What is the smallest waterfall in the world. The most powerful waterfalls on the planet

What waterfall is the highest in the world? The highest waterfalls of the world.
Top 10 of the highest waterfalls of the world:

  1. Angel waterfall or kerpacking measure, Venezuela (Angel Falls, VENEZUELA) - 979 (1054) m.,
  2. Waterfall Tugla, South Africa (Tugela Falls, South Africa) - 948 m.
  3. Waterfall Three sisters, Peru (Three Sisters Falls, Cataratas Las Tres Hermanas, Peru) - 914 m.
  4. Olo'Pena Falls, United States (Olo'Pena Falls, United States) - 900 m.
  5. Umbill Waterfall, Peru (Yumbilla Falls, Peru) - 895.4 m.
  6. Waterfall Winnufossen, Norway (Vinnufossen, Norway) - 860 m.
  7. Waterfall Balayphossen, Norway (Balaifossen, Norway) - 850 m.
  8. Falls Puucoku, USA, Hawaii (Pu'uka'oku, United States) - 840 m.
  9. James Bruce Falls, Canada Waterfall (James Bruce Falls, Canada) - 840 m.
  10. Waterfall Brown, New Zealand (Browne Falls, New Zealand) - 836 m.

Countries with the highest waterfalls in the world

If you choose the highest waterfalls in the world (10 above 800 meters), it is easy to calculate countries that are record holders in the number of giant high waterfalls on their territory. The leader is Norway in which four highest waterfalls in the world, All of which are above 800 meters: Winnufossen (860 m.), Balaphossen (850 m.), Strovenfossen (820 m.), Utigard (818 m.). 2/3 of the territory of Norway is located at an altitude of more than 500 meters above sea level. At the highest height of the highest waterfalls in the world, small Norway survived one of the largest countries in the United States. IN USA 4 highest waterfall in the world: Olupin (900 m.), Pukukoka (840 m.), Vaichilau (792 m.), Colonial Creek (788 m.). Geologically, the United States helped its distant Hawaii, in which three of the highest waterfalls in the US slopes in volcanoes. In a small in size, Peru is located two of the highest waterfalls of the world: "Three sisters" (914 m.), Yumbill (895.4 m.).

  1. Norway: The 4 highest waterfall in the world, only 3348 meters.
  2. USA: The 4 highest waterfall of the world, only 3320 meters.
  3. Peru: The world's highest waterfall in the world, only 1810 meters.

The highest waterfall in the world - №1 Angel, Venezuela

What waterfall is the highest in the world? The highest waterfall in the world is a kerpacupa measure or Angel It was opened in 1933 in Venezuela, American pilot James Eindgele. He flew in the tropical forests of Venezuela in search of whether ore, or diamonds. In 1937, James Eindgel wanted to land on the plane at the Ayangtepui Plateau (Aershina Mount Ayangtepui), where the slices of quartz sparkled, which he from afar accepted for the brilliance of diamonds. When landing, the aircraft was damaged, the chassis burst and the pilot with the wife of Marie and the two companions came down 11 days. Their hard journey glorified the largest waterfall in the world.

Angel waterfall ( SALTO? NGEL in Spanish ) It was named in his honor, this is how Eyngel surname is read in Spanish ( Angel in English). In 1994, UNESCO World Heritage List was replenished with the highest angel waterfall in the world with the National Park of Canaima, where it is located. Recently, under the pretext of the fight against cosmopolitanism, the world's highest waterfall, Angel, was renamed to the kerpacking measure ( KEREPAKUPAI-MER?). Cerepackup-measure is one of its local Indian names. So in 2009, President of Venezuela Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias revenged the Americans. Indeed, in 1912, Ernesto Sanchez La Cruz, who explored Venezuela mentioned this waterfall, although he did not publish his discovery officially.

All the highest waterfalls of the world are headed by Angel Waterfall, which is recognized as its beauty. The water of the world's largest waterfall begins its drop directly from the clouds, because its height is 979 meters (for 1949, today other data is 1054 m), that is, a kilometer. It is powered by the waters of the Carro River (the flow of the River Karonon). Freely falling water flows with the largest mountains of Ayangtepui Mountain in Venezuela ("Mount Devil"). Due to the fact that the mountain slope consists of a gently red sandbath, the river cut it out and the water drop begins from cleft 50 meters below the edge of the Ayangtepui Mountain. And the water completes its drop in the Kerepe River, breaking into the smallest fog, which stands a few kilometers around.

Should I see the highest waterfall in the world?

Those who are thinking about whether Angel is worth visiting the waterfall, I can only say: "The highest waterfall in the world"! When you look at this miracle of nature, you understand how small the bug is a person in comparison with the power of the power of earthly attraction. While near the Majestic Venezuelan Waterfall Angel, you understand that your life will end, your descendants, and the water of this waterfall will also be ravenly slandering down despite the progress of mankind, war and destruction.

Angel's highest waterfall in the world is free to visit tourists and is one of the main attractions of Venezuela. Angel's waterfall is in the wilderness and get to it first need a regular plane. Enjoy the beauty of the world's largest waterfall, Angel can be from below, coming along the river, using the services of numerous guides. And you can see the highest waterfall in the world from a bird's eye view on the excursion helicopter. This spectacle literally intercepts breathing, you will not regret!

The highest waterfalls of the world: №2 Waterfall Tugla (South Africa)

The highest waterfalls of the world: No. 2 Waterfall Tuela South Africa

The second in the list of the highest waterfalls of the world - waterfall Tuela 914 meters high on the Eastern Dragon Mountains. Drakensberg. Translated from German means "Dragon Mountain", it is located in the province of Quadzulo-Natal, the Republic of South Africa. Water, giving power to the waterfall - the purest, you can drink them. The total length of the river Tughela, which gives force to the second world in the height of the waterfall, 512 km. Its source is just a few kilometers from the waterfall of Tug. Flooring the source of waterfall in winter (our summer) is often covered with snow, and the waterfall itself can turn into ice. Unlike the other highest waterfalls in the world, the waterfall of the five-speed waterfall, which looks very unusual and attractive. The highest cascade of 411 meters high.

Waterfall treated, inferior in height only the largest Angel waterfall in the world, looks beautiful at any time of the year and with any weather, even glitters in the sun. It is best to look after a heavy rain when the 15-meter thread becomes more noticeable and overflows with all the colors of the rainbow. Tourists are available two main routes. The first is shorter and takes 5 hours on foot: from the parking lot with a short lift to the top and further, on two suspended bridges. The second route begins with a semiculometric lift in the gorge, then the suspension bridge will result in curious tourists to the foot of the world in the world of the highest waterfall in the world.

The highest waterfalls of the world: No. 3 Waterfall "Three Sisters" in Peru

The highest waterfalls of the world: No. 3 Waterfall "Three Sisters" in Peru

The third highest of the "Top-10: the highest waterfalls of the world" named "Three sisters" (Three Sisters Fall) Because of your unusual construction. The third highest waterfall Waterfall "Three Sisters" (Spanish Cataratas Las Tres Hermanas) Dimmed into the depths of the dense forests of a small country. It is possible to boast of its presence region Ayakucho in Peru. The "Three sisters" waterfall was hidden from civilization for a long time. World science only recently enriched in information about this highest in Peru Waterfall. Photographers opened it by a group when they made a photo session of another Peruvian waterfall - a catrata, which is located near and three years below (267 meters high). The flow of waterfall consists of three separate tiers, a total height of 914 meters. Moreover, two of them (the upper) can only be seen from the air, and the lower, the third splashes into a huge pool, hidden among the high-rise 30 meter trees.

The highest waterfalls of the world: №4 Olupin, Hawaii

The highest waterfalls of the world: №4 Waterfall Olupin in the US

Waterfall Olupin (Olo'Pena Falls. In English) the highest waterfall in the United States and the fourth highest of the highest waterfalls of the world. The Olopen Volcano is located on the northern coast of Malokai Island ( Moloka'i.). The waterfall is 900 meters high flows along the almost vertical slope of Huloku Mount ( Haloku.), although usually water is fluently flying from height. The waterfall of Olupin has long been hiding from people, because It is insulated with an isolated volcanic island mountain range and is surrounded by high mountains. Even now, when the Folupin waterfall is widely known among tourists, it is more convenient to sew the helicopter. Until now, the waterfall of the Olupin is not available to hiking tourists. Except for air, you can get to him only from the sea where it rushes his waters.

The best time to visit the tourists of the waterfall of Olupin from November to March during the rainy season. One of the highest waterfalls in the world, Olupin is available for excursions accompanied by guides from boats, yachts and helicopters. To the attention of numerous tourists appears the breathtaking spectacle of water smoothly flowing into the sea along the vertical wall. And tourists in windy weather visible another phenomenon: the water of the waterfall of the olupin literally takes off up in the air pressure of the air flow. Just 500 meters near is the eighth worldwide ranking of the highest waterfalls of the world: Poocoku waterfall, which is only 60 meters below. And even closer, 300 meters: Hulocha waterfall 700 meters high.

Unreal photos of the waterfall of Olupin.

The highest waterfalls of the world: the wrong photo of the waterfall of Olupin, in fact it is Papalaua waterfall!

Very often, on the Internet publish photographs called Olupin Falls, showing a picturesque valley with waterfall streams surrounded by three sides by the mountains. This photo does not belong to the waterfall of Olupin, and demonstrates the picturesque Papalua waterfall ( Papalaua Falls.) Tightened only 500 meters. A real waterfall of the Outupin is poured on the outside of the mountain right into the sea.

The highest waterfalls of the world: №5 Umbill, Peru

The highest waterfalls of the world: №5 Umbill, Peru

Second in height in Peru and the fifth in the world - waterfall Yumbill (Umbill, in English Yumbilla., and in the language of the Indians of Kechua Yumbillo.). Umbill waterfall is located in the district of Peruvian Selva. The height of the waterfall is 870 meters. However, the Peruvian National Geographic Institute insists on the figure - 895.4 meters. The flow of water of one of the largest waterfalls in the world begins under the ground. Its source: San Francis Cave, the length of the part of which is about 250 meters.

This waterfall is a multi-level system in which there are four large descent. True, many photographers were able to capture 5 cascades of Umbill's waterfall. Yumbill is considered by the Government of Peru as one of the objects that will be included in a two-day excursion to the largest waterfalls of this country. While excursions accompany informal guides who enjoy visiting wildlife with fantastic species. Within a radius of 7 miles from the Umbill waterfall, there is another gock waterfall, the height of which is 771 meters.

The highest waterfalls of the world: No. 6 Winnugosssen, Norway

The highest in Norway and Europe Waterfall Winnugosssen

The highest in Norway and Europe waterfall Winnugosssen Located on the Winn River, which determined its name (according to Norwegian Vinnufossen. So the waterfall on the Winn river). Winnufossen waterfall is near the village of Sunndalsøra (east of him). The overall height of the highest waterfall in Europe is 860 meters. Winnufossen has several levels. Winnuffossen Waterfall Water Supply - Winnuffon Glacier ( Vinnufonna.). This glacier gives the beginning of the Winn River flowing around Winuphielala ( VinnufJellet.) In the form of waterfall Winnugosssen. Interestingly, in modern Norwegian, there is no word wine, which is included in the name of the glacier, mountains, rivers and waterfall. Linguists tend to believe that the word vinnu. Comes from the old Scandinavian word work. On the modern Norwegian work means arbeid..

The highest height of the free fall of water from the largest in Norway and Europe Winnuffossen waterfall is 420 meters. Further Wine Walls fall into the Dryiv River ( Driva). Tourists for viewing prefer a more famous and spectacular MardalSfossen waterfall ( Mardalsfossen.), which is 200 meters below, but full-way. It is a classic waterfall that flows into the U-shaped valley and forms Lake Aikedalcite ( Eikesdalsvatn.).

The highest waterfalls of the world: No. 7 Balayfossen, Norway

The highest waterfalls of the world: No. 7 Waterfall Balayfossen (BAL? IFOSSEN Falls)

The second height in Norway waterfall Balayfossen. (Balai Fossen, Bal? Ifossen Falls) Located near the fjord Osafjord ( OSAFJORD. or Osafjorden.) in the municipality Ulwick ( Ulvik) in Führalan ( Hordaland.). The BALIFOSSEN waterfall has a height of 850 meters and consists of 3 cascades with a high height of 452 meters. The source of waterfall waterfall of the BALIFOSSEN is a stream of the ball, replenished with thawed waters. At the edge of the valley, where the water of the mountain waterfall Balayfosssen is descended by the town of Osa. The usual flow is up to 6 meters wide in a warmer than usual year can turn into a sluggish stream, an exposed stone bed of one of the highest waterfalls of the planet.

Waterfall Balayfossen does not complain about tourists because of its small water flow, which can almost stop in the hottest days. In the warm months, a narrow cascade of the second in the altitude in Norway, the Balaphossen waterfall turns into an imperceptible trickle. The change of the nature of the Balaphossen waterfall is explained by its weak source. The waterfall is filled with melting snow from the surrounding high mountains. Consequently, the appearance, the flow rate and the overall impression of the Balaphossen waterfall is inconvenient and change from the season in the season, from year to year. Visit this waterfall in July, and you can spend your trip, looking at the dry stone bed of a huge waterfall. The existence of one of the highest waterfalls in Europe threatening depends on climate warming. A systematic reduction in snow cover below the level necessary to replenish the waterfall to autumn months can lead to its complete disappearance.

The highest waterfalls of the world: No. 8 Pukokoku, USA

The highest waterfalls of the world: No. 8 Pukokoku, USA

Waterfall Pukukoka (Pu'Uka'oku.) 840 meters high (2.756 feet) are not the highest waterfall in the world, but is among the top ten in the world of waterfalls at number 8. Pooukoku waterfall - a miracle of nature in the Hawaiian island of volcanic origin of milk ( Moloka'i.). This island is interested in that it is 12 (!) Waterfalls on it, of which two fall into the top 10: the highest waterfalls in the world. The highest waterfall on milk island, Olupin is the first height in the US and the fourth in the world. The very small haha \u200b\u200bwaterfall on this small island is only 240 meters high. Poocoku waterfall water does not fall freely, but evenly flows across the slopes, located almost vertically. The waterfall is rarely photographed, because the slopes around it are not available for people. Growing tightly thickets interfere with climbers and are not so tightly held on loose volcanic soil to withstand human weight with equipment.

Waterfall can be observed from the sea, taking advantage of boat excursions offered by numerous tourist companies. You can approach the waterfall so much that you will immerse yourself in fog, from the water falling from this delightful monument of nature. With excursions, the helicopter opens an even more impressive spectacle. During strong winds, the waterfall water Puucoca does not reach the ocean, and takes up. This spectacle misses many tourists who can observe Puucoca waterfall only from boats and helicopters. Movement on them is too dangerous in this weather.

The highest waterfalls of the world: №9 James Bruce, Canada

The highest waterfalls of the world: the highest in North America James Bruce, Canada

The highest in Canada and North America Waterfall is a waterfall James Bruce (James Bruce Falls.) 840 meters high (2,755 feet). James Bruce Waterfall, carrying number 9 in the world's dozen of the highest waterfalls of the world just one foot (31 centimeter) below the Hawaiian waterfall Pooukokuchi. The waterfall is named after the Great Traveler, Scots of Jese Bruce, who first found the origins of the Blue Nile. There is a waterfall James Bruce in Canada. In British Columbia, the waterfall of James Bruce is a leader of views in the Sea Princess Louise Princess Park. A small width of the waterfall (only 5 meters) is explained by the fact that both the highest waterfalls in the world is formed by her waters. The largest waterfall in North America is powered by clearly visible in photography snow on a high-altitude plateau.

All the highest waterfalls in the world are very similar to each other. However, James Bruce differs from most of them because he has no one, two parallel sources. Due to the fact that one of them was created by a lowerly located and weak glacier, his stream is weaker and dries in the summer. Another Waterfall James Bruce distinguishes the fact that he constantly wriggles and turns his direction among stony mining faults. The water supply source of the waterfall James Bruce is small according to the total water supply, it is located at an altitude of almost two kilometers, so the total flow is not very changing, depending on seasonal changes.

Waterfall James Bruce is most favorable for visiting tourists rainy in winter or in the fall, it looks the most fully. It is difficult to consider entirely from the bottom, where tourists usually swim by boats. It is more convenient to consider and take pictures of James Bruce waterfall from nearby hills. In addition, here in the Park Princess Louise Tourists can see more than a dozen less than high waterfalls. Of course, even this cannot attract the same tourists as it comes to look at the most famous waterfall in Canada on the Niagara River. Niagara Falls annually attend 25 million people.

The highest waterfalls of the world: No. 10 Brown, New Zealand

The highest waterfalls of the world: No. 10 Brown, New Zealand

The highest waterfall in New Zealand Brown (Browne Falls.) was opened on the island of South Viktor Carlyle Brown in 1940. The discovery of the tenth in the list of the biggest waterfalls of the world has occurred during aerial photography and an indifferent pilot. Today, this waterfall is included in the Fjordland National Park, located on the island of South, New Zealand. The source of Waterfall Brown is a small mountain lake (by the way, also open brown and named after it) in the southern part of the island. The waterfall itself is surrounded by a subtropical evergreen forest, which is mainly from the Kauri trees of a 50-meter height and a 6-meter width. Width of the waterfall is 12 meters. It is not surprising that the water boss of this powerful waterfall reaches up to 14 cubic meters of water per second. But it is in those months when its filling with the maximum water. And the usual water consumption is about 3 cubic meters per second. The water of the largest waterfall in New Zealand calms down in the fjord of the Bay of Arm.

Waterfall Brown is the only one of the tens of the highest waterfalls in the world, which is formed by the mountain lake, and not melting glaciers, snow or streams. This is precisely the largest departure among high waterfalls. Water falling from Waterfall Brown flies vertically 836 meters, and horizontally 1130 horizontals! The water pressure from the mountain lake Brown makes it possible to water not fall at an angle of close to 90 degrees, but to fly forward under a forty-degree-degree angle. The features of the mountain range are such that the Waterfall Brown is a single-table. The highest splice of the waterfall of Brown is 244 m long.

Many of you believe that Niagara Waterfall is the largest, high and wide in the world. This is not true. It is popular thanks to professional and competent advertising. There are higher and wide waterfalls in the world, which are many more Niagara.

The highest waterfall in the world - Angel

Waterfall - Giant. It is deep in the tropical forests of Venezuela. Angel Waterfall Height - 973 meters (The highest waterfall in the world).

The discovery happened completely by chance. In 1933 The Government of Venezuela has been equipped with an expedition in search of ore deposits. The pilot named James Anhel accidentally discovered Angel, committing another flight in search of ore. Thus was found the highest waterfall in the world.

photo of the highest waterfall in the world - Angel

Later, in 1937, James Angel, together with his wife, and two more companions decided to land on top of the waterfall, but they were fail.

The plane on which they flew was damaged and they were forced to return home on foot. The road home amounted to 11 days, because this waterfall is located in one of the most hard-to-reach places.

The fastest way to get to Angel is on the river or air. In December 2009, by decision of the President of Venezuela, was renamed to the kerpacuise-measure on the title of the locality, where it is located. However, for most locals, as well as tourists from all over the world, he remained just "Angel".

Excursion, by local standards, is quite expensive - $ 300, however, the spectacle that you will see simply captures the spirit. You can make a tour or plane, or on the mouth of the river.

The most beautiful waterfall - Tug

In the province of Natal, which is located in South Africa, highly in the mountains is located the second largest in the world - the waterfall treated. He takes its name from the river with the same name. The location where the waterfall is located along the river and lead only two trails to it. You can reach the vertices of the waterfall with a footman in 6-8 hours.

Tuela is a surprisingly beautiful sight of five falling down cascades. The greatest height of the waterfall cascade is 411 meters. The total height of the cascade is 948 meters, and the width is 15m. Tourists love to visit this place very much. The cost of the excursion is $ 50.

photo Tugel

The most unusual waterfall - "Three sisters"

The most picturesque waterfall. It is surrounded from all sides by the forest, the height of trees in which reaches 30 meters. Located in Peru and is three branches of a water cascade falling down. The cascade tier have a lot of jets that at the bottom form a swimming pool with small islands and thickets. This waterfall is especially beautiful when his peak is illuminated by a rainbow. From the heat, tourists are saved under the crown of trees. The height of the waterfall is 914 meters, width - 14 meters.

photo "three sisters"

The most famous and popular - Niagara Falls

"Niagara" translated from Indian - "rumbling water." This name is given not in vain. The roar from the waterfall is heard for many kilometers. Being near him, literally, nothing heard.

Niagara is the most popular and well-known Waterfall in the United States, which shares the United States and Canada. It formed more than a thousand years ago as a result of the melting of the glacier. The characteristic green color of water acquired due to the high content of particles of rocks dissolved in the waters of the Niagara River and Lake Erie and Ontario.

Width of the waterfall - 1200 meters, height - 53 meters. Niagara Falls Though is not the largest in the world, but the most beautiful. Millions of tourists come to this beauty come for this beauty. They can:

    explore the surroundings from viewing sites and towers;

    make a pedestrian tour of the gallery;

    ride on a cable car, helicopter and balloon right above Niagara.

Niagara Falls attracts "extremals".

In 1859 French Charles Blondden crossed the Niagara Gorge on the rope suspended at an altitude of 500 meters.

In 1901 American Annie Taylor descended from him in a barrel and, at the same time, remained alive. Attempts to repeat this trick were performed once, but ended with the hospital bed, due to numerous bruises.

In the United States is considered the main attraction. Over the years, popularity is only increasing. The cost of the excursion is $ 30.

photo of Niagara Falls

The largest and wide waterfall in the world - Victoria

Waterfall received its name in 1855, thanks to the researcher named David Livingston, who visited him, decided to call him in honor of Queen Victoria. Locals call him "Rady Smoke." Located Victoria Waterfall in South Africa, on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia. Victoria Height - 108 meters, and width - 1800 meters (This is the largest and wide waterfall in the world).

During raindrops, Victoria turns into a solid rain flow at which nothing can be seen. During the drought, Victoria dries significantly, its flow becomes less quick. The waterfall is also a place for people who prefer an extreme sport. Here you can make:

    jump on a tarzanque tied to the legs;

    fly over the canyon on the cable;

    sail on the boat along rivers;

    make an excursion to the "sip of the devil", etc.

The cost of excursions is $ 50.

photo of the biggest waterfall in the world - Victoria

Waterfalls Iguazu - 8 miracle of light

It was opened by the Spanish traveler Alvaro Kaseo. In 1541, at the coast of Argentina and Brazil, he was looking for gold.

Iguazu refer to the eighth miracle of the world. Every hour they spew more than 1 billion tons of water. Height - 82 meters, width of all cascades - 4000 m.

The name "Iguazu" means "big water" and this is fully consistent with reality. About 250 million years ago began to form and consist of 270 cascades. Most of the waterfalls Iguazu is located in Argentina. Excursions for tourists are arranged both from Brazilian and from the Argentine side. The cost of the excursion is $ 30.

photo: Waterfalls Iguazu

It may be not so picturesque as Waterfalls Iguazu, Niagara or Victoria, but the very tallest waterfall in the world.

Angel's water flow flies almost a kilometer before reaching the earth. Angel's waterfall is twenty times higher than the famous and popular Niagara Falls.

Higher and higher

Angel Waterfall (he is called the Angel Salto) The highest free falling waterfall in the world. Its height amounts to different estimates of 978 meters or 1054 meters. And the level of continuous water drop is equal to 807 meters. This is a miracle of nature in the tropical forests of Venezuelala, more precisely in the territory of the Canaim National Park.

Almost a kilometer is so much the height of the fall, which is before touching the Earth, the water flow is scattered into many smallest particles. It turns out that the surface of the earth the waterfall looks like fog. Water after reproduction falls into the river called Kerep.

Don't drive

Angel's waterfall is quite difficult to get to the waterfall, since the Venezuelan attraction is in a dense tropical forest. And there are no roads there. The most desperate can be laid the way to the waterfall by air or by the river. However, enterprising travel companies have already laid the route to Anhel. They sell tours to the waterfall sets. There is a flight from Ciudad Bolivar or Caracas to Canaima, then the road on the water. Offered tourists Food and different things needed for a trip to the waterfall.

Angel's waterfall is nice with a huge flat mountain, its aborigines call "Tempui". Mount Ayang Tempuy (that translated into Russian means "Mount of Devil") - this is one of the hundreds of similar to it, which are located on the Gwianky Highlands, which is in the south-east of Venezuela. These giants are characterized by their massive heights, they seem to take off to the sky, end with flat tops and have completely vertical slopes. Tempuy is called the same "table mountains", it accurately describes their shape. Mountains have been formed billions of years ago from sandstone. However, the vertical slopes are constantly being destroyed under the influence of heavy rains that are regular on Guiangian Highlands.

Unsuccessful search for gold

Since time immemorial about Salto, Angel knew the aborigines of Venezuela. Waterfall was first discovered in 1910. The discoverer is a Spanish researcher named Sanchez La Cruz. However, the world did not recognize the world until he officially opened his pilot and gold father from America James Crowford Angel. In honor of his waterfall and called.

Waterfall Angel

In 1937, James Angene flew over Venezuela in search of ore deposits and landed on one of the tops of a lonely mountain. Local say he was looking for diamonds. This can be clarified by the fact that the aborigines during the time of Endzhela were constantly talking about the stones, which, according to the descriptions, are very similar to diamonds. In fact, in the place where Angel waterfall falls, rich in quartz. On November 16, 1933, James Angene, James Angene, first noticed by Tempu, who attracted his attention first, from the Flamingo Monoplane. A few years later, he returned there, but his plane was promoted in the swampy jungle on the mountain, the chassis burst into the aircraft. The man and the three of his companion (including the spouse of the pilot Marie) noticed an impressive waterfall, which stretched down to thousands of feet. The gaze fell on the water mass, when the company had to descend from the mountain on foot. The man and his colleagues were not very lucky with the 11-mile expensive back to civilization, so his plane remained lying on the top of the mountain, while remaining a kind of rusting monument in honor of the opening of the waterfall. A little later, the world found out about Angele, then the news about the adventures of ore seekers spread through the planet. The waterfall also received its name by the name of the pilot, which opened it. In Spanish, the name Angel is read as Angel, hence the name. It is worth noting that nothing in common with the angels does not have a waterfall.

Great waterfalls

Jimmy Endzhel plane stayed in the jungle for a long 33 year, after it was raised into the air with a helicopter. Now the aircraft is located in Maraca at the Aviation Museum.

After the discovery began to study the waterfall. Officially, it was measured only in 1949. Then the height was determined by a special expedition of the National Geographic Society. Since then, Angel has become the main attraction of Venezuela.

In the local mountains, waterfalls feed from rain. In the dry season, Angel looks like a thin flowing of water, well, in the rainy season it is a full-fledged waterfall.

At the end of 2009, Venezuela President Hugo Chavez on his weekly show, on the wave of anti-imperialism, decided to rename Angel in Kerpakupa-measure. Initially, another name was proposed - Churun-Mere, but the daughter of the president noticed that this name is one of the smallest waterfalls in this area. The decision to assign a waterfall in the country of Hugo Chavez to the fact that the waterfall was owned by Venezuela long before the top of the mountain suited James Eingel. Therefore, his name the water cascade should not be worn. However, it does not mean that on the map of the world, the waterfall will also be renamed.


Waterfall treated, the second in height in the world, is located in South Africa, Natal in the region. This giant has a little less than Anhel - 948 meters. It consists of 5 separate tiers, and the highest of them are 411 meters. A rather thin waterfall, its width of only 15 meters and, on average, the volume of the outdated water is 50 cubic metropots per second.

To the waterfall is quite easy to get. Before the top, namely the top of the mountain, in five hours will deliver the car. But to the lower tier to make a trip to 5 miles along the Royal National Park. By the way, in any place of South Africa, the tourist did not stop, everywhere there is information on how to get to the waterfall Tuela.

Another largest waterfall of the world is in Peru. Three sisters are known as Ayakucho. The waterfall is quite far from the human eye. And they found the first three sisters photographers who went to this area to take pictures of another Peruvian beautiful waterfall of the Catharat. Its height is 267 meters.

The waterfall has the name three sisters, as it consists of three tiers. Two tops can be seen from the air, with them water falls into the pool, which became the third tier. Almost all the waterfall is surrounded by the forest, where the trees rose to 30 meters. The waterfall itself has a height of 914 meters.
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Anyone who saw the waterfall near will agree that their beauty and majesty are almost indescribable. If even a small drop in water can inspire, imagine that you will feel seeing one of the biggest waterfalls in the world.

This top 10 is based on the width of waterfalls, not height or volume. Each waterfall from the list is wonderful in its kind.

10. Waterfall Inga, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Inga waterfall has a width of 900 meters, located on the Congo River, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is from a series of waterfalls and thresholds that fall from a height of about 100 meters, but with interruptions. However, in the main and most impressive part, water drops from a height of about 20 meters in one breath. There are hundreds of channels on this waterfall, which are highlighted by a variety of large breeds and small islands.

9. Niagara Falls, USA, Canada

Despite the relatively small height, the Niagara Falls is undoubtedly the most famous waterfall on the planet. Every year 14-20 million people arrive at the waterfall. 1200 meters wide, Niagara Falls are far from the largest waterfall, but this waterfall with the largest volume of water passing through it. It has three separate parts: Horseshoe Waterfall, Fata Waterfall and American Waterfall.

8. Waterfall Stanley, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Waterfall Stanley extends 1400 meters wide throughout the Lualaba River, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Despite the width, it is not a very visually impressive waterfall.

7. Victoria Waterfall, South Africa

Victoria Waterfall has a width of 1800 meters. It is located on the Zambezi River in Zimbabwe. The river falls into a gorge consisting of lateral volcanic dams, which were formed due to river erosion. When water falls into the gorge, fog and splashes rises more than 30 meters altitude, compared to the upper part of the waterfall, creating the impression that the fog rises from the deep hole in the ground.

6. Vermilion Waterfall, North America

Although this waterfall does not have an impressive height, he is the sixth largest waterfall in the world, from the point of view of the width, which is 1829 meters. It is located along the Pisa River, in North Alberta, Canada.

5. Waterfall Mokona, South America

The waterfall is part of the Uruguay River in Argentina. This is one of the most unique large river waterfalls. Its width is 2065 meters.

4. Waterfall Iguazu, South America

The waterfall is located on both sides of the border between Argentina and Brazil. It has a width of 2682 meters. Most of the river falls in the area known as Gargant Del Diablo, or the Devil's throat, but the rest extends to a wide, flat shelf, splitting on hundreds of individual waterfalls. This waterfall can vary greatly in volume, depending on how much rain fell. Sometimes it decreases to a small part of its usual size, but in some cases increases to 2896 meters in width.

3. Congo Waterfall, Central West Africa

The waterfall has a width of 3200 meters, which makes it the third largest waterfall in the world. The fall in water is a truly unforgettable spectacle, besides, it is located among dense equatorial forests. The waterfall is located in the Ivindo National Park, which was created to protect biodiversity.

2. Waterfall steam, Venezuela

Flip steam, or steam waterfall, 5608 meters. The waterfall is located on the Kaura River in Bolivar, Venezuela. It has the shape of a crescent and formed in the place where two parts of the river converge. The waterfall is surrounded by lush, green jungle.

1. Waterfall Khon, Laos

This is the widest waterfall in the world. Almost two times more steam waterfall, it has a 10,783 meters width. The waterfall is part of the Mekong River in Laos, and is where the river is divided into seven major and many other smaller channels. It consists of several different thresholds.

Attracting in their dangerous beauty, the waterfalls have always attracted attention and excited the imagination of a person.

Particularly fascinates the awareness of the fact that the most large and powerful from the bottom, such as Niagara, Victoria or Iguazu, a person is absolutely not dominated. They are the beauty and power of wildlife.

Geographical object. Value of waterfalls

Powerful waterfalls are a practically an inexhaustible source of energy, which is widely used in the construction of hydroelectric power plants. Staying near the waterfalls brings not only aesthetic pleasure, but also has a healing effect: the water falling from height forms water dust, in which negatively charged ions are formed under the influence of sunlight. Such dust saturated with phytoncides of plants, which near the waterfalls are always in excess, has a very large positive effect on the body.

However, there are also unpleasant contacts with waterfalls. Waterfalls and thresholds that cannot be curbed are a serious obstacle for shipping. Therefore, on many rivers where there are waterfalls, shipping channels allowing Laineras and ships to make a safe way.

Characteristics and types of waterfalls

The waterfall is a water flow falling with a steep cliff. Often, large waterfalls consist of a chain of small thresholds and cascades. One of the features of large waterfalls is their "movement": a permanent drop of water leads to the destruction of the ledge and moving the waterfall up the river.

It is noteworthy that almost all powerful waterfalls of the world are on the border of two or three states. And this is understandable, because a large waterfall is a natural irresistible barrier, which is much more reliably protected by the territory of the state than the most modern devices and weapons.

Types of waterfalls:

  • cataract - a large waterfall in which the bulk of water drops with a wide web with a relatively small height;
  • watercat - smooth slope waterfall without steep water reductions;
  • cascade - A series of waterfalls located each other.

The origin of waterfalls

The origin of waterfalls is different. For example, they may appear due to the fact that the river crosses the natural ledge, which was formed before the appearance of water. In another case, the appearance of a waterfall may be a consequence of the activity of the river itself, blurring soft layers of rocks.

In the mountains, a large number of waterfalls must be due to the appearance of tectonic activity. Also in mountainous areas there are many waterfalls that have arisen in the hanging valleys due to the overaffect in the rivers of water that has come down from glaciers.

The biggest waterfalls of the world

Since waterfalls differ in width, height and the number of water tolerable, then there is no one wearing the title of the largest. We list a few most powerful and wide waterfalls adorning our planet.

(Waterfall Kon.)

So, the widest waterfall of the world - Kon. - Located on the border of Cambodia and Laos on the Mekong River. The width of the design of Kona is more than 12.5 km. Actually, this is a cascade waterfall system located in an amazingly beautiful place. By the way, Kon is also considered one of the most calm among well-known waterfalls. Opened in 1920.

(Waterfall Iguaus)

The title of the most powerful waterfall of the world belongs Iguasu, He is the "devil's chuck", on the border of Argentina and Brazil. Through the proceeding of the waterfall every minute, such a number of water is lowered, which is difficult to even imagine - 700 thousand m 3! Iguazu, having 275 cascades, is not only dangerous and powerful, it is also fascinating hands. Opened the waterfall was in 1541.

(Niagara Falls)

And, of course, it is impossible not to mention the most famous waterfalls of the world - NiagaraVictoria. Niagara Waterfall, located on the Niagara River on the border of the United States and Canada, is relatively low - its height is only 52 m. However, due to the huge number of discharged water and high length, Niagara Falls are considered the most powerful in North America.

(Waterfall Victoria)

Waterfall Victoria, named so in honor of the Queen of Great Britain, was known to local tribes called "Radish Smoke", which, of course, more corresponds to the impression that it produces. The width of the waterfall is 1800 m, and the height is 128 m.

The highest waterfall

(Waterfall Angel)

The highest waterfall in the world is AngelLocated on the Churun \u200b\u200bRiver in Beautiful Venezuela. The overall height of Angel is 1054 m, the height of the free fall of water - 979 m. In the language of local residents, its name is translated as a "waterfall of the deepest place."

Angel was opened in 1935 by Juan Angele - the Venezuelan pilot, first flying over the waterfall, by whose name he got his name.