How to polish a stainless steel: Methods and means for giving expressive shine. Stainless steel car wash care Durability and easy care

Stainless steel cleaning

Some believe that being a housewife is easy, they think that a woman's days is sitting on the sofa, looking at TV and enjoying life, but, in fact, they are mistaken.

Even if you do not have small kids, for which you constantly need to follow and clean, then, it's all the same, there will be a mass of things that need to be done: washing dishes, washing clothes, cleaning at home, cooking lunch. This is a very long list that can be continued for a long time. Some of these things are light, others are not very, but there are things that are very difficult to make a fragile woman alone. For example, . Yes, you did not hear, because many housewives break their heads over how to choose a suitable stainless steel. This article will give you some tips in this difficult business.

Washing agents for stainless steel. What washing a sink from a stainless steel?

Suppose you need to find detergents for kitchens from stainless steel. Most women begins to search for detergents for stainless steel, but, instead of choosing 1 of them, they try "folk" methods that our Internet is so rich. Believe me, washing sinks for stainless steel kitchen Summer alcohol or citric acid, is far from the best way. At best, you will lose a couple of hours of precious time, you will get tired of rubbing the plate or washing without any result and shove in despair. In the worst, you can damage the stainless surface that washed.

There are many means designed to help you make a dirty surface of stainless steel clean and shiny. Of course, there is always a chance to come across the remedy from unscrupulous manufacturers who do not have it and a small span, such a "wonderfulness" only help you throw money on the wind. Any experienced consumer knows that it is best to give your choice to a proven manufacturer, which has been on the market for quite a long time, and are authority in your field.

Such brands can be attributed to the Kenolux brand. Kenolux He is a subsidiary of CID Lines. Most likely, you don't say anything about anything, and it is not surprising, because most of the manufacturers do not like to distribute any information about their company. Some sell low-quality goods, others are young companies that, earning recognition and reputation in our domestic market, maintain confidentiality until time. But Kenolyux does not apply to neither the first one or the second. This company sells goods for cleaning residential premises and industrial enterprises from stainless steel for more than 20 years, having time to conquer general recognition among consumers, both in our and in the European market. After all, the Chief Research Center CID Lines is located in Belgium, whose legislation is characterized by strict standards and requirements for its products, and detergents including. Some stainless steel detergents are not well laundered with contaminated surfaces, some coped with stains, but do not return to your washer or stove. Over time, it rushes into the eyes and spoils the impression of your kitchen. You must fear such things if you do not use the Kenolux Shine tool, which is one of the best in your field. Many funds need to additionally breed, mix with others, dissolve in water and wait until they appear, but not with Kenolux Shine - this is ready to use immediately after purchase, it does not require any additional operations, saving, thereby, your time.

What to wash a stainless steel. Scope Kenolux Shine

One of the main features of this fund is that it is designed specifically for stainless steel surfaces. You see, there are many manufacturers who give their detergents truly unique properties. If you believe everything, what is written there, then their means can handle literally with all (from the blows in the bathroom to spots on the laminate), but this is, of course, a lie designed for ordinary consumers. Kenolux Shine is intended only for stainless stainless steel stainless steel: refrigerators, stoves, dishwashers and so on. You can also not worry about the brilliance of the washed surfaces. Special mixes made of oils that add to Kenolux Shine will make your kitchen brilliant and delightful. Also, this mixture protects stainless surfaces from the appearance of further defects. No, she will not be able to protect your stove from coffee stains, but will make it so that you can quickly withdraw them, without using any auxiliary means. Such high efficiency is achieved due to the fact that CID Lines built a large research center in Belgium, where the best specialists in the field of household chemicals are working to create new detergents and improvements of existing ones. Also, CID Lines products have many awards and for prizes in annual international competitions, which, advanced companies present their latest achievements in the field of household chemicals.


As mentioned above, Kenolux Shine is ready to use a means that does not need any additional operations before applying (dilute with water, add catalysts, etc.). The sink process itself is very simple and fast, it will not take any strength or your time. To begin with, spray the remedy on the clean surface and wipe it dry. Then apply it again now on a dry surface and carefully polish. This will allow you not to worry about the appearance of stains or loss of the brilliance of your dishwasher for a long time.

Of course, Kenolux Shine is not a universal detergent or the best protection for your kitchen. This is just one of the many detergents that our hotly favorite housewives use, but it is products of a proven manufacturer who values \u200b\u200bits reputation in our market, and has quite high characteristics, which puts it in one row with the rest of the brands in the field Production of detergents.

It happens different. After all, it includes several different metals. The basis of the stainless steel is iron, titanium, nickel, molybdenum, manganese and this is not the entire list. Anti-corrosion of this steel helps chromium, which is also present in its composition.

What does not give to rust

When the interaction of chromium with oxygen, a protective film is formed on the surface of the stainless steel, it is precisely it that removes the alloy from the effects of the aggressive environment.

The degree of corrosion resistance to steel will depend on the amount of chromium.

For example, in the manufacture of refrigerators, a fixture with an average chromium content (10-17%) is used. But if the device is constantly in contact with water or undergoes temperature loads, then a high chromium alloy is used to 26%. Such instruments include washing and dishwashers, sinks, hoods, hobs and kettles.

Where can polish

In order for the alloy surface to be beautiful and smooth, you need to polish the stainless steel. In our time there are many companies whose specialization is this procedure, they put in order various products from this alloy. But it turns out, it is possible to polish a stainless steel at home.

Of course, if you need better work, it is better to seek help from specialists. For example, a polished square tube from a stainless steel is much more effective to look after factory processing, rather than after home.

Any company that specializes in polishing will easily fulfill this procedure.

Than processing steel

What to polish stainless steel to a mirror glitter? Here is the list of all that you will need:

  • polishing paste;
  • circles from felt or felt;
  • carpentry glue;
  • circles for grinding with different graininess;
  • sandpaper or stone;
  • bulgarian.

The main stages of the process

The process takes place in several stages. First you need to perform a draft stripper. Then there is a circle with a fiber base and a machine for corner grinding. But just this procedure can be skipped, provided that the surface of the product is so smooth.

Following in the course there are grinding circles. The surface must be processed several times, with each time the size of the abrasive should decrease.

If there are no such circles in the presence, then they can be made independently. To do this, you can use a felt circle or felt. The spatula on it is necessary to apply carpentry glue, and then rub it on the abrasive crumb.

This operation will make the surface have become perfect smooth. In no case should not remain roughness. After all, after polishing, they will close them much more difficult.

At the next stage, a polishing paste and a felt circle applies. It is better to consult with a specialist, since a concrete paste is needed under a certain brand of alloy. Of course, it is best to use diamond, the grain of which is suitable for a metal designed for processing. The finishing polishing is carried out until a single apparent flaw will remain. Polished pipe made of stainless steel should look just perfect.

Stainless steel in life

No kitchen arrives without instruments and parts of the stainless steel interior. This is not surprising, since it is this alloy that is strong enough and durable, especially behind him no need to care. From stainless steel, often make dishes, cutlery and stoves, as this metal has a fairly high thermal conductivity.

But there are some shortcomings of the stainless steel: with regular use, it will noticeably fastens. The kitchen loses its shine. In order not to happen, it is necessary to periodically polish the stainless steel. There are many different ways to solve this task. An important point in this procedure is the correct selection of polishing agent for stainless steel.

When cleaning products from steel, in no case cannot be used whitening and also do not apply metal sponges and brushes with rigid bristles.

There are several alternative polishing methods.

Olive oil

This method is just for those who think about how to polish stainless steel at home. Susting utensils will again begin to glisten like a new one. You will need only oil and rags, it is desirable that they are from soft tissue.

  1. First you need to moisten with an oil rag.
  2. With this tissue, it is necessary to apply oil on the product so that it is completely covered with oil film.
  3. Next, you can begin to polish, tightly pressing the woven rag to the metal.
  4. So that the steel does not again be dim, the surplus oil is cleaned with a dry towel or napkins. They need to rub the surface until the product becomes completely dry.

Polishing flour

For polishing metal products, you can still use flour. With it, it is good to handle smooth surfaces, such as a sink or a saucepan.

  1. The product sprinkles with flour so that there are no clearance at all.
  2. Flour must be distributed evenly.
  3. Using dry tissue, circular motions polished the surface.
  4. Next flour is very easy to remove from the surface.

Mechanical method

On some devices and devices there are hardly available areas. Here and arises the question of how to polish stainless steel to shine. There is a way, but you have to spend a lot of time and make a maximum of effort.

It is necessary to purchase a piece of felt and abrasive paste. Apply a paste on the fabric and polish the surface until the metal becomes bright and brilliant.

Polishing with chemicals

Most often, this method is used when you need to clean small items. The main thing is that polished takes a little time and is very simple. Below several recipes for solutions.

Recipe 1.

It is important to comply with the proportions. As part of: 230 ml of sulfuric acid, 70 ml of salt, and 40 ml nitric. The rest is water.

One liter of solution is needed another 5 g of sodium chloride, 5 g of acid black dye and grams of 10 carbon black glue.

The resulting liquid should be heated to 70 degrees Celsius and lower the part there. The product can be left in a solution to the maximum half an hour.

Recipe 2.

It will take orthophosphoric acid, it should be a percentage of 20-30 from the total volume. Hydrochloric acid (3-4%), nitrogen (4-5%), methylovant (1%). The rest is water. The solution should be room temperature, the product in it is not to hold no longer than 10 minutes.

Recipe 3.

Polishing rules are shown below:

  1. Metal necessarily clean before polishing. Continue to place the product into the solution. It should be remembered that only distilled water can be used here.
  2. During the procedure, the solution constantly needs to be stirred, only in this case the chemical reaction will be 100%.
  3. When the right time passes, the part is removed and is washed well with running water. After that, the product needs to be fine with the napkin moistened in the polyrol.

After such treatment, all roughness are eliminated.

It is not enough to polish a little stainless steel, it still needs to be cleaned regularly.

Cleaning shell

Often, stains remain on the sinks - this is a limescale. It is very easy to remove with acetic solution. It is necessary to dissolve the acid one to five and wipe the surface, and then wash off with running water. To give metal a bright shine, the surface must be rubbed with circular motions.

Cleaning plate

There are stains from sauces, fat and burnt foods. They will have to be removed by a special steel polishing agent. Be sure to be removed before cleaning. The polishing agent is best to use the gloves. Otherwise there is a risk of getting burns on the skin of the hands. After the procedure, it is desirable to grasp the surface with a dry cloth.

Cleaning drawing

This is the task not from the lungs. But perfectly performed. In order for dirt and soap not blurred the plate, it is better to cover it with newspapers or old towels.

To clean the drawing, you can use a specialized agent or prepare a solution yourself. It will take bicarbonate soda, lemon juice and water. The tool must be rubbed carefully so as not to damage the surface. It is enough that the solution remains on the hood for a few minutes, after which it must be washed off with pure flowing water. Next, it is necessary to spin well the surface with a dry cloth. After such an exhaust procedure will shine as new.

Any thing, if it is not a museum exhibit, carries tracks of use. The new steel sink looks very impressive, but as if carefully you treat it to it, microcarabs inevitably occur. They are almost invisible, but can be healthy to annoy perfectors.

The charm of the steel washing is that the radiance of polished metal can be maintained for many years. The easiest way to care for models with a smooth mirror polishing, wash with matte treatment will require greater accuracy, attention and patience.

Let's try to figure out why the metal loses the appearance, how to avoid small damage and level the consequences.

Typical problems in caring for steel sink

  • The sink can lose the shine due to the sedimentation of stiffness salts after evaporation of water, the use of soaking detergents, fat and other difficult pollution (tea, coffee, vegetable juice and fruit, etc.). Salts most often are kept stronger around the mixer body, in the pairing between the textured elements of the sink - in places where the outflow of water is difficult.
  • Dark stains may appear after applying aggressive cleaning agents to remove lime plates. They contain strong acids that roligate steel.
  • Traces of rust on high-quality sinks may occur only in places of contact with high-frame products made of metal or in the form of drowshes, if tap water contains a high concentration of iron. The steel sink itself can not rust.
  • Micro-sakes are not associated with errors in care and inevitably occur. Products from real high-quality stainless steel oppose micro-barrences are better cheap. To reduce the visibility of scratches, manufacturers offer washes with unidirectional grinding.

Easy way to clean the sink

Important: Washing with a smooth polishing can be treated with circular motions, but washing with a matte surface need to be cleaned only along the lines of the factory grinding.

Take a liquid dishwashing agent. Moisten a sponge, pour some lemon acid on it and wipe the edge of the sponge among themselves so that the granules begin to dissolve. Clean the sink in the usual way. If we are talking about clouding of the surface due to lime plates, the problem is solved literally in seconds. If there are serious deposits, leave a tool for a few minutes, check the result, repeat the processing if necessary. Well wash the wash with water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.

Methods of combating microcenarpins on steel sinks

It should be noted that microcenarpins and dark spots due to the impact of aggressive means - cases are not warranty. What if traces of operation became too noticeable?

Household chemical manufacturers offer plenty of heat for steel surfaces. However, they only serve to mask the existing shortcomings and protection against new ones. It is the misunderstanding of this moment leads to disappointment.

The most accessible option for removing scratches and dark spots is soft grinding. At home, you can use a conventional toothpaste that performs the role of gentle abrasive. If the problem is more serious, the paste of Goe No. 2 (for grinding) or No. 1 (for polishing) is suitable.

Pasta is applied on felt or felt. The smooth surface should be treated with circular motions that overlap each other. Matte - reciprocating movements along the factory grinding, moving from vertical to horizontal and on the opposite vertical surface. From time to time the composition is erased by a dry soft microfiber tissue to test the result. If the problem is solved or has become less noticeable, the washing is thoroughly washed using detergent and wipe dry.

It is possible to restore the initial type of steel sink from stainless steel. If it were not so, then other items made of steel would not be subject to grinding and polishing. The question is only in desire and patience.

Almost every home there are objects made of stainless steel, which over the years lose their attractiveness and dump under the influence of sunlight, dirt and other factors. This material is actively used for both external and interior decoration. In this article we will try to tell in detail how to polish the stainless steel.

2 How to polish stainless steel?

There are two options for action that will be able to polish stainless steel products.

2.1 Option number 1. Specialized help

Now there are a lot of companies that assist in the occurrence of problems with corrosion of stainless steel. If you do not have enough time in order to get rid of the spots on the product yourself, you can contact the specialists.

2.2 Option number 2. Polishing at home

At home, you can also carry out all the necessary manipulations for a positive effect and restore the appearance of the product. This also exists several ways. Next, we will look at how you can polish the stainless steel at home.

3 Polishing process

For polishing a stainless steel at home, you will have to spend a sufficiently large amount of time and effort. If successful, they will be fully justified, and you can return the former glitter with products.

3.1 Primary treatment

Before starting work, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the product, as it can be fat and other substances that burst cracks in the metal. To do this, you can apply a simple dishwashing gel:

  • The detergent must be pre-breed with water to obtain a soap solution.
  • The surface of the metal product is wipe, not leaving until complete drying.
  • Apply the solution to continue wiping.
  • Soap plot, rinse with running water.
  • The product must be dried by a natural way so that there are no divorces on it.

Some foods, liquids with chemicals and even tools for the economy will help polish products at home. With their help, you can polish stainless steel to the mirror.

3.2 Olive oil

This method is suitable for use on products that have lost brightness. You will need olive oil and soft rag.

  • Oil must be applied to clean fabric.
  • After that, smear the oil on the surface of the movement in a circle, evenly distributing it.
  • Wastered fabric need to close and repeat the previous procedure several times.

It is necessary to polish this method as long as you do not feel changes in the structure of the product.

Be careful because the surface can hang out from the oil. Its surplus must be removed immediately upon completion of the above operation. Circular movements with a dry cloth can be easily flushed oil residues.

3.3 Flour

You can polish the stainless steel through flour with the condition that the work will be made on flat surfaces. In particular, it can be tried on saucepans and sinks.

Mode of application:

  • The product must be sprinkled with flour by covering the entire surface.
  • Flour distribute uniformly on metal.
  • Polish the stainless steel by movement in a circle with dry tissue.
  • Upon completion of the process, it is necessary to remove all flour from the surface using a toothbrush.

4 Small Mechanization

You can polish the stainless steel to the mirror not only in special companies or at the factory, but also at home. It will be enough small mechanization for this.

This method is suitable in order to give products an attractive and presentable appearance after removing flaws.

For polishing the stainless steel will have to use the following:

  • "Bulgarian", or an angular grinding machine;
  • felt or felt circles;
  • stone or sandpaper;
  • polishing agent;
  • circles for grinding with different graininess.

4.1 Stages Polishing

Polishing products takes place in several stages. Initially, you need to remove all the extra metal on the seams. For this, the angular grinding machine is perfect. For her, you will have to purchase a circle on a fiber base. His graininess should not exceed P60.

If the surface of the desired product is smooth, this intermediate stage can be ignored.
Next, you need to pass the metal with another circle whose grit is p120. This will get rid of the bands that appeared after working with another grain.

Abrasive size must be reduced every time that it will give the surface to the surface more smooth.

If you do not have the desired circle, you can easily do it yourself. To do this, you will need a felt or felt circle to which joinery glue. You can also just lose your sandpaper and stone.

After the work, you need to remove all trail of grinding.

Take a means for polishing and apply it to the surface.

Next, you need to grind the material or the product already using the paste. It is necessary to clean the risks. If over time the surface does not become smoother, the turnover of the "Bulgarian" can be gradually increased. Do not abuse speed, as this can lead to overheating of the metal and the appearance of spots on it.

4.2 Mechanical polishing manually

Due to the presence on most of the products of various irregularities often have to polish them manually. You will have to be patient because the polishing of the stainless steel to the mirror described below the method can take a large amount of time. In the process of work you will need:

  • abrasive paste;
  • soft felt.

Stages polishing

  • On felt you need to apply a paste.
  • Polish the product to shine, carefully treating the most problematic places.

In order to protect itself from the negative impact of substances that are part of the paste, use the face and glove mask.

5 Chemical Stainless Steel Polishing Method

This method is perfect for working with small details that are difficult to polish manually. The method does not require effort and physical labor. There are several methods for the preparation of chemical liquid for polishing products at home.

5.1 Option number 1

The solution needs to be prepared with the most accurate dosage:

  • Sulfuric acid - 230 milliliters.
  • Salonic acid - 70 milliliters.
  • Nitric acid - 40 milliliters.

In 1 liter of the solution, add 6 grams of black dye on an acid-base, 6 grams of sodium chloride, 10 grams of joinery glue.

It is important to adhere to the fluid temperature from 65 to 70 degrees.

Stainless steel should fly up to 30 minutes depending on the degree of pollution.

5.2 Option number 2.

This solution should also be prepared in compliance with the proportions in the total volume:

  • Metylorange - 1.5 percent.
  • Nitric acid - 4-5 percent.
  • Salonic acid - 3-4 percent.
  • Orthophosphoric acid - 20-30 percent.

The part in the solution needs to hold up to 10 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination at a temperature of from 18 to 25 degrees.

5.3 Option number 3.

The solution is made according to a recipe for one liter of the volume of the finished liquid:

  • Salonic acid - 660 grams.
  • Sulfuric acid - 230 grams.
  • Acid orange dye - 25 grams.

The solution must be brought to a temperature of 70-75 degrees and keep stainless steel products about 3 minutes.

All of the above components come into an aggressive reaction when the human body is hit. Provide full protection of the respiratory, face, hands and eyes.

Stages polishing

  • The part that was previously purified from contamination should be immersed in a solution consisting of reagents and pure distilled water.
  • The solution must be constantly mixed, which will provide a complete chemical reaction.
  • After the time specified in each time, the product must be reached and washed off from it all reagent. After that, it is recommended to wipe the object of the polyterol applied to the napkin.
  • Under the influence of reagents, which will remain in the pores on the surface, the roughness in the stainless steel will completely disappear.

Before starting work, you need to know the brand of metal, since it may depend on it. According to it, it is worth picking reagents and determine their concentration in solution.

6 Stainless Steel Care

Steel after polishing looks beautiful and effectively. In order for it to keep visual qualities, it is necessary to constantly monitor it, since in the future, scuffs and stains may appear on it.

To prevent the appearance of flaws on products, polyterols are most often used. The substances of this type are better used immediately after polishing the stainless steel. In addition, it is recommended to apply them with a certain frequency. This will give the opportunity to preserve the glossy surface for a long time.

The remedy must be applied to the napkin and distribute over the surface. It is important to do all movements in a circle to avoid the appearance of divorces.

Excess means is be sure to delete, since they can remain spots.

If you decide to use a special tool, you should not specify the frequency of rotation of more than 1,500 revolutions per minute, as it can damage the product.

6.1 Frequency of stainless steel care

  • In case you are going to purchase chrome details on your car, polishing them are not more often 2 times a year. If you do it constantly, the coating is simply wear out, and traces of corrosion will begin to appear on the items.
  • Use the mechanical impact devices on stainless steel is often not recommended, since microcracks may appear on the items. It is in them that the liquid becomes most often.
  • Use chemicals for cleaning and polishing stainless steel at home is recommended no more than 1 time per year. Couples from reagents negatively affect the state of human health, even if it adheres to safety standards.
  • Goe paste ("Paris greens") has relatively low efficacy, in view of which it is recommended only in the absence of other substances or solutions. It has a negative impact on the body, in view of which it is important to use a protective mask for the face and gloves.

7 Expert Opinion

"It is best to immediately take a smaller skin and work with it for a long time. This will allow you to get rid of the appearance of large scratches on the surface and maintain the structure of the metal. You can wind a woolen thread on the drill, which will become an analogue of "Bulgarian". Also, it can be smeared with pasta, which will strengthen the effect and speeds up the process., - Writes Internet user Vladimir.

The smooth surface of the metal receives damage with careless circulation, due to targeted human actions. Not everyone can remove polyrol for stainless steel and mild rag. Many methods of processing volumetric, flat, curved surfaces of alloyed alloys are available in the home workshop (garage). It is necessary to have the availability of appropriate equipment and reagents.

Mechanical polishing grinding

After the damaging processing of the metal (cutting, welding, drilling, cleaning with rigid rotary brushes, shocks), defects of various sizes are formed:

  • scratches, dents;
  • seams, influx, sinks;
  • chips;
  • cracks;
  • borrowers.

These surface destruction reduce wear resistance, reflecting the ability, countering complex loads. To eliminate roughness, imparting a brilliance to such a solid material, which is a stainless steel, you will have to perform 4 - 5 operations. With the help of electrical grinding and replaceable abrasive circles, grinding is carried out. Felt / felt circle, after coarse cleaning, begin to polish the product. The convenience of processing complex parts made of stainless steel gives an endless tape.

With a rough grinding of stainless steel abrasive grain 30-40, finishing 16 - 25, polishing by micropowners with the gritness of M7 - M14, bringing to the state of the mirror - industrial ready-made compositions (poly rays).

The mechanical effect of a soft circle with applied paste relieves a very small amount of metal. Glossy alignment occurs due to the redistribution of the structure of the upper layer of stainless steel, and not cut it. Under the influence of air, the active components of the paste, the heating of friction is destroyed by old oxide films and, immediately, when cooled, new ones are created.

After mechanical polishing is not created perfect smoothness and, accordingly, shine in uncomfortable places for access. In this case, finish polishing manually. Guidance on a stainless steel of a mirror gloss - the operation is time-consuming, long-term, but perfect. We begin to create a mirror with grinding pasta, finish with liquid polyrolles.

We need a all-visible plane to expose the process - partial local processing will be noticeable. Eliminate visible differences in the use of polyrol fail.

Chemical method

Small details from stainless steel are treated by a method that does not require a large application of physical effort and several hours of operation. Use circles can be simply inconvenient. Immerse the purified billet into the bath with strictly dosed reagents, diluted to the desired concentration of distilled water. For an adequate time interval, under the influence of caustic reagents, all rough-acting roughness with the liquid active medium are eliminated. Deep scratches, traces of welding are first equalized by sandpaper circles, after smooth in soft circles with the paste of the desired graininess (GOI). Otherwise, all major flaws also pollute with the preservation of the form.

For the correct choice of components, their concentration in the water mass, it is desirable to know the brand of stainless steel:

  1. The X18N9T brand is immersed in the following composition: acids: 230 ml of sulfur, 40 ml nitric, 70 ml of salt. On 1 liter of the solution, the dye is added acid black - 6 g, carbon black - 10 g, sodium chloride - 6 g. The temperature of the liquid 65-70 ° C is maintained, time is 5 ÷ 30 minutes.

Other options:

  1. Acids in the ratio of complete volume: nitric 4 ÷ 5%, orthophosphorous 20 ÷ 30%, hydrochloric 3 ÷ 4%, methylovant - 1 ÷ 1.5%, in an aqueous solution with a temperature of 18 ÷ 25 ° C, an approximate exposure time of 5 ÷ 10 min .
  2. On the liter of the composition, the amount of acids: sulfur 230 g, salt 660 g, orange acid dye- 25 g. To withstand the temperature of 70 ÷ 75 ° C, time 2 ÷ 3 min.

For completeness of the reaction at all points and remove the products formed, the liquid in the container is continuously mixed. You can move the steel item.

Components are aggressive. Provide protection of the skin of hands, face, eyes, respiratory organs.

Chemical alignment of the line of the outer boundary of the stainless steel (polishing) occurs because more intensive reaction is on the profile protrusions. To prevent accumulation of interaction products in depressions, deepening, angles, the movement of fluid is forced. After washing the chemical reagents, they rub the napkin with a small amount of the composition - polyrol.

Anode method

Electrochemical processing reduces the time spent with respect to the mechanical procedure 4-5 times, increasing the purity class of the mirror on 1 or 2 positions. To polish this method, it becomes not important complexity of the conjugation, the curvature of the planes. The solution when connecting electricity becomes an active electrolyte, interacting intensively. The processed sample must be connected to the installation anode. For each chemical composition of stainless steel, reagents and mode parameters are chosen.

The method requires freshly prepared electrolyte, electricity consumption, applied by an employee of protective equipment. Preliminary preparation of the outer layer (especially after welding) is required. But the reflective ability of stainless steel after all operations is the same as just polished silver or nickel.

The method of manufacturing an element from a stainless steel affects the time of stay in the bath:

  • stamping 4 ÷ 6 min;
  • welding, heat treatment 10 ÷ 12 min;
  • casting after sandblasting to half an hour.

Watering plasma

The technology differs from the electrochemical procedure with such parameters:

  • the solution is not aggressive, utilization does not require special cleaning;
  • voltage above (220 V);
  • temperature of order 100 ° C.

The reagent used is an ammonium salt with a concentration in a solution of 3.1 ÷ 6.0%. The density of the electric current of 0.35 ± 0.15 A / cm² in the contact zone of electrolyte with a stainlessively is intensively formed gas bubbles. In pairs inside the boiling layer, there are discharges, ionizing medium. Plasma tongues arise, which purposefully affect steel, polishing it. The time for one dive is spent within 6 minutes, at the rate of the power consumption of 5 pd / cm².

For a stable polishing process by the electron beam, the appropriate installation power is necessary. It is impossible to reduce its magnitude, hoping to increase the duration of processing in the bath. The conditions for the occurrence of the plasma-ionized layer will not be observed.

Unfair mechanical training manifests usually. Residual traces of welding seams, scratches, dents do not hide with polyrol.

External care frequency

In addition to periodic polishing of structural facial elements before the condition of the brilliant mirror, the wedding owner cares for them constantly. Restoring the condition of the car details in the service is carried out 2 per year. To protect the induced gloss uses polyroli. Product release is carried out in the form of liquid emulsions and more dense compositions, concentrates. Packing polyroline for stainless steel is the most different - from the tube (75 ml), bottles, cans to barrels (20-100 l). This is the daily protection against abrasive effects of dust-dirt, corrosive actions of natural factors. Technique Simple: Soft Napkin, Circular Movements, No Pass. Polyrol is applied evenly, remove excess. Optionally, you can use the power tool with frequent rotation to 1500 rpm. Rotation parallel to the plane processed so as not to damage the end of the circle.

The product will glisten as a new one, even if it was restored by welding in pieces.