Localization of functions in the crust of large hemispheres. Functions of the limbic system

The representations of the localization of functions in the cerebral cortex are of great practical importance for solving problems of lesions in large brain hemispheres. However, until now, much in this section remains also controversial and not fully authorized. The doctrine of the localization of functions in the cortex has a rather large history - from the denial of localization in it functions before distributing in the cortex on strictly limited territories of all functions of human activity, up to the highest qualities of the last (memory, will, etc.), and finally , Before returning to the "Equipotential" of the bark, i.e., again, essentially, to the denial of the localization of functions (recently abroad).

The ideas about the equivalence (equipotential) of various cortical fields come into conflict with a huge actual material accumulated by morphologists, physiologists and clinicians. Casual clinical experience shows that there are certain unshakable patterns of function disorders from the location of the pathological focus. Based on these basic provisions, the clinician and solves the tasks of topical diagnosis. However, this is the case until we operate with disorders relating to relatively simple functions: movements, sensitivity, etc. In other words, a firmly established localization in the so-called "projection" zones - cortical fields directly related to their paths with the underlying Departments of the nervous system and the periphery. Functions of the cortex are more complex, phylogenetically younger, cannot be narrowly localized; The implementation of complex functions participate very extensive areas of the bark, and even the entire bark as a whole. That is why the solution to the tasks of the lesions on the basis of speech disorders, aproxia, agnosia and, moreover, mental violations, as a clinical experience shows, more difficult and sometimes inaccurate.

At the same time, within the brain cortex there are areas, the defeat of which causes one or another character, one or another, such as speech disorders, violations of Genosia and Praksia, which is also significant, the topodiagnostic value. Of this, however, it should not be that there are special, narrowly localized centers, "managing" these most complex forms of human activity. It is necessary to clearly distinguish the localization of functions and localization of symptoms.

The basics of new and progressive teachings on the localization of functions in the brain were created by I.P. Pavlov.

Instead of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe cortex of large hemispheses, as to a certain extent, an isolated superstructure over other floors of the nervous system with narrowly localized, associated surfaces (association) and with periphery (projection) regions, I.P. Pavlov created the doctrine of the functional unity of neurons belonging to various parts of the nervous system - from receptors on the periphery to the cortex of the brain - the teaching about the analyzers. What we call the center is the highest, cortical, analyzer department. Each analyzer is associated with certain areas of the cerebral cortex (Fig. 64).

I.P. Pavlov introduces significant adjustments to the former ideas about the limited territories of the cortical centers, to the teaching on a narrow localization of functions. This is what he says about the projection of receptors in the bark of the brain.

"Each peripheral receptor apparatus has a central, special, separate territory, as its end station, which represents its accurate projection. Here, due to a special design, there may be more dense cell location, more numerous cell compounds and the absence of cells of other functions occur, complex irritations (higher synthesis) are formed and their exact differentiation (top analysis) is performed. But these receptor elements are applied and further on a very long distance, it may be throughout the crust. " With this conclusion based on extensive experimental physiological "studies, the newest morphological data on the impossibility of accurate distinction of the cortical cyt-architectonic fields is quite consistent.

Consequently, the functions of analyzers (or in other words, the work of the first signal system) cannot be connected only with cortical projection zones (analyzer kernels). Moreover, it is impossible to narrowly localize the most difficult, purely human functions are the functions of the second signal system.

I.P. Pavlov as follows the functions of human signal systems. "The whole aggregate of the highest nervous activity I imagine so. At the highest animals, to man inclusive, the first instance for the complex relationships of the body with the environment is the closest to the hemispheres of the feeder with its most complex unconditional reflexes (our terminology), instincts, entry, affects, emotions (diverse, ordinary terminology). These reflexes are caused by relatively few unconditional external agents. From here - limited orientation in the environment and at the same time weak adaptation.

The second instance is a big hemisphere ... Here it occurs with the help of a conditional connection (association) a new principle of activity: alarm of a few, unconditional external agents in a countless mass of other agents, constantly at the same time analyzed and synthesized, allowing very large orientation in the same environment and the same Much more fixture. This is the only signaling system in the animal organism and the first in man.

The person is added ... Another signaling system, alarm system of the first speech system, its basis or basal component - kinesthetic irritation of speech organs. This introduced a new principle of nervous activity - distraction and together a generalization of the countless signals of the previous system, in turn, again, with the analysis and synthesizing of these first generalized signals - the principle of infinite orientation in the outside world and creating a higher adaptation of a person - science as in the form of universal empiricism and in its specialized form. "

The operation of the second signal system is inextricably linked with the functions of all analyzers, because it is impossible to submit to the localization of the complex functions of the second signal system in any limited cortical fields.

The value of the inheritance left to us the great physiologist, for the correct development of the teachings on the localization of functions in the cerebral cortex, exceptionally great. I.P. Pavlov laid the foundations of a new teaching on the dynamic localization of functions in the crust. The ideas about dynamic localization involve the possibility of using the same cortical structures in a variety of combinations for servicing various complex cortical functions.

Keeping a number of definitions and interpretations persisted in the clinic, we will try to make some adjustments in the light of the exercise I.P. Pavlova about the nervous system and its pathology.

So, first of all, it is necessary to consider the issue of so-called projection and association centers. The usual idea of \u200b\u200bmotor, sensitive and other projection centers (front and rear central jolly, visual, hearing centers, etc.) is associated with the concept of rather limited location in this area of \u200b\u200bthe cortex of a function or another, and this center is directly related to the underlying nervous devices And subsequently with the periphery, with its guides (hence the definition - "projection"). An example of such a center and its conductor is, for example, the front central shock and the pyramid path; Fissura Calcarina and Radiatio Optica, etc. Projection centers with association paths are associated with other centers, with the surface of the crust. These wide and powerful association pathways determine the possibility of combined activities of various cortical areas, the establishment of new connections, formation, therefore, conditional reflexes.

"Association centers", in contrast to the projection, direct communication with the underlying departments of the nervous system and the periphery do not have; They are connected only with other sections of the bark, including with "projection centers". An example of the "Association Center" can serve as the so-called "center of stereo-nose" in the parietal share, located behind the back of the rear central winding (Fig. 65). In the rear central wisely through Talamo-cortical paths, individual irritations come, occurring in touch with the hand of the subject: tactile, forms and values \u200b\u200b(articular and muscular feeling), weight, temperature, etc. All these sensations through the mediation of association fibers are transmitted from the rear central winding into the "Streotheological Center", where they are combined and create a common sensual image of the subject. The connections of the "stereo-bearing center" with the rest of the crust areas allow you to identify, to compare this image with the presentation already in memory of this subject, its properties, appointment, etc. (i.e., analysis and synthesis of perception is carried out). This "center", therefore, directly communicating with the underlying departments of the nervous system does not have and is associated with association fibers with a number of other fields of the cerebral cortex.

The division of centers for projection and associations seems to us wrong. Large hemispheres are a set of analyzers for analysis, on the one hand, the external world and, on the other, internal processes. Perceiving core centers seem very complicated and geographically extremely common. The upper layers of the bark of large hemispheres, in fact, are entirely engaged in perceiving centers or, according to the terminology of I.P. Pavlova, "brain ends of analyzers.

Efferent conductors connect from the lower layers of the cortex of the cortex, connecting the cortical ends of analyzers with the executive bodies through the subcortex, stem and spinal devices. An example of such an efferent conductor is a pyramid path - this insert neuron between the kinesthetic (motor) analyzer and peripheral motor neuron.

How then, from this point of view, reconcile the provision on the presence of motor projection centers (in the front central ispolyna, the center of turning of the eyes, etc.), when the person is turned off, paralysis occurs, and during irritation - cramps with a completely clear somatotopic distribution and correspondence. Here we are talking only about the defeat of the moving projection area for pyramids, and not "projection motor centers".

There is no doubt that "arbitrary" movements are conditional motor reflexes, i.e. the movements that have developed, "pretended" in the process of individual life experience: but in the development, organization and already created activity of the skeletal musculature it all depends on the afferent device - skin and Motor analyzer (clinically - skin and articulated muscular sensitivity, wider than a kinesthetic feeling), without which the fine and accurate coordination of the motor act is not possible.

Fig. 64. Covered analyzers (scheme).

a - external surface; B - inner surface. Red - skin analyzer; Yellow - Hearing Analyzer: Blue - Visual Analyzer; Green is an olfactory analyzer; Dotted - Motor Analyzer.

Motor analyzer (whose task - analysis and synthesis of "arbitrary" movements) does not comply with the ideas about the cortical motor "projection" centers with certain boundaries of the latter and clear somatotopic distribution. Motor analyzer, like all analyzers, is associated with very wide areas of the cortex, and the motor function (with respect to "arbitrary" movements) is extremely difficult (if you consider not only the determination of movements and behavior at all, not only the complexity of the action complexes, but also afferent kinesthetic systems , and orientation in relation to the medium and parts of your own body in space, etc.).

What is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "projection centers"? They argued that the latter represent a kind of input or weekend "launchers" for pulses coming into the bark or outgoing from it. And if we assume that "motor projection cortex centers" are only such "gates" (for the wide concept of the motor analyzer is certainly related to the analysis and synthesis function), it should be assumed that within the front central winding (and in similar territories), And then only in its defined layers, there is a motor projection area or zone.

How to imagine the remaining "projection" centers (skin sensitivity, vision, hearing, taste, smell) associated with other (non-kinesthetic) afferent systems? It seems that there is no fundamental difference here: in fact, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear central isputs, and in the limits of Fissurae Calcarinae, etc., pulses from the periphery, which is "projected" here, and the analysis and synthesis are trained It occurs within many layers and broad territories.

Consequently, in each analyzer (cortical department), including engine, there is an area or zone, "proacting" to the periphery (motor-domain) or in which the periphery (sensitive areas and including kinesthetic receptors for the motor analyzer is projected ).

It is permissible that the "projection core of the analyzer" can be identified with the concept of a motor or sensitive projection zone. Maximum violations, wrote I.I. Pavlov, analysis and synthesis occurs when defeated by such a "projection core"; if a. To take for the real maximum "breakdown" of the analyzer to the maximum impairment of the function, which is objectively completely correct, then the greatest manifestation of the lesion of the motor analyzer is central paralysis, and sensitive - anesthesia. From this point of view, the concept of the "core of the analyzer" will be correct to identify with the concept of the "projection area of \u200b\u200bthe analyzer".

Fig. 65. Finding functions observed with the damage to the various sections of the cerebral cortex (outer surface).

2 - vision disorders (hemianopsy); 3 - sensitivity disorders; 4 - central paralysis or paresa; 5 - agraphia; 6 - cork paralysis of the view and turning the head in the opposite direction; 7 - Motor Afasia; 8 - hearing disorders (with unilateral lesions are not observed); 9 - amnesian aphasia; 10 - alexia; 11 - visual agnosia (with double-sided lesion); 12 - asterognosia; 13 - apraxia; 14 - sensory aphasia.

Based on the above, we consider it right to replace the concept of the projection center with a concept about the projection area in the zone of the analyzer. Then the division of cortical "centers" for projection and associations - unreasonably: there are analyzers (cortical departments) and within their limits - projection areas.

In the cerebral cortex distinguish areas - Bodman fields

The 1st zone is moving - represented by the central winding and the frontal zone in front of it - 4, 6, 8, 9 of the Bodman fields. With its irritation - various motor reactions; With its destruction - disorders of motor functions: adamina, paresis, paralysis (respectively - weakening, sharp decline, disappearance).

In the 50s, the twentieth century was installed that in the motor zone, various muscle groups are presented unequal. The muscles of the lower limb - in the upper section of the 1st zone. The muscles of the upper limb and head - in the lower section of the 1st zone. The largest square is occupied by the projection of the mimic muscles, muscles of the tongue and small muscles of the brush hand.

The 2nd zone is sensitive - sections of the cerebral cortex for the central furrow (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 of the fields of Brodman). In case of irritation of this zone - sensations arise, when it is destroyed - loss of skin, proproice, interimensitivity. Highspothesia is a decrease in sensitivity, anesthesia - loss of sensitivity, paresthesia - unusual sensations (goosebumps). The upper sections of the zone are the skin of the lower extremities, genital organs. In the lower departments - leather of the upper limbs, head, mouth.

The 1st and 2nd zones are closely related to each other in functionality. In the motor zone, many afferent neurons receiving pulses from proproporeceptors are motor-axes. In the sensitive zone, many motor elements are sensorotor zones - responsible for the occurrence of pain.

The 3rd zone is a visual zone - the occipital region of the cerebral cortex (17, 18, 19 of the Bodman fields). When destroying 17 fields - loss of visual sensations (cork blindness).

Different sections of the retina are unenocomy are projected into 17 field of Brodman and have a different location during point destruction 17 fields falls the vision of the environment, which is projected to the corresponding sections of the retina. Under the defeat of the 18 fields of Brodman, the functions associated with the recognition of the visual image suffer and violates the perception of the letter. Under the defeat of the 19th field of Brodman - various visual hallucinations arise, the visual memory and other visual functions are suffering.

4th - Zone Hearing - temporal area of \u200b\u200bthe cerebral cortex (22, 41, 42 fields of Brodman). With damage to 42 fields - the sound recognition feature is broken. If 22 fields are destroyed - auditory hallucinations arise, violation of hearing indicative reactions, musical deafness. When destroying 41 fields - Cork deafness.

The 5th zone is olfactory - located in the pear-shaped urinet (11 field of Brodman).

6th zone - taste - 43 Brodman field.

The 7th zone is a speech zone (Jackson - a speech center) - most people (right-handed) are located in the left hemisphere.

This zone consists of 3 departments.

Rachatial center of Brock - located at the bottom of the frontal view of the muscles of the language. During the defeat of this area - motor aphasia.

The Touch Center Wernika is located in the temporal area - is associated with the perception of oral speech. During the defeat, there is a sensory aphasia - a person does not perceive oral speech, the pronunciation suffers, as the perception of his own speech is disturbed.

The center of perception of written speech - is located in the visual zone of the cerebral cortex - 18 field of Brodman. Similar centers, but less developed, there are in the right of hemisphere, the degree of their development depends on the blood supply. If left-hander is damaged by the right hemisphere, the speech function suffers to a lesser extent. If children are damaged to the left hemisphere, then its function takes the right. In adults, the ability of the right hemisphere to reproduce speech functions - is lost.

Currently, a division of the bark on sensory, motor and associative (non-specific) zones (regions) is taken.

Motor. Select primary and secondary motor zones. In the primary are neurons responsible for the movement of the muscles of the face, body and limbs. The irritation of the primary motor zone causes contraction of the muscles of the opposite side of the body. Under the defeat of this zone, the ability to delicate coordinated movements is lost, especially fingers. The secondary motor zone is associated with planning and coordination of arbitrary movements. Here the potential of readiness is regenerated in about 1 second before the start of movement.

The sensory zone consists of primary and secondary. A spatial topographic representation of body parts is formed in the primary sensory zone. The secondary sensory zone consists of neurons responsible for the action of several stimuli. Sensory zones are localized mainly in the dark share of the GM. There is a projection of skin sensitivity, pain, temperature, tactile receptors. In the occipital fraction there is a primary visual region.

Associative. Includes talotmary, talolobny and toll lolts.

The sensory zone of the cerebral cortex.

Sensory zones - These are the functional zones of the cerebral cortex, which through ascending nervous paths receive sensory information from most body receptors. They occupy certain sections of the cortex associated with certain types of sensations. The dimensions of these zones correlate with the number of receptors in the corresponding sensory system.

Primary sensory zones and primary motor zones (projection zones);

Secondary sensory zones and secondary motor zones (associative single-grade zones);

Tertiary zones (associative different zones);

Primary sensory and motor zones occupy less than 10% of the brain cortex surface and provide the most simple sensory and motor functions.

Somatosensory bark- The area of \u200b\u200bthe cerebral cortex, which is responsible for the regulation of certain sensory systems. The first somatosensory zone is located on a post-central urge directly behind the deep central furrow. The second somatosensory zone is located on the upper wall of the side groove, separating dark and temporal lobes. Thermoreceptive and nociceptive (pain) neurons are found in these zones. First zone(I) well studied quite well. Here are representatives of almost all parts of the body surface. As a result of systematic research, a fairly accurate picture of body representative offices in this cerebral zone is obtained. In literary and scientific sources, such a representation received the name of the "somatosensory homunculus" (for detail, see Unit 3). The somatosensory bark of these zones, taking into account the six-layer structure, is organized in the form of functional units - the neuron columns (diameter 0.2 - 0.5 mm), which are endowed with two specific properties: a limited horizontal propagation of afferent neurons and vertical orientation of dendrites of pyramid cells. The neurons of one column are excited by the receptors of only one type, i.e. Specific receptor endings. Processing of information in the columns and between them is carried out hierarchical. The efferent bonds of the first zone transmit recycled information to the motor cortex (regulation of feedback movements), the dark-associative zone (the integration of visual and tactile information is ensured) and to the thalamus, the rear pillar nuclei, the spinal cord (the efferent regulation of the flow of afferent information is provided). The first zone functionally provides accurate tactile distinction and conscious perception of incentives on the body surface. Second zone(Ii) learned less and it takes significantly less space. The phylogenetically second zone is older than the first and participates in almost all somatosensory processes. The recipes of neural columns of the second zone are on both sides of the body, and their projections are symmetrical. This zone coordinates the actions of sensory and motor information, for example, when ticking the objects with two hands.

Motor zones of the crust. Movements arise in the irritation of the crust in the field of precentral winding. Especially great zone, controlling the movements of the hand, language, mimic muscles.

Sensory zones of the crust: somatic (skin) The sensitivity of the person, the feelings of touch, pressure, cold and heat are projected into post-central ulivan. In the upper part there is a projection of the skin sensitivity of the legs and the body, below - hands and even lower - heads. Proprioceptive sensitivity (Muscular feeling) is projected in post-central and precentral winding . Visual zone The bark is in the occipital share. Hearing zone The bark is in the temporal shares of large hemispheres. Olfactory zone The bark is on the base of the brain. Projection taste analyzer , Localizes in the mouth and languagepostscentral winding .

Associative bark zones. Neurons of these areas are not associated with either the senses or muscles, they communicate between different areas of the cortex, integrating, combining all impulses entering the Corre into holistic acts of learning (reading, speech, letter), logical thinking, memory and ensuring the possibility of appropriate Reactions of behavior. These areas include the frontal and darker shares of the Big Brain bark, which receive information from the associative nuclei of Talamus.

Side ventricles (Right and left) are cavities of the final brain, locate below the level of the corpus body in both hemispheres and communicate through the interventricular holes with the III ventricle. They are irregular shape and consist of the front, rear and lower horns and connecting their central part.

Topic 17. Basal nuclei

The basal nuclei of the final brain is the accumulations of the gray substance inside the hemispheres. It belongs to them striped Body (Streatum)consisting of tail and lentilicular nuclei interconnected. Lental core is divided into two parts: located outside shell And lying inside pale ball. The tail core and the shell are combined in nonostritum. They are subcortex motor centers. The duck from the lentilicular nucleus is the thin plate of the gray substance - the fence. In the forefront of the temporal share lies almond-shaped body. Between the basal nuclei and the Talamus there are strata of white substance, internal, outer and the most outdoor capsules. Through the inner capsule pass through the conducting paths.

Topic 1. Lymbic system

In the final brain there are formations that make up the limbic system: belt ships, hippocampus, mummal bodies, front thalamus, almond-shaped body, arch, transparent partition, hypothalamus. They participate in maintaining the constancy of the inner environment of the body, regulating the vegetative function and forming emotions and motivation. This system is otherwise called the "visceral brain". This comes here from the internal organs. With irritation of the limbic cortex, vegetative functions change: blood pressure, breathing, movement of the digestive tract, the uterus tone and bladder.

Topic 19. Liquid CNS Environments: Blood and Likvorn.Hematostefalic barrier.

Blood supplythe brain is carried out by the left and right internal sleepy and branches of the vertebral arteries. On the basis of the brain forms arterial circle (Vilizions Circle), which provides favorable conditions for the blood circulation of the brain. From the arterial circle in the hemisphere, left and right front, middle and rear brain artery are passing. Blood from capillaries is assembled into venous vessels and from the brain, it flows into the sinuses of a solid cerebral shell.

Likvorn brain system.The head and spinal cord is washed with a cerebrospinal fluid (liquor), which protects the brain from mechanical damage, supports intracranial pressure, takes part in the transport of substances from the blood to the tissues of the brain. From the side ventricles, the spinal fluid flows through the monroe hole into the third ventricle, and then through the water supply line in the fourth ventricle. From it, the spinal fluid proceeds to the spinal cord channel and in the subparent space.

Hematostefalic barrier. There is a so-called blood hematorecane barrier between neurons and blood in the brain, which ensures the electoral admission of substances from the blood to nerve cells. This barrier performs a protective function, as it ensures the constancy of the spinal fluid. It includes astrocytes, endothelial cells of capillaries, epithelial cells of vascular plexus brain.

Topics of seminars

1. The role of spinal and brain-brain nerves when perceiving sensory information

2. The role of the final brain in the perception of signals from the external and internal environment

3. The main stages of the evolution of the central nervous system and ontogenesis of the nervous system

4. Brain disease

5. Brain aging

Tasks for independent work

1. Draw the front cut of the spinal cord with all the designations known to you.

2. Draw a brain sagittal cut with designations of all its departments.

3. Draw a sagittal cut of the spinal and brain with the designations of all brain cavities.

4. Draw a brain sagittal cut with designations of all structures known to you.

Questions for self-control

1. Let the definitions of the basic concepts of the TsNS anatomy:

The concept of the nervous system;

Central and peripheral nervous system;

Somatic and vegetative nervous system;

Axis and planes in anatomy.

2. What is the main structural unit of the nervous system?

3. Name the main structural elements of the nervous cell.

4. Give the classification of nervous cell processes.

5. List the sizes and shapes of neurons. Tell us about the use of microscopic technology.

6. Tell us about the kernel of the nervous cell.

7. What are the main structural elements of neuroplasma?

8. Tell us about the shell of the nervous cell.

9. What are the main structural elements of synapse?

10. What is the value of mediators in the nervous system?

11. What are the main types of Glia in the nervous system?

12. What is the role of myelin shell of the nervous fiber for the nervous impulse?

13. Name the types of nervous system in phylogenesis.

14. List the features of the structure of the network nervous nervous system.

15. List the features of the structure of the nodal nervous system.

16. List the features of the structure of the tubular nervous system.

17. Expand the principle of bilateral symmetry in the structure of the nervous system.

18. Expand the principle of cephalization in the development of the nervous system.

19. Describe the structure of the nervous system of intestinal.

20. What is the structure of the nervous system of ring worms?

21. What is the structure of the nervous system of mollusks?

22. What is the structure of the nervous system of insects?

23. What is the structure of the nervous system of vertebrates?

24. Give the comparative characteristic of the structure of the nervous system of the lower and higher vertebrates.

25. Describe the formation of a nervous tube from Etoderma.

26. Give the characteristic stage of three brain bubbles.

27. Give the characteristic of the stage of five brain bubbles.

28. The main departments of the CNS in the newborn.

29. Reflex principle of the structure of the nervous system.

30. What is the general structure of the spinal cord?

31. Describe the spinal cord segments.

32. What is the purpose of the front and rear spinal cord roots?

33. Segmental apparatus of the spinal cord. What is the organization of the spinal reflex?

34. What is the structure of the gray substance of the spinal cord?

35. What is the structure of the white substance of the spinal cord?

36. Describe the Communications and Adventure Spinal Cord Apparatus.

37. What is the role of rising spinal cord paths in the central nervous system?

38. What is the role of descending spinal cord paths in the central nervous system?

39. What is the cerebrospinal nodes?

40. What are the consequences of spinal cord damage?

41. Describe the development of spinal cord in ontogenesis.

42. What are the features of the structure of the main shells of the CNS?

43. Describe the reflex principle of the organization of the CNS.

44. Name the main parts of the diamond-shaped brain.

45. Describe the dasal surface of the oblong brain.

46. \u200b\u200bDescribe the ventral surface of the oblong brain.

47. What are the functions of the main cores of the oblong brain?

48. What are the functions of the respiratory and vascular centers of the oblong brain?

49. What is the general structure of the fourth ventricle, the cavity of the rhombid brain?

50. Name the features of the structure and the functions of the cranial brain nerves.

51. List the characteristics of the sensory, motor and vegetative cerebral nerve nuclei.

52. What is the purpose of the Bulbar Parasympathetic Center for the Brain?

53. What are the consequences of bulbar disorders?

54. What is the general structure of the bridge?

55. List the kernel of the cranial brain nerves lying at the bridge level.

56. What reflexes in the central nervous system correspond to the auditory, vestibular bridge nuclei?

57. Tell us about the ascending and descending routes of the bridge.

58. What are the functions of lateral and medial lemnsk tracks?

59. What is the appointment in the CNS of the reticular formation of the brain stem?

60. What is the role of a blue spot in the organization of brain functions. What is a noradreengic brain system?

61. What is the role in the CNS seam core. What is a serotonergic brain system?

62. What is the general structure of the cerebellum. Name his functions in the central nervous system?

63. List the evolutionary formations of the cerebellum.

64. What are the links of the cerebellum with other divisions of the central nervous system. Front, medium and rear brain feet?

65. Clashing cortex. Tree life cerebellum.

66. Describe the cellular structure of the cerebellum bark.

67. What is the role in the CNS of the subcortex cerebel kernels?

68. What are the consequences of cerebellar disorders?

69. What is the role of a cerebellum in the organization of movements?

70. Name the main functions in the Central CNS. What is Silviev plumbing.

71. What is the structure of the roof of the middle brain. Front and rear bumps are quadruple and their appointment?

72. What is the purpose of the main tier cores?

73. What is the purpose of the Mezent Peacephalic Parasympathetic Center?

74. For which it is necessary for a sodium gray substance. Open the features of the organization of the pain in the CNS.

75. What is the red cores of the middle brain. Give the determination of decependence regions?

76. Black core and ventral area of \u200b\u200bthe tire. What is the role in the central nervous system of the dopaminergic brain system?

77. Descending and ascending ways of the middle brain. Pyramid and extrapyramidal CNS system.

78. What is the structure and purpose of the brain legs?

79. What is the purpose of the dozal and ventral crossroads of the middle brain?

80. Describe the overall structure of the intermediate brain and its main functions. What is the location of the third ventricle?

81. Name the main parts of the Talalamic brain.

82. Describe the structure and functions of the Talamus.

83. Describe the structure and functions of the property.

84. Describe the structure and functions of the custody.

85. What is the role of hypothalamus in organizing the Functions of the CNS?

86. Neurohumoral brain function. Epiphiz and pituitary gland, their location and purpose.

87. What is the role of a papes circle in organizing adaptive behavior.

88. Hippocampus, its structure and functions.

89. The belt bark, its structure and functions.

90. Almond complex, its standing and functions.

91. Emotional-motivational sphere and its brainstasses.

92. What is the "awards" and "punishment" of the brain? Self-resolution reaction.

93. Neurochemical organization of reinforcing brain systems.

94. What are the consequences of damage to individual formations of the limbic system? Animal research.

95. Describe the overall structure of the final brain. What is his role in ensuring adaptive behavior of man and animals?

96. Name the basic functions of a striped body.

97. Evolutionary formations of striatum.

98. Tailor core, its location and purpose. Nigrotriate brain system.

99. Ventral striatum, its structure and functions. Mesolimbic brain system.

100. The overall structure of the head of the brain (shares, furrows, gyrus).

101. Dorzo-lateral surface of the cortex of the brain.

102. Medial and basal surface of the brain cortex.

103. What is the role of intermetrous asymmetry in organizing adaptive behavior. Corn body.

104. Cytoarchitectonics of the cerebral cortex (layers of the crust and field of Brodman).

105. Evolutionary formation of the cortex of the brain (new bark, the old bark, ancient bark) and their functions.

106. Projection and associative areas of the cortex of the brain and their appointment.

107. Reconservative and spectavatic cerebral core prices.

108. Senso Motor Bark, its localization. Projections of the human body in Senso-Motor Core.

109. Summary, auditory, olfactory, flavored cortical projections.

110. Basics of topical diagnostics in damage to the cerebral sections of the brain.

111. The frontal and dark bark and their role in ensuring adaptive brain activity.

Lecture 13.

Localization of functions in the Big Brain Hemispheres

    General provisions

    Cores of the first signal system

    The core of the second signal system

Question 1.

Localization of functions in the crust of large hemispheres

Nervous cashes of large hemispheres are specialized to perceive various types of irritation and transmission of pulses to other fields and cores of the central nervous system. I.P. Pavlov considered the bark of a large brain hemispheres as a set of circular ends of analyzers. Various analyzers are closely interrelated, therefore, in the core of a large brain, analysis and synthesis are carried out, the development of response reactions regulating any human activity.

Based on the structure and functions of various cellular layers, the entire bark is divided into 9 regions and 52 fields.

Large Hemispheres Corn Areas







Lower dark


In the core of the big brain there are nuclei and scattered elements around them.

The core is the place of the concentration of the nerve cells of the cortex that make up the exact projection of all elements of a certain peripheral receptor.

In the cores of the cortex, the highest analysis, synthesis and integration of functions occur. Thus, the bark of the cerebral hemispheres can be sketchically represented as a set of cores of various analyzers, between which there are scattered elements related to different (adjacent) analyzers.

Consider the position of some of the cortical ends of various analyzers (nuclei) in relation to the convolutions and shares of the hemispheres of the large brain in humans (in accordance with cytoarchitectonic maps).

In 1909, German neurologist Korbinian Brodman published the Cito Architectonic Fields of the Big Core of Big Hemispheres. Brodman first created cortex cards. Subsequently, O. Fogt and C. Fogt (1919-1920), taking into account the fiber structure, was described in the cortex of a brain of 150 myelochetectonic sites. At the Institute of Brain, AMN USSR I. N. Filippov and S. A. Sarkisov, maps of cerebral cortex were created, including 47 cytoarchitectonic fields.

Figure 1 - Side surface of the brain with numbered fields of Brodman

Figure 2 - Central part of the brain with numbered fields of Brodman.

Fields 3, 1 and 2 - somatosensory region, primary zone are in post-central urinet

Field 4 - Motor region, located within the precedral winding

Field 5 - a secondary somatosensory zone, located within the top of the dump

The field 6 is the premotor bark and an additional motor cortex (a secondary engine zone), located in the front sections of the precedral and rear sections of the upper and medium front and middle heads.

The field 7 is a tertiary engine area, located in the upper departments of the darken share between the post-central winding and the occipital fraction.

Field 8 - located in the hinders of the upper and middle frontal urban, includes a center of arbitrary eye movements.

Field 9 - Dorsolteral Preferront Cora

Field 10 - Front Prefortional Cora

Field 11 - olfactory region

Field 17 - nuclear area of \u200b\u200bthe visual analyzer - visual region, primary zone

Field 18 - the nuclear zone of the visual analyzer - the center of perception of writing speech, the secondary zone

Field 19 is a nuclear zone of the visual analyzer, the secondary zone (the value of the value seen)

Field 20 - Lower temporal convulsion (center of the vestibular analyzer)

Field 21 - Average temporal convulsion (center of the vestibular analyzer)

Field 22 - Nuclear Sound Analyzer Zone

Field 24 - error detector

Field 28 - Projection fields and associative zone of the olfactory system

Field 32 - dorsal zone of the front waist bark. Receptor region of emotional experiences.

Field 37 - Acoustic-Gnostic Touch Center Speech. This field controls the labor processes by speech, responsibly for understanding speech.

Field 39 - Angular Cross, part of the zone of the Vernika (center of the visual analyzer of written speech)

The field 40 is the edge convolution, part of the zone of the Vernika (Motor Analyzer of Complex Professional, Labor and Household Skills)

Field 41 - Nuclear Sound Analyzer Zone, Primary Zone

Field 42 - Nuclear Sound Analyzer Zone, Secondary Area

Field 43 - Flag area

Field 44 - Brock Center

Field 45 - Triangular part of the field of Brodman (Music Motor Center)

Field 46 - Combined Turning Head and Eye Motive Analyzer in different directions

Field 47 - nuclear area of \u200b\u200bsinging, spending its component

The field 52 is the nuclear zone of the auditory analyzer, which is responsible for the spatial perception of sounds and speech

The cores of large hemispheres consider the kernels, which are available both in the core of the hemispheres of the large brain of man and animals. They are specialized in perception, analysis and synthesis of signals coming from the external and internal media constituting, by definition, I.P. Pavlova, first signal system Reality . These signals are perceived as sensations, impressions and ideas.

Second signal system There is only a person and is due to the development of speech. Speech and mental functions are performed with the participation of the whole bark, but in the core of the large brain you can select certain zones responsible for speech functions. Thus, speech analyzing analyzers (oral and written) are located near the motor area of \u200b\u200bthe cortex, more precisely in those areas of the bark of the frontal share, which are adjacent to the precentral urinet.


Cores of the first signal system

Cores of the first signal system

1. Core cortical analyzer The total (temperature, pain, tactile) and propriceceptive sensitivity form nervous cells, which occur in the core of post-central winding (fields 1, 2, 3) and the upper dark slices (fields 5 and 7). Conductive sensitive paths following the largest brain core are crossed at the level of the spinal cord (path of pain, temperature sensitivity, touch and pressure), and at the level of the oblong brain (path of propriceceptive sensitivity of the cortical direction). As a consequence, post-central windows of each of the hemispheres are associated with the opposite half of the body.

2. Motor analyzer core It is mainly located in the so-called motorized area of \u200b\u200bthe cortex, to which the precentral expanse (fields 4 and 6) and paraccentral slicing on the medial surface of the hemisphere. In the 5th layer (plate) of the cortex of precentral winding, giantopyramidal neurons (Betz cells) are locked. I.P. Pavlov attributed them to insert and noted that these cells were associated with subcortex cores, motor cells of cranial and spinal nerves. In the upper sections of precentral winding and in a paraccentral liquefy, cells are located, impulses from which are sent to the muscles of the lowest departments of the body and lower extremities. In the lower part of the precentrated isois, there are motor centers regulating the activity of the face muscles.

3. The analyzer cores that ensure the functions of the combination of the head and eye in the opposite direction are located in the rear sections of the middle frontal windows, in the so-called premotor zone (field 8). The combined rotation of the eyes and the head is adjustable not only when entering the front of the proprietary pulses from the muscles of the eyeball, but also when entering the pulses from the retina in the field 17 of the occipital shadow, where the core of the visual analyzer is located.

4. Core motor analyzer Located in the region of the lower dark lobby, in the naviganeous winding (deep layers of the cytoarchitecture field 40). The functional significance of this nucleus is the synthesis of all targeted movements. This is an asymmetrically core. It is in the right hand, it is in the left, and the left-hander is in the right hemisphere.

The ability to coordinate complex targeted movements is acquired by an individual during life as a result of practical activities and accumulation of experience. Purposeful movements occur due to the formation of temporary links between cells located in precentral and supradery. The lesion of the field 40 does not cause paralysis, but leads to the loss of the ability to produce complex coordinated targeted movements - to aproxia (Praxis - practice).

    Core of the skin analyzerone of the private types of sensitivity, which is inherent in the recognition feature of items to the touch, is strongest, is in the cortex of the upper dread slices (field 7). The cortical end of this analyzer is in the right hemisphere and is a projection of the receptor fields of the left upper limb. So, the core of this analyzer for the right upper limb is in the left hemisphere. The lesion of the surface layers of the cortex in this brain department is accompanied by the loss of the recognition of objects to the touch, although other types of general sensitivity remain saved.

    The kernel of the auditory analyzerlocated in the depths of the lateral furrow, on the surface of the top of the upper temporal winding facing the island (where transverse temporal winding is visible, or gyshlya- Fields 41, 42, 52). The nerve cells constituting the kernel of the auditory analyzer of each of the hemispheres are suitable for conducting paths from receptors as the left and right side. In this regard, the unilateral defeat of this kernel does not cause a complete loss of the ability to perceive sounds. Bilateral lesion is accompanied by a "cortical deafness".

    Core of the visual analyzerlocated on the medial surface of the occipital share of the hemisphere of a large brain, on both sides of the spur furrows (fields 17,18,19). The core of the visual analyzer of the right hemisphere is associated with the conductive paths from the lateral half of the retina of the right eye and the medial half of the retina of the left eye. In the cortex of the left half of the left hemisphere, respectively, the receptors of the lateral half of the retina of the left eye and the medial half of the retina of the right eye are projected. As for the kernel of the auditory analyzer, only the bilateral defeat of the core of the visual analyzer leads to complete "cortical blindness". The lesion of the field 18, which is slightly above the field 17, is accompanied by loss of visual memory, but not blindness. The most highly in relation to the two previous in the core of the occipital lobe is field 19, the defeat of which is accompanied by a loss of the ability to navigate in an unfamiliar situation.

8. The core of an olfactory analyzer Located on the lower surface of the temporal share of the hemisphere of a large brain, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hook and partly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hippocampus. These areas from the point of view of phylogenesis refer to the most ancient parts of the large brain bark. The sense of smell and feeling of taste is closely interrelated, which is explained by the close location of the olfactory and taste analyzers. It was also noted (V.M. Bekhterev) that taste perception is violated with the defeat of the cortex of the lowest seats of post-central winding (field 43). The cores of taste and olfactory analyzers of both hemispheres are associated with receptors as the left and right side of the body.

Question 3.

The core of the second signal system

9. The kernel of the motor analyzer written speechand (analyzers of arbitrary movements related to writing letters and other signs) is in the rear section of the middle frontal winding (field 40). It closely goes to those departments of pre-central winding, which is inherent in the function of the motor analyzer and the combined turn of the head and eye in the opposite direction. The destruction of the field 40 does not lead to a violation of all types of movements, and is accompanied only by the loss of the ability to produce precise and thin movements of adsted by letters, signs and words (agraphy).

10. Speed \u200b\u200bArticulation Motor Analyzer(The speech analyzer) is located in the rear sections of the lower frontal windows (field 44, or the center of the Brock). This core borders with those departments of precent-central winding, which are analyzers of movements produced while reducing the mouse of the head and neck. This is understandable, since the movements of all muscles are analyzed in the river-engine center: lips, cheeks, tongue, larynx participating in the act of oral speech (pronunciation of words and sentences). Damage to the cortex of this region (field 44) \u200b\u200bleads to motor aphasia, i.e. Loss ability to pronounce words. Such an aphasia is not related to the loss of muscle functions involved in recurring. Moreover, during the defeat of the field 44, the ability to pronounce sounds or singing is not lost.

In the central departments of the lower headquarters (field 45) there is a core of a speech analyzer associated with singing. The defeat of the field 45 is accompanied by vocal amusy - the inability to prepare and reproduce musical phrases and agrammatism - the loss of the ability to compile meaningful proposals from individual words. The speech of such patients consists of unrelated in the semantic value of a set of words.

11. The kernel of the hearing analyzer of oral speechclosely interconnected with the cortical center of the auditory analyzer and is located, as the last, in the region of the upper temporal winding. This core is located in the rear sections of the upper temporal winding, on the side facing the lateral furrow of a large brain hemisphere (field 42).

The lesion of the kernel does not violate the auditory perception of sounds in general, however, it is lost the ability to understand words, speech (verbal deafness, or sensory aphasia). The function of this nucleus is that a person not only hears and understands the speech of another person, but also controls its own.

In the middle third of the upper temporal winding (field 22) there is a cortical analyzer core, whose defeat is accompanied by the onset of musical deafness: musical phrases are perceived as a meaningless set of various noise. This cortical end of the auditory analyzer refers to the centers of the second signal system, perceiving the verbal designation of objects, actions, phenomena, i.e. Signals perceive signals.

12. The core of the visual writing analyzerit is located in close proximity to the kernel of the visual analyzer - in the angular overwhelming of the lower dark slices (field 39). The defeat of this kernel leads to the loss of the ability to perceive the written text, read (Alexy).