Casserole of grated potatoes with cabbage. Recipes of cabbage casserole

Honestly confess, Culinary I am no. I would be easier, yes quickly. Issists are not preparing, except that for the new year, or another, which is a grand festival. For example, on the anniversary of our wedding with her husband. On the eve of the entire Internet on the search for new salads.

My son, who works as a chef in the Italian restaurant, was trying to teach me many times to teach me something like. Nothing happened, well, not mine it! Lazy I am also.

For delights, certain products are needed, often exotic and expensive, and our finances do not allow. Therefore, you have to go out and prepare from the fact that at hand. Most often, what is our hand? Vegetables arms, worker-peasant. This time, I had a small choice at all. Without thinking, I decided to prepare a potato casserole with a cabbage, I still had mushrooms.

Budgetary, so (especially if mushrooms exclude) and quickly, and besides deliciously.


Potatoes - 8 pcs.
Cabbage - a quarter of a small Kochan
Onions - 1 pc. (optional)
Mushrooms 150 gr. (I had osphores)
Seasoning for potatoes (optional)
Egg - 1 pc.
Vegetable oil for lubrication shape and roasting mushrooms.

Cabbage finely chopping. Onions finely cut.

Mushrooms chop up, salt to taste, fry.

Potatoes clean, rinse under running water, rub on a large grater.

Stay in a large cup, salt, merge, add egg and seasoning, chopped onions, mix thoroughly.

To the silicone shape, lay a layer of potatoes with a bow, on top of a chicken cabbage (a cappiness is pre-cabbage and a slightly mocking with hands), mixed with fried mushrooms. The final layer will be potatoes.
Put in a preheated oven, bake at 200 degrees, 40-45 minutes.

Only, do not strive to the sneakers and do not say "she lived to old age, but we share such nonsense, we ourselves with a mustache, we know how we know, we can." I know, you can ... Apagavar?

By the way, my daughter bakes awesome cakes, I'm in shock. He himself never baked, I do not know how, and I do not want. What fright is she better than me culinary? In general, the children surpassed me in the kitchen. But isn't it my merit? It can be seen so badly, I fed them, that they themselves took the kitchen accessories and ahead with Phenev to prepare themselves yummy.

Step 1: Prepare vegetables.

First of all, with the help of a sharp kitchen knife, we clean from the peel, the vegetables indicated in the recipe, and with the cabbage leaves remove the top, almost always damaged leaves. After that, these ingredients are thoroughly rinsed, by dry paper kitchen towels, lay out on a cutting board and continue the preparation. Each potato tuber is divided into large slices with a size of 3 to 4 centimeters, we ship into a deep pan, pour the purified water and put on the middle fire.

Cabbage shining straw thick 1 centimeter.

Carrots grind on a large or medium grater.

Cups are hitting up to 5-6 millimeters.

Step 2: Cook potatoes.

When water in a saucepan with potatoes boils, with the help of a noise, we remove a white foam with a smoking liquid surface. After that, we interfere with the time and cook this product until full readiness is about 20-25 minutesAlthough the duration may vary depending on the size of the cutting, as well as varieties. It is better to periodically pierce the vegetable by the teeth of the dining force, if they enter smoothly, without pressure - ready! We cover the saucepan with a lid, so that a small gap remains, and holding it with a kitchen towel, we drain completely all the hot liquid in the sink without a residue.

Step 3: Prepare potato mashed potatoes.

Now, using a specially pusher, smear the potatoes to a homogeneous loose consistency without lumps. We add sour cream in the resulting puree, a raw chicken egg, to taste salt and at the request of some black ground pepper. We thoroughly mix all the tablespoon to a homogeneous consistency, cover the saucepan with a lid, put on the side and go further.

Step 4: Tow onions, carrots and cabbage.

Simultaneously with cooking potatoes, a vegetable filling can be prepared. We put on the adjacent burner with a big opponent frying pan and pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil there. Literally after a few minutes I lower the carrots and onions. Fry them 2-3 minutes, constantly stirring with wooden kitchen blades. Then add cabbage to these vegetables, sprinkle everything to taste and cook 5 minutes, periodically bursting to a homogeneous consistency.

After that, we reduce the fire at the level between the smallest and middle. Then we pour a glass of purified water to the frying pan, we cover the hot dishes with a lid and wearing a mixture to the softness of all the components, this will go about it 20-25 minutes.

As soon as the cabbage is ready, season it is tomato paste, black with ground pepper, mix everything again, withstand on the stove yet 5-6 minutes And move the sideline, let me cool a little cool.

Step 5: We form potato casserole with cabbage.

Meanwhile, we turn on and warming up oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Next, we take the opponent or heat-resistant form for baking, with the help of a bakery brush, we lubricate it with the bottom, as well as the inner sides of the side of the sides with vegetable oil and perturb the fat with two tablespoons of breading superstars. Then we divide the puree to 2 equal in the size of the part, one of them immediately lay out the dishes prepared for the baking and slightly tamper the tablespoon throughout the perimeter. From above on a yellowish-white mass we distribute all the vegetable filling, covering it with a potato mixture, slightly indulgent, so that it lay exactly, and proceed to the next, almost final step.

Step 6: Bake the potato casserole with cabbage.

We put the formed dish in the oven preheated to the desired temperature on the middle rack and baked it 25-30 minutesduring which it will have time to be twisted and reach fully readiness. Then we put in the hands of kitchen tags, we move the shape on the cutting board, pre-laid on the worktop, and we give a fragrant drum slightly cool.

After that, helping the metal kitchen blade, we divide the potato casserole with the cabbage on the portion, distribute them to the plates and try the creation of your golden handles!

Step 7: Feed a potato casserole with cabbage.

Potato casserole with cabbage is served hot or warm as the second main dish or side dish to eat meat, poultry, fish and even game. As a supplement to this yummy, it is possible to offer sour cream, marinades, pickles, fresh vegetable salads, tomato-based sauces or dairy products. Preparing with pleasure and be healthy!
Bon Appetit!

Want to cook lean potato casserole? In this case, the cabbage can simply boil or disappear or still fry on vegetable oil, and to do a potato mashed potatoes on the water, in which this vegetable was cooked and instead of an egg with sour cream add a pair of cutlery beds of sifted wheat flour into it;

Before baking, the formed dish can be lubricated by sour cream, cream or mayonnaise and sprinkled with breadcrumbs or crushed solid cheese;

During the preparation of this dish, any spices and dried herbs can be used, which are seasoning with vegetables eats;

Tomato, onions and carrots are not fundamental ingredients, you can prepare a dish without them (especially if you are a nursing mom or have problems with the stomach), just put the cabbage on the water together with the spices and, at will, give it an acidic taste with a canteen or wine vinegar, although lemon Juice is also suitable.

how easily prepare potato casserole? And got the best answer

Answer from ўlia [Guru]
Make potato mashed potatoes and put in the form for baking half of the portion. Then sliced \u200b\u200bham and smoked sausage cheese, and from above the second half of the puree, lubricate with sour cream or mayonnaise, so that the ruddy crust turns out. Bake in the oven.

Answer from Anatolya.[guru]
it is easily possible, for example, without oil, just in a hot frying -)

Answer from Mikhail Shcherbakov[active]
Cooking cleaned potatoes, make mashed potatoes, add everything to taste, put the puree into the shape and bake in the oven.

Answer from Galina Zingovatova[guru]
Potato casserole with meat,
In the fiberglass hot boiled potatoes add hot milk, raw eggs, salt, melted oil and mix well.
(1 kg of potatoes, 2 eggs, 1 cup of milk, 3 tbsp. Spoons of oil, salt to taste.).
For minced meat: 250 g meat, 2-3 bulbs, 3 tbsp. l. Fat, 50 g of trash cheese, 1 tbsp. l. Suharai, salt and pepper.
Separating half the puree, put it with a smooth layer on the pan, lubricated with oil and rubbed with breadcrumbs with coarse cheese. From above on this layer put meat minced meat, on it, the remaining mashed potatoes, to dissolve, lubricate the egg and bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes.
For the preparation of minced meat can be used any meat (beef, veal, pork, house. Bird), as well as the liver, heart. Berenny or stew meat through the meat grinder or finely cut, add a parse onion, salt, pepper and mix everything.
On the broth obtained during cooking meat, you can cook tomato sauce with which you can pour the casserole.

Answer from[guru]
There is a recipe.

Answer from For_liliy[guru]
Potato casserole with cabbage
1-1.2 kg of potatoes, 300 g of white-born cabbage, 1 small carrot, 1 small head of the reptile bow, 3 tbsp. l. Tomato paste, 2 tbsp. l. refined vegetable oil, 4 tbsp. l. Sunflower oil, 1 tbsp. l. Bread crumbs, salt - to taste.
Cabbage and onions chuck with straw, carrot grate on a large grater, add everything into a deep pan, add 1 cup of hot water and stew under the lid on a moderate heat for 30 minutes, pouring hot water, if the old pumps, and stirring periodically. Then add a tomato paste into the cabbage, refined vegetable oil, salt and stew for another 15 minutes. Potatoes clean, omit in boiling salted water and boil until readiness. Water to merge, potatoes immediately crowded, adding 2 tbsp. Spoons of sunflower oil. Baking shape Sprinkle with breadcrumbs. On the bottom of the shape to the smooth layer, laying half of the potato masses, on top of it evenly distribute the cabbage filling, to cover the layer of the remaining potato on top of it. The surface is to dissolve, lubricate the remaining sunflower oil and put an oven in a heated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes.
Potato casserole with sausage in Russian
800 g boiled potatoes,
100 g fat,
2 eggs,
300 g hunting or other smoked sausage,
2 tbsp. spoons of grated cheese,
Cooked in mundair potatoes clean and grate on a chip. Separate egg yolks from proteins. Cut the sausage with mugs or straw. Half fat mix with yolks, add salt, potatoes and whipped proteins. In a lubricated fat and twisted, the shape of half the prepared mass, then a layer of finely chopped sausages and the rest of the mass. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and grated cheese on top, put the oil lumps. Bake in the oven. Serve with sour cream or sauce, on a garnish - salad.

Answer from Nata Bocharova.[guru]
chop meat, fried mushrooms, mashed potatoes all layers and pour sour cream 30 minutes in the oven

Answer from Vasya[guru]
Potato casserole. Boil potatoes in the peel, cool, clean, cut along the pieces of 5 mm thick. Put into the form of a layer, on top of the filling (you can make minced meat with a fried onion, or a mushroom stuffing), top of the potato layer. Fill with sauce (1 egg, sour cream, mayonnaise, salt, peep, add spices, beat everything), sprinkle with grated cheese top. Put in the oven for baking. Bon Appetit.

Answer from Olga Karabashin[guru]
Make a mashed potatoes, mix with flour, put one layer on Protvin, on it meat (fried with onion) minced meat, top of the second layer of potatoes, lubricate from above mayonnaise or butter and put in the oven for half an hour. Serve with sour cream.

Answer from Inola Koshkina[guru]
I do it. I cook potato mashed potatoes, I do not add milk. How my grandmother loved to say (culinary from God), the most delicious puree is made on the water in which potatoes were cooked.
Stuffing: Frying onions in a frying pan, add any mince, spices and carcass almost until readiness.
I lay out half the puree, mince, the second half of my puree, lubricate the egg and in the oven for 20 minutes.
Served with sour cream. Bon Appetit.

Answer from Sweet Cherry *[guru]
Potato casserole
Products: 5 large potatoes, studed and cut on 8 parts each, 2.5 tbsp. Water for cooking potatoes (625 ml), 5 eggs, 1/4 h. l. Ground saffron, salt and black pepper to taste, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil for roasting, heat-resistant baking tray measuring 20x10 cm.
Method of preparation 1. Heat the oven to the average temperature. 2. Cook potatoes in a large saucepan with water until readiness, but should be followed so as not to boil. 3. Carefully jumped the water, shift in a bowl and prepare a homogeneous puree. 4. Add eggs, fuel salt, pepper, saffron and all thoroughly mix. 5. Pour oil into the tray, spread the mixture and roast on fire for about 5. 6. We rearrange the casserole into the oven and the oven for 40 minutes.

Capping casserole - several species

If you like cabbage and dishes from it, then several cabbage casserole recipes can always come in handy. I think that you will like the selection of recipes, which I suggest and you will use it and take to your piggy bank. I wish you a successful cooking and pleasant appetite!

Cabbage casserole with minced meat

Ingredients: Cabbage - 700 g, mince (any) - 500 g, onions - 1 -2 pcs., Carrot - 1 - 2 pcs., Sour cream - 500 g, Cheese (solid) - 200 g, salt, pepper - to taste, vegetable Oil - for frying.


Onions finely crumble. Carrot grate on medium grater. Cabbage finely chopping. In one pan on vegetable oil, fry onions, in another carrot.

Add minced bows, salt, pepper, fry 15 - 20 minutes.

To the carrots add a cabbage, salute a little, stew under the lid until readiness (about 15 to 20 minutes).

To put half the cabbage, to dissolve, lubricate the sour cream. Then lay out all the mince, to dissolve, lubricate the sour cream. To put the remaining cabbage to mince, lubricate sour cream, sprinkle with cheese. From above can fill with gravy: mix the sour cream with 2 eggs, slightly slide and lubricate the layers with this mixture.

Bake at 180s for 25 to 30 minutes. If you wish, you can taste to diversify this dish by adding various additional components. For example, to the cabbage chopping sweet pepper, tomatoes or to mince. Add mushrooms. The ready-made casserole is cool, and cut on portions.

Casserole from cabbage

Ingredients: to belococcal aposa - 500 r, egg - 2 pcs., Carrot - 1 pc., Milk - 150 ml, salt, pepper - to taste, onions - 1 pc., Butter - 70


Cabbage washed and finely chop. Cutting carrots on a large grater, onion cut into semir rings. Pour the floor of a glass of water, cover with a lid and tomorrow 10 for about 10 minutes until the liquid evaporates. Add butter and fry to golden color, add salt, pepper to taste.

Fry cabbage to shift in a refractory dish.

Connect milk, eggs, salt, pepper and shake the fork.

Pour a cabbage egg-milk mixture and put an oven for 20 to 25 minutes to 20 ° C reduced.

Potato - cabbage casserole

Ingredients: cabbage white - 100 g, potatoes - 6 pcs., Garlic - 3 teeth., Shrimps - 200 g, pepper - 1 tsp, Salt - 1 tsp, Egg - 1 pc., breadcrumbs - 50 g , Solid cheese - 200 g, butter - 100 g, onions - 1 pc., Milk -1 stack.


Prepare shrimps: pour them with boiling water, give them to stand while they are cool. Then remove the tails, and to merge water.

Cabbage and onions finely cut. Clear potatoes, rinse and then cut into very thin circles or grate on a large grater.

In a cup of hammer egg, add milk. In a major grater, grate cheese.

Cream oil lubricate the heat-resistant dishes or a baking sheet, pour breadcrumbs.

Potatoes mix with cabbage and egg, add milk, sprinkle half pasta cheese, pepper and salt, mix everything well.

Half the mixture to lay out on the tray, to put shrimps here and cover the residues of the mixture. The rest of the grated cheese sprinkle the casserole, put in a preheated oven, bake 40 - 50 minutes with a closed lid (temperature180c). After set the lid and bake for another ten minutes.

Casserole get and decompose on plates. It is possible to serve this dish with tomatoes or salty cucumbers.

Cabbage casserole with egg fill

Ingredients: white cabbage - 1 kg, butter - 200 g, milk and semolina - 1 stack., Egg - 2 pcs., Pepper, salt to taste.


Manya grind mixed with milk.

Cabbage is crushed, remember her hands and salt.

Melt the creamy oil, pour into a mixture of dish and milk, mix, drive eggs, mix again, pepper, salt and add to the cabbage.

Grease the oil shape for baking, laying the mixture into the form, bake in a heated to 220 - 250 ° C overtook, about half an hour.

Cash casserole with cottage cheese

Ingredients: Cottage cheese - 250 g, cheese - 150 g, butter - 50 g, eggs - 4 pcs., Garlic - 4 teeth., Milk - 1.5 stack., Onions - 1 pc., Cabbage - 0.5 Kochan Flour - 2 tbsp. l., Starch - 1 tbsp. l, dill seeds, cumin, black pepper, salt - to taste


In the pan, melt a third of butter, pour flour, fry, gradually pour milk and peel to thickening (Beshamel sauce).

Seagolts cut onions, grind garlic, fry on the remaining oil.

Cabbage is choking fine, add to the bow, to write until soft, season with dill, tmin, pepper and salt.

In the cooled sauce introduce egg yolks, beat, introduce neatly separately whipped proteins, starch and mix. Cabbage add cottage cheese and half grated cheese, mix.

To put the cabin-curd mass in the form of casserole, to pour out the sauce, sprinkle with the remaining cheese, cook in heated to 180s oven 45 minutes before shutting the cheese.

Bon Appetit!