What you need when entering the university. What documents are needed for admission to university

Obtaining higher education with the financial assistance of the state is the opportunity to save a large amount of money. Therefore, applicants are asked a logical question: what is needed to enter the university to budget?

Beach on the budget is always a holiday

We have recently sat with my students who did not really actively make a homework, and considered how much training is in more or less decent (not to mention the top!) University. On average, 200-300 thousand per year.

For four years of study, the family will spend about a million rubles - horror! Very motivating urgently to make "homework" and prepare for the exam is harderful, right?

Everyone wants to budget, but budget places are much less than those who want, so, alas, not everyone. At the same time, the "budget" is still available to everyone: 80+ in all subjects - and you are on the budget in a decent university.

Competitions, at first glance, a lot: hundreds of thousands annually. True, if you look at, then they are not such competitors: in fact, the average score in the Russian language in the country is 68-70, in mathematics - 48-50, according to social studies - 54-56, while 80+ in mathematics It receives only 3%, and according to social studies - 4% of the total number of passing.

Of course, even these minimum percent of high-voltages is enough to arrange a fierce battle for budget places in the rating lists. Here we will come to the rescue for the help of individual achievements (final essay, gold medal, GTO icon and so on)

Several tips how to increase your chances enter the university to budget

Submit documents in five universities into three directions. Look in advance the passing score last year in these universities in order to have an exemplary idea of \u200b\u200byour chances in advance.

Look, for which the university gives additional points.

Get ready for the exam in a proven place. Of course, it happens very attractive "to work out with mathematics with a daughter girlfriend" and save a little, but remember the calculations that we did at the very beginning of the article.

Remember that the preparation courses for the exam at the university do not give you additional privileges at admission (no certificates are taken into account, additional points are not credited!), And the quality of training on such courses is often very doubtful.

The most difficult test - the exam - behind, ahead of no less exhausting process is to submit documents to university and additional exams. We figured out when, as in what order, you need to submit documents to the university so that graduates went to act without extra nerves.

What documents are needed for filing to university

For admission to undergraduate and the specialty, it is usually necessary to provide the following set of documents:

  • passport or other document certifying personality and citizenship;
  • certificate of Education Institution: Schools, Susza (original or copy);
  • a statement that can be pre-downloaded on the official website of the university or fill in place;
  • if there is no 18 years incoming, the form of consent to the processing of personal data signed by the parent or guardian. It can be found on the website of the university or request from the reception committee;
  • appointment certificate or military ID (if available).


  • medical certificate of form 086 / y for specialties that require a preliminary medical examination;
  • confirmation of individual achievements: medal certificates, a GTO icon, a volunteer book, a copy of diplomas with the Olympiads and sports competitions;
  • the winners of the Olympiads are originals and copies of confirmation documents, together with copies you need to have the original;
  • applicants with special rights when entering higher educational institutions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation provide the original or photocopy of the relevant documents;
  • photos if you pass additional tests in the university.

When submitting documents

In a number of universities, the reception of documents ends earlier, it concerns the specialties, for admission to which the university conducts additional tests. For example, in Moscow State University to take documents will stop July 7, but only for admission to undergraduate and specialty with additional entry tests of creative and professional orientation.

On July 27, a friendly list of applicants recommended for enrollment of applicants will be presented on the website of the university and at its information stands. If you find yourself in such a list in a university dreams, hurry up to August 1 to file original documents.

If you didn't get into the list, but you are completely close - you can postpone the day, the other, as the lists are updated daily, one of the applicants can decide to enter another university and pick up documents.

Alternative methods for submitting documents

Some universities are available for submission of documents via the Internet.

To do this, you need to create a separated qualified electronic signature in "* .pdf.sig" or "* .pdf.sgn" using an electronic signature key, which can be obtained through one of the accredited centers. All scanned documents and a statement certified by an electronic signature, as a rule, should be sent to Email the Central Reception Commission of the University, which can be found on the site next to the information about the receiving documents in electronic form.

How many universities can submit documents at the same time

You can apply for five universities into three directions in each.

How is the enrollment: what is the first and second wave

In the "first wave" or the first stage of enrollment of the original documents to the university must be brought until August 1 - it is at this time that the largest number of budget places are filled.

"The second wave" or the second step of enrollment allows the university to fill out the remaining budget places. If you did not have time to bring documents on time or saw yourself in lists of enrollment during this period, bring the originals to the university from 3 to August 6.

Unsuccessfully passed the exam? Do not despair! Dedicate the year intensive preparation and relocate the exam next year! And preparing courses for the exam. Select on TeachMeplease.


The procedure for admission to higher educational institutions in 2017 was determined by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147 (Ed. Dated July 29, 2016) "On approval of the procedure for admission to educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs, specialist programs, program programs."

Important changes in it were made by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from 29.07.2016 No. 921, which are applied when admission to training on educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs, specialist programs, graduate programs since 2017/18 of the school year.

Who can enter the university?

According to these documents to higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, having a secondary (full) general or secondary vocational education of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless citizens living in its territory, as well as compatriots from the melee countries. These citizens have the right to receive a competitive basis, free higher vocational education in state higher education institutions, if the formation of this level is obtained for the first time.

What is needed for admission to the university?

For admission to university, the following documents are needed:

  • Statement;
  • Document on full general education (script or copy);
  • Original or photocopy of documents certifying his personality, citizenship;
  • 6 photos of 3x4 cm (black and white or color snapshot on matte paper, made in 2015);
  • Applicants with special rights when entering higher educational institutions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation provide at their discretion of the original or photocopy of relevant documents.
  • Medical certificate in form 086-y or 026-y
  • from the young man military ID or tax certificate.

A secondary or special education document (certificate - for school graduates; certificate of learning outcomes - for those who decided to interrupt studies in a technical school / college and get a higher education; a diploma with an application (assessment sheet) and a copy of it - when documents are submitted in University after college).

The certificate of the surrender of the USE is issued after the commission of a single state examination for the selected applicant subjects indicating the received points. (Copies are given in the commission of several universities, the original is provided to the university in which actual admission was carried out).

In addition to medical certificates in form 026-y or 086-y, in some universities in certain specialties there is an additional medical examination.

The desired list of specialties, for receipt of which this certificate is necessary, is given on the official website of the selected higher education institution.

In addition to the above documents, it is necessary to submit to persons with disabilities in addition to the above documents: Conclusion of the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission; certificate of disability issued by the federal institution of medical and social expertise. Children with disabilities I and II groups provide the original and photocopy of reference to establish disability and conclusion about the absence of contraindications for training in high school issued by the federal institution of medical and social expertise.

What documents are needed for absentee receipt?

The correspondence department serves similar documents. In the case of receipt of the second and subsequent higher education, instead of a document on obtaining secondary education, a diploma of higher education is provided with an emphasis attached to him.

What are the features and advantages of absentee learning?

The benefits of this form of study should include the following:

  • curricula individuals (part of profile items can be passed on an in-depth program);
  • lower entrance score;
  • after the first successful session, there is an opportunity to translate into full-time compartment;
  • you can simultaneously provide yourself and family, working;
  • the opportunity to attend lectures remotely;
  • the fee at the correspondence department is usually lower;
  • you can comprehend science at an absolutely any age.
  • communication with new people, combined common goals.

Foreign citizens are served with the original documents, their translations into Russian. A foreign citizen submits to the admission committee of the Russian university:

  • statement in Russian;
  • originals and properly certified copies of an education document;
  • its certified translation into Russian;
  • certifying document;
  • a copy of the entrance visa, if a foreigner drove into it in the Russian Federation;
  • 6 pcs 4x6 photos;
  • for foreign citizens with Russian nationality, documents confirming nationality.

How to get the target direction to the university?

The target direction for training in the university is a feature of obtaining higher education, in which training pays a state budgetary or commercial organization. After graduating from the university, according to the Task Force Treaty, a graduate is obliged to work in an enterprise or in an organization that has given him a target direction, a time-specific time (usually 3 years). In case of non-fulfillment of the contract by a student or a graduate, the latter undertakes to return the organization's money spent on his training.

The targets are also, as everyone will hand over EGE and participate in the competition, but with special advantages.

To obtain the target direction you need:

  • choose a specialty and place of study;
  • contact an institution, to an enterprise that issues target directions in this university.
  • apply to the municipal management body.

Sample application for the target direction in the university

The statement should indicate a form of training (full-time, part-time, correspondence).

The direction code (specialty) must comply with the referral code (specialty) of 2017.

In the information about parents, it is necessary to indicate completely surname, the name, the patronymic of the parents, with whom the child lives, their place of work (the full name of the organization and position).

A copy of the child's passport does not wrap.

Characteristic from school must be signed by the director of the educational institution.

How to write an application for admission to the university?

Usually, the application forms are provided with a selected university (Reception Commission), it can be downloaded to the site of the selected university. The application provides a request for the enrollment of applicant to a specific direction, specialty, faculty, department with an indication of personal and contact data.

Sample application for admission to university

(On the example of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen)

What time do documents are accepted and applicants are enrolled?

In 2017, on full-time and in part-in-country forms of training, the start of reception of documents - no later than June 20th. The term of completion of the reception of documents from the results of additional entrance tests of creative and (or) professional orientation - not earlier than July 7, and from the results of other entrance examinations conducted by the organization on their own, not earlier than July 10.

For correspondence formation, the deadlines for submission of documents are not established, it all depends on the decision of the management of each particular university.

The deadline for the completion of the entrance tests conducted by the organization, completing the reception of documents from applicants without passing the indicated entrance tests - July 26.

Profile and additional exams for entering universities in 2017

In addition to changes in the deadlines for submission of documents, in 2017 profile and additional exams for applicants have been introduced.

Universities introduced the tests of separate profile items. The Ministry of Education has adopted such an innovation, and in 2017 the new rules and requirements touched 64 specialties, which include not only creative, but also medical directions. Supply additional disciplines will also have to future teachers and philologists.

Additional exams are carried out in the form of the usual surrender of individual disciplines, but may also consist of interviews conducted individually with each applicant. Universities have the right to decide independently, in what form the test will look like and change it annually.

Features of admission to university

Admission to the University! Enrollment, submission of documents and so on.

Algorithm arrivals

Life after EGE: Admission and Reception Commission

All thoughts of high school students occupy the coming exam and entering the university dreams. Every year the requirements of universities change, and future students appear more opportunities to qualify for places in various educational institutions. You should not let everything on samonek - as well as the final exams, it is necessary to prepare carefully.

Rules for admission to universities

Admission to the university - the exciting process, so before choosing a university worth considering a number of certain features to facilitate the choice of the future profession:

  • Ege. Each direction in advance publishes a list of exams required for enrollment. In general, different directions require three exams.
  • Passing score. For each university examination, the minimum passing score is installed, necessary for consideration of documents upon admission.
  • Additional tests. Some higher educational institutions (for example, Moscow State University) or directions (for example, journalism) hold their own internal exams in addition to the EEG, to which the future student should prepare.
  • Individual achievements. Additional bonus points (up to 10) are charged for the gold medal, victories at the Olympics, the Golden Icon of the GTO, volunteering and the successful writing of the December graduation essay.
  • Number of budget seats. You should not forget that budget places in universities are intended for both coming on a competitive basis and for beneficiaries, olympiants and designers. Therefore, the number of budget seats declared by the university can be safely divided into two.
  • Specificity of directions. Specialties with the same name in different universities have different training programs. On the websites of universities, you can find published textbook content so that every applicant can get acquainted with what will be studied in the next four years.
  • Payment of study and hostel. Before entering the university, it is necessary to evaluate the possibility of payment of the commercial branch. Inegeneous students should pay attention to the hostel, information about which is easy to find on official websites or groups on social networks.

How many universities you can submit documents

The applicant has the right to claim admission to 5 educational institutions in three specialties. With simultaneous filing in different universities allowed to provide photocopies. Originals Leave for a priority specialty. If the applicant has special rights to enroll (the target direction, victory at the university olympiads), the corresponding copies become invalid - the originals are submitted only to one direction.

Order of receipt for winners Olympiad

Victory at the university or All-Russian Olympiads give students benefits when enrolling. It should be remembered that it is possible to take advantage of such a privilege upon receipt only on one direction according to the third paragraph 71th of the article of the Federal Law on Education.

Admission to other universities and directions is carried out on the general basis.

What documents are needed for admission to university

When choosing a university, you must personally send a package of documents of the admission committee by mail. In addition to the application, the form of which the applicant can find on the site of the educational institution will be necessary:

  • a copy of the passport or another document certifying the citizenship and the identity of the future student;
  • school certificate or other certificate confirming the presence of initial, secondary or higher vocational education;
  • certificate of EGE if the applicant handed over the exam;
  • medical certificate of the established form for some specialties (medical, pedagogical);
  • 2 photos, if additional entrance exams are planned;
  • appointment certificate or military ID (if available).

If an applicant is a minor, a parent or guardian must sign an agreement on the processing of personal data, without which documents for admission to the university will not accept for consideration. Not necessarily to serve only the originals, especially if they are planned to submit to several educational specialties. Copies Request for notary is not required. Some universities may require other documents (certificates of competitions, competitions, etc.), which is specifically written on official sites.

Terms of reception of documents and enrollment

The deadlines for submission of documents and appropriate enrollment depends on the presence or absence of the results of the EGE at the applicant:

After the internal university exams, enrollment on budget places, which is held in several stages. The dates of enrollment on the commercial separation and correspondence form are determined by a particular university.

Terms of orders for enrollment

Priority enrollment (applicants arriving without exams, within the framework of the special, target quota)

I Stage enrollment (in accordance with the position occupied by the applicant in the list of incoming)

II Stage of enrollment (filling out the budget seats remaining after the first stage)

Flow methods

Submission of documents to the university does not always require personal presence. Flow methods are associated with features that need to be considered when choosing a future educational institution:

  1. Personal feed. In this case, an adult applicant provides all originals or copies of the reception office without the presence of parents or guardian in the order of a living queue.
  2. Submission by proxy, certified by the notary. The trustee has the right to represent the interests of the applicant in the admission committee.
  3. Submitting by registered mail with a post of delivery. This method can take from five to seven days.
  4. Electronic feed. Pre-fill out an application for enrollment and put a personal signature, then the document is scanned and sent by e-mail along with the rest of the copies. Consideration of the electronic application occurs in 2-3 days from the date of receipt of the copies with an educational institution.