How to make seeds of cucumbers themselves. The right way to collect cucumber seeds for the future harvest

Today it is not always easy to choose a seed material for sowing of good quality cucumbers. You can go beyond the varietal seeds, but accidentally purchase hybrids, or choose a variety that are poorly suitable for available climatic conditions. To be sure to be sure that it will grow on a garden, it is advised to figure out how to collect cucumber seeds at home.

First of all, culture varieties are distinguished, growing on your bed, arrange the properties in taste, giving good quantitative indicators. Thus, accurate confidence is ensured in the quality of the seed material obtained. An important nuance is the selection of exclusively varietal cultures, and not hybrid, which will not bring harvest.

  • large size;
  • smooth sidewalls without dents, damage;
  • yellow, yellow-brown skin of the peel;
  • softened structure;
  • drinking fruit (tail).

It is recommended to celebrate cucumbers for seeds in advance, even before they start shining. Color rope, gauze pockets or other marking option come to the rescue. It is selected a slightly more instances than necessary, in case part rotates or accidentally tighten.

Collected representatives are collected in the very late in the fall. So the seeds completely arm, and will also become more resistant to heat, and to cold temperatures. If it is often rained, there is a high moisturgenicity of the soil, under the cucumbers put a wooden stand.

Folk tips not confirmed by breeders, talk about the need to selection only four-margins (female) instances. Three-sided cucumbers are considered men's emptyweights that give a crop much later. Also, only half of the vegetable is used for seeds, which was closer to the fruit to avoid in the further bitterness, an unpleasant taste.

How to assemble cucumber seeds for future harvest

Fully seen seed cucumber breaks down after drying frozen. The greatest larger, the greater the most useful substances launched a vegetable. But if there is too much humidity on the street, strong very early frosts hit, it is advised to choose an override version on the windowsill (7-10 days).

Having obtained the necessary cucumber on the seeds, the correct collection of the seed material begins with cutting off the rear (approximately ¼ of the share), cutting the remaining vegetable in half. Next, with the help of a small spoon, all the insides (seeds and pulp-mezga) are removed, placed in a separate container. Preference is given to glass, enamelled or plastic dishes, but not iron.

The next step is the fermentation process (overolation) of the material obtained. This is necessary so that the shell of seeds get rid of germination blocks that counteract the flow of this process inside the vegetable. Without rotting (fermentation) it is impossible to achieve this.

How the fermentation process is carried out (fermentation)

Friction and rotting of the seed shell allow you to get a peeled material for sowing. It is carried out as follows:

  • seeds with mucus are placed in a jar;
  • a little water is added;
  • the neck is closed with gauze or cloth;
  • capacity is placed in a warm place for 2-3 days;
  • the laid mass is shifted on a sieve;
  • allocated several times under running water.

It is understood that the liquid wandered, will not be much labor. It will be seen through bubbles on the surface, sometimes plots of mold, and also heard by a specific unnecessary smell.

Further, the seeds fold in a bowl, poured with water. All high-quality healthy sowing material settles on the bottom, and empty inappropriate particles float to the surface and removed. Repeat this selection is advised 2-3 times.

After all cleaning manipulations, the remaining seeds are laid out on the film, plastic plate, fabric litter, are placed in a warm place for drying. Once in 1-2 days it is advisable to mix everything. Leave seeds on a paper surface is not recommended as they can stick.

How to store the resulting material for sowing

For full drying, cucumber seeds will be required for several days. After that, they must be properly placed. The first thing the paper reminders are harvested, which indicate the name of the variety and the date of the room for saving. For packaging of the obtained seeds, paper envelopes or tissue bags are prepared.

All tanks with cucumber seeds are stored in a dark cool place. The room should be sufficiently dry, and the temperature is maintained at 16-22 degrees of heat. In such conditions, the sowing material is stored up to 6 years, without losing its properties.

How to prepare seeds for landing

The most suitable for the room in the soil is seed material, prepared 2-4 years ago. Using earlier seeds, it is believed that the harvest may be scarce or late, as there will be a lot of male bleeding.

If there are only 1-2 year-old seeds available, but they really want to plant them, they are advised a couple of months before landing to hang the bags to the ceiling in the warm room. Some gardeners use the method of calcining seeds before sowing in the oven (1.5-2 hours at a temperature of 40-50 degrees). But this technique harms future vegetables.

The process of independent home billet of cucumber seeds from the existing crop of culture is characterized by simplicity and efficiency. As a result, you can be sure that it will turn out to grow in bed the desired variety with your favorite taste. In addition, the gardeners are able to experiment, test various variations of seed selection.

In order to get your seeds of cucumbers, you have to work a little.

The seeds inside the cucumber are stored in a seed shell, which contains inhibitors, substances that slow down the development of seeds and do not give them to germinate inside the fetus.

The seeds inside the cucumber are stored in a seed shell, which contains inhibitors, substances that slow down the development of seeds and do not give them to germinate inside the fetus. In nature, after ripening, the cucumber rotates and decomposes, and seeds that are no longer demolished inhibitors germinate. In order to assemble its seeds of cucumbers, it is necessary to artificially speed up this process.

To collect seeds, select the most beautiful cucumbers, with the strongest bushes

It is necessary that in the next year get cucumbers with the best set of genes, it is so for centuries and a selection took place - people collected seeds only from the largest and delicious fruits of plants.

Do not assemble seeds from plants grown from hybrids F1

Just do not collect seeds from plants grown from F1 hybrids (see the article Cucumbers F1 - What does F1 mean in the name of the variety?), No predictable harvest from these plants will not be able to receive.

Do not believe the horticultural myths, everything is really not so difficult

Experiments no dependence of the crop on the number of faces have not shown.

Sometimes gardeners recommend collecting seeds only with four-granular cucumbers, and not use to obtain trigger seeds, but experiments have not shown any dependence on the number of edges. In addition, it is recommended to collect seeds only from the front of the cucumber (where there was a flower) so that the fruits are not careful for the next year, however, most likely, it is also a myth.

To get the cucumber on the seeds, it's just enough to collect it in time. 🙂

Perezrovsky cucumber is inflated, becomes yellowish and even a little brown - all this suggests that the seeds are ripe. Take the cucumber and leave it on the windowsill for a few days so that it becomes completely soft.

To get convenient access to seeds, cut the cucumber along

To get convenient access to the seeds, cut the cucumber along, and scroll out the seeds with a spoon in some dishes, for example, in a plastic cup. Do not forget to sign a variety!

Seeds of cucumbers must pass through the process of saving

Fishing helps to separate the seeds from the pulp, and destroy the remains of inhibitors that slow down germination.

Fishing helps to separate the seeds from the pulp, and destroy the remains of inhibitors that slow down germination. Put the seeds into a small jar, add some water so that the seeds are free to swim, and close the jar of gauze (this will prevent the appearance of flies). After 2-4 days, the fermentation will end, and the mixture itself will look and smell not very pleasant (most likely the mold film will even grow on her surface) is normal.

When the fermentation process is completed, the seeds will fall on the bottom

You should not leave seeds in such a state longer - they can start germinate.

Good seeds will settle on the bottom, and empty will pop up.

Remove the mold layer, the waterfront and shake a little jar - it will make it easy to merge everything too much, because good seeds will settle on the bottom, and empty will pop up. Then put the seeds in the colander and rinse well under the current water.

The final stage - drying seeds

Spread seeds on a saucer or food film and put in a dry warm place where they can dry out.

Do not use paper for drying - seeds can sleep to it

Do not use paper for drying - seeds can sleep to it, and subsequently it will be quite difficult to separate. Seeds can be crushed every few days so that they do not stick and dry evenly. Do not heal the seeds of heat sources so that they dry faster.

Storage seeds

Use envelopes or paper bags passing air. Store seeds follows in a dry cool place.

Do not forget to adapt the year of the start of storage and variety.

What year of storage is better to plant cucumber seeds?

Seeds of cucumbers, like all pumpkin, give more female colors (and therefore greater harvest) on the second or third year of storage.

The longer the seeds are stored, the better. But in the first year, if everything is done according to the technique, the crop will be quite good.

It is impossible to measure the pleasure of the product that has grown personally, besides, more from seeds a loved variety. Of course, you can not bother with independent extraction of planting material and simply buy a variety-like as a description in a garden store. But the meaning of the independent collection and the workpiece of seeds of cucumbers is that when you raised this variety in your summer cottage, you actually tested and checked up its quality and yield, they were fully arranged, and it means that it makes sense to engage in this seed pattern. On how to collect and harvest the cucumber seeds yourself, you will learn below.

What cucumbers leave for seeds: the rules of choice

The most important thing when choosing the fruit of cucumbers, of which we will take seeds, by chance don't take a hybrid variety. Because hybrids of any cultures are completely unsuitable for seed reproduction, as they have already been obtained by crossing several varieties, and therefore, if you seize such a plant, then, most likely, get something completely excellent (in the sense of "unlike") on the desired vegetable. Thus, leave for seeds makes sense only varieties of cucumbers, not hybrids.

Speed \u200b\u200bcucumber (non-libid)

Interesting! The inscription F1 on the seed package suggests that you have a first-generation hybrid. That is, this plant was obtained by crossing two different varieties. Filli (F) from Italian - "Children", 1 - "First Generation". It happens and F2.


Some gardeners argue that the seeds of cucumbers should be taken from female cucumberswhich possess four-chamber seeds.

Male have three seed chambers.

Thus, it is possible to determine that the cucumber - the "girl" can and in its appearance (it is not necessary to cut it at all), the fetal should be as if 4 faces, respectively, at the "boy" - 3.

But! All this (that women's fruits give a richer harvest of cucumbers, and in the first year, and the male only for 2-3 years and much less abundant) very similar to some "myth". Because the cucumbers always appear only from female flowers, men's flowers are empty, which means there can be no male fruit.

Tip! You should not check this recommendation on your own experience, perhaps there is some meaning in this.

Leave on seeds need the largest fruits growing on the most powerful bushes. Do not forget to mark the selected cucumbers so that someone does not accidentally break them, for example, you can tie a colored rope ribbon at its base. It is also recommended to put a table for the fruit of the fruit (if he lies on Earth), so that he did not rot during the rains.


Video: What cucumbers collect seeds

How to determine that the selected cucumber is ready to collect seed

To begin with, it should be accurately determined that the cucumber is ready, and it is already necessary to take and extract seeds. This can be done according to the following signs:

Technology workpiece seeds

Step-by-step instructions for collecting and harvesting seeds of cucumbers:

Note! Many gardeners recommend not easy to rinse seeds under water, but to use the selection method. In other words, the seed material must be placed in a jar or any other capacity and leave for 2-3 days in a warm place (some are advised to additionally add some water). After the expiration of time to fill the container with water and shake well. In addition to the fact that, thanks to this procedure, the seedlings are separated from the seedlings, we can still be able to separate the pacifiers that will pop up onto the surface. Then the landing material, which was at the bottom, must be additionally rinsed under running water and only after that put to dry.

Video: How to assemble cucumber seeds - Rules for collecting and harvesting

How to keep cucumber seeds

When the seed material is completely dry, it can be stored, pre-removed from the paper or the newspaper on which it was dried.

Store cucumber seeds are best in paper bags (envelopes), which must be written the name of the variety and the date of collection. Or you can use zip packages.

The storage place must be chosen dry and with room temperature, that is, order + 18-22 degrees.

Important! Freshly collected cucumber seeds are usually not sowing for the next year, because they will most likely give too many empty flowers. It is optimally taking for landing seedlings of 2-4-year exposures, which is why do not forget to label your packages with seed material.

The maximum shelf life of cucumber seedlings is 5-6 years.

Once, you have more and more positive and satisfaction from the cucumber variety proven and yield. Now you can grow it from that seed material that you get yourself. We hope that our tips and recommendations will help you to prepare your planting material, and in a couple of years (remember, the next year it is not recommended to sow) you can raise the crop of cucumbers from its own seeds.

Video: Preparation of their seeds of cucumbers

In contact with

If you have grown on the site, which suits you completely, and you want to grow it again, then you just need to collect seeds from fruits with your own hands. Of these earlier than in the current year, cucumbers will come, the plants will be healthier, and the crop will be richer.

How to collect cucumber seeds?

Mandatory condition for collecting seeds with cucumbers - the variety should not be hybrid, but natural. How to distinguish hybrids: if the marking F1 or F2 is indicated on the sachet with seed material, then this grade is hybrid, and for collecting seeds such cucumbers will not fit.

From what cucumbers can you collect seeds? Of those that are grown from the sowing material of a natural variety. Such cucumbers with each sown year will only improve and consolidate their positive properties.

How to get cucumber seeds at home?

To get the sowing material, you need to leave a few cucumbers for seeds, that is, not to break them until the moment of complete ripening. They must get yellow and become soft. Leave seed cucumbers already at the end of the season.

To collect seeds, you need to choose "female" cucumbers - they have a square cross section. In order not to confuse, mark them with a ribbon and put a plank for them so that they do not prematurely start. When the cucumber becomes yellow and brown, and the fruit will dry, the seed collection time comes.

How to collect cucumber seeds at home?

Ripe seed cucumbers cut down along, strictly in half. Only the front third of the seed material will suit the seeds. Throw these seeds into wooden, glass or enameled dishes.

If there was little liquid in the seed chamber, then add some water to the dishes. Remove it into a warm place for 2 days to be fermented. The aircraft shell must separate from the seed.

Now you need to wash the seeds in running water, removing pop-up as unsuitable, and all the good seeds decompose on cardboard or fane and drown. If the weather is good, you can dry outdoors, removes the room at night.

But it is not enough to know how to collect seeds of cucumbers. It is also important to correctly apply them in the sowing season. No need the assembled material to evolve the next year, the seeds must go crazy for a couple of years. Otherwise, there will be many empty flowers on the plants, and the harvest you will not wait. The best result will give seeds for the third year - there will be many female flowers on the bushes, giving fruits.

Get the seeds of cucumber corresponding to a certain variety, independently very difficult. To do this, you need to make a lot of work. Help cucumbers with pollination, leave one-only fruit fruit and wait for his biological ripeness. Only after that you can be sure that you will collect the sacred seeds of the desired variety.

Pollination of cucumbers for receiving seeds

  • It is known that the flowers at the cucumbers are monodomes, i.e. Separation.
  • There are male, called the people of emptyweights, and women, of which Zelets is tied after pollination.


  • Women's flowers are more often located one by one, look like a flower with urging.
  • At the place of the Zovazi after polling the cucumber develops.
  • In order for the fruit of the fruit, each female flower should be pollinated by pollen from a male flower.
  • Usually this important mission is performed by insects: bees, bumblebees.
  • However, they can bring pollen from any flower of any variety. It's hard to guess here.

Therefore, to get your seeds of your beloved variety, you need to work myself.

How to pollinate cucumbers

1. Select on plants of the desired variety Flowers for men and women in the phase of buds, and make them insulation with a special clothespin or cotton

Only now you will have confidence that no extraneous pollen will accidentally fall into the desired flowers.

Photo: Flowers insulation for pollination

The next day, buds will turn off, pollen completely matures to pollinate.

2. You need to carefully remove the vaccine from both flowers (male and female).

3. Male flower tear off with a flowerball for more convenience in work, cut yellow petals from him, trying not to damage the dustners inside.

4. After that, it is necessary to carefully bring the remaining anthers on the female flower on the flowering and take them inside the female flower. To secure the polling process, it is desirable to use 1-2 male flower.

5. After the pollination, it is necessary to carefully collect together the petals of a female flower with being inside (if it turns out, but not necessarily) the remnants of a male flower, again wrap the yellow curious wool in order to prevent the penetration of an unwanted insect with alien pollen into the penetration.

6. After pollination, wrap all the female flowers and wounds located on the same vacuum or even a plant for the best development of the polished fetus.


Maturation of the fetus for receiving seeds

  • In order to accidentally do not cut off when collecting fruits you have pollinated wounded, you can tie a thick thread on the fruit. Only make a loop free enough, because The fruit will thicken as the fetus ripening.
  • Put on the polished fruit stitched from gauze pouch so that by mistake not to tear the desired cucumber.

How to collect cucumber seeds

Seeds at home are collected after reaching the fetus of the biological ripeness phase: yellow or brown color with a pronounced grid over the surface and softness when pressing.

  1. Cut the cucumber along and insert a spoon in a glass or porcelain container of seeds along with the mezgoy.
  2. Put the tank in the sun for 3-5 days, interferebly stirring.
  3. As soon as the seeds begin to separately separate from the rest of the content, rinse everything with flowing water until the seed cleansing.
  4. Finally, decompose the subtle layer of seeds for complete drying on the sunny windowsill or battery.
  5. Periodically knead the seeds to avoid sticking them into a lump, eliminating the possibility of germination.

Now you have seeds of your beloved variety, obtained by your own hands!