Lilk, ripe, garden - secrets of proper planting plum in the fall. The best time for landing plums All nuances, step-by-step instructions and my recommendations when you can plant a plum in spring or autumn

Each subsidence, except for traditional vegetables and ornamental plants, several fruit trees grow on the plot.

Often meet among them and plums. For successful cultivation, it is properly to plant a plum in spring, taking into account the characteristics of the climate in the region. If the seedl is correctly careed, in the summer he has time to gain strength, it is well rooted to successfully survive the winter.

When growing this fruit culture, the seedlings acquired in various stores and nurseries are usually used, but there are other methods. The drain is multiplied with seeds and vegetatively, but for simplicity, the second method is used.

Landing seeds is applied only to get seedlings for a set. From healthy fruits without signs of damage, bones remove and soaked for 4 days, periodically changing water. Then the seeds are dried and stored in a closed container. In the fall, they are mixed with wet sand and held for six months at a temperature of 0 to -10 degrees. At the end of April, seeds for germination are planted.

Another way to raise the plum is a vaccination. It is necessary for its implementation by a seedlock from a variety with high winter hardiness. For the cuttings of the lead, the shoots of already existing trees are used or buying specially. The vaccination is performed in the second half of the spring or at the end of the summer when there is an active infection.

Good, severe seedlings are obtained from the root row. To do this, in September, the root, which gave progestion, is cut off the parent plant. With the onset of spring, they are digging along with roots and transplant to a new place.

Another method of self-obtaining seedlings - growing from root cuttings:

  1. To do this, dig roots at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the adult tree.
  2. Select the roots with a length of 15 cm and a thickness of 10.5 cm.
  3. Before landing, they are preserved in the basement, placing in moistened sawdust with the addition of moss.
  4. In May, the roots are planted in deep boxes with a peat-sandy mixture in a vertical or slightly inclined position, blocking 3 cm upper end.
  5. The soil is mounted with sand and covers a filth box.
  6. Boxes put in a dark place until shoots appear.
  7. During the summer, 2-3 times feed the seedlings by organic.
  8. A year later, seedlings are transplanting in separate containers and grown to a height of 1.5 m.
  9. Then the young plants permanently transplanted.

Favorable time for landing

When choosing a favorable time for planting plums oriented on the climatic conditions of the region. In the suburbs and in the middle lane, as well as in the southern regions of Russia or in Ukraine, it is possible. Saplings planted at the beginning of autumn have time to strengthen and move soft winter well.

With autumnal landing of plums in the Urals or in Siberia, it is not recommended to experiment, since the seedlings will certainly not move the harsh winter and die. In these regions, unlike the Moscow region, the plum is planted in April. At the same time focus on the state of the soil. He must fully utter. The planting of plums in the spring in the Leningrad region or in Belarus is performed 5 days after the total thawing of the soil.

Although the yellow and blue plums belong to the thermal-loving plants, due to the operation of breeders, varieties are derived with good frost resistance. Soft winters Some varieties are able to successfully survive and at all without coverage.

The limiting temperature regime, which can remove a short time without loss, is -30 degrees.

Selection of site

For successful cultivation, it is important to know how and where to plant a plum in the spring, and pick up a suitable area, taking into account the biological features of the plant. This fruit culture does not tolerate cold northern or oriental winds. Therefore, the site is selected protected from drafts on a canopy area of \u200b\u200bthe slope.

Plum prefers good lighting. To do this, choose an open place away from high trees, houses and household buildings. Permanent finding in the shade causes the curvature of the trunk and reduces the number of fruits. The root system of this plant surface occurs. Therefore, on the site, the recovery waters should be located deeply. It is not suitable for plums place in lowland with a large accumulation of snow and melting water.

Well, when the drain will fall into the half-night. Sometimes in the summer, in particularly hot weather, the sun rays are especially burning in the crown and trunk. Then a light shadow becomes a real salvation.

Choosing soil

It is best to plant a plush in the spring in areas with a soil consisting of a lesid drum and sandy. The second layer should be trained by loam or layered sediments with a high sump content.

It is impossible to plant this tree on swampy and peat areas. Do not suit the plum to cultivate areas with high sands or clay-sand moraine.

Plum prefers fertile, loose soil with a neutral pH of 5.5-6. If the acidity on the plot is too high, the quality of the soil is improved by adding dolomite flour or lime every 4 years.

Preparation of soil

The soil under the planting of fruit culture is prepared in advance, for 2 or 3 years. Plum planting in the spring is performed only after careful people of the garden. Such a procedure saturates with oxygen. If the soil on the site contains low-oats, additionally contributes mineral complexes and the organic to improve fertile qualities.

For each square meter of soil add:

  • 10 kg humus or compost;
  • 50 g of superphosphate;
  • 30 g of potash nitrate.

It is impossible to plant plum saplings immediately after irrigation from the site of other fruit trees. In such soil, there are too low-oats for the qualitative development of culture. Therefore, the land is given to relax 3-4 years.

Seat selection

For ease of care and improvement of the seedliness, a seedling is chosen only high-quality, healthy planting material and buy it in the nursery. The tree before purchased carefully inspect. Do not choose seedlings with visible defects:

  • with broken or damaged branches;
  • with beaten hail of trunks;
  • too dry plant with mold or rot;
  • with suspicious stains and thickened areas on the roots;
  • with curved or curve vaccination location;
  • with dying, dumped roots;
  • with useless branching near the root cervix;
  • with a forked strab.

The best survival rate is shown by seedlings by age 1-2 years.

The root system of high-quality seedling is good branched, ordinary color. In this case, the volume of the root system consisting of 3-4 rod roots and a plurality of lateral, corresponds to the size of the above-ground part. The vaccination location is 10 cm on the root neck and the bark is entirely closed.

Features landing

Most of the plum varieties are tall trees that need a lot of space for good development. Therefore, with a spring laying of a plum garden, it is important to take into account the landing scheme and observe the correct distance between the plants. Spaces should be enough for the branches of individual copies they touched and have not thrown shadow on each other. This will improve the illumination, simplify the landing and care, will save from problems when harvesting.

For the average varieties, the distance in a row between the trees 2 m is observed, for tall interval increases to 3 m. The gap between the rows is made of 4 and 4.5 m, respectively for the average and tall varieties.


In advance, in 3 weeks, dig a pit for landing plum into open ground. At the same time, fertile land is poured on the bottom with the addition of mineral complexes. Then before landing a seedling, the soil will have time to settle. The sizes of the landing pits are 60 cm on all sides and depth.

At the same time, they stick to the bottom of the pole, which will later become a support for the young tree. It is not located in the center of the pit, but from the northern side, retreating 15 cm. It is necessary to keep the distance between the support and the table of the future tree.

Applying fertilizers when landing

Immediately after digging, it is filled with a filling mixture for two thirds, consisting of fertilizers and fertile land. It includes:

  • 2 buckets of compost or humus;
  • 2 buckets of peat;
  • 300 g of superphosphate;
  • 80 g of potassium sulfate.

If the soil on the site has low fertility, the amount of filling mixture is increased by 50%. At the same time, the landing hole also make more.

Sedna preparation

If the plum seedlings were bought not in the spring, and in the fall, they are joining them for the winter so that they are well survived the winter. To do this, dig a trench with a depth of 60 cm and placed in it the planting material is obliteled so that the vertices of the plants are directed in the south side. Then the trench falls asleep the earth.

In the spring plants are removed from the trench and inspect the root system. Damaged, broken roots cut off to a healthy fabric. Slices are sprinkled with extrasted activated carbon.

Sedna landing

In the spring in the open soil plum plant, observing step-by-step instructions:

  1. Al across the prepared pit for planting lay a flat rack and place a seedling in the pit as in the photo so that its root neck was above the level of the rail level by 5 cm. This will help to avoid blocking the plant after falling asleep soil. If the level is insufficient, the fertile primer in the center of the pit by a hormster.
  2. The root system is painted on the surface of the earthen hill so that the roots do not bargain on the walls of the pit, and lay freely.
  3. They fall asleep the roots of fertile ground by 15 cm. Then poured 30 liters of water into the pit. Softened from moisture, the soil will fall and fill in themselves all formed emptiness.
  4. The residues of the soil fall asleep to the pit and do not watered. The Earth compacts and falls independently. Root neck will be at the right level.
  5. On the perimeter of the pit make a small trench for irrigation.
  6. The seedling is tied to the support of a soft rope. The loop is made in the form of eight and do not tighten tight. Only a month later, when the soil falls, the strapping is compacted.
  7. The top end of the carriage should not rise above the level of the lower skeletal branch. Therefore, if necessary, unnecessary scolded.
  8. The soil around the trunk is closed with peat to reduce the evaporation of moisture and suppress the growth of weeds.

For beginner gardeners, it is not always clear where the root neck is located. This place is easy to find on the transition of the trunk to the root system. The neck can not be plugged. Otherwise, the trunk begins to get satisfied with the ground with the soil, grew gradually the bark and the tree dies.

Care after landing

Compared to other fruit trees, plums do not require close attention. But it is also impossible to leave them without departure. In order for the harvest to be abundant and high-quality, the plants are watered in time, feed the fertilizers, perform pruning.


During the first vegetative season, young plums watered weekly. At once, each plant poured 30 liters of water. So that the soil is not eroded, water is poured gradually, in small portions within two hours. With arid, hot summer saplings are watered more often. If the weather is rainy, irrigation intensity reduce. In the second year of life, the village is watered as needed.

Useful alternative to the usual watering is sprinkling. This method of irrigation is used only in the evening, so as not to provoke solar burns. The procedure makes seedlings hardy and prepares for the upcoming cold. After watering, the nearby circle is mounted with sawdust or peat.


In the first year of development, plum saplings do not need additional feeding. They are quite enough fertilizers made at the time of landing. Additional portions of mineral fertilizers contribute from the third year of life. In the fall during the rescue, add feeding with potassium and phosphorus to the soil. In the late spring, after completion of flowering, nitrogen fertilizers use.

Well refers to this fruit culture and to organic feeding. From the third year of development it is useful to fertilize the tree with a cow. For this, 500 ml of infusion in 10 liters of water is divorced and poured under each plant.


When the plum is digging in the nursery, its root system is broken. This affects the quality of the aerial part. To compensate for violations, immediately after the landing, it is recommended to trim the crown on a third or half. The intensity of pruning depends on how strong the roots were damaged. Side the side branches on a third in the upper and lower part of the tree.

During the first years after landing, the plum grows with high speed. The development of branches occurs unevenly. Therefore, they are cut to form the crown correctly. Crocheted the frozen tops, reduce crown thickens.

Leave 10 skeletal shoots, growing with an equal interval at an angle of 45 degrees to the main barrel. The branches growing under a sharper corner are completely cut, since it is a high probability that they break. The rest of the shoots are shortened by a third of the length. Fully cut into the ring of branches growing on the trunk too low.

Prevention of pests and diseases

One of the effective ways to withstand diseases and reduce the likelihood of damage to pests is the pruning on time. All breakdown, weak and sick branches are cut, and then burned so that the contamination does not apply. Much more effectively fight insects and diseases with modern drugs.

If the plum attacked the shields or spoofers, the early spring tree spray with a 3% solution of prepatriate "Nitrophen". The processing is carried out until the air temperature rises above +5 degrees and no deposit began. The same ticks.

After dissolving foliage, it is useful to heat the burgundy liquid or a polycarbocyne solution of a concentration of 4%. If the last preparation is used, the re-processing is carried out when the plum will flash.

To eliminate caterpillars, devouring the leaves on the plum, after the completion of flowering is sprayed with an "etobacterin" tree or "dendrobaciline". These drugs are bred according to the instructions and are treated with plum at temperatures above +15 degrees.


It seems difficult only at first glance. If the procedure was performed on all the rules, the young plum begins to give fruit at a three-year-old. In the future, high-quality care will provide a stable harvest of useful, juicy fruits every year.

The plum tree reaches a height to 13-15 meters. It fertoys about 20 years. There are varieties of fruit plants that are well taken out in the autumn period in different regions and give the first harvest for 4-5 years of life.

But for this you need to determine the landing site, take into account the weather conditions, competently plant a tree and apply the necessary fertilizers for growth and development.

When landing plums in the fall, a climatic belt, plum grade and ground ground is taken into account. Than the south of the region, the better the young people are coming.

Advantages of plum transplant fall:

  • plants are hardened, temperatures are resistant;
  • intensive develops rhizome, rooting occurs faster, the tree does not spend strength on the growing season;
  • autumn trees are ahead of spring in growth for 2-3 weeks;
  • enough time for work, in the spring with mass landings of different cultures, time is very limited;
  • water saves, because it rains during this period frequent phenomenon;
  • trees are lighted easier and faster.

In the spring there is an intense movement of juice on branches. Slows down the development of the roots. If the rhizome is poorly developed in the hot summer plum can die. Autumn seedlings are much cheaper from those bought in spring.

Time of autumn landing

The duration of the landing directly depends on the growing area of \u200b\u200btrees, climatic and weather conditions. In the autumn period, plum seedlings plant 1.5 months before the soil freezing.

In the south of the country, the first frosts are in mid-November, so you can plant a plum in October. This is the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territory, Rostov and Astrakhan regions.

If planted a seedling a few days before frosts, the plant will perish.

Primorye is the second climatic zone. It happens here in September, but stable frosts come in November. Landing make all October.

The Siberian Krai is famous for early frosts - in September. Therefore, it is recommended to plant a young man in August. In the suburbs, landing is carried out at the end of September - early October.

In a temperate climate (Irkutsk, Arkhangelsk, Tyumen regions), snow cover covers the ground at the end of October. Trees plant in early September. It is better to plant regional cold-resistant varieties, they will survive in those conditions to which are adapted.


About 250 grades of plum tree are derived. If the plum was previously considered to be southern tree, then the zoned hybrids with 100% survival rate were revealed. They give good yields both in northern latitudes and in the southern regions.

Region Name of varieties of plum
Middle strip of Russia Hungarian, Ussuri, Rencode, Chinese, Giant, Blue Bird, Svetlana, Smolinka
Moscow region Bogatyr, Hungarian Korneyevskaya, Volgograd, Peaceful, Zarechnaya Early
Ural and Siberia Pearl of the Urals, Uyan, Ural Yellow, Kuiaasha, Shershnevskaya, Chebarkulskaya, Islenskaya, Uvevskaya, Mikhalchik, Ural Prune, Pioneer, Vega, Ural Golden, Ural Pride, Gift Chelan, Gold Niva
South of the country July, Golden Ball, Zarechnaya Early, Spripped, Souvenir East, Romain, Rencle, Svetlana, President, Empress
Leningrad region Red ball, Rencode collective farm, Tula black

Plum Svetlanareleased by seaside breeders, calmly transfers frosts and gives stable yields. Yellow fruits, round, one weighs 26-28 g. Blowing starts after May 10. Vintage is collected in August. Sweet taste with sourness, the bone is separated from the pulp. One tree can give up to 30 kg of drain. The first fruits are collected for 5 years of life.

Giant- Minor, high-yielding grade. Fruits appear for 3 years when disembarking a two-year-old village. It has subspecies with burgundy, yellow-orange, purple fruit colors. The flesh is sweet. Harvesting in mid-September, fruit weighing up to 100 g.

Hungarian- From this species make prunes. Grade: Italian, Voronezh, Michurinskaya, Belarusian. The average trees up to 4 m are achieved in height. The first fruits grow to 6-7 years of life, large up to 5 cm in length, ellipsis form. Color lilac, purple, blue. The crop is collected at the end of August. Drought-resistant grade, life expectancy 25-30 years.

Pearl of Urals - winter-hardy drain, drought resistant, is distinguished by high yield. Chinese fruits of 25 g, they have a dense, sweet pulp. Fruit pearl for 4 years of life at 17-19 kg of fruits from each tree.

Spring-eyed - Plums appear for 3 years of life. Woman lives 20 years old. Vintage - up to 10 kg from one plant. It happens a bad harvest every 3 year. Mass of one fruit 20-30 g, round shape, yellow-orange color with red barrel. Yellow flesh, fragrant, sweet with sourness.

Optimal conditions for growing, selection of the site

The first 4-6 years of plum comes up, the fruit gives little. Product period from 10 to 20 years of life. After 17-20 years, the harvest begins to fall, the tree is old.

Plum loves light, it follows it on a well-lit place. Cold air accumulates in lowlands, it can harm the plant. Next to the house or fence, the plum tree will be protected from the wind.

Plum relative to drought resistant, moisture. It is impossible to plant it in a stagnant soil, roots can be started. If the groundwater is located at a depth of 1.5 m, then we need a liquid removal on the site.

Next to other fruit trees, a young church may not survive. Adult plants will pick up all moisture and nutrients.

Preparation of soil

The soil is recommended for plums with a pH of 6.4-7. Preference is given to clay and drum soils. Successfully develops in ground with an increased calcium content, acidic soil does not like. If the environment is acidic flour, wood ashes, lime - per square 500 g of substance.

The composition of the soil for the pit:

  • top layer of land;
  • potassium - 15 g;
  • humid - 12-15 kg;
  • superphosphate - 70 g;
  • river sand;
  • gravel for drainage.

I dug a hole with a depth of 50 cm and so much width, they put the peg and pour the prepared nutritional mixture.

Purchase of planting material

Buy seedlings better in specialized nurseries. They grow a tree with grafted varietal stiffs. These seedlings begin to bloom and fruit before blossoming. Choose the material without rotten roots to look healthy. Grown in spring young for autumn transplant is not suitable.

Criterias of choice:

  • total height up to 1.2-1.5 m;
  • the trunk is smooth, the bark is holistic;
  • what kind of is a self-dodged or self-visible;
  • the length of the barrel to the branches is 55 cm;
  • lifetime from year to two years;
  • girth of the trunk at a height of 12 cm from the place of vaccination 1.5-2 cm;
  • fur - 5-7 pieces of 20 cm long.

You should not buy a tree, in which the main root was cut off strongly close to the trunk.

The required process for planting plums in the fall is tooking or removing foliage from shoots. Thanks to the procedure, the seedling less consumes moisture and branches are not dried. If the young man was acquired a few days before disembarking, then the rhizer is covered with a wet cloth and do not remove it before landing. You can download the roots into the water for 2 hours, but not more.

Planting Sazedans

The whole garden or garden is drunk in autumn. All weed grass must be removed from the site.

Step-by-step guide:

  1. By choosing a landing space, a hole of 50 cm is digging 50 cm and 60 cm deep.
  2. The hole is digging two days before the village falling down.
  3. Sand and drainage are poured onto the bottom, the center is thrown into the center, for which the seedling will be tied.
  4. The gap is left between adjacent plants 3 meters.
  5. A part of the removed land is mixed with fertilizers and fall asleep back into the hole.
  6. Make a hollyk, put a seedling, whether to deal with him, so that the vaccination was 3 cm above the ground level.
  7. From the cola to the trunk, the distance is 5-7 cm.
  8. Fall asleep to the hole of the earth, slightly tamper, is abundantly watered with water 8-10 liters.
  9. Top covers mulch - hay, sawdust, peat. It will save the fruit plant from freezing.

If it is not immediately possible to plant the plum in the fall at a permanent place, then the tree is cheered obliquely. Fully covered the ground and peat, you can use foliage for insulation. Spring transplanted a seedling into a new place.

Care after landing

Careful care will allow you to prepare young to winter, it will not freeze. Perform major activities that help strengthen the roots, in the future to obtain stable yields and protect the plant from harmful insects and diseases.


Autumn crown circumcision make in the first half of September. If trim branches later, the tree will not be able to recover to cold weather. Circumcision forms a future krona. When leaving long shoots, they can break away from the wind.

Processing process:

  1. In the first circumcision, the branches are cut on 1/3.
  2. Fast-growing branches are shortened by 2/3.
  3. Dry, sick shoots are removed.

Use acute secateurs and gloves. Without the formation of the crown will not be the next year of a beautiful blooming species. .

Prevention of disease

Most often plums are sick of gray rot and holey spot. On the leaves there are yellow specks with a brown cut. Then the holes appear, the fruits are cracking, rot. After the dejunction of foliage, you can treat the bordrian liquid trees (3%). Treatment repeat in spring to flowering.

Tempets trees

For the winter, the trunk is better to cry with a solution of lime. This will help the tree to survive frosts and temperature differences. The recipe for a solution: 3 kg of lime, 2 kg of clay are divorced on the water bucket. Carefully stirred, the paint brush is lowered into lime and cover it the trunk.


For young people, it is better to apply foil instead of whitewash.

Protection against pests

Distribut the plum of a plum fault, a chamber, fruit tick, black ants. As prophylaxis, the tincture of wormwood, onion husks, garlic with soap are used.

  1. One liter of boiling water is poured into a container and pour a full litera-literal jar of the onion husk. Leave for 48 hours. Before spraying, filter, then diluted with water 1: 2.
  2. 6 garlic teeth are poured a liter of water, insist 24 hours. 6 g of houses are added before use. Soap.
  3. The ash water is prepared (a glass of ash on 9 liters of water), add chopped garlic 6-7 of the teeth, stirred, insist 5 hours. 1 tablet of microfertilizers and 50 g of mineral additives contribute, the means spray plants.
  4. With a strong invasion of insects, it is treated with a crown with a solution of urea 5%. Spray all branches.


If the landing was produced in all the rules, then the first year of life is enough for power and additional feeding is not needed. In the spring fertilize the urea 25 g per square meter. The first feeder is carried out in autumn for 2 years of life.


The root plum system is close to the ground surface. If the groundwater is lowered deeply, then the ground is moistened to 1 m in the depth. Before the winter, if there was a dry summer, in September every young plant is poured: 4-5 buckets per single copy. Watering is necessary for better overwrings. If a lot of precipitation fell in September, then from watering you need to refuse. Do not forget to make allocated grooves so that the rainwater does not accumulate in the landing pit.

If autumn is warm, and the moisture can have a lot of growth of the branches and the appearance of new leaves, which for wintering trees is harmful.

Preparation for winter

Before the winter, the land loosen, remove all weeds. A fragile tree may not survive with tall frosts. If strong frosts are expected, the seedling is covered with spruce branches or render with acres, forming a slush. Toppers impose a straw, hay, sow. Then pin the design rope. Such a shelter is to protect not only from the cold, but also from the wind, the sun.

Mulch the soil surface with sawdust, hay, peat. So that rodents do not rip off the bark, the mint twigs insert into the slas.

If the covers are not provided, and the winter snow, around the village put shields. When snow falls, he will not break it with the wind. The big snowy layer will warm and give moisture roots. If a snow layer is more than 60 cm, then it is reduced.

When it is better to plant a plum in spring or autumn

Both ways have their own advantages. But the autumn landing in it surpasses the spring. The main advantages of autumn landing:

  • less sensitive plants for damage;
  • the soil is rammed during the wrapping of the kidneys in the spring;
  • with spring activation, there is no effect on the tree, it has already passed;
  • fresh material for landing;
  • fruits appear earlier than a spring sapling.

It is important that the tree removed in the autumn of the nursery was delivered after the cessation of the growing season. And the spring material was disturbed during the swelling period. The autumn plum does not experience the stress root system. There is a minus - you can never predict the weather in winter. With a strong frost, a young plant can perish.

If the torn trees were not spring sold at once, then the activation of the kidneys and growth before landing into the soil can begin. With a spring landing, young people need to pre-paint, it takes time. Therefore, you can only solve you.

Features of landing in the regions

The choice of a zoned hybrid sustainable weather conditions inherent in such an area will further get delicious fruits, give good crop performance.

In the Volga and Middle Lapel

In these areas of winter, not much frosty. Soot trees in mid-September. Preferences are given to varieties resistant to slurryososporiosis and moniliosis. It is better to plant a plum on the south side of the site on light lighter soils.

In the Siberian region and in the Ural Territory

In the Siberian Territory and in the Urals, the fall in the fall is not recommended to land, frost begin early. Use only zoned and winter-hardy varieties.

It is possible to plant a seedling into a bucket and transfer to the basement, the temperature should not fall below 3-5 degrees of frost. Do not forget the plant to water, make additional lighting. And at the end of April it is better to transplant the plum to a permanent place.

Possible errors when landing plums

No one is insured against mistakes when planting autumn seedlings. Even experienced gardeners can be mistaken.

Basic errors when disembarking plums:

  1. Spring fall under the tilt. It is not worth doing this, the wind can break the sapling.
  2. Fearing that there is little fertilizer, they are trying to make additional feeding. Plugs of plants are dangerous for young.
  3. Abundant watering can lead to a rotting, or freezing with early frosts.
  4. Do not take into account the varieties for this area.

With a correct transplantation and further care, after a few years, the drain will delight abundant harvest. The first year is most important for the further growth of plums. If the tree calmly perims and root, its development depends on watering, feeding, protection against insects and diseases, preparation for winter.

Drain on the gorgeous sites of Russian gardeners can be found very often. But that the tree is steadily fruitful, it needs to be planted on time, correctly choose the place, prepare a landing pit and familiarize yourself with all the nuances of the landing procedure.

Plums and spring, and autumn. The first option is the only one for gardeners living in regions with temperate climates, the second often prefers residents of a warm south.

When landing in the spring, the drain in the summer will accurately accumulate in a new place, to form a developed root system. But at this time the range of landing material is not as wide as in the fall. From the winter "hibernation" of plum wakes up early, you can simply do not have time to plant it before the start of active inacidation.

In the fall, the seedlings that have already prepared wintering are practically not reacting to external stimuli, without noticing the stress associated with the planting. And at this time it is much easier to find the desired variety.

In the spring, the plum is planted at a stable daily temperature of 5 ° C. Specific deadlines depend on the region (this is the main nuance concerning landing, the procedure itself is everywhere else). In the middle lane of Russia and in Belarus, this end of April, in the southern regions and in Ukraine - the end of March, in the North-West region, in the Urals, in Siberia is the first half of May.

Autumn landing is allowed 30-40 days before the first frost. The minimum daytime temperature is 10 ° C, night - 5 ° C. In the Urals and in Siberia, land plums until the 20th of September, in the middle lane - until the end of the first decade of October, in the southern regions - before the beginning of November.

If you plan a plum at an inappropriate time, the harvest from it you will not wait - most likely the tree will just die

Seat selection

The future harvest directly depends on the quality of the planting material. Any seedlings are purchased only in nurseries, specialized stores. Purchase from hand - big risk. A healthy developed plum tree corresponds to the following criteria:

  • root system from the rod root and 4-5 lateral length of at least 25 cm;
  • the thickness of the barrel is 1-2 cm and a minimum of 3 side escapes (for a two-year seedling);
  • smooth elastic bark - monophonic, without traces of peeling, spots, traces of rot and mold;
  • wood greenish-cream color.

Practice shows that one- and two-year plums are suitable in a new place. The village at the age of 3 years is adapted much longer, more often sick.

It is advisable to acquire the seedlings to drain in local nurseries - they are better adapted to the climate features of this region

Video: How to choose the right fruit seedling

What conditions are optimal for a plum tree in the garden

Turns to the place of gravity plum makes not so many specific requirements.

Place on site and soil

Try to create a tree optimal conditions:

  • open area, well illuminated and warmed by the sun or light half
  • the presence at a distance of 4-5 m obstacles that does not shave the plum, but protecting it from cold drafts;
  • nutritious enough, but loose soil (loam, soup) with an indicator of pH 6.5-7.0 (neutral or weakly alkaline).

Plum should receive enough light and heat - without this tree development goes slowly, the fruits do not mature

Depth of groundwater

The drain does not tolerate the stagnation of water from the roots - the diseases quickly develop, first of all, rot. Therefore, it is impossible to plant it in lowlands, where there is a long and rain water for a long time, raw cold air. There are no sections with groundwater, suitable to the surface closer than 2.5 m. If there are no alternatives, the plum is planting, pouring a hill with a height of at least a meter.

Unsuitable neighbors for drain - cherries, cherries, pears, walnuts. The trees seem to "strangle" each other - their growth is depressing, the development is inhibited, the yield decreases.

The cherry and plum belong to the same family of pink, but each other do not like - the neighborhood in the garden is very likely to turn the death for both trees

Distance between trees

When disembarking several seedlings, the interval between them is determined by the varietal characteristics. The minimum distance is half the height of the adult tree. Most often between plums leave 3-4 m.

Many plums are visible, so the gardener is forced to simultaneously plant three or more seedlings - place them so as to provide every tree sufficient area for nutrition

Preparation of landing pit and fertilizer for soil

A pit for plum must dig a minimum 2.5-3 weeks before its landing. With a spring landing, it is generally better to do from the autumn. Its depth is 60-70 cm, diameter - 70-75 cm. The upper 15 cm of the most fertile soil is mixed with a humidier and peat (20 l), superphosphate (150-180 g) and sulfurish potassium (60-70 g). With spring landing, any nitrogen fertilizer is added (40-50 g). Dolomite flour is introduced into the acidic soil, the ground egg shell (200-250 g), in alkaline - fresh coniferous sawdusts (100 g). If the soil is perfect for plums, limit the litter cans of wood ash.

Drainage at the bottom of the landing poison will not give water to be found at the roots - you can use pebbles, crumbs, brick crumb, small ceramic trekking, sand

At the bottom, a layer of drainage is 7-8 cm thick. From above in the form of a holloch, prepared soils are poured. The pit is covered with something waterproof so that the nutrients do not blur the precipitate.

Plum landing methods with step-by-step instructions

Most often, gardeners plant purchased trees. But there are also alternative methods of vegetative reproduction, allowing to preserve the varietal signs of the parent tree.

Seedlings with open roots

Plum saplings landing passes according to the following algorithm:

  1. 2 days before the procedure, inspect the roots of seedlings with an open root system, cut all the dry, rotten areas to healthy fabrics. For a day, soak the plant in soft water room temperature with the addition of any biostimulant.

    For soaking the roots of plums, not only purchased drugs (epin, zircon, corneser), but also folk remedies - honey, succinic acid, aloe juice

  2. On the day of disembarking, plunge the roots into the mixture of powder clay and manure, collecting this mass with water so that the consistency of thick sour cream is. Let dry 3-4 hours.

    "Bottushka" from clay and manure helps for the first time to protect the roots of plums from drying

  3. Having retreated about 15 cm from the top of the holly at the bottom of the landing pit, stick the peg for the support. Height it should be 15-20 cm more seedlings.

    Support for a sapling must be installed before its landing, otherwise there is a risk of touching and / or damage roots

  4. Direct the roots on the slopes of the holloch down - they should not stick to the sides and up. Plums with a closed root system approximately an hour before the disembarkation of plenty of sprinkle, remove from the container, if possible, keeping the whole earth com, and drop them out, having done the deepening of the corresponding diameter on the top of this hilly.

    Space the plum is more handy together - one holds a seedling for the trunk, the second straightens the roots

  5. Fall off the landing jam, periodically shaking the plum for the trunk and sealing the soil to avoid the appearance of air pockets. Check the position of the root neck - it should remain in 5-7 cm above the ground level.

    Do not forget to fall asleep the landing pit, periodically seal the land, otherwise the first more or less strong impulse of the wind will turn the seedling from the ground

  6. Rates from the trunk about 50 cm, form an earthen side of a height of 7-10 cm. Abundant (25-30 liters) sprinkle.

    The roots just landed seedlings can not be allowed, so immediately after landing, the plum is abundantly watered

  7. When water is absorbed, tie a tree to the support, mulch the rolling circle and cut the central conductor about a third, side shoots (if available) - up to 2-3 growth kidneys.

    Properly landed plum quickly adapts in a new place and begins to actively develop during the summer or next spring

Video: Plum saplings landing procedure

Air chains

All the necessary manipulations are carried out in mid-May, plums are ready for a permanent place for a permanent place this autumn:

  1. Choose, healthy and strong escape. Having retreated from the top 15-20 cm, care a bark to a depth of 2-3 mm or remove it with a ring.
  2. Tightly wrap the damaged place with wet moss-sphagnum. Top wrap with black polyethylene film, secure the entire design with a tape or scotch.
  3. During the summer, the gifts give roots. Early autumn they are separated from the maternal tree and transplant to the prepared place.

The procedure for obtaining roots in a draining drain reminds the vaccination

There is one more option suitable for draining, more like a bush, and not a tree:

  1. One of the lower escapes, go to the ground, pinch to the soil at a distance of 20-30 cm from the top.
  2. Cap your bark below, cover any stimulator of the root formation into the cut.
  3. Put this place by humus, plenty. The substrate during the summer will need to be constantly maintained in a slightly wet state.
  4. In the fall, we separate the tanks from the tree and transope.

Rooted drains of plums all summer will need to be frequent and regularly


Sensing plums is one of the most reliable ways to get a new plant. Cuttings can be green and weird. The first is cut in the phase of active vegetation (end of June-July), the second - during the rest period at a temperature not lower than -20-25 ° C (November-December or March).

Plum cuttings are cut from the middle part of the escape. Each should be 2-4 growth kidneys. The upper cut is made smooth, the lower - bevelled at an angle of about 45 °. Green cuttings land right away:

  1. For 12-15 hours, soak the lower cutting cut in the solution of any biostimulator.
  2. Squeeze them into a greenhouse, in a bed in a well-moistened substrate to a depth of about 3 cm. From above Open ground Cover with film or glass, creating a greenhouse effect. The most suitable soil is a mixture of peat and sand (1: 1).
  3. The optimal temperature is 25-28 ° C, humidity - 85-90%. Plums are moderately pouring daily. "Greenhouse" periodically ventilate, getting rid of condensate. Roots appear after 12-30 days, it depends on the variety.
  4. In October, mulch the garden with a thick (15-20 cm) layer of foliage, straw, fabric. Top tighten with a passing material in 2-3 layers. Then thwart the snow (a snowdrift with a height of 50-70 cm).
  5. In the spring, transfer plums to a permanent place.

For successful rooting cuttings need heat and high humidity

Overweight stalks to the end of spring are stored on the street, joining in the snow either in the cellar, in a drawer with wet sawdust or peat. Then they are planted, as described above, to permanently transfer the following spring.

Video: Plum reproduction with green cuttings

Porn Poroslia

The method applies only for the core drain. Most of the varieties form a piglet in excess, so that problems with the planting material will definitely not arise. Not suitable for landing sprouts that are very close to the adult tree. Choose those far away, preferably, two-year.

The procedure is carried out in August-September or in early April:

  1. Get land from the selected sprout, find the root connecting it with the parent plant.
  2. Cover it with an acute shovel or other suitable tool on both sides, about a third with each. Sections Thrink 2% copper vitrios or a bright pink potassium permanganate solution, squeeze the garden with a garden or sprinkle ash, thusshing chalk.
  3. After 2 weeks, remove the sprout from the soil along with the land of the earth, transfer to a permanent place.

Prikranny slim plums already have roots - you just need to properly separate it from the parent plant

From bone

Plums from the bones do not preserve the varietal signs of the "parent" plant, therefore are grown for use as a congestion:

  1. Remove bones from a large drain, taken from a healthy tree, rush to the remnants of meakty.
  2. For 4 days, soak them in warm water room temperature, changing it daily.
  3. Seeing the seeds, put them in the container filled with wet sand, sawdust or peat, hold six months at temperatures from 1 to -10 ° C.
  4. Early spring or late autumn will land seeds. They germinate very unevenly. The next spring, transfer them to a bed with an interval of 20-30 cm. After another year, the layout will be ready for vaccination.

With a generative reproduction, varieties of plums are not saved

Video: Bone plum growing

Features of plum landing on dwarf and half-class

Such plums can be distinguished in dimensions: an adult dwarf tree is approximately half the "original" in height, semi-classic - three quarters. Their useful feature is a surface root system that goes into the soil to the maximum meter, so such plums can be planted on areas with close grounding water. The landing pit does not make such deep, enough 40-45 cm. Smaller dimensions allow you to compact the landings - there are 2-2.5 m between such plums.

The yield of the tree is comparable to the usual drain, but due to the smaller sizes it requires more nutrients. Be sure to make everything you need into the landing point, in the future do not forget to regularly feed the plum.

Is adult tree transplant possible possible

You can transplant plum only under the age of 5 years. Regardless of painlessly, they transfer this procedure to the first and second years after disembarking. Next, the problem arises, firstly, extraction from the soil of the overall wood with a developed root system, which is sometimes impossible physically, and secondly, its long and difficult adaptation to new conditions without a guarantee of success.

They transplant the plum or in the spring, immediately, as soon as the soil huses enough, even before the start of the sludge, or in the fall, when the leaves are completely falling. Practice testifies that spring transplants are more often successful.

The algorithm of action is as follows:

  1. During the day before the transference, plenty of the plant.
  2. Field the plum in a circle, the diameter of which approximately corresponds to the projection of the crown. The required minimum is 70-80 cm. Digging is needed to a depth of at least 50 cm, most often more.
  3. Excreasing to the sides, remove the plum from the soil along with the land on the roots.
  4. On a piece of durable polyethylene or tissue, transfer to the new landing point prepared according to previously recommendations.
  5. Square the tree so that the root neck remains at the same level, once again plenty. If dimensions allow, protect the plum from direct sunlight canopy from any white underfloor material until it is touched into growth.

Plum landing is an easy procedure with even a novice gardener. But that the tree takes place, the knowledge of many nuances is required. They relate to the choice of the place and time, the "Neighborhood" with other cultures, the necessary preparation and the procedure itself.

Plum enters the circle of favorite fruit and berry crops. It is able to give crops in various agricultural zones. Perennial productivity directly dependent from the landing conditions . Step-by-step guide will help competently place plum saplings in the garden.

Plum landing time depends on the growth region and the type of seedlock root system.

When it is better to plant a plum: in autumn or spring?

  • In the central and northern regions (including and) Optimal time for landing plum is spring (April or beginning of May). Plants with open roots should be in sleeping condition (before the blooming of the kidneys).
  • Plums with a closed root systemwho did not start vegetation, plant as early as possible. And the desired specimens are transferred to the ground with the onset of sustainable heat, covering for 2-3 weeks by observing material (from the scorching sun and return freezers).
  • Landing in the fall is possible in the southern regions. Sometimes it is practiced and northerners, but there is always a risk of winter freezing or spuning a gentle young plum. Plant fabrics planted in the spring are better matured and more successfully adapt to harsh wintering.

Assortment of saplings

Among the plurality of varieties, it is necessary to choose the most adapted for cultivation in local climatic conditions.

In an effort to variety, gardeners are looking for plums of yellow, red and blue color. Pay attention to the dates of ripening (early, medium, late). But these are not the only parameters of choice.

Substorms of plum

Such a culture, as a drain, has several varieties:

They are not always able to pollinate each other. And each subspecies have their own climatic conditions.

For successful maritime

Many varieties of plums are self-visible (self-free or partly samopidal - very little, and they are not deprived of the shortcomings).

Most of the varieties of plums are self-proper, so they need neighboring pollinkers.

  • Crossing pollination Between different varieties of one subspecies (or nearby) is a prerequisite for the formation of high-quality fruits and a good crop.
  • Another requirement is same time (synchronism) flowering . If plums bloom abundantly, and the wounds are very small or not quite - this is a sign of the lack of nearby the desired pollinator.

Plum varieties home reversible. Chinese and Russian varieties can be capable of mutual pollination. Many modern plum varieties are complex hybrids, and it is necessary to specify information on their best pollinators.

One plum plant in the garden sometimes quite enoughif the right pollinator blooms at the nearby country site. A lonely fruit-making village get another way - vaccinating different varieties in one crown.


The problem of spontaneous

Spare in the root part of the trunk in plums.

Many bone cultures, including plum, are susceptible to spontaneous. This is a dying (darkening) of the crust and Cambia on the root neck or at the bottom of the barrel, emerging snowy in winter or in the offseason.

The reason lies in the fact that the anti-natural area of \u200b\u200bplum lies in the regions with a different climate.

Conditions provoking spontaneous:

  • snow Pokrov, Light on the Improper Earth;
  • snow depth more 40-60 cm ;
  • thaw in the offseason;
  • spring flooding;
  • poor aging of plant tissues.

Partial recovery strongly weakens the plum. Ring sparing (on a closed circle) leads to a drying and death of the plant above damage. If the roots are intact, then new trunks or root pigs may later appear. Sometimes such "swings" are observed for several seasons.

Methods of struggle

The cultivation of plums on the artificially created elevation almost completely removes the problem with sparing the bottom of the trunk.

To combat the problem, various agrotechnical techniques are applied.

Sometimes gardeners practice the preliminary coating of the strain with a special mixture ( clay, korovyat, lime, vigorous ). Another option is the various fencing of the strain for its isolation from raw snow. Apply the periodic winter sweeping of snow cover, exhausting snow from the trunk, etc.

Plum accommodation in places with low snow pool, landing on the hilly - important elements of agrotechnics to protect against spontaneousness.

Most successfully oppose the recovers of Turn, Alycha and some of its hybrids.

Features of planting in the Urals and in Siberia

In many areas of Siberia and the Urals, climatic conditions for plum are very complicated. Deep snow provokes recovers.

Winter frosts and interseasonous frosts cause the death of flower kidney. Here you need especially carefully approach assorted (giving preference to the most winter-hard, zoned forms), selection of places landing And spontaneous protection.

Choosing a place under the plum

Fruit plum is a light culture, it is placed on sunny sites. From the soil drought, the plants suffer, but they do not tolerate and overvaluate.

Plum loves places opened for the sun and protected from cold wind.

For landing do not suit:

  • swampy and sublighted shorts with groundwater standing closer 1.5 M. ;
  • closed basins;
  • territories with strong winds;
  • footage of the slopes (cold air accumulates).

A good option will be top of the slope : Here the return freezes less often and weather is warmer. Air in such areas is heated intensively, and cold air masses quickly flow down.

It should be avoided by places where there is a lot of snow (near the fences and buildings, in the Relief folds). It is desirable that the maximum height of the snow cover does not exceed the half-meter.In areas where the depth of snow is more than a meter, they do not recommend falling at all: very high risk of sickness.

Soil should not be stony, too easy or heavy . Preferred acidity is neutral. Acidic soil must be pre take (The dose is selected according to the degree of acidity and the type of deoxidizer).

The required distance between plums depends on the varietal features - the height and diameter of the adult crown. Options are possible 1.5 to 4 meters .

Step-by-step instruction and guide

Consider in more detail the process of proper landing.

Choice: landing pit or holmik

A suspension pit should ensure the free development of the root seedlock in the first years after landing.

The landing pits dig up and fill in advance ( preferably from autumn). Drainage can be put on the bottom. The depth and diameter of the pit is a half-meter or a little more (on the poor lands to 1 m).

In areas where the maximum height of snow exceeds 40 cm It is recommended to plant a plum without landing holes below the ground level, but for small elevations (natural or artificial). Man-made hills form in advance or create in the planting process.

Approximate Diameter Gorka - from one and a half to two meters, height - half meter. In the following years, during the growth of plum roots, the earth is being plucked to the hilly to increase its diameter (before 2.5 - 3 meters).

Fuel supply

The question of which fertilizers to enter when landing, directly depends on the characteristics of the soil on the site. Experienced gardeners advise at all refuse primary bookmark additivesIf the earth is good.

Pleasant soil is better to focus. On one plant plum spending 1-2 liters Wood ash, near 300 g simple superphosphate (or 150 g double) 100 g Potassium sulfate, 2 buckets Pretty manure or compost.

Fresh manure and chicken litter is impossible!

To fill the landing pit perfectly fits well-matched humus.

In severe land add sand or nine peat, in sandy - a little clay. In an acidic ground, the deoxidizer is added (approximately 300 g Dolomite flour).

Featuring components are thoroughly mixed with soil. This mixture fill the pit at least half. If a landing option is selected for a hilmik, then the land in its future base (approximately 150x150 cm ) go to depth 40 cm Together with the recommended fertilizers (their number can be increased in one and a half - two times). From above puffed with a layer of light earth without additives. Plant roots when landing should not come into contact with fertilizers.

In the center of the pit (or the founding of the Kholmik), the pegs are driven, to which the village will later be contacted.

Sedna preparation

The most successfully carries out the single-airdons or two years, it is desirable with a closed root system (in this case, the roar of the landing is preserved).

When choosing a seedling with open roots, a plant should be carefully examined.

If the roots are open, they are obstructed (removal of calmed, dead sections) and soaked for 2-4 hours in the solution of the root formation stimulator ( Heteroaceuxin, Zircon, Humat Potassium).

Plant location

It is not accepted in a stalancing culture. Plants disembark vertically, without tilt.

Landing depth

The landing depth is determined by the root cervix.

Saplings can be grafted either with kinsevobochemicals (from pins or multiplicated with cuttings, grain, less often bone). Plants from the pores are recommended to burst when landing at 15 cm; The rest of the root neck should be located at the ground level. In the landing room, the ground with time slightly sends, so the root neck is originally located with a small elevation (about 5 cm ) Above the level of land.

If the vaccination on the plum is lowthen some gardeners prefer blowing it by 10 cmsprinkling very easy, not delaying moisture soil. Then the lead will eventually form his roots and will be able to repent in the case of the death of the above-ground part of the freezing or spontaneous.

Option for pit or well

The seedling is installed in the center of the landing pit, on the land of the earth without fertilizers, from the northern side of the crawl.

The device of the planting pit for plums.

The roots neatly straighten and fall asleep with light soil without chemical impurities, slightly sealing from above. Similarly place a seedling in a pre-cooked hilly, pre-breathing a small well on top (this is convenient if it is convenient if root system small).

Without a hole, with a submail of the earth

The elevation can be formed in the planting process (especially when the plant is large, with big roots).

Principle of plum landing on the hill.

  1. It is more convenient to perform work together. On a flat surface of a fertilized land, a small layer of pure soil is pure, a slightly exceeding the length of the roots.
  2. From above they put a seedling (from the northern side of the head of the knick), hold it with their hands.
  3. Roots spread and sprinkled in advance prepared soil without fertilizers, slightly sealing it and gradually forming a hill with a diameter around the plant 150-200 cm and approximately height 50 cm .

Finishing procedures


It is advisable not to trim the plum at the landing and in the first season. Only dried twigs are subject to removal. You can meet recommendations for trunk trunk by a third (especially if open roots cut off, damaged).

The diagram of the first pruning of plums.

Experienced gardeners are advised to dissolutely not to distort the natural shape of the variety, laid by genetically, is a bush or tree. With age allowed periodic decline in the height of the crown by.

Mandatory events

Caring for the drain in the first year after landing is quite simple.

Mandatory event is. To do this, you can apply effective biological insecticides - phytodeterm, spark bio, akarin.

The soil is desirable to support moderately wet state, not allowing the root zone to rehash in spring and in the summer heat. It is impossible to allow the growth of weeds.