Expression on the collar. Stayed for the collar - what does this mean? Alternative versions of the origin of the expression "swaying for the collar"

The Russian language is filled with cruise expressions and phrases, but it is far from always clear why they began to say, and where there was such a statement, and what exactly it means. However, to study such phrases and their origin is extremely interesting. For example, what does it mean to lay out for the collar?

The value of the winged expression

This phrase means "drinking", "drink alcohol". So, for example, when they say about a person, "he often lays out for the collar", it is meant that he suffers from alcohol addiction. The value of the phrase is understandable, but why began to say so? And then the collar, and what is laid for him? The answer can be found in history.

The origin of phrase

Laying for the collar began under Peter I. The fact is that during his reign, the emperor ordered to put the stamp on the left clavicle of shipbuilders. It was done in order for the workshops did not run away to other works. Such a stamp allowed them to drink a glass of vodka in the restaurant absolutely free. To do this, the shipbuilder needed just to unbutton the gate and show the branded skin section. Only the best masters have been subjected to such a procedure. However, the reward is or punishment - a very big question. This theory is one of the most common, but there is not a single documentary confirmation of its accuracy.

Alternative versions of the origin of the expression "lay out for the collar"

There is still the theory that the statement also appeared under Peter I, but already because of the drunks. They had a medal for drunkenness on her neck, to remove which was not possible. Owners of such a "award" also relied on a free glass of vodka, it was enough to show a medal.

Perhaps the phrase appeared thanks to the manner to refuel the napkin for the collar before drinking in front of the meal. There is one more opinion about the origin of this statement, and it is connected directly with the appearance of this detail of clothing. Previously, the collar was spilled, and from the side really created the impression that the trapping or drinking, a man throws something for him.

A similar phrase - lay out for the tie - attributed to the Guards Colonel Raevsky.

Peter Andreevich Vyazemsky in the "old notebook", describing Raevsky as a Balaguore and the start-up, emphasizes that this man managed to enrich the lexicon guardsmen with many phrases that did not come out of everybody. For example, in addition to "lay out for the tie", he introduced the "subwear", "Framsbuaz". It is curious that all these statements are somehow connected with alcohol or with the consequences of its use. This is most likely because the military of that time rarely denied themselves in drinking.

Hi friends!

Hello Friends!

Remember, in the winter we discussed vocabulary related to alcohol drinks? Today I bring to your attention some more phrases on this topic, namely:

REMEMBER, Last Winter We Discussed Some Vocabulary Related to Alcohol? Today I'm Offering You A FEW MORE EXPRESSIONS RELATED TO THAT, NAMELY:

pour over the collar,
take on the chest,
persuade a bottle,
skip down in stop,

- to Pour Over The Collar,
- To take on the chest,
- To Persuade The Bottle,
- Let A Small Glass Go,
- To Give More.

All our expressions have the same meaning - to drink (something alcohol, of course). Therefore, without caustic, I propose to go directly to the examples:

All of Our Today's Expressions Have the Some Meaning - To Drink (Some Sort of Alcohol, Of Course). Theraefore, without Philosophizing Archly, I Propose to Go Directly to the Examples:

He is a big amateur pour over the collar.

HE IS A Great Fan of "Pouring Over The Collar".

They are together persuaded Kisses bottle Vodka.

THEY BOTH "PERSUADED" A Whole Bottle of Vodka.

That day he is pretty accepted on breastsSo behind the wheel did not get prudently.


Already good soda, he walked from side to the side and barely painted the tongue.

Having "Added Well" Already, He Staggered from Side to Side and Barely Moved His Tongue.

Before dinner, they missed in Stopar To raise appetite.

Before the Dinner, They "Passed A Small Glass Each" to Improve The Appetite.

Stacker - This is a stack, a small cup for vodka.

"Stack" Comes from "Stack", IS A Small Glass for Vodka.

Of course, this is not all. I think, if someone won the goal to collect all the words and expressions of the Russian language, one way or another related to drinking and drunkenness, it would be enough for a whole book.

Of Course, This Is Not The Complete List. I THINK IF Someone Set Oneeself to Collect All Russian Words and Expressions One Way or Another Related to Drinking and Alcoholism, It Would be Enough for a whole Book.

Before saying goodbye, I want to turn your attention to one of the phrases, I used - nothing Lukovo. It is nothing but a line from the story of Pushkin "Boris Godunov". For modern Russian, such a wording sounds strange, because they do not say so already, but nevertheless cool. Therefore, this expression can often be heard in the meaning "not complicating things."

Before Saying Goodbye, I Want You to Pay Your Attention to One of the Phrases i Used - "Not Curry Lukovo." This Is Nothing More Than A Line From Pushkin's Novel "Boris Godunov." For a Modern Russian Such A Wording Sounds Strange, Because Nobody Speaks Like That Anymore, But NeverTheless It's Fun. Theraefore, This Expression Can Often Be Heard In The Sense of "Without Complicating Things".

That's it. Take care of health. As one doctor said, you never know when it can come in handy. 🙂

That's it. Take Care Of Your Health. AS One Doctor Said, You Never Know When It Might Come in Handy. 🙂

Moscow, Novaya Nov- RIA Novosti, Irina Khaletskaya.Wooden naras, cold floor, and after - a fine and a photo on the shame board. In the Soviet Union, the system of the detoxes was part of the fight against immorality and drunkenness. In the institution was overlooking the hooligans, which is a place in the department of militia, and pretabling, which often needed medical care. The Ministry of Internal Affairs periodically demanded to remove the "sober groups" from the list of their responsibilities, but also the Ministry of Health from them was fighting in every way.

"Should drink less". How drink and "pumped out" in Russia"You need to drink less," this phrase Zhenya Lukashin's surgeon from the "Irony of Fate" warmed himself on the December Claus. After 40 years, we wanted the actor advice. Russia will soon risk losing its position in the ranking of the most drinking states. In recent years, in the country is stubbornly and quite successfully fighting this destructive habit.

As a result, the receivers were eliminated throughout the country in 2011. Officially, the detoxes in Russia are still not, but in some regions they work - the truth is not at all as in the time of the USSR. The current legislation activities of such institutions do not regulate. RIA Novosti Correspondent found out which detoxes exist today and whether it is necessary to revive this system on a federal scale.

"Clear" as a social service

"These are spiritual people, kind. Nurses in the handles kiss," the head of the "receiver" in Nizhny Novgorod, Mikhail Bululukov responds about its clients with love. The local help center for people in the state of intoxication has opened two years ago, has nothing to do with a medical institution, nor with police bodies and works on the basis of the Municipal Social Center "Nadezhda".

Bululukov - a lieutenant colonel of the stock, almost 30 years served in the Airborne For almost 30 years, then began to lead patriotic education lessons from schoolchildren. He says when he was offered to head the detox, agreed without thinking.

"Our institution is called in the people in the old manner, but it is not very similar to the former detoxes. Until now, people are confident that they will be cold water now, we will distribute them, and then they will write out a fine and report to work. We have something: stay Exceptionally voluntary, anonymous and free. All expenses municipality takes over, "says the boss.

According to Bululukov, only those who are in the average degree of intoxication take in the detox.

"Easy degree - when a person sleeved slightly and he wants to have fun. Such customers prevent ushee, do not give to others. And those who are already in serious condition, it is necessary to hospitalize and treat and treat, - clarifies the boss. - First time the police clarified to us. Everyone in a row: I tried to explain to them how at least visually determine the degree of intoxication. "

© Photo: Provided by the head of the point of assistance to Mikhail Bululukov

In case of employment, the future employees of the honeycomb are selected: they must have experience in the hospital's receiving department or in ambulance. Bululukov explains this by the fact that such doctors in practice know how to emerge measures. So, in two years they managed to save almost 20 people from death. Externally, the detox is not much different from the usual hospital: three chambers, each with five beds.

All beds are mattresses in antibacterial film covers and disposable sheets. Pillows and blankets are not issued in order to avoid the appearance of lice. There is one female chamber, but cases when representatives of the beautiful sex are delivered here, it is extremely small - about 4%. "The police do not really want to communicate with them. Noisy. They will sit down to the guard and begin to flirt, then you have fun, they don't put to sleep, and there is no sleep," explains Bululukov.

© Photo: Provided by the head of the point of assistance to Mikhail Bululukov

The client may be in the center to the day, but, according to the chief, people, as a rule, have enough of several hours to sleep. After that, you can take a shower, call your relatives and after examining the doctor go home.

There is a steady stereotype: exceptionally hopeless alcoholics and bums fall into the "soberboard". However, Bululukov says that in his practice there were a very different occasion: "they brought a man once - it looked fine, and the clothes were dirty and torn. They began to find out, it turned out that he came from Krasnodar to earn money. Already wanted to return home, but at the station He was drinking, the money was stolen. I woke up on the garbage - only the passport was left of the things, which thieves hid him into the panties. "

© Photo: Provided by the head of the point of assistance to Mikhail Bululukov

© Photo: Provided by the head of the point of assistance to Mikhail Bululukov

For example, two centers have already opened in the Ivanovo region - in Ivanovo itself and small in Kineshma. There is everything you need: Chambers for several beds, room for staff, changing room, bathroom, shower. Doctors work here, the policeman's duty officer helps them. But the difference between these institutions from the Nizhny Novgorod Detavaper is that they work on the basis of a drug treatment dispensary and are attached to the Regional Ministry of Health.

Drunkenness is not a crime and not illness

The deputy director for the expert work of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Narcology, Vladimir Egorov, believes that the detoxes who work in medical institutions are the most unsuccessful option for the revival of the "receiver system".

According to Egorov, in such establishments, doctors actually provide services that do not belong to medical, and this is too expensive: about 9% of the budget of all health care facilities. "A person who went over, you just need to sleep in a warm room. He is not required medical assistance. But hospitals and dispensaries are forced once again to be reinsured and leave drunk under supervision. Often the aggressive behavior of these" customers "leads to disorganization of the work of the reception offices," explains expert.

The work of medical breeders, according to narcologist, is not regulated by any law that does not give them the opportunity to develop in the establishment of a modern sample.

"Alcohol intoxication does not apply to any diseases or severe mental disorders, and therefore, the maintenance of a person against his will in the current version of the Law" On Healthcare "is unacceptable. In addition, drunkenness is not a criminal and not an administrative crime. No one will disrupt The law, if, for example, it will be calmly lying in the ditch. Therefore, it is impossible to take and keep against the will. And all the more it is not always possible to obtain consent from the person barely standing on the legs. So while lawyers at the government level do not set up this sphere, honeycombels Do not work properly, "says Vladimir Egorov.

"Move, I have a ticket"

"To remember how I was in the" soberboard ", ridiculously and at the same time terrible," says 42-year-old Maxim. He was in the "receiver" just once - even in the 90s - young and slightly drunk, we tried to hover In a public place, for which the militiamen were twisted and delivered to the department. "

"A little later, another man was taken to the cage, who approached our shop and stated:" Move, I have an entrance ticket. "We began to be interested in, what is this ticket about this? And he from the sleeve pulls out a bottle of vodka."

The case ended, remembers Maxim that all three got drunk directly in the chamber and began to behave defiantly. Militiamen took them into the detox.

"There we were stripped to the panties, asked to be treated with closed eyes, go through a narrow half. Then they gave the sheets and sent to the" Hatu ". Nara was single, the lattice - from the floor to the ceiling. Sometimes the staff gave water from the common circle. Sometimes we released Toilet. Drunkys in the "windmill" were talking about, built plans the next day. Life was boiling. The chamber was cold, the sheet did not save. But for the "sober", probably, this is the norm, so that you are insane people will faster in feeling, "he says .

Maxim is confident that the detoxes that were in the Soviet Union will not be able to take root in modern Russia: "Not those orders, not those laws, and everyone now knows their rights. There people could humiliate. But the idea itself is good: the streets cleaned up from homeless , heavily drunk and hooligans. "

Deputy brainstorming

In the near future, the centers for drunk can be revived in 11 cities of Russia - where the World Cup in 2018 will be held. The initiative is spoken in St. Petersburg, in December, deputies of the Moscow City Duma intend to discuss the organization of such centers in the capital.

The Chairman of the Duma, Alexey Shaposhnikov, told RIA Novosti correspondent that the creation of detoxes on the basis of budgetary institutions was presented to the most acceptable. They will work together with the police, having previously obtained a license to provide prefigure. At the same time, the chairman notes, the centers are intended for drunk people who do not need medical care. Their stay must be voluntary, so make changes to the legal framework, according to Shaposhnikov, is not required.

Another deputy of the Moscow City Duma, Vladimir Platonov sees prospects in the institution of detoxes on a public-private partnership system (ChGP). As an example, it leads to Yakutia, where such "receivers" create as private clinics, and then enter into an agreement with the Ministry of Health.

"If the patient gives the police - it is provided to him for free, and if relatives or relatives are free, then all the procedures will have to pay. The ChGP Institute allows you to combine certain social guarantees and a high level of service," says Platonov.

The deputy is confident: it is impossible to postpone the issue of creating determines for an indefinite period. But also to return the former Soviet system - it is impractical and illegally, and the time has long passed. Now it is more important to find the balance between the preservation of the principles of volunteering and the accounting of the interests of other people who may suffer from the neighborhood with a drunken person.

Lay down for the collar lay, - go, - - -self; owls.

  • - Where and where. 1. Where. Lay mines in trenches. He looked at her for a long time, then she again wrapped in cellophan again, laid himself in his letter and, thoughtfully holding himself in his hands, removed back into his pocket ...

    Management in Russian

  • - lay the verb., St., ??? Morphology: I'll post, you laid, he / she / it will lay down, we will launch, you laid, they laid, lay, lay, laid, laid, laid, laid, laid, laid, laid, ...

    Explanatory dictionary Dmitrieva

  • - To whom. Volga. About the extremely poor, poor person. Glukhov 1988, 98 ...
  • - I put /, -The / live, ...

    Orphographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - lay down, - I, - - I do; -self; . 1. What. Put for something Z. Pillow behind his head. Z hands behind the back. 2. What. Put inside, deep into something. Z. Armature in a concrete structure. Where did you lay the book? ...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - lay, put, laid, make. . 1. What. Put, shove some thing for another. Lay a feather behind the ear. Lay hands behind your back. Lay a cloth behind the mirror. || Shove somewhere, hide something ...

    Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

  • - lay I owl. Couch. 1. Put, put something somewhere. 2. Put, place anything somewhere with a certain goal in a certain amount. 3. Deliver something in pledge I 1. Under the loan. II owl. Couch. one...

    Explanatory dictionary Efremova

  • - Injury, "Yeh," - "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - Words said, by legend, Nizhny Novgorod Zemsky Strength, Hero of War against Polish-Lithuanian Interventory Kuzma Miichem Mini Sukhoruk ...

    Dictionary of winged words and expressions

  • - simple. Drink alcohol. BTS, 150; Maximov, 69; Glukhov 1988, 81; ZS 1996, 193 ...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - what. Novg. Constantly think about Nose 3, 44 ...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Sib. The same thing to fill over the ear. FSS, 78 ...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - lay, -Yy, -y; Nesov. . 1. Someone who, who. Give a mystery to put smb. Under the blow, betray. 2. What and without additional. . Drink alcohol, drunk drunk ...

    Dictionary of Russian Argo

  • - ...

    Shape words

  • - To coat, drochalyznut, fill out, pass with all the grooves, stick, put, put, drink, damage, exchange to lental chowder, crush, bumble, dig, dumble, be enough, baptize, attach, ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - Contact, fuck, fill over a tie, take, peel, lay out for a tie, dowel, pull, crush the fly, drink, stick, chuck, skip into a small, refuel, throw on the grate, gamble, ...

    Synonym dictionary

"Stay for the collar" in books

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The Russian language is filled with cruise expressions and phrases, but it is far from always clear why they began to say, and where there was such a statement, and what exactly it means. However, to study such phrases and their origin is extremely interesting. For example, what does it mean to lay out for the collar?

The value of the winged expression

This phrase means "drinking", "drink alcohol". So, for example, when they say about a person, "he often lays out for the collar", it is meant that he suffers from alcohol addiction. The value of the phrase is understandable, but why began to say so? And then the collar, and what is laid for him? The answer can be found in history.

The origin of phrase

Laying for the collar began under Peter I. The fact is that during his reign, the emperor ordered to put the stamp on the left clavicle of shipbuilders. It was done in order for the workshops did not run away to other works. Such a stamp allowed them to drink a glass of vodka in the restaurant absolutely free. To do this, the shipbuilder needed just to unbutton the gate and show the branded skin section. Only the best masters have been subjected to such a procedure. However, the reward is or punishment - a very big question. This theory is one of the most common, but there is not a single documentary confirmation of its accuracy.

Alternative versions of the origin of the expression "lay out for the collar"

There is still the theory that the statement also appeared under Peter I, but already because of the drunks. They had a medal for drunkenness on her neck, to remove which was not possible. Owners of such a "award" also relied on a free glass of vodka, it was enough to show a medal.

Perhaps the phrase appeared thanks to the manner to refuel the napkin for the collar before drinking in front of the meal. There is one more opinion about the origin of this statement, and it is connected directly with the appearance of this detail of clothing. Previously, the collar was spilled, and from the side really created the impression that the trapping or drinking, a man throws something for him.

A similar phrase - lay out for the tie - attributed to the Guards Colonel Raevsky.

Peter Andreevich Vyazemsky in the "old notebook", describing Raevsky as a Balaguore and the start-up, emphasizes that this man managed to enrich the lexicon guardsmen with many phrases that did not come out of everybody. For example, in addition to "lay out for the tie", he introduced the "subwear", "Framsbuaz". It is curious that all these statements are somehow connected with alcohol or with the consequences of its use. This is most likely because the military of that time rarely denied themselves in drinking.