Warming the rings of a concrete well for winter with their own hands. Well insulation - the technology of thermal insulation of the water well for winter it is necessary to insulate the well for the winter

Warming the well is necessary in order to prevent its freezing. Owners of country houses, all year round use well water, must select the insulation and perform all the work in a timely manner. The insulation process will not require special skills, so a person with minimal experience in construction can perform it.

Wells on household plots may differ in the type of construction, as well as in its functional purpose. The facilities of the following types can be distinguished:

  1. Designed for water supply. They are made in those places where it is impossible to conduct a central water supply. In this case, the well is the only source of water for home and household buildings.
  2. Wells for maintenance, they are also called technical. They are a groove in the ground, in which the communications node have.
  3. Plumbing facilities, install septic.

Constructions differ from each other for their intended purpose, various materials are used for insulation.

Why the well freezes

Before carrying out the warming of the well, it is necessary to figure out why the water in it freezes.

The reasons are as follows:

  1. In the construction of the construction was not used insulation.
  2. The aquifer is above the ground freezing point of the soil. The water temperature is transmitted, so it freezes in the well. If the water level is below the freezing mark, then the insulation does not have to do.
  3. The plumbing in a private house consists of pipe systems, they are frozen in a strong frost. It all depends on what depth they are located. Water can freeze not only in the pipeline, but also in the place where the pipes are embedded in the mine and enter the building.
  4. Opened headguard well. When the air temperature decreases, the difference between it and water reaches 30 ° C, the liquid freezes. If there is a house of a house from a concrete rings over a fellow of a tree, cold air will not affect water. If there is no such structure, the liquid covers the crust of the ice. The more temperature difference, the thicker will be crust.
  5. When building a well, a material was used, which is characterized by high thermal conductivity. For example, it is concrete or brick. Quickly freezes water in the construction, which is made of monolithic concrete.

In people who lived a few centuries ago, the wells did not freeze because a tree was used to explore them. This is the best material of natural origin, which can be used to make the warming of the well for the winter.

Why insulate the well, if there is no need for water in winter

The owner of a country house should know that a periodically repeated cycle of freezing and thawing is depleting on the water supply system. Designs are gradually destroyed, eventually fail.

Important! Several frost cycles - melting can lead the water source into disrepair.

In solid aggregate state, water has a greater volume. Its expansion has a negative effect on the rings, which is why they begin to collapse. After a few seasons, the well will come to full dissent. At the same time, the cost of its repair will be comparable to the installation price of the new.

If the well is made of concrete structures, during freezing and thawing, they are shifted relative to each other. In this case, the seams break occurs. Communications going to the house are broken. In addition, the integrity of the insertion can suffer. All this is accompanied by the drawdown of the soil. It is especially noticeable in the spring when the soil is thawing.

Important! Work on the restoration of the well, expensive, in repair will have to invest a lot of work and time. Residents of the house will remain without water supply for a long period.

Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that it is better to spend the minimum amount of time and means required in order to buy a heater and solve the problem has a problem and forever.

He insulates the well once, you will be sure that it will not come into disrepair for a long time, and the water in it will be all year round.

Ways of insulation

You can buy the insulation in almost every construction store. It is worth noting that the choice of similar building materials is striking by its diversity.

Warming can be performed by modern material - polystyrene foam, or contact the age-old traditions and use wood. The main thing is that the water supply process does not stop. To understand which methods of insulation fits you more, carefully examine all the options described below.

Allocate the following methods for mounting the insulation:

  1. Warming outside. In this case, all parts of the structure are subject to insulation, which are above the level of soil.
  2. Warming of the inside of the well. This method is only suitable for protecting technological structures. If we are talking about plumbing, you can install the hatch.

Materials for insulation should be selected taking into account the climatic zone.

Wood insulation

Wood is an excellent thermal insulation material. Unfortunately, some people simply do not have enough funds to fully post the mold of the wellblines, but there is a way out. All you need is to build a house around the well. Such a structure not only protects the water from freezing, but also becomes an excellent element of the landscape design of the site.

In order to penetrate the house for the well, the cold penetrate, it is necessary to prepare a plot for him in advance. You can do this in several ways:

  • to build an airbag;
  • make a break;
  • fly with rubble or clay.

The cost of solving the problem in this way is small. Any owner of a private house can afford the necessary building materials. Spend measures to insulate the mine with wood, and you do not have to guess whether water freezes or not.

Polyurethane Foolder - cheap and reliable

This material is characterized by a high cost, but it will reliably protect the well from frost. With the help of the insulation, it will be possible to make hermetically lining.

Polyurethane foam is not deformed even after several years of service, it is resistant to rotting. Before mounting, the surface does not need to be treated with additional means. They can be protected from frost the location of pipes, as well as couplings.

Polyurethane has a mass of positive characteristics inherent in polystyrene foam, but in contrast to foam, it cannot be destroyed by rodents. It should be remembered that on the rings on the ground, it is necessary to update the paint annually.

Polystyrene foam - best insulation

This is a sought-after material that has an affordable price. The polystyrene foam does not miss moisture, it will reliably protect the design from frost. It is distinguished by a long service life and ease of installation.

The essential disadvantage of this thermal insulation material is the fear of ultraviolet. In the sun, he quickly comes in disrepair. It is very easy to get rid of this lack: you need to paint the outdoor part of the structure. It can be wrapped with foil, rubberoid and other similar materials.

Manufacturers produce insulation in sheets. Before use, they are cut on ribbons, then fixed on concrete structures. The space between the ribbons is filled with mounting foam.

Other ways of warming well

Assortment of insulation wide. In construction stores there are foam. This is a foil material, but it is rarely used to protect wells due to the fact that it is poorly withstanding mechanical loads.

There is also a special shell that can be used to protect the pipe. If the budget is limited, it will replace sprayed polyurethane foam. The shell consists of 2 parts, it is easy to install on the concrete rings of the well. The configuration is different, so it is easy to choose a product taking into account the diameter of the pipes.

Signing the halves of the shell on the pipe, the joints of the joints are blown foam. As a result, a hermetic design will be created.

Why not use mineral wool

Fiberglass and mineral wool are not suitable for protecting the well from negative temperatures, because the particles of the insulation can get into the water, making it unsuitable for use.

Lid for well and wooden house

The easiest way to ensure that the water in the well does not freeze, it is possible, making a warmed lid. It contributes to the battery of heat of water and prevents the occurrence of ice. It is worth remembering that even in winter the water temperature does not fall below 5-7 degrees. Thus, concing external factors, it is possible to exclude the possibility of freezing.

To protect the lid of the well from frost, plywood, mounting foam and insulation, will be required. It is best to purchase high density material, it will help to avoid its cracking. The smallest particles of the insulation will not fall into the water.

For hatch insulation, it is necessary to do measurements, and then cut out of plywood 2 shield so that the diameter of the products was less than the diameter of the well pipe for 2-3 cm. The shields can be built from the boards, tightly fed to each other. The one that will be closer to the water is wrapped with a film. This will be carried out waterproofing. It is necessary in order to protect the wooden shield from rotting. It is forbidden to cover the product with a primer, because the lid will contact with drinking water.

A slice of the insulation is glued on the back of the shield, polystyrene foam can be used as a material. The design is closed with a second plywood sheet, and then drilled a hole in it. It is required to enter the ventilation pipe.

To lower and raise the hatch on it fixed wire. There are 2 hooks on the head, they can easily hook a wire for them, then the hatch will not be in contact with water. When the work is completed, the warmed lid for the well is installed in place.

Luke needs to lower below the soil freezing mark. If there is no possibility to purchase the insulation, you can put 2 shields in the well mine. They are placed at a distance of each other, then heat will keep the air gap.

Such thermal insulation is quite reliable, but if you do not seek to put the well until spring, it is not very convenient. After all, to gain water, you will have to constantly remove the lid and put it in place.

If it is decided to use any synthetic materials that are not described in the article to begin, must first be familiar with the instructions for use.

Perhaps they, like mineral wool, can make water in a well disabled to consumption and even dangerous to human health. Be careful and use for insulation only proven materials.

No matter what method you choose, the main thing is that the well is insulated, and then it will last you for a long time, and you can drink cool well water. It is much more pleasant and helpful of the one that runs from the crane in the city.

Owners of private houses face a problem, how to establish constant security of household water, if there is no central water pipeline. The optimal option is the arrangement of the well or well. In the winter year, they work without problems, but with the onset of cold, difficulties appear, so you need to know how to insulate the well in order to prevent the freezing of water and equipment, which is better to use the insulation.

To date, there are various types of well structures that use water supply. We are common where there is no central water pipeline, therefore almost the only way to ensure home ownership with water. There are wells for service. This type of construction is a deepening in the ground, which is filled with water, is used in places where there is a communication node. For plumbing purposes also used wells (septicists).

The listed types of designs differ among themselves, therefore, the warming of the well for the winter will be different.

Warmed well

Can winter well freeze

This is a rather controversial question, because in the old days the wells did not heal. Therefore, another question is quite logical - whether there is a warming for a well. The answer is obvious - it is necessary to do this work, there are several reasons for this:

  • in the event that the aquifers are above the level of soil freezing, if they occur below the level of the freezing, then there is no particular need to make thermal insulation;
  • when there is no insulation;
  • the pipes are incredible, in other words, the water pipe from the well to the house may be above the level of the soil freezing, respectively, in the winter there is a high probability that the pipes will move, there is also a need for thermal insulation that parts of the pipeline, which are crashed into the home of the well and enter the house;
  • it can also freeze that well that has a unlocked headband, since the difference in water and air temperature may be more than 30 degrees, so you need to carry out the warming of the well with your own hands, for example, install a wooden house;
  • if the construction of the construction used materials having a high thermal conductivity.

It is from the last item that you can find out why such a problem was not from our ancestors. This is due to the fact that the wells were wooden, and the tree does not have high thermal conductivity.

Why insulate a well for the winter

If there is at least one of the above conditions, water in the well can freeze, so you need to carry out insulating work to preserve the water source in the optimal state, do not create problems with water fence.

Warm well in a country house is a mandatory requirement, no matter what the well is usually used only in the warm period of the year.

Therefore, it is necessary to think over and harvest materials for work. This is important because freezing and thawing water leads to gradual destruction of the design, may fail.

Warming of walls septica insulating material.

If you have a well made of concrete rings, it is possible to displace them, the tight of the joints, the tightness and integrity of the structure is lost. In places where the pipes are embedded, and the pipeline can occur in the pipeline. The fact that disorders appeared, testifies that the soil asked around the well. Surely no need to say that the repair work on the restoration of the construction integrity is very expensive, require great physical efforts, for a long period, the household owners will remain without water.

That is why it is not necessary to think about whether it is necessary to carry out this work, but to decide how best to perform and what materials pick up.

What better use materials

From how correctly the insulation is determined, the final result depends. The optimal version of the heat-insulating material is a foam. When insulating this material, it is possible to avoid freezing water in the mine. It is a soft material, it is afraid of mechanical effects, has a small thickness. This material is not often used in insulation.

The most common material is polystyrene foam or foam. When using this material, you can even perform the work independently. Its advantages is that it practically does not miss water, has high thermal insulation properties, it can serve for many years, it is inexpensive and simple when installing.

The lack of using foam is in the stability of geometry. When insulation, you need to cut the material in such a way that it turned out to be smooth parts. It is necessary to minimize the places where there is no insulating material, so it is better to make the place of joints to take foam.

The warming of the well polyurethane foam refers to expensive options. Besides prices, has many advantages. Maximum tightness is achieved, not deformed and does not rot, there is no need for preliminary surface preparation.

It is possible to warm the surface of various types of configurations. Warm your own wells with the help of polyurethane foam is almost impossible, you need to seek the cost of specialists, which will further increase the cost of the work.

The cheaper analogue of polyurethane foam is a shell for insulation. It is a design of two halves. They are very easy to install on the rings from concrete. There is a huge amount of pipe diameters and configurations, so you will probably choose the material for your well. Where there is a bog between halves, you need to close the foam.

If you prefer natural materials, sawdust, straw, clamzit can come.

How to insulate do it yourself

There are several types of insulation. For water supply, you need to use a hatch. In the exterior, a complex of works on the insulation of the ground part of the structure is carried out. Underground outer is characterized by mounting materials outside the well pipe.

Now consider each of the species in more detail.

The internal type provides for the manufacture of a lid that does not allow the cold air into the mine.

In order to make an independent hatch, we need plywood or boards, a plastic pipe with a diameter of 30 - 50 mm, insulation and mounting foam. It is necessary to use an exceptionally rigid insulation with high density. It is necessary so that it does not crumble and did not pollute the water.

Warming well with wooden plywood shields

You need to make two plywood shields or from boards. The shields should be less than the diameter of the well on 2 - 3 cm. Then wrap one shield with a waterproofing film to prevent the rotation of the material. It is better not to use primers because it may affect water quality.

On the other hand, on the shield we stick foam and close the second shield. Then we do the hole where we skip the tube for ventilation. To raise and lower the lid, you need to make a wire. On the wellguard, we install hooks in the amount of 2 pcs. They are needed in order to prevent the contact of the covers with water.

The main requirement for the installation of the lid - it should be lower than the soil freezes. You can immediately make two such lids, between which the airbag can turn out, which will be more reliable to protect the water from freezing.

With outdoor ground warming, which is performed for the upper ring, you can select one of two ways. We attach heat-insulating material above the ground. This method is very similar to the underground type, but there is one difference that is that it does not need to dig a trench to access the underground part of the pipe.

It also needs to be protected from external factors insulating material using decorative material. The effectiveness of this type of insulation is the lowest, so it is better to apply it in a complex with other species.

Another way is to install a house of a tree over the headband.

Outdoor underground insulation is characterized as very laborious, but will ensure very reliable protection against freezing. It is necessary to begin to warm up below 1 - 1.5 m from the fruit of the soil. This will avoid freezing even in conditions of abnormally low temperatures. Around the well make a trench. Rings must be purified from dirt. We lay the insulation on the bottom of the trench below 50 cm than the level of soil freezing.

We make waterproofing concrete rings. The insulation material is cut, it is best if you make the entire length of the SCOS leaf at an angle, which will better fit the blanks. Then, to the surface of the rings, previously purified and treated with waterproofing material, glue the insulation. The place of the junctions should be seen by foam.

We also do not forget to insulate the place where the pipe is joined with the well. From above, the material must be protected from ultraviolet rays. Then we fall asleep and make a breakfast about 50 cm in width. You can also make a foundation.

Well - ancient structure that time for centuries serves mankind. Proper operation, timely cleaning and diverse procedures for maintaining a drinking source in proper condition can extend the service life for a longer period. And first of all, you need to take care of the effective protection of water from freezing during the cold season.

Preparation of a well for winter

Ideally, the warming of the well should be carried out at the stage of its construction, but with a competent approach you can achieve the desired result and then when the construction is already exploited.

Pumping water from the well.

If accommodation near the well seasonal and temporary, it will be able to protect the full drainage system of the water supply system, which will prevent the subsequent defrosting of the system and expensive repair.

A complex approach

Heat the well from which water and winter are gaining, a little more complicated and requires a comprehensive approach to prevent the entire system freezing. Since the upper ring is the most vulnerable, its insulation is made in several ways. For example, a plastic lid or a decorative wooden log house along with a well house will help not freeze your water source at high low temperatures.

Heat insulating designs

Various heat insulating structures inside the construction will also be very effective. This may be a warming cover using combined materials or reinforced concrete "eternal" insulation with a plastic hatch.

Protection of hydrant

The insulation of the water intake column, namely its upper part of various materials, is also very effective in the comprehensive solution to this issue. In addition to the well-branded wooden log and a house around the upper ring with additional insulation, clamzit, mineral wool or other insulation, mounted between the ring and the logberia, can perform.

You can also create an electrical system of heating the upper parts of the well, water supply pipes and a highway.

Mounting covers

Additional warming of the well involves the installation of the cover inside the water intake column from the combined materials. The insulation of the circle is installed at the water level of the daily surface with the help of additional devices mounted inside the ring. The inner lid may be several types:

  • wooden;
  • cover from the sandwich panel;
  • reinforced concrete.


A special device is constructed on the lid - the handle-dress, for which the lid at any time is extracted from the well. You can additionally fix the covers using a rope or cable.

Sandwich panel cover

It is possible to manufacture a round wooden three-layer cap by type Sandwich panel, with a diameter of 97 centimeters. The upper and lower layer should consist of a powerful moisture resistant plywood, between which the insulation will be.

The heat insulator in this case can perform polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam. These materials are safe and environmentally friendly, are not subject to deformation and do not change the form in a humid environment. The manufacture of the insulation cover is possible to carry out its own forces and individually.

Reinforced concrete

The most reliable and durable design is the variant of the reinforced concrete cover. The term of its operation is equal to the deadlines for the wellness itself. At the ground level inside the well between the upper ring and the very first ring in the ground, a reinforced concrete cover is made with a plastic hatch device.

For these purposes, the upper ring is dismantled and the lid is installed. We will not produce complete sealing of the seams between the rings and the lid with the help of a cement solution with liquid glass. The effectiveness of such insulation is very significant, but more expensive than other ways.

Materials for thermal insulation

Before insulation, the well should be determined with the method of insulation (internal and external variants) and materials used. Most often apply:

  • styrofoam;
  • polystyrene;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • penophol.

This material does not require waterproofing, not hygroscopic and chemically inert. One small drawback - the afraid of the sun can be easily eliminated by using additional coating or hide the material under the thick layer of paint. Only it is worth excluding acetone paints that are capable of corrosive foam.

Polystyrene is a material similar to a foam, but possessing a more dense structure. It is not affected by fungi, mold and bacteria, and also not deformed under the pressure of the soil. Polystyrene retains initial species and characteristics for 25 years.

At the first stage, the trench of a depth of at least 1.5 meters is digging around the well. In order to insulate the well perfectly fit the polystyrene plates in the shape of a half-colt - the so-called shell. They are deepened in the trench and fasten up to the top edge of the well. With the Schip-groove system, it is pretty simply to carry out the clutch of the plates with each other. After that, the trench is buried.

However, as well as the foam is susceptible to the negative impact of ultraviolet. To solve this problem, over polystyrene plates, it is necessary to put foil, only oil paint layer.

Polyurene Foolder

This is even more resistant to the negative impact of environmental factors material. It is used even in the conditions of an extreme arctic climate and at space stations. Polyurethane foam is not toxic, moisture resistant, it will not be treated rodents.

Applied with a spray gun. In a special two-chamber reservoir under high pressure, the components from both tanks are mixed and in the form of foam are applied to the concrete headguard of the well. It is necessary to do this at room temperature (25-30 ° C), otherwise the reaction of the components will not be actively active and as a result, the consumption of polyurethane foam will increase.

To insulate the well foam polyurethane well, it is not necessary to carry out any particular preparation of the surface of concrete rings protruding over the ground.

Polyurethane foam fills all the smallest slots and cracks in concrete and after frozen forming a monolithic coating with high heat and moisture insulation characteristics. This coating, like polystyrene, must be protected from the effects of ultraviolet.

How to insulate a well for the winter with a foam? The method involves the insulation of the two upper rings of the source with a foil foam with a thickness of 10 mm on a self-adhesive basis. Foil will reflect heat, not allowing him to leave the inner space of the well.

The headband should be additionally insulated from the inside with a solid polystyrene fiber with a thickness of 50 mm. This material is fixed on "liquid nails", and then painted with a special alkyd enamel. Already on top of the polystyrene passes a foam.

After such a finish of the moisture's head board will cease to access the upper boards, and over time they can refuse. This can be avoided if you cover the well bitumen insulation or metal tile.

Types and causes of freezing wells. Features of their thermal insulation when preparing for the winter, the need for such work and methods of their implementation.

Varieties of wells

The wells for household plots differ from each other with a type of construction and their purpose. Conditionally can be divided into three groups:
  • Wells for water supply. Such structures have in farms where there is no plumbing or not the ability to connect it to the house. Well in this case becomes the main source of drinking water.
  • Technical wells. They are designed to accommodate and maintain engineering communications nodes.
  • Plumbing wells. These structures serve to collect wastewater or perform the functions of cesspool. Their distinctive feature is the presence of septic.
For the insulation of the above structures, different materials are used.

Causes of freezing well

Before insulating the well, it is important to understand the reason for its freezing to such an extent when the water in it turns into ice.

There are several such reasons:

  1. Lack of insulation on the walls of the mine at the end of its construction.
  2. The border of the aquifer is located above the level of the fruit of the soil. The liquid takes the minus temperature of the upper layers of the soil and therefore freezes.
  3. Opened alert. In winter, frosty air freely penetrates the water surface and forms ice crust on it. With an increase in the difference in cold air and water temperatures, ice thickness increases.
  4. High thermal conductivity of mine material. If in the process of its construction, a brick or reinforced concrete was used, the freezing of water in winter in a displeasted well will be rapidly. No wonder of Critons in the old days was made of logs. Such structures even without insulation were practically not impaired due to the unique properties of wood.

The need for warming well

Year-round wells, which are mainly in rural residents, are insulated at the construction stage. But similar sources of water, operated, as a rule, dackets only from spring to autumn are quite often equipped without thermal insulation. And this can cause a whole series of unpleasant consequences:
  • The freezing of water in the well begins much later than falling outside the temperature below 0 degrees. Usually, initial signs of formation of ice crust appear in frost in -15-20 degrees, and the higher the water in the source, the faster its freezing will occur.
  • The most obvious problem created by the ice crust in the well is the lack of opportunity to gain water from it. Even a thin layer of ice thick in a couple of centimeters can be a serious obstacle, since using a bucket to break it hardly.
  • Another unpleasant feature of the freezing water is its volume extension. Ice cork can put pressure on the walls of the mine with a force capable of breaking the joints of its elements or cause cracks in the design.
  • If equipment is located in the well, ice formation can damage, for example, the pump or lead to cracking its hoses. This is the reason and for the insulation of water meters - the influence of the minor temperature on the subtle mechanisms of their counters with a large share of the probability will lead to a decrease in the accuracy of the instruments.
As can be seen from this list, the arguments regarding the benefits of the warming of the well for the winter more than enough. Therefore, it will correctly give time and small investments in order to then avoid many problems.

Ways of thermal insulation of the well

There are three ways to insulate the well: thermal insulation of its cover, upper rings and the construction of a house above the neck of the mine. Next, each of these methods will be considered separately.

Warming covers of the well

The technology of such insulation does not differ in particular complexity. Its meaning is to install an additional covers in the mine cavity at the level of the surface of the soil.

To work, you need to prepare: Faneru, wire and glue, PVC pipe, insulation 50-80 mm thick and mounting foam.

The process of insulation of the well cover should be implemented in stages:

  1. From the sheet of plywood you need to cut two circle with a diameter corresponding to the inner size of the well mine. Each of them should be cut in a pair of matching holes. One pair will be designed to feed a water pump hose in Krinitsa, and the other is for the ventilation PVC pipe. Ventilation in this case is extremely necessary, since in a tightly closed mine water can be purchased in the time. The diameter of the holes should be about 60 mm, it is desirable to drill them from one edge of the cut circles. Through the circumference of the future cover, slightly retreating from its edge, should be drilled in one of the plywood blanks 4 wire holes.
  2. Now it is necessary to cut another same circle, but already out of the foam. After that, the insulation must be fixed with joinery glue on the lower plywood blank, and on top of it glue the second round. When glue dries, in the prepared holes you need to insert the ventilation pipe. For sealing joints, mounting foam is suitable.
  3. At the final stage of the warming of the well foam and plywood, it is necessary to make a ring for removing and installing on the place of the made cover. To do this, it is necessary to wind it with wire around the circle and the resulting ring is fixed on the lid with screeds using the four holes previously drilled in it. Then the water pump hose should be skipped through the hole prepared for it and lower the finished lid to the well to the level of the soil line. The heat insulation will stay in the mine due to the wire, the ventilation will be carried out through the PVC pipe, the water in the well will not freeze.

Warming Ring Well

The insulation of the upper ring of the well in order to prevent its freezing can be performed using polyfoam-based materials or polyurethane. Consider both options for such thermal insulation.

For insulation of the knee rings, the foam or its derivatives are necessary before work to prepare insulating plates, waterproofing, mounting foam and paint. The amount of materials should be calculated taking into account that the thermal insulation will be exposed to the top ring, and the one that is located below is partially.

Procedure Next:

  • Initially, it is necessary to beat the well on the circumference or around the perimeter, freeing its walls from the soil. There should be a trench width of 30-40 cm and the depth below the mark of its freezing in winter.
  • The poverty remains of the soil from the rings should be removed and proceed to the pasting of their outer surface with foam, expanded polystyrenex or penplex. Heater sheets need to be located close to each other. Glue can serve liquid foam or polyurethane foam. Using the same materials, it is necessary to close all the gaps between the sheets of thermal insulation. When insulating a well, the penplex clearances may be absent altogether, since its stoves have castle compounds "Schip-groove".
  • The glued heat insulation needs to be protected from moisture and salts contained in the soil. Therefore, after mounting, the insulation must be covered with paint outside, and then when it dries - wrap a rubberoid or other waterproof material.
  • At the final stage of work, the cavity between the edge of the trench and the well need to be covered with clay or gravel, and on top to arrange a clay castle, which will prevent the penetration of water from the soil surface to the insulation of the well. The thickness of the clay layer should be about 40 cm.
For insulation rings, the well polyurethane foam will need a dowel, wooden bars, a collapsible steel formwork, a film, plastering mixture and a sprayer.

Work should be performed in this order:

  1. As in the previous case, around the well need to open the trench, but less wide - up to 10 cm. Then on the wall of the ring outside the circle should be installed by the bars in 40 cm increments.
  2. The edge of the trench should be set on the formwork, consolidating inside its polyethylene film to prevent the adhesion of liquid polyurethane foam with metal sheets. If this is not done, it will not be possible to remove the formwork.
  3. The cavity obtained between the formwork and wall of the well needs to be pouring the insulation using the sprayer. In the process of its filling, the polyurethane foam foam will increase in the volume, forming a dense seamless insulating coating.
  4. When the insulation dries, the formwork must be removed, the insulation is placed and painted to protect against dirt moisture. The cavity on the site of the disassembled formwork should be filled with soil and tamper it.
Well whose rings were insulated by any of the methods described above, it is recommended to further cover the lid.

Warming house for a well

The construction of a house for insulation of a hatch well is relatively expensive, but an easy way. In addition, such a house can reliably protect the neck of structures from garbage, cold and precipitation, it contributes to the creation of a favorable microclimate in crinic. Little salas from boards or log house installed on it minimize the risk of freezing its top of the walls. Therefore, ice formation inside such a structure is unlikely. Also, the house on the well is an excellent area decoration. Inside the design, you can position the gate with a bucket or modern caisson with the pump.

The house can be built in this way:

  • Around the neck of a concrete or brick well, you need to dig a trench. Its depth should be approximately 30 cm, the width is 50 cm, which is taken by 20 cm larger than the width of the planned log.
  • The bottom of the finished trench should be aligned, and then the raven. After that, the trench must be filled with gravel.
  • It is necessary to put the laminate of the wooden log cabin on the resulting breakfast. Ideal for a sequence of 150x150 mm, treated with moisture-resistant mastic. For additional protection of wood from rotting under the crown, it is recommended to put a couple of the rubberoid layers.
  • The assembly of the rest of the log cabin must be made from the profiled bar or a rounded log. The height of the church depends on the size of the wellness of the throat of the throat. In the process of assembly between the rows of the crowns it is necessary to lay the jute tape: the presence of this sealer will save time on the pant.
  • The cavity between the neck and walls of the cut must be filled with thermal insulation - clamzite, foam, etc.
  • When the house walls are ready, you can install the roof frame. For this, there are enough two pairs of wooden rafters to connect the skate plank.
  • Fronton roofs need to be seeded. Then in one of them should make the door needed to access the well of the well or pump.
  • On the rafter, you need to mount the crate from the rail or plywood and consolidate the ondulin panels, slate or other roofing material on it.
The explicit advantage of such a design is its aesthetic appearance and the possibility of convenient access to water. To do this, just just open the door.

The thermal insulation of the structure for uncleanness, that is, a cesspool, practically no different from the warming of a well polystyrene foam, foam or similar materials. The only difference is the need for additional work on thermal insulation of pipes, transporting sewage waste from the house to the Plumbing Well. These works, as well as the insulation of the lid, should be performed first. After that, the thermal insulation is subject to the wall of the well, which one of the methods described above is subject to one of the methods described above.

How to insulate a well - Look at the video:

If the warming of the well was produced qualitatively, it will not create problems with its owners even in the strongest frosts. However, it is not necessary to forget about the thermal insulation of pumping equipment and pipelines - their uninterrupted work is also extremely important. Good luck!

The problem of water supply will never lose its relevance, especially in rural areas. And in most cases, the only exit - which should not only be provided with water, that is, perform its own direct function, but also to be the most durable and durable.

To protect the well from the freezing, it is necessary to warm it up to how frosts come. Materials that can be used for insulation, there are quite a lot today. The main thing is to find out how to insulate the well for the winter.

When you need to warm the well

If the well design is made of wood according to the traditions of our great-grandfather, it is not necessary to warm it. This kind of construction itself has good heat-saving properties. But there may be exceptions - in particular, the need for insulation of the well cover. To, for this you need to make a wooden lid and set it inside the design. The lid will protect the well from factors such as:

  • temperature changes;
  • entering leaves and other garbage;
  • penetration of snow.

But today, almost all well structures are made from concrete rings (sometimes meet). These wells have plenty of advantages - they are durable, durable, install, as well as care for them, quite simple. At the same time, one "but" takes place: the owners of the plots on which reinforced concrete wells are built, they are forced to insulate them for the winter.

Note! If the water level in the well is below the soil freezing line, then the well will not freeze, and if there is higher, respectively, insulation will be needed.

Welding well

There are several ways to insulate the well:

  • insulation covers;
  • construction of a decorative house;
  • warming upper rings.

Warm cover

The essence of this method lies in the fact that an additional cover is installed inside the structure at the soil level. As you know, the water from the well may be automatically (in the presence of a pump) or remove the old way - with the help of buckets. We will consider a more modern method.

To work, we will need:

  • plywood sheet;
  • wire;
  • thermally insulating material with a thickness of at least 5 cm (foam plastic is most suitable);
  • foam assembly;
  • plastic tube (for ventilation);
  • glue.

Stage 1. We take a sheet of plywood and cut out two circles from it with the same diameter as the well. In both circles, we drill two holes - one ventilation, another for the hose.

Note! If you do not take care of the ventilation, then soon the water will acquire a not very pleasant smell, and it will change it for the worse.

The velocked holes should be small (Ø5-6 cm) so that the cold air does not penetrate through the gaps. You can drill them next to the edge - it will be more convenient. Then we take the bottom circle and we do four more holes on the loop for the wire.

Stage 2. Cut out the same circle from the foam, we make a couple of holes in it in a similar way. Polyfoam glue to the first plywood circle with a joinery glue, and we glue the second on top. We are waiting until the glue dries, after which we insert the ventilation tube into the appropriate hole. To compact the connection, we can use the mounting foam.

Stage 3. It remains only to make a ring using a wire. To do this, wind the wire top ring, fixing the circle. Then we screw the four pieces of wire fixed on the lower plywood circle to the ring. We skip the hose into the hole, we lower the structure to the ground level. The cover will be kept on the wire, the well will be ventilated, the water will not freeze.

Price for mounting foam

mounting foam

House of wood

If in your area the temperature does not fall below the critical mark, then on the ring from above, you can make a log house from a tree to protect. To work will be required:

  • wire;
  • wooden logs;
  • plywood sheets;
  • styrofoam;
  • moisture-repellent film;
  • the right amount of nails.

Stage 1. First, we glue the outer surface of the ring by moisture-repellent film. Then we take foam and cut out six blanks of rectangular shape from it. The dimensions of the billets should be chosen in such a way that after opening the upper ring as a result, hexagon was obtained. So we will maximize the density of the fit.

To secure the foam, we use a simple wire - tighten it into three rings. It is best if the wire is aluminum, because it is soft and not subject to corrosion, therefore, it will be easy to work with it, and rust will not be formed on the surface of thermal insulation.

Stage 2. Next, we build a small log house from the logs. The height of the cut should be equal to the height of the upper ring, and it should turn out in the form of a hexagon. This house is placed in a multilayer cover, which was described in the previous paragraph. If you wish, we can paint the house - let the well have an element of aesthetic.

Video - installation of a house for a well

Top ring "under a fur coat". Polystyrene foam

As we have already found out, in order to prevent the well freezing, it is necessary to reduce the thermal conductivity of the upper ring in it. This option insulation can be two types: insulation polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam. Let's start with the first version for which the following materials will be required:

  • paint;
  • polystyrene foam insulation having a fastening system of spike-grooves;
  • plaster;
  • foam assembly.

Note! In this case, the upper ring will be insulated completely, and the second is only partially.

Stage 1. First we carry out the preparatory work. We break around the ring with a depth of about 50 cm around the ring, and the width is at least 20 cm. We clean the ring surface from dirt, then mount the first coat layer, while observing the maximum density. For sealing seams, we use the mounting foam. When the first level is finished, we collect the second and glue it to the ring. Gaps obtained between levels close in the same mounting foam.

Stage 2. We shuffle the surface of the rings - so we will protect the polystyrene foam from the harmful effects of sunlight (they are known to reduce the thermal insulation characteristics of the material). When the plaster is driving, we apply an ordinary paint on it so that the finish does not twice. I fall asleep and tamper trench.

Top ring "under a fur coat". Polyurene Foolder

If polyurethane foam will be used for insulation, then the trench is digging in the same way, and around the first ring we collect a wooden frame. For work you will need:

  • paint;
  • sprayer for polyurethane foam;
  • plaster;
  • bruces of wood;
  • ordinary polyethylene film;
  • jelly iron formwork;
  • dowel.

Stage 1. The trench is pulled narrower than in the previous embodiment (no more than 10 cm), and around the upper ring, we set the bars at a distance of about 40 cm from each other. The edges of the pit we look formwork (it is made of fine steel), exactly the repeating contours of the trench. Formwork coated with polyethylene film. The fact is that polyurethane foam is quite high adhesion, which is why it is impossible to disassemble the formwork.

Stage 2. When the formwork is installed, an emptiness is formed between it and the upper ring, which we pour polyurethane foam. After infusion, the material will expand, so the trench will be filled as tight as possible.

Note! From above, the well is covered with a lid, which was mentioned above.

How to prevent the freezing well

In order for the winter, the well structure does not warm up, it is necessary to take care of its insulation even during the start of construction. If the site is planned to visit only occasionally (for example, in summer or on weekends), then there is no particular need for a well insulation. Only before leaving we clean and process well with some disinfectant, for example, chlorine.

Then the water completely pump out, after which the well is closed with a lid. The cover is covered with a plastic film, and the dry leaves are sprinkled from above. After that, we can calmly leave, because in the spring in the well there will be fresh clean water.

If a permanent use of the well is planned, more serious measures should be taken. So, the pipeline from the well to the house is laying below the soil freezing line. The top ring protect the house (which we described) or any other means.

As a conclusion

After working on the warming of the well, the water in it will not freeze even in the most severe frosts. But do not forget about the insulation of the pipeline leading to the house - this is also important.