Baths made of artificial stone: specifications and features of choice. Baths made of artificial stone: pluses and cons Bathtub cast iron or injection marble

Baths are made from different materials - cast iron, steel, acrylic, ceramics. However, the most popular material today is acrylic.

Acrylic bath - product made from sanitary acrylic and various additives. There are 4 manufacturing technologies:

  1. From casting acrylic. It holds well heat, steady, is characterized by good strength characteristics.
  2. From acrylic and plastic. Under the thin layer acryla plastic base. From disadvantages - low resistance to abrasion.
  3. From extruded acrylic. Acrylic with plasticizers, it is less resistant to deformations, it is worse than the heat.
  4. From the kvaril. The kartz molecules have been added to acrylic. The material has excellent heat and sound insulation indicators, but low plasticity.

When choosing a manufacturer, be sure to consider from what material it produces baths. The best option is a kvaril or casting acrylic. Importance and strengthening technology:

  • Glass. The cheaper option, but when non-compliance with the technology, it can make a characteristic smell of resin.
  • Polyurethane foam. The smell such products do not have, are considered stronger and environmentally friendly.

Important! Do not forget to ask the seller a hygiene certificate. It should contain complete technical information.

Top 5 manufacturers of acrylic bath

Baths Kolo.

Polish manufacturer of acrylic baths. Plumbing equipment is created in accordance with European quality standards. The company was founded in 1962, in 1993 it was included in the Sanitec Group Corporation. The baths are made of acrylic leaf, 3-5 mm thick. In the process of training acrylic, a special mixture is added to the forming, which allows in the period of operation to polish the bath without harm to the coating. Designer diversity pleases: there are classic, and angular, asymmetric models. From flaws, users note an insufficient thickness of the material, which is why difficulties arise with the installation of hydromassage equipment.

Strength - 4.

Diversity design - 5

Wear resistance - 5.

Warranty - 5.

Shared score: 4.75

Baths Pool Spa

Spanish manufacturer acrylic baths. The company was founded in 1990. The models are good in that in addition to them, additional lighting, hydromassage equipment and other pleasant little things are proposed. All baths are made from cast acrylic, 5-6 cm thick. The company's chip in the use of accessories: curtains, head restraints, steps and others. The catalog offers various design solutions. All models are "naphricized" innovative developments, durable and durable. From disadvantages, it can be noted except for the high cost.

Strength - 5.

Diversity design - 5

Wear resistance - 5.

Warranty - 5.

Shared score: 5

Baths Villeroy & Boch

The German company whose history began with a small manufactory founded in 1791. One of the few firms using a tannel for the production of baths. Products are obtained as strong that even items falling on the surface from a high height do not damage the coating. Additionally, the baths are not reinforced. Inside the wall with a small bevel, to lie as convenient as possible. This is an elegant and comfortable classic. The company gives the firm for 10 years. The only disadvantage can be called a small variety of designs, since the conill has low plasticity. In the catalog, do not meet intricate models.

Strength - 5.

Diversity of Design - 4

Wear resistance - 5.

Warranty - 5.

Shared score: 4.75

Baths Ravak

Products of the Czech brand are well known in Russia. Baths are made at factories in the Czech Republic. There was a trademark in 1990. The company gives the company for 5-10 years warranty, and its quality is confirmed by user reviews. The catalogs contain models of different shapes and sizes: from rectangular to pear and round. Outside the bath is reinforced with three-layer polyurethane foam - when heated, they do not release toxic substances. The wall thickness is 6 mm, the product is well kept warm and resistant to scratches. There are separate premium collections, the baths are made of cast marble.

Strength - 5.

Diversity design - 5

Wear resistance - 5.

Warranty - 5.

Shared score: 5

Baths Riho.

Dutch brand, known since 1989. She made a memorable marketing stroke - many models wear geographic objects. The collection has a Miami bath, Livorno, Colombia and others. Products from acrylic, 6-8 mm thick, are made. Products are covered with a protective layer that prevents the development of fungi and mold. Components from the UK are used, the assembly is carried out at enterprises in the Czech Republic and Holland. The manufacturer gives 10 years warranty on its products. Bottom bath non-slip, textured. Designer diversity is pleased to please: in the catalogs are not only standard forms, but also round, hexagonal models. Another brand chip is colored bathtubs with a color print on the inside from the Riho Motive Line series.

Strength - 5.

Diversity design - 5

Wear resistance - 5.

Warranty - 5.

Shared score: 5

Top 5 steel and cast-iron bath manufacturers

Baths Novial

The Spanish company was founded in 1967. Its main specialization is cast iron baths. The technologists are constantly being improved: each product is covered with an anti-corrosion substance and enamel, and then undergoing the roasting procedure. The assortment has products of different shapes and sizes. We are produced both simple models and luxury baths with pneumatic, aero and hydromassage. For example, Susan Delux. The manufacturer gives 25 years warranty. From shortcomings, users note low legs in some models and not always good quality enamel (especially in the budgetary series).

Strength - 5.

Diversity design - 5

Wear resistance - 4.

Warranty - 5.

Shared score: 4.75

Baths Jacob Delafon.

One of the most famous manufacturers of cast iron baths is this French company. It was founded in 1889 and produces a wide range of sanitary equipment. Baths are distinguished by minimalistic design, recognizable by corporate engraving. On sale products of different shapes and sizes. The catalogs have both budget models and exclusive designer. Light baths are covered with multilayer enamel on a special recipe, equipped with anti-slip coating.

Strength - 5.

Diversity design - 5

Wear resistance - 5.

Warranty - 5.

Shared score: 5

Bath Bette.

The company was founded in Germany in 1952 and specializes in the manufacture of plumbing. For baths in production, steel alloyed by titanium is used. It is covered with enamel-icing, due to which the surface is resistant to mechanical damage and chemicals. The wall thickness is 3.5 mm. The catalogs contain about 300 models. There are mortise and separate, different sizes and shapes. There are also baths with different features - illumination, hydromassage and other.

Strength - 5.

Diversity design - 5

Wear resistance - 5.

Warranty - 5.

Shared score: 5

Baths Roca.

The Spanish Roca Concern was founded in 1917, since then he has been published by plumbing of a different price category. Steel baths look elegant, but they are durable. The thickness of the enamel is 1 mm, they are applied to the hot steel. The collections present three series: Contesa (with flat sides), Princess (with bent sides and chrome handles) and Swing (to the bath center expands, is also equipped with handles). Most models are equipped with anti-slip coating. Size range - from 1 to 1.8 meters. Of the disadvantages, it can be noted except for a high price and a slight variety of models design.

Strength - 5.

Diversity of Design - 4

Wear resistance - 5.

Warranty - 5.

Shared score: 4.75

Baths Kaldewei.

The German company was founded in 1918 and is considered unconditional leader in the production of steel baths. Products are positioned as luxury products. They are covered with enamel, the recipe of which manufacturers are kept secret. After processing at high temperatures, enamel literally merges with steel. The thickness of the walls of the product is 3.5 mm. The warranty is given for 30 years. In the range more than 300 models of different price categories. Various forms: from standard rectangular to multifaceted. Also, the company produces auxiliary equipment for baths, even an exotic kind of bathing acoustics.

Strength - 5.

Diversity design - 5

Wear resistance - 5.

Warranty - 5.

Shared score: 5

Plumbing from marble natural or artificial origin appeared on the market recently, but has already been able to get the confidence of buyers. Increterance, instead of cast-iron, placing bath marble baths. What is the technological process of their production and what is their advantage?

In the manufacture of baths made of injection marble, a large boulder is used. Processing the stone is easy, but the process, however, takes a lot of time. Bowl of the boulder is not cut into manual, but using special equipment. Such technology makes it possible to give the bath any form. On the surface of the product there is a pattern that is individual for each bathroom. Divorces and recreation of different colors give it a unique decorative appearance.

Billets marble for making cast baths

Bathtub of injection marble natural breed is quite expensive. The cost may increase depending on its color. Marble itself can be white, green, blue and so on. The color depends on impurities that are part of the boulder. The less often the color is found in nature, the more expensive it stands, and accordingly, the price of the product is rising. For example, a blue marble is less common. It includes blue diopside. He gives color. After grinding and polishing, the material becomes even more beautiful, pleasant when touched. Cast marble bathtub Blue will be one of the most expensive.

After processing, all baths do not absorb water, easily cleaned from dirt. Manufacturers are covered with a special coating that improves maintenance of sanitary products.

The process of production itself consists of the following steps:

The finished font leaves for another while the material is finally hardened.

Pros and cons of cast baths

Cast marble baths have both the pros and shortcomings.


  • the marble bath has reliable qualities;
  • the surface is resistant to impacts. It does not remain scratches and chips.
  • various additives add to marble, thanks to which plumbing can have any color and imitation of any stone of natural origin.
  • the form of the product can be any: from classic to angular or round;
  • an artificial marble bath is absolutely silent;
  • marble - composite material. It holds warm water in the bathroom for a long time.
  • cast marble baths are easy to restore.


  • marble baths require special care. They cannot be cleaned with solid and detergents, which include abrasive particles. Do not apply aggressive domestic products.
  • among the disadvantages can be allocated and long contact with water. If you leave the liquid for a long time, the salts contained in it will fall on the surface. It is almost impossible to derive such stains. Therefore, after each bathing, it should be carefully wipe.
  • high cost product.

Analyzing the pros and cons of the bathroom from the molded marble, it can be concluded that the first is greater, and in principle the price corresponds to the quality.

Russian and overseas manufacturers

From the mold marble, the bath can be found both from domestic and foreign manufacturers.

Russian brands

  1. Astra-Forms LLC is the leading brand of high quality plumbing in Russia and abroad. On the market it has existed for 20 years. Baths made of artificial marble and natural stone multifunctional. The company presents a wide range of plumbing of various shapes, sizes and colors.
  2. ESSE LLC appeared on the market recently, but has already managed to establish itself from a positive side. Plumbing company produces in French technology, which gives a warranty on a product for 10 years. The company works mainly with individual sketches of buyers.
  3. LLC ESTET is engaged in the production of elite plumbing since 2012. The company specializes in products manufactured by European standards. Assortment of plumbing is diverse.

Foreign companies

  1. Vispool, country manufacturer - Latvia. The company is not the first year in the plumbing market and has only positive feedback. The manufacturer specializes in equipment made according to a special technology that repeatedly increases the marble density. Baths are easily cleaned, they are not afraid of high loads. If it is properly operation, they can stop up to 50 years, while do not lose the external gloss.
  2. Marmite - Swedish-Polish company. Products comply with European standards. The manufacturer produces plumbing for every taste and wallet. At the same time, budget options have high quality: do not have seams, they are well scratched, have a brilliant surface.
  3. The Riho Czech company produces modern models of European quality that are suitable for individual interiors of bathrooms. Plumbing has different shapes, sizes, color solutions.

Cast marble for the bathroom today is the most stylish and durable material.

For a start, a little libez - what makes the baths from molding marble?

A marble crumb is taken for production (waste in the manufacture of products from natural slicing marble or marble plates with flaw). All this is grinding to the state of flour. The marble crumb is mixed with the binding material (usually these resins). The finished mass is stirred and poured into finished shapes (frames). It often adds various dyes to give a certain color (about colored baths remember a little later). Then the pillage marble baths are formulated and treated with a mill (grind). Next - drying and processing with gelkuet. Gelcoat is essentially lacquer, protective coating from the aggressive environment. In addition, it gives the glitter of the product.

And now a little truth about manufacturers of baths from artificial marble.

The first, where you may be misled - this is to sell a marble bath, where a quartz filler will be used instead of genuine marble crumb (simply saying - quartz sand). Quartz filler is a material with internal hollow microspheres. Accordingly, the quality of the bath from such raw materials leaves much to be desired. The more porous material, the smaller the strength of the product, and there may also be problems with the insertion of mixers and the inserting of the hydromassage system. When drilling holes, cracks and chips will appear.

The second question will interest those who want to buy a colored bath. The conscientious manufacturer adds paint and painting pigments to the mass before casting. As a result, the bath will be scratched monophonic for the entire depth (wall thickness) of the product. This is important, because If scratches or small chips appear during operation, then in this case, all the way all the product is monophonic and for the repair of the bath will only be needed by polishing with gelkuet. Manufacturers who save money and just paint the finished product in your chosen color, get products on which a white base of the bath will be visible at the slightest scratches. Eliminate such defects - expensive pleasure.

Synonym for litea marble baths: artificial stone baths, artificial marble baths, marble crumbs baths.

Now let's look at the manufacturers - the pros and cons of their products.

The main domestic producers in the Russian market three.

LLC ESTET Mr Kostroma

Pros:products from natural marble crumbs (and marble domestic, excellent quality), high material density, end and side panels to the bathroom, too, from molded marble, products on average are 25% lower than market, due to the use of domestic raw materials. Delivery of products to the customer within 2 days. Also, the company offers soul pallets from molded marble. Hit companies - from molded marble.
limited model range.

Essa LLC Mr. Tyumen Baths Esse

Pros:baths made of natural marble crumbs of good quality, large model range of baths and pallets from molded marble. Good prices. Individual manufacture of baths in the size of the customer. Hit companies - deep shower RD - 90
Minuses: Products are supplied under the order, delivery is 10-14 days.

Astra form

The main minus - the baths are made of quartz sand (talk about marble at all). Uniformity and density is not achieved, the number of air particles increases. This in turn affects the durability and durability of the product.
Pros: Large model range, always availability of products in Moscow.

Baths of foreign manufacturers

SPN (Latvia)

Pros:baths made of natural marble crumbs, a large model range, always in stock in Moscow. SPN is the only company producing colored baths that imitate natural stone. Also in the line of products - the baths from the casting onyx. Piece exclusive products. Heath bath Santa from molded marble.
Minuses:side panels for plastic baths.

BELUX LTD Belarus, Zhodino

Pros:products made of natural marble crumbs, a wide range of an inexpensive price tag.
Minus:all positions are registered, delivery time is 2 weeks.


Pros: Modern European Design, Warehouse Products Moscow
Minus:raw materials for production - quartz sand, a large price tag.

Company Vispool Latvia

Pros: Baths made of natural marble crumbs, a wide range of modern design, a lot of "freestanding" baths. The same model range is manufactured by ESSE Tyumen
Minuses: Supply under the order 2-3 weeks, only imitation of granite baths (exterior painting), the highest price tag on the Russian market.

Pleasant choice!

Despite the popularity and variety of shower cabins, many families are not ready to refuse to use the bathroom. The thing is that the bath for our compatriots is not just a plumbing device for maintaining hygiene, but also the place of relax, spiritual and physical recreation, updates.

The modern product market pleases the variety of models. One of the unusual innovations has become a stone bath, characterized by durability, durability, authenticity. Undoubtedly, the cost of aggregates from natural material is high, however, the use of artificial stone allows you to get a similar device at an affordable price.


An artificial stone bath is visually indistinguishable from an analog of natural stone. Thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to reproduce the texture and color of the material as accurately as possible. In this case, the bath has a smaller weight and cost.

The manufacture of such models is carried out using granite, marble, malachitic or quartz crumb, with the addition of special plasticizers and catalysts, as well as polyester resins.

For the manufacture of such structures, the cast method is used.The resulting base has a liquid consistency, which is given the necessary form by fill in the prepared formwork. After a while (about a day), a bath from a liquid stone is frozen due to the presence of catalysts in the composition. After that, the design is removed from the formwork. Next, it will be dried in a special oven, gaining strength, and defends. Then the product is polished, polished, covered by protective compositions.

Advantages and disadvantages

A stone bath from artificial materials has a number of advantages.

  • Increased strength.The device withstands high loads and mechanical impact, does not deteriate during use.
  • Long service life.Such baths are considered eternal. The service life depending on the manufacturer is 70-120 years.
  • Low thermal conductivity coefficient.This allows for a long time to maintain the temperature of the water, that is, water in the bathroom does not cool.
  • Hygienicity. The smooth surface does not absorb pollution. Judging by the reviews of buyers, it does not form mold and fungal microflora.
  • Unique appearance.The advantages of the stone bath are not limited to technical characteristics. It makes the room elegant, becomes an exclusive "chip" of the interior.
  • Workpiece.Unlike natural stone baths, artificial analogues are subject to repair. When cracking and chips appear, it is recommended to immediately eliminate them using special compositions.

  • Safety. Artificial stone does not have a radiation background, which cannot be said about natural.
  • Easy use. Despite the fact that artificial baths, like natural, afraid of cleaning products with abrasive components, care for them is quite simple. Special protection such designs do not require.
  • No abrasion.This indicator is negligible, which is due to the strength of the polymer mineral structure of the product.
  • High sound insulation properties. Thanks to this, the noise of flowing water is muffled, the bath is absorbed almost silently.
  • Easy installation.If during the installation process it is necessary to increase the diameter of the drain or equip the design by an additional overflow, it can easily be done with the help of drill, reading the edges. Skills or cracks will appear on the surface.

It is often noted a high price of an aggregate from cast stone, however it is worth noting that it is significantly lower than the cost of an analogue of natural stone, but at the same time it is not inferior to it in its operational properties. In addition, such a bath in the presence of additional equipment may have a hydromassage function. Due to its strength, it is not afraid of vibrations, strong pressure and sharp change of water temperature.

Pros and cons of the material are due to the peculiarities of its production. In any case, the stone bath has a sufficiently large weight, and it looks very overall, therefore it fits organically only into spacious premises.

Such a bath requires periodic restoration of the protective layerwhich protects the structure of the material from the effects of detergents and other domestic products. If this layer is abrasion, it may occur on the surface of the device. No maliceputes and stains.

The acquired snow-white stone bath can over time become yellowish or gray. Models from acrylic in this regard are more durable. Long-term stagnation of water can lead to the appearance of rust spots.


Varieties of artificial stone baths differ in type used as part of crumbs.

Allocate two embodiments.

  • Marble crumb or other natural stone crumb, as well as resin, pigments and catalysts.
  • Quartz sand, considered the most affordable version of artificial stone. River quartz sand devices are called acrylic baths. Such baths are less weighing, have a smaller cost, but also the durability indicators are not so high as the previous version.

Depending on the type of crumb used, the finished design can mimic different materials.

  • Marble is considered a classic. Such baths look luxurious and presentable.
  • Granite - the material is not inferior to the mramor, relevant in any interior.
  • Onyx is the original material, the feature of which is the variety of overflows in light, like the design with the stones of Swarovski. In addition, compared to other materials, it has the richest color palette.
  • Malachite is a material with authenticity, unique mysteriousness.
  • Stone veneer is an incredible imitation of a stone, whose texture resembles a soft wood.
  • Sandstone is an incredibly beautiful material, from the natural analogue of which the famous pyramids were erected.

In addition, there are models, for the manufacture of which several varieties of crumbs are mixed to obtain a unique design.

Depending on the type of processing of the external surface of the bath, it can have a different texture:

  • kolotaya (walls in this case have asymmetric chips);
  • polished (the surface is smoother, but still there is a roughness of the texture);
  • the ground (smooth matte surface with a slight brilliance or barely distinguishable pattern);
  • mirror (glossy surface with distinct stone color).

Also baths may vary by form. They are symmetric and asymmetric. Often products are manufactured to order. Among the most popular forms allocate several options.


For safety, the angles of such a design are spinning. The length of the product can reach 1.8 m, the width is 65 cm. Thanks to the simple and concise form of the product, it is possible to make an emphasis on the texture and depth of the color palette of the stone. This design can be placed in a small, even typical apartment.


This is more refined, the respectable shape of the bath has a similar rectangular model dimensions. Place an oval bath is recommended in the center of the room, so it requires a large space.


The angular construction is more ergonomic and can have a diverse design: to be symmetrical or have an asymmetrical shape, one or 2 bowls, special protrusions and storage spaces. The angular model is usually heavier than the designs discussed above, has a greater value.

Features of the shape of the bath dictate the method of its installation.

Allocate two options.

  • Wasted.
  • Standing separately. Such a model is set remotely from the walls, usually in the center of the room. As a rule, these are round or oval products, as well as structures made under the order.

Manufacturers and models

The embodiment of high quality and impeccable aesthetics is rightfully considered to be baths from the brand Jacob Delafon.. This is what, as well as the need to import products from France is due to their high cost. In the brand collection, you can find both quite compact (length from 120 cm) and large structures, the maximum length of which 200 cm. By the way, it is this brand that the idea of \u200b\u200bstone shower belongs. The design is a combination-type shower cabin, a bath of which is made of cast marble.

More affordable is the product of the domestic producer Astra-Form. Reducing the cost is due to the use of quartz sand, which is reflected in the durability of the material. In general, the company pleases the good quality, the variety of model range and color solutions.

If you are looking for a cheaper compared to European counterparts (cheaper by 25%) with a natural crumb in the composition, pay attention to the products of the Kostroma firm "Esthete". High quality, ease of care - undoubted advantages of the company's products. The only drawback is a slight variety of collections. However, they include all topical forms and shades of cups.

The most popular models are considered "Estete Alpha" and "Grace"Equipped with armrests, the possibility of installing aeromassage and hydromassage, decorative screen. Attention deserves and detached bath model "Marseilles" 170x80. Its dimensions are slightly smaller than the dimensions of the model. "Grace", Otherwise, it is indistinguishable almost from it.

Another example of high-quality injection marble baths - brand products Aquastone.. Products meet the European requirements and safety requirements, are characterized by a 45-year-old service life and the presence of a 5-year warranty period. Multiple collections include a line of devices in retro style, in modern design, as well as models equipped with legs or pedestal.

If you are in search of a wipe bath from an artificial marble of an interesting form, pay attention to the model "Renata" from the Russian manufacturer "Famy Style". It has a length and width of a little longer than one and a half meters (154 cm) and at the same time it is an angular, which allows it to accommodate it even into a small room. By the way, the same brand produces popular series "Bomobe" and "Francesca". They have a rectangular shape and more compact sizes.

When planning buying a bath from an artificial stone, you should be prepared for the fact that it cannot be cheap. Too low price often testifies to poor quality. It is better to purchase products of famous brands.

When buying a bath on its surface you can see the smallest pores in minor quantities. However, if their number is considerable, and the pores themselves are quite deep - the product is poor quality, it is better to refuse to buy.

Experts recommend paying attention to the composition of the product. It should be 80% of stone crumb and 20% of resins. An insignificant (up to 2-3%) deviation from the specified relationship is allowed. A smaller number of marble or other crumbs can turn into a decrease in the performance characteristics of the product.

High-quality colored baths have the appropriate shade even on a sling hole cut.This suggests that the pigment is added directly in the raw material when he is kneaded. Thanks to this technology, the finished product has a smooth shade without divorce, which is preserved throughout the entire period of operation.

February 09, 2017

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    Strength / Durability

    Thermal conductivity

    Variety of shapes

    Variety of flowers

    Easy to care

    Superior use


    Installation and restoration


Can't determine what baths are better? Have you already decided what their characteristics are the most important? Perhaps most of all you appreciate the presentable appearance, durability or comfort. Deciding with priorities, it will be easier for you to choose which baths are best for your home. Consider the most basic criteria for high-quality plumbers from the position of the 5 most popular materials, which produce modern baths, namely: acrylic, artificial stone (marble), natural stone, steel and cast iron.

Strength / Durability

Bath strength determines not so much material as its quality. Stone, cast iron and steel baths of individual European manufacturers have guarantee 25-35 years oldThey are heavy and reliable. Stone models regarding the strength is beneficial absence of a separate coating layerSo even if you drop something heavy in the bath, and a piece of the bath will happen, it will not be so noticeable as in the case of enamel coating.

The best acrylic baths, solid, with thick walls on a metal framework are promised to 10 years warranty, which is also not bad, although in strength they definitely inferior to high-quality baths from other mentioned materials. They can be deformed at water temperature above 100 ° C. However, under normal conditions, such extreme temperatures do not threate your bath.

Solving, from which the bath is better, whatever material we choose, you can detect both high-strength samples and flip, if you have a relatively low price.


On the scale of lightweight in the question, which bath is better for the house, lead steel and acrylic baths. They weigh from 20 to 60 kg, which makes them safe and comfortable in modern apartments. On the other hand, because of its weight, they need more reliable fixation for sustainability. Baths made of artificial stone and cast iron occupy an average position, their weight can reach 150-250 kg, which complicates the process of lifting the bath to the floors, but still allows you to place it in the apartment. Natural stone baths can weigh up to 1.2 tons, so their use in the apartment of a multi-storey house is almost excluded, this option is suitable for a private house, cottage or villas with a fortified floor.

Sound absorbing properties when filling with water

Speaking of "loud" baths, it is easier to name an outsider in this category, namely, steel baths. Without an additional noise absorbing layer, you will get an imitation of a real mountain waterfall at home during their filling with water. Baths of other types of types have good sound absorption indicators and will not be disturbed by the sounds published when water filling.

Thermal conductivity

If you like to lack hot water in a bath with hot water, choose a bath of cast iron, artificial and natural stone. The thermal conductivity of such baths is very low, the water temperature in them is reduced by 5-10 ° C per hour, so that cooling the water will be very long. Steel and acrylic baths although they quickly warm, but also relatively quickly give warm, so you have to take a bath in accelerated mode or pour hot water periodically.

Variety of shapes

You can buy a bath of oval, round, square or asymmetric shape and any type of installation as an acrylic, so from an artificial stone. Such baths often have a well-thought-out inner form, ergonomic and practical, with special bends for the back and hands for maximum comfort and relaxation on the reception of water procedures.

Baths made of natural stone represent a special group, as they often look like an untreated block of rock, which is almost impossible to achieve from other materials. Such baths look especially luxurious in the appropriate design of the bathroom in Roman, Romanesque, ethnic or eco-style.

Cast iron and steel baths, on the contrary, preferably embedded rectangular, which noticeably lies their rating.

Variety of flowers

If you dream about a bright monochrome or multi-colored bath, then the most direct way to this goal is to buy a bath. The bathtubs made of natural stone are attractive in that they have a unique, natural color and pattern, which makes them especially desirable for exclusive seekers, while the choice of colors is limited by natural shades of stones. Baths made of artificial stone, for the most part, repeat natural colors, or have white, sometimes with a colored outer coating. Steel and cast iron baths are predominantly classic white.

Easy to care

In the context of the care of the bathroom should be said about two things. First, the absence of the pores on the surface of the bath will protect it from clogging with mud and bacteria. According to this criterion, acrylic, steel and stone baths correspond to the highest assessment.

Secondly, the surface should be strong enough so as not to be afraid of scratches, especially if there are animals in the house, or you are used to brushing the bath with rigid sponges and cleaning agents. Such tests are not terrible stone and steel baths.

Cast iron baths are noticeably lagging behind their competitors in the context of ease of care, since scratches and micro-cracks often appear on their surfaces.

If you do not put your bath extreme tests and clean it according to the manufacturer's recommendations, then this item can be omitted as unavailable.

Superior use

For many buyers, the most important point is how convenient and pleasantly enjoy the bathroom. On the one hand, it implies an ergonomic shape so that in the bath it is convenient to lie or sit, and on the other - a pleasant surface.

Baths made of artificial stone against comfort worthy of the highest assessment, they are warmer than bathing from natural stone, and have a silky surface that is pleasantly just touching. Bathtubs made of natural stone and cast iron, although smooth to the touch, but cool.

The main advantage of the injection molded acrylic baths is their warm and smooth surface, at the same time they can make some loud sounds when knocking. Steel baths closure a circle in the ranking in terms of use of comfort.

Taking into account the quality of the surface and ergonomics of the shape, the pillage bath and acrylic baths deserve the title of the most comfortable.


It is possible to evaluate the appearance of the bath in the case of a separate, angular or wiping design. So, the detached cast stone and acrylic baths can be called the best in this nomination, as they do not need removable panels, nor in cladding tiles, they themselves are already a ready-made piece of interior, and often the main element of the bathroom decor. A variety of forms of detached baths in the modern plumbing market allow you to choose a model for any size of the bathroom and the taste of the buyer.

Planning during the repair process, in what style will your bathroom, which is better to choose, pay attention to the decorative exterior panels for corner and wall baths, because they are the most unusual colors and textures, give more space for the creativity of the interior designer.

Cast iron and steel baths can also be detached and even to wear the name of famous designers, and then they constitute a worthy competition above the listed types of baths.

Installation and restoration

If you are used to doing everything with your own hands, then with the installation of the bath, from what material it is not done, there will be no special problems. The only moment that for a heavy bath, that is, stone and cast-iron, you will need help several people to raise and put it in the right place. As practice shows, it does not matter which bath is better in quality, you can repair almost any, but it is preferable if this will do a specialist who will take responsibility for the result and relieve you from unnecessary trouble.


Choosing a bath exclusively for the price no sense, because the main indicators are still listed above. Not always the price corresponds to the quality of the goods. So, you can buy too expensive acrylic bath, because it did a very long way from the factory to the buyer through several intermediaries, or a relatively cheap bath from an artificial stone, made in China from base raw materials.


European manufacturers firmly secured the status of the best not only on the design of interior items, including plumbing, but also in quality and durability. Therefore, answering the question of which manufacturer of baths is better, one would simply be advised to buy a bath from Italy or Germany. However, this issue is closely related to the price, because the delivery and customsization of such goods eat a considerable share of the cost, so the baths from Europe are not for everyone for pocket.

Chinese manufacturers make a bet on low cost, but the quality of their products does not leave them a chance to get into the rating of the best manufacturers.

A compromise for your wallet and wishes can be bathtubs of domestic production or from Eastern Europe.


As an output, we give a visual histogram, on which bath estimates are collected by the type of material according to the criteria listed above. The rating is not the only correct, but only displays the opinion of the blog editorial office. The last 4 parameters are not included, as they only indirectly identify the rating of plumbing.

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