Water circuit boiler. Top less often, heat as much: solid fuel boilers for long burning with water circuit

Installation of heating equipment is one of the priorities for owners of private houses. Own dwellings, often, do not have a flow to the central heating system, and in some areas even to the gas highway. That is why users prefer to mount solid fuel boilers with water contour.

This apparatus has autonomous food and is able to provide high-quality heating around the entire home. Any raw materials available for this area can be used as a source of energy. If you live in the area with the timber processing industry, the use of sawdust and chips will be the best way out. One of the cheapest options is the use of pellets, as they are a product of recycling raw materials. It is also possible to use equipment on firewood and coal. The main thing is that the fuel is, as follows, succeeded and has a suitable size.

Before purchasing a boiler, it is necessary to study the features of its design, the principle of operation, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of models.

Features of the configuration of the aggregate

The boiler with a water circuit operating on solid fuel, a little different from standard solid fuel plants differ in its structural features. The main difference lies in the presence of a water circuit, which is included in the package of heating equipment.

The boiler consists of the following elements: water circuit, firebox, ash chamber and grate.

Distinguish single-circuit and dual-integral product options. The first, intended only to ensure the work of the heating system of the house. The second, except for heating, is provided to use hot water supply.

Tip: Before choosing a specific model of the unit, you must calculate the required power of the device. This parameter will depend on the total area of \u200b\u200bheated space. When using a double-circuit design, consider the required power and heated water. In general, take 1 kW for every 10 m 2.

Depending on the technical characteristics of the device, the fuel can be supplied to the boiler automatically or manually with a person. With automatic loading, the presence of a tank is assumed, in which you can place the raw materials for autonomous heating of the house during the week.

Models with a reservoir are more expensive, therefore boilers with manual laying are greater popularity.

In addition, for automatic feed, only grinding coal with a diameter of up to 2.5 cm is suitable.

Principle of operation of solid fuel boilers with water circuit

Water heats up in the system circuit only during the burning of fuel. Main raw materials for such models - coal or wood. When choosing a manual unit, one feed can be enough at a time from 3 to 4 hours. If you want to provide a longer period of combustion of raw materials, then the pyrolysis equipment model should be preferred.

The cost-effectiveness of the installation depends on how the quality of the device you use how effective the heat exchange process in the circuit, as well as from monitoring the temperature regime of the coolant.

The water circuit of the product has a special structure that allows you to warm the coolant with the best performance during the operation of a solid fuel boiler.

The resulting thermal energy accumulates from the walls of the water shirt, which provides a sufficiently rapid water heating in the system. In addition, so you can support a high level of temperature in the design.

Despite the way that the water circulation is in the system (forced or natural), the boiler will equally effectively warm the private house.

Advantages and disadvantages of solid fuel units

Solid fuel boilers with water contour have many positive sides when installed, they should be attributed to them:

  1. high level of reliability and safety of equipment;
  2. long installation service period;
  3. low cost of the heating system due to the availability of raw materials;
  4. the possibility of using a boiler in areas with the lack of connection to the main gas;
  5. no need for a frequent maintenance of the device.

In addition, waste from combustion products (ash) can be recycle on the farm. A solid fuel boiler can always be converted to the installation operating on other coolants: gas, diesel, etc.

By purchasing a universal model of the boiler, you can use any kind of solid fuel that is currently available.

The equipment also has several negative sides to which include:

  1. the low level of the efficiency of wood-based models (the maximum value of this indicator can reach 80%);
  2. in boilers with a manual fuel supply, it is necessary to regularly load it (on average every 5-6 hours).

In conclusion, the video where the circuit of connecting the boiler with water circuit to the heating system with a gas boiler is considered:

Firewood is the most affordable and inexpensive type of fuel in our country. In addition, this is the most eco-friendly fuel. To maintain thermal power, the manufacturer recommends drowning the boiler with largely fried dry lanes of various varieties of wood.

Buy in our store boiler on firewood at the price of the manufacturer Ermak-Stoker. The size of the furnaces are beneficial to allocate our heating devices among analogs. The most inexpensive and budget model of the saw boiler Aots 8-E is calculated for lamps 50 cm long at a cost of 5 kg / h in long-burning mode. The depth of the firing of the most productive aggregate PRO 32-E is 62 cm. Due to the volumetric coating space of the boilers, a large stamp of firewood is possible for offline work in long-burning mode.

In the conditions of an economical long combustion regime, with minimal air supply of lamps, the firewood is smoldering in the firebox of the boiler, and the highlighted wood gases are burning in the survival chamber. The result of the device is saving on heating at the maximum duration of the device. Economical mode fully uses wood fuel reserves, reduces the cost of home heating and minimizes the maintenance.

Heating the heating system is carried out through a water jacket, the coolant is distributed over a large heating area around the furnace. For the convenience of temperature control of the water shirt, all models are equipped with thermometers on the front wall of the case.

Useful options

To eliminate the temperature drops after burning firewood, the manufacturer recommends buying a Tan with a thermostat with your boiler. This option will automate the process of heating and maintain a constant comfortable temperature in the heating circuit. The threaded clutch under the Ten is located at the bottom of the case.

Having bought the thrust controller to the wood boiler, you can automate the progress of the flap of air into the furnace, to regulate the specified coolant temperature.

What if the country house is not gasified, and electrical heating is not considered because of the high-cost of electricity? If there is the possibility of regular acquisition or billet inexpensive solid fuel, then it is quite possible to organize efficient water heating and in such conditions. In our time, there are quite a lot of different heating devices for this, and pyrolysis boilers of long burning with water contour are beneficial in this manifold.

These units are able to fully meet the need for warmth even large in the area of \u200b\u200bthe house. At the same time, they do not have to apply special effort and spend a lot of fuel to make much effort, which is used in various forms, coal or briquettes. Despite the fact that the tree is the most ancient type of fuel, its use remains relevant to this day, thanks to the pricing accessibility, environmental purity, ease of use.

History of the appearance of pyrolysis heating devices

As early as the ancient world, it was noted that charcoal to use for heating a home or for cooking - more rationally than ordinary firewood, as it does not burn intensively, and slowly tweaking for a long time, efficiently giving warming. Therefore, the technology of its production is invented by burning wood in cameras with minimal air access. In essence, such a dry distillation of wood in coal and is a classic visual example of the pyrolysis process.

Earlier, pits were used, died in the ground - in them and the process of converting ordinary firewood in the charcoal took place. These cameras perfectly coped with the task, but in the manufacture of coal there is also a large amount of thermal energy, which has not brought any benefit. The released wood in the process of oxless combustion gas has a powerful energy potential. By the way, this did the profession of the coal as an extremely dangerous, since the gases left sometimes from the yam led to the strongest thermal explosions.

With the times, a person learned to the maximum to use natural energy laid in wood. Furnaces were developed in which several processes were successfully combined - this is a pyrolysis conversion of a tree into coal, followed by the burning of the latter, and afterburning gases that are allocated during the primary thermal decomposition of fuel. Moreover, all the resulting thermal energy from these processes is almost without losses used for the needs of a person.

At first, in such a design, they tried to perform the usual furnaces. Over time, heating devices using the pyrolysis gases have begun to equip the water contour, due to which they began to be used in the most familiar water heating systems.

Due to its rational design and efficient use of the natural energy potential of wood, pyrolysis boilers fully cope with the task of a full-fledged high-power heating unit. Nowadays, not only wood are applied to their work - more efficient and compact modern types of fuel based on wood are created.

Design of pyrolysis boiler

General principles of device

For a clearer view of how this type of solid fuel boilers works, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with information about its principal device. This will largely facilitate the further operation of the equipment.

For example, consider such a scheme:

The diagram of digital signs indicates:

1 - heat chamber where the firewood is made.

2 - secondary air supply channels, which will initiate the afterburning of the gas selected during thermal decomposition.

3 - a grate grate, which is cooled by circulating in the water circuit by the coolant, thus becoming part of the heat exchange system of the boiler.

4 - Door for the production of boiler fuel laying.

5 - Camera cleaning chamber door.

6 - Door for adjusting the supply of primary air required during the ignition of the fuel laying.

7 - Door for cleaning the top chamber of surviving pyrolysis gases.

8 - asolnik, for collecting and regularly removing solid combustion products.

9 - nozzle for connecting to the chimney system.

10 - nozzle with a coupling or flange connection for connecting to the pipe "Returns" of the heating circuit.

11 - Connection nozzle to the feed pipe of the heating circuit.

12 - layer of thermal insulation.

13 - External heating device.

14 - on the arrow, as well as all areas painted in blue - this is a water circuit ("shirt") of a solid fuel boiler.

15 - cooling circuit, which is often connected to ensure hot water supply through an indirect heating boiler.

The principle of work is next. After the fuel laying, the primary air is available for ignition. At the first stage of operation, the usual burning of firewood occurs, until the temperature of 400 degrees in the heat chamber is achieved, necessary to start the pyrolysis process. After that, the primary air access is reduced to a minimum, and in parallel with this, the secondary air supply channel opens. The desired combination of oxygen, condensation of pyrolysis gases and temperatures for their full combustion leads to active download with high heat release. It is warmly chosen by circulating on a water "shirt" by the coolant transmitting its heat transfer of the entire heating system at home.

Green arrows show the movement of gaseous combustion products, from the fuel bookmark to the freezer and further in the smog system. Blue arrow - the flow of the coolant from the "Furning", the Red - the movement of the hot heat carrier into the pipe supply pipe of the heating circuit.

Features of the design of various pyrolysis boilers

So, pyrolysis devices of long burning, in contrast to the design of conventional solid fuel boilers, are equipped with two cameras that can be located differently. The first coil chamber is designed to lay hard fuel. In it, with minimal dosage oxygen access, the process of its combustion (degeneration) and the release of gaseous combustion products, that is, pyrolysis gases. Then, the gases go to the second chamber of the device, where, due to the receipt of secondary air, their survivations are carried out. However, it should be noted that not all the existing designs of boilers, called pyrolysis, fully relevant to their name.

To date, there are two main varieties of pyrolysis units that differ in each other by design.

Boilers with forced air supply

In the first embodiment of the boiler, the primary coaming chamber is where the solid fuel is laid, it is located above the secondary furnace, where the afterburning of pyrolysis gases is organized. There is a special nozzle between the cameras, which has a direct section and made of refractory composition, similar to chamoten brick.

In this design, the air to the main furnace is injected with the installed fan, and it is partly in a solid fuel furnace, and partially into the survival chamber of the selected gases. In this case, it is obvious that the principle of pyrolysis is broken initially, since the fan creates an excess of oxygen instead of its restriction.

But, despite this, an effective and complete combustion of firewood occurs, with almost no residue even fine ashes, since dry wood or products based on it are burned to small ashes, and it is easily blowing through the nozzle with a fan into the chimney pipe.

Knowing the features of this design, it can be called "the Upper Substitution Device", since the air injected with the fan falls mainly into the upper main fiber chamber. Due to the inflow of oxygen, the temperature at combustion increases and the gas generation increases, but it burns quite quickly, leaving through the nozzle. In this regard, the firewood quickly go, and they have to add enough to add in the process of heating at home. This principle of the boiler should not be called in the full sense of the word pyrolysis, although such devices are sold quite often precisely under the name.

Another thing, if the fan standing on the outlet (often called "smoke") creates the movement of air, which is proportionate to the primary and the main - secondary one by the usual mechanical manner or using automation. In this case, the valve of primary air is located so that it is supplied to the lower part of the fuel laying. The decline of firewood occurs from below, and the temperature allocated at the same time contributes to warming up - in the middle layers of the bookmark, and the final dryer - in the upper.

The main flow of air will be supplied only to the nozzle area so that the final afterbill of pyrolysis gases to the maximum amount of heat released passed in the bottom chamber. Such a boiler with a complete base can be attributed to the pyrolysis of long burning.

Air boiler with natural way

In such a design of the boiler, the firewood chamber is located in the lower part of the device, and the combustion separation department of the pyrolysis gases selected by fuel is in the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe case.

The fan in this design is not installed, and the air for the milling of the boiler and afterburning pyrolysis gases comes in a natural way through dampers for primary and secondary air. In this embodiment of the chambers and dosage flow of air flow, the pyrolysis process is properly carried out, since instead of intensive burning, with a closed valve of the primary air supply, wood takes place in the heat chamber with a large number of pyrolysis gases.

1 - Fuel tab.

2 - zone of fuel with the release of pyrolysis gases.

3 - Primary air supply valve to ensure ignition and fuel laying.

4 is a secondary air supply channel for the formation of a gas-air mixture and her ignition.

5 - nozzles for feeding secondary air to the back area of \u200b\u200bthe combustion chamber.

6 - zone of mixing of isolated pyrolysis gases with air flow and their ignition.

7 - Channel flap of additional air supply to the chamber of surviving pyrolysis gases.

8 - chamber of intensive surviving gas-air mixture with maximum heat release.

9 - Connecting the boiler to the chimney system.

However, in this design, too, has its own problem. And it consists in the fact that the correct debugging of the combustion process is extremely important. With a fully closed valve of the main chamber in it, the temperature, as well as the formation of gases, is reduced. The concentrations and temperature of the gases becomes not enough for their complete survival and the upper chamber turns into an ordinary gas feed. The combustion products that rose into it are not tremble, but simply give the walls of the water circuit and go into chimney. The efficiency of the boiler with such work is sharply reduced.

If the flap to open more than is required to create the conditions necessary for pyrolysis, the intensity of combustion will increase in the main furnace, which leads to absolutely non-rational fuel spending and the need for its frequent bookmarks.

To achieve the perfect work of the pyrolysis boiler of this design, it is necessary to properly adjust the supply of primary and secondary air, which is quite difficult to do, because for this you need to have practical experience. Modern models have automated control and process management systems, and with the correct operation of automation of the fuel laying, it is enough for 12 ÷ 14 hours of operation at maximum heat transfer.

Fuel for pyrolysis boilers

Many pyrolysis boilers are able to work by no means on firewood. Peat or chip briquettes, sawdust, pellets, black or brown coal can be used as solid fuel.

Each of the types of fuel has a different burning duration, and depending on how often it is planned to put it in the furnace for a full heating of the house, one or another material is selected. In addition, the duration of combustion depends on the amount of fuel laid into the chamber. Thus, the time of the softwood is about 7 hours, solid wood and pressed sawdust or peat - 9 ÷ 10 hours, brown coal 10 ÷ 11, and black 12 ÷ 14 hours. True, it is impossible to forget that different types of fuel are also distinguished by their energy potential.

The optimal version of fuel producers of solid fuel pyrolysis boilers are still called dry wood with a humidity of not more than 20%, the lamps of which have a length of 450 ÷ 650 mm, depending on the depth of the heat chamber. It is natural firewood, especially dense hardwood, ensure due power of the device and the maximum durability of the equipment.

The raw firewood is not recommended to use because they allocate a large amount of evaporating moisture in the combustion process, which leads to the formation of a boiler and a chimney pipe of the plaque from Scoot and Deaf. Such phenomena dramatically reduce the effectiveness of heat exchange with water circulating along the contour, and with significant highlights on the walls of the chimney, the boiler will constantly flee, due to the insufficiently intense burden.

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Criteria for the choice of pyrolysis boiler for long burning

When solving, to purchase this type of heating device for heating at home, it is necessary to pay attention to some factors on which the efficiency of the boiler will depend on:

  • The first thing to pay attention is the type of solid fuel allowed. Of course, this factor will depend on the availability of a type of fuel in local conditions and profitability of its use.
  • Power of the heating boiler. This parameter depends on a number of source data, ranging from the climatic conditions of the region of residence and ending with the characteristics of the building. In annex to this article, the reader will find a convenient algorithm for self-calculation of the minimum necessary power for heating at home.
  • The economy of the boiler is estimated by its efficiency. The higher the efficiency - the higher heat transfer will be obtained with equal expenditure of the same fuel.
  • The most important parameters in this case are the dimensions and weight of the boiler. As a rule, such products are quite bulky, that is, it is necessary to appreciate the place of their planned installation in advance and relate it to the size of the proposed models. We will not know the rating of the journey through which the prick will be entered into the room. And a considerable mass (this applies to the features of cast-iron models) sometimes forces the steps to enhance the base of the floor to install the unit.

In addition, quite often solid fuel boilers are used in a bundle with boilers of indirect heating, and maximum efficiency and convenience can be achieved by installing a buffer tank (heat accumulator). Both of these devices are also very cumbersome and hard, so the boiler laying should be thought out in advance.

What gives the installation of buffer tanks for a solid fuel boiler?

The operation of any solid fuel boiler is characterized by cyclicity - alternating periods of loading, ignition, maximum heat transfer and cooling. All this is not entirely convenient for the operation of the water system of heating. Maximize this deficiency and improve the convenience and efficiency of operation allows the installation, as described in detail in a separate publication of our portal.

  • The frequency of downloads and the convenience of serving the boiler. It is recommended to give preference to models having a bulk fuel cell and pallet for collecting solid combustion products. In these cases, the fuel bookmark can be produced one or twice a day, and when used as a fuel dry firewood, the purification of the pallet is carried out once every two to three months.
  • Material manufacturer of the heating device. The most durable material for this equipment is the cast iron. The service life under all the rules is at least 30 years. At the same time, if you plan to use coal as fuel, then the cast iron is undesirable (this alloy does not like excessive thermal loads), and it is better to buy a doped steel boiler.

By the way, the durability of a high-quality device is often limited not to its failure, but simply with "moral aging", when the owners come to the conclusion that it is time to acquire something more modern.

  • The degree of automation. Of course, the more the boiler is saturated with automation, the control processes of the formation of pyrolysis gases and their full-fledged level, the higher the efficiency and efficiency of heating, is easier everyday operation.

But solid fuel boilers and by themselves are quite expensive products, and the higher the degree of automation, the greater the cost of the model. So, probably, you need to be able to choose some "golden middle". In addition, it is impossible to forget about the dependence of automated boilers from the presence and stability of the power supply. If this in the area of \u200b\u200bliving there are frequent problems, then the inevitable sufficiently serious costs of acquiring a backup source and (or) stabilizer are inevitable.

  • Finally, it is necessary to estimate the model in terms of ensuring its safety. It will not be completely acceptable, for example, if the insufficiency of thermal insulation of the external casing of the boiler will lead to a high probability of getting a burn with a random touch.

The main advantages and disadvantages of solid fuel pyrolysis boilers

In addition to the criteria for choosing a similar device for heating at home, it is necessary to know the main "pluses" and "minuses" of pyrolysis boilers.

To their advantages you can attribute:

  • In the absence of gas supply, this type of heat generators is the optimal option for the heating of the house on simplicity and efficiency in operation.
  • In itself, wood belongs to environmentally friendly fuels that are not dangerous during transportation and storage. With high-quality survival, the substances harmful to the ambient substances are minimized into the atmosphere.
  • Such boilers, in contrast to other solid fuel, do not require frequent downloads. As mentioned above, this process is produced one or twice a day, depending on the specific model, additional equipment of the boiler room, the temperature on the street and the need for the heating intensity.
  • Such boilers are characterized by rapid heating of the coolant, and hence the premises of the whole house.
  • Cleaning from solid products of combustion will also not be larger inconvenience: their number is minimal.

Disadvantages Boilers of this type can be considered the following:

  • High price for appliances. It exceeds the cost of conventional solid fuel boilers at 1.5 ÷ 2 times.
  • Pyrolysis patterns of boilers can only have one contour - heating. Therefore, if it is planned to simultaneously equip the house with a hot water system, you will have to choose a different option of the device or install in a complex with pyrolysis of indirect heating boiler. Some models have a nozzle specifically provided for these purposes ..
  • High demanding fuel. Pyrolysis boilers work poorly on wet wood.
  • The aggregates of this type cannot fully work in automatic mode, so the fuel load will have to be manually and monitor its amount in the fuel cell. There are exceptions - pellet boilers with automated feed, but they are still better attributed to another category of equipment.
  • Boilers of this type do not differ compactness.

Overview of models of solid fuel pyrolysis boilers

In specialized outlets, as well as in online stores, you can find a considerable number of models of various heating devices, including pyrolysis boilers with water contour. They are represented by domestic and foreign manufacturers and have a sufficiently large variation of prices and characteristics.

Pyrolysis of domestic production boilers

The most demanded by consumers of solid fuel units for heating a private house include the products of such domestic manufacturers, as the company LLC KZKO GAYER and Teplogarant of the Bourges-K series.

Boilers companies LLC KZKO "Geyser"

Plant "Geyser" is one of the leading manufacturers of heating devices of various types and structures in Russia. In the proposed assortment - and solid fuel pyrolysis models "Geyser". Equipment is manufactured by innovative technologies from the highest quality materials.

Pyrolysis boilers are non-volatile, easy to maintain and reliable in operation, are able to heat large areas with minimal costs. In addition, the heating devices have increased functional and efficiency, since fuel consumption is significantly reduced due to its full combustion and impact of heat to the heat carrier.

Pyrolysis solid fuel floor boilers with water circuits "Geyser" of the VP series have the following specifications:

  • Power boilers - 10,15,20,30,50, 65,100 kW.
  • Type of fuel used - peat and sawdust briquettes, coal and firewood.
  • KPD - about 85%.
  • Warranty on products from the manufacturer is 2 years

The proposed series of pyrolysis single-circuit boilers of the "Geyser series" VP includes models that have the following characteristics of the approximate cost (as of autumn 2016):

Name modelpower, kWtChimney diameter, mmMass of the device, kgApproximate price level
"Geyser" VP-610 130 390 × 1050 × 700170 46 500 rubles.
"Geyser" VP-1515 150 390 × 1200 × 700210 60 000 rubles.
"Geyser" VP-2020 150 490 × 1200 × 850240 70 000 rub.
"Geyser" VP-3030 180 600 × 1350 × 930340 89 000 rub.
"Geyser" VP-5050 200 660 × 1600 × 1050650 145 000 rub.
"Geyser" VP-6565 250 660 × 1930 × 1050750 155 000 rub.
"Geyser" VP-100100 250 800 × 1930 × 1200900 230 000 rub.

The cave "Geyser" is an all-welded steel construction that has several combustion chambers. The lower from them is intended to lay the fuel and gas formation, and in the top there is gases.

With low burning intensity, that is, the cavity, the boiler has a higher thermal productivity than the ovens with ordinary burning. When using these boilers, the minimum amount of harmful emissions and solid waste is formed. The recommended diameter of the lamps used for the firebox is 40 ÷ 100 mm, and the length is selected according to the depth of the heat chamber.

Prices for boilers LINE "Geyser"

Bath furnace TMF Geyser

Subject to the use of coal for the heating of the building, it is recommended to choose a fraction of no more than 40 mm. The fuel is added to the firebox portion, every 8 ÷ 12 hours - this frequency will depend on the quality and type of fuel used.

The expected minimum service life installed by the manufacturer is 10 years.

Pyrolysis solid fuel boilers "Heatogrant" series Burzhuy-K

The Teploogrant plant is in the Russian market an equally well-known brand than the previous manufacturer, and its products have won wide popularity among consumers.

Interestingly, the "warmth" is the only manufacturer in the world market, which serially produces heating devices with a capacity above 140 kW. The boilers of this company have their own name - "Bourges-K", and are intended for widespread applications in both private homes and in the industrial sector. Consider several models of this brand.

"Burzhuy-k exclusive"

A series of heating units with decorative outer finish, which the consumer may pick up and order individually.

Therefore, if necessary, install the boiler in one of the premises of the house without violating the overall design harmony, then it becomes quite possible with the Bourges-K series. The heating pyrolysis devices of this manufacturer are also non-volatile, easy to operate, quickly heat the house, and also saves the means to use expensive fuel.

Pyrolysis outdoor boilers of long burning of the Bourges-K exclusive series have the following technical characteristics:

  • The power of the instruments is 12.24 and 32 kW.
  • The type of fuel used for heating is coal, firewood, sawing and peat briquettes.
  • The efficiency of these models reaches 82 ÷ 92%.
  • Manufacturer's warranty - 2.5 years.

Pyrolysis of the Bourges-K exclusive series of boilers are represented by the next number of models, with the following characteristics. But the price in this case can vary significantly, as it depends on the selected external finish.

This model of pyrolysis boilers is designed for use in residential and economic premises. Water circuit can be with natural and forced circulation, that is, with the installation in the circuit of the circulation pump. The device is equipped with a thrust controller that will ensure automatic control over the intensity of burning, and this factor adds comfort to the boiler.

The boiler itself is a welded structure made of corrosion-resistant and heat-resistant steel, divided into several cameras. The furnace chamber is located at the bottom of the housing, and the freezing chamber is in the top. For higher conservation and heat output, the inner walls of the device have a fire-resistant lining. In addition, there is a layer of heat insulating material between the outer wall and the water circuit - in this case, basalt wool is used for this. The outer decorative trim is made from natural stone.

The pyrolyasic process in this boiler model is carried out in the same way as in other models of instruments of this type. Thanks to the download, high-quality warming of the walls and lining, the necessary thermal power of the boiler is ensured with a sufficiently low fuel consumption.

In the heating circuit, ordinary tap water can be used with an acidity index not exceeding a value of 7.2 pH, or special. However, when using the latter, the power of the heating boiler will significantly decrease. However, this is typical in general for all types of boilers.

What is used as heating systems?

In its heat capacity and absolute availability, water is not equal. However, there are situations where the use of water becomes impossible, and you have to resort to other. More about this - in a separate publication of our portal.

A capillary type thermomanometer is included with the boiler, designed to indicate the pressure of the coolant when exiting the boiler in the contour, as well as its temperature.

Control over the installed temperature of the coolant when leaving the boiler in the circuit is made by an automatic traction regulator. If the temperature decreases, the adjustment door under the influence of a special chain will begin to open.

The removal of residual combustion products occurs in this design using natural traction. Boilers "Bourges-to Exclusive" are non-volatile and easy to operate, and if desired, this design can be supplemented with thermal protection and DHW circuit.

The minimum life set by the manufacturer is 10 years.

"Bourges-to Standard"

"Burzhuy-to Standard" has almost all of the characteristics listed above, with the exception of the size parameters and some differences in power gradation.

No of these models and exclusive external cladding. In this embodiment, a coating of heat-resistant paint applied to the heat-insulated inside the metal housing by spraying is used. In addition, adjustment in these models is performed in manual mode.

The parameters of the boilers of this line are shown in the table below.

Name modelpower, kWtChimney diameter, mmDimensions (width, height, depth), mmMass of the device, kgApproximate price level
"Burzhuy-K standard-10"10 130 380 × 780 × 650180 36 800 rub.
"Burzhuy-K standard-20"20 150 480 × 950 × 750270 52 300 rubles.
"Burzhuy-to Standard-30"30 180 530 × 1120 × 840380 66 000 rub.

The location of the chambers is also not different from the models of the Bourges-K exclusive line, the process of pyrolysis and gases is made by the same principle.

Prices for boilers of the Bourges-to Standard

Bourgeoi-to standard

The efficiency of this series of models is 82 ÷ 89%, a possible range of power regulation 30 ÷ 110%. The duration of work from one fuel laying is about 12 hours for firewood, and up to 15 hours when using high-quality coal.

"Burzhuy-K TA"

The pyrolysis heating unit "Burzhuy-K TA" differs from the "predecessor" by the fact that the regulation of air flow and traction is automatically produced in it. The boiler is equipped with a water heating circuit, the coolant for which can circulate naturally, under the influence of temperature difference, or forced, with the help of a circulation pump installed in the system.

This boiler model has all the above-mentioned positive features and works on the same principle. The main is also the lower furnace chamber, and the dozhigi is carried out in the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe boiler housing.

The table presents some characteristics and approximate level of price of models of boilers "Bourges-to that of different power:

Name modelpower, kWtChimney diameter, mmDimensions (width, height, depth), mmMass of the device, kgaverage price
"Burzhuy-to T-50A"50 200 690 × 1580 × 1210580 145 000 rub.
"Burzhuy-K T-75A"75 250 820 × 1670 × 1120900 200 000 rubles.
"Burzhuy-to T-100A"100 250 780 × 1890 × 1420900 225 000 rub.
"Burzhuy-to T-150A"150 300 940 × 2000 × 18201350 330 000 rub.

The efficiency of these pyrolysis boilers is 82 ÷ 92%. They are non-volatile and economical at fuel consumption, easy to maintain, operation and control. The devices are quite reliable, safe and durable, but for all models of this line of aggregates, it is already necessary to equip a separate room of the boiler room.

"Burzhuy-to Modern"

"Burzhuy-to Modern" is produced in three variants of models, different in power. All of them work on the pyrolyasic principle. Can work in systems with forced and natural circulation of the coolant

The location of the chambers in these models does not differ from the boilers presented above. For normal operation, it is recommended to use dry wood, but if necessary, the instrument can also work on more wet wood, with humidity that gives up to 50%.

The KPD boilers "Burzhuy-to Modern" is 82 ÷ 92% with economical fuel consumption.

The unit for layout and the degree of equipment is similar to the instruments of the Burzhuy-to Ta line, but differ in the lower level of thermal power, read on the building of a smaller area, and may well be installed not in the selected boiler room, but in a separate room of the residential area.

The minimum life of the heating device installed by the manufacturer is also 10 years.

The main technical characteristics of the model range "Bourges-to Modern" are shown in the table:

Name of parameters"Burzhuy-to Modern-12""Burzhuy-to Modern-24""Burzhuy-to Modern-32"
power, kWt12 24 32
Chimney diameter, mm130 150 180
Dimensions (width, height, depth), mm500 × 1180 × 800500 × 1180 × 800600 × 1270 × 860
Mass of the device, kg220 310 430
Heated Square, m²120 250 330
The necessary thrust of the chimney, Pa18 20 22
Max. Temperature coolant95 95 95
The volume of the heat chamber, l55 61 189
Heat exchanger materialsteelsteelsteel
Contents of deliveryWith a thrust thermostat and thermomanometer
Length, mm550 600 660
Duration of burning firewood, hour.5-12 5-12 5-12
The average price level63 000 rubles.75 000 rub.94 000 rub.
Video: Presentation of solid fuel boilers of long burning of the Bourges-K series

Boilers of foreign manufacturers

In addition to domestic solid fuel boilers for housing heating, foreign products are available on sale, mainly European manufacturers. High quality models and well-deserved authority of companies makes an obligatory overview of some of them.

Pyrolysis boilers of the company "Buderus" series Logano S171 W

The German company "Buderus" specializes in the production of heating equipment and produces boilers of various types, including solid fuel, working on the principle of pyrolysis gases.

The "Buderus Logano S171 W" model range includes four models of heating devices of various power, designed specifically for installation in private homes. The peculiarity of these boilers is that they can work not only autonomously, but also in a complex with aggregates working on diesel fuel, gas or electricity.

Pyrolysis boiler "Buderus Logano S171 W 50"

However, it is necessary to immediately note that for all devices of the model range of "Logano S171 W", a premises of the boiler room is carefully prepared in accordance with the current rules, since in order to safety, it is forbidden to establish in residential areas of the house.

The design of these models is built on the control of an indirect heating boiler, provided for the case, if it is necessary to simultaneously equip the hot water supply in the house.

Heating devices "Buderus Logano" are equipped with modern automation, which allows you to efficiently manage the entire heating system.

Prices for boilers "Buderus Logano"

Pyrolysis Buderus Logano.

The boiler housing is covered with a special insulating material that significantly reduces heat loss, and also acts as a sound absorber, providing an aggregate with almost silent operation.

In the design of the boilers "Logano S171 W", the main furnace chamber is located in the upper part of the case, and the freezing chamber is in the bottom, and the latter is isolated with chamoten intake. Such a location of the chambers is convenient because the pyrolysis begins to occur without the ignition of the entire fuel bookmark.

Some characteristics and average price level - in the table:

Name modelpower, kWtChimney diameter, mmDimensions (width, height, depth), mmMass of the device, kgApproximate price level
"Logano S171-22 W"20 150 620 × 1136 × 1019362 185 000 rub.
"Logano S171-30 W"30 150 620 × 1136 × 1019362 215 000 rub.
"Logano S171-40 W"40 150 699 × 1257 × 1083466 230,000 rubles.
"Logano S171-50 W"50 180 699 × 1257 × 1083466 245 000 rub.

A few more structural and operational features:

  • The efficiency of the boilers of this line comes up to 90%, which is an excellent indicator for any solid fuel units.
  • The thickness of the steel from which the body of the instrument is made is from 3 to 5 mm.
  • Large loading chamber, and therefore, a long time burning fuel.
  • The boiler, in accordance with the design, is equipped with a fan for the compulsory removal of smoke.
  • Built-in heat exchanger will retain the device from overheating.
  • Contemporary type aggregate control automatics - a clear interface, LCD display, enhanced connecting options for additional modules.
  • The possibility of connecting the DHW when installing an indirect heating boiler with a consistent management of the work of the latter.
  • The complete thermal insulation of the device provides maximum operation of operation and minimal heat leaks.

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Pyrolysis boilers of the company "VIESSMANN" series "Vitoligno 100-S Type VL1A"

Another famous German company that presents its products on the Russian market is "Viessmann". The "Vitoligno 100-S Type VL1A" boilers series also works on the principle of pyrolysis, and has all the advantages of the qualitative instruments of a similar class.

In addition to the use of firewood, briquettes or coal, this unit provides for connecting replaceable gas burners or liquid fuel.

Heating pyrolysis steels of the Vitoligno 100-S series have the following characteristics and price parameters:

Name modelpower, kWtChimney diameter, mmDimensions (width, height, depth), mmMass of the device, kgApproximate price level
"Vitoligno 100-S Type VL1A, 25"25 150 526 × 1063 × 1005461 160 000 rub.
"Vitoligno 100-S Type VL1A, 30"30 150 586 × 1263 × 1005551 215 000 rub.
"Vitoligno 100-S Type VL1A, 40"40 150 586 × 1363 × 1089629 265 000 rub.
"Vitoligno 100-S Type VL1A, 60"60 200 655 × 1757 × 1134822 340 000 rub.
"Vitoligno 100-S Type VL1A, 80"80 200 749 × 1757 × 1134864 455 000 rub.

In addition, it is necessary to mention the features not included in the table and the equipment of the boiler:

  • The depth of the main fuel chamber, located in the upper part of the boiler housing, is 500 mm.
  • Since the fuel chamber is located in the upper part of the furnace housing, the design is equipped with a forced fan "smoke".
  • The steel thickness used for the manufacture of the housing is 5 mm.
  • The design is equipped with an electronic controller, identifying modes of operation.
  • A protective heat exchanger is installed in the boiler that protects it from overheating.
  • The efficiency of this boiler is 87%
  • Simple adjustment of burning intensity using primary and secondary air supply dampers - they can be configured manually.
  • The nozzle installed between the fuel chamber and the pyrolysis combustion chamber is made of a refractory chamot.

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Pyrolysis boilers of the company "Wattek" series "Pyrotek"

Another European manufacturer is the Wattek Czech company, which is well known in Russia with the quality of its products, and therefore quite popular among the owners of single-two-storey private sector mansions.

Modern solid fuel boilers operating on the principle of surgery of pyrolysis gases are represented by the model line "Pyrotek".

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Table of model range "Wattek" series "Pyrotek" with some technical characteristics and price level:

Name modelpower, kWtChimney diameter, mmDimensions (width, height, depth), mmMass of the device, kgApproximate price level.
"Pyrotek-26"26 152 530 × 1145 × 915318 165 000 rub.
"Pyrotek-30"30 152 530 × 1145 × 915322 175 000 rub.
"Pyrotek-36"36 152 530 × 1145 × 1115372 195 000 rub.
"Pyrotek-42"42 152 530 × 1145 × 1115376 200 000 rubles.

In addition, the devices of this line are characterized by the following features:

  • The efficiency of the boilers of this series is 90%.
  • The ability to maintain burning from one fuel laying for 10 ÷ 12 hours.
  • It is possible to connect to the boiler of an indirect heating boiler with a general control - for the arrangement of the DHW.
  • Pyrotek heating devices are equipped with a copper heat exchanger protected from overheating.
  • Full automation of the boiler operation process, as it has a modern control panel, providing maximum simplicity and convenience in operation.
  • PyroTek boilers are volatile, that is, they require them to connect to stable power supply.
  • The unit of the unit has high-quality thermal insulation from basalt wool located between the outer wall and water circuit.

At the end of the topic of pyrolysis, long-burning heating devices, it must be said that if it is decided to install this boiler, then the purchase should be thoroughly thought out, since prices for such equipment, as you see, very impressive. When choosing a specific model, it is necessary to carefully examine its passport characteristics, check the product package.

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By the way, you can think about the individual order for the manufacture of such a boiler of the required power. In our areas there are always a lot of masters who can make a boiler, which in operation will be at no worse than the factory model. In proof of this thesis - see the following video:

Video: Boilers Pyrolysis Long burning - Individual manufacture


How to determine the required boiler power?

One of the key parameters when choosing any boiler equipment is its power. From her, by the way, the other characteristics of the boiler are largely dependent on the size of the boiler, including the dimensions, the possibility of installation in the residential area or the need for a mandatory separate boiler room. This means that it is necessary to find the value that would be guaranteed to ensure effective heating of all rooms at home, but without unnecessary power excesses, entailing and increasing the size and sharp rise in price of the model.

In addition, the work of the boiler on low power (as well as for most of the heating season), the efficiency of the device is sharply reduced and, it became, the cost of fuel consumption. And the higher the difference between the optimal value of the power and the passportable value, the more sensitive, and the same - at times, there will be absolutely not necessary losses.

When determining the power is often guided by the ratio of 1 kW of thermal energy by 10 m² of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The approach, however, is very close, since it does not take into account the many important factors relating to both the specifics of the region and the characteristics of the building.

As an option, we offer our calculation algorithm. It is based on the fact that for each room of the house, an individual calculation of the necessary thermal power is carried out to maintain an optimal microclimate in it. Then it remains to sum up the obtained values \u200b\u200b- and get a general value that will become a reference when choosing a boiler.

If necessary Specially designed for this purpose can help.

Before you begin to calculate, read the calculator interface below. For convenience, you can make a table, in the lines of which to enter all the premises of your home, where heat exchange devices will be installed, and in columns - the necessary data characterizing this room.

Pay attention - on the heat loss of each room there is its location relative to the parties of the world and the prevailing winter winds. If the user has no clarity with these data, it can leave them by default, and at the same time the program will calculate the power as for the most unfavorable conditions.

The minimum temperatures requested in the appropriate input field should not be extreme - it is necessary to specify the level that is normal for the region of living (for the cold decade of the house). But at the same time, some monstrous frosts do not remember, for example, five years ago, which are remembered only due to their explicit anorality.

Further field entry fields are probably not caused.

The obtained value already takes into account the operational reserve, and after the summation of the total capacity, no amendments are not required. When choosing attention to the model, the power of which is higher than the value obtained, but closest to it. This will become the optimal solution. You can learn by reference.

For the competent installation of a solid fuel boiler with a water contour in a private house, you need to know the principle of its work and design features. Before the purchase, all the advantages and disadvantages should be studied, familiar with the nuances of installation and operation.

For houses, geographically remote from the gas highway, the rational solution will be solid fuel boilers with water circuit. Their main advantage is the possibility of using inexpensive local raw materials as a fuel material.

Design features

The boiler equipment of this type, in fact, is a somewhat modified version of standard boilers - the design additionally enters the water circuit.

The design includes:

  1. furnace;
  2. cooper
  3. ash chamber;
  4. water circuit.

If one-contact models are intended only for heating rooms, the two-kinnuts are used for the heating of the building, and to supply it hot water.

Council. Before buying a two-kinning model, the power should be calculated, which will be consumed not only on the heating of the room (about 1kW per 10 sq. M), but also to heat hot water.

Fuel load can be done manually or automatically. The second option assumes the presence of a tank in the boiler, where fuel is falling asleep every 3-7 days. But the models are more expensive than with a manual pricing of fuel, so less common.

Scheme: work of the wood boiler

In addition, only fuel suitable for the supply, which has passed special training - coal to 2.5 cm or so called "eco-peas". Some models are equipped with built-in electricals that run into operation when the fuel is stopped, thereby ensuring their continuous operation.

Principle of operation of models with water circuits

The water heating process is carried out exclusively during the fuel combustion period. Main fuel - coal or firewood. In this case, one load is enough for 3-4 hours, a longer period of fuel burning will provide a gas generator (pyrolysis) solid fuel boiler.

The higher the quality of the boiler, the effectiveness of heat exchange processes in the water circuit and the more accurate to control the temperature of the coolant, the lower the cost of each produced by kilowatt heat. The special design of the water circuit allows you to most effectively heat the main coolant when the boiler is running.

Solid fuel boiler firebox

The wall in the water jacket is capable of accumulating the resulting thermal energy. Due to this, the heating device quickly heats the water, and also maintains a high temperature for a long time. The boiler heating equipment with water loop is equally efficiently operating both in a system with natural and forced circulation.

Advantages of solid fuel boilers with water contour

In addition to the relatively available cost of fuel and the equipment itself, among the advantages should also be allocated:

  • high reliability;
  • long service life;
  • no need for frequent maintenance.

Solid fuel boiler - Environmentally friendly and economically advantageous means of heating at home

Waste when combustion of fuel, that is, the ash can be used as a fertilizer on a private garden area. Another plus is a solid fuel boiler, if necessary, can be converted to work with other types of energy carriers, such as gas, diesel, etc.

Disadvantages of equipment

In addition to indisputable advantages, the boilers of this type are not deprived of some drawbacks:

  • The efficiency of wood boilers at the highest fuel consumption varies from 70 to 80%;

Combining a boiler with a heating water system

The system of pipes and radiators connected to the water loop allows you to evenly distribute heat over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe structure. A water reservoir can act as the simplest type of heat exchanger when the heat source is located directly below it. But such heating is inffective, since the heating of the fluid will be carried out only below.

A solid fuel boiler allows you to arrange a system of uniform heating of the whole house.

Much more effective in terms of heat transfer will be the so-called "water shirt". A more complex type of water circuit is a double top and walls along the entire contour of the boiler, inside of which the circulation of the coolant occurs. Due to the constant circulation, the water is not stirred, and the thickness of 3-5 cm between the walls gives the possibility of fluid to warm up as quickly as possible.

Another equally effective type of water circuit is welded from steel thick pipes, bent by waves along the walls and the top of the coil chamber according to the type "coil." The coolant is slowly moving through pipes, the diameter of which is 5-6 cm, providing excellent heat transfer. In addition, this type of contour has an important advantage - improved maintainability.

Control and control unit

Boilers are equipped with special systems for regulating the water temperature in the water circuit. The simplest system is built at the operation of the thermostat - when the desired temperature is reached, the flap is covered and the air flow decreases and thus decreases. As soon as the water cools, the system will work in reverse order.

Control blocks

More advanced control systems operate with the inclusion of the exact temperature sensors and forced electrified air supplies. When installing the forced ventilation, the upper air supply is carried out, due to which the fuel is burned almost completely. The boiler equipment of this type needs to be connected to the power grid, but in the absence of electricity is not able to work.

Equipment with a circulating pump can save the system from its complete defrost. Left in winter without supervision of the boiler, having spent all the fuel, will not be able to support the temperature level of water in the system for a long time, with the result that it will freeze. In this kind of critical situation, the control system will include a circulation pump, which will lead to circulation of the coolant - in small frosts the flow water will not freeze.


For heating the dwelling of a small quadrature, it is advisable to install the installation directly in the house itself. Also, the boiler room can be equipped as a separate building or inside other business buildings.

Device of a solid fuel boiler

In this case, the heating tube is always laid underground necessarily below the level of primerization of the soil, thermal insulation is ensured. In the boiler room, the air temperature should be at the level of 10 degrees., Separately, take care of the equipment of high-quality ventilation.

Council. You can equip an isolated mini-boiler in the basement or on the first floor of the house, as well as to take place there under the fuel supply there.

Flooring at the installation site should be non-combustible, even and solid. To increase the strength of the floor, the boiler is installed on a thin screed of concrete. Before the heating unit, a sheet metal with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 1 kV is necessarily placed. m.

Attention! The distance from the heating equipment to the walls of the room should be at least 50 cm.

When installing, it is necessary to accurately adhere to all the recommendations given in the manual for the operation of boiler equipment, regarding the main parameters of chimneys: section and height. The spots of the combination of the chimney with the chimney are necessarily filled with heat-resistant sealant or coiled with a clay solution.

Installation of a solid fuel boiler


Solid fuel boilers are less popular than electrical or gas, but for private houses without the possibility of gasification and with frequent interruptions with electricity, they become a choice of number one. Connection to the system can be carried out independently, it is important to comply with all the requirements of fire safety techniques.

What kind of heating to choose for a private house: video

Solid fuel boiler: photo

Owners of country houses, where there is no gas highway, most often installed the heating water boiler. Its main advantage is to use cheap raw materials. In order to competently install the system, it is necessary to figure out the principle of work, features of design, installation and operation. Even before the acquisition, it is desirable to find out what advantages and disadvantages have an aggregate.

    Show all

    Constructive features

    Water circuit boiler equipment is an advanced model of an ordinary standard boiler. The device consists of the following parts:

    • floor chamber;
    • grate grid;
    • ash bar;
    • water circuit.

    All single-mounted equipment is intended exclusively for the heating of the dwelling, but two-door water heating boilers are used for heating, and to provide hot water residents for household needs. But when purchasing such an installation, it is necessary to calculate the necessary power in advance, which will also be required for heating, and for water heating.

    As for the fuel load, the process can be carried out both in manual mode and automatically. In the second case, the device must be equipped with a special reservoir that must be fill out once a week. But such modern settings are much more expensive, so not so common.

    Water boiler with his own hands Pros, Cons and Seld Tips

    It is also worth adding that such aggregates need special fuel, which has passed processing.

    There are devices equipped with electric tanks, which are monitored by the amount of raw materials in the furnace and, if necessary, add it. This feature provides a device continuous function.

    Principle of operation

    The heating of the house is carried out only after the water heating boiler begins to work, that is, in the period of burning fuel. For extras, you can use firewood or coal. One load provides about 3-4 hours of burning. For a longer period, it is better to acquire gas generator or solid fuel units.

    The better the device, more efficient heat exchange processes and more accurate temperature control, the less costs for each kilowatt of the extracted heat will be. Water boilers of heating are made in such a way that the coolant is heated as efficiently as possible and quickly.

    In addition, the wall in the water circuit has the ability to accumulate thermal energy, which is formed during the combustion process. Thereby heating equipment quickly heats fluid And for a long time maintains the required temperature. It is worth noting that such installations provide the same efficacy in systems and with natural circulation, and with forced.

    Cooper boiler on firewood and corner with contour heating

    Advantages and disadvantages

    In addition to the available price of heating equipment and low fuel cost, there are a number of other advantages. The main pluses include the following factors:

    • high reliability indicator;
    • long operational period;
    • devices do not need frequent maintenance.

    The advantages can also be attributed to the fact that the ash, which remained after the combustion of the fuel, can be used as a fertilizer. There are also cons. The fact is that the water boiler for heating at home does not have a high efficiency, and even at high fuel consumption, the indicator does not rise above 80%. In addition, standard devices need frequent loading of firewood, it will have to do it every 3-5 hours.

    Titan - Economic stove of a boiler with a water shirt of long burning (with his own hands)

    Water contour

    All pipes and radiators are available in the house, which are connected to the water contour, provide a uniform distribution of heat throughout the rooms in the house. The heat exchanger can be a conventional metal tank where liquid is located. And already under it is located directly the source of heat. But such a design is not very effective: the fact is that the water will be heated only at the bottom of the tank.

    It is best to use the water circuit system when the container has double walls, between which the coolant is stacked, according to which hot water circulates. Due to the constant movement, the liquid is not stuffed, and the small space between the layers provides the most quick warm-up over the entire area.

    There is another effective way of manufacture, which helps to achieve maximum efficiency. But for this you will need a few steel pipes (diameter 5-6 cm) that need to be welded together and give them the form of the wave. Then lay them along the walls and at the top of the furnace.

    When working, the coolant will slowly move around the pipes and thereby ensure high-quality heat transfer. In case of problems, this system is quite easy to fix.

    Control block

    All boiler installations are equipped with a special system for regulating the temperature fluid temperature. The easiest option is to establish a special thermostat on the design. The principle of operation of such a device is that when water is heated to the required temperature, the damper is lowered, after which the air intake is noticeably reduced. And after the fluid starts cooling, the system works in reverse order.

    You can slightly upgrade the control system and install the exact temperature sensors on the boiler, to equip it with a forced electrified air supply. As a result, the ventilation will ensure the upper feed, which will ensure complete fuel combustion. But it is worth noting that such a boiler unit will function only if there is an electrical network or battery.

    If you plan to sculpt a small building, then it is best to install the equipment directly in the house. But for the boiler room, choose some separate building or highlight a separate room. The heating tube is always laid underground, moreover, in such a way that it is located below the level of the earth's freezing. In addition, it needs to provide high-quality heat insulation. In the room where the unit is installed, you need to create a temperature regime within 10-15 degrees, as well as equip a good ventilation system with a natural burden.

    Before installing, it is worth taking care of the floor covering, the surface must be non-combustible, smooth and solid. It is best to make a thin concrete tie, in this case the heating boiler will stand firmly, steadily and reliably. In front of the device, it is necessary to lay a metal sheet with an area of \u200b\u200b1 square meters. m. It is worth taking care of the location: the fact is that the unit should not stand too close to the walls, you need to leave the distance at least 50 centimeters.

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    By performing installation work, it is necessary to comply with all requirements and recommendations. Especially when assembling and installing the chimney pipe. All locations of the compound must be carefully treated with hermetic composition or stained clay. Water units do not enjoy so popular as electrical or gas. Although in the country cottages where there is no gasification or frequent interruptions with electricity occur, this option is optimal. At the same time, you can connect the system with your own hands, but provided that the fire safety technique is observed.