The heating system for industrial premises. Types of autonomous heating of industrial premises

For a comfortable work of employees of industrial and storage facilities, it is necessary to equip an effective heating system. In addition, the normal temperature regime has a positive effect on the equipment, machine tools and the building itself. Consider what are the methods of heating of industrial and warehouses. After all, someone chooses heating boilers, and someone prefers heaters for the heating of the room. In our article, we will tell about the peculiarities and efficiency of various heating systems.

How can you warm the non-residential room

For premises with large areas, 3 types of heating systems are usually used: air, water and radiant. When using water heating, it is necessary to arrange heating radiators. Such a system is beneficial, as it has a large selection of heating equipment. But with such a heating system there is a large thermal inertness and requires large costs. Not in all commercial premises, you can install radiators of heating, as they must be installed on the wall. And usually in the outlets in these places suite racks.

Have a higher demand radiant and air heating. Consider in detail each heating system.

Air heating

Air heating appeared one of the first types of heating systems. And so far such a system is popular due to its effectiveness. Air heating has the following advantages:

  • In such a system, the efficiency coefficient is greater than that of water heating.
  • There is no need for a pipeline and heating radiators. In the air system, it is necessary to install only air ducts.
  • Air heating system is often used in conjunction with the air conditioning system. Therefore, you can get clean air instead of heated.
  • Heated air is distributed evenly throughout the room.
  • Cleaning and air change regularly. Therefore, the room will always be a comfortable atmosphere, which has a positive effect on the performance of employees.

In order to save better apply combined air heating for industrial premises. Such a heating system consists of mechanical and natural motivation of air.

With a natural fence, warm air will be closed from the environment. It will be warm even with big frosts on the street. Mechanical motivation - a fence of the air duct of cold air for heating and submission to the room.

Air heating is the most optimal for heating large industrial premises. And in chemical enterprises, only air can use as a heating system.

Water heating

Not for all production and storage facilities is a water heating system. Since for its device it is necessary to equip the boiler room, arrange a system of pipelines, set the heating radiators in the premises. In addition to these elements, it is still necessary to purchase pressure gauges, locking valves and other control devices. In order to maintain the work of the heating system, the presence of specialists is necessary.

Water heating is two types on the principle of the device: one-pipe and two-pipe.

In the first type, the water temperature cannot be adjusted. Since all heating radiators are set sequentially. And turn off only one device is not possible.

In a two-pipe system, you can adjust the temperature. You can do this using thermostats that are installed on the radiators in parallel.

The heat source in the water system is the heating boiler. Boilers are separated by type of fuel: solid fuel, gas, electric, liquid and combined. If the production room has a small area, then you can prize the oven with water contour.

The type of boiler should be chosen from desires and opportunities. Not everyone has the ability to connect gas, so the gas boiler will not use. Many choose solid fuel or diesel heating boilers.

Electric boilers are used often, but in small rooms. Since heating with electricity is not a cheap pleasure.

There are often unexpected situations. And there may be any accident in power supply or gas supply. Therefore, it is desirable to have a spare version of the heating system.
Combined heating boilers are more expensive. Such devices can have several types of burners: gas-diesel, gas-wood and gas-electricity-diesel.

Infrared heating

You can divide infrared heating into two types: light and dark heaters.

In the first form, the gas is burned with the help of a burner. And its surface temperature can be 900 ° C. Required radiation comes from a hot burner.

The second type of heater is emitters with reflectors. They are intended to direct radial energy into the necessary zones. Dark infrared devices can not be heated as light. The maximum heating temperature is 500 ° C. Such heaters are distinguished by radiation, it is not so tough. Therefore, tubular heaters have a large scope.

The most convenient and economical heating is the suspended emitting panels. Such panels work with an intermediate coolant. It consists of steam and water. Water can be heated in the device to 60-120 ° C, and steam heat up to 100-200.

Consider what is the benefits of radiant heating:

  • In unheated premises, you can create warm zones;
  • Fast room heating. Depending on the area, the approximate heating time is from 15 to 20 minutes;
  • Since it is not necessary to check or repair the pumps, replace filters and other elements that are in other heating systems, this factor can significantly save;
  • No thermal loss;
  • Paul also heats up, so it is an additional source of heating;
  • Comfortable microclimate. The air is not overcame

Such heaters cannot be installed indoors: with ceiling height less than 4m, in production, where radiation may affect the quality of products, as well as in rooms that have a fire category A and B.

The infrared heating system is easy to use and saving the air system. Infrared heaters do not spread dust, do not drown air and create thermal areas in the room. But in those rooms where it is impossible to use radiant heating, the optimal option will be the air system.

The organization of the production process is a multifaceted task in which all factors should be taken into account. In addition to equipment and qualified workers, special attention should be paid to maintaining the optimal temperature indoor. To do this, it is necessary to develop systems and schemes of the heating of workshops with their own hands: welding, carpentry, production.

Selecting heating according to room characteristics

Before making a workshop heating, you need to find out several important characteristics. First of all, the optimal temperature regime in the room. From this directly depends on the selection of the heating system.

When drafting the heating of the joinery and other production areas, such parameters should be taken into account:

  • Square and height of ceilings. If the distance from the floor to the roof is more than 3 meters, then convection (water, air) systems will be ineffective. This is due to the large amount of room;
  • Heat insulation of walls and roofs. The thermal loss of the building is the first thing to consider when choosing. The heating system for the workshop should be not only effective, but also economical. In this case, the best use of zonal heat sources. They will maintain a comfortable temperature in a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
  • Technological requirements of the optimal temperature in the workshop. For example, the heating of woodworking workshop must maintain air heating at a constant level. Otherwise, it will affect the quality of products. If the source raw material is metal, then the comfortable temperature is needed only for workers.

To carry out this analysis, it will be necessary to study the dignity and disadvantages of each type of heating. Consider the most efficient heating of the production workshop, differing depending on the scheme and components used.

Air heating shop

For large rooms with high temperatures, it is recommended to use the air heating of the workshop. This system is an extensive network of air channels, with which hot air flows are moved. Its heating occurs with a special climatic installation or gas boiler.

Such systems and schemes of workshops are applied with their own hands for welding, joinery, industrial premises. The main structural elements of this system are:

  • Outside air intake. It includes fans and cleaning filters;
  • Next, air masses across the channels fall into the heating zone. It can be electrical devices (spiral element) or gas installation with air heat exchanger;
  • Air masses with high temperature move through the channels that distribute heat across the individual production facilities. To control the level of heating temperature in each outlet, the throttle is installed.

A similar system of air heating shop has a number of significant advantages over standard. The main one is the optimal heating of the room. Properly located aircraft can have guide elements that focus air flow into the desired zone of the workshop.

Also, with an additional installation of the air conditioner, the same system can be used as cooling. However, such a scheme of the workshop is rather complex in terms of design. Before self install, you need to calculate the power of the fans, the shape and section of the air channels. Therefore, for the installation of air heating, the production workshop is recommended to use the services of specialized companies.

Water heating shop

The use of traditional water heating is relevant for small industries, the area of \u200b\u200bthe workshops does not exceed 250 m². It is necessary to continuously maintain the air temperature at the optimal level throughout the size of the room. Often, the heating of woodworking workshops make water.

This is due to wood waste production. For their disposal, a solid fuel boiler for long burning is established. Such a scheme of work allows not only quickly, but also effectively get rid of wood waste. In the future, they are used as fuel.

However, this diagram of the heating organization has a number of nuances:

  • In order for the efficiency of heating the production workshop to be maximum - it is necessary to significantly increase the area of \u200b\u200bheating devices. To do this, use pipes of large diameters, which are welded among themselves into registers;
  • Inertness. It is necessary quite a long time to heat the air into the workshop from the coolant;
  • The inability to quickly change the water temperature in the pipes.

However, along with this, when installing water heating, a warm floor system can be used. Such a scheme will help reduce the required area of \u200b\u200bheating devices. At the same time, the inertness of the system will decrease - the air will be heated faster in the workshop.
During the design of heating, it is possible to provide the organization of hot water, which is important for many production processes. To do this, it is necessary for the heating of the workshop with your own hands to purchase (or do) heat exchange tank.

In it, the energy of the coolant will be transmitted through the coil of water. This will give the opportunity to use hot water not only in domestic needs, but also for production processes.

In addition to solid fuel boilers, you can install other types of heating equipment:

  • Gas boilers. Effective in economically, if there is no cheaper solid fuel;
  • Electric heaters. They are preferably not used, since electricity costs will be high;
  • Boilers working on liquid fuel - diesel or waste machine oil. Install in the event that no gas highways. Economic, but inconvenient because special tanks are needed for storing fuel.

To apply the water heating schemes, it is necessary to correctly calculate the power of the heating unit.

The standard ratio of 1 kW of the released thermal energy by 10 m² of the area is relevant only for the workshop, which does not exceed 3 meters the ceiling height. If they are higher, then each additional meter is + 10% to boiler power.

Infrared heating shop

The principle of operation of infrared heaters is to heat the surfaces due to the impact of IR cure. If the heating system of the welding shop is designed for point heating of certain zones, it is best to use these devices. Efficient heating of infrared heaters for workshops should be started with the selection of heating elements. Currently, two methods for generating IR radiation are applied.

Carbonic heaters

Its design consists of a flask, inside which is a carbon spiral, and a reflective element. When the current passes through the heating element, it is incanded to the high electrical resistance. As a result, IR emissions are allocated.

For focusing thermal energy, a reflector manufactured from stainless iron or aluminum is provided.

IR Electrical heaters can be applied as an additional heating of the joinery shop. They are mounted above the works zones where stable temperature regime is required. The advantages of electrical infrared heaters include:

  • Simple installation;
  • The ability to regulate the temperature of heating due to the change in the flow of the current power;
  • Small overall dimensions.

However, due to the large power consumption, heating with electrical infrared heaters for shops is rare. Instead, gas models are mounted.

Gas IR Heaters

For production workshops, the gas models of infrared heaters are recommended for the production workshops. Their principle of operation is based on the so-called flameless burning of the gas and air mixture on the ceramic surface. As a result, IR radiation is formed, which focuses the reflector.

For effective heating, ceiling models of heaters are often used by infrared heater heaters. It is important to correctly calculate the height of the attachment and the required power. From these parameters will depend on the size of heating and temperature regime in this part of the workshop.

They are used as a system of heating a welding shop, where comfortable temperatures are needed only to ensure normal conditions to workers. However, when planning such a type of heating, a number of nuances should be taken into account:

  • The infrared heating system for the workshop cannot be applied if the air heating is needed in the entire room. Heaters are designed for local impact;
  • To minimize expenses, it is necessary to use only natural main gas. Liquefied balloon in addition to the additional purchase of metabolic containers uncomfortable periodic connection procedure.

But despite these shortcomings, the use of infrared heating for woodworking shops and other areas of industry remains the optimal option. However, for the installation of gas heating, the shop only needs to hold a number of agreed events with the gas service to get all permits.

How to properly choose a heating system for a particular workshop? It is necessary to take into account its operational parameters, the cost of purchasing equipment and the price of the energy carrier. Remember that the cost of production will depend on the efficiency of heating of any production workshop.

If you need an economical option for organizing the heating of a joinery shop - you can see non-standard methods for heating air using sawdust and wooden chips.

Production facilities, goals, warehouses, due to their spacious sizes and, taking into account the climatic conditions of Russia, often need to solve such an actual issue as optimal heating. Under the word "optimal" implies a suitable for one or another industrial building price / reliability / comfort.

Here we will talk about this in our article.

In general, the creation of the heating scheme of industrial premises is a rather difficult occupation. It is due to the fact that each individual production premises are built under specific technological processes, and has very large sizes and height.

Plus, the equipment that is used in production sometimes complicates the pipe gasket for ventilation or heating. But, despite this, the heating of industrial buildings is an important function, to do without which it is impossible.

And that's why:

  • the well-thought-out heating system provides comfortable working conditions for employees and directly affects their performance;
  • it protects equipment from supercooling, which can cause damage, which in turn will lead to money costs;
  • the warehouses also need to be the appropriate microclimate so that the produced goods retain their original appearance.

Subject to simple, but at the same time a reliable heating system, you will reduce the cost of repairing it and service.
Plus, it will take much less employees to control it.

Selection of the heating system for industrial premises

For the heating of industrial buildings, central heating systems (water or air) are most often used, but in some cases rational use local heaters.

But in any case, choosing a production heating system must be based on the following criteria:

  1. The area and the height of the room;
  2. The amount of heat desired to maintain the optimum temperature;
  3. The ease of heating equipment in maintenance, as well as its suitability for repair.

And now let's try to deal with the positive and negative parties, which are possessed above the types of heating of industrial premises.

Central water heating

The source of thermal resource is a central heating system, or a local boiler room. It consists of water heating from the boiler, (radiators or convectors) and pipeline. The liquid, heated in the boiler, is transmitted to the pipes, while moving the heat of heating devices.

Water heating of industrial buildings can be:

  1. One-tube - here the water temperature regulation is impossible.
  2. Two-pipe - here the temperature control is possible and carried out due to thermostats and parallel to the radiators installed.

As for the central element of the water system (that is, the boiler), then it can be:

  • gas;
  • liquid fuel;
  • solid fuel;
  • electric;
  • combined.

You need to choose from features. For example, if you have the ability to connect to the gas highway - the gas boiler will be a good option. But note that the price of this type of fuel increases every year. Plus, interruptions in the central gas supply system may be happening, which will not benefit the manufacturing enterprise.

Requires a separate safe room and tank for storing fuel. In addition, you will have to regularly replenish fuel reserves, which means taking care of transportation, unloading - additional costs of money, working forces and time.

Solid fuel boilers are hardly suitable for heating industrial premises, except for small ones. Operation and care for a solid fuel unit is a rather time-consuming process (fuel loading, regular cleaning of firebox and chimney from ash).

True, currently there are automated solid fuel models in which you do not need to load fuel with your own hands, for this, a special automatic system of fence has been developed. Also automated models allow you to install the desired temperature.

However, behind the furnace and still it will be necessary to care for. As a fuel, pellets, sawdust, chips, and with manual laying also latterns. At least this type of boilers and implies labor-intensive operation, it is the most inexpensive.

Electric boilers are also not the best option for large industrial enterprises, since the expended electricity is in a decent "penger". But the heating of production induction of 70 sq. Metrov this method is quite acceptable. However, do not forget that in our country, a periodic disconnection of electricity for several hours has been a long-habitual phenomenon.

As for the combined boilers, they can be called truly universal aggregates. If you have chosen a water heating system and desire to obtain efficient and uninterrupted production heating, then look at this option.

At least a combined boiler and stands at times more expensive than previous aggregates, but it gives a unique opportunity - it is practically not dependent on external problems (interruptions in a centralized heating system, gas supply and power supply). Such aggregates are equipped with two or more burners for various types of fuel.

Mounted burners are the main parameter for dividing the combined boilers to the subgroups:

  • Gas-wood heating boiler - You can not be afraid of gas supply interruptions and price increases;
  • Gas-diesel - ensure high heating capacity and comfort in the room of a large area;
  • Gas diesel-firewood - has advanced functionality, but it has to pay less efficiency and low power;
  • Gas diesel-electricity - a very effective option;
  • Gas diesel-firewood-electricity - Improved aggregate. It can be said, provides complete independence from possible external problems.

With boilers, everything is clear, now let's see whether water heating is suitable for the production criteria that we marked initially. It is right here to say that the heat capacity of water, compared with the heat capacity of the same air, more than several thousand times (with normal air temperature indicators (70 ° C) and water (80 ° C) in the heating system).

In this case, the water consumption for the same room will be thousands of races less than air flow. And this means that less connecting communications will be required, which, without fail, is a big plus, considering the design of industrial premises.

The heating water system allows you to control the temperature: so, for example, it is possible to install the production on duty heating (+ 10 ° C), and during the working time to set a more comfortable temperature.

Air heating

This species is the very first artificial heating of premises. So air heating systems confirm their effectiveness for quite a long time and should be noted, use in constant demand.

All this thanks to the following positive parties:

  • Air heating involves the absence of radiators and pipes, instead of which air ducts are installed.
  • Air heating shows a higher level of efficiency compared to the same water heating system.
  • Air in this case heats up uniformly, throughout the volume and height of the room.
  • The air heating system can be combined with the supply ventilation and air conditioning system, which allows to obtain clean air instead of heated.
  • It is impossible not to mention the regular shift and air purification, which has a beneficial effect on the well-being and performance of employees.

In order to save funds, it is better to choose a combined air production heating, which consists of natural and mechanical aircraft. What does it mean?

Under the word "natural" implies a fence of warm air from the environment (warm air is available everywhere, even when on -20 ° C). Mechanical motivation is when the air duct takes cold air out of the environment, heats it and submits to the room.

For heating a large area, air heating systems of industrial premises are perhaps the most rational option. And in some cases, for example, at chemical enterprises, air heating is the only permitted type of heating.

Infrared heating

How to dig a production room without resorting to traditional ways? With the help of modern infrared heaters. They work according to the following principle: emitters produce radiant energy over a heated area and transmit heat to objects from which air is heated.

Information! The functionality of infrared heaters can be compared with the Sun, which also with the help of infrared waves heats the ground surface, and as a result of heat exchange from the surface, air is heated.

This principle of operation eliminates the accumulation of heated air under the ceiling and, as a result, large temperature differences, which is very attractive for heating industrial enterprises, since most of them have high ceilings.

IR heaters are divided into the following types of installation:

  • ceiling;
  • outdoor;
  • wall;
  • portable outdoor.

By type of radiated waves:

  • shortwave;
  • middle-wave or light (their operating temperature is 800 ° C, so during operation they emit soft light);
  • long-wave or dark (they do not emit light even at their operating temperature 300-400 ° C).

By type of energy consumed:

  • electrical;
  • gas;
  • diesel.

Gas and diesel infrared systems are more beneficial and their efficiency is 85-92%. However, they burn oxygen and change moisture in the air.

By type of heating element:

  • Halogen - the only drawback is that when a falling or strong impact, a vacuum tube can crash;
  • Carbonic - The main heating element is made of carbon fiber and placed in a glass tube. The largest plus compared to the rest of IR devices is less energy consumption (2.5 times). When falling or strong impact it is possible to break the quartz tube.
  • TEN;
  • Ceramic - The heating element is made of ceramic tiles collected in one reflector.
    The principle of operation consists in the flameless combustion of the gas-air mixture inside the ceramic tile, as a result of which it heats up and transfers heat to surrounding surfaces, subjects, people.

IR heaters are most often used for heating:

  • industrial premises;
  • trade and sports facilities;
  • warehouses;
  • workshops;
  • plants;
  • greenhouses, Orangers;
  • livestock farms;
  • private and apartment buildings.

Pluses of infrared heating:

  1. First of all, it should be noted that IR heaters are the only form of devices that allow zonal or point heating. Thus, in different parts of the production premises, a different temperature mode can be maintained. Zonal heating can be used to heat jobs, parts on the conveyor, engines in the car, young on animal farms, etc.
  2. As mentioned above, IR heaters heat the surfaces, objects and people, but do not affect air itself. It turns out that the circulation of the air masses is absent, and therefore there is no loss of heat and drafts and, as a result, less than colds and allergic reactions.
  3. The small inertia of infrared heaters allows you to feel the effect of their action immediately after starting, without prior heating of the room.
  4. Infrared heating is very economical, which is due to high efficiency and low electricity consumption (up to 45% less energy than with traditional methods). Probably, it is not necessary to explain that this significantly reduces the financial costs of the enterprise and quickly pays off all funds invested in infrared heating.
  5. IR Heaters are durable, have a low weight, take up little space, they are easy to install (detailed installation instructions are attached to each product) and they practically do not require maintenance during operation.
  6. Infrared heaters are the only type of heating devices, with which it is possible to carry out efficient local heating (that is, without resorting to centralized heating systems).


Finally, I would like to suggest familiarizing yourself with the photo table, where the specific heating characteristic of production buildings is indicated.

We reviewed the main types of heating of industrial premises. What will be the most optimal in your case - to solve only you. And we hope that this article has become useful for you. For more information on this topic, you will find in a specially selected video material.

Air heating is a way of heating rooms without the participation of the coolant. The implementation of this method of heating is possible both using direct methods (thermal gun, fan heater, buinlady furnace) and with the help of traditional (, electrocotels, etc.).

Heating with direct sources of heat relevant for small industrial premises with one room, and heating with traditional heat sources - for rooms with several rooms. Air circulation pump applies to injected air.

For large objects, such a way as air heating of industrial premises is one of the most economical and efficient methods of heating.

The calculation of air heating depends on the type of the selected heating scheme and the accounting of some nuances, but the rest differs little from the methods of calculation in the organization of other heating systems.

Schemes of air heating systems

Depending on where the heat source is located, the possible air schemes are divided into two types:

  • Central system
  • Local system.

Local heating scheme

When the area of \u200b\u200bthe heating system extends to just one room, in which the heat center itself is located, the scheme is called the local airborne heating scheme of industrial premises. Calculation and selection of the scheme are made depending on the specifics of the production facility, accounting for a number of operational requirements.

Central heating scheme

Another name of this scheme is channel. Its meaning is that the air heats up to the desired temperature in the thermal center, and then fed to the room through the air ducts. The heat installation can be placed both inside the building and outside.

Built according to the central type, in turn are recycling, direct-flow, partially recycling.

Recycling system. Requires relatively small initial spending, operating costs are also small.

It is used in the premises where air circulation is allowed.

A system with partial recirculation. It is a more flexible system, is implemented due to the mechanical motion of air movement. It is capable of working in different modes: with partial air replacement or complete. It can work in combination with ventilation installations.

Direction system. The use of such a system is relevant for rooms in which explosive substances are distinguished, toxic or fire hazard - in cases where the ingress of these substances in other rooms are unacceptable.

Advantages and disadvantages of air systems

Air heating of industrial premises is the optimal way of heating large spaces, due to the fact that:

  • It has a greater heating rate. If we are talking about water heating of industrial premises, then only the yield of water to radiators and its heating to an acceptable temperature takes at least 3-4 hours. In the case of air heating, the heating of the room occurs very quickly - on average after 20 minutes from the launch of the air heating system.
  • Low cost of equipment and materials. At its cost, they differ little from similar water devices, but the wiring cost is costing the owners of the premises in tens of times cheaper. It is explained by the fact that when organizing the heating system, it does not require the use of expensive radiators of heating, pipes, cranes and fittings. For wiring enough aluminum sleeves and ventilation grids, the cost of which is ten times lower.
  • Immunity to low temperatures. The heating system is not scary to freeze in case of forced shutdown, so industrial premises can be turned off without fear of defrosting pipes and heating batteries.
  • The organization of air heating is often produced with ventilation and air conditioning systems.
  • Easy to start the system. To start air heating, there is no need for a tedious adjustment of the devices, since balancing occurs once when you first start. In the future, the issue of the batteries of the air masses is solved automatically.

Despite the abundance of advantages, the system has some drawbacks.

Here it should be said about the noise of the system, the occurrence of drafts and the need to use air ducts with a large diameter, to hide which under the ceiling is often economically inappropriate.

Air heating calculation

Before starting installation work, a number of important issues are required. In particular, air heating of industrial premises, the calculation for which is required to produce, is carried out depending on:

  • volume heat loss in each individual room;
  • material walls of the building and their thickness;
  • the number of windows and their area;
  • type and power of the heating device;
  • the number of people who will work in a heated room;
  • additional sources of heat;
  • required amount of heated air;
  • cross sections of air ducts;
  • possible pressure losses in the system.

As a result of the analysis of these parameters, possible heat loss in kilowatts and the demand for thermal energy for air heating of industrial premises are found. Calculation with this data is simple: you need to compensate for the calculated thermal energy loss with additional production.

As a rule, for every 10 m2, about 700 W thermal energy is required. If the heat loss exceeds the average values, then this figure can reach 1 kW for every 10 m2.

At the same time, for premises located in the northern regions, the calculation is carried out with an increased coefficient of 1.5-2.0.

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