Power frame manufacturing technology Container block. How to make a block container with your own hands the drawings warming the sea container with foam or polystyoltol: methods of fastening plates

At the time of construction or simply for temporary accommodation in the country, it is quite often a simple in the construction and unpretentious construction. As they say, so cheap and angry. Often such tonsils are erected from wood and have minimal functionality. But today, a new type of temporary buildings has been widespread - a block container. It can serve as temporary housing for builders and quite constant for summer residents. Build a block container with your own hands is quite easy, and its functionality will fully enjoy the fruits of civilization outside the city.

Types of block containers

When planning to build a block container on the plot, you need to decide in advance what it will be. It depends on how much money and strength will be spent on its installation. The fact is that block containers according to the assembly method can be divided into three types: a block container of its own assembly, converted from a transport container and a collapsible block container. Each of these types of block containers has its advantages and disadvantages. Which one will be given preference, depends only on the wishes and financial capabilities of the owners.

Such structures are mostly erected with their own hands from scratch and in their own drawing. For their frames, metal corners are used, for external walls, professional flooring, the interior decoration is performed by cladding or plywood, a stone or mineral wool is used as the insulation. A distinctive feature of such block containers are non-standard dimensions. In essence, such a block container can be made with their own hands and shape. To build the entire design, the welding machine and the skill of working with it will be required, which can be a decisive factor in favor of the proper container.

Today, block containers converted from transportation are particularly popular. They have many advantages, but also enough and minuses. The main advantage of such a container is the ready-made design, which remains only a little refine. But this deficiency, as standard dimensions, when choosing, it can not play in favor of the transport container. Of course, as temporary housing for the workers, it is quite suitable, but he may be very uncomfortable as a seasonal cottage house.

With the development of the market and technologies in construction, block containers began to appear, which are easily mounted and also easily disassembled. Collapsible containers are very popular with construction companies. They can be disassembled and stored in stock, the benefit of the places they occupy a bit, and if necessary, to quickly build cabins for workers at the construction site. Specialized companies are engaged in the production of such block containers. The design itself is at its most importantly with a homemade block container, but here the use of sandwich-plates as walls, gender and ceiling explicitly distinguish the collapsible block container. If there is no desire to bother with welding, then if there is a certain amount, you can purchase a ready-made block container and simply collect it as a designer. The price of a block container price ranges from 2,000 USD up to 5,000 cu and depends on the inner area.

Installing a block container

Deciding with the type of block container, you can start it. As already noted, each type of block containers requires certain labor costs. The most time consuming is homemade. To create it, you will have to first draw the drawing, purchase materials, then collect the frame and to strip it. The easiest and easiest work is the collapsible container. But the total cost may be higher. Consider how to assemble with your own hands each of these types of block containers.

Build a block container from scratch

Starting work on creating a homemade block container, the first thing that will have to do is drawing it. To do this, you can use a computer program such as ArchiCAD, and you can simply draw a simple drawing on a piece of paper. In the drawing, you must specify all the sizes of the future block container with the display of the installation site and windows. For a personally made block container, you can choose almost any convenient dimensions for you. But there is one important point. If you need to transport such a container in the future, then its width should not exceed 2.5 m. To create a block container, the drawing must contain a description of all materials and sizes. Special attention should be paid to the frame, namely the place of installation of the door and windows. For door opening and windows, additional racks will be required. Finally, we specify the material for the walls of the walls and the insulation. Of materials The following will be required:

  • for a frame, a shleler bent 100 mm;
  • metal sheets with a thickness of 2 mm for roughing;
  • galvanized corrugated flooring for external sheaving;
  • wooden bar 40x100 mm for lag and inner frame;
  • boards 25x200 mm for gender, as well as floor covering, for example, linoleum;
  • superdiffusion membrane for steam radiation;
  • insulation (mineral or stone wool) for walls, floor and ceiling;
  • plywood or plastic lining for internal sheat;
  • windows and door.

From the tool it will be necessary Bulgarian, welding machine, roulette, drill, manual Circular, a hammer, screwdriver. As for the fastener for a tree, then you can stop your choice on self-drawing or nails.

To get all necessary, proceed with the construction of a block container. Begin from the preparation of a plot for installation of a block container. To do this, grow up the land and carefully tamper it. So that the container did not stand on bare earth, it is necessary to create a simple foundation for it. To do this, you can build brick columns, put concrete slabs or create a pile foundation.

Next, go to the cutting of skewller pieces for a frame with a grinder. Having obtained the required number of pieces of the desired size, proceed to their welding. at first create a lower strapping. For this, we take a channel, corresponding to the length and width of the block container, lay out on the surface prepared earlier and welded together into one solid frame. In the process of welding, the angles may be a story, so that this does not happen to grab the angle at several points, then check and, if everything is fine, then peel completely all seams to the end.

Important! To make a simple single-sided roof, it is enough to cut several racks of greater length. Usually longer make racks from the door. But this approach is justified, if it is not planned to create another kind of roof.

Hooking lower strapping, go to the posts. They will be located in the corners of the strapping, one or two from the back wall, as well as in the area of \u200b\u200bthe doorway and windows. We start with corners. After the rack is installed, it is necessary that the partner holds it strictly in a vertical position while the welder grabs the rack in several places. And if it turned out without tilt, then we weld the rack finally. For additional stability at the bottom of the rack, you can spend triangular struts. Similarly, weld all other racks.

Important! The distance between the doorway stands should be equal to the width of the door. Also for the reliability between them, the jumper is welded. The height from the jumper to the corner must be equal to the height of the door. The same applies to the window openings. But in addition to the top, the lower jumper should be present.

The next step will be welding upper strapping. Everything is quite simple here. On top of the already welded racks around the perimeter, the corners for the upper strapping are stacked and welded.

After the framework was created, getting to arrange the floorfor block container. To do this, the draft floor of metal sheets is created first. This is done to protect the wooden finishing floor from the effects of moisture and penetration of rodents in a block container. Sheets are laid out inside the frame. Their edges should be placed inside the curved channel, as well as rely on the foundation. When the sheets are decomposed and their edges are adjacent close to each other, pointing the sheets among themselves. After that, on top of the seam lay several narrow pieces of metal, so that they are placed perpendicular to the main seam, and weld them. Finishing welded sheets by seam.

Further go to the trim block container galvanized professional flooring. Everything is quite simple here. Sheets of professional flooring are emerging from the inside of the carcass. If the height of the sheets is somewhat more, then they can be cut through them without much difficulties. Professional flooring is fixed to the frame in several ways. You can use short metal screws with a wide hat, and you can fix with tear-off rivets.

Important! When installing sheets in window openings, it is necessary to launch a sheet of 3 - 4 cm on the window opening. It is necessary that after installing windows to hide gaps and places, sprinkled by foam.

Having finished with the walls go to the roof of the block container. For the roof itself, we use all the same professional flooring. The only thing that needs to be done is to fight a few more jumpers between the walls for a reliable consolidation of the professional flooring. Next, we put the professional flooring yourself and fix it to the metal frame.

The next step will be creating a wooden frame, its insulation and trimming. Frame itself is needed for laying insulation so that the latter does not fall out and do not feel. To do this, use a wooden timber. First install the racks, then make jumpers between them. Internal dimensions between racks and jumpers must correspond to the size of the insulation, minus 5 - 10 mm for reliable fixing inside. Now on top of the frame with a superdiffusion membrane and a stapler fasten it to a wooden frame. In addition, the insulation is stacked inside the frame and the superdiffusion membrane is again laid on top of it. It remains only to sew wall plywood or clapboard. Similarly, we are experiencing a ceiling.

As for the floor, it will be on wooden lags laid on metal sheets. Its creation is similar to the walls of the walls. First, put lagows. The step between them is chosen with this calculation so that the insulation is placed there. Then we lay the insulation and fill on top of the membrane. It remains to be put and fasten the boards for the floor itself. The boards themselves need to be styled, fit closely and fix it with nails or self-drawing to lags, and on top of them the finish floor covering.

Now go to windows and doors. Since such a block container is designed for temporary accommodation, it will not be superfluous to take care of a strong and reliable door. It will be best to make it alone from steel sheets. But the creation of such a door requires greater experience, so it's easier to buy or make an order. The door itself is installed on the metal loops, which are welded to the rakes of the bent chapeller. When installing the loops, it is necessary to strictly ensure that they are on the same line. Three loops are installed for the metal door. Two tops, at a distance of 20 and 50 cm from the edge of the door and one below, at a distance of 30 cm from the threshold. After that, the doors are hung in place.

As for windows, there is one important point. The windows are a vulnerable place when hacking, so they will need to protect with lattices. The grille itself is welded to the steel channel, which serves as a window opening. The windows themselves can be both wooden and metal-plastic. When installing, you must check the vertical window so that it does not fall. The slots between the window frame and the chapeller stand can be used. On this, the creation of a self-made block container is completed. If desired, it is possible to carry out additional finishing work.

Alteration of the finished sea container

Fashion for all Western touched and block containers. Today it has become popularly used as cabins or even permanent housing, block containers converted from sea transport containers. The cost of the block container converted from the transport may be slightly higher in comparison with self-made, but also work on its arrangement is an order of magnitude less.

To make a metal container, a metallic, converted from the transport, the first thing that will have to do is choose and purchase a used container itself. Ads for the sale of transport containers can be found without problems. Such containers are produced in several sizes: standard and ns (High Cube). Accordingly, 20 and 40 feet are in length (6 and 12 meters), a width of 2.35 m and 2.4 m high and 2.7 m high. The standard container can be found on average 1200 cu, and NA of 2100 y. e. Such standard dimensions impose certain limitations, it is especially unpleasant with respect to the width of the container. But the release of their given situation can be the docking of two or more containers. To create a suitable block container from transport, it is necessary to do the following:

  • purchase one or more containers and deliver them to the plot;
  • so far, the containers will be on the way, prepare and dissolve the platform for its installation;
  • as in the case of self-made, the transport container creates a simple light foundation;
  • after delivery, the container is installed in place. To do this, it is necessary to order a crane in advance;
  • if the containers are shrinkable, then after their installation, we cut the contacting walls with the help of a grinder;
  • in the place of docking, where the lower and upper strappings passes, as well as vertical racks, weld them together;
  • if the container is only one, then proceed to the cutting of openings for windows and doors. We do it with the help of autogen or a grinder;
  • for the reliability of the door in the doorway, you can install two vertical racks made of metal corner;
  • further work will be to finish the block container. They are identical to the work described for the homemade block container. The only important difference will be to apply to the need for an external finish, namely painting or cladding of metal walls.

Of all the block containers, the most expensive and at the same time the simplest in the assembly is the collapsible block container. Such containers are made under the order at a specialized enterprise. The collection container is a standard width of 2.5 m, and its length can range from 2.5 m to 6 m. It is also possible to create a larger length block container. The assembly of such a container is performed by two installers and resembles a regular constructor, the assembly time from 4 to 6 hours. Such high assembly rates are due to the use of sandwich panels and pre-fitted to each other in detail. When making assembly, with your own hands, the enterprise can provide its specialist and a complete set of documentation for the assembly.

Prefabricated containers are mounted in several stages. The first frame is assembled, which is connected using bolts. The second floor is stacked and the roof is mounted. On the third stage walls are installed. Finishing the windows and doors are made. On the demonstrating collection and collapsible block container, the photo can be seen as easy and simply mounted containers.

There are no special secrets or difficulties in creating block containers. The main thing that is needed is the ability to handle the tool. Since it depends on it, whether you can collect the whole design with your own hands. The same one who is not used to or does not know how to work with their own hands, one can recommend to hire specialists and acquire a ready-made block container.

Container costs (St. Petersburg and Leningrad region)

The price of such a container is relatively low, which allows it to purchase it almost every person. Despite all the simplicity of the design, they are very reliable, which makes it possible to carry various loads without fears even over long distances.

This container is based on a rather durable frame, which is manufactured using steel blocks with each other. To create a reliable base, longitudinal and transverse beams are used. In the corners in them are welded side. Similar beams are used in the arrangement of the roof. All over the perimeter, the container is trimmed with anti-corrosion sheets of steel. Steel thickness ranges from 1.5 to 2 millimeters. Used exclusively high-quality alloy steel.

Wood is used to arrange a reliable floor covering, which will allow you to transport a product with a large mass. In most cases, pressed plywood is used, the thickness of which can reach 4 centimeters. To prevent the formation of mold, fungi inside the container, the extruded plywood can be impregnated with special solutions.

Drawing of containers of any type Can be found on our website. Here you can also familiarize yourself with the cost, technical characteristics and delivery conditions.

Currently, cabins are at the peak of popularity among the temporary buildings of a modular type. This is explained by the low cost value and a wide area of \u200b\u200bapplication. Constructions are used as country houses, construction trains, warehouses, mobile offices and security points. They are quickly and easily mounted, without requiring to install a capital foundation.

From the scope of the design, the design, dimensions, layout, internal and external finish depends on the scope. This allows you to choose a structure that fully complies with the individual owner requirements. Due to its unique structure of the hotel, all year round can be used. To do this, only you need to insulate the structure and take care of the heating devices in advance.

The varieties of the designs of the houses

According to the constructive features of the cells are divided into three main types.

  • Calcule on metal frame consists of a durable iron frame, which has additional ribbies. The bottom of the structure is sheathed with a metal sheet, the walls are made of galvanized professional leaf or vinyl siding. The construction has resistant to frequent transportation, suitable for living in the winter period, subject to high-quality insulation.
  • Wooden frame design is most often used as country houses. It consists of a durable brusade frame, which also has stiffeners. The advantage of this type in environmental purity and aesthetic appeal.
  • The shield cabinet does not have a reliable frame. Consists of turning and wooden shields. The roof of the structure is usually made of fine iron. The advantage of the design at low cost, and disadvantages - in a small period of operation.

Construction block containers

The block container is a modular structure, which in appearance resembles a marine container. Consists of several basic elements.

  • The lower frame is a welded design of a metal profile, an infused smooth sheet or a galvanized straw.
  • Bearing racks are made of a reliable profile of a complex shape. Metal thickness should not be less than 3 mm. Racks are connected to the upper and lower frame, using welding or bolted compound.
  • The upper frame has the same design as the bottom. Sometimes it can be covered with a galvanized sheet folding.
  • The wall of the block container can be from smooth iron, profiled sheet, sandwich panels, etc.

Doors and windows are mounted depending on the application of the application and taking into account the customer's wishes.

Design wooden lotovka

The framework frame consists of a solid wooden bar and lag that create a reliable support to the whole construction. The base of the cells is two layers: steel sheet from below and wooden coating from above. The roof is usually covered with a galvanized metal sheet, which prevents moisture from entering the room. The outer decoration is carried out with the help of eurry card or profiled sheet creating a wood imitation. In the finished form, wooden household has an aesthetic look resembling a wooden house.

Characteristics of standard wooden cabins:

  • Dimensions (DHS) - 6mx2.5m.
  • The average mass of the structure is up to 1.5 tons.
  • Useful area - 14 m.
  • Sustainability for seismic activity - up to 5 balls.
  • The service life is 15 years.

The dimensions of the structures may vary depending on the customer's individual requirements. To change the dimensions, you need a detailed design drawing.

Video manufacturing carcass

Metal food design

Metal trains at the expense of a solid frame are easily transferred to transportation and can withstand significant loads, which is necessary for use in construction sites. If necessary, the forms are connected to each other, building a two-storey building, and after the end of construction, they are dismantled and transported to another territory. The life of the metal structure is 20 years, which is several times more than the wooden structures.

Brief characteristic of standard metal cabins:

  • Standard dimensions - 5.85 x 2.4 x 2.4 (dhshv).
  • Average mass - up to 2 tons.
  • Useful area - 14 m2.
  • The maximum number of people is 8 people.
  • Frame - Bunted chamberler, corner.
  • Exterior decoration - metal sheet, professionalist, vinyl siding.

Metal isometric is an economical and reliable design that can be used in various fields of activity.

There are several main appointments: the organization of life at the construction site, temporary dwelling in the country, the organization of the CAT, warehouses and much more. Depending on the appointment of cabins, it is chosen its design and size.

Types of household designs

All households that are sold today can be divided into two general groups:

The first is often used in country areas, as a temporary structure for the warm season. Well insulated products from a bar with a heating system allow you to live in them all year round. Building household is a collection-collapsible structure, the basis of which is a metal frame. A detailed drawing will help to fold this design personally without any problems.

The basis of all households represent the structural elements that have clear sizes. Thus, the former can be built and finished inside:

  • boards and timber;
  • galvanized sheets;
  • genuine or plastic lining;
  • insulating materials.

Samovka itself is a very simple structure, length of length-6.0 m, width-2.40m, height-2.4 m. Which, as a rule, consists of:

  • channel bent 100-120 mm.
  • corner racks - 75x75 corner
  • roof - metal sheet 1.5 mm. x / k, smooth
  • insulation - mineral wool, thickness 50 mm Ursa (floor, ceiling, walls)
  • steamer - technical film
  • the entrance door is a frame, covered with a sheet of C-8 0.4 mm., or metal
  • interroom door, if provided for design
  • window - 800 * 1000 mm Wooden or plastic, 2 glasses
  • outdoor covering of a block container is a galvanized sheet C8, 0.4 mm.
  • interior decoration - DVP (organite) or lining
  • floor - cutting board 20-25 mm.

Depending on it may consist of one whole space, to have a vestibule or be broken into several rooms.

Construction block containers

A constructive basis for creating a container block is a metal channel. The walls of such a product are assembled from a special sandwich panels. The container unit is very easily assembled and have a relatively small cost.

The container unit can be easily removed into the residential premises. Changing the openings for windows and doors, setting there metalplastic structures in it, after having completed in it and creating a heating system there, you can feel great in such a room even in the cold season.

Design wooden lotovka

As for the wooden structures, the basis for them serves as a sequence of 100-150 mm. Inside, the domestic is insulating and is trimmed with wooden clapboard. Such cells compared to other structures are very light and warm. They warm up faster and preserve heat perfectly. One of the advantages of such buildings is the lack of the need to lay the foundation.

The most optimal option for such buildings are coniferous bars. They will give the household strength and reliability. This design will serve not one year. It can be used as a room for residence or for a bath.

Construction of metallic lotovka

For the implementation of large construction objects, which are erected for several years, it is standing on the metal frame. The service life is from 5 years. The basis for metal cabins performs a framework, which is separated from the outside by a professional flooring or polymer coating. As an interior trim, it is:

  • PVC panel;
  • wooden lining;
  • organit.

As a rule, a flat roof is used here, which needs additional protection. The design of cabins with a flat roof allows you to install such products on top of each other in the form of a modular town.

Metal Container Scheme Shows the standard location of windows and doors, partitions and walls. You can change all this, as close as possible to what you need. The advantages of such structures are that they can be changed with great ease, while the quality does not decrease. Transportation The container unit is also simpler than a wooden house. Its fasteners are more reliable, the walls are stronger. Calculation of such a format is quite well prepared for the cold. Company Kraus It offers typical schemes of the most common. We, purchasing any life, you get a certificate of conformity.

Schema Modular Container Block

Studying circuit Modular Container Block at ConsultationYou can't always imagine how this house will look like in reality. It is possible that you want to change something. It is for this that it is possible to visit our exhibition platform. Here you will see our work, feel the strength of the fasteners, learn exactly how the finished design looks like. The block containers from sandwich panels manufactured by our company meet all sanitary and hygienic requirements. They will not fall into them, anti-corrosion, moisture-resistant coating will protect the house and extends its service life. For the cottage, which is based on a sandwich panel, does not depend on temperature drops and climatic influences.