How to calculate the volume of wood. How to calculate the required amount of board? The main procedure for calculating the number of boards in the cubic meter

Specify dimensions in millimeters

W. - Width of the board
H. - Thickness of the board
L. - Length of the board

Initial data
N. - number in pieces
E. - quantity in cubic meters
Many during the construction of the house or baths face the need to calculate how many sawn timber will be required for work. Determine how much the board or timber is needed, simply. But the price of sawn timber is usually indicated for a cubic meter, and in this case it will be more convenient to use for the calculations with a special program. With the help of our site, you, knowing the length, width and thickness of the board, as well as their number in pieces, can calculate how many cubic meters of lumber you will need and how much one cubic meter or one board will cost.

Scope of application

Timber are called so because they are obtained by sawing the trunk of the tree. Timber for construction, manufacture of furniture, diverse containers and other products are applied. Today, this type of building materials is the most popular. Wood from which lumber is made is an excellent heat insulating material, supports stable humidity and does not require special processing and care, which makes it particularly comfortable.

Types of sawn timber

The sawn timber includes a timber, edged board, unedged board, construction railings. The bar is a log handled from all sides. In the cut, it has a square or rectangular cross section. The most widely pace is used in the construction of houses, baths and overlap designs.
The edged board is a universal lumber, which is actively used both in construction work outside the building and when designing internal space. The edged board in the section is an elongated rectangle. The unedged board differs from the edged the fact that the edges are not cut off, so the layer of tree bark remains visible, from which this board was cut out. The construction rack or bar is a bar, a smaller cross section than the usual, and is widely used in construction.
Lumber differ in the type of wood, from which are made. They make them made of coniferous trees, such as pine, spruce and larch. And from solid wood, such as oak and beech, birch, aspen.
There are lumber as much moisture. They are divided into raw moisture levels of more than 22 percent and dry with humidity below 22 percent. The first are used for construction work, and the second for the manufacture of furniture.
Several varieties of sawn timber are also isolated. The selection of the variety depends on the scope of application. So, the furniture uses the materials of the highest grade. For carpentry and handling goods, timber 1 grades are suitable, and 2 and 3 grades are used exclusively as a construction board. Lumber if they are not used for a long time, you need to protect against moisture exposure. This can lead to them. It is not recommended to store sawn timber laid on each other. Between the layers of bars or boards must be gaskets.

Whether you are a joiner or simply buy the required volume of lumber cube based on the calculations, the ability to correctly calculate the volume of lumber will help in the correct compilation of the estimates and will save from additional financial expenses.

Additional need to learn how to consider the volume of lumber also proceeds from the fact that it is almost the only type of building material that is not sold individually or for weight, but in cubic meters.

On the quality, weight and cost of lumber affects many factors, wood surface (the presence of chip, grinding, roasting, cracks, etc.), humidity and method of cutting, which can be tangential and radial.

Views of lumber

In today's market there are many types of sawn timber, which differ in the method of manufacture and operational characteristics:

Of course, it is easier when the sawn timber is packaged by packaging with accurate indications of prices and volume, but this is quite rare and engaged in these companies producing large batch products at high prices. The price tag for the board from private owners is usually lower, but the boards are usually supplied by a squash without a clear packaging. It is important to always buy a batch of a little greater cubage than necessary, since in the process of construction work, most likely, it will be found that the lumber is not enough, and part of the products in the gathering party.

Calculations on one Cuba Boards will differ in the dependence of the tree of wood, as well as the level of timber treatment. Unedged and edged board are calculated using different formulas. As for the breed, it is easiest to consider one cube of wood from coniferous rocks: the width, length and thickness of one board are measured and multiplied, and then the resulting indicators are multiplied by the amount of identical lumber.

Unedged board is obtained by longitudinal sawing logs without additional processing of boards on the sides. Such a sawn timber is cheaper than edged boards, but their disadvantage lies in the complex product of the calculations of the product cube. Unlike the edged boards, it will not be possible to calculate the total volume of lumber based on the dimensions of one board, since, depending on the board, its width is different, only the length and width remains identical. Differences in width occur due to the fact that the unedged boards are cut from different parts of the log.

1 way

In the unedged boards, the disproportionality between the thickness and width of the board at its different ends is often found, so it is necessary to determine the minimum and maximum values \u200b\u200bof the width and thickness of the board. The resulting results are divided by 2. The formula itself will look like this: (A1 + A2) / 2 * (B1 + B2) / 2 * C. If necessary, a calculator can be useful in the correct calculations. The only lack of such a way can be attributed to high time of time, because Due to the fact that the boards honey are characterized by itself, it will have to be measured each unit of lumber separately.

2 way

It is much easier to make calculations when the board is needed to have some part of the building, whether it is a floor or wall. To do this, we take the area that must be separated by the board, and multiply it on the thickness of the casing material - the resulting number and will be the required volume of lumber. For greater understanding, we give an example: for facing the wall of the building with parameters 8 * 4 with a 4 meter height, we use a 20 mm thick board.

Calculate the wall area, namely: (8 + 8 + 4 + 4) * 4 \u003d 96 sq.m. Next, the resulting result with a thickness of the unedged board and we turn out: 95 * 0.020 \u003d 1.9 kb. The width of the board does not matter, it does not have any influence on the calculations. But at the same time, for the work of construction work, it will not be superfluous to learn the average values \u200b\u200bof the board depending on its length. The averaged data you can see on the table below.

The edged board is the most chassis type of sawn timber, which is a bit more expensive of the edged board, because Wood is processed from all sides. To obtain it, the log is longitudinally saw on the boards, and then the side edges are already treated, the resulting material has a rectangular shape. The advantages of this sawmill material include greater durability, since the harmful microorganisms are removed with the crust, as well as to improve the docking with other sawmill materials due to the purified sides.

The edged boards pass additional drying and many processing operations, due to which not only their operational characteristics increase, but also the price. The price also affects the wood breed and timber variety.

Since the edged boards are identical among themselves in size, the calculation of the cube will be made according to a simple formula: V \u003d L * H * A, where L, H, A is length, height and width, respectively, and V- volume.

In construction, the ram with a square cross section is most often used, that is, with the aspect ratio of 100 * 100 mm. To calculate the cube of one bar, it is necessary to work its width and height multiplied by the length of the bar. For example, consider the case when you need to purchase 30 units of timber with a cross section of 100 * 100 mm and 9 meters long. To do this, turn the width to the height, and the resulting value multiply the length of one bar. In general, the calculations will look like this: 0.10 * 0.10 * 9 \u003d 0.09 m3 - this will be the cubature of one bar. Now we multiply this value to the amount of timber, it turns out: 0.09 * 30 \u003d 2.7 m3.

If there are grooves in the bar, it is often in no way affects the cube, as the products in the lumber batch are densely interconnected.

General conclusions

Calculate the required number of lumber cubic meters is not difficult if the formula for calculations is known. After the measurements, you will be much easier to calculate the required number of cubic meters and quickly find out its value.

Almost everything in our world has its measurement value. Oil measuring in barrels, coal in tons, population of countries in thousands, millions.

As a basis, we take the amount capable of specifically to designate the object that we measure. When the question arises how to calculate the cube of the board, the speech is already not about the mass of the subject, since wood has a completely different density, and one tree has differences from the other. In addition, the boards of the same breed will have a different weight taking into account their humidity.

For the convenience of calculating the board of the board, the volume measurement formulas are used.

It is enough to recall the school mathematics and the necessary formula that should be multiplied by the width, length and height. For the correctness of the calculation, it is necessary to adjust all parameters for one value, for example in centimeters or decimeters. It is most convenient to take a meter base. Thus, making three times multiplication in meters, we get m³ or cube.

Note. Special formulas are used to calculate the boards of the board.

Cubature boards

Boards may have differences in width, length, thickness. In addition, they are implemented by unedged and edged. Often lumber have their own generally accepted standards that facilitate the calculation of the cub.

For the usual sizes of material, there are already calculated volumes that are systematized in the table of measurement of the boards. Therefore, to determine the volume of the material, it is necessary to simply open the table with the designated dimensions and calculate the volume.

But in order to do this, you need to have these tables with you. Otherwise, for the lack of such, the cube of the cutting board is calculated, before determining the thickness and length. These are the main dimensions corresponding to the requirements for lumber. Everyone separately taken is different. For example, a board is used to create a crate, in which the thickness is 25 mm, and for black floors is 50 mm. Next you need to measure the width of the board.

In the case of a edged board, everything is simple because the material is cut into order to give one width. Next, with the help of a calculator, all values \u200b\u200bare multiplied with each other. With the length of the board, 5 m, the thickness of 50 mm and a width of 25 cm, the volume of the material will be:

5 x 0.050 x 0.25 \u003d 0.0625 m³

After multiplying the resulting number on the number of boards, we obtain the volume of the material.

Formula for calculating cabbage boards

V \u003d L x H x B

L - Length

h - Height

b - width

Determination of the number of boards in the cubic meter

1 m 3: v \u003d n

In order to determine the cost of a specific type of board, with known volume values: V x Price 1 m 3.

There is another point to which it is necessary to pay attention to the definition of the boards - the nominal length exactly is 6.1 - 6.2 m, but during sale this is not taken into account. Often it matters in the case of purchasing a large amount of material. For example, take the board with dimensions of 150 x 20 mm.

Having performed simple calculations, we obtain the number of boards in 1 m 3 - 55, 5 pieces. Thus, in the cube of the board 6 m, there are 55 pieces, and in the calculation, we obtain the value of 0.99 m 3. Essentially, the overpayment of the board's cube will be 1% of the exact price. For example, at a cost of 4,995 rubles, we pay 5 500 rubles.

Unedged board

Features of calculation

The calculation of the cabbage of the unedged board is somewhat complicated, since the material does not have one width between different boards, but also in each board separately. This is explained quite simple - the tree does not have the same diameter.

It is clear that at the bottom it is wider, at the top already. Thus, the width of the edged board does not fall under any standards. How to be in this case? Use to calculate with different formulas. The width of the board is measured for convenience in the middle of the length. So you get the average width. This calculation method works well if the batch of material is small.

For industrial volumes

This method is not suitable, since the work will pass very slowly, and this is not profitable. For such cases, experts have developed the so-called cabin boards unedged. The volume in it is obtained by measuring and experimenting, simply speaking, using a plurality of measurements and calculating the average width value.

Of course, it cannot be called a super precise way, but deviations are so insignificant that they should not pay attention to them.

Some enterprises involved in wood processing are used in practice the method of measuring the stack. For this, it is not necessary to pre-sort the wood in width. Experts make the length of the boards, the average width and height of the stack. The obtained values \u200b\u200bare multiplied with each other, and the result is multiplied by the coefficient for calculating the board cube, which has a mean value - 0.67.

Weighing method

In order to measure the cabin of the board is unous, having obtained the maximum possible accurate result, the weighing method is used.

Before doing this, it is necessary to measure the humidity of the material and the dense tree. Considering the fact that the edged board is the cheapest material used at objects with the smallest degree of responsibility, then complex calculations are not too much justified.

Also, it should be considered that the result you get will not be particularly different from the one that can be obtained using a cube.

When erecting residential buildings

Here professionals are obliged to make many tasks, among which: the calculation and compilation of estimates before performing the finishing of the premises. In addition, it is necessary to calculate the required number of building materials. It is worth noting that this task is quite difficult. Considering this, the definition of the boards of the board is an important point.

Note. The cubic meter of sawn timber is calculated using a single method. The boards variety does not affect the result.

To unfolded species Woods include: edged board, unedged board.

Spooned species - These are those who have special grooves for perfect bumps of boards: flooring, lining ,. Please note that purchasing a whipped board, the calculation is carried out using the working width of the material, without spikes.

Regarding the calculation of the cabbage of the unedged board, with the values \u200b\u200bof the width of one end, 25 cm, and 20 cm - the other, the average value will be 22 cm. To calculate a large amount of material, it is unfolded in such a way that the wide part does not have differences from a narrow more than 10 Santimeters.

The main length of the board in an unfolded pack must be approximately the same. Then, using a roulette, measured the height of the stacks from the boards and the width in the middle. The result, which is obtained by measurements, is multiplied by a coefficient with a value of 0.07 - 0.09, which depends on the air gap between the boards.

The edged board is the most common type of sawn timber. It has an extremely wide range of applications. Its sizes are the most different - from 16 * 8 mm to 250 * 100 mm (but the width is always more twice the thickness; if less, then such a sawn timber is called "timber"). Due to the widespread and popularity of this material, with almost any construction work, the issue of calculating the required amount of boards will rise with a very high probability.

The edged board is an indispensable material in construction. Its necessary amount is measured by cubic meters.

A cutting board is measured, like the remaining lumber, cubic meters. Accordingly, its cube calculation is an important practical task, the solution of which is necessary to determine the cost. It is simple - enough elementary geometric knowledge.

How to calculate cubature

Unlike the unedged or one-sided-edged board, the edged does not have a concern (parts of the former surface of the log, where the bark is present or before). Rather, a small review according to the standard is allowed, but its number is clearly normalized, and in any case it is small. Therefore, in the geometric sense, we have a simple rectangular parallelepiped. Accordingly, we have 3 parameters: thickness (smaller side of the transverse cut), width (big side of the transverse cut) and length. They are traditionally letters a, b and l.

According to current standards, edged boards are produced thick (parameter a) 22, 25, 30, 40, 50 and 100 mm. Lumber of different thicknesses are made from standard longitudinal sawing or planing. Standard width is from 100 to 250 mm in a step of 50 mm. Standard lengths - 3, 4 and 6 m.

To determine the cube, we need in accordance with the formula for calculating the volume of rectangular parallelepiped multiply the thickness, width and length.

All three parameters should be considered in meters: That is, dimensions 25 mm * 10 cm * 4 m should be written as 0.025 m * 0.1 m * 4 m. Thus, we obtain the volume - the cubature - one parameter data board. Now you need to know how many "fit" in one cubic meter. To do this, it is necessary to divide the unit to the calculated volume. All, the sought number is found.

Example: Suppose we need lumber 6 m long, 3 cm thick, and a width of 25 cm. Then the volume of one thing will be 0.03 * 0.25 * 6 m, or 0.045 m³. In 1 m³ will contain 1/0.045 \u003d 22.222, or, rounded, 22.2 of the board of the specified sizes.

Having a similar calculation, it is already possible to estimate further, how many cubic meters of this lumber must be purchased for construction or repair work. It is worth considering only that supplier firms love to round all the numbers in a favorable side for themselves, and in our example 0.045 m³ in practice can turn at 0.05 m³, that is, in just 20 pieces per cubic meter. Such a "error" can reach a few percent that at prices several thousand rubles per cube is already a prominent value.