Mesh in a water crane. Aerator on a plumbing mixer or how to save water

A fairly common proposal that is found on the Internet is the purchase of a crane aerator in order to establish it at home and significantly reduce the cost of water. The device is highly popular and has a relatively low price. Aerators are an integral part of various systems. Consider the features of the version of the version, which is suitable for the crane of the water supply system.

Why make installation of water aerator?

Many modern mixers have a special tip at the end, which is a water aerator. What is it turning on in the design? Many versators argue that this structural element is needed to reduce water consumption. This happens due to mixing the jet of water with liquid. Some studies have indicated that every minute with standard pressure in the plumbing takes about 15 liters of water, when installing an aerator about 8 liters of water.

The mixer's aerator is a small device in the form of a filter, intended for mixing water with air and restricting the flow without a decrease in its intensity to the consumer.

At the same time, the pressure is not reduced. In addition, the following features of the design can also be distinguished:

  • The aerator reduces the noise level emanating from the crane at the time of the water drop. This effect is achieved due to the fact that air bubbles act as peculiar pads. Air bubbles are able to soften the drop in water droplets, due to which noise is reduced.
  • When water drops, the amount of splashes is also reduced. This effect is also associated with the fact that air bubbles soften the drop in water.
  • The mesh structure of the design determines that it can act as a coarse filter. Of course, the established norms determine that in drinking water should not contain so large particles, but still such a situation is found quite often. The filter of the cleaning filter also makes it possible to reduce the likelihood of pollution of the ducts with various garbage, which will create a strong pressure in the system.

The above features of the device under consideration can be called its main advantages. Given the low cost and simplicity of the design, it can be said that the installation of the aerator on the crane is beneficial.

Principle of operation of aerator for crane

As previously noted, the construction of aerator is quite simple. In most cases, it is made of the three main parts represented by the case, a small cartridge and seal. We note the moment that it is quite often possible to meet versions of execution that do not have a sealing gasket - it is best to refuse such a aerator.

Installing aurator is the easiest way to save water, by replacing the part of the fluid flowable by air bubbles.

The secret of high efficiency of the aerator is precisely in its cartridge that can be made by different technologies. The main production schemes can be called:

  1. Slitual type of aurator - In this case, the formation of the air-water mixture passes due to the passage of water through the disk with thin slits, after which the flow is crashed into a deflecting disk. As a result, such a complex movement of the aquatic flux occurs its smaller drops, which are best mixed with air. After mixing, the water is passed through a divider, which increases its stability
  2. Disk version of the execution with the reflector. The principle of operation of a similar aerator is somewhat different from the principle of operation of the previous version of the execution. In this case, the water flow using a disk with small slots is separated by small jets, which are then crashed into a small reflector. It is at this stage that water mixing with air occurs. The metal mesh acts as a divider, which stabilizes the flow of water.

Important! As practice shows, both versions of the aerator have high efficiency, which determines their ubiquitous use. Determine what type is installed in the mixer is quite difficult, as both types are similar to each other.

Classification of Aerator Designs for Crane

There is a huge amount of varieties that differ not only by the principle of action, but also by many different indicators. An example is the classification of the type of material used in the manufacture of the housing and the main elements, technical features, overall dimensions and much more.

Aerators are different types of manufacturing material: aluminum, plastic, brass.

Aerators can be divided into the following main groups:

  • Recently, aerators that are made of pressed aluminum are quite largely distributed. However, as practice shows, these structures are the worst choice of all possible. Even with a minor mechanical load, such a case can quickly break. Also, despite the fact that the material in question should not respond to the effects of water, over time it is oxidized. As a result, the situation is developing when the design is not dedicated during installation, but it has increased fragility. As a rule, aerators with extruded aluminum are the cheapest, found in low-cost mixers.
  • Plastic also got quite large distribution, they are difficult to be called durable, but in contrast to the previous version of the performance is easier to remove. However, one should not forget that even a slight mechanical impact will damage the structure. In addition, plastic tips look not attractive. Some options for plastic execution have an unusual coating that mimics aluminum.
  • Brass aerators are rare due to high cost, but this version of execution is the most reliable and practical. The design is not exposed to water, that is, corrosion does not appear on the surface, while it can withstand a significant mechanical impact.

In addition, some manufacturers of aerators began to use stainless steel as the main material in the manufacture. Like brass, stainless steel can be called the most suitable material for the manufacture of aerators for a number of reasons: high strength, corrosion or oxidation appears on the surface.

Classification by installation method

Aerators in appearance are internal and external.

Another important classification can be called the installation method. For this sign, the aerators are divided into two main categories:

  1. The internal installation method provides external thread. In this case, the design is placed in the inner part of the nose. The peculiarities of this version of execution can be called that it does not change the design of the mixer, and therefore fit almost for any occasion. In addition, the structure itself is protected from mechanical exposure, it means you can choose plastic aerators that will cost cheaper.
  2. The outdoor type of installation is of great distribution, the housing has an internal thread, the aerator is screwed onto the spout. Most often, the outer aerators are produced from brass or stainless metal, since these materials are less susceptible to mechanical effects. However, in the case of an outdoor installation, disassembly of the nozzle is significantly simplified, since with an internal installation, for example, an aerator from pressed aluminum after its oxidation is quite difficult to remove.

Determine the type of installation is quite simple at the location of the thread.

Classification of aerators for cranes for the presence of additional functions

In addition, how to dilute water flow by air, some structures can highlight water to give an unusual effect, or redirect water. The turning version has the following features:

  • In some cases, a similar version of the aerator is called flexible.
  • The design is represented by a small flexible ball, which allows you to redirect the water flow in one direction or another.
  • You can also find an embodiment, which is a design with two separate parts interconnected with a hinge. The hinge has a flexible hose that is capable of fixing its position.

The aerator for the backlight mixer has the following genus features:

  • The design has a powerful light source, often represented by diodes.
  • Diodes may have different color.
  • The backlight turns on at the moment when water passes through the nozzle. This moment determines a significant increase in the life of the structure and reduce electricity costs.

The design with backlit creates a fairly interesting effect, since the separated water flow is overflowing and becomes the source of light at night, when the main lighting is not included. However, the inclusion in the design of the element of the backlight becomes a significant increase in its value. Therefore, this kind of aerators are installed only on expensive mixers.

Aerator diodes react to water temperature and change their color accordingly.

What are the shortcomings of the mixer with aerator?

In general, we can say that there is no significant disadvantages of the mixer with a model. The exception can be called the installation of poor-quality design, which will begin to be covered with corrosion or oxidation in this time. Also, the lack of some with an external installation is that they spoil the aesthetic view of the mixer itself. Purely theoretically, the presence in the design of the bombardment becomes the reason for increasing the pressure inside the crane, but it does not appear. Therefore, unambiguous reasons why the aerator should not be installed, no.

Aerator is one of the cause of high pressure inside the crane, which can reduce its service life.

What experts say

You can find a large number of different versions of the performance of aerators, the cost of some is within several tens of rubles. Some are effective, others are not despite the use of the same production technology. The proposal of well-known manufacturers should be selected, since in this case it can be in the resulting result.

When searching for a significant reduction in water consumption, attention should be paid to the aerators. I note that 1 liter of water remains 1 liter of water, but the consumption is reduced at the time of the dishes or the adoption of the soul. The effect is proved by numerous studies.

I bought a backlit aerator, installed, and immediately to the result simply could not turn around. However, as it turned out, in practice, the backlight is not needed, since it is clear when it is clearly visible, and in the dark it does not mean a tap.


Let's sum up

At the beginning it was said that on the Internet you can find a sufficiently large number of proposals for a significant reduction in water costs. As practice shows, the installation of aerator reduces water consumption by about 30%. Given the cost of the nozzle, its installation is justified. It is quite important to carry out the right choice of design, as they are in a very large amount, each species has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Contemporary mixers at the end of the extension installed a special nozzle, which delays large particles that are contained in water. In addition, in addition to cleaning the stream from large contaminants, the filter-nozzle for water crane performs other some functions.

Below we will consider in detail what nozzles are, and what qualities they possess.


Traditional tap nozzles are a cap that is screwed to the tip of the gland. There are several meshes inside it. Such nozzles are called aerators ().

The body of the aerator can be made of different materials, the highest quality products are made of brass. Cheap options can be plastic, these products are less durable.

In addition to the rough water purification, the aerators are performed by a number of other additional functions:

  • Oxygen saturated with oxygen, as a result of which a soft foam jet of dairy color is obtained at the outlet.
  • Provide water savings without reducing pressure. Depending on the product model, savings can reach 70 percent. To make sure that you can throw away, for example, how long the two-liter bank is recruited with a model and without it.
  • Contribute to the weathelation of chlorine from the water.
  • Reduce the noise of falling water.
  • Provide an ordered direction of the jet even with an incomplete opening of the crane.

It should be noted that recently the water-saving nozzles on the crane were improved, resulting in more complex devices with additional functions.

Note! Aerators from time to time must be unscrewed and cleaned from contamination. Since this design is less durable than the mixer, over time, it may require a complete replacement.


So, we reviewed the device and purpose of conventional aerators, however, the following types of nozzles have also been widely distributed:

  • Highlighted aerators;
  • Aerators - sprayers;
  • Filters;
  • Tips on sculpting for children.

All these devices are designed for different purposes, so below we will consider in detail the features of each of them.

Aerators with backlit

This nozzle on the water tap performs primarily aesthetic function, since it highlights the water stream, which in the end looks very beautiful. However, in addition, the product carries some practical benefits, namely, the water temperature reports.

The fact is that depending on the temperature, the color of the backlight is changing:

The backlight lights up automatically, since inside the design there is a small generator, which begins to work when exposed to a jet of water. To establish this device with your own hands as simple as the usual aerator.

Note! The operating temperature of these devices is 60 degrees Celsius, with its significant exceeding the aerator may fail.

Aerator sprayer

The nozzle sprayer on the crane provides the soul mode, which allows you to simply and efficiently carry dishes, vegetables and fruits. For convenience, such products have a hinge compound, so that the device can be directed to the desired side.

This nozzle is usually installed on the kitchen faucet, where it is most in demand. It should be noted that water saving in this case is ensured not only by enhancing the pressure, but also better eliminating pollution, which is less time.

Tip! There is also a flexible spray nozzle. This version of the device is even more comfortable for washing vegetables and fruits.


Unlike conventional aerators, these devices provide waterflow sorption. Compared to jug cartridges, the sorption material of such filters has an increased density, which allows it to effectively capture all sorts of pollution.

It should be noted that many people to these devices are skeptical due to their compactness, however, the most advanced filters - nozzles for cleaning water purification in terms of performance equal to traditional multistage cleaning systems. True, the life of the cassette of such filters is limited to several months.

In addition to the sorption material, the nozzle - the filter on the crane has an ion-exchange mesh material.

As a result, the design is a small flask containing:

  • Ion exchange filter;
  • Grid;
  • Activated carbon cartridge located on a magnetic grid, in other words, it turns out a magnetic carbon filter.

It must be said that the most modern fillers provide the purification of tap water not only from suspended particles and mechanical impurities, but also norovirus and rotaviruses. Water purification speed can be up to one liter per minute.

Note! Instructions for the use of the filters under consideration implies their use for cold water. If hot water was passed through the filter, the device must be rinsed with a cold stream.

It should be noted that filters for a bathroom and a shower can also saturate water by trace elements and vitamins, which are indispensable for the human body.

A few years ago, when you buy a mixer for a kitchen or a bathroom, you can sometimes see the sets with a removable or built-in aerator. Many, considering them by the usual filter, they independently removed this modification from the crane, motivating this by the fact that they already have a built-in filter.

To date, it is quite difficult to acquire any mixer without this additional element, which does not only directly feature (filters and saturates water with oxygen), but also contributes to a significant decrease in water consumption.

Description and features

The mixer's aerator is such a nozzle in the form of a small mesh filter installed on the exhaust. This device allows you to saturate the usual water with air microparticles, that is, aiming it. Often, the aerator is called the "diffuser", because it separates one large stream of fluid, going through the twisting, on a plurality of small pips.

The main details of such a device are:

  • housing (most often made of metal or plastic);
  • filters for additional purification of water from small sera;
  • mixer of water and gas (with the help of holes around the air perimeter is absorbed inside the case);
  • outer grid (for separating the main jet into a plurality of small pips);
  • various bushings and seals (for a sealed connection).

Aerator allows you to create various types of water flow:

  • aerial - bulk soft jet without splashes;
  • laminar - intense crystal clear jet;
  • spray is a lot of miniature pips.


The main function of the aerator for tap water is the saturation of its oxygen microparticles. This not only significantly changes its taste properties for the better, but also contributes to a more rapid weathering of chlorine if the water in the region is chloride. In addition, the jet itself is more gently falling on the bottom of the sink and the items placed in it, which significantly reduces the splashing of the fluid on the surrounding space. If a swivel aerator is installed in the kitchen, then the washing of large kitchen utensils is simplified several times, the flow of water reduces its shock force and is more softly washes the cleaning agents from the washed surface.

Another aerator function for the mixer is water-saving.Although the device itself is not too reliable and it is often necessary to replace (at least once a year), it reduces water consumption in two or more times.

At the same time, the convenience of wash the dishes with such economies does not become lower, and even increases due to higher efficiency of use. A wide jet of dishes is spawned several times faster, which also saves time for homework. The second disadvantage, in addition to frequent replacement, you can call the slow speed of the water set in the container, however, this lack is so insignificant that it can be neglected.

What are there?

The simplest aerator is a small round spray gun with a metal mesh, screwed into the tap spout. To date, such a standard device comes complete with any purchased mixer and, like a bottom valve, will reduce water consumption at least 30 percent. It will last about six months, after which it is necessary to replace a similar or more complex device.

Rotary aerators are also flexible, as they can be rotated in different directions.One of the options for such a device is a special elongated hose tube, which is fixed to the spout. Such a device allows you to recruit liquid even in those containers that are not placed in the sink bowl.

The second option is the aerator in the form of a small can, similar to the shower nozzle. Adjustable in length, it can be moved along the sink area and use in the "Spray" and "jet" mode. By adjusting the tilt of the head of the aerator and the water head, you can achieve the perfect result in each specific situation.

The fluid stream in an interesting backlit device is highlighted depending on its temperature.Cold water (up to 29 degrees) is highlighted in green, warm (from 30 to 38 degrees) - blue, and hot (above 40 degrees) is highlighted in red. It is implemented at the expense of internal thermal sensors that do not require connecting to the power grid. The built-in turbine that feeds the LED lamps is rotated due to the water current when the crane is opened, so this method of saturation of water oxygen is also called ejector.

The backlit devices are especially convenient for families with small children, as they will allow immediately when the flow of fluid is opened at the color of the flow. In addition, bright colors will help attract the child's attention, and swimming will be held in a more relaxed atmosphere. Also, the highlighting aerator is often installed on sensory contactless mixers to immediately see, the water is poured from it.

The vacuum aerator is considered the most economical, it reduces the amount of water used half. The price of such nozzles significantly exceeds the usual, but quickly pays off. The vacuum system compresses the water with a special valve, after which it forms a strong jet, passing through the filter cells under a stronger pressure than the pressure in the central system.

In addition to the design of the device itself, the aerators may differ from the type of nozzles. Disk fixtures are a circular disk nozzle in which small holes for the liquid are located. With their help, the main stream is divided into thin jetings and dishes the reflector (metal grid). The slit aerator satures fluid by air due to breaking the flow of water into separate drops through special clicks in the deviating disk, after which the oxygen-enriched jet dissets the metal mesh filter.

Since the device of any aerator includes various filtering and separating grids, The difference may be due to the type of material from which they are made:

  • Metal.The simplest and cheap items that are characterized by the smallest service life.

  • From polymers. Polymer dividers can be both simple discs similar to metal and complex "tunneling" systems. The plasticity of the material allows you to create not only round aerators, but also rectangular, hexagon and complex form. They are practically not oxidized from contact with water and air, which significantly extends their service life, but simultaneously with this increases their price. In addition, the polymers are most often fragile enough and can break from a small pressure when washing plumbers.
  • From non-ferrous metals.Brass, bronze aerators require large costs in the manufacture, as a result of which they have a sufficiently high price. However, the service life and reliability of the design compensate for their cost.
  • Plastic mesh and pressed aluminum.Both of these variants have many drawbacks: fragile, short-lived, aluminum is strongly oxidized and tightly welded to the inner surface of the pouring pipe, plastic can be deformed at high temperatures. Their only dignity is the low price, however the risks that the choice is so low-quality products are too high.

By the installation method, the inner aerator can be isolated (screwed into the nose) and the outer (screwed onto the nose).


In addition to the differences in design features and materials, the aerators differ in each other with thread sizes. Since its size should correspond to the diameter of the Pipe Pipe, it is very important to correctly select the necessary parameters (for a crane with a diameter of spinning 22 mm will not fit 18 mm threading aerator and vice versa). The diameter of the aerator may vary in the range from 12 to 1200 mm. The height of the device is 14-2000 mm, and the diameter of the air canal is from 20 to 2200 mm. The thread size is indicated by the alphanumeric method (M20, M24, M28, and so on) and is indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer.

Most often use three standard thread diameters: 28/26, 24/22 and 18/16 mm. It follows from this relationship that if an external thread is 28 mm, then the inner crane will be 26 mm. Another important point is to buy an aerator with an external thread for scolding with external threads, respectively. The same is true for the spout with internal thread.

Review manufacturers

The more reliable the manufacturer, the less likelihood of buying a marriage or fake, so when choosing the faucet's nozzles, it is best to choose the companies that lead the rating of the best according to customer reviews.

  • Grohe.The sanitary and technical fittings for the production of Germany is characterized by high quality, wide operational modifications and original design.
  • Jacob Delafon. French nozzles predominantly from the plumbing porcelain are considered elite equipment. High price guarantees a long service life and excellent quality products.

  • Finnish aerators Timo Created using modern technologies from various materials, including both complex polymers and bronze or brass. On products of various shapes, sizes and colors are provided with a five-year warranty card, which speaks of a serious approach to the quality of products.
  • ORAS. Aerators produced in Poland, Finland and Norway with an innovative approach not so long ago came to the domestic market, but they have already firmly occupied the leading position in it. Plumbing accessories of this brand are equipped with automatic and are convenient to use, and the price can compete even by Chinese counterparts.

Depending on the design of the material and the manufacturer's company, the cost of aerators in the construction market ranges from 2 to 10 dollars.

How to choose?

In order to choose a suitable aerator, it is necessary to navigate first of all on the quality of the product and its price. The cheapest, but the least reliable plastic and aluminum nozzles will serve from a pair of months to six months. Slightly more reliable are more expensive metallic and ceramic aerators. However, they are also strongly susceptible to corrosion and their service life leaves much to be desired. The most durable and reliable are the nozzles from brass.

The second, to which you should pay attention is to fasten the tap. The device can be with an outer or internal thread and selected depending on the thread of the mixer itself. The latter, but no less important aspect is the presence of additional functions. In the bathroom, a highlume aerator will look good, and in the kitchen, any hostess will become a flexible device, allowing even the largest saucepan in the sink with comfort.

Is it possible to make yourself?

Knowing the principle of work and the scheme of the device of the purchased aerator, in order to save it, you can try to make it with your own hands. In order to make such a nozzle, it is necessary to have an empty case from any nozzle for a crane and a solid plastic plate. The plastic cuts the gaskets that match the size with the inner diameter of the nozzle.

With the help of a hot needle or acute sewn in such a gasket, a variety of holes are made so that it resembles a fine grid. Finished grids are put in an empty nozzle case instead of conventional filters, and the nozzle is attached to the expulsion. Such an aerator will perform all functions assigned to it, but its service life is significantly lower than the purchase of products, especially with brass grids.

Installation instructions

Installation of the aerator does not represent a special difficulty even for a person who has never encountered this device. In order to establish a new or replace the old aerator, you need to adhere to a specific algorithm.

First you need to remove all the nozzles installed on it earlier from the mixer. Unscrew the housing and remove the old rubber gasket, put on the spout spout. The connection site must be carefully cleaned and flushed, after which it is easy to dry.

In the package with the device, it is necessary to find the seal in the form of a rubber gasket and put it on the crane. If there is no such seal in such a seal, it will have to buy it yourself. It must be of this diameter so that it goes to the mixer. If the diameters of the aerator and the mixer itself are different, then it is necessary to additionally purchase a special adapter and additional gaskets. The adapter material must coincide with the mixer materials and aerator. After the adapter, a rubber gasket is also placed on it.

The aerator is screwed to the mixer (or adapter) with the key or passage. In order not to damage the chrome glossy surface, you can put a piece of fabric, rubber or purchase a special tool in place. The thread should be tightened enough tightly, but the extra efforts do not impose not to disrupt it.

After installation, it is necessary to carry out a tightness test.If water seeps on the joints, then you need to either tighten the thread, or correct the gasket.

In the light of the increase in tariffs for utilities and reduce living standards due to the economic crisis, most people are looking for ways, as which can be saved. And here helpful businessmen offer to buy aerator (special nozzle for a crane), which, according to them, is able to reduce water consumption of 40-50%. Isn't it great to acquire a thing once that will pay off in just 1-2 months in the future, and will continue to save your money? It is with such a slogan marketers call on buy aerators.

A variety of models, as well as the prices impressive. There are absolutely simple nozzles for 400-600 rubles, and rotating either backlit for 1100-1300 rubles. Some online shopping and create colorful selling pages at all, which brightly describe the benefits from buying aurator and invoke to certainly buy the device. True and their prices bite. The same model, which in the usual store plumbing costs 600 rubles, they have at a price of 1,500 rubles, and even higher. But are the aerators really able to reduce water consumption and help save money to pay utility services? Or is it a new marketing move aimed at lesing money from the people's pockets?

What is aurator

The aerator is a special nozzle on the mixer, on the perimeter of which a number of small holes are located. According to sellers, water consumption is reduced by suction air absorption through these holes, which dilutes the water stream.

Internal aerators are available, which screw in the sprinkle of the tap, and the outer, representing the structure that is put on the mixer from above. They are usually made from brass, stainless steel, plastic or extruded aluminum. In addition to simple nozzles, there are also available models with a rotating head or backlit. Such aerators are quite cumbersome and can make problems for those who have a mixer too low above the sink.

It is profitable to buy

Suppose the aerator is really able to save up to 50% of water consumption. Let's see how already on this beautiful phrase "saving water 50%" cheat marketers and consider whether it is really profitable to acquire aerator or you just once again spend money and you can not even beat the cost of the product.

The main consumption of water in the house is shower, bath and plums in the toilet tank. The aerator is intended for installation on a water tap in the bath and in the kitchen. Water from under the tap basically uses mainly to wash, clean your teeth or wash the dishes. Filling with water bath, a kettle or saucepan will not be able to save exactly, as it is necessary exactly the volume. Total water consumption from under the tap compared with the volume that is spent when making a shower or bath, as well as a washout in the toilet, is only a small part - about 10%.

Conduct conditional calculations. On average, about 24 cubes of water leaves for a family of 4 people. Let even go the same amount of cold and hot water, although in practice the majority consumes cold water much more. Approximate water tariffs for Moscow 130 rubles - hot water, 35 rubles - cold, 30 - water disposal (tariffs are approximately indicated, since, depending on the organization and location of the house, tariffs are different. In the price regions even lower). Total is obtained by 130x12 + 35x12 + 30x24 \u003d 1560 + 420 + 720 \u003d 2700 rubles. Total for water that is consumed directly from under the tap, the amount of payment is about 270 rubles. If we assume that the aerator really saves 50% of the water, then the saved amount will amount to only 135 rubles per month. And this is despite the fact that in the family 4 people. But you were promised 50% of savings, where it was understood that the savings would be from the entire amount of payment for utilities on water supply, that is, in our case, 1350 rubles, and not 135.

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Do not forget that the crane in the apartment is at least two (if you do not have two bathrooms) - in the kitchen and in the bathroom. So you need to install 2 aerators. The cost of one nozzle is about 500-600 rubles, if not buying very simple and cheap options that are broken in a month. Total, assuming that the aerators really reduce the flow consumption of 50% of the water, then at costs of 1000-1200 rubles on devices and savings in 135 rubles. Monthly, paid funds will be submitted only after 7-9 months. And considering the harness of the structure and the likelihood of rust appears, they will just have to change by that time.

So the first deception of sellers revealed. They argue that the aerators save 50% of the water, forgetting to clarify that this figure is calculated at all from the entire volume of consumed water, but only from the tenth of it. But okay, if it were their most terrible deception. If the family is large, it would make sense to buy durable and reliable nozzles, which at least in a year already gave at least some savings. But no! The most terrible deception of marketers lies in the fact that the aerators do not save anything!

50% water savings? Alas…

At one time, angry due to the next increase in tariffs for utilities and having heard beautiful promises to save water with the help of aerator, I also bought myself this interesting aircraft with great hopes. I gave about 500 rubles for it in the plumbing store. Install her really was just as the manufacturer promised. On this, all the advantages ended.

Touch the nozzle and hope that it really will save me 50% of the water, I was not enough. Therefore, complete enthusiasm, I decided to check whether the sellers told me or not. My tools for conducting the experiment were two three-liter banks and a timer on the phone. 10 seconds to fill in water cans from under the crane with aerator and without and compare the difference in the volume obtained. Do you think she really am 50%? Whatever! Alas, water in banks was the same amount. The difference was no more than 100 ml, and this is despite the fact that both banks were filled with about 2 liters. The video clearly demonstrated an experiment on checking water consumption with aerator.

We only had to regret buying and spent money. Later, the acquaintance of Plumber explained that the aerator works simply as a water distributor. The same volume of water is poured not one solid jet, but through several holes. The water pressure is the same, the volume is the same, therefore there is no and speech about the reduction of consumption, in effect, and about saving costs for utility services for the value.

Total, having bought a aerator in hope to significantly save money for water, a person will only spend money, the purchase time and installation of the part and will become the owner of an unnecessary rider. In addition, a massive nozzle for a crane can cause discomfort when washing the hands or gaining water in the dishes, since he strongly reduces the distance between the mixer and the sink.

Aerator for the crane is a simple and legal way to save water. A small nozzle in the form of a mesh filter allows you to significantly reduce the intensity of the jet, thereby eliminating water overrun. The device mixes water with air, making a jet softer and uniform.

What principle does the aerator work for the crane and how to install it on your own? Consider in more detail.

The device received its name from the process it creates. "Aeration" translated from Greek means "air", and the process itself is a natural saturation of water streams by air.

It is carried out by passing bubbles through the liquid.

Due to the fact that during the aeration of the air, the air is closely in contact with water, the jet turns out to be more uniform and at the same time

The main purpose of the aerator nozzle on the crane is to reduce water consumption. According to some data, with the help of this simple device, it is possible to reduce water consumption to 50%. Without aerator, water is poured from the crane with a solid stream.

And acting through the nozzle, saturating with air bubbles, the jet loses the elasticity, acquiring a raining appearance. A soft sprayed flow of water does not splash, hovering about the wall of the sink or dishes, and smoothly misses them.

This technology is not new. But for decades, she has undergone a number of changes. The first models of the aerators were devices in the form of metal disks equipped with holes. But despite the presence of a protective screen, such devices quickly clogged and failed.

Modern models of nozzles are equipped with perforated discs, the holes of which have a significantly larger size, and multistage filtering systems.

Despite the fact that modern nozzles have a larger hole size, they are also clogged with lime deposits, which are present in tap water.

Modern models are structures that include three main elements:

  • The housing made of plastic or metal protects the design from mechanical damage.
  • The modular system in the form of a slotted cartridge with slits or disk reflector with fine holes is responsible for mixing water with air and in parallel with it performs the role of water limiter.
  • The ring-seal made of dense rubber provides sealing of the connections to the nozzle with a plumbing crane.

The device filter is a set of fine grids laid in a cylindrical glass sequentially one after another. The first two layers are made of coarse water purification and at the same time define the direction of the jet, the following - stirring water with air.

The designs of the aerators of different manufacturers may differ slightly. In the simplest models, the nozzle has the form of a plastic liner, in more expensive upgraded devices - a multistage mesh filter.

The flow of water, passing through thin gaps, is crashed into the disk and divides the smallest drops, which, in turn, mix with air

The nozzle is fixed to the mixer through a threaded connection. You can find nozzles on sale as with an internal thread with a diameter of 22 mm and with an external cross section of 24 mm. They are designed to be installed on bathroom faucets, washbasins and kitchen sinks.

When installing the aerator on the crane, the user's task consists only that when buying nozzles to determine which thread is provided on the mixer.

If the crane is not equipped with a thread, the aerator can be installed only after replacing the mixer.

The main types and versions of the aerators

Classic models

Aerators for crane are two types:

  • with an adjustable stream - good in that allow you to set the necessary jet value;
  • with an unregulated stream.

Rating Popularity Among the classic models is headed by turning aerators. Thanks to the swivel, they allow you to change the angle of incoming flow, making the process of taking water procedures or washing the dishes is more comfortable.

The operation of the NRG rotary aerator is based on the "Watersense" technology, which can operate in two "spray / jet" modes

The material manufacturing material of the aerator may appear:

  • brass - the best option that will be able to serve not more than one year;
  • pressed metal - more budget, but the durable version;
  • plastic - the most affordable model, the quality of which is inferior to metal products.

A significant disadvantage of metal nozzles is their short service life. This is due to the fact that the metal is rapidly destroyed under the influence of impurities contained in tap water.

Choose aerator providing low water consumption? Stop your choice on vacuum device.

Water compressed under pressure in the vacuum valve of the device, at the outlet forms a powerful jet, the water consumption of which is only 1.1 l / minute

Due to the fact that the mixing of air in the nozzle occurs constantly, the effect occurs, in which it seems that the pressure in the mixer remains constant. In fact, water consumption is reduced.

Upgraded options

With the arrangement of modern kitchens and bathrooms, many owners pay a key significance of not only the functionality of the elements, but also their decorative design.

Highlighting aerators for the mixer will certainly fall to taste to connoisseurs of pleasant little things: it is enough just to open the crane and water will acquire an unexpected shade

The backlight of the jet arises automatically, it is only necessary to simply open the crane. Inside the case of such a device is a microturbine equipped with an electric generator and a thermal sensor. The model is designed in such a way that the color of the backlight depends on the temperatures arising from the water crane:

  • cool water up to 31 ° C is painted with green rays;
  • warm water in the range of 43 ° C acquires a blue shade;
  • hot water over 45 ° C has red.

In addition to aesthetic function, the backlight reports about the temperature of the water tap. The operating temperature of the device of this type is limited to the 60th degrees.

In homes where there are small children, nozzles in the form of animal figures are especially popular.

The tip in the form of a bright feature of the animal will not allow the child to be loosened about the sticking spout of the crane and turn the bathing into an exciting game

Nozzles in the form of fightery figures have a universal size, so that they can be attached to the cranes with any type of spinning.

The model created by the student of the Designer Faculty of Siemin Dzu once again proves the statement that a person can look infinitely for three things, one of which is a fascinating drawing of jets of flowing water.

The spiral effect occurs due to the fact that water passes between two turbines, under the action of which it splits into numerous jets

The crane turns the flow of water into the elegant bizarre spiral. Outgoing from the crane numerous jets are twisted into the spirals, which, intertwining among themselves, create a beautiful water grid at the exit.

Advantages and disadvantages of the innovation device

The main advantages of the aerator should include:

  • Water consumption savings. As ordinary mode, up to 15 liters of water can flow over a crane. If it is equipped with a nozzle, consumption can be reduced halfway to 6-7 liters per minute.
  • Reducing the noise level of plumbing equipment. It is noted that the water supplied with air is less than noise.
  • Improving water quality. In the process of aeration, water is saturated with oxygen. This reduces the percentage ratio of chlorine, carrying a hazard to human health. Water, missed through aerator, is better blends the detergents used when bathing or washing dishes.

The cost of the bathing aerator, depending on the manufacturer, ranges from 2 to 10 dollars, so that the acquisition of such a device will not significantly affect the family budget

The installation of the device can be performed with your own hands without attracting specialists for these purposes.

If we talk about the disadvantages of the device, then it is worth noting such moments:

  • The need for frequent repair or even complete replacement of the device under the condition of low water quality in the centralized system. If the pipes in the house are old, then the aerator will have to be changed every year.
  • Reducing the volume of incoming water may affect the filling rates of containers (sinks, baths, large pots).

In the rest of the flaws, this device is not.

Technology of cleaning and installation of the device

Aerator for the bath works like a filter. If he clogged, the water through it simply will not pass. The reason for this can be the sedimentation of rust on pipes and the accumulation of sand present in water.

If you need to clean or, in the case of replacing the failed device, the aerator disassembled first is the first thing. On the housing of the nozzle there are two faces, located relative to each other diametrically opposite. Pulling these faces between your fingers, the device must be rotated clockwise.

If rotation is difficult - use pliers or wrench.

To prevent damage to the coating when unscrewing with pliers, wrap the exterior side of the aerator or the pliers themselves cotton cloth or tape

Work should be performed as little as possible in order not to thread the thread and do not damage the surface of the product.

Disassembly design

Disassemble the design is not difficult. It is only necessary to gradually remove plastic meshes with small cells consistently stacked in a cylindrical glass.

After removing the nozzle, carefully remove the rubber gasket and estimate its condition. To remove the cylinder with filters, gently press the grid from the outlet side of the water jet.

The mesh filter of the waterproof nozzle tends is constantly clogged with mineral salts and small lime deposits

You can disconnect the mesh filter of coarse cleaning, while going through a slot in the cylinder side of the screwdriver. After removing the mesh filter, it is necessary to disconnect a spherical mesh, going down it with a neat knife tip.

Disabled grids need to be cleared of garbage residue by washing using an old toothbrush.

If after washing in the cells, small particles remained, the grids will have to be disconnected from each other and rinse separately

You can achieve the desired result by applying a mechanical method using a conventional needle or wooden toothpicks.

If the pollution from the mesh filter can not be eliminated by the mechanical path, place the nozzle half an hour to the container with apple vinegar. The acidic medium can easily dissolve all mineral sediments.

Eliminate rust raid helps the processing of elements with special chemical compositions designed to care for faience plumbing equipment.

Reverse assembly

Clean all the elements, it remains only to assemble the device and install it for your previous place. When assembling the structure, it is important to observe one rule: the filtering grids lay layer in such a way that the wires that form the cells are located at an angle of 45 ° relative to each other.

Before installing the nozzle, do not forget to pave the rubber washer. You need to twist the device counterclockwise, without applying excessive effort.

To check the operation of the device, open the water. In case of detection of leaks from under the head of the nozzle, tighten the design slightly with the pliers.

Illuminated aerators join the same technology as traditional models. They do not require any additional power sources, because they are equipped with a generator that produces electricity independently.

Vitely the process of installing aerator is described in Video:

Installing the aerator is noticeably reflected on the water pressure, so you can achieve significant savings. It is especially valuable when counters are installed in the house.

Leading manufacturers of aerators

The pledge of uninterrupted and long-lasting aerator is the high quality of the product. Among modern manufacturers that guarantee the quality of their products can be allocated:

  • ORAS - Finnish company produces both separate nozzles and ready-made kits representing mixers with built-in waterproof nozzles. The cost of the device varies within 250-500 rubles.
  • "GROHE" - the products of the German manufacturer fills the 8% world market. It is distinguished by excellent quality. The service life of the nozzles produced under this brand is 7-10 years. Product price from 350 to 1000 rubles.
  • "Timo" - products manufactured under the Finnish brand are produced using the latest technologies. The company offers a five-year warranty on its products. The price of nozzles ranges from 180 to 500 rubles.
  • Jacob Delafon - nozzles manufactured by the French company, which is recognized as a leader in the field of bathroom design, are able to serve over 10 years. But the price of these products is higher and can reach 600 rubles.