The concept is a training goal. Developing learning goals

Content of learning Includes knowledge in close connection with skills, skills, creative experience and an emotional-value attitude to the world. Its character and volume is determined by the social order of the educational system. Each era forms this content in accordance with the culture, philosophy and pedagogical theory characteristic of it. The main document determining the content of various levels and directions of training is the public educational standard, on the basis of which curricula, programs, textbooks, etc. are being developed. Thus, the content of general education gives a person the opportunity to participate in social, non-professional activities, forms a civil position, its attitude to the world and the definition of its place in it, and a special education gives a person the knowledge and skills necessary in a specific area of \u200b\u200bactivity.

Objectives of training - organizing and guiding the beginning of the educational process, determining its content, methods and forms. Includes universal, socio-group, individual-personal learning tasks. The objectives of the training are changing, as well as the content of the training, as the development and development of society changes.

Subject of training - Central link in the system of elements of the learning process. Lecturer who provides guidance to the activities of students acting as learning objects.

Content and Training Goals: Standards, Plans, Programs, Tutorials

Under Learning content It is understood by certain information that is used in the learning process. The learning content includes four main elements: knowledge, skills, experience of creative activity and experience of an emotionally value attitude to reality. The entire totality of educational information is determined by the social order of the education system by personality, society and the state and adapts, adapts to the conditions of this educational system. Each historical era, producing its culture, creating the pedagogical theories peculiar to it, rebuilds the learning content accordingly.

The main documents defining the content of training in modern educational systems are standards, curricula, programs and textbooks.

When determining the content of learning, attention is paid to the implementation of the following basic requirements for this important component of the learning process:

1. didactic treatment educational material, its adaptation, adaptation to the conditions of training, the real time budget. This requirement involves careful taking into account those significant differences that are always available between one or another science and the corresponding learning subject. Educational discipline differs from the specific science of both a set of concepts and the logical of the presentation. The skill of the teacher, his high professionalism is manifested not only in the deep knowledge of the content of the scientific discipline, but also in the art of selection, the selection of the part of it that corresponds to specific training conditions. Science turns into an educational item only under the condition of its synthesis, merging with the didactic;

2. psychologicalization The content of learning assumes that in the selection of educational information, it is necessary to take into account the psychological features of the student, their age characteristics and the level of training.

But at the same time, both didactic and psychological treatment of the science material in no way should be carried out to the detriment of its objectivity, scientific relations, with which one of the main difficulties of developing a learning content is connected;

3. Provision Communication of theory with practice, education learning It assumes that even in determining the content of theoretical disciplines, such as mathematics, philosophy, etc., should not be distracted from reality. Even an abstract, abstract theory in the educational process, if possible, must be combined with the formation of skills, skills, acquisition of creative experience, the ability to correctly assess reality;

Objectives of training

Problem learning goals Deserves to stop on it more. The purpose of learning is its defining, the all-permissive principle affecting all its parties: content, methods, funds. The famous remark of the Roman Seneki philosopher that for a ship that does not have a harbor, no wind will not be passing, applicable to goaling in the education system. Aimed teaching will inevitably be unsuccessful. In different historical periods, in different countries, a wide variety of goals were raised, depending on the specifics of different eras, peoples and civilizations. Objectives differed in their scale, they could be universal, socio-group, individually personal. However, in any educational system, the main goal was allocated, which was subordinate to all the others, and which determined the entire nature of this educational system. It is the purpose of learning that is distinguished by one educational system from another.

The entire history of pedagogy can be represented as a chain of replacing each other's targets, their origin, implementation and die off. The goals of education are equally suitable for all times and peoples does not exist. Like everything in the world, they are movable, changeable, have a specific historical character. They are determined, determined by the level of economic and cultural development of society, the achievements of philosophical and pedagogical thought, the possibilities of the existing system of educational institutions, and personnel of teachers.

Two opposite for the purposes of the type of education have developed in ancient Greece. They were based on the polar ideas about comparative value. personality and society.

Spartan type It was focused primarily on the needs of society and the subordination of the interests of the personality.

Athenian Type As the main goal of education considered the personality, the comprehensive development of the abilities laid in it. Already then this second type of education discovered its high vitality. However, in its framework, as historical development, two different options for determining the goals and learning tasks were imposed:

  • "Reporting", "Reproductive" training, considering as the main goal of learning a mastering of the basics of sciences, useful for knowledge of knowledge. This direction that has been preserved so far is sometimes called academic;
  • "Developing", "productive" training, as the main goal of learning indicates the development of thinking, logic, creative abilities of the individual.

The truth in this dispute seems to be located somewhere in the middle. Today, most of the training theory specialists come to the conclusion that developing the creative abilities of a person without creating it a solid base in the form of a certain amount of scientific knowledge, it is impossible. Relying on the rich historical experience of determining the design goals of training, modern didactics formulates them in the form of a combination of the following tasks:

  • mastering learners defined Volume of knowledge About yourself, other people, nature. And we are talking not only about some amount of facts, but also about the need to explain the relationship between them, as well as on the ability to apply knowledge in specific situations, and ideally - on the ability to solve problems with supporting knowledge from different areas;
  • development of abilities trainees, their thinking, logic, memory, imagination, feelings, will, cognitive and practical skills; At the same time, it is attached to the formation of the ability to self-education, which is especially important in the modern era, when the knowledge gained quickly shares and becomes necessary for continuous training, including through independent learning;
  • mastering professional knowledge in favorites specialty, preparation for creative work in his profession with the basis of achieving a high level of skill in it, the maturity of professionalism;
  • development cultural needs civil, moral, aesthetic motivations and interests.

The formulation of learning goals orients teachers and students to achieve the final learning outcome. A clear goal allows to accurately select the content of learning, to allocate basic didactic units in it and the methods of learning, streamlines the FMA of the learning process, gives it the necessary integrity and unity.

Evidence of the determining role of goaling is the development process of the country's education. For more than seventy years, the Soviet pedagogy proclaimed high democratic goals: education of a comprehensive and harmoniously developed personality, combining high mental development, moral purity and physical perfection. However, words often dispersed with the case. In real life, it was suppressed by the rights and freedoms of the individual, a strict subordination of the entire system of education of the monopoly-dominant ideology was carried out.

However, today there is no reason to refuse the previously proclaimed goal, since it does not have a reasonable alternative. But when it is implemented, it is necessary to take into account previously allowed errors.

In addition, some of its emphasis should be shifted. If earlier the training of a specialist who could work for the benefit of the state and society was put forward as the main goal of training and education, today the emphasis is mixed with the task of self-realization, satisfaction of its needs. These changes contribute to the reunification of modern Russian education with the global and domestic humanistic tradition of education.

The national peculiarity of Russian culture and education has long been increased attention to the inner world of man, his individual moral position. Outstanding philosopher XVIII century. G.S. Pan(1722-1794) Calling his readers:

Throw Copernian spheres.

Looks in spiritual caves ...

The most important to you

You will find yourself in yourself.

And in the arrangement of this inner world of a person, the main task of education is the approval of a positive attitude towards peace and people, ideals of good and justice as higher values. "We boldly express the conviction," wrote K.D. Ushinsky- that the impact of the moral is the main task of education, much more important than the development of the mind at all, filling the head of knowledge. Another famous Russian teacher M.I. Demkov It believed that religion and morality play a huge role in the life of people. The strengthening of their influence is the problem of moral and religious education.

To refuse these traditional educational goals for Russia today there is no reason. It is only necessary to create conditions for their implementation.

  • standards;
  • plans;
  • programs;
  • tutorials.

Consider briefly features of each of these documents.

1. Education standardsThe state, as a rule, is determined by the obligatory minimum knowledge on a particular level or direction, specialty training, as well as for each of the teaching items. (Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Art. 9, paragraph 6).

They indicate the amount of time required for training, a list of studied disciplines, a list of didactic units that determine the minimum content of each of them. At the same time, the list of disciplines is usually divided into cycles of socio-humanitarian, natural-scientific, special and other disciplines. At the ratio of time drawn to the study of these cycles, one can judge the target settings of this educational system. Thus, an increase in time to the humanitarian cycle indicates a target plant for humanization, democratization, which is currently characterized by Russian education.

Standard - the original and most stable part of the training, it contains all its content.

Through the establishment and implementation of standards, the state implements its leadership role in the education system. Compliance with standards is required for all types of educational institutions, regardless of the forms of ownership. The main goal of their introduction is to prevent reduction in the level of education of citizens, to create equal conditions for obtaining education for all types of educational institutions, to establish the same for all requirements for knowledge, skills and skills of graduates. On the basis of the standard, it is equal to all measurement of the quality of trained, and for graduates of general education schools - a single state exam (EEE). The State Educational Standard is a kind of guarantee of quality learning.

2. Educational plans Compiled on the basis of standards and specify their application in real conditions of this educational institution. To streamline this work, the state usually suggests the same type of educational institutions. Typical curriculum, on the basis of which they develop their Work plans.In standard plans for each direction or level of preparation, the federal, regional and individual (for a particular university, school) components are indicated. On their basis, educational institutions of individual regions (republics, edges, regions), individual educational institutions are provided with the right to develop individual work plans, subject to the compliance with educational standards. Thus, a two-way task is solved, on the one hand, the preservation of a single educational space in the country, and on the other, conditions are created for differentiated learning, taking into account the specific needs of the individual contingents of the student, i.e. The most important principle of social development is being implemented: unity in manifold.

Work curriculum is the main document of the educational institution, which determines the total duration, the duration of the school year, semesters, vacation, examination sessions, the full list of subjects studied and the volume of time allocated for each of them, the structure and duration of workshops. The curriculum is the application of the State Standard to the specific conditions of this educational institution.

3. Training program - Another of the main documents defining the content of the training. It is drawn up for each of the subjects within the curriculum, and on the basis of the State Standard on the relevant academic discipline. The curriculum, as a rule, contains an introduction to the presentation of the objectives of the subject, the basic requirements for knowledge, skills and skills of students, the thematic study plan with its time distribution and types of training sessions, a list of necessary means of learning, visual benefits recommended by literature. The main part of the program is a list of subject to study with the indication of the basic concepts that make up the content of each topic. The programs also include data on the forms of study (lectures, lessons, seminars, practical classes), as well as information on the forms of control.

Programs are developed by departments of universities, subject associations of schools and are the main guidelines for the work of the teacher.

One of the modern innovations in this matter is to provide the right to individual teachers to create alternative curricula in the same educational institution that take into account the characteristics of various in the level of development and nature of students' interests. However, methods for practical application of such programs are still weak.

4. Textbook - Yeshe is one of the main tracking media. The textbook reflects in detail the content of education according to a specific subject. The textbook is created in accordance with the standard and the program under this discipline, which is usually certified by the corresponding vulture of the state supervisory authority. Today, the textbook can be represented not only in printed, but also in electronic form. Electronic textbooks, the so-called computer training programs (copers) are particularly widely used in the remote form of training in the form of cassettes, disks, as well as Internet sites.

The textbook in whatever form it is presented, is intended to perform several functions:

  • informationalconsisting in the presentation of the volume of knowledge that determines the relevant curriculum;
  • trainingWith the help of which the cognitive actions of the student are controlled. To this end, the textbook provides questions, exercises, tasks:
  • controlwhich is presented in the form of controlling tests, control works, etc.

Ideally, the textbook must fulfill the role of the model of the entire educational process.

In any case, a good tutorial must meet such basic requirements as short, availability, structure, i.e. Clear separation on blocks, modules, etc.

Unfortunately, many modern textbooks, both printed and electronic, are limited only to the first of the specified functions, i.e. They give only training information and do not show how you need to work with it, providing it to solve the reader yourself, which is not always ready for this.

To ensure a qualitative assimilation of the content of training items, other types of educational literature are published: reference books, books for additional reading, atlases, collections of tasks and exercises, etc. The results of training are largely dependent on the quality of educational literature. The need for the integrated application of various types of educational information, both on paper and electronic media, as each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.

It should be emphasized that with all the meaning of the content of learning for general results of educational activities, this factor is still not the most important. It is recognized that from the three main factors affecting the quality of training, the quality of the work of the teacher, the level of activity of trainees and the content of training - this last factor in its significance takes only the third place. The first place is the effectiveness of the teacher's activities. It is the teacher who is the central figure of the entire educational process.

"In the upbringing," said Ushinsky, - everything should be based on the identity of the educator, because the educational force is fused only from a living source Human personality.No charters and programs, no artificial mechanism of the institution, as if hecro it is invented, cannot replace personality In the case of upbringing. "

Therefore, along with the content of learning, another and more important didactic problem is the problem of the quality of the teacher's activities applied to them of training methods, from which the overall effectiveness of any SIS formation theme depends on.

Theory of learning. Lecture notes

Lecture number 1. Educational process, its essence, driving forces and contradictions

1. Essence of the learning process, his goals

Science learning and learning the problems of education and training is called didactic.

The term "didactics" comes from Greek Didaktikos, which is translated as "teeper". For the first time this word appeared thanks to the German teacher Wolfgangu Ratke, writing a lecture course called "A brief report from didactics, or the art of learning ratios." Later, this term appeared in the work of the Czech Scientist, the teacher Yana Kamensky "Great Didactic, representing the universal art of learning all everything." Thus, the didactics are "the art of learning all everything."

Along with the term "Didactika", the term in pedagogical science is used theory of learning.

Didacticsit is part of pedagogy, which studies the most important problems of theoretical basis of training. Main taskdidactics is the identification of patterns that obeys learning process,and use them for successful achievement education tasks.

The personality in the learning process should master the same side of social experience, which includes knowledge, practical skills and skills, as well as creative activities. It is generally accepted to call the law in the didactics internal substantial connection of learning phenomena, which determines their necessary manifestation and development. But the learning process is characterized by one characteristic of other phenomena of public life, and accordingly, the laws of learning recorded by the didactic reflect this feature.

Almost all the consequences of public life are the result of individual activities, which is aimed at targets and objects. On the other hand, learning activities pursue quite narrow, limited social goals, which relate directly to the laws of training. Note that it is not at all necessary that the laws of learning and the goal of its subjects coincide.

Training goals, although being limited, achieved in the process of obtaining empirical knowledge. There was an interest in the laws, which intensified with the complications of the learning goals and the conditions for its implementation.

The considered difference between the laws of training as social activities from other types of social life and their laws involves another difficulty of determining laws in the didactics. The laws of public life do not ensure the achievement of each individual purpose. Training also implies goals regarding each trainee. Note that the training of each individual is a consequence of a variety of interaction factors. Each of these factors is a prerequisite for learning, so the implementation of this set is extremely difficult. Therefore, and achieve the goal of learning towards all student difficult.

Didactics and psychology learning.Psychology and didactics are closely related to each other. The generality of psychology and didactics is that they have single object - process of learning and education; Their difference is determined by different aspects of the study of this object. Psychology explores the psychological patterns of the formation of a human psyche in the process of its formation, or psychological mechanisms for mastering the system of properties, abilities, individual human experience.

The didactics studies the conditions (organizational forms, methods, learning tools), which must be created for the effective flow of the learning processes in accordance with their psychological laws. Therefore, the meaningful construction of a system of organizational forms, methods, training tools should be based on the task of psychological mechanisms of assimilation by the person's knowledge system, skills, abilities. That is, the dodactics should be based on the data of pedagogical psychology.

Knowledge of psychological mechanisms of assimilation and pedagogical conditions in which they are implemented, make up the necessary foundation for developing training techniques, acting as a major means of pedagogical activity. It is impossible to intelligently use and develop training techniques, not knowing psychological patterns and pedagogical principles on which they are based.

There is a continuous tie chain: "Pedagogical Psychology" - "Didactics" - "Methodology" - "Practice".These links reflect the continuity stages of designing the educational process. The ultimate goal of the educational process is personality formation. Education - The process and result of the learning of knowledge, skills, skills. Allocate primary, secondary, higher education, general and special education.

A simple pedagogical situation is to organize the reproduction of a given teacher. This situation is described as a system of cooperative activities: the process of teaching and organizing this process by teacher. The teacher in this situation should make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe activity and broadcast his student.

The student must take this activity, enter it and fulfill. The functions of the teacher, thus, consist of a consciousness of the presentation of the student's activities and in the involvement of the student in activities. Finally, the teacher monitors execution and result. Control, therefore, is a certain function of educational and pedagogical activities.

If the control result is negative, the process is repeated.

If the problem situation lies in a misunderstanding of the student of the considered idea of \u200b\u200bactivities, then during reflection, this activity is divided into parts, according to the stages of entry and carrying out activities. Then these reflexive knowledge turn into regulatory, and the teacher again demonstrates the entry into operation, organizes the involvement of the student, the control of activities, etc. Such is the logic of didactics. Pedagogical activities are special organizational and managerial activities that organize the educational activities of the student and the management of it.

Objectscience is the real learning process. Didactic gives knowledge about the basic laws of learning, characterizes its principles, methods and content.

The theory of learning as science includes several categories.

Essence of the learning process.Considers learning as part of a common educational process.

Teaching methods.The techniques that the teacher uses in their professional activities are being studied.

Principles of learning.These are the main views on learning activities.

Organization of learning.Deals with the organization of academic work, reveals new forms of training. The key form of learning organization today is a lesson.

Teacher's activities.The behavior and work of the teacher during the implementation of the educational process.

Activities of students.The behavior and work of the student during the implementation of the educational process.

As a pedagogical discipline, the didactics operates with the same concepts as pedagogy: "education", "upbringing", "pedagogical activity", etc.

Under educationthey understand the purposeful process and the result of mastering the system of scientific knowledge, cognitive skills and skills, formation on this basis the worldview, moral and other personal qualities. Education is implemented under the influence of training.

Under learninga targeted process of interaction between teachers and students is understood, during which, mainly, education is being made and a significant contribution to the upbringing and development of the personality is made.

Education cannot fully solve the tasks of the education of the individual and its development, so an extracurricular educational process is carried out at the school at the same time. Under the influence of training and education, the process of holistic comprehensive personality development is being implemented.

Trainingrepresents the unity of teaching and teaching processes. Teachingrefer to the process of the teacher's activities during the training, and teaching - The process of activity of the student. The teaching occurs also during self-education. Of the identifies identified patterns, some fundamental requirements flow, which ensures optimal functioning of training. They are called principles of training.

Training performs one of the main tasks of personality development - to convey to the young generation of knowledge from human experience, to form the necessary skills and skills, views and beliefs in life.

Primary learning contains large potential opportunities for the comprehensive development of younger students. Disclose and implement these opportunities is the most important task of the didactics of primary learning.

Training puts the task before the individual development of the student - to master the modern level of knowledge for this era. Individual development in the learning process is always lagging behind socio-historical. Social and historical knowledge is always ahead of the individual.

Training - A special type of human relationship, in the process of which education, education and transfer to the subject of learning human activity is carried out. Out of teaching, social and historical development leaves individual and loses one of the sources of its self-alling.

The learning process is associated with the development and formation of the learned knowledge, skills and skills for any disciplines. Teaching is usually caused motivation.

Motivation - this is a process that prompts to move towards the goal; Factor defining behavior and prompting activities. It is known that there are two levels of motivation: external and internal. Many teachers are inclined to use more often. external incentives.They believe that students need to be forced to learn, encourage or punish, attract parents to monitor children.

However, there is an opinion that systematic long-term control over the actions of the child markedly lowers the desire of students to work and can even completely destroy it.

It is important to develop internal motifsstudent. The level of domestic needs for each person is different and varies parallel to psychological needs (the need for survival, safe, in belonging, in self-esteem, creative needs and the need for self-actualization).

Training arose in the earliest stages of human development and was to transfer the ancestors to young generations. An ancient hunter had to learn how to own weapons, cook food, make workers of labor, defend itself from the enemies. A similar type of training is characteristic of the animal world, when the mother teaches his young to hunt, hide from enemies. Ancient man looked at his older relatives, watched their speech, behavior and tried to repeat everything that they did. Thus, it turned out that the child was engaged in self-education, because in primitive tribes there were no specially trained teachers.

In the course of evolution, the training system was improved with the complication of human relations: special institutions appeared in which training was carried out. Training has become a targeted process.

Let's try to compare the first grader who does not know how to read or write, and graduate school. What turned the child who does not know the foundations of the diplomas, in a highly developed personality capable of creative activity and understanding reality? This force was training.

But knowledge cannot be simply transmitted from one person to another. Such a task can be carried out only with the active participation of the trainee, in its opposite activity. No vain french physicist Pascal he said that "the student is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a torch that needs to be lit." From this we can conclude that training - This is a bilateral process of activity, both teachers and a student, as a result of which knowledge and skills are formed in the presence of motivation.


1. The concept of the learning process, its goals and functions

2. Principles of learning




An important pedagogical pattern is the dependence of the content of training, methods, funds and forms on the objectives of education and training set by society, from the purposes of a particular school. The lack of a clear target turns a slender logical learning process into a random set of teachers and students when mastering knowledge, skills and skills, leads to a violation of systemics and systematic knowledge, which does not contribute to the formation of scientific worldview, and also makes it difficult to manage the learning process.

Training is a planned and systematic work of a teacher with students, based on the implementation and consolidation of changes in their knowledge, installations, behavior and in the personality itself under the influence of the teachings, mastering knowledge and values, as well as their own practical activity. Training is targeted activities, this implies teacher's intention to stimulate the doctrine as subjective activities of students themselves.

Training - a targeted process of organizing and stimulating the active educational and cognitive activities of students in mastering scientific knowledge, skills and skills, the development of creative abilities, worldviews, moral and aesthetic views and beliefs.

1. The concept of the learning process, its goals and functions

Under learningunderstand the active targeted cognitive activity of the student under the leadership of the teacher, as a result of which the student acquires a system of scientific knowledge, skills and skills, he has an interest in teaching, educational and creative abilities and needs, as well as the moral qualities of the individual.

There are several definitions of the concept of "learning process".

"The learning process is the movement of the student under the guidance of the teacher towards mastering knowledge" (N. V. Savin).

"The learning process is a complex unity of the activities of the teacher and the activities of students aimed at the common goal - armed with students' knowledge, skills, skills, to their development and education" (G. I. Schukin).

"The learning process is a targeted interaction of the teacher and students, during which the tasks of the formation of students (Yu. K. Babansky) are solved.

A different understanding of the learning process indicates that this is a rather complicated phenomenon. If we generalize all the above concepts, then learning processit is possible to determine as the interaction of the teacher and students in which students with the help and under the guidance of the teacher are aware of the motives of their cognitive activity, master the scientific knowledge of the world around them and form a scientific worldview, comprehensively develop intelligence and ability to learn, as well as moral qualities and value guidelines In accordance with personal and public interest and needs.

The following features are characteristic of the learning process:

a) focus;

b) integrity;

c) bilateral;

c) joint activities of the teacher and students;

d) development management and education of students;

e) organization and management of this process.

Thus, pedagogical categories "training"and "learning process"- non-identical concepts. Category "training"determines the phenomenon, while the concept "learning process"(or "educational process") is the development of training in time and space, a consistent change of learning stages.

The tasks of the learning process are:

Stimulating educational and educational activity of students;

Formation of cognitive needs;

Organization of cognitive activity of students in mastering scientific knowledge, skills and skills;

Development of cognitive and creative abilities of students;

The formation of training skills and skills for subsequent self-education and creative activities;

Formation of scientific worldview and education of moral and aesthetic culture.

Contradictions and patterns of the educational process determination of its functions. A holistic learning process performs a number of important functions.

First, it is educational function. In accordance with it, the main purpose of the learning process is to:

Arm a system of scientific knowledge, skills and skills in accordance with the adopted Education Standard;

Teach creatively use these knowledge, skills and skills in practical activity;

Teach yourself to acquire knowledge;

Expand the overall horizon to choose the further path of obtaining education and professional self-determination.

Secondly, developing function learning. In the process of mastering the knowledge system, skills and skills, development is developed:

Logical thinking (abstraction, concretization, comparison, analysis, generalization, comparison, etc.);


Various types of memory (auditory, visual, logical, associative, emotional, etc.);

Qualities of mind (toastfulness, flexibility, criticality, creativity, depth, latitude, independence);

Speech (vocabulary, imagery, clarity and accuracy of thought);

Cognitive interest and cognitive needs;

Sensory and motor spheres.

Thus, the implementation of this learning function provides a developed human intelligence, creates conditions for constant self-education, a reasonable organization of intellectual activity, aware of vocational education, creativity.

Thirdly, railing function learning. The learning process as the process of interaction between the teacher and students objectively has a raising character and creates conditions not only for mastering knowledge, skills and skills, mental development of the individual, but also for education, socializing personality. The raising function is manifested in the provision:

Awareness of his educational activity as socially significant;

The formation of its moral and value guidelines in the process of mastering knowledge, skills and skills;

Education of the moral qualities of the personality;

Formation of positive exercise motives;

Formation of experience of communicating between students and cooperation with teachers in the educational process;

The educational impact of the teacher's personality as an example for imitation.

Thus, we possess knowledge about the surrounding reality and about yourself, the student acquires the ability to make decisions regulating its attitude to reality. At the same time, he knows moral, social and aesthetic values \u200b\u200band, surviving them, forms their attitude towards them and creates a system of values \u200b\u200bthat are guided in practical activities.

2. Principles of learning

Principles of learning (Didactic principles) are the main (general, guidelines) provisions that determine the content, organizational forms and methods of the educational process in accordance with its goals and patterns.

The principles of learning characterize ways to use laws and patterns of intercommunication with intended goals.

The principles of learning for their origin are theoretical generalization of pedagogical practice. They are objective, arise from the experience of practical activities. Therefore, principles are guidelines that regulate activities in the process of learning people. They cover all parties to the learning process.

At the same time, the principles are subjective in nature, as they are reflected in the consciousness of the teacher in different ways, with varying degrees of completeness and accuracy.

Incorrect understanding of the principles of training or their ignorance, the inability to follow their requirements do not cancel their existence, but make the learning process unscientific, ineffective, contradictory.

Compliance with the principles of training is the most important condition for the effectiveness of the learning process, the indicator of the pedagogical culture of the teacher.

The history of school development and pedagogy shows how the principles of learning change under the influence of changes in the requirements of life, that is, the principles of learning are historical. Some principles disappear, others appear. This suggests that the didactics should sensitively catch changes in the requirements of society to education and respond to them in a timely manner, that is, to build such a system of learning principles that would correctly indicate the path to achieving the goal of learning.

Scientists have long been paying great attention to the rationale for the principles of training. The first attempts in this direction were undertaken by Ya. A. Komensky, J.-zh. Rousseau, I. G. Pestalotski. Ya. A. Komensky formulated and substantiated such principles of learning as the principle of nature-like, strength, availability, systematic, etc.

K. D. Ushinsky gave great importance to the principles of training. They are most fully disclosed didactic principles:

Training should be saturated for students, not overly difficult and not too easy;

Training should develop independence in children in every possible way, activity, initiative;

Order and systematism - one of the main conditions for success in training, the school should give enough deep and solid knowledge;

Training should be carried out naturally, in accordance with the psychological characteristics of students;

The wording and the number of principles changed in the following decades (Yu. K. Babansky, M. A. Danilov, B. P. Esipov, T. A. Ilina, M. N. Skhatkin, G. I. Shchukina, etc.). This is the result of the fact that the objective laws of the pedagogical process are not fully open.

In the classical didactics, the following didactic principles are considered the most generally accepted: scientific, visibility, accessibility, consciousness and activity, systematic and sequence, strength, theory of theory with practice.

Principle of learning It implists the compliance of the content of education to the level of development of modern science and technology, the experience of accumulated by world civilization. This principle requires that authentic, firmly established knowledge-established knowledge (objective scientific facts, concepts, theories, exercises, laws, laws, the latest discoveries, theories, exercises, laws, laws, the latest discoveries in different fields of human knowledge) were offered to assign To the methods of science studied.

The principle of science is based on a number of patterns: the world is known, and the objectively faithful picture of the development of the world gives knowledge, proven by practice; Science in human life plays an increasingly significant role; Training learning is provided primarily through the content of education.

Principle of availability. The principle of availability requires that the content, the volume of studied and the methods of studying, correspond to the level of intellectual, moral, aesthetic development of students, their ability to learn the proposed material.

With too complicated the content of the studied material, students decreases the motivational attitude to the teaching, volitional efforts are rapidly weakened, the performance drops sharply, excessive fatigue appears.

At the same time, the principle of accessibility does not mean that the learning content should be simplified, extremely elementary. Research and practice show that with simplified content, interest in teaching is reduced, the necessary volitional efforts are not formed, not the desired development of training efficiency. In the learning process weakly implemented its developing function.

The principle of consciousness and activity. The principle of consciousness and activity in training requires a conscious learning of knowledge in the process of active cognitive and practical activity. Consciousness in training is a positive attitude of trained learning, understanding the essence of the problems under study, the conviction of the significance of the knowledge gained. Conscious learning learned learned learning devices depend on a number of conditions and factors: the motives of training, the level and nature of cognitive activity, the organization of the educational process, used methods and training tools, etc. The activity of the student is their intensive mental and practical activity in the learning process. Activity acts as a prerequisite, condition and the result of a conscious learning of knowledge, skills and skills.

The basis of this principle is lawsuit: the value of human education is deeply and independently meaningful knowledge acquired by intensive voltage of their own mental activity; The own cognitive activity of the student has a decisive effect on strength, depth and pace of mastering by educational material, is an important tractor of trainee.

The principle of visibility. One of the first in the history of pedagogy began to be issued the principle of clarity. It has been established that the effectiveness of learning depends on the degree of attraction to the perception of all human senses. The more diverse sensual perception of the educational material, the more firmly it is absorbed. This pattern has long found its expression in the didactic principle of visibility.

Visuality in didactics is understood more widely than direct visual perception. It includes and perception through motor, tactile, auditory, taste.

Ya. A. Komensesky, I. G. Pestalocci, K. D. Ushinsky, L. V. Zankov, and others were substantiated in the rationale for this principle.

The implementation of this principle is formulated by Ya. A. Komensky in the "Golden Didactics Rule": "Everything that is possible, to perceive with feelings, namely, visible - for perception of vision; hearing - hearing; odors - smell; to taste - bite; An affordable touch - by touching. If any items and phenomena can be immediately perceived by several feelings - provide several feelings. "

I. G. Pestalozzi showed that it is necessary to combine the use of visibility with the special mental formation of concepts. K. D. Ushinsky revealed the meaning of visual sensations for the development of the speech of the student. L. V. Zankov revealed the possible options for combining words and clarity. If the effectiveness of the auditory perception of information is 15%, and optic - 25%, then their simultaneous inclusion in the learning process increases the effectiveness of perception to 65%.

The principle of visibility in training is implemented by demonstrating objects studied, illustrations of processes and phenomena, observations of occurring phenomena and processes in cabinets and laboratories, in vivo, in labor and production activities.

Use of clarity serve:

natural objects:plants, animals, natural and production facilities, labor of people and students themselves;

volumetric visual benefits:models, layouts, doubts, herbaria, etc.;

fine learning tools:paintings, photos, diameters, drawings;

symbolic visual manuals:maps, schemes, tables, drawings, etc.;

audiovisual means:movies, tape recorders, television programs, computer equipment;

alone made "reference signals"in the form of abstracts, schemes, drawings, tables, sketches, etc.

Thanks to the use of funds of visibility, students appear interest in study, observation, attention, thinking, knowledge is acquired by personal meaning.

The principle of systematic and sequence. The principle of systematic and sequence in training involves teaching and learning knowledge in a certain order, system. It requires logical constructions of both the content and the learning process.

The principle of systematic and sequence is based on a number of patterns: a person only then has an effective knowledge when the clear picture of the existing world is reflected in his mind; The development process is slowed down if there is no system and sequence in training; Only in a certain way, organized training is a universal means of forming a system of scientific knowledge.

Principle of strength. The principle of the strength of the learning of knowledge implies their persistent consolidation in the memory of students. The basis of this principle is undergoing natural provisions: the strength of the learning material depends on objective factors (material content, its structure, teaching methods, etc.) and the subjective relationship of students to these knowledge, learning, teacher; Memory is essential, therefore, it is fixed more fixed and more important and interesting for trained educational material.

The principle of raising learning. The principle of raising learning reflects the objective pattern of the learning process. There can be no learning out of education. Even if the teacher does not put a special purpose to have an educational impact on students, he brings them up through the content of the educational material, by its attitude to the reported knowledge applied by the methods of organizing cognitive activity of students, their personal qualities. This educational impact is significantly enhanced if the teacher puts the appropriate task and seeks to effectively use for this purpose all the means available at its disposal.

The principle of communication theory with practice. The principle of communication of theory with practice suggests that the study of scientific problems is carried out in close connection with the disclosure of the most important ways to use their use in life. In this case, the learners produced a truly scientific view of life phenomena, a scientific worldview is formed.

The basis of this principle is lawsuit: practice - the criterion of truth, the source of knowledge and the area of \u200b\u200bthe application of theoretical results; the practice is checked, confirmed and the quality of education is confirmed; The more knowledge gained knowledge interacts with life, applied in practice, are used to transform the surrounding processes and phenomena, the higher the consciousness of training and interest in it.

The principle of compliance with the age and individual characteristics of the student. The principle of consistency of training with age and individual peculiarities (the principle of a personal approach in training) requires that the content, forms and methods of teaching correspond to the age stages to the imaginary development of the student. The level of cognitive opportunities and personal development determines the organization of educational activities. It is important to take into account the features of thinking, memory, stability of attention, temperament, character, interests of students.

There are two main ways to account for individual features: an individual approach (educational work is carried out according to a single program with all when individualizing forms and working methods) and differentiation (separation of students on homogeneous groups on abilities, opportunities, interests, etc. and work with them Different programs). Up to the 90s. XX century The main direction in the work of the school was an individual approach. Currently, the priority is given to train differentiation. In the real learning process, the principles act in relation to each other. It is impossible to overestimate and underestimate one or another principle, as it leads to a decrease in learning efficiency. Only in the complex, they ensure the successful definition of tasks, the choice of content, methods, means, forms of training and allow you to effectively solve the tasks of the modern school.


Education is a focused cognitive activity of the student under the leadership of the teacher, the purpose of which is the acquisition of a study system of scientific knowledge, skills and skills, the formation of interest in his teaching, the development of cognitive and creative abilities, as well as the moral qualities of the person.

The tasks of the learning process are: stimulating the educational and educational activity of students; formation of cognitive needs; organization of cognitive activity of students in mastering scientific knowledge, skills and skills; development of cognitive and creative abilities of students; the formation of training skills and skills for subsequent self-education and creative activities; Formation of scientific worldview and education of moral and aesthetic culture.

The principles of learning are the main provisions that determine the content, organizational forms and methods of the educational process in accordance with its goals and patterns.

The basic principles of learning are: the principle of learning, the principle of accessibility, the principle of consciousness and activity, the principle of visibility, the principle of systematic and sequence, the principle of the strength of the knowledge of knowledge, the principle of raising learning, the principle of communication of theory with the practice and the principle of conforming to the age and individual characteristics of the trained.

These didactic principles are generally accepted, they constitute the basis of the traditional learning system. Classic didactic principles help in identifying targeted learning installations, and can also serve as a guidance to the teacher in specific situations of learning in the lessons.


1. Davydov V.V. Theory of educational training. M., 1996.

2. Dyachenko V.K. New didactics. M., TK Velby, Publishing House Prospekt, 2001

3. Course V. Introduction to general didactics. M., 1990.

4. Sub-clause I. P. Pedagogy. New course: textbook for stud. Ped. universities: in 2 kN. Kn. 1. M.: Vlados, 2005

5. Slastinin V. A., Isaev I. F., Shiyanov E. N. Total pedagogy: studies. Manual for studies Higher. studies. institutions / ed. V. A. Slastinina: at 2 h. M., 2002

6. Modern Didactic: Theory and Practice / Ed. I. Ya. Lerner, I. K. Zhuravleva. M., 2004.

7. Khutorskaya A. V. Modern didactics: Textbook for universities. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001

Personal learning objectives are behavioral or gnostic principles that students identify as important for their own learning. They may relate to general working habits, individual subjects, learning themes or all of the above.

What is personal learning goals and why are they so important?

Personal learning objectives directly affect the improvement of the quality of education and academic performance and increase students' ability, and also influence the formation of students as active participants in the educational process, their ability to become independent and motivating them into great achievements.

Previous student performance studies have shown that students who establish their own working goals, as a rule, reach more than those students in front of the target.

The first group of students is more confidently and takes more complex tasks, regardless of the abilities, and their self-esteem and the installation for the development and solving the problem remains high even in case of failure.

When students help to delve into their own processes of thinking and learning, they are more predisposed to think about the effectiveness of the strategies that they used to achieve learning goals. Planning actions, monitoring the process on the way of achieving the goal and evaluation of results can help students achieve more control over their processes of thinking and training and teach them to "learn."

Stages of development of personal goals Training

The development of personal learning purposes includes stages:

  • determination of personal learning purposes (and strategies for their achievement);
  • process monitoring;
  • reporting on progress achieved;
  • debriefing and developing new goals.

All stages of the cycle are of great importance, and in practice they flow into each other. The process is cyclical. At the same time, the teacher plays a crucial role throughout the process, and not only at the stages of development and reporting.

Educational institutions will have to choose the best way to manage the development, monitoring and reporting of personal learning students. This method depends on the organization of an educational institution. Like most initiatives, the process of developing, monitoring and reporting in the field of personal learning objectives will work best when it is understood by all participants.

This process includes, first of all, a discussion of the educational process between the student and the teacher. The productivity of such discussions underlies the entire process. It should also be carried out in the spirit of openness and cooperation and increase the level of diversity of the educational process.

Training conversations provoke students to think:

  • about their own processes of thinking and training and stimulate their work;
  • on the following possible steps in the process of learning and further plans;
  • on determining the goals and their achievement;
  • is the learning method effective;
  • what they need to help in understanding;
  • how could they improve their indicators.

Before starting work with students over the development of a system of personal learning to teach teachers, it is important to make focus on collaboration for discussion and identify existing learning goals, and then to consider examples of admissible and unacceptable goals (for example, too ambitious or, on the contrary, not enough ambitious, too vague, unattainable and other).

Developing a general understanding of learning goals gives employees a common language for communication. Setting goals, acceptance of personal responsibility for their training and evaluation of their abilities can then become the usual part of the discussion in the educational team.

Personal learning goals and educational process

Personal learning objectives are an integral part of the system. Victorian basic educational standards (WARO,Vels), Pedagogy, reporting and key learning planning element.

Personal learning goals are the axis of the educational process. The following information is intended to assist teachers engaged in the development of personal goals in the educational sector.

Personal learning and Victorian basic educational standards

Personal learning objectives are an integral part of the system. Victorian basic educational standards (WEO, in English - Vels). One of the basic principles Wao is the development of students of three main abilities:

  • the ability to manage as a person and in relation to others;
  • the ability to understand the world in which we live;
  • the ability to effectively act in this world.

The process of developing, monitoring and reporting in the field of personal learning purposes is an integral part of all these areas and helps students achieve success in them, but, first of all, a close relationship between these processes and the scope of personal learning is traced. This area is characterized by supporting the development of the autonomy of students, healthy-evaluating themselves as participants in the educational process, which are able to "manage their own learning and growth through their monitoring, as well as creating and analyzing their learning goals." ( Victorian basic educational standards, 2005)

Personal learning and teaching principles and teaching principlesP.-12

Individual learning goals are also woven into the system of principles of training and teaching P-12.

Principles of learning and teaching P-12 indicate that students learn best when:

  1. The curriculum is favorable and productive;
  2. The curriculum contributes to independence, interaction and selfior;
  3. The needs of students, their prospects and interests are reflected in the learning program;
  4. Students are interested in developing deep levels of thinking and applying various methods of estimation;
  5. Practice is an integral part of learning;
  6. Training is strongly connected with communities and has been ensured by practice outside the educational institution.

The establishment of personal learning goals, in particular, refers to the principles under the numbers two and five.

The second principle focuses on creating an educational environment that contributes to independence, interaction and self-motive. The teachers encourage and support students who are responsible for their training, and seek to strudust experience in order to give students the opportunity to make a choice.

The fifth principle works with an assessment as an integral part of learning and teaching, with the active participation of students in the process of assessment, as well as in the promotion of reflection and self-esteem.

For more information on the principles of training and teaching, see: The reference material contains detailed information on the six principles designated above, thematic studies, frequently asked questions, data collection tools and contact details.

Personal learning and assessment as training

Department of Education Consultation Department Focus on three main estimation purposes:

  • evaluation for learning - occurs when teachers use conclusions about student performance for general information on the learning process;
  • assessment as training - occurs when students comprehend and follow their performance to form their future goals;
  • evaluation of training - occurs when teachers use students' learning results for conclusions regarding the goals and standards of the educational process.

There is a particularly close relationship between the assessment of both learning and the development and monitoring of personal learning purposes. When evaluating, students can control their learning process and use the feedback received as a result to adapt and adjust their goals and real circumstances.

Assessment as training plays an important role in improving learning outcomes - not only because students are actively involved in the evaluation process, but also because it develops skills that underlie the effective development, monitoring and reporting in the field of personal learning purposes.

Secondary curriculum

The secondary learning card template (secondary school) includes a page of personal learning purposes. The following sections should be filled with each semester:

  • my learning goals;
  • comment by the student;
  • teacher comment;
  • my future learning goals.

Primary learning card

The template of the primary learning card (elementary school) does not include the page of personal learning purposes, but educational institutions may add it to themselves. Nevertheless, the template has a section for comments by students regarding their progress during the semester.

Support students

Development of the system of personal learning purposes

Students must be aware that the process of identifying personal goals is a key part of their training.

Personal goals can help students overcome the gap between what they have achieved and what they want to achieve. Effective personal learning objectives:

  • important for a specific student;
  • can be achieved at the expense of their own actions of one student;
  • have a reasonable time limit (for example, one semester);
  • include a specific action plan;
  • respond to the following student questions:
    • What do I need in order to act?
    • How do I succeed with this goal?
    • What do I need to study?
    • Why does this help my learning?
    • What actions do I have to take to achieve this goal?
    • How will this affect my future?

It is important that students develop a sense of ownership towards their learning goals. The combination of discussion, reflection and exchange of experience will help students work out responsibility and a number of skills and strategies to achieve goals. For more information, see: examples of learning goals associated with a number of areas of Victorian basic educational standards in the section "Proforming and other illustrative material".

Support activity

For methods for supporting students in the way of developing personal learning purposes include:

  • education of students on the types of goals that can be delivered to themselves and on the importance of choosing a limited number of objectives related to their own learning needs;
  • assistance to students in awareness of themselves as participants in the educational process and analyzing their strengths and weaknesses. Teachers can use a number of strategies and tools for the development of self-esteem to help students think about the material studied and decide in which direction they wish to move on;
  • providing students with set of installations necessary to focus on their own purposes, for example:
    • My strengths ...
    • I feel frustrated when ...
    • I need help when ...
    • I need to know more about ...
  • fixing goals as a declaration of intent, and not just a list of wishes. "I will be persistent and focused on mathematics classes," and not "I want to improve the results of mathematics";
  • sETTING SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM Smart.. Smart. - The development system of goals that will help ensure the general scheme of goal setting in an educational institution. According to it, targets are determined by five criteria:
    • Specific (concreteness): The goal should be as clear as possible and specific, when setting, it is necessary to clearly represent the end result;
    • Measurable (measurability): goals should be measurable so that you can find out that they are achieved;
    • Attainable (achievability): goals should be achievable from the point of view of external factors and internal resources;
    • RELEVANT. (Relevance): Goals should relate to other, more general, as well as with strategic goals, and work on their achievement. That is what you do today, you need to get the scheduled for a month, and, therefore, is responsible for the main life goals;
    • Time-Bounded. (time definition): The goal should be clearly defined in time, should be a specific time limit (and intermediate control moments) of its achievement;
  • in the early stages - to offer students ready-made examples of personal learning goals to choose from, as this will help facilitate the process of setting goals and will allow students to understand how to determine their own goals. For example, "I will ask the right questions that will help me better understand," rather than a specific "I will ask questions." Students can use examples of learning goals and work individually or in groups to determine their goals that will meet standards Smart. - will be clear, specific and achievable for a certain period, for example, for the semester;
  • configure students' interaction and discussion of each other's personal goals. Student presentations and discussions may encourage students to communicate and share their goals with others. It will also help students learn from each other to the proper expression of goals and strategies to achieve them;
  • discussion with students:
    • goals and achievements from the previous semester;
    • their strengths and development areas (including extracurricular spheres);
    • their goals in short and long-term prospects;
    • leading discussion, teachers can help students:
    • establish achievable and decent goals;
    • develop an action plan for achieving the goals;
    • plan monitoring and analysis of their goals;
  • Student training to discuss and present their goals in the form of a presentation, which includes:
    • overview of the objectives of the past semester - achievements, problems and their short analysis;
    • training goals for the current semester - justify the goals and their certainty in time;
    • an action plan for achieving each goal - actions, possible problems and the plan for their overcoming;
    • plan of action on monitoring goals - with whom when and as a student can discuss their progress;
    • reflection - with whom when and how.

Publishing or presentation can be designed using various software applications, and the results can be added to the student's portfolio. Work can also be performed collectively to assess the overall level of development and training;

  • use visual elements such as table Kwhl. (What do I know? What do I want to know? How do I find out? What did I find out?). This strategy encourages students:
    • actively participate in the process of developing their own learning purposes;
    • plan ways to achieve their goals;
    • determine what they did to achieve their goals;
  • integration of personal learning goals to existing training programs used in educational institutions such as Habits of Mind and You Can Do It.

Strategies to achieve personal educational purposes

Strategies to achieving personal learning goals should be considered as long as students achieve their goals, and also throughout the entire control process. When planning and work on these strategies, students need assistance in developing simple and clear strategies.

Strategies should be built with a support for student learning style, their ability to independently learn, personal characteristics, specific students established by students.

Supporting activities

Some methods for supporting students in determining and building strategies include:

  • discussion " Smart."(Concreteness, measurability, realistic) learning goals with students, disclosing aspects of the development process, which students do not know. In addition to specific and important learning goals, students realize that these goals can be achieved through their actions and for a certain period. The development of personal learning objectives within the framework of this process helps students focus on planning to achieve their goals over a certain period of time. The following issues may be useful:
    • What am I going to achieve?
    • How am I going to achieve this?
    • When will I get it?
  • Division of personal learning goals for smaller achievable goals. This process:
    • provides students the opportunity to go step by step to achieve progress in their personal academic purposes;
    • helps students improve their time management skills;
    • makes control more targeted and focused.

For example, if the task will learn the right types of asked questions that would help me understand something better, then students can determine what questions to ask (closed or open questions and their clarification), and also consider expediency. When planning the control of their academic performance, students can list such questions: "Can I submit what I heard or read?", Did I understand it? "," What will I ask? " Students will be able to compile the plan of asked questions in their classes and can record in their diary about improving their learning through asked questions. This entry can be used as proof to control and reports to achieve your goals.

  • The setting of metacognitive issues aimed at raising the awareness of the student about what needs to be done, and ways to perform this, for example:
    • What exactly do I need to do?
    • Why do I do it?
    • What do I already know about it?
    • What options and alternatives do I have?
    • How will I evaluate this?
    • What strategies can I use?
    • How do I recognize what I have achieved success?
    • How will I control my success next time?
  • Providing students with the opportunity to imagine how it will be when they reach their personal learning purposes. Visualization allows students to describe what the achieved goal of learning will be similar to, and the process that they can use to achieve it. Students can use individual time for reflection, drawing, conversations with their teacher, classroom discussion, as well as the use of a number of tools, such as flowcharts, memory cards, graphic organizers.
  • Questions are a powerful tool to help students visualize their goals and the process of reaching them:
    • What will I see my knowledge or actions?
    • How do I see my actions?
    • What do I see ways to achieve this?

Monitoring of personal educational purposes

Monitoring needs reflection. The reflection leads to conclusions about the degree of success or progress and allows you to explain the lack of improvement. It also provides a basis for developing future goals and understanding achieved.

When teachers help students think and control their progress towards achieving the goal in the field of training, they ask students to think about their training.

Students should also create a conscious and deep understanding of their own behavior and training.

Students need simple ways to review and record their training progress during the semester, and they must develop strategies that will be important as proof of progress towards achieving the goal. Proof must be concrete.

Supporting activities

Some ways to support students on display and control their goals include:

  • the use of portfolio students, learning magazines and other simple devices to think about the recently done work and how advanced they are in the way to achieve their personal learning purposes. Students can reflect on their learning at the set time every week or during the most suitable for this. At this time, systematic tips may occur, such as:
    • This week I learned ...
    • Now I can do ...
    • Next week I will do ...
    • I know what I do better when ...
  • The use of spontaneous "60-second brainstorming" in the class at any time. Teachers simply ask students to stop and think about how their training passes right now and how they are moving towards their personal learning purposes. It is very important that teachers ensure a quiet time to reflect in the amount of 60 seconds.
  • Decide on understandable criteria that will describe quality and progress towards successful achievement of personal learning purposes. These criteria can be:
    • assistance to students in the presentation of types of knowledge, skills and behaviors that they would like to develop;
    • help them find evidence;
    • monitor their progress towards achieving their goals.
  • Providing students to the permanent opportunity to comment on their personal training goals. We understand that this is a permanent process, not one-time or such that can be left at the end of the semester. Teachers can also expand the control process, including information from teachers of the student, colleagues or families.
  • Most secondary school students use a school or training planner to record important dates, time or information. Students can use their planner to record appropriate training information to prove their progress. Some of these planners also include tips on the study of various skills and skills to give students to identify and reflect learning purposes. They can also contribute to planning and improving.
  • The use of the platform as a way to maintain the focus of the student for their purpose of learning and tracking their progress over time. For example, teachers create a platform that includes the headers of the "Learning Goals" and "Week", with space for brief comments on progress.
  • Alternatively, students can create a three-column scheme:
    • my learning goals;
    • strategies that I use;
    • i showed that I achieved this when I ...
  • Ask metacognitive questions, such as:
    • What steps I am taken to do it?
    • What strategy will I try first?
    • Is this strategy better for use at this time?
    • What will I do next?
    • Are there any strategies that I have not yet used?
    • What can I do to improve my work?

For more information, see the following documents:

Goal Setting Action Plan Form Term One
Student Learning and Improvement Reflection Form
Personal Learning Goals Pro Forma One
Personal Learning Goals Pro Forma Two
Student Success Plan and Portfolio Examples

Personal educational report

When students report on progress in achieving their personal learning purposes, they need to be a brief report on their training and the degree of achieving their goals. When preparing a personal accounting report, students use:

  • evidence collected throughout the monitoring process;
  • reflections on their training;
  • reviews received from peers, parents, teachers and other relevant people.

Student comments on the report panel are the culmination of the monitoring process - this is a summation and final assessment of the progress made on the way to achieve the goals set at the beginning of the semester.

Teachers must allocate time for students so that they can think about their progress and prepare their report. This exercise is important, as it helps students think:

  • about what they have achieved;
  • about their educational process;
  • about their strengths in school;
  • about areas that need to be improved, and steps that need to be taken on.

Although the study of personal learning purposes is created closer to the end of the semester and can be considered as a final progress point, this can also be viewed as the beginning of the next development cycle, monitoring and reporting on personal academic purposes for the next semester.

Supporting activities

Proposals for assistance to students in writing a report include:

  • creating leading issues such as:
    • How well do I achieve my goals?
    • Was I successful?
    • What do I need to be better?
  • Guide for students, which will help assess the effectiveness (or strengths), and weak points from some examples of student comments.
  • Creating step-by-step checklists in which you:
    • write comments on each of your goals;
    • explain your achievements by focusing on positive;
    • determine the areas that need to be improved;
    • you will begin the sentences from: "I", "I managed," "I still need."
  • Providing tips:
    • Good news: I really succeeded in ...
    • Bad news: I think it needs to make more effort, because ...
    • Good news: Some paths that I can do better ...


Organization of the process

Each school organizes development, monitoring and reporting on personal learning goals of training and comments of students who will vary from school to school. Students must be able to record information in various formats (Word, Plain Text, Handwritten), depending on what is practiced in this school. These processes should be safe and must ensure the confidentiality of the student's personality in the report of their personal learning goals to the teacher / teachers.

In elementary school, this may be the most suitable process organized by each class manager as part of the class subroutine.

In high school, this process can be organized using subjects or various circles (for example, it may be the focus of attention in the English language program), with the help of pastoral groups or home groups.


Students can fill out templates using the appropriate software or database to simplify this process. One of the models is to use memorable templates to which students write their comments.

Cloud data warehouse "»

Some schools offer a safe « »online where students can keep a copy of their personal educational purposes on the school server that they printed in Word.. Documents B. « »only teachers can be available.

A student can add copies, edit them during the semester and send a message to « »for safe storage. By the end of the semester, the teacher can return the final and edited option to each student so that they can evaluate how they have advanced on the way to achieve their training goals in the field of learning they have established, and also write their future learning goals.

The teacher can cut and insert student goals and comments from their document. Word., as well as its own comments on the report at the end of the semester.


The beginning of the first semester

Students establish personal training goals at the beginning of the first semester. These goals may be a common or specific subject. This will be done before the start of study to determine the most important in the context of its program. In subsequent reports, students can change, adapt and add it to their current goals in this section.

The end of the first semester - the beginning of the second semester

To receive a report at the end of the first semester, the teacher and students comment on how well they achieve their goals. The "My Future Goals" section ends to facilitate the installation of goals for the second training semester. Future learning objectives may be similar or supplemented in relation to past goals, and can also be completely different.

The end of the second semester

At the end of the second training semester, the teacher and students comment on progress in achieving the goals. The "My Future Goals" section is completed to facilitate the installation of new training goals for the first semester of next year.

Throughout the first and second semesters

During the first and second semesters, students carefully follow the progress in achieving the goals. Students can continue to control their goals on an ongoing basis in their free time, regardless of the structured classes at school.

Models for implementation in secondary schools

There are several ways with which schools may include the development of personal learning purposes. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages that will be different for each of the schools. Below are examples of how the personal learning goals of students can be developed in schools.

In the subject area

In this model, students develop personal learning objectives as part of their training in a specific subject area. The sphere of "personal learning" is a good zone for focusing on learning, evaluation and reporting within the subject.


The advantage of this approach is that the process of developing, monitoring and reporting on learning objectives may be contained in a particular subject area with one teacher participating in the process. This approach does not require additional events within the school.


The predominant disadvantage is that only one teacher is involved in the process. The objectives of the training may be more specific subject or to remain a specific subject, cannot be considered as part of the uniform student learning and are also not integrated into the planning of curricula and organizational structures.

Home Group or Pastoral Care

In this model, the home group or teacher of pastoral care is responsible for leadership, support and work with students in their homegroup on the development, control and reflection of their personal learning purposes. The time is allocated on an ongoing basis in a home group for students to be able to discuss, write, or think about the development and achievement of the arranged learning objectives. The homework teacher personally talks with each of the students for the first two weeks during the first and third deadlines (semesters), when students develop their goals, and then supports students in the process of monitoring and reporting on the progress achieved over the remainder of the semester. Ideally, when the teacher of the home group teaches students at least in one of his items.

Transfer: Vyacheslav Gladkov

It is known that training is targeted. From what goals are put and how they are delivered, the result of the learning, the quality of learning the learning material depends. However, despite the greatest practical importance of solving the issue of the formulation and implementation of learning goals, the university course of didactics, as already mentioned, does not include a section on the purposes. From the position of pedagogical technology, taking into account the disclosure of the applied potential of the didactic theory in terms of preparing the teacher to present here the main issues relating to the learning goals.

As noted by M.V. Clarin, the objectives of the training are formulated through learning results, expressed in the actions of students Clarin V.M. Pedagogical technology in the educational process: Analysis of overseas experience. M., 1989. - S. 18 .. The most important way to solve this problem is to build a clear system of objectives, inside which their categories and successive levels are highlighted. Such systems received the name of pedagogical taxonomy.

Pedagogical taxonomy of objectives is a group of categories of goals, each of which expresses a certain set and sequence of intellectual operations. The greatest distribution in the world received a group of categories of goals in a cognitive (cognitive) area, developed under the guidance of the famous American scientist B.S. Bloom. This taxonomy includes the following main categories: knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, assessment. This group of categories seems to us the most acceptable for the effective organization of practical training on the didactic of future teachers. We will get acquainted with it in more detail by contacting the description proposed by M. V. Clain Clarin V.M. Pedagogical technology in the educational process: Analysis of overseas experience. M., 1989. - P. 22-24.

The category "Knowledge" indicates memorization and reproduction of the studied material. We can talk about various types of content - from specific facts to holistic theories. The overall feature of this category is the remember of the relevant information.

An indicator of the ability to understand the value of the studied can be the transformation (broadcast) of the material from one form of expression to another, "translation" from one language to another. As an indicator of understanding may also be the interpretation of the material by the student (explanation, summary) or the assumption of the further course of phenomena, events (prediction of the consequences, results). Such learning results are superior to a simple storage of material.

Category "Application" Indicates the ability to use the material studied in specific conditions and new situations. This includes the use of rules, methods, concepts, laws, principles, theories. Relevant learning results require a higher level of ownership of material than understanding.

The category "Analysis" indicates the ability to smash the material into the components so that its structure clearly performed. This includes the degeneration of parts of the whole, identifying the relationship between them, awareness of the principles of the organization of the whole. Training results are characterized by a higher intellectual level than understanding and use, since they require awareness of both the content of educational material and its internal structure.

Category "Synthesis" indicates the ability to combine elements to get a whole possessing novelty. Such a new product may be a message (performance, report), action plan or a combination of generalized relationships (schemes for streamlining existing information). Relevant learning results suggest a creative activity with an emphasis on the creation of new schemes and structures.

The category "Evaluation" means the ability to evaluate the value of a particular material (approval, artwork, research data) for a particular purpose. The student's judgments should be based on clear criteria. Criteria can be both internal (structural, logical) and external (compliance of the intended goal). Criteria can be determined by the students themselves or ask him from the outside (for example, as a teacher). This category assumes the achievement of learning outcomes in all previous categories plus evaluation judgments based on clearly defined criteria.

The specificization of the objectives of the educational subject on the basis of this (as well as any other) taxonomy is carried out in two stages. The first goals of the course are allocated. These are engaged in groups of scientists and expert practitioners, as well as the authors and compilers of textbooks. At the second stage, the goals of current, daily activities are allocated. This work is carried out by the teacher and in connection with this, it must pass appropriate training.

The goals of the current, daily activity are inextricably linked with the content of education, with its elements, with a specific subject matter. Therefore, in order to operate objectives, it is necessary to formulate them and enter into a certain ratio with the content, it is necessary to consider a complex of issues related to the content of education.

The content of education and its characteristic. Dadium Description of the content of education according to I. Ya. Lernera and M. N. Skhatina Didactika High School / Danilov MA, Shotkin SM.N. M., 1982. - P. 102-108 .. First of all, select the main elements of the content. This is knowledge, ways of activity (skills and skills), experience of creative activity, experience of an emotionally value attitude towards peace.

Each of the specified elements is manifested through certain types and signs. Types and signs are specific and precisely they are correlated with a specific educational material.

a) kinds of knowledge:

Concepts and terms;

Facts of reality and science;

Laws of science and reality;


Knowledge of activities;

Knowledge of knowledge of knowledge;

Evaluation knowledge.

b) types of ways of activity:

Intellectual (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, concretization, generalization, etc.);

Practical (design, labor, etc.);

Subject (work with the card, with measuring instruments);

General educational (work with a book, drawing up a plan, self-control, etc.).

c) signs of creative activity:

Independent transfer of knowledge and skills to a new, unfamiliar situation;

The vision of a new problem in a familiar situation;

Vision of the new function of the object;

Independent combination of known ways of activity in a new one;

The vision of the structure of the object;

Vision of possible solutions of this problem;

Building a new way to solve a problem other than those known.

As for such an element of the content of education, as an emotionally value attitude to the world, it should be noted that it is directly related to the affective area and the corresponding taxonomy of the goals, therefore, in this work, which is based on the taxonomy of goals in the cognitive region, it will not be considered.

Special attention requires the development of creative tasks that take into account the signs of creative activities. It should be noted that there are currently not yet developed systems of tasks oriented to targeted formation of creative activities of students.

conscious perception and memorization when the sample used is allocated in the "pure" form;

sample transfer to various familiar situations;

creative use of knowledge and ways of activity when they are transferred to new, earlier student not familiar situations.

The learning objectives can be divided into two groups: taxonomic (categorical) and meaningful.

The meaningful goal is formulated in such a way that it is a setting to achieve some result. This setting at the same time corresponds to certain features for which one can judge the achievement of a certain categorical goal. For example, the meaningful goal "to name the symbols that indicate the speed, the path and time of the body movement" involves recalling and reproducing the relevant information, which, in turn, characterizes the categorical goal of "knowledge". Consequently, categorical and meaningful goals are interrelated. Their ratio can be observed when building a target model of any topic on a specific learning subject.