High beds on a plot with a slope. Beds for lazy: photos, ideas, paths of their incarnation

Talking that only a person far from farming can grow on plants. The level of soil moisturity, the intensity of gas exchange and the species composition of microorganisms, which inhabit the upper layers of the Earth depends on the form and size of the bed. All of these factors have a direct impact on the quality of the substrate, and consequently, the level of yield is the main success criterion for any gardener or gardener. How to use a scientific approach for the benefit of your garden, how to create not only the nearest appearance of the garden, but also highly raise the yield of your site? We will try to answer these questions in this publication with a large-scale selection of photos of a wide variety of beds.

Principles of arrangement of Grookok.

Grokery is a relatively small, often enough insulated area of \u200b\u200bsoil, where you can provide individual care for a plant of a particular culture, create a humidity regime and make feeding. It is obvious that plants with different agricultural equipment are grown in the country area or garden, often opposite care requirements - without an individual approach to achieve high yields. It is for this purpose that the site requires differentiation - separation of the territory on the zone, and zones - on the bed.

If the purpose of the beds is more or less understandable to every gardener, then such nuances as the level of illumination, the composition of the soil and even its consistency needed for different crops are not always taken into account and not all. Unfortunately, the misunderstanding of the fact that to cucumbers and tomatoam, for example, a different approach is needed leads to a significant loss of yield. Creating not easy trenches for landing of certain crops, and isolated beds, the owner of the site can give plants due care - all the efforts are invariably pay upon with the quality or quantity.

Methods of cultivation of land

There are two main (and at the same time diametrically opposed) approach to farming:

  • traditional;
  • ecological.

The traditional way of cultivation of the Earth is an incredibly labor-intensive and often inexientable, an extremely injured ecosystem principle. It is based on man attempts to control the processes in the soil, its condition. The traditional method of agriculture includes the following activities:

  • two-time soil pumping (per year);
  • herbicidal treatment;
  • uncontrolled number of fertilizers introduced into the soil;
  • groinings with this principle of farming are cultivated in this way at which they have a small amount of capillaries and as a result of an insufficient number of microorganisms.
  • All these factors inevitably lead to low yields, the depletion of soil resources.

The second approach, ecological (natural), is based on the soil ability to restore itself. The principles of natural management of agriculture are quite a lot, but they are all based on the fact that a person is extremely rarely interferent in the natural course of processes occurring in the soil. Dropping of the Earth is replaced by surface loosening, and weeding 1 time per week or two - timely mulching.

Modern methods of agriculture are based on the environmental method and with this approach of microorganisms, the roots of plant crops and insects independently restore the structure of the soil. The increase in the number of capillaries increases the processes of gas exchange, as a result of the roots of plants are enriched with nitrogen in a natural way, which leads to improvement and quality, and the amount of crop. All this can occur at all without chemical fertilizers or with their minimum quantity.

Types of beds for modern garden

Only at first glance it may seem that the beds differ from each other only with dimensions and shape. Although these indicators are of great importance for plants, which are needed by an individual approach and separation from other cultures. The beds may differ in the principle of formation themselves, be, for example, not on the plot, and above it, to be located on the so-called "green wall" or inside plastic pipes of large diameter. It all depends on the methods of care for each specific plant species.

Grocery in the form of a box

Grocery-box is one of the most popular methods of cultivation of the soil today. This method of planting makes it possible not only to create a separate place for each culture, but also organize a landscape of a country area or a vegetable garden at a high aesthetic level. It is easy to organize a bed in the form of a box - on the prepared and marked place of the site (phasendes or a small backyard) a fencing is established in the form of low flaps.

To organize the fence, the Giberian box can be used:

  • flat or wavy slate;
  • unnecessary boards;
  • polycarbonate sheets;
  • plastic;
  • any throw material capable of carrying soil moisture more than one country season.

Next, the prepared compartment is poured by the layers of the organ and directly the soil. For the winter, such beds do not understand, and in the spring after surface loosening, it will be possible to plant seeds or seedlings of certain crops again. This approach is not only practical, rational, but also aesthetic.

High side beds

High beds are usually represented in the form of ridges or trapezes. The lifting of the soil is usually provided by the "pillow" from the compost layer, on top of which the land is poured. In the areas of our country, where the Medveda is common, the compost layer is not used, the rise is carried out only due to the bulk of the Earth. The Medveda usually suits the sockets in the compost layer (the warm and humid place is the perfect habitat) and can spread all over the site.

High beds are most often used for growing melting crops:

  • cucumbers;
  • pumpkins;
  • zucchini;
  • sometimes this method is grown by some potato varieties.

Groans with high sides are created for one season. In most cases, the mound is strongly settled under the weight of snow and loses its functional attack. If in a bed having a box design, weaving plants will be grown (for example, cucumbers, some types of zucchini), it will not be superfluous to equip the fencing with a vertical grille (from a tree or metal created by means of weaving, any submitted means).

If such a design is equipped with a high dome, tightened with a film, then the usual bed becomes a greenhouse. The cultivation of seedlings in such portable structures is very convenient and practical.

"Warm" beds

"Warm" beds are called due to the fact that in their lower layers is fresh, not overwhelmed manure. The embankment from the manure is carried out in the late autumn, so that all the processes passed during the winter under cover. Early spring, after snow comes down, such beds are cleaned so that they warm themselves and launched decomposition processes.

Next, the manure begins to releasing with high heat release. As a rule, in the compost heaps during the "burning", the temperature inside can reach 40-50 degrees. But on the beds, a layer of manure is low and such an effect does not occur, besides, winter excerpts significantly slows down the processes of "burning". All these manipulations and cooking are needed in order to plant cultures in the finished, "warm" bed. Usually this is done to plant plants with a shallow root system - cucumbers, radishes, etc.

After the end of the summer season, all the manure turns out to be recycled. If you remove the top layer of the soil, then it will be possible to detect - humus, which is a very valuable substrate. This natural fertilizer can be scattered throughout the garden or summer cottage. And at the end of the autumn, it will be possible to put the manure and launch the process of cooking a "warm" bed in a new one.

Groans with drainage

In clay kidneys, in very low places, which constantly merges all the water and in wetlands it is necessary to equip the beds with drainage. It is easy to make them - usually 50-60 cm of the soil layer is removed, then on the bottom of the resulting pit is laid out of the sand with a height of about 20 cm, then the sawdust, humus and only after that - soil. Drainage and gas exchange in the beds of this type are excellent - an ideal place for growing rooted plants (for example, potatoes).

Material for the manufacture of beds do it yourself

Creating a bed of any configuration requires some training. In order to equip the beds in the form of boxes, you will need to use the following materials:

  • slate or boards, plastic or polycarbonate of such a height so that in the ground there is at least 30 cm, and on the surface - at least 20 cm of the entire product value;
  • pegs of wood or metal, which will be needed to fix the fencing material;
  • non-woven material that can be sealing the bottom of the prepared trench.

After the workpiece - the dummy pit will be covered with nonwoven material, it will be necessary to fall asleep with the following layers:

  • sawdust or straw - approximately 10 cm;
  • dry foliage (which you prepared in advance from autumn) - about 10 cm;
  • a mixture of compost and soil, a ratio of 1 to 2-M (layer value of 10 cm or more);
  • clean layer of land at least 10 cm.

  1. marking on the ground - usually produced with pegs and stretched cord. Holding the size of the garden. It is important to understand what is already the trench, the faster it will dry;
  2. next is the preparation of material for the fence - its cutting, cooking pegs. If the box is not very big, it will be more convenient to gather it in advance with the help of self-tapping screws. These designs are reusable, they can be removed for the winter if the beds are transferred;
  3. then a fence is installed on the bed;
  4. next, the material of nonwoven origin is laid on the bottom of the pit;
  5. it is covered with a sequential layer of sawdust, dry foliage, soil mixed with a compost and just land.

And in conclusion. Your plot can not only bring a good harvest, but also look aesthetic. Landscape design is capable of manifesting not only in the courtyard of a private house, but also in the garden, in the garden. But the main principle of the location of the beds in the territory should still be the needs of plants in the sunlight. On properly located garden, the care of plants will need minimal.

The country area on the slope can be viewed as the most unsuccessful option for individual construction, and can be viewed on the other side. Some designers are happy to take over the design of such non-standard territories. It is on the slope that can be released on the will all fantasy and embody a wide variety of artistic ideas, combine incompatible, turn inconvenience in favor and beauty.

Example of a landscape design area on the slope

To implement some ideas on even plots, artificial slides, embankments, lifting and slopes are created, and a plot with a bias - an already ready natural blank, it remains only to be issued. The main disadvantage that accompanies the improvement of the territory on the slope is undoubtedly considerable costs and labor-intensive work. Without it, it is not necessary to do without it, because for the arrangement, the cultivation of the garden, the maintenance of garden work will be required to build retaining walls, strengthening, terrace, steps.

Landscape design and arrangement of buildings and zones can be the most diverse and depends on the degree of slope, the location of the manor.

Rules zoning

The design of the site on the slope and the location of the functional zones depend on the preferences of the owners and the possibilities of the territory. Any zoning option requires compliance with its rules.

Strengthening - Decoration

The main disadvantages of the "steep" site are shrinking of the soil and flushing with soil waters. In order for the cottage to please no one generation, a number of hard land aimed at strengthening is simply necessary. But the created cascade terraces, the walls will help create the most unique atmosphere.

Shrubs on the slope also preferably post predominantly, which have an extended root system: growling, they will and rejoice and strengthen the slope.

Juniper, dogwood, rosehip, barbaris, bearing, dwarfish - these plants turn a launched hill to a special landscape corner, as well as help to prevent squeaks, delay moisture. The retaining walls are engineering structures that must ensure the fixing of the soil, to restrain the mass of the Earth. The layout layout without retaining structures is simply impossible.

Layout and zoning of the site located under the slope

Depending on the quality of the strengthened soil, the retaining walls can be divided into light and capital. Capital retaining walls up to 3 meters high are solid structures requiring, and intended for long-term deterrence and strengthening the heavy mass of the soil. Before arranging such a wall, a thorough engineering calculation is needed.

Light walls are erected without a powerful foundation, they are designed more for decoration, strengthening a small area. The material from which the retaining walls create:

Farming Gardens and Native View

The retaining walls installed on a specific plan create a peculiar landscape landscape with terraces. Turning on a steep slope allows you to create favorable pads with a soil for vegetable garden, garden, flower. Also with the help of individual terraces, recreation areas are offered.

Option of arrangement of terraces on the slopes of the site

It is possible to position the stepped platforms vertically after each other, it is possible in a checker order, one requirement: the steeper the bias, the terrace should be.

Correctly spent the strengthening of the site with the help of terraceing should solve several tasks at once:

  1. Cottage is divided into convenient functional areas.
  2. The slope is strengthened, the optimal conditions are created for water drain.
  3. The staircase created together with the terrace facilitates freedom of movement.

Very interesting ideas to create recreation areas on terraced sites. They can be located at different levels. The upper terrace can turn into a search site, from which you can admire the amazing landscape, while drinking tea at the table.

The resting platform on the lower terrace, on the contrary, will create a protected private situation, will help to hide from prying eyes and drafts.

Time step, two steps

Unsured without arranging such elements as a staircase and. The main staircase for descent and lifting can be part of the terraces or paved on the slope separately. In any case, the steps must be the most convenient for the transition and at the same time emphasize the style of the entire estate.

An example of arrangement of stairs on the site

Additional tracks are equipped with steps or laid out serpentine. At very high slopes, it is appropriate to make transitions, set them on them to relax. Railings and platforms of stairs and tracks - places for registration of liaans and curly flowers.

The material from which the staircase is manufactured may be wood, and stone, and brick and concrete slabs: it is important only to match design, convenience and safety.

Located on the slope of the plot is not yet upset. Of course, to make it suitable for accommodation and cultivation of cultures, you will have to make certain efforts. It will be necessary to correctly plan the plot, divide it into zones and strengthen. All this will slightly increase financial investments, but the result obtained is worth it.

Advantages and disadvantages of the area on the slope

Before proceeding with the arrangement of the garden on a plot located on the slope, it is worth assessing all its advantages and disadvantages.

Among the positive factors of this location, the following can be distinguished:

  • such a plot, with proper design, will acquire a unique personality;
  • there is a wonderful opportunity for the design of alpine slides and waterfalls;
  • the plot is well visible from the house, especially if it is at the top point;
  • at the canopy section, water is never stored;
  • the southern slope will allow growing any cultures, even especially demanding lighting.

The main disadvantages include larger cash investments, in contrast to the smooth terrain. Planning a plot, you need to pay attention to such moments:

  • since the water will constantly drain, without lingering in the soil, it will be necessary to water the plants more often;
  • do not have residential buildings at the bottom of the site, in order to avoid flooding;
  • it should be excluded by the possibility of landslides, additionally strengthening the site;
  • the northern slope practically deprives the cultural plants of the chance to survive due to the lack of light.

How to equip a garden on the slope

With a competent approach, even on uneven areas with a slope, more than 15% can be equipped with a garden. The most appropriate solution to the problem is to smash the area on the terrace and pre-strengthen them.

To do this, determine the difference in altitudes and divide the horizontal base. Next, the plot is divided into stripes of a certain size. Gradually, starting from the upper point, form terraces. Cutting land is lowered to the lower level and is used to form a platform. The terraces have either in a checker order or applying asymmetry.

To avoid sliding soil, the terraces are additionally strengthened by retaining walls. Metal and reinforced concrete are used for their manufacture. Beautifully look at the walls of the tree, however, they are not so durable. Relatively inexpensive will cost the creation of retaining walls of stone. To fasten the selected stones, the cement solution is used among themselves. This design will serve not one year.

In addition, the site will need to establish drainage pipes by which water after the rain will be drained from the top terrace to the lower levels.

Gardening plants are planted either inside the roof wall of the terrace (where the nutrient soil is pre-falling asleep), or placed in the boxes.

It is impossible to place the beds on the lower terrace. For the garden, choose a site higher, illuminated by the Sun and without drafts.

To strengthen the slopes, shrubs with a powerful root system, such as rosehip, lilac, sea buckthorn, IIVA Japanese. Plants planted in the form of living hedges will serve also to protect against wind.

The plot on the slope almost always seems to be potential buyers not the most attractive way of investing funds.

Naturally, in contrast to the smooth territories, it will require additional financial spending on its improvement, and such a prospect will not suit everyone.

Let us try to study in more detail the process of landscaping the site on the slope and consider the most significant stages.

Pros and cons of the site on the slope

According to experts, such complex, at first glance, the territories may be quite suitable place for the construction of the house, the arrangement of the garden or a picturesque garden, and all the attached efforts will justify themselves with the beauty and originality of the resulting landscape.

Practice shows that, it is on inclined areas that the most convenient to create colorful mountaineering and rocaria, to equip artificial waterfalls, which on smooth surfaces are erected with great difficulty.

Among the possible problems associated with the improvement of the plot on the slope, landscape designers note the openness of the terrain of the wind and heavy clay soils. Nevertheless, the other parties of such an area are considered to be advantageous.

Landsurance methods on the slope

For the purpose of improvement, a wide range of methods is used, the most common of which are:

- geoplasty - a method involving artificial formation of relief;

- Terracing is to strengthen the horizontal ledges of the Earth with retaining walls.

In practice, both of these methods usually combine with each other, which makes it possible to achieve brilliant results. Thus, the multi-level plot with artificially created terraces looks much more effectively even inquiry areas - especially if it is equipped with not classic straight, but elegantly curved retaining walls.

The main stages of the Transfiguration

The landscaping of the territory flowing down the Kosoyar is carried out in several stages. Previously, experts determine the magnitude of the plot, based on the ratio of its height to the horizontal plane of the base. Further on the plan apply the markup of the territory, breaking it into separate bands - the so-called. The "terrace platforms", the dimensions of which allow you to locate in their space house, household buildings, garden, garden, flower bed and other objects.

Unite the scattered space into a single integer with small wide stairs and already mentioned retaining walls, which not only protect the ground from the foaming, but also actively decorate the terraces themselves.

The arrangement of the terraces start from the upper point of the site, gradually moving down the slope. At the same time, the land cut off from the upper platforms is transferred down using it to create the terraces of the second and third levels.

Each platform is fixed with retaining walls that prevent soil fading and serving the basis for the underlying terrace. Material for these designs can be:

- massive logs, wooden bar;

- Gabions - containers made of durable metal mesh filled with boot, large rubble, pebbles, etc.;

- Pergones - lattice welded structures with the same as gabions, filling;

- Concrete and decorative plates.

Small (up to 1 m), vertical walls are usually erected from durable logs, the lower part of which is pre-treated with antiseptic preparations and means against rotting. Set the retaining wall made of wood into the ground to a depth of 45-50 cm, after which it is coated with waterproofing material and move to the arrow arrangement. It is desirable that the slope of the wall varied in the range of 8-10 °, which will allow the design to keep the soil pressure of the erected platform.

In recent years, more and more often in the improvement of areas on the slopes, perfumes and gabions are used - lattice and wire boxes, the space of which is filled with stone (read more in the article Gabions with their own hands). Such designs not only successfully cope with their primary function - holding the soil on terraces, but also act as their spectacular decoration.

Plots fortified by retaining walls from boob stone, horizontal brusons and wooden sleeps look original. Another popular option for landscape designers is concrete retaining walls, lined with pellets or sandstone. In this case, the method of laying the wall, which provides for cladding with stones, similar to the principle of tile laying. All stone fragments of such a masonry are fasten with a mixture of land, sand and cement.

In the future, in spaces between the stones will be able to do the audit, camneur garden and other unpretentious plants that can admonly decorate the landscape.

The advantage of concrete and stone structures is also that due to their strength characteristics, the height of the retaining walls can be increased to two meters (although many designers are not recommended to exceed the optimal limit of 0.6-1 m).

How to organize a garden on the slope? How to make high beds?

When erecting retaining walls from stone or concrete, the foundation should be pre-lay under them, thanks to which the finished design will acquire additional strength and durability.

Another important stage of improvement is to organize a drainage system that protects the soil from blur. It is logical that during pouring rains and spring floods on the top of Kosoyra, water flows are inevitably formed, which, rushing down the terraces, wash out the ground. In addition, water, causing behind the retaining walls, is blurred that over time can lead to their deformation and destruction. To this not happened, in the walls, the drainage system is equipped, one of the following types, namely:

  1. Underground drainage.
  2. Ground drainage.
  3. Filtration holes.

In addition, terraces are equipped with stormwine sewage and drainage systems whose projects are designed in advance.

In parallel with the construction of retaining walls on steep descents, stairs of stone, monolithic concrete or bricks are erected. The easiest option is a staircase made of wooden boards or lane, reinforced with cososions - inclined beams, to which the risers are nourished.

Selection of plants for sites on the slope

Already on fully finished terraces, it is recommended to plant trees and shrubs with a wide wicked root system, which will serve as a kind of frame that binds the soil into a single block. So, from large bushes, whose roots are able to "hold" the soil, the greatest popularity gained barberries, terry and semi-world rose hips, beacons, trees. Cylniki, juniper, spherical teu and dwarf ate are perfectly suitable from coniferous.

Do not forget that the process of landscaping the area on the slope requires specific knowledge and skills, so before starting some work - contact specialists for advice and help in implementing the tasks.

Crichet on the slope of the tree

Beds on the slope - Sadurad

Gardener Reference

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Groans on the slope

How to equip a garden on inclined area

Growing cultivated plants on horizontally smooth beds, of course, the perfect version for the gardener. But what to do when the terrain allotted for landing, inclined? Gardeners are forced to create a bedding on the slopes of garden sites of various levels of flights, resorting to various tricks against the flushing of the fertile soil layer and the subsequent death of cultivated plants.

The plot on the slope is not a serious obstacle to growing herbaceous crops. Do not need to be doubted if your gardenlocated under the ten-degree inclination, as this is a permissible landing limit. Plants planted on the slopes do not have a deficit of moisture, because they are watered easier: the watering water is faster down in a breakyard. On the garden slopes, many gardeners grow flowers, which is a very successful solution.

Rights of the terrain are classified by three types:
Songs slopes: the distance from the top to the lower point of the site per meter of the slope is less than 30 cm.
The slopes of the average subtleness: the slope of the site is from 25 to 28 degrees.
Cool slopes: The angle of inclination of the site exceeds 30 degrees.

In the presence of ledges on the inclined site, it is necessary to equip the drainage system so that there is the possibility of the possibility of an excessive water from among the sediment, melt or watering.

With the average subtleness, the site is not bad to strengthen. To do this, it is enough to sing all its inclined territory by Moorish lawn, that is, seeds of grassy plants with a very branched root system to strengthen the soil and prevent its erosion. Among such plants, meadow fisinage, buttercup, daisy, clover are especially common. For landing of the refined, more ornamental plants of the soil is not enough, geology is required, which must be put in the desired place, close the ground and plant plants in the cell specifically provided for this purpose.

On very steep slopes, it is almost impossible to equip neither the beds or flower flower beds. Such soil is subject to rapid natural erosion. To save it and make a plant suitable for growing, it is required to make terraceing.

Beds on the slope - Sadurad

But it is not necessary to dig the platforms in the slopes at all, but to fall asleep the ground from the inside of the fences prepared in advance. For herbaceous plants and vegetable crops, wicker, for example, from the vine or structured from wooden boards or from the slate fence, within which the land is poured for leveling the soil level.

If the whole garden has to be organized on ... collect greenhouseIn this case there are your wisdom. Even the coolest mountain slopes can strengthen trees with their strong roots. In the garden plot, it is quite possible to use this property of trees to strengthen the soil throughout the perimeter. Unfortunately, not all decorative types of trees or shrubs are able to play such a role. If the slope is very cool, you can try to make landscape changes to it.

We will need wide terraces for planting trees, which are planted on the slope not otherwise as in specially built ledges with a solid stone support under them.

For fences of garden landings, very durable materials are usually chosen. Most often it is a natural stone or a brick, fastened by the cement. This is done because wooden obstacles over time are broken by the strong roots of garden trees, and the stone or brick for them is irresistible, and therefore will not be subject to natural destruction.

The cooler, wider terraces, the more garden trees on the ledges, the higher the constructed fences should be. Trees are planted with strict observance of the distance required by all the rules from one seedling to another. If wood seedlings are planned relatively slightly, and the rest of the slope will fill the flower garden, then for it there are enough narrow stepped terraces with a width of no more than two meters.

Some plots are pronounced pronounced area drops. The hosts do not always understand how rationally can use such territory. Most often, the slopes are not addressed and overlapping weeds, sometimes they are sown with a lawn meadow. Although the soil on the slopes can be fertile, and vegetables can be grown on it. The slope can be an alternative solution with increasing the number of landing beds and expanding the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe garden area. The barriers made from slate, inside which the earth is filled within which the earth is filled. Slane walls are very fragile, so the high terraces erect is not recommended to avoid their destruction. The permissible height of the ledges is up to 0.5 meters.

Steps are most reliable from the shoulder, which is the most suitable material for fences. But it should be regularly maintained in a functional state. To limit not very high ledges along the slope, you can put a bricna, if, of course, the slope is sloping.

Vegetable ridges are best equipped on the slope in the form of steps, regardless of the level of subtlety section. Vertical garden will succeed on a cloth cooler at a 45-degree slope if it is located on narrow steps with a stone or brick fence. Spicy plants on such terraces grow will also work out.

But in any case, no matter how much the slope of the site is most functional, you should not neglect the rules of planting plants and cultures: the distance between them and the track (or the staircase) should be no less than the elongated hand of an adult.

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The yield of plants depends not only on the time of disembarking seeds, their germination, but also landing sites and the height of the mound. We hope our tips on the construction of beds in the country will be useful not only to novice gardens.

Choosing a place

Some vegetable crops, for example, peas, dill, sorrel, salad, are capable of growing in a half. But most plant species are not able to completely ripen with a lack of light.

Therefore, when placing a garden in the garden plot, first of all, they are guided by their illumination - it is desirable that they would be launched by the Sun from the early morning to 6-7 pm.

Decorative garden landing

When choosing a landing room, the following requirements must also be taken into account:

Do not land plants in lowlands or on the northern slopes, where the soil freezes deeper than on flat sites; yield in these places will be low; Plus water in this place will be constantly stagnant, which can lead to reincliner

The plot should not have a strong slope, otherwise the water during watering will be simply string with it, and the plants will not be moisture

Next to the landings should not be large trees, buildings and fences capable of shading plants

Have them preferably north to south so that during the day they were evenly illuminated by the sun

For the cultivation of vegetables for a family of 3-4 people, about 1 weave is enough; The rest of the territory can be plated potatoes, berry cultures and flowers

So that the Melinka looked neatly, try to make the "right" beds of the same width and length; Standard dimensions - 3.5x0.8 m

Do not forget about the compatibility of plants: some of them do badly get along with each other


In principle, you can make a bed of any length - up to 10 m. Agree, such beds look original. But constantly bypassing them with watering is very uncomfortable. It is better to prepare an embankment with a length of 3.5-4 m. This size is considered optimal. Or break a long bed for two with a small track. By this, you will substantially facilitate yourself movement on the site.

Standard width of 0.8 m. Do not save space (!) And in no case do not make it wider. Maybe you will be able to reach the center of the bed when landing and scattering seeds, but the buyer will turn into real torment. Do not believe? Spend an experiment and prepare a small but wide mound. Believe me, the next year, the desire to make the beds of such sizes you will disappear.

The more compact option, the width of only 0.45 m, is done for carrots. This culture does not like thickened landings - sprouts should be well blowing. For the same reason, try not to have tall plants adjacent to carrots. Otherwise, you significantly reduce its yield. On thickened landings, she will grown shallow.

Form and height

Making up a plot, we can decorate it with beds of different shapes, from standard rectangular to triangular, trapezoidal or oval. Ideas for unusual beds in the network abound. The main thing is that it is convenient to fit with any of the sides for watering and weeding.

The height of the mound depends on many factors, including the type of site. In most cases, they are sufficient to raise up to 35-50 cm. This will be enough so that the roots of the plants are not discharged. Too high beds - up to 0.8 m - usually do in very wetlands.

But such structures are very laborious. Plus, they will need to get to the site at least a pair of kamaz fertile soil. For one small garden, it will be needed at least half a black.

Often the rise of the beds is required for the cultivation of thermal-loving crops, for example, cucumbers. After all, at high beds, the Earth warms up much faster. It is often impossible to get an early harvest without it.

Raise beds sometimes and just for your own convenience

Care for plants in this case is much easier. Consider only, in the garden beds, the Earth dries much faster, so watering plants will have more often. Experts advise lift the landing place and in the shade areas. The optimal height of the mound in this case is 50 cm.

So that when watering the water does not roll on the track, the garden should be slightly concave inward.

Arrangement of high garden

The box for it can be made of remedies: boards, plastic, metal or stones:

It is better to put a metal grid to the bottom - it will protect the plants from the ubiquitous rodents.

The drainage uses crushed stone, clayjit or broken brick. The thickness of such a layer is 10-15 cm.

Prepared primer is better to handle in advance to means from pathogenic microbes and pest insects. If you do not want to use chemistry, mix the ground with a small amount of wood ash - it will protect the plants from malicious bacteria.

Filling the Groatka to fill in the garden on the very sterns - it will constantly get enough sleep on the track. It is necessary to leave about 5 cm.


When the site is located in a lowland or swampy terrain, many species of cultures grow on it becomes a problem. Vegetables and berries on it if they are matured, then due to excess moisture quickly deteriorate during storage.

Their taste changes - the sugar in them is accumulated much less. So that this does not happen, take care of the drainage of the wetland.

Most gardeners know that cabbage, melting crops, zucchini and cucumbers require more moisture for growing than other cultures. But it turns out that the massive heads of garlic can also be used only in areas rich in moisture. On dry earth, even with abundant irrigation, it is rarely large.

For the above plants, the drainage is not required (if, of course, stagnation of water on the beds is insignificant). The territory for the cultivation of other crops is better to dry.

For the construction of multi-tiered beds, special boxes can be knocked down from the tree. Metal is extremely undesirable - it quickly heats up in the sun, and the earth will rear in them even faster. If there is a need for this, paint metal containers with light paint - light surfaces are heated less.

Often use for such designs and already ready-made boxes, racks or containers of suitable size. You can place on the shelves and large containers filled with the Earth.

Lazy Grokery

Such mounds are used when planting a large number of plants. They have a small height and externally represent bulk trapecies without the use of the box. True, such a mound will have to do every season - in winter they are falling.

Do in the area of \u200b\u200bthe walkway shallow ditch, leaking the land on the ridge. Cross the ground with robbles. Groke is ready.

Repeat - the land of the land on the site, the less must be the height of the mound. On the swamp plots, drip the tracks as closely and make a bed higher. There is no need to do this on the sandy soil - it's not necessary to do this - just well protester the walks of the tracks in a sunpathy land, so placing the location of the tracks.

Box for beds

The decorative option limited by the box is a favorite reception of many gardeners. After all, the care of them (watering and weeding) is greatly simplified. The use of boxes is a good way to protect the soil. In addition, the tracks between them will always be clean, without flops and puddle.

As a rule, paths are closed with wood, tiled or concrete, so that the grass can not break through the ground.

Before starting to install the box, the location for the bed must be prepared - to the ground, carefully deleting all weeds. Thoroughly align it with robbles so that water when watering or rain can be evenly distributed over the entire surface.

When speculating, it is necessary to capture a plot of a little more. Otherwise, the roots of perennial plants will again break through from under the ground. Capture them from under the box will be problematic. The launched plot is better to overoperate twice in spring and autumn.

It is simply unreal at once to get rid of the roots of perennial plants. To facilitate the work, simply turn the dend shovel so that the roots of the plants are located above the ground. Gradually, they themselves dried under the rays of the sun and perished.

Pile of wood

Pile of wood

The simplest wooden box is collected from 4 long and 8 short suitable boards. They are connected in pairs with the help of bars. Milking, self-tapping screws and metal corners are used as fasteners.

You will also need 4 caviar or trimming of the armature with a length of 0.6 m - they are driven into the ground from the outside to enhance the strength of the structure. So that the garden turns out perfectly smooth, its walls are evaporated with a building level horizontally and vertical.

Stone or concrete box

Stone or concrete box

Such structures are characterized by high strength and long service life. However, they will be expensive.

Plus, the procedure for their erection requires a lot of time. Yes, and transfer the garden will be a serious problem - the design will have to be broken.

Metal boxes

Metal boxes

If there is a throw metal at hand, you can make the beds from it. Such structures have a small weight and if desired, they can be easily transferred to another place. They are easy to paint into any colors, so it looks quite decorative.

However, to create such products requires the ability to work with the welding machine. It is possible to cut the metal in the nearest method of receiving scrap metal.

Fencing from slate

Fencing from slate

He is enough to racks to rot, even being buried to the ground and is able to stop a lot.

The disadvantages of slate structures include increased fragility - with their assembly and cutting, high accuracy and accuracy are required.

Plastic structures

Plastic structures

If you have several plastic panels left after repair, you can make a fence from it. Bright, they are beneficial on the background of plants.

Moreover, the plastic is able to fly in the ground infinitely long - it is not afraid of the impact of moisture. However, under the bright rays of the Sun, this material quickly burns out and loses color.


Creation takes away from dacniki often a lot of time. If the plot is large, it turns into a serious problem. In the garden, you just have to ride and spend the night.

To reduce the time spent on endless weeding, prepare the so-called smart beds. The principle of their manufacture is simple. To protect plants from weeds after landing, cover the gaps between the sprouts of sawdust, a cheese, straw or dried last year's foliage of trees.

Mulch the soil and with a dark film shelter. It is spread before planting, pulling small holes for plants. Transparent film for these purposes is not suitable - weeds when accessing light will continue to develop.

It is proved that mulching is essential (almost 30%) raises yield

After all, the closure of the upper layer of the soil protects against the weathered of the fertile layer and the rapid dryness. Plus, useful microorganisms and rainworms under the layer of organic substances are swapped.

With this method, it is possible to quickly put in order even abandoned areas - it is enough to hide for a couple of years overgrown with weeds with mulch.

Unfortunately, in the wetlands, mulching often leads to a sad result - the shelter of the soil leads to the stroke of water on the beds, and as a result, planting plants. But in this case, mulching can be useful.

The only difference is to cover the Earth for the winter and early spring should not. Wait until the earth will dry well.

Do not use mulch in rainy seasons. If the summer was hot, with the help of mulch you get rid of not only from weeding, but also a frequent watering. Moisture under it will evaporate much slower. In the wet areas, be sure to prepare the drainage to the perimeter of the beds to lead it excess.

Warm beds

It's not so easy to achieve an early harvest in our climate. At the very first return freezers, gentle sprouts landed in open ground will simply perish. The surviving plants will be stale and sick. The ideal way out for growing in this case is warm beds.

They can be used for many types of cultures: the first greens and radish, thermo-loving cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, eggplants, tomatoes, etc.

Consider the basic rules for creating warm beds and methods of growing each of the cultures:

They can rise above the ground or, on the contrary, to be constructed below the level of soil.

In the ground they plunge no more than 0.5 m. This is quite enough to protect the sprouts from spring frosts. With greater depth, the plants will be in the shade and will be pulled out.

Raise them to a height of 0.5-1 m. In principle, they can be made above - the care is only simplified.

The first laid the drainage layer of fine rubble and sand. You can replace it with a broken brick, but learn that over time, this material under the influence of moisture is able to decompose.

The next layer is vegetable waste. The heat released during their rotting will serve as a natural heated. Prepare such a bed better from autumn, during the harvest assembly. As a "warm layer", it is possible to use cut-off tops or any weed grass left after weeding. The most important thing is that she does not have time to form seeds.

For cucumbers, pumpkins and zucchini as a warm layer, manure uses more often. Upon overheating, it heats up much stronger. In the same cultures as tomatoes, manure, as well as pure humus, contraindicated. Plants on it will only build up a green mass. Yield on the manure you can simply do not wait - the wounds will immediately be down. Therefore, to warm up a tomato, use conventional vegetable waste.

The last layer is a fertile land. Its poured with a thickness of at least 30 cm.

Beginning gardeners sometimes complain that the neighbors yields on warm beds are high, and for some reason they do not grow anything. Indeed, if the layer of grass or manure is only a little "impoverish" the earth, the roots of the plant will simply be impossible to strengthen it. Yes, and food for sprouts will be clearly not enough. Peeping plants serve only a layer of insulation. Therefore, without a solid layer of land, the harvest you will not achieve.

Next, arcs are placed over the bed, which are tightly tightening. Purchase material type of spunbond (agrofiber) is not necessary for these purposes. It can be spread directly to the ground in the case of return freezers or use as an additional shelter. Unlike polyethylene, agriched has many holes through which precious heat will freely go out.

Such a bed "works" about 4 years. After its complete exhaustion, they prepare a new one, and the recoverable plants are used as a fertilizer when the beds are loosening. The first two years on a warm garden, the hottest cultures are planted - cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, eggplants, etc.

On the third or fourth year, any garden crops can be placed in this place - from carrots, beets, onions to potatoes.

When heat occurs, the polyethylene film in the daytime is leaning off from two sides so that the plants blow a little. Otherwise, they simply "burn out" from the heat. At night, the plants are completely covered with film.

See also:

Tracks between the Grokeok.

French way to landing cultures

French option - One of the ways to decorate the site. Unlike traditional planting methods, such a garden always has a strictly symmetrical form. And absolutely not necessarily make the beds are rectangular. They may have the shape of rhombuses, ovals or semi-rises, etc. The most important thing is that each of the segments is strictly symmetrical in neighboring.

As a rule, for the convenience of cultures of cultures, French beds are placed at a certain height.
It is desirable (but not necessary) planting plants is also symmetrically. For example, radishes are located on the edge of all the beds, in the center - salad, and from the other edge - a red cabbage.

How to build universal warm beds

How to make and arrange beautiful beds at your own hands: Simple, high, smart. For flowers and vegetables. Original ideas (80+ photos & video)