The dimensions of the inlet metal doors with the box are existing standards and measurement options. Standard input door sizes What sizes of input metal doors

Dwelling depends on many factors. One of the main elements guarding the property of the owners of the house is the input metal doors. The sizes with the box should be performed correctly to acquire a suitable product in the store. In order not to guess with the choice, you should familiarize yourself with standard and non-standard sizes. The functionality of the product will depend on the correctness of the size of the dimensions.

Components and materials of the entrance door

The reliability of the structure depends on the type of material, structural elements, as well as the blesshood of the manufacturer. Input metal with a box of which should be performed correctly before purchasing, have mandatory elements. These include:

  • canvas;
  • door frame;
  • framing;
  • strengthening;
  • sealing material;
  • platbands;
  • additional elements (lock, handle, eye).

The size of the inlet metal doors with the box largely depends on the type of material from which they are made.

For example, armored models are made of a thick corner. Its thickness is usually 50-60 mm. Such products will be thicker than the doors from the profiled pipe.

Standard sizes with a box depend on the type of internal filler. It can be made in the form of 4-6 ribs that give the stiffness of the structure. Also, the standard size of the metal inlet door depends on the type of internal insulation and sound insulation.

How do you choose the entrance door

To date, there are many standards that determine the size of the opening for the input metal doors. Therefore, for each type of dwelling, the desired model is selected individually.

If things are easier with conventional "Khrushchev" and "Brezhnev", then new high-rise buildings, like private houses, are built by various technologies.

Therefore, it is quite difficult to correctly determine the standard dimensions of the inlet metal doors with a box. It all depends on where the design is required. Standards in the present conditions adhere to almost unreal. In a private house, mount the inlet metal door is simpler, since the size of the opening can be adjusted without prejudice to all floors. In high-rise buildings, the load on the walls is much larger. Therefore, violating their integrity is extremely undesirable.

Standard dimensions

The standard dimensions of the input metal doors are determined according to the requirements of SNiP and GOST 6629-88.

Typically, the ratio of structural elements has the following ratio.

  • The height of the opening 207-210 cm, the width 88-96 cm implies the use of the size of the unit 205x86 cm.
  • If at the same height width is 98-106 cm, then the design has dimensions of 205x96 cm.
  • Input metal which are in the range of 297-210x90-98 cm, will be equal to 205x88 cm.
  • Selecting the size of the input metal door under the opening of 100-108 cm wide, the product dimensions must be 205x98 cm.

Such indicators are considered standard for such structures, so they can be used as a basis for calculations.

Standard models

Door manufacturers according to standard dimensions produce models of a specific type.

"Standard" is a basic economical model, the coating of which mimics woods.

"Elite" is the dimensions of which are calculated according to its type of construction. The loops are hidden, and the body is made of compacted metal.

"Platinum" refers to elite varieties of structures that have hardened materials and protective systems of locks.

The inlet metal sealing door "VIP", the dimensions of which must be taken into account during the calculations, has a reinforced battle system and the "Interactive" cylinder.

"Stained glass", "Grandistle" and other similar varieties have a glazing of a metal door.

"Arch" has a form and size of the opening under the inlet metal door in the form of a semicircle.

There are other varieties of designs.

Rules of measurement

To buy a suitable opening of the opening of the street inlet doors from the metal, you should correctly measure their length and width. There is a special technique, how to correctly perform similar actions.

All measurements should be made from the base of the wall. Therefore, if the platbands from the old construction have not yet been dismantled, they should be removed. They occupy some square.

Next, with the help of a centimeter, the length and width of the opening are measured and the testimony with standard sizes is checked. If necessary, spend adjustment. However, it should be noted that not all products meet the standards of SNiP and GOST. For example, the size of the input metal door of Chinese producers may differ from domestic standards. Therefore, adjust the opening follows after purchasing the door.

When measurements, it is necessary to clean the grounds so that in the installation process, due to the creaked plaster, it was not necessary to buy the door of another size.

The doors of metal entrance street insulated, the dimensions of which are calculated based on the type of material, need to be smooth walls of the base. Therefore, measuring the opening with a level, determine how smooth it is.

Accounting door box

Previously, the sale of metal entrance doors was produced without a box. The buyer was offered to acquire separately cloth and platbands.

Today, the production technology of structures involves a joint, inseparable sale of such products as a box and doors inequate metal. The dimensions whose standard is used in our country, take into account this nuance.

Dimensions of the box is important to take into account the owner of their own homes. In ordinary high-rise buildings, the input metal of which have quite often standard dimensions, do not imply a wide variety of structures.

In a private house, the entrance door can be a double, one and a half, arched type, have stained glass windows and other design varieties. Therefore, non-standard sizes are often used for such products. The box and canvas of the door are chosen then individually.

The thickness of the door

Solving the question of which dimensions of the input metal doors are best suited to the existing impact, attention should be paid to the thickness of the walls. This is a very important indicator as the length and width.

Quite often, the thickness of the walls does not match the door frame and the blade. In this case, the size of the opening is corrected using slopes and platbands. They will also be able to additionally insulate the dwelling from drafts and noise.

The inconsistency of the thickness of the opening and the entrance door can lead to an incomplete opening of the structure. The door will hit the protruding end.

Nuances when determining the size

Select the front door with the box follows smaller than the opening. You can find the width of the canvas and add 70 mm. This will make it possible to make the right choice.

For domestic manufacturers, the width of the canvase begins with a size of 60 cm. Next, it increases by 10 cm to the width of 90 cm. The most popular value is 80 cm. In this case, the opening should be 87 cm wide. The height reaches 210 cm.

Some other standards have Chinese doors metal entrance. The dimensions of such products sometimes differ from our GOST. This should be considered when buying such products.

If the opening has the parameters that do not correspond to standards, there is an opportunity to make the door under the order. Such a product will be more expensive than the usual options.

Non-standard sizes

There are both multi-storey and private houses built on a foreign project. The parameters of the openings of such buildings may differ from typical. Input metal doors, the sizes with a box of which do not correspond to the GOST, are also found in non-compliance with the rules and standards for the construction of country cottages, country houses.

To install such structures, you will have to make the door under the order or adjust the value of the opening.

Non-standard models at the request of the client can make with high levels of strength or fire safety.

Under the order you can also perform original design solutions.

After reading the standards that are designed for the input structures, you can correctly select the product dimensions. The measurement process should be approached as responsibly. From this depends on the success of the installation of such an element of the housing, as the input metal doors. Dimensions with a box of standard dimensions should be chosen, based on the width, height and thickness of the opening. The functionality and durability of the entire design depends on this.

To correctly install the door in the house, you first need to calculate its dimensions. It should be noted that the standard dimensions of the doorways are clearly regulated by GOST and SNiP. This approach avoids confusion when designing private houses and multi-storey buildings. In this case, the parameters of the input and interior canvases are chosen on the basis of the convenience and intensity of their operation.

Of course, during the construction of the House of Standards, it is possible not to adhere to, as they are rather advisory in nature than mandatory. However, compliance with the approved sizes has its advantages:

  1. Big choice. Almost all manufacturers produce standardized dimensions. Therefore, you can easily choose the best door for a specific case.
  2. Budget savings. Buying a non-standard web will cost you 30-50% more expensive, because individual order provides additional labor in the manufacture of the product.
  3. Easy installation. The closer the size of the doorway to the standard, the easier it will close the mounting seams.

Standard dimensions of interroom doors and openings

Well, if the openings for internal and entrance doors have standard dimensions, since in this case the installation works will not be taken from you much time and strength. If the place to install the neotype door box, then from the current situation you can go in two ways:

  • make an individual order, significantly increasing the cost of the structure;
  • cut the size for the available GOSTs.

In the second case, you will need to either expand the hole in the wall, which is not always possible due to the specific design of the apartment, or break your head than and how to close the doorway so that it is both reliable and attractive.

The dimensions of interroom and entrance doors consist of two parameters: dimensions of the opening and the door canvase itself. At the same time, the standards from domestic and foreign companies are different. Although these differences are small, however, they can significantly complicate the installation of doors. Most domestic companies in the production of single-home interroom doors are guided by the following standards: The height of the web is 200 or 230 cm, the width is 80 or 90 cm, the thickness of the box is 7.5 cm. In this case, the size of the opening in length and width should be greater than 5-10 See, which is due to the presence of wooden or metal and mounting seams.

If the width of the opening is 110 cm or more, the door is recommended to do a double-minded, which one part will be movable, and the second is deaf.

The standard width of such structures is (in cm):

  • 30+80;
  • 40+80;
  • 50+90;
  • 90+90.

Bivalve products are often installed in cabinets, mansions and cottages. For strength, they are not inferior to a single-holder, of course, if purchased from proven manufacturers.

The dimensions of the door canvase also depend on where it will be set:

  • for bathrooms in small apartments, 55 cm wide width are usually used;
  • for kitchens - 70 cm;
  • for bedrooms and children's rooms - 80 or 90 cm.

The thickness of the interior construction is of no less meaning than height and width, since sound insulation and strength of the web directly depend on it. The thickness of the door may be the next (in mm):

  • standard - 35-40;
  • hinged - 20-40;
  • from a wooden array with a sample in 1/4 - 35-45;
  • clean wood - 45-55.

Sizes of entrance doors

Such a concept as the standard size of the input opening, every year loses its relevance. This applies to private homes, in the construction of which the standardization is increasingly goes to the background.

  • if an ordinary wooden product is mounted, the dimensions will be 204x82.5 cm;
  • for metal structures - 205x86 (96) cm;
  • for bivalve products - 200 (205) x160 cm.

How to calculate doors sizes yourself?

Before you go to the store and buy an inlet or interroom door, you need to calculate its dimensions: width, height and thickness. If you have a doorway, then everything is quite simple. To calculate the width of the future canvase, you first need at least three points (from below, in the middle and on top) to measure the width of the opening. After that, mounting seams are taken from the smallest value (10 mm on each side), the luttch width and the slot between the mole itself and the jamb (about 5 mm). The height of the doorway is considered similarly.

To calculate the thickness of the box, you will need to measure the wall thickness at three points, after which it is from the resulting results to choose the highest value.

Today, almost all firms engaged in the production of entrance and interior doors are trying to standardize the dimensions of their products according to the established standards. It must be taken into account when building a private house, since a properly planned building will allow you to establish standard web, thereby saving a significant amount of money on an individual order.

Install the metal door in a country house or apartment is a great idea, because the product will ensure reliable protection of the room not only from thieves, but also from cold, extraneous noise, draft. To buy a product, you need to choose it, based on the size of the opening of the inlet metal door. Measurements must be carried out carefully. It is easy to make on your own, having a roulette at hand. And you can call the measurer from the company that is engaged in installing doors. Next, consider which the size of the inlet metal doors come, and how to correctly calculate all the parameters of the input structure.

The product has several parameters that should be considered when buying and installing. These include geometric sizes and weight of the canvas. The mass of the sash, in turn, depends on the width and height, as well as the thickness of the metal sheets.

Typically, the weight of the inlet metal doors of standard sizes is 70-80 kg. If the products are too light, it has a weighing of 50 kg or less, then it is not worth buying it. This canvas does not differ in strength, it can be easily opened.

For the manufacture of doors, two types of metals are used: aluminum or steel. The first is easier, and the second is stronger. Also, when choosing products, it is worth considering the purpose of the input system, its type, design features.

The door includes:

  1. Box It is performed in the form of the letter P, if necessary, complementing the threshold. Made from metal corner. Metal door thickness is usually 80-90 mm.
  2. Sash. It is made in the form of a canvas, represents the wedded sheets of metal.
  3. Stiffening rib. They protect the design from pumping, twisting and other deformation. May be transverse or longitudinal, often both species are combined.
  4. Internal and exterior trim (wood plates, MDF or plastic panels, paint, artificial leather).
  5. Insulation. It can be located inside the canvas or outside under the finishing material, for example, dermatitin.

In addition, the kit comes all accessories. It includes loops, locks and other locking mechanisms (valves), eyes, closers, handles, rubber seals.

If necessary, mount the door in the country house, before purchasing it it is worth thinking about the arrangement of the visor. It is better to order it immediately. This simple adaptation will protect the canvas from precipitation and direct sunlight, thereby reducing the burnout.

How to make measurements yourself?

To choose a metal door in the store or order it on the Internet, you should, first, calculate the size of the inlet metal doors with the box. It is necessary to approach this issue very responsibly. If there is a plan to the apartment, then the sizes of all openings on it are indicated. However, it is better to double them with your own hands in reality. After all, with time, any designs give shrinkage.

The process of determining the size of the iron door with a box:

  1. First you need to take a ruler or roulette. It is easier to work with a tape measure, more convenient, it allows you to measure large values, especially for the height of the opening.
  2. The old door must be removed, be sure to remove the threshold. It will not be superfluous with the help of the level to check the curvature of the opening. If the skew is significant, then to start you need to align it. Otherwise, the new product will not function normally, it will be braid, and the locks will be bad.
  3. To obtain the width of the door, you need to measure the distance between the verticals. All parameters are recorded in millimeters. Measurements need to be done several times in height, better 3-4 times, choose the minimum value. It is important to remember that the width of the opening is not a width of the sash, because the box is still installed in the passage. Here is between its verticals and it is necessary to measure measurements.
  4. Similarly, 3-4 times are measured between the upper and lower level. Record the smallest height value.
  5. Measurements should be accurate. After all, if the product is less than the opening, you will have to think how to fill it. When the cloth is more, you will have to expand the passage. Anyway, errors cause a lot of inconveniences and problems.

Door canvas can have standard sizes or non-standard. In the first case, the choice of models is quite large. The standard sizes of iron entrance doors are usually found in apartments, since most of them are built according to typical projects. In the second case, it will have to order the manufacture of sash according to individual parameters.

Non-standard dimensions are more characteristic of country houses, non-residential premises. Their manufacture will cost more than typical products.

Also, when performing measurements, it is necessary to consider in which direction the sash will open. If it is outside, then in an apartment building, it should not be off the passage on the stairs, entrance to neighboring rooms and so on. That is, it is necessary to pay attention to the convenience of using the design.

Standard dimensions

According to GOST, the standard dimensions of the input metal doors may be such:

  • the width of the doorway can vary from 70 to 1540 mm;
  • the height should be 2055-2060 mm, here the difference is not so big.
  • the thickness of the canvas is required to be 75 mm.

The width of the opening is considered to be the most successful between 900 mm to 1000 mm. The height in most cases is accepted in 2 meters. Most often, that products that are found in stores has a width of 800-900 mm. According to the standard, the box sizes must be greater than 6-7 cm. The block parameters in this case will be 870 mm and 970 mm, respectively, and its height is 2070 mm. The deviation should not exceed 10 mm, as a last resort - 15 mm.

In addition to these characteristics, it is impossible to forget that for the threshold is needed a height from 25 mm to 45 mm. Higher do not shut up so that people in a wheelchair can overcome the barrier or baby carriage, it was easy to put it easily or take off home. And to install a box, the size of the opening for the metal door should be greater than the box per 1-2 cm. These gaps after installation are bleed foam.

Single and bivalve models

The height of the structures may vary from 2 meters to 2.3 m. In some cases, there are framugs in the upper part of the opening. It is typical for a private house where the size of the opening for the input iron doors is too large. They do not have to be rectangular. Beautifully looks in the country house Arched shape with stained glass glazed.

As for the width, it differs for different types:

  1. Single designs are equipped with one web. It can be narrow in 600 mm or 650 mm wide. Such models are mounted in typical rooms, technical, warehouse. Standard canvases are more common.
  2. Bivalves may have both workers full of or only one, they are also called one-hour. They have one part, narrower, closes tightly and opens only if necessary. The width of the one-and-and-half doors is 1200 mm with a working part of 800 mm, as well as 1400 mm with the dimensions of the working facility of 800 mm or 900 mm.
  3. In bivalve doors, both canvases of the same size are equally functional. Each sash will be 600, 800 or 900 mm wide.

Thickness of doors

Metal doors can be made simply from a metal sheet (cold version) or in the form of a frame with a heatel inside. Applied sheets with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm. Ligger is unable to provide structural strength, protection against hacking. Sometimes it is increased to 3 mm. Topic metal does not use to significantly not increase the mass of the door. Exception - bulletproof products, fire-fighting, they require reinforced loops withsting the corresponding weight.

The thickness of the canvas in the manufacture of ordinary, standard insulated cloths is from 60 mm to 80 mm. If the strengthened class products, then this indicator will start from 80 mm and reach 100 mm.

This parameter affects:

  1. Sealer, its size. This is an outline of rubber, which is located around the perimeter of the canvas. The sealer provides a stronger fit of the sash, as well as the tightness of the structure. 2 either 3 contours are mounted on the door, then the total thickness of the door will be 80 mm.
  2. Insulation. Through the door out of the room takes up to 25% heat. Multiple layers of the insulation, their quantity and density of the material determine the thickness of the sash.

Strengthening the door, the increase in its thickness should not be thoughtless. The maximum weight of the design may not exceed 200 kg.

Norms of other countries

In the EU countries, there are their standards of the size of the input metal doors, called DIN. For the manufacture of metal doors, pretty light steel is more often used.

In different countries, the concept of "standard size" may differ:

  1. Products from Spain are produced by a width of 600-1000 mm.
  2. France canvas have another width: 690-990 mm.

Therefore, when installing imported products in the domestic opening, it will have to remake it substantially (increase or decrease), depending on the size of steel doors with a box. Also, various brands have a completely different period of warranty on the product, it is worth paying attention to the purchase of goods.

Most doors models that are manufactured in China coincide in size with our gostas. But their execution is not always "at the height."

To install the metal door with the installation, it is necessary to correctly calculate the size of the metal door with the box: height, width, depth. If you plan to order the goods along with the installation, it is easier to entrust this thing to the measurer. With independent purchase and installation, you can make all the measurements with your own hands using a roulette.

Determining the most appropriate door size to enter the dwelling, it is necessary to take into account a number of indicators. This is not only height, width and thickness of the door canvase. It is also necessary to take into account the size of the box and link all the indicators with the valid GOST stands. To better deal with this task, you should consider selecting the door block in more detail.

The most popular today are metal entrance doors with various interior trim

Types of entrance doors

The size of the input door is most often allocated among other passes, as it has the greatest width. In addition, a huge number of versions of the design of such a design are available, which also expands the horizons. Today, entrance doors to the house are made from various materials. The most popular are: wood, MDF and, of course, metal.

The dimensions of the metal door do not differ from the wooden. For all types of materials, the same requirements are valid for selection. It is important to take into account other factors, one of which is the type of design.

You can select the following varieties of entrance doors:

  • Single. This is a standard model that is a single canvas inserted into the frame. By width, such doors are not recommended to do more than 100-110 cm. To turn a boring option in a stylish addition to the interior by selecting an unusual design and change the size of the opening within the provisions of GOST.
  • Bivalve. Basically, in this way, the entrance to the private house is made. The height may remain standard, and the width of the opening increases by one and a half or twice. It looks status, but requires more free space on both sides of the house. Alternatively, one can adopt one-and-a-half doors. In them, the width of the canvas is not the same, one of them remains fixed and serves only a small insert.
  • With Framuga. In this case, the height of the door block increases. In this case, the size of the web can remain standard, because the upper part of the design is attached as an independent element. Basically, glass inserts are used, which not only give decorativeness, but ensure the passage of light, which expands the space and visually facilitates the massive door.

Varieties of entrance doors depending on the design

Standard parameters

Regardless of the type of construction, there are standard dimensions of the doors installed by GOST. The following indicators are considered as the main parameters:

  • Height. The height of the opening for the standard door is set ranging from 2070 mm to 2370 mm. The specific value is determined by the ratio to the overall height of the ceiling and the width of the door canvase.
  • Width. The width of the opening for the entrance door should be at least 900-910 mm. Options are also allowed such as 1010 mm for single-holder, 1310, 1510 and 1550 mm for one-hour or 1910 and 1950 mm for double structures.
  • Thickness. This indicator, as the thickness of the material of the door canvase, does not have strict regulation. Basically it depends on the specific type of product. Nevertheless, the thickness should be sufficient to ensure the full performance of the function of the inlet door. In general, the thickness of the entrance door canvase is the most significant among all such designs in the house. For metal models, the thickness of the sheet is important, it must be at least 2 mm. Otherwise, the thickness of the canvas is selected under the thickness of the walls and the width of the box.

The main parameters of the door width and opening

For the input design, the standard dimensions of the door with the box are made in large than for interior models. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to ensure the free passage of people into the house both alone and with cargo.

Non-standard solutions

Modern house is distinguished by unusual design solutions. Today, GOST standards gradually depart into the background. The larger importance is to follow the recommendations of SNiP, but in private construction and they are not always taken into account. That is why the dimensions of the door at the entrance to the house may vary the most incredible way.

In order not to violate the design standards, the width and height of the openings are coordinated with standard indicators. There is no need to accurately comply with specific numbers. The house is drawn up with stylish structures, and their width, height and thickness are determined directly by measurements at the construction site.

Inlet metal or wooden doors may have dimensions in the range of 900-2000 mm wide and 2000-2400 mm in height. Further expansion of parameters is not appropriate. The exception can be a house that performs the functions of the public institution or in size surpasses standard buildings.

Modern solutions of entrance doors do not always coincide with standard standards

Selection of box and canvas

When ordering metal or other entrance doors, it is important to consider the standard ratio of the dimensions of the door leaf with a box. The box is selected in such a way that it can be easily accommodated in the opening. It is important to leave small gaps so that the design can be set strictly vertically and horizontally and to fit. That is why it is best to produce measurements on the already cleaned opening. However, as it is about entering the house, this option is extremely rare.

If the box and the canvas come in the kit - this is the perfect option. But with a separate acquisition it is important to choose the perfect dimensions of the door leaf under the doorway. Naturally, it will be smaller than the opening itself, since the box will take part of the space. The rest requires the presence of gaps of several millimeters along the edges so that the door moves without difficulty. Do not forget about the presence of a threshold that is a mandatory element at the entrance to the house.

Constructive features of the box and the linen of the entrance door

The entrance door of your house should not just be kind and look beautiful. Its main function is to provide protection and reliability. Therefore, it is worth choosing and installing it, remembering good quality, correctly calculating all sizes.

Installation Diagram of the input door under a semicircular platband with a doorway finish by fair elements and a platband

However, there are standard and non-standard products. And it is worth considering individually. The height and width for the house and other residential premises converge to more or less well-established standard sizes.

As for the rest of the premises, then there is no clear systematization. After all, there is a huge variety of variations of doorways in retail outlets, offices, industrial premises, etc. It will take an individual approach to this issue.

Height and width (generally accepted standards)

Standard openings for the entrance doors are customary to determine the standards that are laid in design and construction.

Among them are multiple sizes. They are classified in the style of the building, its type, the time period, when it was built, and for other factors. Each modern typical impact corresponds to the historical size.

Doors of different manufacturers

Standard dimensions of doors and doorways.

Each manufacturer's country gives its product size:

  1. French doors have a standard width of 690, 790, 890 mm (these are single-board or single doors). Onespores reach 1330 mm, and bivalve - 1530 mm. Their standard of height is 2080 mm.
  2. Spain supplies doors for a house height in 2000-2030 mm. Their width, if we talk about one-board products, is 600, 700, 800, 900 and 1000 mm. The standard for double-span ranges between 1200 and 1400 mm.
  3. For Russia, there are also certain standards. Single products should be height from 2000 to 2100 mm, width of 800, 850 and 900 mm.

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Do not forget to take into account the fact that their complete set can be completely different. Russian boxes can go with the Spanish door, and French - from the Russian.

Not all adhere to standards when planning and construction. Therefore, it is worth carefully to do all the necessary measurements and calculations before buying doors to the house. The opening itself can be expanded and narrowing to the size you need (with the appropriate need). If he is too wide, then the best way out will be the choice of a double door. There is always an order option for the manufacture of the product according to your sizes.

Calculation systems in construction

Key doors.

Modern construction in its measurements and calculations is used by the metric system. She came to replace the English system of measures and scales. Previously, adhering to the standards of this system, the standard of height and width was measured in feet and inches. For the width, there was a range from 2 feet 3 inches to 2 feet and 9 inches. Translated to centimeters it turns out 68-84 cm. The height should have been 6 feet of 6 inches or 6 feet of 8 inches. In centimeters it is 198.1 cm or 203.3 cm.

The following standards exist in modern rules (SNU):

  1. For the magnitude of the openings of houses and other residential premises, there are such numbers: 2170x70 mm and 2419x1910 mm.
  2. The opening at the entrance to the apartment should be at least 910 mm.
  3. Given all the gaps and thickness of the box for ordinary products there is a standard size in 2040x826 mm, and for bivalves - 2000x2050x1600 mm.
  4. Special attention should be paid to the size of the metal door. They directly depend on what thickness is your door box. And the one, in turn, directly depends on the size of the wall. Brick walls, as well as walls of wooden bars, different thickness and different requirements for the size and box of the door themselves. Take all this when you choose their home.