Nautilus I dreamed that Christ was risen. Why do you dream about Jesus Christ? Interpretation

Spring dream book

Resurrection of Christ - Seeing the resurrection of Christ in a dream means salvation from death.

Why do you dream about the resurrection of Christ?

Summer dream book

Resurrection of Christ - Anything can happen in a dream. It is possible that you will see in a dream everything connected with the resurrection of the Lord, which means that you are enjoying the special mercy of God. He loves you.

Why do you dream about the resurrection of Christ?

Autumn dream book

Resurrection of Christ (Easter) - To unexpected joy.

Dreaming of Resurrection (rebirth) - A happy turn, a qualitatively new period of life; a spiritual breakthrough in consciousness, this is the interpretation of the Resurrection of Christ according to the dream book.

Why do you dream about the resurrection of Christ?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Resurrection - Dying and being resurrected in a dream - news (happy turn in life), road. Seeing the resurrection from the dead in a dream is something good (improving life circumstances).

Why do you dream about the resurrection of Christ?

Ukrainian dream book

Resurrection (from the dead) – To rise from the dead - meetings with relatives.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday

A dream with pleasant images is considered a good sign. It promises joy from successful changes in life and travel. A monotonous dream that could not be remembered in detail indicates the low social activity of the sleeper. Predictions come true on the coming Friday or Saturday.

2 lunar day

A dream is usually informative: its details may hide advice, warnings, or the right path to solving a problem. Be careful with its interpretation: there is a risk of mistaking false information for true.

Waxing Crescent

The dream speaks of new turns of events that will soon occur. It indicates areas of life and issues that need to be addressed in the near future. Dreams on the waxing Moon are prophetic.

Every interpreter can tell you what Jesus Christ dreams about. Most of them explain this vision positively. However, now I would like to pay attention to both positive predictions and not the best interpretations.

Modern dream book

If you want to know what Jesus Christ dreams about, then you should turn to this interpreter. If you believe him, then this is a favorable sign, indicating that a person will soon find help where he did not expect to find it at all. And after that all his troubles will go away, as if by themselves.

But if a person felt bad because of the vision, then it immediately takes on a different meaning. The dream is considered a sign indicating that a person may need to think carefully before sacrificing himself (in the figurative sense of the word). Maybe he made some risky decision that will require him to further give up something that the dreamer values, or restrictions. In any case, you need to think carefully about everything again.

But if in a vision a person glorified Christ, then respect and honor await him. Was Jesus resurrected in a dream? This marks the beginning of a period of life in which luck will always be on a person’s side.

Noble interpreter

It would also be a good idea to look through this book if you are interested in what Jesus Christ dreams about. Did the person hear his voice? This is a warning that tries to warn the dreamer against making a big mistake or mistake. The same thing, by the way, means a vision in which a person saw the Son of God, or heard him pray.

Did Christ sit on the throne like a king? This means that soon a person’s conscience will begin to bother him. Did Jesus look suffering or beggarly? This indicates to the dreamer that he has completely forgotten about spiritual values. And in this case we mean not only religion.

But seeing Christ in the form of a baby is good. Such a dream personifies peace and quiet in the soul, hope and faith. Another good vision is the one in which Jesus walked on water. It promises joy, good luck and fulfillment of hopes.

Dream Interpretation of the White Mage

According to this book of interpretations, the appearance of the Son of God in a dream is a sign from above. Allegedly, the heavenly powers encourage a person’s life in every possible way, approving the path he has chosen.

Did Jesus smile? This marks the completion of a joyful event. And the business that a person has recently started will turn out to be winning and bear fruit. This is what Jesus Christ dreams about in this case.

The main thing is that he does not look stern or dissatisfied. Since this is considered a harbinger of unpleasant events for a person. He may soon have to face serious trials. If you manage to cope with problems and survive, then all the person’s sins will be forgiven. In any case, that's what the dream book says.

Did the Son of God say something in the vision? If yes, then you need to try not to forget a single word. Such visions are considered prophetic. They say that everything Jesus said in a dream soon comes true exactly.

Psychological book of interpretations

It describes in detail what Jesus Christ dreams of on the cross. If a person in a vision watched himself being crucified, it means that in reality he will have to sacrifice himself, regardless of his desire. Circumstances just happen that way. You can only console yourself with the fact that the sacrifice managed to benefit the one for whom it was made.

But worst of all is the dream in which a person took part in the crucifixion. Such a vision warns him of committing treason against those who are closest and dearest. He will decide on it for the sake of profit, which is why he will regret it later.

But this is not all that the image of Jesus Christ is about in dreams. If a person saw himself taking down the crucified Son of God from the cross, it means that in life he will have to take on the role of protector and comforter of the one for whom support will be most important.

Vanga's Dream Book

It would not be superfluous to study the predictions offered by this source. Why do you dream about Jesus Christ in heaven? If you believe Vanga’s interpreter, then this is a sign of happiness and deep spiritual transformation. Most likely, a person will rethink his life and values, come to the most important conclusions and conclusions that will help him find answers to many questions.

If the action occurred as if at night, you should be wary. It is generally accepted that it indicates a mistake recently made by a person.

But if in God’s grace you touched a person, there is no need to worry. Such a gesture is the personification of boundless courage and inner strength.

However, the best vision is the one in which Jesus was in the Orthodox Church. They say that such a dream portends relief. If a person is overcome by problems, then there is no need to worry - soon they will all be solved as if by themselves. This dream is also believed to bring good luck and success.

Interpreter of the medium Hasse

It is worth looking into it if you are interested in what you are dreaming about. Such a vision carries the most important sign, reflecting the need for support deeply felt by a person. If he needs help, then do not hesitate to ask for it. And refuse dating.

A vision in which a cracked or broken icon appears to a person is considered bad. This represents his waning self-confidence and personal abilities. Perhaps the reason for this was fears or concerns. If this is really the case, then it’s time to establish an internal dialogue in order to understand the reasons that gave rise to doubts and self-doubt.

But if in the dreamed icon Jesus was smiling, and the person, admiring it, enjoyed it, there is no need to worry. Such a vision promises good luck and success. Whatever a person undertakes in the near future, it will bring him joy and fruit.

Interpreter by psychologist A. Meneghetti

This book can tell you what Jesus Christ dreams about on earth. If he was in human form, that's good. Such a dream is considered a harbinger of imminent material well-being. The vision does not hint at a million falling from the sky. It only says that a person will become financially independent and will be able to satisfy all his needs and desires. However, it is possible that this will require a lot of work.

The main thing is that the Son of God does not look distorted and is not disfigured. Since such a vision, as a rule, personifies a person’s experiences on one issue or another and indicates that they really have ground. If he is really concerned about a certain situation, he needs to study it further. Maybe you will be able to find the answer to a question, or understand what exactly the key problem is.

But if a person notices Jesus Christ in the company of other divine faces, there is no need to worry. Such a vision personifies the dreamer’s developed spirituality and the correctness of his life intentions. If in a dream it seemed to a person that he and the Son of God were supposedly friends, it means that it would not hurt him to lower his ambitions. Such a vision indicates his excessive self-confidence, which can cause him to take on unbearable obligations.

According to Miller

Finally, is it worth looking into this Jesus Christ? If in the vision he was a child, but the sages worshiped him, it means that in real life the person will have a happy period that will last a very long time.

The Son of God in the dream was an adult and walked through the Garden of Gethsemane? This suggests that soon the dreamer’s soul will be filled with sadness. And to cope with it, a person will be ready to completely change his life.

If Jesus drove merchants out of the temple in a dream, or preached to sinners, it means that in reality the dreamer will win victory over his enemies. And all his efforts will be duly rewarded. A vision in which a person felt joy, calmness and peace is considered especially good. They say it promises the fulfillment of desires and the accomplishment of a grandiose long-awaited event.

In summary, I would like to note that this is not the entire list of existing interpretations. But even based on the examples considered, we can say that visions of the Son of God are truly significant and should not be ignored. Especially believers. Otherwise, you may miss an important message.

I dreamed that Christ was risen
And alive like you and me.
Walking, carrying an invisible weight,
And there are bandages on my hands.

Walks through extinct courtyards,
Desert cities
And the Word longs to speak to us,
But he can't find the words.


And I dreamed that He was alive.
And I dreamed that Christ was risen,
And I dreamed that He was alive.

I dreamed that he called me,
When I was looking for shelter.
And he accidentally dropped it,
That they will kill Him here.

I dreamed that He drank wine,
At the entrance with the punks
And they beat Him to death
Steel chain.

And I dreamed that Christ was risen,
And I dreamed that He was alive.
And I dreamed that Christ was risen,
And I dreamed that He was alive.

His last laugh sounded
Turning into a groan.
I dreamed that I was one of those
Who was he drinking with at the entrance?

I woke up and lit a cigarette
And stood in front of the window
And there was a whole empty world
One orphanage...

And I dreamed that Christ was risen,
And I dreamed that He was alive.
And I dreamed that Christ was risen,
And I dreamed that He was alive.

And I dreamed that Christ was risen,
And I dreamed that He was alive.
And I dreamed that Christ was risen,
And I dreamed that He was alive. I dreamed that Christ was resurrected
And live like you and me.
There is, carries the invisible weight,
A bandage on the hands.

It goes on extinct yards,
The desert cities
And he longs to utter the Word us
But he can't find the words.


And I dreamed that Christ is risen,
And I dreamed that he was alive.

I dreamed - he called me,
When I am looking for shelter.
And inadvertently I dropped,
What is his kill.

I dreamed that he drank wine,
At the entrance to the punks
And they beat him to death
Steel chains.

And I dreamed that Christ is risen,
And I dreamed that he was alive.
And I dreamed that Christ is risen,
And I dreamed that he was alive.

It sounded the last laugh,
Rolling in a groan.
I dreamed - I "m one of those,
Who drank in the stairwell he.

I woke up and lit
And stood in front of the window
And the whole world is empty
One orphanage...

And I dreamed that Christ is risen,
And I dreamed that he was alive.
And I dreamed that Christ is risen,
And I dreamed that he was alive.

And I dreamed that Christ is risen,
And I dreamed that he was alive.
And I dreamed that Christ is risen,
And I dreamed that he was alive.

I dreamed that Christ was risen
And alive, like you and me.
Walking, carrying an invisible weight,
And there are bandages on my hands.

Walks through extinct yards
Desert cities
And he longs to speak to us,
But he can't find the words.

And I dreamed that He was alive.

I dreamed that He called me,
When I was looking for shelter
And he accidentally dropped it,
That they would kill him here.

I dreamed that He was drinking wine
At the entrance with the punks
And they beat Him to death
Steel chain.

And I dreamed that Christ was risen,
And I dreamed that He was alive.

His last laugh sounded
Turning into a groan.
I dreamed I was one of those
Who was he drinking with at the entrance?

I woke up and lit a cigarette
And he stood in front of the window.
And there was a whole empty world
One orphanage.

And I dreamed that Christ was risen,
And I dreamed that He was alive.

(c) Nautilus Pompilius

Other articles in the literary diary:

  • 01.04.2010. And I dreamed that Christ was risen...

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You happened to see the face of Christ: heaven sends you a sign that should please you unspeakably: the heavenly powers encourage your life and hope that you will not turn away from the thorny path of virtue onto the high road of vice.

If Christ smiles at you in a dream, a joyful event will soon happen in your life, and the business that you started quite recently will bear rich fruits.

In any case, the dream suggests that heaven is pleased with you and you can expect God's blessings.

A dream in which you had the misfortune to see the stern face of Christ: foreshadows an unpleasant event for you.

It is also possible that this is a sign if Jesus Christ is talking to you: try not to forget a single word, because such a prophetic dream, and everything said by the son of man will come true exactly.

If you see how Christ is crucified: you will have to sacrifice yourself, whether you want it or not, this is how the circumstances will develop.

There is one consolation to take part in the crucifixion of Christ or the persecution of him: you will betray a loved one for your own benefit or out of fear for your own life.

In any case, your action will be unseemly and your conscience will torment you.

Taking down the crucified Christ from the cross: you will take on the role of comforter and protector of the suffering and unjustly offended.

You may face serious dangers in this field, but this will not stop you, and you will fulfill your duty to the end.

Seeing the baby Christ means that you will soon become imbued with a new, little-known idea and try to spread it among friends and acquaintances, but you will not find understanding, which will plunge you into deep despondency.

Don’t give up and see yourself as lame: in reality you don’t have a good relationship with your conscience, and it reminds you of itself from time to time, no matter how much you want to forget about it forever.

Understand that you can “dismiss” your conscience, but this is only a temporary measure if the pain in your leg haunts you, but despite physical suffering you are trying not to limp: in reality you will have to answer for your actions, but you will try to shift the blame to another person.

Nothing will work out for you, don’t get your hopes up if you see in a dream how one of your relatives or friends is limping: in real life, this person will try to make you a confidant and tell you about his worries that are connected with his, to put it mildly, not quite good deeds.

Try to cheer him up and set him on the path of correction to help a lame man walk: you will have to become a false witness.

Someone you know will persuade you to testify in his favor, and although you know perfectly well that this person is really guilty, friendly feelings will prevail, and you will commit a deliberate lie in order to save him.

Well, the choice, of course, is yours, but still you shouldn’t ruin his life with your “white lie.”

Impunity has not yet led anyone to the path of correction, and with your false testimony you will finally direct a person to the criminal path.

Think about it, and think about it seriously.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation - Christ

Man has his own universal path of becoming in reality. This image does not contribute to the process of self-creation, does not lead to obvious solar self-realization and, therefore, cannot be a symbol of human development or his prophet. The image of Christ means two negative aspects: firstly, the collapse of the individual’s life, and secondly, the damage caused to it by unquestioningly following the guidelines of the social “Super-Ego”. The image indicates a lose-lose situation for the subject, regardless of whether he is great, innocent, just, virtuous, compassionate, or a sincere believer.

Interpretation of dreams from