What kindergarten mattress is better spring or flawed. What is better - Spring mattress or flawless? Classic models: Spring or springless mattress, what is better

Spring or flawed?

Modern mattresses are divided into spring and flawed. The main difference of flawed is lower elasticity. Such mattresses choose people who do not like the "ejecting" springs effect.

What is better: Spring or springless mattress?
- Both. Both types of mattresses are good, each in its own way.

The absence of a spring block makes sensations incomparable with those that are tested on mattresses with a spring block. There are good models among those among others, however, the largest selection of medium stiffness mattresses - among spring models. But tough - on the contrary, among flaws. Extremely rigid models - only without springs.

Spring mattresses

Which spring block to choose: dependent ("Bonnel") or independent?
- Independent springs are better. Bonnell is now applied only in the cheapest mattresses.

Dependent springs:

Such spring blocks are called "Bonnel" and are used mainly in economy class mattresses. In such a block, each spring is rigidly connected with the neighboring and, when pressed, the neighboring is pressed.

The main disadvantage of mattresses with such springs is that due to the rigid bonding springs, the orthopedic effect is reduced, since the springs react to human weight simultaneously with neighboring, and not each separately, but given a small price - the option is quite acceptable. Especially, if it goes on replacing the old focusing mattress.

On the mattresses of this type, everyone slept - this spring unit is used very and for a long time, it is also used in sofas, in mattresses for hotels, in some types of seats, etc. And of course, such springs were used in the "Soviet" beds. The effect of "hammock" on such mattresses when the average springs pull all the springs around.

Independent springs

In such a block, each spring-shaped spring is in a separate case, i.e. The springs are interconnected by only covers, there is no hard connection between them. Due to this, the mattress more accurately adjusts to the body of the sleeping, and begged only where it is necessary. There is no longer the notorious "Hamamak effect". Orthopedic properties are excellent, and due to the absence of connections between steel parts mattress, it turns out absolutely silent.

Independent springs differ depending on the diameter of the coil, the shape of the spring, etc.: Types of springs in mattresses.

Fillers for mattresses

Why do you need different layers over springs?
- Coconut, latex, polyurethane foam and other materials give the surface of the mattress. Specific properties: stiffness, softness, elasticity.

Between springs and mattress case are placed fillers that give surface rigidity or softness.

The most popular fillers:

The most popular types of spring mattresses:

  • Independent springs + 3 cm of natural latex - soft mattress.
  • Independent springs + 3 cm coconut - Surface-hard mattress.
  • Independent springs + 1 cm coconut + 3 cm latex - medium stiffness mattress.

In more detail about the properties of spring mattresses, you can read in the article about the choice of Mattress Vegas .

Select spring mattress

Flameless mattresses

Springless mattress - an excellent choice for those who want to purchase hard or elastic-soft mattress. Today, the market presents a huge selection of flawless mattresses, which are made either of the monoblock of one material, or from several layers of various stiffness and properties of materials.

We describe the properties of the main types of flawed mattresses:

  • Natural latex mattresses - soft or medium-rigid (depends on personal perception of rigidity), but always elastic. Such mattresses as accurately work out the contours of the body. The most elastic and the most breathing latex is manufactured using Talalay technology.
  • Artificial Latex Mattresses, WaterloTex, polyurethane foam, foam rubber, bilaxilax (the essence of synonyms) - rigid, ventilated mattresses withsting high loads. It is recommended to people with problems in the upper spine, as well as children and teenagers. Excellent alternative to "Bonneli". If a few years ago were the most popular were

What will ensure the sweetest dream?

Spring mattresses are still more popular with flawless models. But the question of which spring mattress is better to choose which firm to give preference, often remains open. We offer you rating of the best manufacturers of spring mattressesWe hope it will make it easier for your searches.

When choosing a good spring orthopedic mattress, buyers prefer models with an independent spring block. "Expert Prices" listened to their opinion, in the ranking as examples present the most popular models of each manufacturer's company with an independent spring block.

Criteria for choosing a good spring mattress

Spring block. Independent wins - the mattress will drive only in the place where you are at the moment.

Rigidity. The criterion depends on your preferences and needs. In any case, you need to try the mattress before buying it. Myth that you need to sleep on a hard mattress - only myth.

Materials. Prefer natural hypoallergenic materials, because you almost half of the day spend on the mattress.

Rating of the best spring mattresses according to the "expert price"

Company name

Approximate price range for spring mattresses 90 * 200

Producing country


5000-26500 rub.

Mark №1 in Russia

10 out of 10

16000-50120 rub.


European Quality Certificates and Natural Materials

9.9 out of 10


5000-57700 rub.

Innovative technologies

9.9 out of 10

8000-23000 rub.

Best price-quality ratio

9.8 out of 10


13000-45200 rub.

Combination of machine and manual assembly of mattresses

9.8 out of 10


2500-20000 rub.

Best mattresses in the budget segment

9.8 out of 10

We will get acquainted with our winners closer:

Mattress manufacturer №1 in Russia

Photo: U.Askona.ru.

In the photo is a popular medium hard mattress with an independent Spring Balance of Askona Balance Forma.

Price on the manufacturer's website - 7210 rubles.

The company operates in the Russian and Western European markets for more than 20 years. "Ascona" received a popular Russian award "Mark №1" According to the results of nationwide Russian voting in 2011 and 2013 in the category "Mattresses for a healthy sleep".

The range of orthopedic mattresses exceeds 800 models of various filling and price category. Ascona has a special collection of mediflex mattresses recommended for the complex treatment and prevention of diseases of the spine and the musculoskeletal system.

Advantages of Spring Mattresses Ascona:

  • a huge variety of models with a dependent and independent spring block;
  • large price range, a great mattress can be selected for a small price;
  • anti-allergenic mattresses;
  • warranty - from 18 months to 5 years.

disadvantages: not detected.

From reviews about Spring Mattresses Ascona:

"The best spring mattress of those that we had - do not creak, not sold, no dents from lying and no seats, looks like a new one. For 3 years I never regretted that they bought. "

"We have this mattress for two months already, the term is not so great to talk about all its merits and disadvantages, but while I have not noticed any minuses, only the pros. Every morning we wake up rested! ".

Best Belarusian Spring Mattresses
with European quality certificates

Photo: XN ----- 6kcarfgwrqroabgmkiqhs5r.xn - P1AI

In the photo is a popular mattress of medium stiffness of Vegas 20 with an independent springs block.

Price on the manufacturer's website- 19080 rub.

Belarusian firm "Vegas" confirmed the quality of its products certificates eUROLATEX. (European quality latex), Oeko-Tex. (safety for the health and hygiene of textiles, spring blocks and fillers of the orthopedic mattress), ISO. (Compliance with standards relating to nature concerns in the production process, rational use of energy).

Vegas uses raw materials and components from famous European suppliers (Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Lithuania).


  • a variety of sizes, non-standard mattresses, the length / width of which does not exceed 200 cm, are manufactured without surcharge;
  • anti-allergenic mattresses;
  • high quality and excellent materials;
  • warranty on mattresses - 3 years.



"The mattress is normal for my forms begged, and the springs themselves are not felt. I am glad that I did not succumb to stereotypes that the hard mattress is useful for the back, but chose the one that I am really comfortable. "

"It is now very difficult to buy a truly high-quality thing even for big money. But Vegas's confidence did not deceive my trust, for which she was thank you very much. "

Ormaytek - Innovative Technologies and Permanent Movement Forward


In the photo - the popular spring mattress of medium stiffness based on the independent springs of Ormatek Optima Mix EVS500.

Price on the site manufactureri am 11,500 rubles.

The company "Ormatek" operates in Russia since 2001 and occupies 20% of the market of mattresses in the country. A wide range of products and a variety of characteristics of manufactured mattresses allowed the company "Ormaytek" to occupy the robust position in Russia and abroad.

The SMARTSPring spring block has 15 stiffness zones and perfectly repeats the body contours. Ormatek companies belongs to the manufacture of a record holder listed in the "Book of Records of Russia" - 114 sq.m.


  • a wide range of spring mattresses and a huge variety of fillers;
  • warranty on mattresses - from 2 to 7 years, depending on the collection;
  • anti-allergenic mattresses;
  • high quality and convenience of mattresses.


  • price.

From reviews of spring mattresses Ormaytek:

"The first time seemed to sleep a little harsh (5 days), but then the body was adapted. Sleep is a pleasure, wake up with a rested back, vigorous. "

"The best spring mattress is incredibly comfortable, does not fail, not crushing and does not lose shape, it is high-quality. There are no extraneous smells from it. After an ordinary mattress, the difference is unreal. "

PERRINO Spring Mattresses - Best Price-Quality

Photo: perrino.ru.

In the photo is a popular model of the middle rigidity of the PERRINO Origant of Premium Class with an independent springs block.

Price from the manufacturer - 13590 rubles.

The Russian company PERRINO began its work in 2006. Uses high-quality European components (Germany, Italy, Belgium). Production is located in the city of Kaliningrad - the free economic zone, so prices for PERRINO mattresses are lower compared to other Russian companies.

All company mattresses meet the requirements of GOST.


  • own high-class European equipment;
  • affordable prices;
  • high quality, convenience and natural materials;
  • warranty on mattresses - 2 years.


From reviews of spring mattressesPerrino.:

"Unlike other companies, do not require a surcharge by zipper. You can always see if the foam rubber did not slip instead of latex. Yes, and the price is below thousand by 15 compared to the same mattresses of other manufacturers. "

"A little smell from any new thing was present, but not long. The mattress is quite comfortable. At the moment I am completely satisfied. "

Spring mattresses atmosphere - a combination of machine and manual assembly

Photo: Irecommend.ru.Q5.r-99.com.

In the photo - the popular ATMOSPHERE Planaar mattress with an independent springs block.

Price on the official website of the manufacturer - 17700 rubles.

ATMOSPHERE factory has been operating since 1992. In the manufacture of mattresses, green European technologies are used, which suggest only the most environmentally friendly natural materials: horse hair, latex, sisal, cotton and others.

The main feature of ATMOSPHERE mattresses is a production technology that is an unusual combination of advanced scientific developments and the invaluable hand-assembly experience.


  • high quality and natural materials;
  • removable case that is easily erased;
  • antiallergenic mattresses, this effect is also achieved by the content of bamboo fibers;
  • prevention of diseases of the spine;
  • manufactured specially under the weight of the buyer;
  • warranty - from 3 to 10 years


  • price.

From reviews of spring mattressesAtmosphere.:

"We decided to buy a spring mattress of this particular company, because according to the characteristics it is not inferior to expensive mattresses of advertised firms. For this price, we would buy much worse. "

"Atmosphere mattresses are made with special care, because they are made by manual labor, and not a mechanized way. In the morning it became very easy to wake up, the spring mattress is the best! ".

Velam - the manufacturer of the best inexpensive spring mattresses

Photo: www.mirdoma.com.ua.

In the photo - a popular model of medium stiffness velas "Seventh Heaven" with an independent springs block.

Price on the manufacturer's website - 8500 rubles.

The Ukrainian company Velam has been operating since 1991 in the market of mattresses. Repeatedly became the winner of Ukrainian and international competitions (since 2010 - the "industry leader" in Ukraine, the "best enterprise of Ukraine" in 2010, "recognition of the year" - 2012, etc.), has a number of quality certificates, including ISO , EMRC (Belgium) - for high quality products.

The collection of mattresses Velam consists of four episodes - Baby, Standard, Suite, Premium. Due to reasonable prices and excellent quality, the company is becoming increasingly popular not only in Ukraine, but also abroad.


  • high quality confirmed by numerous awards, excellent materials, convenience;
  • a wide range of spring mattresses;
  • excellent prices;
  • anti-allergenic mattresses;
  • warranty on mattresses - 18 months.


  • not too well-known manufacturer in Russia.

From reviews about spring mattresses Velam:

"Velam is very pleased with his mattress. We already use it for more than 6 years, and although quite a lot of traveling at home and abroad, until now, the best spring mattress did not meet. "

"I bought for myself a spring mattress" Strong ", for a child - Sapphire. We use the second year. Finally, the sleep is normal, the back rests. Quality is the best and price acceptable. "

Which spring mattress is better to buy?

The mattress always needs to be chosen exclusively for yourself and for yourself. Therefore, even deciding with the firm or model of the mattress, try it in the cabin in order not to disappoint at home. Stiffness and filling of the mattress are selected individually.

"Expert Prices" wishes you excellent purchases and serene dreams!

Health, well-being and mood of any person directly depends on the quality of sleep. For a full, healthy sleep corresponds to a sleeping place that must be properly organized for a particular person. A high-quality mattress allows you to get enough sleep well, and also cheerfully feel throughout the day.

And the incorrectly chosen model can cause pain in the back, poor sleep or health problems.

Spring mattresses

Spring mattresses can be divided into two main categories:

  • With the dependent spring block "Bonnel".
  • In the models of this type of spring, the springs are interconnected, and the entire surface of the product has one degree of rigidity. The design of "Bonnel" can not be called very reliable or durable, since over time the springs are pushing or begin to make a creak.

  • With an independent spring block.
  • Such mattresses have a block of independent springs, not connected to each other, and placed in separate tissue covers. For details can be soft, medium or rigid. The independent springs unit guarantees the back of the necessary support. This modification is the most modern of all spring mattresses.

The comfort of sleeping space with an independent unit is determined by the number of springs per meter. Even 256 springs per square meter provide a comfortable stay. 512 - MultiPocket is called a square meter, they differ even higher comfort. Elite models have 1000-2000 very small springs per square meter, which provides an unsurpassed orthopedic effect.



  • Orthopedic effect.
  • An independent spring block supports the body in an anatomical position. It is useful for health and help get rid of back pain.

  • Silent.
  • All springs in models with an independent unit are placed in separate covers and do not come into contact with each other. This avoids the friction and appearance of the screens.

  • Fairly high price.
  • Qualitative models with a block of independent springs are expensive. But the correctly selected model will serve you for many years and will have time to recoup yourself.

    With proper use, the mattress of this type will serve for a long time. But sharp compression of springs, for example, if you jump on the mattress, it can reduce its service life.

Helpful advice:

So that the mattress served you for a long time, turn it over once every 3-6 months. This will prevent the deformation of the spring block, and will also give the opportunity to return its elasticity to the unused side.

There is a filler that determines the quality and characteristics of the product between the cover and spring block.
One of the popular natural materials is coconut coir, which is used in medium or high rigidity mattresses. Coconut fiber is not deformed, elastic, does not rot, the air flows well and evaporates moisture.
In second place - Latex. This elastic material of plant origin, withstands high loads, durable, and also has an orthopedic effect

Flameless mattresses

Modern flawed patterns are made of various natural and synthetic materials. The combination of soft and hard fillers provides elasticity, as well as an orthopedic effect. Explosive models have a different level of rigidity, which is determined by the characteristics and order of layers.

In the manufacture of orthopedic flanks, several fillers are used:

  • Latex
  • Natural material of plant origin. It is characterized by softness, elasticity and durability. Very often, the soft latex layer is combined with a solid cooker from coconut coir, it allows you to provide the necessary elasticity and stiffness of the bedroom.

  • Coconut Coyra
  • Natural filler made of coconut fibers. It is characterized by stiffness, durability, evaporates moisture and well "breathe." Used in the manufacture of children's and adult products.

  • Synthetic latex (PPU).
  • Artificial alternative to natural latex. Differs more affordable price.

  • Structatofiber and Hollofiber
  • Synthetic fillers made of polyester fiber. Different with good thermal insulation properties.

  • Memorix
  • Modern artificial material of the new generation. The filler "remembers" the anatomical contours of the body under the influence of heat. The foamed material guarantees the orthopedic effect of the mattress.

There are models with different stiffery zones. For example, more solid centered, and soft with the edge. This design allows you to provide support for the spine, which guarantees comfort and full rest.

What mattress choose?

Obviously, spring and flawless models have their advantages and disadvantages. Lookingmatizing the appropriate model should be repelled from preferences, age, weight, growth or budget.

Full people are suitable hard mattresses with a spring block, it will provide the spine with the necessary support. Adults of fragile physique are a soft mattress with or without springs.

Healthy medium weight people are suitable orthopedic mattresses of any design of medium or high stiffness.

For children it is worth buying models hard without springs that will contribute to the formation of a healthy posture.

Elderly people are suitable for refractory mattresses from latex or products with an independent spring medium stiffery.

Call, specialists online store "O, Matras!" Joy will advise you by phone

A modern man seeks to constantly improve the quality of life. This is a lot of full rest and healthy sleep. The convenience of sleep space is determined in many respects of the mattress properties. From resolving the issue, what mattress it is better to choose, spring or flavored, the quality of recreation, the health of the spine and posture depends. Both types of products have advantages and disadvantages, and this should be understood before buying.

When selecting the following characteristics should be taken into account:

  • The length of the product should exceed the growth of the owner by 20 centimeters.
  • The absence of harmful synthetic and allergic materials.
  • Hygienic, ensuring sufficient air circulation.
  • Comfort and convenience - the main signs of the right choice.

Identify the criteria, you can compare different types and decide what is better - Spring or springless mattress.

Spring products

Spring mattresses produced two types:

  • Type "Bonnel" containing the dependent spring block. Springs in the block are fastened and operate as a whole.
  • Type Pocket Spring, have an independent spring block. Separate steel springs are placed in dense covers. The stiffness of the product is changing in length and width, as the springs of various rigidity are used. Computer data processing applies to calculate the loads.

"Bonnel" with a dependent spring block - This is the most common type of product. Springs inside are connected to a single unit and work together. With load, the whole design begins, and therefore the orthopedic properties are absent. This can lead to problems with the spine. The disadvantages include rapid wear springs that begin to creak. The advantage of these products is a relatively low price.

The main difference between the independent spring block is that each spring is placed in a tight cover and works independently of others. The quality of the design is determined by the amount of springs per unit area. For an orthopedic mattress, there must be a minimum of 250 pieces per square meter. Orthopedic properties allow you to unload the spine. The advantage of an independent block for a double bed is that the fluctuations of the springs do not act on another sleeping. The disadvantages include a high price and sensitivity to point loads, it cannot be jumping on it. Separate springs can break.

Flameless mattresses

Explosive filling mattresses differ. Products are available with the following types of packing:

  • horsehair;
  • marine grass;
  • coconut;
  • latex;
  • foam;
  • bamboo;
  • structatfiber.

They are made soft, medium and rigid, which depends on the layers of the material.

Latex is most often used for packing. This is a natural filler from the juice of Brazilian Gevei. It possesses the structure a bit similar to the honeycomb, which is formed after foaming and vulcanization. The holes are obtained by different diameters, which allows you to create zones with different rigidity under various parts of the body. Air cavities provide air circulation. Latex is soft and usually used with coconut coirs.

In the mattresses of the middle rigidity from latex make the top layer, and in the hard latex located under the bed of the bed. You can combine and make products bilateral with different rigidity of the parties.

Coin mattresses are often used in cribs. They are hard, moisture resistant and have good ventilation. From new materials, memorials are most often used, capable of memorizing the outlines of the body. The cheapest products are made of polyurethane foam. This soft material and to increase the rigging to it, other ingredients are added. Structatfiber is distinguished by a packing in which the internal fibers are located vertically. It has durability and wear resistance.

What mattress choose spring or flawed - determined by the operating conditions, health, weighing, the age of the owner, the testimony of doctors.

"Bonnel" is an outdated type. When it is used, problems can begin with the back and joints. It is better to buy a modern model.

Overweight people need to choose a hard spring mattress. He will not join and support the spine.

With a weight of 50 kg, it is better to choose soft springless products from latex and with the effect of the memory of the form, and for the remaining weight categories, you can purchase high-quality spring and flavored mattresses.

Children under 12 years old are more skilled mattresses. Spring fluctuations are negatively reflected on the rapid spine. It is recommended to use latex or coconut for children. The main thing is to avoid dependent blocks. It is desirable to use hypoallergenic impregnation.

Which orthopedic mattress is better: spring or flawed is a question that should be discussed with a specialist. An experienced orthopedist will give advice on the choice. It may be not very rigid spring or latex flavless.

If you make a choice among springless species, you must remember that the polyurethane is not harmless and can cause allergies. It is better to choose models with latex or coconut. The most useful for health is expert mattresses with natural packing, in particular, coir. But these products have increased rigidity and less comfortable. The buyer turns out to be a choice: soft and comfort or utility.

The spring unit serves for 10 years, and flawed one and a half times longer.

Having understood in all the variety of products presented in the market, you can choose the most suitable view of the climate, housing conditions and personal characteristics of the buyer. The choice of products is very large, kinds are diverse, it is difficult to determine which better. The mattress, spring or flawed, should serve as a major goal, ensure a full removal of fatigue, calm sleep and protection of the spine and joints.

ATTENTION, only today!

The main functions of any mattress do not depend on the spring or flavor option you select. It:

  • efficient support for sleeping, or orthopedic effect;
  • ensuring comfort during sleep;
  • durability - the ability of the mattress to perform the first two functions during the entire service life.
Let's see which mattresses are better than spring or flawed from the point of view of performing these functions, as well as from the position:
  • flameless mattresses Benefits and disadvantages;
  • spring mattresses Benefits and disadvantages.

Effective support in spring and flawed mattresses

For providing proper support (orthopedic effect) in the spring mattress responds, in a greater part, the spring block is the supporting structure. Unlike spring, only fillers correspond to high-quality support for high-quality support.

The main difference between spring and flawed mattresses is that any springs create a spring effect, that is, small oscillations, when you sit down, lie down or turn over. Unlike spring, in flavored mattresses, any oscillations are quenched immediately, as fillers have low spring properties.

Choosing between the purchase of a spring or blur mattress, usually each decides for themselves - whether he likes the spring properties of mattresses with springs or a calm surface of flawed mattresses. If it does not matter for you, you will have to choose a mattress for other parameters.

Support for spring mattresses

The bonnell spring block has the lowest level. This is due to the fact that all springs in it are flying with each other and the load on one spring drives the neighboring (the effect of the wave, the effect of hammock). The surface being created little corresponds to the anatomical features of the physique of a person, preventing completely relaxing. Therefore, if there is an opportunity, it is better to prefer other options.

The best support for support is mattresses on an independent spring block. In them, each spring responds only to its share of load, and the entire block repeats the contours of the sleeping. At the same time, the higher the density of the springs per 1 sq. M, the higher the orthopedic and anatomical effect, and the mattress itself can withstand greater weight.

Support for flawed mattresses

In contrast, only fillers are responsible for high-quality support in flavored mattresses. The tougher filler, the lower the anatomy of the mattress, and orthopedic support is higher and vice versa. Therefore, the comfort of rigid mattresses is very individual, and tough flaws are recommended for purchase on the individual advice of orthopedic and somnologists.

Explosive medium stiffness mattresses are monolithic foam of high density or alternation of rigid and soft fillers. The level of the orthopedic effect in such mattresses is also medium.

Mattresses from natural latex have the highest anatomy, including the zoned, but the main drawback is a high price. Filter manufacturers for mattresses are continuously working to develop various foams, which would be as much as possible to natural latence according to the properties, but, at the same time, it was much cheaper. Such foams, as a rule, are patented product name: ergolatex, ergofos, orthophos, ormafoam, etc.

Comfort during sleep on black and spring mattresses

In spring and flawed mattresses for this feature answer:
  • fillers of the top layer of the mattress;
  • fabrics and stitch materials covers;
  • various kinds of impregnation.

Comfortable layer of flawless and spring mattresses

Accordingly, there are no fundamental differences in this aspect between spring or flawed mattresses. The only thing is in the spring mattress, pay attention to the thickness of the comfort layer, if it is completely thin (no more than 2-3 cm), you can feel the springs.

If you like elastically hard surfaces, choose the mattresses with the presence of coconut coirs, sisal, horse-haired or flax in it. The only thing, remember that whatever the block in the spring mattress, the thickness of the hard filler layer, the less the anatomic of the work of independent springs is felt.

If you like elasticly soft mattresses, choose natural latex, PPU and foam memories as the top layer.

Covers in black and spring mattresses

A nice microclimate on the surface of the mattress will create covers made of natural fabrics: cotton, bamboo, tensel. Additional comfort provide various processing and impregnation:
  • antibacterial;
  • antistatic;
  • antiseptic;
  • fire fighting;
  • mixed.

Spring and springless mattresses

The durability of the mattress affects not only its design, but also factors like:
  • properties and quality of fillers;
  • compliance with the rules of the selection and operation of the mattress.
It should be noted that some of the fillers have greater durability, such as Struttofiber, Bicocos serve for a very long time. At the same time, the coconut coir may begin to crumble if the child will constantly jump on the mattress. Polyurethane foam does not like excessive humidity, and Latex will become fragile winter in the unheated dacha.

In addition, in contrast to flaws, spring mattresses themselves are also for fillers to wear factor. Therefore, a layer of dense material (for example, felt or spongond) between springs and soft layers extends their lifespan.

In order for the duration of the maintenance of the mattress, it was less than the manufacturer less than the manufacturer, choosing a mattress, pay attention to the recommended maximum load on the sleeping place of the mattress. And do not neglect the operating conditions of the mattress, for example, if it will live in the country. And, of course, choose the marks of the mattresses of the time-tested manufacturers.

If the quality and compliance of the rules is all right, then by service life of the mattress rating will look something like this:

  1. flavored mattresses on a monolithic block made of natural latex (up to 20 years);
  2. flameless mattresses from hard fillers and "sandwiches", mattresses on independent bases with springs density 2000 pcs / sq. M and 1000 pcs / sq. M (up to 10 years);
  3. blacksmith-free mattresses from dense foam and all other spring mattresses (up to 7 years);
  4. flameless mattresses of low-density pins (no more than 5 years).

When should you choose a flawed mattress?

Make a choice in favor of a flawed mattress stands in cases:
  • when buying a mattress in a bed with low sides, when to buy a high-quality spring mattress of the desired height is impossible;
  • when choosing a mattress in a crib for a child up to 3 years;
  • when buying a mattress as a guest, if there is a need to twist it for storage;
  • when selecting a mattress for transformable bases.
Well, now, when we disassembled all the pros and cons of spring and flawed mattresses, now you have already chosen for myself? What mattress is better for you - spring or flawless?

We invite you to our catalog of mattresses, where you can familiarize yourself with features, descriptions, photos, prices, reviews and buy what kind of spring or springless mattress! In the online store SPIM.ru there is always the best range of flawless and spring mattresses in all price categories, from leading Russian and foreign manufacturers.