Machine from hand jigsaw. Desktop electrolovka do it yourself

In the life of a home master, periodically the need for the work of figured and just decorative propilov, including inside the workpiece. Gasoline, circular and ordinary manual saws with this task can not cope, due to their constructive features. To solve this problem, a manual jig is used, specifically designed to perform such operations. This tool undoubtedly copes with its task, but when working with large volumes or dimensional materials, it definitely loses its more professional fellow - a frosic machine.

Purchase a new, brilliant and functional desktop logsik is not absolutely difficult. Store counters filled with products of various manufacturers aimed at professional and amateur work. At first glance, the stationary jigsaws presented on sale seem very difficult in terms of design, whose assembly produces only elected technician experts. In fact, it is quite simple devices that can be made independently, having a desire and step-by-step instructions. And if the first paragraph depends only on you, we will definitely help and provide a detailed manual for self-assembly of the self-made logging machine.

Scope of application

Special design and thin saw blade, make a desktop logging machine with a unique device, indispensable when performing certain types of tasks. The largest popularity, this apparatus heed in the woodworking industry. It is often used in subtle works on the manufacture of jewelry, souvenir products, musical instruments and furniture.

One of the main features for which the junk machine is so appreciated, is the possibility of conducting internal sawing blanks without damaging its contour. Not the last role in the usefulness of this device plays the convenience of use when both hands of the operator are free and can best control the position of the product on the working surface. Everything else is worth adding the accuracy of the resulting line cut, as well as the ability to work with plastic and metal. All of the above advantages, make a table jigsaw the best tool for drinking decorative elements.

Principle of operation of the Lobzic Machine

To form the most clear view of the desktop jigsaw device, it is necessary to understand what it consists of. Further, we list all the elements of the design of the elementary apparatus of this type, without additional functionality (removal of sawdust, revolt controller, the tilt of the working surface and other ribs). So, the stationary electric lobby consists of the following components:
  1. Sustainable base
  2. Electromotor
  3. Crank
  4. Desktop
  5. Top and bottom lever
  6. Clamping device
Of course, without explaining the relationship of the above components, they will remain only a set of words. To transmit a more specific idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of the design, briefly tell about its device.

The whole process originates at the motor, which transmits rotation to the crank-connecting mechanism, which converts a circular movement into a reciprocating. On the connecting rod, which is part of the mechanism, movement goes to the bottom lever, forcing it to move up and down. The entire design described above is located under the desktop. The top lever is located above the table surface and connects with the lower spring, serving the tensioner of the saw blade. In the ends of both levers opposite from the spring, there is a clamp where the fender performing the billet is installed.

For greater clarity of the entire process described above, we present the following drawing of the flicker machine with the function of the tension controller of the saw blade. Although this feature is one of the main, we did not give it in the description of the design of the elementary device, as it is possible to work without it.

Lobzic Machine from Electrolovka

Not everyone has a need for regular decorative curly cuts. Often, to solve such tasks, domestic craftsmen have enough ordinary manual electric jigsaw. Not everyone wants to acquire a bulky and pretty expensive device for one-time use and further collecting dust. Nevertheless, in everyday life, sometimes a worker appears, requiring the most accurate and neat cut. In such a case, you can collect a fairly simple machine from the electric bissing with your own hands using the minimum set of materials and a little fantasy.

Today, the network presents a variety of diverse versions of the desktop jigsaw, varying degrees of complexity and efficiency. Revising dozens of products, we stopped on the most interesting and at the same time a simple assembly that meets the main requirements for the quality of cutting. To assemble a similar logging machine from the manual electrolyzka with your own hands, even a newcomer, having the necessary tool at its disposal. For the assembly it will be necessary:

  1. List chipboard (3 pcs): 600x400x20 (length, width, height)
  2. Spring
  3. Profile pipe (1.5 m): 30x30x2 (length, width, thickness)
  4. Electropolitanzik
  5. Flat washers (4 pcs)
  6. Bolts for washers and connections
  7. Self-tapping screws
The values \u200b\u200babove are indicated with the reserve. When assembling the machine, follow your preferences and logic.

Required tools:

  • Welding machine
  • Metal Disk Bulgarian
  • Screwdriver
By collecting all the necessary arsenal, you can safely start action.

1. The first thing should be collected the basis of the future machine. For this, we take 3 harvested chipboard sheets or other, sufficiently thick wood material and make a design similar to the letter "P". Fix at the edges of self-buildings. For greater reliability and stability, you can make the back wall.

2. In the center of the surface of the assembled countertops, we schedule future holes for the saw and several fasteners for the jigsaw. To do this, remove the sole with an electric batch, we apply it to the opposite (not flat) side to the future place of fastening and make several points through the sole grooves. At this stage, accuracy must be observed, since the jigsik installed below should have the most accurate, perpendicular location of the side of the table, in order to avoid the skew of the pink during further operation. The marked points, we turn over the drill by 3-4 mm, and the central (for the peel) is 10 mm. As in the photo below.

3. After fixing the jigsaw under the tabletop, go to the assembly of the top lever from the square pipe, which serves as the tensioner of the saw blade. As a fixed base, we cut a part of the pipe, a length of 300 mm and from one of the ends we weld the elements of fixation (corners or ears). The movable part must be somewhat longer (about 45 cm). The connection of the two elements is carried out using a bolt with a nut and a p-shaped metal element, welded to the end of the rack, as in the photo below.

By the end of the moving lever, which will be directly on the saw, the washer is welded, which will serve as an upper fastening element.

4. Before installing the assembled tensioner design to the surface of the table, be sure to make sure that the end of the boom is located right above the hole drilled under the punch. If the upper fastening is hard to go aside, the pedel will often rush, complicating the sawing process. When the perfect arrangement of the tensioner is turned out, fastened construction to the tabletop bolts.

5. Since the electrolovka is not adapted to working with thin saws, we make a simple fastener for it. To do this, we take the old saw blade, step by the browning of the teeth, cut down the length of up to 3-4 cm and we weld the normal nut to the end, in which the machine serving will be clamped using a second nut and bolt.

In the manufacture of a similar adapter, pay special attention to its length. If it is too big, the nut will fight on the bottom of the table top, which can lead to the tool breakage.

6. When the pink is clamped in both mounts, it remains only to produce its tension and start working. Implementing this feature is simple. Fresh the spring to the back of the movable lever with the help of a bolt and nut, and the opposite part is fixed to the tabletop to the desired length. Determine the tension is very easy. To do this, it is enough to spend a finger on the beer like a guitar string. High sound will mean that the device is suitable for operation.

At the daluity of the stage, the assembly of the elementary device is considered completed. To make more intelligibly to understand how to make the machine from the jiggy, we recommend to see the next video.

Homemade Lobzic Drill Machine

The screwdriver and drill are among the most common power tools in any farm. These devices are sufficiently powerful, have a wide scope of use and sometimes used even as drives of various mechanisms. It is as an engine that uses the drill by the author of the following manual for assembling the desktop jigsaw with his own hands.

The process of making a classic machine presented further does not require welding and cutting metal with a grinder, but at the same time perfectly demonstrates the principle of operation of such a device. The device is based on an elementary crank-connecting mechanism, which can be made in a couple of minutes, having a piece of plywood and a short steel bar, with a diameter of 6 mm. Unfortunately, the author did not provide a detailed drawing of the jigsaw machine, but closed many questions, mounted visual video instructions.

The entire assembly process includes quite a lot of small details simple for understanding and do not require additional comments. To this reason, we decided not to explain the elementary things in words, but affect only the main details of the design. By tradition, let's start the instruction with the transfer of the required materials.
  1. Wooden rail (2 pcs): 500x40x20 (length, width, thickness)
  2. Chipboard for foundation: 400x350x20
  3. Chipboard for the working surface: 320x320x20
  4. Laps of chipboard (2 pcs): 350x50x20
  5. Aluminum sheet: 400x400x1
  6. Drill (screwdriver)
  7. PVC tubes (4 pieces): 300 mm long
  8. Self-tapping screws, bolts, washers and nuts
  9. Glue for wood
  10. Steel rod, 6mm diameter (for a crank node)
  11. Spring
The listed materials are used in the instructions, but do not claim absolute accuracy. You can replace with what you have at your disposal. From sizes, if necessary, you can also move away.

Required tools:

  • Screwdriver or drill
  • Passatii
  • Scissors for metal
  • A hammer
Prepare the required materials, it remains only to assemble them into a single working mechanism, following the video management submitted below. When connecting wooden parts with the help of self-tapping and glue, we advise you to wait for a complete drying that to last from 24 hours. Otherwise, the connection will be flip.

At the scene of the presented mechanism for tensioning the peel, you can install a small loaf with a fixing nut. So, the tension process will be more convenient and efficient.

As a filling, the author uses steel wire for survival in the forest. Of course, the perfectly smooth cut by a similar element is not obtained, so at the ends of the upper and lower levers, the fastener should be made. It is possible to clamp a drink between two washers, tightened with a pair of nuts.

For the most durable and convenient fixation of the crank, it is better to use a drilling cartridge with a key. If there is this item, you can quickly remove a drill or a screwdriver when it is needed elsewhere. Also simply it can be tightened back.

We hope that the presented guide was useful and intelligibly transferred the principle of operation and manufacture of the device. More visual instructions on how to make a homemade jigsaw, you can see the video below.

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How to be if you need to use the jigsaw, but there is no desire to acquire it? Experienced masters will answer that in this case the easiest way to do the jigsaw do it yourself.

There are multiple methods that allow themselves to make and repaired such a tool. Below is a list of options for applying the simplest and affordable.

Making hand-made logs on simple technology

Before making a logs, you should prepare low-cost and affordable materials. Imagine them as a list:

  • sheet plywood - 12 mm;
  • sheet plywood - 5 mm;
  • sheet steel - 2 mm;
  • set of bolts and nuts;
  • drill (manual or electric);
  • chisel;
  • grinding paper;
  • files.

As a base for manual jigsaw, it is necessary to use a bracket that is made of plywood leaf (12 mm).

After that, you should make thickening on the handle using a more subtle plywood sheet (5 mm). Such thickening is sticking uniformly on both sides of the handle, which, during subsequent operation, the jigsaw provides its convenient position in the hand. At the same time, the bracket and the handle must be carefully processed using sandcars and files of different class.

The steel plate should be cut off with a chisel and spend the clamping sponges, applying a file. Next, you need a drill to perform a slot in sponges. Having made this step, proceed to cut out the sharp chisel of the notes on them. It is necessary to modify the left clamp sponge in such a way that the threaded hole for the bolt has been made. We perform the attachment of sponges into the bracket, and then screw the bolts on the left clima, securely fastening the nut.

Desktop Lobzika Making Options

Desktop tools of such a plan can be made both from scratch and by refinement of existing devices.

Option 1

To make a new desktop mechanical jigsaw, it is required to pre-acquire the following tools and consumables:

  • dural pipe;
  • plastic basis;
  • screws;
  • copper sheet;
  • drill.

First, we carry out the preparation of the frame, a dural trumpet is well suitable for this purpose. In the process of making a frame frame, a passage should be provided through which the electrical wiring is paved, which will provide a power tool. With the help of a copper sheet, a P-shaped frame is manufactured, which is then attached directly to the framework. On the plot where the frame is connected to the jigsaw handle, the frame is screwed using screws.

Then we take the plastic base for drilling holes in it and fasteners. On a prepared basis, fasten the jigsaw in such a way that the pink could go freely in the hole made. Clamps, attach the finished device to the flat surface, for example, on the table.

Option 2.

You can use a sewing machine for making a jigging machine, which is not necessary. To make such a tool you need the following materials and tools:

  • foot or manual sewing machine model;
  • hacksaw blade;
  • nadfil;
  • electric drill.

You unscrew all bolted fasteners from the lower parts of the machine design, the entire working system with thread is completely removed. We produce removal of a metal fastener by knocking out and remove the drive shaft. Twisting 2 more bolts and make a panel analysis that closes the sewing machine, it is fairly easy to eat. We remove the sewing needle with neat movements and proceed to work.

First of all, we perform work with a slot for the needle. We are expanding it to such sizes so that the feck could fit there. With this task will help to cope with the feet. Select it follows from the sizes of the hacktone. Try to make sure the size of the slot to the punch as accurately. Watering the connector, you can install the cloth into the place of the former needle holder. And at the end, turning the wheel must be checked for a few moments to:

  • there was no contact of the saw, panels and clamping legs;
  • there was a free passage of plywood under the saw in the upper position;
  • managing materials was carried out by a smooth movement without jerks.

Such jigsaws are suitable for use in working with plywood, balsoma tree and plastic, and when using an electric machine, such a device can be converted to an electrolovka.

Video "Lobzik. Choosing a tool and working with it "

If it is not possible to repair the jigscription

In the event that the use of a manual jigsik does not correspond to tasks, and the electrical cannot be fixed, it is necessary to use the features below that will make it possible to make an electrolybiz. Electric desktop logs:

  • lobzik electric for manual use;
  • sheet plywood;
  • clamp set;
  • 10 pieces of screws;
  • electric drill.

We make marking for the slots in the plywood and take it gently. If there is a pendulum stroke, you need to turn it off. Then put a hacksaw blade into the slit and attach it there. Also on the plywood, we make a few slots, drilling holes drill and connecting them with each other. The screws are placed in the slots. As a result, the tool through clamps on flat surfaces will not be effort. The device is ready.

Lobzik from electric drills:

  • steel sheet (4 mm);
  • steel sheet (1.5 mm);
  • steel sheet (1 mm);
  • rake from steel (2 mm);
  • rake spring (0.9 mm);
  • steel rod (7 mm cross section);
  • electric drill.

Using leaf steel (4 mm) we make a product in the form of a C-shaped frame, which will be the base of the jig. Next, attach it to the electric drills. For this purpose, it is necessary to create a special claw from the steel sheet (1.5 mm), due to which the mount is ensured. At the edges of the base, we fix spring rails. Steel sheet (1 mm) We will need to make clamps by which the saw will be attached. Such clamps at the edges will also enable the C-shaped frame. And from the steel rod, you can make a crank that will lead the filling. For connecting rod, we need a steel strip that will create a crank-connecting mechanism.

On this work on the manufacture of pubsika can be considered complete. Because of its massiveness, for security purposes, it is better to hold the drill in vice during operation. And the working materials are optimally positioned on flat surfaces.

Video "Lobzik. Modernization"

If you are engaged in carvings and make figurines or parts from wood, plastics or a material similar to them, you can not do without a tool, whose name resembles a distant Soviet past: This is a logsik.

Lobzik Lobzika Maine, now on sale and "pioneer" elementary manual models, and electrical modern tools, only remotely resembling the usual peking.

Lobzik can be made it yourself: in the technical literature and networks there are many schemes and drawings of electrical logging machines.

Make such a device is easy, but you will get significant from it. You can independently do production you need to furniture and realize the most bold creative ideas for the interior.

An example of the manufacture of a logging machine.

Homemade logging to you professionally do smooth details of the most bizarre forms. First you need to decide with the most suitable design for you.

Technical description and composite parts

The schematic diagram of any logs is the same for different models.

Its composition necessarily have the following parts:

  • pink;
  • drive with a capacity of about 150 W;
  • rocker for tensioning the peel;
  • work surface with graduation;
  • drilling unit, etc.

The flow material is fixed on the working surface. In advanced models there are special devices for rotary movements of the part, in them the working surface can change the angle of inclination.

Surface sizes will depend on your production and creative plans: the larger parts of the part you are going to drink, the more your production table should be. Traditional dimensions are usually about 30 - 40 cm.

Types of Pellets are a variety of. They depend primarily from the consumable material. Mind and dimensions of parts for feeding. Ordinary sawmills for working with wood have a length of about 35 - 40 cm. They are able to cut parts from wood or plastic with a thickness of no more than 100 mm.

With different types of materials, the pills are changing, mainly it concerns their width: from 2 to 10 mm. Pilking may differ in the type of their tails - with or without pins. They are fixed in a special device for their tension and smooth sawing. For this, they have spring springs.

Another essential: crank-rod node. Its function is difficult to overestimate: it is he who transmits movement from the actuator to the Pink, turning the rotational movement into the translational.

Lobzic machine assembly drawing.

Thanks to this, the carriage begins to fluctuate with a high frequency, the speed of such oscillations on average about 800 - 1000 revolutions per minute. It is important to remember the amplitude of vertical oscillations, it should not exceed 50 mm.

In advanced modern logging models, the speed varies depending on the type of consumed material. Most of the desktop models operates in two speed modes. Most often it is 600 and 1000 revolutions per minute.

Lobzic Machine Model

Most often in its power of the electric drive, the variation range is huge: from 90 to 500 W.

Also, these devices are divided into varieties based on their principled design:

  • universal;
  • on the suspension;
  • with graduation;
  • with a caliper in the lower position;
  • with a caliper double.

Lobziki with lower caliper

Scheme of machine design elements.

The most consumable and popular models are machine tools with lower caliper. Their feature is the separation of working beds on the upper and lower parts.

If only one device for sawing and cleaning is in the upper part, then in the lower unit there are many working items: an electric motor, switch, gear node and a control unit. This design makes it possible to cut sheets of materials of practical any size.

Double Caliper Machines

The homemade junction machine with a double caliper differs from the lower caliper by the presence in the upper part of the special additional plank and the desktop with the ability to change the angle of inclination and the overall height.

These models are designed to work with the details of oversized sizes. Such a machine is easier than the previous model. In the materials with which you can work on it, there are limitations: their thickness should not exceed 80 mm.

Machines on the suspension

The name speaks for itself: the model is movable, it works without a bed. The principal moment in this design is the movement of the cutting peel, and not the consumility. The module itself is attached to the ceiling, the pedel is driven by manually.

All this gives serious advantages: in this way, you can create the most complex patterns, the sizes of the surface are not limited.

Devices with graduation

The presence of the stops and a degree scales make it possible to work according to technical drawings, without the slightest errors.

Universal machines

Such devices are usually called electrol-free. Their feature is the ability to produce several operations such as grinding, polishing, sawing, etc.

How to make a logging machine with your own hands?

We will not stop at the manufacture of the simplest machines: this kind of manual with support on video you can easily find online. Let's talk about homemade machines from the electric bison.

Assembling the machine with your own hands.

Here is what the sequence of work on their manufacture:

  • We make a box of plywood sheet or plastic.
    The main thing is that the thickness is not less than 12 mm. Function features - foundation, work surface and place for fixing mechanisms and electric motors.
  • We place from the opposite side a special rocking chair with an eccentric.
    We connect them using a metal strip with bearings. All mounts in screw design.
  • We produce the installation of the intermediate shaft.
    To do this, you need to prepare two bearings, put the pulley on the shaft as tight as possible, then carefully fix with screws. Similar actions are made with an eccentric.
  • Rocking up the amplitude of movements should change.
    To do this, you need to change the place of attachment of the screw, for which we drill on the flange of the eccentric exactly four threaded holes. Holes must be located at different distances from the axis. With the change of the fastening of the screw will change the scope of the rocking amplitude.
  • We do a rocking chair: it's nothing other than wooden rockers, whose rear ends are inserted into the screws that you built in the previous paragraph are tension screws.
    The rocker themselves are attached to the hinged rack. On the front ends of the rocker, fix the pink. Previous and this stages need to be performed with special attention and thoroughness. The fact is that the filling of the peel is a fundamentally important thing. Rocberits with plates are subjected to constant loads when moving due to their rigid screws.
  • For a rocking chair you need a rack.
    It will be better if it is made of a whole piece of material. The groove for the first rocker is done on the top of the rack. From the bottom end, we have a special rectangular opening for the second rocker.

Yours. We wish the cool ideas and their qualitative incarnation.

In the previous article, we told how you can make with your own hands, that is, the cutting element is a thin, flexible leg, which is stretched by a spring. Such a tool is very convenient to make figured cut - all sorts of curves, radius saws. However, in the joinery workshop basically there is a need for a saw in a straight line at different angles. For such tasks, the above-mentioned machine will be inconvenient, so we offer to your attention a new design intended for smooth and straight cuts.



There are two main design approaches to solve such a task, they are divided by location in space:

  • up;
  • down.

The first option will be described by us a little later, since at the time of writing this article, it is in our development in the prototype stage and design, but the second option will be described in this article.


This design is quite universal and has a wide range of applications from domestic (at home) prior to use in production purposes (carpentry workshops, furniture workshops, etc.). Universality is determined by the fact that the machine is built on the base, which is a common manual power tool and it owns almost every wizard, since it is compact and multifunctional. With it, you can billets from various types of materials:

  • array of wood;
  • plastics



Compared with a standard method of use, this adaptation allows one, but very important parameter, is the evenness of the cut. To spill quickly and somehow is quite simple, putting the workpiece on the horizontal surface, the twisted part, and sprinkle. But it is not necessary to talk about the quality of the cut here whatever the master. Our design allows:

  • make simple smooth cut (strictly in a straight line);
  • tracing the workpiece under a well-defined angle - 90 ° and other arbitrarily given angles;
  • make a straight saw at an angle to the blank plane, when not perpendicular to the plane of the workpiece, but has a different angle, for example, 45 °.

Basic constructive

The device is not cunning and consists of several main elements:

  • base;
  • guide;
  • swivel focus.

All structural parts are made of plywood or from a wood array.

We give a small reference software, it can be useful.

Nominal plywood thickness, mm Number of plywood layers, not less Grinding plywood Unfordable plywood
Limit deviation, mm Multi-thickness Limit deviation, mm Multi-thickness
3 mm 3 +0,3/-0,4 0,6 +0,4/-0,3 0,6
4 mm 3 +0,3/-0,5 +0,8/-0,4 1,0
6 mm 5 +0,4/-0,5 +0,9/-0,4
9 mm 7 +0,4/-0,6 +1,0/-0,5
12 mm 9 +0,5/-0,7 +1,1/-0,6
15 mm 11 +0,6/-0,8 +1,2/-0,7 1,5
18 mm 13 +0,7/-0,9 +1,3/-0,8
21 mm 15 +0,8/-1,0 +1,4/-0,9
24 mm 17 +0,9/-1,1 +1,5/-1,0
27 mm 19 +1,0/-1,2 1,0 +1,6/-1,1 2,0
30 mm 21 +1,1/-1,3 +1,7/-1,2

Making tool snap for direct saw by electric bison

This section will describe step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of the product. The whole process is divided into three stages of manufacturing structural elements:

  • base;
  • guide;
  • swivel focus.

For the manufacture we will need material:

  • array of wood coniferous breeds;
  • various fasteners (mainly self-tapping screws, Furniture Futors, studs, etc.)

and the following tool will be used:

  • Milling machine;
  • Circular saw or machine from;
  • Drilling machine;
  • Grinding machine ();
  • Electrolovka C;
  • Various hand tool.


For the manufacture of a guide you need to take the board of the following dimensions:

It must slide on the guide, so the features of the guide plate (on the technical slang - "sole") are very important.

We make the markup of the workpiece of the guide.

Then you need to choose a milling groove, which will be the guides to which the sole of the electrolovka will move during the sawing.

We make end stops. Then they need to be glued to limit the movement of the jigsaw on the guide, as shown in the photo.

We check the smoothness of the electrolovka stroke on the guide and in the case of the presence of defects or the burr, which makes it difficult, we remove them.

Next, it is necessary to make cylindrical bushings to prevent wood jams during the clamp by fixing screws. The sleeves can be made of an aluminum tube with a diameter of 10mm. Drills holes and press the bushings in them. On this guide is completed.


The base by and large is just a box that is the basis for fastening the guide and turning stop, and most importantly, that it raises the entire design above the level () so that it does not damage it.

The assembly of the box is simple and simple - the top base of and stern from the same or array. So, drinking flights.

And they are creating them to the ground so that the box is, as shown in the photo.

Next, in the set holes of the base, screw the furniture functions M6 or M8.

We screw the studs in them and install the guide.

We do the separation of the working groove, as shown in the photo.

We cut the expanded groove for the possibility of sawing at an angle. It is necessary to pay attention to that when driving at an angle is needed quite long

Screws secure directly focus, we make a hole and install the M6 \u200b\u200bor M8 furniture funka for fastening the turning stop. See the photo below.

On this, the manufacturer of the foundation is considered complete.

Rotary emphasis

The design of the stop is simple and simple, is a guide with a semicircular element for fixing on the base.

Install the focus using the bolt of the corresponding diameter. The head of the bolt can "plant" in a comfortable handle so as not to use a wrench every time. The guide is also fixed using homemade nuts made of mortise impeller nuts.

We consider the cutting machine ready.

We hope that the stated material was useful to you.


We have done a universal fixture for direct cut on the basis of a household electrolybiz, which should rightfully take a worthy place in your workshop among the toolkit.

The electrolybiz is a tool without which many works on the processing of wood and materials in which it is applied is simply impossible. Possessing compactness and low mass, the hand-made portable jigscription is able to drink from the workpiece of a very complex geometry.

Lobzik is very convenient and also provides very accurate and thin cut. If you do not want to spend money on the buying jigsaw, you can make it with your own hands at home.

The easiest product

The table itself for the electrolovka can be made it with their own hands in a short period of hours. The advantage of the manufactured design will be its simplicity. It can easily be attached on a tabletop or workbench and, if necessary, it is also easy to understand. The disadvantage of the self-made design can be considered its small area.

The simplest product consists of such parts:

  1. Plywood.
  2. Fastening screws.
  3. Clamps.

The working basis of the machine can be laminated plywood, in which you need to drill holes for installing fasteners and under the pink itself. Plywood should be pushed at least 10 millimeters. At the same time, in the sole of your power tool, it may also have to make holes under the mounting screws.

Homemade design can be attached to the workbench with clamps. Please note that screws for fastening should be recessed in the surface of the sheet so that during the work they did not interfere with you. A similar machine can easily cope with the processing of small billets with a thickness of up to 30 millimeters. The drawing of this type of machine can easily be found on the Internet, and then give it your hands to collect it at home.

Another variant

This option consists of such parts:

  1. Stanna, made of chipboard.
  2. Tube for a vacuum cleaner.
  3. Laminated plywood for the machine cover.
  4. Confirmants.

There is a second option of a stationary device for working with wood material, which is assembled from more spare parts, but it will not be difficult to make it. The bed is made of chipboard and consists of the rear wall and two sidewalls. In order to be easy to get to the power button, the front wall in the machine is missing.

In the back wall needed by their own hands drill holes For a tube of vacuum cleaner and cord. The cover for the machine can be made of laminated plywood with a thickness of 10 millimeters. The whole design can be pulled by confirmants. Lobzik can be fixed in the same way as described above, in the first case.

You can handle more massive blanks on this option on this option, however, when performing work with a thick workpiece, the jigsaw saw in both directions and deviate back. This deteriorates the accuracy of the cut. This disadvantage can be easily eliminated with your own hands by installing the bracket on the homemade machine that will be emphasis.

Saw padzika will move between two 11-millimeter bearingswhich must be screwed to the screws to the M-shaped strip made of steel. The back of the saw will rest in the wall of the bracket itself. This design will not give the canvas of your jigsaw to deviate from the specified trajectory.

The bracket must be attached to a frame made from 50 to 50 millimeters bars. It can be lowered or lifted depending on the length and thickness of the wood treated. For this, the framework itself, together with the focus, it is necessary to fix the machine to the sidewall, and pressing it with an organic, steel or textolite plate. We establish a vertical frame rack between the organom and the bed.

The machine can be more convenient if you mount an additional restrictive bar on it, with which you can cut the material on the blanks, the same length and thickness.

The limiter is attached to the machine with clamps. His move from a wooden bar, aluminum or steel corner. You can also establish a bar on the sled, which you need to fix on the sides or at the bottom of the table top.

Table for a logging machine from chipboard

For the manufacture of this jigsaw table, you must have a certain carpentry skill, since when connecting it to the CARG with legs, it should be done in a spike groove. Schip-groove itself can be changed on the connection using the wrenches, joinery glue and self-tapping screws.

The machine cover must be made lifting, to facilitate access to the tool when replacing it. In order for the machine to be multifunctional, it is necessary to provide a place for mounting the milling handwriter.

The table is assembled from such materials:

  • bar 80 per 80 millimeters;
  • bar 40 per 80 millimeters;
  • laminated plywood or chipboard sizes 900 per 900 millimeters.

Squeeze the distance between the legs, it should be from 60 to 70 centimeters. Bruks for prodes and the Tsarg will turn out if it is longitudinally to cut the bars of 80 to 80 millimeters. You can choose the height of the legs themselves at their discretion, it all depends on how convenient to do work on the machine.

At every end, the prideos and the CARG must be drilled by two holes for the waders. The same holes must be made on the sidewalls of the legs. Having fooled by glue on half of their length and insert into the ends. After that, collect a fully frame. It will be unintended. After checking and possible corrections, it is tight.

All surfaces in the fields of contacts before assembly need loose glue. Use screws for the additional strength of the design that must be screwed through the holes in advance for them are prepared.

The lid must be attached to one of the CARG with the help of loops, for this it must be done to make a slot to facilitate the removal and installation of the jig. In the tabletop, on the back side, it is necessary to fasten two strips with a predetermined quarter in which the power tool sole must be logged in.

In the frames it is necessary to perform holes in which it is necessary to install bolts or clamping screws. The jigsik, fixed under the tabletop, will be able to cut the thicker material if it will be deepened in the lid for its sole. The easiest thing is to accomplish with a milling machine.

The table as a result will be very simple and spacious, so the necessary strength of its lid can provide a large thickness of LDSP or plywood. Use sheets from 20 millimeters and thicker.

Lobzic machine using thin saws

Since when cutting out difficult patterns in plywood, the electroballs saw, it is not enough for this, it is necessary to take a thin saw. It can be attached to manual power tools using the original device.

Lobzik is also fastened to the table top, but you need to pull a thin drink, as it will not be enough install on the pendulum. To facilitate the process of stretching the filling, it is necessary to make a rocker from the bar.

The tension of your canvase is provided with a spring. Her lower loop is put on a transverse stud. The upper loop must be inserted into the adjusting screw, which changes the power of the damper tension. All wooden blanks for homemade machine are performed from solid wood.

Since there is no possibility of fastening the thin section of the canvas in the jigsaw machine, it is possible to remake the debris of the old saw, the hole in it is previously removing the hole in it and recycle with nut and clamping plate.

In the rocker arm, it is necessary to do a vertical slot to which you need to insert the second steel plate. It is fixed to the rocker with screws. The mounting to the upper part of the peel must be performed in the same way as the bottom. To make it easier for you, you can take for the manufacture of a cutting plate of an old jigsaw.