How to feed the baby with breasts. An important element of proper growth and development is feeding newborns in the first days: suitable postures, power and useful tips with young mommies

Mammal females feed their cubs with their own milk, as they know that in this way provide their kids health and proper development. Since ancient times it happened that the woman also has the ability to feed her child to the breast. It is necessary to use this opportunity, since breast milk has several advantages over the same cow or goat. And no matter how much the scientists have begged on this problem, and no one managed to create a dairy mixture, which would accurately similar to maternal milk. Moreover, it is worth considering that each mommy has the taste of milk individual. This is due to what products the woman feeds itself. It is also desirable that the feeding process takes place correctly. On the rules of feeding will be said below.

Breast milk woman adapted to the body of the baby. It has the amount of fat content that can perceive the child's stomach. In addition, the breast milk includes useful vitamins and trace elements that cannot be recreated in laboratory conditions: Taurine, living cells, polyamines, hormones, carnitine, immune factors, fatty acids, biological age regulators and other useful substances. Each of the substances is performed by its unique function: the development of the nervous system, the formation of the retina of the eye, the provision of an intestinal acid environment and many other functions. That is why in the first days of the life of the baby Momchka should feed the child in that he gave her nature. In addition, breast milk increases the immunity of the baby, which makes it more susceptible to diseases than a newborn, which is feeding with various mixtures.

The composition of the breast milk changes with the age of a child, its state of health and mood of the karapuse. In addition, breastfeeding forms psycho-emotional relations between mother and child. It is the right maternal feeding that is a strong incentive in the process of becoming the child's mental functions. The breast milk is so unique in its composition that in case of feeding by the mother of two kids, each milk iron adjusts to the child who eats out of it.

Benefits of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding has its advantages over mixtures and milk of animal origin. Here is some of them:

  • prevention of intestinal infections and dysbacteriosis;
  • the key to the rapid physical development of the baby;
  • correction of biological ripening of crumbs;
  • the development of the nervous system, the intellect in the newborn;
  • maxillofacial skeleton is formed, speech, rumor;
  • mental communication of the mother and child is established.

Just like for a baby, for milf in breastfeeding there are plays:

  • installing an emotional connection with your baby;
  • prevention of oncological breast diseases;
  • ease of use: Always at hand, milk is adjusted for the mood and health of the child;
  • medicine for a newborn from some diseases: abdominal pain, painful in teeth, improving immunity.

Feeding rules

At the very first stage of breastfeeding, the newborn mother must first prepare her chest first.

The most important thing in the child's nutrition is sterility.

No matter how it seemed her pure mother her breasts, even a small number of microbes would not be in favor of the baby. Therefore, it was recommended twice a day to rinse the breast with soap (quite in the morning and in the evening), as well as before each feeding of the newborn, but without using soap. The towel must be special for wiping the chest, it must be changed regularly.

The second main condition is feeding at the request of a newborn. The child's desire can express in different ways: can open the mouth, turn his head, try to suck the handle or the thing for which he grasped. Momchka must be answered by these urges, applying a child to the chest. The fact is that before half a year, the newborn is unable to withstand different intervals of the time in feeding, and often the mother begin to feed when the child goes with a hungry cry. The skipping of some requirements of the baby in feeding is hampered by the development of its growth and the accumulation of the necessary mass. It is also necessary to abandon the frequent use of the nipple at the moments when there is no time to feed the newborn child. Frequent use of the nipple subsequently deforms the correct capture of the mother's nipple.

The following condition of proper feeding - Mother must be in a convenient position for it, so that when feeding did not fail the limb and there was an opportunity to keep a newborn near the breast over the entire time of food intake by the child.

After you need to get the baby to your hands. Child should turn face to chest. It is necessary to feed from the distance close enough so that the baby does not have to reach for meals. Head and torso are located on one straight line, keep the newborn needed with tenderness and accuracy, but at the same time quite tight. The nose of Baby, as a rule, is located on the same level with the nipple, the head is slightly turned to the side.

With properly organized feeding, the child needs to capture not only the nipple chest, but the halo around it. This will allow the mother to avoid additional cracks on the nipple and reduce pain. Therefore, if the child fails to capture the nipple, caring mommy will correctly insert the nipple in the mouth of the crumbs. It is enough just to spend several times the nipple around the noodles of the crumbs so that he opened his mouth sewing and captured the nipple with the halo.

Fingers need to hold the breast so that it does not overlap the breath of the baby.

The newborn, provided that it is to feed it correctly, must independently produce the nipple from the mouth. The sucking of milk must be unlimited, until the moment when the Karapuz does not feel in the body.

After taking the baby, the food needs to hold it in a horizontal position for about 10-15 minutes. This will allow the babies in the stomach during feeding air. After you need to put a newborn on the side, which will allow him to be unhindered unhindered, and will avoid getting into the respiratory tract of milk.

Sometimes breasts can harden from frequent feeding, and milk will end. Therefore, the mother should be improved after each feeding. If you do not carry out this procedure or postpone it for later, it may occur stagnation of milk, which is harmful to the mother, as problems with health and breast milk may occur, as it can turn into crystallized.

From time to time it happens that the baby, catching, that he is given the opportunity to suck the chest every time he opens the mouth, he can indulge and ask to eat almost every ten minutes. At the same time, he is satisfied with just a couple of minutes and immediately throws her nipple, or just falls asleep on the chest. In such cases, there is a need for a mother to show hardness and increase the intervals between applying. The kid will understand that it is impossible to indulge and will be wrong.

Breastfeed is comfortable enough and very useful for both mother and carapus. Therefore, a caring motley will do everything so that she has a lot of milk: it is easy to eat to keep the usefulness and taste of your natural meal for the baby, as well as comply with all the rules of breastfeeding.

Each mother wants to see his child healthy and from the first days of his life begins to give him all the most necessary. It is breast milk, which has the useful substances and microelements necessary for the growth and strengthening of the children's body.

However, in addition to the process of feeding, other factors are important - the correct care of the breasts, the convenience of the situation, stitching, the need for a detector, etc.

Learn all the nuances from our article: how to properly feed the newborn baby, feeding rules in breast milk and a mixture, features of nutrition in mixed feeding, as often and after which time to feed the baby (schedule and food intake for infants).

Natural feeding

In the first year breast milk is a vital food for infant. In order for this period only the joy of the baby and Mom, you should know about the basic feedback rules.

What does the amount of milk depend on mom

Affect the amount of milk can:

  • transferred stress;
  • insufficient sleep;
  • features Mom's nutrition;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • fatigue;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • lack of rest.
  • Breast sizes do not affect the amount of milk. Values \u200b\u200bdo not have a nipple form, nor kind of milk.

    Rules of breast feeding and breast care

    When feeding, there is only one rule - feeding should be carried out in a separate room where there is no one, except mom and baby.

    It doesn't matter what position will be taken during feeding - sitting, lying, standing; the main thing is complete relaxation and convenience..

    Separately, you need to talk about grinding and breast massage. These procedures should be carried out in the first 3-4 weeks after delivery. Then the flow of milk is normalized.

    Before complaining and massage, hands and breasts must be washed with soap. You should not use alcohol-containing agents.

    The usual baby soap is an excellent antiseptic. It is necessary to trace it so that the detergent does not remain on the chest after detergent procedures.

    Apply soap before each feeding is not recommended. The remedy can remove the fatty film that protects the dairy glands from outside exposure.

    Therefore, wash your chest is only 1 time per day. If necessary, sufficiently warm running water.

    Massage itself does not represent complexity. However, make sure that the glands are the same density. When detecting seals, massage is carried out in this area more intensively.

    The chest is supported by one hand from below. The second with the help of 4 fingers is to massage the milk gland with circular motions, starting with the ribs and moving towards the nipple. That hand that supports breasts from below should not be inactive - the technique is similar.

    At the place of the sealing of the movement do not enhance, only the duration of massage increases.

    Chairing - an important stage for a nursing mom. If you lose an excessive amount of milk, it will lead to the development of mastitis.

    So, only two fingers should participate in the dressing - index and big. It is important to pressed not on the nipple, but on the gland fabric. The most effective method of complaining is the use of breastsos.

    Many of the difficulties associated with natural feeding are concluded in the appearance of cracks and abrasions on the nipples. These phenomena arise from:

    • child activity;
    • mother's skin features;
    • insufficient hygiene.

    Preventive measures must be respected. This includes:

    • the nipple after feeding should always be dry (for this we rinse it sterile marks);
    • chest clean;
    • nursing mom should not wear underwear with synthetic content - only cotton;
    • the child must capture the near-slip area (halo), and not the nipple;
    • if a crack was found - treatment is starting immediately;
    • mom's nails must be short (so as not to scatter during pressure);
    • do not hold a child near the breast for more than 20 minutes;
    • it is impossible to bring the baby to such an extent of hunger so that it flies on the chest;
    • perform massage and stitching;
    • if possible, keep the chest open.

    For processing of abrasion and cracks, vitamin A is used on an oily basis (sold in pharmacies), "Bepanten", sea buckthorn oil, special aerosols (without antibiotics).

    With the appearance of suppuration, you should urgently consult a doctor.

    Power on the clock or on demand

    After how many hours do you need to feed the newborn baby with breast milk?

    There are two variants of natural feeding - Feeding by the clock and on demand. Both options are equally relevant and acceptable.

    Feeding by the hour is carried out strictly at a certain time every 3 hours. At night there is a break - 6 hours.

    This mode is preserved up to 2 months. Then the interval between feeding increases to 3.5 hours, and at night - up to 7 hours.

    The advantage of the method is the child's teaching discipline from early childhood. Otherwise, such a method is a radical choice by mom, since not all children agree with the regime.

    Feeding on demand is the most popular choice among modern parents.

    After birth, the child is experiencing the strongest stress, and the only effective way to get rid of it is a physical contact with mom. Therefore, it is so important to apply a baby to the chest when he wants it. After all, sucking is not only the process of food intake, but also the effective method of soothing for a child.

    This method is a highly efficient means of maintaining lactation.

    However, frequent feeding will not allow mom to do homemade things, so applying a baby to the breast should not at first signs of anxiety, smacking with lips, groove, no food, and then when the baby really needs food - 1 time at 2 o'clock with a 20-minute feeding duration .

    A few words about breastfeeding mode and how to feed the newborn baby to breast milk, Dr. Komarovsky will tell:

    Which option to choose

    The main rule is a healthy child knows when he needs food. It is not necessary to wake him up only because he, according to Mom, it's time to eat. Exceptions - such cases:

    • if my mother should urgently leave;
    • children who are little weigh.

    The optimal gap between feeding in children up to 1 month is 2-3 hours. Next, the baby himself will gradually increase it as they grow and developed.

    An important condition is applying only to one breast for one feeding. This rule is irrelevant if the baby was not flooded or cracks were formed on the nipples.

    Watch the baby to carry out swallowing movements during applying, and not sucking. If you do not stop his desire to "hang" on your mother's chest in time, then in the future it will be enough to wean him from a loved business.

    Baby feed from a bottle

    Bottle feeding from a bottle is different from applying to mother breast. In the latter case, it itself determines the volume of milk and the duration of the power supply. Due to this, the production of milk is adjusted to the needs of the kid and changes as it is height.

    Baby breastfeeding, if mom is not near, can be different. This situation is justified due to the impossibility of mother to apply the baby to the chest (severe pain, urgent departure, etc.).

    Then it is allowed to feed from a bottle with a nipple. Today, this method is in demand for artificial and mixed feeding or in case the moms are not near.

    The advantage of the nipple is the safest and natural process of food absorption.

    However, sucking from the bottle and the mother breast have significant differences. In the first case, the baby applies less effort. Therefore, after acquaintance with a bottle, many infants refuse her mother's chest.

    Alternative - a choice of special nipples.

    • With the slope of the bottle of the nipple, milk drops should not be released.
    • When pressed on a wide area, the nipple should go.

    Remember the bottle care. It is necessary to rinse regularly and rinse children's tanks with boiling water.

    Enchant breast milk is allowed to freeze. This will allow you to preserve all vitamins and useful trace elements, and the newborn will not remain hungry if the mother drove off. Mix milk after several plugs is not recommended. Frozen liquid is stored for no more than 2 months.

    What to do if there is no lactation

    How to feed the newborn baby, if there is no milk? Often in medical practice there are cases when mom is not enough milk For full-fledged baby. Fix the situation can additionally adopted measures agreed with the doctor.

    • Mom must drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
    • Apply the crumb in the first days of his life as much as possible.
    • Do not replace the maternal milk by other liquids.
    • Night attachment - the underlying condition for good lactation.
    • Mom's proper nutrition is also important.

    10-15 minutes before feeding mom you need to drink a glass of warm sweet tea with milk or compote from dried fruits.

    No stress and experiences: with emotional disorders, lactation deteriorates in women.

    Why can not grapes with breastfeeding? Answers to questions about nutrition of nursing mothers will be able to.

    Introduction of a mixture in the infant ration

    If despite all the efforts of milk mom still grabs, then the will will have to use additional nutrition - go to mixed feeding. In the event of a complete translation for dairy mixes, you can talk about artificial nutrition.

    What to give

    The baby should receive food, as close as possible in composition to breast milk. Such products are mixtures.

    All mixtures are divided into 3 groups:

    • partially adapted (children after a year);
    • less adapted (after 6 months);
    • maximum adapted (up to 6 months).

    The best will be a mixture, on the packaging of which indicated: "It is intended for feeding children from the moment of birth to 1 year."

    Do not often change baby food, because the crumbs can develop unpleasant reactions in the form of diarrhea, frequent joining, allergic rashes, etc.

    It is necessary to switch to another mixture in case:

    • if the baby does not gain weight;
    • if he has frequent constipation.

    It is unacceptable as a detector (full feed) to give a divorced cow's milk. This can lead to irreversible consequences.

    The product has no useful minerals and vitamins that are contained in an adapted mixture or maternal milk.

    Mixed feeding rules

    • First give the chest, then the mixture.
    • Only one feed can be replaced with a mixture.

    You need to enter the product gradually, starting with a small amount. The temperature of the mixture should not exceed the temperature of the child's body temperature. Dilute the product is only needed with boiled water.

    Here is another interesting video with Evgeny Komarovsky, from which you will learn about the mode of feeding a newborn, whether it is necessary to feed it at night and how many times you can do it:

    Watch feedings and dosage

    How to feed the newborn baby with a mixture and do you need to do it in time?

    With artificial feeding in the first months of life, 6-7-time meals are recommended. With an interval of 3-3.5 hours.

    At night, 6-hour interval should be made. It is important to take into account the necessary volume, which is calculated depending on age and weight.

    So, for the first half of life, the baby requires 115 kcal per 1 kg, after 6 months - 110 kcal.

    The daily volume of food, the necessary crumb with normal weight indicators, is:

    • from 7 days to 2 months - 1/5 body weight;
    • from 2 to 4 - 1/6 body weight;
    • from 6 to 12 months - 1/8.

    Enter a new mixture on the following graphics:

    • 1 day - 10 ml 1 time per day;
    • 2 day - 10 ml 3 times a day;
    • 3 day - 20 ml 3 times a day;
    • 4 day - 50 ml 5 times a day;
    • 5 day - 100 ml 4 times a day;
    • 6 day - 150 ml 4 times a day.

    Start Prikorma

    Learn to distinguish between the "lore" and "discounts". In the first situation, the kid receives extra food to prepare for adulthood and food. In the second - it is reckoned in the case of lack of milk with mixtures.

    Prapport is introduced at the age of 6 months - with breastfeeding and in 5 - with artificial nutrition. Prior to this period, in addition to maternal milk, mixtures and water, can not be given.

    Start gradually and with caution. For the first time, it is necessary to give half a teaspoon of dust, and then pepper with milk or mixture. "Sample" is possible before the second feeding, in 9-11 in the morning.

    Assess the child's reaction to a new product. If the rash, irritation, anxiety, constipation (diarrhea) did not find it, then the next day you can give 2 times more.

    In no case should not enter an unfamiliar product during the disease or after vaccination. If any reaction occurred, the beginning of the feeding is postponed for 1-2 weeks.

    Do not force a child. Perhaps the baby is not ready for a new stage in life.

    Find out on our website detailed instructions for applying for newborns! Tell how the drug is acting, what are the indications for its use.

    And how to give infant drug Espumizan Baby? You will learn how effective is the means against discomfort in the abdomen of the smallest!

    Gathered reviews about the dry mixture of the baby and the composition of this product.

    Where to start to roam

    Start better with vegetablesThis is a zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli. Any vegetable is thoroughly washed and cooked (in a double boiler or in a conventional saucepan). Then grind the blender.

    On the first day - half of the teaspoon. Then the dose increases 2 times every day and is communicated to the norm.

    If there are no extraneous reactions to a new product, after 4 days you can try another vegetable, and then prepare puree from previously offered products. After 10 days, one eating of dairy food must be completely replaced.

    For 7 months you can offer porridge. It is necessary to do this at the very last reception - before night bed. To start, the baby should be introduced with buckwheat, rice and oatmeal, then gradually expand the diet.

    Use special children's cereals intended for 7 months of age. Giving a manna porridge at this age is not recommended due to the presence of gluten in it.

    For 8 months, two feedings are already replaced. Now you can introduce a child with fermented milk products - kefir. At the 4th day, offer low-fat cottage cheese.

    Fruits in oblivion are introduced when the baby will seem the first tooth. The first is an apple. It is not recommended to fully replace feeding fruit. They are given in addition to the main nutrition.

    Meat is introduced at 9 months of age, and fish - at 10 months. In the diet, you can add half the yolk and vegetable oil. From 10 months already preparing soup on meat, fish broth, which is added to the bread ball. The introduction of vegetable oil and cookies is allowed.

    By one-year-old age, all 5 feedings must be completely replaced. Although some moms still apply a child to the chest at night.

    Water is necessarily introduced into the diet. Its temperature should correspond to the body temperature of the kid.

    The main thing during breastfeeding is to eat well. Prohibited during this period:

    • drink alcoholic beverages;
    • there is a spicy, salty, sharp food.


    • exclude from the diet cow's milk, peas, beans, white cabbage;
    • limit the use of caffeine, chocolate;
    • exclude fast food and semi-finished products.

    During the feeding period, stress should be avoided, stick to the sleep and recreation.

    From this video lesson, you will learn a lot of useful information about the poses with breastfeeding newborn, about how to properly feed the baby in the sitting position and lying on the side, in which posture it will be better for you and your child:

    In contact with

    Full balanced nutrition - a prerequisite for the normal development of all organs and infant systems. It is important that children receive daily a certain amount of macronutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), minerals and vitamins. Thanks to this, they will grow healthy, cheerful and intelligent. How to properly organize the feeding of children up to a year? We will understand this issue that is interested in all conscious parents.

    Types of food children up to year

    Three types of feeding children up to the year are distinguished: natural, artificial and mixed. For each of them, its power is characterized. Consider the features of different types of menu of newborns. General schemes are given for healthy infants. In case of violations of the food consumption rate, the doctor sets.

    Natural feeding

    A child on natural feeding from 0 to 6 months only receives maternal milk. According to WHO's recommendations, after this age, solid food is gradually introduced in its diet (luch). The proportion of breast milk in daily food is reduced, but remains high. Famous Children's Doctor E.O. Komarovsky insists that the introduction of dust in an earlier period is inappropriate.

    With natural feeding, most specialists recommend feeding the baby freely, that is, at his request. This approach allows you to maintain lactation at the required level. After 2-3 months, even in case of free feeding, a flexible newborn food schedule is established: the meals occur with the interval of 2-2.5 hours.

    Artificial feeding

    In case of artificial feeding, the child receives an adapted milk mixture. It may be breastfed in its menu, but in small quantities - up to 20% of the total food.

    Artificial feeding requires compliance with a clear safety schedule with certain intervals between trapes. E.O. Komarovsky reminds that they need to withstand, as the mixture is digested slower than maternal milk.

    Mixed feeding

    The need for mixed feeding occurs when the mother has breast milk produced, but it is not enough for a child. The lack is compensated by artificial blends.

    The proportion of maternal milk with mixed feeding - more than 20% of the daily diet. Feeding mode with this type of nutrition depends on the lactation level of the mother. If the base of the diet is breast milk, then the schedule is approaching free. In the case of a predominance of a mixture, feeding occurs by the hour.

    How to calculate the amount of food required?

    The first 7-10 days

    The calculation of the daily volume of the mixture or breast milk for children in the first 7-10 days of life is carried out by one of two ways:

    1. Formula Zaitseva. It is necessary to multiply the body weight of the child at birth on the number of days of his life and find from this number 2%. As a result, it will be necessary for the amount of food per day.
    2. Fininklestein formula. To determine the daily amount of milk or mixture for a child weighing less than 3.2 kg, you should multiply its age in days by 70. If the weight of the crumbs is less than 3.2 kg, you need to find a product of the number of his days of life and 80.

    Regardless of the formula used, the resulting daily volume is required to be divided into the number of feedings. So you can find out the amount of milk or mixture sufficient for one meal.

    Older 7-10 days

    To calculate the nutritional volume of a newborn older than 7-10 days to 12 months, the Geibener and Furnace technique applies or volumetric. The method of geibener and mobile allows you to find the required total amount of fluid per day, including mixtures, milk, water, juice, tea, and so on. It takes into account the weight of the child and its age. The main recommendations are presented in the table.

    For example, a kid in 3 months weighs 5.2 kg. On a day it needs 5200 ÷ 6 \u003d 867 ml of milk or mixture. This indicator should be divided into the amount of trapes. The total volume of fluid should not exceed 1 l in 24 hours.

    In modern conditions, the methods for Geibenere and Mobile are rarely applied, as it is not designed for children with an increased weight of the body, which is recently born more and more. A more rational is the volumetric method.

    Food consumption rates depending on the age of the child are shown in the table.

    Introduction Prikorma

    There are special Instructions for WHO, which contain information about the sequence of introduction into the diet of the first year of the life of solid food. Recommendations broken down by months are presented below.

    Kashi need to be boiled on the water. Starting from 6 months in mashed potatoes and porridges should be added vegetable oil. The first time it is recommended to limit 1 drops, gradually bringing up to 1 teaspoon. Creamy oil is introduced into the diet of 7 months. The initial dose is 1 g, the average - 10 g. It is desirable to add it to the finished porridge.

    The diagram of the supplies is relevant for children on natural feeding. If the child gets a mixture, then hard food can be introduced from 5 months, as its body needs vitamins and minerals for normal development. The same table is used, but all the lines are shifted for a month.

    Detailed information on how to feed the kid by "adults" products can be found from the table. All recommendations are common. Before entering, the feeding should be consulted with a pediatrician.

    ProductTimenumberDishes to start dust
    VegetablesWith a normal or overweight body with 6 (sometimes from 5-5.5) months.Mashed out of 1 vegetable white or green.
    Kashi.With a normal or overweight body from 6 -7 months. If the weight is insufficient, then entered from 4-5 months.Initial - ½ teaspoon. Maximum - 100-200 gCeres without gluten cooked on water - buckwheat, rice, corn, oatmeal. After entering each porridge separately, you can cook the mixes of cereals.
    Vegetable oil6 monthsInitial - 3-5 drops. Maximum - 1 teaspoon.Sunflower, corn, olive oil. They should be added in a puree of vegetables or meat.
    Butter7 Initial - 1/3 teaspoon. Maximum - 10-20 gHigh-quality butter without plant components It is necessary to add to vegetable purees and porridge.
    Fruits8 Initial - ½ teaspoon. Maximum - 100-200 gMounofiure from non-timing fruits. Gradually, you can make multicomponent dishes.
    Meat8 Initial - ½ teaspoon. Maximum - 50-100 gPuree from one component - rabbit, turkey, veal, beef.
    Yolk8 Initial - 1/4 teaspoon. Maximum - ½ yolk chicken eggs.It is necessary to weld the egg and add the crushed yolk in the puree or porridge.
    Dairy products*9 Initial - ½ teaspoon. Maximum - 150-200 g.Children's yogurt, kefir or biolat. After 10 months, you can enter products with fillers (we recommend reading :).
    Cottage cheese*9 Initial - ½ teaspoon. Maximum - 50 g.Children's cottage cheese in its pure form. From 10 months it is worth completing the fruit puree.
    Children's cookie9-10 Initial - 1/3 cookies. Maximum - 5 pieces.
    A fishThe average administration term is 10 months (we recommend reading :). If a child has a tendency to allergies - 1 year.Initial - ½ teaspoon. Maximum - 60 g. Kinder kid fish costs 1-2 times a week.Low-fat varieties of fish - perch river, heck, cod. It should be boiled or cook for a pair, and then turn into a puree.
    Juices10-12 Initial - 2-3 drops. Maximum - 100 ml.Lighted juices from green and white fruit.

    * Note that the approach of Dr. E.O. Komarovsky relative to the dust differs from the WHO recommendations. It offers to begin acquaintance with adult food with the help of source - kefir and cottage cheese.

    The new product must be given to the baby in the morning. The quantity is recommended to increase very slowly, gradually bringing to the age rate and tracking the reaction of the child's body. A week, Chado is to acquaint with one new dish. If an allergy arose or a gastrointestinal failure fails, the product needs to be removed from the menu.

    Food after a year

    The child's menu after 12 months includes all major product groups. It no longer needs breast milk as food, so many moms decide on stopping lactation. However, it contains valuable substances for the baby, and the reasons for continuing natural feeding remain.

    Lactation can be saved, even if the mother goes to work. The frequency of applying to the chest will decrease, but the baby will receive valuable elements. If there is a need to stop lactation, doctors advise not to do this during the child's disease, when his body is weakened, as well as in summer, since at this time the likelihood of infection with intestinal infection is high.

    Power Crooka in 1 year does not differ from its menu at 11 months, but slightly increase portions (we recommend reading :). For breakfast and afternooner it should be fed a porridge or puree from vegetables. Dinner and lunch must be satisfying. For dessert, it is possible to offer marmalade, marshmallow, grazing, and as drinking water, tea, kissel, compote or morse.

    Soon they will end 9 months in anticipation of a miracle, and completely even crumb will become a full member of society. In front of the parents (more, of course, mom), difficult tasks will be made to decide - to ensure the baby full physical and mental development.

    Young parents, "not sniffing powder", are lost before surpassed new problems and concerns that seek insurmountable. As we have all the favorite character from the famous cartoon, Carlson: "Calm, only calm." The best thing that the female body can give after the birth of the newborn baby is breast milk.

    This very simple process is predetermined by nature itself. In maternal milk contains all important food and immunological components that protect the baby from various infections and contribute to the proper intestinal operation.

    Mom's organism is preparing for the process of feeding throughout the entire pregnancy, producing the necessary hormones and making the "stocks" of subcutaneous fat. Also, the dairy glands are prepared, increasing in size due to the growth of iron tissue.

    The lactation process is triggered by childbirth, And the woman remains only in time to feed the newborn baby, making every effort to keep breastfeeding as soon as possible.

    First applying

    The first applying to the chest is very important for the baby and mom

    After passing the child of the tricky ways in the first few minutes, he comes the state of relaxation.

    After 20-30 minutes, he is animated and wants to suck. The best thing is to give him to suck the chest as soon as he wanted it.

    That is, the first applying to the chest is advisable to spend immediately as soon as, giving birth to a placenta, my mother was taken out of Rodzala.

    The baby should offer first suck one breast, and then the second. If such an opportunity does not appear after childbirth, it should be done immediately as soon as a happy mother's reunification will occur with the baby.

    The first applying to the chest is very important as for a babySince it helps him recover after transferred stress and for mom, which it helps to successfully establish lactation.

    Thanks to sucking, the uterus is effectively declining, and the hormonal balance is also restored, What helps reduce the risk of postpartum complications.

    The first milk of mom is colostrum, the most complete nutrition for the newborn. It prepares the body of a newborn to life in new conditions, to a new way to eat food, different from when the child received food, being in the womb.

    Very caloric colostrum is very thick and adhesive liquid, saturated with proteins, vitamins, minerals and protective antibodies.

    The colostrum "lubricates" the intestinal walls, making it invulnerable to pathogenic bacteria. It gives a strong immune defense of the newborn organism, creating favorable conditions for further growth and development.

    Mosjoy does not load neither the gastrointestinal tract of the baby, nor his kidney, Which are unable to recycle large amounts of food at first. In addition, due to the large content of magnesium salts, which possess a relaxing effect, the intestine of the newborn is easier and faster than the original feces - Mekonia.

    A very nutritious colosure of a newborn is necessary, from 2 to 15-20 ml for one feeding. A completely small baby stomach, comparable in size with a large pearl, allows the baby to suck a little milk milk for one reception. therefore it is necessary to make the baby as often as possible to the chest.

    The kids in the first month of life are sleeping for 20-22 hours a day, so moms do not understand how to feed the newborn baby if he does not wake. It is enough to attach a baby to the chest, and he will even start looking for a nipple, and will soon get down to him. Nature took care of everything.

    Feeding after cesarean sections

    Some moms who give birth with cesarean sections are afraid that they will not be able to breastfeed. It used to be believed that surgery does not leave any chances for breastfeeding. Modern medicine is united: this is a myth.

    The amount of milk does not depend on the method of the delivery, but only from the desire and perseverance of Mom to establish lactation.

    As a rule, in the process of operation, preparations compatible with breastfeeding are used. You can attach the baby to the chest, as soon as the mother comes to itself after anesthesia. It is possible for 3 hours after surgery.

    It is worth knowing that newborn baby can take the breast reluctantly or not to take at allEspecially if the feminine was injected with painkillers or the baby fed the milk mixture before bringing the mother. The same situation is observed after vaginal genera with medication intervention.

    Patience and sequence of applying chest helps to quickly improve active sucking, as well as ensure mom's timely arrival of milk and its sufficient amount in the future.

    Very effective in such situations to apply method of contact of the naked mother's skin to the same baby's skin. At the same time, it is possible to stimulate the sucking activity of the newborn, carefully rubbing his back and heel, removing the pre-diaper.

    How many times do you need to feed the newborn baby?

    Breastfeeding on demand is useful for both baby and mom

    Between mom and newborns after childbirth, close relationship is being established. Breastfeeding helps them learn to communicate and recover after delivery.

    Therefore here important feeding on demand. But not only for the baby, but also for mom.

    After all, sucking the baby's chest helps and to establish lactation and avoid milk stoles, which often becomes the cause of inflammatory diseases of the mammary glands.

    The number of prolactin receptors in the breast, responsible for the volume of milk produced, is directly depending on how efficiently (correctly) and often the child sucks the chest.

    The sooner and more active, he began to "mission", the more the dairy glands will be able to produce milk in the future.

    The first time the kid can be applied to the chest quite often - every 15-30 minutes, And also sleep with her mouth, suckling. With the help of sucking, the baby receives not only meals, but also calms down, compensating for generic stress and satisfying the need for sucking.

    The colostrum is replaced by 3-5 days after childbirth, the so-called "transitional" milk.

    For successful lactation, it is important that the baby suck chest at least 7-12 times a day, well devastating every chest.

    At this age, each feeding baby requires at least 20-30 minutes. Help your mother's help is useful, which will make commitments on cleaning at home, cooking delicious and useful dishes for mom, will help to care for the baby, while mom will often leave for a long time to resign for the "sacrament of feeding".

    Will it be not enough?

    Often, moms cannot independently understand whether they felt the newborn and whether he is enough milk.

    Slim: a small loss of body weight to the baby in the first days after delivery - A normal phenomenon having even a medical term is "the physiological loss of body weight in a newborn."

    This condition characteristic of 2-5 days is a stress response. Children can lose up to 10% of their body weight, but, as a rule, only 5-8%.

    To understand whether everything is in order, you can and without consultation with a pediatrician. It is enough to leave the baby without a diaper and watch the amount of its urination during the day.

    In the first 1-2 days, the kid pisses at least 1-2 times a day, after 3-4 days of life - over 5-6 times. So that if the baby has already cleaned the diaper for more than 8 times, then it is enough for himAnd he does not need a doctor.

    If the amount of urination is less, then mom should pay attention to the volume of milk produced. At first, you can try to apply the baby to the chest more often for 1-2 days.

    Recall that the baby must capture not only the nipple when feeding the breasts, but the area around.

    Also increase milk production possible with certain medicines (for example, the homeopathic drug "Malemoin", pills based on bee uterine milk "Apilak", teas to increase lactation "Laktovit", as well as TM "Hipp", "Babushkino Lukoshko", etc.) and plants (dill, cumin, carrots ), Using them in the form of herbal drinks, teas and juice.

    How to avoid similar problems? We offer to familiarize yourself about the nutrition of a nursing mother.

    All about the first baby's babes with breastfeeding Read

    ATTENTION Mama! Recipes of drinks that improve lactation

    Tminate drink

    Herbal drinks, teas and juices will help improve lactation

    1 lemon of the average value, 100 g of sugar and 15 g of cumin seeds are required. All ingredients are poured 1 l hot water and boil on low heat for 7-10 minutes. Then the decoction is fastened and drinks on ½ cup 2-3 times a day.

    Infusion of droop seeds

    Needed 1 tbsp. Seed dill. It is poured with 1 cup of hot water and insist 2 hours in the thermos. Sheats with small sips 2 times a day by ½ cup.

    Carrot juice

    It is important that the kid has no allergic predisposition to this vegetable.
    From carrots it is necessary to squeeze juice, and then drinking ½ cup 2-3 times a day, be sure to pre-dilute with water in proportions 1: 1. To improve taste, it is possible to replace water for a small amount of cream or milk.

    Milk with tmin

    I needed 1 tsp. Cumin seeds, 1 cup of milk. The cumin is poured with 1 cup of boiling milk and allowed for 15 minutes. Then drink small sips throughout the day.

    In case, with all the efforts of mom, the baby sucks the breast is inactive, the sluggish, sleepy, loses in weight or absolutely does not gain it, then the pediatrician can register with the doctors.

    In no case can not give a mixture of a bottle.
    An alternative way is to give discounts from a small cup, spoons, a syringe (without a needle!), Pipettes. This will help prevent overeating from the baby, and also does not prevent his desire and ability to suck the chest.

    If natural feeding is impossible for various reasons, you will have to feed the newborn adapted mixture.

    Meet the baby with the mixture should be carefully followed by his reaction. If the acquaintance with the new food has passed successfully, then within 5 days it is necessary to increase one-time volume to the required norm.

    Strict graph

    With artificial feeding, you need to calculate the volume of food and stick to a certain feed mode

    With artificial feeding speech about feeding on demand and can not be. We'll have to count almost in minutes.

    Optimal option - feed the newborn baby 6-7 times a day every 3-3.5 hours with a break of 6-6.5 hours at night.

    If the baby sleeps in the afternoon for more than 4 hours, then it needs to be a little activated and feed, otherwise the Krochi mode will be delivered to mom's mass of inconvenience: there is a "walking" it will be at night, and to sleep during the day.

    With a bad appetite, newborn moms can adhere to the principle of free feeding, when 1-2 times a day, the baby feeds exclusively at the same time, and in the rest - at wisdom.

    But in this case, you need to ensure that the baby "performed" the daily rate for food. To do this, it is enough to purchase or take on the rental scales for children from 0 months and periodically weigh the child after meals.

    Loyal calculation

    With artificial feeding, it is necessary to determine the amount of food.

    In the first two months, the amount of the mixture per day should be 1/5 part of the body weight of the child. From 2 to 4 months, the amount of the mixture should be 1/6 from the weight of the baby, from 4 to 6 months - 1/7, after 6 months of age - only 1/9.

    Make an individual calculation easily.

    For instance, The kid aged 1 week weighs 3 kg 500 gr. It means that its weight 3.500 should be divided by 5. Total: 700 grams.

    To determine how many kids should be given to the finished mixture at one time, It is enough to divide the daily volume of the mixture to the amount of feedings. So, 700 grams: 7 feedings. Total: 100 grams of the finished mixture is necessary for one meal.

    Formula 1

    Daily mixture volume \u003d newborn body weight: 5.

    Formula 2.

    The volume of the mixture per reception \u003d the daily volume of the mixture: the amount of feedings.

    Many pediatricians are united in the opinion that the kids-artificials need to be a doggy, which can be offered to crumbs only after feeding. And it is impossible to do this in the infants.

    Mother's milk is capable of quenching and thirst for the baby, and his hunger. At first, the mother produces "light" milk, and then produced by the so-called "rear" milk, which is very calorie and nutritional. Excessive water in infants in the digestive tract can cause constipation.

    We hope our article helped young mammies to figure out how much it is still correct to feed the newborn baby.

    And the proposed video will tell about how to properly apply a newborn baby to the chest to make breastfeeding pleasant for you and your baby.

    In contact with

    In Soviet times, the rules for breastfeeding established medicine. Young mothers were taught in advance that before feeding it is necessary to wash the chest, preferably boiled water, after feeding it is necessary to grind milk to the empty breast. Fed the baby was supposed to be strictly at certain hours, not paying attention to what the child was crying or sleeping. All these moments turned the care of a baby in flour. Now these rules are revised.

    Previously, young mommies advised to feed children strictly in time, even if the baby did not fit such a schedule

    The World Health Organization (WHO) only at the beginning of this century made a statement that only mother milk is absolutely harmless for the child. This thesis is very relevant, despite the development of medicine. Breast milk forms a child's immunity, contributes to the development of the brain and the nervous system.

    Thanks to WHO, the medical staff in the maternity hospital was changed. Doctors, consultants and nurses began to train breastfeeding techniques. The child began to give mothers in the first half an hour after childbirth, plus, mother and baby in the maternity hospital lie in the same ward. After childbirth, a woman can appeal for information to the staff, but some tips of mothers should be read in advance.

    When breastfeeding is assumed, experts give advice to a nursing mother for all the issues exciting. The most important advice is to stop worrying. There are women who have a lot of milk, there are some of them. In the second case, it is necessary to apply methods for increasing the amount of milk produced. How to do it will be described below. Laptopes and cracks on nipples appear far from always. If they still appeared, they should be just cured.

    Even if the milk is not enough, you should not hurry with the discount - it is almost always possible to increase lactation

    Even during pregnancy, it is necessary to tune in to breastfeeding, enjoying these thoughts. Imagine how a baby lies with your hands, touches you with small handles, takes into the mouth of the nipple. Talk to other mothers who are breastfeeding. Read the special literature. Look at the transfer of Dr. Komarovsky. Remember that only 3% of women cannot fade in the baby. The rest you just want to want, and everything will be fine. No reasons are unfavorable heredity, the anatomical features of the breast structure, the disease are not the reason for the failure of feeding.

    How to increase the amount of breast milk?

    The first moment is the choice of the maternity hospital. It is necessary to choose such an institution in which mommies are immediately put on the belly and the baby's chest.

    The body of a woman during contact with the newborn launches the lactation mechanism. While a woman is not produced by milk, and colostrum is very useful for the baby product. It transmits immunity from mother to baby, contains vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

    Woman after childbirth is experiencing nervous tension. She is worried about the child, thinks that the colostrum is too little to feed the crumb. This is not true. The substances contained in the colostrum are quite enough to satisfy baby requests in all useful substances. In no case begin to request a newborn dairy mixture, otherwise it will get used to easily get food from the nipple and refuses to suck the chest. Milk will come in 2-3 days. Do not torfer events.

    One of the effective ways to improve lactation is the use of natural composition preparations based on uterine milk bees. For example, the drug Apilak Grindex, which contains 10 mg of natural uterine milk, will provide the body with all the necessary vitamins and macro- and microelements to maintain life tone and integrated body assistance. It contains the same valuables as in breast milk: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, a group of vitamins (A, C, B1, B2 B3, B5 B6, B12, E, K, folic acid), macro and microelements (calcium , iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, sodium, potassium).
    The drug Apilak Grindex clinically proved its effectiveness in the treatment of hypoglactics, gently stimulating the secretion of milk in women suffering from this problem.

    What rules to observe?

    Old views on the sterility of the maternal nipple are currently revised. Moreover, modern doctors believe that wash breasts with soap or gel can not be. Nipples are very gentle and can crack from soap, which dries the skin. Think about the smell - the baby learns mom by smell, and if it will smell the same soap that the rest, he will not recognize her, worries and can give up his chest. The breast makes sense to wash no more than 2 times a day with warm water without soap.

    The use of greencraft and other disinfectants for nipple lubrication can lead to cutting skin and cracks on the nipples. Nipples are covered with natural lubricant protecting them from external influences. Do not wash it off with soap solution.

    If you fed the child, and he cried in 1-2 hours, let him chest again. Perhaps he was not fully founded last time. It is necessary to feed the baby on his first requirement, and not to withstand the schedule. The kid, of course, can cry and for another reason is a wet diaper, a tummy hurts or something else, but hunger is the most common cause of crying.

    Do not interrupt the familiar and familiar baby Fragrance Mamina Breast with a sharp smell of soap or shower gel

    How often feed kid?

    Baby sucking breasts in different ways, depending on force and character. There are children who suck actively and quickly eat. Other sucking the chest slowly, periodically resting. The first days woman feeds the baby very often. Gradually produces mode - food intake every 1.5-2 hours. To such regime, the mother and child should come themselves, without a violent restriction of the number of feedings.

    No need to tear the baby from the chest, when it seems to you that he is fed. At first, the kids are very often sucking mom also because feeding is a way to communicate with the closest person. During the sucking of the chest, it calms down and can fall asleep.

    No need to teach a newborn to a pacifier. It is convenient to give him a pacifier on the street to not go home and do not breastfeed. This habit, however, does not contribute to the strengthening of lactation, in contrast to the sucking of the chest. The more baby sucks breasts with nursing, the more lactation is stimulated. When part of the feedings is replaced with a dummy, the milk has a gradually disappearing. The psychological connection between the baby and the mother is also present only during breastfeeding. The dummy of such a connection does not install.

    Dummy is rather an emergency measure than a panacea, so it is necessary to use it extremely rare

    When is it necessary to plumb?

    If the mother observes the above rules, it is not necessary to grind breasts. Previously, when mom fed a baby by a clock, the chest was overwhelmed with unclaimed milk. He had to push it. When the newborn gets the chest on the first requirement, the excess of milk does not remain. The baby, as it were, makes an order for a certain amount of milk - how much it will eat this time, the same will arrive in the next one. When impropering after feeding, the next time the milk will come more than the crumb to eat. This can lead to lactation.

    Charming leads to another trouble. The chest removes thick milk, which contains lactase. This enzyme breaks sugar, which is present in the Mother's liquid milk. When feeding, the baby will receive a liquid part of milk with a large amount of sugar. This sugar will fall into the intestine, from which a chair can upset. When there is a need to join:

    1. Mother gets out of the house for a long time, feed the newborn to another relative with a bottle milk (we recommend reading :). For this, the mother in advance is breast milk.
    2. A woman has too much milk and a breast hardens. There is a danger of mastitis.
    3. Lactation is reduced, mother is unable to provide a child with milk. This happens when the kid feels bad and he has little effort to actively suck mom.
    4. Due to the disease of the woman, treatment was required for the toddler drugs. In this case, it is frozen to keep the lactation before mom's recovery.

    Pies for feeding

    How often do you need to change the chest with breastfeeding? It must be done no more than 1 time at 2 o'clock. Only with such tactics, the baby will receive both types of milk - liquid and thick.

    In order for milk to be found, it is necessary to change the position of the child during feeding. Practice says that the baby's chin is resting, and milk comes from there. Changing poses - excellent prevention of mastitis.

    When applying to the chest, pay attention to the scope of the nipple by the baby. He must take in his mouth not only the nipple itself, but also the area around him - AREOLU. His sponges will be turned out to be turned out - with such a seizure, feeding will be successfully. If you did not follow the seizure of the nipple, the baby is increasingly loaded and the tummy grinds.

    The problem of the proper seizure of the nipple can affect the baby's set - it will absorb less milk, and its weight will mark up from the age norm. At the doctor in the clinic sometimes there is no time or desire to think about the right seizure of the nipple, it will write to you with a milk mixture with you, and this will lead to a decrease in lactation.

    Take the baby in your arms and bring it to the chest. Insert the nipple deep to him in the mouth, firmly press the child. In this position, the baby does not heat up the air, he will be comfortable.

    There are many poses for feeding, but in each of them the child must capture the area of \u200b\u200bthe Area completely

    Is the baby fuss?

    How to find out if milk baby grabs? It will help the method of wet diapers. In the first days after birth, the baby writes 5-6 times a day. Gradually, this number increases to 20-25 per day. If your child pisses less than 6 times a day, it lacks fluid. In this case, you need to turn to the district pediatrician to avoid dehydration of the body of a small little man.

    Give water crumb?

    Do I need to dope the baby? If the child is on breastfeeding, it does not need to be disappeared. Milk consists of 80% water. It is inhomogeneously in its structure. At the beginning of the sucking of the chest, the kid drinks a liquid part of milk driving. Then the milk is more dense, which serves as food. These 2 types of milk fully satisfy the needs of the kid in food and drink. If you want a baby with water, it will take a certain amount in his stomach, it will suck the mother less, the lactation will decrease.

    Do you feed at night?

    At night, you need to breastfeed. It was at this time that the day during feeding in large quantities is produced by prolactin - a very important hormone. Prolactin not only contributes to lactation, but still stimulates the immune system, anesthetics, sticks to ovulation during breastfeeding period. Mom may not worry that it becomes pregnant when the first kid is still too small (we recommend reading :).

    To make my mother, it is difficult to get up, take a child out of bed and so on, it is better to lay the baby to sleep with you. When he faded, his mother remains only to give him her chest and sleep further. In one bed with parents, the baby feels protected and quickly calms down. If you sleep with the baby you are inconvenient, put his bed so that it is close to you. Remove the partition from it between you and the child. Then mom will be able to take a child in his bed only for feeding.

    When to enter the lure?

    Do not hurry with the introduction of dust. Until six months, the baby may well do her milk milk. After 6 months, the lore can be introduced so that the child gets familiar with different flavors of food. It should not replace breast feeding. Mamino Milk is much more useful than any vegetable puree. In the early addition of feeding in children's vegetable puree, maternal milk is gradually displaced by other, less useful products.

    What should mom have during lactation?

    Healthy Balanced Nutrition Mom is very important for active lactation.

    Food Women must be thought out in advance (we recommend reading :). Many substances from food and drugs fall into mother milk and can damage the child. Some food causes allergies, and drugs bring tangible harm. You do not need to prescribe yourself treatment - this should make the therapist, taking into account your situation.

    Mothers must be eliminated from the nutrition allergenic products. You can not eat red and orange vegetables and fruits. It is necessary to exclude smoked meat, pickles, sharp and oily food from the diet. Do not eat seafood, nuts, honey, chocolate.

    It is necessary to limit the content in the diet of the materials of products causing fermentation. Mom, they will not harm, and the kid will get a tummy. Such products include cabbage, grapes, radishes, radish, chocolate candies and other sweets.

    • fermented milk products;
    • rice, buckwheat, oat groats;
    • yellow and green vegetables and fruits;
    • vegetable soups;
    • lean meat;
    • bread from solid wheat varieties.

    Efficiency products are excellent fit nursing mom

    How much baby feed?

    How old to feed the child? Many women believe that it is enough to feed up to 1 year. It is incorrect - you can feed up to 2 or up to 3 years. In a year, the kid receives many other products, but it does not hurry from the chest. Sucking my mother's chest soothes him. Forcibly stopping feeding, you are traumating the child psychologically, and this will affect the health of your mammary glands. Wait until the kid himself refuses breast milk.

    Some women are breastfeeding longer than the generally accepted duration, but doctors are actively supported by

    Did you leave the breast during the Mother's Illness?

    When my mother got sick, you do not need to overcome the baby from the chest. Consult your doctor, what drugs you can take without stopping feeding. If the mother fell ill with a seasonal cold, only breastfeeding will save the baby from infection. Together with the maternal milk, he will receive antibodies that will deal with infection. In the case of infection, the kid takes the cold much easier.