What to draw on the table at the cottage. Ideas for the garden do it yourself

Decoration of the household site is a creative process that allows you to relax from work in the garden and in the garden. The decorated area becomes a wonderful holiday destination for the owners of the cottages and their guests.

When I want something beautiful, but there is only an empty piece of earth with two old trees, it is not easy to decide what to do with this piece. The use of the skills of landscape design professionals is expensive. Does there really have a simple budget way to decorate the garden with rented materials? There is!

Rainbow in Rosary

It will take a small plot of land, ordinary stones and acrylic paint. In this case, as a test site, they are unsolicited by the remnants of the rosary.

By the way! Everything can be useful, for example, weaves, from which you can build a great track for children and adults. Better if the wood is dry. In any case, not wet.

This style of landscape design can be called "positivism". It will fit perfectly if you have children, you love flowers and think that summer is the time of bright colors.

Now it would be nice to mulch the well. But the mulch is not. But there are stones. Pebbles are in bed. It is quite possible to use how mulch. Around the trunk neatly lay out white small pebbles on the crumpled soil. The radius is about 15 cm. If they are not white, or in general, multi-colored, you can cut them right on the spot after laying acrylic white sprays.

Large stones will have to paint with a tassel. Two layers of paint (one, and when driving - the second) is quite enough. Stones do not necessarily dye from all sides - one of them will still lie on the ground.

Tip! Acrylic paints diliate half water, otherwise they will be too thick and slandered unevenly. In addition, so they are enough for a long time.

Jars with 200 ml paints are enough for about 60 major stones. Large stones painted in bright colors will serve edging for roses.

Green finish

After that, the most interesting begins. Around the pink bushes, on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author of the project, the emerald grass of the lawn will grow. This means that you will need something. Namely: sand or peat, humus, fertilizer for lawn, grass seeds.

It is best to search at once sports lawn, which has a minimum of four varieties of herbs. It is necessary to sow thick. Written on a box with seeds area for which seeds are designed, immediately multiply on two.

Tip! So that the lawn lay down exactly, and was homogeneous, the grass seeds are mixed with sawdust. With sand, it is not worth mixing, it is harder and homogeneous with light seeds will not give.

Before sowing the lawn, complete the laying of decorative pebbles around the white mulching pebbles. Stones in the soil do not need to be pressed, just put it on the surface. When the grass begins to grow up, she will slightly cover the pebbles.

Next to the pink bushes, lay out a path made of painted wooden sleeps. It is not necessary to do a solid track, enough "steps" so that you can walk or become on them to care for roses. While the young grass is growing up, it's not worth it to trample.

How to sow perfect lawn

  1. To prepare the soil, rub it with robbles, breaking all lumps.

  2. Then lay on the surface with a thin layer of humus (1 cm) and suck with sand mixed with peat (2 cm).
  3. Nutrient soil is not needed, as you have already laid a layer of humus under the future lawn. But for more effect, you can sprinkle the prepared platform for starting fertilizer for the lawn in granules.
  4. After that compact the soil. For this, it is not necessary for a special rink and even a big barrel. Two small sheets of plywood or any material on which you can stand enough. One sheet is put on, getting on it, glad to put the second, go to it. And so while the entire area does not compare.

  5. Now it is necessary to water the soil well and you can suck seeds. They should be dry. When buying pay attention to the date of the package, which stands on the box. It is desirable that it be no more than two years ago.
  6. Try to sow evenly in all directions. The thicker you seize, the more dense it will be the turf and above the stability of the lawn.

  7. Failure of seeds soil. A layer of 1 cm is sufficient. Watering with small sprinkles, so as not to blur the land.

Tip! If there is neither peat, nor sand, buy a construction sieve. Select a place in the garden with a dry soil and ask for it through the sieve. It turns out a great fridge.

If the invasion of birds is cool or expected at night, you can cover the crops of the film. Under the film warmer by 5-7 degrees, the seeds will go faster. Yes, and moisture required by seeds for punishing, in the shelter will continue better.

Tip! Ants from one anthill in a couple of hours can drain half of your fresh landing lawn. So that this does not happen, it is worth it to take care of anticipation of ants, as well as slugs that young grass will go with pleasure.

Now it remains only to wait for the flowering of roses and greenery. All the beauty is spent one weekend and minimum of money. Moreover, success is guaranteed, because there is nothing difficult in creating such a project. It looks very positive. Easy to care. Causes admiration for the neighbors and the stormy delight of the children.

Video - how to plant a lawn

Video - Decorative Painting Stones for Garden

Flower "Creek"

You have a country area, a vegetable garden, a garden, a beam flower bed, but something is missing. The soul asks beauty. Here, for example, make an artificial reservoir with your own hands. No, not a swimming pool, but at least a small pond, or streams. But it is so difficult! You need to dig a pit, carry cobblestones, buy a film or plastic container, mess with aquatic plants, acquire all sorts of mechanisms - filters, pumps. Think, beauty is simple? Still as happens! Easy way to acquire beauty without additional material and physical costs - streams of colors.

The floral stream is not even an element of landscape design, but a way. The non-traditional method of planting plants is not on the usual flowerbed, but in the form of a bitch arising from any container. All costs are to purchase a container. Although, you can use the old clay pot.

Miracle from the pot

To create a floral stream, you will need part of the site on which you were going to make another banal flower leaf. Capacity - it can be: a pot, jug, a bottle (any container, from which the future "stream" will take the beginning) and finished to landing floral seedlings. You can sow a stream and seeds, but in this case, firstly, with beauty you will have to wait, and secondly, it is not known how the seeds will go. The stream can be uneven and with "propellas". Seeds can shove the birds, wash off rain, drag the ants in their dwelling.

Soil plants

The choice of plants for the stream is not so obvious, as it seems at first glance. You can use soil rates and pinch plants.

Table. The choice of soil workers in accordance with the conditions of growth.

Growth conditionsTypes of soil plants
If the flower "stream" runs along the illuminated garden plots, it is necessary to plant light-minded soils.These include: Anything, peeling cloves, cutch, carpet phlox, Alissaum.
If the location of the stream in onest, plant plants that can endure shading.Sit down the dwarf astilba, Tiall, Yellow Lamiastrum, Brunaru, Bowls, Trophy, Lutikovoid Anemone. These plants are luxuriously bloom and feel great in shading, for example, among the trees.
Flower stream can be created even in a strongly shaded place.To do this, use the shadowable soils: the violence is fragrant, the balquin is small.
The stream can be created even where the constant dampness and the earth even in the summer "does not smell."Moofly busy plants: Goose Papes, Houttynia, Coinsted Welberry form a lush and colorful "water flow".


Along with the soil workers, it is possible to use many annuals for creating a floral stream, only to choose low grades, not higher than 30-50 cm. The list of annuals for this purpose is huge. Limit only those that in your climate sow in the ground. The impressive list is to choose from what.

By the way! Will effectively look bully flowers. They can be attached close to each other, and weak and defective, if necessary, replace.

Instead of pots you can use stump

Bulbous flowers and perennials

The "bulb" version of the stream can be made of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses, muskari, gladmi (miniature gladiolus), anemones, freesia, cyclamen and other perennials.

Root perennials can also be used. Excellent will look in line of primroses, Yaskolka, Camery, Veronica, Pansies, Carpathian bell, Armeria, Glovenka, Daisy, Pechechennica.

No tilt for "stream"? Create it with mound of land

Planting a stream

Deciding with the landing material, finding the suitable jug, denoting the length and width of the future flower stream, can be started.

  1. The ground is dripped, purified from weeds, well align and moisturized.
  2. The plants are then placed on pre-placed places.
  3. All watered.
  4. It is important to remember that the soil plants grow quickly, therefore the zones of their disembarkation need to be limited, and the coming "from the shores" the shoots of shoots regularly delete.

That's all, the floral stream is ready. It will require no more care than ordinary flowerbed - watering, feeding, removing dried flowers. The visual effect you will get will surpass all your dreams of beauty. Do you still think that beauty is not simple?

Creating a dry stream on the site

Growing up

Liana occupy a special place in the hierarchy of decorative plants. Their stems are flexible and unstable (among herbaceous annuals, among perennials there are tree lianas). But the vitality and desire to grow "to the sky" - unprecedented. They only need a support. Give Lianam Support, and they will turn your site into a fabulous blooming kingdom.

Vertical landscaping for which Liana is used, a very important part of landscape design. If most plants can "cope" with horizontal surfaces, then fences, walls, pillars, balconies, terraces decorated only with LIAN.

Is it too hot in the summer in a gazebo? Create a shadow with climbing crops

What are good Liana

  1. Most of the Liana do not require a large power area. They are sufficiently small soil (twice as fewer than any other plant) to give you much more than any other plant, leaf mass and colors.
  2. Liana can grow near the wall of the house, where the foundation and the layer of the soil over concrete passes only 15 cm.
  3. Liana can grow in tubs and flower pots.
  4. Liana is very resistant to drought, to excessive humidity, many - to cold.
  5. They do not need high nutrient soil. Of course, they will not give up fertilizers, but without feeding will grow and bloom, and some are also fruit.
  6. Annual lianas are beautiful in that the speed of their growth is up to 5 cm per day.

Tip! If you need urgently, this summer, to re-organize an unsightly wall or poured a blooming greenery pergola, a gazebo, terrace, seek help to Ipomee, Dolichos, fragrant peas, quamoclite, kobee, nasturtium, decorative beans. These fast-growing lianas will cope with the decoration of the site on "excellent."

Table. Annual lianas and their characteristics.

This curly annual grows up to 4 m high or there, where you will send it. If you do not direct, "will head" himself. He will braid everything that can and can not be shaved - fence, neighboring fence, wood, sunflower, grapes.
This is a curly annual from the bob family. Its stems can grow to 3-3.5 m. Stems thin, ribbed. And the flowers are from 3 to 5 cm in diameter, all sorts of tones and colors and with a delightful thin, but strong aroma.
Grow up to 5 meters. Flowers are small, but very interesting shape. Coloring is also the most different - from white, to red and motley. Blowing beans can be up to the most frost. Her foliage, together with flowers, looks very decorative and, at the same time, exquisitely.
This plant is wondering not only (not so much) with flowers as your openwork leaves. The flowers at the quamoclite are also available. They are funnelized, intense red, quite numerous. But the foliage of the plant, the bright green, dissected into the many "lobes", resembling, whether the housing of evergreen trees, or the Acacia, helps the quamoclite flowers to appear in all his scarlet.
This plant is exceptionally elegant. He has a large leaves, trees, dark green color with a purple tint. Flowers - in the form of beans. Large, purple and emitting magic aroma. Dolichos blooms late - at the end of summer. But it blooms to frosts, until the end of October.
Kobeya climbing - from other LIAN is distinguished by very beautiful and large colors. Flowers, up to 9 cm, just fantastic. In the form of bells, slightly elongated, and from them far beyond the flower look long stamens. Flowers Kobei from the middle of summer to frosts. Flowers are dairy and purple coloring. Violet first greenish, then cream, and only then linen (or acquire a bluish tint) and become purple. Therefore, on the same Liane at the same time, the flowers of three different shades can be seen.
Very useful and high decorative flower. Leaves, flowers and fruit nastures are used in cooking, cosmetics, traditional medicine. Grow up to two meters. Grows very quickly. Large leaves, wide, beautiful irregular shape. Flowers - "Gramophone" of solar colors - from dark burgundy to lemon yellow. Flower all summer and half of autumn.

The cultivation of annual lian

In the cultivation of herbal annual Lian there is nothing complicated. You can sow them directly into the soil (since these plants develop rapidly, it is better that the soil is loose and fertilized).

  1. Sow at the end of May.
  2. Make shallow wells, 2-3 seeds are placed in each well.
  3. If the seeds are small, you can sow into the grooves. Depth - about two centimeters.
  4. Pour sowing and waiting.
  5. Waiting will have to be long. After a half or two weeks, sprouts will appear.
  6. After two weeks, it is worth making support for them (pull the ropes, install pergolas), for which they will clip.

If you want to get the flowering of annual Lian before, it makes sense to grow first seedlings, and then plant it into open ground. Seed seeds are planted in April, in separate peat pots (most of herbaceous Lian, a weak root system, which is not to be injured during transplantation).

Video - Mushroom house from gypsum with their own hands without special tools and shapes

Landscape design is not only the work of professionals, it is still the possibility of each dacket to realize your own ideas for giving with your own hands.

It's easier to look at ordinary, often, unnecessary things, at a different angle of view, and use them when creating interesting and creative crafts to decorate cottages.

Beautiful ideas for bright cottage design and garden do it yourself.

If you approach the process creatively and with humor, you can get very interesting results that will exceed all expectations.

Unusual flower beds and vases

It is impossible to imagine a cottage without a flower bed. Classic flower beds seem boring and uninteresting? Give the will of your fantasy, show creativity! Many old things filled with our attics and sheds, you can give a second life and use them to decorate the garden.

For this, a slightly slightly adjust their appearance. The old ward, watering can, barrel or a clay pot, painted with bright colors, will become excellent capacities in which empel plants can be planted.

Metal barrel will be useful not only for water collection. From it you can make a vertical bed, evenly doing a hole barrel on the sides. After filling the barrel of the soil, you can plant strawberries, strawberries or fragrant and curly plants into these holes.

If tin basks, barrels and cans are already used, and creative ideas overwhelm you, take over old wicker baskets. They are not so durable as metal or ceramic tanks, but the treatment of the vine to the tool from rotting wood will extend their life, and they will be able to decorate your terrace or porch for several years together with flowers planted in them.

On the site there is always a natural material that can be used under the original flower beds. Hollow out of the stump left after cutting a tree, core, you can get the resulting container, fill it with soil and plant flowers there. It is even easier to pick up a plastic pot in size, with decorative plants already growing in it, and put in a wounded place.

Old, found on a dump chair, easily turns into a mini-flower garden. It is enough to replace the seat with a blue or geotextile, fill the nutrient soil and plant plants with a shallow root system: Mashed, surcharges, mosses, as well as a couple of curly plants, so that they wrapped the legs and the back of the chair.

Elements of the old wrought-iron fence, openwork backs of metal beds as it is impossible to suit the vertical landscaping.

If you have no stream in the country, and so you want to decorate the area with a wooden bridge, install it ... in the mixturore. The water flowing out of the jug is symotimated by muddy, surcharges or mosses, and high plants - irises, hosts, ornamental herbs will create the impression of "coastal plants".

Even an unnecessary umbrella, an old wheelbarrow or grandfather bike can be adapted to a flower garden. And shoes and shoes, with flowers growing in them, become a classic genre.

With genuine charm, the retro-flower beds "lost" the wheel and the "abandoned" cart look.

If the pavement tile has been injured over time, it is not necessary to replace it. Better spoiled fragment to remove, and the released place to fill the nutrient soil and plant low decorative plants - pansies, mocked, cum, luggage or moss.

Create and decorated with an artificial reservoir

The princess-frog on the shore of an artificial reservoir in the grass is assigned its place. Well, if your pedigid size is more, it can ride a pond on a stone among flowering lotuses and water lily.

If we touched the themes of an artificial reservoir, then it can be rightfully considered one of their main decorative elements of the garden. But, in order for the reservoir fully justified its destination, it is necessary to choose the right place for it.

If the pond will be on the space open from all sides of the Sun, under the action of its rays in vodka, active reproduction of algae will begin, and the water will quickly evaporate. As a result - the death of all its inhabitants. Therefore, the place for the pond is chosen such that the Sun will cover it either early in the morning or at sunset. In no case should not arrange a pond among the lawn, there it will look inappropriate as a hole in the carpet. The pond can be adapted to adapt a special plastic form or shape the pits with a special polyethylene film and fill it with water.

But if you do not have, neither, nor the other, you can use the old bathroom, large basic or trough. I dug the pit on the size of the vessel, and placing it there, beautifully decorated the shores by stone, pebbles and sand, sit down the corresponding plants - an artificial pond is ready. Gorchakov and Karasikov can be built in the gun. The rest of living creatures - snails, dragonflies and butterflies will appear over time.

Floating flower beds for romantic natures

Consider that you are lucky if there is a big pond or stream in the country. The old boat on the shore is easily turning into a beautiful flowerbed, connecting two elements - aquatic and floral. To do this, it is enough to make quite a bit effort: fill it with soil and plant flowers.

The water surface of the pond can be decorated not only by the lotus and water lily, but also with whole floating flower beds. It is absolutely easy to build it. To do this, it is enough to have a piece of foam plastic, plastic container or and pelvis, soil and plants.

In the bottom of the plastic container, holes are made and lined with geotextiles, so that the soil is not washed with water. The container is filled with nutrient soil and plant plants. For greater stability of floating flower beds, it is worth using a piece of foam. It makes a hole under the size of the tank and insert it there. So that the foam is not rushed into the eyes, his protruding edges are masked by turf or falling plants.

For decoration of floating flower beds, it is best to take advantage of plants-water-boring - swamp irises, low-spirited lyplines, astilbami, hosts. Between them you can land blooming unpretentious annuals. You can attach an anchor to such floating flower beds, and you can put it in free swimming.

Decorate the garden funny sculptures and garden figures

The sculpture that the garden is decorated must be harmonized with the style of the house and fit into the shared landscape style is an axiom.

But the sculpture can not only buy, you can make it with your own hands. But before creating sculptural compositions and decorate with them a cottage, it is necessary to remind the proportions. The smaller the area, according to the smaller, choose the sculpture. For a garden in regular style, sculptural compositions created by their own hands are hardly suitable. But in the traditional rural or ecological style wooden sculpture will fit perfectly. Domoviki, water, gnomes and other characters of grandmother's fairy tales remind you of carefree childhood.

In addition to the principle of proportion, it is necessary to adhere to the principle "Figure - Background". A simple, expressive background will add figures of expressiveness. Bright sculptures will revive the dark corner of the garden, make it more cheerful.

The picturesque will look in the background of a juicy green grass. Bright red ladybug. And just looked at it carefully, you can guess that this is an ordinary cobblestone painted by oil paints, which remained after repair. The playground can be decorated with figures made of polyethylene bottles. Especially since they can be manufactured with children in rainy days.

It is impossible not to say about such a wonderful decoration of the garden - the chute. Even if you do not have a garden, you can decorate the garden. Naturally, such a "work of art" is perfectly suitable for landscape design in country style.

Decorating the garden "magic" lanterns

Nice warm summer evening sitting on the terrace or in a gazebo, inhale the aromas of the garden and admire the starry sky. Friendly gatherings for a cup of tea are also sometimes tightened by midnight. Without illumination of night lighting, there is no way to do. Conventional electric lighting, of course, possibly. But only a candle, with her alive, warm and soft light, is capable of giving the night of magic and romance.

Of course, you can do the usual candle. But night lanterns will look much more interesting, which can be easily made from ordinary tin or glass cans.

Lanterns from tin cans makes easy and simple. To do this, prepare such a bank. It can be from under products or household chemicals. The jar must be carefully flushed. Pencil or felt-tipper apply a drawing. With the help of nails of different thickness and hammer, you knock out this drawing in the form of holes of different diameters. To the edges, the cans from the wire are attached to the handle for which the flashlight will hang. The jar can be painted in black, silver or any other color. We put inside the jar of the candle, and the soft openwork will play openwork patterns.

It is even easier to make lanterns from glass cans. For this, conventional banks are suitable from under ketchups or sauces. Banks need to be washed and sucking well. And then the case is behind the simple: we make a wire handle and with the help of a tassel we apply a thin layer of stained in paint to the outer surface. Lantern ready.

If the banks are painted in different colors, it turns out a multi-colored garland, which can be lit a garden path, a terrace or a gazebo. You can make lanterns more refined if we paint multicolored cans with patterns by applying an acrylic circuit.

As you can see, ideas for decorating cottages with your own hands - an infinite set. The main thing is to use them correctly and harmoniously in the landscape of your site.

The best way to attach unnecessary containers and residues of building materials is to make a decor of the country area with your own hands. Some crafts border the masterpieces, they will decorate not only a quiet courtyard in the shade of the garden, but also make any residential premises inimitable. Some masters work not worse than artists and designers, performing work in one stylist. But even without special skills, it is easy to implement interesting ideas borrowed on the site if there is a desire and skills of working with the simplest tools.

Country decor do it yourself

Dachi Design with your own hands

Countryside involves family-friendly feast in the open air, and the organization of the dining area should pay special attention. It is best to equip a large "refectory" under a canopy or in the shaded part of the courtyard. The main decoration of the place for joint dinners and dinners will be the country decor countertops made by their own hands.

Decorate the surface of the dining table in different ways:

  • take the cut of a large tree of the original shape;
  • bulk fibers tighten with colored cloth and coat with polymer or varnish;
  • fill the base with elements of herbarium and close with glass, hermetically processed the edges;
  • share a mosaic pattern, as in the photo.

Any way is good if there are scribe materials and tools. To perform a mosaic countertop, you will need a large sheet of plywood and frame boards. You can make the table folding or stationary, but it is easier to transform the finished old furniture. When choosing a mosaic pattern, it is better to rely on your taste and preference. It may be a geometric pattern or a decorative panel on the theme of nature - aquarium, fruits, sunflowers, fire-birds, etc.

A pattern is suitable for any material of one thickness - a small mosaic, a broken glass and pieces of a mirror tile, the remains of the tile and ceramic tiles. If such a material in excess, after the countertop in the mosaic technique, you can perform floral vases or supports for a garden shop.

The sheet of plywood is covered with primer, after drying, the center and the drawing zone are placed. If there is no artistic experience, it is better to use the ideas of the decor for giving with your own hands or work with simple geometric compositions. Abstraction will help get away from the need to lad out recognizable plot.

Unusual design of cottages

First perform central fragments, then laid off the background. It is advisable to work slowly and neatly, since the decoration of a garden or giving with their own hands is the subject of family pride, these things will serve not more than one year.

When the mosaic is completed, she is given to dry, after which it will remain filling out the grout for tile materials and clean the composition of the composition all fragments. It is recommended to scroll all parts of the table or dining area in the color that prevails in the drawing of the table top.

White garden furniture is always out of competition, regardless of the decor of the country area. Complete the dining area under the open-air wrought mangal or barbecue, folded.

Country decor do it yourself

Flowers in the design of the country area

Dachi Design with your own hands

Fences, hedges and fences do it yourself

The first thing they see the neighbors in the country, is how fences are decorated. Going into the past gray bold shields from boards, the original partitions between the plots and the zoning elements come to replace them.

Most popular is the usual fences from the chain grid between concrete pillars and "Eurosalities". But these are high costs, and the decor for giving with their own hands is easy to perform in the form of original fences.

If there are children in the family, they will certainly appreciate the stakenik in the country of color pencils. Teens can decorate a decorative hedge, it is a great way to spend time together for a common occupation.

Another way is to put plastic bottles into the case: hedges from unnecessary tanks, strung on metal rods, thick wire or lounge rope. The fence can be one-color, for example, from dark beer plastic bottles or from under the kvass. Alternating various color material, you can get the original drawing in the form of a decorative panel or just a striped fence that complements the decor of the garden area.

So that the hedge looked aesthetic, it is important to thoroughly make a frame - pull the sleeper between columns. On the finished basis it is easy to make vertical garlands of plastic bottles of one format. They can even be treated with aerosol paints to make the decor in the country more originality.

Unusual design of cottages

Design of the country area with their own hands

Original flower beds and sandboxes

Cup for old stumps is a very time-consuming occupation, it is much easier to turn them into a wooden décor decor. The cutting tree occupied its place in the landscape, and its roots are still deeply penetrated into the soil. A good idea is to hollow out his drunk core to fill it with earth or sand.

Flower beds in old stumps are the original and simple decor of the plot. You can sow fragrant low perennials or a curious plant by installing support for it next to the member. If the snag has a good appearance, it is not necessary to paint it or somehow process, let it be a natural background for plants.

Wide pasteen with a large internal volume will replace the sand tank. If in the family is the only child, then such a sandbox will be quite enough to play the baby. The only wishes are shy at the bottom of the tarpaulom so that from the side of the exhaleted roots in the pure sidewood sand did not hit the cores, worms and other invertebrates.

Country decor do it yourself

Flowers in the design of the country area

Dachi Design with your own hands

Another original solution for the old hemp is a decor for giving with your own hands as an element of landscape design. Build a house for a gnome with backlight in the evenings, and this element will become the logical conclusion of the garden alley in the garden. The dwarf house will not require a lot of time and programs, and the most fabulous character can be purchased ready or do it yourself. The plot can be supplemented by fireflies, frogs, snails, turtles and other characters.

Old stumps can be used for a decor for giving with their own hands differently - as stands for flower pots. It is convenient for ampel petunitions, decorative strawberries and other hanging plants. Between the two stumps of the same height, it is convenient to equip a bench or foundation for the Hawaiian hammock if the supports are high enough.

Flower beds from old furniture

Allowed shelf, beds, armchairs, chairs and stools - original decor for giving with your own hands. They are used not only in the form of a stand, but also as the basis for a small flower garden, raised above the ground level.

Old Viennese Rattan Chairs with Vitious Frame is a pity to throw out, they will still serve as the original flower beds on a green lawn.

The stepladder will serve as a shelf if instead of the crossbar fasten the old boards. It is convenient to place the flower pots with indoor plants and the country decor.

Unusual design of cottages

Design of the country area with their own hands

Many owners take a house plant with them to the cottage, they also need to find a worthy place. It is best to feel unpretentious cacti and succulents. Whole collectible compositions will be arranged on old furniture. If there is a desire to give the composition more attractiveness, repaint all items in one color.

No less organically fit into the landscape design. Old baskets and protested ruddles. For the decor of the site, everything is suitable for without the bottom, but with good walls or sideboards.

Country decor do it yourself

Flowers in the design of the country area

Dachi Design with your own hands

Original duty decor from old vehicles and tires

Trolleys, cars, bicycles, parts of retro cars and "bald" tires - an unchanged decor for giving designers and homemade craftsmen.

The steam cart, as if lost with his horse, best transforms a non-busy landing site. A similar decor for a cottage house does not require much effort and time. It is enough to find the best place for a brush, on which all summer will be collapsed by flowering plants. It can be a collective flower garden, where representatives of one type of different shades are bangled or a selection of contrast principle is made.

Old bicycles as decor are desirable to handle from rust sandpaper, coat with primer for metal and paint. When the base is ready, the framework is securely secured so that the bike does not collapse under the severity of the soil in the pots fixed on it.

Council. Old jeans and boots are suitable as tanks under the fallout of floral seedlings, but the soil is better to first fall asleep in the garbage bags invested in pants.

Unusual design of cottages

Design of the country area with their own hands

The "bald" tires are traditionally used as sides of small flower. Whole compositions, painted paint more attractive. The favorite designer reception - cascade flower beds, where below is the widest tires, and from above - the smallest basis.

Decor from tires do it yourself for home and summer houses - another way to attach a "bald" rubber. There are many ways to cut animals and fairy-tale characters from the tire turned.

Ways to apply unnecessary tires in the section Decor

Country decor do it yourself

Flowers in the design of the country area

Dachi Design with your own hands

Original site lighting

Luminaires made of primary materials - another way to make useful from unnecessary. Small columns along the garden alley can be decorated with lamps from tin cans with a stuffed pattern where candles or small lamps are inserted. Such a decor in the country will revive a party or a romantic dinner in nature.

Suspended lamps with light bulbs make from glass bottles. Cut off the bottom will help special technology, where the contrast of hot and cold water is used, where the bottom of the bottle is immersed. Such an amplitude of temperatures bottom will cut down as a ruler. It remains to open the edge and make a garland, while leaking small light bulbs in such original plaffones. It is important that the basis of the electrical wiring made a person versed in this. All parts of the garden illumination must be hidden from the rain.

Unusual design of cottages

Design of the country area with their own hands

The best way to make the decor of the country house with their own hands with the attraction of assistants. Each task is distributed over its forces. Some can engage in sawing wood, others - painting. In one article, do not describe all the ways to decorate the cottage by the girlfriend. Perhaps, when familiarizing with the illustrations of our gallery, you yourself will understand how to make garden butterflies and bees, cut the pebbles by the type of family of ladybugs, make fantastic creatures or quite recognizable characters. Use your creative potential and good ideas for inspiration.

The happy one who has a country site where you can take a rest and hard to work hard. But do not bedstocks alone in the countryside)) Let's give the exposure to imagination and decorate the cottage so that the heart sang and rejoiced. Especially since substantial investments are not always required to find the country area with their own hands, because you can do with infirred materials.

In this article, I will share with you the ideas of country decor and garden design that can be made with your own hands. It is very interesting to engage in such creativity with children. I'll bend, perhaps, from the most important thing, in my opinion: with the creation of original clubs.

Unusual flowerbeds from girlfriend

We will create beauty from what is in stock. Remember, as in the song: "I was blinded from what was, and then it was, that was loved by")) So we will create unusual flower beds and flower beds from the girlfriend and fall there their favorite flowers there. I will not deliver in detail in the technology of creating unusual flower (if only a little bit) - everything is clearly shown in the photos.

Miniature flowerbed "Sweddy"

A wonderful Swanca died to a summer lawn, and there remains there. This small flowerbed is made of a conventional automotive tire, painted white acrylic paint.

Mini-flowerbed "Swedeshe" made of automotive tire

A few more options for the flower beds from automotive tires, which will not be difficult to make with their own hands: Orange, burgundy, yellow.

Flowerbed under a tree

This Grand Flowerba, equipped inside a masonry, looks impressive and respectable. The curly stone is slightly inhibited into the ground and is fastened with cement mortar. Beautiful flowerbed, but one disadvantage is still there: only the discharge plants can live here, because they themselves understand, under the splashing crown of the tree, they do not see them.

But the similar flowerbed under a young saplth made of halves of wooden chocks. Great idea! While the village will grow up, it is quite possible to plant beautiful annual flowers under it.

Here are publications that will necessarily enable you for the setting of flower beds in the rolling circles:

Original application of plastic bottles

Surely, this cute insect was so loved by the dacket that he wanted to see him on his flowerbed all year round. Or it is done to intimidating harmful insects)) Single "souvenir" ladybug in the country ...

Truly, plastic bottles cause a rich flight of fantasy from a Russian man. Tell me for mercy, will it be able to build a similar mini-pig farm in the head of respectable Europeans? And I like it - it looks very fun, and the little kids will delight this cute "piglery farm".

The beast is invisible

Such a miracle yudo at the cottage is not for the faint of heart) if you have everything in order with nerves, make it easier to make it easier. A spoken tree is used here, one end of which turned into a nose with elegantly carved nostrils.

Eyes are made of mosaic, which is not terrible, no wind; The role of eyebrows and fuses is performed by low-minded unpretentious perennials. A similar handicraft does not shine with bright beauty, but in originality she will not refuse))

New life of an old printed machine

The old printed machine received a second life on the summer site. An interesting idea, only very unpretentious plants will be able to grow in such extreme conditions.

Perhaps the first candlers for the flower bed in a typewriter. With them, very pretty compositions are obtained:

Crafts from mosaic do it yourself

Flowers and flower beds - not everything that can create with their own hands a seamless dachnik. Just take a look at how beautifully look at the dacha can craft from mosaic with your own hands.

Beautiful mini sculpture of stone-glass masonry, where white rounded pebbles and glaciers are in the role of mosaic elements. True, this abstraction would be more appropriate against the background of a water landscape: a pond or a stream, because it resembles the controversies of the sea king. So we are waiting that a lot of improvised grotty will be swollen.


Beautiful butterfly sat down to relax in the shadow of a spreading tree.

Giant butterfly beauty

This workpaper is made on a plywood basis, laid out with colored windows in the form of a rainbow pattern of the butterfly wings. The glass is planted on a dense paint, and on top covered with colorless acrylic varnish. On the reverse side of the plywood is treated with oil and painted with waterproof and frost-resistant paint. The mustache is made of copper wire, the Taurus is made of steel tape, and the eyes are from black pebbles.

Very interesting construction: a bench for recreation, the bottom of which is laid out with a mosaic tile, the seat is made of painted cutting board, and the top is decorated with low flower beds with sides, also decorated mosaic.

The laying system is similar to the installation of the tile: the mosaic pieces are laid out the base with a definite pattern and are fixed on the cement solution. From afar, such a structure looks like an east shutter, especially when flowers bloom on the flowerba.

Here the summer house builds a garden with a border laid out with a mosaic. A long strip of thick rubber is used as the basis, laid in a pre-rootless trench.

Strengthening the rubber canvas with bricks on the one hand, the garden earth - on the other, the summer house poured inside the cement solution. On the dried layer, flat pebbles, pre-painted with acrylic paint. Simple and beautiful solution. Do not like this decision? And we still have in stock: something we are all in the works of righteous) Is it time to relax? Let's build a hammock for giving with your own hands, in which it will be pleasant to relax in silence, under the canopy trees.

For those who do not like a sign with a sewing machine, to build such a hammock will not be difficult.

For the manufacture of hammock will need:

  • dense color tissue 2.2 and 3 m wide;
  • stalks from shovel;
  • syntheps 1 m x 0.5 m;
  • pig 5.2 m x 3 cm;
  • paint, which is combined with a cloth;
  • the cord of the category 0.4 - 0.6 cm in diameter.

Sequence of work:
1. Cut the cloth for 2 canvas (1.5 x 2.1 m), sweep their short sides by attaching to the face so that in the end you will have a "ring", step up and remove on the front side. Along the long sides of the canvas, set the slings, pre-handing the ring.
2. Take 4 additional segments with a length of 0.7 m and set to the transition from the bottom edge of the web to the top, and after the edges of the hole, the width of which should be at least 5 cm. Stop the web for a hammock along, cut the syntheps of 2 parts ( 0.25 mx 1.25 m) and put it inside the "ring" (see the scheme).
3. Seal the edges and notify the tissue syntheps, then step up so that the hole, through which you inserted the Sintepon, was closed.
4. Take a wooden cutter from the shovel and pick it up in half. On each part, drink a 3-cm furror from the edge: it will be recesses for fixing the hammock rope (see photo below). Color cuttings and leave to sleep.

5. While your improvised crossbars are dry for a hammock, shoot a row, then insert ropes into the holes of the canvas and evenly select the fabric. And when the crossbars are dried, tie to their ends to the rope, strengthening it with reliable nodes on the grooves. That's all.

Many of us love to create beauty in the country with their own hands. This is a creative work, and an active creative rest: Hands work, and his head rests))

Here are some more articles about the decoration of the cottage and individual parts.

Cottage is not only a place where you grow vegetables and fruits. On standard six weaves (and someone can be more) You can allow your fantasy to reveal to truly! In the country, you can implement a variety of different and, sometimes, even wild ideas. Many of them will not only decorate your garden, but will also be very useful in the hard work of the gardener gardener. And most importantly - summer housekeeping will give a new life to things that seem to go to the landfill.

What can you create dacha handicrafts with your own hands? You will be surprised now, but everything can go through! Do not hurry to throw things into the garbage tank, which served your term or at first glance seeming garbage. Finger a little - maybe this old shoe is still suitable for something?

ThingsIdeas of reincarnation
Plastic bottlesBottles made of lemonade, milk, juices are perfectly suitable as any details for creating interesting figures, as well as to create fences around the beds or watering system. The material from which they are made is very durable and moisture-resistant and will serve in the country not one season.
Milk boxesExcellent "pots" under seedlings! This is known to robes for many years.
Old shoesCreate old boots from the "battalion" for flowers.
TiresAutomotive tires can be used not only as flower beds: Of these, it turns out to create amazing animals and birds, and also, if we have a cloth or cover with the twine, you will have excellent seats.
Trimming sawn timberThere is no need to burn the remnants of the boards in the furnace - better use them for making a fence, creating an interesting ornament, or to create small flower, tracks, shelves.
Old techniqueThe asks of the usual Soviet bike, a rusty wheelbarrow, a broken motorcycle not necessarily donate in scrap metal - make them like a flowerbed!
Aluminum banksOf these, you can make a device that scare mole. It is enough to wear a jar on a stick, buried to the ground.
Broken glassColor broken glass will help to decorate the fence: insert the holes in the boards and insert the glass there. On a sunny day you will not recognize your fence!
Plastic Covers from BottlesThey will help to make the appearance of your country house unique. Create patterns with the help of lids attached to the walls of the house with small carnations.
Old clothesScared still enjoyed in demand. Skolmet the cross-cross-time two rails, insert the core frightened to the ground and dress it in your old things. So that the scarecrow was "kind", make him a cute face and dressed in a colorful dress.
Old rakeDo you have old and rusty rake served your age? Do not hurry to get rid of them. Secure a barn or a house on the wall, and you will have a great hanger for gardening inventory.

This is just some of those who have narrated the age of things that can be used in the country. Remember: to each object you can find a new application, it is only a little bit to fantasize. Now it is time to give more detailed instructions for creating various country homemakes that serve both to decorate the estate and have considerable benefits.

Mini pruh do it yourself

Mini-pond, created by their own hands, remotely resembling a fabulous swamp, where the princess-frog lives, it is very simple to create. To do this, we will need:

  1. old bath or other large, non-transmitting water, capacity;
  2. old slate;
  3. old rubber hose;
  4. a piece of polyethylene dense film;
  5. stones, sand and other elements of "Decor";
  6. plants living in water.

Technology of creating a mini pond on the site

  1. We join the bath so that its edges are in short with the level of land.
  2. Around the baths are swinging the slate top so that its edges of centimeters on 20 were above the ground surface.
  3. On the edge of the slate stretch the cut along the hose (it will protect the polyethylene from the rupture).
  4. We close with a polyethylene bath and slate, neatly spreading it along the bottom of the future reservoir. The edges of the film can be sprinkled with the earth and pushed with stones.
  5. Pour water in the "reservoir".
  6. We decorate the stones, sit around the plant, and in the pruh itself you can settle the pita.

Idea - a small pond on the plot

Neat beds

Who does not like when the garden in the garden is not just raised above the ground, and even neatly decorated? The order should be in everything! We offer to issue a bed with plastic bottles. We will need:

  1. many plastic bottles;
  2. sand;
  3. paint - at will;
  4. shovel.

Technology performing work

  1. Choose bottles of the same volume and color. At the request of the color you can combine.
  2. Fill the bottle of sand half.
  3. Along the beds dig a shallow trench.
  4. Set the bottle into the trench upside down and stack.
  5. You can paint the bottles of waterfront paint, but it is optional.

Video - Interesting crafts for giving


Do you want lions and tigers, chubby pigs, bright beetles, giraffes and zebras in your country? Embody an idea called "Safari". The improvised zoo can be created using absolutely different items. We will need:

  • plastic bottles of different volumes;
  • old tires;
  • brushes and paint;
  • stones of different sizes or old building helmets, basins;
  • shovel.

The most common representatives of the fauna, which dackets create, is giraffe, zebra, piggy, beetles. We will try to make them on our site.

Giraffe and Zebra are made on the same technology. Differences - in color and length of animal neck.

  1. Discover half into the ground. The old tire is the body of the animal.
  2. Cutting off the bottom and tops, connect several plastic bottles with each other to get the neck. Discover the "neck" ahead of the covered tire.
  3. Cut one bottle along, cut the neck - turned out to be a head. Attach it to the "neck."
  4. Animal is almost ready! It remains to paint. Coloring your hoof in the necessary colors: Giraffe - in yellow with orange, zebra - in black and white.

Interesting idea - Safari in the country area

By analogy, palm trees, birch trees and other plants can also be made, with their "oasis".

The pig is even easier:

  1. Take a large "puzzy" plastic bottle and fill it with sand for making a mass.
  2. Make a piece of plastic ears from a piece of plastic and insert them into the "head" of the piglet (where the neck of the bottle) is.
  3. Pink paint coloring bottle, and black paint draw the pig of the eyes and patch. Growing ready!

Interesting idea - pigs from plastic bottles

Merry multicolored bugs can be made from any rounded tanks and put on the bed and flowerbeds as a decoration. Even stones are suitable for the manufacture: it is enough to simply paint paint, drawing dots like ladybugs, mustache, eyes.

And from the old basin, you can make a turtle tortilet. Cutting the tires and bent into their parts in a certain way, and then paint them with white paint, we get a swan.

Comfortable polyvalki

Another convenient and practical way to use plastic bottles is the creation of a convenient system of watering a bed. We will need:

  • plastic bottles;
  • fat nail;
  • shovel;
  • water.

Technology performing work

  1. In plastic bottles on the sides, we produce small holes with a nail or thick seer.
  2. We swap the blanks up the neck into the soil next to the plant.
  3. Water pour into bottles through the neck.
  4. Water from bottles through holes will gradually enter the ground and nourish the roots of the plant.

Practical experience - Plant Polyvalki

From the bottles of soda, it is possible to organize drip watering, which is very convenient for use in greenhouses. To do this, the bottle cut the bottom, and pursue a few holes in the traffic jam, such that the water flows slowly. In order not to make a mistake, first make quite small holes - it is better to expand them further.

After creating the workpiece, dig a hole (the depth is about 15 cm) near the bustle, at a distance of 20 cm from the stem, and insert there a bottle down the neck at an angle. It remains to fill bottles with water, and the system is ready.

It is possible to organize watering with bottles in another way. For this, the bottle without the bottom is hanging down the neck on the side of the plant, filled with water. By unscrewing the cork, you can adjust water consumption. To avoid erosion of the soil from the fall of the drops, put the tiny pieces of polyethylene under the bottle.

Winged swings

Working on the garden, I want to relax: for example, sit down on a shop and drink tea. But it is more interesting to rest on the swing, especially with children. We offer to make unusual and even shocking swings from ... old sofa! The main thing is that you have a strong and high tree with powerful branches in the site, for which with strong ropes or chains you need to firmly fix the old sofa. And swing on it will be soft and comfortable. From the rain such a means of entertainment is better to close the film, and for the winter it is cleaned into the room. But but there will be no one such a swing!

Also, the swings can be made of the old seating from the chair: just hang it out to the thick and durable tree branch and seek health.

Such different flower beds

Flowers from old tires used both in the original form and all sorts of cut, knows every mistress. But to make "at home" for flowers from old bike, cars, car, shoes, or kettle guides not every.

An old bike can be fully fixed in the ground, inserting the wheel, and supplement it with small pots, in which flowers are planted. In addition, let it down on it: it will grab the core of two-wheeled transport and turn it into an unusual flower bed.

Interesting idea - flowerbed from an old bike

From old rubber boots, painted with different paint, bright colors are obtained. Fill them with soil and fall there plants there. Do not forget about the drainage holes in the sole of the former shoes! You can arrange such kashpo anywhere: on the veranda, fence, between the beds, and in this their huge advantage. By the way, do not write off the bills and not rubberized shoes: they can also be filled with the earth and put flowers in them, just serve they will be less than rubber.

Flowerbed from old boots - amazing and very beautiful idea

Save correctly

Old metal kettle - also excellent flower flower bed. Attach the rope or chain to the handle, hang it on the veranda to the ceiling, pour the lands and plant a birch type clinging plant.

Old Metal Maker - Excellent Flower Flowerba

Video - homemade for giving performed with their own hands