Children's children. Children's room design for different children

Parents of the girl and the boy doubly more happiness and trouble. After all, it is necessary to take into account the needs of everyone. If the family lives in a four-room apartment or a huge house, then there will be no problems with solving this task. Each child can be distinguished by its area of \u200b\u200bliving space and equip according to its preferences.

For those lucky parents who have two children, the problem of delimiting the personal space of kids is very well familiar.

But with three- and two-bedroom apartments, the situation is different. In this case, it is necessary to prepare a special design of a nursery for all-choice children. The room should be spacious to have enough space for two. Each will need its separate corner. Complete these requirements is not easy, but perhaps.

The arrangement of children's is an interesting occupation. It is here that the child spends his free time, rests, teaches lessons, playing.

It is important to make the room comfortable and multifunctional.

This will help you the following tips.

  1. When it comes to a room for one child, it is enough to take into account his age, gender and preferences.
  2. According to these criteria, the most suitable interior is selected. But for all-choice children to do it much more difficult. Indeed, in this case, there are two household owners who need to please. Otherwise, not to avoid a number of conflicts arising on the basis of the shelves or bed.
  3. The first thing to start, consult with children. Especially when choosing a color of finishing materials, furniture and other details. Thus, parents emphasize the importance of the opinions of children.
  4. Do not forget about their habits and hobbies. The information will help to make the interior of the room for the boy and the girls completed, with a part of their inner world.

The design should be unique and positive.

Zoning is an important stage in the arrangement of the room for small family members. Especially if we are talking about two different children. It will make it possible to realize the interests and preferences of each child. The main thing is correct.

It is necessary to try to hugging the design of a nursery for different children, so that each of them has its own corner.

Special requirements are presented to such a room. It should have a special place for:

  • Recreation;
  • Study;
  • Sports or games;
  • Personal corner.

It is worth noting that some zones can be common. We are talking about a game and sports corner. But the resting place and personal space are purely individual. They should be focused on and think about the design.

If the area allows, it is better to install two beds and the same number of written tables. They can be near or away. Their color and design is selected according to the requirements of households. Thus, emphasize their individuality, which is extremely important for children.

For visual separation of square meters, different methods use different methods. The most popular is the installation of special devices: Shirm, False parts.

The same effect allows you to achieve a group layout of furniture.

Allocate the territory for the son and daughter will allow the use of different colors in the design. It is necessary to ensure that they are combined. The space remains one and has a harmonious appearance. Different materials will help in this for decoration walls, gender and ceiling. The surfaces with an unequal structure look good.

Often for boys and girls create tiers. You can use different lighting devices on each site.

They will allow visually to delimit the square.

What choose color for design?

The color of the walls, gender and ceiling plays an important role in creating a children's interior. From what colors are used, the total atmosphere of the room depends. It will be necessary to be extremely gently approaching the choice of materials.

It is important that your kids are comfortable and cozy.

If the area is large, then you can allocate the territory of the daughter and son. For the first basically, blue, blue and green colors are used, and the second is pink and red.

This will emphasize the individuality of the inhabitants of the housing.

How to live brother and sister in one childish?

Boys and girls differ not only by physical features, but also preferences, interests, psychological formation. Sit brother and sister in one room is quite difficult. This will be able to help parents by proper childcare.

If everyone is competent, then there will be no conflict of interest.

Girls love dolls, boys - transport and robots. It is necessary for each child to choose your storage place toys. Shelves, lockers are indispensable to solve this task. If it is distinguished by the territory, then there will be no reason for the occurrence of disputes.

Thus, the room is divided into two parts. It is better equal to not provoke a resentment.

The main requirement for the interior is the integrity of the room. Achieve this will allow the trick that is to mix the styles in a pointwise. On a pink sofa of the sister, you can position the pillows of this color as the bed of brother.

Where to retire?

You yourself want a person with them at any age. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the place of privacy to the child. This is the zone where he might think, to make a favorite thing when no one bothers and disturbing him. Moreover, such an opportunity will need both a girl and a boy.

Camping this zone, it is worth remembering the child's hobbies.

If he likes to draw, it will be necessary to install the table, easel. To make it convenient for him to do business. For lovers, read the good idea will be the installation of a soft chair near the window. Sitting on it, you can take a book and relax. This option is suitable for older children.

Room features for schoolchildren

The design of the room for a boy and a girl depends largely on their age. If we are talking about schoolchildren, then for them a special place is the training zone. It must be comfortable and comfortable. The child is useful to focus on performing a specific task. And it does it each separately, so as not to distract each other.

To do this, you can install two tables or one, but long.

The interests of the schoolchildren differ from those that were previously. Toys are moving into the background and new preferences appear. They are different, but require additional free space. You can get it at the expense of high ergonomics of zones.

In the schoolchildren's room, you should not install a large number of furniture. It must be the most necessary, compact and functional. Often, cabinets are used as a screen that allows you to divide the room on the zones. The room needs freedom to life boys and girls.

This will avoid quarrels and provide them with the required number of personal space.

An excellent option for small children is the installation of a bunk bed. It will take at least a place, comfortable and beautiful. Different styles can be used for housing. As for schoolchildren, the classic is well suited. On the walls there may be green or yellow wallpapers. These are neutral colors that are suitable for both boys and girls.

Light ceiling and one mat will make the space whole.

Secrets planning

For young children do not need a partition. Zoning is performed using the decor, which will emphasize the overall interior. For the separation of space, hang on the wall photo of a child, and his favorite heroes in the zone where the bed is installed.

When finishing the walls, you can use different materials: paint, wallpaper. The combination of several shades should be performed correctly. Otherwise, it will look firmly and ugly.

If you choose bright colors, then the room will be interesting and original.

Materials that are used to finish children must be high-quality and safe. Otherwise, the likelihood of allergies and deterioration of the well-being of the bedroom owners is high. It is worth paying attention to the fact that they are easy to care. Children mischievous and love to stitch. A random drop of paints on the wall should be easily eliminated. Therefore, it is better to use practical and washable materials when finished.

Large and small room

The area of \u200b\u200bthe room plays an important role in choosing a design for different children. There are a number of options that can be implemented. To equip according to their principle, a small area will be extremely difficult, and sometimes impossible.

The room with a small territory is not the most suitable option for the nursery.

It will be necessary to find a place not only for sleep, but also classes by other affairs. This is important for the development of children, especially if we are talking about the differences. Everyone will need his personal space.

The arrangement of a small room has a number of nuances. They concern the style of the design, the colors of the walls, the ceiling, the choice of furniture and other things. In such a room it is better to use bright shades.

Light tones visually expand the space, fill the room with light.

Tricks for children for different children with a big difference in age

If one child is three years old, and ten ten, then it greatly complicates the process of arranging the children's room. Children have a different sexuality and age. For junior main types of classes are games, senior studies.

It will be necessary to combine interests on one square meters so that they do not interfere with each other.

This will help some tricks. When performing lessons, the child needs to focus its attention on the process. Therefore, it should be located back to toys. This will allow younger sister at any time to pay attention to the doll without interfering with your brother. For these purposes, you can use a screen or curtain.

If it is competent to equip the room, then children of different sexes and age will be able to engage in their affairs at the same time and do not interfere with each other. Everyone will do a favorite thing.

Even in childhood, personal space is needed.

What to choose furniture and accessories?

The modern market offers a huge selection of furniture. When arranging a small children's good use of white oak products. They will fill the room with light, and it will be possible to rarely use artificial devices for these purposes.

Strengthens the effect of light wallpaper on the wall, flooring and light curtains on the window.

The interior design helps to summarize the addiction of other children. It rarely occurs and the boundaries of each of its inhabitants are visible. This allows them to assert and learn to be loyal to the interests of others. Thus, a future model of adult life is formed.

Girls from three years begin to pay special attention to their appearance. Helps them in this mirror and the closet, in which they store beautiful dresses, beads and other decorations.

It is necessary to take care of the presence of these furniture items in the room.

Tastes and preferences of girls and boys are different. Despite this, the requirements for furniture are united for all. It should be comfortable and ergonomic. We are talking about cabinets, furniture headsets and accessories.

In the nursery it is necessary to pay special attention to the place where toys will be stored. For this use boxes, baskets, cabinets. Girls are well suitable roomy boxing. It can be used as a table and serve as a repository for various items.

This will allow you to more rationally use free space.

Practicality in the arrangement of the room

Children's children should be as practical as possible. Interior items made from colored materials will help to achieve it. They will make the room bright, interesting and give the interior zones a neat look.

Such elements play an important role in the process of raising children.

Two singular children in the same room are hard enough. And it is not surprising. They have the interests, tastes and preferences are different. But there is a solution to the problem - zoning of the room.

The boy and the girl will have their place, which will have to each in the soul.

Video: Design of a children's room for different children.

When in the family two children, then the parents always have a problem of separation of personal space between the kids.

After all, it is necessary that disagreements and conflict situations emerge between children.

If your home or apartment allows you to highlight each child around the room, this question does not even rise.

But if the size of your living space is not so great, and the children are also different, have to include all their fantasy to come up with children's design for all-choice children.

Layout of the room of each child

When creating a children's room for diverse children, it is necessary to take into account their age and personal wishes. Children should take part in creating a room in which they live.

You probably know your favorite cartoon characters or books, your favorite color of your kids, but still it is worth clarifying with them before you start planning the design. After all, this is their future room, and it is very important that they were comfortable.

The room for schoolchildren is better divided into 4 zones. The educational process is very important for the schoolchildren, so it is best, this is the presence of each child's workplace and a computer, because then you will avoid quarrels and disagreements between them.

If your children are not yet schoolchildren, while you can not create a zone for study, but more emphasize attention on the game area.

Various options for reproach

In order to visually see how the children's interior will look like for all-choice children, you can see the photo of the children's room for all-choice children on the Internet.

There are many options that will help you create comfort and comfort for your babies.


In the nursery for two different children there are two variations of the bedroom zone:

With the help of different colors of the wall or the cabinet, you can divide the room in half so that both children are satisfied. The zone of the girl can be painted into more tender and light tones, and the boy's zone in darker. Buy respectively beds for each.

If the room has small sizes, then you can put one bunk bed. The main thing to ask in advance in children, on what tier they want to sleep.

On the walls you can apply images of cartoon characters, or paint them in different colors. In order for your children to be close and have common interests, make an emphasis on the game area with unifying games.

Children's design for different children is a difficult task, so it is very important to approach this issue in detail.

Zone for games

It is very important to have a gaming zone. Swedish wall - a good alternative for the boy. She would serve not only for entertainment, but also for physical development, because it is very important for young children.

Girls are more calm, and prefer to play with dolls in small age and arrange tea drinking. For this, the folding table is well suited. It can be used for joint games of different children.

Work zone

Any parent does not want to witness regular screams and scandals of their children. Then you should provide everyone with your gadgets for work. In the modern world there is such a concept as a modular system. It includes two tiers.

The first is the desktop, and the second is the bed. If the area is too small for two such systems, then you can simply buy a large desktop that will be used by both children. After all, children's furniture for all-choice children is an important element in the room.

How and where it is best to store things

Creating a room design for diverse children, take care of the storage location. The ideal option will serve as a large wardrobe, which must be divided into two parts. You can divide it with different colors.

To the toys are not scattered throughout the room, you can buy a basket or a small chest. If the room is very small, then it is better to buy a bed with drawers with drawers.

Choice of furniture

When using cabinet furniture, you will not have any problems with the room atmosphere.

If you have enough money, then it is not necessary to buy furniture kits in the finished form, you can order individual products, taking into account the size of the room and the wishes of children.

How to arrange children with different square

There are several techniques that will help you do everything right and conveniently. The interior color plays a big role in this case. Choose bright tones - then the room will seem visually more. It is very important to make light on the ceiling correctly. The best furniture in this case is a transformer. Tutorials and toys Store on wall shelves.

Having such an area of \u200b\u200b16 squares, it is advised to divide the room into two parts, with the help of partitions or color. Bunk bed and a large tabletop - a good alternative.

With such a space, each child can have all its own. In this case, you can not worry about the lack of area, but simply use the fantasy and create.

How to issue a bedroom for different children of different ages

The room is not without separation, if you have two children of different ages. In the room smaller, as partitions, use a curtain or screen, if the space is large, buy a rack.

The room design should differ significantly. For a small child, it is necessary to focus on the bright colors and the game zone, for the older child, you need to use a more discrepanished style.

How to arrange a room for all-choice children yourself?

Create something with your own hands is miraculously. Especially when you do it for your children.

To make more small things and details in the children's room, you can make appliqués, collages, drawings, etc. You can find out more detailed about this by looking at the photo of the design of children's rooms for different children.

Photo of nursery for different children

The overall children's for two diverse children will be a favorite room for a son and daughter. To equip the children's bedroom independently not referring to the designers under the power of each parent. It is necessary to carefully approach the decision of the planning, zoning and design of the premises.

How to place children with a difference in age?

The placement of multi-age children in the common room involves one feature: it is necessary to take into account the needs of the child regarding his age. For example, the youngest child also goes to kindergarten, and his elder brother / sister is already finisted to school. In this case, the competent zoning helps.

At any age, the child needs to provide comfortable psychological conditions, and the situation in the room plays a huge role. Before planning the design of the room, we speak with children, we learn their desires, preferences.

First of all we estimate the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Children at different ages have different needs, so it is not recommended to divide the room to the general zones. Give your personal space to each child, albeit a small one.

Methods of dividing common space on zones

One of the options for dividing the spacious room will be partition, arch or curtains made of tight fabric. For a small children, we use open racks, screen or different finishing of two zones.


Denote the borders of the personal space using different finishes or color, if the age difference is small. Otherwise, it is necessary to separate the screen at least sleeping places.

For children with a big difference in age

The big difference in the age implies two main groups.

1 Group: Kindergarten - Primary / High School

In this case, we equip the overall gaming area, thereby save space. Undoubtedly, we plan it, taking into account the age and interests of children, so that they have the opportunity to play mobile games with toys, as well as engage in hobbies (drawing, appliqués, modeling and so on).

For a schoolboy, we draw a working area for which the table is needed, a comfortable chair and good lighting. Large cabinets can be replaced by mounted open shelves or set a common rack. Thus, we can place in it textbooks and notebooks of the older child, fairy tales and coloring of the younger.

The sleeping area can also be combined. We indicate the bed of each child with additional elements to avoid conflicts, to pay attention to both. It can be different bed linen, color or shape of a bed.

In a small room we can supply a bunk bed or a baby-attack. If this option is not considered, the space will save retractable boxes under the bed or folding structures, which in the daytime will be released a significant part of the room.

Little children such structures may not be under power. Then the youngest child choose a bed taking into account his growth, and the senior will quite cope with the folding option, or will call for the help of parents.

2 Group: Student of primary and senior classes

We can significantly reduce the game zone or exclude at all, since both children will be occupied by lessons. The number of toys will be significantly reduced with the start of classes at school, and the space liberated from the game zone is quite suitable for moving games.

We definitely think about the working area, they make a big emphasis on it. Each student will need its standard furniture set:

  • table;
  • comfortable armchair or chair;
  • lockers for storing office, books, notebooks.

So that children are not distracted by each other while studying, we have each table separately, at a distance. If there is no such possibility, choose tables with partition-separator. Since the need for the gaming area almost disappears, the tables can be placed at the window.


We think in advance the lighting of the workplace to set the socket nearby. Unnecessary wires do not fit into the interior.

To save space, choose hinged open shelves or racks. You can make one overall rack with books, but at the same time clearly distinguish between space.

  • partition;
  • arch;
  • cupboard;
  • screen;
  • curtain.

Joint or separate wardrobe?

Undoubtedly, each child will be pleasant to acquire his own wardrobe or shelves to fold its belongings separately. In terms of limited area, the dressing area is better combined.

To do this, get one big closet or chest, and divide the shelves and lockers between children so that no one felt deprived.

Perhaps one of the children wants to designate their part of the dressing room, stick stickers or posters. We do not obstruct such impulses, because with the combined dressing area, everyone wants to feel his own possessions.

Thunder the height of the cabinet so that children can independently reach all the shelves. In the very top cabinets we fold things that we rarely use. Remember that the cabinet furniture is more ergonomic.

Separate a small space is difficult and not to lose precious centimeters, use the following options:

Pick cabinets with mirrors on one or more doors.Thus, you do not have to divert an additional place for the mirror, in front of which children will be collected, and the room will visually increase.

If there is free space, we make it up under the seating area. It is enough to put a small folding sofa, a gaming console or a small table.

For school children: we draw work space

School is a new stage for children, which involves the preparation of the room. For study and classes will have to highlight the working area, and ideally two. There is a need to increase the place for storing books, notebooks, school or sports form.

How to create a separate workspace?

It is advisable to provide every child with your own table. This will help to avoid confusion in things and possible conflicts.

Depending on age, the accessory set will be different. For example, a high school student may need a computer for study, and the corresponding table to it. For preschool children you will need more miniature furniture to feel comfortable.

If you sit the jobs of children at a remote distance, schoolchildren are easier to concentrate at work, will be less distracted by each other.

The gaming area in the schoolchildren's room can be given less attention, or to exclude it at all. You can draw, make a modeling or other hobbies by writing desk, and the additional space will make the room freely and is suitable for active games.

Sleeping and dressing room

We try to place the sleeping area away from the windows and doors so that children can sleep before classes, and the morning sun or noise did not disturb sleep.

Beds can be put nearby, dividing them with a screen or chest. If the difference in the age of different children is essential, if possible, we plan sleeping places at a distance.

The dressing area is best combined, highlighting a large wardrobe for children. But the cabinets or shelves for school supplies do each individually. It can be retractable shelves in the table, narrow single-section cabinets, hinged shelves or racks.

Is it possible to place three children?

Place three children in one room - a difficult task, especially with limited area.

To equip children's for three, we can consider the following recommendations:

  • We try to free as much space as possible. It will help out compact furniture, which accommodates a lot of things, while occupying not so much space.
  • Separate for a child its zone. It is necessary for normal development, recreation, games, classes.
  • Do not make the room - let every thing has its purpose. The oversupply of furniture, toys and unnecessary things will make a room like a storage room.

Children's Zoning for Troy

To avoid conflict, it is very important to equally distribute the space. So the children will rest peacefully without jealous of each other.

Consider how zoning methods that can be guided by:

  • We provide each child with an individual space in which he will be comfortable. At the same time, the separated area should satisfy all the needs of the Son or daughter.
  • We plan the interior so that the room is conditionally divided into sleeping, gaming, working, dressing area.

When dividing the bedroom, we take into account the following recommendations:

  • The sleeping area is located away from window and doorways. Bright light or noise will interfere with rest.
  • We try to ensure the game zone to provide everything necessary: \u200b\u200bfor mobile games it will take additional space, the Swedish wall, and for the interests of interest, additional lockers.
  • The working or training zone is enough to provide tables, chairs, hinged shelves for storing books, notebooks and additional lighting.
  • Wardrobe zone We draw the most ergonomically as possible.

Sharing a bedroom to zones - a profitable solution if the space is limited. Big room is better divided into individual zones for each child.

How to combine and combine different zones?

In most cases, some zones can be combined. This allows you to rationally use the space and do not overload the interior.

The sleeping area can be combined with a dressing room. To do this, use ergonomic options:

  • loft bed;
  • bunk bed with a wardrobe supporting the second tier;
  • three-core bed, with built-in support cabinets for tiers. As a rule, the third bed in such beds is usually located perpendicular.
  • bed with drawers for storage.

Game zone can be combined with space for recreation. Also consider the option to exclude some zone. If all children of school age, the need for a big gaming zone disappears. Children of preschool age will not need a work area for classes.

What elements to use to divide the space?

To conveniently arrange children in the same room, you need to divide the space. Zoning methods will be directly dependent on the size of the room.

Architectural elements

The architectural elements include partitions, arches, podiums. To divide the room with their help is possible only if the room is 12 square meters. m. The layout of the bedroom and the location of the structures will have to be thought out at the stage of repair, as it will not work independently.

Unauthorized redevelopment or change in structures sometimes requires coordination in certain instances. Otherwise, the intervention may entail fines or difficulties when selling apartments.

We draw up with the help of lighting devices

With the help of light, you can also achieve the zoning of the room. Well lit room visually looks spacious. We supply the main lighting room, and for each zone we select additional lighting devices.

Sleeping places are complementary by muted lamps or lamps with adjustable light brightness. We definitely provide a bright light, each child for classes it is necessary to highlight the desk lamp.

The gaming zone can be issued by LED ribbon. It happens in different colors and will finely dilute the interior.

We select furniture

The standard set of furniture for nursery is:

  • table;
  • armchair;
  • bed;
  • cupboard.

It can be replenished with new items, however, to accommodate the double kit for both children becomes problematic.

In the context of saving space to furniture for the children's bedroom, there are special requirements.

Choose a bed

A very popular option is a bunk bed, and most often its analogue with a perpendicular arrangement of lying places. As a support of the upper bedroom, a wardrobe can serve, which simultaneously supports the design and saves space.

Consider the growth, weight category of the child and the ceiling height when choosing a bed. With a sitting position on the top tier of the bed, the distance from the head to the ceiling should be at least 10 cm.

Beds can also be located in one row along the wall, and between them arrange a small partition or purchase a bed with a finished partition from the head of the head. As a rule, such partitions usually have a rounded form.

We consider folding furniture:

  • sofa;
  • tahtu;
  • beds.

Modern models and systems do not make it difficult for school age to independently decompose the bed. Thus, the children are provided with their sleeping place, which in folded form does not take away a significant area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Also cut down the retractable shelves and boxes under the bed. They can be folded in bed linen, pajamas, towels, etc.

We draw for students

The following options will avoid conflict between students:

  • Separate working areas, that is, two different tables. Every young schoolboy with such a situation has its own desk, its workspace.
  • One big long table that will become a common working area. It can be divided by a small partition or with the help of desktop organizers.
  • Transformed windowsill. A very convenient option is to strengthen and expand the windowsill, equipping it as a table for classes. However, the dimensions of the window should be taken into account - a similar solution is feasible only for large dimensions.
  • Long table along the wall. He involves two full-fledged jobs. Comfortable working areas, a place for a computer, the shelves for the storage of all accessories and the absence of conflicts - the explicit advantages of the long surface for work.

The workspace must carefully light. Take care of additional artificial lighting for each student, especially if the tables are located away from the window. As light sources, use table lamps, lamps or point backlight.

Storage Furniture: Cabinets, Shelves, Shelves

A separate advantage is worth sending ergonomic cabinets. We draw attention to the number of shelves and departments inside the cabinet, consider their number in advance.

The following items will help ergonomically organize space:

  • We use corners in the room, this is a useful space in which corner cabinets and shelves will fit.
  • If possible, fit the shelves, dressers or cabinets in niche.
  • Hinged shelves are able to accommodate many necessary things, while they look stylish and do not overload the interior. This principle concerns and racks.
  • In a limited room, it is rational to use a wardrobe. You do not have to leave a lot of space to open his doors, and mirrors on mobile profiles visually expand the room.

For children, you can purchase one large wardrobe, but split it into two parts. So each child will receive his personal place, learn to independently care for things.

You can designate different halves using interesting stickers or stickers that will differ in color, form or characters from your favorite cartoons.

Selection of seats

For work, the chair on the wheels is perfect. It is convenient to move and adjust the height and tilt of the back. If it turns out that the mobile chair is too overall, you can choose a regular comfortable chair, taking into account the growth and dimensions of the child.


Stools without a back should not be purchased. They are comfortable to stick under the table to save space, but an inconvenient stool will only spoil the posture, will break the correct position of the body during operation.

  • Do not use dark colors for wall decoration, ceiling, floor.
  • To visually pull the room in a height, select wallpapers with a vertical strip to expand the room - with a horizontal strip.
  • To stretch the room along, we put a parquet board or laminate in parallel to the direction of the walls to expand the room - put radially or perpendicular to the long walls.
  • The ceiling with 3D drawing "will raise" the room and adds space. Figure of the cloud sky is a great option for younger children. For older age, a more stylish and discreet option is suitable, and the LED strip can be laid around the ceiling perimeter.
  • It is not recommended to divide the space with color or finishing.
  • Do not forget about sufficient lighting. We contribute to the penetration of daylight: use light tulle or blinds.
  • We select the most ergonomic and compact furniture, most often this cabinet furniture.
  • Add more drawers, folding structures.
  • We use mounted shelves and only open racks.

How to increase?

In homes with Khrushchev's apartments, the balconies are most often missing, loggias are designed instead that are not knocked out of the overall facade.

When distributing rooms at the repair stage, choose a room with a loggia as a nursery. Having received resolution on redevelopment, we increase the space of the room due to the demolition of the wall.

If the wall is carrier, get rid of it only partially, so we use one of the ways:

  • arch at the site of a wall that freed the space and will support the design;
  • modern and doorway demolition, the wall remains in its place. Convenient and not costly method;
  • the windowsill will be re-equipped in a tabletop, add hinged shelves, and on the loggia we will make a game zone for children.

If we plan a similar layout, be sure to warm the loggia and produce repair work in full. One transverse wall can be used to store toys - enough to kill wide open shelves.

For adult children on loggia, you can organize a training area or a place to stay.

How to rationally distribute the space?

With the arrangement of the room for all-choice children, the correct zoning is in the first place and is the main key to success. Zoning is determined by several parameters: layout, furniture arrangement, color solution, organization of lighting.

With the help of additional structures and furniture

As an additional structure, partitions, screen or shelving. This is the best way to divide the room, however, not always implemented by virtue of a limited area.

The position of the door and window openings determines the planning. If the entrance door is located opposite the window, there are two options for the placement of furniture:

  • Beds and cabinets go along free walls.
  • Beds are built in one line (maybe with a sufficient length of the room - wall 4-5 m).

Then the game or the working area is located at the window, and the cabinets are along the free wall or in the corners of the room.

You can separate the space with the help of the podium, most often it is used for the game or sleeping zone. The podium should not be too high to avoid injuries.

Additional lighting

Lighting actually plays a huge role, with it you can select existing zones and transform the interior.

  • Arrange the main lighting is a bright chandelier or lamp, which will illuminate the entire room, or a gaming zone.
  • Working tables and bedside tables provide additional light sources.
  • Fashionable and modern option - point backlight. It is used in niches, podiums, suspended shelves, etc.

The easiest way is to divide the room into two parts in half, while the partition must separate only the beds from each other, and the day zone (where they will play and do lessons) should be uniform.

You also need to designate personal zones with color without affecting a single zone. If you do this, then the children will have their own small corner and with all the time they will be able to communicate with each other during the course of the day. Two-tiered beds - very, very good way to save space, of course they have a place to be even in spacious rooms.

What is the advantage of this example? Here, children during sleep will not be in sight of each other, while preserving privacy. It saves more space in the game room. As for the working area (the table for homework), it should not be at different angles, just one table and two chairs.

Psychologists claim that children are face to each other, they know each other better, and this positively affects both the boy and the girl. And if the room is very small? Here the two-tier bed is the best option, but you can choose other options that are simultaneously and a place to sleep and place for children's things. There are also beds with devices for different games.

Video on the topic:Children's children - 50 best ideas
When you plan a children's room for your children, do not plan to stuff all things and toys into it. Of course, things of everyday use should be, but the rest (seasonal shoes and clothing) must lie elsewhere. Very often, children argue and swear among themselves and it is quite normal, as they must learn to find a way out, in the future they will help them. Therefore, the parents of children should not really make apart from each other. If children have one desktop, there is nothing terrible, if only they could share each other.

Another of the location options is the beds on one line separated by bedside tables or wardrobe. The bed-bed is also an excellent option, saves space.

Tips for the design of a children's room for different children.

  • If in your family one child is a schoolboy, and the other is not yet, then you will definitely separate the working area and gaming.
  • The desktop should be located in a well-lit place, best at the window.
  • We divide the furniture, each child should have their own closet, separate shelves and boxes.
  • Remember that the children will grow up and will be worthy of excess ", childishness,". Therefore, if you do not want to make repairs again in 4 - 6 years, then you buy furniture more adults or with removable elements.
  • Remember the two-tier beds will be a bad solution for those parents who have children constantly fight or fight. Immediately determine who sleeps upstairs, but who is below. Also, two-tiered beds will not suit those families who have low ceilings in rooms.

The room must be a socket with a protective body and then your children's room will be not only beautiful, but also safe.


Children's for a boy and girls: layout, color solutions, decor

Select color for the children's room.Here you have to choose from two options:

  • Neutral gamma Suitable for boys, and for girls. Moreover, the colors can be both calm - black and white, beige-brown gamma, and saturated, but not focused on a specific floor - yellow, orange, green.
  • Combination of shades of blue and red, The dividing room into two zones: half for the girl, the second half - for the boy. Learn from your children, what color they would like to paint the walls of the nursery, and let it be your joint creative project.
  • Personal space.Each child should have a personal space: its bed, workplace, wardrobe and other places to store personal belongings. Place the beds opposite each other, or on one side of the room, taking care of the separation of space.

How to divide the nursery to the zones.For separation of space in the children's room, a chest of drawers, a rack, bookcase. Excellent for these purposes are shirms and sliding curtains.

If the Children's Square does not allow you to put two separate beds, pay attention to bunk or retractable models. Such furniture will save enough space for the gaming zone. After all, the children's room is needed not only for sleep, but also for classes and games.

Customized bedding.Take care that the son and daughter has their own beautiful and original bed linen. Especially if you make a room in neutral tones, individual bedding will be able to satisfy the taste of each child. Machines, adventures, sea themes for the boy. Pink castles, princesses, cute little animals for the girl. A simple and spectacular way to distinguish the space for each child.

Children's decor for a boy and a girl.Making a nursery, you can not forget about the original decor. Bright posters and paintings, pillows, lamps, table accessories - all these little things will help your child to show individuality. Decorate the room along with the children, come together creatively to this process, and your children will be happy to bring friends to their new children.


Children's child

First, we suggest breaking the nursery for all-choice children conditionally into 2 parts. In the one that will be intended for the girl we arrange a crib with hinged cavities (so the baby will be able to feel like a fabulous princess). For the boy, get a crib in the form of a racing car.

Place for games and reading can be joint. Set on the wall shelves for toys. Here will be peacefully and dolls and cars. While the children did not go to school, you can purchase one big double desk, followed by which they will draw, and sculpt from plasticine. Then, when your kids are growing, you organize autonomous jobs for them, but for now they will be comfortable to be a common table.

Try to use in children's folding furniture. It is quite convenient when the crib can be transformed into a comfortable chair and vice versa. Do not forget that the game area for children should be pretty spacious to accommodate and toys a boy and girl toys. In order to avoid the quarrel, let each have their own shelf on which the child will be a full owner.

Give the child the opportunity to retire!

It is very important that the children be able to be in relative solitude. Of course, it is not necessary to count on complete silence and isolation. However, it is quite possible to create for each of the inhabitants a children's illusion of loneliness. To do this, we offer to take advantage of know-how known since the time of our grandmothers.

You can split the room into two halves with the help of a screen that will be opened at night or during the day when one of the inhabitants of the room will need to be alone in order to relax or work out.

Video on the topic:

If you think that such an accessory as Shirma is quite old-fashioned, then deeply mistaken. Flexible folding partition can be performed in various styles and pick up what you need will not be difficult. You can use a narrow closet instead of the screen. But this option for the placement of furniture will not allow you if necessary, remove the wardrobe to another place quickly and without assistance.

In which colors make a room for all-choice children

If we talk about color solutions, then children's children must be framed in neutral pastel shades. Choose something monophonic. Let the bright spot be an outdoor coating or curtains for children.

Invite children to make sure and make proposals on how to arrange a room. The walls of the room can also be decorated in accordance with the wishes of children. Let the girl's side be taught by the Wine Panel with plant topics and its own drawings of the young artist. And the side of the boy is offered to arrange posters with your favorite heroes - transformers or drawings with models of cars.

When children are growing a little, guests will definitely come to them, the same fidgets as they themselves. Therefore, you need to take care of where to sit down. An excellent solution in this case is mild puffs stuffed with foam rubber. At the time of visiting guests, they can be entered into the nursery, and then take away from there and stored in the storage room.

Both boys and girls adore to play on the floor. In this regard, we recommend landing flooring. At the same time, note that it should not have too long a pile, since this circumstance will make it difficult to clean.


Interior of the Children's Room for Miscellaneous Children

The room follows, in addition to creating a beautiful interior for psychological comfort, organize a place for games and a full-fledged holiday, sports and performing school tasks, watching TV and meetings with friends.

Basic rules for design

The design of a nursery for a girl and a boy depends on many factors. One of the determinants is the size of the room. If the living conditions are allowed, the largest and bright room should be allocated for children. The main rules for creating an interior in such a room can be combined into several groups.

If the room has enough room for two different zones, it should be divided into the territory of the son and daughters using standard methods. For this, the focal partitions, shirms, group arrangement of furniture are successfully used.

Visually, you can distinguish the zones:

  • with the help of color combinations,
  • use of unequal finishes for walls, floor and ceiling with different surface structure,
  • creating Lial, Applications of different types of lighting and appliances.

Since in the life of the child, a full-fledged healthy vacation occupies an important place, with special attention to the location and view of the bed. It is desirable that each of the children have a separate cozy place to sleep, where no one bothered him.

Laying beds.In order to organize personal space, it is not bad to divide the beds by other furniture objects, such as bedside tables, tables, cabinets, partitions. With an angular placement of beds or in one line, it is necessary to plan their placement so that the children sleep their head to the head.

If the room does not have enough space for the equipment of two full-fledged places of recreation, as an option, you can install bunk models that have become very popular. They allow you to significantly expand the free children's area, which can be used for other purposes.

Selection of lighting.Children's lighting should be quite bright, allowing you to engage in loved ones, for example, read, collect the designer, embroider, draw, etc. Psychologists recommend to make a room well lit for the proper formation of the psyche, the nature of the child.

To ensure full-fledged lighting, use natural and artificial light sources. It is better that the children's has a common lamp and a separate illumination of zones of games, recreation, desktop. To obtain different illumination, light controllers are used, chandeliers with 2-3 and more brightness levels, convenient remote control.

Registration of walls.In the nursery, use light color of the walls, usually delicate pastel tones. In accordance with traditionally established views, you can separate part of the girl's room, using wallpaper or paint pink shades. The zone for the boy is familiar with the blue, green parts of the spectrum. If the small room does not allow to allocate his personal space to each child, it is usually decorated using neutral shades: beige, white, sandy, golden.

Requirements for furniture.Furniture to the nursery for the girl and the boy is better to make to order. It must be uncooked and durable. To visually do not clutter a small space, its color should be combined with a shade of walls, it may be a bit darker. It is not recommended to apply for children's black, gray colors and dark colors. It is allowed to make stylish colored accents of bright, saturated shades.

In order for the room to be spacious, in the manufacture of furniture, you need to choose practical models of small size, with spacious boxes, comfortable shelves that advanced designs moving bedside tables.

It is necessary to maximize the internal space of furniture, free areas on the walls, between objects, in the corners, under the beds. An important element of the room is a written table. Its dimensions should be allowed to engage together both children, install a computer, conveniently placed training equipment. If there is a place, it is better to install two small tables in the room, so that each of the children can do on its own without interfering with another.

Teens require increased attention to the interior design of their room. They already need less space for games, place a large number of toys. At the same time, there is a need for an additional space for classes of beloved affair, communicating with friends, placing music equipment, video equipment.

Other requirements are already presented to the decoration of the room. Often there is a desire to remove objects from the interior with children's themes, use new, more adult types of finishes. Since the teenage age is rapidly ends, it is not necessary to fully change the furniture and the situation on expensive interior items in accordance with the volatile tastes of children.

It will take some time and adolescents will become adults with their shaped tastes and habits. The creative approach together with a large number of finishing options as in the photo, make it possible to place the design of the room for the boy and the girl so that they felt in the room comfortably, did not annoy and did not interfere with each other.

Using the wishes of children, you can develop a room finish together, turn the repair process into fun and friendly communication.


Room Finish for Miscellaneous Children: Zoning Takes

The design of the children's room for all-choice children takes into account the features of each child. All the nuances should take care in advance, while children are still small and this difference is not so obvious. The girl and the boy need their own separated territory from the total area. The interior of the room for a boy and a girl should give at least a partial opportunity to retire.

What conditions should the interior for two singular children:

  • Visually divide the room in the form of two zones,
  • Provide privacy for every child
  • Take into account the interests of two children
  • Be practical and functional.

There is nothing impracticable in such a task, the room can be made universal in age and divide into zones for two children. Ideas in the photo oriented you in which techniques will help transform interior. Let us dwell on each of the options with a detailed description and useful tips.

Video on the topic:Children's room for two - design and furniture

Receptions of zoning children's room

There are many ways to split the interior on functionally different zones. In our case, we are talking about two zones in a room for a boy and a girl. This option can be carried out in large rooms, and if the room is small. It is only necessary to use a special zoning geometry in each of the cases.

Receptions helping to divide the interior on the zone:

  • Color combination: walls, floor, bed linen, paintings, curtains of different colors and subjects,
  • Physical separation: partitions, screen, shells, curtains, bastachets of different designs,
  • Zoning with furniture: beds with high headboards, table, cabinet, cabinet, etc.

Registration in different colors are a great way of visual zoning. It can be paint of different colors: cream and soft blue, turquoise and lavender and other combinations. Wallpaper with different pattern the simplest option of creating two zones. How to combine wallpapers, look at the photo of the best design examples. All these techniques can be combined with each other to one degree or another, as well as use themselves.

Geometry Zoning Children's For Girl and Boy

The interior for two diverse children is almost unlimited in the ways of arrangement of furniture and various stylistic techniques.

Parallel zoning.Beds are located near the opposite walls, and the room itself is divided into 2 parts along. This method is embodied in cases where the children's for all-choice children has an area of \u200b\u200b14 m2 and not stretched like a car.

The window has to equip a place to study, and place beds along the walls, as well as lockers for clothes. Do not forget about the gaming zone for both children in the free space, where you need to put a warm mat, a game tent or a toy box.

Wallpaper is better to use different colors, but one drawing. For example, stick wallpaper in a strip of purple (for a girl), the other is a gentle-turquoise (for a boy) onto one wall. But it can be done differently, separating the floor - completely or with the help of mats of different colors. Furniture can be different color, but it is much easier to choose bedding of two different styles.

Merry idea to hang on the opposite sides of the window curtains of various colors and drawing. The cons of such separation is close visual contact, which does not allow children to fully retire. This nuance is removed by the establishment of the Baldakhin or Shuttle. Baldahin really like children - it's at the same time a beautiful solution, and a tent for games.

Perpendicular zoning.The small room may not allow the parallel bed location along the walls. Perhaps for your case is suitable perpendicular accommodation. Beds should be placed perpendicular to one of the walls. In this case, they can be divided by a small partition, a rack or a bed.

In the embodiment of this idea, you can make a color combination of the wall of the head of the head of the head of the wall. At the same time, the wallpaper should be not only different colors, but a different pattern is a more spectacular reception. For example, a striped wallpaper with blue elements - for a boy, cream wallpaper with butterflies - for the girl. Other original ideas are looking at the photo - for fantasy, there are no borders for the choice of combinations.

Wonderful if the beds also be different colors. Over headboards you can love paintings of different themes for a girl and a boy, a photo of the owners of the beds. Pretty spectacular reception - applying the names of the girls and a boy on the wall with a stencil. In this case, the permutation will already be impossible.

Zoning at an angle.Another option for a small room is the placement of baby beds at an angle to each other. In this case, such a placement can coincide with the angle of the room, so each bed will have its own wall. In fact, each of two children gets its own wall, along which lockers and bedside tables can be set, as well as tables for the letter.

The interior will be much more interesting if the walls make fundamentally different colors. Puck 1/3 of the height of two walls with the same wallpaper striped, and above one-photon, but different colors for each wall.

Zoning "Carriak".A long and narrow room can be divided only in the only way - the beds one by one another along one wall. Between two beds, you can put the partition, and even better hang the curtain on the rings with the possibility of moving it. As a result, it will be a nursery for diverse children in the form of two separate rooms.

The design and decoration of the walls is performed like previous options: wallpaper of different colors and pattern. A shallow wardrobe can also act as a partition - it is also an additional functional element.

Furniture for children with two different children

Furniture can be a real solution to this puzzle. Even a very small room can be zoning if you choose the right furniture:

Video on the topic:Original children's room interiors for two children

  • Bunk beds - the upper part of the girl, the lower boys. It can be absolutely amazing designs with lockers in the stairs steps and even descending slide from the second floor. Additional curtains and shirms will help to complement the idea,
  • Beds - Transformers that are retracted to case-cases in the daytime,
  • A variety of beds, cabinets made from LDSP panels. They can be designed according to your sketch or selected photo.

Furniture will allow to divide the space without forceing to redecessing and repair.


Do you have one room for different children?

The common room for young children is quite valuable experience. This allows you to teach the guys get along with each other, divide the space and toys. Thanks to this brother and sister, there are strong relationships in the future. Also, your babies will not be boring, because they will be able to constantly play together and engage in other affairs. If you have twins, then the design of their room may be a little more difficult, but it is worth it.

Gender-neutral themes of a children's room.If you wish the room for your diverse children is framed according to a specific topic, you can choose one of the neutral options. Zoo, jungle, circus, ocean, music, playground, kittens, dogs, horses are just what immediately comes to mind. All kids adore animals, so you can stay on such topics. The fabulous castle will also like the boy and the girl. Future men prefer dragons and knights, and young ladies dream of becoming princesses.

"Divide and rule."If your son insists on trucks, and the daughter does not represent a room without dolls, highlight each kid on the personal zone in the bedroom. Beds are recommended to arrange in different parts of the room. Let each child independently come up with how to decorate his wall. An even simpler option is to use neutral shades, and near the bedroom, daughter and son accommodate a large free board.

Color schemes.Choosing a tone for the design of the shared bedroom, the use of purely female or male shades should be avoided. Dark blue, gray, black looks somewhat hard. At the same time, pink either the color of lavender looks not too attractive from the point of view of the boy. The main tones and bright accents are well harmonized together: blue, yellow, red, lilac, orange, etc. If you wish to choose a softer color gamut, think about green and brown shades. They can be combined as you please. This is an excellent solution for designing a room in plant topics.

Fabrics and bedding.The main rule is that there are no drawings and patterns on the tissues and bedding, which are characterized by female or male features. Floral drawings - selection of girls. Trucks and trains immediately show that the main thing in the room is a boy. Stay on such solutions as a drawing into a cell or into a point. Again, you can think about printing with animals (horses, dogs, etc.). There is an alternative solution. Each child can choose bedding independently. True, you should take care that they look quite harmoniously. It is possible to use monochon tissues.

Furniture.Unfortunately, there is a lot of space when designing a common children's room. Your task is to choose furniture that will help save space. Bunk cribs and attic beds with built-in chest of storage - the perfect solution. Your son and daughter will grow, but you will not soon have to spend money on the purchase of new furniture. If your kids are still too small in order to sleep on a bunk bed, purchase a product that can be separated and folded.

Personal space.Personal space is an important factor that should be considered when placing a room for a boy and a girl. May each child be their own zone in which he will spend time. You can use a canopy or separator. Another option is high dressers or book lockers who share the room into two areas. You also need to leave an open space where children will be able to communicate and play together. The simplest solution is the curtain in the center of the room. At any time, the kids will be able to move it away and spend time together.


To equip the children's room so to please one child, it is not easy. And if two children live in it (also different floors!), The task is complicated doubly.

Fortunately, designers have developed a lot of interesting ideas that parents will be able to take up. A selection of photos below will help you choose the option suitable over the area and layout.

Basic principles of arrangement

In a narrow children's wall, a smaller length will help to visually lengthen the wallpaper with a nonsense horizontal pattern and with a pronounced perspective.

2. Choose furniture.

It will be reasonable to give preference to multifunctional options:

  • children's corners;
  • bed transformers;
  • bed-attic;
  • bunk structures;

Such furniture saves space and solves the problem of zoning. For multi-age children taken on the rise of the younger child, the bed will save money.

Universal will be classic neutral models from an array, fiberboard or MDF, simple shape, without a carved pattern.

For different teenagers, blinds will help to highlight their personal space.

Small children of about one age will delight the bed-house. It will not only be a sleeping place, but also a cozy gaming area.

A wardrobe bed or a sofa with a sliding bed in a room for a girl and a boy to 7-9 years will solve the problem of lack of square meters.

For children with different hobbies, you can order a attic bed with separate gaming zones.

The room of a small square requires more space and freedom. Smart storage systems will allow maintaining order even in the huge kingdom of toys. It can be built-in wardrobes, dressers equipped with bed boxes, additional racks on the side surface of multi-level structures.

Children's 14-15 square meters. meters

Such a room gives more freedom in choosing decor and furniture.

1. Color design.

In the middle and large in the area of \u200b\u200bchildren's relevant to combine different colors in the finish. For example, you can paint the opposite walls in traditionally pink and blue or peach and gray, thereby visually separating half the boy and girls.

The use of neutral colors also remains relevant, especially if children have a big difference in age or they are different on temperament.

2. Selection of furniture.

Rational and ergonomic furniture with "smart" storage systems will always be in priority. In sufficiently spacious children's 16 or 18 square meters. m You can put two separate beds. It can be ordinary single-bag options with built-in boxes or shelves or two duplex structures, then each can be their own training or gaming zone.

Room sizes allow you to put two separate cabinets or two walls to completely divide the toys and thereby avoid quarrels.

From a large room from 20 square meters. m You can make two full-fledged children. The restriction in this case will be only the location of the window. In most cases, the partition can separate sleeping and gaming zones and leave the general territory where cabinets can be located, storage racks. This option is an ideal solution for adolescents, so deserves separate attention.

For teenagers and children of different ages

In this difficult transition period, both children exacerbated sense of independence, proprietary relationship.

The ideas of how to divide the young man and the girl can be somewhat.

1. If there is an opportunity, then the easiest solution will be the installation of a partition with a drywall or rack with a maximum separation of all zones.

2. A good option is a partial separation with common areas of use. In a narrow room, for example, where the window is located in the center of the smaller wall, it is impossible to fully allocate each individual half. The location by the window can be used under the organization of the training zone by installing. In another part of the room, you can put the attic beds, as it was pretended above, bunk beds with curtains or two separate beds with a small partition.

3. For a small bedroom, a good idea will be the attic bed with highlighting for everyone on the lower tier of the personal space and the use of curtains in the bedroom area. For young girls, you can equip the personal dressing room under the top tier.

Children's teenagers feel already adults and independent personalities. This should be reflected in the interior:, modern style and decor in the form of modular paintings, photo wallpaper with the image of night megacities or on the topic of cinema, fashion.

Features of decoration

The feature of the arrangement of the children's room for all-choice children is primarily manifested in accessories, textile design, decoration design. The décor is reflected in the hobby and hobby of a boy and a girl. Create a harmonious interior will help the following tips:

  1. The more differences between children in character, temperament, hobbies, the more neutral there should be walls. Refuse.
  2. If children have common favorite cartoons, fairy tales, then the characters from them can be used as the image theme on the photo wallpaper.
  3. Use different textile designs for boys and girls: Bed linen, pillowcases on sofa pillows, etc. Curtains on the windows should be neutral, universal colors.
  4. To avoid children's quarrels, we visually divide and furniture with the help of color design. For example, the blue half of the cabinet will be for the boy, and yellow or pink - for the girl.