within the state put national security at risk. Such reality makes many states have a powerful army in the form of human potential and weapons.
There are several outstanding army, which are widely known for their sizes of combat experience and military equipment. They entered the top ten largest armies in the world.

1. China

The first place in the world in terms of the number of the army is not surprisingly occupied by the most densely populated country in the world, the Chinese People's Army. This nation is known not only to its large territory, but also a huge amount of population and, accordingly, the largest army. The Chinese People's Liberation Army was founded in 1927.

Its main part consists of citizens aged 18 to 49 years. The number is 2300,000 people. Budget $ 129 billion per year. About 240 installations for starting nuclear missiles. The Chinese army is well trained and having large resources for the armament and mobilization resource in the guise of war under the gun can deliver 200,000,000 people. It consists of 8,500 tanks, 61 submarines, 54 surface ships and 4000 aircraft.

Russian army

The Russian army is one of the most experienced in the world. Its number is 1,013,628 servicemen (according to the presidential decree of 28.03.2017). Annual budget is 64 billion dollars and ranks 3rd in the world in the army costs. In service consist of 2867 tanks, 10,720 armored vehicles, 2646 self-propelled guns, 2155 towed artillery guns. More Russia has the largest nuclear warhead in the world.

3. Founded by the states of America

US Army

The US Army was founded in 1775. The United States currently has 1.400,000 operating military and 1.450,000 in the active personnel reserve. The defense budget is something that really distinguishes the United States from all other countries on the list it is more than $ 689 billion per year.
The United States also has the most prepared troops and a powerful arsenal. Its ground troops use 8325 tanks, 18,539 combat armored machines, 1934 self-propelled guns, 1791 towed artillery guns, 1330 nuclear warheads.

Indian army

Located in the southern part of Asia, India is the largest weapon importer in the world. With a number of 1.325 thousand soldiers and officers. The military budget of the army is 44 billion dollars a year. Also in service are about 80 nuclear warheads.

5. North Korea

Army of North Korea

North Korea has a well-trained and coherent army of 1,106,000 people, as well as a large number of reservists of 8,200,000 people as of 2011. It also has a large number of weapons, they include: 5400 tanks, 2580 armored machines, 1600 self-propelled guns, 3500 towed artillery guns, 1600 air defense systems and other powerful weapons. The military service in this state is mandatory for all service life in the army is 10 years.
While the totalitarian regime in North Korea built a large army, most of its military equipment is considered obsolete. Nevertheless, they have nuclear ammunition, which in turn makes a threat to the stability of the world in this region.

6. South Korea

Photo of the South Korean army

The South Korean army is next on the list of the largest armies of the world. In this state, a causal age from 18 to 35 years, service life of 21 months.
Her armed forces are called the Army of the Republic of Korea. It uses both domestic weapons and imported. It is in service with 2300 tanks, 2600 armored vehicles, 30 air defense systems and 5300 artillery guns. The number of her troops reaches approximately 1,240,000 people.

7. Pakistan

Pakistani Army

The Pakistan's army legally occupies a place among the largest armies in the world. Its number is 617,000 people and a personnel reserve of about 515,500 people as of 2011.
Her land forces use a wide range of weapons: 3490 tanks, 5745 armored vehicles, 1065 self-propelled guns, 3197 and towed artillery guns. Air forces are in service with 1531 aircraft and 589 helicopters. Military forces consist of 11 frigates and 8 submarines. With a budget, just over $ 5 billion, this is the smallest budget of the first tent of the military powers. Pakistan may be a small country in size, but this is undoubtedly one of the largest world armies in size and military valve. This army is also a permanent US ally.

Iranian army

It is said that the most powerful army in the Middle East is an Iranian army. Iran is also known for its great number of troops. It has about 545,000 people who are divided into 14 infantry divisions and 15 aviation bases. Their army is equipped with 2895 tanks, 1500 armored vehicles, 310 self-propelled guns, 860 air defense systems, 1858 aircraft and 800 helicopters. The defense budget is just over 10 billion dollars.

Turkish army

Turkey has the largest army in the place of contact of Asia and Europe. The service of its citizens call for from 20 years. The call lasts about 6 to 15 months, depending on the educational level of students. The Turkish army is 1,041,900, of which 612,900 personnel servicemen and 429,000 in reserve. Her army is also well armed and has, 4460 tanks, 1500 self-propelled guns, 7133 armored machines, 406 air defense systems, 570 aircraft and helicopters. The annual budget of this army is 19 billion dollars.

10. Israel

Israeli army

The Army of the State of Israel is known as the Israel Defense Army (IDF). Men who have reached 18 years of age are subject to calling. Every year about 121,000 men can be called to the army to serve in any of its military units. Currently, the Israeli army consists of 187,000 personnel military and reserve of 565,000 people. In the end, the number of army army of Israel's defense is about 752,000. The army is equipped with the latest technology and has 3870 tanks, 1775 armored vehicles, 706 self-propelled guns, 350 towed artillery guns, and 48 air defense systems.

Not all countries in the world need a big army for reliable protection. Nevertheless, the maintenance of peace and order would be impossible without a well-organized and armed army.

The dwarf republic San Marino is located in the south of Europe, on the slopes of Titano Mountain (738 m) and is surrounded from all sides of Italy (regions of Mark and Emilia-Romagna). San Marino Square - 60.57 square meters. km, which is divided into the so-called "castles" or district: San Marino, Accident, Borgo Maggiore, Kaisanova, Montadezardino and Serravalle. The capital of the republic is the city of San Marino - located almost on the top of Mount Titano. 4.5 thousand inhabitants live here. To the Adriatic Sea and the city of Rimini - 22 km. Population - Sanmaintsy - about 30 thousand people. 95% - Catholics, 19% - Italians. Every year more than 3 million tourists come to San Marino to see medieval monuments (both real and imitation), the Government Palace and the Palace of Valono, the Church of San Francesco and San Quirino, to inspect the ruins of Guaita's castles, Cell And Montal, admire the sea dala from sightseeing sites, and finally, send a postcard home with a local postage stamp.

According to the legend of the formation of San Marino, the Dalmatian Cutter on Stone named Marino, a leaving from the island of the slave in modern Croatia settled here with the group supporting his Christians to avoid the persecution of Emperor Diocletian.

Contrary to multiple attempts to conquer San Marino (neighboring cities and a papal state) due to the proud spirit of their people, the inaccessibility of the territory surrounded by the triple belt of fortress walls, and the brilliant leadership of the San Marino state maintained its independence throughout the centuries. In matters of foreign policy, the Republic of San Marino also adheres to neutrality and herself makes decisions on political asylum on its territory. It has its own army, which is a military unit with special functions. For the protection of members of parliament in 1740, the National Guard was created, armed with swords, and to comply with public order - gendarmerie. In San Marino there is its own state flag, but there is no money. Since 1953, an agreement has been concluded with Italy, according to which the latter pays the monetary compensation of San Marino for the lack of its currency and restrictions in construction (casino, radio stations), which, however, has been canceled in 1987. But the postage stamp San Marino is known and appreciated by philatelists.

The State of San Marino did not enter the European Union, but coins a European coin depicting its main attractions on one of her parties. Only a few know about those who are located next to San Marino, even more tiny, but the charming town of San Leo. The castle of San Leo, the medieval politician and philosopher Makiavelli, who came to this day, called the most beautiful in Italy by Military Rabdow. And for Dante the castle, the sheer bastions of which rise above the elegant crucible town area, served as an inspiration for writing some parts of "purgatory".

Area - 61 km.
Population - 25 thousand people
Official language - Italian

In 64, when Rome was destroyed by a grandiose fire, Emperor Nero accused of this Christians. Since then, for many years they were subjected to persecution and painful executions. The legend says that in 301 g. A member of one of the first Christian communities Kamenotan Marino and friends found a refuge on Apennines, on the top of Mount Monte Titano. Soon the community proclaimed independence. So in the Italian Earth arose the most ancient European state. Later, the Catholic Church ranked Christian Marino to the Family of Saints. From here there is the name of the state of San Marino (literally "Holy Marino"), existing since 301

Almost all the indigenous people of this tiny country are marriage, blood relatives or finally just good neighbors and acquaintances. In other words, the population of the state is a few born large patriarchal families. By tradition, two times a year of the chapters of families are found to discuss family problems in an informal setting. Sanamarinians consider such meetings, perhaps more authoritative than the meetings of the Sanamarine Parliament - the Greater General Council.

The heads of state in San Marino are two captain-regent. For a long time, the tradition was established that every Sanmarinet, addressing even one of the co-guards, had to use a plural. According to linguists, it was from San Marino to spread throughout Europe. Custom to use the pronouncement of a plural "you" for polite handling.

Naturally, with such a family, it is very difficult to be impartial in court proceedings. Therefore, according to the law and in the name of justice, only foreigners can work here here. The population of this tiny country is occupied on small engineering and chemical industries, in agriculture and tourist services, and there are up to 3 million per year!

During the First World War, the Republic of San Marino became an allentee of the Entente; Under guns, 15 soldiers got up. During World War II, the Republic announced neutrality, but it did not save it from a two-week German occupation. Nowadays, 51 soldiers and 34 officers serve in the Army of San Marino. Four times a year arrange a military parade. According to the narrow streets of the capital - the city of San Marino to the music are soldiers dressed in bright uniforms and armed with the Karabins of the XIX century.

The Republic of San Marino is surrounded by the Italian territory from all sides. In order to visit Rome, Venice or visit the day off on the Beach of the Adriatic Sea, it is enough to buy a ticket for the train. Railway tunnel passes under Monte Titano Mountain. However, the relationship with Italy was not always cloudless, and the borders are "transparent". In 1951, the Government of San Marino decided to open a casino (gambling house) and construct a powerful television and radio station. Italy expressed a protest and announced the blockade of San Marino. Several months of the border were closed, and in the end the dwarf state lost strength.

Not all states have political ambitions or are forced to take care of protecting their borders, there are a number of countries for which the army is more tribute to tradition than anything else. This does not speak about the development or backwardness of the country, but as a rule, the inhabitants of these states are happy people.

The smallest army of the world
N. Country Population human Army human
1 33 029 80
2 1000 101
3 93 581 170
4 90 024 450
5 103 252 470
6 277 821 610
7 1 878 999 800
8 321 834 860
9 602 005 900
10 347 369 1050

San Marino (80 people)

The Army San Marino Voluntary, anyone who wishes from 16 to 55 may file a petition for enrollment. Despite the extreme small number, the country was not always neutral. For example, during the First World War, San Marino entered into it on the side of the Entente and even delegated 15 fighters. Now the armed forces of this dwarf state have other tasks. Mostly ceremonial.

Vatican (101)

The smallest state on Earth has not the smallest army, moreover, another 50 years ago, the Vatican's army had four types of divisions:

  1. Swiss Guard.
  2. Noble Guard.
  3. Palace Guard.
  4. Papal gendarmerie.

Today, only Swiss remained. The other two Guards are abolished, and the gendarmerie became the Vatican police. Nevertheless, the Vatican is the most militarized country on Earth - the only one, where the percentage of the military to the entire population is a two-digit figure. The nearest competitor of North Korea is 5%.

Antigua and Barbuda (170)

The country is located on the islands in the Caribbean, is included in the British Commonwealth, i.e. The official head of state is the Queen of Great Britain, therefore feels in relative security. There is no calling to the army here, the armed forces are formed on a completely voluntary basis.

Seychelles (450)

An interesting fact - in the formation of the Seychelles of the Armed Forces, the Soviet Union was accepted direct participation. In 1976, when the country got rid of the British Protectorate, the first war ship was in Port Victoria, there was a Soviet landing ship. The main advisers in the construction of the army were Tanzanians who themselves studied from the Soviet military advisers in Tanzania. At the beginning, the army consisted of only 300 people, but it was enough to protect power from the coup (attempts to which were carried out constantly during the 70s and 1980s).

Tonga (470)

The defense forces of Tonga, so called the local army, are intended for the protection of law and order and royal power. They consist of three parts: a regular army, reserve and territorial army. There are land and naval forces, the latter are divided into Morpekhov and aircraft. How it all fits in 470 people - a mystery.

Barbados (610)

Little, but a fairly aggressive army of Barbados participated in both world wars, in 1983 during the joint operation with the United States occupied the Grenada. It consists of ground forces - 500 people and naval forces - 110 servicemen. Voluntary army, mobilization reserves - 73,200 people.

Gambia (800)

Ground troops - the Rota of the Presidential Guard, the engineering and infantry battalion, the Navy - 5 patrol boats and 70 sailors. Military budget 2.3 million $. Resources for mobilization of about 327,000 people.

Bahamas (860)

Technically equipped army, the only one of the above having aircraft. It consists of ground forces (500 "Commandos" (500 people) and three divisions: artillery, protection and coastal defense), Navy (2 large and 7 small guard boats) and Air Force (6 aircraft).

Luxembourg (900)

The strongest of all small armies. With huge on the standards of these countries by the military budget - $ 556 million. It is in service with 6 heavy anti-tank missile systems, mortar and artillery battery, armored cars. Air Force consists of 17 aircraft. In the army of Luxembourg, it is allowed to serve foreigners who lived in the country for at least 36 months.

The army has small, strong, numerous, highly intelligent, weak, with different levels of combat capability, and there is the most beautiful army, in which women are on a par with men.

The most beautiful army

The state of Israel, which is in a state of permanent war, has an army in which not only men are served as in many countries, women are called to the service. The service in the army is mandatory for all citizens of this country. Men serve thirty-six months, women are twenty-four.

Few who can be avoided service. Call is subject to almost everything, regardless of health difficulties. In the Israeli army, the case is for everyone. In this army, a high level of material and technical base, the newest types of weapons.

The army of Israel is the most intellectual, and the most beautiful army in the world. The title of the most beautiful this army was honored thanks to the female contingent in its ranks. And it is not surprising, because it is nice to watch how young girls perform combat mittles.

The smallest army

Among the smallest states there is a Republic of San Marino, located in the south of Europe. It is surrounded by the territory of Italy. Only thirty thousand people live on the square about sixty kilometers. For many centuries, attempts were made to seize this republic, but it remained independent. This was facilitated by the skillful leadership, the proud spirit of the people, the location on the mountain (Mount Titano) and the fact that San Marino is surrounded by three belts of serfs.

There are its army in the republic. This is a military unit endowed with special functions. Parliament members are protected by the National Guard. It is known that the republic was an ally of the Entente during the First World War, fifteen soldiers stood under guns.

Today, the San Marino army is seventy-nine people - officers and soldiers. A military parade is arranged four times a year. Nadev bright uniforms, armed with the Karabins of the nineteenth century, they march along the streets of San Marino. Be sure to call in the republic. This is voluntary business.

The Little Army has the same monaco, where the army is just eighty-three people. One hundred ten people make up the army of the Vatican.

The most combal army

It is quite difficult to definitely say which army today is the most combal, as it affects it a lot of indicators. It is known that the level of combat capability does not depend on the financing, but from the dedication of the Fatherland, ideology, principles, from nuclear potential, from the presence of the latest developments of military engineering, etc.

To determine the level of combat capability of armies in peacetime, such major factors such as numerical composition, quality and quantity of weapons, the quality of the preparation of the command formulation can be taken into account.

The armies of such powers as China, Russia and the United States are more often compared. It is known that in the number of the army in the first place is China. By the number of tanks, Russia leads to the number of combat helicopters, airplanes, fleet warships - America. The highest quality weapon is also in the USA.

Russian weapons are much more in China than in Russia itself. The army of China and America are professional. Military many benefits and good salary. Universal military service is absent.

It can be concluded that it is China and America who have the most efficient armies, but this assessment is relative. So, it is impossible to forget about the Israeli army, which has not yet lost in any war. NATO Troops, North Korea, Pakistan and India deserve attention. We must not forget about the partisan army, which showed itself very combined in the light of the last military conflicts. While no one managed to win the victory over it.

A certain rating was compiled, where the army of countries are built in descending order, depending on combat capability as of the 2013 year. In the first place the US Army. The second position was taken by a huge Chinese army. Israel is located in the third position, and Russia on the fourth. In fifth place - Army of North Korea. The sixth place in combat capability was taken by the Army of India, and the seventh is the Turkish army.

The biggest army in the world

It is well known, which leads the number of armed forces - China. In the army of this country more than two and a half million military personnel. For China, this is not the limit. Since China is the most numerous country in the world, the army of the population does not seem too much. The share of military personnel in the total number of residents is only 0.2 percent.

In the US, a million four hundred thousand servicemen, and in India is a million three hundred thousand. Next follows the army of North Korea. The Russian army is located in the fifth place in numbers, in it a million two hundred seventy thousand people. Following the army of South Korea, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq and Turkey.

The Russian Ministry of Defense plans to increase the number of contract soldiers in the coming years. The authorities at the same time will be modernized by the staff of the army by conscripts.

But the army is made not only people, but also weapons. Some rifles bullets fly out of the trunk at a speed of 900 meters per second. Learn more about the most powerful rifles, too, you can read on the site site.
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Baim A.K. "Small Army" and the method of its acquisition

// Military Knowledge Bulletin. 1930. №8. P. 7-13.

OCR, proofreading: Bahurin Yuri (A.K.A. Sonnenmensch), E-mail: [Email Protected]

With a light hand of General A.Gerua, we were in line the question of "small armies".
"Small armies" received recognition from a significant part of Russian military leaders working on a military scientific field and if another question cannot be considered quite solved, then he still took out such a position that it cannot be ignored and need to even say more: that There is a big probability what For the future armed forces of Russia, for reasons of a principled and practical nature, it will be resolved in the sense of positive.
With a question about the "small armies", the question of the method of recruiting these armies is closely related.
As the desire to have a large army during the war, and then the "Armed People", led to the implementation, and then to the widest development of the idea of \u200b\u200ba common military service, and now with recognition necess to replace "Hordes" "Small Army"inevitably There is a question, what way should such army be completed?
As it is known, the system of the general binding military service was first applied by Prussia after the defeat of her Napoleon in 1806, as a result of which it did not have the right in peacetime to have an army more defined and more than a minor number (42 t.). In the future, in the future, the need to fight Napoleon and considering that this struggle would need an army, a more significant and also constantly replenished by the prepared contingents, Prussians and introduced a community military service due to short service life. This gave her the opportunity to relatively quickly accumulate the stock of trained people, which in turn allowed her at the beginning of the war of 1813 to put the army much more significant than it could contain at the request of Napoleon in peacetime, and then during the war to replace the army during the war proper element. Thus, the introduction of a common military service in Prussia was for it technical inevitability of a purely material nature and moral, the moral side was attached to this extent as an excuse of iron necessity in the form of a patriotic debt idea to protect his fatherland to everyone.
As a consequence, when implementing a system of general binding military service, the army entering into the ranks was presented mainly, only physical requirements and almost absolutely not paid attention to moral qualities, "in any case, the first were decisive in solving the issue of enrollment into service.
The success of the System Communicative military service in Prussia, pronounced in warriors with Napoleon in 1813 and 1814, brought, first of all, Prussia to expand this system, especially due to the increasing and greater growth of the army and eventually made this system only possible When the Army of Prussia, and then Germany, herd "armed people."
The idea of \u200b\u200bthe inevitability and indispensability of a system of common military service with the similarity of all other circumstances related to the implementation and use of the armed force has gradually led to almost all European states, not excluding Russia, to establish the same system.
With all the increasing increase in the number of armies and in connection with this, the moral requirements, and without that minor, are increasingly used, have increasingly decreased. Only deprived of the rights on the court were not allowed in the army, and with the spiritual side, which detected in political views, was never considered at all - at first because the state system did not put forward this issue, then because according to general conviction, the army should be out of politics And finally, because it was considered indisputable that the army, "re-educate." In general, on this question, as they say, they closed their eyes, which to some extent was justified by the overall situation, the general position of affairs. With a possible and very likely transition in the future National Russia to the "Small Army", we face a question, whether it is necessary for us and in this case it is necessary to stay with the army in the system of international service, or to abandon it at all, or limit only to the introduction into it These or other amendments.
The total military service, in the form, as it exists and is currently imposed on all the population of a particular country is the most difficult, but at the same time mandatory for all a meal and is, thus, with a general point of view, in principle, equal to all and therefore just. From a military point of view, the People's Communications Constitution provides a fully acquisition of armies in peacetime; Allows and even to some extent requires the establishment of short service time; It leads to the possibility of rapid accumulation of a significant reserve of trained people and as a result, it provides both the automatic increase in the army for the war by turning it on the states of military time and the creation of new parts and the rapid replenishment of the army during the war. At the same time, however, if the element is physically almost perfect in Rada, the element is physically almost perfect, the system of common military service leads to the fact that elements of both morally undesirable, and politically unreliable in terms of antipatriotism and pacifism should inevitably have to enter the army.
The method of replenishing the "Small Army", naturally, must meet all the same requirements with the only difference that moral requirements from credited to the army should be paid much more attention than this was done so far, for small armies must be primarily higher.However, in connection with the development of the currently internationalism and exercises, denier war on moral and social reasons must be drawn to special attention to ensuring that the army did not fall into persons deprived of patriotism and infected by the teachings that preach pacifism and generally deny the war on one or another grounds.
The absence of patriotism and the dissemination of negative army about the war of the teachings decomposes in the spirit of the army; undermine the principles on which the moral power of it is based; deprive her disciplines, without which she addresses the crowd of armed people, more dangerous to their state than the enemy; Make it incapable of transferring associated with service in the army at any time of physical and moral heavy experiences; relax her moral elasticity; take away the desire to resist the enemy and actively struggle with him; They destroy the will of her to victory.
Along with this, however, should not refuse, from the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to protect his homeland to everyone, his fatherland. But this idea should be aware not only as an excuse of technicalthe need to include in the composition of the army is possible greater number (theoretically) of those responsible for certain physical requirements, but should flow out of the moral motives - a conscious sense of duty, and should not be relying on severe, and therefore an undesirable obligation, but on the joyful and desired right.
Therefore, if all that meet certain physical requirements should be considered obliged to serve in the army, in fact, only those that will receive on this special, special right, durable only: with high moral qualities, imbued with deep patriotism F looking to participate in the defense of the Fatherland, as the Act of the most honorable, as on the Knight's service of the homeland, as a high honor, which not everyone is honored; Reviewing that to strive for victory over the enemy of the Fatherland and contribute to its obsession there is a high spiritual achievement; What to die for the motherland, fall on the battlefield for her prosperity and happiness is a true moral feat.
Of course, that a person possesses all the qualities of the moral order, it is necessary that he is pupil in advance in the proper direction. Such education, he must receive even at home, in the family, and then school and, finally, in the situation special preparing for some time. On the other hand, the army must be equipped with people healthy, strong, physically developed and together with that people are quite young, in order to invent a fairly large number of years, was a reservoir from which it would be sufficiently drawing a sufficiently suitable material to replenish Army losses during a long war<...>
. Also stopping on the parties to physical requirements from entering the army, we indicate only that the age of the urgent must be set in 20-22 years and that all that can expect a call should receive special training that promotes general physical development, strengthening health, developing force and Fortress of the body.
The above requirements of both moral and physical order indicate that the selection of the service cruising to the army, the graduation of honorable right to be in its ranks should be carried out extremely carefully and with very great caution.
This thoroughness and caution should be provided with the activities of special permanent authorities of state power, which should already be observed in advance and study young people from these Parties and in the end before the next appeal to make decisions on their comprehensive fitness to high service homeland, which is the service in the army.
In view of those particularly high moral and physical requirements that are proposed to present to persons by age that can be called into the army may be a matter if it is possible to find the necessary number of young people of certain age that satisfy such strict requirements.
In existence, we have a "small army" and with the proper formulation of the growing of the younger generation, up to the recruiting age, it cannot meet difficulties in this regard.
Simple arithmetic calculation proves.
In Russia, both in the pre-revolutionary era and currently reach about 580-600t. young people. From this number, after the exclusion of physically unfit and received exemption on different grounds, about half a half-year service was accrued to the army, i.e. no more than 290-285 tons. If you recognize that the number of physically unfit and in the future will also be the same, although it can be significantly reduced by proper physical education and pre-physical training; If you continue to reduce the benefits from our services too widely, at least on the example, compensating for the family's benefits in any other way: cash assistance to parents, etc., is the number of people who can be accepted from the next call Compared with the same time will increase significantly. Meaning "Small Army" for its replenishment with a three-year service life - what time for our army we consider it necessary to maintain - will require every year a significantly smaller number of people for its replenishment.
Consequently, from a large number of physically suitable young people of the next call, you will need to choose less relatively and generally a small number for the annual replenishment of the army. As a result, it will be quite possible to present more stringent moral requirements, which will satisfy which will be the greater number of persons than school and pre-moral training will be kept persistent and more successful.
Thus, with such a system, the recruitment of the army will be quite ensured, and if so, with a three-year service life and the proper supply of trained people will grow rather quickly than and will be provided by human material as the deployment of the army in the states of military time when mobilizing and replenishment Its at worsted in wartime.
However, some allow for a different way to replenish the "small army", namely, by hiring from among those who will want to make their own profession from military service.
Supporters of this method of picking say that warriors-professionals under current conditions only can meet all the requirements that the modern soldier must be placed: such a profession can only be elected physically suitable for it; Each, who, who, choosing a professional military service, will prepare for her in advance to withstand when hiring competition with themselves, and make a service easier; Professional, hired for a well-known term on a specific agreement, will strive to carry the service in all respects better not to be in the position of the non-fulfilling agreement; With a large number, you can always choose the military service profession, you can always choose the required number of individuals, therefore, they meet the necessary moral qualities and the relevant certain political requirements, besides, a professional warrior cannot be obsessed with anti-militaristic teachings who deny the war with both moral and social points.
However, with all this it is necessary to indicate that with the system of recruitment in the army of professionals, meritor-mercenaries incentive for service will serve only a certainmaterial Benefit and flowing from herelegal debt; the moral idea of \u200b\u200bhigh ministry to Fatherland will be either completely or largely absent, and therefore the consciousness of moral debt will not be.
This will largely impass the spiritual power and the spiritual value of the army with all the consequences that arise from here, which can particularly adversely affect the most difficult moments of its activities - in wartime, and even more so in modern, multi-day heavy battles when moral elasticity is subject to such a strong test. And when a sense of self-preservation in a person is overcome only by the consciousness of the Holy Disclaimer, arising from love to the Motherland and the conviction in the moral need to sacrifice it to all of his life inclusive.
In addition, strict selection appropriate from the moral side of the human material from among those offering themselves to enroll in the army in the order of hiring to produce much more difficult and harder,since with the unknown, who exactly will come to the service in the army, there will be no possibility with a greater or less probability to determine and learn its moral qualities, and in addition, under these conditions, a broad scale provocation is possible.
Finally, we have an army composed of professional mercenaries, it is unlikely to use the sympathies and respect of the people, it is unlikely to use the moral support of society, which is extremely necessary in the formation of the situation most favorable for the activities of the army and maintaining its spirit on proper height.

To agree with the justice of such assumptions, it is enough to recall how the mass of the population treated with us to overcompressive. Despite their high personal qualities, their rich experience and the whole of the benefit that they brought the army by their service, there were no other name for them as a dismissive "selling skin".
However, they may argue that nevertheless in the "small army", and even with the above-mentioned method of its acquisition, there will be a need for the presence of a significant number of experienced, and therefore and long-term university officers. "This is true. But picking up such nonsense officers Must be carried out in a way similar to how the case of officers is completed, i.e. those who want to be a special school. Then, by the way, it will be possible to essentially and in the form to destroy the institute of super-pass.
In the foundation of our recruitment system, that high thought that follows from ideal considerations, and does not relieve the technical necessity and which was expressed from us in 1795 with such words: "Defense of the Fatherland and Fencing of Safety Limits The essence of common efforts and opportunities, and debt, and the duty of everyone and everyone. "