Interesting facts about the cruiser Aurora. Aurora cruiser: age-old history of the legendary ship

We do not wait for it back from reconstruction

Aurora is a Russian armored cruiser I rank type "Diana". He took part in the Tsushim battle. The cruiser "Aurora" received worldwide fame, filing a single-shot signal from the gun to the beginning of the October Revolution of 1917. During the Great Patriotic War, the ship participated in the defense of Leningrad. After the end of the war, he continued to serve as an educational ship-blotch and museum, putting on the parking lot on the river. Neva in St. Petersburg. During this time, "Aurora" became the ship-symbol of the Russian fleet and now is the object of cultural heritage of Russia.

The cruiser "Aurora", as well as other ships of his type ("Diana" and "Pallada"), was built on the shipbuilding program of 1895 with the aim of the "equation of our sea forces with German and with the forces adjacent to the Baltic of secondary states." The cruiser of the "Diana" type became one of the first armored cruisers of Russia, when developing the project of which was taken into account, first of all, the experience of foreign countries. Nevertheless, for its time (in particular, during the Russian-Japanese war), the ships of this type were ineffective in view of the "backwardness" of many tactical and technical elements (speed, armament, booking).

By the beginning of the XX century. Russia's foreign policy situation was rather difficult: the preservation of contradictions with England, the increase in the threat from developing Germany, strengthening the position of Japan. The accounting of these factors demanded strengthening the army and fleet, that is, the construction of new ships. Changes in the shipbuilding program adopted in 1895 were assumed to build in the period from 1896 to 1905. 36 new ships, among them nine cruisers, of which are two (then three) - "Carapasnaya", that is, armored carp. Subsequently, these three armored cruisers became the type of "Diana".
The basis for the development of tactical and technical elements (TTE) of future cruisers was created by S. K. Warfovik, the project of the cruiser with a displacement of 6,000 tons, the prototype of which was the newest (launched in 1895) English cruiser HMS Talbot and French armored cruiser D'Entrecasteaux ( 1896). In early June 1896, the planned series was expanded to three ships, the third of which (the future "Aurora") was prescribed to laid in the new admiralty. On April 20, 1896, the Maritime Technical Committee (MTC) approved the technical project of the armored cruiser I rank.

On March 31, 1897, the emperor Nicholas II commanded to refer to the Cruiser "Aurora" in honor of the Roman goddess Dawn. This name was chosen by a self-container from eleven proposed names. L. L. Polenov, however, believes that the cruiser was named after the Aurora sailing frigate, glorified during the defense of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky during the Crimean War.
Despite the fact that actually work on the construction of "Aurora" was started much later than "Diana" and "Pallades", the official bookmark of cruisers of this type took place on one day: May 23, 1897. At the same time, the first in 10 h. 30 min . The solemn ceremony was held at Aurora in the presence of Admiral General Alexey Alexandrovich. The silver mortgage plate was secured between the 60th and 61st folds, and raised the flag and Gyus of the future cruiser on specially installed flagpoles.
The "Diana" type cruiser should have become the first serial cruisers in Russia, but it was not possible to achieve uniformity among them: "Aurora" established other than on "Diana" and "Pallada", cars, boilers, steering devices. Electric drives for the latter were ordered by three different plants in the order of the experiment: so it was possible to know which drives would be most effective so that they could be installed on other fleet ships. So, the electric drives of the steering machines "Aurora" ordered the company "Siemens and Galka".

Wheelchair works were started in the fall of 1897, and they were dragged into three and a half years (in many respects because of the unpreparedness of individual elements of the ship). Finally, on May 24, 1900, the corps was lowered in the presence of Emperor Nicholas II and the Empress of Maria Fedorovna and Alexandra Fedorovna. Following this, the installation of main machines, auxiliary mechanisms, general workers, armaments and other equipment began. In 1902, for the first time on the Russian fleet, Aurora received an anchors of the Hall system, a novelty, which did not have time to equip the other two ships of this type. In the summer of 1900, the cruiser passed the first tests, the last - June 14, 1903
In the immediate construction of the cruiser (from the moment of construction, four builders were participating: E. R. De Grier, K. M. Tokarevsky, N. I. Pushchin and A. A. Bazhenov.
The total cost of the construction "Aurora" is estimated at 6.4 million rubles.

The hull "Aurora" has three decks: the upper and two internal (battery and armor), as well as a tank superstructure. On the entire perimeter of the armor deck, which was called the residential, the platform is located, two more - on the tips of the ship.
The main transverse bulkheads (below armor deck) divide the inner space of the hold of thirteen compartments. Four compartments (nasal, boiler departments, machine departments, feed) occupy space between armor and battery decks and ensure the shiplessness of the ship.
The outer steel casing had a length of 6.4 m and a thickness of up to 16 mm and was attached to the set with two rows of rows. In the underwater part of the body, steel sheets were fastened to Vnakroy, in the surface - jack on the pads. The thickness of the sheets of fake bounts reached 3 mm.
The underwater part of the housing and its superwater portion of 840 mm above the waterline had a millimeter copper trim, which, to avoid electrochemical corrosion and fouling, was mounted on a wooden trim from teak, fixed on the housing using bronze bolts.
In the diametral plane on the horizontal keel, Falekil was installed, which had two layers and made of two trees (top row - from tick, lower - from oak).
There were two masts on the cruiser, the foundations of which were attached to armor deck. Fock mast height - 23.8 m; Grotto mast - 21.6 m.

The design of the armored cruiser assumes the presence of a solid carapas deck that protects all the vital parts of the ship (machine, boiler houses and tiepers, cellar of artillery and mine-ammunition, central combat post, indoor aircraft). Its horizontal part on the "Aurora" has a thickness of 38 mm, which increases to 63.5 mm in the beams to the sides and tips.
The combat cutting is protected from the front, on the sides and behind the aircraft with a thickness of 152 mm, which made it possible to protect it even from feeding coursework; From above - an armored sheet with a thickness of 51 mm made of malomagnetic steel.
A vertical booking of 38 mm thick is shealing elevators and control drives where there is no armor deck.

The boiler installation consisted of 24 boilers of the Belville Sample of 1894, which were located in three compartments (nose, feed and middle boiler). On sides of the cruiser were laid pipes of the main steam pipeline to the main steam vehicles. Auxiliary boilers "Aurora", like other types of type ships, did not have. In view of this, the steam supply to the auxiliary mechanisms was carried out through the steam pipeline from the main boilers.
Over the three boiler departments stood a chimney with a height of 27.4 m. To ensure the work of boilers in the ship tanks, 332 tons of fresh water (for the needs of the crew - 135 tons), which could be replenished with the help of desalination settings of the circle system, the total performance of which reached Up to 60 tons of water per day.
To accommodate coal at Aurora, there were 24 coal pits located in an interconnect space in boiler houses, as well as 8 coal spare fuels, which were between armor and battery decks throughout machine branches. These 32 pits could accommodate up to 965 tons of coal; The normal fuel reserve was considered 800 tons of coal. The complete reserve of coal could have been enough for 4000 miles of swimming at a speed of 10 knots.
The main engines were three steam machines of triple expansion (total capacity - 11600 hp). They were supposed to be able to provide a 20-nodular speed (during the tests of Aurora reached the maximum speed of 19.2 nk, which, in general, exceeded the maximum speed of "Diana" and "Pallades" on testing). Condensation of the spent steam was carried out by three refrigerators; There was also a capacitor of a couple of auxiliary machines and mechanisms.
The drivers of the cruiser are three three-sand bronze rowing screws. The average screw was the left rotation screw, the right rotated counterclockwise, left - clockwise (view from the stern on the nose).

Waterproof system

The task of the system: pump out the bulk of water from the ship compartments after the sealing of the holes. For this, it was autonomically used in one turbine (water supply - 250 t / h) in the tip, in the ICO - circulating pumps of refrigerators and six turbine water supply of 400 t / h.
Drainy system

The task of the system: removal of water remaining after the operation of waterfronts or accumulated in the case due to filtering, pouring bearings, foaming and decks. To do this, the ship had a backbone tube of red copper, which had 31 reception proceeds and 21 dismissal valve. The drain itself was carried out by three pumps of the WORTINTON system.
Ballast system

On Aurora, there was one Kingston of the flooding system in the tips and two in the average waterproof compartments, which were carried out with a battery deck. Drives Kingstons flooded were bred in the residential deck.
Fire system

Under the armor deck along the right side, a firewall pipe highway was laid. Two twington pumps were used for water supply. Taps from the main pipe were on the upper deck, passing into copper rotary horns to attach fire hoses.
Boat arms

two 30-foot steam boats;

one 16-cheering barcase;

one 18-cheering barcase;

one 14-merchant boat;

one 12-merchant boat;

two 6-most jelboats;

All rowing vessels were served by rotary sludge, and the steam boats were bold.

Residential premises were calculated on the 570 people of the crew and on the placement of the flagship of the connection with its headquarters. The lower ranks slept on suspended beds located in the nose of the ship. 10 conductor slept in five double cabins on armor deck, officers and admirals - indoors between the nasal and medium smoke trumpets.
Food reserve was designed for two months, there was a refrigerator and a refrigeration machine.

Artillery weapons "Aurora" accounted for eight 152-mm with a length of 45 calibers of the guns of the cana of the CEE system, located on one on the semi-love and yute and six on the upper deck (three from each side). The maximum firing range of the gun to 9800 m, rapidity - 5 shots per minute with mechanical feeding of shells and 2 shots - with manual. The common sleeve consisted of 1414 shots. Shells in their action were divided into armor-piercing, fuhaasny and shrapnel.
On the top and battery decks, twenty-four 75-mm were installed with a barrel length of 50 calibers of the cana of the canine system on vertical machines of the meter system. The shooting range is up to 7000 m, rapidity - 10 shots per minute with mechanical feed and 4 - with manual. Their ammunition has consisted of armor-piercing 6240 ammunition. On Mars and bridges are 8 single 37-mm giek guns and two targeted 63.5-mm guns of the Baranovsky system. For these guns, there were 3600 and 1440 ammunition.

The mine combat equipment included one superviced retractable torpedo unit, who fired torpedoes through the softening apple, and two underwater traverse panels installed by competing. The shooting of Whitehead torpedoes was made with compressed air at the velocity of the ship to 17 bonds. The filming of torpedo devices was performed using three sights (one for each device) located in combat logging. The ammunition was the eight torpedo caliber 381 mm and the distance of 1500 m. Two of them were stored in the nose, six more - in the submarine unit.
In minnie, there are also 35 spheroconic mines of barriers that could be installed from dams or boats and boats of the ship. On sides of the "Aurora" were postned on special tubular poles anti-minted barriers, if the cruiser was anchored on an open raid.

The external connection of the ship was provided by signal flags, as well as (less often) "melted melted lamps" - spotlights with a diameter of a mirror 75 cm. The main appointment of the latter was lighting in the dark time of the enemy destroyers. Aurora had six spotlights in service. For a night far visual alarm on the cruiser there were two sets of fires of the Colonel system V. V. Tabulevich. This is new to that time the agent consisted of two lanterns of red and white colors. To enhance the light of light lights, a special combustible powder was used, which allowed the lights with a favorable meteorological conditions at a distance of up to 10 miles. The alarm was carried out by transferring numbers on the alphabet of Morse: the point was designated a flash of a white lamp, and the dash - red.
Observation was carried out with the help of visual pipes and binoculars.
The cruiser artillery fire management system allowed an artillery officer to manage the entire ship's artillery and each gun separately. The distance to the goal was measured with the help of a barra and stamp system purchased in England.

The protracted running tests allowed the "Aurora" to make their first exit to the sea. Only September 25, 1903, the cruiser was directed to the Far East along the route Portland - Algeria - Spice - Bizerta - Piraeus - Port Said - Port Suez. Having reached Djibouti at the end of January 1904. The connection of the counter-admiral A. A. Varenius learned about the beginning of the war with Japan and went back, to the Baltic, where arrived by April 1904

After returning to the Baltic "Aurora" was included in the 2nd Squadron of the Pacific Ocean Fleet, which was supposed to go as soon as possible in Vladivostok, so that, firstly, to help ships of the Pacific Squadron, and, secondly, smash Japanese fleet and establish domination in the Japanese Sea. The cruiser entered the command of the Vice-Admiral Z. P. Rodzynsky, and on October 2, 1904, in the composition of his compound left Libava, thereby starting a long transition to the Pacific Ocean.
On October 7, the cruiser and his connection almost reached the coast of Great Britain, which was a political opponent of Russia in the fight against Japan and the ally of the latter - therefore Z. P. Rodless ordered to bring all ships into a state of high combat readiness. In the Dogger Bank district, the compound has found unidentified ships (which caused by British fishing vessels) and fired them. And under the fire of the armadiors, Aurora and Dmitry Donskoy also fell. This so-called Gully incident caused a large international scandal as a result.

By 1 May 1905, the squadron of Z. P. Rodvlensky reached the Bay of Wang Fong, from where it was published in the last transition to Vladivostok. On the night of May 14, 50 ships connections entered the Korean Strait, where the Tsushim battle occurred in a few hours later. During this battle, Aurora operated as part of the cruising squad of the counter-admiral O. A. Enkvista. Because of the selected Z. P. Rodestrial construction of the Aurora ships, like the other cruiser of its compound, in the first 45 minutes of the battle (from 13 h. 45 min. Up to 14 hours 30 minutes) did not accept participation. By 14 h. 30 min. Nine Japanese cruisers chose the transport ships of the Russian squadron, and "Aurora" along with the flagship cruiser Oleg entered them into battle. With the best possible, "Vladimir Monomakh", "Dmitry Donskoy" and "Svetlana" also helped them. However, the defeat of the Russian squadron was already inevitable. With the onset of the night on May 15, the scattered ships of the Russian squadron made separate attempts to break through Vladivostok. So, "Aurora", "Oleg" and "Pearls" took such attempts, but unsuccessful. Eviating the torpedo attacks of the Japanese destroyers, these ships received the order of O. A. Enkvista to turn to the south, thereby leaving the battle zone and Korean Strait. By May 21, these three cruisers with almost ending fuel reserves were able to reach the Philippine Islands, where the manila was interneed in the port. During the Tsushim battle of Aurora, serious injuries received; 10 people crew was killed, another 80 - injured. The only killed in the battle officer of the cruiser turned out to be his commander captain of the 1st rank E. G. Egoryev.

Being in Manila for four months, the crew "Aurora" on its own forces conducted repair and restoration work. October 10, 1905, having received a message about the end of the war with Japan, on the cruiser was again raised by the Andreev flag and Güs; The Americans returned previously handed to the gun locks. Having received the prescription to return to the Baltic, Aurora reached Libava on February 19, 1906. Examination of the state of the ship was held. After that, the forces of the Franco-Russian, Obukhovsky factories and the Kronstadi military port were the repair of the cruiser and its artillery weapons. Already in 1907 - 1908. Aurora was able to take part in training swimming.
It is noteworthy that the domestic naval constructors in 1906, i.e. When "Aurora" just returned to Lebava, appreciated the new qualitative level of development of the shipbuilding of other countries. The main inspector of shipbuilding K. K. Warnik was drawn up a proposal to study the novelty of the time - a turbine engine - to refrain from the immediate construction of large ships with such an energy installation, and establish them to "Aurora" and "Diana" or build a cruiser with displacement to 5000 tons According to the type of cruiser "Novik". However, this proposal was not fulfilled.
When in September 1907, a new classification of the Russian fleet ships was introduced, according to it (the cruiser was now divided into armored cruisers and cruisers, and not in ranks and depending on the booking system) "Aurora", as well as "Diana", was Replaced with cruisers.
In 1909, Diana (flagship), "Aurora" and "Bogatyr" were included in the "Detachment of vessels appointed for swimming with shipmamarines", and after the highest look Nikolai II went on October 1, 1909 in the Mediterranean Sea, In whose waters were found until March 1910. During this time, many different teachings and classes were held. 1911 - 1913. "Aurora" remained a training ship, making distant swimming in Thailand, on about. Java.

In July 1914, the accumulated assemblement of the contradictions between the countries of the two blocks - the entunts and Germany with its allies was broken, and the First World War began. In mid-August, almost after a ten-year break "Aurora" was included in the combat ships, she was enrolled in the 2nd cruisers brigade. All ships of this brigade were built before the Russian-Japanese war, so the command was striving to use them only as a sentient service.
In November-December 1914, Aurora examined the Fervators who were leading from Finnish to the Batnic Bay. Winter "Aurora" and "Diana", which was also included in this compound, conducted in Sveaborg, where some modernization passed during this time. Then - again a sentigible and scholar service.

Only during the 1916 campaign, Aurora happened to take part directly in hostilities. At this time, the cruiser was at the disposal of the command of the Marine Corps, where it was handed over to the ship management exams. During this year, 75-mm cruiser guns were converted in such a way as to be able to fire on low-tie low-speed aircraft, which was enough for a successful shooting on the aircraft of the First World War. So, while in the Riga Gulf of "Aurora" successfully reflected the attacks from the air.

But on the ship was required to repair, why on September 6, 1916, "Aurora" arrived in Kronstadt. In September, she was transferred to Petrograd to the honored wall of the Admiralty plant. During the repair, the second bottom of the MCO area was replaced, received new boilers and repaired steam machines. Modernization and weapons of the cruiser were subjected: the largest angle of elevation of 152-mm guns was increased and, accordingly, the maximum firing range; Prepared places for installation of three 76.2-mm anti-aircraft guns of the F. F. Ledder system, which, however, was established only in 1923.
February 27, 1917 on the Admiralty and Franco-Russian factories whose forces were repaired, strike began. The commander "Aurora" M. I. Nikolsky, wanting to prevent the rebellion on the ship, opened fire from the revolver on the shore to the shore, for which, as a result, he was shot dead by the team. From this point on, the ship's commanders were elected by the Ship Committee.

From October 24, 1917, Aurora took part in the revolutionary events directly: on the order of the Interim Revolutionary Committee (VRC) on this day, the cruiser rose upstream of the Big Neva from the ruling wall of the plant to the divorced Junkers to the Nikolaev Bridge, forcing his last to leave him. Then electricians "Aurora" bridge overwhelms, thereby connecting the Vasilyevsky island with the city center. The next day, all strategic objects of the city were in the hands of the Bolsheviks. By agreement with the secretary of VRK V. A. Antonov-Ovseenko "Aurora" "Shortly before the beginning of the attack of the Winter Palace on the Petropavlovka warning shooter will give a couple of idle shots from the sixdimens." At 21 h 40 min. A shot of the guns of the Petropavlovsk fortress followed, and five minutes later, "Aurora" made one idle shot from the nasal 152-mm gun, which made it famous. However, the storming of the Winter Palace with these shots is directly connected directly, as it began later.

At the end of October 1922, the cruiser's decomposition began in order to further use it as a training ship for the Baltic Fleet. On the festive day on February 23, 1923, despite the fact that Aurora was still technically not yet, the flag and Gyus was raised on the cruiser. For June 1923, the ship's corps was significantly renovated, he was re-re-reagent, including artillery cellar and elevators were alone. Thus, "Aurora" received ten 130-mm guns (instead of 152-mm), two 76.2-mm anti-aircraft guns of the leder system, two pairs of 7.62 mm Maxim machine guns. On July 18, there were running tests, and in the fall, the cruiser took part in the maneuvers of the ships of the Baltic Fleet.
But the canonization "Aurora" began earlier. On August 3, 1923, the cruiser's champion took the Central Executive Committee, i.e. Supreme body of state power. It immediately improved the ideola of the political status of the ship, erecting him into the rank of the revolution symbol.
In 1924, Aurora made his first long trick under the Soviet flag: the cruiser came down Scandinavia, reached Murmansk and Arkhangelsk. Until 1927, the ship participated in various campaigns (mainly in the territorial waters of the USSR). On November 2, 1927, in honor of the 10-year anniversary of the revolution, the Aurora was awarded the only state reward at that time - the Order of the Red Banner:
"The Presidium, with sincere admiration remembered on the days of the 10th anniversary of the October Revolution, the struggle of the Aurora cruiser on the advanced positions of the revolution, awards him by the Order of the Red Banner for the differences in the days of October.

(From the decision of the CEC.) "

In the same year, the "October" film was removed, where "Aurora" took part in the shooting. These two events made a cruiser even more famous.
Since 1928, the cruiser again became the curriculum and annually performed curriculum on board with cadets abroad. In particular, Aurora visited Copenhagen, Shimund, Oslo, Bergen. A visit to Bergen in August 1930 became for the "Aurora" the last foreign campaign due to the wear of the boilers (their third was derived from operation). Cruiser was required to overhaul, which he went at the end of 1933 in 1935 for various reasons, including because repairing moral and technically obsolete ship was inappropriate, repairs stopped. Now it has become uncomfortable due to the fact that the workers of the plant them. Marty did not have time to replace the boilers, "Aurora" had to become a training brandvachta: she was taken to the eastern Kronstadt raid, where the practice of the first courses of naval schools took place on it.

According to some researchers, in 1941, "Aurora" planned to exclude from the Fleet from the composition, but the beginning of the Great Patriotic War prevented this. When the threat to the exit of German troops to Leningrad was created, the cruiser was immediately included in the Cronstadt airfranch. Back in June 1941, the cadets "Aurora" went to the front, then a gradual decline in the crew of the cruiser began (by the beginning of the war - 260 people), which was distributed to the acting ships of the Baltic Fleet or to the front.
By the beginning of the war, "Aurora" had ten 130 mm guns, four 76.2-mm anti-aircraft guns, three 45-mm cannons, one Maxim machine gun. From July 1941, with "Aurora" began to dismantle her artillery weapons and use it either on other ships (for example, on the canoners of the martial flotilla), or to use as part of land batteries. On July 9, 1941, from 9 130 mm, the cruiser guns have formed an artillery special-purpose battery. From sophisticated in the arsenals of Leningrad and Kronstadt, the guns soon formed a 2nd battery, and both were transferred to the 42nd army of the Leningrad Front. In the history of the defense of Leningrad, they are known as the battery "A" ("Aurora") and the Battery "B" ("Baltic" / "Bolshevik"). From the actual crew "Aurora" in the personal composition of the battery "A" was only a small amount. According to the upcoming enemy, the battery "A" first opened fire on September 6, 1941. Then during the week the battery was fighting with German tanks, fighting in full surroundings to the last projectile. To the outcome of the eighth day of the battle from 165 people of personnel came to their only 26.
The cruiser of Aurora himself took part in hostilities near Leningrad on September 8, 1941. The crew remained on the ship was to reflect the nourishes of German aviation, and on September 16, according to eyewitness testimonies, Zenitchikov "Aurora" managed to bring down one enemy aircraft. At the same time, "Aurora" was constantly under the artillery shelling, which from time to time was conducted by German batteries up to the final removal of the blockade of Leningrad. In total, during the war, the cruiser received at least 7 hits. In late November, habitat conditions on cruiser became unbearable, and the crew was transferred to the shore.
So about the modest, but still significant participation of "Aurora" in the defense of Leningrad spoken by the People's Commissar of the USSR N. G. Kuznetsov:
"The cruiser" Aurora "did not imagine serious combat value, but the special service of all years of war. A long-term service falls into the share of individual ships, even after they "lost" initial combat qualities. Such is the cruiser "Aurora".

In mid-1944, it was decided to create the Leningrad Nakhimov Naval School. Some Nakhimovtsev was planned to be placed on a floating base, which was temporarily to become "Aurora". However, by decision A. A. Zhdanov, the Cruiser "Aurora" was supposed to be forever installed on the Neva, "as a monument to the active participation of sailors of the Baltic Fleet in the overthrow of the bourgeois temporary government." Immediately, work began to restore the waterproof of the cruiser body, which received numerous damage. For more than a three-year overhaul (from mid-July 1945 in mid-November 1948) were repaired: hull, rowing screws, side steam vehicles, side rowing shafts, brackets of onboard machines, remaining boilers; A reorganization was also carried out in connection with the new function of the swimbase ship. (Unfortunately, this reorganization has a negative effect on the preservation of the historical appearance of the cruiser. By the way, the "Aurora" participation was also affected by the role of "Varyag" in the same film, shot in 1947) On November 17, 1948, the cruiser took his place for the first time. On the eternal parking lot on the big sky. Immediately on "Aurora" there was a graduation company Nakhimovtsev. From that time until 1961

On November 17, 1948, the cruiser "Aurora" was put on the "eternal parking lot" at the propulsive wall of the Big Neck. Since then, the legendary ship has become one of the main symbols of St. Petersburg, and the history of his service is washed with myths and legends.

Russian Flotodets, Admiral Z. P. Rodistrensky loved a non-standard approach to standard processes. Among the favorite victims, the admiral was habit the habit of smashing the "nicknames" by combat ships in his jurisdiction. Thus, the armadiole "Sisuy Great" became a "disabled shelter", the Yacht "Svetlana" - "Maid", the cruiser "Admiral Nakhimov" was called the "idiot", and Aurora was awarded the title "Prostitute sub-selection".
We are not responding for Rodial, but he would know what kind of ship called!

The appearance of legends

Contrary to the patriotic role of the ship in the history of the country, there is an opinion that the famous cruiser was built abroad. In fact, the miracle of shipbuilding arose there, where he graduated from his glorious path - in St. Petersburg. The project development began in 1895, but only in July 1897 a contract was signed with the society of Franco-Russian factories for the manufacture of machines, boilers and all the mechanisms listed in the specification. So late deadlines to achieve the agreement were due to the reluctance to share the drawings with the Baltic Plant, and for the next six years on the creation of "Aurora", the Admiralty Izhora and Aleksandrovsky cast iron plants, factory Ya. S. Pulman, Obukhovsky, Metal Plant and Motovilikhi Wallowdles . Perm. In total, in the immediate leading of the construction of the cruiser since September 1896, until the end of the running tests, that is, in almost eight years, four builders of the ship, officers of the corps of ship engineers, were occupied. Unfortunately, the author of the Cruiser project is still unknown - two surnames are called in different sources: K.M.Tokarevsky and De Grier, and officially construction was made at the New Admiralty plant, under the leadership of the Society of Franco-Russian Plants.

Combat Slava

Many contemporaries of Aurora are known only to the ambiguous fact of their fleet biography, like a ship whose tools gave a signal to the storming of the Winter Palace. But the cruiser participated a lot nor little in four wars and two revolutions. The emperor Nikolai himself after the Tsushimsky battle telegraphed the crew: "He heartily thank you, commanders, officers and the team of cruisers" Oleg "," Aurora "and" Pearls "for their unrequited, honest service in a hard battle. Yes, you will comfort all the consciousness of the Holy Debt Committee . Nikolai second. " In 1968, the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR cruiser "Aurora" for the outstanding services of seafarers-Avrorrowsers in the Great October Socialist Revolution and the protection of its conquests, fruitful work on the propaganda of combat and revolutionary traditions and in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Soviet Armed Forces was awarded the Order The October Revolution, and in the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War Sailors "Aurora" took an active part in the heroic defense of Leningrad on Dudugof's heights, which tells one of the pictures put in the museum on Aurora.

Revolutionary knife knife

Not a single shot of the fascinating ship. Even a few years before the historical events of 1917, in 1905m, disarmed Aurora stood in the Manila port under the control of the Americans after the Tsushim battle. The Philippine Islands turned out to be a prison for a miracle of surviving sailors forced to eat rotten food who did not have the opportunity to contact their relatives embraced by the agricultural outbreak of anger. At the mast, they managed to raise an international signal, symbolizing the starting riot, which led the arrival on board the local police and port officials. The Aurorovetsy put forward their ultimatum - an improvement in nutrition and immediate distribution of letters addressed by sailors. The conditions were adopted by the Americans, but immediately entailed a new outbreak of rebellion - opened envelopes and read letters finally notified seafarers about the horrors of "bloody Sunday". Upon returning to Russia, most of the sailors were written off from the ship - thus the royal government sought to disconnect the established combat crews to avoid revolutionary sentiment. Attempts were not crowned with success, and in the future it was the sailors, including recruits, amounted to the revolutionary backbone of Russia.

Historical shot

A salon, which became a signal to the storm of the Winter Palace on October 25, 1917 - one of the most colorful legends about the cruiser. It is concerned that the beauty that climbed on the ship, despite the well-known school about a woman on the ship, the sailors not only did not drive, but did not dare to disobey. A pale, high and slim girl of unearthly beauty gave the order of "Pl!", And then disappeared from sight. At the moment it is not known for now, who dared to become a ghost of "Aurora", but most historians leaning towards the version that they had a well-known journalist, Soviet writer and revolutionary Larisa Reisner. They say that she was not accidentally sent to "Aurora", purely psychologically calculated that such a beautiful woman would not refuse a single sailor. Yes, and a shot, according to historians, was produced at 21:40, while the assault began after midnight, which, alas, did not confirm the theory of the Aurora signal function in capturing. Nevertheless, the cruiser "Aurora" is depicted at the Order of the October Revolution, which herself was awarded in 1967.

Explosions and drunken sailors

But where without myths about alcohol and its consequences? Recently, curious information about the participation of drunk revolutionary sailors "Aurora" in the explosion of Fort "Paul" in 1923 appears from various sources. It is even saying that drunken sailors arranged a fire on a mining warehouse there. In July 1923, a few sailors were sailed here on the boat from Linkar "Paris Commune" (former "Sevastopol"). Ended the "rest" sailors with a big fire. The cadets from the cruiser "Aurora" tried to put out a burning mine, adjusted by sailors from the Paris Commune. A few days rushed on the fort for several days, and they say, not a single glass remained in all Kronstadt. According to one of the members of the current team of the Cruiser, four sailors died during a fire, and many were awarded medals for heroic assistance in handling. The authors of the Brochure "Forts of Kronstadt" one of the first to voiced the version of the cause of the explosion. In the Soviet books, this question was bypass, it remained to think that the evil counterreveration is to blame.

Star life Cruiser

Each schoolboy, going to visit St. Petersburg, is sure to seek to visit the legendary ship who served faith and truth in so many battles and is now the branch of the Central Naval Museum. In fact, in addition to combat merit and excursion programs, I did not bypass the Aurora and the path of show business: in 1946 the cruiser played the role of an equally well-known fellow "Varyag" in the film of the same name. To comply with the "Grimers" I had to work: a fake fourth tube was installed on the ship and several guns, built a commander's balcony on the stern and redid the nasal part. These two ships are absolutely not like each other, but for the unrespressive viewer, the "fake" passed unnoticed. In parallel, the "Aurora" housing was enhanced by concrete, and this already meant that the ship was not subject to restoration, which determined the further fate of the vessel.

Ship or layout

It is believed that "Aurora" is the only domestic ship who retained his primary appearance to the present day. The legendary cruiser was put on the "eternal parking lot" opposite the St. Petersburg hotels, however, this is half a half, not the ship, which does not smell the Molver: The vessel itself was departed in the village of streams at the coastal strip of the Gulf of Finland, collapsed Flooded and cleared by patriots of the 80s. During the reconstruction in 1984, most of the main part and the superstructures of the unforgettable "Aurora" were replaced, the current museum ship was applied to the new building of welded seams instead of rivets that distinguished the original. The batteries in which the guns filmed from the cruiser were killed in Dudugof's altitudes, one more tool was installed on the Baltic armor. On the historical instrument, which argues the "new era of the Proletarian Revolution", Senior Michman, slylyly winning to us, said: "Read the plate attentively on the shield, it says that a historical shot was made from the nasal gun of the cruiser. And about the fact that it was shot specifically from this gun - not said anywhere. "

Construction of the Aurora cruiser began in St. Petersburg exactly 107 years ago - June 4, 1897 - on the shipyard "New Admiralty." Three years later, the vessel was lowered in the presence of Emperor Nicholas II, and after three years, in 1903, commissioned. Now the museum is open at Aurora, and sailors continue to serve in the ship ..

From the Tsushim battle before the defect defense defense

The cruiser "Aurora" did not differ in combat qualities. The instruments of the main caliber was only eight, the vessel developed the speed of 19 knots (miles) per hour, and the engine reached the capacity of 11 thousand horsepower. For comparison - the power of "Titanic" was five times more. Then it was impossible to assume that "Aurora" will become a real legend. The cruiser made his first swimming in 1903, from Kronstadt to the Far East to strengthen the Port Arthur squadron. The crew of the vessel was six hundred people.

Combat baptism took place on May 14, 1905 in the Tsushimsky battle. During the fight, "Aurora" received ten shots from enemy guns. Several compartments were completely flooded, the guns were out of order, fire was buried on the ship. Despite this, the cruiser endured the battle.

This gun wanted to get the Chinese. PHOTO: AIF / Yana Vshatova

However, the cruiser is no longer known as a combat ship, but as a symbol of the October Revolution of 1917. On October 25, 1917, a single shot from the vessel served as a signal to the beginning of the storming of the Winter Palace.

The service life of military cruisers is 25 years. "Aurora" served almost twicear longer - 45 years. The ship managed to take part in the defense defense against the fascist art stins. In 1948, the cruiser was sent to the eternal parking lot, and in his premises opened the museum. Over the years, Yuri Gagarin, Margaret Thatcher and Princess Monaco visited the cruiser. In the 80s, the vessel passed overhaul. The underwater part had to be replaced completely - it was not subject to reconstruction.

Descent in the heart "Aurora"

The museum consists of six rooms from the 10th to the 68th Cruiser Spanmost. On board "Aurora" more than 500 exhibits are kept, including unique photos, real combat shells and various ship items. Creiser's cabin company has exactly the same look as one hundred years ago. The tables in the room are not standing on the legs, but are suspended with the shelf with a rod, like swings. So done specifically: when the sea is a storm, food from the table will not fall, and will be swing together with the worktop. Near the beds-hammocks. They served sailors not only for sleep. If the cruiser pierced the shell, the bed folded and stuck to flow.

On the beds you can not only sleep, but also to stick to flow. PHOTO: AIF / Yana Vshatova

Among the black and white photos, a portrait of the second commander of the cruiser is highlighted, the captain of the first rank of Evgeny Egorov, who died in the Tsushimsky battle. The frame for the photo is made of the deck board "Aurora", and the passecut - from the cruiser's cruiser, punched by a projectile. This photo brought the son of the deceased captain to the museum, Naval Officer Vsevolod Egoriev.

The commander of the ship Evgeny Egoriev was killed in the Tsushimsky battle. PHOTO: AIF / Yana Vshatova

Visitors of the cruiser are allowed not only to walk along the deck and premises of the "Aurora", but also descend into the very heart of the vessel - the engine and boiler department, which are deeply under the level of water for the feed.

Waiting for a new life

The first decade of the XXI century was not easy for the ship. In the summer of 2009, during the St. Petersburg Economic Forum on board the cruiser, a party was held with the participation of VIP-persons, which caused a perturbation of the public. And a year and a half later, "Aurora" brought out the combat composition of the Navy. It was outraged both sailors and some urban government representatives. In 2012, deputies of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly appealed to the President with a request to return the Craceser the status of the ship number 1 as part of the Navy with the preservation of a military crew.

The cruiser is open to a visit for five days a week. PHOTO: AIF / Yana Vshatova

In January 2013, the Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu stated that the cruiser "Aurora" will be renovated and is given in the working condition. It is planned that the ship will be equipped with modern means of communication and radio engineering weapons. Thus, it is possible that in a few years the cruiser will begin the second life.

The cruiser is on the eternal parking lot on the Petrogradskaya embankment. PHOTO: AIF / Yana Vshatova

Museum on the cruiser "Aurora" daily, except Monday and Friday, from 10.30 to 16.00 at Petrogradskaya Nab., \u200b\u200b2. The cost of an adult ticket - 200 rubles, a preferential ticket for students and schoolchildren - 100 rubles.

Armphalical cruiser of the 1st rank of the Baltic Fleet "Aurora" in St. Petersburg. The ship participated in several marine battles of the 20th century and is considered one of the main symbols of the 1917 revolution. Since 1957, the branch of the Central Naval Museum.

Head facility:

Work schedule

W, cp, Thu, Sat, Sun - from 11.00 to 17.15
Mon, Fri - not working day

Aurora refers to Diana-type armored cruisers, built in the Russian Empire at the end of the XIX - early XX centuries. In total, three such ships were built: "Diana", "Pallada" and "Aurora". The last cruiser received his name in honor of the Greek goddess Dawn and in memory of the Aurora sailing frigate, who received fame in the defense of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky during the Crimean War. The name personally chose the emperor Nicholas II from eleven proposed options.

The cruiser "Aurora" was laid on the shipyard of the new Admiralty in 1896 and solemnly lowered in 1900 in the presence of Emperor Nicholas II and a 78-year-old sailor, once served on the same name on the frigate.

In 1903, the cruiser "Aurora" entered the Russian imperial fleet. The first service, the ship passed in the Far East, and then was included in the second Pacific squadron. In 1905, the cruiser participated in the Tsushimsky battle, where he received significant damage, after which he set off for repairs to the Philippine Manila. In 1906, Aurora returned to the Baltic Sea. In 1909-1912, the ship participated in the training campaign on the Mediterranean Sea, and since 1913 the cruiser became the flagship ship of the educational detachment.

During the First World War, the Aurora cruiser participated in defensive events and continued training campaigns.

During the revolutionary events of 1917, the power on the vessel passed to the sailors, the Office carried out the chosen ship committee. During the Oktyabrsky Bolshevik Uprising, "Aurora" produced the famous idle shot through the Winter Palace, which became a signal to the beginning of the assault.

After the revolution, the ship again entered the training fleet, making several international campaigns. During the Great Patriotic War and the Leningrad blockade, the cruiser became part of the Anti-Friend Defense of Kronstadt.

In 1944, it was decided to establish "Aurora" from the Petrograd embankment as a museum-monument of the history of the fleet and the base of the Nakhimovsky school. In 1957, the cruiser became part of the exposition of the Central Naval Museum. The exposition is located in the six premises of the ship, open to visit combat cutting, machine and boiler houses.

The cruiser is often mentioned in various artworks - songs and verses, and he also starred in the movie in the role of the Varyag cruiser.

The displacement of the Aurora cruiser is 6731 tons, the length of the vessel is 126.8 meters, the width is 16.8 meters. The crew is 20 officers and 550 sailors.

The cruiser is included in the Unified State Register of Cultural Heritage Objects (historical and cultural monuments) of Russia.

Tourist note:

A visit to the Aurora cruiser will be interested in all tourists, and in particular, interested in the maritime history. In addition, there are other urban attractions near the ship - and embankments, a monument to the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet, the house "noble nest", Baltflot House.

Aurora - the cruiser of the 1st rank of the Baltic Fleet, known for his role in the October Revolution of 1917. Aurora has announced his volley the offensive of a new era in the history of Russia. And what is really the story of the cruiser "Aurora"? There are many little-known facts about Aurora, which will be discussed below ...

It all started with the fact that the construction of the ship stretched more than 6 years - "Aurora" launched on the water on May 11, 1900 at 11 o'clock 15 minutes, and the cruiser entered the fleet (after completing all the honored work), the cruiser entered July 16, 1903 .

Some kind of unique in its martial qualities, this ship was by no means. Neither a special speed (only 19 knots - squadron battleships of that time developed the speed of 18 knots), no weapons (8 six-tech tools of the main caliber - not an amazing fire power) the cruiser could not boast. Ships of the type of armored cruisers ("Bogatyr") were much harder and one and a half times more powerful. And the attitude of officers and teams to these "the godders of domestic production" was not too good - the cruiser like "Diana" had a lot of flaws and constantly broke

Nevertheless, its tasks are the conduct of intelligence, the destruction of the enemy's shopping ships, covering linear ships from the attacks of the enemy police officers, the sentier service - these cruisers were quite fitted, possessing a solid (about seven thousand tons) with displacement and good navigation. With the full reserve of coal (1430 tons) "Aurora" could reach Port Arthur to Vladivostok and go back.

All the cruisers were intended for the Pacific Ocean, where the military conflict with Japan was brewing, and the first two of the ships were already in the Far East. September 25, 1903 "Aurora" with a crew of 559 people under the command of the captain of the 1st rank I. V. Sukhotina left Kronstadt. In the Mediterranean Sea "Aurora" joined the detachment of counter-admiral A. A. Varenius, consisting of the squadron armor "Osh," Cruiser "Dmitry Donskoy" and several destroyers and auxiliary ships. However, at the Far East, the detachment was late - in the African port of Djibouti on Russian ships, they learned about the Night attack of the Japanese to the Port Arthur Squadron and the beginning of the war. The following was risky, as the Japanese fleet blocked Port Arthur, and there was a high probability of meeting with the superior enemy forces on the approach to it. The proposal was made to send Vienius to the detachment of Vladivostok cruisers to the Singapore area and walk along with them to Vladivostok, and not in Port Arthur, but this was not a reasonable sentence.

On April 5, 1904, Aurora returned to Kronstadt, where she was included in the 2nd Pacific squadron under the command of the Vice-Admiral of the Rodial, who was preparing for the campaign to the Far Eastern theater of the fighting. Here on it, six of the eight guns of the main caliber were covered with armor shields - the experience of the battles of the Arthur squadron showed that the fragments of fugasic Japanese shells literally scold the unprotected personnel. In addition, the commander was changed on the cruiser - they became the captain of the 1st Rang E. R. Egoryev. On October 2, 1904, as part of the Aurora squadron, the second time went to the road - to Tsuisim.

Admiral Rodisthensky was a person quite non-standard. Among the liquefit "Probhe do" the admiral was the following - he had a habit of giving him martial ships of nicknames, very distant from samples of elegant literature. So, the cruiser "Admiral Nakhimov" was called "Idiot", the armadapor "Sisa Great" - "disabled shelter", and so on. As part of the squadron there were two ships with women's names - the former Yacht "Svetlana" and "Aurora". The first cruiser commander called the "Maid", and the "Aurora" was awarded the title "Prostitute Pampling". I would know the hallborn, what kind of ship he calls so ...

"Aurora" consisted in the detachment of cruisers counter-admiral of Enkvista and in the course of the Tsushimsky battle, conscientiously carried out the order of the Rodial - covered the transport. This task was clearly not on the shoulder of the four Russian cruisers, against whom they acted first eight, and then sixteen Japanese. They only saved them from the heroic death that the column of Russian battleships, who, who, who had segged the enemy, accidentally approached them. Something a special cruiser in battle was not distinguished himself - the author of the damage attributed by the "Aurora" by the Soviet sources of damage that the Japanese cruiser "Idzumi" was actually the cruiser "Vladimir Monomakh".

At the beginning of the Tsushim battle, 14th Aurora followed the second for the flagship cruiser of the Oleg squad, covering the column of transport from the east. At 14:30, as part of his squad together with a reconnaissance detachment (2 cruisers, 1 auxiliary cruiser) entered into battle with 3rd (4 cruisers, Vice-Admiral S. Virgo) and 4th (4 cruisers, counter-admiral with . Uriu) Japanese combat detachments, and at 15:20 also with the 6th Japanese combat (4 cruisers, counter-admiral K. Togo). At about 16:00, the ship fell under the fire of two armored cruisers of the 1st Japanese combat detachment, received serious damage and additionally entered into battle with the 5th Japanese combat squad (3 cruisers, 1 armadiole coastal defense, Vice Admiral S. Catoka). Around 16:30, together with the detachment, he left protected by the uncomplying board of Russian armor, but at 17:30-18: 00 took part in the last phase of cruising battle.

In this battle, the ship received about 10 entrance halls of caliber from 8 to 3 inches, the crew lost 15 people killed and 83 wounded. The commander of the ship captain 1 rank E. R. Egoryev was deadly - he was mortally wounded in a combat row with a fragment of the shell (buried in the sea at 15 ° 00 "S.Sh., 119 ° 15" V.D.). (In the Russian-Japanese war, the Son of the commander who served in the Vladivostok Squadron of Cruisers (on the cruiser "Russia"), who became a counter-admiral in Soviet times and taught naval history in the Leningrad Institute of Accurate Mechanics and Optics - Lithmo.)

After the death of the captain, the command "Aurora" adopted a senior officer Captain 2 rank A. K. Nexin, also wounded. The Aurora cruiser received 37 blades, but did not fail. The smoke pipes were seriously damaged, the separation of the nasal mine apparatus and several coal holes of the anterior coocharge were flooded. A few fires were tested on the cruiser. All rangefinder stations, four 75-mm and one 6-DM instrument have failed.

At night, 14/15, following the flagship of the detachment, forced the course of up to 18 tons., In the dark, he broke away from the pursuit of the opponent and turned to the south. After several attempts, turn to the north, reflecting the torpedo attacks of the Japanese destroyers, the two ships of O. A. Enkvista, "Oleg" and "Aurora" - with the cruiser "Pearls" who joined them, came to the neutral port of Manila (Philippines, US Protectorate ), where they were innerned on May 27, 1905 by the American authorities until the end of the war. A subscription of non-participation in further hostilities was taken from the team. For the treatment of fallen and wounded, both in the transition to the Far East and during and after the fight on the ship used the X-ray apparatus was the first in world practice the use of radioscopy in ship conditions.

In 1906, Aurora returned to the Baltic, becoming an academic court of the sea corps. There was a major overhaul of the corps and mechanisms in St. Petersburg in 1906-1908. With dismantling torpedo devices, installing an additional two 6-dm guns instead of four 75 mm, the installation of the rail for the production of mines of the barrier. 10.10.1907 is reclassified from cruisers I rank in Cruiser.

From the fall of 1909 in the spring of 1910 "Aurora" made far sailing with the "Gardemary detachment" in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Visited the ports of Vigo, Algeria, Bizert, Toulon, Villefranches-sur-Mer, Smyrna, Naples, Messina, Court, Piraeus, Pragus, Gibraltar, Vigo, Cherbourg, Kiel. During this swimming in the Machkovsky detachment (4 cruisers) was located in the ports of Greece in connection with the threat of a military insurgency there. From the fall of 1910 to the spring of 1911, the ship was in the second long-term training on the route Libava - Christianzand - Vigo - Bizerta - Piraeus and Poros - Melasina - Malaga - Vigo - Sherbour - Libava. Since 1911, he consisted in the brigade of cruisers of the 1st reserve. From the autumn 1911 to the summer of 1912, Aurora went to third long-term training swimming for participation in celebrations on the occasion of the coronation of King Siam (November 16 - December 2, 1911), visited the ports of the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, Indian and Pacific Oceans. In the spring and summer of 1912, the cruiser was part of the international squadron of "Powers-patroness" Crete, stood as a Russian stationer in the Court Bay.

The first world war "Aurora" met as part of the second brigade of cruisers of the Baltic Fleet (together with Oleg, Bogatyr and Diana). The Russian command was waiting for a breakthrough of a powerful German fleet of the open sea to the Finnish bay and strike on Kronstadt and even in St. Petersburg. For parley, this threat was hastily raised mines, and the central mino-artillery position was equipped. At the cruiser, the task of carrying a sentiment in the mouth of the Gulf of Finland was placed in order to notify the appearance of German dieders in a timely manner. The cruiser went to the hallway by couples, and after the patrol period, one pair replaced the other. The first success of Russian ships have been achieved on August 26, when the island of Odenssholm sat on the stones the German Light Cruiser "Magdeburg". The cruisers "Pallada" (the older sister "Aurora" died in Port Arthur, and this new "pallada" was built after the Russian-Japanese war) and "Bogatyr" tried to capture the helpless enemy ship. Although the Germans managed to blow up their cruiser, in the place of the accident, Russian divers found secret German ciphers, which during the war she served good service and Russians and the British.

But the Russian ships waited for a new danger - from October, German submarines began to act on the Baltic Sea. Anti-parental defense on the fleets of the whole world was then in its infancy - no one knew how and what could be hit by the invisible enemy hiding under water, and how to avoid his sudden attacks. Neither diving shells nor, especially, the deep bombs and hydrolytators were also in the mesh. The surface vehicles could only count on an old good ram - after all, not to take the same seriously developed anecdotic instruction, in which they were prescribed to cover the observed periscopes with bags and turn them with sledgehames. On October 11, 1914, at the entrance to the Finnish Bay, the German submarine "U-26" under the command of Captain-Lieutenant von Berkheim found two Russian cruisers: the ending service "Pallada" and a "Aurora" approaching to her. The commander of the German submarine with German pedantry and scrupulusity appreciated and classified goals - for all articles, the new armored cruiser was much more tempting prey, rather than a veteran of the Russian-Japanese war. The torpedo hit caused the detonation of the sledges of the Boezapa to "Palladius", and the cruiser sank along with all the crew - only a few sailor loaming remains on the waves ... "Aurora" launched and hid in Schärah. And again, you should not blame Russian sailors in cowardice - as already mentioned, they have not been able to fight with submarines yet, and the Russian command has already known about the ten days earlier than the tragedy in the North Sea, where the German boat sank three English armored cruisers at once. "Aurora" again avoided the death - fate clearly kept the cruiser.

The role of "Aurora" in the events of October 1917 in Petrograd is not particularly lingering - about this, more than enough. We only note that the threat to shoot the Winter Palace from the cruiser guns was clear water bluff. The cruiser stood in repair, and therefore the whole guest was unloaded with him in full compliance with the instructions acting. And the arms of the art stamp "Halp" Aurora "is incorrectly purely grammatically, since" volley "is simultaneously produced shots from at least two stems. Hence it follows that the legends of Aurora as a symbol of the revolution - the myth.

In 1918, "Aurora" was in retreat, and from the spring of 1919 - in conservation. In September 1922, the Special Commission examined the ship and concluded: "The external state of the ship and the nature of bringing it to long-term storage make it possible to bring the ship ready for use as a training ship after relatively simple repair work." In 1940-1945, Aurora stood in Oranienbaum. In 1948, the cruiser was put on the "eternal parking lot" at the propulsive wall of the Big Neck, where the museum is currently located. However, a modern cruiser represents only a replica, since under the last reconstruction of 1984, more than 50% of the corps and add-ons were replaced. Of the most notable differences from the original - the use of welds on a new building instead of rivet technology. The vessel itself was towed to the Navy's naval base in the coastal strip of the Gulf of Finland at the village of streams, where he was collected and flooded. The parts of the ship who were protruded from the water in the late 80s were torn to building materials and scaffolding residents of the village ...