Children's furniture for two boys. What should be the design of the room for two boys children's for two boys 17 sq m

The teenage period is characterized by complex perturbations of a person. He hardly, for the first time, really realizes his personality, begins to demand more freedom. All parental attacks are questioned and revised. In order not to resort to tough methods of education, parents are advised to act fine. So, for the symbolic expansion of the boundaries of his freedom, you can create an appropriate design of a teenager room. It is also possible to attract it to participate in the choice of style of design, however, it should be prepared for manifestations of youthful maximalism. Next will present several recommendations that will help find a common language with your child - the best friend's room.

Competent design of a teenager room is the same concern, only indirect form. Not all children from 12 to 17 can independently determine their needs, and therefore still need parental assistance with this issue. And most importantly, here it is necessary to take into account - this is the secondaryness of the monetary aspect. A teenager will evaluate the final result completely different. Therefore, regardless of how the layout of the rest of the rooms looks like, children should take into account his personal interests. It is better to send a child's self-expression into a creative plane than later to allow you to cry out unmotivated aggression. It is important to understand that the design of the teenage rooms can be based on hobbies, hobbies, abilities, and not only to follow some generally accepted style. This room should be his personal space. Next about the differences in design for young people and girls.

Children's design selection for teenager-youth

It is recommended to contact his hobby, if possible, make a thematic room. This will help not only earn a teenager respected, but also beneficial to the development of his abilities. For example, the boy may have the following interests:

  • Computer games, virtual programs;
  • Art (music, cinema, painting);
  • Military case, weapons;
  • Applied, accurate sciences (chemistry, geometry, geography);
  • Sport.

The last option is the most versatile. Regardless of the selected topics, a sports corner should be provided in the teenager room. It is important to determine what your child is interested in. This is usually in sight, guys rarely hide their hobbies.

Teenage room selection for girl

The similar method is valid here. First you need to listen to the opinion of the girl itself before turning to an experienced designer. Even the coolest of them cannot know for sure what will be better for her.

Modern arsenal of professional masters in the interior involves much more options than just pink wallpaper or ruffles on the curtains. For example, an important element of the decor can be the right furniture layout. The benefit that manufacturers offer the widest choice in the market, corresponding to all sorts of hobbies of the child.

Since the girl a priori must have a lot of outfits, then it will be useful to the original products that allow you to carefully store clothes. The minimum set can have the following form:

  • Locker for dresses, outerwear;
  • Shelves under the shoe storage;
  • Dresser for underwear;
  • Truma.

Despite the abundance of clothes and other women's accessories, it is still not necessary to clutter the space space.

Children's design selection for two teenagers

A rather complicated task, since it is necessary to observe the balance, a certain balance. It must be done so that the teens do not interfere with each other, but they retained a solid connection.

If the space allows this effect to achieve the combination of functional zones:

  • The classic is considered a bunk bed that allows you to combine the zone for sleep;
  • Long writing desk can be a working area for both;
  • It is easier to dispose of a wardrobe, where you can provide a fair separation;
  • General area of \u200b\u200brecreation, the same musical corner or a boxing pear.

The conclusion here can be done one: it is extremely undesirable to create a situation where one of them can feel deprived.

Parity must be kept in everything, especially if children are twins.

Toys toys, but the same furniture headset will have to share equally. Even if it comes to the design of the boy's boy's room. The discount will only in the fact that the room can be issued with one topic. Of course, taking into account the opinions and tastes of each of adolescents. Exemplary example - football theme. Guys can love rival teams, but the ball and common tournaments are combined. But this is if lucky, because the guys can get involved in different sports.

If the children of different sex, then do not do here without zoning. To avoid tough division, the design of the room for two teenagers can be combined with one common style. But before moving to the design of the design, age accents should be briefly present.

Accent interior depending on age

12-13 years old

The child just begins to realize his own individuality, but it is likely that he already had some kind of hobby. In this case, it is impossible to slow, you need to fully reflect the teen rooms.

Maybe someday he will say a loud thank you to his parents at the awards ceremony, if creative hobbyurn will turn into something more. It is incredibly cool when a person begins to engage in a favorite thing from such an early age. Therefore, the sooner it is to notice for him, the more serious will be the results.

14-15 years old

Since the guys already, most likely, were already determined with the theme of hobbies or hobbies, then the queir turn was. They instinctively seek a sample to imitate. Focusing on the model of his behavior, they can also behave with their friends.

By 15 years, children often consist in teenage "gangs", communities for interests, so it is desirable to envisage the possibility of friendly gatherings. To do this, the design of the teenage room can be made with soft puffs or colored pillows that occupy much less space than chairs.

16-17 years old

At this age, the teenager could have achieved certain results. He feels an independent person and can appreciate his achievements from. The best advice for parents will release the entrance and allow him to choose the style itself. Show more trust.

Premises for adolescents

Classic style

It is considered one of the most successful solutions if the teenager is a girl. As part of this style, the economic abilities of the future custodian of the focus can well manifest. True, parents should be aware that in addition to the observance of symmetry, this decor suggests the presence of expensive tissues and other luxury items.


It is a certain opposite classic, implies a violation of symmetry in favor of certain geometric forms. Non-standard layout and functionality of the room create a modern room design for a teenage boy. Dynamic effect, visible expressiveness, daring style - are a vivid evidence of this. The emotional component of such an interior allows the young man to be in harmony with his "wave", his own worldview. The hobby of the child will not have the meaning, it is easy to adjust under the design.

American style

Distinctive features of the style are:

  • functional association zones;
  • applying dimensions of the furniture headset;
  • use or imitation of expensive materials;
  • point lighting.

It can be concluded that this style has some similarity with the classics. For its application, sufficiently light space is needed. Suitable by both teenagers.


Contains some element of education when the teenager is still learning a teenager to appreciate what he has, and does not clog his personal space of unnecessary objects. In addition, cleaning of such a room seems extremely easy, fast. What looks indisputable advantage with a guy.

It also guarantees additional safety, because the fewer the corners and protruding parts, the less and the risks are injured. For the concert of the musical group or the performance of the favorite team may well provoke the child to reckless actions.

High tech

The previous style is considered to be a High-tech forerunner, which positions itself as the fruit of science fiction writers. This includes cosmic motives, popular science topics, the construction of starships. Smooth texture, functionality of metal products, the use of cold shades - everything should set up a teenager for the conquest of new peaks, model the technology of its future. It also should not have problems with cleaning children.

High-tech is the perfect interior of the boy's room.


The direct heir to industrial style, Loft is the most practical option for the design of the children's room. This is due to the lack of need to adhere to a single planning: it is allowed to use different-caliber furniture, unusual accessories and improvisation with finishing color. Dummy guys like this style allows you to show your reckless nature to the full coil. Parents can only be reminding about the sense of measure, as well as the fact that for this design it will take a large space.

Sea style

White-blue color gamut, wooden products, metal fittings - everything should remind of the sea. You can arrange curtains in the form of sails, and the floor covering is under the deck. The ideal option for dreamy teenagers, since childhood lovers in geography with her overseas travels.


It is allowed only if there are creative abilities in a child. Since without an unusual look at things, a specific imagination - it will be difficult to justify the visible beamless or the presence of acid color. There are practically no rules. More precisely, there is one thing: violation of all rules.


Suitable more to those who early began to grow up, tries to restore order and pragmatically assesses the future. Perfectionists are found equal to both the boys and girls. For example, female representatives can rationally approach the issue of storage, and subsequently it will be aware that the daughter becomes the chief accountant. The boy will appreciate the suspicion of an asymmetric design room.

Features of the teenage room


There are no hard rules here, because the child has already grown and cute little animals on the walls are no longer relevant. It is necessary to focus solely on the identity of the teenager. No need to insist on practical beige if it grows creative. Conversely, acid tones can become a source of nervous tension of a relaxing child. A compromise can be one pronounced wall with the rest of the neutral color. The guys are recommended in the lack of facing, muted, matte. The girl is more characteristic of gentle, vanilla tones.


When choosing the texture of wallpaper, you should consider the future placement of favorite children's posters. Therefore, a large ornament will annoy the child, it is better to use simple tones. Ideally, when an artist is growing, able to paint the walls on his own. Moreover, it does not matter what a pencil or by graffiti. Parents can be recommended bright photo wallpaper with the right plot.


There are no fundamental points here, in addition to the design of the High-Tech style (where it is possible to organize the starry sky). Ordinary whitewashing, plasterboard or stretch ceilings have the same chances. You can navigate to the height of the room and the features of lighting.


Similarly, it will depend on style. Either this is a deck (marine subject), or just a parquet if the classic. And maybe the finish with ceramic tiles, if high-tech. Athletes will be the best option to carpet. The only wishes so that the floor covering was heated.


The younger generation needs a lot of natural light. Artificial lighting is desirable to make point, for each functional zone. Thus, they will additionally distinguish the space. Girls more suitable option with a beautiful chandelier with floral motifs.

Furniture and decor

Inalienable decor attributes can be various awards, favorite posters, homemade products of young designers, musical instruments.

Children's furniture is made a lot of requirements. First, it should not be a lot, the minimum set. It should not climb space and limit the movement of a teenager. Secondly, the maximum functionality of all products. If the style does not assume dark wood, it is better to stop on the bright shades of natural wood. Furnitura any.

The bed must be necessarily comfortable and ergonomic, perhaps with an orthopedic mattress, because the child is growing. For girls, a bed on the podium is suitable, with drawers for clothes. Transformer sofas are better not to use altogether.

That in the end

A thoughtful approach to the design of a child assumes attention to the interests of the teenager himself. Therefore, iron requirements for design. There are some wishes: more space, light, fewer furniture, unnecessary parts. It is also desirable that positive colors are used, even if the child belongs to the subculture is ready. The basic requirement for a few furniture is its functionality. As for the finish, everything will be dependent on the style of the style chosen by you.

Planning a children's room in the apartment is a very important and responsible step. The child needs their personal space, and his bedroom should be not only comfortable, but also beautiful. This is especially true of the premises where two boys will live.

The ideal option for children for a pair of boys is a stylish, technological and functional space in which your sons will spend a lot of time. Therefore, first of all, it should reflect the character of each child, but at the same time have a common concept, and stylistics.

Little boys show insignificant activity, which means that they are more evaluate the comfort and sense of securitythan the saint of the interior. The interior should send your guys, have them, for example, to creativity, or educational games and puzzles. Children should create a sense of involvement in this such cognitive and male world. For better concentration of attention, at this point in life, children's for 2 boys should be divided into special areas of activity.

Baby beds boys, experts recommend put the opposite to each other. Thus, the boys will communicate during the rest, or before bedtime. An excellent option is the beds in the original form, for example, cars - what you like to any boy. To save space, it is better to do drawers and spaces under the beds where things and various children's toys will be stored. Boys must be comfortable to sleep on the beds, and better for them to use special mattresses with an orthopedic effect. In general, buy only safe furniture for the nursery.

It is recommended to hang interesting illustrations on the walls in the original framework, or decorate them with your own photos. Not recommended for children under 6 years old, put a bunk bed - they can fall from it and get injured. Children's furniture should consist from safe and non-toxic elements.

The interior design of the brothers room is drawn up in accordance with each of the zones. Sleeping space is desirable to perform in lungs, classic tones. And for the working area, you will need a lot of light, for more comfortable and efficient activities. In the gaming area, bright pictures on the walls can be combined, and original prints.

Children's room design (video)

Gallery: The interior of the children's room (25 photos)

Children's for two teenagers

Time goes, boys grow and become more curious. Therefore, the design of children's teenagers must fit this age step. As in the case of young children, teenage brotherhood also need split.

The interior of the children's for a pair of boys of adolescence, should consist of interesting items, unusual lamps or bright outdoor coating. When designing space, you should be considered with tastes and preferences of your boys. Be sure to ask them about the shades of furniture, and about the color scheme as a whole. So, adolescents will be involved in the creation of an ideal space in which they will live. What the harmonious room will reflect their personality, the more comfortable will be your children in it.

Walls can be decorated using posters with favorite actors Or musicians, posters to your favorite films of your guys. The advantage of such a design is that they can be outweigh at any time to another wall, or place, change to others, or remove and remove and remove. You may want to hang on the wall on the wall for reusable drawing. This will develop the creative abilities of your children, and they will flush their energy and emotions in a peaceful bed.

Children's room for two boys of different ages

An interior design for children for children - the weather is easy enough, in children, in this case, many common hobbies and the same mode. It is more difficult to make a children's design for boys of different ages.

With this aspect, the main thing take into account interests and hobbies each of the two. In infants and young children, their needs, but more eldest children need their own corner, where they can retire to think, or take friends. Therefore, the design of the brothers must match their personality. Do not forget about one feature: the Son is older, the personalized and multifunctional will be half the room.

But this does not mean that for baby, it is necessary to highlight a very small space. Furniture for two boys should be general, like a place for games, if they are at that age when they play together. Bedroom for two boys, follows shaveSo that none of the two, was not disadvantaged, and did not feel offended or jealousy. Beds in children of different ages can be performed in a single concept, and may differ from each other.

Children's interior for two boys should be decorated in indifferent styles, provided that one of them is older than the other. But you can resort to the general style in the designwho will suit both the baby, and his more adult brother. And also when designing a room for two boys, it is important to take into account that if today the brothers are inseparable, then in a few years, each of the two will need a "own territory". In his personal corner, everyone wants to engage in their affairs, read, invite friends, or relax.

Furniture in the bedroom of two boys

Furniture for boys should be durable and durable. It is desirable for it to be made of waterproof materials. Well, that she was ergonomic, did not occupy a lot of space, and combined with the overall style of the room. If the area is small, then there will be enough beds (or one bunk bed), and the cabinet. But if the perimeter of the room allows you to safely put separate beds for children, and cabinet furniture. Cabinets must be multifunctional, and volumetric.

Thinking about the significance of a nursery in the apartment, think how important for you it is important to have a comfortable and cozy personal space. Of course, often in his games children go beyond their own room, but the more interesting and thoughtful will be the design of a children's room for two boys, the less toys will be scattered throughout the apartment.

In this article we will talk about how to make a comfortable for living 2 boys one common room. It should contain the identity of each child, at the same time the interior should be harmonious and solid. Below you can see a lot of photos of the beautiful interiors of the children's room for two boys, learn more about zoning, competent layout and design of space.

Zoning children

If you are inventing the design of the children's room for two boys, it is worth thinking about the zoning of the room. The room needs to be divided into four parts: a recreation area, a place for games, a work area and a storage area.

Recreation area and sleep

The perfect option that will add the interior with a highlight and retain free space - this is a bunk bed or modular furniture.

Work zone

Each boys should have their own workplace. If you are equipping a children's room for two boys and girls, then you need to place in the room three, albeit small, tables. To save space, you can use sliding, folding or folding tables.

Remember: Good lighting of the working area is the key to your child in the future.

Game Zone

Here you can give the initiative in the hands of children and rely on their choice. They themselves will say that they like it more - a sports corner, a ring for playing basketball, improvised chaolars or a creative corner for modeling and drawing. The main thing is that the wishes of both boys be reflected here.

Think about storing toys - it can be a stylized chest with children's "treasures", drawer, rack or big bag.

Storage area

In the children's room for two children of boys, there will be one wardrobe enough, but it must be divided into two equal parts. It is best to choose a double cabinet, in which one half is intended for things one, and the second is for another child.

Registration of the interior "by age"

Children's for kids

Two boys do not need a luxurious children's room. First, children grow very quickly, and their needs change. And secondly, they are unlikely to appreciate your efforts and spending.

A comfortable space for sleep and feeding, comfortable for crawling, and then run a coating on the floor, beautiful colors and a lot of toys - that's all you need two little boys.

A wardrobe or dresser for storage is useful made from the functional, the storage table for toys to your choice and good lighting.

Room for boys of preschool age

Water space on the area for recreation, creativity and games. Do not forget to highlight enough space for storing things and toys.

To sleep, you will choose two separate beds or a two-story bed, if the area of \u200b\u200bthe children's room for two boys is 12 sq. M. Before buying, check with children, whether they are not afraid to sleep on the top tier.

The floor must be made from non-slip material - cork covering or carpet perfectly suitable for this purpose. A sports corner with a staircase, rings and a horizontalist contributes to the harmonious physical development of your children and a splash of excess energy.

Room for schoolchildren and teenagers

As the boys grow, they will need more space for study. Therefore, with the start of learning, two full-fledged workplaces with good lighting will be organized. Furniture for children will use a rack for books and textbooks, shelves for notebooks and stationery.

Children's for two boys of different ages

The tangible difference between the age of two children is a weighty argument in favor of separating space into two separate zones. In children of different ages, various interests and needs, therefore, one common room will infringe the interests of one of the boys to one degree or another, and the two zones will allow the interior more personal and comfortable. Below is a photo of a children's room for two boys of different ages.

Color solution

Starting repairs in the nursery, it is important to choose the right color gamut. Boys will spend a lot of time in children's time, so they should be comfortable in their room.

Do not use only one color - in this case, the interior will be heavy, boring or empty. Combine different shades and contrasting colors.

Do not be afraid of cold shades. Dilute them with warm - so the room will turn out more cozy.

Planning the interior design of the bedroom for two boys, it is necessary to take into account the rules for organizing such space, preference and hobbies of the boys themselves, their age. In addition, the room will be used not only for recreation, but also for leisure, classes, so much attention should be paid to ergonomics and functionality.

Bedroom design features for two boys

The design of a children's room for boys can be performed in a different style, such universal options are suitable for this:

  • sea or pirate themes;
  • sporty style, including registration on football, car theme;
  • cowboy style;
  • scientific and cosmic topic;
  • for quite small, you can use the design in the style of your favorite fairy tales and cartoons.


In addition, when planning the design it is necessary to take into account the age of boys:

  • for infants, the situation will be the most simple changing table and a comfortable bed;
  • for kids up to 3 years old need a spacious place for games and comfortable sleeping places;
  • for children, 3-5 years old can be organized a sports corner;
  • for schoolchildren of junior classes, an ergonomic place for classes is needed;
  • for teenagers, two separate seats for leisure and communicating with friends are required.

Features of the choice of color gamut


For comfortable and cozy bedroom space of two boys, it is recommended to choose such shades:

  1. For a small room with poor natural lights, warm light colors are suitable, for example, light green, cream, dairy, white or orange.
  2. If the windows come out on the south, then almost any shades are suitable. But the most suitable will be cold colors, for example, light gray, blue, blue, purple. They can be diluted with bright accents, for example, green, small amount of red, ultramarin.
  3. When choosing two or more basic shades, it is necessary to take into account their combination of each other. You can not use more than four main tones, as it will make the bedroom with an uncomfortable and overloaded color. It is best one background color and two auxiliary shades that will make the space more harmonious and convenient for children.
  4. When choosing a palette, it is necessary to take into account age. For children under 3 years old, it is desirable to use bright and pastel shades, in older age bright colors will be desirable, they stimulate the activity of the child, the sharpness of his feelings, the desire for creativity.
  5. For a room where two boys of different ages will live, a visual separation is used, but it is best to apply a common light gamut. The space will be zoned using lighting systems, and to give more individuality to the space of each boy you can use furniture of different types, design and decoration of walls.

Black colors do not apply, a large amount of bright red, dark and contrasting options, as this negative affects the state of the nervous system of children.

Features of finishing

Source: Otvali. .ru

When choosing trim for the boys bedroom you can use such techniques:

  • for gender, a wooden massive board, parquet or a carpet with a short pile is optimally suitable;
  • for streams, suspended or stretch systems of light shades or white color are usually selected;
  • for walls, you can use washing paint, decorative plaster or wallpaper with a small pattern, geometric ornament or strip;
  • when finishing, it is applied to a minimum of dark and too bright colors, the optimal will be light, pastel colors, warm gamma;
  • to give the interior of depths, you can use 3D photo wallpapers;
  • for young schoolchildren, when placing walls, you can apply boards on which it is convenient to draw colored shallow.

Only natural, environmentally friendly materials are applied in the decoration. For furniture, it is very important to choose only those models that are made of environmentally friendly materials. For walls, plastic panels or finishing of artificial materials are not applied. The same applies to textiles that should not collect dust and cause allergies.

Rules zoning


The older child, the greater requirements are presented to the functionality of the room. therefore
For the shared bedroom of two boys, the following zoning principles must be used:

  1. Visual instruments include racks with through shelves, lighting systems, carpets, various wall decoration. This method allows you to visually divide the room into separate functional sections, keeping space and light. Usually, for the nursery, it is distinguished by a sleeping area, a place for games and leisure, a zone for classes.
  2. Physical zoning is carried out using the screens or screen, sliding doors, furniture, plasterboard false walls. This method is suitable for large bedrooms, where you can make a separate space from one room for each boy.

Most often zoning is performed using furniture. Usually used racks, writing tables that allow you to clearly distinguish between space, but save the comfort and light for the entire bedroom.


For sleep zone, bunk or ordinary beds are used, bedside tables, low dressers for things, baffies. If the room is large, you can additionally use small sofas and chairs.


The game zone may be the most different, its equipment depends on the age and hobbies of children. Most often, sports mini-complexes or Swedish walls, game houses, places for drawing or assembling of various types of designers are used for arrangement.


The training zone is one of the most difficult, it is necessary to equip places for two children, providing each comfort and convenience. For each boy, a separate table is needed (you can use one common in two places), shelves or superstructures, bedside tables with drawers. Each place should be well lit, when arranged, it is necessary to follow the modern requirements of ergonomics.


You can store personal belongings and clothes in the general cabinet, but each boy should be selected individual shelves and departments. If possible, two ordinary or combined cabinets are put in the bedroom. In addition, drawers of beds, racks, bedside tables are used, the choice of which is carried out in accordance with the area and configuration of the room.

Layout depending on the area


When planning the interior of the children's bedroom, it is necessary to take into account its total area, to use all available space. To do this, you can use suspension shelves, rack, place under beds, freeing the place to leisure and games.

For a bedroom 10-12 sq.m.


  • a bunk bed is used with a staircase equipped with stairs-drawers (it is necessary to put the bed perpendicular to the stream of natural light);
  • for schoolchildren, a common narrow table is used along one of the walls, preferably opposite the bed;
  • for clothing, a built-in wardrobe, dressers, built-in drawers are used;
  • for storage of toys and personal items, you can use puff boxes.

Partitions, massive furniture, cluttering space, heavy curtains for windows are not used.

For a bedroom to 14 sq.m.


Such space is more comfortable, the following rules can be used to organize it:

  • two separate single beds or a bunk model are used;
  • tables for each child are perpendicular or along the window;
  • opposite the windows, you should put a wardrobe;
  • the gaming zone is satisfied in the center of the room, optionally you can put a Swedish wall.

For bedrooms up to 18 sq.m.


This is a large room in which there is enough space for the proper zoning and storage of space. When arrangement, it is possible to divide the room into two halves for each boy, using a rack and bookshelves, sliding translucent partitions as zoning tools, sliding translucent partitions. But when separating the space of the room, it must be borne in mind that both halves should be well lit. Therefore, for the elongated bedroom with one window, this option is not suitable. In this case, the overall training and game zones are made near the window, the beds are placed against each other, you can use a bunk bed.

Registration depending on age

When making an interior for the bedroom of two boys, you need to pay great attention to age. The situation for kids, schoolchildren or adolescents is very different from each other, so you should change the interior to the children.

For babies


When setting up a bedroom for young children, security is displayed, so all the materials used should be natural and environmentally friendly. No poorly fixed modules, sharp angles, open wiring or outlets available. On the floor there should be a soft carpet cover, furniture is used only by the required minimum - beds, chest or wardrobe for things, place for games.

Bright and pastel shades are used for decoration, the light should be scattered and soft. For windows use light curtains, the interior must be planned in such a way as to let into the bedroom more natural light and air.

For schoolchildren


The color scheme of such a bedroom can be more saturated, when choosing a style, preference is given to this options: sea, sports, on car theme. To make the interior more comfortable for children, you can attract them to the arrangement of the room.

For the setting, you need comfortable beds, storage cabinets, writing tables and a properly equipped game area. If the space of the bedroom allows, you can arrange a small sports mini-complex.

It is very difficult to please a child in adolescence. The question is extremely complicated when their two. The design of the room for two teenagers is extremely versatile and has a lot of options. What? About this in our article.

Psychological aspect

It is necessary to take into account the fact that over the years the child becomes a self-sufficient person, which seeks to stand out, differ from peers. The desire to stand out concerns the hobby, wardrobe and, of course, rooms, where guests are often visited.

Design: Innovative approaches and elements of classic style

Planning the design of the teenage room, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the main goal is to create a unique microworld in which a child lives.

The problem is that children in any case will actively prove that they know better what and how to do.

Design rooms for adolescents, first of all, must fully match the age. Light, spacious and functional. In no case are not cluttered things or furniture items. It is necessary to consider the location of the recreation area, entertainment and workplace.

an example of interior

A more difficult task is a detailed design of design for two girls. What do we offer?

  • If the total area consists of two small rooms, they can be visually increased, using large mirrors, placing them from the floor to the ceiling itself.
  • In mandatory, use the built-in clothing storage cabinets. A small room in size also increases the use of light colors and shades in the wall decoration, ceiling and floor.

Tip! For a visual increase in space, use the furniture of the simplest, geometric shapes. In this case, the functionality plays a big role, and not the desire to attract attention.

Features of interior design

It is also important and interior design of a teenager room. When developing this issue, it is necessary to enable the owner to show the initiative. After all, he has to spend his time there, rest and do.

Choice of furniture

One of the mains is the table. A small table, quite suitable for children's games, is replaced with a more spacious and polyfunctional option with a variety of compartments. In this case, the optimal option will be a combined corner table that occupies the minimum space that combines many functions.

Angular Teen Table

Convenient, comfortable and functional should be chair. The modern furniture industry offers an extreme variety of options for both coloring and price categories.

Note! Over time, the appropriate age and the interests of video and audio equipment will appear, which will entail the need to purchase appropriate racks and shelves for storing discs, cassettes and other necessary items.

Storage space for all sorts of things


An element of an innovative approach in this area is sofa lamps. They are mounted in the hinged ceiling and serve for optimal lighting. This contributes to the creation of the most comfortable conditions for the work and rest of the child, and also plays a big role when preserving vision.

The design of the room for 2 adolescents is a kind of unique psychological experiment, in which it is mandatory to take into account the view of the owners themselves. This approach gives a child to understand that his opinion is taken into account, and independence finds a response and encouraged.

Interior with football themes

Registration can be implemented in a modern, urban style that is replete with unusual solutions in lighting and wave-like furniture contours. The main thing is the feeling of comfort.

Most often performed in gray, beige, blue or green colors.

Furniture must be case, with a variety of cabinets. It is also necessary to create an optimal, convenient workplace.

The room design for the girl and the boy has its own characteristics. If there is no opportunity to provide children with separate rooms, select one large area and zonail it.

Tip! The simplest and tested element of separation of the territory is a wardrobe.

It is important to take into account the psychological features of children. Some comfortably get along with each other, others are constantly quarreling.

A separate, but important aspect is the design of the room for a boy of 7 years. The design should more transmit interests and hobbies of the child. Let he himself draw a kind of draft of his dreams.

In the transport style, is a real trend. And the use of white and blue colors will bring the element of classics even in the most ultra-modern interior.

an example of interior

The design of the room for two children requires special attention and competent zoning:

Decision on the zones:

  • game zone - for games and artistic creativity;
  • creative and work zone - for work, study and recreation.

Every zone can be decorated with personal photos. Nowadays, designer wallpapers, which consist of artistic transformed stripes of photos of the family family, his friends and personal portraits, began to be extremely popular.

photos in the interior

Stages of creating interior

Children's design - the case is extremely peculiar and not easy. This task is further complicated in the case of joint residence of two children. However, parent wisdom, experience and practicality with compulsory consideration of children's opinion is able to create real wonders.

This process involves several systematic stages:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to consider the project of the future room (be sure to consider the wishes of the child).
  2. Having a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe future apartment, you can safely go for finishing materials: wallpaper, cafeter, paints. By this time, the color gamma should be defined for sure.
  3. Conducting a qualified brigade of repair builders. If you are confident in your abilities and possess the skills in this industry, you can repair yourself.
  4. , You can go to the stage of selecting the necessary interior items.

Summing up

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