Warming of pitched roofs on wooden rafters. How to lay the insulation on the roof

During the construction of a private house, attention should be paid not only to the heat shield of walls and floors, but also on the insulation of the roof structures. The temperature-humidary mode of the room depends on the literacy of the roof insulation measures, and even the life of the structures. Work on the installation of thermal insulation material can be carried out with their own hands.

The need for insulation

From the school year of physics, everyone knows that the heated air rises up. If there is no heat insulation, it does not prevent him from leaving the building. Because of this phenomenon, a large number of heat losses occurs through the roof or attic floors. The absence of the necessary protection against cold and losses of warm air may result in the following problems:

  • decrease in room temperature;
  • increased heating costs in winter;
  • condensate falling on the inner surface of the roof;
  • the appearance of mold or fungus on the roof elements;
  • destruction or damage to the supporting structures, and bringing the house into emergency condition.

The insulation of the roof structures, as well as the insulation of walls and overlap during the construction of apartment buildings is necessarily checked by state or private expertise at the design stage. The thermal insulation of the private cottage completely depends on the future owner, no one checks its presence and competent choice, but it does not lose its importance.

Ways of insulation

The insulation of the roof with their own hands depends on the roof design. There are two types of roofs: flat and scope. Most often, flat roofs are used to build multi-storey houses, but it is possible to use in the construction of a private cottage. Flat roofs can be designed in two ways:

In the inversion changed the order of the layers. Such technology is used in the arrangement of the operated roof. As a material for insulation in both cases, it can be applied:

  • styrofoam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • mineral wool (in plates);
  • ceramzit.

The latter is fairly cheap, but has lower heat shielding characteristics. In most cases, the roof insulation is used outside. This allows you to simplify the assembly process and make competent in terms of heat engineering protection from cold.

Scheme laying insulation between rafted

It is necessary to remember the strength of the material, additional measures will also need to protect the insulation from mechanical damage.

When the private house is erected, the option from the pitched roof is most often used. It allows you to equip the attic or attic and has a more attractive appearance. Warming of the roof of a wooden house or any other can be made in several ways:

  • laying the material between the rafter (most common);
  • laying insulation over rafted;
  • fixing from the bottom of the rafter.

Selection of material

The insulation of the roof of a wooden house or building from other materials is carried out using the following materials:

To rarely used materials can be attributed:

  • ceramzit;
  • sawdust.

Mineral wool insulation scheme

Bulk materials are used to protect from cold outside. They have an attractive price, but are quite complex in laying, so they were not widespread. It is better to use more modern technologies.

In general, materials for conducting heat shielding activities should meet the requirements:

  • safety, lack of harmful effects per person;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • a small mass to prevent excessive loads on the rapid system;
  • failure resistance and savory, sufficient strength and rigidity;
  • soundproofing characteristics (especially important when using a metal roofing);
  • resistance to fire (especially important for wooden construction);
  • if possible, good vapor permeability, which will ensure additional ventilation of the room;
  • good heat shielding characteristics.

One of the most important characteristics of the material is its thermal conductivity. This value is necessarily indicated by the manufacturer. The lower the value, the smaller the thickness of the insulation will need. In the absence of rapidity in the means, it is better to choose such materials as mineral wool or polystyrene foam. The values \u200b\u200bof their thermal conductivity depend on the manufacturer and are in the range of 0.03-0.04 W / (m2 * ᵒc).

Calculation of thickness

It is important not only to correctly pick up the material for insulation, but also competently calculate its thickness. Insufficient will lead to the fallout of condensate, and excessive talks about the irrational cash flow rate. You can select the value "to the eye" on the basis of general recommendations, for example, regardless of the type of roof (scanning or flat) for insulation of minvata or polystyrene foaming, the layer thickness of 150-200 mm will be required.

It is best to perform a full-fledged heat engineering calculation, which takes into account modern requirements of comfort and allows you to find the perfect balance of value and quality. For a specialist, the implementation of such a calculation will not be difficult. Far from construction, a person can use examples of computing or the "Teremok" program, which is available in free access and is quite simple and understandable.

Competent calculations at the design stage are aimed at saving budget and ensuring the reliability of heat shields.

Their execution will not take a large amount of time, but will avoid recalculation during construction and additional costs for operation.

Flat roofing process

Depending on the type of roof, the insulation technology will be different. For flat roofs, such an order of layers is usually observed:

  • carrier design (most often reinforced concrete coating);
  • vapor insulation layer;
  • thermal insulation material;
  • cement-sand tie (for non-durable materials reinforced);
  • waterproofing carpet that performs the function of the finishing coating.

Upite the most needed, it is possible to work from the inside of the room, but this method has several drawbacks:

  • decrease in the height of the room;
  • transfer of dew point inside the design;
  • disadvantage of work.

Heat shut-off shelter

Before properly insulated the roof of the house, it is necessary to deal with the order of work. Scope roof in the overwhelming majority of cases are insulated between the rafter. The insulation of the roof from the inside with their own hands is a completely saturated task. It is important to comply with the competent order of laying materials from the bottom up:

  • interior decoration;
  • lower case;
  • vaporizoation;
  • rafters with insulation between them;
  • waterproofing;
  • windproof;
  • doom;
  • roofing material.

With the thickness of the insulation, there are more than the height of the rafting legs. As windproof and waterproofing, it is better to use modern diffusion membranes.

Competent insulation regardless of the type of roof requires an attentive approach. To avoid problems when operating, it is necessary to properly choose the thickness of the insulation, select a reliable manufacturer and comply with the installation technology. The fulfillment of these conditions will allow the root to listen for a long time and contribute to the preservation of a normal temperature and humid regime in the building.

Warm roofing correctly: how to prevent errors

The insulation of the roof will create heat in the house. How and the better to warm the roof of a private house, we will tell in detail in this article.

Proper warming of the roof of the house: Technology and video

Warming of the roof of the house is an important stage of construction or overhaul of the roof. The selection of the installation technology of the heat-insulating layer depends on the roof configuration, the type of insulation and the requirements, which are presented to the room located directly under the roof.

How to insulate the roof to significantly reduce heat loss at home? First of all, it is required to correctly pick up materials for insulation and accurately adhere to the installation technology. A qualitatively insulated roof increases by 15% increases the heat efficiency of the house, allows us to turn an attic to a room suitable for year-round accommodation.

The highest requirements are imposed on the insulation of the roof of the residential attic of houses located in areas with cold winters. The roofing pie of summer attic or the exploited attics may include a thinner layer of thermal insulation. The roof under which the untreated attic is located, it is usually not insulating - thermal insulation is mounted on the floor of the attic or ceiling of residential premises. Not insulated non-residential attic is well ventilated, which prevents the roof of the wooden elements of the roof.

When installing scanty and flat roofs, different ways of roof insulation are used.

Thermal insulation of flat roofing

How to make a warmed roof when installing a flat roof? It should be noted that the flat roof can be insulated outside, and from the inside.

In the composition of the cake of flat roof enters:

  • vaporizoation;
  • heat insulator;
  • waterproofing layer of rolled material;
  • bulk layer (drainage + cement-sand mix).

Outdoor insulation is most conveniently performed using mineral basalt wool. You can also use polystyrene foam and other rigid insulation. It should be borne in mind that polymer insulation cannot be used when installing roofing coating with high fire safety requirements.

Insulation of a pitched roof

The roofing pie of the pitched roof is performed with insulation along the rafters. It is important to figure out how to warm the roof of the house right to prevent errors that will eventually lead to the sparrel of wooden structures.

Mineral wool is the most popular insulation in private housekeeping. This is a non-combustible material that can be purchased at a low price. But the structure of the wool contributes to the accumulation of moisture, which serves as a significant decrease in the thermal insulation properties of the material, and also provokes the rotting of the elements of the solo system. Thus, when creating insulation, it is important to provide proper ventilation and steam and waterproofing of roofing pie.

Installation of the heat insulator of the pitched roof is performed by the attic in the process of building or repairing the roof. If repair works are underway, before laying the insulation, it is necessary to check the status of the rafter - the disintegrating elements must be replaced with new ones. It is also worth treating all the wooden structures with flame-proof composition.

Pie a scope roofing includes:

  • finish roofing;
  • hydrobarrier (layer of waterproofing material);
  • heat insulator;
  • vaporizolation;
  • interior decoration (optional).

The correct warming of the roof requires a high-quality air exchange, for which it is necessary to create air interlayers between:

  • subsective waterproofing and roofing coating;
  • insulation and hydrobrier;
  • vaporizoation and inner covering (if provided).

Air circulation (free influx and removal) is ensured due to special blood products, one of which should be located in the rope of the roof, and the second is under the skate.

Materials for the heat insulation of the pitched roof

The insulation technology of the roof involves the use of various materials. The most popular thermal insulators include mineral wool and glass gambler (in plates or rolls), slab polymer materials - polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene. The principles of their installation are similar, but it is worth noting that the installation of the slab material is much easier and more convenient.

As a waterproofing, a runneroid or waterproofing membrane is usually used, which is impenetrable for water, but able to remove moisture from the insulation. A vapor insulation layer can be made of:

  • ruberoid;
  • polyethylene film;
  • perramine;
  • foil materials laid foil towards the attic room.

To create a roofing pie with high functional characteristics, it is recommended to use a special vapor barrier membrane to create a vapor barrier: it takes condensate outward from the insulation and does not miss the steam and moisture inside the roofing cake.

Stages of work on the insulation of a scope roof

The roof insulation scheme is quite simple. First of all, it is necessary to measure the distance between the rafyles. Watch insulation plates should be chopped according to the results obtained by adding 1 centimeter. This will allow to fix the thermal insulator of the versus between the rafters. This stage of work is greatly simplified if the roofing system is originally designed and mounted on the use of slab heaters of a certain width.

If there is no waterproofing between rafters and an already mounted roofing coating, you must first fix the hydrobarier. The membrane should envelop rafters, attach its most convenient to the construction staple to the rafters themselves and to the roofing crate in the openings between them. Waterproofing should be removed under Sve at the bottom of the roof, so that moisture is provided. It should be borne in mind that with this method of fastening the hydrobrier, the insulation has to be mounted without the necessary air layer. For this reason, the superdiffusion membrane is recommended as waterproofing.

In the presence of a waterproofing layer under the roofing coating, nails are riveted on rafters with a pitch of about 10 cm. Nails should be located at a distance of 3-5 cm from the waterproofing layer. Between the nails, it is necessary to pull the polyethylene thread or cord, hacking them to the end. This will help create an air gap between the hydrobarier and insulation. If the thermal insulator is planned to be fixed with a cord, not a crate for the inner covering, at the outer edge of the rafter, it is also necessary to fill nails.

If you specify how to insulate the roof of the house, a cotton plate was selected, then the prepared items are necessary, slightly compressed, insert between the rafters. When using more rigid plates from foam and similar materials, it is important to accurately fit them under the size so that the plates tightly stood in the opening. Warming is recommended to perform in two layers. If you have to install not solid sheets in the opening, but narrower fragments, I joking them in length or width, you must trace them so that the joints of the second layer do not coincide with the joints of the first. The heat insulator should not be for the plane of the rafter feet. If the rafters have an insufficient width for mounting two layers of the insulation, an additional timber is nailed to them.

The heat insulator is fixed between rafters using a stretched cord fixed on pre-stuffed nails. Either the attachment is used as a deck dryer, intended for installation of the inner lining of the room. Rakes are nailed to the rafters with a step of 30-40 cm. In this case, vaporizolation is fastened to the stapler to the rafters before mounting the crate: the thickness of the ridge allows you to create the necessary air gap between vaporizolation and trim.

When installing the parobamire, special attention is paid to the tightness of the layer. The cloth stacked with an overlap at least 10 cm, the joints should be glued with adhesive tape in two layers. It is necessary to maximize the installation of vapor barrier around the chimney and in the connecting places with walls. At the final stage, the installation of the trim using wood-based or plasterboard plates is performed.

How to insulate the roof of the house right: video, insulation scheme, methods

Find out how to warm the roof of the house. Look at the video How to make a roof warming at home using various schemes, ways and types of insulation

How to warm the roof in the rafters?

Parts such cases where the owners of private houses want to turn the usual attic room into a attic with a roof insulation. Such changes are directly connected with the modification and insulation of the existing roof.

Waterproofing is fitted in the openings available between rafals.

In addition, the warming of roofs with orientation to any system will be associated with the provision of ventilation and the device of high-quality steam and waterproofing.

1 What is the best way to warm the root along the rafters?

To date, the most common method of insulation of a scope rafting roof is one, in which the thermal insulation is provided by foam.

At the same time lay the insulation to the rafters on the pitched roof, you need to follow a certain system.

The insulation between rafters that ensure the stability of the roof design, one of the two most common ways can be used, while you can use Minvatu.

Despite this, many rightly believe that it is better to warm the rape structures of the pitched roof of the foam on the insulation of the attic of a private house.

It should be remembered that when it is insulated with a rafted on the pitched roof, its fastening will focus on a certain distance.

Installation of the insulation need to be back up

Materials for insulation rafters and roofs in general is now a lot. Most people, for the insulation of the roofs, and in particular the rafter part of it, uses foam.

Ensuring the thermal insulation of the roofs and its rafter, the foam has a number of undoubted advantages, but it is necessary to know what other materials and their views can be used to form a reliable heat insulation of the roof, because in addition to the insulation, the foam has several no less proven and reliable options.

It is worth noting that many are inclined to the fact that the thermal insulation of the roofs of the foam is a cheap and reliable option, while the Minvat is significantly inferior to the presented method.

To understand what methods of improving the roof and insulation of the roof using PPU will be most effective, you need to know how these works are made, and what kind of roof materials are the most sought-after.

After all, along with a method based on the insulation of foam, such innovative technologies of thermal insulation of the roof are proposed, as a spraying of polyurethane foam.

In order to understand what materials and their types are used to ensure the heat resistance of the roof, it should be considered every single one of them.

2 Features of the materials used

Minvata in the opinion of many is the direct leader among those materials that can be used to insulate the roofs.

She has a number of advantages compared to previously declared foam. Such properties like the obviousness of the burning and the high level of fire safety of the roofs when it is applied, they speak for themselves.

The presented material is characterized by a high degree of elasticity and can fit on the roof between rafters with orientation at any distance.

Subsequently, Minvat retains its original form, and the distance between the slab positions does not change.

Proper insulation of the roof

Since when installing between the beams and the presented building materials, there are no gaps between the roof elements, its use is the most relevant. The main advantages of this material for the modernization of the roof belongs:

  • Low cost;
  • Accessibility as a mansard insulation from the inside;
  • Ease when making installation;
  • Good thermal insulation qualities.

The main disadvantage of minvati is an increased degree of hygroscopicity. The material actively absorbs moisture into its structure, which leads to its wet.

The distance between the fibers of the substance changes and the product rapidly loses its heat-insulating properties by 60-80%.

Therefore, before carrying out wool insulation, you need to take care of its waterproofing.

Polystyrene foam is now quite high popularity, and, according to many experts, absolutely undeservedly.

Nail along the rafters at a distance of 7-8 cm from the waterproofing film of nails

The fact is that the strengthening of the roofs with its use is quite fraught with serious consequences in the event of a sudden ignition of the material.

When fire, the product begins to splash in all sides by fiery drops. When installing, with the time, the structure of the material is subject to cosnosis, and the distance between it and the roof increases, which leads to a deterioration in heat insulating properties.

In most cases, the foam is hidden under the layer of plaster or screed. Extruded polystyrene foam, in fact, is the same modified foam.

It is used in those places where the fastening needs a large degree of hardness. This material can also burn, but do not maintain the combustion process.

It is perfectly able to maintain the original shape, and its structure is not crossed when making installation. The undoubted advantages of extruded polystyrene foam expressed in:

Sling roof system

  • Moisture resistance;
  • Durability;
  • Lightweight;
  • Strength;
  • Stiffness;
  • High heat insulation indicators.

Polyurethane foam began to be used for insulation roofing relatively recently. This material is represented as a gas-filled plastic.

Filling is made using a special unit, while the undoubted plus is the complete absence of cracks and gaps.

Presented building material is not fuel, has a relatively low weight and keeps his shape well.

The spraying can be carried out at a distance equal to the gap between the rafters, which helps to remove the cold bridges.

A significant disadvantage is a pronounced countertility. Because of this, you need to take care of creating a supply and exhaust ventilation.

Laying insulation between rafyles

Equata, which is also called cellulose wool, also began to be used for insulation relatively recently.

It is not devoid of their advantages: it does not burn, eco-friendly, has a small weight and can be blown in all the cracks. In addition, the material presented is not able to absorb moisture.

2.1 Insulation Mounting Nuances

This technology will be considered on the example of laying mineral wool with a layer of 250 mm. All types of work related to the presented roof insulation method are most efficiently performed in the early stages of the construction of the house.

Otherwise, the attic fastening will need to be removed along with obsolete roofing material.

After the rafter design is fully mounted, but laying the roofing material has not yet begun to provide a high level of roof waterproofing.

With this goal, on top of the installed rafters, the waterproofing superdiffusion membrane is made as when the roof of the mineral wool building is insulated.

At the same time, it is important not to confuse its parties. This is due to the fact that one of the parties is not able to pass water, and the other in the opposite direction does not miss steam.

Insulation and waterproofing roofs of complex shape

We need to lay the membrane so that the outer surface is that side, which is characterized by its high degree of moisture resistance.

Mounting begins on the cornese swell, located downstairs and moves to the top of the roof.

Fall must focus on a distance equal to 10-15 cm, and the sizing joints should be carried out with the help of special construction tape.

The waterproofing film is prohibited to be laid in the stretch. This is due to the fact that when winter occurs, it can shrink, which will damage in places of its consolidation.

Based on this, the dislocation of the material is made with a small navis, which is 2 cm per 1 m. The attachment of the film to the rafters is carried out by means of special brackets and a construction stapler.

If there is no such tool, you can use galvanized nails equipped with a wide hat.

The subsequent stage is concluded in the formation of the ventilation gap. Through it, subsequently will be leaving unnecessary pairs contained in the material of the insulation.

On top of the waterproofing layer, a fill is made of wood rivers, the thickness of which may depend on the width parameter of the ventilation gap.

Heat roofing in terms of rafters

The fastening of the rivers is carried out with the help of galvanized screws. After that, the roofing material is installed on top of the crate

2.2 How to put insulation between rafters?

At the beginning of the laying process should be unpacked by Minvatu and give it some time to lie down, in order for the material to take the right form. Next, cutting the canvas or plates on the segments needed for installation.

In this case, the width parameter of the mineral wool can accurately correspond to the distance between the beams, to which 20-30 additional millimeters should be added to form the tension.

Cutting mineral wool can be done using a conventional building knife. However, it is necessary to remember that all work needs to be performed in gloves, with a suitable respirator and in dense clothing in order to avoid microparticles to enter unprotected skin.

After that, the product canvas pushed into a space located between the rafters. In the process, the edges of the material that is located near the rafter is a bit bend.

To do this, you need to slightly press on the middle section of the web, as a result of which the edges will disappear. At this stage, the process of insulation of the roof can be completed.

Warming roof from metal tile

As a result, rafters made of wood and insulation between them will be reliably protected from the malicious effects of moisture, which can penetrate the damaged areas of the roof.

On the inside, the insulation will be safely protected from the effect of steam outgoing from the room, and the entire design presented will be maintainable.

If there is a need for an inspection of the state of the rafter, then at the beginning of the dismantling will have to subjected to the sheets of plasterboard, followed by them to remove the crate and vapor barrier film, and then reinstall the installation.

If you need to warm the roof in the old house, and there is no desire to remove the already laid roofing material, then it is possible to fix the waterproofing membrane from the inside of the attic room.

At the same time, it will be necessary to plunge the membrane of the surface of the rafted and wrap it into the space located between them.

On top it will be necessary to lay a layer of insulating material. The insulation of a soft type roof is carried out with the indicative of the same technology that was described above.

Warming roof from the inside

The difference lies in the fact that the lamp that forms the gap between the waterproofing membrane and the roofing material itself is supplemented by a layer of plywood moisture resistant. On top of the layer such plywood is made with a mild roof.

2.3 Warming roof under rafyles

The scheme, which produces insulation under rafters, is used in residential buildings quite rarely.

As a rule, it is implemented during the construction of industrial facilities, which are equipped with reinforced carrier elements made using metal.

The presented scheme can be used in the case of the reconstruction of the construction site.

At the same time, in the process of conducting work, it should be borne in mind that the area of \u200b\u200bthe indoor space is significantly reduced.

This option can also be applied in the case when increased requirements are put forward to ventilation.

This applies to premises with an increased degree of humidity. With the insulation of the roof rods, the importance of thermal insulation material is lost.

Hansard insulation roof rods between rafters

This is due to the fact that due to the high degree of openness, the vapor barrier layer may be subjected to damage.

Premises with such a type of insulated roofing should often be ventilated or special roofing fans are installed in them with high power.

Warming roofing on the rafters: styling, how to fix

Warming of the roof in the rafters - technology description. WHERE TO DEVELOP THE WARE OF THE WELL ON SERVO?

How to make a roof insulation, a choice of materials for a scope and flat roof

So that the roof can perform its functions qualitatively and serve long enough, it must be insulated. There are a lot of materials and methods of installation of the heat-insulating layer, and the choice of suitable technology is always carried out individually. This article we will talk about how to properly lay the insulation on the roof of the private house.

The need for insulation roofing

Of course, the final decision on whether it is necessary to insulate the roof, is made by the owner of the house - but before that you need to weigh all the arguments "for" and "against". The latter include additional costs of the roof and the effort required for the installation of the heat insulating layer.

However, financial expenses and attached efforts will reappear. The main advantage of the insulation of the roof - after installation, the level of thermal losses of the whole building is decreasing on average by 15%. If the underfloor space is not assumed to be used as a residential, then the roof itself does not need to be insulated - the thermal insulation of the roof of the house in this case will be mounted on the floor of the attic or ceiling of residential premises. So that the design does not rot, high-quality roof ventilation will be required.

The most relevant insulation of the roof will be with the arrangement of residential attic, especially if the building is located in the region with a harsh climate. In such cases, if the attic will be used all year round, it will be necessary to approach the issues of its insulation and heating. There are less strict requirements for the warming of summer attic.

How to warm the flat roof

When the flat roof is insulated, it is necessary to take into account that thermal insulation can be both on the inner and on the outer side. It is advisable to start with external insulation, and after the first winter it is decided whether the warming of the roof in the rafters from the inside has.

Roofing Pie Flat Roof consists of:

  • Vaporizolation layer;
  • Insulating layer;
  • Waterproofing layer;
  • Bulk layer.

To arrange external thermal insulation, basalt mineral wool is most often used, which is optimally suitable for these purposes. However, you can choose from any types of hard insulation - for example, it will be a good version of polystyrene foam. It is also necessary to remember that the roofing coating, prone to fire, can not be insulated with polymer thermal insulators.

Insulation of a pitched roof

The heat insulation of the pitched roof is installed on the rafter system. Before laying the insulation to the roof, it is necessary to design it in advance to avoid mistakes when installing.

Scope roof consists of the following elements:

  • Roofing;
  • Waterproofing layer;
  • Thermal insulation;
  • Vapor insulation material;
  • Interior decoration (optional).

As thermal insulation material, Minvata is most often used, which has high performance characteristics and is distinguished by a relatively small value. The main disadvantage of the mineral insulation is the ability to absorb moisture, which is why thermal insulation properties are lost over time. In addition, the presence of moisture under the roof leads to the gradual destruction of wooden parts.

To compensate for the described disadvantage, the design must be supplemented with ventilation, hydro and vaporizolation. The insulation itself on the roof of the house is placed from the wrong side of the roof during its arrangement or repair. If we are talking about repair, then damaged wooden elements should be replaced, and new before installation is processed by protective compositions.

In addition, for efficient work of insulation and reliability, the roof must be well ventilated, so you need to equip ventilation channels between:

  • Layer of waterproofing and finishing coating;
  • Thermal insulation and waterproofing layer;
  • Vaporizolation material and inner trim.

Materials for insulation of a scope roof

For insulation, the roof can use different materials, among which are most popular:

Characteristics and features of materials are distinguished, but they all properly protect the roof from temperature effects. It is worth only to note that it is best to select materials issued in the form of plates - they are much more convenient to mount them.

For the arrangement of the waterproofing layer, a conventional rubberoid or a special waterproofing membrane is most often used, which does not pass water, but ensures moisture lead from the heat insulator. When installing waterproofing, it is necessary to ensure that the tightness of the material was not broken.

However, if we are talking about a qualitative vapor barrier layer, the best option will be a vapor barrier membrane, which works on the principle of one-sided moisture transmission - condensate is removed from the insulation and does not fall into the internal cavities of the roofing pie.

Algorithm of roof insulation - how to lay thermal insulation

Installation of the roof with insulation comes down to the next sequence of actions:

  1. At first, the step of installation of the rafter feet is measured. The plates of the heat-insulating material are cut in accordance with the size obtained, but 1 cm is added to them - it will give the insulation to hold on its place on its own. This stage of work can be simplified during the arrangement of a new roof, having calculated it so that the distance between the rafters corresponded to the width of the insulation slabs.
  2. In the space between the rafters and the finishing coating, a waterproofing layer must be installed. The membrane must be attached to the rafters so that it is enveloped. For fixing, you can use a building stapler to which waterproofing is attached to the rafter feet and crate. Waterproofing material must be inserted to the cornese skes so that the collected moisture is out of the roof. The described method of fastening does not allow to equip full-fledged ventilation, therefore, only a special waterproofing membrane should be used as a material.
  3. If the waterproofing is already installed under the top of the roof, then nails are clogged into the rafter every 10 cm so that the distance between them and the membrane is at least 3-5 cm. Driven nails allow you to stretch the cord, which will pass the air layer in the space between Waterproofing and thermal insulation material. In the event that the insulation itself is fastened with the help of a cord, then the nails will need to score and along the outside of the rafted.
  4. When using insulation fired in the form of plates, the installation is reduced to their insertion into the space between the rafters (naturally, they will have to slightly squeeze so that they go into the gap). More stringent materials are necessary before it is properly insulated the roof, carefully fit under the gaps in the rafter system. For the greatest efficiency it is worth installing two-layer insulation.
  5. By setting narrow fragments that require docking along one of the planes, you need to make sure that the joints of the first and second layer of thermal insulation did not coincide with each other. The heat insulation layer should not go beyond the limits of the rafter, and if this happens, the additional timber will have to fill on the rafyl.
  6. For fastening the insulation, a cord or a doom made from the rails can be used. These rails need to be killed to the rafters at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. The vaporizolation layer in this case should be fixed before the lamp will be installed - the air layer is provided due to the thickness of the ridges.
  7. Installing vaporizolation, you need to make sure that the material is set hermetically. For this joint, you need to close with two layers of adhesive tape. Special attention should be paid to places to points where the material is connected to the wall and the stove. When all design elements are installed, you can start the final stage - the installation of the trim.

The roof insulation is a very important part of the design, which allows to increase the thermal efficiency of the roof. Knowing how to properly put the insulation on the roof, and the qualitative performance of all work will make it possible to create a reliable and high-quality design, which will perform its functions throughout the entire period of operation.

Floating roof: how to warm the roof along the rafters, how to lay the insulation, the installation of thermal insulation, how to put

Floating roof: how to warm the roof along the rafters, how to lay the insulation, the installation of thermal insulation, how to put

In homes where the attic roofs, the roof serves as a reliable protection of the entire building from the effects of atmospheric precipitation.

And sometimes attic rooms are used and as residential premises, namely on the roofs of an attic type.


If the attic or attic is used as a residential premises, then a thermal insulation layer should be paved on the attic roofs.

Thermal insulation provides:

  • corrosion resistance;
  • sanitary and environmental safety;
  • long preservation of heat indoors;
  • condensate protection;
  • noise protection;
  • freezing protection;
  • heating protection.

War insulation materials

In general, all heat-insulating materials can be divided into:

  • porous (or porous fibrous), which contain the reporting gas cavities.
  • cellic, which contain insulated gas cavities: polyurethane foam; polystyrene foam; Polyeneetylene; Foamed rubber.

It is customary to use the following types of insulation:

  • Polyfoam (polystyrene foam), which with a large stretch can be called thermal insulation material due to the complexity of high-quality insulation.

  • Minvatu. Mineral wool insulation may contain staple fiberglass or stone rocks. According to the experience, I will say that material with stone inclusions has the most high-quality thermal insulation properties, namely basalt insulation.


In my work, I never use and do not recommend using foam or mineral wool based on fiberglass. We insulate only basalt heaters from the stone rock, because we carry tightness for the work performed and we guarantee their maximum quality.

Features of basalt insulation

Basalt insulation - refer to the group of mineral wool insulation and are made from various stone rocks.

Stone wool make up the finest fibers, chaotic interconnected and forming cells filled with air, so the material is characteristic of a small density and an increased content inside the air.

Benefits of basalt insulation

  • High thermal insulation qualities. Significantly reduced heat exchange between the cold and warm sides of the structure.
  • Not bad sound insulation of the premises.
  • Strength and simple installation. Basalt insulation are not afraid of temperature effects and do not give a shrinkage.
  • Basalts have a non-hatching class NG (fire-free frame). This means that by winning the fire for 15-30 minutes, you can save a lot of lives.

  • This is the most common thermal insulation in Russia. Plants producing basalt insulation are scattered throughout the country in a great set.
  • Basalt thermal insulation is the most environmentally friendly compared to other insulation.
  • Hydrophobic qualities. Stone wool fibers in nature are characterized by water-repellent properties, and in addition, specialized additives are used in production capable of enhancing their water repellent properties.


And yet you should understand that at any stage of construction, if water is available to mineral wool insulation - in a short time, the mineral wool will stop working, since, under the influence of water, basalt will crush and lose its thermal insulation properties.

For this, vapor and waterproofing are used.

The subtleties of the heat insulation process

In the process of thermal insulation of the roof, several insulation concepts can be distinguished:

  • between rafyles,
  • under rafyles
  • on top of the rafter design,
  • combined way.

Warming between rafyles

This method is most widely used.

It must be remembered:

1. When installing the roof with a single-layer ventilation and styling of the diffusion film, the layer of the insulation is installed for the entire height of the rafted. If anti-condensate (microporphored) undercase films are used in insulation, then the thickness of the insulation will be 5-10 cm less than the height of the rafting legs.

2. To avoid the formation of the cold bridges, the layers of the insulation must be laid with the shift of the stoves of no less than half of their length.

3. It is necessary to compact insulating materials in the places of their joints, not allowing the slots;

4. For the convenience of mounting and controlling the quality of insulation with a thickness of the insulation 200 mm, it is better to use 2 plates of 100 mm than 4 plates of 50 mm;


Use the maximum thickness of the insulation!

Possible warming defect:

  • loose insulation of thermal insulation to the side surfaces of the rafter

For a warning it is worth laying the insulation, the width of the canvas is more than 10 - 15 mm than the free distance between the rapid legs or if the rafter is not exhibited in parallel, the trapezoid is cut.

  • insufficient ventilation of thermal insulation

To avoid this, a sufficient and permanent gap is needed.

Warming under rafyles

This method of insulation roofing of residential premises is rarely applied.


  • high reliability fairly high enough


  • the inner area of \u200b\u200bthe room decreases

Warming on top of the rafter design

This type of insulation is used mainly for the insulation of metal structures where metal rafters are present.


  • there are no breaks and cracks in the thermal circuit;
  • the support elements of the roof arrive at a constant temperature and humidity, metal rafters are not exposed to temperature fluctuations and are not deformed
  • internal space does not decrease


  • the complexity of assembly works on the roofs of a complex form
  • the need to apply protective coatings of metal structures and wood.

Heavy roofing with a combined way


This is the most effective type of insulation.

The combined method includes insulation according to the scheme between the rafters and on top of the rafter. At the same time, the so-called "cold bridges" are completely excluded - unrecorded cold streams.

The thermal insulation of the rafter design is carried out if the active operation of the attic space formed by it is scheduled. Perform work and during construction, and during the reconstruction or repair period.

In order for the investment of funds and physical efforts, it is necessary to know how to insulate the rafters, which technological method should be preferred to achieve an impeccable result.

Despite the visible simplicity of the process of thermal insulation of the rafter frame, this is a very serious stage. First, the roof is the easiest building structure, which is contraindicated overly weighing. However, insulated rocks are obliged to protect the owners from all sorts of weather phenomena on a par with carrier walls, otherwise there is absolutely no sense in the insulation of the attic.

Secondly, the enclosing coating together with the components of the roofing pie is directly in contact with the bottom layers of the atmosphere, and on the inside it comes into contact with the household medium with a microclimate characteristic.

The difference in temperatures on both sides by definition creates conditions for the accumulation of condensate in the thickness of the roofing cake. In addition, there is a vaporization characteristic of the operated premises.

Taking into account the listed factors of the effect on the heat insulation layer in the roofing pie to the material selected for the arrangement, special requirements are imposed.

Thermal insulation rafters must be:

  • easy to not create additional load on the supporting structures;
  • maximum resistant to moisture, which even if the ideal protection of thermal insulation penetrates or is formed in roofing pie, albeit in minor quantities;
  • non-combustible, as a last resort, weakly agreed or simply not supporting combustion;
  • noise absorbing, i.e. capable of extinguishing a variety of power and origin sounds;
  • the minimum heat lines so as not to increase the volume of the design with the optimal ability to maintain heat.

It is important that the material selected for the device is not frozen for the device and has not saved under its own weight during its service. Because It is equipped with a rafter design, the thermal insulation will definitely be located under the tilt.

If the insulation layer over time slides somewhat to the base, exposing the skate zone, heat losses will increase by approximately 40%. Therefore, during the selection of material, one position should be chosen, in the marking of which is indicated "for pitched roofs".

Thermal insulation options for rafal systems

The task of insulation does not constitute the heating of the air mass, they are required to maintain heat supplied heat and not to pass low temperatures outside. In the summer, all the same heat insulation prevents the penetration of high temperatures, which in hot days on the roof often reach + 90ºС.

Materials used for the device of the insulation system of pitched roofs are divided into two fundamental groups:

  • Wadded. These include varieties with a fibrous structure: stone wools, glass and slag, etc. Insulating quality by them reports air, filling space between chaotic interlaced fibers. Wool can be both rigid and soft, i.e. Fixed.
  • Foam. Options with a "foamed" structure, which are a combination of closed bubbles filled with inert gas or ordinary air, which just performs the function of the insulator. These are tough slab kinds of insulation.

In the device of the system insulation of the rafter systems, materials are used characterized by low thermal conductivity. Its value usually does not exceed the standard limit of 0.04 W / m ° C, which is characteristic of almost all types of thermal insulation for the roof.

Specificity of cotton thermal insulation

Wadth insulation easily let the evaporation and in a similar way parted with moisture being in their thicker. In order for water in the fibrous insulation, water is delayed, significantly reduced insulating properties, wats for the roof hydrophobiz - cover the fibers with a water-repellent substance.

The hydrophobic shell excludes the wetting of the fibers, on which the moisture is only accumulated, and when the drop volume is reached, the drop is rolled down or destroys air flow. Therefore, the wool used for the insulation of the rafter frameworks belong to vapor permeable, but at the same time not wetrated materials, which is extremely significantly in the case of the arrangement of the roofs.

Wooden rafting structures during operation isolated a certain amount of moisture that needs to be removed. Therefore, cotton wages are considered the best option in the device of the insulation system in space between the rafalines, contributing to the natural bread with wood designs.

From the inside, i.e. From the side of the premises, the cotton closes the vapor insulating membrane. It prevents the penetration of evaporation into the insulation, but partially skips them. Outside, cotton thermal insulation is covered with a water-repellent polymer film, between which the insulation is leaving the ventilation gap of 3-5 cm.

If a superdiffusion membrane is used as a waterproofing, then the ventilation clearance is not suitable. The membrane spontaneously produces condensate formed in the insulation in the atmosphere, but prevents penetration into the heat insulating layer of rain and melt water.

It is, of course, more than an ordinary and reinforced polyethylene film, but allows you to use narrower rafters under the insulation, which brings a considerable economic effect.

Features of foam insulation plates

The subgroup of foam insulation includes all sorts of polyems, foam, polyurethane foam, etc. All of them are divided into vapor-permeable and playproof options.

The ability to skip household evaporation depends on the material manufacturing technique. For example, the extrusion expanded polystyrene passes moisture in meager quantities, because its cells are bumping tightly with the walls. There is no space between them. In addition, the closed shell bubble excludes the slightest attempts to penetrate water.

The materials created by the extrusion method is the lowest vapor permeable, allowing not to protect the insulation with vapor barrier films. However, the need for a ventilation channel is the case of condensate output and a small amount of steam still remains.

Polyfoam - foamed polystyrene, which has not passed through an extruder, skips pairs. Between its cells there are channels that contribute to the penetration of moisture and the derivation of it from the body of thermal insulation by venting. When using it, steam and waterproofing layers should be used as thermal insulation of the roof and arrange ventilation channels.

Foam are represented by rigid plates, which, unlike soft wats, are not frozen. Despite the possibility of installing into the space between the rafalines, the foam thermal insulation is mainly installed on top of the rafter legs or on the inside of the room.

The fact is that the material strictly preserving the material is difficult to carve it so that it completely filled the cell in the rafter system. A certain weakened thin line will still remain between it and the rapid line, which contributes to the formation of cold bridges.

In addition, extruded insulation do not absorb moisture that wooden elements of the system will inevitably be highlighted. Therefore, only foam - insulation can be used in the laying between rafallers, which can skip pairs.

Foamed thermal insulation with minimal vapor permeability is produced in the form of plates. Most of them are equipped with a technological edge that substantially facilitating the laying of the material. Thanks to the edge of the thermal insulation layer, installed according to rafters or from the inside, it turns out to be practically monolithic, not allowing the formation of cold bridges.

Methods of insulation of the rafter system

In the construction of the heat-insulating layer of the rafter frame, it can be used both from both materials and a complex of insulation from two at least varieties. Since no one invented the ideal insulation so far, they can work perfectly in a pair, compensating for the shortcomings of the neighbor.

It is important to remember that from the side of the attic of the attic should be installed a layer with the smallest parpropusk abilities. Those. From the side of the premises, it is necessary to place a more dense insulation, characterized by a minimum amount of pores and channels for collecting condensate and steam. He will become a barrier on the path of moisture and will reduce the likelihood of its ingress in the thickness of the insulation.

By the location of the heat insulating layer relative to the rafter legs, its device is divided into three types, this is:

  • Interpartine insulation. The location of thermal insulation in space between neighboring rafalines. It is assumed to use soft wat and foam.
  • Isolation over rafaline. Installation of a solid thermal insulating layer from the outside of the rafter design. Tight foamed plates are used.
  • Insulation on rafters from the inside. By analogy with the previous point, the solid layer is constructed, but from the side of the placed room. Tight cotton mats apply and all types of foam insulation.
  • Combined insulation. Filling the insulation of the intercropyl space and installing an additional layer on top of the rafaline with a convenient side.

The choice of method is focused on the construction stage and weather specifics in a specific time period, during which work is planned. For example, when performing insulation in the process of the reconstruction of the attic, it makes no sense to dismantle the inappropriate coating. It's easier to insulate from the inside. In addition, weather cataclysms will not affect the production of work, and the material does not threaten wetting with dusting.

If the installation of thermal insulation is assumed on top of the stringily outside, it is not necessary to tim warming procedure to the period of abundant precipitation. However, if you have to work at exactly this time, it is necessary to schedule their implementation in the wrong time and provide for the possibility of protecting the insulation from the rain during its sudden falling.

Such measures include overlapping insulation with a waterproof awning or in advance prepared and connected into a solid canvas with a waterproofing carpet.

The thickness of the insulation system is selected in accordance with the climatic characteristics of the construction region according to the prescriptions of SNiP for the II-3-79 number, detailing all the issues on construction heat engineering.

Insulation are manufactured in plate format, mats or rolls, cut into mats of a standard thickness of 2 or 5 cm. Select the material exactly according to the calculations will not work, but it should be remembered that it is always necessary to round up in the greatest side.

Mineral Wool insulation

If the installation of thermal insulation is planned to the space between the rafalines, there is no better material than soft elastic wool. The optimal size of the fragment of the heat-insulating material in such cases exceeds the real dimensions of this space by 2-3 cm in both directions.

For laying in the "cells" between the rafalines, the roll is cut into pieces with the declared dimensions or when designing a rafter frame, the dimensions of ready-made warming mats are taken into account. The main thing is that a slightly compressed fragment of the insulation dealt with the place in the place laid and stamped between the rafalines due to its own elasticity.

Those who prefer their own cutting of a roll insulation, should clearly calculate the dimensions of the sliced \u200b\u200bpieces. If the fragment is tangible wider or longer, then its own elasticity will force him to be intended for the installation "window".

The rushing piece partially block the ventilation channel, which is why thermal insulation will not be able to fully ventilate, it means that the characteristics will not work according to the declared manufacturer.

In order for cotton mats to not be wounded and did not resist between rafalines, they are advised to fix them in a special way. Along the line that coincides with the surface of the heat insulating layer, nails are nails, which are interconnected by a fishing line. The insulation fastened by this method will not prevent the air flow by cleaning it.

Ideally, the rafter foot should be wider than the heat-insulating system by 3-5 cm. In this case, the ventilation cycle from the eaves to the skate element is formed spontaneously. If the width of the rafylic does not allow you to arrange a ventilation channel, i.e. It is equal to or less than the thickness of the insulation layer, the shortage is typing with counterburs, navigable to the ribs of the rafter.

Enhanced thermal insulation of the rafter system

The scheme of reinforced warming of the roof in terms helps to completely get rid of the cold bridges. It is clear that such a method provides for the filling of the interconnection space with a soft insulation material and the installation of rigid plates outside or from the inside. Works are carried out in stages, in accordance with the above technologies.

The first thing in the space between the rafalines is installed elastic cotton wadded mats. After that, the transverse rail is mounted, holding the already installed insulation and the forming frame for laying the next row of plates.

The rail size should be selected so that it is equal to the thickness of the stacked insulating layer, and the reshetins should be positioned so that the elements of the insulation system are tightly engaged in the intervals between the rails.

On top of the reinforced multi-tier thermal insulating layer, the diffusion membrane. It is placed directly on a warming layer without fears in the formation of condensate in the thickness of thermal insulation.

If the waterproofing protection is satisfied from the polyethylene film, then the ventilation gap between the insulation and polyethylene is mandatory. It is formed by installing a rail with a required size.

When using a superdiffusion membrane, there is no need to arrange a ventilation gap over the skate run. The material is stacked with overweight through the horse with the installation of the skunk protective and decorative plank.

When using polyethylene, this layer is not brought to the skate edge. On both sides between the edge of waterproofing and the skate fracture, it is left by about 7 to 10 cm that condensate and household evaporation can be freely output into the atmosphere.

You can use in the combined scheme only mineral wool of varying degrees of rigidity or combine it with mounting foam elements outside the attic or from the inside.

Installation of rigid polystyrene foam plates

Foamed rigid stoves perfectly hold the load, cope with a mass of roofing, and with snowy drifts, and even with the movement of a person in case of repair operations. In all parameters, it is more convenient and wise to build an outdoor solid layer.

When using extruded insulation varieties, it makes no sense in the device of the waterproofing carpet on top of the heat insulating system and a vapor insulating analogue from the inside of the rooms. The plates are placed on the stands built on the rafters or plywood solid flooring, placing with disperse in the rows.

If the thermal insulation is arranged in two or three tiers, the absorbing rule must be respected in each layer. Button tiles can not be at one point to eliminate the probability of leakage in this place.

Fasten the heat insulating layer from the plates to the rafter feet through solid flooring and the longitudinal wooden slats installed on top of the insulation. The fastening bars at the same time form ventilation channels needed to ventilate roofing cake, and remove the stress from the roof. On the same Bruckam, installation of crates under the laying of the coating is made.

When the foam insulation is arranged from the outside of the rafter frame, the rafylans themselves remain open indoors. They can be used as a non-standard interior element, as a basis for additional intercrepyl insulation or as a base for fastening the inner covering.

The technology of installing the insulation layer from the inside of the attic is no different from the outdoor option. It is also satisfied with the insulation under the insulation and its fastening to the rafters is made. Plus, the installation from the inside is the possibility of facilities at any time, minus lies in the fact that the internally space will be slightly "eaten" heat insulation.

The described methods also apply when the insulation system of hard mineral wool plates is applied.

Combination of two types of thermal insulation

The combined insulation scheme provides for the use of two types of insulation materials in one heat-insulating system. Laying insulation is made according to their appointment and laid by manufacturers technical properties. Soft cottage mats are placed in the cells between the rafters, the rigid plates are installed outside or from the inside of the rafter frame.

If a diffusion membrane is used in the insulation scheme with a combined method, the ventilation products between the layers of thermal insulation and waterproofing are not suitable. This scheme is very difficult to implement without dismantling the coating. True, there are types of membranes that allow you to equip the rafter system from the inside, without removing the roof. In such cases, it is attached to the trimmed leg wrapped.

If the inner tier of the insulation system is arranged from the extrusion foam insulation, it disappears the need to apply a vapor barrier interlayer and in the device of the internal crate along the rafters.

Video about the insulation of rafter systems

The roller on the rules of the insulation of the attic of the arrangement of the premises:

Heat insulation rigid plates:

In detail about the device of the roofing cake of the insulated roof:

Compliance with technological regulations on the construction of thermal insulation on the rafters will ensure the formation of optimal conditions for the operation of the attic. With work, you can cope with the personnel, saving a considerable amount for more important goals.

Handbook erected and equipped house - real pride of any owner. An inherent step in the arrangement of any residential structure is the inner warming of the roof. And if there are no problems with the thermal insulation of the walls in most cases, then the insulation of the roofing design can introduce an unprepared by the master in bewilderment. Therefore, before proceeding to the practical part, learn all theoretical recommendations proposed further.

After mounting the insulation and all related elements, the roofing system will be similar to the puff "pie." The basis of the construction is the system of rafters. All other elements are stacked on it.

Modern roofing "Pie"

In the classic version of the layers of the cake, ranging from the finish roofing, are placed as follows:

  • roofing;
  • dooming for mounting the finish material. May be solid or rarefied;
  • bruks controls. Need to create a ventilation gap under roofing material;
  • waterproofing I am a film;
  • thermally insulating material;
  • vapor insulation material;
  • dome of the installation of insulation materials and internal sheat;
  • internal casing material.

Properly equipped roofing cake will significantly reduce heat loss in cold weather and prevent overheating space under the roof in the heat. Waterproofing will protect the insulation from atmospheric moisture, and the vapor insulation material will prevent the formation of condensate and the emergence of all associated problems.

What to warm?

In the modern market, a huge range of materials is presented, which can be successfully used for the inner warming of the roof. Try to avoid excessive savings - materials must be high quality.

Parameters of insulation

When choosing a suitable insulation, you need to pay attention to a number of the main characteristics of the material, namely:

  • weight. The heavier insulation, the more significant load it will have on the roof. This imposes a number of additional requirements for rafters and a crate - their configuration and strength must comply with the peculiarities of thermal insulation;
  • thermal conductivity. It is better that this parameter is as low as possible, if possible, not more than 0.04 W / m * C;
  • resistance to adverse external influences.

Preferred insulation

The above requirements are not so many materials. Among all the existing options for insulation, professionals are recommended to give preference to mineral wool insulators and foam panels. All other things being equal conditions are preferred.

Additional insulation materials

In a complex with insulation, the roof will need to be additionally insulated using vapor and moisture insulating materials. For waterproofing, I usually use polyethylene and ruberoid. These materials are perfectly confronted by moisture.

The vaporiazolation layer is best equipped with the use of special membranes, pergamine or modern foil materials.

Regardless of the selected insulation (the installation is still carried out in the same sequence of TI) in the process of performing the work, you must adhere to a number of basic recommendations, without performing the roofing, you can not count on high-quality inner insulation.

All rules can be combined into one brief summary of the Soviets, namely:

Thus, even before the initiation of thermal insulation, the master must be studied quite a large amount of information and remember a number of important requirements. Work must be made as high quality as possible. Properly equipped insulation will make accommodation in the house as comfortable as possible and will significantly reduce the cost of heating the premises.

Use the recommendations received and remember: it is necessary to warm up with mandatory installation of vapor barrier on and moisture protection layers. Only such a complex will allow to obtain reliable, durable and resistant to any unfavorable external influences roofing system. It is better to immediately do everything according to the rules and calmly live in a safe house than to patch holes in the roofing pie after every heavy rain.

Preparation for roof insulation

The procedure for insulation remains almost the same regardless of the type of roof used by materials and other points. Having understood with the main moments of the insulation insulation, you can successfully apply them in practice.

First of all, carefully prepare the roof to the upcoming internal insulation.

First step. Inspect the rafter system. When discharged and damaged elements are detected, replace them with new items.

The second step. Treat all wooden elements by an antiseptic agent.

Third step. Check the condition of the pipelines and wiring if these communications are laid under the roof.

Internal roof warming manual

Start your work on the inner warming of the roof. The event is carried out in several stages. Completely each of them, not forgetting the previously obtained recommendations.

It is assumed that rafters, a doom and other necessary items are already installed and you can only mount insulating materials, and then put the finish roofing coating.

First step - vaporizolation

Film stacked with a 10-centimeter adhesive. To attach steamers to bars, it is convenient to use a building stapler with brackets. Clear all the joints with adhesive tape. Be especially careful and thoroughly in the sealing of various complex areas, such as the junction of the film with pipes, walls and other structural elements.

Second step - insulation

Ecoteplin - roof insulation

Lay the selected insulation in the cells of the crate. Usually, the crate is collected with the calculation so that the step between her bars was a pair of centimeters less than the width of the insulation, so you can place the insulating on the plates as thick as possible. Directly bars of the crates must be nailed to the rafters perpendicular to them.

With a great desire, you can do without a crate - you feed nails along the edges of the rafter feet and stretch the wire between them. She will hold the insulation slabs. However, it is better not to give up the crate - with it more reliable.

The insulation itself is usually placed in 2 layers. At the same time, the upper layer must be laid with a certain displacement relative to the bottom - it is impossible that the joints of the insulation slabs of both layers coincide.

Third Step - Waterproofing

Waterproofing is a film so that it completely overlaps the insulation, the crate and rafters. To fix the film it is most convenient to use a building stapler with brackets.

Out off the waterproofing under the sinks of the roof - by this you create the conditions necessary for the effective leading of water in the future.

At the end, you will only remain to put the chosen roofing material on the roof.

Thus, the independent inner insulation of the roof, although it is a very important and responsible event, there is nothing superpower in its implementation. Make everything in accordance with the instructions, and already very soon in your home will become truly cozy and heat, and the cost of heating during the cold season will significantly decrease.

Good job!

Video - Warming roof from the inside with their own hands

Plans to make an attic residential room? In this case, without insulation, the roof and the rafter design is not to do. You can implement them as in the process of the initial construction of the house, so later - during reconstruction or repair.

The following is considered how to properly carry out the insulation of the roof in terms of rafters and which of the existing technological processes to choose. Well thought out plan will avoid unnecessary temporary and cash costs.

Features of the heat insulation process of the roof

Opinion expert

Konstantin Aleksandrovich

Ask a question expert

In order to live in the attic year-round, it is necessary to insulate not only the upper part of the roof, but also the rods, side overlaps and place of the junction with carrying walls. All the necessary calculations and the thickness of the layers are described in SNiP II-3-79. The most suitable option is a material with a thermal conductivity of not more than 0.04 W / m S.

When choosing a material, it is worth paying attention to its fermentation. A good insulation does not seek under its own weight. This parameter is important when the roof is arranged, because The rafter system is under the tilt, and the load on the insulation will be constant. A quickly removable sheet is crawled to the base, because of which the skate will appear "naked", a laptile zone. Through it will be dried heat, losses can reach 40%. The best choice is the material with the mark "for the pitched roofs".

Welsh insulation do it yourself

The heat shield properties of the roof have the same importance as walls and gender. From the correctness of the implementation of the technological process depends on the comfortable temperature indoor, also the service life of insulation and the roof itself. Despite the difficulty, to perform insulation on their own, without the involvement of professionals, possibly.

Selection of insulation

The most popular material for the pitched roof is the foam. It fully meets all the requirements: fire safety, reduced hygroscopicity, convenience and low cost. When installing foam plastic, there is a special system to rafylas. The material placed between the rafters can be fixed in several ways. The installation process begins at the bottom and ends at the skate. Such a sequence is dictated by the rules for laying foam (bottom-up).

Alternative to foam will be insulation of mineral wool. However, many experts agree that its technical characteristics are significantly inferior to the previous option. In addition, it is somewhat more expensive than foam.

For the proper selection of the insulation, you need to know all stages of the work, properties and specifications of all materials. The construction market presents a wide range:

  • polyurethane foam sputtering technology. This is one of the new products in the field of insulation;
  • polystyrene foam or foam;
  • several varieties of foamed insulation;
  • mineral wool;
  • equata.

Before buying, it is worth familiar with the properties of each of them, calculate the required amount and choose the most suitable.

The design of the roofing "cake" of the pitched roof

This insulation technology is made in terms of rafters. Before starting, it is necessary to study in detail all stages of work. This will help to avoid serious mistakes that entail a damage to the rafter system.

The second most popular material for insulation of the roof of the private house is Mineral Wat. It has high fire safety, non-hatching and relatively low cost. The minus is increased hygroscopicity. Mineral wool has the ability to absorb moisture and accumulate it within himself. This leads to a significant decrease in thermal insulation and over time provokes damage and rotting processes in the rafter system. Therefore, when working with mineral wool, special attention is paid to the layers of pair and waterproofing. An important role is played by ventilation and free air circulation in the cercerspace.

All works are performed by the attic. Time you can choose anyone as a period of construction, and later, during repair. In the second case, it is initially worth checking the status of the rafter system, eliminate, if necessary, all fired elements. The next step is the treatment of wooden rafted by antiseptic and flame retardant composition.

The layer "Pie" insulation of the roof is as follows:

  • top finish coating;
  • waterproofing. The hydrobarrier is usually performed from a dense film or a special superdiffusion membrane;
  • selected insulation material;
  • a layer of vapor barrier film;
  • interior decoration (optional).

An important role in the long service life of the roof is a sufficient air exchange. To ensure this process, layers are created between:

  • layer of furnace and finishing roofing;
  • insulation and waterproofing layer;
  • vaporizolation and finishing decorative trim.

Air movement is provided in all directions: influx and removal. Free circulation is achieved at the expense of a special design - blood production. They are located on the sink of the roof and at the very top of the roof, under the skate.

Instructions for step-by-step insulation on rafters

Stages of work are fairly simple and logically sequential:

  1. Initially, the distance between the rafters is measured. According to these sizes, the sheets of the insulation are cut. Each is added to 1.5 cm from all sides. Such calculations allow you to achieve the montage of the insulation of the velocity, the gaps and drives between the plates are excluded. If the work will be carried out in conjunction with the construction of the roof, they can be significantly simplified. To do this, it is necessary to design a distance in the rafter system under a certain width of the insulation.
  2. The next mandatory stage is the installation of the waterproofing layer. The membrane film should be enveloping all the rafters, excluding swallows and gaps. Fastening is carried out using a construction stapler. The waterproofing film must be started under the sink of the roof, thus the outflow of accumulated moisture is achieved. With this method of installation, it will not be possible to achieve the necessary air clearance. The best choice for this incident will be a special (superdiffusion membrane).
  3. When working with a non-smiled film, the procedure is changed. Initially, the rafter gripped nails with an interval of 10 cm. The height of them is 3-5 cm from waterproofing. A robust synthetic thread or twine is stretched between driving nails. After that, all nails are clogged to the end. Such manipulations will help create the necessary air gap. In the case of fasteners of the insulation with the help of a cord (and not a shelling of the trim), a similar range of nails is also placed on the outer edge of the rafter.
  4. Installation of insulation plates. If the choice stopped on a mineral wool, then when placed in the crate, it must be slightly compressed. So the maximum laying density is achieved. When using foam sheets, it is important to carefully measure their size and prevent free placement between the rafters. For high-quality retention of heat indoors, you need to create two layers of insulation. With the inevitable trimming of the material and placement of non-solid sheets, it is important to have seams in a checker order. Those. The shakes of the bottom plates should not coincide with the joints of the upper. The output of the heat insulator for the plane of the rafter feet is unacceptable. If the width of the rafter is already two layers of the insulation, then the bar is additionally stuffed.
  5. Methods of fixing the heat insulation sheets: a stretched cord or a wooden lamp. For the first option, it is necessary to fill in the rafter nails in advance, without having to the end. After placing the mineral wool or foam flaps, stretch between the nails of the twine and bother to the end. The fastener case simultaneously serves and for mounting the internal sheat. It is performed from wooden plates placed at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. Parosolation at the same way is attached in advance. The film is placed on the inner surface of the crate using a stapler. Due to the thickness of wooden rails, the necessary air gap and circulation is achieved.
  6. At the last stage, when working with vapor barrier, the maximum attention is paid to the tightness of this layer. When placed, adolescent are created at least 10 cm, all the joints are sampled in a few layers. Special attention is paid to the place of the joint of the chimney and the roof, as well as the space near the walls.
  7. Finishing finish is performed at will. It can consist of chopped or plasterboard plates.

Despite the complexity of the process of insulation of the roof, it is available for even the novice master. Qualitatively performed roofing "Pie" allows the use of attic as a residential premises and in the cold season. One of the important parameters of a comfortable stay becomes the right use of hydro and vapor barrier.


For a long and high-quality service of a freshly produced roof, it is necessary to take care of its proper insulation in advance. For these work on the market, a huge selection of insulating materials is presented, several techniques for work are used. A thorough analysis of the current state of the roof and the desired results allows you to choose a suitable and favorable option.

Video insulation of the roofing of Minvata