Spacure grinding is a step-by-step description of the workflow to obtain an ideal result. Than grinding the walls after putty sweeping shipping walls and ceiling by eccentric machines

Grinding machine for walls and ceilings facilitates and speeds up the operation of grinding. You can very carefully perform a putty, but all the same on the surface there will be all sorts of defects: the strips from the corners of the spatula and sands, the influx, the transitions between covered at different times. After painting, all these defects will be especially noticeable.

Makita Ribbon Grinding Machine Suitable for Rough Plane Processing

The principle of operation of the instrument

The working "body" in any grinders serves as a plane with fixed abrasive paper. Paper can be attached in two ways.

  1. Clamp - stands at most household models. The clamp looks like a kind of latch with a spring. For models with a clamp, you can independently produce from the sandpaper "Covers" and thus saved on consumables.
  2. "Velcro" - the models are more expensive with it, but they do not have to cut abrasive on their own.

In all types of grinders, dust is provided. It can be a vacuum cleaner or dust collector. Many models have a dust collector, and adapter for a vacuum cleaner. The possibility of connecting the vacuum cleaner is a very useful option, because it allows you to increase the operating time without cleaning the container, and this increases the speed of grinding.

Types of grinding machines


Ribbon grinder can be prepared the surface for further, thinner grinding. For already covered surfaces, it is not suitable, but with its help you can remove from the walls and the ceiling is old paint together with a layer of putty. Household stand relatively cheap, but are designed only for short-term use. Professional tape grinding can work in the most difficult conditions.

Orbital eccentrices

Used for the finest work. The sole of the eccentric machine is moving along a complex trajectory, due to this it can leave the almost perfect surface.

Eccentric grinders align almost perfect

Flat vibration

Some models of plane oxylinders reach the level of orbital, but mostly they work more rude. But PSHM is cheaper, as well as consumables for them. The fastening of the "clamp" exists from this type of instrument, and for LSHM and ESM, it is necessary to acquire expensive branded ribbons on Velcro.

Rules for grinding ceiling

It is possible to start the machine grinding of the walls or the ceiling, when the putty will dry completely and become solid. This happens no earlier than a day after applying the last layer.

Before starting work, it is necessary to examine the walls and the ceiling and find irregularities and protrusions. This operation is best done using a side illumination with a flashlight or portable lamp. Orthodoxes will discard the shadow.

Another way to put a long ruler to the wall and highlight from the opposite side. Irregularities can be detected by the beams penetrating the gaps.

Connected to the model Vario-Giraffe Wst 700 VV Plus Building vacuum cleaner will not give the room to drown in dust

All detected defects are immediately marked with a conventional pencil. Thus, a peculiar "map" of the surface will be composed. If deep depressions are detected, they will have to additionally sharpen.

The finishing layer of putty is very gentle, so when working with it is enough just to keep the tool without making a lot of effort. It is very important that the working surface is fully adjacent to the wall, and the emery was strictly parallel to the plane of the surface treated. Circular motions with uniform pressure are based on the marked places until they become even. If you press uneven or allow working surface skew, then new stripes and irregularities will appear.

Safety technique

Grinding is the most dusty operation in repair work, so during its holding it is necessary to protect the eyes and respiratory organs using the respirator and tightly adjacent glasses. So that the rest of the tools and building materials are not covered with a layer of dust, they are better to carry out the room in advance.

It is necessary to take care of the safety of movement with power tools in hand. Climbing or poorly lit room is a danger in this sense, and the work in it can lead to an accident.

Many professional models have an additional extension handle

Grinders, like any building power tool, which is a source of sparks, cannot be operated in the presence of flammable dust, vapors or liquids. Before turning on the network, the switch must be in the "Off" position. It is impossible to be distracted from the process, so children and pets need to be removed in advance from the room.

Separate question - electrical safety. The plug must approach the socket, it is forbidden to change it in any way. Original forks serve as a guarantee of electrical safety. For machines with ground, you cannot use adapters.

Important! Never work the power token when the housing is removed.

In the event of foreign smells, sparks, strong noise, you need to immediately turn off the tool and contact the service department.

Thematic video

On video, you can see how the Bosch Pex 300 grinding is coping with the task.

Grinding machine for walls and ceilings provides a quick and high-quality result without significant physical effort, so in the case of a large amount of work, it makes sense to spend on her purchase

Grinding of walls after spiteling is a mandatory operation when preparing them to paint, pasting with wallpaper or decorative plaster. After all, even after the highest-quality finish putty, traces of the spatula will remain. And on the surface, which at first glance seems perfect smooth, after final finishes all flaws will be visible.

It is necessary to start grinding only when the putty is completely dry. It usually takes about 24 hours. And this is perhaps the most important rule of high-quality stem surfaces.

Prepare tools

Before you start work, you need to prepare all the necessary material and fixtures. So, we will need such a tool for grinding walls after putty:

  • sandpaper of different grainability;
  • grinding net;
  • grinding bar;
  • sponge of a special form for work in the corners;
  • small spatula;
  • portable lamp;
  • stepladder or table;
  • dust protection: respirator, glasses and headdress.

Grilling for grinding

Very often for grinding manually apply a block for grinding. This tool is a rectangular platform, on the base of which the sandpaper or grid is attached. The sandpaper is a tissue or paper base on which a layer of abrasive grain is applied. This material is used for metal springs, wood, plastic, drywall, etc. The most important characteristic of the enema is graininess.

So, for coarse pretreatment, grinding using abrasive with grain size from 1 mm and above, and for the thinnest polishing - 3-5 microns. For the sump after putty, manually use sandpaper No. 80-360 (the greater the number - the smaller the grain). At the beginning of work, we use a grain with grain more - experts recommend №120-180. And after the second layer of the solution they advise Nazidak with Nos. 220-280.

Sanding paper for grinding walls after putty is an old proven way. But when processing large areas, it will require a large amount. An excellent alternative sandpaper is a grinding grid that is more wear-resistant. After all, all the dust will pass through the cells on the surface. And thanks to this point, the material will not be clogged with garbage. Fasten it on a block for grinding.

Grinding of walls under painting grinders (video)

There are also mechanized devices for stripping after spittle. We are talking about grinding machine. With this power tools, you can process a large area in a short time and make a grinding much better than manually. Depending on the supply of machines for grinding there are electrical and pneumatic.

A pneumatic device due to a small weight is convenient to use, and the price is available on it. Such a grinder operates from the compressor, which sends compressed air and thus makes the mechanism work. Probably, the main disadvantage of such a device is what the compressor is needed. And this thing is not cheap. Therefore, for large volumes of work, pneumatic machines are used expedient. And for repair, admit, in its apartment or house, it will be very expensive.

Electric models of grinding machines are distinguished by mobility. By weight, they are heavier pneumatic, and their cost is also higher. But for home use is an excellent option. Electric grinding machines distinguish such:

  • tape;
  • orbital - eccentric;
  • flat vibration.

The ribbon grinder is used to peel a thick layer of putty, so it is more suitable for processing after applying a starting mixture. For grinding finishes, it does not apply due to the high power of the device. A feature of the belt grinder is that all working dust sucks the engine cooling fan.

Abrasive tape moves due to special rollers, it is automatically centered. This contributes to convenience when used. And the presence of additional rollers will help to process poorly affordable surfaces: as the corners, slopes, etc. orbital-eccentric machines allow high-quality grinding and polishing of surfaces. They are very popular, make it possible to remove old paint on the surface. The main disadvantage of this type of tool is that it does not allow to grind the surfaces in the corners.

The device has a round working platform, which during operation rotates around the axis and performs the movements in orbit. Abrasive material is attached using special lipukes. Such machines allow you to work with circles for grinding with a large diameter - up to 225 mm.

Flat vibration devices for grinding is distinguished by their versatility, are very widely used. Allow excellent and polish, and grind. The working surface of such a machine is a rectangular sole, is fixed by abrasive by the clamps. So, for the walls or ceiling take the emery with the number 120, for metal - 60-80, and for wood - 180-240. So, for grinding of hard-to-reach places, a typewriter with a triangular sole is used.

Spin the walls

  1. Before embarking on the grinding of the walls, it is necessary to make sure the surface readiness for processing, namely, is it completely the drying layer of putty. And only after that you can start to bulk the walls. Remember both to keep your health, you should use security tools: glasses, respirator and headdress.
  2. To determine the places that need to pay more attention, you can use a portable lamp or spotlight. By placing them close to the wall, you can reveal large defects and nuances on the surface. Such major shortcomings can be eliminated by using a small spatula.
  3. The next stage of our work will be grinding with the help of a bar. Entround paper or mesh secure on a bar using special clamps. Abrasive is first used with large grain, but it should be tested the sandpaper on a small surface area. Bru moves during the process are performed from top to bottom or left to right, no strong pressure on the bar is not needed.

If suddenly after processing, scratches appeared, then change the paper with a grain of bed. If further finish involves pasting with wallpaper, then minor flaws can be allowed, and if staining is planned, then you need to eliminate defects.

  1. When processing corners, we use grinding sponges. Special form of them will help qualitatively to take these hard-to-reach places. If you do not have this tool, you can use a separate sheet of sandpaper, bent it in half.

Grinding walls after putty can be carried out without dust. This process can be seen on the video: how to grind the walls after putty using the grinders look a video:

Spin the ceiling

The ceiling after spitting also requires grinding before further trim, and maybe even more than the walls. After all, lighting devices are placed on the ceiling, which will show all the slightest flaws on the surface. Yes, and color the ceiling or wicked with wallpaper usually in bright colors, which will also emphasize the existing defects. It is very difficult to rub the sandpaper or grid the ceiling. Therefore, the optimal option is the use of grinders. To perform work, we will need a stepladder or a special bar for working from the floor.

For coarse treatment, we use Mesh No. 60-80, for finishing - No. 100-120. To obtain an excellent result, grind circular motions. After the end of the starting grinding, we apply the finish putty, and after the complete drying, we begin the final grinding. We use fine-grained abrasive. Movement machine produce small and neat.

The finish coatings are such as wallpaper and paint, because of its fine structure, even the slightest irregularities of the walls of the walls are transmitted on their surface. Kosy rays of light will always "find" such places and emphasize the irregularities of the foundation. Therefore, it is very important to know how to make a wall covering the wall, covered by the shta. Grinding plaster is unlikely to rise. After all, every plaster is necessarily punctured. Only the grinding of the putty will provide a smooth base before pasting wallpaper or before painting walls. The article is told than to grind the walls after the plaque.

Methods of grinding of past walls

There are several ways to grind the plates. This is a hand grout after shtlings and mechanized stripping walls.

Hand grout of shtclox

Aligning of the past surfaces manually is painstaking and labor-intensive work. To obtain an ideal smooth surface, you need to know than to grind the shp can. The most common method, how to grind the walls, is the use of manual grout.

Hand tool

There are several varieties of hand tools. At the heart of these devices, the unified principle of fastening the grotting grid is laid. These are mainly spring clamps located on both sides of the device. Tyrka on the back side is covered with a soft polymer gasket, which impose an abrasive mesh, fixing it on the sides of the clamps. Side clips fix the grid in the stretched state.

Some models have a comfortable handle, there are grouts with side deficits for gripping hands. At the top picture shows the grout model on the lever. This tool does not cause difficulties in how to rub the shp can on high fences. In this case, you can do without stairs and scaffolding.

Grinding net.

In order not to think about how the sandpaper to rub the shp can, the grids were invented for grinding the putty. Today in the trading network you can find nine types of abrasives of this type. Grinding grid has a standard size of 105x280 mm.

According to the quality of surface treatment, three types of abrasive materials are distinguished:

  • The coarse mesh is the material than to grind the shplanie of the starting lineup, dry plaster with rude surface defects.
  • The average grid is thinning the smaller coating flaws. Abrasive, applied to the material a little less than on a rough grid.
  • The small skin is designed to process the finish shtlock. After grinding the walls after the replacement of the finishing composition, go to the final finish of fences.

Rough grid is marked by numbers: No. 40, 60, 80. The brand number can be found in the inscription on the grid itself. Accordingly, medium abrasive has No. 120, 160, 180. The finishing grouting grid has its numbers: No. 200, 240, 280.

Rooms reflect the magnitude of the abrasive substance brushed to the grid. If a number 60 is written on the abrasive strip, then this means that the material is intended to hide the shplanie of the starting lineup. If the number is 240, then the abrasive material is designed for stripping the finish shtlock.

Manual Zatyat technique

After it was determined than to bulk the walls after the shtlock, the grid of the desired number is filled with a manual grout tool. Tyrka for the shlatovka in the hand of the employee moves along the fencing surface with circular motions.

Sprinkle video manually grinding:

Mechanical grinding of walls

Mechanical stripping of the past walls is advisable to engage in large volumes of work. For this use several types of power tools: the grinding machine of the vibration type, rotary-orbital, angular and grinding-polishing machine,

Vibration type machine

With the help of an electric grinding machine of a vibration type, you can significantly reduce the time of work and increase productivity. The machine has a moving platform to which the abrasive grid is fixed. With the engine enabled, the platform varies in the transverse direction along the wall surface.

On the platform and on the abrasive grid there are holes. The dust is sucked off, which is then assembled in a special bag. Put the hose connected to the vacuum cleaner. The amplitude of the platform oscillation is about 2 mm. As a rule, use such a tool for stripping the finish shtlock and for grinding the walls of a wooden house. Grinding of walls from a bar of such a machine allows to achieve high quality of wood surface treatment.

The disadvantage of such a tool is the rapid accumulation of dust inside the machine mechanism. It is often necessary to open the tool housing and clean it with its inside.

Rotary orbital grinding machine

The rotary machine is equipped with two-handed grip. Of all the tools of similar purpose, the tool has the most minimal level of vibration. Low housing profile allows you to visually control the quality of surface treatment. Under the action of rotation of the abrasive circle, the machine, as it should stick to the wall, which makes it easier to control the machine.

The tool is completed with grinding circles of various abrasive size. The machine is easy to manage and in the process of working with it does not arise any particular problems whether to rub the putty. Changing circles on the instrument can be grinding any past surface.

The only disadvantage of rotary power tools is that after working with it, it is necessary to finish hard-to-reach places, including angles, manually.

Corner shlifmashinka

The angular power tool in its design is multifunctional. In addition to all types of work, grinding walls from the bar is perfectly performed by an angular grinding machine.

Roasting machines are modern safe and easy-to-use power tools. With their help, you can carry out cutting, polishing and grinding of various materials. With the right selection of the abrasive circle, it is possible to quickly quickly polish the walls from the bar inside the house.

Whatever the masonry of the walls from uneven logs in the house, an employee, armed with such a tool, in a short time, seals the surface of the past and wooden walls to the perfect state.

Grinding machine

The machines of this type include the Flex tool. Flex L 602 VR model is designed for polishing and grinding walls and ceilings. Thanks to the successful design of the aggregate design, the worker in the process of stripping the past walls will not feel a strong load on their hands and shoulder belt. The weight of the machine is only 3.3 kg.

A convenient dust removal allows the operator to work without a respirator, which ensures high comfort of working conditions.

The Flex Giraffe model is interesting in that the power unit is fixed on a long air duct. It allows an employee standing on the floor, process high walls.

The manufacturer together with the instrument supplies the means of individual protection: glasses, headphones, gloves and other attributes.

Machines of this type are equipped with special grinding circles. When working with a tool, the vacuum cleaner creates a negative pressure through the opening in the center of the grinding circle. The unit presses against the wall, the significantly removes the tension of the muscles of the operator's hands.

Features of grinding wooden walls

The most famous two options for wooden walls is the fences from the bar and bric. The surface of the walls from the bar is leaning both manual grinding and mechanized processing with a power tool.

Manual stripping emery skirt is very tedious and time-consuming work. It facilitates the task that the timber forms a smooth vertical wooden plane. Working with such a material is better using power tools.

The grinding of wooden walls from the bar is performed in several stages:

  • initially, it makes a rough stripping of the walls of the walls with the help of the chisels and other cutting devices. The chisel cleaned all the protruding parts of the surface of the bar. Notches after removing bitch shouts;
  • after that, treated with a large abrasive tree;
  • finally, the ram is polished with a grid or a circle with minimal abrasive size;
  • the treated walls are ground and covered with paint or varnish.

The outer surfaces of the church have a pronounced relief of semi-rope from folded logs. Clean the vibration-acting machines. In the location of the longitudinal connection, it is convenient to make logs to clean the surface with the help of an angular typewriter.

When processing wooden walls, vortex air flows of wood dust occur. It is extremely dangerous to start working without personal protective equipment. Wood dust can penetrate the lungs and inflict injuries to the eyes of a person.

On the top photo shows a clear infringement of safety. If the respiratory organs are protected by a marlevary mask, then there are no protective glasses.

The housing owner can choose any way of stripping walls from the above-described wall grinding methods. At the same time, it should be remembered that even the most powerful vacuum cleaner will not be able to fully cope with dust, so in any case the employee must be "armed" by all means of individual protection.

When the surface is putty, do not do without its grinding. This can be done both manually and using mechanization tools. Manual grinding is quite effective, especially when processing hard-to-reach areas, but takes a lot of time and effort. Easy work will help the use of grinding machine for putty.

Varieties of grinding machines

Classification of grinders provides for the separation of their power on electric and pneumatic.

Pneumatic modifications do not have engines. They are not needed, since the mechanism works under the action of compressed air directed from the compressor installation. Due to the absence of a heavy engine, pneumatic devices are distinguished by low weight and affordable prices. Another positive quality of pneumatics also stems from a small weight: when working with such equipment, hands are not tired, and this means an increase in labor productivity.

The main disadvantage of pneumatic grinders lies in the need for a volume compressor. Due to the need for the compressor, the pneumatic equipment is most often located in the car service. In such places, the compressor can be used for dual purpose. But the acquisition of such an apparatus is justified for the purpose of repair, except for very large amounts of work.

For electrical models, high mobility is characterized. Such a grinder can work everywhere where there is an electrical network. The disadvantages of electrical devices include their fairly significant weight, large dimensions, as well as considerable cost.

Tip! If the grinder is purchased to work in a private house or apartment, and not large objects, it is wiser to stop the choice on electric grinders.

According to the method of processing the surface of the grinders are divided into three groups:

  • tape;
  • vibration;
  • eccentric.

Below will consider the features of each of the listed type of equipment.

Ribbon models

This type of equipment is used to grind considerable areas. Ribbon machines are in their composition abrasive tape, which is installed on the rollers. As a result of the rotation of these rollers, the tape is moved in the same direction. Ribbon mechanisms are the most productive among all grinding devices. However, too high power capacity does not allow it to use it for finishing grinding.

When buying a grinding apparatus of a tape type, it is recommended to pay attention to its following characteristics:

  1. Automatic tape centering. Special rollers maintain the position of the ribbon exactly along the axis of the movement. Due to this, it is possible to avoid sliding the tape. This feature provides more comfortable operation of the device.
  2. Pipe for connecting a vacuum cleaner. Such a nozzle is available at almost all modifications of grinding machines. This fact emphasizes the importance of a device that protects the room from the propagation of dust from it, profusely allocated during grinding.
  3. Additional videos, thanks to which you can handle dead areas that occur when grinding sites near the walls.

Vibrating models

This type of equipment can be considered the most common among grinding machines. Perhaps the most famous for the devices of this type is a flat-grinding machine. The device is equipped with a sole as a rectangle, on which the sandpaper of the corresponding graininess is attached by special clamps. Grain sizes are selected depending on the tasks. For example, a sandpaper from 100 to 120 is used for grinding walls from 100 to 120, to strip metal surfaces - from 40 to 80, and for wood processing - from 180 to 240.

Another subspecies of vibration models is a deltashlifing machine. The principle of its functioning is the same as in a plane-slim device: one sole is made in the form of a triangle. A pretashlyphic machine for processing hard-to-reach areas (for example, for grinding angles) is used.

Wiblindowing machines without rotating slabs are designed for grinding flat coatings. This technique is used for processing the ceiling, walls, as well as all sorts of wood products.

When choosing a grinding machine with a flat slab, it is recommended to pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. As mentioned above, there are two types of plates - rectangular and triangular. Although the rectangular form is used much more often, it often arises the need for triangular plates. Therefore, some manufacturers provide for the installation of a plate of another type if necessary.
  2. It should be closed to the method of fixing the sandbreaks. In low-cost models, the mechanism is often not very convenient, which is why the abrasive is constantly disconnected. In a high-quality device, sandpaper should be securely fixed.
  3. Compared to the eccentric models, the vibratingrinding machines are less productive. They are well suited for finishing finishes, but not enough effective on uneven, curvilinear surfaces.

Eccentric models

Alternative name for eccentric grinders - orbital. This name of the device was obtained in connection with the peculiarities of the movement of the rounded working sole. This element is in the same time spinning around its axis and moves in the orbit of a small radius. Ans in this device is fixed on velcro. The main purpose of eccentric modifications is the finishing processing of spacure walls and their polishing.

Grinding machines are also available, whose task is to process surfaces on significant areas. Such devices are distinguished by an ergonomic telescopic handle and gearbox. Optionally, large-scale grinding wheels can be installed on the grinders of this class (the diameter of such circles is 215 or 225 millimeters).

Another purpose of eccentric grinders for walls and ceilings is the removal of old paint and varnishes. Also possible grinding stone and concrete. The use of eccentric models significantly reduces labor costs to carry out grinding work.

Note! The performance of eccentric models is large, as is the cost. Therefore, the purchase of such equipment for grinding a small area does not make sense. It is recommended to rent a device at a construction equipment rental point.

Additional devices

Grinding machines are equipped with special dust collectors, which falls in fine dust, peeling from putty. It should be noted that the dust collector will function only if there are special holes for dust in the abrasive. It is also worth seeking the material from which the filter is made. If it is paper, it is not subject to washing, and therefore this item will have to be changed. The plastic filter will not deliver any hassle: it can be rinsed and put back into place.

Description of the grinders "Makita BO3711"

This unit is designed for finishing wood grinding. The grinder "Makita BO3711" is high-performance industrial equipment. However, this equipment can be used and in conditions of a small room.

Dimensions of abrasive paper for the device - 228x93 millimeters. Paper is attached in special clamps. The regularity of the oscillations is from 8 to 22 thousand per minute. At the same time, in idle mode, the amount of oscillations is between 4 and 11 thousand per minute. The move of the platform is 2 millimeters. For the work "Makita BO3711" requires an electrical network for 190 W.

The grinding machine is equipped with a powerful dust removal system. Dust is given by the grinding plate. If there is a grinding of a large area, you can set a special bag for collecting dust.

Equipment weight - 1.6 kilograms. The design is distinguished by ergonomic design, the presence of a soft handle framed by rubber.

The choice of the type of grinding device and the specific model is recommended to carry out the nature and volume of the upcoming work. You should also consider the type of surface treated, and possibly own individual preferences.

The article is enlightened by choosing electric grinding machines for dry grinding plastered ceilings and walls. For this task, the machine is most effective, with a circular working surface of the rotation around the axis passing through the center of the circle is.
There are grinders, the working surface of which performs an oscillatory movement with different amplitudes (from 2 to 6 mm) orbital (eccentric) grinders, as well as a combination of two types (rotary-orbital or rotary-eccentric). Such grinding machines can also be used at the decoration stage in construction, but their main purpose of grinding any products of small areas, body repair, decor elements, woodworking.

Consider the main characteristics of grinding machines.

  1. One of the main characteristics of the power tool is power. Power provides tool performance (in this case, the amount of material dropped during the grinding process), the grinders resource and the duration of continuous operation also depend on the power. Thus, if you plan to carry out a professional grinding of large areas, it is better to stop the choice on grinding machines with a power of an electric motor over 500 W.
  2. The efficiency of work will depend on the diameter (sole), i.e. The larger the diameter of the working surface of the disk, the greater area can be treated per unit of time. Most of the discovers of construction grinders have a diameter of 150 to 225 mm.
  3. Dust, more precisely its effectiveness, plays a very important role, because directly affects performance. The dust removal can be carried out forcibly with the help of an industrial vacuum cleaner or in a special dust bag (usually supplied with a tool). Professionals recommend using a vacuum cleaner.
  4. The layout of the grinders, namely:
The location of the electric motor.

There are two options: the electric motor is located directly above the grinding disk and the option with the location of the electric motor remotely, i.e. On the handle. Accordingly, the drive of the disk (rotational motion) is transmitted by either a direct method (electric motor over the disk), or through a flexible shaft (the electric motor is located remotely). Both types of drive possess sufficient reliability, but professionals, more often, prefer direct drive. The layout of the grinders with an electric motor located above the grinding disk provides the ability to carry out a more efficient dust, due to vacuum. Some discharge is created above the working surface of the disk at the expense of the fan located above it. It provides an effective dust removal even without using a vacuum cleaner. The collection of dust occurs in a special bag that can hang on the operator's shoulder. Vacuum dust type is not carried out on machines with a disk drive from a flexible shaft. Despite these advantages, grinders with an electric motor located above the grinding disk are larger than the grinders with the electric motor removed from the disk. This makes it difficult to work, especially with a maximum telescopic barbell (type of machine with a changeable handle length, see the type of handle below). Although on some models the vacuum effect on so much deep, which allows the grinding, literally, stick to the vertical wall.

Type of handle.

An extended grinding machine handle, often called "". The handle can be both with a fixed length and with a variable (). The elongated grinding handle is convenient for processing surfaces remote from the operator, for example, ceilings and high walls. The grinding head itself has a sufficient number of degrees of freedom for grinding under any it necessary for the operator an angle.

Manual grinding.

The operator holds behind the handles (one or two) located near the grinding disk itself. This type of grinding does not allow processing remote surfaces without the use of auxiliary cereals, stepladder or. However, it has low weight and small dimensions. Such compact grinding will be indispensable when working in a limited space.

Fastening abrasive material.

Almost all grinders presented in our market have discs for fastening. This type of grinding paper fastening is very convenient, because Easily allows you to change the spent grinding paper.