Heat supply of high-rise buildings. Varieties of heating systems of an apartment building Features of heating of high-rise residential buildings

The advantages and disadvantages of such systems are marked in and other sources. Among the main deficiencies should be noted as follows:

  • it is impossible to record the consumption of heat for the heating of each apartment;
  • it is impossible to pay for heat consumption for actually consumed thermal energy;
  • it is very difficult to maintain the desired air temperature in each apartment.

Therefore, it can be concluded that it is necessary to abandon the use of vertical systems for the heating of residential multi-storey buildings and apply consuming heating systems, as recommended. At the same time, in each apartment it is necessary to install a heat meter.

Comprehensive heating systems in high-rise buildings are such systems that can be serviced by apartment residents without changing the hydraulic and thermal regimes of neighboring apartments and ensure consumption of the consumption of warmth. This increases thermal comfort in residential premises and saving heat for heating.

At first glance, these are two contradictory tasks. However, no contradiction is not here, because The premises overheating due to the absence of hydraulic and thermal heating system is eliminated. In addition, one hundred percent used heat of solar radiation and household heat gain into each apartment.

The relevance of solving this problem is aware of builders and services of operation. Existing consistent systems in our country for heating of multi-storey buildings are rare for various reasons and, among otherwise, due to their low hydraulic and thermal stability.

The consumer heating system, protected by the current patent of the Russian Federation No. 2148755 F24D 3/02, according to the authors, meets all the requirements. 1 shows a diagram of the heating system for residential buildings that have a small number of floors. The heating system contains supplying 1 and inverse 2 heat transfer of network water, reported with individual thermal paragraph 3, and connected, in turn, with a supply heat conductor 4 of the heating system.

A vertical feeder 5 is connected to the supply heat pipe 5, connected to a floor horizontal branch 6. The Wetka 6 is attached heating instruments 7. In the same apartments where the vertical feeding 5 is installed, reverse riser 8 is installed, which is attached to the reverse heat resistance of the heating system 9 and Horizontal floor branch 6.

Vertical risers 5 and 8 limit the length of floor branches of 6 one apartment. At each floor branch 6 installed the apartment thermal item 10, which serves to provide the required flow of heat carrier and taking into account the heat consumption for the heating of each apartment and regulating the air temperature inside the room depending on the outdoor temperature, the receipt of heat from solar radiation, heat generations in each apartment , speed and directions of wind.

To disconnect each horizontal branch, the valves 11 and 12 are provided. Cranes 13 serve to remove air from heating devices and branches 6. The heating instruments 7 can be installed for the control of water consumption passing through the heating devices 7.

In the case of a system of heating a multi-storey building (Fig. 2), the feed vertical riser 5 is made in the form of a group of risers - 5, 15 and 16, and the vertical reverse riser 8 is made in the form of a group of stands 8, 17 and 18.

In this heating system, the feeding 5 and reverse riser 8, reportedly, respectively with the heat pipelines 4 and 9, are combined into the block and horizontal floor branches 6 of several (in this particular case of three branches) of the upper floors of the building. Filling risers 15 and reverse riser 17 are also connected With heat resistant 4 and 9 and are combined into the block into horizontal floor branches of the next three floors.

Vertical feeding 16 and reverse riser 18 combine floor branches 6 of the three lower floors in a block C (the number of branches in blocks A, B and C can be greater than or less than three). On each horizontal floor branch 6, located in the same apartment, has an apartment Thermal item 10.

It includes, depending on the parameters of the coolant and local conditions, shut-off and control and measuring reinforcement, pressure regulator (consumption) and a device for taking into account the heat consumption (heat meter). To disable horizontal branches, valves 11 and 12 are provided.

Cranes 14 are used to regulate the heat transfer of the heating device (if necessary). Air is removed through the taps 13. The number of horizontal branches in each block is determined by the calculation and may be greater than or less than three.

It should be noted that the vertical feed risers 5, 15, 16 and inverse 8, 17, 18 are laid in the same apartment, i.e. as well as in Fig. 1, and this ensures high hydraulic and thermal stability of the heating system of a multi-storey building and, therefore, the effective operation of the heating system.

By changing the number of blocks, the heating system is divided into height, it is possible to practically completely eliminate the influence of natural pressure on the hydraulic and thermal stability of the water heating system of a multi-storey building.

In other words, it can be said that with the number of blocks, equal to the number of floors in the building, we obtain a water heating system in which the natural pressure arising from the cooling of water in heating devices attached to the floor branches will not affect the hydraulic and thermal stability of the heating system .

The considered heating system provides high sanitary and hygienic indicators in heated rooms, saving heat for heating, efficient adjustment of the room temperature in the room.

It is possible to carry out the start of the heating system at the request of the resident (if there is a coolant in thermal paragraph 3) at any time, without waiting for the start of heating system in other apartments or in the whole house. Considering that the thermal power and length of horizontal branches is approximately the same, then in the manufacture of a tube blank, maximum unification of nodes is achieved, and this reduces the cost of manufacturing and installing the heating system.

The designed system of consuming heating for multi-storey residential buildings is universal, i.e. It can be used when heat supply:

  • from the central source of heat (from heat networks);
  • from autonomous heat source (incl. roof boiler room).

Such a system has hydraulic and thermal stability, it may be single and two-pipe and use the heating devices of any type that meet the requirements. The heat carrier supply to the heating device may be different, when the tap is installed in the heating device, you can adjust the thermal power of the heating device.

Such a heating system can be used not only for the heating of residential buildings, but also public, and industrial buildings. In this case, the horizontal branch is laid from the floor (or in the deepening of the floor) along the plinth. Such a heating system can be repaired and reconstructed if it was necessary to redecessing the building.

For the device of such a system, a smaller metal consumption is required. Installation of such heating systems can be carried out from steel, copper, brass and polymer pipes allowed for use in construction.

Heat transfer heat transfer should be taken into account when calculating heating devices. The use of consuming heating systems provides a decrease in heat consumption by 10-20%.


The apartment in a high-rise building is an urban alternative to private homes, and a very large number of people live in apartments. The popularity of urban apartments is not strange, because they have everything that a person is required for a comfortable stay: heating, sewage and hot water supply. And if the last two points do not need a special representation, the diagram of heating a multi-storey house requires detailed consideration. From the point of view of constructive features, centralized has a number of differences from autonomous structures, which allows it to provide a house of thermal energy in the cold season.

Features of the heating system of multiofright houses

When heating equipment in high-rise buildings, it is necessary to comply with the requirements established by the regulatory documentation to which SNiP and GOST. These documents state that the heating structure should provide a constant temperature in apartments within 20-22 degrees, and humidity should vary from 30 to 45 percent.
Despite the presence of norms, many at home, especially among the old, do not meet these indicators. If so, then first you need to do the installation of thermal insulation and change the heating devices, and then contact the heat supply company. Heating of a three-story house, the diagram of which is depicted in the photo, can be given as an example of a good heating circuit.

To achieve the necessary parameters, a complex design that requires high-quality equipment is used. When creating a project of the heating system of an apartment building, specialists use all their knowledge to achieve a uniform heat distribution on all parts of the heating paint and create comparable pressure on each tier of the building. One of the inalienable elements of the work of such a design is the work on a superheated coolant, which provides for a diagram of heating a three-storey house or other heights.

How it works? Water comes directly with CHP and warm up to 130-150 degrees. In addition, the pressure is increased to 6-10 atmospheres, so the formation of the steam is impossible - high pressure will drive water on all floors at home without loss. The temperature of the fluid in the return pipeline can in this case can reach 60-70 degrees. Of course, at different times of the year, the temperature regime may vary, since it is directly tied to the ambient temperature.

Appointment and principle of action of the elevator node

Above it was said that water in the heating system of a multi-storey building is heated to 130 degrees. But this temperature is not needed to consumers, and heat the batteries to such a value absolutely meaningless, regardless of the floor: the system of heating the nine-story house in this case will not differ from any other. It is quite simple: the supply of heating in high-rise buildings is completed with a device that turns into an opposite circuit called an elevator node. What is the meaning of this node, and what functions are assigned to it?
Heated to high temperature coolant enters, which, according to the principle of its action, is similar to the dispenser injector. It is after this process that the liquid carries out heat exchange. Going through an elevator nozzle, a high pressure coolant comes through the reverse highway.

In addition, through the same channel, the liquid arrives at recycling into the heating system. All these processes together allow you to mix the coolant, taking it to the optimal temperature, which is enough to heat all the apartments. The use of the elevator node in the scheme allows to provide the highest quality heating in high-altitude houses, regardless of the floor.

Design features of the heating scheme

In the heating circuit behind the elevator node there are different valves. Their role should not be underestimated because they make it possible to regulate heating in separate entrances or in general house. Most often, the adjustment of the valves is carried out by manually by the staff of the heat supply company, if such a need arises.

In modern buildings, additional elements are often used, such as collectors, thermal and other equipment. In recent years, almost every system of heating of high-rise buildings is equipped with automatic, to minimize human intervention in the design of the design (read: ""). All described parts allow you to achieve better performance, increase efficiency and make it possible to more evenly distribute thermal energy for all apartments.

Pipeline wiring in a high-rise building

As a rule, in multi-storey houses, a single-pipe layout circuit with upper or lower bottling is used. The location of the direct and reverse tube can vary depending on the set of factors, including even the region where the building is located. For example, a heating scheme in a five-story building will differ constructively from heating in three-storey buildings.

When designing the heating system, all these factors are taken into account, and the most successful scheme is created, which allows you to bring all the parameters to the maximum. The project may assume various bottling options: bottom up or vice versa. In some houses, universal risers are installed, which ensure the alternateness of the movement of the coolant.

Types of radiators for heating apartment buildings

There is no single rule in multi-storey houses to use a specific type of radiator, so the choice is not particularly limited. The diagram of the heating of a multi-storey house is quite universal and has a good balance between temperature and pressure.

The main models of radiators used in apartments include the following devices:

  1. Cast iron batteries. Often used even in the most modern buildings. Cheap stand and very easily mounted: as a rule, the installation of this type of radiators, the owners of apartments are engaged in their own.
  2. Steel heaters. This option is a logical continuation of the development of new heating devices. Being more modern, steel heating panels demonstrate good aesthetic qualities, quite reliable and practical. Very well combined with regulating elements of the heating system. Experts agree that it is steel batteries that can be called optimal when used in apartments.
  3. Aluminum and bimetallic batteries. Produced products made from aluminum are very valued by owners of private houses and apartments. Aluminum batteries have the best indicators if compared with previous options: excellent external data, low weight and compactness are perfectly combined with high performance characteristics. The only minus of these devices, which often scares buyers - high cost. Nevertheless, experts do not recommend saving on heating and believe that such an investment will pay off rather quickly.
It is also not recommended to perform repair work in the heating system of an apartment building independently is also not recommended, especially if it is heating in the walls of the panel house: Practice shows that residents of houses, having no appropriate knowledge, are able to throw out an important element of the system, calculating it unnecessary.

Centralized heating systems demonstrate good qualities, but they need to be constantly maintained in working condition, and for this it is necessary to monitor many indicators, including thermal insulation, equipment wear and regular replacement of its elements.

The disadvantage of the dependent system of joining the displacement of water is the possibility of increasing the hydrostatic pressure directly transmitted through the return heat pipe to the return highway of the system to the value hazardous for the intake of heating devices (exceeding their working pressure).

The mixing pump can be used in the heating system with significant hydraulic resistance, whereas when using an elevator mixing unit, the hydraulic resistance of the system must be relatively small. Nevertheless, the water-based elevators were widespread due to trouble-free and silent action.

Reverse water from the heating system is mixed with high-temperature water from the outer supply heat pipe with the help of a mixing pump or a water jet elevator. When using the mixing pump, not only the local qualitative and quantitative regulation of water parameters, but also the preservation of water circulation in the heating system with emergency stopping of its external thermal conductors.

The coolant in the system of pumping water heating can be heated in the local water boiler (local heat supply) or high-temperature water coming from the CE, or the central thermal station (centralized heat supply). Depending on the source of heat supply, the parameters of coolants in the heat network and the heating system changes the equipment of the thermal item.

Attachment of heating systems to external thermal networks

Lecture 12.

In a regulator of an indirect action, an electrical energy is usually used to heat the thermobalone of the reduced volume, which, in turn, is associated with the rod of the adjusting valve. For individual manual control of heat transfer, cranes and valves and air valves in the convectors casing are served.

For individual automatic regulation, a direct and indirect temperature controller is used. The principle of operation of the direct action regulator is based on changing the volume of the medium at a pressure or decrease in its temperature. Changing the amount of thermoactive material (for example, rubber) directly causes the control of the regulator valve in the stream of the main coolant.

Operational regulation of heat transfer devices can be automated. Local automatic regulation in the thermal point is carried out, focusing on the change in the outdoor temperature. Individual automatic control of the heat transfer of the device occurs when the air temperature is deviating indoors.

The schematic diagram of the system of pumping water heating with local heat supply from the water-heating boiler room located in a heated building or near it is shown in Fig. 12.i, a.

Fig. 12.1 Connection schemes of a system of pumping water heating at local heat supply (A) and centralized (B, B, D)

1-circulation pump; 2-boiler; 3-fuel supply; 4- expansion tank. 5 - heating devices; 6-water pipe; 7 - heat exchanger? 8- Mapported Pump: 9, 1O-outer reverse and supply heat pipelines 11 - Mixing installation

Water is heated in the boiler room to the temperature Ti (TG). Hot water is distributed over heating devices. Water movement is created by a circulating pump included in the total return highway, where the water is cooled to the temperature of the T2 (TO). An expansion tank is attached to the return highway. Initial filling and replenishment of the system during leakage (the feeder is made with cold water from the water pipeline through the check valve, eliminating the flow of water from the system with a decrease in pressure in the water supply network.

With centralized heat supply, three main schemes of attachment of the system of pumping water heating to the outer heat pipelines are used (Fig. 12.1, bd).

An independent scheme for connecting the pumping water heating system to external heat pipelines (Fig.12.1, b) is close in its elements to the diagram at local heat supply. Filling and filling system are carried out by deaerated water from the outer heat network. In this case, the pressure in it is used or a fuel pump is used if this pressure is not enough. In a water-water heat exchanger, primary high-temperature water (Tii (T1) temperature from the outer feed heat resistant heats the secondary - local water and, coolant, to T2 (T2), is removed in the outer reverse heat pipe.

An independent scheme is used to obtain a separate heat-hydraulic regime in the heating system, which for any reason is unacceptable to the immediate supply of high-temperature leads. The advantage of an independent scheme, in addition to ensuring the heat-hydraulic regime, individual for each building is the possibility of conservation of circulation using water heat generation for some time, usually sufficient to eliminate emergency damage to external heat pipelines. The heating system for an independent scheme is longer than the system with a local boiler room, due to a decrease in the corrosion activity of water.

The dependent circuit with water mixing to attach the heating system to the outer heat pipelines (Fig.12.1) c) is easier by design and maintenance. Its cost below at the cost of an independent scheme due to the elimination of such elements as a heat exchanger, an expansion tank and a fuel pump, the functions of which are centrally on the thermal station. This accession scheme is chosen when the water temperature Ti is required in the system. and it is allowed to increase the hydrostatic pressure to the value under which water is located in the outer reverse thermal conductor.

The dependent direct-flow scheme for connecting the water heating system to the outer heat pipelines is most simple on the design and maintenance: there are no such elements such as a heat exchanger or mixing unit, circulation and fuel pumps, an expansion tank (Fig.12.1, d). River connection is used when high-temperature water is allowed in the system (Ti \u003d Tii) and significant hydrostatic pressure, or when the water having a temperature below Yu ° C is allowed. The heating system has a reduced cost and reduced metal consumption.

The disadvantages of the direct-flow connection is the impossibility of local quality regulation and the dependence of the thermal mode of the heating system (and premises) from the impersonal temperature of the water in the outer supply heat conductor. The height of buildings in which high-temperature water can be used is limited due to the need to maintain hydrostatic pressure in the system, high enough to prevent water boiling.

With centralized heat supply with the use of independent and dependent attachment in the heating system, the deaerated water circulation is ensured (the air is removed on the heat station). This not only simplifies the collection and removal of air from the system (tactically removing air is carried out only in the starting period after installation and repair), but also increases its service life.

High-rise buildings are usually zoned - divided into parts - the zones of a certain height, between which the technical floors are placed. In water heating systems, the height of the zone is determined by the permissible pressure of water (working pressure) in the lowest devices and the possibility of accommodating equipment and communications on the technical floors.


The buildings considered in the book can be attributed to the category of high-rise buildings. We hope that in the future there will be a book about the domestic experience in the design of engineering equipment of ultra-high buildings, figuratively called skyscrapers.

Heat-breeding and heating of high-rise residential buildings

To the light of the book

V. I. Livchak, Vice President of NP "Avok", Head of the Energy Efficiency Department for the Construction of MosgosExpertiz

In Moscow, half a century after the construction of seven "Stalinist" height resumed the construction of high-rise buildings. Now the buildings are built above 40 floors: in 2003 - "Edelweiss" in Davydkovskaya st., Vl. 3 (height 176 m, 43 floors), "Scarlet sails" Case 4 (179 m, 48 floors) on aviation st., Vl. 77-79; In 2004 - "Vorobyev Mountains" (188 m, 49 floors) at Mosfilmovskaya st., Vl. 4-6, "Triumph Palace" - the highest residential building in Europe (225 m, 59 floors, with a spire - 264 m), Chapaevsky per., Vl. 2.

There are no no dozens of buildings with a height of 30-50 floors on the city investment program "New Ring of Moscow". The Moscow-City business center is built a number of skyscrapers with a height of more than 300 m, and apotheosis is assumed to the construction of the Russian Tower of 600 m on the project of the English architect of Norman Phoster, whose design has begun in 2006.

The project of the Residential House "Edelweiss" was completed by TNIIepliga, engineering part of the remaining listed high-rise residential buildings built by Don-Stroy, was the fruit of creativity of the design and production company Alexander Kolubkov under the direction of A. N. Kolubkova and his name. Interestingly, "Don-Stroy" itself and exploits the houses to them, and therefore applied decisions are confirmed by the practice of their work.

The experience gained in the design of these buildings and their operation was based on the book "Engineering equipment of high-rise buildings" published by Avok-Press in 2007 under the general edited by prof. Marha M. M. Brodach.

In our opinion, all buildings in height can be divided into 5 categories:

Up to five floors, where the installation of elevators is not required - low-rise buildings;

Up to 75 m (25 floors), within which zoning vertically is not required for fire compartments - multi-storey buildings;

76-150 M - buildings of increased floors;

151-300 m - high-rise buildings;

Over 300 m - ultrahigh buildings.

The gradation of a multiple 150 m is due to the change in the calculated temperature of the outer air for the design of heating and ventilation - every 150 m it decreases at 1 ° C.

The features of the design of buildings above 75 m are associated with the fact that their vertically should be divided into hermetic fire compartments (zones), the boundaries of which are enclosing structures that ensure the required fire resistance limits to localize a possible fire and non-proliferation of it on adjacent compartments. The height of the zones should be 50-75 m, and it is not necessary to separate vertical fire compartments with technical floors, as is customary in warm countries, where technical floors do not have walls and are used to collect people in a fire and their subsequent evacuation. In countries with a harsh climate, the need for technical floors is due to the requirements of the placement of engineering equipment. When it is installed in the basement, only a part of the floor located on the border of fire compartments can be used to accommodate the fans of the anti-counter protection, the rest is under work space. With a cascading scheme for connecting heat exchangers, as a rule, they are placed along with pump groups on the technical floors, where they need more space, and occupy the floor completely, and in ultrahigh buildings sometimes two floors.

The buildings considered in the book can be attributed to the category of high-rise buildings. We hope that in the future there will be a book about the domestic experience in the design of engineering equipment of ultra-high buildings, figuratively called skyscrapers.

Below will be the analysis of project decisions on heat-generation and heating of listed residential buildings. And this is only a part of the subject, which is devoted to the book under consideration, beyond the scope of this article there is an analysis of advanced solutions implemented in a number of foreign high-rise buildings, and the features of the influence of external climate, the experience of designing ventilation and air conditioning systems of residential and public buildings, fireproof systems, drainage systems and Surprise, automation and dispatching, also shown in the book "Engineering equipment of high-rise buildings".

Heat supply

A feature of the design of heat and water systems is that all pumping and heat exchange equipment of the under consideration of high-rise residential buildings are located at the ground level or minus the first floor. This is due to the danger of placing water pipelines on residential floors, uncertainty in the adequacy of protection against noise and vibration of adjacent residential premises during the operation of pumping equipment and the desire to preserve the scarce area to accommodate more apartments.

Such a solution is possible due to the use of high-pressure pipelines, heat exchangers, pumps, shut-off and regulating equipment, withstanding working pressure up to 25 atm. Therefore, in the strapping of heat exchangers from local water, disk gates with collar flanges, pumps with a U-shaped element, pressure regulators "to ourselves" of direct action, installed on the feed pipe, electromagnetic valves, calculated for pressure 25 atm. In the station filling the heating systems.

With the height of the buildings above 220 m due to the occurrence of ultra-high hydrostatic pressure, it is recommended to use a cascade circuit of connecting zonal heat exchangers of heating and hot water supply, an example of such a solution is provided in the book.

Another feature of the heat supply of the implemented high-rise residential buildings is that in all cases the source of heat supply is urban thermal networks. The connection to them is made through the CTP, which occupies a rather large area, for example, in the Mount Sparrow complex, it occupies 1,200 m 2 with a height of the room 6 m (the calculated power of 34 MW).

CTP includes heat exchangers with circulation pumps of heating systems of different zones, heat supply systems of ventilation and air conditioning systems, hot water systems, pumping stations for filling the heating systems and pressure maintenance systems with expansion tanks and autorography equipment, emergency electrical storage water heaters of hot water supply. Equipment and pipelines are vertically, so that during operation they have been easily accessible. Through all CTP, the central passage of at least 1.7 m wide is passed to the possibility of moving special loaders, allowing removing heavy equipment when replaced (Fig. 1).

Picture 1.

Such a decision was also due to the fact that high-rise complexes are usually multifunctional to intended with a developed stylobate and underground part on which several buildings may be. Therefore, in the Vorobyev Mountain complex, which includes 3 high-altitude residential buildings in 43-48 floors and 4 buildings with a height of 17-25 floors, combined with a five-level styline part, technical collectors with numerous pipelines depart, and to reduce them in technical The zone of high-altitude housings is located the rising pumping stations of water supply, which carry the cold and hot water into each zone of high-altitude enclosures.

It is possible a different solution - CTP to introduce urban heat networks to the object, placing the pressure regulator "after itself", the node of the metering of thermal energy and, if necessary, the installation of cogeneration and can be combined with one of the individual local thermal items (ITP), employees to attach local heat consumption systems close by location to this thermal point. From this CTP, overheated water for two pipes, and not several from the comb, as in the previous case, is fed to the local ITP, located in other parts of the complex, including on the upper floors, on the principle of approximity to heat load. With this solution, there is no need to connect the internal heat supply system of the calorifications of the supply systems on an independent scheme through the heat exchanger. The calorifer itself is a heat exchanger and connects to pipelines of overheated water directly with pump mixing to improve the quality of load control and increase the reliability of the protection of calorifer from freezing.

One of the decisions on the redundancy of centralized heat and power supply of high-rise buildings may be a device of autonomous mini-CHP based on gas turbine (GTU) or gas pipeline (GPU) installations that simultaneously generating both types of energy. Modern means of protection against noise and vibration allow them to be placed directly in the building, including on the upper floors. As a rule, the power of these settings does not exceed 30-40% of the maximum power of the object and in normal mode, these installations operate, complementing centralized energy supply systems. For greater power of cogeneration installations, there are problems of transmitting excess one or another energy to the network.

The book provides an algorithm for calculating and selecting mini-CHPs in the power supply of an object offline and an analysis of the optimization of the choice of mini-CHP on the example of a particular project. With a shortage of thermal energy only for the object under consideration, an autonomous source of heat supply (AIT) may be adopted as a source of heat supply in the form of boiler room with water boilers. Customs, located on the roof or protruding parts of the building, can be used or separately standing boilers, projected according to SP 41-104-2000. The possibility and place of accommodation AIT should be linked to the entire complex of its environmental impact, including on a residential high-rise building.


Water heating systems of high-rise buildings are zoned in height and, as already mentioned, if fire compartments are separated by the technical floors, the zoning of the heating systems, as a rule, coincides with fire compartments, since the technical floors are convenient for laying pipelines. In the absence of technical floors, zoning of heating systems may not coincide with the division of the building for fire compartments. The fire supervision bodies are allowed to cross the boundaries of fire compartments by pipelines of water filled systems, and the height of the zone is determined by the value of the allowable hydrostatic pressure for the lower heating devices and their strapping.

Initially, the design of zonal heating systems was carried out, as for conventional multi-storey buildings. It was usually used, as a rule, two-pipe heating systems with vertical risers and lower layout of feed and return highways passing on the technical floor, which made it possible to include the heating system without waiting for the construction of all floors of the zone. Such heating systems were implemented in the residential complexes "Scarlet Sails", "Vorobyev Mountains", "Triumph Palace". Each risker is equipped with automatic balancing valves to ensure the automatic distribution of coolant for risers, and each heating device is an automatic thermostat with increased hydraulic resistance to provide the tenancy capabilities of establishing the air temperature in the room and information to a minimum of the effect of the gravitational circulation of circulation pressure and on / off the thermostats On other heating devices connected to this riser.

Further, in order to avoid unbalanced the heating system related to unauthorized withdrawal of thermostats in individual apartments, which has repeatedly occurred in practice, it was proposed to switch to the heating system with the upper wiring of the supply line with the associated movement of the coolant for risers. This lines the loss of pressure of circulating rings through the heating devices, regardless of which the floor they are located, increases the hydraulic stability of the system, ensures air removal from the system and facilitates the setting of thermostators.

However, later, as a result of the analysis of various decisions, the designers came to the conclusion that the best heating system, especially for buildings without technical floors, are consistent horizontal layout systems connected to vertical stands passing, as a rule, along the stairwell, and performed by two-pipe scheme with lower distribution layout. Such a system is designed in the crown part (9 floors of the third zone) of the high-rise complex "Triumph Palace" and in the 50-storey house under construction without intermediate technical floors on the street. Pyryeva, d. 2.

The commercial heating systems are equipped with a node with a shut-off adjusting with balancing valves and triggered reinforcement, filters and a thermal energy metering instrument. This node should be located outside the apartment on the staircase for unhindered operation of the operation service. In apartments more than 100 m 2, the connection is made not loop, perimetically laid in the apartment (since the diameter of the pipeline increases with an increase in the load, and as a result of this, the installation is complicated and the cost is increasing due to the use of expensive large fittings), and through the intermediate distribution cabinet, in which the comb is installed, and from it heat carrier on the radiation circuit with pipelines of a smaller diameter is sent to heating devices along a two-pipe scheme.

Pipelines are used from heat-resistant polymeric materials, as a rule, from stitched polyethylene RS (the rationale for use is given in the book), the gasket is performed in the preparation of the floor. The calculated parameters of the coolant, based on the technical conditions on such pipelines, 90-70 (65) ° C from the concern that the further decrease in temperature leads to a significant increase in the surface of heating the heating devices, which is not welcomed by investors due to the growth of the system cost. The experience of using metal-plastic pipes in the heating system "Triumph Palace" was recognized as unsuccessful. In the process of operation, as a result of aging, the adhesive layer is destroyed and the inner layer of the pipe "collapses", as a result of which the passage section is narrowed and the heating system ceases to work normally.

The authors of the book believe that with the consuming wiring, the optimal solution is the use of automatic balancing valves ASV-P (PV) on the return pipeline and the ASV-M shut-off valves (ASV-1) on the feed. The use of this valve pair makes it possible not only to compensate for the influence of the gravitational component, but also limit the flow rate per apartment in accordance with the parameters. Valves are usually selected on the diameter of pipelines and are configured to maintain pressure drop at 10 kPa. Such a valve setting is selected based on the value of the required pressure loss on radiator thermostators to ensure their optimal work. Limiting the cost of the apartment is set by the setting on the ASV-1 valves, and it is taken into account that in this case the pressure loss on these valves must be included in the pressure drop supported by the ASV-PV regulator.

The use of consumer horizontal heating systems compared to the vertical riming system leads to a decrease in the length of the main pipelines (they are only suitable for the staircase riser, and not to the remote riser in the corner room), a decrease in heat loss by pipelines, simplifying the floor entry in the building and increase hydraulic system stability. The cost of the device of the apartment system is slightly different from standard with vertical risers, but the service life is higher due to the use of pipes from heat-resistant polymeric materials.

In the consumer heating systems, it is much easier and with absolute visuality for tenants, heat energy can be carried out. It is necessary to agree with the opinion of the authors, that although the installation of heat meters does not apply to energy-saving activities, however, payment for actually consumed thermal energy is a powerful incentive that makes the inhabitants take care of its expenditure. Naturally, this is achieved, first of all, the mandatory use of thermostats on heating devices. The experience of their operation showed that in order to avoid influence on the thermal regime of adjacent apartments in the thermostat control algorithm, a restriction of temperature reduction in the room serviced is not below 15-16 ° C, and the heating devices should be selected with a power reserve at least 15%.

Water supply

To increase the reliability of water supply in buildings up to 250 m, there are no less than two inputs from independent water holders (separate lines of the outer ring water supply network), with a greater height, each input is laid in two lines, each of which must be calculated for skipping at least 50% of the settlement consumption.

In order to increase the reliability and ensuring uninterruptedness in the work of hot water supply in all high-rise residential buildings, it is provided for additionally to high-speed water water heaters, the installation of capacitive electrical heaters, which are included during the disconnection of the heating system for planned prophylactic work or accidents. The volume of these reserve water heaters is selected at the calculation of the seven-hour peak flow of hot water. The power of the heating element is assigned in such a way that the heating time of this volume of water was 8 hours - it is a gap between peak morning and evening water intakes.

As a rule, there are many backup electrical heaters (there are objects where their number reaches 13 pcs.), And for the stability of their work, the turning on the water heaters should be carried out according to the scheme with associated water movement. If the water heater is first for connecting hot water, it should be the last on the output of heated water. The operating pressure of electrical heaters does not exceed 7 atm. This causes the height of the water supply zone. Therefore, it is not necessary that the number of zones in water supply systems coincided with heating. So, in a 50-storey residential building on the street. Pyrhev is envisaged by vertical 3 zones for heating system and 4 - for hot and cold water supply (Fig. 2). In recent systems, the number of areas coincides to the possibility of reservation between them.

Figure 2 ()

Zoning engineering systems

Another feature of the hot water supply system of the listed high-rise buildings is that, regardless of the number of zones, a single heat exchanger is installed on the entire system, and then with separate rising pumping stations, hot water is pumped into the corresponding zone. Also, on cold water, there are its rice pumping stations on each zone, which increases the reliability of the water-supply system, allowing water supply in abnormal situations through hot water pipelines.

Connecting circulating pipelines of different zones to a common comb occurs through a node that includes, except for the shut-off valve and the check valve, the pressure regulator "after itself" and the flow regulator. Such a scheme was accepted after a variety of samples and errors. First, regulating valves with electrical control were installed. During operation, it turned out that their response speeds lack for normal operation. It was required to find equipment capable of more promptly respond to change in pressure in the circulation pipeline. As a result, regulators of direct action were selected. Initially, they were put without flow regulators, but since circulation pumps contribute to convolution, these pressure regulators began to work as throttle with unacceptable noises. To eliminate this defect, the system tried to adjust more carefully, but then put the flow regulators, after which the described effect disappeared.

In order to change the pressure in the urban water supply to the stability of pressure stability with pumping stations, the "after itself" pressure regulator is installed at the water supply station. If the pressure variation was 0.6-0.9 atm before the installation of this regulator, then after installation, it stabilized at 0.2-0.4 atm. At the introduction of hot water supply (after heat exchangers, in front of the pumping station of each zone) also installed their pressure regulators "after themselves", due to which false responses of check valves are excluded and the inclusion of backup pumps without particularly needed.

Water supply system, as a rule, is organized with a horizontal consumption wiring. Such a solution was successfully implemented in the high-altitude residential complexes "Vorobyev Mountains", "Triumph Palace" and on ul. Pyryeva. In this case, the risers of the water-supply system are laid in the staircase lift, from where the input of hot and cold water pipelines is provided. The system is equipped with cold and hot water meters, which, together with filters and pressure regulators, are installed in distribution cabinets in the staircase lift. In order to avoid water flow (from a cold highway in a hot and vice versa), resulting from improper operation of sanitary equipment, in the inputs to the apartment on the supply pipelines of cold and hot water, check valves are installed.

Wiring of pipelines from stands to apartments and apartments are performed from stitched polyethylene pipes (lp). It is advisable to apply a collector wiring in the apartments when the water is supplied to each water treatment device from the collector along a separate pipe, this minimizes the effect of neighboring devices on each other (when one mixer is turned on), the temperature is varying on the other). The risers are paired from steel pipes, and just as in the heating system, hot water risers are equipped with compensators and fixed supports. Calculated circulation into a volume of 40% of the calculated water intake is exhibited using regulating and balancing reinforcement.

With a horizontal wiring of a hot water system, you can refuse to install towel rails. Operating experience has shown that even in buildings equipped with heated towel rails, up to 70% of apartment owners do not use them. They either leave the bathroom at all without heated towel rails, or use electrical heated towel rails. The use of electrical heated towel rails, from the point of view of the owner of the apartment, is more convenient because it is included only as needed.

These are the solutions of heat-generating systems and heating the highest residential buildings built by now in Moscow. They are clear, logical and fundamentally different from solutions used in the design of conventional multi-storey buildings with a height of less than 75 m, except for the separation of heating and water supply systems into zones. But within each zone, standard approaches to perform these systems are preserved. More attention is drawn to the installation of heating systems and maintain pressure in them and on each floor of water supply systems, as well as in circulation lines from different zones before connecting them to a common comb, automatic control of heat supply and heat carrier distribution to implement comfortable and economical modes, reservation. Equipment works to ensure uninterrupted supply of consumers with warmth and water.

A distinctive feature is the use of smooth water capacitive electrical heaters for one and a half hours of water. But it seems that their capabilities are not fully used. In addition to the inclusion of them in an accident or planned-warning repair of heat networks, they could be linked so that their capacity is used to remove peak thermal loads on the heat supply system.

This ingenious scheme proposed by the progenitor of hot water equipment A. V. Khludovov includes a water heater, a tank battery and a pump that performs the battery charging function with hot water (Fig. 3). With a charged battery, cold water is parallel flows into the water heater and to the tank battery, displacing the hot water from the battery to the consumer system. Thus, with a large water treatment, the consumer gets hot water from the water heater and the battery. With a decrease in water treatment, the pump squeezes the excess heated in the water water heater to the tank-battery, thereby displacing cold water from the bottom of the battery to the water heater, i.e. the battery is charging. This allows you to lift the load on the water heater and reduce its heat surface.

The disadvantages of the decision makers should include ignoring the use of energy-saving solutions, such as partial replacement of power consumption due to the use of autonomous energy-producing gas turbine or gas supply plants, solar photovoltaic or water heating elements, heat pumps that use low-precision soil energy, ventilation emissions. There should also be noted the insufficient use of centralized cold supply to improve the comfort of residence in apartments and eliminate the negative impact on the architecture of the building of unsystematic wielded on the facade of the external blocks of split systems. High-rise buildings, being advanced in part of architectural and design solutions, should be an example of the implementation of promising technologies in engineering systems.

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

Belarusian National Technical University

Faculty of Energy Construction

Department "Heat-shaping and ventilation"

on the topic: "Heat supply and heating of high-rise buildings"

Prepared: student c. №11004414.

Novikova K.V.

Checked: Nesterov L.V.

Minsk - 2015.


If in the room, the temperature of the temperature situation is favorable, then specialists in heating and ventilation somehow do not remember. If the situation is unfavorable, then first of all criticize specialists in this area.

However, the responsibility for maintaining the specified parameters in the premises lies not only in heating and ventilation specialists.

Acceptance of engineering solutions to ensure the specified parameters in the premises, the volume of capital investments for these purposes and subsequent operating costs depend on the volume and planning decisions, taking into account the evaluation of wind regime and aerodynamic indicators, construction solutions, orientation, the glazing coefficient of the building, the calculated climatic indicators, including The number of quality, the level of air pollution along the totality of all sources of pollution. Multifunctional high-rise buildings and complexes are an extremely difficult construction in terms of designing engineering communications: heating systems, general and modern ventilation systems, general and fireproof water supply, evacuation, fire automation, etc. This is mainly due to the high height of the building and admissible hydrostatic pressure, in particular , in water systems of heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

All buildings in height can be divided into 5 categories:

Up to five floors, where the installation of elevators is not required - low-rise buildings;

Up to 75 m (25 floors), within which zoning vertically is not required for fire compartments - multi-storey buildings;

76-150 M - buildings of increased floors;

151-300 m - high-rise buildings;

Over 300 m - ultrahigh buildings.

The gradation of a multiple 150 m is due to the change in the calculated temperature of the outer air for the design of heating and ventilation - every 150 m it decreases at 1 ° C.

The features of the design of buildings above 75 m are associated with the fact that their vertically should be divided into hermetic fire compartments (zones), the boundaries of which are enclosing structures that ensure the required fire resistance limits to localize a possible fire and non-proliferation of it on adjacent compartments. The height of the zones should be 50-75 m, and it is not necessary to separate vertical fire compartments with technical floors, as is customary in warm countries, where technical floors do not have walls and are used to collect people in a fire and their subsequent evacuation. In countries with a harsh climate, the need for technical floors is due to the requirements of the placement of engineering equipment.

When it is installed in the basement, only a part of the floor located on the border of fire compartments can be used to accommodate the fans of the anti-counter protection, the rest is under work space. With a cascading scheme for connecting heat exchangers, as a rule, they are placed along with pump groups on the technical floors, where they need more space, and occupy the floor completely, and in ultrahigh buildings sometimes two floors.

Below will be the analysis of project decisions on heat-generation and heating of listed residential buildings.

1. Heat supply

Heat supply of internal heating systems, hot water supply, ventilation, air conditioning of high-rise buildings It is recommended to include:

From centralized heat supply networks;

from an autonomous heat source (AIT), subject to confirmation of the admissibility of its environmental impact in accordance with the current environmental legislation and regulatory documents;

from the combined heat source (whale), including hybrid heat-pumping heat supply systems using unconventional renewable energy sources and secondary energy resources (soil, ventilation emissions of the building, etc.) in combination with thermal and / or electrical networks.

Warm consumers of a high-rise building for the reliability of heat supply are divided into two categories:

the first - heating systems, ventilation and air conditioning systems, in which during the accident, no interruptions are allowed to supply the estimated amount of heat and a decrease in air temperature below the minimum permissible according to GOST 30494. The list of specified rooms and the minimum allowable air temperature in the premises must be carried out in the technical task;

the second is the rest of consumers for which the temperature is reduced in heated premises for the period of elimination of the accident not more than 54 hours, not lower:

16s - in residential premises;

12s - in public and administrative and domestic premises;

5С - in the industrial premises.

The heat supply of the high-rise building should be designed, providing uninterrupted heat supply with accidents (refusals) at the heat source or in supply heat networks during the repair period from two (main and reserve) independent inputs of thermal networks. The main input should provide 100% of the required amount of heat for a high-rise building; From backup input - heat supply in the amount of no less required for heating and ventilation and air conditioning systems of the first category, as well as the heating systems of the second category to maintain the temperature in heated rooms not lower than the above. By the beginning of the working cycle, the air temperature in these premises should correspond to the normative.

Internal heat supply systems should be attached:

with centralized heat supply - on an independent scheme to thermal networks;

at the AIT - on a dependent or independent scheme.

Internal heat supply systems must be divided into the height of buildings on the zones (zoning). The height of the zone should determine the magnitude of the permissible hydrostatic pressure in the lower elements of the heat supply systems of each zone.

The pressure at any point of the heat supply systems of each zone at hydrodynamic mode (both at the calculated costs and water temperature and with possible deviations from them) should ensure filling systems with water, prevent water boiling and not exceed the values \u200b\u200ballowed for the equipment (heat exchangers, Tanks, pumps, etc.), reinforcement and pipelines.

Water supply to each zone can be carried out on a serial (cascade) or parallel diagram through heat exchangers with automatic regulation of the temperature of heated water. For the consumers of heat of each zone, it is necessary to provide, as a rule, their contour of the preparation and distribution of the coolant with a temperature adjustable by individual temperature graphics. When calculating the temperature graph of the coolant, the beginning and end of the heating period should be taken with the average temperature of the outer air + 8s and the averaged estimated air temperature in heated rooms.

For heat supply systems of high-rise buildings, it is necessary to provide for reservation of equipment according to the following scheme.

In each contour of the preparation of the coolant, at least two heat exchangers (working + standby) should be installed, the heating surface of each of which should provide 100% of the required heat consumption for heating, ventilation, air conditioning and hot water supply systems.

When installing in the contour of the preparation of hot water of reserve capacitive electric heaters, the redundancy of heat exchangers of the GVS systems is allowed not to provide.

It is allowed to install in the preparation circuit of the coolant for a ventilation system of three heat exchangers (2 operating + 1 standby), the surface of the heating of each of which should provide 50% of the required heat consumption for ventilation and air conditioning systems.

With a cascade heat supply scheme, the number of heat exchangers for heat supply of the upper zones is allowed to take 2 workers + 1 backup, and the heating surface should be taken 50% or by technical assignment.

Heat exchangers, pumps and other equipment, as well as fittings and pipelines, should be selected taking into account the hydrostatic and working pressure in the heat supply system, as well as the limiting test pressure during hydraulic test. Working pressure on systems should be taken by 10% below the permissible working pressure for all elements of systems.

The parameters of the coolant in heat supply systems, as a rule, be taken into account the temperature of the heated water in the zonal heat exchangers of the contour of the preparation of water of the corresponding zone in the height of the building. The temperature of the coolant should be taken not more than 95 ° C in systems with pipelines made of steel or copper pipes and no more than 90 ° C - from polymer pipes allowed for use in heat supply systems. The parameters of the coolant in the internal heat supply systems are allowed to take more than 95 ° C, but not more than 110 ° C in systems with pipelines made of steel pipes, taking into account the inspection not to boil the water height of the building. When laying pipelines with a temperature of the coolant more than 95 ° C should include their gasket in independent or common with other pipelines, silent mines, taking into account relevant security measures. The gasket of these pipelines is possible only in places available to the operating organization. Measures should be taken to exclude a couple in damage to pipelines beyond the technical premises.

A feature of the design of heat and water systems is that all pumping and heat exchange equipment of the under consideration of high-rise residential buildings are located at the ground level or minus the first floor. This is due to the danger of placing water pipelines on residential floors, uncertainty in the adequacy of protection against noise and vibration of adjacent residential premises during the operation of pumping equipment and the desire to preserve the scarce area to accommodate more apartments.

Such a solution is possible due to the use of high-pressure pipelines, heat exchangers, pumps, shut-off and regulating equipment, withstanding working pressure up to 25 atm. Therefore, in the strapping of heat exchangers from local water, disk shutters with collar flanges are used, pumps with a U-shaped element, pressure regulators "to ourselves" of direct action, installed on the feed pipe, solenoid valves, calculated for pressure 25 atm. In the station filling the heating systems.

At the height of the buildings above 220 m due to the occurrence of ultra-high hydrostatic pressure, it is recommended to use a cascade diagram of connecting zonal heat exchangers of heating and hot water supply. Another feature of the heat supply of the implemented high-rise residential buildings is that in all cases the source of heat supply is urban thermal networks. Connecting to them is made through the CTP, which takes up quite large area. CTP includes heat exchangers with circulation pumps of heating systems of different zones, heat supply systems of ventilation and air conditioning systems, hot water systems, pumping stations for filling the heating systems and pressure maintenance systems with expansion tanks and autorography equipment, emergency electrical storage water heaters of hot water supply. Equipment and pipelines are vertically, so that during operation they have been easily accessible. Through all CTP, the central passage of at least 1.7 m wide is passed to the possibility of moving special loaders, allowing removing heavy equipment when replaced (Fig. 1).

Such a decision was also due to the fact that high-rise complexes are usually multifunctional to intended with a developed stylobate and underground part on which several buildings may be. Therefore, in the complex, which includes 3 high-altitude residential buildings in 43-48 floors and 4 buildings with a height of 17-25 floors, combined with a five-level styline part, technical collectors with numerous pipelines depart, and for their reduction in the technical zone of high-altitude corps are located. Raising pumping stations of water supply that carry out the cutting of cold and hot water into each zone of high-rise buildings.

It is possible and a different solution - the CTP is used to enter urban heat networks on the object, placement of the pressure regulator "after itself", the node of the metering of thermal energy and, if necessary, installing cogeneration and can be combined with one of the individual local thermal points (ITP), employees to attach local heat consumption systems close by location to this thermal point. From this CTP, overheated water for two pipes, and not several from the comb, as in the previous case, is fed to the local ITP, located in other parts of the complex, including on the upper floors, on the principle of approximity to heat load. With this solution, there is no need to connect the internal heat supply system of the calorifications of the supply systems on an independent scheme through the heat exchanger. The calorifer itself is a heat exchanger and connects to pipelines of overheated water directly with pump mixing to improve the quality of load control and increase the reliability of the protection of calorifer from freezing.

One of the decisions on the redundancy of centralized heat and power supply of high-rise buildings may be a device of autonomous mini-CHP based on gas turbine (GTU) or gas pipeline (GPU) installations that simultaneously generating both types of energy. Modern means of protection against noise and vibration allow them to be placed directly in the building, including on the upper floors. As a rule, the power of these settings does not exceed 30-40% of the maximum power of the object and in normal mode, these installations operate, complementing centralized energy supply systems. For greater power of cogeneration installations, there are problems of transmitting excess one or another energy to the network.

There is a literature, which provides an algorithm for calculating and selecting mini-CHPs during the energy supply of an object offline and an analysis of the optimization of the choice of mini-CHP on the example of a particular project. With a shortage of thermal energy only for the object under consideration, an autonomous source of heat supply (AIT) may be adopted as a source of heat supply in the form of boiler room with water boilers. Customs, located on the roof or protruding parts of the building, can be used or separately standing boilers, projected according to SP 41-104-2000. The possibility and place of accommodation AIT should be linked to the entire complex of its environmental impact, including on a residential high-rise building.

The temperature situation in the room has a significant impact of the area and heat engineering indicators of a glazed surface. It is known that the regulatory resistance of the wind heat transfer is almost 6 times less than the resistance to the heat transfer of the outer walls. In addition, through them an hour, if there are no sunscreen devices, up to 300 - 400 W / m2 heat due to solar radiation. Unfortunately, when designing administrative and social buildings, the glazing coefficient is allowed to exceed 50% with the presence of an appropriate rationale (with heat transfer resistance of at least 0.65 m2 ° C / W). In fact, the use of this assumption without an appropriate justification is not excluded.

2. Heating

The following heating systems can be used in high-rise buildings:

water two-pipe with horizontal wiring on floors or vertical;

air with heating and recirculating units within one room or combined with a mechanical ventilation system;

electrical on the task of design and when obtaining technical conditions from the power supply organization.

It is allowed to use outdoor (water or electric) heating for heating bathrooms, changing rooms, pool premises, etc.

The parameters of the coolant in the heating systems of the corresponding zone should be used on the SP 60.13330 not more than 95s in systems with pipelines made of steel or copper pipes and no more than 90 ° C - from polymer pipes allowed for use in construction.

The height of the heating system should determine the value of the permissible hydrostatic pressure in the lower elements of the system. The pressure at any point of the heating system of each zone in the hydrodynamic mode should ensure that water systems are filling and not exceed the values \u200b\u200ballowed by strength for equipment, reinforcement and pipelines.

The instruments, reinforcement and pipelines of heating systems should be selected taking into account the hydrostatic and working pressure in the zone heating system, as well as the limiting test pressure during hydraulic test. Working pressure on systems should be taken by 10% below the permissible working pressure for all elements of systems.

Air-thermal regime of high-rise building

When calculating the air regime, the effect of wind speed vertically on the facades, at the roof level, as well as the pressure drop between the atmosphere and tinted facade of the building estimates the influence of the building.

The calculated parameters of the outer air for heating systems, ventilation, air conditioning, heat and cold supply of a high-rise building should be made according to the technical task, but not lower than by parameters B according to the SP 60.13330 and SP 131.13330.

Calculations of heat loss by outer protective structures, air regimes of high-rise buildings, outdoor air parameters in places of air intake devices, etc. It should be done taking into account the change in the speed and temperature of the outer air at the height of buildings on Appendix A and SP 131.13330.

Outdoor air parameters should be taken with the following factors:

lowering air temperature at height at 1 ° C for every 100 m;

boost wind speed in the cold period of the year;

the appearance of powerful convective flows on the facades of the building irradiated with the Sun;

placement of air intake devices in the high-rise part of the building.

When placing receiving devices for outdoor air in the southeastern, southern or south-western facades, the outdoor temperature in the warm period of the year should be taken at 3-5 ° C above the calculated one.

The calculated parameters of the internal air microclimate (temperature, speed and relative humidity) in residential, hotel and public spaces of high-rise buildings should be taken within the limits of optimal norms according to GOST 30494

In the cold year of the year in residential, public, administrative and industrial and industrial premises (refrigeration units, machine branches of elevators, ventkamers, pumps, etc.), when they are not used and inoperative time, the air temperature is reduced below normalized, but not less:

16s - in residential premises;

12s - in public and administrative and domestic premises;

5С - in the industrial premises.

By the beginning of the working time, the air temperature in these rooms should correspond to the regulatory.

At the input Tamburas of high-rise buildings, as a rule, it should be provided to double the lobby of the hall or the lobby. Additional circular or radius-type devices are recommended as the entrance doors.

Events should be provided to reduce air pressure in vertical elevator mines that form at the height of the building due to the gravitational difference, as well as to exclude unorganized internal air flows between the individual functional areas of the building.

Water heating systems of high-rise buildings are zoned in height and, as already mentioned, if fire compartments are separated by the technical floors, the zoning of the heating systems, as a rule, coincides with fire compartments, since the technical floors are convenient for laying pipelines. In the absence of technical floors, zoning of heating systems may not coincide with the division of the building for fire compartments. The fire supervision bodies are allowed to cross the boundaries of fire compartments by pipelines of water filled systems, and the height of the zone is determined by the value of the allowable hydrostatic pressure for the lower heating devices and their strapping.

Initially, the design of zonal heating systems was carried out, as for conventional multi-storey buildings. It was usually used, as a rule, two-pipe heating systems with vertical risers and lower layout of feed and return highways passing on the technical floor, which made it possible to include the heating system without waiting for the construction of all floors of the zone. Such heating systems were implemented, for example, in residential complexes "Scarlet Sails", "Vorobyev Mountains", "Triumph Palace" (Moscow). Each risker is equipped with automatic balancing valves to ensure the automatic distribution of coolant for risers, and each heating device is an automatic thermostat with increased hydraulic resistance to provide the tenancy capabilities of establishing the air temperature in the room and information to a minimum of the effect of the gravitational circulation of circulation pressure and on / off the thermostats On other heating devices connected to this riser.

Further, in order to avoid unbalanced the heating system related to unauthorized withdrawal of thermostats in individual apartments, which has repeatedly occurred in practice, it was proposed to switch to the heating system with the upper wiring of the supply line with the associated movement of the coolant for risers. This lines the loss of pressure of circulating rings through the heating devices, regardless of which the floor they are located, increases the hydraulic stability of the system, ensures air removal from the system and facilitates the setting of thermostators.

However, later, as a result of the analysis of various decisions, the designers came to the conclusion that the best heating system, especially for buildings without technical floors, are consistent horizontal layout systems connected to vertical stands passing, as a rule, along the stairwell, and performed by two-pipe scheme with lower distribution layout. For example, such a system is designed in the crowning part (9 floors of the third zone) of the high-rise complex "Triumph Palace" and in a 50-storey house under construction without intermediate technical floors.

The commercial heating systems are equipped with a node with a shut-off adjusting with balancing valves and triggered reinforcement, filters and a thermal energy metering instrument. This node should be located outside the apartment on the staircase for unhindered operation of the operation service. In apartments more than 100 m2, the connection is made not loop, perimetically laid around the apartment (since the diameter of the pipeline increases with an increase in the load, and as a result, the installation is complicated and the cost is increasing due to the use of expensive large fittings), and through the intermediate apartment distribution cabinet, in which A comb is installed, and from it heat carrier on the radial diagram of a smaller diameter pipelines is sent to heating devices along a two-pipe diagram.

Pipelines are used from heat-resistant polymeric materials, as a rule, from cross-linked polyethylene, the gasket is performed in the preparation of the floor. The calculated parameters of the coolant, based on the technical conditions on such pipelines, 90-70 (65) ° siza fears, which further decrease in temperature leads to a significant increase in the heating surface of heating instruments, which is not welcomed by investors due to the growth of the system's cost. The experience of using metal-plastic pipes in the system of heating complexes was unsuccessful. During operation, as a result of aging, the adhesive layer is destroyed and the inner layer of the pipe is "collapsed", as a result of which the passage section is narrowed and the heating system ceases to work normally.

Some experts believe that with a consuming wiring, the optimal solution is the use of ASV-P automatic balancing valves on the return pipeline and the ASV-M shut-off valves (ASV-1) on the feed. The use of this valve pair makes it possible not only to compensate for the influence of the gravitational component, but also limit the flow rate per apartment in accordance with the parameters. Valves are usually selected on the diameter of pipelines and are configured to maintain pressure drop at 10 kPa. Such a valve setting is selected based on the value of the required pressure loss on radiator thermostators to ensure their optimal work. Limiting the cost of the apartment is set by the setting on the ASV-1 valves, and it is taken into account that in this case the pressure loss on these valves must be included in the pressure drop supported by the ASV-PV regulator. Heat supply Temperature heating

The use of consumer horizontal heating systems compared to the vertical riming system leads to a decrease in the length of the main pipelines (they are only suitable for the staircase riser, and not to the remote riser in the corner room), a decrease in heat loss by pipelines, simplifying the floor entry in the building and increase hydraulic system stability. The cost of the device of the apartment system is slightly different from standard with vertical risers, but the service life is higher due to the use of pipes from heat-resistant polymeric materials.

In the consumer heating systems, it is much easier and with absolute visuality for tenants, heat energy can be carried out. It is necessary to agree with the opinion of the authors, that although the installation of heat meters does not apply to energy-saving activities, however, payment for actually consumed thermal energy is a powerful incentive that makes the inhabitants take care of its expenditure. Naturally, this is achieved, first of all, the mandatory use of thermostats on heating devices. The experience of their operation showed that in order to avoid influence on the thermal regime of adjacent apartments in the thermostat control algorithm, a restriction of temperature reduction in the room serviced is not below 15-16 ° C, and the heating devices should be selected with a power reserve at least 15%.

These are the solutions of heat supply systems and heating the highest residential buildings built by now. They are clear, logical and fundamentally different from solutions used in the design of conventional multi-storey buildings with a height of less than 75 m, except for the separation of heating and water supply systems into zones. But within each zone, standard approaches to perform these systems are preserved. More attention is paid to the installations of the filling of heating systems and maintain pressure in them, as well as in circulation lines from different zones before connecting them to a common comb, automatic control of heat supply and heat carrier distribution for the implementation of comfortable and economical modes, redundant operation of equipment for uninterrupted supply consumers warm.