Tomatoes are twisted the tops what to do. Why tomatoes tightened the top

This year, some dackets faced the situation that the upper leaves in many of the tomatoes planted in the greenhouse suddenly begged to be twisted. Basically, the problem is noticed in intederminant varieties and hybrids. Moreover, the tops are tightened far from all in a row, but only some bushes.

Dry and hot weather

It is important to note that at the bottom, as it should be, brushes are formed, the margins appear little. That is, it seems to be no problem, and the Council on Immediate Overlooking Due to the risk of spreading the virus, many summer houses are reasonably perceived "in bayonets". So many works and time should be, everything blooms, tied and here suddenly torture. No, it will not go!

In my opinion, one of the logical explanations of what is happening is not a virus at all, but a hot and dry May and the beginning of summer. There are almost no rains, several temperature records are beaten. As a result, the bushes, taking into account the timely irrigation, are developing faster over the ground than underground. The delayed root system does not have time to provide a plant with everything necessary and, as a rule, this deficiency is reflected in the upper part.

In addition, complaints were strengthened by the beginning of the second decade of June, when the lower brushes began to grow actively and gradually tie the fruits. All that is associated with breeding, tomatoes, like most other plants, spend much more resources. So, to the upper tiers will reach even less moisture, nutrients, important macro- and trace elements.

Skotes in subordinates

Pay attention to another important point. As is known, in the phase of the active set of vegetative mass Tomatoes require nitrogen. But this macroelement will partly impair the assimilation of another important macroelement - potassium. The latter has a direct impact on the normal development of the vascular system.

Conclusion: if there was a breakdown in the side of nitrogen (there are not only mineral fertilizers, but also infusions and chicken litter, watering with green fertilizer from infused weeds, the initial refueling of warm varies), then due to bad vessels deteriorates the sludge, first of all due to bad vessels The tops suffer.

Exit from the situation: To bother with the humate of potassium strictly according to the instructions, completely eliminate nitrogen. This feeding is perfectly digested through a sheet apparatus, so use a sprayer sprayer. While there is dryness and heat, the fungal diseases of the spraying on the sheet will not provoke. Wood ash as a source of potassium in this case is not suitable, as it starts working immediately.

You can apply potassium sulfate and monophosphate potassium, which in the arsenal is almost every dacket.

In some cases, twisting can provoke a lack of trace elements: boron, zinc, magnesium. But they are needed by plants in microDos, therefore, with feeders in this case, be careful. I recently wrote about boric acid, find the link in similar materials.

Twisting leaves in tomatoes is a frequent problem when growing culture in greenhouses. In the open soil, such a nuisance is less common. .

Causes of leaf twisting

The main reasons is

  1. The greenhouse is too hot.
  2. Tomatoes lack moisture.
  3. Lack of batteries.
  4. Excess fertilizer.
  5. Damage to the roots when disembarking seedlings or subsequent tomato care.
  6. Untimely removal of stepsins. The leaves are twisted, also when you remove too many stepsing at the same time.
  7. Pests are sometimes the cause of twisting of tomatoes leaves.
  8. Features of the variety.

Depending on the cause of the leaves, the leaves are twisted or uploaded or down in the form of chicken legs.

cause 1. Temperature regime

In the greenhouse, the temperature is always at least 5-7 ° C higher than on the street, even if the doors and window doors are open. Therefore, at a temperature in a greenhouse above 27-28 ° and low air circulation, to avoid excessive evaporation of moisture, the leaves twisted into the tube. At night, when heat falls, they straightened again.

Very often, the leaves are twisted due to high temperatures.

What to do

To prevent the leaf twisting in hot weather, greenhouses leave open and night. To reduce the temperature, the greenhouse is shared. Inside it should be constant circulation of air. Even in cold weather it must be tired.

cause 2. Moisture shortage

With insufficient watering, especially in the heat (and in the greenhouses these factors are inextricably) tomatoes, also reduce the area of \u200b\u200bevaporation by twisting the leaves.

  • It is recommended to water tomatoes in the greenhouses at a temperature of 16-20 ° С times in 7-10 days.
  • At a temperature of 20-25 ° С 5 days
  • At a temperature of 25-30 ° C every other day
  • Over 30 ° C - daily, but very moderately.

This applies only to greenhouse plants, for open soil, such a watering mode is not suitable, because there tomatoes are additionally poured. When choosing a watering mode, the conditions of cultivation should always be taken into account on its plot.

If the tomatoes twisted the leaves, then the first thing to do is to ventilate the greenhouse and pour a culture.

Immediately pouring plants should not. It is better to conduct watering for several days in small volumes. Especially observed this mode is necessary during the period of fruiting.

cause 3. Lack of batteries

If neither watering nor ventilation helped, and the leaves remained twisted, then the problem is more serious than expected: plants. The leaves are twisted in different ways, depending on what element in deficiency.

Lack of phosphorus

Leaves twist up and acquire purple shade on the bottom. Phosphorus is a macroelegen, its tomatoes are consumed in large quantities.

To replenish the deficiency of phosphorus, the culture is watered with extractor from superphosphate. For its preparation, 1 cup of fertilizers is poured with 1 liter of boiling water (otherwise it will not dissolve) and insist 12-18 hours, mixing regularly. The finished extract is bred by water to 10 liters and pour tomatoes under the root. The rate of 0.5 l under the bush.

You can make ash or superphosphate in dry form, but then the effect will have to wait for 7-10 days longer.

Tomatoes must be filing with phosphorus.

Lack of media

The lack of an element is much less common (especially when treating tomatoes with copper-containing drugs from diseases), but its deficit is not such a rare phenomenon, as we assume. With a lack of copper edge of the leaves, tightened up. On the leaves, yellow blurry spots appear, which, with acute shortages, black.

Stains are much and they are randomly over the entire sheet surface. The leaf looks healthy, but yellow and twisted. To eliminate the problem, tomatoes spray with any copper-containing drugs. By the same solution you can pour the bushes.

Both spraying and watering not only fill the deficit of the trace element, but also protects tomatoes from many diseases well.

Requires feeding microelements.

Lack of potassium

The leaves are folded up with a tube, on the edges a brown border is formed. Tomatoes consume potassium slightly less than phosphorus, so it is desirable to make it with each feeding. With a pronounced shortage, the bushes feed with any inchlit potash fertilizer.

The best for tomatoes is a potash nitrate, which also contains a small amount of nitrogen. 1 tbsp. l. Fertilizers are divorced in 10 liters of water. The irrigation rate is 0.5 liters on the bush.

An excellent fertilizer will be a lifting of ash: 100 g of ashes are poured with boiling water and the day insist, regularly stirring. Then the solution is filled and pouring tomatoes under the root. Consumption rate of 0.5 liters per bush. If a spraying is carried out with an ashlessness, then 40 g of household soaps is added to the working solution as an adhesive.

Such bushes require potash feeding.

Nitrogen shortage

It usually happens on poor soils and with gross violations in agrotechnology of cultivation. With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves acquire a yellowish tint and minor. As the nitrogen starvation increases, the leaves begin to spin down, turn yellow and dry.

Urgent feeding is needed by any nitric mineral fertilizer. If it is not, then tomatoes are fed by manure or in the infusion of grass. 0.5 liters of infusion are bred in 10 liters of water and fed plants. The rate of making 1 l on the bush.

Pale leaves at tomatoes due to lack of nitrogen.

Lack of calcium

Leaves twist up. A vertex rot appears in the fruits. Follow the Calcium Selutyra Tomatoes: 10 g / 10 liters of water.

And here it is required to feed Calcium.

cause 4. Excess fertilizers

Some daches seeking to get a maximum harvest bring so many fertilizers (especially organications) that the plants begin to suffer from their surplus, and this, in turn, very quickly leads to diseases.

Excess nitrogen

The leaves on the top of the bush are twisted, the rest are very powerful, normal. All organic feeding stops are stopped for neutralizing excess nitrogen. Under the bushes make an extract made of wood ash or any potash fertilizer that does not contain chlorine.

Excess nitrogen can also harm.

Excess zinc

It is not so often, but most dacms cannot recognize it and only exacerbate the situation. This happens when the multiplicity and the frequency of making microfertres are disturbed. Leaves twist up and hang like when drought.

The main feature of the excess zinc is the appearance of a purple shade on the bottom of the stem (not higher than 20-30 cm). To correct the situation, tomatoes are fed by an organica, and trace elements at least 15-20 days do not contribute.

Some varieties have a genetically determined purple shade. But then the stem is evenly painted in such a color.

Excess zinc is difficult to recognize.

cause 5. Damage to the root system

After disembarking, especially in a greenhouse, tomato leaves can slightly twist. This is normal. The root system in the seedlings is usually weaker than the above-ground part, so a few days after disembarking the leaves in plants are twisted. If after 5-7 days they did not acquire a normal form, it is necessary to pour the tomatoes in the stimulants of Korniner or heteroacexin.

When disembarking seedlings in the ground, try not to damage the roots of the plants.

Often roots are damaged with deep loosening of tomatoes. The leaves twisted up evenly throughout the bush. Neighboring plants look healthy. To correct the situation, tomatoes are poured by the stimulants of the root formation (confidence, corneser) and substances that support the immunity of plants: epin-extra, zircon.

cause 6. Incorrect passing

The late removal of steppes leads to leaf curls. Steying is removed when their dimensions are not more than 5-7 cm. If they have already been turned around, it is too painful for the plant, so they will have to leave them, or delete gradually for several days.

Removal of overgrowing steps can be reflected in the leaves of tomatoes.

If large stepsings and tomatoes were reacted to this twisting of the leaves, the only thing that can be done is to spray the tomatoes with zircon or epinoma-extra.

cause 7. Pests of Tomatoes

Very often affects tomatoes in greenhouses a greenhouse whiteflink. This is a small butterfly, laying eggs on the bottom side of the leaves. Feed on the juices of plants of larvae and adult individuals (butterflies). Insects allocate a sweet pair on which a sage fungus is located. Insect breeds very quickly. Set over the youngest and gentle leaves on the tops of the plants.

Do not allow a large accumulation of pests on the bushes of tomatoes.

Signs of defeat.

  1. The leaves are deformed and twisted, and then yellow and fall.
  2. On the underside you can detect the selection of insects in the form of adhesive paddies and small white scales - the remains of cocoons.
  3. Loofing bushes in development.
  4. The appearance on the skes and leaves of black spots of a sage fungus.

What to do

When spreading the whitebird, fight it is very difficult. The pest multiplies extremely quickly, and on eggs and older larvae, most insecticides do not act. Therefore, emergency measures should be taken when the pest is first discovered.

When shaking the bushes infected with a blonde, butterflies take off and easily notice them.

  1. For the catch of butterflies, glue traps are used, which are placed on the tops of the bushes.
  2. With a small propagation of the pest use phytodeterm. Spraying spend on the bottom of the leaves. And tomatoes can be removed 2 days after processing. Spraying is carried out repeatedly with an interval of 3-5 days to destroy newly emerging individuals, since the drug does not work on eggs. With strict observance of the intervals of treatments, the number of pests can be significantly reduced.
  3. Simultaneously with phytodeterm, tomatoes spray phytoosporin or alianin-b for the prevention and destruction of sage fungi.
  4. With mass infection of tomatoes, the pest removes all the fruits in the phase of technical ripeness, and the bushes are treated with the drug Aktar. Processing is carried out on the underside of the leaves at least 3-4 times at intervals of 4-7 days. After spraying, tomatoes cannot be eaten for 20 days.

cause 8. Sort features

Some leaf twisting is a genetic feature. Basically, Cherry and fine-flowing varieties of tomatoes are inclined.

There are such tomatoes.

Usually in this case, the sheet plate is twisted down, forming a "chicken leg". But some varieties can be twisted and up. In this case, it is not necessary to take anything in this case, it will not help either feeding, no watering, nor torture. This is just a feature of the variety.


If the leaves on tomatoes are massively twisted throughout the greenhouse, then this is either a violation of the temperature regime, or lack of moisture.

If the leaves are twisted only on separate bushes, then most likely it is a lack of nutritional elements. In this case, they are twisted gradually first on one plant, then on the second, third, etc.

First of all, these bushes carefully examine, and then on one of them make feeding the necessary fertilizers. If the measures applied gave the result, the rest of the plants are fed. If there is no result, then continue to select the desired fertilizer before receiving a positive response. Only after receiving a positive reaction to the feeder, all other tomatoes feed the same fertilizer.

Kira Tsekolova

If the top of the tomato starts to double or spin, it is worth it to immediately determine what exactly is discomfort.

Causes of the problem

Tomatoes immediately react to unsuitable conditions for growth and development. The reasons for which the tops are tighted, a lot of people. Consider the most common:

  • Damage to roots when landing. The plant with a cropped system will quickly weaken. Pruning the root is not as terrible, because the roots will restore, and the leaves will be revived.
  • Incorrect or insufficient making feeding. Tomatoes need constant feeding. Once in 2 weeks you need to make fertilizers both in the greenhouse and in the open plot. Often the tops of tomatoes are twisted from the oversupply of the organic. If you make a lot of manure or compost, the plant begins to give all the fertilizers with green parts, forgetting about the fruits. Also from insufficient reworked manure, the plant begins to wither.
  • Very high temperature. At high seedlings in the greenhouse begins to lose an attractive appearance. The top leaves cease to grow and begin to curl. So that it does not happen, there must be air circulation in the greenhouse. To protect the plant, you can use a solution of urea. For him take 1.5 tbsp. l. Urea and 10 liters of water. This means are treated with leaves. You can also carry out mulching. Roots will help not overheat 8-centimeter layer of grass.
  • The plant does not receive a sufficient amount of light, and the photo seating process is slowed down. It does not affect the growth and development of vegetable culture.
  • Wrong watering tomatoes. From the lack of moisture, the leaves of tomatoes begin to twist even with a cropped top. So they try to delay the water in themselves. For the right watering you need to take 1 water bucket on 1 bush. It is necessary to water in several approaches, because if you pour all the water at a time, it will spread, and without getting to the roots of vegetable.
  • Twisting tomato tips and various bacterial infections. The fight against them needs to be carried out immediately after detection to prevent the death of the plant.
    It is important not to overdo it when watering the plants: from the oversupplication of moisture of the top of the bushes, too, begin to shut and twist. If tomatoes are planted on a plot where constant moisture is kept, you need to make channels for water removal.

    One of the possible causes of grinding and twisting of the upper leaves on tomatoes are viral diseases, such as Aspermia. To understand the nature of the disease, you need to remember that all mushroom and bacterial disease begin with the lower leaves, and the viral - from the top.

Tomato leaves can be cohabled from damage by different pests.

Some of the most common pests are the wave and whitebar. They need to fight as soon as possible to prevent serious diseases.


It hides under the leaves and feeds on them with juice, which sometimes leads not only to the tunches of the tops, but also to the change in the shape of the stem.

Chemicals and folk methods are used to combat tool. It all depends on the area of \u200b\u200bdamage and the development period of tomatoes.

Tatyana Orlova (Cand. S.-H. science):

For the season under favorable conditions, the TLA can give up to 10-12 generations! Therefore, do not think that getting rid of Tsi at the beginning of summer, you have decided the problem forever. Follow the appearance of the winged individuals of the Tly on their plants. Their appearance says that the word began to spread again.


Processing the culture from the twilty chemicals is needed with extreme caution, as they are completely derived from tomatoes in 25-30 days, so the fruits that have almost achieved maturity, you need to rip and put in the dark room until full ripening.

To combat pest, you can use such insecticides as:

  • "Akarin". For spraying, 8 ml of the drug and 1 liters of water are taken.
  • Biotline. It is used to destroy adult individuals. Also, the drug prevents the breeding of the Tly. For processing, 5 ml of insecticide on 10 liters of water is used.
  • "Spark". Preparation of strong action. He fights not only with tool, but also with other pests. For a solution, 1 tablet of the drug is used on 10 liters of water.

There are in addition to chemicals and biological preparations that can be used 2 days before the collection of fruits. For the preparations are phytodeter and actor. An ampoule of the drug (4-6 ml) is bred in 1 liter of water and plants are treated with them.

All chemicals are used according to instructions and at a temperature not lower than 16 ° C. With a lower drug is not valid.

Tatyana Orlova (Cand. S.-H. science):

High temperature also negatively affects the efficacy of the prepared drug. As a rule, all chemicals are prepared on a water basis. High air temperature contributes to the rapid evaporation of the substance. The drug simply will not even have time to act. Therefore, it is recommended to apply plant protection products in the morning and evening hours, when the air temperature is below +25 degrees.

In the greenhouse, all chemical treatments need to be carried out with extreme caution, in special clothes, the greenhouse after processing is left open at night.

Folk Methods

As an alternative to chemicals to combat aphli use folk methods. A good tool is a soap solution. For its cooking you need:

  • grasp the terror soap;
  • dissolve it in a small amount of water;
  • finished mixture pour in 10 liters of water;
  • add 1 l of water with boiled and leshes.

This means are treated with tomato leaves, not forgetting about their lower part.

A soap foam, which is used for washing damaged leaves, helps in the fight against aphid. You can also try to destroy pests, wash off their strong jet of water.

The wave does not tolerate garlic solution. It uses 3 cloves of garlic and 0.5 tbsp. water. This means insist 3 days, after which they are filtering, added to 1 bucket of water and treated with a culture.

Folk remedies will benefit if they are used regularly: 1 time in 7-10 days.


To prevent the appearance of the Tly, it is necessary in the fall after harvesting the land is 10-15 cm. It is not smoothed for winter, but leave the explosion.

In the spring, the plot is designated for tomatoes are treated with a fufanon solution. For its preparation take 60 g of the drug and bred it in 10 liters of water.

No less important is the correct planting scheme of tomato seedlings. Need to take into account the distance between the bushes. It should not be less than 30 cm in a row and 70 cm in a bent.

The anthills are destroyed with tomatoes near the tomatoes, so that the ants do not transfer to the seedlings.

Tatyana Orlova (Cand. S.-H. science):

Fully and forever bring ants from its site, unfortunately, it is not possible. They leave with one place, migrating to another. But to control their numbers, use Muracide and Medveoks drugs in the form of granules. Several granules of these drugs are placed in the moves of the anthill and in a short time ants in it disappear


Leaves begin to curl from a blonde infection. She, like a wave, hides under the leaves of tomatoes. Adults are more harm than larvae. With a small number, damaged leaves are broken, but this is not a very effective way.

To completely get rid of this pest, such chemical preparations are used as.

When growing tomato seedlings at home, one of the frequent problems can be "pulling out" of tomatoes. This happens for the following reasons:

  • Lack of plants of light.
  • Disruption of temperature regime.
  • Excessive watering of tomatoes.
  • Excessive feeding seedlings.

Cope with such a problem is easy:

  1. It is necessary to monitor that the growing tomato does not overlap the access of sunlight to each other. You can use artificial light.
  2. With bright sunny weather, the room temperature should not exceed 28 degrees of heat. In cloudy weather, the temperature should be no higher than 20 degrees.
  3. It is necessary to water seedlings with full soil drying.
  4. It is worth making feeding only at extreme need (when the plant is late in growth, the leaves change their color and much more).

So it looks like a poor:

Problems with leaves

Top leaves twist down

Sometimes the leaves of tomatoes bend down due to lack of substances, such as:

  1. Phosphorus.
  2. Sulfur.
  3. Zinc.
  4. Copper.

Attention! To help seedlings, you need to make a fertilizer containing the required substance.

Also twisting sheets can occur for reasons:

  • Overdose fertilizer. To feed the tomatoes is when the plant begins to lag in development or leaves lose their color.
  • Violation of roots. Most often in transplantation. It is necessary to carefully inspect the roots of the seedling. If damage is serious, the plant needs to be removed.
  • Low air humidity or soil. This can be corrected using a spray gun. It is necessary to spray the wound 1-2 times a day with water. It is also recommended to make drainage in a pot with a seedler.
  • Increase temperature. The temperature in the room, which contains seedlings, should not exceed 35 degrees of heat.
  • Too abundant watering seedlings. Tyzazy Tomato is preferably watered no more than 1-2 times a week. With arid weather, it is possible to water every 3 days.
  • Virus or bacterial disease. As a rule, a seedling must be removed, and the remaining seedlings to disinfect special drugs.
  • Tomato bacteriosis. The disease is manifested by the yellowing and twisting of the leaves. In this case, the seedlings must be removed.


Drop leaves for the following reasons:

  • Deep damage to roots. In this case, the seedling cannot be saved.
  • Dry air indoor. The problem can be solved using a pulverizer several times a day. It is necessary to moisten the air in seedlings. You can also install an air humidifier.
  • Insufficient moisture in the ground. With the appearance of lumps or crusts on the soil, the seedlings should be watered more often.
  • Excess watering tomato. In this case, the process of rotting roots begins. This seedlist should be removed. If the roots of the seedling are quite healthy, you can transplant to a new container.
  • Saline soil. It is necessary to remove the top layer of the soil and add fresh ground. Exclude for a few weeks the bait and water the crops of a standing or boiled water.
  • Insufficient amount of minerals. In this case, it is necessary to apply certain fertilizers.

In the photo - seedlings, which dries the leaves:

Write and fall

The plant may begin to fade because of various problems:

  • Bad soil. Tomatoes do not fit too heavy durable soil. Also, the land should not be too acidic or salty. It is advisable to transplant a seedling into a more suitable soil.
  • Disadvantage thickening. When plants are closely and lacking light, they begin to lose leaves and fad. In this case, it is necessary to increase the space between the pots with the seedle.
  • Lack of light. To avoid such a problem, you can use artificial lighting.
  • Incorrect temperature. To germinate seed, the air temperature in the room should be at least 15 degrees of heat.
  • Wrong water level mode. It is unwanted to water tomatoes more than 2 times a week.
  • Oversupply fertilizer. Most often an overdose of nitrogen. As mentioned above, you need to make feeding only as needed.
  • Various diseases of the seedlings. In this case, treatment depends on the specifics of the disease. Sometimes it is enough to remove the affected leaves.

So it looks like a poor:

Click up

Such a problem arises for reasons:

  • Damage to roots. Plant to pour warm water. When the Earth becomes softer, the sapling must be carefully removed from the tank and inspect the roots. With severe damage to the roots, the plant is worth removing.
  • Breakdown stem. In this case, it is impossible to save the wound. They are deleted.
  • Serious sickness seedlings. The sore tomato should be destroyed and disinfection of the rest of the seedlings.
  • Defeat of seedlings insects. It is necessary to remove the affected areas of plants and to disinfect all seedlings.
  • Lack or overabundance of tomato bait. For seedlings is destructive as a lack of fertilizers and an overdose. Purchase the plant is preferably if necessary.
  • Heat and lack of air. To cope with the problem, you need to ventilate the room with seedlings. But in no case cannot be allowed.
  • Overabion or lack of moisture in the ground. The problem can be avoided by drainage in pots.
  • Gardener incorrectly steps plant. Developing seedlings have undesirable to overtake the lower sheets.
  • Ammonia formation in soil. Either oversupply zinc or nitrogen in the ground. With this problem you can cope with wood ash. It is necessary to dissolve 200 grams of ash in 10 liters of water, then pour the soil and tie tomatoes.
  • Lack of media. Here it is enough to make a spraying of the plant by any copper-containing agent (for example, a solution of copper sulfate).

Fungal diseases

Fungal diseases are most often affected by tomatoes. The reasons for their appearance can be:

  • Poorly treated soil.
  • Patients of tomato seeds.
  • High humidity in the room.
  • Wrong care of the seedle.
  • Moisture getting into sprouts during watering.
  • Bad drainage of landing pots.
  • Stagnation of water in the ground.

The latter seems to be the most favorable medium for the development of fungal diseases. One of such diseases is risoctonyosis. Otherwise, it is referred to as the "black leg" or "root rot." Symptoms include:

  1. The darkening of the stalk of the root of the root.
  2. The stem becomes thinner.
  3. The wilt of the sprout and its fall.

The plant itself can not be saved. It dies during the day. Tomato marking should be removed and process the soil with 3 percentage of manganese. The remaining seedlings are desirable to spray the Bordeaux mixture.

Important: Before planting seeds, it should be disinfected with a 5 percent solution of manganese.

So the black leg looks like in the seedlings of tomatoes:


Dusty fungal disease. Section infection occurs through poorly processed soil. Diagnose the fungus at an early stage of development is quite difficult, because it is difficult to treat the plant. Disease is able to hit any vegetable culture at all stages of growth and flowering.

Signs of illness:

  1. The manifestation of dark spots with light edges on the leaves and stem seedlings.
  2. Rinse stem.
  3. Complete drying of tomato launches.

You can cope with the fungus only with timely removal of the affected leaves or plants stems. Remote parts of the zeroze need to burn. The remaining seedlings should be disinfected with a solution of the bordeaux mixture.

Important: You can not leave contaminated parts of plants in the garden. Do not use them and as compost.

To avoid further dissemination of the disease, the remote grass must be burned.

Alternaria or Dry Rot

The disease is manifested as:

  1. The appearance of brown spots from the bottom of the leaves.
  2. Spots quickly grow up and cover all areas of the leaves.
  3. Fitting leaves seedlings.
  4. Tomato stem darkening.

Fight with fungus follows with the help of chemicals:

  • Acrobat.
  • Ditin.
  • Quadris.

White spotting

The fungus falls from the soil on the lower leaves of seedlings and quickly spreads throughout the stalk.

Symptoms of Disease:

  1. Tomato leaves darkening.
  2. The appearance of black dots on the affected foliage.
  3. Drying and dying leaves.

With timely detection of the disease, the plant must be treated with a solution of copper sulphate (1 cup - 10 liters of water). With a protracted disease, seedlings should be destroyed, and the soil is to be disinfected by potassium permanganate and sprinkle with wood ash.


Basically, the infection by olive spotting occurs after disembarking the barrows of tomatoes to the greenhouse. The first signs of fungus are:

  1. The appearance of yellow spots on the lower leaves of seedlings from the outside.
  2. The formation of velvety plaque from the inside of the sheet.
  3. Twisting and foliage foliage.

To treat, it is enough to remove the sick foliage with seedlings and process any of the funds:

  • Bordeaux acid.
  • Barrel
  • Barrier.

Puffy dew

The disease is caused by a short fungus. Transmitted by a plant from infected soil. Externally manifested in a white rode on foliage. For the treatment and prevention of illness, seedlings spray with the means:

  • Quadris.
  • Strobe.
  • Topaz.

Before planting seeds in the tank, you can soak them in the epin solution.

Viral pathology

These plant diseases can get through infected soil or insects. Detect the disease initially not just. Serious manifestations of the virus become noticeable only with complete infection. For the prevention of plants, it is necessary to process the soil of weakly diluted with manganese or boric acid. One of these viral diseases occurring very often is the "yellow curls". The disease carrier is a whiteflink.

Symptoms of the virus:

  1. Littleness zeezazy.
  2. Manifestation of light yellow spots on the leaves.
  3. Plant deformation.
  4. The lag of seedlings in development.
  5. Uneven color plants.

The disease is not treated. The affected seedlings subsequently does not give fruit. To avoid the spread of the virus, it is necessary to remove the sick sprout. The remaining seedlings need to be treated with mineral oils.

Mosaic causative agent

The disease is developing with the damage to the plant with a rigid virus. External manifestations:

  1. Uneven color leaves from dark to a light shade.
  2. Appearance in seedlings of yellow spots.
  3. Damage leaf.
  4. Drying plants.

Sick seedlings of tomato need to be removed and burned. The remaining stocks can be treated with urea solution.

Important. For the prevention of many viral diseases, it is possible to pour the seedlings with 5 percentage of boric acid 10 and 17th after the appearance of sprouts.

So the mosaic looks like on the leaves of tomatoes:

Aspermia or Meshemacy

Another of the most common diseases of seedlings. Externally manifests:

  1. Weak and thin stem.
  2. General underdevelopment of seedlings.
  3. Deformation of the plant.
  4. Little undeveloped leaves of the wound.

The disease is impossible to heal. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the sore seedlings and disinfect the remaining plants with a solution of potassium permanganate or weakly diluted urea. Also, you should carefully disinfect the soil before planting seeds. In addition, it is necessary to contain seedlings clean and follow the humidity of air and land. Possible consequences of the virus:

  • Infected plant is bad fruit.
  • Fruits of small size tomatoes.
  • Deformation of vegetables.
  • The absence of seeds in the affected tomatoes (which is the main feature of the disease).


The disease is caused by a tobacco mosaic virus. External symptoms of it:

  1. The appearance of brown strokes on the stalk and leaves.
  2. The formation of ulcers on the site of the strokes.
  3. Demunning the top of the seedling.
  4. Loss of leaves wound.

As a rule, the disease does not ruin the whole sprout. For treatment, you can remove only the affected part of the plant. Then the tomato and the ground is treated with 5-10 percentage of manganese. It is desirable to disinfect the roots of seedlings of the same solution. This will slow down the development of a seedling, but will fully cure him from the virus. The disease can cause:

  • Reducing the yield of tomatoes.
  • Deterioration of the quality of fruits.
  • Weak vegetable resistance.

Diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms

  • Temperatures above 28 degrees Celsius.
  • High soil moisture.
  • Water stagnation in the landing pot.

reference. For the prevention of bacterial diseases, you should not neglect careful disinfecting of soil and seeds. For the treatment of seedlings, any copper-containing solution is suitable.

The most dangerous bacterial disease can be considered "bacterial cancer". The disease destroys the vessels of the plant. Externally manifested as:

  1. The appearance of ulcers throughout the stem barrel.
  2. Full of death seedlings.

Treatment is impossible. The patient plant must be removed and burn. The soil in which there was seedlings, no longer use. The prevention of this disease can be the processing of seeds 40 percent formalin (in the calculation 1 part of the solution - 300 parts of water).



This disease has the following symptoms.:

  1. Little yellow spots on the outside of the leaves.
  2. Rapid growth of these spots.
  3. White raid on the inside of the sheet.
  4. Empting of seedlings.

Disease can be cured by spraying of the mounted, copper sulfate or any other copper-containing drug.

Black bacterial

External disease symptoms appear fairly late:

  1. Small lethargy of the sprout.
  2. Little black spots on the leaves and a tomato stalk.
  3. Fast spread of spots throughout the plant.
  4. The death of a seedling.

Infected seedlings better remove. The remaining sprouts must be treated with 1 percent bordeaux solution every few days.


The disease is developing due to penetration of phytopathogenic bacteria. External signs of the disease:

  1. The appearance of transparent oil spots on the leaves of seedlings.
  2. The lesion of the leaves begins from the edges to the middle.
  3. Plant foliage twisting.
  4. Full loss of leaves.

To cure seedlings, it is necessary to make a spraying of copper vitriol (per cup of 10 liters of water) or phytolavine-300.


The most frequent bacterial diseases of home seedlings. Cause diseases of microplasma bodies that carry many types of insects. Symptoms of the disease:

  1. Pink or purple spots at seedlings.
  2. The leaves and trunk of the plant grundly.

Treatment and prevention produced by any special drug:

  • Confident.
  • Aktara.
  • Mospilan.

Spraying is carried out twice:

  1. Three weeks after planting seeds in the tank.
  2. Before planting seedlings to a permanent place.

Bacterial fading

Dangerous disease when plants start suddenly. Other symptoms can be:

  1. The formation of air roots.
  2. Termination of plant growth.
  3. Plating leaves seedlings with yellow spots.
  4. The formation of longitudinal brown stripes on the stem.

Disease is incurable. Seedlings should be burned, and the soil is processed. Other plants need to be disinfected by phytooflavin-300.

the photo below is a plant affected by the disease:

To get a large yield of tomatoes in the fall, it is necessary to properly contain seedlings in winter. If it is responsible to care for the seedle, then many diseases can be avoided.

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In all grounds, tomato plants in a greenhouse "live" from an excess of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil.

Tomatoes in this case persecute a large green mass, but they do not seek to give offspring, as they do not feel danger to her life. That is, forming very weak floral brushes with a small amount of flowers.

Balance the nutrition of tomatoes and correct the situation in this case will help feeding with mineral fertilizers, which includes phosphorus, potassium, zinc, boron and other trace elements.

For this, the superphosphate is ideally suitable (3 tbsp. Spoons dissolve in 10 liters of water and feed 1 l under the bush).

But it is best to use the infusion of wood ash as feeding, it contains all nutrition elements except nitrogen.

Twisting the upheld leaves can occur for other reasons:

  • From high temperature in a greenhouse (more than + 35 ° C). In this case, the top leaves are twisted to dinner, and by night or in the morning, leafy plates are restored. It is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse more often and intensify the roof of nonwoven materials (Span-Bond, Loutrasil, Agril and others).
  • From the large difference in night and daytime temperatures. In this case, the greenhouses are closed overnight, and on the day they open for good ventilation.
  • From frequent, but shallow watering of plants. It is better to water Tomatoes less often, but more abundant.
  • From late removal of a large number of overgrowing steps and abundant cutting of the leaves, since the balance between the ground part of the plant and roots is disturbed. It is necessary to packing when the steps are no longer more than 5-7 cm. Per week is permissible to cut 2-3 sheets on the plant.
  • From damage to viruses or pests. The plant affected by the virus is impossible to cure. Fruits from such plants can be used in food, but it is impossible to collect seeds.
  • Deformed young leaves can bent and whitefly. In this case, immediately treat plants with one of the insecticides (agroxyan, accility, etc.).

Preparation of coil subcord
2 liters of wood ash pour hot water and mix thoroughly. Bring the solution with water to 10 liters and insist the day so that all the elements are completely dissolved. To obtain liquid feeding, it takes 1 liter of infusion, diluted in 9 liters of water heated in the sun, and are made under the root of each plant for 1 liter.

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