Using paper for dry contents. Does special paper needed needed? Are there any more accessible options

By purchasing and installing the relay, it is necessary to understand that with all its indisputable advantages, they are still not so simple, as it may first seem. In order to enjoy such a miracle of modern technology, the owners will need not only to clean the design, but also acquire special fillers (peat), liquids (for chemical devices) and even a special toilet paper.

The question arises: what's wrong with usual and why do you need to buy special?

The thing is that the use of ordinary toilet paper can lead to clogging and drain the drain, after which they will need to be cleaned or even repaired. Specialists engaged in the repair of plumbing and eliminate blockages argue that the ordinary paper is washed into the toilet can lead to clogging.

How it is done. Toilet paper

What properties has special paper for drying items?

Its main advantage is the possibility of complete dissolution in the liquid medium, which is why it easily passes through the system washed and disappears without a trace.

The canvas and which it is made, a fairly dense, but soft and pleasant to use. Many manufacturers, taking care of convenience and comfort, produce rolls such with already perforation of the canvas for convenient separation of the segment of the required length.

Does it be necessary to use a special toilet paper?

If the owner intends to lower the used toilet paper in his relative, it is simply obliged to stock special, in order not to constantly repair the clogging device.

Of course, no one forbids using ordinary inexpensive options, however, it is necessary to get rid of the used pieces without flushing into the toilet, and throwing into a specially designated trash can next to it.

As already noted, special paper in seconds is dissolved in the lower compartment, while the usual may well create problems.

Toilet paper for Biotales Thetford Aqua Soft

American company ThetFord counts the year of its existence since 1963. It began her story from the release of accessories for marine toilets. Portable toilets This company began to actively release only five years since the founding day, and for more than forty years, it has been leading the leading positions at the World Biotic Market. Now they also produce various types of road toilets for travel in trailers, trains and yachts.

In addition to the designs of the bathrooms, ThetFord produces a range of products needed for their comfortable use:

  • Special easily soluble toilet paper;
  • Liquids for dry-lats (disinfecting fluids, waste splitters);
  • Powders for dry contents.

Toilet paper for the Aqua Soft Biotthet (Thetford) is specifically designed for use with the biotage. Under the action of the liquid-splitter, it will quickly dissolve in the receiving compartment of any model to a homogeneous mass, which will continue to decompose together with the waste of vital activity of the human body. Its characteristics fully comply with all the requirements for manufacturers and sanitary standards for such a product.

Special softness is quite dense (in several layers) of the canvas makes the use of this paper especially pleasant. This is the only toilet paper produced specifically for the dry lats, presented in the domestic market.

You can purchase such paper packaging (in each - four rolls) only in specialized stores or specially ordered from the online store with delivery or self-delivery from the warehouse. The price of this miracle of paper production, to put it mildly, bites.

About more available options

In the event that there is no possibility to buy branded toilet paper from the manufacturer, you can try to search for something high-quality and more affordable. Attention should be drawn to whether it dissolves in water.

The familiar single-layer toilet paper of gray in standard rolls for such a device is not unequivocal, so using it, it is worth getting a small bucket with a trash in which the used pieces will be emitted. After it can be burned or thrown into the trash can. Dachini most often prefer the first option.

The modern market of accessories for the bathroom and the toilet is represented by a huge number of various brands and varieties of goods. Buyers' requests are becoming more and higher, and in response to this, the requirements for toilet paper are increasing. They relate both materials and technical specifications and ease of disposal after use. The ideal option is the opportunity to wash it off along with the waste of vital activity of the human body, however, it should be avoided possible trouble in the form of clogging.

One of the important requirements is the possibility of dissolving in water. The indisputable leader among producers presented in the domestic market is the Polish company Zewa, whose products are distinguished by special comfort and quality.

A relatively recent innovation of this company was the opportunity to dissolve in the water not only the paper itself, but also the sleeve for which it was wound. Two- or three-layer paper is easy and pleasant to the touch, perforated, and quickly dissolves in water, even if not completely, but the ability to score a look with it is much lower. The company also produces children's, color and flavored types of toilet paper.

Wet toilet paper

A kind of know-how in the field of personal hygiene was the appearance of a wet toilet paper, in appearance and packaging more reminiscent of each wet wipes that have already become familiar with each other, but having their own unique features.

An undoubted leader among producers of such products in the domestic market is the Russian-British company "Maxan", which has been producing such an indispensable product as wet napkins for more than ten years.

Wet toilet paper "Maxan" is made from an easily dissolving non-woven material with the addition of calendula extract that kills microbes and an anti-inflammatory effect. Each packaging contains forty small wet wipes soluble in water, which, after use, can be washed off not only in the ordinary toilet, but also in the dry lad. It can be used as a separate hygienic agent, and together with ordinary paper.

Such toilet paper is great for both adults and children.

On the store shelves you can find similar wet toilet paper such brands like:

  1. Zewa;
  2. Mon Rulon;
  3. Aura;

Advantages and disadvantages

The need to buy toilet paper and cleaning products is a regular fee for using such a blessing of civilization as a toilet. For dry lats, more often used in road conditions or in the country due to the characteristics of their design, special means will be needed. The use of special toilet paper for dry ladies has advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages include:

  • Environmental friendliness (it quickly dissolves in water and decays chemicals safe to the environment);
  • Convenience (Such paper is very convenient and pleasant to use: soft to touch, sufficiently dense and perforated rupture line);
  • Does not create blockages (really dissolved, and not just wet and swells).

As for the shortcomings, they can be attributed to them:

  • Inaccessibility (purchase branded paper for dry-lights in specialized stores or online with delivery or self-delivery from the warehouse, and who needs such trouble with toilet paper?);
  • Price (the cost of special paper is high enough in comparison with the usual paper and allow it to be not all possible).

By purchasing a relay and starting to use it, it is necessary to clearly understand that such a bathroom, like no other, needs a attentive and careful attitude towards himself. A carefully thought-out and complex design of the dry ladder is very easy to score or break when used. It is necessary to approach the operation of the beythet with all responsibility, so that he suddenly did not turn into a problem.

Video: Paper Thetford Aqua Soft

To connect plumbing devices to the water supply network used flexible water lining. It is in demand when connecting mixers, shower cabins, toilet bowls and other points of water intake, and significantly simplifies the installation process. Flexible lining is also used when installing gas equipment. It differs from similar water tools for manufacturing technology and special safety requirements.

Characteristics and species

A flexible supply for connecting plumbing is a hose of different lengths made of non-toxic synthetic rubber. Due to the elasticity and softness of the material, it easily takes the right position and allows you to install in hard-to-reach places. To protect the flexible hose, the upper reinforcing layer is intended as a braid, which is performed from the following materials:

  • Aluminum. Such models are withstanding no more than +80 ° C and retain functionality for 3 years. With increased humidity, the aluminum braid is prone to the appearance of rust.
  • Of stainless steel. Thanks to this reinforcing layer, the service life of flexible water supply for water is at least 10 years, and the maximum temperature of the transported medium is +95 ° C.
  • Nylon. Such a braid is used to make reinforced models that hold the temperature to +110 ° C and are designed for intensive operation for 15 years.

A pair of nut-nut and nut-fitting, which are made of brass or stainless steel are used as fasteners. The devices with different indicators of the permissible temperature differ in the color of the braid. Blue is used to connect to a pipe with cold water, and red - with hot.

When choosing a watering for water, you need to pay attention to its elasticity, fastening and destination. Mandatory is also the presence of a certificate that eliminates the separation of rubber toxic components during operation.

Features of gas supply

When connecting gas stoves, columns and other types of equipment also use flexible liners. Unlike models for water, they have yellow and not tested for environmental safety. For fixing uses end steel or aluminum fittings. Distinguish the following types of fixtures for connecting gas appliances:

  • pVC hoses that are reinforced with polyester thread;
  • from synthetic rubber with stainless steel braid;
  • silphon, made in the form of a corrugated stainless steel tube.

Holding "Santekhkomplekt" offers engineering equipment, reinforcement, plumbing and fixtures for its connection to communications. The range is represented by products and materials of famous foreign and domestic manufacturers. With wholesale purchases, discounts apply, and product quality is confirmed by certificates of the established sample. For information support and assistance for each client, a personal manager is assigned. The possibility of making delivery within Moscow and to other regions of the Russian Federation allows you to quickly get purchased goods without unnecessary trouble.

Drainage - a hydro-elevative event on the disposal of excess groundwater.

If you do not leave the water from the territory for a long time, the soil is flunk, if they quickly disappear (swell) shrubs and trees, it is necessary to urgently take measures and carry out the drainage of the site.

Causes of soil moistening

The reasons for the convergence of soils several:

  • clay heavy soil structure with weak water permeability;
  • the waterproof in the form of gray-green and red-brown clays is located close to the surface;
  • high groundwater occurrence;
  • man-made factors (construction of roads, pipelines, various objects), which prevent natural drainage;
  • violation of water balance with the construction of irrigation systems;
  • landscape plot is located in a lowland, beam, hollow. In this case, atmospheric precipitation and water inflows are playing a major role.

What is fraught with excess moisture in the soil

The results of this phenomenon you see yourself - trees and shrubs die. Why is this happening?

  • the oxygen content is reduced in the soil and the carbon dioxide content increases, which leads to a violation of the processes of air exchange, water regime and power mode in the soil;
  • there is an oxygen fasting of the root-forming layer, which leads to the dying of the roots of plants;
  • violates the receipt of macro and microelements by plants (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.), because Excessive water flushes mobile forms of elements from the soil, and they become inaccessible to assimilate;
  • an intensive decay of proteins occurs and, accordingly, the processes of rotting are activated.

Plants can suggest at what level groundwater

Look carefully to the flora of your site. Inhabiting its views will be prompted, at what depth there are soil layers of water:

  • ripowodka - in this place is best to dig up with water;
  • at a depth of 0.5 m - the bow of the village, the chests, varieties of the Oskock - bubble, ostolic, foxes, Vainik Langesdorf;
  • at a depth of 0.5 m to 1 m - Tollga, Canary,;
  • from 1 m to 1.5 m - favorable conditions for taming meadow, mint, mouse peas, ranks;
  • from 1.5 m - drink, clover, wormwood, plantain.

What is important to know, planning the drainage of the site

Each group of plants has its own moisture needs:

  • with a depth of groundwater from 0.5 to 1 m can grow vegetables and aluminum flowers at high beds;
  • the depth of the water reservoir to 1.5 m is well transferred to vegetable crops, grains, annual and perennials (flowers), decorative and fruit-berry shrubs, trees on dwarf dive;
  • if groundwater at a depth of more than 2 m, you can grow fruit trees;
  • the optimal depth of groundwater grounds for agriculture is from 3.5 m.

Whether the drainage is needed

Record your observations at least for a while. You will be able to understand how much drainage is needed.

Maybe it makes sense to simply redirect the tale and sedimentary waters along the bypass channel, and not allow them to flow through their plot?

Perhaps you need to design and equip the lavety and improve the composition of the soil and will it be enough?

Or is it worth making a drainage system only for fruit and decorative trees?

The exact answer will give you a specialist, to call which we strongly recommend. But after reading this article, you will gain some awareness in this matter.

At the end of the technological and production tasks associated with the arrangement of the sewer system in an apartment building, a production building, as well as in private home ownership, it is required to experience the system involved by the method of forced strait. This task is applied to identify possible defects or improper installation of the entire sewed sewage unit and the act of testing of internal sewage systems and drainage systems will be a real proof of work on the reception of the object.

Visual check should be accompanied by the test of the internal sewage and drainage systems in the ACT, which is currently submitted by the current regulations of the application of the "D" series, which corresponds to the joint venture 73.13330.2012 "Domestic Sanitary and Technical Systems of the Building" has recently applicable new Actualized working edition of SNiP 3.05.01-85.

And other places of short-term residence of a person - a truly indispensable thing if you cannot connect to centralized sewer networks. However, buying this device you need to know that with all its simplicity, its exploitation has some specific points.

In addition to cleaning and replacing consumables, peat, chemicals and, it is necessary to use a difficult toilet paper.

The answer is unequivocal - of course, you need! The use of ordinary paper for toilets, and especially the newspapers and other products of the cellulose industry will lead to a predictable result. Your relay will fail - the drains and pipes will be clogged, which will lead to the need for serious preventive cleaning work, and maybe to the repair of the entire system. You need it?

No, of course, because even in urban sewer networks, the causing of blocks often become paper, washed into the toilet.

Paper properties For biothetov

Externally, it is impossible to distinguish specials for dry contents from ordinary ! The same soft and dense, with perforation for the convenience of use. But it has one undoubted advantage - dissolves in a liquid water medium completely! Almost instantly, water turns this paper into an amorphous fluid mass and it disappears without a trace in the sewer runoff, decaying the smallest fraction and without clogging the system.

Can I use a simple toilet paper?

You can, but it is impossible to lower in the dry-looking! Many users simply put a bucket for used pieces, but it is very uncomfortable and non-negienic! And if guests? After all, not everyone knows that it is impossible to throw a simple paper into a relay. So the use of soluble paper for dry contents is not fabulous, and the extreme necessity, which protects the owner from a variety of problems.

There are many companies on the modern market of accessories and consumables for dry lats. It is not difficult to choose a suitable special toilet paper for yourself, from a budget version to an expensive elite. This diverse background is allocated by the products of the company Thetford.

Toilet paper for Biotales Thetford Aqua Soft

ThetFord company from the United States received fame due to its portable toilets, which she successfully produces and sells from the 60s of the last century. In addition to the main products in the company, the production of various products, concomitant use of dry-lights. It belongs to soluble paper for Aqua Soft dry beyouts.

The main advantage of Aqua Soft It is that under the influence of water, it instantly turns into a homogeneous liquid mass and decomposes together with other waste.

The product matches all hygienic and environmental standards and requirements. The paper is pleasant when feeling, consists of several layers, which gives it a density and at the same time soft. In the domestic toilet paper market, it is the only brand specially intended for sharing with the beyutes.

  • Standard packaging AQUA SOFT consists of four rolls
  • Packaging cost - from 400 rubles

The main advantages of Aqua Soft:

  • You can use with, as well as with local sewer-based septic systems.
  • Due to instant dissolution in the water, the drain drains, pipes and other parts of the beyatuettes and septics are not littered.
  • Fully decomposes together with fecal masses and other waste of human life.
  • It is absolutely safe not only for adults, but also for children.

Are there any more accessible options?

Unambiguously, it can be said that there is no cheap soluble paper for dry contents. The production technology of such a product is complex and costly, only therefore such a type of toilet paper, no matter what manufacturer, will not be able to meet in the democratic price framework.

But if you do not want to acquire Aqua Soft at a price, or you do not have the opportunity, there is an output and it is described above. Just do not throw the used toilet paper in the toilet or relay. Collect it in a specially designated container, and in the subsequent just burn. It will definitely save your bed relaxes, and you are from unnecessary trouble on cleaning and repairing the device.

Biotage is beautiful and convenient, it is easy and compact, hygienic and does not spread odors. It can be used in the house and in the country, in the work room and car, on the street. The dry lad does not require connecting to sewerage and power grid. The toilet consists of two detachable tanks. Upper is a reservoir with water for a wash, equipped with a seat. Lower waste tank.

In the biotales there is a pressure waters valve during waste drain, which ensures the uniformity of the drain and prevents splashing. The valves in the dry contents are fixed and non-fixed (they need to be kept pressed during the drain process).

Waste, as a rule, it is necessary to drain into the sewage system, however, when using a liquid for the lower tank Aqua Kem Green can be used in the compost.

Liquids for the dry ladder boosting comfort from its use

For the bottom tank there are two types of special recyclars of Aqua Kem Blue and Aqua Kem Green. They destroy odors and processed the drains, turning them into a homogeneous mass with a medical and cosmetic smell. When using a liquid Aqua Kem Green, waste can be merged into compost. If it is possible to drain the drains into the sewer, it is recommended to use the economical disinfectant Aqua Kem Blue.

It is also recommended to add an aqua rinse flavoring agent to the water of the upper tank, it not only eliminates unpleasant odors, but also facilitates washing. One water is difficult to wash off solid waste, and thanks to this tool, it is possible to wash them off in one flush - only 120 ml of liquid, in some cases it is necessary to drain the water to 3 times.

All liquids for thetford beyatuettes are concentrated solutions, for example, one bottle of liquid Aqua Kem Blue or Aqua Kem Green, a volume of 1.5 liters grabs about 3 months of use for a family of 3 people.

Bathroom Cleaner's cleaning agent will help carelessly, which carefully and effectively purifies plastic without damaging it.

What toilet paper should be used in a dry

Toilet paper is not recommended to throw in a dry lad. It is better to establish a trash can next to it. If for some reason it is impossible to use a trash basket, then you can use a conventional toilet paper, but it will not undergo 100% decomposition, but thanks to a convenient tank drain system, you can empty it from paper residues. ThetFord company offers a special soft toilet Aqua Soft toilet paper, which is easily washed off and quickly dissolves in a waste tank, eliminating the possibility of clogging of the dry content.

How low temperatures affect the dry

Any liquid beyutel cannot be used at a minus temperature. At a minus temperature, there can only be stored in a completely dry form (it is necessary to disassemble and dry the pump). The material from which the relay is made can withstand temperatures up to - 45 degrees, so, for example, the country toilet does not need to be transported to the apartment, but you can safely leave the city outside the city.