Schedule measurement of basal temperature How to determine ovulation. Basal temperature when ovulation

The presence of ovulation is largely determined by feminine fertility (ability to reproduce). The woman can become pregnant only for several days during the month, or rather - during the period of ovulation, which is why the definition of favorable days for conception is an important task for any woman, regardless of what goals she pursues - to conceive a child or prevent undesirable pregnancy . One of the methods for determining ovulation is the method of basal thermometry.


The basal temperature of the doctoral and physiologists are called the lowest body temperature, which is fixed only during the rest of the person, for example, during sleep. In the state of activity of BT (abbreviated designation of basal temperature) always rises. Doctors have long noticed that in women the rise of a few tenth of degrees occurs during ovulation, this is exactly the basis of the method of determining fertile days.

The cyclicity of the female organism is due to powerful hormonal support. Thanks to progesterone and estrogen, prolactin and gonadotropic substances produced by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus, every month come monthly, in the middle of the cycle there is an ovulation, which gives representatives of an excellent sex the opportunity to conceive a child. The balance of these hormonal substances and insignificant fluctuations remain unnoticed for the body.

And if the woman cannot feel objectively feeling these changes, then at the level of its basal (basic) temperature, these processes will certainly be reflected.

The basal temperature shows the temperature of the internal organs and is true. For its fixation, measurements are produced in those parts of the body, which have a message with the body departments, for example, in the rectum, in the mouth, in the vagina.

After another menstruation in the body, the estrogen is actively produced up to the middle of the cycle. It is he who does not give BT to rise to high values. With a normal ovulation, when the oocyte leaves the follicle, and a yellow body is formed at the ripening site, the ratio of hormonal forces in the body changes - progesterone develops, which significantly increases the basal temperature.

Often the temperature schedule of a healthy, capable of conceiving and having tooling a woman compared with a poetic manner - a bird whose wings are open, and the beak is an ovulation day. After ovulation, the temperature remains elevated.

At the end of the cycle, if the conception did not happen, the yellow body ceases to exist, the level of progesterone decreases, the temperature is reduced again, the period begin. If pregnancy occurred, fertilization occurred, the temperature does not fall and keeps at high values, since the level of progesterone is important for the hormone fetus, continues to be high.

Thus, the measurement of BT and a clear understanding of which it should be in a particular period of the female cycle, helps a woman to determine ovulation, track the state of his female health, and also learn (guess) about possible pregnancy even before the tests show it.

Calculator calculating ovulation

Duration of cycle

Duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

Specify the first day of the last menstruation

Ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle on the 14th day). The deviation from the average value is often, therefore the calculation is approximate.

Also, together with the calendar method, it is possible to measure basal temperature, investigate cervical mucus, use special tests or mini microscopes, take tests on FSH, LH, estrogens and progesterone.

It is possible to unambiguously establish an ovulation day by folliculose (ultrasound).


  1. Losos, jonathan b.; Raven, Peter H.; Johnson, George B.; Singer, Susan R. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. PP. 1207-1209.
  2. Campbell N. A., Reece J. B., Urry L. A. E. a. Biology. 9th Ed. - Benjamin Cummings, 2011. - P. 1263.
  3. Tkachenko B. I., Bryn V. B., Zakharov Yu. M., Nedospair V. O., P Pyatin V. F. Physiology of a person. Compendium / Ed. B. I. Tkachenko. - M.: Goeotar Media, 2009. - 496 p.

Why do you need to define BT?

The opportunity to know the day of his ovulation opens up a lot of opportunities before a woman. It can calculate the most favorable time to conceive a child if the pair plans pregnancy. Usually one month of daily measurements for this is not enough, you need to carry out basal thermometry 3-4 cycles in a row, only then the woman will receive a more detailed idea of \u200b\u200bthe individual characteristics of its cycle.

Further observations of how the temperature rises, they will help track and implant the embryo into the wall of the uterus, and guess about possible problems, for example, about the threat of miscarriage at progesterone failure.

Also measuring basal temperature gives a woman the opportunity Properly plan contraception measures, if the conception of the baby is not included in the family plans. Of course, the temperature method is not a high-precision and efficient method of contraception, but in combination with others (for example, with barriers) gives good results.

Finally, the regular measurement of basal temperature will allow a woman to pay attention to the preclimberical period in a timely manner, on the absence of ovulation for a long time, on various inflammatory diseases, hormonal dysfunctions, etc. and turn to the doctor in time.

Among other things, the need to make the right dimensions daily and make data in the graphics disciplines the woman, teaching it more carefully to its own reproductive health.

How to measure?

Having understood with the importance of such an indicator as basal temperature, it is worth explaining that only its correct measurement guarantees accurate results. There are several important rules that will allow BT to measure for sure.

  • Perform measurement in some one part of the body, do not change the location of the thermometer. If you decide to measure the temperature in the vagina, all measurements are performed only if you measure the temperature in the rectum, do not transfer the thermometer into the vagina. If you want to measure the temperature in the oral cavity, keep in mind that this requires a special thermometer.
  • Perform measurements every day at the same time (the permissible error interval - half an hour), immediately after awakening, without getting out of bed, without grieving, because activity can increase BT levels without binding to female reproductive processes. From the evening, take care that the thermometer lay next to the bed to him, without getting up, it was easy to reach his hand. From the evening, shake the thermometer so that it is completely ready for new use.
  • Immerse the thermometer for 2-3 centimeters, not deeper. During the measurement, learn calmly, do not be nervous, do not talk, do not be tightened. Total thermometry time - from 5 minutes.
  • The thermometer must be high quality. It is best to choose a mercury thermometer, it is more accurate.
  • The first time to measure the temperature is needed on the first day of the next menstruation and then daily, without making interruptions for menstruation.
  • The best time for measuring is 5-7 in the morning. If you are used to sleeping before lunch, you wake up at this time, make measurements and go to bed again.

Important! So that the measurement results are accurate, and the schedule is correct, follow the amount of sleep before measurement. For an adequate result, it is important to sleep at least 6 hours before the measurement continuously, without getting into the toilet.

Remember that the accuracy of the results may suffer from traveling women, changing climatic and time zones, physical stress, strong stress. Also affect the result can sexual intercourse carried out on the eve of the measurement. If the woman suddenly fell ill, she has a high body temperature, then measurements are better to leave until the next cycle, since about 10 days after recovery, the results of BT will not be objective.

Each day, make a measurement result with an accuracy of the tenth lobe in the schedule. Only at the end of the cycle, you can proceed to its decoding, do not try to analyze intermediate results and make some conclusions - for this you need more information.

How to make it right?

To compile the graph, it is not necessary to start some special forms, you can use the most ordinary notebook to the cell. It needs two lines, as they did in school in mathematics lessons - the abscissa axis (horizontal) and the ordinate axis (vertical). On the horizontal line you will celebrate the days of the menstrual cycle (you can by dates, you can use the day of the menstrual cycle, and it is also so at the same time). On the vertical line, make markup, as a sidewater - from 36.0 degrees up to 38.5 degrees, not forgotten about tenths (36,1, 36.2, 36.3, 36.4, 36.5, 36.6 , 36.7 and further to 38.5).

In the morning, after measurement, put the point at the intersection of the day and temperature obtained during the measurement. Gradually, connect the adjacent points sequentially.At the top of the graph, you can leave a place for your explanation. If, for example, there was sex on the eve of the measurement or you took alcohol, mark this fact in the chart over the day, which measure.

You can not discharge the sheet into the cell, and use the finished forms to maintain BT graphs, you can print templates from the Internet.

You can conduct a schedule in online mode, many women's sites offer interactive services to keep graphics of basal temperature. If you choose this path, then still duplicate the performance on paper, it will help a doctor in decoding if you need to contact a gynecologist or reproductist.

We analyze the results

Before proceeding with explanations of those or other graphs, It should be noted that the temperature curves that a woman can get, there are several.

  • The curve of the first type- In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the temperature rose no more than 0.4 degrees. Before ovulation was a decrease in temperature, a similar decrease was noted before menstruation. The level of elevated temperature lasted from 12 to 14 days. This is a normal schedule that says that ovulation was, it flowed normally, no violations of the hormonal background, a woman may well become a mother.
  • Second-type curve - In the second half of the menstrual cycle there was an increase in temperature, but it was less pronounced (did not exceed 0.2-0.3 degrees). Such a woman has a certain hormonal insufficiency associated with the deficit of estrogen and progesterone.
  • Third type curve - The second half of the cycle lasts less than 10 days, after which menstruation occurs. The temperature rises only shortly before month and there is no decline characteristic of healthy women before starting menstrual bleeding. Such a schedule is a reason for a visit to the doctor and finding out the reasons why the second phase is considered insufficient.
  • Fourth-type curve is distinguished by monotony (Significant changes throughout the female cycle does not occur at all). Such a schedule suggests that ovulation was not, the cycle was annevulatory.
  • Fifth type curve- Chaotic schedule with big swings, enhancements and falls of BT. The schedule is difficult to attribute to the types of 1,2,3 and 4, he unlike either one of them. Several options - or the woman incorrectly measured the temperature, or she has a heavy hormonal imbalance, or additional factors influenced it. You need to make other measurements and visit the doctor.

Some situations should be disassembled in more detail with explanations.

Norma with a full cycle

The first three days of the menstrual cycle in a woman holds a temperature of about 37.0 degrees. This is normal, because the process of rejection of the endometrium is underway, on the 5-6 day of the cycle, when menstruation ends, the temperature drops to 36.4-36.7 degrees.

The longer the cycle, the longer period of the low temperature of the first phase. With a 28-day cycle, the phase can last a week, and with a cycle of 32 days - 1.5 and a half weeks. All this time, BT is at the level of 36.4-36.6 (rarely up to 36.8 degrees). It is not necessary to worry about the fact that it is different every day: minor fluctuations are the norm.

2 days before ovulation there is a decrease in 0.1-0.2 degrees, a day before ovulation, the decrease is up to 0.6 degrees, and therefore the sharp rise of BT begins. At the time of the exit of the egg, the temperature can be from 36.7 to 37.0 degrees.

If the conception has come, then after ovulation, the temperature remains high or gradually gradually rises slowly, increases. After about a week, Implantation is observed, the temperature is reduced on day, and then increases again. Often women describe this phenomenon, according to reviews like a BT ovulation with a refund.

If there is no pregnancy, BT decreases gradually.

What does the high temperature mean in the first phase?

If in the first days after the completed menstruation, women in the graph appear on the chart as 37.0, 37.2 or more, it should be understood that The level of estrogen in the body is not enough, in connection with which BT and rises.As a rule, such a beginning of the cycle does not promote its successful completion, and in most cases it is a classic example of a graph in the absence of ovulation.

The second phase of such a cycle from the first visually is not very different, and there are rather sharp drops of temperature in it. Not about smoothness, the gradual increase in speech is not coming. The conception in such a cycle is either impossible or extremely unlikely. A woman can feel the bouts of heat, headaches, arrhythmia, high sweating.

Be sure to visit the doctor and start receiving hormonal treatment.

After ovulation, the temperature does not grow

Lack of temperature rise after ovulation is completed, says about the deficit in the body of progesterone.For this reason, hormonal infertility is often developing, as well as chronic unbearable, since a small amount of progesterone does not guarantee the preservation of the embryo. The poor functioning of the yellow body is about the decrease in temperature in the second phase of the women's cycle (from 2 to 10 days after ovulation, while BT is significantly reduced).

No ovulation

Unfortunately, the older the woman becomes, the more often it will make such graphs, on which there is no decline in the decline of BT and there is no her growth after the alleged day of the release of the egg from the follicle. The ovarian reserve is depleted, and this is the reason for the age reduction of feminine fertility. In cycles without ovulation, a woman cannot become pregnant.

Double ovulation

This is a very interesting phenomenon that happens not so often. With it, it matures not alone, but two eggs, and one comes out earlier than the other. With double ovulation, two ovulatory "beak" and two subsequent lifts will be observed on the chart.At the same time, on the chart with two ovulation, the first looks more brightly than the second, which occurs already against the background of increased progesterone.

But keep in mind that spontaneous takeoffs on the schedule can speak not only about ovulation or pregnancy, but also about the beginning of the inflammatory process in the female organism.

Can graphs be wrong?

The temperature method and for planning pregnancy, and for those who would like to avoid it, is recommended as auxiliary, and not the main, since errors in measuring BT can be substantial. With early ovulation or late ovulation, the limits of the fertile window are shifted, therefore, it is possible that it will be difficult to conceive a crumb or, on the contrary, a woman will become pregnant unplanned.

For pregnancy planning, it is recommended to combine the method of basal thermometry with a cervical symptomatic method, with tests for ovulation. If the main task is contraception, the systematic use of contraceptives is recommended without binding to the basal temperature or the state of the cervix in this or that day of the menstrual cycle.

Important! If you take oral hormonal contraceptives, it is not necessary to measure BT, since the results will not be reliable - the drugs suppress ovulation, it does not occur, so all the graphs will be annevulatory.

If you suspected a violation of a hormonal background on the "dusty" graphics of BT or too even graphics without takeoffs and falls, then consider that only a doctor will install the exact reason that prescribes blood tests for a hormonal profile, ultrasound of the small pelvis organs, and in some cases and fluorography of ovaries.

For basal temperatures when ovulation, see the following video.

Difficulties with conception occur almost 50% of women. So that the spermatozoid fertilizes the egg cell, ovulation should occur. Ovulation is monitored by ultrasound, special tests or analyzes. All these methods are quite expensive, especially in the aggregate. You can find out the duration of ovulation at home without spending money. To do this, calculate basal temperatures when ovulation. The knowledge gained can be used not only for successful conception, but even to planning the gender of the baby. In addition, the structured graph of the basal temperature will show the correct operation of the reproductive system. Certain indicators may talk about dysfunction of ovarian, annovation and other problems.

What is basal temperature and how to measure it

At the correct operation of the body of the girl affect hormones. Their balance is reflected in all processes in the body, in particular the value of basal temperature.

Unlike body temperature, basal - low, it is sometimes called peace temperature. It accurately indicates the temperature of the internal organs. During pregnancy or pathologies, the body begins to work in reinforced mode, so the indicators are rising. It is important to take into account that for any diseases, even with a slightly cold, the temperature of the internal organs will increase and the result of thermometry will be unsolved.

Therefore, measured in a state of complete rest. Before bed, you need to put a thermometer on the bedside table. To determine the value, only cavities are suitable that are associated with internal body bodies. These include:

  • mouth (goes into the rotoglot);
  • vagina (goes into the uterus);
  • livestock (associated with the intestines).

Measuring basal temperature to determine ovulation is carried out daily, starting from the first day of menstruation. Before installing the thermometer, you need to avoid sharp movements. Ideally, you only need to stretch your hand and take the thermometer. So, she after lifting the bed rises sharply. For measurement accuracy, it is necessary to adhere to some rules.

  1. Doctors recommend measuring in the rectum. The vaginal method is less accurate, and to measure in the mouth it is necessary to buy a special thermometer.
  2. The temperature in different cavities may differ slightly, as a result, the tenth lobes of degrees affect the result. Therefore, the cavity for measurements cannot be changed.
  3. Churn the temperature with the thermometer from the evening. Even shaking the thermometer can distort the test result.
  4. The thermometer is introduced by 3-5 cm, the measurement is carried out without moving within 3-5 minutes.
  5. For thermometry, you need to choose a high-quality mercury thermometer (inside a gray liquid), since its measurements are most accurate.
  6. After testing, the resulting indicator must be recorded next to today.
  7. You need to measure at the same time. The maximum difference is half an hour. Optimally testing for 6-7 in the morning. After that, you can sleep as much as it wanted. Early in the morning hypothalamus and adrenal glands most actively operate, which produce the necessary hormones affecting the resulting indicator.
  8. Before thermometry, you need to be at rest at least 6 hours. If after a night lift has passed less time, measurements must be postponed.
  9. Alcohol, physical activity, sex contacts affect temperature indicators. After the processes described, there should also be at least 6 hours before thermometry.
  10. During diseases, even nonset, measurement must be postponed to complete recovery.

The magnitude of the indicators affect estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen "holds back" progesterone and does not give it to raise the basal temperature to critical values.

The schedule will help learn about pregnancy to a positive test. If you do not throw measurements on the first weeks of tooling, then the graphics can determine whether pregnancy is developing correctly. When lowering the indicators there is a risk of miscarriage. Therefore, the schedule helps to control the course of pregnancy.

Building graphics

Most just track ovulation on graphic temperature graphics. For the construction take a notebook into a cell. Upstairs, the sheet spend the horizontal line and indicate the days of the cycle. The remaining place at the bottom of the page is necessary for additional records of health, discharge and events that may affect the measurement result.

From the extreme left point draw the line by vertical. It takes the possible temperature indicators from 35.7 to 37.6 on it. Use the difference of 0.1 degrees (36.1; 36.2; 36.3, etc.). At the level of 37.0 degrees spend a horizontal line with red. It is used for the convenience of determining the result. An indicator of 37.0 degrees is considered to be the lower threshold of the occurrence of the ovulation phase.

Every morning you need to put the point at the intersection of the temperature on the day of the cycle and connect them into a solid curve. You can print a ready-made template for convenience.

Normal indicators

In the absence of pathologies, the basal temperature for the cycle varies from 36.0 to 37.5 degrees. At the same time, the body temperature before ovulation is greatly reduced, and during - rapidly grow.

It is necessary to take into account that the reception of contraceptives is preventing ovulation. Therefore, thermometry when taking oral contraceptives is non-informative.

Before ovulation

At the beginning of the cycle, Estrogen hormone is dominated. Depending on the processes occurring in the body, the temperature before ovulation varies about 36.0-36.6 degrees. It fluctuates, so it is not a straight line on the chart, but a curve. Shortly before ovulation, the measurement gradually rises at 0.1 degrees per day. The output of the female cell is preceded by a jump up 0.3 degrees and above. For most girls, before the onset of ovulation, the indicators fall sharply, after which up to 37 degrees rise.

During ovulation

The temperature of ovulation is rapidly increasing. The value of some girls can reach 36.5 degrees, in the other - up to 37.3 degrees. Indicators affect individual features. The main thing is that the temperature after ovulation is at least 0.4 degrees above, to it.

After ovulation

For 8-10 days, the temperature after ovulation is kept about 37 degrees and above. It reaches his peak about a week after the exit of the egg. The body is preparing to introduce a fertilized female cell in the uterus. If this process does not occur, the value of the cycle is gradually decreasing.

For fertilization

For 7-10 days after ovulation, fertilization may occur. Looking schedule, the girl may surely find out the date of conception. On the day of the introduction of a fertilized female cell in the uterine cavity, the temperature is greatly reduced. This process is called implantation. It is not always displayed on the chart, but in most cases at this stage a woman can learn about the occurrence of pregnancy. After implanting, the basal temperature increases to the highest in the cycle of indicators.

Relationship with ovulation

The basal temperature after ovulation, if fertilization occurred, will not fall for a long time. If 12 days have passed after ovulation, and the high temperature rests, it can be assumed that conception happened. At this stage, a woman has a chance to see a weak strip on the dough device (for pregnancy). A more informative result will show the blood test on hCG. With successful fertilization, the basal temperature does not fall, high performance is held for a long time.

For the greatest informative measurement, it is necessary to carry out for at least 3 months. Based on individual characteristics, the indicators may be very different from different girls. If you adhere to all recommendations, thermometry will help learn about successful fertilization earlier than positive.

Ovulation - a key event in a menstrual woman cycle. If you exactly define the day when it happens, it is possible not only to schedule conception, but also a little affect the floor of the future baby.

Get information about when the egg leaves the ovary, allow various ways: ovarian ultrasound or determining the concentration of sex hormones during a cycle several times. But the simplest and free method that every woman is capable of spending at home was and remains of basal thermometry. Attentive analysis of how the basal temperature changes daily, it will give an opportunity to study the work of the ovaries, to understand, ovulation occurs or not, determine the pregnancy earlier than the test can show it.

The essence of the method of basal thermometry

The key role in the management of a female organism is played by sex hormones: progesterone and estrogen, prolactin, gonadotropic hypothalamus hormones and pituitary glands. The balance between them is reflected in the multiple processes, including at the body temperature, which is called basal.

The basal temperature is the lowest temperature indicator indicative of the actual temperature of the internal organs. It is determined immediately after rest (usually after night sleep), before the start of any physical activity that will create measurement errors. For its establishment, only departments that have a message with the cavities of the body are suitable. This is the vagina (it is associated with the uterus), the rectum (it is directly related to the thick departments of the intestine) and the mouth cavity, turning into the rotoglot.

Set the level of basal indicator hormones estrogen and progesterone. They "dictate" which basal temperature should have to be at a particular woman with ovulation.

The normal amount of estrogen in itself does not affect the temperature indicator. The task of this hormone is not to give progesterone to influence the thermoregulatory center localized in the hypothalamus (this is a plot associated with the brain).

In the first half of the cycle "dominates" estrogen. It does not allow basal temperature to rise above 37 ° C. During the period of ovulation, when an increased estrogen arrives at first into the blood, the temperature indicator decreases by about 0.3 ° C. When the egg is coming out of the follicle, and the yellow body producing progesterone appears in her place, the thermometer shows 37 ° C or more. In this case, the graph of basal thermometry becomes like a bird with twisted wings whose beak and symbolizes the day of ovulation.

Next, when the yellow body dies (if the conception has not happened) and the amount of progesterone decreases, the temperature drops. During menstruation, the indicator holds on the figure of 37 ° C, then it decreases and everything is repeated first.

If pregnancy occurs, the progesterone is produced in the norm more and more, so the temperature is not reduced, as before menstruation, but, on the contrary, it grows.

What will give the definition of ovulation

Knowing, on what day the oocyte leaves the follicle, a woman can:

  • plan a pregnancy: after 3-4 months of building graphs, you can practice sexual intercourse not "approximately", counting 14 days from the estimated beginning of the following menstruation, but exactly knowing the day of ovulation;
  • plan the floor of the future baby (method is not 100%). If you want, the boy was born, then the sexual act is better planned for the day of ovulation (the basal temperature is reduced on this day and the vaginal slaves take the color and consistency of raw chicken protein). If the dream is to give birth to a girl, it is better to have sex in 2-3 days before the alleged ovulation;
  • knowing when ovulation occurs, it is possible, on the contrary, avoid conception, as a few days before it, the day of the exit of the egg and day after are the most "dangerous" days;
  • the schedule will show if there are hormonal problems, inflammation of reproductive organs or the absence of ovulation (), which is why the conception does not occur.

In addition, the drawing of the graphic of basal thermometry in some cases will allow to determine pregnancy and without buying a test. And if you continue to lead it and first after conception, you can see the threat of miscarriage and take the necessary measures.

How to carry out basal thermometry

It is very important to know how to determine the ovulation correctly measure the basal temperature. After all, the body of the woman is extremely sensitive to minimal changes to external conditions, and the units of measurement in which the schedule is maintained - this is the tenths of the degree (it is here that oscillation can be important for 0.1-0.05 ° C).

Here are the main rules, subject to which the temperature schedule will be as informative as possible:

  1. Measurements are carried out or in the rectum (optimally), or vaginally, or in the mouth (for this you need a special thermometer).
  2. The thermometer must be inserted by 2-3 cm and calmly lie down, measuring, 5 minutes.
  3. Before the measurements, sit, spin, get up, walk, is impossible. Even the shaking of the thermometer can lead to a false result.
  4. Select a high-quality thermometer (better mercury), with which you will measure the temperature daily for 3-4 months.
  5. Put on the table (shelf) near the bed, which you can reach in the morning, do not get up, 3 things: thermometer, notebook and pen. Even if you donate your schedule on your computer - in online or offline programs, it is best, considering the thermometer indicators immediately burn it indicating the number.
  6. Conduct measurements every morning at the same time. Plus minus 30 minutes.
  7. Before measurements, it is necessary to sleep for at least 6 hours. If you got up at night, measure the measurements later so that 6 hours passed.
  8. Thermometry must be carried out in 5-7 in the morning, even if you can sleep until noon. This is due to the daily biorhythms of adrenal hormones and hypothalamus, which affect basal temperature.
  9. The accuracy of measurements affect travel, alcohol, physical exertion, sexual acts. Therefore, try on the time of basal thermometry to avoid these situations as much as possible, but if they happen, mark them in the chart. And if you get sick, and the fever developed, all measurements for the next 2 weeks will be non-informative at all.

When to start measuring basal temperature?

From the very first day, menstruation, that is, from the first day of the cycle.

How to drive a schedule?

You can do this on paper into a cell, drawing 2 lines: on the horizontal line (along the abscissal axis), mark the number of months, the vertical (ordinate axis) also draw it so that each cell is indicated 0.1 ° C. Each morning put the point at the intersection of the thermometry and the desired date, connect the points to each other. In the evening, the temperature is not necessary. Under the horizontal line, leave a place where you will make daily notes about the discharge and the increasing events from those that could affect the indicators. Over the measurement results, starting from 6 days and up to 12, swipe the horizontal line. It is called concerning and serves to ease the gynecologist graphic.

We also propose to take advantage of the ready-made graph of the basal temperature below, keeping it on your computer and printing. To do this, hover the cursor over the image and the right-click menu save the picture.

Note! If you take contraceptives, it is not necessary to carry out thermometry. These drugs specifically disconnect ovulation, which makes them contraceptive.

Read also about other methods for determining ovulation in ours.

What looks like a graph of basal temperature during ovulation (that is, with a normal ovulatory cycle):

  • in the first three days of menstruation, the temperature is about 37 ° C;
  • by the end of the monthly, temperature indicators are falling, accounted for 36.4-36.6 ° C;
  • further, for 1-1.5 weeks (depending on the cycle length), the thermometry shows the same numbers - 36.4-36.6 ° C (may be lower or higher, depending on metabolic processes in the body). It should not be the same every day, but a little fluctuate (that is, not a straight line, but jigsaws). After 6 values \u200b\u200bconnected by the running line, should follow three days, when the temperature becomes higher by 0.1 ° C or higher, and in one of these days - above 0.2 ° C. Then after 1-2 days you can wait ovulation;
  • before the ovulation itself, the thermometer shows the basal temperature below 0.5-0.6 ° C, after which it rises sharply;
  • during ovulation, basal temperature is within 36.4-37 ° C (according to other data - above 37 ° C). It should be 0.25-0.5 (on average, 0.3 ° C) higher than at the beginning of the menstrual cycle;
  • what should be the basal temperature after ovulation, depends on whether the conception occurred or not. If pregnancy does not occur, the numbers gradually decrease, in the amount of about 0.3 ° C. The highest temperature is observed on 8-9 days after the coming of mature oocyte. Just for these days and the implantation of the fertilized oocyte in the inner uterine sheath occurs.

Between the average numbers of the two half of the cycle - to ovulation and after it - the temperature difference should be 0.4-0.8 ° C.

How much is the basal temperature after ovulation?

Before menstruation. This is usually 14-16 days. If 16-17 days have passed, and the temperature indicator is also above 37 ° C, this is likely to speak about the occurrence of pregnancy. During this period, you can make a test (the main thing is that after ovulation it has already passed 10-12 days), you can determine the HCG in the blood. Ultrasound and inspection of the gynecologist are still non-informative.

These are indicators of the norm of basal temperature during ovulation, as well as before and after it. But not always the menstrual cycle looks so flawless. Usually, the numbers and the type of curve cause many questions in women.

High numbers in the first phase of the cycle

If, after menstruation, the figures of basal thermometry above 37 ° C - this indicates the insufficient number of estrogen in the blood. At the same time, an inhibular cycle is usually observed. And if you take 14 days from the next menstruation, that is, to look at 2 phases (otherwise it is not visualized), then there are sharp jumps of temperature indicators, without gradually increasing them.

The syndrome is accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms: heat tides, headaches, heart rate disorders, increased sweating. This type of temperature curve together with the determination of low estrogen levels requires a physician of the prescription of drugs - synthetic estrogens.

Progesterone and estrogen progesterone failure

If after ovulation basal temperature does not rise, this indicates progesterone failure. This situation is a frequent cause of endocrine infertility. And if the conception still comes, then there is a danger of miscarriage on an early term, until the placenta is formed and will not take the function of developing progesterone.

On the insufficient work of the yellow body (the gland formed on the site of the follicle renewed) indicates the decrease in temperature indicators for 2-10 days after ovulation. If the length of the cycle phase can still vary, then the second phase should be the same and on average 14 days.

Progesterone failure can be assumed when the digits increase only to 0.3 ° C.

If already 2-3 cycles you have after ovulation - low basal temperature, please contact this schedule to the gynecologist. He will say, on what days of the cycle you need to pass the blood to determine progesterone and other hormones in it, and on the basis of this analysis will prescribe treatment. Usually the appointment of synthetic progesters effectively, and as a result, a woman can get pregnant and endure a child.

Estrogen-progesterone failure

About this state when the ovaries do not produce sufficient amounts of both hormones, indicates a temperature schedule that does not have significant oscillations (there are large areas with straight lines, and not zigzags). This condition also says the increase in temperature indicators to only 0.3 ° C after ovulation.

Anguulatory cycle

If already 16 days of the menstrual cycle, but there is no characteristic decline, and then increasing the temperature, most likely there was no ovulation. The older the woman, the more such cycles.

Based on the foregoing, basal thermometry is a simple and budget method for determining the days of optimal for conception, as well as the reasons why pregnancy may not occur. It requires only 5-10 minutes of time in the morning. Whatever the indicators you do not see, this is not a reason for panic or self-medication. Contact a gynecologist with its schedules for several cycles, and you will be prescribed diagnostics and treatment.

Read 11 min. Views 1.4K. Published 03/08/2019

Measuring basal temperature is one of the common methods for determining ovulation. The temperature indicator reflects the condition of the hormonal background to a certain time segment. But the measurement process contains a mass of essential nuances with which each woman needs to familiarize themselves with their health.

Due to the fact that the indicator changes throughout the menstrual cycle, it can be determined to determine ovulation. It is practiced at the planning stage of pregnancy. To obtain the most reliable result, it is necessary to conduct research in accordance with a specific algorithm.

Basic Temperature Schedule

What is basal temperature?

Basal temperature is a criterion that reflects the work of the internal organs. It is measured by introducing a thermometer into the vagina, the rectal hole (5 minutes in both cases) or the mouth (about 8 minutes or to the sound signal if the thermometer is digital). Measurements are produced in the morning, without rising from the bed. At each stage of the menstrual cycle, BT can be changed. It can be judged on the fullness of the processes occurring in the female body at the moment.

What is the basal temperature different from body temperature?

Many are interested, whether the basal temperature depends on the total temperature of the body. Communication between them is present. If one indicator rises, the second increases. But clear patterns in the drops are not observed. BT is determined exclusively at rest. It is influenced by internal processes, including hormonal background. Its increase indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process, and the increase in BT reflects the hormonal status.

Basal temperature when ovulation

To understand what basal temperature should be when ovulation, it is enough to study the principle of its change at each stage of the menstrual cycle. This information will help increase the likelihood of a successful conception of the child. To make an accurate forecast, you need to watch BT from 3 to 6 months. Women with irregular cycle are experiencing a special difficulty in assessing the result.

Determine ovulation in basal temperature from the first time it will not work. After each measurement, the data is written to a special notebook. Based on the information obtained, a schedule is built. BT on the day of ovulation will be depicted on it in the form of ware - the lowest value. Most often, the oocyte becomes ready for fertilization for 14-15 days of the cycle, which is its middle. Therefore, on a schematic graph, the ware will be located in this area.

Basal temperature before ovulation

After the end of the monthly, a systematic decrease in the BT indicator is observed. This is due to a reduced process of progesterone in the follicular phase of the cycle. The dominant role at this time is assigned to estrogen. They stimulate the work of the ovaries and support the BT level at a low level.

What is the basal temperature when ovulation?

BT before ovulation places 0.1-0.4 ° C, and after ovulation basal temperature 37. This is due to the growth of progesterone. Indications may be distorted under the influence of the following factors:

  • Excessive physical exertion on the eve;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Medication therapy;
  • Sexual intercourse;
  • Inflammatory process;
  • Changing climatic conditions.

Grazing Temperature Schedule when ovulation

Basal temperature after ovulation

After a viable egg will go beyond the follicle, an increase in progesterone begins in the female organism. Under its impact rises and BT. During the heyday symptoms of the PMS, the growth of progesterone stops. For this reason, temperature indicators are reduced. If strong jumps are observed in this period of time, we can talk and hormonal disorders. BT after ovulation, if the conception occurred, will increase further. It grows along with a hormone produced by a yellow body while holding the embryo in the uterus. If after ovulation fell bt, the reason can act as a lack of progesterone caused by the pathologies of the yellow body. In this case, treatment with hormonal drugs will be treated. The probability of developing pregnancy is reduced.

If fertilization occurred, BT after ovulation will help diagnose it far from immediately. It increases gradually. You can judge the possible conception only directly during the perceived menstruation. But the use of pregnancy test will be more relevant.

How to measure basal temperature?

About how, should be aware of each woman reproductive age, which decided to have a child. This will help correctly determine the fertile period, thereby increasing the chances of favorable fertilization. BT measurement is carried out immediately after waking up. The procedure is always carried out at the same time. To wake up on time, it is advisable to start the alarm clock. Since any physical activity can affect the final result, it is better to limit it.

It is necessary to disassemble in detail how to measure basal temperature correctly. The measuring device is slowly injected into a rectal hole for 4-5 minutes. After the specified time, the result is recorded in a notebook. The performance of the procedure may affect the following factors:

  • Intense sex at night;
  • Reduction of physical activity in the evening hours;
  • Disorder of digestion;
  • Changing time zone;
  • Receiving medication for hormonal-based;
  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • Inflammatory process in a small pelvis.

The results assessment are carried out 3 months after the start of measurements. For the convenience of determining fertility, you can use programs that facilitate the process of building a schedule.

Measurement of basal temperature

The BT study will be indicative only if measurements are correct. Manipulations carry out at least 3 months. All this time, the data is recorded in a separate notepad. On their basis, graphics are built, allowing you to reveal the exact day of the egg outlet in each individual case. During measurements, the following rules must be followed:

  1. When choosing a thermometer, it is better to give preference to mercury. It shows the most reliable result.
  2. Measurements must always be carried out at the same time. It is advisable to use the alarm clock.
  3. After awakening it is impossible to perform active movements. The study is carried out without getting out of bed. For convenience, the thermometer should be placed as close as possible to the bedroom.
  4. The thermometer should be kept in a rectal opening for at least 5 minutes (longer - better and more accurate).
  5. The duration of continuous sleep on the eve of measurement should be more than 6 hours.
  6. Immediately before the departure to bed, it is advisable to refrain from intimate proximity.

Measuring BT in the mouth

When the basal temperature is measured through the mouth, you should not take extra televitations and conversations. After waking up, you should quickly put a mercury thermometer under the tongue and wait from 5 to 8 minutes. When using an electronic thermometer - wait to the beep.

There should be no pain, pressure or other discomfort from the thermometer. As it can stimulate a tide of extra blood and and increase the temperature

How is BT measured in the vagina?

  1. Waking up and moving as far as possible, laying the side;
  2. Enter a predetermined thermometer in about 3-4 cm;
  3. After 5 minutes you can get a thermometer.

When measuring mercury thermometer, it is necessary to evaluate the results immediately, since with the time the mercury column may fall at 0.05 degrees.

Sigdition for measuring basal temperature

The main question that worries women relates to how the thermometer measured basal temperature. For this procedure, a mercury option is suitable. But as an alternative, you can use and digital. It is considered more convenient, but it should be remembered that the error in the case of its use is 0.2-0.3 ° C. Mercury thermometer allows you to get a more reliable result. Where to insert a thermometer when measuring basal temperature, each chooses independently. The device is injected into the oral cavity or rectal hole. The second option is most preferable and most accurate in the results.

The norm of basal temperature

In the first phase Normalconsider BT within 36.6-37 ° C. Its regulation is carried out by estrogen. With significant deviations of the research result, the root of the problem may be in hormonal disorders. During the rejection of the endometrial layer, BT in women is within 36.3 - 36.5 ° C.

Basal temperature when conceived

Knowing what the basal temperature should be after conception, it is possible to diagnose an interesting position on the built schedule. Often everything becomes clear on the days of the beginning of the alleged menstruation. Normally, if conception occurred, the basal temperature increases as much as the vital activity of the yellow body continues. BT for pregnancy in early time on average is 37-37.3 ° C. If pregnancy has already been confirmed by a test or ultrasound study, BT deviations in the first trimester helps to detect the pathology of the kid's development on time.

Basal temperature during early pregnancy

BT analysis is often produced at the initial stages of an interesting position in order to early detect various pathologies. The basal temperature during pregnancy in 1 trimester is located on the upper bounds. Basal temperature after ovulation If fertilization occurred may exceed 37 ° C. With an ectopic pregnancy, it does not change, so it is impossible to diagnose pathology with its help. If the indicator decreases, then the woman should be waiting for another menstruation. There is also a chance of a threat of miscarriage.

Basal temperature before month

In the second half of the menstrual cycle, it is very difficult to diagnose pregnancy on BT graphics. An increase in the indicators may indicate both for a successful conception and for a quick occurrence of menstruation. Which BT dominates before menstruation, depends on the peculiarities of the body and factors that affect the body from the outside. As a rule, it is less than 36 ° C. The basal temperature during menstruation ranges from 36.3 to 36.5 ° C. BT after menstruation begins to gradually increase, but does not exceed the mark at 37 ° C.

Basal temperature after eco

The flow of pregnancy after the vitro fertilization is not much different from the usual conception. All processes in the female organism in this period flow under a specific scheme. The only difference is that a woman needs support in the form of medicines with the presence of hormones in the composition.

BT after the embryo transfer after eco is reduced to minimum values. During this period, the organism is attached to the fetal egg. This process can take 1-2 days. BT after eco day is monitored for the dynamics of the embryo suggestion in the uterine cavity.

How does alcohol affect basal temperature?

At the stage of the planning of the child from alcohol use it is better to refrain. But sometimes a woman allows himself a glass of wine before going to bed. It should be remembered about the effect of alcohol on basal temperature. It increases the temperature indicators that can distort the accuracy of the research results.

Basal temperature with ovarian cyst

Cystic education in the appendage can become a serious obstacle to pregnancy. Therefore, it is necessary to detect them as early as possible, preventing possible complications. One of the signs of deviation is to increase BT levels. On the finished chart it will be high throughout the cycle. Menstruation will be lingering at the same time. In case of cystic education in the yellow body, the increase in BT can be significant. This is due to the intensive progesterone production.

Implantation of basal temperature

On the graph built on the basis of BT, you can trace the implantation period of the fetal egg to the endometrium. This will help diagnose pregnancy on time and track the growth of hCG. What day is the implantation of BT implantation, depends on the speed of the embryo movement and on when there was ovulation. In certain charts, it is quite difficult to detect the implantation of BT. For how many degrees decreases, it is impossible to predict. The interval at 3-5 ° C is usually observed.

Duphaston and basal temperature

When planning a child, some women prescribe a reception of Duphaston. This drug contains progesterone, which helps to keep a fruit egg in the uterus. It acts on the body by analogy with the hormone produced by adrenal glands and the yellow body. About whether Duphaston affects the basal temperature, it is easy to guess. It increases significantly, as the drug introduces the ovaries into the state of the lutein phase.

Basal temperature when climax

With the onset of menopause in the sex system, a hormonal perestroika occurs. It reflects on the work of all life support systems. Therefore, in front of many women there is a question about what kind of BT when climax. Ideally, it should be located about the same level, in the range of from 36.8 to 37 ° C. A sharp increase in the temperature mark can provoke the following factors:

  • Endocrine diseases;
  • Blood pressure jumps;
  • Lack of sleep;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Cold and ORVI.

In rare cases, ovulation occurs during menopause. In this case, the characteristic changes of BT will be observed. It can also be about gynecological diseases. During menopause, the risk of developing MIOM, Condyl and infectious diseases increases. This is due to a decrease in the protective mechanisms of the body.

Decoding graphics

BT decrypted on schedule. Horizontally indicate the days of the menstrual cycle, and vertically - temperature indicators. After each measurement on the graph you need to put the point opposite the corresponding digit. After the end of the point cycle is connected, forming a curve line.

If you count 14 days from the end of the cycle, you can get an ovulation day. It is isolated by a red horizontal line. Directly 1-2 days before the follicle break, the temperature should decrease by 0.1-0.4 ° C. If ovulation occurs without any problems, an increase in BT will be detected on the right side of the graph. Through 3 observation cycles, it is necessary to display the average value of BT.

BT during ovulation is estimated in aggregate with other studies. The effectiveness of diagnostics increases ultrasound monitoring, analysis of cervical mucus and the use of specialized tests.