Visor of the entrance door of a private house. Types of canopy over the porch

If the theater begins with hangers, then the house, of course, from a spectacular entrance. Often, when improving the entrance group, the question arises: how to equip the visors and canopies above the entrance to take into account all the nuances. The correct canopy is not only aesthetics, but also the safety of yours, protection against weather and precipitation. Today we will understand what the requirements for similar designs, when it is worth choosing a canopy, and when the trump card, and in general, there are differences, as well as consider simple step-by-step instructions for their independent installation.

Read in the article

Functional and decorative purpose of canopies and visors

A lot of canopies and visors are quite a lot, however, the main task of these designs is the protection of a person, entrance to the building and property from dust, wind, weather, rain and other cataclysms, including overheating and burnout input design. Perform from different materials, often combining the metallic frame and polycarbonate sheets.

Arched and semi-day shapes - such visors are called "Marquis", they are very economical, because quite a few materials are spent on their arrangement. Such models are distinguished by natural drainage, and, in addition, withstand the pressure of the snow masses.

Double canopy is the simplest construction that provides full-fledged drainage.

For your information! The most suitable angle of inclination is 20-25 °. A smaller angle inevitably leads to a cluster of snow.

Types of canopies and visors depending on the framework of the framework of the frame and cladding

Now let's talk about what materials are used for the manufacture of different types of canopies. For the manufacture of roofs, the following materials are used:

  • iron and;
  • tent fabrics;
  • glass;
  • rocket and bamboo.

Iron canopies usually erected for car parking, agricultural needs and as courtyard buildings in the country. And the metal tile is the thinnest sheets of alloy of several metals. Such an alloy is not subject to corrosion, and for additional protection is covered special. Professional sheet is easy to lay, but at the same time the canopies of a complex form do not do.

Sheds with an iron roof are made by large, they require strong and reliable support. Therefore, metal concreted pillars, and a corner are used to run the frame.

Glass canopies most often decorate urban buildings. They are constructed over the entrance, creating an attractive exterior. But there are glass canopies over near large private houses.

There are also varieties of canopies from the cantsome and bamboo. This is a multi-layered design that does not pass water, does not heat up and creates a pleasant cool shadow.

However, on the most popular, due to its strength, durability and diversity of color solutions, canopies from cellular polycarbonate remain. This artificial material is available, has a variety of color gamut and easily snacks into any form. Transparent polycarbonate resembles a glass. Canopies with roofing from polycarbonate can be built at the cottage and near the house.

Ideas for the design of the porch in a private house visor or a canopy with photographs

And now let's analyze the variants of different designs in the photo examples.

Worn visors over the porch

The main advantage of such canopies can be called their aesthetic appeal. Such a canopy will allocate your porch among others.

Canopy over the porch of the inlet door of polycarbonate and plastic

Traditional material that will fully cover approaches to your home from prying eyes.

Photo of canopies over the porch of a private house of glass and metal

Such designs are easier to meet near offices or cafes. For private home ownership, it is rather luxury. Such shelters, although aesthetically perfect, not always suitable for domestic needs.

Formers Roofs over the porch of a private house from a tree

They are considered a traditional version of the input design. However, the tree is inferior to more durable collections of metal and polycarbonate. However, this argument does not stop the real fans of carved porches and canopies.

Trump over the entrance to the house of metal tile and corrugated

Such visors are considered variants of a classic single-table or bounce roof. Most often in favor of such a decision, there is an external look of the whole building.

Manufacturing with your own hands from a polycarbonate over the porch of a private house

Polycarbonate viscoser, made by their own hands, has many advantages. It can be operated in a large temperature range (from -45 to + 80 ° C), it is durable.

For your information! Cellular polycarbonate has a sufficiently high bearing capacity (up to 150 kg / m² in case of shawlings 1-2 m) with a small sort of weight (from 0.8 to 3.5 kg per 1 m²). This material is characterized by simplicity of installation and processing. But you should pay attention to the most common errors allowed when installing polycarbonate.

And now consider step-by-step stages of work on creating simple vehicles for private households. For the arrangement of a simple visor, you will need a cellular polycarbonate with a thickness of at least 10 mm and profile metal pipes 20 × 20 mm.

The first stage is preparatory. When calculating the width of the visor, it is necessary to add a minimum of 30 cm to the width on each side so that the canopy does not allow the rain and fall on the porch. The height of a single visor is calculated based on the architecture of the cottage. No need to forget that the visor must have a slope of about 20 °.

Illustration Description of action

After all sizes are clarified, proceed to the preparation of metal structures. On creating blanks for future arches of the canopy.

These are such workpieces from us after sawing

Unlock the workpiece according to the drawing. Next stage - .

Do not forget about the mounting to the wall, for this we pull metal reinforcements under the rack. We process welding seams with grinding circle on. Next, we clean all the seams by sandpaper and stain our design. The next step is the drilling of the opening for the fastening bolts.

Now the polycarbonate markup stage has arrived. When cutting polycarbonate sheets, we pay attention to the protective UV layer, which should remain at the top. In addition, we look like ribbon ribs in cellular polycarbonate are located in length.

Fresh panels on with.

The design is fixed on the wall in the places marked.

How to make a trump card from a tree over the porch: Useful video

And for those who want to make a simple visor for the entrance group of wood, we offer to watch the learning video.

In order not to mock in the rain and not languishing under the sun while opening the entrance doors, you need some kind of protection. Usually make a visor over the porch or only above the door. In some cases, the canopy can close the steps and even a path or part of it. How to make a similar design, from which materials and talk on.

Types and types

If we talk about the structure as a whole, a canopy or a visor over the porch consists of a frame and roofing material (cladding). There may also be support racks that support the outer edge of the canopy. They are an optional element. We need when there is no confidence that the design without additional support can keep the precipitation.

Visor over the entrance: general device

Under the precipitate basically implies snow. In the regions with a large number of snow, it is possible either a visor's slope to make cool - so that the snow is quickly converging, or install additional supports. It can be done both, as usual and come - the stock of reliability / strength soothes and instills confidence.

Materials framework and racks

Frame and trump supports over the entrance door make from:

The most popular material for making a carcass over the porch is a profiled tube. With equal size and thickness of the walls with a round tube (if you compare the diagonal and diameter), the profile has a greater rigidity. At the same time, it is a variety of sections - a square and a rectangle with different sides, it can be bent into the arc, it is easier in welding and fastening to the walls, it is perfectly combined with elements of traditional or cold forging, the durability is the same as other steel products. In general, it is the profiled tube today in Favor.

What makes a ven in the porch make

If we talk about the materials for facing the visor over the porch - here the choice is very wide. Very often a canopy over the entrance to the house makes the same material as the roof. And it is correct, as in this case, it turns out a harmonious design of the house. With this solution, any roofing material applies:

Less frequently used glass. It is necessary to use strengthened views of the Triplex type, and they are not enough that roads are so also weighing solid, so that additional suspensions or powerful support columns are accurately required. And if you consider that a sheet polycarbonate or plastic in appearance is not much different from the glass, it becomes clear why the glass is unpopular.

Forms canopies

Forms of visors over the front door of more than a dozen. The easiest in the manufacture is a single carport. Requires minimal effort and materials, and it can look very good. His minus is that when snowing snow, a snowdrift will turn out to be in front of the door and it will urgently need to be eliminated. The same "illness" suffer from other models with skates tilted forward. These are excellent options for regions with minor winter, but with the hot sun - not quite for our latitudes. Although, if you do not frighten the need for urgent snow cleaning, you can make any of the options.

Forms and names of visors over the porch

A little harder to make a double visor (which is a house) and a simple arch. They are good because the snowy snow turns out on the sides of the entrance and, even with its large number, there is no need to urgently remove it. So for regions with a large number of snow, these are the best models.

How to connect the visor over the porch and the wall of the house

One of the most difficult moments - to docile a visor coating above the porch so that water does not flow along the wall. Usually use standard roof docking methods - with the help of a jackhaft. This method is suitable for any roofing material, as well as for sheet metal and wood. It will only be necessary to choose the right color. There are two approaches: in tone with a wall or a tone with a roofing visor. Equipment options, so solve / choose to you.

How to make an adjuncing visor to the wall

Under the trap bar in the wall make a stroke (a depth of 5-7 mm). The root edge is inserted into the deepening, they are attached to it, the seam is close in moisture-resistant sealant for outdoor use. Another edge edge lies on the roofing material. When water runs on the wall, it flows on the bar, from it, bypassing the place of the junction, to the roofing material and further into the system of the livnestock or directly to the ground - from whom it is done.

If you use metal tile, the sellers have a special wall profile. It can also be used with other materials - it is important to choose a color. The regular node includes rubber seals, which are put in a pair of centimeters from the outer edge. In this case, with strong wind, water and garbage do not fall under the bar.

A regular solution for metal tile. Suitable for slate, professional flooring

If the visor over the entrance door and the porch makes from polycarbonate, glass or sheet plastic, the method described above is unacceptable - it looks too rude. In this case, there are two options:

There are no other good options. You can only combine both proposed for reliability.

How to fix if the wall is multi-layered

Recently, more and more buildings have multi-layered outer walls - ventilated facades, insulation ... The carrier part of the wall turns out to be a closed pair-triple layers of materials that have enough ability of which is enough except for the hold of its own mass. Nothing to attach them to them. All load should have a carriage wall.

How to mount a visor over the front door to a three or two-layer wall

Even if the outer layer is a finishing brick, it should not be attached to him. Masonry is usually conducted in Polkirpich. So it only looks durable. The mass of even the smallest and light canopy will not stand, and the support columns do not help.

Therefore, with any multi-layered wall in all finishing / insulation layers, holes are done, the structural elements are attached to the bearing wall.

Single visor: design features

An inclined or straight one-sided visor is the simplest thing that can be. We are rarely direct with us are rare - not too functional, but there are many single-table inclined inclined.

The inclined single visor is based on a rectangular triangle. The straight angle adjacent to the wall, and the length of the sides depends on the desired slope.

Single-table visor design over the entrance

In the simplest case, you can cook three identical triangles from the profiled tube (as in the figure above), make holes in them under fasteners (at least three). These three elements can be combined into a single whole with the crate under the roofing material - as in the figure. And you can prigerate the crossbars from the same pipe (but smaller) or stripes, angle. This option is with metal jumpers - more suitable for a visor over a polycarbonate or plastic porch. It is good for a metal sheet - it will be convenient to weld or screw the screws.

The idea is the same but the material is different

There is another option with a changeable angle of inclination. This is a rectangular frame with jumpers of the crates to which the light roofing material is attached. This frame with the help of a used beam fixed on the wall is attached to the entrance (how to do the adjoining we told above).

With a variable tilt angle

Depending on the desired angle of inclination, the saws are made. They can be made of metal or wood. Fixed to the frame.

If you wish, this option can be made with an adjustable angle of inclination. Make the fastening of the frame and troops to the wall of mobile (on the hinges, for example), to make several holes in the frame. Rearming the soot into different holes, you can get a different angle of inclination. For doors, this feature is not too relevant - except for glass - to close too bright sun, and for windows it can be useful.

Frame of a double visor

There are at least two ways to assemble a visor with two slots: from two or more (depends on the length of the canopy) triangular rafters or two rectangular frames with the crate, fixed with the riglels. The second option is shown in the figure below, and the first will be a little further.

Canopy house - one of the most popular options

Fashion first

Two quadrangles are collected from the bar or a thick board, which are combined with a skateboard. The angle of inclination of the slopes is set on the skate, fixed by the riglels - the spacer wheel. Since the roofing material is laid from the skate down, the slats of the crates are stuffed in the opposite direction. Under the soft tile requires solid flooring. It may be moisture-resistant plywood or OSB.

How to make a visor over the door in the form of a house

Also on Earth brackets are collected - the stops that will transmit the load from the visor to the large area of \u200b\u200bthe wall. Collect the design is better on Earth (without fastening the roofing material). In order to raise and secure the canopy, assistants or services of the manipulator will be required.

Method of the second

The second option is the assembly of individual rafting structures. Maybe this option will seem easier for you - all the row roofs are collected by this principle.

Example of a batch porch with a rafter system

Here, too, a frame from a bar is going and need brackets. But the frame lies in the horizontal plane, leaning on the brackets. Two are collected - three triangles of rafters, which are based on the skate beam, and it rests on the rack, which is fixed on the frame with the second end. It turns out a mini-model of a conventional rafter system.

To improve the appearance, snaps are set near the rack. In the photo from above, they are curved, but this is not necessarily. You can simply do from the bar, stuffing it under the desired angle. Collect the system is also better on Earth - smoothly connect at the height will not work.


If the frame of the visor is from a metal pipe, everything is much easier. The pipe has a greater carrying capacity, so the support and auxiliary elements are much smaller.

Two identical triangles are boiled - according to the size of the future canopy. Connect them with jumpers, the length of which is determined by the "depth" of the visor. So that the facing does not begged, additional crossbars are welded.

Double visor over metal pipe porch

The finished design of the canopy is complemented by the brackets - the stops. In the figure above, the visor over the porch has only focus without voids. For regions with a minor winter in winter, this is sufficient, and to keep the solid mass of the snow, you will need a shape or stand. And maybe both (as in the diagram below).

Beautiful double canopy over the entrance, from a steel pipe with curly stops and pillars (diagram with dimensions)

Decorative elements - optional part. There may be an ordinary triangle.

Arched visor over the porch: Production Features

Canopy over the entrance door in the form of the arch can not be called complex in the manufacture. It is more convenient to make this form from the steel pipe, and from the profile, rectangular section. With the help of pipe bending (can be manually, but it is more complicated) make several arches of the same size. They are connected by jumpers, the length of which is determined by the desired size of the roofing part.

Arched construction - the easiest of the options

The first and last arches are connected by horizontal jumpers, the brackets are welded to the latter or, as in the figure above, the usual stops.

You can often see double arches with decorative and not very filling. They are characteristic of large-sized structures. Still, sailboat and snow load turns great and better rebuild, making a safety margin than to do everything in a new one.

Photo idea

Visor over the porch of metal pipes and polycarbonate: different models

Beautiful design with a forging traditional or cold

Canopy over the porch on a metal frame: single-table models, duplex (house), arched

Different style and shape

With supports on the poles and metal openwork for decoration

Canopy over the porch is not only over the entrance door, but also above the terrace too

Wooden canopy over the entrance in the form of a house - Options with support pillars under Tiled

Features of the attachment of polycarbonate

We order doors for transformer substations in this company for more than a year in this company. It offers high-quality products and optimal prices. With the installation of doors never arises, all sizes are removed correctly. By time, the lining with orders did not happen, all doors are ready for the promised time frame. We plan to continue to make purchases here.

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Yuri Martynenko

Thank you very much of your company for our entrance door! Very well, you fulfilled our order, the door turned out not only aesthetic externally, but also warm. It does not miss extraneous noises, it does not sway from it, the seal holds firmly throughout the perimeter of the door frame. Fittings We have a high-quality, handle, lock and loops work properly.

Galina A.

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Forged fence, the gate and the gate, we ordered in the company "Tandem-K" on the recommendation of acquaintances. We all made everything, everything turned out the desired height, the forging was performed qualitatively. The calculation of the value of our order was made immediately after measurement and after the installation the total amount did not change. The fence is exactly exactly, we have no complaints about the quality of installation.

The entrance door in a private house / in the country is subject to aggressive environmental impact. The visor will partly protect the door from destruction. There are a lot of installation options for these designs. From this article you will learn how to make a visor over the porch so that it is a beautiful and reliable decoration of the house that fulfills its main functions.

The main functional purpose of the visors:

  • Protect the front door from precipitation and the scorching sun.
  • Provide comfort homeowner. For example, open the castle more pleasant under the canopy, especially in bad weather.
  • Decorating the exterior of the house.

Most often owners of private houses make visors under the order. If you also do not have time for the manufacture of this design, then you can do the same. But if necessary, save a family budget, you can make a visor with your own hands. Whatever it was that the visor with you was high-quality and appropriate to your requests, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the varieties of visors and their features.

If you decide to purchase the visor to arrange this option, this option is covered, then buy a higher quality professional flooring and thicker. It is much easier to work with it than with metal tile and metal.

If you decide to make a visor from, remember, its color and structure must match the roof roofing material. The difference in color and texture, at least the most insignificant, will be very noticeable.

Making a visor from metal tile is best on the stage of covering the house or another building, on the entrance door to which you decided to make a visor. In this case, you will get a visor from the remnants of metal tile from the roof roof.

As a roofing material for a visor can also be a bitumen tile or other similar roofing material, even the rubberoid of the domestic producer.

Here is meant the manufacture of a wooden frame. As a roofing material, the same polycarbonate, metal tile, sheet metal, slate, etc. can be consolidated. For the houses of the old type, such a visor is best suited. In addition, among the buildings, for the exterior of which the wooden design of the visor is suitable - houses from the log cabin, restored Mazanka and facilities, made in the style of the head.

The best designer decision will be a trump card, the frame of which is made of forging. He will serve a worthy decoration of the house. However, such a design will cost you a penny. An adhesive visor can be combined with such roofing materials like polycarbonate, tile and even plastic.

The adhesive visor is pretty heavy, so in order for it to serve it really for a long time, you need to correctly install it.

Forging suits almost for any design, as it can consist of both coarse and sophisticated elements. If there are already forged elements on the household plot, then the visor should be performed in one style with them.

For the manufacture of such a design, you will need a list of materials:

  • Farmery plank.
  • Gutter.
  • Metal corners.
  • Plank adjoining.
  • Trumpet.
  • Bruks.
  • Professional flooring / flexible tile.
  • Anchors, selflessness and screws.

From the tools you will use the following:

  • Welding machine.
  • Yardstick.
  • Metal hacksaw / Bulgarian.

Before starting the manufacture of a visor, you need to draw his sketch. For the construction of a completely specific visor you need to make certain measurements, such as the width and length of the porch. Add to the resulting digit to add another 60 cm. This will be the width of your design. To obtain the length of the visor, you need to measure the distance from the entrance door to the end of the porch, adding before this figure is about 15-20 cm. The height of the visor is calculated depending on the architecture of the house.

The slope of the visor should be about 20º.

With this data, you can draw a sketch on paper or in a special program on a computer on a scale.

In accordance with the project, make metal corners. The length of the rafter from the corners is equal to the height of the skate. From the corners you also need to make scrolls and seated beams. The framework parts are connected to each other with a welding machine. The frame is fixed above the porch.

Lock a used beam. It is done with a stainless steel screw, and anchors are used to attach a subpatch. Make a crate from bars by setting it on rafters. If professional flooring is used as roofing material, then there should be a distance of 30 cm between the rails. For flexible tile, you need to prepare a solid crate. The roofing material will later be posted on it.

Create flexible tile can be used with self-tapping screws. The flexible tile is laid by the mustache, not jack.

Now you need to fix the metal bar of the adjuncing to the top of the skate. On the lower side it is necessary to attach the cornice bar, and then combine and install the drainage chute and the pipe.

Make this design will not be difficult even for inexperienced in the construction of a person. The finished frame can be purchased in a construction store or construct yourself.

As in the previous case, before starting work on the manufacture of arched visor, it is necessary to make measurements and draw a sketch.

  1. Make a frame from a square section of 12-16 mm or aluminum pipe. Bend the pipe along the radius of the arched visor. You will need to produce 2 identical arcs.
  2. Connect arcs with straight pipe segments from both ends. So that the arch of the arched visor was tougher, welded on it from the inside the connecting beam.
  3. Then to the back arc weld the canopies. With their help, the visor will be fixed to the wall of the house.
  4. Now read the frame from rust and scale. Scroll it and paint.
  5. Install the arched design over the porch with screws.
  6. Fasten the polycarbonate with self-draws.

If you make a visor over the porch of one-storey house, then make it so that the edges of the soles performed above the porch at 20-30 cm. Thus, the possibility of water / snow will be excluded to the place of visor attachment to the wall, which will extend its operational period.

A double visor make harder. But it provides the best protection against oblique rain. Yes, if it is necessary to clean it from snow to make it easier. The double visor is tougher than its analogues, therefore it is characterized by a high level of windscreens.

First you need to make measurements and sketch. Then the sizes of triangular brackets and crates should be calculated.

The final result of the manufacture of a visor completely depends on the accuracy of measurements. Therefore, it is impossible to treat this stage of work.

  • Make 2 brackets. They can be metallic or wooden. To do this, connect two perpendicular beams among themselves and secure them with a troop at an angle of 45-60º.
  • Fasten the brackets at a distance that would be equal to the width of the visor. Vertical beams of the resulting bracket attach to the wall, align in terms of the level and secure with 3-4 stainless steel screws.
  • If the visor must be supported, then the brackets are not needed. Instead, you need to install metal / wooden poles. Drop the pits under the pillars at the required distance from each other. In the pit, make a sandy pillow, see it. For the sand to give a shrinkage, wet his water slightly. Install the pillar and fill with concrete. The top ends of the poles are connected by carrier beams.
  • Scrolls make from wooden bars / edged board. If the visor is small, then you will have enough two pairs of rafters. Create with a ragon legs with each other. Then secure the rafters on the upper beams of the brackets and install the skate bar.
  • Make a crate. It can be made of board / timber / plywood. The choice of material is carried out at will.
  • Install the hooks for the installation of drainage gutters.
  • Place the roofing material in accordance with the instructions from the manufacturer. Now you need to install the adjacent bar and wind plates to the front of the duplex visor. They, among other things, will protect the design from moisture and snow.
  • Now you need to install a drainage chute and a cornice bar. Remember that the lower edge of the plank must be omitted inside the gutter. Secure the drainage pipe.

Before installing wooden structural elements, each of them needs to be treated with antiseptics, which will significantly increase their operational period.

So, depending on the type of visor and your skills in working with the tools listed in the article, you can make a visor yourself. If, after reading the instructions, you realized that these works are not on your teeth, then it is better to order a ready visor. Have questions about? Ask them to our expert. Experience can be shared in the comments to the article.


In the provided video, you can clearly learn about the intricacies of the visor manufacturer over the porch:



In this photo gallery, you will see a lot of interesting ideas, on the manufacture of a visor:


If you decide to make a visor yourself, the schemes set out below will help you construct your own visor model:

A trump card over the entrance door is considered the main part of the facade. That is why, besides the protective function, designers recommend paying special attention to its aesthetics, that is, we consider the visor over the entrance doors as an individual decorative element.

Distolio of door visors

In order to carry out a full arrangement of the entrance door, it is important to determine all the items of the design of the door visor design. Of course, the main point should be the security and practicality of this element.

When selecting a visor design for entrance door, professionals advise to consider the following factors:

  • dimensions of the house;
  • features of the selected architectural style;
  • climatic conditions

Tip! For many territories of our country, rigid stationary types of visors who are able to cope with complex climatic conditions are relevant.

In addition to the stationary designs of visors over the entrance doors, you can see folding, retractable models that are called baskets and marquises.

After the visor design is selected to the entrance door, you can move to the selection of its shape. Currently, manufacturers of such decorative elements offer buyers several varieties of similar products:

  • single one;
  • arched;
  • double;
  • straight

Attention! For each shape, the visor is assumed its own fastening option over the entrance door.

Design features

A visor over the entrance door in a rustic cottage performs several functional destinations at once. It can not only protect the entrance from atmospheric precipitation, but also targeted for the location of the car, that is, significant differences in the sizes of visors are allowed.

Manufacturers offer the following type of supporting structure for the entrance door:

  • console-support;
  • suspended console;
  • combined model;
  • framework on durable supports

Features size

When choosing the size of the door visor above the entrance door, it is important to focus on the size of the porch. Professionals advise that so pick it up so that he can close not only the space at the door, but also the steps. There are certain standards, according to which the platform builds above the door should not be more than 1.5 times more dimensions of the door itself.

Tip! The most suitable will be the size of the visor, the overlapping site at the entrance is additionally 30 centimeters, that is, in the case of a standard door, the visor value is 90 centimeters.

Professionals specializing in the manufacture of similar protective structures advise to select visors over the house input about 1.5 meters.

Of course, when selecting the size of such a protective design, you must take into account the maximum wind and snow loads, differing depending on the climatic features of the region.

Forms canopies

To obtain a harmonious type of canopy, installed above the entrance door to a private house, it is important to take into account the shape of the roof. Depending on its design features, you can select:

  • dome or spherical forms of visors. They are distinguished by the absence of sharp corners, the ability to withstand essential aerodynamic loads, so ideally suited for windy regions;
  • semi-alone or arched patterns are made of polycarbonate sheets. Such canopies are suitable for different style solutions, designs are quite resistant to mechanical loads;
  • single trumps of visors are simple and practical. They are suitable for small private houses;
  • the duct species are durable and reliable, atmospheric precipitates do not accumulate on them. Such structures harmoniously look at a house with a similar shape of the roof;
  • the concave visors above the entrance door are distinguished by air, the grace, the polycarbonate is used during their manufacture.

Attention! Went cannons are not suitable for regions with a substantial average atmospheric precipitation.

Materials for the base

When making a door canopy, the wizard uses one material or a combination of several materials. Metal or wooden frames are used as a support for the door visor. We analyze the main characteristics of the materials, select their advantages and disadvantages.

For a private house, elevated from a log or bar, professionals recommend choosing wooden types of canopies. It is difficult to find any artificial material that could be compared with the uniqueness of natural wood.

Tip! For the door visor of small sizes, it is possible to limit the bar, which has a cross section of 40 by 40 or 60 by 60 mm.

Large canopies assume the installation of a durable frame from a bar having a cross section of 100 per 100 or 150 by 150 mm. In the form of additional decorative elements, it is possible to consider the decoration of the frame of openwork lattices, unusual balusters, as well as wooden carvings.

Among the main advantages of the wood can be noted the simplicity of working with this natural material. Among the few problems that can be allocated for wooden canopies, we note their instability to negative atmospheric precipitation, as well as to rotting.

Tip! In order to increase the operational life of the wood, it is necessary to cover the tree with a special impregnation.

Metal structures for visor over the entrance doors are offered by manufacturers in several modifications.

  1. For a monolithic polycarbonate version or triplex, iron cables are used. With their help, you can create an illusion of weightlessness, the input structure will not look clumsy, the effect of its complete weightless is visually created.
  2. Suspended attachments are firmly and reliably held a visor, there is no need to carry out their additional finishing finish.
  3. A practical option is a frame for a visor above the door, which is made of stainless steel. The main advantage of such a model is corrosion resistance.

Attention! A similar type of frame will be expensive, so it's not everyone can afford to afford similar content.

It is much easier and significantly cheaper will be the welded metal design for the visor of the front door, to create which it takes a metal roll of different diameters.

Forged frames - an exclusive option suitable for owners of elite suburban real estate.

Currently, various options for carcases can be used, distinguished by durability and versatility. Such designs are suitable not only for private houses, but also for commercial premises.

Any metal or wooden frame for canopy over the entrance is equipped with roofing coating, has significant differences in the main material. What do professionals recommend as roofing?
Polycarbonate has recently been the most popular materials for finishing the entrance designs above the door.

It has a long service life, good strength. Among the advantages of such a material, it is also necessary to note the ease of installation, a wide color gamut, ease of transportation. Professionals are confident that polycarbonate is suitable for many architectural styles, so when it is used, you can make positive changes in the appearance of the house.

The main advantage of the metallic version of the visor can be considered its long-term operational period and strength, but only during repair preventive work.

Attention! Not every suburban property owner will independently be able to make a metal visor.

The design of the professional flooring has an excellent decorative look. Among the disadvantages of such a material, it is possible to mention the briefness of this material, the instability of it to mechanical damage.

Metal tile is suitable for such houses, the roof of which is also made of metal tile. Among the main minuses of using such material for the manufacture of canopies for entrance doors, professionals consider the substantial weight of the coating.

Wooden canopies are suitable for houses with wooden frame, built from logs or Bruusyev. Currently, manufacturers of such structures use a variety of designs designed for input structures.

Requirements for the visor

In the free sale there are ready visors, you can also make an individual order from professionals. In order for such a design to be beautiful and safe, certain requirements are presented to the visors.

It can advocate the porch parameters more than 0, 5 meters. In this case, the design will reliably protect the entrance from different atmospheric precipitation from entering it.

The constructed canopy should be wind-resistant and durable. When selecting a visor model, it is important to take into account the features of the house.

For double and single visors, professionals prefer to choose branches, metal tile, professional flooring, leaves, slate.

For a porch with a more complex design, polycarbonate or soft tiles are currently used.


Any country property owner perfectly understands how important it is correct to choose the material, form, the size of the attached construction, which will be the protection of the inlet door from atmospheric precipitation. If the plans for the arrangement of a reliable and high-quality canopy above the door, the wizard initially recommended until the door is made to svew rafted the additional crate.

Individual attention is important to devote waterproofing. For example, for a soft roof, rafters are placed by a solid crate, having several separate rails.

Flexible material is decomposed along the rafters, then fixed. At the final stage, the drainage pipe is carried out. When strengthening the visor to a multilayer wall, fixation is carried out by material, which is made of stainless steel.

If you are insecured that you can independently select material for a visor at the entrance door, to build a solid and reliable design, which has a long service life, immediately contact professionals.