Fountains are small for home how to build. Fountain do it yourself: Instructions for the construction and stages of the construction of a beautiful fountain for home and cottage (90 photos)

In specialized stores today you can buy a very original range of similar goods is quite large, as they say, for every taste and color. Many people like when the murmur of a small flowing of water is heard in the house. These sounds allow you to relax and calm down after a hard working day. However, most consumers do not realize that it can be done with special costs not required, as, however, knowledge.

Material for construction

So, below we describe how to make a fountain at home. To create the original design, you will need:

  1. Glue.
  2. The container that will serve as the basis for the fountain.
  3. Approximate Fountain Scheme
  4. Big sink.
  5. A small segment of the hose, which is usually used to clean the aquariums.
  6. Polyethylene film.
  7. Ceramizite, decorative colorful soil and shells of various shapes and sizes.

The big sink will serve as a central detail of the whole composition. Pump and hose are needed for pumping water, and multicolored soil, shells and clayzit - for decoration. In addition, you need a small piece of polyethylene film. So, the ceramzite can be purchased at any flower shop. As for the soil of black, red and then it is better to use a special mixture for aquariums.

We select the container

The home fountain must be strong enough and at the same time beautiful. Therefore, the container for its base should be selected more carefully. The first step in the manufacture of the design is the selection of the vessel. For the fountain in this case, you can take kashpo for colors. If there is no such capacity, then you can use a flower pot, a beautiful pelvis, a clay vase and so on.

The most important thing is that the vessel did not proceed. If, for example, there are holes in the flower pot, they should be selected by epoxy glue.

We choose the pump

So how to do at home the fountain can each, it is worth paying special attention to the pump. After all, not everyone disassemble them. There are several sprinkler on the tip and the usual. In this case, the first option is not suitable. First of all, splashes can get beyond the limits of the main capacity. And one more thing - we have a completely different idea.

Therefore, to make a mini-fountain with your own hands, there will be enough ordinary pump. The tip can be made by yourself. In this case, the pump should simply lift the stream up.

First stage

So, how to make a fountain at home without special costs? To begin with, cut off a small piece of the hose, a length of approximately centimeters 10. After that, it is necessary to put it on the tip of the pump and see if the hole is completely open in it. It is from this that depends the power of the jet that will be supplied to the fountain. The finished design should be installed at the bottom of the pre-prepared container.

The home fountain in this case will be with a large sink in the center. It is from it that will flow water. Therefore, in the sink, it is necessary to do a hole that will be in size to approach the hose. You can do this with a regular drill. Of course, drilling the sink should be carefully so that its walls are not cracked.

Stage two

The fountain scheme is quite simple. With it, everyone will be able to collect a similar decoration for their interior. When the pump is installed in the container, you can float the clayzit, which is necessarily necessary to close with polyethylene. In the film, you should make a hole for the hose in advance.

Polyethylene is necessary to ensure that the ceramzite does not pop up during wetting. After all, water will be poured into the container. After that, the film should be saturated with a multi-colored aquarium soil.

Stand for sink

The composition will not look if the main element is easy to install on pebbles. Therefore, you should make a neat stand. So, how to make a fountain at home, which will not only calm the pleasant sounds of flowing water, but also be an excellent addition and highlight of the interior? Beautiful stand can be created from pebbles. They can be copp using epoxy glue. In the manufacture of the stand should not forget about the hose hole.

Collect design

When the stand is ready, the hose should be missed through it. If it is too long, then it needs to be shortened. Otherwise, it will be seen from where the water flows. Now you can install the main element - the big sink. In the pre-done hole, the hose should be stretched only one centimeter.

That's all, it remains to decorate the fountain. For this, around the shells should be saturated with some shells and put the most beautiful pebbles. All this can be purchased in the store - for lovers of aquarium fish or in a gift.

If there is no big sink, it can also be replaced with any suitable object. The main thing is that it can be done in the hose hole. The design of the decorative fountain for the room completely depends on the fantasy of its creator.

The final stage

After the composition is fully folded and all its elements are fixed, water should be pouring into the container. It makes no sense to fully immerse the soil. So the fountain will lose the main idea and its charm. The most important thing is that the pump is hidden completely under water.

Now you can turn on the fountain. To do this, it is necessary to plug in the power cable from the pump.

That's all, the homemade fountain for the room is ready. However, it is worth remembering that water from it will gradually evaporate, especially in the hot season. Therefore, it will be necessary to add liquid into a decorative fountain at least once a week. If necessary, it is possible and more often.

You can disguise the cable from the pump that goes to the outlet. In addition, the indoor fountain can be decorated with artificial colors. This will give the composition a more spectacular look.


Now you know how to make a home fountain. It does not need much costs and special talents for its creation. It is enough to include fantasy. There is not much time to make such compositions, but they will delight you not one year.

Nowadays, mini-fountains are gaining increasing popularity, as well as decorative waterfalls. Such elements of the decor make it possible to relax, and in the summer they moisturize the air, creating an optimal microclimate. Looking on the pouring water, it is convenient to concentrate, you can even meditate who is interested. The article will consider the method of creating a simple waterfall, and the pump is also made by their own hands. Homemade is simple in the assembly and requires a minimal amount of materials that are easy to get.

Materials and tools for homemade:
- a small motor (can be found in the camera or phone);
- plastic gear (there is in toys, clocks, and so on);
- a piece of plastic with a thickness of a couple of millimeters;
- cover from the bottle;
- cap from deodorant;
- foil;
- ordinary ballpoint pen;
- LEDs;
- resistor;
- Wires;
- shells;
- battery from mobile;
- Small plastic box.

From the tools you will need:
- drill;
- scissors;
- pliers;
- gun with a thermoclaim;
- soldering iron;
- Super glue;
- Hoven.

The process of manufacturing a fountain:

Step one. Fountain device
To work the fountain, you will need a pump, here it is made with their own hands. Its principle of operation is shown in the scheme.

Figure 1 indicates a hole for the input of the liquid.
Under the number 2 is the pump wheel.
3 is a pump housing.
Well, the 4-th one is marked for water outlet.

Step second. We prepare the motor and make the impeller

The motor must be small because the mini-fountain in size will not be much more than a pack of cigarettes. The author uses the engine from the camera for these purposes. As an option for these purposes, the vibration motor from the mobile phone is perfect.

Next, you need to make the impeller, it is made from a conventional plastic gear. Such are found in toys, clocks and other mechanisms. However, other materials can be applied, the main thing is that the workpiece fit in form and sizes. The gear need to sharpen in a circle under the size of the pump housing.

To make the blade for the wheel, you will need rectangular pieces of plastic. There will be 4 pieces of all. Slices need to be glued to the gear.

Step Three. Pump housing
Pump housing The author makes it from a cap from a deodorant. From it you need to cut off all the extra parts, and then drill holes, as indicated in the photo. From above, you need to drill a small hole so that the engine axis came out through it. Water will go through the large hole.

Step fourth. Finishing Pump Assembly Stage
To create the output tube, you will need a ballpoint pen. From it you need to cut everything too much, and then the handle is simply glued to the body.

As for the motor, it is also glued with hot glue. It is necessary to glue the motor in order to not pour it through the cooling holes and do not glue the axis. The impeller should be located in the case smoothly, it should not hurt anything.

Even you will need to make the cover. The cover is made from the cover from the bottle, it is necessary to do the hole in it, as can be seen in the photo. Through this hole water will enter the pump. The lid is glued to the housing with hot glue.

That's all, miniature pump is ready. According to the author, it is capable of forming a water column with a height of 20 cm, and all this is from the power source 3.7V (battery from mobile). This power is quite enough to create a miniature fountain or waterfall.

Pitch fifth. How to make a slide for the fountain. Final stage assembly
As the main idea, stylization under the stone was taken. Here you need to let all your fantasy. Externally, the fountain can be done in any way, at its discretion. You can achieve that no one can distinguish it from the store. To create "stones", the author applied a crumpled foil glued by a thermoclaster. The photo shows a pre-painting.

To make a decorative source of water, you will need a shell of suitable size and shape. In it, under the tube you need to do the hole. Well, then the whole design is assembled as in the scheme.

It is unlikely that there is such a person who would not want to have his own small reservoir on a plot near the house to make it special.

And if you create such a reservoir on your own, then it will really become a unique and favorite holiday destination, from which you get a lot of positive emotions and words of delight from all your friends and friends. All the magnificence of the fountain in the country is represented in the photo.

However, not everyone is solved on their own reservoir. Probably, many are frightened by the unknown process of the hydraulics device, believing that it is difficult and expensive, and only experts can sort out such a design. But it is not.

If desired, anyone can afford to build a fountain in the courtyard near the house, the main thing is to know some details of the technology of creating a fountain.

Determination of the species of fountain

Distinguish two types of fountain depending on their design:

When water enters the nozzle, the so-called open look. The water jet in this case appears due to the level of water drops. But water pressure due to this is weak and need constant water level control. Water as a result quickly becomes muddy.

By creating such a fountain, it is worth taking care of the average value of the average value installed above the nozzle on 1 m upwards.

When the pump assembly is required. This option is more suitable and efficient.

The pump, located at the bottom, provides constant circulation of water. As a result, the water pressure is higher and the fountain spray is more effectory.

The device pumps are also divided into two types:

  • Submersible. Pump is located in the bottom of the reservoir. The structure includes: pipeline, pump and nozzle, from which the shape of the jet on the output depends. This fountain is similar to the spring, heavily dries out of the ground.
  • Surface or stationary. Basically, such a fountain makes an artificial stone in the form of various figures: girls, animal, vases, flower, etc. As a result, it looks like a sculptural masterpiece. Such facilities are available in urban parks of culture and recreation

Placement places

When determining the appropriate place to organize a garden fountain, do not miss the slope of the earth's surface.

On the bug-rod land, it is better to establish a picturesque decorative part in the lowland. Thus, you adjust the amount of groundwater and provide a more complete saturation of air with oxygen molecules.

Do not build fountains:

  • almost near the house, not to overstat the walls of moisture.
  • under the open sun, otherwise the water will quickly bloom due to direct sun rays.
  • near massive vegetation and trees, since the roots can disrupt waterproofing, and the falling leaves, the fluff, and so on, clog water.

The fountain should not block access to various places of use and should be visible from all angles. Place it next to the resting place.

From the fountain to the vegetation zone, houses or furniture should be at least 50 cm so that the plants do not die from the convergence, and the furniture has not failed for the same reason.

The most favorable place of placement of the fountain will be slightly shaded, hidden from the wind place near the sources of water supply and electricity to reduce the consumption of wires and the time for their insulation.

As soon as the appropriate place is chosen, you can go to the next step: the choice of shape and depth.


Necessary materials

In order to save funds, time and eigenfill, it is better to apply a reservoir technology with a pump device.

To do this, you will need the following materials: Capacity, Pump System, Polyethylene, Shnyk, Artificial or Natural Stones, Sandy and Gravel Soil, Decor Elements.

Capacity selection and installation

For the construction of a compact mini fountain, it is better to use the usual plastic pelvis or a similar container.

For overall structures, used baths are often used or digging the desired size of the desired size.

Under the bath, they also dig a pit of certain sizes so that the edges will not rise above the ground level.


Check in advance, do not need to close cracks or holes in the bath. If not, boldly lower it into the prepared pit and fasten the stones, sand and earth.

In the absence of the required capacity, you can dug the pit on your own taking into account the selected sizes. Then covered with durable polyethylene and strengthen stones around the edges. The bottom is completely and evenly covered with various smooth stones.

Select the necessary pump

It is absolutely necessary for the construction of a fountain with their own hands to acquire expensive materials, you can safely use and used. But the pump is still better to fork and acquire a good one.

Submersible type pump is the most suitable option. It acts as a centrifuge. The surface type of pump is more often used for large fountains and water-mounted cascades, and when it is installed on the summer site, the installation is carried out with the edge of the reservoir.

To select the desired pump, it is necessary to take into account the constant pressure of water in the pipe and its differences. Otherwise, the pump is greater power will not be able to work in full force and it will have to be replaced by less powerful.


The pipe diameter is also important when determining the power, because the jet must be able to beat out of the fountain, and not to peel, portraying a certain similarity of a fading spring.

Phased home fountain facility

The construction of the fountain consists of the following steps:

  • digging care;
  • strengthening trench RVA;
  • immersion of the reservoir or coating with polyethylene;
  • pump installation;
  • decorative arrangement.

Fountain with polyethylene film

This requires the following materials: Durable polyethylene, shovel, sandy soil, pumping system, stones.

Stages of execution:

  • We cook a hole, we remove the stones and the foundation;
  • The bottom is completely covered with sand, sifted in advance;
  • Cover the whole pitted polyethylene film, capturing the edges around it;
  • Covered, covered with film, all over the perimeter reliably fix stones;
  • Mount the pump;
  • Decorate fountain with decor;
  • Filling with water.

Fountain of an old bath

To do this, you will need: shovel, small stones, pump used bath, ribbon insulation, metal cutting scissors, non-ferrous metal sheet and drill.

Procedure for the construction of a fountain:

  • ROOM KOTLAND A little more bath sizes;
  • I lower the bath in it and close the holes and cracks;
  • We open the sides inside the baths of non-ferrous metal strips, covering them with stones;
  • On the bottom there are small multicolored stones;
  • In the center of the structure we put the pump;
  • To impart brightness, the fountain can be supplemented with backlighting, and water to sink with blue.

Plastic bottle fountain

You will need: plastic bottle, rigid wire or nail, tape insulation and watering hose.

The device of such a fountain is very simple:

  • Take an empty bottle pre-purified from extra details;
  • With the help of nail or wire, do the holes;
  • Snap the bottle on the watering hose and securely fix the tape;
  • Place in the garden and let the water.

Fountain house without pump

For its facilities, prepare: a large flower pot, pallet, paint, water pump, contours, decor.

  • Paint pots;
  • We do a hole at the bottom of the pot;
  • Pompes place under the pallet;
  • Through a pot hole, we skip the pump tube;
  • Cover bottom pebbles;
  • Decorating different things and vegetation;
  • Filling with water.


Make a fountain beautiful will help various decorative things: multicolored stones, potted plants, figurines, ceramic products, etc.

For dark time, pride the multi-colored backlight and lamps around the fountain.

Fountain care

To ensure the purity of the territory and reservoir (fountain), constant care is required in the form of cleaning. Regularly clean the surface of the water from the damned garbage with special equipment.

At the end of the season, the water must be drained, remove removable devices in the pantry, and the rest to cover the film for wintering.

Photo fountain with their own hands

Having made a room fountain with their own hands at home, you can not only save a rather large amount of money, but also acquire a useful decoration of the interior. According to Chinese Feng Shui teaching, the water symbol located in the northwestern part of the dwelling provides wealth in the family. An excellent personification of the mobile element in the house can be a murmur stream, a cascade of waterfalls or another form of fountain.

Small decorative cascades for the interior decoration must be made taking into account the fact that constantly arriving water at home is to merge nowhere. This means that the amount of fluid that is in the system must be permanent. To comply with this requirement, the fountain installed in the room needs to be done on a closed cycle. In this case, the water will be collected in the accumulative capacity. The pump mounted in the system should raise it to the top point of the structure, from where the liquid will be strengthened, again falling into the tank.

In order for a thin striking while beautifully flowed, dripped or beat up, decorative obstacles from seashells, stones, shards or other items should be made on her way. In ancient China and Japan, specially trained masters built a channel for a stream so that it is beautifully bored. The "Water Music" Adjustments created real masterpieces from ordinary pebbles, laying them so that cascades were formed with deepening, which fell drops and trickles, producing noise characteristic for the stream or waterfall.

What to prepare for work?

To create a mini fountain, you need to pick up a suitable pump. Its power depends on the height on which the liquid will be raised. This value is dictated by the design sizes and is determined individually. If you want to make a fountain with your own hands so that the jet of water beats up, it is better to buy a pump with greater power and a regulator. To assemble a small desktop cascade, quite a fairly aquarium pump for water filtration.

Before making a fountain with your own hands, you need to prepare:

  • the reservoir in which water will be drain;
  • silicone tubes;
  • waterproof glue;
  • materials for decorating the product.

The tank bowl must be roomy. In addition to its direct function, the collection of fluid circulating in the system - it will serve as a basis for a composition of stone or other materials. Some of them can be placed directly in the tank.

What if there is no pump?

A low-power pump that can raise water to a height of about 20 cm, can be made independently. For this we need:

  • motor from a children's toy, a camera or another, protected from water from entering;
  • batteries (from phone or finger);
  • charging connector if a mobile phone battery is used;
  • lEDs - at will;
  • switch of any type;
  • electric pipe;
  • plastic gear;
  • a small round capacity (cap from aerosol, plastic bottle);
  • waterproof glue.

From the gear from an unnecessary mechanism to make an impeller for water supply: adjust the wheel under the diameter of the circular tank, to stick the cross-shaped 4 piece of plastic on the shaft: Fig. eleven). Drill a hole in the bottom of the tank for the motor shaft, and in the side - for water. Engine shaft inside the tank, glue the motor housing to the bottom of the pump tank outside, and the impeller is fixed on the shaft inside (2). Cut off a piece of plastic, make a small hole in it, take the open part of the pump housing. To the opening in the side to attach the tube and seal the compound (3). Test wires to a motor and thoroughly isolate the connection, protecting from water. For this suitable any sealant.

To mount the motor connection to the power source, use the scheme (4). It is important to remember that the batteries should be not available for moisture. You can fasten them on the outside of the pool, here to glue and switch.

In the diagram, you can enable the resistor to adjust the rotational speed of the motor or LEDs for decorative illumination.

Methods of assembly

Homemade or purchased pump must be attached to the bottom of the tank (cumulative capacity). Its depth should be such that the pump is completely immersed in water. Hide the pump can be different: put on top of it the mesh cover on which the pebbles or shells depicting the bottom of the reservoir will be laid or hide inside the large decor. One of the design options is a dry fountain - it provides for a fully hidden surface of the water in the accumulator. To do this, on top of it you need to put the grille and secure the stones. Water will pass through the stones into the container without forming the visible pool. Fig. 2.

How to make a mini fountain in the apartment with your own hands from ceramic pots (Fig. 3), tells a small master class:

  1. 1 Prepare 2 ceramic pots and 5 pallets (2 large and 3 small). Cover their waterproof varnish, drill in the center of 1 larger and 1 smaller pallet hole for the tube. At the edges of the pallets make rugs to flow water.
  2. 2 Install at the bottom of the pump reservoir, sticking to the scheme in the figure. Close it large in size in the pot, and the tube is output through its drainage and drilled holes in pallets on the very top of the design.
  3. 3 Set a smaller pot and secure the pallet on it. The next tier consists of 2 small pallets (one is turned over and serves as the basis for the bowl from the other). Pallets should be placed so that the holes that are screwed in their sideboards allowed water to overflow from one to another, forming a cascade.
  4. 4 decorate the fountain, with their own hands assembled from the simplest materials, beautiful pebbles, plants and shells, aquatic figures or birds.

Such a miniature reservoir can be put on the table or take him a special corner among the bedroom plants. Overflowing water will not only revive and decorate the composition, but also will allow a little to moisten the air.

Waterfalls in the room

Stylish and fashionable interior decoration is a vertical waterfall (Fig. 4). This kind of room fountain is not much more complicated than the desktop mini fountain. The only difference is the power of the pump for such a major structure. When searching for the pump, you need to pay attention to the fact that the height of the lift of the water column was at least 1.8-2 m. It will give the opportunity to arrange a water wall or a stream, originating under the ceiling of the room.

Before making a home waterfall, you need to perform water waterproofing in case of a tank leakage. To do this, polyethylene film can be used. It is advisable to close the floor section by 15-20 cm more than the perimeter of the future facilities.

For the panel on which water will be flown, you will need:

  • tolst glass or mirror;
  • bruks 5x5 cm for support racks;
  • boards for the base of the upper cover;
  • pipe plastic diameter 2 cm for water distribution on glass;
  • bar or thick board for the step of the retainer.

The device of the feeding fountain system is the same as discussed above.

Over the pallet of the fountain, you need to install and fasten the board with an emphasis for fixing the glass in a vertical position. Loop the frame from the support bars and crossbars from above. The role of the crossbar can play a horizontal plank of the top cover.

The segment of the plastic water pipe, the length of which is equal to the width of the glass panel, drill on one line along the axis. Holes should not be located too far from each other so that there is no impression of individual pips. Muffle one end of the sprinkler tube, consolidate it behind the top cover. Set the backlight if necessary.

Glass panel put vertically, supervised the lower edge into the step of the retainer. Attach on liquid nails to the supporting brusches side parts. In order for water to be spread outside the panel, it is necessary to stick onto the edges of glass, wood, plastic on its edges.

Install in the pump pallet, spend the tube for supplying water upwards to the open end of the distribution pipe. Connect, seal the connection. Hang the front of the top cover. Perform the decorative finish of the home fountain with your own hands on your own taste. Through the set of holes in the pipe sprinkler, the water jet will fall on the glass and drain along it into the pallet, creating the illusion of the incident flow.

Materials for the decorative finish of indoor fountains, with their own hands made in table or outdoor versions, can be found in pet stores (color soil, locks, seashells, ships in the aquarium departments). In flower salons Sell bamboo supports for plants and beautiful containers. In souvenir departments, artificial bonsai, bird figures and animals can be found.

There is nothing more pleasant how to relax after a working day under a quiet splash of water in a man-made stream. The decorative functions of the fountain are perfectly combined with its main purpose - moisturize the air indoors. Supplement to jets of flowing water can be made living room plants.

We all rejoice in the arrival of summer, but when the sun begins to have a very straining, I want to cool. Therefore, many strive for more time to spend next to fountains, which will not only refresh the air, but also raise the mood of the incident water. But it is not necessary to go to the square to admire this action. Everyone, regardless of whether he lives in an ordinary urban apartment or in a private house, can make his decorative fountain.

Pros and cons of creation

The decorative fountain is primarily an element designed to decorate the surrounding space. It can select multiple key advantages:

But artificial fountains have certain disadvantages:

  • The need for special care and periodic control. This construction must be regularly cleaned so that the garbage does not score the pump. It is also necessary to monitor the serviceability of the equipment and timely eliminate the emerging problems.
  • Considering that the pump is required to operate the pump, the exploitation of the fountain will entail certain expenses that may be particularly high if the installation will work for a long time.

Types of facilities

Decorative fountains may differ among themselves in various parameters. For example, according to the type of placement, they are customary to classify to home and street. The first are designed to decorate the premises, and the seconds are used in open spaces, where they act as an integral element of landscape design.

By type of construction, the fountains can be divided into several types:

Depending on the nature of the flow of water, the fountains can be divided into the following types:

Also additionally accepted annular The fountain in which the pipe of the annular shape is provided, and in it at the same distance from each other there are holes. At the time of filing, through them, the water occurs, resembling a ring.

An interesting variation is the installation in the form of a hemisphere or hemisphere. In its composition, it has several connected parallel disk nozzles. At the time of supplying water under pressure, the jet acquires a spherical form, which gives the whole building a very unusual and spectacular appearance.

Forms and sizes

Although the fountain can have any dimensions and shape, when choosing them, it is recommended to be guided by common sense and do not forget that it will be somewhat more complicated for the installation of a more intricate shape and large dimensions.

The bowl of the fountain can have a symmetrical or non-standard asymmetric form. For example, it can be performed in the form of an oval, square, circle, triangle, as well as any other geometric forms, including repeating contours of the silhouette of an animal or human.

Also, fountains can be complex multi-level or made of several connected containers. In this case, each of this element can be equipped with its own nozzle, being an integral part of a more complex installation.

Stylistic design

Factories used in decorative purposes can be performed in a wide variety of styles. The belonging of the design to one or another direction depends on different factors - appearance, shape and sizes, manufacturing material.

Several options for design applicable to decorative fountains can be distinguished:

Place Installation

In order for the decorative fountain to be able to cope with his role, it is necessary to properly approach the place of its placement.

Prepare the platform in advance so that you can come to the fountain or accommodate nearby. Take care that the structure does not cover other elements of landscape design.

Decorative fountain do it yourself

It is not necessary to pay money to the master for the manufacture of an original decorative fountain. With this task, any owner can cope with this.

Materials and tools

And the first thing you need to prepare the necessary tools, materials and devices for work:

  • capacity that you will use as a bowl. It may be an old barrel or bath. The main thing is that the product is strong enough without damage to withstand the volume of water;
  • pipe or enough durable and dense water supply hose;
  • pumping installation;
  • waterproofing materials;
  • filter;
  • nozzle;
  • shovel.

Manufacturing process

After you have been prepared everything you need, you can move to the manufacture of a decorative fountain:

The fountain you have will serve longer if you regularly check the state of the instruments and timely eliminate the faults, as well as clean the bowl from the garbage that falls into it.

A decorative fountain can become one of the main elements of your site and to change it for the better. You just need to properly approach its manufacture. Showing a little fantasy and using unnecessary materials, you will probably create our own hands, which will look no worse than the professional masters of products.

Being engaged in the improvement of household territories, to some owners at a certain point, an understanding that the fountain lacks on the site. You should not give up this idea if you have long been planned and unnecessary space left. After all, it is not necessary to be a big design. Even in small areas you can find a place to arrange a compact decorative fountain there, which will give you coolness and become an excellent seating area.

If you decide to create it yourself, then you need to thoroughly prepare for this work. And first of all, you must understand what kind of this installation should have, from which material to be made and how water should flow in it. From these and many other factors will depend on whether you will be satisfied with the final result.

If you first have to make your own fountain in the country, you should not build the installation of a complex configuration. This will not only require you more time, cash and strength to its creation, but also create you in the future certain difficulties during care. It is best to build a small fountain of the standard form, which can be made from the most common materials and to care for which it will be no more difficult than in any other object available on your site.