Laminate from the window or along. How to lay a laminate in relation to the window

Laminate is considered to be one of the most popular types of flooring. It is distinguished by beautiful appearance, durability and simplicity of installation. However, all work on its laying should be carried out in accordance with certain requirements, otherwise even the highest quality material will come into disrepair too quickly. Many beginner masters have a natural question: how to put laminate, along or across the room? There is no unequivocal answer to it, so you will deal with what will depend on the direction of the orientation of the lamellas during laying.

How to put the laminate - along or across

If you listen to the advice of experienced masters, you can hear that there is one rule, according to which the orientation of the lamellas in the rooms. The direction of the coating planks is completely dependent on where the main light source is located. (for example, a window or bright lamps that will replace the first option indoors without windows).

Why will the direction of lamellands depend on the light source? Everything is simple - the rays of the sun or light from the lamp, falling on the material perpendicularly (at an angle of 90 degrees), will show all the joints. Especially they will be noticeable if the slats are docked poorly. And therefore, the laminate is always stacked so that the coating strips are located along the light rays - then only you can reduce the visibility of the joints. Thus, the lamellas will lie down by their narrow side to the window, and the installation of the coating is performed, ranging from one of the lateral walls of the room (usually from the one where the doors are not).

On a note! Where there is no natural light source, laminate is put, focusing on artificial.

Prices for laminate "Tarkett"

laminate Tarkett

Direction of laying laminate

Laminate manufacturers note that any person will cope with this coverage and with this task will cope with any person. Yes, it is partly the truth, since the slats are equipped with special locks that allow them to be easily fastened. If it was originally on sale laminate only with Lock lock, which requires certain skills to work with it, now a new type of connection has been widely spread - these are click locks, which really can do anything. We will talk about them a little later.

On a note! Technologies do not stand still and develop, in connection with which there are completely new lamellas that have 5G and Megalock connecting systems.

In fact, everything turns out to be much more complicated than kindly reported manufacturers of laminate. This in particular concerns not only thorough preparation of the foundation, but also the orientation of the planks in the room space. Most often in apartments, laminate is laid depending on the direction of light, as mentioned above. If the planks are laid along the light source, the floor will resemble the usual boardwalk, and the joints will not be noticeable.

But sometimes it makes sense to cover and perpendicular to the direction of the rays of the sun or lamp. So due to the coating, you can visually enlarge the room, which is relevant for narrow rooms with a window at the end. In this case, the light will allocate the joints, they will become more noticeable, but thereby visually make the room is spacious.

On a note! In case the lamellas are placed perpendicular to the direction of light, their texture will be noticeable much better.

Laminate laying direction scheme in rooms

Also laminate must be focused and depending on the direction of movement on it. Sometimes there are rooms in which you can clearly celebrate the lines along which people living in the house are moving. Most often it is corridors, holles. In this case, in priority during the decision regarding the orientation of the lamellas, there will be no light rays, but the direction of movement - the laminate is laid along these lines. This method will reduce the speed of abrasion of the coating in the joint area, due to which the finish finish of the floor will last longer.

How to lay a laminate - along or across the room

Features of laying laminate in non-standard cases

Sometimes laminate is placed in non-standard rooms in shape and illumination. It is difficult to navigate and decide which direction should "watch" the coating planks. In this case, the situation will save the diagonal laying. The coating is mounted relative to the walls at an angle of 40-60 degrees. In this way. You can not only revive the interior, but also make the joints with littleness.

On a note! This method, although it scolds quite often, is still used in rooms where the windows are located on adjacent walls.

Unfortunately, the method has certain disadvantages. Because of this laying, the abrasibility of the joints increases, and the consumption of the material increases - too much cropping appears.

If the room has the form of the letter "g", then the lamellae is also stacked diagonally or a Christmas tree. So the floor looks quite interesting, the room will not seem narrow.

What to navigate

However, in fact, everything is not so simple. The fact is that the direction of laying laminate will depend on many factors, and not only from light sources. We'll figure it out that it can affect the orientation of the lamellas in the room, and also define, depending on which factors it is worth accepting this or that solution.

First of all, it is important to assess the number and location of windows in the room. If it is one, then there should be no special problems - it is enough to lay the laminate, starting from the far corner of the room, so that the slats are oriented along the direction of light. Thus, it turns out to make the seams with littleness. If there are two windows and more in the room, then you should see, at the expense of which the room is better lit, and orient when installing the coating on it. If there are no windows in the room, and this is quite a frequent phenomenon in corridors, then the laminate orient is recommended depending on the direction of light emanating from the main source - for example, chandeliers.

Tip! It is not bad to immediately estimate the interior of the room, find out where and which furniture will stand. This will allow the overall picture of the finished room and figure out how to lay the laminate so that it looks better.

The shape of the room also matters. If the room is narrow, it is better to discard the desire to hide the seams - here they will be able to play a positive role, visually expanding the room. In particularly complex geometry, the rooms are used by the diagonal installation method, although in this case it is recommended to invite specialists to help, since the newcomer in the world of repairs is unlikely to cope with the task.

It is also important to take into account the location of furniture in the room. If there is a lot of interior items in the room, and there will be carpets on the floor, then it makes no sense to observe the direction of docking lines of laminate.

Important! If the laminate is placed on wooden boards, the lamellas must be laid perpendicular to the floorboards - then the floors will fade less. If wooden floors are closed plywood, then the laminate planks can be plated as more convenient.

The laminated floor covering has become one of the most popular, thanks to the beautiful form, simplicity of laying and quite affordable price. A variety of color solutions and methods of laying lamellas along, across and diagonally the rooms give space for designer solutions.

With independent repair, such a coating can be considered the most convenient for laying. Separate elements are connected with each other with special lock-locks on the edges. If you carefully comply with technology, time will be required quite a bit, and the result will please.

Laminate location methods

Depending on the type, the color of the coating and ideas of the designer can be used by various methods of lamellas. The visual effect depends largely on how the light comes from the windows. If it is necessary to ensure that the coating seems to be monolithic, the lamellas are located along the direction of light.

This makes the jokes less noticeable. Some types of laminate have a special chamfer that creates the visibility of individual boards. When using them, it is desirable, on the contrary, emphasize the joints, placing perpendicular to the light line.

It is also important to take into account the shape of the room. Specifying the direction of the lamellae, you can visually change the ratio of the room:

  • In the room of the correct rectangular shape of the laminate, it is customized along the long wall, from the window to the door.
  • In a long elongated room, the laminate is better to sharpen across, since the transverse strips visually expand the space.
  • If the room is incorrect, hide this drawback will help laying the flooring diagonally. This method is somewhat more complicated - it will require more time and consumption of materials will increase.

Tip! The direction of laying laminate is especially important if the large floor area will be open: it will not be located furniture or carpeted coating. In small rooms, the area of \u200b\u200bfree sex is usually small, therefore it is worth choosing the most economical way of laying at which there will be a minimum amount of waste.

Laying of laminate along or across

Deciding with the direction of laying, it is possible to calculate the materials. It is easy to do with the help of an online calculator on the manufacturer's website or seller. Buying laminate, pay attention to the instruction available on each package.

Modern locks have a more advanced design, which greatly facilitates and speeds up the installation. In addition, the service life of such a coating will be more, so do not save on quality. After purchasing the packaging, the lamellas should lie down in the room for several days to stabilized the level of humidity. This will help avoid the deformation of the coating.

The most important stage is the preparation of the foundation of gender. It should be dry and smooth. The deviation should not be more than 2 mm per meter. Any tubercle or vpadina will create a load on the joints, which can cause a screen or even breakage of the castle.

To properly prepare concrete floor, you may need a self-leveling screed, which will make the floor even and smooth without much effort. The wooden floor is usually aligned with plywood sheets with a thickness of 10 mm, which are fastened with self-reasons to the base.

On an even base of the floor, a special substrate under the laminate must be laid in obligatory. It depends on how comfortable and long the use of your floor covering.

Choosing a substrate

From the selection of the material to which you put laminate, depends:

  • will the floor creak;
  • how long will it last;
  • how loud will be heard steps;
  • will it be warm by your feet;
  • will be dents from furniture.

Just like laminate, different types of substrate are distinguished by quality and price. Often, the manufacturers of the floor covering insist on the use of a specific substrate, the warranty action depends on this. This often requires the use of a certain material with a given thickness.

As a rule, the higher quality material, the higher its cost. For economy class laminate, it is pointless to acquire an expensive substrate, because it will last longer the coating itself. You will have to determine the golden middle of you yourself.

Consider various types of substrates based on:

  • Foamed polyethylene in rolls, having a different thickness, most often offered as the most accessible option. It does not miss moisture, enough elastic, has certain thermal insulation and noise absorbing properties. The main drawback is a short life, after 5 years it becomes unsuitable for use.

Order stacking

When the base of the floor is properly prepared, the materials are purchased and supplemented in the room, the flooring can be accommodated:

Tip! If you are styling outdoor coverage yourself, learn not only the instructions, but also several video lessons. This will help avoid common mistakes.

Laying of laminate - a quick way to transform outdoor coverage in the room. It can be kept both along and across, depending on the effect you want to achieve. If you want to save, it can be done independently, following the instructions of the manufacturer.

Laminate laying can be turned from an ordinary classes into artwork. To do this, you have to choose the original drawing by which the planks will be located. But in most cases it is necessary to choose this option to locate the linage joints to visually expand or, on the contrary, reduce the room. To achieve this helps the light falling out of the window. How best to lay laminate in relation to the window? About this, as well as about the choice of laminate for the premises, it will be in the article.

Preparatory work

Successful laminate laying depends largely on how preparatory work will be. They include the preparation of the base, tool and the calculation of the required material. It is for these three steps that goes over the whole time. Each of them will be described in the nuances below.

What should be the foundation

Laying of laminate can only be carried out on a smooth floor or other surface. At the same time, the error is not allowed more than 2 mm on the trafficious meter. In this case, it will not be possible to implement the desired contour. That is why these requirements are presented to the ground:

  • level resistance;
  • strength;
  • minimum humidity.

The preparation of the foundation will depend on which method of laying the laminate was selected. Indoor, where there is a wooden floor, may need minimal intervention. To determine this, you need to carefully inspect the floor for disadvantages. It is important to identify the screens and deficits that occur when walking. It is desirable to assess the status of the lag and the supporting beams on which the plane holds. If a few is required, then it is worth thinking about the preservation of the wooden floor. In the case when extensive intervention is required, it is better to make a complete dismantling. The reason is that the affected tree will be cleaned further.

Damaged lags are withdrawn and eliminated. If mold or fungus appeared under the floor, it is necessary to clean it well and process the affected antiseptic areas. It is important to determine what was the appearance of mold. All the ways to penetrate moisture are needed to overlap, since it will definitely be condensed or seen again. Dranca, which when walking fasten, strengthen. The surface is better to walk the squabble machine so that it becomes perfectly smooth. For the output of the floor to the required level, lining from wood bars are made. After cyclove, wood is covered with an antiseptic composition.

Tip! Check the floor plane drop is the easiest way to use a laser level. The one is best suited that it is capable of projecting a beam with an angle of 360 °. The main points and the tape measure are measured from the beam to the floor plane. The difference in values \u200b\u200band will indicate the difference.

Concrete base sometimes requires longer preparation. The floor must be carefully examined for damage. It is also important to identify hidden flaws. To do this, it can be carefully tired with a hammer. If in some places there is a deaf sound, then over time they can radiate, which will bring unpleasant consequences with them. All potholes are closed with tile glue or other similar solution. After that, you can move to the detection of the surface drop in the method described above.

If the floor drop drop is not more than three centimeters, then it can be compensated using a self-leveling mixture. Before starting work, it is necessary to remove dust and dirt from the floor surface and process it deeply penetrating the primer. If it is quickly absorbed, then the procedure can be repeated twice. After complete drying of the primer, the dry composition of the mixture is purchased. It is divorced with water in the proportions specified by the manufacturer and pours to the marked line. The next step will be the removal of air bubbles from the solution. If this is not done, they can weaken the strength of the entire plane. For the procedure, you will need a needle roller, which must be carried out several times the thickness of the compound solution.

Tip! With a larger floor level drop, you may need to fill a full screed.

Instead of filling the screed, you can apply alignment with plywood or OSB sheets. Before starting work, the surface of the floor is cleaned of garbage and processed by primer. All potholes are closed with glue. The next step will be the laying of the waterproofing film. It should protect wood from swelling and the appearance of mold. The film must be put over a 10 cm overlap between individual sheets, the joints are sampled by scotch. The film also places the adhesive on the wall. The next step is customized and lagged. They are attached to the concrete base with the help of anchor bolts. At the same time, the hats of the bolts must be recessed into the wooden beams, so that there was an opportunity to put the flooring.

All lags must be exhibited by level. After fitting on them, plywood or OSB sheets are stacked. In this case, the material must be chosen such that it does not contain harmful impurities that may be allocated during operation. The sheets of bedding are stacked with displacement of seams to ensure their interlacing. Self-tapping heads should not be outside the leaf, so they need to be drown. From walls to sheets, it is necessary to leave a gap of 5 mm. This gap serves as a thermoshime that compensates for the expansion when the temperature and humidity changes.

Note! Plywood can also be aligned and wooden floor.

Estimated work

After preparatory work before laying the laminate, it is necessary to carry out calculations that will be the key to the rational use of the budget. It is necessary to determine the area that will be littered with laminate. If it is only one room, then it is enough to multiply the width for the length. In the case of several rooms, you will need to calculate the area of \u200b\u200beach and the numbers are summed up. After that, it is necessary to accurately decide on the type and size of the laminate, which will be used for laying. It is important to know the size of one layer of laminate. This will calculate its area. The next step will be calculating the number of required planks. To do this, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe premises is divided into one plank area. Further, the total number of planks is divided into a one that is contained in one package.

After determining the total package, it is necessary to make a stock of 10%. He will help if the laminate planks are spoiled or something will go wrong. After the acquisition of the laminate, it cannot be immediately laid. It is important that the laminate passes acclimatization. This is usually enough one day, but it may be necessary more. During this time, it acquires the temperature and humidity of the room in which it will be mounted.


Everyone places the laminate using its own tool, if it is a one-time procedure, then there is no need to purchase an expensive power tool and can be done by the following units:

  • kiyanka;
  • hook for laying;
  • roulette;
  • hacksaw with fine tooth;
  • spacer pegs;
  • marking tool.

If the laying is performed constantly, then you can additionally get a tracing saw. It will allow crop laminate at a precisely given angle and with minimal surface damage.

Methods of laying

When buying a laminate, it is important to choose his class correctly. Those that begin with 2 are designed for premises with a small load, so it is better to take 3,3 class, for the bedroom and guests to stay on 31 class for the bedrooms and corridors. Everything will rest in price. The next step will be the choice of the direction of laying laminate relative to the window and the correct implementation of the project.

Selecting direction

The choice of laminate laying direction is due to several factors:

  • number of windows;
  • windows location;
  • room parameters;
  • laminate design.

If the laminate laying is performed for the first time, then it is better to choose a method of perpendicular to laying to the window. The advantage of this kind of laying of the laminate is that the light from the window falls on the lamellas in parallel with the seams of laminate. This allows you to hide their presence. Thanks to this approach, the floor with laminate seems monolithic. It also allows you to hide some flaws that can be allowed when laying a laminate. At the same time, the boards of laminate look monolithic, which creates a specific charm. If the laminate has embossed, then such a drop of light will emphasize the texture of the laminate board. In this case, this method of laying is better not to use for low-class laminate. The reason is that in the joints of the joint, he grips, which will spoil his appearance.

Note! When choosing this method of laying a laminate, it is worth paying attention to the configuration of the room. If the window is on a larger wall, and at a smaller, then this approach will further extend the room.

The following variant of laying laminate with respect to the window will be the parallel location of the planks. The cause of its choice can be the location of the window in the room, as mentioned above. This method of laying is also chosen in narrow rooms where light falls from the next room. This method of laying the laminate allows a special way to emphasize the texture of the planks. At the same time there is a feeling of an uneven surface. Also, this option is the location of the laminate boards suitable when laying mixed lamellae. Some can be glossy, and other matte.

Tip! For passing rooms, the best way to lay the laminate will be laying according to the direction of movement. Thus, it will be possible to achieve a long service life due to the minimum abrasion of laminate planks on the seams.

If the windows are arranged mixed, then you can lay the laminate diagonally. At the same time, the room acquires elusive lines. The look goes on laminate not up or down, but in the corner of the room. To additionally emphasize the angle, the table or fireplace is placed in it. The angle of laying the laminate in this way is within 40-60 degrees. The diagonal laying of the laminate is considered the most uneconomical, since a lot of waste remains from the laminate planks.

Mounting process

The process of laying requires due attention and skill, which is purchased in the course of work. It is better to start with a long corner of the room and move towards the exit. Most often, laminate laying is conducted from left to right. The prepared surface is covered with lining. If the laying of the laminate is carried out on the concrete floor, then the waterproofing will be required in the form of a film that is stacked according to the sample, as described above. The lining can be made of foamed polyethylene or cork. Between her individual sheets is being made, the joints are punished with scotch. The spike of the first strip of laminate is cut to it easier to accommodate it parallel to the wall.

There is a gap of 5 mm between the wall and the bar. To make it easier to save, plastic pegs are applied. The first row is completely assembled and is located on the place intended for it. If it becomes obvious that the last bar will need to trim more than half, then it makes sense to start not with a whole part, but split the size of the final plank in half and put a short one. The size of the first strip of laminate in the second row should be selected in such a way as to ensure the weave of the seams. After laying each plank, it is necessary to catch a rubber image using a metal bracket. To circumvent pipes and other protrusions, you will need to make a hole with a jigsaw. Video about laying technology can be viewed below.


As can be seen, the choice of direction of laying of laminate is determined by many factors. As an idea of \u200b\u200bthe designer, the laying drawing can contradict the generally accepted rules. This is required to achieve a certain effect or to match the location of furniture, which will compensate for the size of the room.

Laminate is a very popular floor covering, which has good performance, such as wear resistance, practicality, strength. The material is quite simple in the laying, with which, with care and accuracy, may even be able to cope with a person unprepared in a professional plan. With a huge selection of color solutions, drawings and surface textures, laminate is available at cost.

However, in order to beautifully lay a laminate in the room, you need to know some nuances, which include the direction of laying material.

Laminate selection

The choice of texture, drawing and color of the laminate is the case of taste, and the tastes do not argue. Moreover, the designers have long ceased to consider the unshakable true statement that the flooring should be darker walls.

When repairing the room, it is worth paying attention to the option in which the laminate of one color gamma is used in the wall and floor decoration, but a different shade is used. This solution visually increases the room.

Important! One of the main criteria when choosing a laminate is the belonging of the material to a specific class. The class determines, first of all, the wear resistance of the coating. In our stores are offered laminate 31, 32 and 33 classes, and material 34 of the classroom appeared. All these classes correspond to the category "Commercial Laminate". At the same time, sellers claim that the laminate class is lower (22 and 23 classes, it is a "household" laminate) in demand and therefore it is not available. It is often added that even grade 23 laminate has a small life.

In fact, both manufacturers and sellers are simply more profitable to promote commercial laminate as more expensive. Six years of guaranteed operation of grade 23 laminate in any room apartment - is it not enough?! Class $ 23 has two types of connection: adhesive and castle, so you can choose. Only on sale to find it difficult.

Requirements for the base for laying laminate

Before the start of work, you need to check the condition of the base surface on which the laminate will be laid. Requirements for the foundation are reduced to three points:

  • To be smooth.
  • Be durable.
  • To be dry

When checking the rail, the allowable difference in height is 2 mm. Usually, a construction level is used for the industrial, the length of which is 2 m.

Laying the laminate is made on concrete or wooden floors, Phaneur. OSB-plates can be used as a base.

Before laying, the wooden floor is conducted. Proportions are necessarily eliminated by fixing in these places of the genital boards to lags. Replacing boards and lag is made if necessary. Wood floor can be used by a cycular machine, which will provide a smooth surface.

The cracks are closed with a putty on the tree. To equalize the wooden floor, Fauer is often used. To create a reliable base, plywood sheets are stacked so that four seams at one point do not converge. For this, sheets are linked with different configurations. There should be a distance of about 10 mm between the sheets of plywood when laying.

Checking the level of the screed is carried out with the help of a construction or laser level, and inspect a screed for cracks and concrete influx. Slops are aligned with grinding or knocked down. Deep cracks are expanded and close with a solution. With significant height oscillations (within 20 mm), the screed is used to align. The mixture is spilled over the surface of the concrete screed, roll up, then rolled the needle roller to remove air bubbles from a mixture.

After drying the bulk floor, the surface is ground. It is better to use deep penetration primer. For waterproofing when laying a laminate on the screed, the use of a polyethylene film is required.

The laminate can be laid on the old linoleum if the preserved coating is firmly laid on an even base, it does not have serious (through) damage, there are no bloat on the surface of the linoleum. In other cases, old linoleum is required to shoot.

Preparatory work. Tools for laying

Material in packages is entered into the room in which the laying will pass. For 2 days, it should be adapted to temperature and humidity. Packaging open immediately before work.

Important! The coating should be purchased on the entire room. Remember that in different batches of one model of laminate, the shade is different. Or this model can end on sale.

For diagonal laying, it will be enough to provide a reserve of 10% to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room, for a direct - 7%. The area of \u200b\u200bthe room is determined and is divided into laminate in one package. The resulting number of packages is rounded up to an integer in a large side.

Draw a room plan before installation (on a scale, with the size of the panel bought by you). The plan will help you rationally carry out the cutting material and avoid unnecessary costs and errors.

For installation, prepare:

Kiyanka and panel lumping bar are needed for mounting coverage with Lock lock.

Select the direction of laying

There are several options. Laying diagonally and the "Christmas tree" will require significantly more time, and the consumption of material will be greater. Diagonal laying visually increases the room. It is believed that this method of installation opens all the beauty of the floor covering.

Important! Traditionally, laminate laying is carried out so that the light goes along the long side of the panel (perpendicular to the window). In this case, interpanel seams will be almost invisible.

In parallel, the laminate window is placed in narrow rooms. This method helps to visually expand the narrow room.

If the base is the old wooden floor, it is necessary to take into account the direction of laying of the genital boards. In order to reduce the possible deflection of the design, the coating on the wooden floor is placed perpendicular to the sexual boards.

If the old wooden floor is aligned with plywood sheets, the installation is better to produce in the traditional way - perpendicular to the wall with the window.

Laminate laying order

First, the substrate is stacked. There are different types of substrates. Their properties depend on the material from which they are made. They differ and price:

Despite the fact that some manufacturers assure in the ability of the substrate to align the irregularities of the base under the laminate, it is a serious exaggeration. The task of the substrate is to create an additional sound, hydro and heat-insulating layer under the material. The minimum height differences of the substrate can compensate, but not to align the floor with serious height differences.

Important! Rolled substrate is rolled so that the strips put on the jack. These joints glue with scotch. This is done in order for the substrate to not shift when installing the coating.

Laying of laminate

Work begins with installation around the perimeter of the room of restrictive wedges. They are needed in order to maintain a gap for the temperature seam. Minding begins from the left left corner of the room and is conducted towards the window. The first row panels are stacked so that the comb was turned to the wall. The end sides of the panels are connected. The latter in the row panel is cut off and stacked.

Tip! Place the coating in a checker order or shift the next row on one third of the panels (seams in neighboring rows do not have to match). In the first case, the row begins alternately with a whole or from half of the panel. When laying with a displacement to a third of the panel, the first row begins with the whole, the next - from the panel in 2/3 of the length, the third - from the panel in 1/3 of length, then everything is repeated. So the floor will have a more accurate look and strength of the structure will be greater.

The second row of panels is collected and docked to the first. Lock lock panels It is required to undermine the Cyans. The blow is applied along the bar, pressed against the panel, for the tight entry of the ridge in the groove.

The click lock panels are applied to the already laid at an angle of 45 °, lowered and snapped with a characteristic sound. The coating with the Click lock can be disassembled and again collect 3-4 times.

Usually in the room you can not lay an integer panels. Therefore, often the last row has to be dissolved. It may turn out that the size of the room will dictate the width of the last row of 50-70 mm. Different panel widths of the first and last rows will look very ugly. For this you need a room plan. In this case, it is worth cutting the panels in both rows. Work is more, but the appearance of the floor will be much better. Do not worry if the cut will not be perfectly smooth - it will still be hidden by a plinth.

After the installation is completed, the wedge coverage must be pulled out. Then you can start mounting.

As a conclusion

If the room does not have any features (the room is very narrow, the window is shifted from the center), the long sides of the panels are usually placed along the light flux perpendicular to the window. In this case, the seams between the panels will not be noticeable. In addition, this method of laying visually increases the length of the room.

Diagonal stacking is used to visually increase the width of the room. For the same purpose, you can use laminate laying parallel to the window.

How to put laminate along or across - choosing a method of laying

Laminated flooring is no longer innovation and is in great demand among many owners of their own housing. The article we will talk about how to lay a laminate: along or across, since it is this question that occurs in inexperienced stackers.

The process of laying laminate

Regardless of how the direction of laying the laminate was chosen, the installation of such a coating is made according to the following scheme:

  • Mounting panels can only be on an even base. A permissible drop may be no more than 5 millimeters.
  • In some cases, it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing film, which significantly increases the value of the installation.
  • A draft base before laying should be cleaned of garbage, dust and dirt.
  • Mounting laminate, do not forget about laying the layer of the substrate under the flooring. The thickness of the material should not exceed 5 millimeters. If the laminated panels have a thickness of 8 to 12 millimeters - the substrate thickness must be between 4 and 5 millimeters.
  • Connection of laminated panels

    Regardless of how laminate laying is performed: along or across, you can fix the panels in two ways:

  • On the adhesive mixture. As the simplest PVC tiles or tile.
  • Floating method Using click and "Lock" type lock connections.
  • The choice between laying laminate along and across

    Inexperienced stacker may, when choosing how it is better to lay a laminate, focus on the direction of sunlights entering the room through window openings. This will help to discompose, as natural lighting is visually perceived at two different ways of laying outdoor coating.

    It is more expedient when choosing how to lay a laminate: along or across the room, use a longitudinal molding method. The reason for this choice is quite simple: if you lay the laminate across the room, then the sunny rays falling on it maximize all the joints (read as well: "How to make a joke between laminate and laminate - what to use"). Aesthetic such a coating will be very difficult to call, because in the photo and with visual inspection each seam on the floor will be released.

    Laminate laying tools

    Regardless of how to put the laminate: along or across the room, the next set of tools will be required for work:

    • electric jigsaw or hacksaw for metal. It is impossible to use the saw on a tree, since large teeth will spoil the decorative layer on the surface of laminated panels;
    • long measuring device;
    • scissors with long blades;
    • acutely honed knife;
    • fasteners: nails, screws;
    • cord, rope or fishing line;
    • wooden clins and bars;
    • drawing tools;
    • corolnic;
    • rubberized or light hammer. The second can be used exclusively with a rubber gasket so that when it is hit on the panel it is not damaged. The risk of deformation concerns specifically end locking compounds intended for connecting panels among themselves. READ ALSO: "What tool for laying a laminate with your own hands is needed."

    Installation of laminate with click lock connections

    Deciding how to put the laminate: along or across, it is necessary to study the features of the installation of this coating. Most often the laying system is used with collapsible locks. To date, laminate from any manufacturers with a similar way to fasten the panels. They are called such locks "Click", differ in high strength and resistance. READ ALSO: "What are the types of laminate locks - views and differences."

    Stayed panels with such fasteners simple enough, and their life is great. Such a compound gives a minimal gap between laminated panels, but even this will not save from visual selection of seams when laying the flooring perpendicular to the sunshine falling into the room. Accordingly, the type of castle compounds does not affect how it is better to put a laminate: along or across.

    Installation sequence with click locks

    Laying laminated panels with "Click" locks as follows:

  • The width of the room is measured Taking into account the compensation gap between the flooring and the wall, which should be about 1 centimeter. This will create a floating floor covering without risk that it will be deformed by increasing the temperature and expansion of the panels. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe room exceeds 12 square meters, then the thickness of the compensation clearance should increase according to the following scheme: 1.5 millimeters for each meter of the room.
  • Then you need to calculate the width of laminated panels of that series, which will be laid last.
  • Start laying stands from the far left corner of the room And the first row should be located a protruding part to the wall.
  • We have previously decided on how it is better to lay a laminate. So, the laying must be carried out by the longitudinal method parallel to natural lighting. Each next row needs to be laid with a displacement with respect to the previous 30-40 centimeters. This will evenly distribute the load rendered to cover furniture, home appliances, tenants.
  • Broadbands are connected at an angle of 45 degrees.. The top board is then lowered, and the characteristic click will make it clear that it is fixed.
  • In the future, the algorithm of action is repeated. As the last row, it is necessary to put in advance the cropped laminated panels of the characteristic width. It is also permissible to cut the boards and in length.
  • Mounting features with a link "Lock"

    The lock connection "LOCK" is used on the same principle as "click", but only with one difference: panels are knocked down in parallel to each other on the "spike in the groove" system. Again, you should not forget about how to put the laminate, since the seams between the panels are also with this method of installation. See also: "How to lay a laminate - a sequence of laying with your own hands."

    Adhesive laying

    The method of laying laminate on the adhesive mixture is less popular compared to floating.

    He has a number of shortcomings:

    • increased complexity of installation;
    • extra spending on the adhesive mixture;
    • after laying it is impossible to dismantle the coating and put it again;
    • the adhesive mixture does not tolerate heating, and then the laminate cannot be laid on the heating of the floors.

  • Any glue caught on the surface of the panels must be quickly removed using a slightly moistened vehicle.
  • After 3-4 rows of laminated panels are glued, it is necessary to interrupt 2-3 hours to completely dry the glue.
  • If the coating has not shifted and stored correctly, then you can complete the laying.
  • The last row must be laid with a lomica to gently put a row into the area between the wall and the flooring.
  • Other features of mounting

    About the fact that laying the laminate is necessary in parallel with the solar rays falling indoors.

    It is also worth noting a number of other features:

  • The above-mentioned laying of panels perpendicular to the solar rays penetrating the room allows you to visually expand the room. In the photo and with a personal inspection, the room will look spacious.
  • You can also put the panels in a non-standard manner, if required by the planning features.
  • If we consider laying panels relative to walls, not lighting, then when laying in length, you can visually lengthen the room, and in width - expand.
  • The article describes in detail the existing ways of laying laminate and their features. The question of how to lay laminated panels is also resolved: in length or width. Very often the laying method is chosen according to the design, which was elected to decorate the room. The choice remains exclusively for the owner of the house.

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    Proper direction of laying of laminate: along or across

    All manufacturers argue that laminated parquet is easily and quickly mounted thanks to the locking system of the connections. However, starting to work, the masters have a question: how to put a laminate - along or across the room? Recall technology features.

    In which direction to lay the laminate correctly

    Reflecting on the design of your apartment or at home, you choose the color and texture of the floor material, but it is hardly thinking about how to properly drain it. Experts argue that from what the direction of laying laminate is chosen, the important parameters of the floor are dependent: wear resistance, service life and even created decorative effect.

    It is believed that laminated parquet belongs to long finishing coatings. That is, the length of the floor material exceeds the width of 4.5 times. Therefore, its laying is limited to the following options:

    In light (from the window)

    Manufacturers and experienced masters recommend this method as the most optimal, especially for model apartments. Allows you to create a single surface from laminate with a smooth surface, like a monolithic floor with imperceptible joints. Suitable for and for coatings with bilateral chamfer. The room is formed the so-called effect of an infinite board, resembling a long milking floor in traditionally Russian or country-style. Easy texture embossing in this case does not interfere, on the contrary, emphasizes the special texture of the floor or gives the aged form.

    Laminate mounted in the direction of light.

    In the light, you can mount the laminated parquet of 32-34 classes. For 31 categories of wear resistance, use with caution, as the material is rather weak to abrasion in the joint area.

    Across directions of light

    Outdoor material is mounted perpendicular to the window, along the long wall. Recommended for laminate 32-34 classes. This is a great way to visually increase the room, and also emphasize:

    • the textured coating with embossed "into the register" (the surface is not flat, but like a little bitter, exactly repeating pattern of wood), under chrome (glossy bands are adjacent to matte), brush (structure of the metal brushed metal brush), etc.;
    • V- or U-shaped chamfer from two or four sides;
    • figure with 3D effect.

    The light will not only highlight the joints and the texture of the lamellae, but will give the floor volume, the room is a liveliness and a special charm. No wonder the floor of the deep embossed is called "alive."

    Laminate with the fabric, laying across the direction of light.

    In the assortment of well-known manufacturers, many similar collections, featuring both decor and lamellas. Among the experienced stackers is considered the riding of professionalism, the installation of textured planks of different formats in a single, beautiful in its harmony and spectaciness of the floor is considered.

    The combination of laminate of different format.

    In motion

    If the room has a certain direction of hiking loads (kitchen, office) or refers to the passing (corridors, hallways, halls), then the most reasonable method of laying a laminated parquet - in the course of the most intense movement of people. It is necessary in order to reduce the degree of abrasability of the coating at the joints. This is exactly the option at which the outdoor material 31-34 classes will last longer.

    Laminate for the direction of the most intense movement.


    This method of stacking many opponents, but all their arguments are divided into the client's desire. Parquet stelted at an angle of 40-60º relative to the walls. It is considered a special design admission for the "dilution" of a boring interior or change the geometry of the rooms. It is often used for rooms with windows on adjacent walls.

    Cons of such a decision:

    • Increased abrasibility at the joints;
    • Increased material consumption;
    • The need to acquire special chemistry for cleaning and leaving.

    To do everything correctly and durable, we recommend using Class 33-34 coatings with a chamfer or pronounced floor texture.

    Diagonal laying of laminate.

    Features of laying laminate in non-standard cases

    Before choosing an installation option, pay attention to the following:

    Unusual dimensions of planks .

    The laminated floor is produced not only by long boards with a width of up to 30 cm and up to 2 m long, but also in the form:

    • Rectangular planks 40x80 cm, 40x120 cm et al.;
    • Square lamellas with faces of 40x40 cm, 60x60 cm.

    These dimensions are used to simulate an engineering set of array or palace (artistic) parquet. Undoubtedly, the designs are very beautiful, and the collected floor looks luxuriously. In addition, the size of the plates and decorators can not be attached to a certain direction - depends on the desire of the customer and the masters' abilities. This is especially true of equilateral planks.

    Laminate, imitating artistic parquet.

    The best base for laminated parquet is a well-dry and aligned concrete floor. But if the coating is mounted on wood, then work should be carried out strictly perpendicular to the direction of the boards. If everything is done correctly, the likelihood of the floor deflection with a local increase in pressure will be reduced almost to zero.

    The greatest number of decors in collections is a single-band board of radial, tangential or rustic (mixed) cutting. In the first case, the texture of wood is implicitly expressed, the collected floor is "calm", halftone is practically no or they are minimal. Such a laminate is desirable to mount in the direction of light or in motion.

    The second option involves the presence of characteristic strips of dark color, as well as small and large bitch. If the manufacturer added embossing, then the coating will be coated, excellent suitable for any way of installation, including across light and in diagonal.

    Rustyl - a combination of the first two, supplemented with small defects (of course, not real). These are sweatstuffs, cracks, blackened areas, sharp transitions from one color to another. That is, everything that creates the effect of compilation. At the same time, lamella decors in one pack may vary with intervals 1: 4, 1: 6, that is, the drawing will be repeated every 4-6 plates. This is done in order to diversify the floor as close as possible to natural.

    Laminate in the style of Rustic.

    The fantasy of designers is not limited to anything, so it is from such an outdoor material that the brighter, vintage coating is obtained. It is best to use those laying options that emphasize the structure and features of the decor.

    Correct laminate layout: Smooth classic or disintegration

    For long flooring, which applies not only laminate, but also massive parquet, ceramic and vinyl design of the design "under the board" is mounted in such formats as:

    • Christmas tree - planks are located at an angle of 45º relative to each other;
    • Classic - each subsequent row is shifted by ½ lamella length;
    • Armor (asymmetry) - chaotic laying of panels;
    • Labyrinth - the formation of large squares, geometric patterns from elements of floor material;
    • Diagonal or braid - shift strips on the width of the plate;
    • Deck - offset by 1/3 relative to the previous row.

    We listed the most used. However, we immediately denote - all the manufacturers of laminate recommend that the last option is recommended: deck, with a shift by a third of the lamellas.

    Laminate layout diagram with a shear on 1/3 of the strap length.

    This will create a full, stronger on locks and durable strapping of each element from all sides. With this method of installation, small differences (no more than 2 mm for every 2 m on SNIP 3.04.01-87 and SP 29.13330.2001) do not affect the quality of the assembly, and the service life of the outdoor material corresponds to the warranty:

    • at least 10 years for 31 class loads,
    • up to 15 years for 32 categories of wear resistance,
    • 25-30 years - for 33-34 classes.

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    How to put laminate along or across

    Laminate is a functional and practical sex covering, having a variety of textures and colors. Before those who wish to change the floor covering often, the actual question is assessed: how to lay the laminate along or across the room?

    The choice of method of installation depends on some room factors. Now the following laying methods are used:

    The longitudinal and transverse option is straight laying. Diagonal represents the most difficult way to install. If the choice is made in favor of the last option, it should be borne in mind that the rooms should not be forced to be furnished (both soft and cabinet). Diagonal laying is appropriate in places such as a corridor or entrance hall.

    The direct method of laying is the most common. With it, elements are attached parallel to the walls. Work begins towards "from the door."

    Direct method of laying laminate

    Diagonal laminate laying

    Longitudinal laying

    Longitudinal installation is recommended for masters for any type of room. The number of waste with direct installation is minimally, the work does not require high time costs and special skills. The appearance of the finished flooring always looks beautiful and neat.

    When the window is located on a short wall, the question of how to put the laminate - along or across the room - is not worth it. Installation of lamellae is carried out relative to the long wall of the room. During the illumination of the floor canvas with the light coming from the window, there will be no seams in the places of compounds due to non-dropping shadows. The canvas will create the effect of an ideally smooth panel.

    When the windows are arranged on two opposite or adjacent walls, this effect will not succeed. Longitudinal laying is justified when laying inexpensive laminate, as you can create a chic, stylish interior.

    Lady laminate laying


    The location of the lamellas across the room or perpendicularly long wall is not so impeccable as the first option. Plus is the opportunity to visually expand the room. You can apply, for example, in narrow corridors or elongated rooms. The process will require large temporary and cash costs, as the lamella will leave more and it will have to trim more often.

    Cross laying of laminate

    We choose the way of laying

    Featuring the texture of the laminate, the color solution and the manufacturer, but doubting in the choice of the direction of the lamellae, such factors should be taken into account:

    • The presence of one window. Stop it should be started from a distant angle of the room perpendicular to the lighting impeach. In this case, the sun rays will be able to visually hide the seams and the coating will become flawlessly smooth.
    • Availability in the room of two windows on different walls. You need to focus on the window that gives more light.

    Before starting the decoration with lamellas, you can stand with your back to the entrance door to the room and present the placement of furniture. If you plan to install the floor in the entire apartment (house), you need to imagine how the total finished picture will look like. All features of the design of the room should be taken into account. Then it becomes more clear how to put the laminate.

    The light source is sometimes not windows, but chandeliers, point lamps, wall scaves, lamps. Their light is also required to consider when choosing the direction of laying laminate. You need to be guided only by your preferences or desired effect.

    Forms and room size

    Considering these parameters, you can easily choose the method of laying a laminate. Room proportions are changed as follows:

    Correct proportional premises allow you to apply laying lamellas along the long wall in the direction from the window.

    • In long and narrow rooms it is more expedient to apply a transverse direction, it will "spread" the space.
    • Complex proportions and improper forms will delight designers, but it will make it difficult for the installation of installers. In such cases, the diagonal direction is selected. Alone, without special training, such work is not easy. If there are doubts about your abilities, it is better to trust styling professionals.
    • All other things being equal in low rooms, it is preferable to carry out longitudinal installation, and high ceilings love transverse laying.

    Important. The laying direction will not affect the quality of the coating. It is necessary to take into account the fact that sometimes a special chamfer is made to give visibility to individual boards. If this species is purchased, then the junctions will need to emphasize and the installation is carried out on the contrary, perpendicular to the windows.

    Features of design

    The presence of furniture in the room also needs to be considered. If the rooms are forced to be furnished and the floor is covered with carpets, the laying can be more economical. Minimalism in the interior and relatively open large floor space by the direction of laying lamella needs to emphasize and approach the question carefully.

    When the new floor is mounted on wooden boards, non-plywood, lamellas are directed perpendicular to the location of the boards to reduce the deflection. Plywood over the board allows you to choose any direction of installation.

    Nuances of Montaja

    Apartments in a new fund and modern houses are built correctly, have beautiful, proportional, comfortable forms. Old residential premises were often erected with too high or too low ceilings. At the same time, the rooms could be so narrow that two single beds simultaneously were not placed in width. The windows were sometimes located under the ceiling, and the apartment itself was half a basement. Owners of such a "inheritance" general rules of repair are not always suitable. From the decision to repair the repair begins the problems of choosing the right and appropriate options for arrangement.

    Such "uncomfortable" rooms require a special approach:

    • The too narrow and elongated rooms with a small window on a short wall can be visually expanded by the direction of the lamellae. But the main principles of orientation here will not work. Laying the laminate is mounted parallel to the window, the direction of light will help a little to correct the faults of the room.
    • Another case is a low square room of a large area. The light source in this room will not play a special role. Longitudinal installation in relation to exit, according to experts, will extend the room to a more aesthetic species.

    The final decision, how to properly set the laminate - along or across the room, the owner of the room takes on the basis of the priority of its own expectations from the effect of the new floor.

    Some features of corridors

    To determine how it is properly laying a laminate - along or across, in cramped and elongated corridor aisles, you need to thoroughly study the properties of the floor covering.

    Direct corridor

    Laminate helps otherwise optically perceive the surrounding space. The corridor, in this sense, is a complex architectural room.

    • The coating is strong enough and resistant to abrasion, it allows you to use lamellas to arrange floors in the corridor or hallway. The variety of colors solves the most complex tasks of designers.
    • When complying with certain conditions, the choice of laying direction will be a good move in changing the perception of the room:
    • Do not buy sexual coating too bright and screaming coloring with a narrow pattern along the elements. It is advisable to choose wide boards with a pattern of one tone. Imitation ceramics is also quite appropriate.

    • It will correctly take into account the intensity of equipped lighting and characteristics of light sources. Not all of them contribute to the manifestation of the jacks between the boards. The laminate delivered from the store must be attached on the floor to each other and see how light lies on them.
    • The choice of color solve needs to be well thought out. Dark floor visually narrowing the room, light - expand.
    • During the transverse laying, the edges use short segments to save material. Such a move will strongly reduce the strength of the floor.

    The transverse laying of lamellas in the cramped corridors is justified in the presence of large boards of one tone with a uniformly distributed texture. Boards imitating ceramic tiles are even better. And the narrow and elongated pattern, located across the room, will unfaste its perception without making beauty. A monophonic not large drawing can be laid along when the room ends with the window. And how to put laminate relative to the window, was described above.

    M-shaped corridor

    In the premises of the M-shaped type, lamellas should be drained on the diagonal or chill. This will create a beautiful, unusual drawing and not allow to narrow the space. Diagonal tolerant to textures of the coating, you can choose such a laminate as you like. And the lights of the clarified shade, mounted diagonally, will create the most harmonious perception of a narrow corridor.

    The only minus is a large amount of waste.

    Laying depending on the type of lock

    The connection of the laminate tiles has four clutch options:

    The castle, in turn, is divided into:

    Click-system (collapsible lock) is easy to assemble and serves a long time. The clutch provides minimal lumen. Laminers are collected as chess, with a constant displacement of the end connections.

    Lock-system (more economical option) is mounted with parallel arrangement of boards relative to each other, their grip occurs through special end gas grooves.

    Important. The adhesive method reliably protect the joints from moisture ingress, which extends the service life. Adhesive systems do not understand, unlike the castle. Disassembly subsequently will not work.

    For direct styling, any types of locks and boards (including decks) are suitable. The diagonal location of the lamellas is more expedient to carry out with locks that can be connected at an angle of 450. Also, they need a special board, the deck does not fit. You can also use standard laminate. Diagonal can be laid out in a Christmas tree or English dressing.

    Purpose of the room

    Some premises in the apartment are closed to visit outsiders. This bedrooms of residents and children's rooms. They are not advisable to choose complex mounting solutions, a direct location of the lamella can be used here.

    Passion zones, pantry, balconies can also be equipped with a longitudinal or cross arrangement of boards.

    Laying of laminate diagonally from the window has aesthetically attractive appearance and is used in such rooms as:

    In the bathrooms and toilets, it is not desirable to lower the laminate, if only they do not occupy a large territory.


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